acute spinal cord injury, part i: pathophysiologic...

Acute Spinal Cord Injury, Part I: Pathophysiologic Mechanisms *Randall J. Dumont, †David O. Okonkwo, ‡Subodh Verma, ‡R. John Hurlbert, †Paul T. Boulos, †Dilantha B. Ellegala, and †‡Aaron S. Dumont *Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia; †Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA; and ‡Division of Neurosurgery and University of Calgary Spine Program, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Summary: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating and common neurologic disorder that has profound influences on modern society from physical, psychosocial, and socio- economic perspectives. Accordingly, the present decade has been labeled the Decade of the Spine to emphasize the importance of SCI and other spinal disorders. Spinal cord injury may be divided into both primary and secondary mechanisms of injury. The pri- mary injury, in large part, determines a given patient’s neurologic grade on admission and thereby is the strongest prognostic indicator. However, secondary mechanisms of injury can exacerbate damage and limit restorative processes, and hence, contribute to overall morbidity and mortality. A burgeoning body of evidence has facilitated our un- derstanding of these secondary mechanisms of injury that are amenable to pharmaco- logical interventions, unlike the primary injury itself. Secondary mechanisms of injury encompass an array of perturbances and include neurogenic shock, vascular insults such as hemorrhage and ischemia–reperfusion, excitotoxicity, calcium-mediated secondary injury and fluid–electrolyte disturbances, immunologic injury, apoptosis, disturbances in mitochondrion function, and other miscellaneous processes. Comprehension of sec- ondary mechanisms of injury serves as a basis for the development and application of targeted pharmacological strategies to confer neuroprotection and restoration while mitigating ongoing neural injury. The first article in this series will comprehensively review the pathophysiology of SCI while emphasizing those mechanisms for which pharmacologic therapy has been developed, and the second article reviews the pharma- cologic interventions for SCI. Key Words: Spinal cord injury—Secondary injury— Pathophysiologic mechanisms Spinal cord injury (SCI) may be defined as an injury resulting from an insult inflicted on the spinal cord that compromises, either completely or incompletely, its major functions (motor, sensory, autonomic, and re- flex). Spinal cord injury remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in modern society. An esti- mated 8,000–10,000 people experience traumatic SCI in the United States each year (1–6). In addition to its cost to the individual physically as well as the health care system and society financially, SCI has profound psychosocial effects that are devastating for patients, families, and friends. A basic understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying spinal cord injury is of para- mount importance to facilitate comprehension of phar- macological interventions. These pharmacological strategies are largely targeted at attenuating or elimi- nating the effects of secondary injury mechanisms. Ad- ditionally, an appreciation of these pathophysiologic mechanisms in SCI has further relevance, because many, if not all, of these processes are common to other insults of the central nervous system such as head injury, cerebral ischemia, and subarachnoid hemor- rhage (7–9). The pathophysiology of acute SCI comprises both primary and secondary mechanisms of injury. The prognosis for recovery after SCI has been closely ex- amined (10–18). The extent of the primary injury may group patients with SCI into severity categories (neu- rologic grades). A patient’s neurologic grade at admis- Address correspondence and reprint requests to Aaron S. Dumont, Department of Neurological Surgery, Box 212, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA. Clinical Neuropharmacology Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 254–264 © 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia 254

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Page 1: Acute Spinal Cord Injury, Part I: Pathophysiologic · 2006. 12. 14. · Neurogenic Shock Spinal cord injury may

Acute Spinal Cord Injury, Part I: Pathophysiologic Mechanisms

*Randall J. Dumont, †David O. Okonkwo, ‡Subodh Verma, ‡R. John Hurlbert, †Paul T. Boulos,†Dilantha B. Ellegala, and †‡Aaron S. Dumont

*Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia; †Department of Neurological Surgery,University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA; and ‡Division of Neurosurgery and University of Calgary Spine Program,

