activity and capability of the irsf 1.4-m telescope at south … · 2003. 3. 17. · irsf 1.4m...

Activity and Capability of the IRSF 1.4-m Telescope at South African Astronomical Observatory Tetsuya Nagata (Nagoya Univ) Setting up IRSF Observation at IRSF LMC survey N160 region Star Forming Regions M17, Lupus dark cloud Galactic Center Young stars? Galactic Plane Hidden Cluster of Galaxies? 2000.11.15.

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  • Activity and Capability of

    the IRSF 1.4-m Telescopeat South African Astronomical Observatory

    Tetsuya Nagata (Nagoya Univ)

    Setting up IRSFObservation at IRSF LMC survey    →N160 region Star Forming Regions

    →M17, Lupus dark cloud Galactic Center  →Young stars? Galactic Plane   → Hidden Cluster of Galaxies?


  • IRSF 1.4m telescope

    Alt-Az MountingPointing 3" (All sky)Tracking 0.5"/ 30 min

    Classical Cassegrain F/9.9 (Primary F/2.9)

    Image Quality:  Hartmann Const 0.25"

    IRSF control

    PC(Linux)for Telescope





    PC(DOS)for Motor



    : PC



  • Display


    Cape Town



  • SAAOSutherland station


    +20゚ 48’38”‐32゚ 22’48”Alt 1761m


  • ( 1761m


    IRSF Telescope & Dome

  • Activity and Capability of

    the IRSF 1.4-m Telescopeat South African Astronomical Observatory

    Tetsuya Nagata (Nagoya Univ)

    Setting up IRSFObservation at IRSF LMC survey    →N160 region Star Forming Regions

    →M17, Lupus dark cloud Galactic Center  →Young stars? Galactic Plane   → Hidden Cluster of Galaxies?

    IRSF (Nagoya Univ &Nishimura Ltd)

  • 1/5 Scale Model 1999.8

    Welding Base 1999.10.07

  • Bringing Base into Nishimura Factory 1999.11.19

    Primary Cell & Top RIng 2000.1.7

  • !/5 Scale Model Test (NagoyaU)1999.10.21

    Arrived, in crates 2000.9.11

  • Base Plates Adhesive 2000.9.11

    Base Plates 2000.9.11

  • Leveling Block 2000.9.12

    Craning Base 2000.9.13

  • Base Installed 2000.9.13

    Leveling Rail 2000.9.14

  • Turntable 2000.9.16

    Turntable Installed 2000.9.16

  • Centering Turntable 2000.9.16

    Craning Fork 2000.9.17

  • Forks Attached 2000.9.17

    Craning Center Piece 2000.9.17

  • Alt Az Perpendicularity Test 2000.9.18

    Top RIng 2000.9.19

  • Primary Cell 2000.9.20

    Primary 2000.9.20

  • IRSF Telescope & Dome

    Activity and Capability of

    the IRSF 1.4-m Telescopeat South African Astronomical Observatory

    Tetsuya Nagata (Nagoya Univ)

    Setting up IRSFObservation at IRSF LMC survey    →N160 region Star Forming Regions

    →M17, Lupus dark cloud Galactic Center  →Young stars? Galactic Plane   → Hidden Cluster of Galaxies?

  • IRSF Dome 7.5mφ

    Compressor etc

      Control Room

    SinglePhase100V,230V, ThreePhase200V,380V

    SIRIUS on Telescope 2000.11.30

  • Inside SIRIUS

    Simultaneous 3-color IR Imager for Unbiased SurveyOptics & Refrigerator

    Three 1024x1024 arrays

  • Sutherland

    Spectroscopic nights

    La Silla


    Photometric nights

    La SillaConditions

    (Stobie et al. 1995,    S.A.J.Sci.91, 557)



    (SAAO Newsletter           1994)

  • 2002 IRSF Weather

    1月02 03 07 09 10 13 14 15 18 20 21 22 29

    04 08 12 16 19 23 27 30 31

    06 25 28

    01 05 11 17 24 26

    2月01 03 05 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 17 18

    07 16 21 25

    04 11

    02 06 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 28

    3月01 02 03 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 23 29 30 31

    05 08 09 15 22

    06 07 11 28

    04 10 17 24 26 27

    4月02 05 06 07 08 16 18 19 21 24 25 30

    03 17

    04 10 26 27

    01 09 20 22 23 28 29

    5月01 03 04 07 09 10 15 16 17 18 19 26 30

    08 11 31

    02 12 13 20

    05 06 14 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29

    7月01 02 03 06 10 11 25

    18 20 21

    04 17 26 30 31

    05 07 08 09 12 13 14 15 16 19 22 23 24 27 28 29

    6月03 19 20 21 25 30

    02 16 17 22 24

    04 09 10 11

    01 05 06 07 08 12 13 14 15 18 23 26 27 28 29

    10月01 03 05 06 07 08 10 15 16 17 25 26 29 30 31


    14 27

    02 04 09 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 28

    11月01 02 04 06 07 09 10 11 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 28 29 30

