admin penal rules and regulations

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  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations




    Refer to those carrying penal or criminal sanctions for 

    violation of rules and regulations Lawmaking body cannot delegate to an administrative

    agency the power to declare what acts should constitute

    criminal offense and how shall it be punished Prescribing of penalties is exclusively a legislative function

    and may not be delegated to administrative authorities.However, Congress may validly provide in the law itself for 

    the imposition of the penalty for violation of rules and

    regulations which it has empowered administrative

    authorities to enact. Publication !" days following completion in the #fficial

    $a%ette& is necessary because such rules contain penal

    provisions, thus, the people must be officially informed.

    GENERAL RULE:  'he power to punish and define crimescannot be delegated essentially within the legislature.

    Legislative act cannot be delegated. (hy) *elegation of 

    discretion + power to f ill in details -#' LL#(/*


    R/01232'/3 4#R 5L2*2'6

    REQUISITES FOR VALIDITY!. Law authori%ing the

    issuance of rules and

    regulations must itself declare

    as punishable the violation of 

    7any rules and regulations

    issued thereunder.8

    9arcos v. C

    :. Law should define or fix the

    penalty for the violation of therules and regulations.

    9arcos v. C

    ;. Rules and regulations must

    be published in the #fficial


    People v. 0ue Po Lay

    'anada v. 'uvera


    !. Law

    :. dministrative Rules and Regulations

    ;. 5iolation

    ;:!??. #ctober !@, !ABB.


    Office of the Solicitor General  for appellant.

    Rustico F . de los Reyes, Jr . for appellees.

    D E C I S I O N

    AQUINO, J p

    'his is a case involving the validity of a !A?B regulatio

    penali%ing electro fishing in fresh water fisheries, promulgated

    the 3ecretary of griculture and -atural Resources and t

    Commissioner of 4isheries under the old 4isheries Law and th

    law creating the 4isheries Commission. cdtai

    #n 9arch B, !A?A Dose Euenaventura, $odofredo Reye

    EenFamin Reyes, -a%ario Guino and Carlito del Rosario we

    charged by a Constabulary investigator in the municipal court

    3ta. Cru%, Laguna with having violated 4isheries dministrati

    #rder -o. @!.

    2t was alleged in the complaint that the five accused in th

    morning of 9arch !, !A?A resorted to electro fishing in t

    waters of Earrio 3an Pablo -orte, 3ta. Cru% by using their ow

    motor banca, eGuipped with motorI with a generator color

    green with attached dynamo colored gray or somewhat whi

    and electrocuting device locally known as JsensoJ with

    somewhat webbed copper wire on the tip or other end of

    bamboo pole with electric wire attachment which was attached

    the dynamo direct and with the use of these devices

    eGuipments catches fish thru electric current, which destroy a

    aGuatic animals within its currect reach, to the detriment an

    preFudice of the populace Criminal Case -o. ";?

    'he case is now before this Court on appeal by the prosecutio

    under  Republic ct -o. "

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    3ection B? of the same law punishes any person who uses an

    obnoxious or poisonous substance in fishing with a fine of not

    less than five hundred pesos nor more than five

    thousand, and  by imprisonment for not less than six months nor 

    more than five years.

    2t is noteworthy that the 4isheries Law does not expressly punish

    electro fishing. -otwithstanding the silence of the law, the

    3ecretary of griculture and -atural Resources, upon the

    recommendation of the Commissioner of 4isheries, promulgated

    4isheries  dministrative #rder -o. @< ?: #.$. !::

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    2n this appeal, the prosecution argues that dministrative #rders

    -os. @< and @! were not issued under section !! of the

    4isheries Law which, as indicated above, punishes fishing by

    means of an obnoxious or poisonous substance. 'his contention

    is not well>taken because, as already stated, the penal provision

    of   dministrative #rder -o. @

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    exceeded his authority in penali%ing electro fishing by means of 

    an administrative order.

     dministrative agencies are clothed with rule>making powers

    because the lawmaking body finds it impracticable, if not

    impossible, to anticipate and provide for the multifarious and

    complex situations that may be encountered in enforcing the law.

     ll that is reGuired is that the regulation should be germane to

    the obFects and purposes of the law and that it should conform to

    the standards that the law prescribes People vs. /xconde, !K!

