adhd 12 – any fool can find disease


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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Awesome Guest

In a world where distractions were long thought the enemy, one man befriends that foe and finds freedom and a shining object in her rock. Since then he has embraced the distraction and searches to know better in the epic battle against the norm. And now distracted with Mark Patey.

Mark: Hello everybody I’m Mark Patey!

Miah: This is Miah Johnson and we’ve got a really awesome guest today. Shocking coz I used awesome…again…to describe our guest. One of these days we’re gonna have to start our show out with “we’ve got a really lame guest…”

Mark: We have a really mediocre guest today.

Miah: Today’s not that day though.

Mark: Not today.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Dr. Bill Powell D.O

Miah: If we are actually that honest with our listeners, then I’ll feel bad for them because… Okay, all right. Uneducated next time – honesty is the best policy!

Miah: Oh my gosh. That has got to be an uneducated segment.

Mark: But you know honestly, I automatically want to talk about honesty being the best policy…

Miah: But not because we’re gonna…

Mark: No, no…because the show will be 40 minutes already. Okay. So today, we brought in a wonderful guest Dr. Bill Powell D.O.

Miah: Thanks for joining us Bill.

Bill: Thanks for having me. Any Fool Can Find Disease


Uneducated segment

Mark: And, I’m worried. I have to say. Having somebody with your education on our show, not because of a show, not because what we talked about, coz we really do despite our sarcastic nature. We put a lot of effort into studying and prepping for our show. But I’m worried that this is going to be a really boring show. If you’re being educated, actually, it’s totally not true. Because you’ll find out, listeners, at the end of the show, our uneducated segment for today came from our doctor. And it’s super…

Miah: It’s his brainchild.

Mark: He takes all credit for it unless it’s brilliant, it’s my idea. But if it’s more than brilliant…

Bill: Oh I can’t take any credit at all…

Miah: Actually we went to dinner before the show and had good times, great conversation, festive time…

Mark: And you know what, I feel bad…it’s too bad we didn’t just record that.Any Fool Can Find Disease


Bill from Washington

Miah: “don’t! wait, wait, we’ll save that for the podcast!”

Mark: Let’s see if we can re-discuss what we discussed…

Miah: And our beautiful wives are talking outside of the studio here and having a good time…

Mark: I love how good women can pretend to like each other. Actually, I think they’ll legitimately get along…

Bill: That’s really nice.

Mark: So Bill, you’re from Washington Area.

Bill: Currently, yes. Yeah.

Mark: And your primary practice is what? Tell us just a little bit of what your day to day life looks like. Unless you do colonoscopies then don’t tell us about it.Any Fool Can Find Disease


About Einstein

Bill: And so they said about Einstein.

Mark: Ah... I love this guy. Bill, you are officially welcomed in to the club. You are a family. Forever!

Miah: All you have to say to club is that’s about Einstein, then you’re in.

Mark: How did you know about the secret password? If you come to the TSO, if you knock three times, you wait for a 2-knock-back and then say, “that’s what they said about Einstein,” and you’re in. Now if someone ever shows up, at this hanger and knocks on that door and says that, we’re bringing you in and you have fit free reign of the whole place, it’s your place, knock yourself out.

Miah: You will be our next guest.

Mark: Yes. Absolutely. Okay, so there went 5 minutes of the show. So let’s talk about ADHD and where it’s going with families that are coming to you. First off, I would like to get your take on ADHD overall.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


The three rules

Miah: woahwoahwoah, three rules.

Mark: Do we have to do that?

Miah: Every time…

Mark: Okay here we go… three rules. Rule number 1.

Miah: Alright, go ahead.

Mark: We reserve the right to be wrong. We reserve the right to change our minds. And we reserve the right to offend all people equally because free speech is practiced here. There, three rules.

Bill: Equal opportunity, offenders.

Miah: Absolutely. Any Fool Can Find Disease


Worried too much

Mark: Okay, so…families come in, they see you, they’re worried about ADHD, when they come finally and say “I’m gonna go see the doctor, I wanna get a prescription or I’m gonna find solutions” you find that they’re coming to you to genuinely asking what they should be doing or are they coming to you with a decision already made because of society or school or outside pressures. Where are they really?

