address - department of sociology | | university of … office: department of sociology university...

CURRICULUM VITAE John Markoff September 22, 2017 ADDRESS Office: Department of Sociology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 (412) 648-7583 Home: 6459 Phillips Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15217 (412) 521-1533 Fax: (412) 648-2799 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION B.A. Columbia College, 1962 Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1972 HONORS Pinkney Prize (1997) for best book in French history (given by the Society for French Historical Studies for The Abolition of Feudalism) Sharlin Prize (1997) of the Social Science History Association (co- winner for The Abolition of Feudalism) Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award (1998) of the American Sociological Association (for The Abolition of Feudalism) Pinkney Prize (1999) for best book in French history (given by the Society for French Historical Studies for Revolutionary Demands) Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award, University of Pittsburgh (2001) Election to the Sociological Research Association

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Page 1: ADDRESS - Department of Sociology | | University of … Office: Department of Sociology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 (412) 648-7583


John Markoff

September 22, 2017


Office: Department of Sociology

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260

(412) 648-7583

Home: 6459 Phillips Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

(412) 521-1533

Fax: (412) 648-2799

E-mail: [email protected]


B.A. Columbia College, 1962

Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1972

HONORS Pinkney Prize (1997) for best book in French history (given by the

Society for French Historical Studies for The Abolition of


Sharlin Prize (1997) of the Social Science History Association (co-

winner for The Abolition of Feudalism)

Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award (1998) of the

American Sociological Association (for The Abolition of


Pinkney Prize (1999) for best book in French history (given by the

Society for French Historical Studies for Revolutionary Demands)

Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award, University of

Pittsburgh (2001)

Election to the Sociological Research Association

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Vitae: John Markoff 2

Distinguished Sociologist Award (2005) of the Pennsylvania

Sociological Society

Outstanding Author Contribution in the 2014 Emerald Literati

Network Awards for Excellence for “Another Chapter from

Democracy's Secret History: A Research Program on Some Small

Spanish Towns,” Research in Political Sociology (2013).


1969-1971 Lecturer in Sociology, City College of New York

1972-1975 Assistant Professor of Sociology and History, University of Pittsburgh

1975-1989 Associate Professor of Sociology and History, University of Pittsburgh

1990-1996 Professor of Sociology and History, University of Pittsburgh

1996- Professor of Sociology, History and Political Science, University of


1999- Research Professor, University Center for International Studies, University

of Pittsburgh

2005-8 Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh

2006- Distinguished University Professor, University of Pittsburgh (title changed

from University Professor in 2009)

2009- Investigador Doctor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain

2011-12 Interim Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh

2016-17 Acting Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh


Books (Authored)

- The Great Wave of Democracy in Historical Perspective (Ithaca, NY: Cornell

University Western Societies Occasional Papers #34, 1995).

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- Waves of Democracy: Social Movements and Political Change (Newbury Park,

CA: Pine Forge Press, 1996). [A Spanish translation appears as Olas de

Democracia: Movimientos Sociales y Cambio Político, Madrid: Editorial Tecnos,

1999]. Second English-language edition: Boulder and London: Paradigm

Publishing, 2015 [A second Spanish-language edition is forthcoming from

Editorial Comares, Granada.]

- The Abolition of Feudalism: Peasants, Lords and Legislators in the French

Revolution (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press,

1997). [A Russian translation is in preparation for the Moscow publishing house

Territory of the Future.]

- Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands: A Content Analysis

of the Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,


Books (Edited)

- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, eds., Economists in the Americas:

Convergence, Divergence, and Connection (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Publishing, 2009. [A Spanish translation appears as Economistas en las Américas

(Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2015)].

- Jackie Smith, Michael Goodhart, Patrick Manning and John Markoff, eds., Social

Movements and World-System Transformation: Prospects and Challenges

(London: Routledge, 2017).


- (with Małgorzata Markoff) Greetings from Novorossiya, a translation into English

of Paweł Pieniążek, Pozdrowienia z Noworosji for University of Pittsburgh Press


Special issue of journal

- Antonio Herrera González de Molina and John Markoff, eds., Democracia y mundo

rural en España [“Democracy and the rural world in Spain”], special issue of Ayer

89 (1), 2013 (Journal of the Asociación de Historia Contemporánea)


- Gilbert Shapiro, John Markoff and Sasha R. Weitman, "Quantitative Studies of the

French Revolution," History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History 12,

1973, pp. 163-191

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- John Markoff and Gilbert Shapiro, "Linkage of Data Describing Overlapping

Geographical Units," Historical Methods Newsletter 7, 1973, pp. 34-46.

- John Markoff, Gilbert Shapiro and Sasha R. Weitman, "Toward the Integration of

Content Analysis and General Methodology," pp. 1-58 in David Heise, ed.,

Sociological Methodology, 1975 (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1974). [Reprinted in

in Roberto Franzosi, ed., Content Analysis, in Sage Benchmarks in Social Research

Series (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008), v. 2:267-311 and in Martin Bauer, Aude

Bicquelet and Ahmet Suerdem, eds., Textual Analysis, (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,

2014), 3:171-213].

- "Governmental Bureaucratization: General Processes and an Anomalous Case,"

Comparative Studies in Society and History 17, 1974, pp. 479-503. [Reprinted in

Bill Jenkins and Edward C. Page, eds., The Foundations of Bureaucracy in

Economic and Social Thought (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), v.1, pp.


- Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, "The Incidence of the Terror: Some Lessons for

Quantitative History," The Journal of Social History 9, 1975, pp. 193-218.

- Sasha R. Weitman, Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, "Statistical Recycling of

Documentary Information: Estimating Regional Variations in a Pre-censal

Population," Social Forces 55, 1976, pp. 338-365.

- "The World as a Social System," Peasant Studies 5, 1977, pp. 2-7.

- Sherif El-Hakim and John Markoff, "Solid Waste Accumulation in Residential

Neighborhoods as a Socio-Political Process," in Joyce Aschenbrenner and Lloyd

Collins, eds., The Process of Urbanism: A Multidisciplinary Approach (The

Hague: Mouton, 1978).

- Silvio R. Duncan Baretta and John Markoff, "Civilization and Barbarism: Cattle

Frontiers in Latin America," Comparative Studies in Society and History 20,

1978, pp. 587-620. [Reprinted in Fernando Coronil and Julie Skurski, eds., States

of Violence (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006), pp. 33-73.]

- "Suggestions for the Measurement of Consensus," American Sociological Review

47, 1982, pp. 290-298.

- John Markoff and Daniel Regan, "The Rise and Fall of Civil Religion:

Comparative Perspectives," Sociological Analysis 42, 1982, pp. 333-352.

- John Markoff and Silvio R. Duncan Baretta, "Professional Ideology and Military

Activism in Brazil: Critique of a Thesis of Alfred Stepan," Comparative Politics

17, 1985, pp. 175-192.

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- John Markoff and Gilbert Shapiro, "Consensus and Conflict at the Onset of

Revolution: A Quantitative Study of France in 1789," American Journal of

Sociology 91, 1985, pp. 28-53. [Reprinted in Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff,

Revolutionary Demands: A Content Analysis of the Cahiers de Doléances of 1789

(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998).]

- "The Social Geography of Rural Revolt at the Beginning of the French

Revolution," American Sociological Review 50, 1985, pp. 761-781.

- Silvio R. Duncan Baretta and John Markoff, "The Limits of the Brazilian

Revolution of 1930," Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the

Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilizations 9, 1986, pp. 413-452.

- John Markoff and Silvio R. Duncan Baretta, "What We Don't Know About the

Coups: Some Observations on Recent South American Politics," Armed Forces

and Society 12, 1986, pp. 207-235.

- "Contexts and Forms of Rural Revolt: France in 1789," Journal of Conflict

Resolution 30, 1986, pp. 253-289.

- "Some Effects of Literacy in Eighteenth Century France," Journal of

Interdisciplinary History 17, 1986, pp. 311-333.

- "Literacy and Revolt: Some Empirical Notes on 1789 in France," American

Journal of Sociology 92, 1986, pp. 323-349.