    Phil. !!:"I *irector of 4orestry vs. 9uNo%, L>:

    "@"I 9anuel vs. $eneral uditing #ffice, L>:@A":, *ecember :A,

    !AB!, :!AK?, ugust :A,

    !A?A, :A 3CR ;"K&.

    'he rule>making power must be confined to details for regulating

    the mode or proceeding to carry into effect the law as it has been

    enacted. 'he power cannot be extended to amending or 

    expanding the statutory reGuirements or to embrace matters not

    covered by the statute. Rules that subvert the statute cannot be

    sanctioned. 1niversity of 3anto 'omas vs. Eoard of 'ax

     ppeals, A; Phil. ;B?, ;@:, citing !: C.D. @

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations



    2n case of discrepancy between the basic law and a rule or 

    regulation issued to implement said law, the basic law prevails

    because said rule or regulation cannot go beyond the terms and

    provisions of the basic law People vs. Lim, !K@ Phil. !KA!&.

    'his Court in its decision in the Lim case, supra, promulgated on

    Duly :?, !A?K, called the attention of technical men in the

    executive departments, who draft rules and regulations, to the

    importance and necessity of closely following the legalprovisions which they intend to implement so as to avoid any

    possible misunderstanding or confusion.

    'he rule is that the violation of a regulation prescribed by an

    executive officer of the government in conformity with and based

    upon a statute authori%ing such regulation constitutes an offense

    and renders the offender liable to punishment in accordance with

    the provisions of the law 1.3. vs. 'upasi 9olina, :A Phil. !!A,


  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    board to extend or modify the statute. Hence, the indictment

    against 9iles was Guashed. 'he 'iles  case is similar to this

    case. aisa dc

    (H/R/4#R/, the lower courtJs decision of Dune A, !ABK is set

    aside for lack of appellate Furisdiction and the order of dismissal

    rendered by the municipal court of 3ta. Cru%, Laguna in Criminal

    Case -o. "

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    servants and agents took the said carabaos from the said corral

    and drove them from one place to another for the purpose of 

    working them.

    'he defendant demurred to this information on the ground that

    the acts complained of did not constitute a crime. 'he demurrer 

    was overruled and the defendant duly excepted and pleaded not


    4rom the evidence introduced by the prosecution on the trial of 

    the cause it appears that the defendant was notified in writing on4ebruary ::, !A!;, by a duly authori%ed agent of the *irector of 

     griculture, that all of his carabaos in the barrio of 9asamat,

    municipality of 9exico, Pampanga Province, had been exposed

    to the disease commonly known as rinderpest, and that said

    carabaos were accordingly declared under Guarantine, and were

    ordered kept in a corral designated by an agent of the Eureau of 

     griculture and were to remain there until released by further 

    order of the *irector of griculture.

    2t further appears from the testimony of the witnesses. for the

    prosecution that the defendant fully understood that, according

    to the orders of the Eureau of griculture, he was not to remove

    the animals, or to permit anyone else to remove them, from theGuarantine in which they had been placed. 2n spite, however, of 

    all this, the carabaos were taken from the corral by the

    commands of the accused and driven from place to place on his

    hacienda, and were used as work animals thereon in the same

    manner as if they had not been Guarantined.

    'he contention of the accused is that the facts alleged in the

    information and proved on the trial do not constitute a violation of 

     ct -o. !B?K or any portion thereof.

    (e are forced to agree with this contention.

    'he original information against the accused charged a violation

    of section ? of ct -o. !B?K committed by the accused in that he

    ordered and permitted his carabaos, which, at the time, were in

    Guarantine, to be taken from Guarantine and moved from one

    place to another on his hacienda. n amended information was

    filed. 2t failed, however, to specify the section of ct -o. !B?K

    alleged to have been violated, evidently leaving that to be

    ascertained by the court on the trial.

    'he only sections of ct -o. !B?K which prohibit acts and

    pronounce them unlawful are ;, < and ". 'his case does not fall

    within any of them. 3ection ; provides, in effect, that it shall be

    unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation knowingly to ship or 

    otherwise bring into the Philippine 2slands any animal suffering

    from, infected with, or dead of any dangerous communicable

    disease, or any of the effects pertaining to such animal which are

    liable to introduce such disease into the Philippine 2slands.

