adaptation and stress in sports

Adaptation and stress in sports Pavlov, SE, Medical University, to dra-rehabilitation and sports medicine Kuznetsova TN, RGAFK to dra-diving Key words: adaptation, adjustment reactions, stress, sports. Key words: adaptation, adjustment reactions, stress, sports. The need for a systematic approach to assessing the level of functioning of the human body was recognized by the ancient doctors of the East. The need for a systematic approach to assessing the level of functioning of the human body was recognized by the ancient doctors of the East. It is traditional medicine should be regarded as the progenitor of the theory of functional systems, the truth is confirmed, on the one hand thousands of years, with another - by modern research and practice (Anokhin PK, 1975.1980; Havana Luvsan, 1986, etc.). It is traditional medicine should be regarded as the progenitor of the theory of functional systems, the truth is confirmed, on the one hand thousands of years, with another - by modern research and practice (Anokhin PK, 1975.1980; Havana Luvsan, 1986, etc .). The uniqueness of the system of the classical approach to evaluating the functional state of man in traditional Oriental medicine is primarily in the fact that some of the human body and human body itself, "as a highly organized, non-equilibrium, dissipative, samostrukturiruyuschayasya and self-organizing system" (Illarionov VE, 1992 ) are always considered in close connection with other systems and the environmental conditions in which the organism exists ( "Chzhud Shi"). The uniqueness of the system of the classical approach to evaluating the functional state of man in traditional Oriental medicine is primarily in the fact that some of the human body and human body itself, "as a highly organized, non-equilibrium, dissipative, samostrukturiruyuschayasya and self-organizing system "(Illarionov VE, 1992) are always considered in close connection with other systems and the environmental conditions in which the organism exists (" Chzhud Shi "). This approach not only allows

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Stress and how to adapt to them in sports


Page 1: Adaptation and Stress in Sports

Adaptation and stress in sports

Pavlov, SE, Medical University, to dra-rehabilitation and sports medicine

Kuznetsova TN, RGAFK to dra-diving

Key words: adaptation, adjustment reactions, stress, sports. Key words: adaptation, adjustment reactions, stress, sports.

The need for a systematic approach to assessing the level of functioning of the human body was recognized by the ancient doctors of the East. The need for a systematic approach to assessing the level of functioning of the human body was recognized by the ancient doctors of the East. It is traditional medicine should be regarded as the progenitor of the theory of functional systems, the truth is confirmed, on the one hand thousands of years, with another - by modern research and practice (Anokhin PK, 1975.1980; Havana Luvsan, 1986, etc.). It is traditional medicine should be regarded as the progenitor of the theory of functional systems, the truth is confirmed, on the one hand thousands of years, with another - by modern research and practice (Anokhin PK, 1975.1980; Havana Luvsan, 1986, etc .). The uniqueness of the system of the classical approach to evaluating the functional state of man in traditional Oriental medicine is primarily in the fact that some of the human body and human body itself, "as a highly organized, non-equilibrium, dissipative, samostrukturiruyuschayasya and self-organizing system" (Illarionov VE, 1992 ) are always considered in close connection with other systems and the environmental conditions in which the organism exists ( "Chzhud Shi"). The uniqueness of the system of the classical approach to evaluating the functional state of man in traditional Oriental medicine is primarily in the fact that some of the human body and human body itself, "as a highly organized, non-equilibrium, dissipative, samostrukturiruyuschayasya and self-organizing system "(Illarionov VE, 1992) are always considered in close connection with other systems and the environmental conditions in which the organism exists (" Chzhud Shi "). This approach not only allows you to reliably assess the levels of the functioning of body systems and the organism as a whole and with high accuracy to predict their dynamics due to changes in external and internal conditions of existence of the human body (Kuznetsova TN, Pavlov, SE, 1996.1998 ), but also imposes higher demands on the expertise of specialists, the main object of activity is the man. This approach not only allows you to reliably assess the levels of the functioning of body systems and the organism as a whole and with high accuracy to predict their dynamics due to changes in external and internal conditions of existence of the human body (Kuznetsova TN, Pavlov , SE, 1996.1998), but also imposes higher demands on the expertise of specialists, the main object of activity is the man.