- John Markoff and Daniel Regan, "Religion, the State and Political Legitimacy in

the World's Constitutions," in Thomas Robbins and Roland Robertson, eds.,

Church-State Relations: Tensions and Transitions (New Brunswick, NJ:

Transaction Books, 1987), pp. 161-182.

- Silvio R. Duncan Baretta and John Markoff, "Brazil's Abertura: A Transition

from What to What?" in James Malloy and Mitchell A. Seligson, eds.,

Authoritarians and Democrats: The Politics of Regime Transition in Latin

America (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987), pp. 43-65.

- Gilbert Shapiro, John Markoff and Silvio R. Duncan Baretta, "The Selective

Transmission of Historical Documents: The Case of the Parish Cahiers of 1789,"

Histoire et Mesure 2, 1987, pp. 115-172. [Republished online in 2007 at]

- "Allies and Opponents: Nobility and Third Estate in the Spring of 1789."

American Sociological Review 53, 1988, pp. 477-496. [Reprinted in Gilbert

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Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands: A Content Analysis of the

Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998).]

- "Notes on the New Comparative Study of Revolution," in States and Societies

(Newsletter of the ASA Political Sociology Section) 5, 1988.

- Silvio R. Duncan Baretta and John Markoff, "Impasse, Ideology and Crisis: The

Brazilian Coup of 1964" in Richard G. Braungart and Margaret M. Braungart,

eds., Research in Political Sociology 4 (Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1989), pp.


- "Images du Roi au Début de la Révolution" ["Images of the King at the Beginning

of the Revolution"] in Michel Vovelle, ed., L'Image de la Révolution Française.

Communications Présenteés lors du Congrès Mondial pour le Bicentenaire de la

Révolution (Paris: Pergamon Press, 1989), vol. I, pp. 237-245. [Appears in

English in Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands: A Content

Analysis of the Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University

Press, 1998).]

- "Słowa i Rzeczy: Rewolucyjna Burżuazja Francuska Definiuje System Feudalny,"

["Words and Things: The French Revolutionary Bourgeoisie Defines the Feudal

Regime"] in Andrzej Zybertowicz and Adam Czarnota, eds., Interpretacje

Wielkiej Transformacji. Geneza Kapitalizmu jako Geneza Współczesności

(Warsaw: Kolegium Otryckie, 1989), pp. 357-381.

- "¿Cual Es la Cuestión? Algunos Comentarios sobre la Transición hacia el

Capitalismo" ["What is the Question? Some Comments on the Transition to

Capitalism?"], AREAS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 11, 1989, pp. 37-46.

- "Peasants Protest: The Claims of Lord, Church and State in the Cahiers de

Doléances of l789," Comparative Studies in Society and History 32, 1990, pp.

413-454. [Reprinted in Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary

Demands: A Content Analysis of the Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 (Stanford,

CA: Stanford University Press, 1998) and in Roberto Franzosi, ed, Content

Analysis, in Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Series (Thousand Oaks, CA:

Sage, 2008), v.4:393-434]

- John Markoff and Silvio R. Duncan Baretta, "Economic Crisis and Political

Change in Brazil: The 1960s and the 1980s," Comparative Politics 22, 1990, pp.


- "Comment on Root," Rationality and Society 2, 1990, pp. 379-382.

- "Peasant Grievances and Peasant Insurrection: France in 1789," Journal of

Modern History 62, 1990, pp. 445-476. [Reprinted in Timothy C. Blanning, ed.,

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The Rise and Fall of the French Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago

Press, 1996); and in Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands:

A Content Analysis of the Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 (Stanford, CA: Stanford

University Press, 1998)].

- "A Comparative Method: Reflections on Charles Ragin's Innovations in

Comparative Analysis," Historical Methods 23, 1990, pp. 177-181.

- Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, "L'Authenticité des Cahiers" ["The

Authenticity of the Cahiers"], Bulletin d'Histoire de la Révolution Française,

1990/91, pp. 17-70.

- "Prélèvements Seigneuriaux et Prélèvements Fiscaux: Sur l'Utilisation des Cahiers

de Doléances" ["The Lord's Claims and the State's Claims: On the Use of the

Cahiers de Doléances"], in Mélanges de l'Ecole Française de Rome 103, 1991, pp,


- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, "Democrats and Technocrats:

Professional Economists and Regime Transitions in Latin America," Canadian

Journal of Development Studies 14, 1993, pp. 7-22.

- John Markoff and Verónica Montecinos, "The Ubiquitous Rise of Economists,"

Journal of Public Policy 13, 1993, pp. 37-68. [A Spanish translation appears as

"El Irresistible Ascenso de Los Economistas," Desarollo Económico. Revista de

Ciencias Sociales, no. 133, April-June 1994; a Polish translation appears as

"Marsz Ekonomistów ku Władzy" Studia Polityczne, no 7, 1997, pp. 211-239; a

Russian translation is in preparation].

- "Frontier Societies," Encyclopedia of Social History (New York: Garland

Publishing Company, 1994), pp. 289-291.

- "Violence, Emancipation and Democracy: The Countryside and the French

Revolution," American Historical Review 100, 1995, pp. 360-386. [Reprinted in

Gary Kates, ed., The French Revolution (London: Routledge, 1997; 2nd


2006), pp. 165-197].

- "Kiedy i jak zbuntowała się wieś? Badania statystyczne revolucyjnej Francji"

["When and How Did the Countryside Revolt? A Statistical Study of

Revolutionary France"], Kwartalnik Historyczny 102, 1996, pp. 113-129.

- "Demokracie" ["Democracy"] in Jiři Linhart, Hana Mariková, Miloslav Petrusek

and Alena Vodáková, eds., Velký Sociologický Slovník ["Encyclopedia of

Sociology"] (Prague: Karolinum, 1996).

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- "Demokratizace" ["Democratization"] in Jiři Linhart, Hana Mariková, Miloslav

Petrusek and Alena Vodáková, eds., Velký Sociologický Slovník ["Encyclopedia

of Sociology"] (Prague: Karolinum, 1996).

- "Hnutí Sociální" ["Social Movements"] in Jiři Linhart, Hana Mariková, Miloslav

Petrusek and Alena Vodáková, eds., Velký Sociologický Slovník ["Encyclopedia

of Sociology"] (Prague: Karolinum, 1996).

- "Monarchie" ["Monarchy"] in Jiři Linhart, Hana Mariková, Miloslav Petrusek and

Alena Vodáková, eds., Velký Sociologický Slovník ["Encyclopedia of

Sociology"] (Prague: Karolinum, 1996).

- "Stát absolutistický" ["Absolutist State"] in Jiři Linhart, Hana Mariková, Miloslav

Petrusek and Alena Vodáková, eds., Velký Sociologický Slovník ["Encyclopedia

of Sociology"] (Prague: Karolinum, 1996).

- "Terorismus" ["Terrorism"] in Jiři Linhart, Hana Mariková, Miloslav Petrusek and

Alena Vodáková, eds., Velký Sociologický Slovník ["Encyclopedia of

Sociology"] (Prague: Karolinum, 1996).

- “Zmĕna revoluční” [“Revolutionary Change”] in Jiři Linhart, Hana Mariková,

Miloslav Petrusek and Alena Vodáková, eds., Velký Sociologický Slovník

["Encyclopedia of Sociology"] (Prague: Karolinum, 1996).

- “Peasants Help Destroy an Old Regime and Defy a New One: Lessons from (and

for) the Study of Social Movements," American Journal of Sociology 102, 1997,

pp. 1113-1142.

- Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, "A Matter of Definition," in Carl W. Roberts,

ed., Textual Analysis for the Social Sciences. Methods for Drawing Statistical

Inferences from Texts and Transcripts (Hillside, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997),

pp. 9-31.

- "Really Existing Democracy: Latin America in the 1990s," New Left Review

223, 1997, pp. 48-68.

- John Markoff and Małgorzata Markoff, "Okupant z Waszyngtonu" ["Occupation

by Washington"], Polityka, June 26, 1997, pp. 38-39.

- "On ‘The Abolition of Feudalism,’" CWES Monthly Electronic Newsletter,

October, 1997 (

- "Peasants," in Jack Goldstone, ed., The Encyclopedia of Political Revolutions

(Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 1998), pp. 392-394.

