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  • 7/28/2019 Add Maths Complete



    First of all, I wish to express gratitude to the Almighty for his guidance and

    also giving me the strength to complete this project work.

    Not forgetting my parents who provided everything, such as money, to buy

    materials that are related to this project work and their never ending support which

    was most needed for this project.

    Then I would like to thank my teacher, Puan Hafizuriah, for guiding me and

    my friends throughout this project. We had some difficulties in doing this task, but

    she taught us patiently until we knew what to do. She gave her very best in

    teaching us until we understood what we were supposed to do with the project


    Last but not least, my friends who were doing this project with me and

    sharing their ideas. They were very helpful that when we combined and discussed

    together, we had this task done.

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    The aims of carrying out this project work are to enable students to:

    (a) apply mathematics to everyday situations and appreciate the importance

    and the beauty of mathematics in everyday life.

    (b) improve problem-solving skills, thinking skills, reasoning and mathematical


    (c) develop positive attitude and personalities and instil mathematical values

    such as accuracy, confidence and systemic reasoning.

    (d) stimulate learning environment that enhances effective learning inquiry-base

    and team work.

    (e) develop mathematical knowledge in a way which increases students

    interest and confidence.

  • 7/28/2019 Add Maths Complete


    Title :Build a fencing surrounding the vegetable nursery in order to obtain the

    maximum planting area in turn to produce the highest yields of crops by

    using Herons method


    Triangles are shapes which are unique in their own way. With them, the

    world has been able to see structures made of many types of triangles. For

    example, the Egyptian pyramids are those found at Giza, on the outskirts ofCairo.

    Several of the Giza pyramids are counted among the largest structures ever built.

    The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It is the only one of

    the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence.

  • 7/28/2019 Add Maths Complete


    A triangle has three angles and three sides. All the angles always add up to

    180.There are three special names given to triangles that tell how many

    sides (or angles) are equal.

    There can be 3, 2 or no equal sides/angles:

    Equilateral Triangle

    Three equal sidesThree equal angles, always 60

    Isosceles Triangle

    Two equal sidesTwo equal angles

    Scalene Triangle

    No equal sidesNo equal angles

    Triangles can also have names that tell you what type of angle is inside:

    Acute Triangle

    All angles are less than 90

    Right Triangle

    Has a right angle (90)

    Obtuse Triangle

    Has an angle more than 90

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    Triangles have been a great contribution to the world today. It has given

    shape to a building, as a toy for kids to learn, and even gives a name to the most

    dangerous part of the sea, the Bermuda Triangle.

    PART I

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    The formula is credited to Heron (or Hero) of Alexandria, and a proof can be foundin his book, Metrica, written c. A.D. 60. It has been suggested thatArchimedesknew the formula over two centuries earlier, and since Metrica is a collection ofthe mathematical knowledge available in the ancient world, it is possible that the

    formula predates the reference given in that work.A formula equivalent to Heron's namely:

    , where

    was discovered by the Chinese independently of the Greeks. It was published inShushu Jiuzhang(Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections), written by QinJiushao and published in A.D. 1247.


    A modern proof, which uses algebra and is quite unlike the one provided by Heron(in his book Metrica), follows. Let a, b, cbe the sides of the triangle andA, B, Cthe angles opposite those sides. We have

    by the law of cosines. From this proof get the algebraic statement:

    The altitude of the triangle on base a has length bsin(C), and it follows
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    The difference of two squares factorization was used in two different steps.

    Proof using the Pythagorean theorem
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    Triangle with altitude h cutting base cinto d+ (c d).

    Heron's original proof made use ofcyclic quadrilaterals, while other arguments appeal totrigonometry as above, or to the incenterand one excircle of the triangle. The followingargument reduces Heron's formula directly to the Pythagorean theorem using only elementarymeans.

    We wish to prove The left-hand side equals

    while the right-hand side equals

    via the identity It therefore suffices to show


    Substituting into the former,

    as desired. Similarly, the latter expression becomes

    Using the Pythagorean theorem twice, and allows us tosimplify the expression to

    The result follows.

    Numerical stability
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    Heron's formula as given above is numerically unstable for triangles with a verysmall angle. A stable alternative involves arranging the lengths of the sides so that

    and computing

    The brackets in the above formula are required in order to prevent numericalinstability in the evaluation.


    Heron's formula is a special case ofBrahmagupta's formula for the area of acyclic quadrilateral. Heron's formula and Brahmagupta's formula are both special

    cases ofBretschneider's formula for the area of a quadrilateral. Heron's formulacan be obtained from Brahmagupta's formula or Bretschneider's formula bysetting one of the sides of the quadrilateral to zero.

    Heron's formula is also a special case of the formula for the area of a trapezoid ortrapezium based only on its sides. Heron's formula is obtained by setting thesmaller parallel side to zero.

    Expressing Heron's formula with a CayleyMenger determinant in terms of the

    squares of the distances between the three given vertices,

    illustrates its similarity to Tartaglia's formula for the volume of a three-simplex.

    Another generalization of Heron's formula to pentagons and hexagons inscribedin a circle was discovered by David P. Robbins.

    Heron-type formula for the volume of a tetrahedron's_formula's_formula's_formula's_formula's_formula's_formula
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    IfU, V, W, u, v, ware lengths of edges of the tetrahedron (first three form atriangle; u opposite to Uand so on), then


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    Part II

    First of all, place the same triangle on a Certesian Plane. Label all the vertices of the triangle

    with A, B and C, and state their coordinates.

