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  • 8/12/2019 Activities Retry


    International Business Cycles Seminar, 2014

    Discussion of the following book:

    Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked,and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse, by Thomas E. Woods, Regnery

    Publishing, 2009

    Seminar 1: Intro.

    Seminar 2: Chapters 1, 2.

    Seminar 3: Chapters 3, 4

    Seminar 4: Chapters 5, 6

    Seminar 5: Chapter 7

    Seminar 6: Test

    Optional readings for the passionate student:

    If you read the below literature at the pace of one chapter per seminar, you cover the first

    two categories just in time for the exam and get an additional chance to show your

    (beginning of) mastery of the subject. The rest is almost certainly useful for future exams and,

    most importantly, for a sound worldview.

    Austr ian theory of the business cycle:

    Huerta de Soto, Money, Bank Credit and Economic Cycles, chapters 4, 5, 6.

    Critiques of the alternative and mainstream theor ies:

    Huerta de Soto, Money, chapter 7Spiridon, Ciclul, capitolul 4:Analiza mainstream: ciclulprodus al pieei libere.

    I l lustrations of business movements and related complications:

    Bagus, Tragedy of the Euro.

    Marinescu, coord., Capitalismul. Logica libertii, cap. IV, V.

  • 8/12/2019 Activities Retry


    Sources for further reading (different degrees of difficulty and relevance, ask for


    Bagus, Philipp, The Tragedy of the Euro, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama,


    Bernanke, Ben S, (2004). Friedmans's Monetary Framework: Some Lessons,Free ToChoose Conference Proceedings(pp. 207-214). Dallas: Dallas Fed.

    Bernanke, Ben S, (1983). Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in Propagation of theGreat Depression, American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol.73(3), pp. 257-76, June.

    Cole, Harold and Ohanian, Lee Edward, (2001), New Deal policies and the persistence ofthe Great Depression: a general equilibrium analysis, No 597, Working Papers, FederalReserve Bank of Minneapolis,


    Ebeling, Richard M., Hayek, Friderich von, Mises, Ludwig von, Rothbard, Murray N.,

    Haberler, Gottfried, Garrison, Roger, The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and other

    Essays, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, 1996 (available at

    Friedman, Milton, Schwartz, Anna Jacobson. (2009). The Great Contraction 1929-1933.

    Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.

    Huerta de Soto, Jsus (2006).Money, Bank Credit and Economic Cycles.Auburn, Alabama:

    Ludwig von Mises Institute. (n romn la

    Keynes, John Maynard, The General theory of Employment, Interest and Money, New York,

    Harcourt, 1964 (available at Central University Library,

    Liebowitz, Stan J., Anatomy of a Train Wreck. Causes of the Mortgage Meltdown,

    Marinescu, Cosmin (coord.), Capitalismul. Logica libertii, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2012.

    Mises, Ludwig von (1998).Human Action (Scholar's Edition).Auburn, ALA: Ludwig von

    Mises Institute. (Chapter XX, especially)

    Mises, Ludwig von, The Theory of Money and Credit, New Heaven, Yale University Press,

    1953 (available at


    Mises, Ludwig von,Ciclul economic i expansiunea creditelor: consecinele economice alebanilor ieftini,

    Murphy, Robert. P. (2009). The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the

    New Deal.Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing.
  • 8/12/2019 Activities Retry


    Robbins, Lionel, The Great Depression, Books for Libraries Press, Freeport, New York, 1971

    (available at

    Rothbard, Murray N., What has the Government Done to our Money, Ludwig von Mises

    Institute, Auburn, Alabama, 2008 (available at romn:, Murray. N. (2008). The Mystery of Banking.Auburn, Alabama: The Ludwig von

    Mises Institute.

    Rothbard, Murray. N. (2004).Man, Economy and State with Power and Market (Scholar's

    Edition).Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute.

    Rothbard, Murray. N. (2000).America's Great Depression.Auburn, ALA: The Ludwig von

    Mises Institute.

    Rothbard, Murray. N. (1996). Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure. In The

    Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays. Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von MisesInstitute, pp. 58-81. (available at


    Spiridon, Marius (2005). Ciclul in teoria economica modern (The Cycle in Modern

    Economic Theory - Doctoral Thesis).Bucharest: Romanian Academy, National Institute for

    Economic Research. (

    Tanadi, Alexandru; Doltu, Claudiu,Monetarismul, Editura Economic, Bucureti, 1996.

    Related videos (made from different, more or less correct, perspectives):

    Inside Job,

    Capitalism, A Love Story,

    Money, Banking, and The Federal Reserve System,

    Quants, the Alchemists of Wall Street,

    Fraud, Why the Great Recession,

    End of the Road,

    The Ascent of Money,

    Fiat Empire,

    The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression,

    Global Financial Meltdown,

    Argentinas Economic Collapse,