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- Małgorzata Markoff and John Markoff, "Nowa Gwiazdka" [“A Small New

Star”], Polityka, December 12, 1998, pp. 46-48.

- "From Center to Periphery and Back Again: The Geography of Democratic

Innovation," in Michael Hanagan and Charles Tilly, eds., Extending Citizenship,

Reconfiguring States (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999), pp. 229-


- "Interview on Republicanism Today," in Nuri Bilgin, ed., Demokrasi, Kimlik ve

Yurttaşlık Bağlamında Cumhuriyet (Izmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1999), pp.


- "Identidade nacional e democracia" ["National Identity and Democracy"], in João

Barroso, ed., Globalizacão e Identidade Nacional (São Paulo: Atlas, 1999), pp. 65-


- "Globalization and the Future of Democracy," in Journal of World-System

Research 5, 1999 (

[An abridged version is republished in Chris Chase-Dunn and Salvatore Babones,

ed., Global Social Change: Historical and Comparative Perspectives (Baltimore:

Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006), pp. 336-361.]

- "Our Common European Home -- But Who Owns the House?", in Dennis Smith

and Sue Wright, eds., Whose Europe? The Turn Towards Democracy, pp. 21-47

(Oxford: Blackwell/Sociological Review, 1999).

- "Where and When Was Democracy Invented?", Comparative Studies in Society

and History 41, 1999, pp. 660-690.

- Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, "About Revolutionary Demands," The

European Union and Center for West European Studies Newsletter, summer 2000


- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, "From the Power of Economic Ideas to

the Power of Economists," in Miguel Angel Centeno and Fernando Lopez-Alves,

eds., The Other Mirror: Grand Theory through the Lens of Latin America

(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001), pp.105-150. [A Spanish translation

appears as “Del poder de las ideas económicas al poder de los economistas” in

Tomas Ariztia, ed., Produciendo lo Social: Usos de las Ciencias Sociales en el

Chile Reciente (Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2012), pp. 25-


- “Economics and Politics: Does Democracy Have a Future?,” in York W.

Bradshaw, Joseph F. Healey and Rebecca Smith, Sociology for a New Century

(Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 2001), pp. 353-391.

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- "The Internet and Electronic Communications," in Mary Kupiec Cayton and Peter

W. Williams, eds., Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History

(New York: Scribner's, 2001), vol. 3, pp. 387-395.

- Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, “Officially Solicited Petitions: The Cahiers de

Doléances as a Historical Source”, International Review of Social History 46,

2001, Supplement, pp. 79-106. Reprinted in Lex Heerma van Voss, ed., Petitions

in Social History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 79-106.

- John Markoff and Gilbert Shapiro,“Reaction of John Markoff and Gilbert Shapiro

to Fred E. Schrader’s Review of Revolutionary Demands”, International Review

of Social History 47, 2002, pp. 137-139.

- "Revolutions, Sociology of," in Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, International

Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Oxford: Elsevier, 2002), v.

20, pp. 13310-13314.

- "Archival Methods," in Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, International

Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Oxford: Elsevier, 2002), v.

1, pp. 637-642.

- “The French Revolution: The Abolition of Feudalism”, in Jack A. Goldstone, ed.,

Revolutions: Theoretical, Comparative, and Historical Studies, 3d edition (San

Diego: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2002), pp. 171-177.

- “Margins, Centers and Democracy: The Paradigmatic History of Women’s

Suffrage,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 29, 2003, pp. 85-116.

- “Who Will Construct the Global Order?”, in Bruce William Morrison, ed.,

Transnational Democracy in Critical and Comparative Perspective:

Democracy's Range Reconsidered (London: Ashgate Publishing, 2004), pp. 19-36.

- “Democracy,” in George Ritzer, ed., The Encyclopedia of Social Theory

(Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005), v.1, pp. 191-196.

- “Transitions to Democracy,” in Robert Alford, Alexander Hicks, Thomas Janoski,

and Mildred Schwartz, eds., Handbook of Political Sociology (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 384-403.

- “Problematické dejiny demokratického občianstva” [“The Troubled History of

Democratic Citizenship”], Sociológia [Slovak Sociological Review] 37, 2005, pp.

307-22. [Appeared in Spanish as “La problemática historia de la ciudadanía

democrática”, Historia Constitucional. Revista electrónica, 2005, no. 6, pp. 91-

104. (online at].

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- “The Peasantry and Its Grievances," in Peter Campbell, ed., The Origins of the

French Revolution (London: Macmillan, 2005), pp. 239-267.

- Review symposium on Mounira Maya Charrad, States and Women’s Rights: The

Making of Postcolonial Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco Political Sociology. States,

Power and Societies 12, winter 2005.

- “Afterword," in Fernando Coronil and Julie Skurski, eds., States of Violence

(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006), pp. 75-82.

- “Globalization and the Future of Democracy”, in Chris Chase-Dunn and

Salvatore Babones, ed., Global Social Change: Historical and Comparative

Perspectives (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006), pp. 336-361.

- Małgorzata Markoff and John Markoff, “Jeden Bóg, wiele islamów” [“One God,

Many Islams”], interview with Reza Aslan, Nowy Dziennik, October 7-8, 2006,

pp. 44-45.

- “Communism,” in Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte, eds., Encyclopedia of

Globalization (New York: Routledge, 2006).

- “Comparative Analysis,” in Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte, eds.,

Encyclopedia of Globalization (New York: Routledge, 2006).

- “Imperialism,” in Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte, eds., Encyclopedia of

Globalization (New York: Routledge, 2006).

- “Peasant Movements,” in Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte, eds.,

Encyclopedia of Globalization (New York: Routledge, 2006).

- “Revolution,” in Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte, eds., Encyclopedia of

Globalization (New York: Routledge, 2006).

- “Prólogo” [“Forward”] for Antonio Herrera González de Molina, La Construcción

de la democracia en el campo 1975-1988. El Sindicalismo agrario socialista en

la Transición Española [“The Construction of Democracy in the Counryside:

Socialist Agrarian Unionism in the Spanish Transition”] (Madrid: Ministerio de

Agricultura, Pesca, y Alimentación, 2008), pp. 7-11.

- “Contentious Politics and Liberal Democracies”, Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal

of Third World Studies 23 (1), 2008, pp. 145-150.

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- “The Global Wave of Democratization” (with Amy White), pp. 55-73 in Christian

W. Haerpfer, Ronald Inglehart, Chris Welzel and Patrick Bernhagen,

Democratization in a Globalized World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009)

- “Collective Movements and Collective Protest”, John Levine and Michael Hogg,

eds., Encyclopedia of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (Thousand

Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009)

- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, “Preface”, in Verónica Montecinos and

John Markoff, eds., Economists in the Americas: Convergence, Divergence, and

Connection (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009), pp. ix-xv. [Appears in Spanish as

“Prefacio” in Economistas en las Américas (Santiago: Ediciones Universidad

Diego Portales, 2016), pp. 9-19.]

- Verónica Montecinos, John Markoff, and María José Alvarez, “Economists in the

Americas: Convergence, Divergence, and Connection”, introductory chapter in

Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, eds., Economists in the Americas:

Convergence, Divergence, and Connection (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009), pp.

1-62. [Appears in Spanish as “Economistas en las Américas: convergencia,

divergencia y conexión” in Economistas en las Américas (Santiago: Ediciones

Universidad Diego Portales, 2016), pp. 29-118].

- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, “Epilogue: A Glance Beyond the

Neoliberal Moment”, concluding chapter in Verónica Montecinos and John

Markoff, eds., Economists in the Americas: Convergence, Divergence, and

Connection (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 309-330). [Appears in Spanish

as “Epílogo: una atisbo más allá del momento neoliberal” in Economistas en las

Américas (Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2016), pp. 471-502].

- Review essay on Jackie Smith, Social Movements for Global Democracy in Journal

of World-System Research 16 (2), 2010, pp. 310-315.

