adaptive linked data-driven web components: building flexible and reusable semantic web interfaces

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces Ali Khalili, Antonis Loizou & Frank van Harmelen

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Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components

Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces

Ali Khalili, Antonis Loizou & Frank van Harmelen

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 2Ali Khalili

Fear of New

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 3Ali Khalili

Skeuomorphic Design

“One way of overcoming the fear of new is to make it look like the old.”

Donald A. Norman

Fear of New

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 4Ali Khalili

Linked Open Data Principles

WWW World

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 4Ali Khalili

Linked Open Data Principles

WWW World

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 4Ali Khalili

Linked Open Data Principles

WWW World

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 4Ali Khalili

Linked Open Data Principles

WWW World

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 4Ali Khalili

Linked Open Data Principles

WWW World

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 5Ali Khalili

Human Interactions

Linked Data on the Web WorldHumans

Linked Open Data

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 5Ali Khalili

Human Interactions

Linked Data on the Web WorldHumans

Linked Open Data

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 6Ali Khalili

The Pathetic Fallacy of RDF

Display RDF data to the users as a graph because the underlying data model is a graph…

David Karger and MC Schraefel. The pathetic fallacy of rdf. Position Paper for SWUI06, 2006

Human InteractionsLinked Open Data

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 6Ali Khalili

The Pathetic Fallacy of RDF

Display RDF data to the users as a graph because the underlying data model is a graph…

David Karger and MC Schraefel. The pathetic fallacy of rdf. Position Paper for SWUI06, 2006

Human InteractionsLinked Open Data

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 7Ali Khalili

ComplexityHuman InteractionsLinked Open Data

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 8Ali Khalili


Law of conservation of complexity

“Every application has an inherent amount of complexity that cannot be removed or hidden. Instead, it must be dealt with, either in product development or in user interaction.”

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 9Ali Khalili

Complexity Components

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 10Ali Khalili


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 11Ali Khalili

Web Components & Microservices

<Component properties={P} events={E} states={S}> </Component>

Monolith Microservices

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 12Ali Khalili

Semantic Web + Web Components

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 12Ali Khalili

Semantic Web + Web Components

How can Web Components benefit from the Semantic Web?

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 12Ali Khalili

Semantic Web + Web Components

How can Web Components benefit from the Semantic Web?

How can Semantic Web benefit from the Web Components?

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 12Ali Khalili

Semantic Web + Web Components

How can Web Components benefit from the Semantic Web?

How can Semantic Web benefit from the Web Components?

Linked Data-driven Web Components

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 13Ali Khalili

LD-R Requirements

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 13Ali Khalili

LD-R Requirements

• 51% of developers had communication issues with non-Semantic Web developers to familiarize them with Semantic Web concepts before they can start contributing to the application.

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 13Ali Khalili

LD-R Requirements

• 51% of developers had communication issues with non-Semantic Web developers to familiarize them with Semantic Web concepts before they can start contributing to the application.

• Developers spend a lot of time (avg. > 2 days) on bootstrapping their LDAs.

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 13Ali Khalili

LD-R Requirements

• 51% of developers had communication issues with non-Semantic Web developers to familiarize them with Semantic Web concepts before they can start contributing to the application.

• Developers spend a lot of time (avg. > 2 days) on bootstrapping their LDAs.• 52% had experience adapting the user interface of their applications frequently.

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 13Ali Khalili

LD-R Requirements

• 51% of developers had communication issues with non-Semantic Web developers to familiarize them with Semantic Web concepts before they can start contributing to the application.

• Developers spend a lot of time (avg. > 2 days) on bootstrapping their LDAs.• 52% had experience adapting the user interface of their applications frequently.• A considerable amount of users (46%), prefer to write the code from scratch instead of reusing code from

existing Semantic Web projects.

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 13Ali Khalili

LD-R Requirements

• 51% of developers had communication issues with non-Semantic Web developers to familiarize them with Semantic Web concepts before they can start contributing to the application.