Bill: Often, they’ve already made a decision. Frequently, the teachers will send them in because the teachers don’t like an unruly kid in the classroom even the adults who come they’ve already decided there’s something wrong. Or something they’re not able to control in order to help them in their learning process so they’ll come in and ask.

Mark: Now, does that concern you? That they’ve already made the decision that there’s something wrong and it needs to be fixed with a pill or is that just totally normal and no worries at all?

Bill: well, I wouldn’t say it’s no worries at all but it is totally normal. It happens in consistence.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Making a Decision

Mark: Well, yes. It’s common, maybe not normal.

Bill: Yea, I don’t consider it correct. But in correct thinking…it’s common.

Mark: It’s common. And so how do you handle that? If you’ve got a tired, frustrated, wits-end mom that has come in and has already made a decision, that she’s gonna get a ADHD medication, and is basically just not asking for advice as an expert but is asking for a signature on a prescription. How do you handle that?

Miah: And consider that a lot of our listeners, maybe up to that edge with either themselves or their kids.

Mark: Right… or already on something.

Miah: Yeah. Or they’ve gone there in that context. So how do you handle that?

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Feeding the Brain

Bill: It’s similar with how I treat upper respiratory infection. They’ll come in and they’ll say I’ve had a runny nose for a week, I’m feeling kinda achy and sore, can I get an antibiotic? And my first response is, what have you tried? What have you done? Did you use medipod? Do you gargle salt water? How about your vitamins, your intake. Are you avoiding milk? Are you doing the things that are gonna keep you healthy? Are you staying away from sugar and soda and those types of things. And so as ADD, the question is, what do you feed the kid? The kids don’t eat what you don’t feed them. Girls don’t go to the shopping center and kinda go around and grab donuts unless you buy it for them.

Mark: This is so huge for me and I had to learn this on my own. I find that if I am not feeding my brain right, if I’m not getting good vitamins and nutrients and and all the minerals and everything I need, this hyperactive brain crashes to a hault. And if you have and ADHD brain that’s trying to go and throw you at more directions at once, but it can’t travel far with that comes that trigger something said or done or you see something and it triggers your mind in this reaction and leaps out the of leap to grab on to an understanding of whatever it is that triggered it,and it can’t grab on to anything coz it’s just blank

Any Fool Can Find Disease



Mark: It’s like a mind going in 10 directions and not landing on anything. And I find myself, when that happens, in a depression. Like a real depression, real quick, just simply from not feeding it and I’ve told my wife, you know a lot of times in the past that I can see that for me probably more than… I don’t know if this is for you as well, but if I’m not feeding this brain well, it’s like – this way I told my wife – it’s like having a high performance sports car and I like how big engines, racing airplanes,

Miah: I don’t. I like small engines, and crappy cars and crappy airplanes.

Mark: Yes and do you like electric cars? Wow. I am so sorry everybody. I just offended. Always there’s no, so I can redeem the electric car fans on the market, I own a company called prodigy engineering and we design and engineer hybrid electrical vehicles from major manufacturers so I actually am a fan. That was really a joke not a stop listening…

Miah: I wana drive a large vehicle created by a guy with ADHD and that’s the car that I should drive…

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Correct Nutrition

Mark: So… I don’t know where I went after I tried to recover…

Miah: Just about nutrition and… you told your wife…

Mark: Okay so the high performance in my brace plant, we’ve got really high compression pistons, and you’ve done all kinds of other things to get this performance out of it and if you put in cheap fuel, and step on the engine and ask it to give you a hundred percent power and it’s a 780 cubic-inch supercharged engine, you put all that boost, you’re creating a hundred and fifty percent more horsepower…

Miah: and compensating for other things in your life…

Mark: I am so compensating, you have no idea…it’s sad. I mean it’s really sad.. It’s like cold-water sad… So to everybody listening, just go there… Okay so, if you don’t put the high performance, and well for us it’s over hundred percent octane raised fuel, the engine literally blows up and it disintegrates, I mean you can blow the pistons apart and that’s how I am with my ADHD brain. It’s like a high performance engine – feed it well or expect it to come apart. Any Fool Can Find Disease


Devising treatment plan

Miah: Your body is much like that, it fits the nutrition that you give. Correct?