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Summary: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating and common neurologic disorderthat has profound influences on modern society from physical, psychosocial, and socio-economic perspectives. Accordingly, the present decade has been labeled the Decade ofthe Spine to emphasize the importance of SCI and other spinal disorders. Spinal cordinjury may be divided into both primary and secondary mechanisms of injury. The pri-mary injury, in large part, determines a given patient’s neurologic grade on admissionand thereby is the strongest prognostic indicator. However, secondary mechanisms ofinjury can exacerbate damage and limit restorative processes, and hence, contribute tooverall morbidity and mortality. A burgeoning body of evidence has facilitated our un-derstanding of these secondary mechanisms of injury that are amenable to pharmaco-logical interventions, unlike the primary injury itself. Secondary mechanisms of injuryencompass an array of perturbances and include neurogenic shock, vascular insults suchas hemorrhage and ischemia–reperfusion, excitotoxicity, calcium-mediated secondaryinjury and fluid–electrolyte disturbances, immunologic injury, apoptosis, disturbancesin mitochondrion function, and other miscellaneous processes. Comprehension of sec-ondary mechanisms of injury serves as a basis for the development and application oftargeted pharmacological strategies to confer neuroprotection and restoration whilemitigating ongoing neural injury. The first article in this series will comprehensivelyreview the pathophysiology of SCI while emphasizing those mechanisms for whichpharmacologic therapy has been developed, and the second article reviews the pharma-cologic interventions for SCI. Key Words: Spinal cord injury—Secondary injury—Pathophysiologic mechanisms

Spinal cord injury (SCI) may be defined as an injuryresulting from an insult inflicted on the spinal cord thatcompromises, either completely or incompletely, itsmajor functions (motor, sensory, autonomic, and re-flex). Spinal cord injury remains an important cause ofmorbidity and mortality in modern society. An esti-mated 8,000–10,000 people experience traumatic SCIin the United States each year (1–6). In addition to itscost to the individual physically as well as the healthcare system and society financially, SCI has profoundpsychosocial effects that are devastating for patients,families, and friends.

A basic understanding of the pathophysiological

mechanisms underlying spinal cord injury is of para-mount importance to facilitate comprehension of phar-macological interventions. These pharmacologicalstrategies are largely targeted at attenuating or elimi-nating the effects of secondary injury mechanisms. Ad-ditionally, an appreciation of these pathophysiologicmechanisms in SCI has further relevance, becausemany, if not all, of these processes are common to otherinsults of the central nervous system such as headinjury, cerebral ischemia, and subarachnoid hemor-rhage (7–9).

The pathophysiology of acute SCI comprises bothprimary and secondary mechanisms of injury. Theprognosis for recovery after SCI has been closely ex-amined (10–18). The extent of the primary injury maygroup patients with SCI into severity categories (neu-rologic grades). A patient’s neurologic grade at admis-

Address correspondence and reprint requests to Aaron S. Dumont,Department of Neurological Surgery, Box 212, University of VirginiaHealth Sciences Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA.

Clinical NeuropharmacologyVol. 24, No. 5, pp. 254–264© 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia


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sion to the hospital has proven to be the strongest prog-nostic indicator. Nonetheless, for a large majority ofpatients with SCI, the extent of secondary injuryevokes further damage, limits restorative processes,and predicts their long-term morbidity. Therefore, afull understanding of secondary injury mechanismsin SCI facilitates the development of targeted inter-ventions. In the following passages, pathophysiologicmechanisms of spinal cord injury are reviewed, withspecial attention to secondary injuries against whichpharmacologic therapies have been postulated andapplied.


