active control of helicopter blade stall · passive control of blade stall typically involves the...

Copyright ©1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. AIAA Meeting Papers on Disc, April 1996, pp. 492-501 A9630777, AIAA Paper 96-1221 Active control of helicopter blade stall Khanh Nguyen NASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA AIAA, Dynamics Specialists Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Apr. 18, 19, 1996 This paper describes the numerical analysis of an automatic stall suppression system for helicopters. The analysis employs a FEM and includes unsteady aerodynamic effects (dynamic stall) and a nonuniform inflow model. The stall suppression system, based on a transfer matrix approach, uses blade root actuation to suppress stall directly. The results show that stall can effectively be suppressed using higher harmonic blade root pitch at both cruise and high speed flight conditions. The control amplitude was small, less than 1 deg. In a high thrust, low speed flight condition, stall is fairly insensitive to higher harmonic inputs. In general, stall suppression does not guarantee performance improvements. The results also show the distinction between stall suppression and performance improvement with active control. When the controller aims to reduce the shaft torque, rotor performance improvement can be achieved with a small degradation in stall behavior. (Author) Page 1

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Page 1: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another

Copyright ©1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

AIAA Meeting Papers on Disc, April 1996, pp. 492-501A9630777, AIAA Paper 96-1221

Active control of helicopter blade stall

Khanh NguyenNASA, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

AIAA, Dynamics Specialists Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Apr. 18, 19, 1996

This paper describes the numerical analysis of an automatic stall suppression system for helicopters. The analysisemploys a FEM and includes unsteady aerodynamic effects (dynamic stall) and a nonuniform inflow model. The stallsuppression system, based on a transfer matrix approach, uses blade root actuation to suppress stall directly. The resultsshow that stall can effectively be suppressed using higher harmonic blade root pitch at both cruise and high speed flightconditions. The control amplitude was small, less than 1 deg. In a high thrust, low speed flight condition, stall is fairlyinsensitive to higher harmonic inputs. In general, stall suppression does not guarantee performance improvements. Theresults also show the distinction between stall suppression and performance improvement with active control. Whenthe controller aims to reduce the shaft torque, rotor performance improvement can be achieved with a smalldegradation in stall behavior. (Author)

Page 1

Page 2: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another



Khanh Nguyen*NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA


This paper describes the numerical analysis of an auto-matic stall suppression system for helicopters. Theanalysis employs a finite element method and includesunsteady aerodynamic effects (dynamic stall) and anonuniform inflow model. The stall suppression sys-tem, based on a transfer matrix approach, uses blade rootactuation to suppress stall directly. The results showthat stall can effectively be suppressed using higher har-monic blade root pitch at both cruise and high speedflight conditions. The control amplitude was small, lessthan 1 deg. In a high thrust, low speed flight condition,stall is fairly insensitive to higher harmonic inputs. Ingeneral, stall suppression does not guarantee performanceimprovements. The results also show the distinction be-tween stall suppression and performance improvementwith active control. When the controller aims to reducethe shaft torque, rotor performance improvement can beachieved with a small degradation in stall behavior.


Suppression of retreating blade stall has been proposed asa means of helicopter flight envelope expansion, therebyenhancing the utility of these aircraft. Unlike fixed-wingaircraft, stall does not limit the low speed operation ofhelicopters. Stall on rotor blades, however, limits thehelicopter maximum speed as well as the loading capa-bilities. Stall places a loading limit on most of the heli-copter flight envelope at low and medium speed, and athigh speed, either stall or compressibility effects canlimit helicopter operations. A rotor experiencing stallcan require more shaft power than is available from theengine. Also, the excessive control loads on a stalled ro-tor blade, together with the changes in blade aerodynamicbehavior, adversely affect aircraft handling qualities.Stall-induced loads, possibly in combination with bladedynamics as in stall flutter, can severely damage bladestructural components and cause excessive cabin vibra-tion.

A unique characteristic of helicopter stall is the occur-rence of stall on the retreating side of the rotor disk. In

•Aerospace EngineerCopyright © American Institute of Aero-

nautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1996. AHrights reserved.

forward flight, a blade encounters a different dynamicpressure due to the combination of blade rotation and ro-tor translation speed. Thus, the dynamic pressure isgreater on the advancing side than on the retreating side.For roll moment balance, the blade operates at angles ofattack that are low on the advancing side and high on theretreating side. At high blade loading or at high forwardspeeds, the local blade section angle of attack can becomelarge enough to stall. For untwisted blades, the stall areaoccurs near the blade tip, growing inboard as the loadingor the forward speed increases [1]. For twisted blades,the effects are reversed — the stall area spreads from theblade root outboard.