Bill: Being an osteopathic physician the basic tenants of osteopathy are – one, the body’s a self-regulating, self-controlling mechanism it tends towards health and the structure equates to function. The things that your arms are designed to do obviously distracts you to what they can do – the function.. And a wise physician will take all of those into account when devising a treatment plan. So if you don’t feed your body properly…

Mark: This is almost impossible today.

Bill: Exactly.

Mark: I mean really… I’m picking on America, but I’ve travelled a lot and I’m aware enough to know that we eat like crap here. I mean, the stuff in our food, it’s pretty…

Miah: and we feed our children…

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Speaking about Adhd

Bill: Yeah and anybody knows that what you eat at home and then you go to work and you can’t sit still, you can’t focus… what happens to a kid when he can’t sit still to begin with? And then you put them in a classroom with 30 other kids who can’t sit still. And they expect them to sit and listen to a teacher who’s pretty boring?

Mark: The one teacher that’s not any of you listeners…

Miah: Not Mrs. Adams, Ms. Adams, my 6th grade teacher. She was not boring.

Mark: Just last night I was speaking at a High school event… it was actually big… they filled the entire auditorium – evening event on ADHD. And they asked me to come up and speak, I was impressed and I had a great time because they asked me to speak on ADHD specifically asking me to speak on the gifts of ADHD, and that mention occurs, I didn’t have to go saying if I’m talking of ADHD, just so you know, I acknowledge the curse and I focus on the gifts, I didn’t have to do that, so anyway, after the course,

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Struggling with Adhd

Mark: A lady came up to me and brought her ADHD son and she says, I’ve been struggling with him for years and she says I’m about a quicksand and trying everything I can to not get on the medications and she says after listening to you I feel like I’ve done absolutely everything wrong because I’ve been trying to help him understand why it’s okay to be broken. And she didn’t use those words but after the conversation, that’s just a 15-minute conversation that she saw that she was destroying the self-worth of a child and he can only live up to what he believes he can only live up to be and the one thing she brought up was exactly the function and I want to talk about that as well but this one is big key one for me that open nutrients and I like it that you said the body tends to want to heal, self regulating and it wants to do the right thing but it can’t if it doesn’t have what it needs. Bill: The other problem with the medical world right now that I see, a lot of docs are looking for a disease, and one of the principles of osteopathy, Andrew Taylor, he was the founder of osteopathy, he had a statement which said, it’s the job of the osteopath to find health, any fool can find disease and the objective is still to uncover whatever the function is to remove the hindrance in functioning and all the mechanism to take care of itself.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Removing the Hindrance

Mark: Okay, I love how you stated that. It’s removing the hindrance and allowing it to take care of itself and we don’t tend to do that. We tend to say something’s wrong with me give me something that will take care of it. As supposed to find out what’s causing it or what’s the hindrance.

Bill: What is it I like? What do I need? Vitamins, minerals, better diet, exercises, critical with all the kids on computers and video games, which I mind you, are good and fun entertainment but not 24 hours a day. Getting fresh air…

Miah: or 23 hours… or 22, or 21, 20. You have to sleep or you have to do podcast there somewhere.

Mark: Well, and you have to use the bathroom but I hear some people use adult diapers so that they can really go on gaming.

Miah: Did I tell you not to tell anyone…

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Executive function

Mark: Miah, you know, when you ask me which ones I prefer and I learned you are a fellow abuser of the incompetence products for long term gaming, I needed to share it with the world. I thought I was all on my own.

Miah: I’m wearing them right now. Move on…

Mark: It’s been a long time since I was a gamer…

Miah: Now you’re just a player.

Mark: Yes, I’m a player.

Miah: I mean a playah

Mark: Playah! Okay, moving on, executive function – so that was also brought up by a couple of people last night and it was brought up by…

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Questions from listeners

Miah: I’ve got a piece of paper with 9 questions that we made up claiming they are from our listeners…

Mark: From our listeners… no listeners sent in these questions.

Miah: No.

Mark: we had to just make ‘em up.

Miah: Okay, so our worshippers have written these praises to us.

Mark: Give me that paper. What’s in red? That’s a very good job but the

Miah: Red is how we’re supposed to answer…Okay.