There are four characteristic mechanisms of primaryinjury: (i) impact plus persistent compression; (ii) im-pact alone with transient compression; (iii) distraction;and (iv) laceration/transection. The first and most com-mon mechanism involves impact plus persistent com-pression (9,19). This is evident in burst fractures withretropulsed bone fragment(s) compressing the cord,fracture-dislocations, and acute disc ruptures. The sec-ond mechanism involves impact alone with only tran-sient compressions as observed with hyperextensioninjuries in individuals with underlying degenerativecervical spine disease. Distraction, forcible stretchingof the spinal column in the axial plane, provides a thirdmechanism and becomes apparent when distractionalforces resulting from flexion, extension, rotation, ordisclocation produce shearing or stretching of the spi-nal cord and/or its blood supply. This type of injurymay underlie SCI without radiological abnormality, es-pecially in children where cartilaginous vertebral bod-ies, underdeveloped musculature, and ligament laxityare predisposing factors (20). This type of injury mayalso be a causative factor in SCI without radiologic evi-dence of trauma, which is a syndrome most common inadults with underlying degenerative spine disease (9).Laceration and transection comprise the final primarymechanism of injury. Laceration of the spinal cordmay result from missile injury, sharp bone fragmentdislocation, or severe distraction. Laceration may oc-cur to varying degrees, from minor injury to completetransection. Thus, primary mechanisms of injury in-clude impact plus persistent compression, impact alonewith only transient compression, distraction, andlaceration/transection.

The initial mechanical insult tends to damage pri-marily the central gray matter, with relative sparing ofthe white matter, especially peripherally. This in-creased propensity for damage to the gray matter hasbeen speculated to be a result of its softer consistencyand greater vascularity (21). Evidence of hemorrhage

within the spinal cord develops early, and blood flowwithin the spinal cord is later disrupted after the initialmechanical injury. Disruption in blood flow results inlocal infarction caused by hypoxia and ischemia. Thisis particularly damaging to the gray matter because ofits high metabolic requirement. Neurons that passthrough the injury site are physically disrupted and ex-hibit diminished myelin thickness (22). Nerve trans-mission may be further disrupted by microhemorrhagesor edema near the injury site (23–25). It is thought thatthe gray matter is irreversibly damaged within the firsthour after injury, whereas the white matter is irrevers-ibly damaged within 72 hours after injury.(26)


The primary mechanical injury serves as the nidusfrom which additional secondary mechanisms of injuryextend. These secondary mechanisms include neuro-genic shock, vascular insults such as hemorrhage andischemia–reperfusion, excitotoxicity, calcium-medi-ated secondary injury and fluid-electrolyte distur-bances, immunologic injury, apoptosis, disturbances inmitochondrion function, and other miscellaneous pro-cesses (Figs. 1, 2).

Neurogenic Shock

Spinal cord injury may result in neurogenic shock.Although there are several interpretations of this term,it is defined in this context as inadequate tissue perfu-sion caused by serious paralysis of vasomotor input(thereby producing deleterious disruption of the bal-ance of vasodilator and vasoconstrictor influences tothe arterioles and venules). It is characterized by bra-dycardia and hypotension with decreased peripheral re-sistance and depressed cardiac output (27). These ef-fects have been linked to underlying abnormalities suchas decreased sympathetic tone, depressed myocardialfunction from increased vagal tone, and possibly sec-ondary changes in the heart itself (27,28). If untreated,the systemic effects of neurogenic shock (namely, is-chemia of the spinal cord and other organs) may exac-erbate neural tissue damage.

Vascular Insults: Hemorrhage andIschemia–Reperfusion

As alluded to previously, vascular insult has delete-rious effects on the spinal cord, both initially at the timeof injury and subsequent to this. These vascular injuriesproduce both hemorrhagic and ischemic damage. Themicrocirculation, especially venules and capillaries,


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appears to be damaged at the site of injury and for somedistance rostrally and caudally because of initial me-chanical trauma. There appears to be a relative sparingof larger vessels such as the anterior spinal artery fromdirect mechanical injury (29–33). This damage resultsin small areas of hemorrhage, or petechiae, that prog-ress to hemorrhagic necrosis with time.

Numerous experimental studies have documented aprogressive “posttraumatic ischemia” as measured byvarious methods of spinal cord blood flow determina-tion (32,33). Vasospasm resulting from direct traumaand possibly some other inciting agent(s) (32,33) hasbeen demonstrated to occur (30,31). Additionally, in-travascular thrombosis may also contribute to this post-traumatic ischemia (34,35). Other investigators havenoted abnormalities in autoregulatory homeostasis(i.e., a decreased ability to maintain constant bloodflow over a wide range of pressures) that may worsenischemia resulting from systemic hypoperfusion (neu-rogenic shock) or may worsen hemorrhage with gross

elevations in systemic blood pressure (9). Therefore,vascular insult in SCI results in hemorrhage, likelyfrom underlying mechanical disruption of vessels andloss of microcirculation and disruption of autoregula-tion. Ischemia is also a product of this vascular insultand is likely secondary to diminished blood flow fromthrombosis, vasospasm, and loss of microcirculation orsystemic hypoperfusion with loss of autoregulatory ho-meostasis.

