addressing performance and security in a screen reading web

Addressing Performance and Security in a Screen Reading Web Application that Enables Accessibility Anywhere Jeffrey P. Bigham Craig M. Prince Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington Seattle, WA, 98195 USA {jbigham, cmprince, ladner} Richard E. Ladner Abstract The web provides nearly ubiquitous access to informa- tion, but access for blind web users requires the use of ex- pensive, specialized software programs called screen read- ers unlikely to be installed on most computers. WebAny- where is a self-voicing, web-browsing web application that makes the web accessible for blind web users from most de- vices with web access. WebAnywhere requires no special permissions or additional software to be installed on the host machine, enabling it provide a self-voicing interface on almost any web-enabled device. WebAnywhere’s interface is written in Javascript, speech is retrieved from a remote server, and sounds are played using either Flash or exist- ing embedded sound players. This paper describes the per- formance and security implications of the system’s unique design and how it has been engineered to provide usable access anywhere. Specifically, we present prefetching and caching strategies developed to make the system responsive even on low-bandwidth connections and security consider- ations that replicate existing browser security policies. 1. Introduction Blind computer users rely on software programs called screen readers to convert visual interfaces and information to aural speech. In addition to voicing content, screen read- ers also provide shortcut keys that make using a computer non-visually and without a mouse both more efficient and possible. Worldwide there are more than 38 million blind individuals (more than 1 million in the United States) whose access to the web depends on using a screen reader [29]. Popular screen readers are expensive, costing nearly a thou- sand dollars for each installation because of their complex- ity, relatively small market and high support costs. Be- cause popular screen readers are expensive and because most users do not require them for access, screen readers are not installed on most computers. Some free alternatives can be downloaded or carried on a USB drive, but involve running new software on the host computer (often not al- lowed on public terminals). This leaves blind users on-the- go unable to access the web from computer they happen to have access to and many blind users unable to afford a pricey screen reader unable to access the web at all. WebAnywhere [7] is a self-voicing, web-browsing web application that can be used by blind individuals to access the web from almost any computer that has both an Inter- net connection and audio output. User studies with blind participants indicated that they (i) saw a need for such a system, (ii) were able to complete web-based tasks, such as checking a web-based email account or looking up a phone number, and (iii) wanted to use WebAnywhere in the future. When users open WebAnywhere’s homepage it speaks the contents of the page that is currently loaded (initially a welcome page). WebAnywhere voices both its interface and the content of the current web page. Users can navigate from this starting page to any other web page and the Web- Anywhere interface will speak those pages to the user as well. No separate software needs to be downloaded or run by the user; the system runs entirely as a web application with minimal permissions. WebAnywhere includes much of the functionality in- cluded in existing screen readers for enabling users to in- teract with web pages. The system traverses the DOM of each loaded web page using a pre-order Depth First Search (DFS), which is approximately top-to-bottom, left-to-right in the visual page. As the system’s cursor reaches each el- ement of the DOM, it speaks the element’s textual repre- sentation to the user (Figure 1). For instance, upon reach- ing a link containing the text “Google,” it will speak “Link Google.” Users can follow the link by pressing enter. They

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Page 1: Addressing Performance and Security in a Screen Reading Web

Addressing Performance and Securityin a Screen Reading Web Application that Enables Accessibility Anywhere

Jeffrey P. Bigham Craig M. Prince

Department of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of WashingtonSeattle, WA, 98195 USA

{jbigham, cmprince, ladner}

Richard E. Ladner


The web provides nearly ubiquitous access to informa-tion, but access for blind web users requires the use of ex-pensive, specialized software programs called screen read-ers unlikely to be installed on most computers. WebAny-where is a self-voicing, web-browsing web application thatmakes the web accessible for blind web users from most de-vices with web access. WebAnywhere requires no specialpermissions or additional software to be installed on thehost machine, enabling it provide a self-voicing interface onalmost any web-enabled device. WebAnywhere’s interfaceis written in Javascript, speech is retrieved from a remoteserver, and sounds are played using either Flash or exist-ing embedded sound players. This paper describes the per-formance and security implications of the system’s uniquedesign and how it has been engineered to provide usableaccess anywhere. Specifically, we present prefetching andcaching strategies developed to make the system responsiveeven on low-bandwidth connections and security consider-ations that replicate existing browser security policies.

1. Introduction

Blind computer users rely on software programs calledscreen readers to convert visual interfaces and informationto aural speech. In addition to voicing content, screen read-ers also provide shortcut keys that make using a computernon-visually and without a mouse both more efficient andpossible. Worldwide there are more than 38 million blindindividuals (more than 1 million in the United States) whoseaccess to the web depends on using a screen reader [29].Popular screen readers are expensive, costing nearly a thou-sand dollars for each installation because of their complex-ity, relatively small market and high support costs. Be-

cause popular screen readers are expensive and becausemost users do not require them for access, screen readersare not installed on most computers. Some free alternativescan be downloaded or carried on a USB drive, but involverunning new software on the host computer (often not al-lowed on public terminals). This leaves blind users on-the-go unable to access the web from computer they happento have access to and many blind users unable to afford apricey screen reader unable to access the web at all.

WebAnywhere [7] is a self-voicing, web-browsing webapplication that can be used by blind individuals to accessthe web from almost any computer that has both an Inter-net connection and audio output. User studies with blindparticipants indicated that they (i) saw a need for such asystem, (ii) were able to complete web-based tasks, such aschecking a web-based email account or looking up a phonenumber, and (iii) wanted to use WebAnywhere in the future.