• Developers spend a lot of time (avg. > 2 days) on bootstrapping their LDAs.• 52% had experience adapting the user interface of their applications frequently.• A considerable amount of users (46%), prefer to write the code from scratch instead of reusing code from

existing Semantic Web projects. • Only 19% of the participants (mainly advanced users) were using Web Components.

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 14Ali Khalili


LDA: Linked Data Application UI: User Interface


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 14Ali Khalili


Adoption of LDA UIs by non-Semantic Webdevelopers and end-usersBootstrapping of LDA UIsCustomization and Personalization of LDA UIsStandardization & Reusability of LDA UIs

LDA: Linked Data Application UI: User Interface


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 15Ali Khalili

Component Developer

Application Assembler End UserLinked Data


LD-R Components Life Cycle

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 15Ali Khalili

Component Developer

Application Assembler End UserLinked Data



LD-R Components Life Cycle

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 15Ali Khalili

Component Developer

Application Assembler End UserLinked Data



Scopes &


LD-R Components Life Cycle

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 16Ali Khalili

LD-R Web Components Architecture

LD-RWeb Components

RDF Components

User-defined Components SemanticMarkup

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 16Ali Khalili

LD-R Web Components Architecture

LD-RWeb Components

Interaction Mode

RDF Components

User-defined Components

View Edit Browse


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 16Ali Khalili

LD-R Web Components Architecture

LD-RWeb Components


Interaction Mode

RDF Components

User-defined Components

View Edit Browse


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 16Ali Khalili

LD-R Web Components Architecture

LD-RWeb Components


Interaction Mode

RDF Components

User-defined Components

View Edit Browse

Generic Configurations

Component-specific Configurations


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 17Ali Khalili

ConfigurationLD-R Example

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 17Ali Khalili

ConfigurationLD-R Example

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 18Ali Khalili


Linked Data Reactor


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 18Ali Khalili


Linked Data Reactor


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 19Ali Khalili

LD-R Implementation





Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 20Ali Khalili


Data Flow

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 21Ali Khalili


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 22Ali Khalili


• A component to allow searching/inserting resources from DBpedia.

• A component to allow showing DBpedia places on a map.

• A component to allow inserting/viewing languages formatted in ISO 639-1 using standard URIs.

• A component to allow inserting/viewing file size specified by a unit.

• A component to allow inserting and viewing mime types.

Example Components



LanguageView, LanguageInput

FileSizeView, FileSizeInput

MimeTypeView, MimeTypeInput

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 23Ali Khalili


Generic• Render metadata properties in different categories. • The labels for properties should be in the UI especially for technical

properties (e.g. RDF dump) that are unknown to researchers outside the Semantic Web domain.

• Show a hint for properties to help metadata editors to understand the meaning of the property.

• Instead of showing the full URIs, the output UI should render either a shortened URI or a meaningful string linked to the original URI.

• Whenever a DBpedia URI is provided, display the corresponding Wikipedia URI to retrieve human readable information.

Specific• dcterms:spatial -> viewer: DBpediaGMap • dcterms:subject -> editor: DBpediaInput • dcterms:language -> viewer: LanguageView, editor: LanguageInput • dcat:byteSize -> viewer: FileSizeView, editor: FileSizeInput • dcterms:format -> viewer: MimeTypeView, editor: MimeTypeInput