- María José Alvarez, John Markoff, and Verónica Montecinos, “The Transamerican

Market-Oriented Think Tank Movement”, in Adolfo Garcé and Gerardo Uña, eds.,

Think Tanks and Public Politics in Latin America (Buenos Aires: Fundación Siena

and CIPPEC, 2010), pp. 172-208 (available online at:

- “A Moving Target: Democracy”, Archives Européennes de Sociologie/European

Journal of Sociology 52, 2011(2): 239-276.

- “The Past and Future of Democracy”, in Gregory Papanikos, ed., Essays on Social

Themes (Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2011), pp. 9-15.

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- Antonio Herrera and John Markoff, “Rural Movements and the Transition to

Democracy in Spain”, Mobilization 16(4), 2011 (Dec.), pp. 455-474

- "Response to Jack Goldstone's Comments on Abolition of Feudalism," Jeff

Goodwin and James Jasper, ed., Contention in Context: Political Opportunities and

the Emergence of Protest (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012), pp. 52-57.

- “Democracy”, in George Ritzer, ed., The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of

Globalization (Hoboken, NY: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012), v.1, pp. 387-398.

- “The French Revolution”, in Benjamin Isakhan and Stephen Stockwell, The

Edinburgh Companion to the History of Democracy (Edinburgh: Edinburgh

University Press, 2012), pp. 210-220.

- Verónica Montecinos, John Markoff, and María José Alvarez Rivadulla, “Un Perfil

de los economistas de América Latina y sus relaciones con los centros académicos

de Estados Unidos: Convergencia, divergencia y conexión” [“A Profile of Latin

American Economists and their Relations with Academic Centers in the United

States: Convergence, Divergence, and Connection”], Desarrollo Económico 51

(204), 2012 (january-march), pp. 543-579.

- Antonio Herrera González de Molina and John Markoff, “Presentación”

[“Presentation”], Ayer (Revista de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea) 89,

2013 (1), pp. 13-19.

- Antonio Herrera González de Molina, John Markoff, and Inmaculada Villa Gil-

Bermejo “La democratización del mundo rural en España en los albores del siglo

XX. Una historia poco conocida” [“The democratization of the rural world in Spain

at the dawn of the twentieth century. A little known history”], Ayer (Revista de la

Asociación de Historia Contemporánea) 89, 2013 (1), pp. 21-42

- “Opposing Authoritarian Rule with Nonviolent Civil Resistance”, Australian

Journal of Political Science 48(2), 2013 (June), pp. 233-245.

- “Democracy’s Past Transformations, Present Challenges and Future Prospects”,

International Journal of Sociology 43(2), 2013 (summer):13-40. A Portuguese

version appears as “Democracia: transformações passadas, desafios presentes e

perspectivas futuras”, Sociologias 15, 2013 (January-April): 18-50.

- John Markoff and Antonio Herrera, “Another Chapter from Democracy’s Secret

History: A Research Program on Some Small Spanish Towns”, Research in

Political Sociology 21, 2013:31-49

- "Archival Methods" in James D. Wright, International Encyclopedia of the Social

and Behavioral Sciences 2nd

edition (Oxford: Elsevier, 2015), 1:909-915.

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- “Revolutions” in James D. Wright, International Encyclopedia of the Social and

Behavioral Sciences 2nd

edition (Oxford: Elsevier, 2015), 20:642-649.

- Piotr Konieczny and John Markoff, “Poland’s Contentious Elites Enter the Age of

Revolution: Extending Social Movement Concepts,” Sociological Forum 30 (2),

2015 (June): 286-304.

- “Obituary: Burkart Holzner, Sociologist,” Footnotes 43 (6), September-October,

2015, p. 22.

- “Historical Analysis and Social Movements Research,” in Mario Diani and

Donatella della Porta, eds., Oxford Handbook of Social Movements Research

(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 68-85.

- “La legitimidad democrática hoy en día” [“Democratic legitimacy at the present

moment”], Ayer (Revista de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea) 102,


- “Dialogue on Organizing for Social Justice and the Others”, in Social Movements

and World-System Transformation: Prospects and Challenges, collection edited

together with Jackie Smith, Michael Goodhart and Patrick Manning ( London:

Routledge, 2017), pp. 182-86.

- Michael Goodhart, Patrick Manning, John Markoff and Jackie Smith,

“Introduction”, in Social Movements and World-System Transformation: Prospects

and Challenges, collection edited together with Jackie Smith, Michael Goodhart and

Patrick Manning (London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 1-4.

- Jackie Smith, Michael Goodhart, Patrick Manning, and John Markoff, “Conclusion:

Social Movements and World-System Transformation”, in Social Movements and

World-System Transformation: Prospects and Challenges, collection edited together

with Jackie Smith, Michael Goodhart and Patrick Manning (London: Routledge,

2017), pp. 236-242.

- “Essential Contestants, Essential Contests,” Research in Political Sociology 24,

2017, pp. 121-154.

- Mike-Frank Epitropoulos and John Markoff, “Once Again They Have a Word for It:

Greeks Talk About the Global Age,” New Global Studies (print version

forthcoming), online:

- “Les cahiers de doléances,” Larousse Dictionnaire de la Révolution française

(Paris: Larousse, forthcoming)

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- “Movimientos sociales, democracia y ciudadanía” [“Social Movements,

Democracy, and Citizenship”], in Salvador Cruz Artacho, ed., La historia de

Andalucía a debate: Historia y política (forthcoming)

- Antonio Herrera González de Molina, John Markoff, and Manuel González de

Molina,“Los procesos de democratización en el campo: democracia y mundo rural

en la Andalucía del siglo XX” [“Democratization processes in the countryside:

democracy and the rural world in Andalusia in the twentieth century”], to appear in

a collection of papers delivered at the X Congreso de Historia Contemporánea,

Santander, Spain, September 2010

- John Markoff and Daniel Burridge, “The Global Wave of Democratization and its

Aftermath”, forthcoming in Christian W. Haerpfer, Ronald Inglehart, Chris Welzel

and Patrick Bernhagen, Democratization in a Globalized World, 2nd


(Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming [expected 2017]).

Under Review

- “Overflowing Channels: How Democracy Didn’t Work as Planned (and a Good

Thing It Didn’t)” (Revise and Resubmit)

- “Tuvalu. A Christmas Carol” (a translation from Polish with Małgorzata Markoff)

Brief Reviews

- Robert N. Bellah and Phillip E. Hammond, Varieties of Civil Religion in

Sociological Analysis 42, 1981, pp. 179-181.

- Frederick Cople Jaher, The Urban Establishment, Upper Strata in Boston, New

York, Charleston, Chicago, and Los Angeles, in Contemporary Sociology 12,

1983, pp. 736-73.

- Michael W. Hughey, Civil Religion and Moral Order: Theoretical and Historical

Dimensions in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 25, 1984, pp. 319-320.

- Christopher Clapham and George Philip, The Political Dilemmas of Military

Regimes in Journal of Political and Military Sociology 14, 1986, pp. 348-349.

- Judith Devlin, The Superstitious Mind: French Peasants and the Supernatural in

American Journal of Sociology 93, 1988, pp. 1253-1254.

- Hilton L. Root, Peasants and King in Burgundy. Agrarian Foundations of French

Absolutism in American Journal of Sociology 93, 1988, pp. 1532-1534.

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- Margaret Levi, Of Rule and Revenue in American Journal of Sociology 95, 1989,

p. 220-222.

- William Brustein, The Social Origins of Political Regionalism: France, 1849-

1981 in American Journal of Sociology 95, 1989, pp. 222-223.

- Thomas E. Skidmore, The Politics of Military Rule in Brazil, 1964-1985 in

Contemporary Sociology 19, 1990, pp. 64-65.

- Atlas de la Révolution Française vol. 1: Routes et communications; vol. 2:

L'enseignement, 1760-1815 in Journal of Modern History 62, 1990, pp. 610-611.

- Jack Goldstone, Revolution and Rebellion in the Early Modern World in

American Journal of Sociology 98, 1993, pp. 919-922.

- Raymond A. Jonas, Industry and Politics in Rural France: Peasants of the Isère,

1870-1914 in Contemporary Sociology 24, 1995, pp. 197-198.