When users open WebAnywhere’s homepage it speaksthe contents of the page that is currently loaded (initiallya welcome page). WebAnywhere voices both its interfaceand the content of the current web page. Users can navigatefrom this starting page to any other web page and the Web-Anywhere interface will speak those pages to the user aswell. No separate software needs to be downloaded or runby the user; the system runs entirely as a web applicationwith minimal permissions.

WebAnywhere includes much of the functionality in-cluded in existing screen readers for enabling users to in-teract with web pages. The system traverses the DOM ofeach loaded web page using a pre-order Depth First Search(DFS), which is approximately top-to-bottom, left-to-rightin the visual page. As the system’s cursor reaches each el-ement of the DOM, it speaks the element’s textual repre-sentation to the user (Figure 1). For instance, upon reach-ing a link containing the text “Google,” it will speak “LinkGoogle.” Users can follow the link by pressing enter. They

Page 2: Addressing Performance and Security in a Screen Reading Web

can also skip forward or backward in this content by sen-tence, word or character. Users can also skip through pagecontent by headings, input elements, links, paragraphs andtables. In input fields, the system speaks the characterstyped by the user and allows them to review what they havetyped.

We used the following design goals while developingWebAnywhere in order to ensure that it would be accessibleand usable on most computers:

1. WebAnywhere should replicate the functionality andsecurity provided by traditional screen readers whenused to browse the web.

2. In order to work on as many web-enabled devices andpublic computer terminals as possible, WebAnywhereshould not require special software or permissions onthe host machine in order to run.

3. WebAnywhere should be usable: users should not besubstantially affected or aware of the engineering de-cisions made in order to satisfy the first two goals.

This paper overviews the decisions that we made in or-der to create a usable system that satisfies these goals. Wewill first discuss the design of WebAnywhere and how itis able to provide a self-voicing interface to the web with-out requiring software to be installed or special permissionon the host machine. The two key features of this are that(i) speech sounds are generated remotely and then playedusing generic audio players on from the browser, and (ii)the WebAnywhere interface is written entirely in client-side Javascript. We will then discuss the prefetching andcaching strategies we have developed in order to reduce la-tency while retrieving speech remotely and next evaluatethose strategies in realistic settings. Finally, we will dis-cuss how we have addressed security concerns raised by theunique design of WebAnywhere.

2. The WebAnywhere System

WebAnywhere is designed to function on most comput-ers that have Internet access and that can play sound. Tothis end, its design has carefully considered independencefrom a particular web browser or plugin. To facilitate its useon public systems with varying capabilities and on whichusers may not have permission to install new software, func-tionality that would require this has been moved to a re-mote server. The web application can play sound usingseveral different sound players commonly available on webbrowsers.

The system consists of the following three components(Figure 2): (i) client-side Javascript, which supports user in-teraction, decides which sounds to play and interfaces with

Play Time (seconds)

WebAnywhere Browser Frame

Replicates browser functionality

and provides a screen reading

interface to both web content

and browser functions.

WebAnywhere Content Frame

Loads web content via a web

proxy server. Browser frame

voices the web content loaded


Action Speech Sound




Page has loaded.

ICWE 2008


Image ICWE 2008

TAB Link: Home.

Link: Open Calls.

Heading 1


Heading 2

Important Deadline Ahead

0.0 1.0 2.0

7.9 kB

12.1 kB

4.4 kB

4.4 kB

4.4 kB

5.7 kB

9.2 kB

5.6 kB

5.6 kB

10.7 kB

Figure 1. Browsing the ICWE 2008 homepagewith the WebAnywhere self-voicing, web-browsing web application. Users use the key-board to interact with WebAnywhere like theywould with their own screen readers. Here,the user has pressed the TAB key to skip tothe next focusable element, and CTRL+h toskip to the next heading element. Both webcontent and interfaces are voiced to enableblind web users access.

sound players to play them, (ii) server-side text-to-speechgeneration and caching, and (iii) a server-side transforma-tion proxy that makes web pages appear to come from alocal server to overcome violations of the same-origin secu-rity policy enforced by most web browsers. WebAnywhereconsists of less than 100 KB of data in four files, and that isall a user needs to download to begin using the system.

2.1. WebAnywhere Script

The client-side portion of WebAnywhere forms a self-voicing web browser that can be run inside an existing web


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Personal Settings





Sound Players

Flash Player


Web Page


Text to


Speech Cache



Server Web Client Browser





Figure 2. The WebAnywhere system consists of server-side components that convert text to speechand proxy web content; and client-side components that provide the user interface and coordinatewhat speech will be played and play the speech. Users interact with the system using the keyboard.

browser (Figure 1). The system is written in cross-browserJavascript that is downloaded from the server, allowing itto be run in most modern web browsers, including Fire-fox, Internet Explorer and Safari. The system captures allkey events, allowing it to both provide a rich set of key-board commands like what users are accustomed to in theirusual screen readers and to maintain control of the brow-ser window. WebAnywhere’s use of Javascript to capture arich set of user interaction is similar to that of UsaProxy [4]and Google Analytics1, which are used to gather web usagestatistics.

Web pages viewed in the system are loaded through amodified version of the web-based proxy PHProxy [3]. Thisenables the system to bypass the same-origin policy thatprevents scripts from accessing content loaded from otherdomains. Without this step, the scripts retrieved from Web-Anywhere’s domain would not be able to traverse the Doc-ument Object Model (DOM) of pages that are retrieved,for instance, from Deliberately bypassing thesame-origin policy can introduce security concerns, whichwe address in Section 6.

