adjective ending with

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  • 8/11/2019 Adjective Ending With


    Adjective ending withly

    - Adsmintrator service in anutapura hospital is unfriendly way

    - nurse take care the kids with a mothely way

    - the doctor gives a shot to patient with a carefully way

    - A doctor should treat the patient in a politely way

    - A doctor must give advice to the patient in a wisely way

    1. A person who has lost lots of blood should be given liver as part of his diet (T)

    2. A blood increasing diet consists of cream and milk, with some order foods

    such as eggs (F)

    3. An overweight person is given a bland diet (F)

    4. overweight patient should not eat large amounts of fruit and vegetables (F)

    5. A patient with an severe ulcer should eat little and often (T)

    6. overweight patient should not eat cream and sugar (T)


    - would you be so kind as/ excuse me, but could you verbs, please?

    - Excus me, but could you

    to people


    would you/ could you verbs, please (would you read it, please?)- would you help me, please?

    - Could you drive me to hospital, please?

    among friends

    - Verbs ( please read it / read it, will you? )

    - Please erase the whiteboard.

    - Will you erase the whiteboard?

    1. Would you lend me an uraser, please?

    2. Could you past me a ruler, please?


    Could you take the ruler for me, please?

    3. Excuse me, could you show me where is Bank Indonesia?

    4. Could you tell me about is book, please?

    5. Could you help me to fix this bike, please?

  • 8/11/2019 Adjective Ending With


    UNIT 7

    1. what are the two possible reasons for reduced resistance to infection?

    - to get well soon

    - to make medication easly

    2. what should we eat to obtain sufficient amounts of vitamin C?

    fresh fruit and green vegetables.

    3. why is wheat germ a very useful food?

    Because its can reduce fertility

    4. why do people who eat rice without the husks sometimes get beri-


    Because it doesnt have/ contain vitamin B1 which is important for us

    5. why is vitamin K deficiency unlikely to occur?

    because vitamin K is normally produced in the intestine by bacteria.


    find the meaning of each word below

    2. reduced fertility ( penurunan kesuburan)

    6. anemia (kekuranagan sel darah merah)

    7. lack of appetite (kurangnya nafsu makan)

    8. digestive disorder (penyakit/gangguan pencernaan)

    9. fatigue (lemah/ kelelahan)

    10. scurvy (peny. Kudisan)

    Case taking

    - How can I help you? I have got a bad close of flu

    - How long have has it been bothering you? Five or six days

    - Is there anything that makes it better (baik)/worse(berat)? Yes, if I take drink

    some neozep.. When the wheater cold

    - Have you taken anything for it? Yes, I drink some neozep

    - Apart from your body are there any other problems? Yes, I have headaches

    and cold