Miah: So the executive function, also planning for the future which I think…and memorizing facts, I think those are related to executive function… Any Fool Can Find Disease


Function of the Brain

Mark: and another one that the parents asked this question last night is right along this line but what was interesting to me she said, I have read a lot about executive function in ADHD and what a challenge that is and she says, do you agree and I said yes and no. She said how can it be both, because for me, I found out that what they say about executive function that process in the brain that lets you draw in your past experiences to make better decisions was true I didn’t draw past experiences so much I would say, supposed to executive function, I was executive dysfunctional but it wasn’t because I was stupid it was because I needed to understand why. You know what they say about ADHD, we’re impulsive, and when you say impulsive it’s spontaneous. Impulsive is a bad thing, spontaneous is fun. If you wanna have fun in life, I mean it spontaneity it may be the key ingredient, for me it was more as you get older, one, you have to believe that you actually are brain damaged and you will make an effort to become better at forecasting

Miah: and your move excuses out of your life

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Approach with Adhd

Mark: You have to, as soon as there’s an excuse with something you’re really struggling with, and people with ADHD – not all of them – some of them will legitimately struggle with these executive functions and they’re legitimate but if you have a legitimate challenge with it and then you’re given an excuse, and then you’re told by a doctor, or a therapist, or a parent, or a teacher or all of them that you’re broken, would you even try?

Miah: No. You ask for the medication.

Mark: Yea, you don’t even make an effort and I think we – not in all cases, but in many cases – we’re creating a self fulfilling prophecy of dysfunction by placing into not just the child but just the parent. If just the parent believes that the child can’t do it or overcome certain things, the child will adopt those beliefs even if it’s never spoken out loud.

Miah: Bill, how do you approach adults differently than children? Or what do you experience dealing with ADHD and when they come to you they ask for some kind of help treatment, etc.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Dietary changes

Bill: Usually an adult come to a help and the question is what have you done. They’ve tried a lot. They have already been to countless dietary changes, they use supplements, they use anything they can think of and a lot of times they self medicate, they’ve gone and tried math, they’ve tried things that do the same thing the medications do. At that point, most of them are acknowledging the fact that there’s something about them that they can’t control and they need a little bit of assistance to do that. But I never approached them with the idea that this is a terminal issue. You don’t have to take this medicine for the rest of your life.

Mark: This isn’t chronic.

Bill: Yeah. And just because you need it now, it doesn’t mean you’ll always need it. It helps you to develop the skills so that you can manage your ability or disability or however you look at it and manage what’s going on with you so that you can back away from it and control it without medication. I don’t believe medication’s ever the cure. I know the FDA likes to teach everybody the medicine, the surgery, the cure to everything. You don’t have ADD because you lack Atherol. Because you lack Methaphine…

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Controlling Adhd

Mark: Because you lack Ritalin of course!

Bill: Of course. There’s something else there and it may simply be you lack the ability to control this. Learn to control it, use whatever means you need, and then go back to normal functioning with that.

Miah: And may I add, as well, and this is true to life in general, and you know what? If there’s something's that because of ADHD that you just can’t do or control, so what? Get over your bad self…

Mark: Guess what, I can’t do everything either… What? Woah, I thought you guys have all the answers?

Bill: Oh that’s one thing I tell all my patients, that it’s ADD, diet, fatigue, thyroid problems, never trust everything your doctor tells you. Always, always research for yourself.

Mark: You know, the doctors that are willing to say that, are always the best ones. Because they, themselves are continually searching for the greater knowledge as opposed to – what’s the best way to say this without really upsetting a lot of doctors?

Any Fool Can Find Disease


God complex

Bill: God complex?

Mark: Yeah, buying in to a god complex. I mean we talk about the rules…

Miah: Not to insult the Lord.

Mark: We talk about the rules at the start of the show, we reserve the right to be wrong, we reserve the right to change our mind, because we want to be open, tongue and cheek but it’s true. It’s legitimate. And it’s the only way we can hope to actually learn and grow at all.

Bill: I mean it’s understandable why a lot of physicians develop that god complex. Because when both people are on their wits-end, they come to us for answers. And a lot of the time we do have answers but we’re not a hundred percent. That’s why it’s a practice of medicine.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Good Moment

Mark: Oh, I like that too. Where did this guy come from? He’s good.