2.2. Producing and Playing Speech

Speech is produced on separate speech servers. Our cur-rent system uses the free Festival Text-to-Speech System


[28] because it is distributed along with the Fedora Linuxdistribution on which the rest of the system runs. Thesounds produced by the Festival Text to Speech (TTS) sys-tem are converted server-side to the MP3 format becausethis format can be played by most sound players alreadyavailable in browsers and because it creates small files nec-essary for achieving our goal of low latency. For example,the sound “Welcome to WebAnywhere,” played when thesystem loads, is approximately 10k, while the single letter“t”, played when users type the letter, is 3k. See Figure 1 formore examples of how the speech sounds in WebAnywhereare generated and used.

Sounds are cached on the server so they don’t need to begenerated again by the TTS service and on the client as partof the existing browser cache. For most efficient caching,WebAnywhere would generate a separate sound for eachword, but this results in choppy-sounding speech. Anotheroption would be to generate a single speech sound for anentire web page, but this would prevent the system fromproviding its rich interface. Sound players already installedin the browser do not support jumping to arbitrary placesin a sound file as would be required when a user decidesthat they want to skip to the middle of the page. Instead,the system generates a separate sound for each phrase andthe WebAnywhere script coordinates which sound to playbased on user input.

The system primarily uses the SoundManager 2 FlashObject [26] for playing sound. This Flash object provides


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a Javascript bridge between the WebAnywhere Javascriptcode and the Flash sound player. It provides an event-based API for sound playback that includes an onfinishevent that signals when a sound has finished playing. It isalso able to begin playing sounds before they have finisheddownloading using streaming, which results in lower per-ceived latency. Adobe reports that version 8 or later of theFlash player, required for Sound Manager 2, is installed on98.5% of computers [1].

To enable the system to operate on more systems, wehave also developed our own Javascript API for playingspeech using embedded players, such as Quicktime or theWindows Media Player. The existing API for controllingembedded players is limited and makes precise reaction tosounds that are being played difficult. While programmaticmethods exist for playing and stopping audio files, they donot implement an onfinish event that would provide aprogrammatic method for determining when a sound hasfinished playing. WebAnywhere relies on this informationto tell it when it should start playing the next sound in thepage when a user is reading through a page. We initiallyrequired users to manually advance sounds, but this provedcumbersome and caused the system to act differently basedon which sound player was being used. It was also frus-trating for users to read a large section of a page as theyhave become accustomed to doing using their usual screenreaders.

To enable WebAnywhere to simulate an onfinishevent for embedded sound players, the TTS service includesa header in its HTTP responses that specifies the length ofeach speech sound. Before programmatically embeddingeach sound file into the page, WebAnywhere first issues anxmlHttpRequest for the file and records the length of thereturned sound. The mechanism used to retrieve soundsprogrammatically is the same as will be used for prefetch-ing sounds, which be discussed later. WebAnywhere thensets a timer for slightly longer than the length of the soundand finally inserts an embedded player for the sound intothe navigation frame. Because the sound has already beenretrieved via the programmatic request, it is located in thecache and the embedded player can start playing it almostimmediately - there is a small delay for the embedded playerto load and begin playing the sound. The timer is used asan onfinish event signaling that the sound has stoppedplaying and the next sound in the queue of sounds to playshould be played.

3. Related Work

Prior work has used transcoding proxy servers to mod-ify web content in order to produce content that is moreeasily viewed by users in specific groups, such as blindweb users using screen readers [15, 14] or mobile phone

users viewing content on small screens [2, 8]. The AxsJAXproject [12] enables ordinary web pages and web applica-tions to behave more like self-voicing applications by pro-viding additional markup and shortcut keys through injectedJavascript scripts. These systems all work with and requirea screen reader to be installed, while, in contrast, WebAny-where modifies content in order to provide a self-voicinginterface to the web directly from a web page.

Many existing products provide a screen-reading inter-face to web content (for a comprehensive survey, see [7]).Most require users to either carry expensive mobile deviceswith them or to download and install software on machinesthat they visit. These mobile devices cost more than $1,000US when the cost for both the mobile device and the screenreader is combined, which many potential users cannot af-ford. Others may not want to be required to carry such ex-pensive devices. Importantly, many public terminals do notallow users to install new software and many existing screenreaders will not run on the diversity of platforms poweringweb-enabled devices.

The remainder of this section first overviews availablescreen readers that run as processes on the client machineand then surveys self-voicing web pages that provide aspeech-enabled interface to a limited portion of web con-tent.

3.1. Client Screen Readers

Traditional screen readers, such as JAWS [16] andWindow-Eyes [30], run as independent processes on theclient machine. These programs generate speech by query-ing separate processes on the machine responsible for TTSconversion. Because the TTS service is located on the samemachine as the user, the speech is usually sent directly tothe sound card of the client machine, meaning the screenreader does not need to be aware of the internals of the TTSservice. Because generating speech is fast enough whenonly one user is requesting the service, the speech soundsgenerated are not generally cached. The Firefox extensionFire Vox [10] turns the Firefox browser into a self-voicingbrowser. Like WebAnywhere, it is implemented primarilyin Javascript, but it also retrieves its speech from a localTTS server. Its Javascript operates in a privileged mode,and, therefore, can interact with the browser interface di-rectly.

