activism – what’s in it for me?

1 Activism – What’s in it for me? Shane Downey Director, Public Policy Global Business Travel Association

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Activism – What’s in it for me? . Shane Downey Director, Public Policy Global Business Travel Association. Global Business Travel Association. GBTA GBTA is the world’s premier business travel and meetings organization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Activism – What’s in it for me? Shane DowneyDirector, Public PolicyGlobal Business Travel Association

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Global Business Travel AssociationGBTA• GBTA is the world’s premier business travel and meetings

organization• Collectively, GBTA’s 5,000-plus members manage over

$340 billion of global business travel and meetings expenditures annually

• GBTA provides its network of 17,000 business and government travel and meetings managers, as well as travel service providers, with networking events, news, education & professional development, research, and advocacy

• New URL:

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Global Business Travel Association cont.Member Benefits• Expanded global footprint of networking and educational events,

many of which will be complimentary for members• Free worldwide registration for members to all GBTA webinars• Access to new and improved industry research and resources –

including global benchmarking tools• Enhanced online collaboration and information sharing• An internationally driven and interconnected committee network

offering global guidance• Continued expansion of the GBTA network for representation in

every major business travel market

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Google Plan to Purchase ITAJuly 1, 2010 – Google announced an agreement to acquire ITA

Software, a Cambridge Massachusetts flight information software company for $700 million

January13, 2010 – Justice Department signals it may bring an antitrust lawsuit against the agreement

GBTA concerns:• Access to Real-Time Airfare Information – could endanger travel

buyer access to consistent, real-time airfare information wherever airline inventory is sold

• Customer Privacy – Must consider possible use of information without customer or employer permission in pursuit of profit

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TSA Checkpoints Aviation Security X Rays, AITs, Pat-down• 81% accept the new TSA

security procedures • 54% support the new TSA

security procedures; 27% oppose the procedures

• 67%  feel about as safe as they did flying under the new TSA security measures as they did a month ago

“Strict privacy safeguards are built into the foundation of TSA's use of advanced imaging technology to protect passenger privacy and ensure anonymity.” – TSA Website

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TSA Checkpoints Aviation Security

• Pilot Prog – LAS, ATL DCA 

• Computer evaluates the scanned image

• If threats detected - show the location on generic outline of a person

• If no threats are detected, will simply display an “OK.”

“TSA does not need to have an officer in a separate room viewing the images, since they will now be displayed on a monitor that is attached to the AIT unit in public view, so passengers and TSA staff can both see exactly what is being shown.” – TSA Website

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Trusted Traveler – Cost of Security• 615 million airline passengers in the U.S

– Suppose person arrives 1 hour earlier = 615 million lost man-hours

• Gross domestic product per capita in the U.S. last year was $46,443 – GDP per individual work hour of a little over $23 – $23 X 615 million lost hours

= $14.3 billion• Since air travelers as a group include more businesspeople with

higher salaries than the general population, that number should be higher– Estimated extra wait cost = $20 billion and $30 billion

• Or nearly $250 billion over the last decade

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Trusted Traveler (con’t.)

• 71% willing to pay for and undergo a one-time, in-depth security check that would enable them to pass through airport security more quickly and efficiently

• Working with other travel groups, Congress and TSA – Finding the right balance between safety and security– Membership Benefits?

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FAA Reauthorization with NEXTGEN Funding is Good For Biz Travel

• The Need is NOW– NEXTGEN moves the Air Traffic

Control System from 60 year old ground based system to 21st Century GPS model

– Increases capacity 2-3 times– Reduces delays by 40%

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NEXTGEN Building Blocks

NBTA Convention & Exposition | August 8-11, 2010

Communication Navigation Surveillance

Laying The Foundation Between Now & 2018

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Inefficiencies of ATC can be addressed through NextGen


Washington, D.C.

Boston, MAOptimal Route Burn

5883 lbs.

Actual Route flown

Actual Route Burn7376 lbs.

Additional burn due to reroute1493 lbs

Large Air Carrier: DCA to BOS, December 2008

Optimal Route

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Next Gen – Cost of Delays

Mid Term Improvements in New York• Arrival delays reduced by 48%• Gate departure delays reduced by 17%• Taxi out delays reduced by 64%Cost Impact • $33 billion - Direct costs of domestic flight delays• Impact with status quo in two decades

– 125,000 jobs lost– $6 billion in wages– $16 billion in sales

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Rental Car Taxes?

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Rental Car Taxes

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Rental Car Tax Bad for Business Travelers• $5.9 Billion collected since 1990• Car rental taxes have doubled in 10 years• Today there are 119 car rental excise taxes across 44 states

and the District of Columbia• Hidden Tax on Business

– Buyers rent a majority of their cars in local markets• Support federal legislation to end these taxes

– Seeking sponsors to introduce House and Senate Bills

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Impact the Debate

• Legislative Action Center –

• Reinstate Registered Traveler• Pass FAA bill – Finalize NextGen• Car Rental taxes are Bad for Economy

What is the Impact to My Program if I Don’t Act?

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Political Action is the Highest Responsibility of a Citizen."

- John F. Kennedy

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2011 Chapter Challenge

• 50% of membership sends a communication to one of their elected officials

• Invite an elected official to speak at a chapter meeting or host an GBTA Government relations focused meeting

• Chapter sends a letter to their Representative or Senator endorsing an GBTA endorsed bill or vote 

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2011 Chapter Challenge

• Chapter appoints a person to be the Government Relations liaison

• Request a meeting with an elected official in your state

• Raise $1,000 in PAC contributions regardless of Chapter size, must have 30% of members contribute

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NBTAPAC MISSION: Make the United States Congress not only pro-business travel but pro-GBTA

What is the NBTAPAC?• An association of people who voluntarily pool financial

resources to support candidates of office who understand and support the business travel industry

• NBTAPAC is the only PAC that represents the business travel industry’s concerns

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NBTAPAC and You It all starts with YOU who

contributes to the NBTAPAC who

donates to Congressional campaigns that support the business travel industry who

works once elected to promote our issues through legislation and voting

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Why Should I Donate?

More than electing pro-business travel candidates

A strong PAC demonstrates:• Strong grassroots network• Effective leadership• Committed membership

i.e. associations who can positively influence public policy

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Shane Downey

(703) 236 – 1131

[email protected]

Questions & Comments