- Joyce Appleby, Lynn Hunt and Margaret Jacob, Telling the Truth about History in

Contemporary Sociology 25, 1996, pp. 130-131.

- Frederick Cooper et al., Confronting Historical Paradigms. Peasants, Labor and

the Capitalist World System in Africa and Latin America, in Hispanic American

Historical Review 76, 1996, pp. 404-405.

- William H. Sewell, Jr., A Rhetoric of Bourgeois Revolution: The Abbé Sieyes

and "What is the Third Estate?," in Journal of Modern History 69, 1997, pp. 602-


- Claus Offe, Modernity and the State. East, West in Sociological Inquiry 68, 1998,

pp. 289-290.

- William Beik, Urban Protest in Seventeenth Century France: The Culture of

Retribution, in American Journal of Sociology 104, 1998, pp. 552-554.

- Judith A. Miller, Mastering the Market: The State and the Grain Trade in Northern

France, 1700-1860 in American Historical Review 106, 2001, pp. 268-269.

- Doug McAdam, Sidney G. Tarrow, and Charles Tilly, Dynamics of Contention in

International Labor and Working Class History 63, 2003 (spring), pp. 152-155.

- Charles Tilly, Contention and Democracy in Europe, 1650-2000 in Journal of Social

History (winter) 39, 2005, pp. 539-540.

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- D.M.G. Sutherland, Murder in Aubagne: Lynching, Law and Justice during the

French Revolution and William Doyle, Aristocracy and Its Enemies in the Age of

Revolution in American Historical Review 115, 2010 (June), pp. 897-898.

- Jill Maciak Walshaw, A Show of Hands for the Republic: Opinion, Information, and

Repression in Eighteenth-Century Rural France in American Historical Review

120(3), 2015:1125-1126.

- Diego Olstein, Thinking History Globally in International Sociology Reviews 31(2),

2016 (march), pp. 189-192.

- Juan Sisinio Pérez Garzón, Contra el poder. Conflictos y Movimientos Sociales en

la historia de España. De la prehistoria al tiempo presente, in Historia Agraria


- Rafe Blaufarb, The Great Demarcation: The French Revolution and the Invention

of Modern Property in American Historical Review (forthcoming).

Translations and Republications

(in order of original publication date)

- John Markoff, Gilbert Shapiro and Sasha R. Weitman, "Toward the Integration of

Content Analysis and General Methodology," in Roberto Franzosi, ed., Content

Analysis, in Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Series (Thousand Oaks, CA:

Sage, 2008), v. 2:267-311.

- John Markoff, Gilbert Shapiro and Sasha R. Weitman, "Toward the Integration of

Content Analysis and General Methodology," pp. 1-58 in Martin Bauer, Aude

Bicquelet and Ahmet Suerdem, eds., Textual Analysis, (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,

2014) 3:171-213.

- "Governmental Bureaucratization: General Processes and an Anomalous Case," in

Bill Jenkins and Edward C. Page, eds., The Foundations of Bureaucracy in

Economic and Social Thought (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), v.1, pp.


- Silvio R. Duncan Baretta and John Markoff, "Civilization and Barbarism: Cattle

Frontiers in Latin America," in Fernando Coronil and Julie Skurski, eds., States of

Violence (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006), pp. 33-73.

- John Markoff and Gilbert Shapiro, "Consensus and Conflict at the Onset of

Revolution," in Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands: A

Content Analysis of the Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 (Stanford: Stanford

University Press, 1998).

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- Gilbert Shapiro, John Markoff and Silvio R. Duncan Baretta, "The Selective

Transmission of Historical Documents: The Case of the Parish Cahiers of 1789,"

Histoire et Mesure 2, 1987, pp. 115-172. Republished online in 2007 at

- "Allies and Opponents: Nobility and Third Estate in the Spring of 1789," in Gilbert

Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands: A Content Analysis of the

Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998).

- "Images of the King at the Beginning of the Revolution," in Gilbert Shapiro and

John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands: A Content Analysis of the Cahiers de

Doléances of 1789 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998).

- "Peasants Protest: The Claims of Lord, Church and State in the Cahiers de

Doléances," in Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands: A

Content Analysis of the Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 (Stanford: Stanford

University Press, 1998).

- “Peasants Protest: The Claims of Lord, Church and State in the Cahiers de

Doléances," in Roberto Franzosi, ed., Content Analysis, in Sage Benchmarks in

Social Research Series (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 2008), v. 4:393-434.

- "Peasant Grievances and Peasant Insurrection: France in 1789," in Timothy C.

Blanning, ed., The Rise and Fall of the French Revolution (Chicago: University of

Chicago Press, 1996);

- “Peasant Grievances and Peasant Insurrection: France in 1789,” in Gilbert Shapiro

and John Markoff, Revolutionary Demands: A Content Analysis of the Cahiers de

Doléances of 1789 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998).

- John Markoff and Verónica Montecinos, "El Irresistible Ascenso de los

Economistas," Desarrollo Económico. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, No. 133,

April-June, 1994.

- John Markoff and Verónica Montecinos, "Marsz Ekonomistów ku Władzy," Studia

Polityczne no. 7, 1997, pp. 211-239.

- "Violence, Emancipation and Democracy," in Gary Kates, ed., The French

Revolution: Recent Debates and New Controversies (New York and

London:Routledge, 1997).

- "Violence, Emancipation and Democracy," reprinted by Tapestry Press, Acton

(MA), 1997.

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- "Violence, Emancipation and Democracy," in Gary Kates, ed., The French

Revolution: Recent Debates and New Controversies , 2nd

edition (New York and

London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 165-197.

- Olas de Democracia: Movimientos Sociales y Cambio Político (Madrid: Colección

de Ciencias Sociales, 1999).

- A Russian translation of Abolition of Feudalism is in preparation for the Moscow

publishing house Territory of the Future.

- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, “Del poder de las ideas económicas al

poder de los economistas” [“From the Power of Economic Ideas to the Power of

Economists”] in Tomas Ariztia, ed., Produciendo lo Social: Usos de las Ciencias

Sociales en el Chile Reciente (Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales,

2012), pp. 25-72.

- Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, “Officially Solicited Petitions: The Cahiers de

Doléances as a Historical Source”, in Lex Heerma van Voss, ed., Petitions in Social

History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 79-106.

- “La problemática historia de la ciudadanía democrática”, Historia Constitucional.

Revista Electrónica, 2005, no. 6 (online at

- “La problemática historia de la ciudadanía democrática,” to appear in collection of

essays edited by Francisco Acosta

- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, eds., Economistas en las Américas

(Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2015)

- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, “Prefacio” in Economistas en las Américas

(Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2015), pp. 9-19.

- Verónica Montecinos, John Markoff, and María José Alvarez, “Economistas en las

Américas: convergencia, divergencia y conexión” in Economistas en las Américas

(Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2015), pp. 29-118.

- Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, “Epílogo: una mirada más allá del

momento neoliberal” in Economistas en las Américas (Santiago: Ediciones

Universidad Diego Portales, 2015), pp. 471-502.

- “Democracia: transformações passadas, desafios presentes e perspectivas futuras”,

Sociologias 15, 2013 (January-April): 18-50.

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- Waves of Democracy, revised and updated second Spanish edition in preparation for

Editorial Comares

- A Citizen’s Guide to Social Movements: Protest and the DNA of Democracy (for


- From Revolution to Democracy (for Cambridge University Press)

- “Creative Disappointment: How Movements For Democracy Spawn Movements

for Still More Democracy” (with Jackie Smith and Hillary Lazar)

- "Talking about democracy in the House of Islam" (with Mounira Charrad).