The Serotek System Access Mobile (SAM) [27] readerdesigned is designed to run directly from a USB key onWindows computers without prior installation. It is avail-able for $500 US and still requires access to a USB port andpermission to run arbitrary executables. The Serotek Sys-tem Access to Go (SA-to-Go) screen reader can be down-loaded from the web via a speech-enabled web page, butthe program requires Windows, Internet Explorer, and per-


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mission to run executables on the computer. This prod-uct has recently been made freely available by the AIRFoundation2, who also provide a self-voicing Flash inter-face for downloading and running the screen reader. Start-ing this system requires downloading more than 10 MB ofdata, compared to WebAnywhere’s 100 kB. WebAnywhere,therefore, may be more appropriate for quickly checkingemail or looking up information, even on systems whereSA-to-Go is able to run.

All of these existing screen readers are restricted inwhere they can be installed both because they require theuser to have permission to install them and because eachwill only run on a specific platform - JAWS, Window-Eyes,and the Serotek tools require the Windows operating sys-tem and Firefox Vox requires the Firefox web browser tobe installed. As a web application, WebAnywhere can runon most web-enabled devices, and remains agnostic to thespecific operating system and browser that is used.

A small number of web pages voice their own content,but most have limited use as an accessible interface forscreen reader users either because the scope of informationthat is provided is limited or because they lack an accessi-ble interface for navigation. Talklets enable web developersto provide a spoken version of their web pages as a singlefile that users cannot control3. provides a un-voiced interface for converting documents to speech4, butthe speech is available only as a single MP3 file that doesnot support interactive navigation. The National Associa-tion for the Blind, India, provides access to a portion oftheir web content via a self-voicing Flash Movie that pro-vides keyboard commands for navigation5, but the infor-mation contained in the separate Flash movie is not com-prehensive of the entire web site, which could be read byWebAnywhere. None of these techniques use caching orprefetching to improve the latency of sound retrieval. Formost sounds, users must simply accept any latency, whilea limited number of sounds are embedded into the Flashmovie itself, making interaction fast once the movie hasdownloaded.

4. Reducing Latency

WebAnywhere uses remote text-to-speech conversion,and the latency of requesting, generating and retrievingspeech could potentially disrupt the user experience. Be-cause the sound players used in WebAnywhere are able toplay sounds soon after they begin downloading, latency islow on high-speed connections but can be noticeable onslower connections. Latency of retrieving speech is an im-


Browser Cache (MB)

Server Cache (GB)

Text-to-Speech Server




Figure 3. Retrieving sounds involves cachingand prefetching on both the server and client.

portant factor in the system because it directly determinesthe user-perceived latency of the system. When a user hitsa key, they know that the system has responded only whenthe sound that should be played in response to that key pressis played by the system.

To reduce the perceived latency of retrieving speech, thesystem aggressively caches the speech that is generated bythe TTS service on both the server and client. In order toincrease the likelihood that the speech a user wants to beplayed is in the cache when they want to play it, the systemcan use several different prefetching strategies designed toprime these caches. Prefetching has been explored beforeas a way to reduce web latency [21] and has been shown todramatically reduce the latency for general web browsing[18]. Traditional screen readers running as processes on theclient machine do not require prefetching because generat-ing and playing sound has low latency. Web applicationshave long used prefetching as a mechanism for reducingthe delay introduced by network latency. For instance, webapplications that use dynamic images use Javascript scriptsto preload images to make these changes appear more re-sponsive. The prefetching and caching strategies exploredin WebAnywhere may also be useful for visually rich webapplications.

4.1. Caching

The system uses caching on both the server and clientbrowser in order to reduce the perceived latency of re-trieving speech. TTS conversion is a relatively processor-intensive task. To reduce how often speech must be gen-erated from scratch, WebAnywhere stores the speech that


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is generated on a hard disk on the server. While hard diskseek times can be slow, their latency is low compared withthe cost of generating the speech again.

The speech that is retrieved from the client is cached onthe client machine by the browser. Most browsers maintaintheir own caches of files retrieved from the web, and anunprivileged web application such as WebAnywhere doesnot have permission to directly set either the the size of thecache or the cache replacement policy, and WebAnywheredoes not attempt to do so. Flash uses the regular browsercache. Both the Internet Explorer and Firefox disk cachesdefault to 50 Megabytes, which can hold a large number ofthe relatively small MP3 files used to represent speech.

The performance implications of these caching strategiesare explored in Section 5.1.

4.2. Prefetching Speech

The goal of prefetching in WebAnywhere is to determinewhat text the user is likely to want to play as speech in thefuture and increase the likelihood that the speech sounds re-quested are in the web browser’s cache by the time that theuser wants them to be played. The browser cache is storedin a combination of memory and hard disk, and retrievingsounds to play from it is a very low-latency operation rel-ative to retrieving sounds from the remote WebAnywhereserver. The distribution of requested speech sounds is ex-pected to be Zipf-like [9], resulting in most popular soundsalready likely to be in the cache, but a long tail of speechsounds that have not been generated before.

All prefetching strategies add strings to a priority queue,which a separate prefetching thread uses to prioritize whichstrings should be converted to speech. We explored sev-eral different strategies for deciding what strings should begiven highest prefetching priority by the system. The func-tion of each strategy is to determine the priority that shouldbe assigned to each string.

To prefetch speech sounds, the prefetching thread issuesan xmlHttpRequest request for the speech sound (MP3) rep-resenting each string from its queue. This populates thebrowser’s local cache, so that when the sound is requestedlater, it is retrieved quickly from the cache. We next presentseveral different prefetching strategies that we have imple-mented. Section 5.3 presents a comparison of these strate-gies.