    3ection < declares, substantially, that it shall be unlawful for any

    person, firm, or corporation knowingly to ship, drive or otherwise

    take or transport from one island, province, municipality,

    township, or settlement to another any domestic animal suffering

    from any dangerous communicable disease or to expose such

    animal either alive or dead on any public road or highway where

    it may come in contact with other domestic animals. 3ection "

    provides that whenever the 3ecretary of the 2nterior shall declare

    that a dangerous communicable animal disease prevails in a

    island, province, municipality, township, or settlement and th

    there is danger of spreading such disease by shipping, driving

    otherwise transporting or taking out of such island, provinc

    municipality, township, or settlement any class of domes

    animal, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation

    ship, drive or otherwise remove the kind of animals so specifi

    from such locality except when accompanied by a certifica

    issued by authority of the *irector of griculture stating t

    number and the kind of animals to be shipped, driven, taken

    transported, their destination, manner in which they aauthori%ed to be shipped, driven, taken, or transported, and the

    brands and distinguishing marks.

      simple reading of these sections demonstrates clearly that t

    case at bar does not fall within any of them. 'here is no Guestio

    here of importation and there is no charge or proof that t

    animals in Guestion were suffering from a dangero

    communicable disease or that the 3ecretary of the 2nterior h

    made the declaration provided for in section " or that t

    accused had driven or taken said animals from one islan

    province, municipality, township or settlement to another. 2t w

    alleged in the information and proved on the trial that the anima

    had been exposed to a dangerous communicable disease athat they had been placed in a corral in Guarantine on t

    premises of the accused and that he, in violation of t

    Guarantine, had taken them from the corral and worked the

    upon the lands adFoining. 'hey had not been in the highway n

    moved from one municipality or settlement to another. 'hey we

    left upon defendantJs hacienda, where they were Guarantine

    and there worked by the servants of the accused.

    'he 3olicitor>$eneral in his brief in this court admits that t

    sections referred to are not applicable to the case at bar an

    also admits that section B of said ct is not applicable. 'h

    section provides (henever the *irector of griculture sh

    order any animal placed in Guarantine in accordance with thprovisions of this ct, the owner of such animal, or his age

    shall deliver it at the place designated for the Guarantine an

    shall provide it with proper food, water, and attendance. 3hou

    the owner or his agent fail to comply with this reGuirement t

    *irector of griculture may furnish supplies and attendan

    needed, and the reasonable cost of such supplies a

    attendance shall be collectible from the owner or his agent.


    (e are in accord with the opinion expressed by the 3olicito

    $eneral with respect to this section, as we are with his opinio

    as to sections ;,

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    inflicted are so phrased as to make the prohibited act unlawful,

    and section @ provides the punishment for any act declared

    unlawful by the law.

    'he 3olicitor>$eneral suggests, but does not argue, that section

    ? is applicable to the case at bar. 3ection ? simply authori%es the

    *irector of griculture to do certain things, among them,

    paragraph c & to reGuire that animals which art suffering from

    dangerous communicable diseases or have been exposed

    thereto be placed in Guarantine at such place and for such time

    as may be deemed by him necessary to prevent the spread of the disease. -owhere in the law, however, is the violation of the

    orders of the Eureau of griculture prohibited or made unlawful,

    nor is there provided any punishment for a violation of such

    orders. 3ection @ provides that any person violating any of 

    the proisions of this +ct shall, upon conviction, be punished by

    a fine of not more than one thousand pesos, or by imprisonment

    for not more than six months, or by both such fine and

    imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, for each offense. J

    violation of the orders of the Eureau of griculture, as authori%ed

    by paragraph c &, is not a violation of the provisions of the ct.

    'he orders of the Eureau of griculture, while they may possibly

    be said to have the force of law, are not statutes and particularly

    not penal statutes, and a violation of such orders is not a penaloffense unless the statute itself somewhere makes a violation

    thereof unlawful and penali%es it. -owhere in ct -o. !B?K is a

    violation of the orders of the Eureau of griculture made a penal

    offense, nor is such violation punished in any way therein.

    4inally, it is contended by the $overnment that if the offense

    stated in the information and proved upon the trial does not

    constitute a violation of any of the provisions of ct -o. !B?K, it

    does constitute a violation of article "@!, paragraph :, of the

    Penal Code. 2t provides

    fine of not less than fifteen and not more than seventy

    pesetas and censure shall be imposed upon . . .