Miah: We just found him in a restaurant and said, hey wanna come and join us.

Mark: I know. I thought it was awkward how you’re gonna sit down with us and start eating off his plate that so quickly. He was choking my head while I was doing it.

Miah: and then you took the soup and then we all enjoyed it together.

Mark: that was a good moment. It’s okay to pause. So I wanna come back to the executive function, and ADHD and medication and kind of put it all together. One, the medication, you say it’s not permanent if you need to use it at all, Miah and I did a podcast just a few episodes ago with a study that only 11 percent of kids who are diagnosed ADHD actually could benefit at all from medication on even a temporary or long-term basis. And all the rest of them don’t even need it. 84% are prescribed that medication… And to me that’s frightening because ADHD medication is basically what?

Any Fool Can Find Disease


The Benefits Bill: Speed.

Mark: Speed. And when you get on it, I would bet that everyone’s gonna feel what?

Bill: Relieved?

Mark: Really?

Bill: Relieved, energetic, they can get things done…

Mark: They’re high. For the ones who know they actually need it.

Miah: We call that cocaine in the 90’s.

Bill: The ones who would theorically benefit from it and that 10 percent benefit, well I have been told, is that it takes their brain and speeds it up to the point where they’re no longer seeing every piece of paper along the highways they’re driving, they’re going instead of 10 miles an hour they’re going 80 miles an hour. Any Fool Can Find Disease


Adhd medication

Bill: they can just see one thing at a time. It helps them to focus.

Mark: Yeah and when my son was on his ADHD medication, he tried that for a little while he describes the result of the medication exactly how you described it now. He didn’t understand that it’s over speeding his brain or over clocking it to force it to not see anything but the one thing. What he described was, that he couldn’t, uhm, he didn’t like who he was becoming. He didn’t like that his mind couldn’t work on more than one thing at a time. He actually, even at a young age was talking about well, I like that when I’m working on a project, I’m working with my hands, my mind is thinking about the next 5 steps down the road and how I am doing now by impact on step 11 and 12. And he’s that inventive type, Miah you know this kid, he tears everything apart and it’s the most amazing creative things and when he was on the medication, that was gone. And yes, he was focusing on one thing in front of him but he was consciously aware that the 10 steps down the road that he was used to – I call it hyperfocus – when you’re hyperfocused and your mind goes beyond one thing, but it goes all the way down the road with everything connected to it and then cease how they relate and how they impact to each other. And that is one of those ADHD gifts and if you’re on the medication, and it’s purpose is to get you to see only one thing, it’s a give and take. You get to see the one thing, what an awesome medication. But you only get to see the one thing, what a horrible outcome. So the medication itself is a gift and curse in ADHD. It’s just swapping them.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Using medication

Bill: If used as a tool, it’s beneficial, if you use that tpo train a child and say I got this, okay this is how I develop my linear thinking out of my scattered plot and now I learn this line, so I can back of on it and I can see my scatter-plot, in linear manner so I can control that.

Mark: See, and I have to do that backwards. You know I’m not used to medication. When my mind triggers and that’s what I call it, and it’s – I’ve said it before the show – I hate the joke squirrel, I’m so tired of it because one time it says, oh you’re ADHD? Squirrel! And it’s like, yeah, okay, I get it. It was funny on a cartoon. It was funny for a year after.

Miah: One time I just stare at them and blink three or four times,

Mark: Someone says that it’s a way of saying you’re broken! Your brain doesn’t work.