Operating in an unsteady environment, the most severetype of stall encountered by a rotor blade is dynamicstall. In forward flight, the blade experiences time-vary-ing dynamic pressure and angle of attack changes arisingfrom blade pitch inputs, blade elastic response, and non-uniform rotor inflow. If supercritical flow develops un-der dynamic conditions, then dynamic stall is initiated byleading edge or shock-induced separation. Supercriticalflow is associated with the bursting of the separationbubble as the bubble encounters tiie large adverse pres-sure gradient near the blade leading edge [2]. Dynamicstall is characterized by the shedding of strong vorticesfrom the leading edge region. The leading edge vortexproduces a large pressure wave moving aft on the airfoilupper surface and creating abrupt changes in the flowfield. The pressure wave also contributes to large lift andmoment overshoots in excess of static values and signif-icant nonlinear hysteresis in the airfoil behavior.

The other type of stall typically encountered by rotorblades involves trailing edge separation. The phe-nomenon of trailing edge separation is associated with ei-ther static or dynamic conditions. Separation starts fromthe airfoil trailing edge, and with increasing angle of at-tack, the separation point progresses towards the leadingedge region. Trailing edge separation contributes to non-linear behavior, such as hysteresis, in lift, drag and pitch-ing moment due to the loss in circulation. In contrast todynamic stall that is characterized by abrupt changes inairfoil behavior, trailing edge stall progresses at a moder-ate rate.

Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade loaddistribution. Another method employs blade construc-tion with multi-airfoil sections — thick, high-lift sec-tions inboard and thin, transonic sections for the tip re-

Page 3: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another

gion. These methods aim to provide efficient rotor diskloading and low drag and thus, employed primarily forperformance benefits; however, they also provide stall al-leviation.

As an alternative to passive methods, active control ofblade pitch has the potential to alleviate blade stall.Recent development of high-frequency, blade-mounted ac-tuators [3] makes this concept feasible. The operatingfrequencies for blade pitch control are not limited by theblade-integer harmonics, as in swashplate oscillation, butby the bandwidth of the actuators. Recently, ZFLuftfahrttechnik, GmbH of Germany built and wind tun-nel tested, together with NASA Ames Research Center,an individual-blade-control system on a full-scale BO-105rotor. These actuators were tested at harmonics from 2Pto 6P (42.5 Hz) and amplitudes up to 3 deg. Althoughno stall suppression study was attempted, the benefits ofIBC input on rotor performance at high forward speed(advance ratio p. = 0.4) were encouraging [3].

Previous Work

In 1952, Stewart [4] suggested that two per-rev (2P)blade pitch applied to rotors in forward flight could beused to delay the onset of retreating blade stall. Based onthe analysis that included a rigid flapping blade, quasi-steady aerodynamics and uniform inflow models, Stewartderived an approximate transfer function relating thechange in 2P blade angle of attack due to 2P control.Results indicated that rotor disk loading could be effi-ciently re-distributed using higher harmonic Wade pitch.For a particular flight condition, the loading redistribu-tion could be adjusted to avoid retreating blade stall. Theresulting effects would be to raise the speed limitation ofhelicopters. According to his analysis, the helicopterspeed limit could be increased by 0.1 in advance ratio.However, Stewart did not consider the power requirementdue to the speed increase.

Payne expanded Stewart's results to include the effects ofactive control using input harmonics higher than 2P [5].He argued that 2P control alone would not be sufficientto raise the speed limitation of helicopters, but a combi-nation of the second and higher harmonic control wouldbe more effective. In the process, Payne derived general-ized transfer functions relating changes in blade angle ofattack to the higher harmonic control of a hovering rotor.However, Payne did not quantify the speed limit gainfrom his approach.

Arcidiacono conducted a numerical simulation to studythe effects of second and higher harmonic control on stair[6]. This numerical analysis was more accurate and in-cluded more realistic modeling of physical phenomenathan previous analyses. The analysis was capable of in-cluding the effects of static stall and Mach number in theform of two-dimensional airfoil tables. Based on the


computed transfer functions relating higher harmoniccontrol to changes in blade angle of attack, Arcidiaconoderived a blade pitch schedule that approximated an "idealschedule" for stall alleviation. The analysis showed thatthe blade pitch schedule, which included both 2P and 3Pcomponents with a combined maximum amplitude of4.3 deg, was capable of avoiding retreating blade stall.The resulting effects could raise the speed limit of a heli-copter by 30 percent over the baseline maximum speed.The additional power requirement due to the speed gainwould be large, however, to compensate for the increasein fuselage and rotor profile drag (about 100 percent).