Using the postulates of the system of physiology and medicine in addressing the many challenges facing the sport educators, physiologists, psychologists, doctors, allows almost no jewelry management training process, the processes of recovery after training and competitive pressures, increasing physical and sporting performance, which ultimately inevitably will lead to an athlete of high sport results. Using the postulates of the system of physiology and medicine in addressing the many challenges facing the sport educators, physiologists, psychologists, doctors, allows almost no jewelry management training process, the processes of recovery after training

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and competitive pressures, increasing physical and sporting performance, which ultimately inevitably will lead to an athlete of high sport results.

Understanding the mechanisms of the system is even more necessary when it comes to adaptation to constantly changing (internal and external) conditions of its existence. The processes of adaptation are not provided by individual bodies, and are organized among themselves and subordinate systems (Anokhin PK, 1975.1980, V. Konovalov, 1998). The processes of adaptation are not provided by individual bodies, and are organized among themselves and subordinate systems (Anokhin PK, 1975.1980, V. Konovalov, 1998). The term "adaptation" is commonly understood as a process or a fait accompli to adapt to anything (Platonov, VN, 1988). The term "adaptation" is commonly understood as a process or a fait accompli to adapt to anything (Platonov, VN, 1988). In a broad sense, the term "adaptation" is considered as feedback, ensuring that the responses of complex hierarchical self-governing system to changing environmental conditions (Rodionov, A., I. Tuchashvili, 1998), and separated from the object to which it belongs and the actions committed by these (or this) object - a totally imprecise. In a broad sense, the term "adaptation" is considered as feedback, ensuring that the responses of complex hierarchical self-governing system to changing environmental conditions (Rodionov, A., I. Tuchashvili, 1998), and separated from the object to which it belongs and the actions committed by these (or this) object - a totally imprecise. Actually, it has a dual perception deprives the term specificity. Actually, it has a dual perception deprives the term specificity. More logical to state a fait accompli to adapt to anything in our view would be to use the term "adaptability". More logical to state a fait accompli to adapt to anything in our view would be to use the term "adaptability". In numerous publications on sport pedagogy (Platonov, VN, 1988; Solodkov AS, 1990; Seluyanov VN et al., 1993; Bulgakov N.Zh., 1996; etc.) - there is a lack of text of concrete tied to the term "adaptation" of the object (cell, organ, anatomical or functional system, organism), adaptive changes which have been studied for various criteria. In numerous publications on sport pedagogy (Platonov, VN, 1988; Solodkov AS, 1990; Seluyanov VN et al., 1993; Bulgakov N.Zh., 1996; etc.) - There is a lack of text of concrete tied to the term "adaptation" of the object (cell, organ, anatomical or functional system, organism), adaptive changes which have been studied for various criteria. Moreover, VN Platonov (1988) in his monograph, commits a gross error, describing the adaptation of a fait accompli just as the effect of the quantitative accumulation of certain changes, although the absolute adaptability of the organism - not stable functional state, which can be achieved only after prolonged (Balykin M. et al., 1998) - during the period of adjustment - the action are relatively unchanged in intensity and duration of the standard stimulus (Harkavy LH et al., 1977.1979). Moreover, VN Platonov (1988) in his monograph, commits a gross error, describing the adaptation of a fait accompli just as the effect of the quantitative accumulation of certain changes, although the absolute adaptability of the organism - not stable functional state, which can be achieved only after prolonged (Balykin M. et al., 1998) - during the period of adjustment - the action are relatively unchanged in intensity and duration of the standard stimulus (Harkavy LH et al., 1977.1979). Largely due to this particular error, the term "adaptation" of inertia is used by the authors for a finding of what happened to adapt to rather vague terms (training load), without any evidence to achieve a given state (ie, absolute adaptability to anything) an athlete. Largely due to this particular error, the term "adaptation" of inertia is used by the authors for a finding of what happened to adapt to rather vague terms (training load), without any evidence to achieve a given state (ie, absolute adaptability to anything) an athlete.