- “Argentina’s electoral reform of 1912 in its transnational context” (with Dora


- “Europe’s Economic Crisis, the Turn to Economists, and the Challenge for

Democracy” (with Verónica Montecinos)

- “Struggles for democracy in the Spanish countryside: a long term view” (With

Antonio Herrera)

- “Democratic Innovation in Latin America in the Twenty-First Century (with Daniel



- “From the French Revolution to the Spanish Revolution”, July 2011,


- “Democracia: cuestións de hoxe e cuestións de sempre” [“Democracy: Current

Issues and Permanent Issues”], May 2015,

- “A veces las democracias falsas generan oportunidades para crear más democracia”

[“Sometimes fake democracies produce opportunities to advance democracy”],

(interview by Daniel Núñez) Plaza Pública (Guatemala), December 5, 2015, pp.1-



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- “An Interview with John Markoff”, Democratic Theory (forthcoming)



at University of Pittsburgh:

- Center for Latin American Studies

- European Union Center of Excellence/European Studies Center

- Center for Russian and East European Studies

- Program in Cultural Studies

- World History Center Advisory Board (2009-2011)

- Women’s Studies Program (renamed Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies)

- Advisory Committee for Worlds of Communism program of research and publication


- Allen and Unwin

- Blackwell

- Bloomsbury Academic

- Cambridge University Press

- Edinburgh University Press

- Greenwood Publishing Group

- Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

- Harvard University Press

- McGraw-Hill

- Oxford University Press

- Palgrave Macmillan

- Paradigm Publishers

- Pennsylvania State University Press

- Pine Forge Press

- Polity Books

- Routledge

- Russell Sage Foundation

- Sage Publications

- Stanford University Press

- University of California Press

- University of Chicago Press

- University of Pittsburgh Press

- University of Rochester Press

- American Journal of Sociology

- American Sociological Review

- American Sociologist

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- Armed Forces and Society

- Canadian Journal of Development Studies

- Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies

- Comparative Politics

- Comparative Studies in Society and History

- Current Sociology

- Democratization

- Deviant Behavior

- East European Politics and Society

- French Historical Studies

- Global Governance

- Globalizations

- Historical Methods

- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion

- Journal of Conflict Resolution

- Journal of Latin American Studies

- Journal of Modern History

- Journal of Political and Military Sociology

- Journal of Politics in Latin America

- Latin American Research Review

- Law and Social Inquiry

- Mobilization

- Nations and Nationalism

- Peace Psychology Review

- Perspectives on Politics

- Public Opinion Quarterly

- Qualitative Research

- Qualitative Sociology

- Rationality and Society

- Social Forces

- Social Problems

- Social Science History

- Sociological Forum

- Sociological Methodology

- Sociological Review

- Sociological Theory

- Studies in Comparative International Development

- Theory, Culture and Society

- World Politics

- American Council of Learned Societies

- Economic & Social Research Council (United Kingdom)

- National Science Foundation

- Israel Science Foundation

- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

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- Belagio Study and Conference Center’s Residency Program


Historical Methods (1970s)

Sociological Methodology (1993-1995)

Research in Political Sociology (current)


- "Quantitative Studies in the French Revolution." Presented at the 1966 meetings

of the Society for French Historical Studies (with Gilbert Shapiro and Sasha


- "A Data Bank for Studies of Social Change in France." Presented at a conference

on the application of mathematical methods in history sponsored by the

Mathematical Social Science Board, Boston, 1966.

- "The Study of Public Opinion." Colloquium given at the University of Ottawa,


- "Solid Waste Accumulation in Residential Neighborhoods as a Socio-political

Process." Presented to the International Congress of Anthropological and

Ethnological Sciences, Chicago, 1973 (with Sherif El-Hakim).

- Discussant at the Didactic Seminar on Historical Sociology at the Annual

Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, August 1974.

- "The Rise and Fall of Civil Religion: Comparative Perspectives." Presented to

the 1980 meetings of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, New York,

August 1980 (with Daniel Regan).

- "Problems of Interpretation of the Cahiers de Doléances: Consensus and

Conflict." Presented to the 1980 meetings of the Southern Historical Association,

Atlanta, November 1980 (with Gilbert Shapiro).

- Panelist at session on "American Civil Religion" at the meeting of the Society for

the Scientific Study of Religion, Providence, October, 1982.

- "Redemocratization in Brazil." Presented at conference on Redemocratization in

Latin America, University of Pittsburgh, March 1985 (with Silvio Duncan


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- "Transitional Regimes and the Abertura: Is Democracy Coming to Brazil?"

Presented to 1985 Meetings of the American Sociological Association,

Washington, August 1985 (with Silvio Duncan Baretta).

- Sessions on "economy and society," 1986 World Congress of Sociology, New

Delhi, India.

- "Allies and Opponents: Nobility and Third Estate in the Spring of 1789."

Presented to 1987 Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago,

August 1987.

- Discussant on panel on "Cities and Countryside in the development of the world-

system," 1987 Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago,

August 1987.

- Panelist on history of Western literacy, 1987 meeting of the Social Science

History Association, New Orleans, October, 1987.

- Discussant on panel on revolutions in Central America and the Caribbean, 1988

Meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, New Orleans, 1988.

- Discussant at Heinz Symposium on Contemporary Issues in Latin America,

Pittsburgh, April, 1988.

- "Peasant Grievances and Peasant Insurrection: France in 1789." Presented to 1988

Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August 1988.

- "The Selective Transmission of Historical Documents: The Case of the Parish

Cahiers of 1789" (with Gilbert Shapiro and Silvio R. Duncan Baretta). Presented

to the 1988 Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August


- "Images du roi au début de la Révolution française" [“Images of the king at the

beginning of the French Revolution”]. Presented to the World Congress for the

Bicentennial of the French Revolution, Paris, July, 1989.

- "Peasants Protest: The Claims of Lord, Church and State in the Cahiers de

Doléances." Presented at the 1989 Meetings of the American Sociological

Association, San Francisco, August 1989.

- Chair and Discussant, panel on comparative revolution, 1989 Meetings of the

American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August, 1989.

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- "Contrasting Peasant Views of Taxation, Clerical Exactions and Seigneurial

Rights at the Beginning of the Revolution." Presented to the 1989 Meetings of the

Western Society for French History, New Orleans, October, 1989.

- Panelist on methods of comparative history, 1989 Meetings of the Social Science

History Association, Washington, November, 1989.

- Organizer and discussant, panel on "Latin American Frontiers in Comparative

Perspective," 1989 Meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, Miami,

December, 1989.

- Presentation to workshop on cahiers de doléances on "What can we learn from

the Cahiers?," at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, December, 1989.

- "The Irresistible Rise of Economists" (with Verónica Montecinos). Presented at

the 1990 World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, Spain.

- "Insurrectionary Peasants and Revolutionary Legislators." Presentation to

workshop on the study of conflict events at Cornell University, October, 1990.

- "Waves of Democratization: 1989 in Historical Perspective." Presented at a

conference on Global Trends of Democratization, Skidmore College, November,


- "When and How did the Countryside Revolt? A Statistical Study of Insurrection."

Presented at 1991 meetings of the Western Society for French History, Reno,

Nevada, November, 1991.

- "The Great Wave of Democracy in Historical Perspective," lecture at McGill

University, January, 1992.

- Discussant at conference on The Social Construction of Democracy: 1890-1990,

Pittsburgh, May 1992.

- Keynote speech at annual meetings of Canadian Association for Latin American

and Caribbean Studies, with Verónica Montecinos. Ottawa, October, 1992

(Topic: "Democrats, Technocrats and Regime Change in Latin America Today").

- "Social Movements, Historical Contexts and Democracy." Presented at the First

European Conference on Social Movements, Berlin, Germany, October 1992.

- "Peasants Talk to Legislators (and Vice-Versa)." Presented at Northwestern

University, April, 1993.

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- "Historical Waves of Democratization: Latin America in the 1990s." Presented at

conference on "Deepening Democracy and Representation in Latin America,"

Pittsburgh, April 1993.

- Chair and discussant on two panels on the comparative history of frontiers, Social

Science History Association, Baltimore, November, 1993.

- Chair and discussant on panel on the comparative history of food riots in England,

France, and Germany, American Historical Association, San Francisco, January,


- "Violence, Emancipation and Democracy: The Countryside and the French

Revolution." Presented at conference on Violence and the Democratic Tradition

in France, Irvine, California, February 1994.

- "Frontier Violence and State Violence," presented at conference on States of

Violence at the University of Michigan, April, 1994.