The stage of reduced perfusion discussed above mayprecede a period of hyperemia or “luxury perfusion”.This is postulated to arise from a reduction in perivas-cular pH from accumulation of acidic metabolites suchas lactate (36). Such reperfusion may exacerbate injuryand cellular death through the genesis of deleteriousfree radicals and other toxic byproducts (37,38). Oxy-gen-derived free radicals (including superoxide, hy-droxyl radicals, and nitric oxide and other high-energyoxidants (including peroxynitrite) are produced duringischemia (39–52) with a most pronounced rise during

FIG. 1. The mechanisms underlying injury after spinal cord trauma are depicted, emphasizing the central importance of ischemia,increased intracellular calcium, and apoptosis in cell death. Each of these boxes represents potential avenues for pharmacologicintervention.


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the early reperfusion period (47–49,52–55). Thesehighly reactive oxygen and nitrogen species contributeto oxidative stress, a pathological mechanism that con-tributes to the secondary injury of spinal cord trauma.They are generated via multiple cellular pathways in-cluding nitric oxide synthases, calcium-mediated acti-vation of phospholipases, xanthine oxidase, inflamma-tory cells, and the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions(37). When oxidative stress exceeds the protective cel-lular antioxidant capacity, as can be the case in neuro-trauma, the net production of these reactive moleculessubsequently gives rise to oxidation of proteins, lipids,and nucleic acids (37,43). More specifically, such mol-ecules mediate the inactivation of mitochondrial respi-ratory chain enzymes, inactivation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, inhibition of Na+-K+

ATPase, inactivation of sodium membrane channels,and other oxidative perturbations of key proteins, in ad-dition to initiation of lipid peroxidation and its delete-rious sequelae. Oxidative stress has commonalitieswith other pathogenic mechanisms imparting injury

from spinal cord trauma. It has been linked to calciumoverload, mitochondrial cytochrome c release, caspaseactivation, apoptosis, and excitotoxicity (43). In sum-mary, it is clear that oxidative stress resulting from thegeneration of reactive oxygen and nitrogen moleculescontributes to SCI and is intimately related to other me-diators of secondary injury.


Biochemical derangements and concomitant fluid–electrolyte disturbances appear to assume a central roleas a secondary mechanism of injury in acute SCI. Ex-citatory neurotransmitters are released and accumulate(56), and this has been hypothesized to produce directdamage to spinal cord tissue (57–59) in addition to in-direct damage from production of reactive oxygen andnitrogen species and from alterations in microcircula-tory function and secondary ischemia. Glutamate, themajor excitatory neurotransmitter of the central ner-vous system (CNS) (60), is released excessively after

FIG. 2. The mechanisms underlying spinal cord injury are illustrated, with emphasis on the role of local influences. The role of vasculardisturbances, interstitial edema and cord compression, glutamate release, and inflammation are demonstrated. These boxes representfoci that may be particularly amenable to pharmacologic modulation.