    Method 1:

    Area triangle ABC = Area of trapezium OABC + Area of trapezium EBCD

    Area of trapezium OACD

    = (1+9) (6) + (9+5) (3) - (1+5) (9)= 30+21-27

    = 24

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    Method 2:

    = 29.168

    Area = (AB)(AC)sin BAC

    = x 10 x 97 x sin29.168

    = 2

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    Method 3 :

    Area ABC =Area of APQR [Area APB + Area ABC +Area ACR]

    = 8 x 9 [ x 6 x 8 + x 3 x 4 + x 9 x 4 ]

    = 72 48

    = 24





    E D


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    Method 4 : Finding area under the curve using integration

    MAB =

    Eq of AB: y = + 1

    MBC =

    Eq of BC: y-5 =

    MAC =

    Eq of AC =

    Area of ABC


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    = 24

    Method 5 : Using Herons formula

    From method 2,

    AB = 10 BC = 5 AC =

    S =



    Area = ]



    = 24

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    Method 6 :

    9y = 4x + 9

    4x 9y + 9 = 0

    a =4, b = -9, c = 9

    Perpendicular distance from D to AC

    BD =

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    = |

    = |- |


    Area ABC = x AC X BD

    = x x

    = 24

    Part III


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    Total surface area of pyramid

    = 4( ) + (12)(12)

    = 423.886


    Area of triangle VBA


    = 12= 69.9714


    = 102

    + 62


    = 136

    Vn =

    Vn = 11.6619

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    Area = x 12 x

    = 93.723

    Total surface area


    = ( x 12 x 10) + ( x 12 x + ( x 12 x )+( x 10 x

    12) + (12 x 12)

    = 451.446

    Which type of pyramid is more economically to build in terms ofcost?

    The right pyramid, because the total surface area is minimum.


    Further exploration

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    Total length for fencing = 80m

    a) The height of =

    = a-(1600-80a+a)



    Area = x (80 2a) ( )

    = (40-a)( )( )

    = ( )(40-a)( )



    B C

    a a

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    b) ( )(40-a) ( ) > 0

    ( )(40-a) ( ) < 0

    20 < a < 40

    c) A = ( )(40-a) ( )

    i) First method : using calculus

    = ( )(40-a)[(( 2)]+ [- ]

    = (40-a)[ ]- ]

    = ][(40-a)-(2a-40)]

    = ][80-3a]

    = 0, = 0


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    80-3a = 0


    [-3]+(80-3a)[- 2)]

    = -

    When a = ,

    = -

    = -5.196 < 0

    As a conclusion, to obtain the maximum planting area, a is

    equal to

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    That means that the shape of the planting area is an equilateral

    triangle with sides equal to .

    To obtain the maximum planting area, a =80





    80 80, 40 2 40 80 3

    3 3


    Area A



    ii) SecondMethod :Tabulate Method

    Table 1 :

    a , 40(40 ) 2 40)Area A a a=

    20 0

    21 169.9412

    22 227.684

    23 263.3629

    24 286.2167

    25 300

    26 306.7246

    27 307.6361

    28 303.5787

    29 295.161

    30 282.8427

    31 266.9831

    32 247.8709

    33 225.7432

    34 200.7984

    35 173.2051

    36 143.1084

    37 110.6345

    38 75.8946639 38.98718

    40 0

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    Table 2 :

    a , 40(40 ) 2 40)Area A a a=

    26.0 306.7246

    26.1 307.061

    26.2 307.3406

    26.3 307.5642

    26.4 307.732926.5 307.8474

    26.6 307.9086

    26.7 307.9173

    26.8 307.8743

    26.9 307.7803

    27 307.6361

    27.1 307.4425

    27.2 307.227.3 306.9094

    27.4 306.5712

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    Table 3 :

    a , 40(40 ) 2 40)Area A a a=

    26.6 307.9086

    26.61 307.9118

    26.62 307.9145

    26.63 307.916626.64 307.9183

    26.65 307.9194

    26.66 307.92

    26.67 307.9201

    26.68 307.9197

    26.69 307.9187

    26.7 307.9173

    26.71 307.915326.72 307.9128

    26.73 307.9098

    26.74 307.9062

    26.75 307.9022

    26.76 307.8976

    26.77 307.8925

    From the tables above, the area is a maximum is 307.9201 m2whena = 26.67 m.

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    I have done researches throughout the internet and discussed with a friend

    who had helped me a lot in completing this project. Through the completion of this

    project, I had learnt many skills and techniques.

    This project really helped me to understand more about the uses of Heron

    Formulae in our daily life. This project also helped expose the techniques of

    application of additional mathematics in real life situations.

    While conducting this project, I found a lot of information. Apart from that,

    this project encourages students to work together and share their knowledge. It

    also encourages student to gather information from the internet, improve thinking

    skills and promote effective mathematical communication.

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    Last but not least, I would like to propose that this project should be

    continued because it brings a lot of benefits to students and also tests the

    students understanding in Additional Mathematics.


    After spending countless hours, days

    and nights to finish this

    Additional Mathematics Project,

    here is what I got to say:

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    Completing this project makes me realize how important

    Additional Mathematics is. Also, completing this project makesme realize

    how fun and likable Additional Mathematics is.

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