    :. ny person who shall violate the regulations, ordinances, or 

    proclamations issued with reference to any epidemic disease

    among animals, the extermination of locusts, or any other similar 


    2t is alleged in the information and was proved on the trial that

    the Eureau of griculture had ordered a Guarantine of the

    carabaos at the time and place mentionedI that the Guarantine

    had been executed and completed and the animals actually

    segregated and confinedI that the accused, in violation of such

    Guarantine and of the orders of the Eureau of griculture, duly

    promulgated, broke the Guarantine, removed the animals andused them in the ordinary work of his plantation. (e consider 

    these acts a plain violation of the article of the Penal Code above

    Guoted. 'he fact that the information in its preamble charged a

    violation of ct -o. !B?K does not prevent us from finding the

    accused guilty of a violation of an article of the Penal Code. 'he

    complaint opens as follows 'he undersigned accuses driano

    Panlilio of a violation of ct -o. !B?K, committed as follows

    'hen follows the body of the information already Guoted in this

    opinion. (e would not permit an accused to be convicted under 

    one ct when he is charged with the violation of another, if the

    change from one statute to another involved a change of the

    theory of the trial or reGuired of the defendant a different defen

    or surprised him in any other way. 'he allegations reGuired und

     ct -o. !B?K include those reGuired under article "@!. '

    accused could have defended himself in no different manner

    he had been expressly charged with a violation of article "@!.

    2n the case of 1nited 3tates s. Paua ? Phil. Rep., B

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations



    !. 423H2-$ 2- #-/ PR#H2E2'/* E6 R/$1L'2#- #4

    'H/ 3/CR/'R6 #4 $R2C1L'1R/ -* C#99/RC/I

    /C/33 #4 R/$1L'#R6 P#(/R3 C#-4/RR/* E6  C'


  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    over which Furisdiction is exercised by naval and military

    authorities of the 1nited 3tates, particularly Corregidor& only

    upon receiving written permission therefor, which permission

    may be granted by the 3ecretary of griculture and Commerce

    upon recommendation of the military or naval authorities

    concerned. (ithin parenthesis ours.&

     ct -o. K?>K!K of the *epartment of /nergy *#/&.

    'he facts are undisputed.

    Eatas Pambansa Elg. ;;, as amended, penali%es illegal tradin

    hoarding, overpricing, adulteration, underdelivery, a

    underfilling of petroleum products, as well as possession f

    trade of adulterated petroleum products and of underfill

    liGuefied petroleum gas LP$& cylinders.  'he said law sets tmonetary penalty for violators to a minimum of P:K,KKK and

    maximum of P"K,KKK.

    #n Dune A, :KKK, Circular -o. :KKK>K?>K!K was issued by th*#/ to implement E.P. Elg. ;;, thus


    LPG MarB't'rLPG D'a('rLPG R'ta( Out('t

    !st #ffense > ReprimandMwarning letter 

    :nd #ffense > Recommend suspension of busine

      operation to the proper local governme


    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the prop  local government unit and initiate crimin



    A. LPG R'(('rMarB't'r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P",KKK

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P!K,KKK

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closu

      to the proper local government unit

    #. D'a('r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P;,KKK

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of PB,KKK

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to t

      proper local government unit

    C. LPG R'ta( Out('t

    !st #ffense > Reprimand

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P"KK.KK

    ;rd #ffense > 4ine of P!,KKK.KK

    SECTION 4ine of P;,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P",KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit

    #. D'a('r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P:,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P Recommend business closure to the  proper local government unit

    C. LPG R'ta( Out('t

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P!,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P:,KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit


    A. LPG R'(('rMarB't'r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P;,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P",KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit

    #. D'a('r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P:,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit

    C. LPG R'ta( Out('t

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P!,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P:,KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit







    A. LPG R'(('rMarB't'r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P 4ine of P",KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to t

      proper local government unit

    #. D'a('r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P;,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P Recommend business closure to t

      proper local government unit

    C. LPG R'ta( Out('t

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P!,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P:,KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to t

      proper local government unit



    !st #ffense > 4ine of P 4ine of P?,KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to t

      proper local government unit

    #. DEALER

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P;,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P Recommend business closure to t  proper local government unit