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The fallacy of the idea of adaptation entails the following error, made out FZ Meerson et al. The fallacy of the idea of adaptation entails the following error, made out FZ Meerson et al. (1988) and VN Platonov (1988) in the term "deadaptatsiya", understood the latter as "the elimination of the phenomena of adaptation." (1988) and VN Platonov (1988) in the term "deadaptatsiya", understood the latter as "the elimination of the phenomena of adaptation." In fact, changing the life conditions of the body (regardless of the presence or absence of strong stimuli) entails the adaptation of the organism to the newly changed conditions of its existence. In fact, changing the life conditions of the body (regardless of the presence or absence of strong stimuli) entails the adaptation of the organism to the newly changed conditions of its existence.

In addition, it is absolutely wrong to understand the adaptation of exclusively as a positive adaptive process in the organism to the changing external and internal conditions, especially referring to the participation of the stress response. In addition, it is absolutely wrong to understand the adaptation of exclusively as a positive adaptive process in the organism to the changing external and internal conditions, especially referring to the participation of the stress response. Adaptive changes with the same success can be both negative, including in cases when it comes to sports. Adaptive changes with the same success can be both negative, including in cases when it comes to sports.

Described in the same monograph VN Platonov (1988) Stages of "long-term adjustment reactions, unfortunately, does not have a real physiological basis. Described in the same monograph VN Platonov (1988) Stages of "long-term adjustment reactions, unfortunately, does not have a real physiological basis.

Behind the apparent insignificance the above-mentioned provisions lies diametrically opposite to the accepted practice (Matveev LP, 1977; Vorontsov, AR, 1981, Volkov NI, 1986; Platonov, VN, 1988; Bulgakov N.Zh. , 1996; etc.), but more than justified with the physiological position look at the principles of sports training. Behind the apparent insignificance the above-mentioned provisions lies diametrically opposite to the accepted practice (Matveev LP, 1977; Vorontsov, AR, 1981, Volkov NI, 1986; Platonov, VN, 1988; Bulgakov N.Zh., 1996; etc.) , but more than justified with the physiological position look at the principles of sports training.

Several authors (VN Platonov, 1988; Meerson FZ, Pshennikova MG, 1988; Seluyanov VN, Myakinchenko EB et al., 1993; Berdus M., M. Bogen, et al., 1998, etc.), the terms "adaptation", "adaptive response" (and that, and another in most publications - adaptive changes in the body in response to internal or external effects) can easily equate with the proposed H. Selye ( 1936,1950,1956,1976,1989), the term "stress reaction", forgetting that the latter can only point to the physiological mechanisms of nonspecific response of the organism to excessive stimuli, and to characterize the impact of the stressor has been achieved due to the functional state of the organism, but that does not reflect holistic process of adaptation (specific and nonspecific) to any, different in strength and quality impacts. Several authors (VN Platonov, 1988; Meerson FZ, Pshennikova MG, 1988; Seluyanov VN, Myakinchenko EB et al., 1993; Berdus M., M. Bogen, et al., 1998, etc.), The terms "adaptation" , "adaptive response" (and that, and another in most publications - adaptive changes in the body in response to internal or external effects) can easily equate with the proposed H. Selye (1936,1950,1956,1976,1989), the term "stress reaction",

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forgetting that the latter can only point to the physiological mechanisms of nonspecific response of the organism to excessive stimuli, and to characterize the impact of the stressor has been achieved due to the functional state of the organism, but that does not reflect holistic process of adaptation (specific and nonspecific) to any, different in strength and quality impacts. Accordingly, the adaptation of the theory put forward by H. Selye (1936) and developed later LH Harkavy et al. Accordingly, the adaptation of the theory put forward by H. Selye (1936) and developed later LH Harkavy et al. (1977.1979), can again only to characterize the non-specific mechanisms of adaptation and to assess the functional status of the human body, arising in response to varying strength of impact. (1977.1979), can again only to characterize the non-specific mechanisms of adaptation and to assess the functional status of the human body, arising in response to varying strength of impact.