    05 12 20 27

    08 13 21 22

    03 18 19

    12月01 04 05 12 17 18 28

    06 13 15 24 27 29

    07 14 30

    02 03 08 09 10 11 16 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 31

    3/3: 142 2/3: 50 1/3: 39 0/3: 128

    8月05 06 07 08 09 20 26 27 28 31

    03 04 10 24 25

    01 29

    02 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 30

    9月01 02 06 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 26 29

    10 25 28

    05 21

    03 04 07 08 09 14 20 22 23 24 27 30


  • Nagoya-SAAO Agreements (IRSF Entrance)

    SAAO time2002.2.12-2.18 Vrielmann (UCT), Woudt (UCT), Potter (SAAO) Accretion Discs

    2002.3.14-3.19 Feast (UCT), Whitelock (SAAO), Tanabe (U Tokyo), Menzies (SAAO) AGB Variables

    2002.3.20-3.25 Woudt (UCT) Cataclysmic Variable

    2002.5.7-5.13 Cunow (Unisa) Seyfert galaxies

    2002.6.11-6.17 Feast (UCT), Menzies (SAAO), Tanabe (U Tokyo), Leeuw, Whitelock (SAAO) AGB Variables

    2002.6.18-24 Woudt (SAAO), Nagayama, Sato (Nagoya U), Kraan-Kortweg (Guanajuato, Mexico), Schroeder (Cote d'Azur, France) Great Attractor

    2002.6.18-24 Glass (SAAO) ISOGAL fields

    2002.6.25-7.1 Baliyan, Joshi (PRL, India), Glass (SAAO), Shulthesis (IAP, France) Galactic Inner Molecular Ring

    2002.7.9-7.15 Baliyan, Joshi (PRL, India), Glass (SAAO), Shulthesis (IAP, France) Galactic Inner Molecular Ring

    2002.8.21-8.27 Feast (UCT), Menzies (SAAO), Tanabe (U Tokyo), Leeuw, Whitelock (SAAO) AGB Variables

    2002.10-12 Koen (SAAO), Woudt (UCT) Brown Dwarfs

    2002.10-12 Feast (UCT), Menzies (SAAO), Tanabe (U Tokyo), Leeuw, Whitelock (SAAO), Ita, Matsunaga (U Tokyo) AGB Variables

  • Activity and Capability of

    the IRSF 1.4-m Telescopeat South African Astronomical Observatory

    Tetsuya Nagata (Nagoya Univ)

    Setting up IRSFObservation at IRSF LMC survey    →N160 region Star Forming Regions

    →M17, Lupus dark cloud Galactic Center  →Young stars? Galactic Plane   → Hidden Cluster of Galaxies?

    LMC Survey

    • Limiting Mag   Ks~17mag

    • 0.45"/pixel

    • Covers 6°× 6°

    As of 2003. 3 As of 2003. 3

    ~~70% Observed70% Observed

  • LMC


    Super Shell


  • 4882 stars

    30 Dor(Tarantula Nebula)

    SIRIUS2-color diagram




    Main Seq

  •    Red Giants

          Young Still Younger

    Stars Stars

    298      802

    Young star selection



  • Activity and Capability of

    the IRSF 1.4-m Telescopeat South African Astronomical Observatory

    Tetsuya Nagata (Nagoya Univ)

    Setting up IRSFObservation at IRSF LMC survey    →N160 region Star Forming Regions

    →M17, Lupus dark cloud Galactic Center  →Young stars? Galactic Plane   → Hidden Cluster of Galaxies?


    Optical Image

  • Lupus Dark Cloud (SIRIUS)


    Optical Image








    Galactic Center ( 1°× 1°)

  • b=1.7




    Clear 12Probable 26Possible 40

    The distribution of galaxies


    Optical 12MASS 4

    Activity and Capability of

    the IRSF 1.4-m Telescopeat South African Astronomical Observatory

    SIRIUS FoV: 8'×8'Limiting Mag (10 min Obs, 5 min Integ):

    19 mag (J: 1.2 µm)18 mag (H: 1.6 µm)17 mag (Ks: 2.2 µm) 10-sigma