    !st #ffense > 4ine of P!,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P:,KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to t

      proper local government unit

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations











    A. LPG R'(('rMarB't'r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P",KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P!K,KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit

    #. D'a('r 

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P;,KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P",KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit

    C. LPG R'ta( Out('t

    !st #ffense > 4ine of P!,"KK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P;,KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit


    !st #ffense > 4ine of P",KKK for each cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > 4ine of P!K,KKK for each cylinder 

    ;rd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit


    !st #ffense > 4ine of P!K,KKK per cylinder 

    :nd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the

      proper local government unit plus

      the filing of appropriate criminal







    !st #ffense > 4ine of P!K,KKK

    :nd #ffense > Recommend business closure to the prop

      local government unit

    SECTION 7. REFUSAL OR FAILURE TO PAY FINE   >Departent of Energy shall recoend to the proper loc

    goernent unit the closure of business of a respondent wh

    refuses or fails to pay any adinistratie fine without pre#udice

    the filing of an appropriate criinal action if warranted .

    Respondent LP$ Refillers ssociation of the Philippines, 2n

    asked the *#/ to set aside the Circular for being contrary to la

    'he *#/, however, denied the reGuest for lack of merit. HC/

    Respondent then filed a petition for prohibition and annulme

    with prayer for temporary restraining order andMor writ

    preliminary inFunction before the trial court.

     fter trial on the merits, the trial court nullified the Circular on t

    ground that it introduced new offenses not included in t


  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    (H/'H/R #R -#' 'H/ C#1R' A QUO  $R5/L6 /RR/* 2-

    H#L*2-$ 'H' 3/C'2#- !? #4 P/'2'2#-/RJ3 C2RC1LR

    (H2CH 1'H#R2/3 'H/ 29P#32'2#- #4 P/C1-2R6

    P/-L'2/3 (2'H 'H/ '#'L 42-/ -#' /C//*2-$

    P:K,KKK.KK 4#R R/'2L #1'L/'3 52#L'/3 'H/ P/-L'6

    C/2L2-$ #4 P!K,KKK.KK 3/' 1-*/R EP EL$. ;;,   3



    (H/'H/R #R -#' 'H/ C#1R' A QUO  $R5/L6 /RR/* 2-H#L*2-$ 'H' 32-C/ 3/C'2#- "g& #4 R.. B?;@ 42-*3

    -# R/4/R/-C/ 2- *#/ C2RC1LR -#. :KKK>K?>K!K, 'H/

    39/ 3H#1L* E/ *23R/$R*/*.


    (H/'H/R #R -#' 'H/ C#1R' A QUO  $R5/L6 /RR/* 2-

    H#L*2-$ 'H' #- 'H/ -/( #44/-3/3 2-'R#*1C/* 2-

    'H/ C2RC1LR 31CH 3 3/C'2#-3 7? of  E.P. Elg. ;; and 3ection :; 77 of Republic ct -o.@ Petitioner adds that 3ections "g& 7 and:! 7 of  Republic ct -o. B?;@ 7 also authori%e the *#/ toimpose the penalties provided in the Circular.

    Respondent counters that the enabling laws, E.P. Elg.

    ;; and R.. -o. @

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    (H/R/4#R/, the petition is $R-'/*. 'he assailed Circular 

    -o. :KKK>K?>K!K of *#/ is declared valid. 'he *ecision and

    #rder of the Regional 'rial Court of Pasig City, Eranch !?!, in

    3C Case -o. :;!@, nullifying said Circular and prohibiting its

    implementation are hereby R/5/R3/* and 3/' 32*/.

    -o pronouncement as to costs.

    3# #R*/R/*.

    arpio, arpio 'orales, >inga and Belasco, Jr/, JJ/, concur.

    QQQ *Pere! / 1PG Refillers +ssocation of the Phil/, $nc/, G/R/ 0o/


  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    tambien los Reglaentos, Reales decretos,

    2nstrucciones, irculares y Reales ordenes dictadas de

    conformidad con las mismas por el $obierno en uso de su

    potestad. 'ambien el poder eFecutivo lo ha venido entendiendo

    asi, como lo prueba el hecho de Gue muchas de sus

    disposiciones contienen la advertencia de Gue empie%an a regir 

    el mismo dia de su publicacion en la $aceta, advertencia Gue

    seria perfectamente inutil si no fuera de aplicacion al caso el

    articulo !.U del Codigo Civil.'anresa, odigo iil EspaAol,

    Bol/ $, p/ =3 &.