Stress H. Selye (1936) described the state of the organism with a set of general, nonspecific changes (develops phasically: alarm reaction, resistance stage, the stage of exhaustion), and the factors that led to this condition - stressors. Stress H. Selye (1936) described the state of the organism with a set of general, nonspecific changes (develops phasically: alarm reaction, resistance stage, the stage of exhaustion), and the factors that led to this condition - stressors. To stress characterized by numerous morphological, biochemical and functional changes in the systems of the organism in the absence of specific reasons for this, in particular - lymphopenia eosinopenia, leukocytosis, involution of the thymus, the presence of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. To stress characterized by numerous morphological, biochemical and functional changes in the systems of the organism in the absence of specific reasons for this, in particular - lymphopenia eosinopenia, leukocytosis, involution of the thymus, the presence of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

The biological significance of stress reaction is the following: glucocorticoids, produced in large numbers in response to stressors depress thymus, lymph glands, which leads to inhibition of lymphocyte production and repress their immune system, ie The biological significance of stress reaction is the following: glucocorticoids, produced in large numbers in response to stressors depress thymus, lymph glands, which leads to inhibition of lymphocyte production and repress their immune system, ie is the suppression of body defenses, while potent anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoid hormones. is the suppression of the protective forces of the organism, while powerful anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoid hormones. Mineralkortikoidnye hormones that have an opposite effect on the body's defenses, and during the inflammatory process, are oppressed. Mineralkortikoidnye hormones that have an opposite effect on the body's defenses, and during the inflammatory process, are oppressed. These changes under the influence of excessive stimuli biologically feasible, as a protective response, an adequate strength of the stimulus, could lead to the death of the organism. These changes under the influence of excessive stimuli biologically feasible, as a protective response, an adequate strength of the stimulus, could lead to the death of the organism.

LH Harkavy et al. LH Harkavy et al. (1977.1979) proposed a quantitative and qualitative approach to understanding the theory of adaptation: in response to the effect of different strength or degree of biological activity of the stimuli to develop different to standard adaptive reaction of the organism. (1977.1979) proposed a quantitative and qualitative approach to understanding the theory of adaptation: in response to the effect of different strength or degree of biological activity

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of the stimuli to develop different to standard adaptive reaction of the organism. Research has shown that the organism can grow at least three types of adaptive reactions: 1) a reaction to the weak impact, 2) a reaction to the impact of moderate strength, and 3) a reaction to strong impact. Research has shown that the organism can grow at least three types of adaptive reactions: 1) a reaction to the weak impact, 2) a reaction to the impact of moderate strength, and 3) a reaction to strong impact.

The reaction of the organism to little effect - reaction to training, as well as stress, characterized by a specific set of changes in the neuroendocrine system, flows phasically: orientation stage, the stage of adjustment; stage trenirovannosti - somewhat increased secretion of glucocorticoids, reduced secretion mineralkortikoidov slightly (to 1.2 -1,3-fold) increased thymus, the functional activity of the thyroid gland was moderately increased in the adrenal cortex is increasing glomerular zone with signs of high activity, white blood cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, stab - in the normal range, segmented neutrophils - within the upper half of the zone regulations (55 -65%), lymphocytes - within the lower half of the zone standards (20-27%), monocytes - the norm, the system of blood coagulation characterized gipokoagulyatsionnym shift, there is some increase in nonspecific resistance of the organism. The reaction of the organism to little effect - reaction to training, as well as stress, characterized by a specific set of changes in the neuroendocrine system, flows phasically: orientation stage, the stage of adjustment; stage trenirovannosti - somewhat increased secretion of glucocorticoids, reduced secretion mineralkortikoidov slightly (to 1.2 -1,3-fold) increased thymus, the functional activity of the thyroid gland was moderately increased in the adrenal cortex is increasing glomerular zone with signs of high activity, white blood cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, stab - in the normal range, segmented neutrophils - within the upper half of the zone regulations (55 -65%), lymphocytes - within the lower half of the zone standards (20-27%), monocytes - the norm, the system of blood coagulation characterized gipokoagulyatsionnym shift, there is some increase in nonspecific resistance of the organism.

