ad file presentation

Ad File by Tatyana Danilova MCOMMS 230

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Page 1: Ad File Presentation

Ad File by

Tatyana Danilova

Ad File by

Tatyana Danilova


Page 2: Ad File Presentation

1. A Good Ad Mac vs. PC

1. A Good Ad Mac vs. PC

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Mac vs. PC is one ofthe most creative andentertaining ads. Theyare very clever and describe the weaknessesof Windows/PC.

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2. A Bad Ad2. A Bad Ad

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It not clear what is advertised unlessthe audienceknows that Wrangleris the brand of jeans.The tag line doesnot make much sense either.

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3. Brand Ad3. Brand Ad

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4. Public Service Ad4. Public Service Ad

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5. Example of Inaccuracy5. Example of Inaccuracy

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The picture of the rustic oven chips doesnot correspond with the slogan“Eat your greens”. In reality the slogan refers to the FSA greenLights on the packaging. But the implication on the ad is aimed at the product itself.

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6. Puffery6. Puffery

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It praises the weight-lossproduct with the picturesof a man who supposedlygot a six-pack in 8 weeks.It is a subjective opinion,which is not proved byindependent research orthe government.

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7. Bad Taste7. Bad Taste

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It is a bad tastead because it is not appropriateart and location.Children are exposed to it besides the target market.

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8. Harmful Female Stereotype8. Harmful Female Stereotype

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9. Harmful Minority Stereotype9. Harmful Minority Stereotype

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10. Harmful Older Stereotype10. Harmful Older Stereotype

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11. Violent Ad11. Violent Ad

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12. Controversial Product12. Controversial Product

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13. Gambling Ad13. Gambling Ad

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14. Subliminal Ad14. Subliminal Ad

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It is a subliminal ad because itpictures beautiful teenage modeldrinking milk. Subconsciously, itaffects the younger crowd with the message that it is “cool” todrink milk.

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15. Describe the Target Market of an Ad15. Describe the Target Market of an Ad

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This ad targetsyounger as well as older progressive people. The adshows that theproduct is fun, hip and cool to have.

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16. A Bad Newspaper Ad16. A Bad Newspaper Ad

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17. Internet Ad17. Internet Ad

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18. Example of a Good Media Buy18. Example of a Good Media Buy

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This is a great media buybecause it definitely attracts attention of peoplewho use shopping carts to buy groceries. It affects thefeelings when placing the food in the little kid’s hands and seeing the hungry eyes. It inspires to donate to the food bank or other charity.

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19. Creative Approachesa. Hard Sell

19. Creative Approachesa. Hard Sell

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It is an ad for a hard sell, becausepeople do moreresearch when purchasing a car. Itis a pricy productwith many compe-titors. The ad mustbe very creative.

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19. Creative Approachesb. Soft Sell

19. Creative Approachesb. Soft Sell

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It is an ad for a softsell, since it advertises the product that is consumed almostevery day.

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19. Creative Approachesc. Lecture

19. Creative Approachesc. Lecture

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The person in thead talks to the reader and sharesimportant informationregarding the drug.

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19. Creative Approachesd. Drama

19. Creative Approachesd. Drama

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The ad illustrates the minglingamong the participants. They are not addressing the consumer looking at the ad.

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20. Message Formatsa. Straightforward


20. Message Formatsa. Straightforward


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20. Message Formatsb. Demonstration

20. Message Formatsb. Demonstration

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20. Message Formatsc. Comparison

20. Message Formatsc. Comparison

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20. Message Formatsd. Problem - Solution

20. Message Formatsd. Problem - Solution QuickTime™ and a

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20. Message Formatse. Slice of Life

20. Message Formatse. Slice of Life

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20. Message Formatsf.