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injury. This accumulation may result in direct and in-direct damage as described above. However, othershave asserted that glutamate cell receptor activation(especially activation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate[NMDA] and AMPA-kainate (�-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate-kainate) receptor sub-types (61,62) may be critical in the production of is-chemic damage (28). Olney (63) introduced the term“excitotoxicity” to describe those processes resultingfrom excessive activation of glutamate receptors lead-ing to neuronal injury. Excitotoxicity has assumed acentral position in the description of mechanisms ofCNS injury. Glutamate receptor activation appears toresult in early accumulation of intracellular sodium(64), producing subsequent cytotoxic edema and intra-cellular acidosis. Failure of the Na+-K+ ATPase mayfurther exacerbate the intracellular accumulation of so-dium and water and the extracellular loss of potassium(65). Additionally, intracellular calcium accumulates[in part, through activation of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger(66)] which, in turn, produces profound alterations inphysiology and subsequent damage. In fact, accumula-tion of intracellular calcium has been denoted the “finalcommon pathway of toxic cell death” in the CNS(67,68). Glutamate neurotoxicity is also mediated bythe generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.Excitotoxicity, particularly mediated by the NMDA re-ceptor, initiates a complex cascade of events that ulti-mately results in the genesis of reactive molecules thatcontribute to neuronal death through a variety ofmechanisms including initiation of lipid peroxidation,inhibition of Na+-K+ ATPase activity, inactivationof membrane sodium channels, direct inhibition ofmitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes, inactivationof glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, andother oxidative modifications of important proteins(37,69–77).

Calcium-Mediated Secondary Injury andFluid–Electrolyte Disturbances

High intracellular calcium concentrations contributeto secondary damage through various mechanisms.One of these mechanisms entails interference with mi-tochondrial function (78,79). This interference inhibitscellular respiration, which has already been impairedby the hypoxia and ischemia secondary to the initialinjury. Increased intracellular calcium also stimulatesan array of calcium-dependent proteases and lipases,such as calpains, phospholipase A2, lipoxygenase, andcyclooxygenase (1). Calpain activity and expression isincreased in activated glial and inflammatory cells inthe penumbra of SCI lesions in experimental SCI (80).Calpains can degrade important structural constitu-

ents in the CNS including structural proteins of theaxon–myelin unit (80). Additionally, other calcium-dependent proteases and kinases destroy cell mem-branes and result in dissolution of certain componentsof the cell ultrastructure such as neurofilaments. Li-pase, lipoxygenase, and cyclooxygenase activation re-sults in the conversion of arachidonic acid into certainthromboxanes, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes, andincreased levels of these metabolites may occur in as-sociation with spinal cord trauma within minutes of in-jury (81–83). There also appears to be a delayed rise inarachidonic acid approximately 24 hours after injurythat is associated with inhibition of the Na+-K+ ATPaseand tissue edema (84). There appears to be a persistentaccumulation of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) express-ing microglia/macrophages and upregulation ofCOX-1 expression by the endothelium after experi-mental SCI (85). These substances produced by theconversion of arachidonic acid contribute to reducedblood flow by causing platelet aggregation and vaso-constriction (78). They can also contribute to an in-flammatory response and lipid peroxidation. In addi-tion to the obvious damage to cellular membranes,lipid peroxidation results in a repetitive cycle that in-volves the production of free radicals. These radicalscontinue to damage membranes, resulting in furtherlipid peroxidation and free radical formation. Thiscycle continues unless stopped by endogenous antioxi-dants such as �-tocopherol (vitamin E) and superoxidedismutase (78).

Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has been studied re-cently as a putative contributor to secondary injury. Cy-clooxygenase-2 mRNA and protein expression is in-duced after experimental SCI (86). It may represent acommon substrate linking membrane damage and ex-citotoxicity in SCI. It is well known that Ca2+ influx canelicit activation of membrane-associated phospholi-pases and the liberation of arachidonic acid. Increasedextracellular excitatory neurotransmitters evoke neuro-nal activation and results in the induction of COX-2expression in cortical neurons (87). Consequently, neu-ronal death may result by direct toxicity. Indeed, selec-tive inhibition of COX-2 improves outcome after spinalcord insult in preliminary animal investigation (25,86).

Electrolyte changes, such as the accumulation of in-tracellular sodium and calcium, have been outlinedabove. Increased extracellular potassium appears to re-sult in excessive depolarization of neurons, which ad-versely affects neuronal conduction and may, in fact, bethe critical causative factor underlying spinal shock(88). Another electrolyte disturbance that has receivedless attention is magnesium depletion. Depletion of in-tracellular magnesium can have a deleterious effect onmetabolic processes such as glycolysis, oxidative phos-


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phorylation, and protein synthesis, as well as adverselyaffecting certain enzymatic reactions in which magne-sium serves as a cofactor. Magnesium depletion canalso further contribute to intracellular calcium accumu-lation and the associated pathophysiological processesoutlined above (78). Magnesium is thought to also pro-tect neuronal cells by blocking the NMDA receptor ofthe excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter ion channel,thereby theoretically diminishing excitotoxicity (8).Additionally, magnesium can modulate the binding ofendogenous opioids and may alter the resulting aberra-tions in physiology (89).