Reaction to the effects of moderate strength - the reaction of activation (activation of the primary stage, the stage of persistent activation) - also characterized her characteristic set of changes in the neuroendocrine system: increased secretion mineralkortikoidov, secretion of glucocorticoids - in the upper limit of normal; thymus increased significantly (in 2-2, 5 times) with hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue and some hypertrophy of the lobules and in the spleen increases the size of the nuclei of reticular cells, the adrenal cortex is increased, mainly due to the glomerular zone, responsible for secretion mineralkortikoidov; thyroid function increases in the normal range, moderately increased activity of the gonads ; leukocytes - from 4000 to 9000, eosinophils, neutrophils, stab - in the normal range, segmented neutrophils - within the lower half of the zone regulations and lower (less than 55%), lymphocytes - within the upper half of the zone regulations and somewhat higher (28-45% ), monocytes in the normal range; function and coagulation antisvertyvayuschey systems are well balanced, is a real increase in resistance of the organism. Reaction to the effects of moderate strength - the reaction of activation (activation of the primary stage, the stage of persistent activation) - also characterized her characteristic set of changes in the neuroendocrine system: increased secretion mineralkortikoidov, secretion of glucocorticoids - in the upper limit of normal; thymus increased significantly (in 2-2, 5 times) with hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue and some hypertrophy of the lobules and in the spleen increases the size of the nuclei of reticular cells, the adrenal cortex is increased, mainly due to

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the glomerular zone, responsible for secretion mineralkortikoidov; thyroid function increases in the normal range, moderately increased activity of the gonads; leukocytes - from 4000 to 9000, eosinophils, neutrophils, stab - in the normal range, segmented neutrophils - within the lower half of the zone regulations and lower (less than 55%), lymphocytes - within the upper half of the zone regulations and somewhat higher (28-45%), monocytes in the normal range; function and coagulation antisvertyvayuschey systems are well balanced, is a real increase in resistance of the organism.

Reaction to the impact of excessive force - stress (acute, chronic) - see above. Reaction to the impact of excessive force - stress (acute, chronic) - see above.

Thus, each of the above adaptive reactions, developed in response to the action of different strengths of stimuli, consistent with a qualitatively different, relatively stable over time continuum of functional states of the organism. Thus, each of the above adaptive reactions, developed in response to the action of different strengths of stimuli, consistent with a qualitatively different, relatively stable over time continuum of functional states of the organism. results.

Surprisingly, despite the abundance of work, confirming the fidelity of the proposed LH Harkavy et al theory (Vasil'chenko GS, 1983; Kuznetsova TN, 1989; Kuznetsova TN, Pavlov, SE, 1996, 1998; V. Konovalov, 1998, etc .), its provisions are almost ignored by most authors, it is absolutely unreasonable considering only the adaptive response of the organism (and therefore its functional state), stress (Platonov, VN, 1988, Meyerson FZ., Pshennikova MG, 1988; Seluyanov VN, Myakinchenko EB et al., 1993; Berdus M., Bogen M., et al., 1998; etc.). Moreover, numerous studies and, above all, clinical practice, it is proved that adaptive changes in the body, arising from stressful conditions - is unreasonably expensive "pleasure" that can lead to the death of the organism. Moreover, numerous studies and, above all, clinical practice, it is proved that adaptive changes in the body, arising from stressful conditions - is unreasonably expensive "pleasure" that can lead to the death of the organism. Ignorance or misunderstanding of the physiological mechanisms of adaptation leads, ultimately, to misunderstand the essence of the actual adaptive changes in response to a variety of quality and its effect, and as a consequence - to use illogical methods of training (in sports) or treatment (in medicine). Ignorance or misunderstanding of the physiological mechanisms of adaptation leads, ultimately, to misunderstand the essence of the actual adaptive changes in response to a variety of quality and its effect, and as a consequence - to use illogical methods of training (in sports) or treatment (in medicine). On the contrary, knowledge of general and specific aspects of the development of adaptive reactions can in each case individually to match the optimal diagnostic value of the load (impact) of an organism, given the state of limiting systems (Kuznetsova TN, 1989). On the contrary, knowledge of general and specific aspects of the development of adaptive reactions can in each case individually to match the optimal diagnostic value of the load (impact) of an organism, given the state of limiting systems (Kuznetsova TN, 1989).