4.2.1 DFS Prefetching

WebAnywhere and other screen readers traverse the DOMusing a pre-order Depth First Search (DFS). The basic pre-fetching mode of the WebAnywhere system performs a sep-arate DFS of the DOM that inserts the text that will be spo-ken for each node in the DOM into the priority queue with

a weight corresponding to its order in the DFS traversal ofthe DOM. This method retrieves speech sounds in the or-der in which users would reach them if they were to readthrough a page in the natural top-to-bottom, left-to-right or-der. If users either normally read in this order and if they donot read through the page more quickly than the prefetch-ing is able to be performed, then this strategy should workwell. However, blind web users are known for leveragingthe large number of shortcut keys made available by theirscreen readers to skip around in web content [11, 6], so itis worthwhile considering other strategies that may betteraddress this usage.

4.2.2 DFS Prefetching + Position Update

The system could better adapt if it updated the nodes to beprefetched based on the node currently being read. Thiscould prevent nodes that have already been skipped by theuser from being prefetched and taking bandwidth that couldotherwise be used to download sounds that are more likelyto be played. The DFS+Update prefetching algorithm in-cludes support for changing its position in prefetching. Forexample, if the prefetcher is working on content near the topof the page when a user skips to the middle of the page us-ing the the find functionality, the prefetcher will be able toupdate its current position and continue prefetching at thenew location. When the user skips ahead in the page, thepriority of elements in the queue are updated to reflect thenew position. These updates make prefetching more likelyto improve performance.

4.2.3 DFS Prefetching + Prediction

WebAnywhere also prefetches sounds based on a personal-ized, predictive model of user behavior. The shortcut keyssupported by the system are rich, but users frequently em-ploy only a few. Furthermore, users do not randomly skipthrough the page; meaning that, the likelihood that a userwill issue each keyboard shortcut can be inferred from suchfactors as the keys that they previously pressed and the nodethat is currently being read. For instance, a user who haspressed TAB to move from one link to the next is morelikely to press TAB again upon reaching another link than isa user who has been reading through the page sequentially.Similarly, some users may frequently skip forward by formelement, while others may rarely do so.

To use such behavior patterns to improve the efficacy ofprefetching, WebAnywhere records each user’s interactionswith the system and uses this empirical data to construct apredictive model. The model is used to predict which ac-tions the user is most likely to take at each point, helpingto direct the prefetcher to retrieve those sounds most likelyto be played. An action is defined as a shortcut key pressedby the user. WebAnywhere records the history of actions


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performed by the user and the history of the current nodetypes associated with each. The system distinguishes threetypes: link, input element, and other. These actions werechosen because they roughly align with the most popularactions currently implemented in the system and could beexpanded in the future.

The probability of the next action actioni being action xassuming that the next action depends only on prior obser-vations of actions and visited nodes is as follows:

P (actioni = x|node0, ..., nodei, action0, ..., actioni−1)

WebAnywhere uses the standard Markov assumption toestimate this probability by looking back only one time step[25]. Therefore, the probability that the user’s next action isx given the type of the current node and the user’s previousaction can be expressed as follows:

P (actioni = x|nodei, actioni−1)

All actions are initially assigned uniform probability.These probabilities are dynamically updated as the systemis used and sounds in the priority queue are weighted usingthem. To be specific, for each possible condition (combi-nation of previous action and type of the current node) w,a count cw(x) is maintained. The count for each possiblecondition is initially set to 1 and is incremented by 1 whenthe event x occurs in condition w. An event x is definedas the user taking a specified action while in a particularcondition. The probability of each new action can then becalculated as follows:

P (actioni = x|nodei, actioni−1 = w) =cw(x)/

∑y cw(y).

WebAnywhere reweights nodes in the priority queueused for prefetching according to these probabilities. Sec-tion 5.2 presents an evaluation of the accuracy of predictiveprefetching.

5. Evaluation

We evaluated the system along several dimensions, in-cluding both how caching improves the performance of thesystem and the load that it can withstand, and the accuracyand latency effects of the prefetch strategies discussed inSection 4.2.

5.1. Server Load

In order for us to release the system, we must be able tosupport a reasonable number of simultaneous users per ma-chine. In this section, we present our evaluation the perfor-mance of the WebAnywhere speech retrieval system under


No Cache Server Cache Server + Browser Cache

Number of Simultaneous Users














5 10 15 20



Figure 4. An evaluation of server load asthe number of simultaneous users is increased for 3 differentcaching combinations.

increasing load, while varying the caching and prefetchingstrategies used by the system.

We chose to evaluate the latency of sound retrieval be-cause it will contribute most to the perceived latency of thesystem. When users press a key, they expect the appropri-ate speech sound to be played immediately. The TTS sys-tem and cache were running on a single machine with a2.26 GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor and 1 GB of memory.To implement this evaluation, we first recorded the first 250requests that the system made for speech sounds when read-ing from top to bottom. This representeda total of 446 seconds of speech with an average file size of11.7 kB over the 250 retrieved files. A multi-threaded scriptwas used to replay those requests for any number of users.The script first retrieves a speech sound and then waits forthe length of the speech sound. It repeats this process untilall of the recorded sounds have completed, reproducing therequests that WebAnywhere would make when reading thepage. This script was run on a separate machine that issuedrequests over a high-speed connection to the WebAnywhereserver.

