adaptations of the koala bear

Giulia Costantini Bio 40S Adaptations of The Koala Bear One structural adaptation of the koala bear is its’ large nose which proides it with a keen sense of s!ell" Koala bears are able to deter!ine if the eucal#pts leaes the# eat are poisonous or not" A second structural adaptation is its’ hea#$ wool coat of fur " %t protects the koala bears fro! hot and cold weather and it’s also waterproof to keep the! dr#" A behaioral adaptation of koala bears is how the# spend !ost of their lies liing in trees" The# trael b#  &u!ping between tr ees because the# are at risk of predators if the# are on the ground" Koala bears can run but the# aren’t er# fast" The# onl# co!e down fro! the trees during !ating season$ or if it is too far for the! to &u!p" A ph#siological adaptation of the koala bear is its’ er# slow !etabolis!$ which allows it to co!pensate for a nutrient poor diet" The food traels slowl# through the digestie s#ste! so the# can get as !uch nutrition as possible" The# also hae er# low energ# due to their nutrient poor diet so the# sleep for at least '( hours a da# to sae as !uch energ# as possible" The# also hae a s!all brain$ which is said to help the! spend less energ# too"  One adaptation that could be changed to bene)t the koala bear is it’s nutrient poor diet" %f the# were able eat di*erent things to gain !ore nutrients$ the# would hae !ore energ#$ allowing the! to sleep less and be !ore actie" %ts’ !etabolis! wouldn’t be as slow either " Another change could be the si+e of the Koala bears’ legs" Koala bears can run$ but if the# had longer legs$ the# could probabl# run a lot faster$ and that would allow the! to be on the ground for longer periods of ti!e"

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Post on 05-Jul-2018




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Page 1: Adaptations of the Koala Bear

8/15/2019 Adaptations of the Koala Bear 1/1