Miah: You’re a joke.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Legitimate challenges

Miah: It’s like they’re dancing. Mark: Kinda dancing like. Then you go to the bathroom then do their homework, an d the teacher says sit down, the kid says why? And it’s not because of being a smart addict but it’s because ADD brain has to make the connections between the seemingly unrelated. What does sitting down have to do with homework? And that comes with time. And so to that mother that came up to me last night at the high school ADHD event, the executive function, it does come, there is hope and I know you ask, is there hope for this? Absolutely, there’s hope but it comes over time. So going back all the way to the start of the show, I brought her up specifically. The word about this executive function is that, is it always gonna be there or is it gonna get better? And I said, it’s both. And it really depends on whether the child believes several things, does the child believe that they’re not broken? does the child believe they can actually learn to train that brain? And as a parent, are you allowing the child the opportunity to be distracted to chase trigger. Right? And see where that creative leap plant, and try to back track to the initial triggering event and make that connection. And the more you practice that, I would argue that the more you practice distraction, so you can understand why it happened, the more you will be able to not only control and find that executive function, but you will magnify the gift that is ADHD.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Comparing brain to computer

Bill: That’s actually what computers do. Think about it, it’s a principle in psychology called top-down and bottom-up process, that’s what you’re doing. You top down from main end point and you got to work back, whereas bottom up, it starts with the building blocks and it builds up. So you’re doing what? Linguistic psych and learning psychology and having on working for years and what they use to try and develop advance computing technology, it’s taking that bottom up and developing it to a top-down-bottom-up simultaneously.

Mark: And what is a brain if it’s not a type of computer? I mean, in literally, it functions very much that way. Miah, do you have other questions on that sheet or did we cover up?

Miah: Is that because this whole time you’ve been talking and been reading those questions and I’ve totally lost track of where you were and time…

Mark: I lost track of time to… now we’re sitting here for 32 minutes. You are so tough when you’;ve got a great guest like Bill is that we couldn’t have enough time in one episode. I mean literally, Bill we have to bring you back because it’s awesome to have your clinical perspective.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Responding to questions

Miah: And it’s also great because you know you’ve said a handful of things and were just like bulb moments for us.

Mark: We need validation for other things we talked about.

Miah: Yeah you have validated me and I feel complete.

Mark: Is he stroking your hair again like that.

Miah: Coz I’m lapping up his soup at the restaurant and pouring.

Mark: I never knew you were a cat man. So Bill, we’re gonna have you back but we want you to stay with us as we go on to our next segment. Miah, did you want to go over those questions?

Miah: We probably shouldn’t. I wanna give people some of their questions and I wanna respond to them so that they feel.. Any Fool Can Find Disease


Math Problems

Miah: the only one I here was working with math problems. And the only reason why I want to grab that one is because I’m thinking, I don’t know if that really matters, I mean math matters right? And I can hear that a lot from people with ADHD is oh I’m really bad at math. But Jonah, that’s his number one topic.

Mark: But here’s the problem, when I was in math, I couldn’t do it the way the teacher did. A lot of times I have to do it my head. I had to out my mind on the problem, and then I would let it just walk around the numbers and think about it, and eventually work through all the steps in my mind and I’d write down the answer and then the teacher would come down and say, who did you copy that of? I mean who did copy that off of? Well, where’s your work? You have to show your work, you have to show the steps, and I can’t show my steps. Well, show me right now. Well I can’t because I didn’t do it the way he taught me to do it. My mind did it a different way. It didn’t follow the same steps and it made sense to me and it wasn’t until I had to do this every time I got a new math teacher. Because they all wanna see my work and I cant. They say let’s do another problem and I just sit there and stare and say come on you gotta work it out. I am. Just shut up for a second because I’m four levels deep in my mind and you’re pulling me back out. And I did great at math.Any Fool Can Find Disease


Kid with Adhd

Miah: They don’t like it when you tell them to shut up Mark. Every time you’ve told them to shut up they don’t.

Mark: No, in my mind I told that. I neve had that guts. And not everybody with ADHD is the same. not every kid with ADHD is gonna be great at math. But I could tell you that every kid with ADHD that could’ve been great at math and isn’t, one of the probable causes could be that because they were forced to do it one particular way. And there’s not one way to do math. And it’s most of the brilliant math people watch late night tv and they’re just totally different.

Bill: Math is what Einstein failed.

Mark: Is it, really? Mine was spelling.