We tested the following three caching conditions: (i)both server and browser caching enabled, (ii) only servercaching enabled, and (iii) no caching enabled. Speechsounds were assumed to be in the server cache when itwas used. Speech sounds were added to the browser cacheas they were retrieved. Figure 4 presents the results ofour evaluation, which demonstrates that TTS production isthe major bottleneck in the system. Latency of retrievedspeech quickly increases as the system attempts to serve


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more than 10 users. With server-side caching, this is dra-matically improved. Client-side caching in the browser im-proves slightly more, although its effect is limited becausein this example because relatively few speech sounds arerepeated. Repeated sounds include “link,” which is said be-fore each link that is read, and “Associated Press,” whichappears frequently because this is a news site. As we movetoward releasing WebAnywhere to a larger audience, wewill continue to evaluate its performance under real-worldconditions.

A number of assumptions were made that may not be up-held in practice. For example, the system will not achievethe perfect server-side cache hit-rate assumed here, al-though both the server and browser caches will likely havehad more opportunity to be primed when users read throughmultiple pages. Most users also do not read pages straightthrough. As we have observed users using the system, wehave seen users most often skipping around through thepage, often returning to nodes that they had visited be-fore, causing speech already retrieved by the browser to beplayed again. In this initial system we have also not opti-mized the TTS generation or the cache routines themselvesbut could likely achieve better results by doing so. Finally,latency here was calculated as the delay between when aspeech sound was requested and when it was retrieved. Inpractice, the Flash sound player can stream sounds and be-gin playing them much earlier. Despite its limitations, thisevaluation generally illustrates the performance of the cur-rent system and future development should be targeted.

5.2. Prefetching Accuracy

This section presents an analysis of the predictive powerof the DFS+Prediction method described in Section 4.2.3.To conduct this study we collected traces of the interactionsof 3 users of WebAnywhere in a study that we previouslypresented [7]. In that study, users completed the followingfour tasks using WebAnywhere: checking their email, looking up the next arrival of a bus, finding thephone number of a restaurant using and com-pleting a web survey about WebAnywhere.

In total, we recorded 2632 individual key presses. 1110of these were not command key presses and resulted inthe name of a key being spoken, for instance “a” or “for-ward slash.” The system prefetches these keys automati-cally when it first loads. 1522 of these key presses werecommands that caused the screen reader to read a new ele-ment in the page. For instance, the TAB key which wouldcause WebAnywhere to advance its internal cursor to thenext focusable page element and read it to the user. Usingthis data, we computed the probability of each future actiongiven the current node and the user’s previous action as de-scribed earlier. Figure 5 shows the counts that we recorded.

next n



next in



prior i



next fo




prior f



prior n



prior h



next h









Node Prior Actionnext node

prior node

next focusable

prior focusable

next focusable

next node

prior node

next input

next node

next focusableprior node

next nodeprior node

next focusable

prior focusable

prior heading

prior input

next heading

next input

next heading

83 05 00 00 03 00 00 00

00 00 60 01 01 00 00 00

00 01 04 09 00 00 00 00

03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00

05 07 117 16 00 00 00 00

17 56 02 02 00 00 00 00

33 10 12 01 01 00 00 00

00 00 08 00 01 00 16 00

91 08 03 00 03 00 03 00

06 02 36 12 01 00 01 00

11 23 03 00 02 00 00 00

07 00 00 00 15 00 00 00

11 09 213 29 02 00 01 00

207 23 15 01 07 00 03 00

31 85 00 02 02 00 00 00

01 05 22 25 00 00 00 00

12 01 00 00 19 00 01 00

01 00 09 00 01 00 18 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Actions Observed

Figure 5. Counts of recorded actions alongwith the contexts in which they wererecorded (current node and prior action), or-dered by observed frequency.

From this data, it appears that users are more likely to is-sue a keyboard command again after issuing it once. Somecommands are also more likely given certain types of nodes,for instance users are more likely to request the next inputelement when the cursor is currently located on an input el-ement.

We replayed the traces in order to build the models thatwould have been created when a user browsed using Web-Anywhere in order to measure the system’s accuracy in pre-dicting the user’s next action. Using the Markov model topredict the next action that the user is likely to choose isable to correctly predict the next action in 72.4% of cases.However, simply predicting that the user will choose to re-peat the action they just performed predicts the next actionin 74.5% of cases. Markov prediction is still useful becauseit can quickly adapt to individual users whose behavior maynot follow this particular pattern. Its predictions also enableprefetching of the second-most-likely action. The true ac-tion is in the two most likely candidates in 87.3% of cases.

Predictive prefetching is quite accurate. The next sec-tion explores how that accuracy manifests in the perceivedlatency of the system.


Page 9: Addressing Performance and Security in a Screen Reading Web

5.3. Observed Latency

The main difference between WebAnywhere and otherscreen readers is that WebAnywhere generates speech re-motely and transfers it to the client for playback. Existingscreen readers play sounds with almost no latency becausethe sounds are both generated and played on the client. Tobetter understand the latency trade-offs inherent in Web-Anywhere and the implemented prefetching algorithms, weperformed a series of experiments designed to test latencyunder various conditions. A summary of these results ispresented in Figure 6.

For all experiments, we report the average latency persound on both a dial-up and a high-speed connection, whoseconnection speeds were 44 kBps and 791 kBps, respec-tively. Although 63% of public libraries have high-speedconnections in the United States [5], a dial-up connectionmay better represent speeds available in many communities.Timing was recorded and aggregated within the WebAny-where client script. The latency of a sound is the time be-tween when the sound is requested by the client-side scriptand when that sound begins playing. The average latency isthe time that one should expect to wait before each soundis played. Because the system streams audio files, the en-tire sound does not need to be loaded when it starts playing.Experiments were conducted on a single computer and thebrowser cache was cleared between experiments.