Example Scopes & Configurations

resource: { `generic': { usePropertyCategories: 1, propertyCategories: [`overview', `legalAspects', `technicalAspects'], resourceReactor: [`Resource'], shortenURI: 1 }},property: { `generic': { propertyReactor: [`IndividualProperty'], objectReactor: [`IndividualObject'], objectIViewer: [`BasicIndividualView'], objectIEditor: [`BasicIndividualInput'] }, `': { allowNewValue: 1, label: [`Dataset Language'], category: [`overview'], hint: [`The language of the dataset. Resources defined by the Library of Congress (, SHOULD be used.'], objectIViewer: [`LanguageView'], objectIEditor: [`LanguageInput'], defaultValue: [`'] }, `': { label: [`Geographical coverage'], category: [`overview'], hint: [`The geographical area covered by the dataset.'], allowNewValue: 1, objectReactor: [`AggregateObject'], objectAViewer: [`DBpediaGoogleMapView'], objectIViewer: [`BasicDBpediaView'], asWikipedia: 1, objectAEditor: [`BasicAggregateInput'], objectIEditor: [`DBpediaInput'], lookupClass: [`Place'] }, `': { category: [`overview'], label: [`Keywords'], hint: [`Tags a dataset with a topic.'], allowNewValue: 1,Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 24Ali Khalili

LD-R Use Cases Example Config

resource: { `generic': { usePropertyCategories: 1, propertyCategories: [`overview', `legalAspects', `technicalAspects'], resourceReactor: [`Resource'], shortenURI: 1 }},property: { `generic': { propertyReactor: [`IndividualProperty'], objectReactor: [`IndividualObject'], objectIViewer: [`BasicIndividualView'], objectIEditor: [`BasicIndividualInput'] }, `': { allowNewValue: 1, label: [`Dataset Language'], category: [`overview'], hint: [`The language of the dataset. Resources defined by the Library of Congress (, SHOULD be used.'], objectIViewer: [`LanguageView'], objectIEditor: [`LanguageInput'], defaultValue: [`'] }, `': { label: [`Geographical coverage'], category: [`overview'], hint: [`The geographical area covered by the dataset.'], allowNewValue: 1, objectReactor: [`AggregateObject'], objectAViewer: [`DBpediaGoogleMapView'], objectIViewer: [`BasicDBpediaView'], asWikipedia: 1, objectAEditor: [`BasicAggregateInput'], objectIEditor: [`DBpediaInput'], lookupClass: [`Place'] }, `': { category: [`overview'], label: [`Keywords'], hint: [`Tags a dataset with a topic.'], allowNewValue: 1,Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 24Ali Khalili

'': { allowNewValue: 1, label: [`Dataset Language'], category: [`overview'], hint: [`The language of the dataset.'], objectIViewer: [`LanguageView'], objectIEditor: [`LanguageInput'], defaultValue: [`'] },

LD-R Use Cases Example Config

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 25Ali Khalili


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 26Ali Khalili


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 27Ali Khalili

LD-R Use Cases Faceted browserRISIS

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 28Ali Khalili

Open PHACTSLD-R Use Cases

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 29Ali Khalili


Bridging the gap between Semantic Web Technologies and Web Components worlds brings mutual benefits for both sides:

- Semantic Web technologies provide support for richer component discovery, interoperability, integration, and adaptation on the Web.

- Web Components bring the advantages of UI standardization, reusability, replaceability and encapsulation to current Semantic Web applications.


Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 30Ali Khalili


- Create a cloud infrastructure for sharing and reusing LD-R scopes and configurations as well as LD-R Web components without the need to install the framework.

- Make a UI to facilitate creation of the LD-R scopes and configurations.

- Develop mechanisms for automatic configuration and composition of Web components based on the semantic markup provided.

Future Plans

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 31Ali Khalili

Take-Home Message

Thomas J. Watson

“Design must reflect the practical and aesthetic in business but above all… good design must primarily serve people.”

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 31Ali Khalili

Take-Home Message

Thomas J. Watson

“Design must reflect the practical and aesthetic in business but above all… good design must primarily serve people.”

Adaptive Linked Data-driven Web Components: Building Flexible and Reusable Semantic Web Interfaces 31Ali Khalili

Take-Home Message

Thomas J. Watson

“Design must reflect the practical and aesthetic in business but above all… good design must primarily serve people.”