Immunologic Secondary Injury

SCI also evokes changes in activity of certain cells ofthe CNS. Some classes of glial cells help to maintainhomeostasis in the CNS by various mechanisms includ-ing regulation of excitatory amino acid levels and pH.After SCI, regulation of homeostasis by these glial cellsfails, possibly contributing to tissue acidosis and theexcitotoxic process (90). Other glial cells may releasecertain compounds that can affect neural outgrowth.These compounds include neurotrophic growth factorsthat can reestablish the disrupted neuronal network bystimulating the reactive sprouting of spared neurons(91) and inhibitory factors that can counteract this ac-tivity. Still other glial cells, which function in removingcellular debris after CNS injury, have increased activityof certain oxidative and lysosomal enzymes that cancause further cellular damage (90).

There is a biphasic leukocyte response after traumato the spinal cord. Initially, infiltration of neutrophilspredominates. The subsequent release of lytic enzymesby these leukocytes may exacerbate injury to neurons,glia, and blood vessels (92). The second phase involvesthe recruitment and migration of macrophages, whichphagocytose damaged tissue.

There are data to suggest that immunologic activa-tion promotes progressive tissue injury and/or inhibitsneural regeneration after injury to the CNS. However,the functional significance of some immune cellswithin the lesioned spinal cord is controversial (93).Macrophages and microglia have been regarded as in-tegral components of neural regeneration, whereas oth-ers propose that these cells contribute to oligodendro-cyte lysis (by a process involving tumor necrosis fac-tor-� and nitric oxide production) (94), neuronal death,and demyelination (8). It has been shown that directcontusion to the spinal cord results in sensitization ofthe host immune system to a component of CNS myelin(93). It is postulated that the two aforementionedphases of leukocyte infiltration (and the pathophysi-ological processes that accompany this) contribute to

the demyelination of spared axons beginning within thefirst 24 hours after the primary insult and peaking dur-ing the next several days (92). This process contributesto discernible areas of cavitation within the gray andwhite matter. Wallerian degeneration also becomes ap-parent and scarring subsequently ensues. Scarring isprimarily mediated by astrocytes and other glia in ad-dition to fibroblasts (92).

Given this preamble, processes underlying recruit-ment of leukocytes to the site of injury is particularlyrelevant from a putative therapeutic standpoint. Re-cruitment of immune cells to the injured CNS is orches-trated by multiple families of proteins. One such me-diator is intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1).ICAM-1 contributes to immune responses by promot-ing infiltration of neutrophils into tissues. However, itsrole in the secondary damage after acute SCI has notbeen well defined. ICAM-1 involvement in secondaryinjury after SCI is implicated by the demonstration thata specific monoclonal antibody against ICAM-1 sig-nificantly suppressed myeloperoxidase activity, re-duced spinal cord edema, and also improved spinalcord blood flow (95). Further evidence supporting acontribution of ICAM-1 in secondary SCI is raised byexperiments involving ICAM-knockout mice. In thesestudies, neutrophil recruitment is reduced (96) and mo-tor function recovery is enhanced after spinal cord con-tusional injury (97). Other important mediators of im-mune cell recruitment, and thus further targets for in-tervention in treating secondary injury in SCI, includeother adhesion molecules such as P-selectin, and cyto-kines including interleukin-1�, interleukin-6, and tu-mor necrosis factor (97–99). Importantly, interleukin-10 has been shown to reduce production of tumor ne-crosis factor and thereby exert an inhibitory influenceon activation of monocytes and other immune cells af-ter SCI (100,101). Other chemotactic agents such aschemokines and their receptors are upregulated afterSCI and contribute to cellular infiltration and second-ary injury (102). Chemokine antagonism therefore mayrepresent another area for intervention to reduce the in-flammatory response and its associated deleterious ef-fects (102). Another intriguing line of investigation hasdemonstrated that traumatic SCI induces nuclear fac-tor-kappaB activation (103). Nuclear factor-kappaBrepresents a family of transcription factors that are re-quired for the transcriptional activation of a variety ofgenes regulating inflammatory, proliferative, and celldeath responses of cells (103). Further elucidation ofthe precise immune mechanisms and their relative con-tributions to secondary injury after SCI is warranted.Modulation of the immune response elicited by SCI isimportant as a potential therapeutic target in attenuat-ing secondary injury.