20. Message Formatsf.


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20. Message Formatsg. Teaser

20. Message Formatsg. Teaser

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21. Example of Slogan21. Example of Slogan

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22. Example of a Tag Line22. Example of a Tag Line

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23. Ad That Delivers Learning23. Ad That Delivers Learning

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24. Ad That Stimulates Action24. Ad That Stimulates Action

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25. Headlinesa. Direct Benefit

25. Headlinesa. Direct Benefit

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25. Headlinesb. Reverse Benefit

25. Headlinesb. Reverse Benefit

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25. Headlinesc. Factual

”THE COUNTRY LIVES BY THE SOCCER!” - a billboard in Ukraine, which describes the main sport everybody is passionate about. FYI: The next European Cup is hosted by Ukraine.

25. Headlinesc. Factual

”THE COUNTRY LIVES BY THE SOCCER!” - a billboard in Ukraine, which describes the main sport everybody is passionate about. FYI: The next European Cup is hosted by Ukraine.

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25. Headlinesd. Command

25. Headlinesd. Command

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25. Headlinese. How to

25. Headlinese. How to

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25. Headlinesf. News

25. Headlinesf. News

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25. Headlinesg. Curiosity

25. Headlinesg. Curiosity

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25. Headlinesh. Question

(Ad for an English-learning center in Ukraine. Below the headline it says “Your English will be understood everywhere in the world”)

25. Headlinesh. Question

(Ad for an English-learning center in Ukraine. Below the headline it says “Your English will be understood everywhere in the world”)

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25. Headlinesi. Association

25. Headlinesi. Association

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25. Headlinesj. Humor

25. Headlinesj. Humor

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26. Example of Bad Typography26. Example of Bad Typography

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It is hard to read the message. The idea is good, but a differentfont would work better.

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27. Layout Formatsa. Picture Window

27. Layout Formatsa. Picture Window

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27. Layout Formatsb. All Art

27. Layout Formatsb. All Art

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27. Layout Formatsc. Grid

27. Layout Formatsc. Grid

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27. Layout Formatsd. Dominant Type

27. Layout Formatsd. Dominant Type

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27. Layout Formatse. Circus

27. Layout Formatse. Circus

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27. Layout Formatsf. Frame

27. Layout Formatsf. Frame

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27. Layout Formatsg. Mondrian

27. Layout Formatsg. Mondrian

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27. Layout Formatsh. Silhouette

27. Layout Formatsh. Silhouette

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27. Layout Formatsi. Band

27. Layout Formatsi. Band

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27. Layout Formatsj. Axial

27. Layout Formatsj. Axial

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28. Principles of Designa. Direction

28. Principles of Designa. Direction

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Visually the slogan is connectedto the product. The art directsthe attention of the reader to the Aspirin box.

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28. Principles of Designb. Dominance

28. Principles of Designb. Dominance

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The art depicts the dominantelement in the middle of the ad.

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28. Principles of Designc. Unity

28. Principles of Designc. Unity

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Several elements in the artare united into one forming a picture of a blueberry cup.

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28. Principles of Designd. White Space

28. Principles of Designd. White Space

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There is a lot of white space, which makes it look clean anduncluttered.

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28. Principles of Designe. Contrast

28. Principles of Designe. Contrast

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The art colorsused for the adcreate a contrastwith a clear message.

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28. Principles of Designf. Balance

28. Principles of Designf. Balance

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The art is very creative anddepicts a visual balanceof the graphics.

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28. Principles of Designg. Proportion

28. Principles of Designg. Proportion

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The art is proportionate in a creative way, which does notmake the ad boring.

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28. Principles of Designh. Simplify

28. Principles of Designh. Simplify

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Simple design, very clean and to the point.

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29. Direct Mail Piece29. Direct Mail Piece

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30. Direct Response Ad30. Direct Response Ad

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31. Sale Promotion PieceExample 1

31. Sale Promotion PieceExample 1

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31. Sale Promotion PieceExample 2

31. Sale Promotion PieceExample 2

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32. B-2-B Ad32. B-2-B Ad

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