Ignoring the basic assumptions of the theory of adaptation by the authors of the most popular monographs on adaptation to sports and exercise (Platonov, VN, 1988; Meerson FZ, Pshennikova MG, 1988), has led to the logical confusion and, in some cases, the rejection of their followers in fact the term "stress" as the physiological characteristics of the functional state

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of organism (D. Dasheva., 1998; A.Kochacska-Dziurowicz, W. Gawel, T. Gabrys, 1998; Berdus M., M. Bogen, Berdus G., Chuvilin V., 1998; Tsv.Zhelezyakov, 1998; Nepopalov VN, 1998, etc.). Ignoring the basic assumptions of the theory of adaptation by the authors of the most popular monographs on adaptation to sports and exercise (Platonov, VN, 1988; Meerson FZ, Pshennikova MG, 1988), has led to the logical confusion and, in some cases , the rejection of their followers in fact the term "stress" as the physiological characteristics of the functional state of organism (D. Dasheva., 1998; A.Kochacska-Dziurowicz, W. Gawel, T. Gabrys, 1998; Berdus M. , M. Bogen, Berdus G., Chuvilin V., 1998; Tsv.Zhelezyakov, 1998; Nepopalov VN, 1998, etc.).

Analysis of the literature devoted to the study-effects of training and competitive pressures shows that the vast majority of authors a priori considered high volume and high intensity training (and even more competitive) load stressors. Analysis of the literature devoted to the study-effects of training and competitive pressures shows that the vast majority of authors a priori considered high volume and high intensity training (and even more competitive) load stressors. Simple logical conclusions drawn from the knowledge of the laws of physiology (in particular, the laws of adaptation to the different influences on the force), give reason to doubt the validity of such opinion. Simple logical conclusions drawn from the knowledge of the laws of physiology (in particular, the laws of adaptation to the different influences on the force), give reason to doubt the validity of such opinion. Moreover, if the frequency of stress, which, incidentally, can be diagnosed solely on the basis of individual physiological reactions to any (physical, psycho-emotional, etc.) impact (H. Selye, 1936,1950,1956,1976 , 1989; Harkavy LH, Kvakina EB, Ukolova MA, 1977.1979) in athletes was even half the quantities theoretically accepted by most modern authors, the athletic training would stand in first place in a number of reasons morbidity and mortality, especially people of 30-35 years. Moreover, if the frequency of stress, which, incidentally, can be diagnosed solely on the basis of individual physiological reactions to any (physical, psycho-emotional, etc.) Impact (H. Selye, 1936,1950,1956,1976, 1989 ; Harkavy LH, Kvakina EB, Ukolova MA, 1977.1979) in athletes was even half the quantities theoretically accepted by most modern authors, the athletic training would stand in first place in a number of reasons morbidity and mortality, especially people of 30-35 years . Despite the persistence with which modern scholars totally unreasonable uses the term "stress" (Ch. D. Spielberger, 1983; Milman VE, 1983; Platonov, VN, 1988; Meerson FZ, Pshennikova MG ., 1988; Seluyanov VN, Myakinchenko EB et al., 1993; Berdus M., et al., 1998; A.Kochacska-Dziurowicz, et all 1998; Nepopalov VN, 1998, etc. .) fortunately, optimistic realities actually used is inversely proportional to their theoretical positions. Despite the persistence with which modern scholars totally unreasonable uses the term "stress" (Ch. D. Spielberger, 1983; Milman VE, 1983; Platonov, VN, 1988; Meerson FZ, Pshennikova MG., 1988; Seluyanov VN, Myakinchenko EB et al., 1993; Berdus M., et al., 1998; A.Kochacska-Dziurowicz, et all 1998; Nepopalov VN, 1998, etc..) fortunately, optimistic realities actually used is inversely proportional to their theoretical positions.

