
LOOKING AT 21 ALBUM BY ADELE Looking at 21 album by Adele

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Post on 25-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Adele


Looking at 21 album by Adele

Page 2: Adele

Main Image:Close up of Adele, fills most of the album. Eyes shut, mouth shut. Still uses the male gaze as she is pretty. Her hand is also in the image.

Colour Scheme: The colours mostly in black and white. There is a tiny hint of green on the album name ’21’ which I think works really well as it makes you focus on that. I found this out the colour scheme by going onto Photoshop and clicking the different colours to see there exact colour.

Font: The font of the image is in square writing which I think works well. I really like how it is very simple. It has the name of the artist in white and the name of the album in green which I think works well because you can tell the difference between them. I also like how it is in capitals as it stands out. I like the simplicity of it.

Improvements:I really like the colour scheme but I think that the picture needs improving, I also think that the green should be changed to a different colour which stands out more and you can hardly see the green.

Strengths: I really like the use of black and white imagery on the cover as I think it works well and it makes the green stand out. I also like how its so simple because it makes it really effective. I also really like the font that is used and it is simple.

Weaknesses: I don’t really like the fact that you can see the hand in the image as it makes it look a little weird. I also don’t really like how you can’t see much of the artist because you can’t focus on her


Page 3: Adele

Colour Scheme: The colours used are the same colours as what were used on the cover which means that they both link well together. It helps with the mise en scene as it means it is the same. Again there is only a hint of green on it which works really well.

Track list: The font of the Track list is the same as the album font which makes all the font link together which I think works really well and keeps the idea very simple. The track list consists of the names of the songs and the number in which they come up on the CD.

Barcode: The barcode is at the back of the album, this is put at the back because it isn’t aesthetically pleasing therefore it is hidden at the back rather than at the front. It is in the corner which means that it’s out of the way from the writing and the image.

Image: There is another image of Adele and it is in the same style as it was on the front which works well. Instead her eyes are open which works well as it feels like you are involved in it rather than shut out with her eyes closed.

Strengths: I really like how this image is in the same style as the front cover, instead her eyes are open which I think works well as it feels like you are being let into the album which works well. I think that having the same colours works really well too.


Improvements:I think that this could be improved by using more of the green on the writing as I think that this would work really well. I also think that the image needs to be improved.

Spine: The spine consists of the name of the album and artist because then it is easier to see when purchased and put on a shelf.

Details:The Website is shown under the tracklist so fans can find out more about the artist.

Page 4: Adele

Lyrics:A special edition of the album is out which means people want to buy it to see the special features. It works well with the marketing. Male Gaze:

This is used in most of her images.

Poster: This helps with the marketing of the album and is in the same style as the album with the same colour scheme.

CD: Her other CD’s are in the same style as 21.