Miah: So for the person who submitted working on math problems, that’s what they said about Einstein.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Hard times

Mark: There you go. And the door opens and the routine is on so come on in brother. You’re one of us. It’s in the leak club. Okay so there was question on studying and it was relation to…we talked about ADD,ADHD brain has a hard time doing one thing at once and so someone asked about hwat’s another tip that you could do for studying and… we’ve given some before but I thought of I didn’t think of a long time until this one’s were talking before the show, my mom would help me with my spelling. And it was so difficult to me even when you’re dyslexic, and you don’t even know what that is you don’t understand why you’re so bad at it and you take a loader. Someone said the word dyslexic, you know, what is that? Is that the stuff you take eye drops for? Yup it takes care of that rash. Oh the rash. Okay, so my mom would sit and study spelling with me coz that was my hardest subject and I couldn’t do it until I engage my body to it somehow and Bill I’d love to hear your input on this so you have a theory as to why this is so effective for I believe so many with ADHD. But I couldn’t do just the one thing and sit and focus like a good boy on my spelling. But If I have a little tennis ball, and I would bounce it off the table and let it hit the wall and bounce back to the table, and I’d catch it and I’d just sit and do that motion, and play catch with that ball, she read the words to me and had me spell them back, I would ace those spelling test, now I know how to spell those words today, but in 6th grade I did, and that’s what it took for me if I just put my head down, I could do it at all.Any Fool Can Find Disease


Kinetic Memory

Bill: Activating the kinetic part of your memory – there’s kinetic memory, everybody knows that. That’s what they teach athletes to go visualize how you start, how you’re gonna run, how you’re gonna jump off the hurdle, how you’re gonna jump over the bar, how you’re gonna throw the football. If you visualize at the same time, and then you get a kinetic involvement with that stace, you can do that with just about anything. It’s just another aspect of learning. It’s almost like meditation.

Mark: You know the other one I learned, I can’t do it anymore, I can try… I’d flip my pen and I could sit and flip my pen around my finger and I rolled a quarters, I needed some sort of movement and I think the kinetic has got to be part of it, and I think the other part is that ADHD brain almost unable to do just the one thing at a time.

Miah: I would start with fire things on my ice.

Mark: Something you didn’t know about Miah,

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Something about your hosts

Miah: Oh I totally forgot that! We’ve gotta… We’ve gotta wrap it up but we’re gonna do something you didn’t know about your host…so, we’re gonna end this last segment of whatever that last segment was we’re gonna wrap it up with our two closing segments…

Mark: Okay something you don’t know about your host, coz you said about starting things on fire, I’m starting to think you worship satan. Specially when you hear this, something you didn’t know about Jeremiah. He would go out and shoot herds with his bb gun. Not so uncommon right, usual when you grow up you know, but then you would take the birds and set them up on top of the ant hill so you could watch over the next few days the bird totally get torn apart by the ants and disappeared on into the top hill.

Miah: Except for the bones.

Mark: Except the bones which you then…

Miah: Would make necklaces out of them…

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Distracted Behaviours

Mark: And add to that only… add to that fire. \

Miah: One thing you didn’t know about your host Mark Patey is as a child, now we’re going over distracted behaviors, when Mark was bored he used to call the cops up…

Mark: I never got bored!

Miah: No. Mark would sit quietly on the couch and twiddle his thumbs.

Mark: Boredom for me only lasted 30 seconds. And I was creative enough to come up with a way to fix it.

Miah: So at second 31, Mark would call the cops on himself and then go about side of the neighborhood, on top of the dike and watch the cops coming to the neighborhood and then you would sling shot MADs, light MADs and sling shot them at the cops.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Kinetic Memory

Bill: Activating the kinetic part of your memory – there’s kinetic memory, everybody knows that. That’s what they teach athletes to go visualize how you start, how you’re gonna run, how you’re gonna jump off the hurdle, how you’re gonna jump over the bar, how you’re gonna throw the football. If you visualize at the same time, and then you get a kinetic involvement with that stace, you can do that with just about anything. It’s just another aspect of learning. It’s almost like meditation.

Mark: You know the other one I learned, I can’t do it anymore, I can try… I’d flip my pen and I could sit and flip my pen around my finger and I rolled a quarters, I needed some sort of movement and I think the kinetic has got to be part of it, and I think the other part is that ADHD brain almost unable to do just the one thing at a time.

Miah: I would start with fire things on my ice.