In 1961, a flight test program was conducted to investi-gate the feasibility of using higher harmonic control onan UH-1A helicopter [7]. Using a rotor head mechanismcapable of generating 2P blade pitch, Bell Helicopterconducted a series of flight tests to determine the effectsof active control on rotor performance and loads. Testresults indicated that the 2P control at different ampli-tudes and phases did not produce any reduction in rotorshaft torque. Determined to resolve this variance withtheoretical prediction, the investigators conducted a post-test analysis. Analytical results indicated that the dragreduction in the retreating side due to 2P control was off-set by an increase in profile drag in the fore and aft por-tions of the rotor disk. Such conclusions confirmed pre-vious analytical predictions that 2P control could reshapethe rotor disk loading.

Kretz [8, 9] reported the wind tunnel test results of aStall Barrier Feedback (SBF) system on a six-foot diame-ter two-bladed rotor. The salient feature of the systemwas the ability to detect and, through feedback control,prevent blade stall. The SBF system employed threepressure sensors mounted at the 85 percent blade radialstation and high-bandwidth hydraulic actuators to controleach blade. The pressure sensors provided feedback sig-nals that activated the actuators in an attempt to preventstall. The system was configured such that once theleading edge pressure exceeded a threshold value, the ac-tuators became active, generating a sharp pulse (e.g., an8 deg nose down pulse was generated within 75 deg ofrotor azimuth) to reduce the blade pitch. The thresholdpressure value had been inferred from experimental dataand used as an indicator of stall onset. Limited stallavoidance was achieved with the SBF system, which re-sulted in some lift gain. Most significant was the per-formance gain — an 8 percent reduction in shaft torque —for the rotor operating at an advance ratio of 0.3 andblade loading (Cj/a) of 0.1. However, it was unclearwhether the rotor was re-trimmed after the application ofactive coTrtroitamaintain identical rotor operating condi-tions.

As a leading advocate in individual-blade-control (IBC),Ham has also conducted experiments in active stall sup-pression. The methods of sensing stall, however, dif-

Page 4: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another

fered from that of Kretz. In one experiment reported byHam and Quackenbush [10], the controller sensed theblade pitch motions to modify the blade torsion dynam-ics, and the feedback gain was adjusted to increase bladetorsion damping. The increase in damping would pre-vent stall flutter, an indicator of retreating blade stall.The experiment was conducted in a non-rotating modeand thus, was not validated in a simulated helicopter en-vironment. In another experiment performed byMcKillip [11], the controller successfully reduced 5Pblade inplane accelerations, used as an indicator of retreat-ing blade stall.

Scope of Current Investigation

The objective of the current study is to evaluate the effec-tiveness of an automatic stall suppression system for he-licopters using higher harmonic blade root input. Theeffects of stall suppression on rotor performance and thecontrol authority required are also investigated.

An advanced rotorcraft analysis, capable of modeling theaeroelastic response of elastic blades, dynamic stall, andnon-uniform rotor inflow, is adopted and modified forthis active control study. The nonlinear controller devel-opment is based on a transfer matrix approach with theoption for matrix updating at each controller cycle. Theeffect of stall reduction on rotor performance is investi-gated. The results quantify the distinction between con-trol of stall versus control for performance gain.

Two aspects of the present study are unique. First, stallsuppression is formulated as an optimization problem inwhich the stall behavior of a rotor is quantified and sub-sequently minimized using higher harmonic control(HHC). Thus, the system suppresses stall directly.Second, the range of flight conditions considered variesfrom low to high speed flight, which helps evaluate theeffectiveness of higher harmonic control for stall sup-pression when different physical phenomena dominatethe rotor flow field, e.g., low speed stall versus highspeed shock-induced separation.

In this paper, the term higher harmonic control refers toblade pitch input with harmonic contents greater thanone per-rev. Since the focus of the paper is on the aero-dynamic performance aspects of stall suppression, the ef-fects of HHC on blade loads, control system loads, andvibratory hub loads, which can be significant, are notdiscussed.

Description of Analysis

Aeroelastic analysisSince accurate representation of the blade aeroelastic re-sponses to the complex rotor flow field, together with arobust and accurate numerical method for blade response

solution, is mandatory for the analysis of stall control,the Ames-modified version of the University of MarylandAdvanced Rotorcraft Code (UMARC) [ 12] is adopted forthis investigation. UMARC/A is a finite element codethat includes advanced unsteady aerodynamics and vortex-wake modeling. The structural and aerodynamic model-ing of UMARC/A makes the code an appropriate tool forstudying active control effects on rotor behavior.