- Discussant on session on urban disturbances in the nineteenth-century British

Empire, conference on States of Violence, University of Michigan, April, 1994.

- "Democracy: Two Centuries of a World-Wide Social Movement." Presented at

the University of Minnesota, April, 1994.

- "Regime Transitions and Historical Perspectives," presented at the World

Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies,

Warsaw, Poland, August 1995.

- "The Countryside and the French Revolution," presented at Florida International

University, October 1995.

- "Historical Waves and Global Democratizations: Implications for Latin

America," presented at Florida International University, October 1995.

- Discussant on panel on eighteenth century British food riots and the debate over

the moral economy at the meeting of the National Conference on British Studies,

Chicago, October 1996.

- "Waves of Democracy and Brazil," presented at conference on "Democracy,

Development and Globalization: New Perspectives on Substantive Justice in

Brazil," Pittsburgh, February, 1997.

- Discussant on panel on "Nationalism and National Identity in Latin America,"

presented at the meetings of the Latin American Studies Association,

Guadalajara, Mexico, April, 1997.

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- Panelist at symposium on "State Repression and the Poor in Central America,"

University of Pittsburgh, January, 1998.

- "Centers, Peripheries and the History of Democracy," talk given at Oxford

University, March, 1998.

- "Social Movements, Democratizations, and Transnational Contexts: Some

Unanswered Questions," presented at the Conference on European Social Science

History, Amsterdam, March, 1998.

- "The Past, Present and Future (if any) of Democracy: From the Big Bang of

Eighteenth-Century Revolution to the Whimper of Twenty-First Century

Globalization," presented at Carlow College, April, 1998.

- "Globalization and the Future of Democracy," presented at the World Congress of

Sociology, Montreal, July, 1998.

- Discussant on panel on "Globalization and Nationalism in Latin America,"

meetings of Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, September, 1998.

- Chair of panel on changes in social policy in Latin America, meetings of Latin

American Studies Association, Chicago, September, 1998.

- "The History of Democracy and the Future of Globalization (and Vice-Versa),"

presented at State University of New York at Stony Brook, October, 1998.

- "Where and When Was Democracy Invented?", presented at Rutgers University,

October, 1998.

- "Where and When Was Democracy Invented?", presented at New York University,

October, 1998.

- Chair and organizer of panel on "New Methods of Content Analysis and their

Applications for Social History," meetings of Social Science History Association,

Chicago, November, 1998.

- "Social Movements, Democratization and Globalization," presented at Johns

Hopkins University, March, 1999.

- "The Geography of Democratization," presented at UCLA, April, 1999.

- "Boundaries: The History of Democratization and the Future of Social Science,"

Sorokin Lecture, meetings of the Midwest Sociological Association, Minneapolis,

Spring, 1999

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- "Geography and Democracy," presented at Northwestern University, May, 1999.

- Discussant at symposium on “Research Trends in the Southern Cone and Brazil,”

University of Pittsburgh, September, 1999.

- Chair and discussant on panel on early twentieth century revolutions, Social

Science History Association meetings, Dallas, November, 1999.

- Discussant at Latin American Social and Public Policy Graduate Student

Conference, Pittsburgh, February, 2000.

- Discussant on panel on “Rethinking Latin American Studies: Cross-Fertilizing

History and the Social Sciences,” meetings of the Latin American Studies

Association, Miami, March, 2000

- Chair of panel on French historical databases, meetings of the Society for French

Historical Studies, Phoenix, Arizona, April, 2000.

- Comments at “Author Meets the Critics” session on The Abolition of Feudalism,

meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August,


- Discussant at Latin American Social and Public Policy Graduate Student

Conference, Pittsburgh, February, 2001.

- “Globalization as a Challenge to Democracy,” presented at the Johns Hopkins

University, March, 2001

- “The State, Democracy, and Globalization,” presented at States and Economies

Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, March, 2001

- Discussant at presentation of Daniel Rodgers on new trends in US economic

thought and economic policy, Atlantic History Colloquium, University of

Pittsburgh, April, 2001

- “Challenges to Democracy: Some Old, Some New,” presented at congress of

International Institute of Sociology, Cracow, Poland, July, 2001

- Discussant at conference on “Democracy and Representation in Latin America,”

University of Pittsburgh, September, 2001

- Discussant at panel on “The History of Economics in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and

Mexico,” meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C.,

September, 2001

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- Discussant at colloquium on Marcus Rediker and Peter Linebaugh’s The Many-

headed Hydra, University of Pittsburgh, October, 2001.

- Presenter at session on McAdam, Tarrow and Tilly, Dynamics of Contention,

Pittsburgh Social Movements Forum, University of Pittsburgh, February, 2002

- “The World History of Women’s Suffrage,” presented at the Center for Interpretive

and Qualitative Research, Duquesne University, March, 2002

- Chair and discussant at panel on “Deliberative Democracy: Theories, Institutions,

and Practices”, meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago,

August, 2002.

- Discussant at Latin American Social and Public Policy Graduate Student

Conference, Pittsburgh, February, 2003.

- Discussant on panel on Miguel Angel Centeno’s Blood and Debt: War and the

Nation-State in Latin America, meetings of Eastern Sociological Society,

Philadelphia, February, 2003

- Discussant on panel on Mounira Maya Charrad’s States and Women’s Rights: The

Making of Postcolonial Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco, meetings of Eastern

Sociological Society, Philadelphia, February, 2003

- “‘This Experiment on a Small Scale’: Transnational Origins of Women’s Suffrage”,

presented at Carlow College, April, 2003

- (with Verónica Montecinos) “Economists in the Americas: Convergence,

Divergence, and Connection”, annual conference of the Society for the

Advancement of Socioeconomics, Aix-en-Provence, June, 2003.

- (with Verónica Montecinos) “Economists in the Americas: Convergence,

Divergence, and Connection”, presented at meetings of Pennsylvania Sociological

Society, California, PA, October, 2003.

- Discussant on panel on William Brustein’s The Roots of Hate, University of

Pittsburgh, February, 2004

- “Contention and the Troubled History of Democracy”, presented at SUNY-

Binghamton, April, 2004

- “La democracia como objeto de investigación” [Democracy as an object of

research], invited presentation at University of Cadiz, November, 2004

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- “La democracia como objeto de investigación” [Democracy as an object of

research], invited presentation at University of Seville, November, 2004

- “La democracia como objeto de investigación” [Democracy as an object of

research], invited presentation at University of Jaén, November, 2004

- “La democracia como objeto de investigación” [Democracy as an object of

research], invited presentation at University of Granada, November, 2004

- “La problemática historia de la ciudadanía democrática” [The Troubled History of

Democratic Citizenship], invited presentation for conference on “The Construction

of Citizenship in Europe”, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, November,


- Organizer of two panels on new student work on social movements, meetings of

North Central Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, April, 2005

- “Democracy as an object of research”, invited lecture, Comenius University,

Bratislava, Slovakia, April, 2005

- “The connected histories of democracy and social movements”, presented at

Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, April, 2005

- “The transnational history of women’s suffrage”, presented at Comenius University,

Bratislava, Slovakia, April, 2005

- “The problematic history of democratic citizenship”, presented at the Slovak

Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, April, 2005

- “Is globalization a challenge to democracy?”, presented at the Department of

Politics, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, April,


- “La democracia como objeto de investigación” [Democracy as an object of

research], invited presentation at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, June, 2005

- “De la Respuesta a los Actores de la Globalización: Movimientos

Antiglobalización” [“Responding to the movers of globalization: antiglobalization

movements”], 1 day intensive workshop for graduate students, Universidad

Internacional de Andalucía, Baeza, Spain, June 2005.

- Discussant at workshop on issues of European identity and security, Graduate

School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, September


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- “A Moving Target: Democracy”, presented at Workshop on Power, Resistance and

Social Change, University of Pittsburgh, October 2005

- Organizer, panel on “global social movements”, meetings of Pennsylvania

Sociological Society, Penn State University, October 2005

- Discussant at Latin American Social and Public Policy Graduate Student

Conference, Pittsburgh, February, 2006.