Mark: Something you didn’t know about Miah,

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Mouse Games

Mark: We were faster than the cops. We knew where all the holes in the fences were. We knew what trees we could climb, what bushes we could hide underneath, and we really thought that somehow, those cops actually enjoyed it. Some of the slow nights, they would get a call and we always do it from someone else’s phone in the neighborhood, we would go down to the payphone… it’s not like today where they just trace and know exactly who you are. So we call the cops on ourselves for mild entertainment and there was one time where we really thought for sure we’re busted coz a whole bunch of cops came all at the same time, and we made one phone call and like they were all already there and they were like we’re gonna wait for the phone call that this neighborhood has somebody who’s gone mischief and somebody doorbelled. We’re gonna call the cops and and say somebody’s doorbell ditching, someone’s sneaking around our neighborhood, someone’s doing something suspicious. And we’d do it in our manliest adult sounding voices and we get older coz of the neighborhood. Anyway one time we thought for sure we’re caught and to this day, I’m convinced that cop let me slip by. Coz I don’t think he wanted to catch us. I think it was their cat and mouse games.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Uneducated segment

Miah: What’s his name? Officer Mahony by any chance? And a high tower officer was next to him and Officer Jones was making sound effects the whole time.

Mark: It was. It was the 80’s. It was infact the 80’s. Okay, this is gonna be a long episode but I think we have to do the unedcutaed segment. Because we’ve been all talked or told our whole lives to keep it in. and when you say it, I mean noises. And burps.

Miah: Gas…

Mark: What did you say?

Bill: Air rocketation.

Mark: Which is? What is the lay term for that?

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Taught and Told

Mark: Okay, so we are taught and told to keep it in. I tell my kids all the time to keep it in and doctor why should I not tell my kids to hold it in?

Bill: Well, like any inflatable balloon or tube, whatever. When you hold it in, the gas builds up and bulges out. Causes diverticulitis. It’s a very common condition…

Miah: It’s a dish in a Chinese restaurant.

Bill: You can have that. You’re welcome to that. Anyhow, it causes bulging out of the colon, causes diverticuli, and they frequently get inflamed and cause diverticulitis, that’s a very uncomfortable, unpleasant disorder.

Miah: so we should just let it go?

Mark: Let It go because it’s not safe to keep your farts and burps in.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Great show

Mark: Yeah, just own it! What is it about other countries, so you go to other countries, and they will just let it go. I mean, not all of them.

Bill: certainly not all of them, I know India from what I understand it’s normal. We know also Bulgaria, it’s a compliment, if you didn’t bulge it out, you didn’t like the meal.

Mark: that you might be having gas growing in your intestine, and blowing it up like a balloon, and you’ll get diverticulitis.

Miah: It bulges in your butt too.

Mark: All right, what a great show. So we were taught to keep it in and we’re here to uneducate you and tell you it’s okay to let it go. And it’s safer. It’s safer to let it go. Unless you’re around somebody much bigger and much taller than you, it might not be…and, on that note, thanks for joining…

Miah: That was a really good note too. Any Fool Can Find Disease


Video recommendations

Mark: In fact right now, you could look up on youtube video of people that are not afraid to let it out, they can make their own notes. I bet there’s some talent out there.

Miah: I’ll have recommended videos on YouTube out there that are not…yeah… Goodnight everbody!

Mark: Okay, so that’s the end of our show please call in your questions…

Miah: Please don’t hate us and stop listening to us….

Mark: But it’s clinically correct. We’re helping you.

Miah: Yeah we’re helping you.

Mark: We want you to be healthy. Fart, burp and use ADHD medications sparingly and temporarily. That’s our takeaways for today.

Any Fool Can Find Disease


Adhd gift or Curse

Mark: Okay 8-55-ADDGIFT. If you wanna call in, leave a message to the distracted program and we’ll consider, you know, it’s not totally boring. Or follow us on facebook. You’re wonderful, Please share us with your friends.

Miah: Thanks everyone.

Mark: Babye! Hey Bill, thanks you’re awesome.

Miah: Dr. Pao.

Mark: Dr. Pao, yeah Bill sorry for that. You spent so much money getting that doctor…at least let us call you Dr. Bill. Last question Dr. Pao, ADHD, Gift or Curse?

Bill: It all depends on what you make it.

Mark: I love it. Difference is not a disorder.

Any Fool Can Find Disease