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In recent years, programmed pathways of neuronaldeath have been implicated in the pathobiology of mul-tiple neurologic disorders including SCI. Apoptosiscan be triggered by a variety of insults including cyto-kines, inflammatory injury, free radical damage, andexcitotoxicity. Recently, the existence of apoptosis af-ter traumatic human SCI was confirmed (104). In addi-tion, recent data from experimental rodent models ofSCI lends credence to the assertion that apoptosis (par-ticularly activation of caspases) contributes signifi-cantly to SCI (105–108).

The apoptotic cascade in SCI is activated in neurons,oligodendrocytes, microglia, and perhaps, astrocytes.Apoptosis in microglia contributes to inflammatorysecondary injury (109). Experimental work suggeststhat apoptosis in oligodendrocytes contributes topostinjury demyelination developing during the firstseveral weeks after SCI (110,111). Apoptosis in neu-rons contributes to cell loss that has a clear negativeimpact on outcome (112). Apoptosis in neurons afterSCI occurs via both the extrinsic, mediated by Fas li-gand and Fas receptor (99,113) and/or inducible nitricoxide synthase production by macrophages (114), andintrinsic, via direct caspase-3 proenzyme activation(115) and/or mitochondrial damage, release of cyto-chrome c and activation of the inducer caspase-9,(108)pathways of caspase-mediated apoptotic death (112).Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that caspase in-hibitors may be yet another target for therapeutic inter-vention in SCI secondary injury (112).

Two main pathways of apoptosis—extrinsic or re-ceptor-dependent and intrinsic or receptor-indepen-dent—have been well characterized, and both appear tobe active in SCI. Receptor-dependent apoptosis isevoked by extracellular signals, the most significant ofwhich is tumor necrosis factor, hence the designation of“extrinsic” pathway. Tumor necrosis factor is known torapidly accumulate in the injured spinal cord, and acti-vation of the Fas receptor of neurons, microglia, andoligodendrocytes induces a programmed sequence ofcaspase activation involving caspase-8 as the inducercaspase and caspase-3 and caspase-6 as the effectorcaspases (116). Activation of effector caspases resultsin the demise of the affected cell. An alternative in-ducer of the extrinsic pathway is inducible nitric oxidesynthase, which also ultimately brings about caspase-3activation to effect programmed cell death (114). Thereceptor-independent pathway is activated by intracel-lular signals, and is thus termed the “intrinsic” path-way. Activation of the receptor-independent pathwayhas been described in neurons after SCI wherein highintraneuronal calcium concentrations induce mito-

chondrial damage, cytochrome c release, and subse-quent activation of an alternative programmed se-quence of caspase activation (116). In this sequence,cytochrome c couples with apoptosis activating fac-tor-1 to activate caspase-9, the inducer caspase, which,as in the extrinsic pathway, activates caspase-3 andcaspase-6 as the effector caspases, likewise culminat-ing in the death of the affected neuron (117,118). Apo-ptotic secondary injury in SCI has only recently comeunder close scrutiny, and the precise contribution andpotential therapeutic implications of apoptosis in SCIawait further clarification.