The rotor blade is modeled as an elastic, isotropicBernoulli-Euler beam undergoing small strain and'moder-ate deflections. The blade degrees of freedom are flapbending, lead-lag bending, elastic twist, and axial deflec-tions. The finite-element-method based on Hamilton'sprinciple allows a discretization of the blade model into anumber of beam elements, each with fifteen degrees offreedom.

The blade airloads are calculated using a nonlinear un-steady aerodynamic model based on the work ofLeishman and Beddoes [13]. This model consists of anattached compressible flow formulation along with a rep-resentation of the nonlinear effects due to trailing edgeseparation and dynamic stall. In the attached flow formu-lation, the normal force (or lift) and pitching moment in-cludes both circulatory and impulsive (noncirculatory)components. Physically, the circulatory componentsmodel the shed wake effects, while the impulsive com-ponents originate from the pressure wave generated bythe airfoil motion. For dynamic stall modeling, an arti-ficial normal force CN is computed based on the attachedflow lift and the dynamics of the pressure distribution,represented by a time-lag model. This quantity incorpo-rates the effects of stall delay and is used in a criterion ofstall onset.

The trailing edge separation model is based onKirchhoffs formulation that relates the separation point fto the airfoil force and moment behavior. The variationof the separation point with angle of attack is constructedfrom static airfoil data, then the results are curve-fittedusing five parameters. The separation point value is ameasure of the degree of nonlinearity in the lift behavior.Information about the flow separation point also allowsthe reconstruction of the airfoil static behavior, a precur-sor to the modeling of the airfoil dynamic characteristics.

For dynamic stall, the stall onset is based on the crite-rion such that the leading edge separation initiates onlywhen the artificial normal force CN attains a criticalvalue, CNI, corresponding to a critical leading edge pres-sure. In this model, CNI 's tne airfoil maximum staticlift coefficient (available from airfoil tables) and is afunction of the Mach number. Once initiated, the excesslift due to dynamic stall is governed by the dynamics ofthe vortex lift, defined as the difference in lift betweenthe attached (linear) and separated flow (nonlinear)

Page 5: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another

regimes. The vortex movement over the airfoil uppersurface induces a large change in the pitching moment.The vortex induced pitching moment is computed basedon the vortex lift and the position of the center of pres-sure.

For the inflow calculation, a prescribed wake model isused for the high speed flight condition, and a modifiedfree wake model is used for the low speed flight condi-tion. Both wake models are originally adapted fromCAMRAD [14]. A modification to the free wake modelimproves the convergence behavior of the wake geometrycomputation by using a predictor-corrector updatingscheme with non-reflective periodic boundary conditions.

The coupled blade responses and trim control settings aresolved for simulated wind tunnel conditions. For trim,the rotor shaft orientation is prescribed, and the blade col-lective and cyclic pitch inputs are automatically adjustedto desired values of thrust and hub moments. A modalreduction technique is employed in the blade response so-lution to reduce the computational requirement. Themodal equations are solved iteratively using a robust fi-nite-element-in-time method in which the periodicboundary conditions are inherent in the formulation. Theconverged solution satisfies the governing equations forboth rotor trim and blade responses, which include higherharmonic control effects.

Higher Harmonic Control SystemThe controller algorithm, based on a transfer functionmatrix approach, is implemented in UMARC/A.Depending on the control objectives considered — to sup-press stall or to reduce rotor shaft torque ~ each elementof the transfer matrix represents the sensitivity of thecontrolled parameter (z) to each harmonic of the bladeroot actuation (u). In this investigation, the transfer ma-trix is computed using a finite-difference-method inwhich each harmonic of the control input (sine and co-sine components) is perturbed individually. The controllaw is formulated as an optimization problem:

2 Tmin (qzf + U j

subjected to



For stall suppression, Zj is the stall index computed ateach controller cycle by:

24 120(3)

where the double summation is over the 2880 airloadcomputation points over the rotor disk (24 points in theradial direction x 120 azimuth steps), and

0 otherwise(4)

Note that F is defined over the rotor disk, with r beingthe blade radial station and If/ the azimuth angle. Withthis definition, the stall index is a metric that measuresthe severity of stall on the rotor disk in term of the ex-cess lift over the stall area. The excess lift is the amountof artificial lift CN over the airfoil maximum lift CNJ,adapted from the dynamic stall model described earlier.