    2n the present case, although Circular -o. :K of the Central Eank

    was issued in the year !A

    publication of the Circular is being raised for the first time onappeal in this Court, which cannot be done by appellant.

    #rdinarily, one may raise on appeal any Guestion of law or fact

    that has been raised in the court below and which is within the

    issues made by the parties, in their pleadings. 3ection !A, Rule

    publication is

    fundamental and decisive. 2f as a matter of fact Circular -o. :K

    had not been published as reGuired by law before its violation,

    then in the eyes of the law there was no such circular to be

    violated and conseGuently appellant committed no violation of 

    the circular or committed any offense, and the trial court may be

    said to have had no Furisdiction. 'his Guestion may be raised at

    any stage of the proceeding whether or not raised in the court


    2n view of the foregoing, we reverse the decision appealed from

    and acGuit the appellant, with costs de oficio/

    Paras / J/, )eng!on, Padilla, Reyes, )autista +ngelo,

    1abrador, oncepcion and Dio(no, JJ/, concur.

    QQQ *People / ue Po 1ay, G/R/ 0o/ 5984, 6'arch 38, 48=

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations



  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    C#-3'2'1'2#-L R2$H'3 #R */3'R#6 5/3'/* R2$H'3.

    'here cannot be any Guestion but that even if a decree

    provides for a date of effectivity, it has to be published. (hen a

    date effectivity is mentioned in the decree but the decree

    becomes effective only fifteen !"& days after its publication in

    the #fficial $a%ette, it will not mean that the decree can have

    retroactive effect to the date of effectivity mentioned in the

    decree itself. 'here should be no retroactivity if the retroactivity

    will run counter to constitutional rights or shall destroy vested



    PL-, D., separate opinion

    !. C#-3'2'1'2#-L L(I 3''1'/3I P1EL2C'2#- 2- 'H/

    #442C2L $/''/ -#' /33/-'2L 4#R /44/C'252'6

    4#R /44/C'252'6 #4 L(3. 'he Philippine Constitution

    does not reGuire the publication of laws as a prereGuisite for their 

    effectivity, unlike some Constitutions elsewhere. 2t may be said

    though that the guarantee of due process reGuires notice of laws

    to affected parties before they can be bound therebyI but such

    notice is not necessarily by publication in the #fficial $a%ette.

    'he due process clause is not that precise. -either is thepublication in the Official Ga!ette reGuired by any statute as a

     prere&uisite for their effectiity , if said laws already provide for 

    their effectivity date.

    :. 2*.I 2*.I P1EL2C'2#- 96 E/ 9*/ /L3/(H/R/ 'H-

    2- 'H/ #442C2L $/''/. rticle : of the Civil

    Code provides that laws shall take effect after fifteen days

    following the completion of their publication in the #fficial

    $a%ette, unless it is otherwise proided . 'wo things may be said

    of this provision 4irstly, it obviously does not apply to a law with

    a built>in provision as to when it will take effect. 3econdly, it

    clearly recogni%es that each law may provide not only a different

    period for reckoning its effectivity date but also a different modeof notice. 'hus, a law may prescribe that it shall be published

    elsewhere than in the #fficial $a%ette.

    ;. 2*.I 2*.I C#99#-(/L'H C' ?;@ C--#' -1LL246 #R

    R/3'R2C' #P/R'2#- #4 3''1'/ (2'H PR#5232#-

     3 '# 2'3 /44/C'252'6. -ot all legislative acts are reGuired

    to be published in the #fficial $a%ette but only important ones

    of a public nature. 9oreover, Commonwealth ct -o. ?;@ does

    not provide that publication in the #fficial $a%ette is essential for 

    the effectivity of laws. 'his is as it should be, for all statutes are

    eGual and stand on the same footing. law, especially an earlier 

    one of general application such as Commonwealth ct -o. ?;@,

    cannot nullify or restrict the operation of a subseGuent statutethat has a provision of its own as to when and how it will take

    effect. #nly a higher law, which is the Constitution, can assume

    the role.