Role of the Mitochondrion in Secondary Injury

Mitochondria may represent a central contributor tocellular death after SCI. A multitude of previously dis-cussed mechanisms of secondary injury involve the mi-tochondrion in some capacity. In health, mitochondriaare critical in cerebral metabolism and in maintenanceof cellular Ca2+ homeostasis. The mitochondria alsoserve as hosts to a vast array of oxidation-reductionreactions using oxygen and hence, also comprise theprimary intracellular source of reactive oxygen spe-cies. The orchestration of cellular metabolic flux (neu-ronal-astrocyte trafficking) is also critically dependenton mitochondria (79). Compromise in any of thesefunctions served by mitochondria can lead to deathdirectly or indirectly by diminishing tolerance to cellu-lar stress. Trauma to the CNS perturbs the ability ofmitochondria to carry out cellular respiration and oxi-dative phosphorylation (119–123). Traumatic injury tothe CNS also alters respiration-dependent Ca2+

uptake/sequestration by inhibiting mitochondrial Ca2+

transport and hence disturbs intracellular Ca2+ homeo-stasis (119–121,123). Additionally, Ca2+-induced per-meability changes of the mitochondrial inner mem-brane are observed in cellular death. Such changes re-duce the mitochondrial membrane potential and maycontribute to osmotic swelling and mitochondrial lysis(124). Moreover, this change in Ca2+ permeability rep-resents a potential therapeutic target. For example, cy-closporine A, an agent capable of inhibiting Ca2+-induced mitochondrial permeability changes, is neuro-protective as discussed in Part II of this series(124,125). Mitochondria appear to be important in cel-lular damage from accumulation of excitatory neuro-transmitters after traumatic injury. A burgeoning bodyof evidence demonstrates that mitochondria activelysequester the majority of Ca2+ entering neurons withexcitotoxicity. Indeed, excessive mitochondrial Ca2+

accumulation as opposed to simply increased cytosolicCa2+, is the principal cause of excitotoxic cell death


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(126–130). In addition to excitotoxicity, mechanicalstress, inflammatory reactions, and altered trophic sig-nal transduction appear to contribute to mitochondrialdamage with CNS trauma. In addition, increased per-meability of the mitochondria’s outer membrane toapoptogenic proteins facilitates their release into thecytosol, thereby representing a key mechanism in theinduction of apoptosis and neuronal death. Overall, themitochondrion is increasingly becoming recognized asan integral mediator of traumatic neural injury. Myriadpotential therapeutic points of intervention may be ex-tracted from knowledge of the mitochondrion’s contri-bution to secondary injury.

Other Contributors to Secondary Injury

Levels of certain peptides and neurotransmitterschange following the primary injury. In particular,there is a rise in endogenous opioids after injury. Opi-oid receptor activation can contribute to the excitotoxicprocess described earlier (131). Activation of µ and �opioid receptors can prolong the excitotoxic process.Activation of � receptors can exacerbate decreases inblood flow and promote the excitotoxic process (65).Levels of certain neurotransmitters, such as acetylcho-line and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin), alsorise. 5-HT may contribute to secondary damage bycausing vasoconstriction and promoting platelet activa-tion and endothelial permeability (90).


In summary, the pathophysiology of acute SCI in-volves both primary and secondary mechanisms of in-jury. Treatment of primary injury has not proven to beamenable to pharmacologic methods of treatment atpresent. However, prevention and education throughprograms such as the Think First program, show prom-ise for reducing the incidence of SCI and the enormousassociated morbidity and mortality. Secondary mecha-nisms of injury encompass an array of pathophysi-ologic processes including neurogenic shock, vascularinsults such as hemorrhage and ischemia-reperfusion,excitotoxicity, calcium-mediated secondary injury andfluid-electrolyte disturbances, immunologic injury, ap-optosis, disturbances in mitochondrion function, andother miscellaneous processes. The secondary mecha-nisms of injury are currently the target of pharmaco-logic management. An understanding of the basic sec-ondary pathophysiologic processes outlined above pro-vides the basis for current pharmacotherapy, and inaddition, provides a framework for the development ofnew pharmacologic treatment strategies.

Acknowledgments: The authors thank John A. Jane, Sr., forhis invaluable assistance. At the time of writing, R.J.D. was sup-ported by a University of British Columbia Graduate Fellow-ship. A.S.D. and S.V. are postdoctoral fellows of the MedicalResearch Council of Canada and the Heart and Stroke Founda-tion of Canada.


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