We conducted long-term monitoring of swimmers (boys, girls 17-20 years old) have allowed us on the basis of the functional states of highly skilled athletes (using LH Harkavy et al., 1982) to assess in these groups, the incidence of stress reactions after the training and competitive loads. We conducted long-term monitoring of swimmers (boys, girls 17-20 years old) have allowed us on the basis of the functional states of highly skilled athletes (using LH Harkavy et al., 1982) to

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assess in these groups, the incidence of stress reactions after the training and competitive loads.

Analysis of data obtained in the survey (after a day of rest) of highly skilled swimmers (n = 125) in predsorevnovatelnom preparation period, when the magnitude of general and special volume of work performed by athletes at large its intensity are quite large (Vorontsov, AR, 1981; Kuznetsova T. N., 1989), revealed an extremely low percentage of stressful conditions encountered in this group of athletes as a result of their reactions to the previous internal and external impacts, including including the training load. Analysis of data obtained in the survey (after a day of rest) of highly skilled swimmers (n = 125) in predsorevnovatelnom preparation period, when the magnitude of general and special volume of work performed by athletes at large its intensity are quite large (Vorontsov , AR, 1981; Kuznetsova TN, 1989), revealed an extremely low percentage of stressful conditions encountered in this group of athletes as a result of their reactions to the previous internal and external impacts, including including the training load.

Comparison of data from a survey of swimmers after a day of rest with the results of surveys conducted in the middle of training microcycle primarily found no significant differences in the overall picture of the functional groups of swimmers who participated in the experiment. Comparison of data from a survey of swimmers after a day of rest with the results of surveys conducted in the middle of training microcycle primarily found no significant differences in the overall picture of the functional groups of swimmers who participated in the experiment. Noted the absence of meaningful differences in the percentages reflect the number of stressful conditions, "progress" individual subjects in both cases, which confirms the basic tenets of the theory put forward by H. Selye (1936) and LH Harkavy et al. Noted the absence of meaningful differences in the percentages reflect the number of stressful conditions, "progress" individual subjects in both cases, which confirms the basic tenets of the theory put forward by H. Selye (1936) and LH Harkavy et al. (1977.1979). (1977.1979). There is an obvious possibility to assess the correctness of the quality of adaptive response and the state of the Athlete in 24-48 hours after the impact of causing it, which again does not contradict the laws of nonspecific adaptation reactions in the body (Harkavy LH et al., 1982). There is an obvious possibility to assess the correctness of the quality of adaptive response and the state of the Athlete in 24-48 hours after the impact of causing it, which again does not contradict the laws of nonspecific adaptation reactions in the body (Harkavy LH et al., 1982).

Note the large percentage of cases, the reactions of athletes to internal and external exposure with signs of their inferiority, tension, indicating a breach of harmony in the functioning of neurohumoral systems of the body (Harkavy LH et al., 1982) and indirectly can talk about inadequacy of training loads functional state data athletes (Kuznetsova TN, Pavlov, SE, 1996.1998), and also indicate the need for wider use of various means of recovery (Pavlov, SE, 1998). Note the large percentage of cases, the reactions of athletes to internal and external exposure with signs of their inferiority, tension, indicating a breach of harmony in the functioning of neurohumoral systems of the body (Harkavy LH et al., 1982) and indirectly can talk about inadequacy of training loads functional state data athletes (Kuznetsova TN, Pavlov, SE, 1996.1998), and also indicate the need for wider use of various means of recovery (Pavlov, SE, 1998). Sufficiently large percentage of reactivation of states, which also shows non-compliance with the principle of optimization of sports teachers training process. Sufficiently

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large percentage of reactivation of states, which also shows non-compliance with the principle of optimization of sports teachers training process. However, these states in any case are not stressful and, therefore, give no reason to exaggerate the role of training loads in the occurrence of stress in athletes. However, these states in any case are not stressful and, therefore, give no reason to exaggerate the role of training loads in the occurrence of stress in athletes.