We first compared the DFS prefetching strategy to usingno prefetching on a straight-through read of the 5 web pagesvisited most often by blind users in a study of browsing be-havior [6]. We did not test the other prefetching methodsbecause absent user interaction they operate identically toDFS prefetching. On these tests, the average latency forthe high-speed connection was under 500 ms even withoutprefetching and under 100 ms with prefetching (Figure 6).Delays under 200 ms generally are not perceivable by users[19] and this may explain why most users did not cite la-tency as a concern with WebAnywhere during a user eval-uation of it [7]. The dial-up connection recorded latenciesabove 2 seconds per sound for all five web pages, making italmost unusable without prefetching. The latency with pre-fetching averages less than one second per sound, and theaverage length of all sounds was 2.4 seconds.

Screen reader users often skip around in content insteadof reading it straight through. Using recordings of the ac-tions performed by participants during a user evaluation [7],we identified the common methods used to complete thetasks and replayed them manually to see the effect of dif-ferent prefetching strategies on these tasks. Recording andthen replaying actions in order to test web performance un-der varying strategies has been done before [17]. The pre-fetching strategies tested were DFS-DOM traversal, DFSwith dynamic updating and Markov model prediction.

Observed latency was again quite low for runs using thehigh-speed connection. When using the dial-up connec-tion, however, the results differed dramatically. On boththe GMail and Google tasks, DFS prefetching increased thelatency of retrieving sounds. This happened because ourparticipants used skipping extensively on these sites andquickly moved beyond the point in the DOM where theprefetcher was retrieving sounds. When this happened, theprefetcher used bandwidth to retrieve speech that the userwas not going to play later, slowing the retrieval of speechthat would be played. Only the survey task showed a sig-nificant benefit for the predictive model of user behavior.On this task, participants exhibited a regular pattern of tab-bing from selection box to selection box, making their ac-tions easy to correctly determine. Importantly, the predic-tion method did not perform worse than the Update method,and both far outperformed both DFS and no prefetching.

6. Security

WebAnywhere enables users to browse arbitrary webcontent, and that content must be considered untrusted. Be-cause WebAnywhere is a web application running insidethe browser with no special permissions, it lacks many ofthe usual mechanisms that web browsers use to enforce se-curity. In this section, we describe the security concernsresulting from our engineering decisions in building Web-Anywhere and the steps we have taken to address them.

6.1. Enforcing the Same-Origin Policy

The primary security policy that web browsers enforce iscalled the same-origin policy, which prevents scripts loadedfrom one web domain from accessing scripts or documentsloaded from another domain [24]. This policy restrictsscripts from from accessing content on, for in-stance, To enable WebAnywhere to access andvoice the contents of the pages its users want to visit, thesystem retrieves all web content through a web proxy in or-der to bypass the same-origin restriction. This makes allcontent appear to originate from the WebAnywhere domain(for these examples, assume and affords theWebAnywhere script access to that content.

Although violating the same-origin policy enables Web-Anywhere to operate, it also gives malicious web sites anopportunity to violate the security guarantees that users ex-pect, potentially accessing information to which they shouldnot have access. We advise users not to access importantpersonal information while using WebAnywhere, but wantusers to have access to private information contained in suchresources as online email accounts or calendars.

WebAnywhere cannot directly enforce the same-originpolicy, and so it instead ensures that all content retrieved


Page 10: Addressing Performance and Security in a Screen Reading Web

google mybus survey











d (




User Evaluation Tasks Popular Web Pages






google yahoo facebook livejournal






google mybus survey











d (




User Evaluation Tasks Popular Web Pages






google yahoo facebook livejournal







High Speed Connection

Dial-Up Connection



Figure 6. Average latency per sound using different prefetching strategies. The first set containstasks performed by participants in our user evaluation, including results for prefetching strategiesthat are based on user behavior. The second set contains five popular sites, read straight throughfrom top to bottom, with and without DFS prefetching. (Note the different scales.)

that should be isolated based on the same-origin policy orig-inates from a different domain. This is done by prependingthe original domain of a resource onto its existing domain.For instance, content from is made to originatefrom WebAnywhere rewrites allURLs in this way, causing the browser to correctly enforcethe same-origin policy for the content viewed.

All requests to open new pages and URL referenceswithin retrieved pages are rewritten to point to the properdomain. The web proxy server enforces that a request forweb content located on domain d must originate from domain. WebAnywhere is able to respondto requests for any domain, regardless of the subdomainsupplied, through the use of a wildcard DNS record [20]for * that directs all such requests to Web-Anywhere. The WebAnywhere script and the Flash soundplayer must also originate from the the do-main, and so they are reloaded. This 100 KB download needonly occur when users browse to a new domain.

Browser cookies also have access restrictions de-signed to prevent unauthorized scripts from accessingthem [22]. The PHProxy web proxy used by WebAny-where keeps track of the cookies assigned by each do-main and only sends cookies set by a domain to that do-main. This is not entirely sufficient. Access to cook-ies is controlled both by the domain and path listedwhen a cookie is set as determined by the web pagethat sets each. Future versions of WebAnywhere willmodify the domain and the path requested by the cookieto match its location in WebAnywhere. For exam-ple, the URL will ap-pear to come from using the URL rewriting supportedby the Apache web server. The domain and path of the Set-Cookie request could be adjusted accordingly.