    D E C I S I O N

    ESCOLIN, J p

    2nvoking the peopleJs right to be informed on matters of public

    concern, a right recogni%ed in 3ection ?, rticle 25 of the !AB;

    Philippine Constitution, 7 as well as the principle that laws to be

    valid and enforceable must be published in the #fficial $a%e

    or otherwise effectively promulgated, petitioners seek a writ

    mandamus to compel respondent public officials to publish, a

    or cause the publication in the #fficial $a%ette of vario

    presidential decrees, letters of instructions, general orde

    proclamations, executive orders, letter of implementation a

    administrative orders.

    3pecifically, the publication of the following president

    issuances is sought

    a Presidential *ecrees -os. !:, ::, ;B, ;@, "A, ?!K?!, !K@", !!

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    the alleged non>publication of the presidential issuances in

    Guestion > said petitioners are without the reGuisite legalpersonality to institute this mandamus proceeding, they are not

    being aggrieved parties within the meaning of 3ection ;, Rule

    ?" of the Rules of Court, which we Guote Cdpr 

    3/C. ;. Petition for 'andaus/  (hen any tribunal,

    corporation, board or person unlawfully neglects the

    performance of an act which the law specifically enFoins as a

    duty resulting from an office, trust, or station, or unlawfully

    excludes another from the use and enFoyment of a right or officeto which such other is entitled, and there is no other plain,

    speedy and adeGuate remedy in the ordinary course of law, the

    person aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition in the

    proper court alleging the facts with certainty and praying that

     Fudgment be rendered commanding the defendant, immediately

    or at some other specified time, to do the act reGuired to be done

    to protect the rights of the petitioner, and to pay the damages

    sustained by the petitioner by reason of the wrongful acts of the


    1pon the other hand, petitioners maintain that since the subFect

    of the petition concerns a public right and its obFect is to compel

    the performance of a public duty, they need not show anyspecific interest for their petition to be given due course.

    'he issue posed is not one of first impression. s early as the

    !A!K case of 3everino vs. $overnor $eneral,  this Court heldthat while the general rule is that a writ of mandamus would be

    granted to a private individual only in those cases where he has

    some private or particular interest to be subserved, or some

    particular right to be protected, independent of that which he

    holds with the public at large, and it is for the public officers

    exclusively to apply for the writ when public rights are to be

    subserved =9ithchell vs. Eoardmen, BA 9.e.,

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    documents as the President of the Philippines shall determine

    from time to time to have general applicability and legal effect, or 

    which he may authori%e so to be published. . . .

    'he clear obFect of the above Guoted provision is to give the

    general public adeGuate notice of the various laws which are to

    regulate their actions and conduct as citi%ens. (ithout such

    notice and publication, there would be no basis for the

    application of the maxim ignorantia legis non excusat. 2t would

    be the height of inFustice to punish or otherwise burden a citi%en

    for the transgression of a law of which he had no noticewhatsoever, not even a constructive one. cdphil

    Perhaps at no time since the establishment of the Philippine

    Republic has the publication of laws taken so vital significance

    that at this time when the people have bestowed upon the

    President a power heretofore enFoyed solely by the legislature.

    (hile the people are kept abreast by the mass media of the

    debates and deliberations in the Eatasan Pambansa and for 

    the diligent ones, ready access to the legislative records no

    such publicity accompanies the law>making process of the

    President. 'hus, without publication, the people have no means

    of knowing what presidential decrees have actually been

    promulgated, much less a definite way of informing themselvesof the specific contents and texts of such decrees. s the

    3upreme Court of 3pain ruled EaFo la denominacion genrica de

    leyes, se comprenden tambin los reglamentos, Reales decretos,

    2nstrucciones, Circulares y Reales ordines dictadas de

    conformidad con las mismas por el $obierno en uso de su


    'he very first clause of 3ection ! of Commonwealth ct

    ?;@ reads 'here shall be published in the #fficial $a%ette . . .

    'he word shall used therein imposes upon respondent officials

    an imperative duty. 'hat duty must be enforced if the

    Constitutional right of the people to be informed on matters of 

    public concern is to be given substance and reality. 'he law itself makes a list of what should be published in the official $a%ette.

    3uch listing, to our mind, leaves respondents with no discretion

    whatsoever as to what must be included or excluded from such


    'he publication of all presidential issuances of a public nature

    or of general applicability is mandated by law. #bviously,

    presidential decrees that provide for fines, forfeitures or penalties

    for their violation or otherwise impose a burden on the people,

    such as tax and revenue measures, fall within this category.