- “Why democracy mutates”, invited lecture, Department of Sociology, University of

Western Ontario, April, 2006

- “Movimientos Antiglobalización” [“antiglobalization movements”], intensive

workshop for graduate students, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Baeza,

Spain, May 2006.

- Commentator at conference on the countryside in Spanish democratization, Baeza,

Spain, May 2006.

- “Democracy and Its Problems”, Carnegie-Mellon University, September 2006

- Commentator on panel on Reid Andrews, Afro-Latin America, 1800-2000,

University of Pittsburgh, September 2006.

- “Global Inequalities as a Challenge and Opportunity for Democracy”, presented at

workshop on “Rethinking Global Inequalities” at the Russell Sage Foundation, New

York, October 2006.

- “The Past and Future of Democracy”, presented at the Perlman Roundtable,

University of Pittsburgh, March 2007

- “A Moving Target: Democracy”, presented at the Kellogg Institute for International

Studies, University of Notre Dame, March 2008.

- “The Past and Future of Democracy”, International Conference on Sociology of the

Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, May, 2008

- (with María José Alvarez and Verónica Montecinos) “The Transamerican Market-

Oriented Think Tank Movement”, Society for the Advancement of

Socioeconomics, San José, Costa Rica, July 2008.

- Participant in roundtable concluding discussion at conference on “The Origins of

Democracy in the Americas, 1770s-1870s” at the Kellogg Institute for International

Studies, University of Notre Dame, September 2008.

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- Commentator on Jackie Smith, Social Movements for Global Democracy, at the

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, October 2008

- “Movimientos sociales, democracia y ciudadanía” [“Social Movements,

Democracy and Citizenship”], presented at a conference on the history of

Andalusia, Jaén, Spain, November 2008.

- “Movimientos sociales, democracia y ciudadanía” [“Social Movements, Democracy

and Citizenship”], presented at Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville), November


- “A Moving Target: Democracy”, inaugural lecture for university professorship,

University of Pittsburgh, Spring 2009.

- “El mundo rural en la historia de democracia” [“the rural world in the history of

democracy”], workshop at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, October 2009.

- “What sorts of rights do people need in our global age and is the national state an

adequate framework for assuring them?”, colloquium at Universidad Pablo de

Olavide, Seville, fall 2009

- “La democracia como objeto de investigación” [“Democracy as an object of

research”], presented at Universidad de Huelva, fall 2009

- “Democracia local, historia global, y perspectivas españolas” [“Local democracy:

world history and Spanish distinctiveness”], colloquium at Universidad Pablo de

Olavide, Seville, fall 2009

- Discussant at Latin American Social and Public Policy Graduate Student

Conference, Pittsburgh, February, 2010.

- “National Democracy and Global Democracy”, presented at World Congress of

Sociology, Göteborg, Sweden, July, 2010

- “Rural Movements and the Transition to Democracy in Spain” (with Antonio

Herrera González de Molina), presented at Rural History 2010, Brighton, England,

September 2010.

- Antonio Herrera González de Molina, John Markoff, Manuel González de Molina,

and David Soto Fernández, “Los procesos de democratización en el campo:

democracia y mundo rural en la Andalucía del siglo XX” [“Democratization

processes in the countryside: democracy and the rural world in Andalusia in the

twentieth century”], Congreso de Historia Contemporánea, Santander, Spain,

September 2010

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- Discussant on panel on transnational diffusion of contention, meetings of Latin

American Studies Association, Toronto, October 2010

- “Los movimientos sociales en la historia de la democracia” [“Social movements in

the history of democracy”], presented at Pablo de Olavide University, Seville,

November 2010.

- “Reply to William Sewell”, comments at lecture in Successful Societies Series,

University of Pittsburgh Humanities Center, February 2011

- “Democratization in rural societies. New and old concepts”, presented via video

connection to the International Workshop on “Politicization in Rural Societies:

concepts and uses in History”, Carmona, Spain, February 2011

- “Rural Movements and the Transition to Democracy in Spain” (with Antonio

Herrera González de Molina), presented at a conference on Strikes and Social

Conflicts in the Twentieth Century, Lisbon, Portugal, March 17-19, 2011.

- John Markoff, Manuel González de Molina and Inmaculada Villa Gil Bermejo,

“Los procesos de democratización en la Andalucía rural contemporánea"

[“Democratization processes in contemporary rural Andalusia”], presented at the

Congreso de Historia Agraria, Lleida, Spain, May 2011.

- “From the French Revolution to the Spanish Revolution”, lecture and discussion

with los acampados de Boston, MIT, July 2011.

- Panel member, “A Conversation About Social Movements and Global Crisis in the

Early Twenty-first Century”, University of Pittsburgh, October 2011.

- Guest lecture/Interview via Skype on dynamics of democracy with a Sociology class

at Keene State College (New Hampshire)

- Co-organizer of conference on The Idea of France, University of Pittsburgh,

November 2011

- Chair of panel on 18th

century themes, conference on The Idea of France, University

of Pittsburgh, November 2011

- Participant in workshop on dataset on elections in Andalusia, late 19th

and early 20th

centuries, Centro de Estudios Andaluces, Seville, November 2011

- Participant in workshop on new directions in Andalusian history: ongoing research

on Montefrío, November 2011

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- “Why is an American historian doing research in Montefrío?”, Montefrío Town

Hall, Spain, November 2011

- Moderator, presentation by Marcus Rediker of new research on the Amistad revolt,

University of Pittsburgh, January 2012

- Co-organizer of conference on Arab Spring, University of Pittsburgh, March 2012

- Chair of panel at conference on Arab Spring, University of Pittsburgh, March 2012

- “¿Hacia dónde va la democracia?” [“Where is democracy heading?”], Pablo de

Olavide University, Seville, Spain, November 2012

- “Democracy and the rural world in contemporary Spain: first results of an ongoing

research project” (with Antonio Herrera), European Social Science History

Conference, Vienna, April 2014

- Co-organizer of annual conference of the Political Economy of the World-System

section of the American Sociological Association, University of Pittsburgh, April


- Discussant at session on “Practices and Challenges in Contemporary Organizing

Across Diversity” at the annual conference of the Political Economy of the World-

System section of the American Sociological Association, University of Pittsburgh,

April 2014

- Session chair, conference on “The Future of Atlantic, Transnational and World

History”, University of Pittsburgh, May 2014

- “¿Hacia dónde va la democracia?” [“Where is democracy heading?”], Pablo de

Olavide University, Seville, Spain, November 2014

- Commentator at symposium on Diego Olstein, Thinking History Globally,

University of Pittsburgh, March 2015.

- “Democracia: cuestiones de hoy y questiones de siempre” [“Democracy: current

issues and permanent issues”], Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May


- “Un futuro para democracia española” [“A future for Spanish democracy”],

conversation with Spanish undergraduates, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville,

Spain, May 2015.

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- Organizing committee for plenary session at conference on “Old and New Worlds:

The Global Challenges of Rural History” of the Sociedad Española de Historia

Agraria, Lisbon, January 2016

- “Social Movements and Democratization in Rural History,” plenary session at

conference on “Old and New Worlds: The Global Challenges of Rural History” of

the Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria, Lisbon, January 2016

“Current Questions on Latin American Democracy in Historical and Global

Perspective”, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain, February 2016.

- “Democracia: cuestiones de hoy y questiones de siempre” [“Democracy: current

issues and permanent issues”], Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain,

February 2016.

- “Democracia: cuestiones de hoy y questiones de siempre” [“Democracy: current

issues and permanent issues”], Universidad de Granada, Spain, February 2016.

- “Democracia: cuestiones de hoy y questiones de siempre” [“Democracy: current

issues and permanent issues”], Universidad de Jaén, Spain, February 2016.

- “Visions of past and future in the past, present and future (if any) of democracy,”

presentation for panel on “futures and pasts in the future of political sociology,”

Forum of the International Sociological Association, Vienna, July 2016.

- “New and old challenges to democracy”, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, May 2017.

- Book presentation for new edition of Olas de democracia, Universidad Pablo de

Olavide, May 2017

- Book presentation for new edition of Olas de democracia, Universidad de Granada,

May 2017