Others have attempted to detect malicious Javascript inthe browser client [13], but this relies on potentially mali-cious Javascript code being isolated from code within the


Page 11: Addressing Performance and Security in a Screen Reading Web

browser. The WebAnywhere Javascript runs in the same se-curity context as the potentially malicious code. Browser-Shield describes a method for rewriting static web pages inorder to enforce run-time checks for security vulnerabili-ties with Javascript scripts [23]. It is targeted at protectingagainst generalized threats and is, therefore, a fairly heavy-weight option. The same-origin policy is our main concernbecause it is the security policy that we removed by intro-ducing the web proxy. We believe the approach here couldbe used more generally by web proxies in order to makethem less vulnerable to violations of the same-origin policy.

6.2. Remaining Concerns

Fixing the same-origin policy vulnerability created byWebAnywhere was of primary importance to us, but otherconcerns remain. The first is that in order to work for secureweb sites, WebAnywhere must intercept and decode secureconnections made by users of the system before forwardingthem on. When a secure request is made, the web proxy es-tablishes a separate secure connection with both the clientand the server. The data is unencrypted on the WebAny-where server. All accesses to WebAnywhere are made overits SSL-enabled web server, but users still must trust that theWebAnywhere server is secure and, therefore, may want toavoid connecting to secure sites using the system.

The second concern that remains unresolved is the op-portunity for sites to use phishing to misrepresent their iden-tity, potentially tricking users into giving up personal in-formation. Although phishing is a problem general to webbrowsing, the unique design of WebAnywhere makes phish-ing potentially more difficult to detect. A web page couldoverride the WebAnywhere script used to play speech andprevent users from discovering the real origin of the webpage. For instance, as the system currently exists, a mali-cious site could override the commands in WebAnywhereused to speak the current URL, preventing a user from dis-covering the real web address they are visiting. Future ver-sions of WebAnywhere will include protections like thosein BrowserShield [23] to enforce runtime checks to ensurethe WebAnywhere functions have not been altered.

Finally, because content that has been read previouslyis cached on the server, malicious users could determinewhat other users have had read to them, possibly expos-ing private information. While this problem is shared byall proxy-based systems, WebAnywhere enables it at a finergranularity than most other systems, which is potentiallymore revealing. For instance, if a user visits a page that con-tains their credit card number, it is likely that the system willchoose to generate a separate speech sound for their num-ber. A malicious user could repeatedly query the system forcredit card numbers and isolate those that are retrieved mostquickly. We have partially addressed this problem by notcaching sounds that originate from secure web addresses.

7. Future Work

We plan to release WebAnywhere to everyone so thatblind web users and web developers can use it to both ac-cess the web from anywhere they happen to be and to cre-ate more accessible content. As users begin using the sys-tem, we will be given the opportunity to further analyze theeffects of our caching, prefetching, and security improve-ments at larger scales. To support these additional users, wewill modify our application to run on multiple machines.The design of WebAnywhere is quite parallel and naturallydivides into separate components that could be hosted onseparate servers. Because our experiments with server loaddemonstrated that the TTS service is currently the limitingfactor of the system we will seek to concentrate our effortson optimizing this component.

Participants in our initial user study of the system re-quested several features that are offered by other screenreaders but which are currently unavailable in WebAny-where. Many of these requests involved new keyboardshortcuts and functionality, but several involved produc-ing different, individualized speech sounds. Implementingthese features in a straightforward way has the potential toreduce the efficacy of the prefetching and caching strategiesemployed by the system. For instance, users requested thatthe system use a voice that is more preferred by them; pop-ular screen readers offer tens of voices form which userscan choose. Others asked for the ability to set the speechrate to a custom level. Because using a screen reader canbe inefficient, many users speed up the rate of the speechthat is read by two times or more. Many users, however, donot prefer this because speech can be difficult to understandat high speeds. Both of these improvements will cause thespeech played by the system to less frequently be locatedin its cache, and, therefore, the value of these features willneed to be balanced by their performance implications. Wealso plan to explore the option of switching to client-sideTTS when users both have the permission to use it and it isavailable. Several operating systems have native support forTTS that WebAnywhere could leverage when permitted.

8. Conclusion

In this paper, we have presented the unique architectureof the WebAnywhere self-voicing, web-browsing web ap-plication. The WebAnywhere web-based, self-voicing webbrowser enables blind individuals otherwise unable to af-ford a screen reader and blind individuals on-the-go to ac-cess the web from any computer that happens to be avail-able. The system is designed to be available, usable andsecure on most computers with both a web browser and theability to play sound. Fulfilling those requirements necessi-tated moving text-to-speech functionality to a remote server,which resulted in latency of sound retrieval that hurt the user


Page 12: Addressing Performance and Security in a Screen Reading Web

experience. We introduced and tested caching and prefetch-ing methods designed to improve latency and showed thatthey can make the system usable even on low-bandwidthconnections. To enable the system to read arbitrary webcontent, we utilized a web proxy that introduced new secu-rity concerns. We described improvements to security thatwill help ensure that security policies enforced by existingbrowsers will be supported by WebAnywhere as well. Ourexperiences will be useful to anyone implementing either aself-voicing or highly-interactive web application.

8.0.1 Acknowledgements

This work has been supported by National Science Founda-tion Grant IIS-0415273 and a Boeing Professorship. Wethank Charlie Reis, Sangyun Hahn, and T.V. Raman fortheir comments and support.


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