    #ther presidential issuances which apply only to particular 

    persons or class of persons such as administrative and

    executive orders need not be published on the assumption thatthey have been circulari%ed to all concerned. <

    2t is needless to add that the publication of presidential

    issuances of a public nature or of general applicability is a

    reGuirement of due process. 2t is a rule of law that before a

    person may be bound by law, he must first be officially and

    specifically informed of its contents. s Dustice Claudio

    'eehankee said in Peralta vs. C#9/L/C ; 

    2n a time of proliferating decrees, orders and letters of 

    instructions which all form part of the law of the land, the

    reGuirement of due process and the Rule of Law demand th

    the #fficial $a%ette as the official government reposito

    promulgate and publish the texts of all such decrees, orders a

    instructions so that the people may know where to obtain the

    official and specific contents.

    'he Court therefore declares that presidential issuances

    general application, which have not been published, shall ha

    no force and effect. 3ome members of the Court, Gu

    apprehensive about the possible unsettling effect this decisio

    might have on acts done in reliance of the validity of thopresidential decrees which were published only during t

    pendency of this petition, have put the Guestion as to wheth

    the CourtJs declaration of invalidity apply to P.*.s which ha

    been enforced or implemented prior to their publication. '

    answer is all too familiar. 2n similar situations in the past th

    Court had taken the pragmatic and realistic course set forth

    Chicot County *rainage *istrict vs. Eaxter Eank 9 to wit LLFur 

    'he courts below have proceeded on the theory that the ct

    Congress, having been found to be unconstitutional, was not

    lawI that it was inoperative, conferring no rights and imposing

    duties, and hence affording no basis for the challenged decre

    -orton v. 3helby County, !!@ 1.3. inclusive stateme

    of a principle of absolute retroactive invalidity cannot


    Consistently with the above principle, this Court in Rutter v

    /steban  sustained the right of a party under the 9oratoriuLaw, albeit said right had accrued in his favor before said la

    was declared unconstitutional by this Court.

    3imilarly, the implementationMenforcement of president

    decrees prior to their publication in the #fficial $a%ette is aoperative fact which may have conseGuences which cannot

     Fustly ignored. 'he past cannot always be erased by a ne

     Fudicial declaration . . . that an all>inclusive statement of

    principle of absolute retroactive invalidity cannot be Fustified.

    4rom the report submitted to the Court by the Clerk of Court

    appears that of the presidential decrees sought by petitioners

    be published in the #fficial $a%ette, only Presidential *ecre

    -os. !K!A to !K;K, inclusive, !:B@, and !A;B to !A;A, inclusiv

    have not been so published. 7? -either the subFect matters nthe texts of these P*s can be ascertained since no copi

  • 8/19/2019 Admin Penal Rules and Regulations


    thereof are available. Eut whatever their subFect matter may be,

    it is undisputed that none of these unpublished P*s has ever 

    been implemented or enforced by the government. 2n Pesigan

    vs. ngeles, 77 the Court, through Dustice Ramon Guino, ruledthat publication is necessary to apprise the public of the

    contents of =penal regulations and make the said penalties

    binding on the persons affected thereby. 'he cogency of this

    holding is apparently recogni%ed by respondent officials

    considering the manifestation in their comment that the

    government, as a matter of policy, refrains from prosecuting

    violations of criminal laws until the same shall have beenpublished in the #fficial $a%ette or in some other publication,

    even though some criminal laws provide that they shall take

    effect immediately.

    (H/R/4#R/, the Court hereby orders respondents to publish

    in the #fficial $a%ette all unpublished presidential issuances

    which are of general application, and unless so published, they

    shall have no binding force and effect.

    3# #R*/R/*.

    Relova, D., concur/

     Guino, D., too( no part/

    Concepcion, Dr., D., is on leae/

    $utierre%, Dr., D., $ concur insofar as publication is necessary b

    resere y ote as to the necessity of such publication being

    the Official Ga!ette/

    *e la 4uente, D., $nsofar as the opinion declares the unpublish

    decrees and issuances of a public nature or general applicabil

    ineffectie, until due publication thereof/

    QQQ *>aAada / >uera, G/R/ 0o/ 5284=, 6+pril 3