Analysis of the functional states of the highly competitive swimmers after loading did not show increasing percentage frequency of occurrence of stress reactions to the data load as compared with corresponding figures obtained in the evaluation of nonspecific adaptive responses (states) of swimmers to the training load. Analysis of the functional states of the highly competitive swimmers after loading did not show increasing percentage frequency of occurrence of stress reactions to the data load as compared with corresponding figures obtained in the evaluation of nonspecific adaptive responses (states) of swimmers to the training load. The percentage of reactivation of states (especially) and the tension is lower than in earlier cases that, in our opinion, may be associated with reduced training loads in the near predsorevnovatelnom and Competition. The percentage of reactivation of states (especially) and the tension is lower than in earlier cases that, in our opinion, may be associated with reduced training loads in the near predsorevnovatelnom and Competition.

In general, the results allow us to note a significant trend to increased percentage of swimmers (compared to the training period) is achieved in a period of heightened activation of the competition - the best demonstration of high sports results (Harkavy LH et al., 1977,1979,1982; Kuznetsova TN, 1989), which is obviously a positive result of educational activities (to a greater extent) in the near predsorevnovatelnom period. In general, the results allow us to note a significant trend to increased percentage of swimmers (compared to the training period) is achieved in a period of heightened activation of the competition - the best demonstration of high sports results (Harkavy LH et al., 1977,1979,1982; Kuznetsova TN, 1989), which is obviously a positive result of educational activities (to a greater extent) in the near predsorevnovatelnom period.

Thus, our studies suggest that the extremely low probability of occurrence of stressful conditions in healthy athletes, even in response to the physical and emotional (competitive factor) load does not entitle an unsubstantiated researchers use the term "stress" and its derivatives as a criterion of value impact . Thus, our studies suggest that the extremely low probability of occurrence of stressful conditions in healthy athletes, even in response to the physical and emotional (competitive factor) load does not entitle an unsubstantiated researchers use the term "stress" and its derivatives as a criterion of value impact.

Stress, as one of the adaptive reactions to the excessive exposure (in the classic sense) does not play how any significant role in the mechanisms of adaptation to an athlete's training load in the sport diving - a sport that traditionally characterized by significant physical exertion. Stress, as one of the adaptive reactions to the excessive exposure (in the classic sense) does not play how any significant role in the mechanisms of adaptation to an athlete's training load in the sport diving - a sport that traditionally characterized by significant physical exertion. With enough confidence can be assumed that similar conclusions can be drawn from surveys conducted on athletes of other specializations. With enough confidence can be assumed that similar

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conclusions can be drawn from surveys conducted on athletes of other specializations. We obtained in the preliminary study data confirm this assumption. We obtained in the preliminary study data confirm this assumption.

From the foregoing it is obvious that the process of adaptation to physical exercise occurs differently than described in the literature FZ Meerson et al. From the foregoing it is obvious that the process of adaptation to physical exercise occurs differently than described in the literature FZ Meerson et al. (1988) and VN Platonov (1988) and, therefore, put forward in these theoretical positions can not be used by sports teachers, psychologists and physicians in their practice. (1988) and VN Platonov (1988) and, therefore, put forward in these theoretical positions can not be used by sports teachers, psychologists and physicians in their practice.

In conclusion, it must be said that a closer look with the numerous works on the theory of adaptation confronts the researcher much more questions than it answers and this is a significant guarantee for the further growth of interest of scientists from different disciplines to the problem. In conclusion, it must be said that a closer look with the numerous works on the theory of adaptation confronts the researcher much more questions than it answers and this is a significant guarantee for the further growth of interest of scientists from different disciplines to the problem.

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