In Eq. 2, the control rate factor r, with value between 0and 1, limits the control update rate, and i denotes thecontroller cycle. The transfer matrix updating is an op-tion in which Tj is updated at each controller cycle, basedon a secant method [15]. The T matrix updating, whenused in combination with the control rate limit, helpsimprove the convergence of the controller when nonlin-ear effects dominate. This approach was successfully ap-plied to another control problem — vibration suppressionof rotors under stalled conditions [16] — with significantnonlinearity in the model.

The vector u, represents the control input that includesharmonics from 2 to 6 per rev:


In terms of the elements of uj, the higher harmonicschedule for thejth blade for is:


where the amplitude is:


and the phase is:

ifr= tan

ln Eq. 1, the factors q (scalar) and R (diagonal matrix) areused to place relative weightings to the controlled param-

Page 6: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another

i and each component of the input vector, respec-eter zjlively.

Besides stall suppression, a second controller is also in-vestigated. This controller aims to improve the rotorperformance using higher harmonic blade root pitch. Forthis system, the controlled parameter (Eq. 3) is simplythe rotor shaft torque. Except for the change in the defi-nition of z, this controller retains the same structure asthat of the stall suppression controller. Note that thiscontroller does not restrict the input harmonic to 2P asin other investigations (such as [3] or [17]) but includesa wider range of input harmonics (2P to 6P).

Rotor ModelThe rotor model used in the study is a variant the four-bladed hingeless rotor of the BO-105 helicopter. To bet-ter capture the effects of stall control on modern rotors,two modifications are made to the baseline BO-105 rotor:(1) the HH-10 airfoil is used instead of the NACA 23012and (2) blade linear twist is decreased from -8 to -10 deg.Beside these modifications, the blade geometry and struc-tural properties are essentially the same as the BO-105rotor blade. The major characteristics of the rotor modelare listed in Table 1.

Flight ConditionsSimulated flight conditions with significant blade stallare selected at several forward speeds. These included alow speed condition at 63 knots (p. = 0.15, CT/a =0.16), cruise speed condition at 127 knots (n= 0.3, Gr/o= 0.13), and a high speed condition at 148 knots (|i=0.35, CT/o = 0.12). For all flight conditions, the steadyhub moments are trimmed to zero.

Results and Discussion

Open Loop StudyAn open-loop study is performed to evaluate the sensitiv-ity of the stall index to the amplitude and phase variationof single harmonic inputs. The approach consists of aphase variation of an input harmonic at a fixed amplitudeand a subsequent amplitude variation about an optimumphase where the controlled parameter is at a minimum.These results provide insight into the input-output be-havior of the control system and help define the type ofcontroller (linear versus nonlinear) to use. The effective-ness of the closed-loop system is also estimated based onopen-loop data. Representative results are presented inthis paper.

Figure 1 shows the variation of the stall index z due to a2P phase sweep at 1 deg excitation for the cruise speedflight condition (u,= 0.3, Or/a = 0.13). The results indi-cate that the stall index varies almost linearly at this am-plitude of 2P excitation. Since the phase range for min-imum stall is between 180 and 270 deg, the 2P pitch

schedule for stall reduction peaks at two regions of therotor azimuth — one between 90 to 135 deg and the otherbetween 270 to 315 deg. This result is rather counter-in-tuitive since Fig. 2(a), which shows the plot of the ex-cess lift (F in Eq. 4) over the rotor disk, indicates thatstall occurs between 270 and 300 deg azimuth.Interestingly, Fig. 2(b), which shows the stall behaviorat 240 deg of 2P phase, indicates that the rotor is almoststall-free. These results imply that the blade aeroelasticresponses to higher harmonic input are important consid-erations in stall suppression for helicopters.

The effects of 2P amplitude variation at 240 deg phaseon the stall index are shown in Figure 3 for the cruisespeed flight condition. The results indicate that the stallindex increases with 2P amplitude above 1 deg at thisphase angle. Curve-fitting the results indicates an opti-mum amplitude at roughly 0.9 deg at this phase angle.

For the 2P phase sweep at the same operating condition,die shaft torque variation exhibits a different trend thanthat of the stall index. The results are shown in Fig. 4.Although the relative change in shaft torque is smallcompared to the change in stall index, a 2 percent reduc-tion in shaft torque is, however, a significant gain in ro-tor performance. While minimum stall index occurs indie range of 180 to 270 phase angle (Fig. 1), minimumtorque is at 30 deg phase. In fact, in the phase regionwhere stall index is minimum (180 to 270 deg), the rotorshaft torque increases above the uncontrolled value andeven reaches a maximum at 210 deg phase. An explana-tion of this phenomenon is provided by an investigationof Fig. 5. Figures 5(a)-5(c) show the evolution of theblade drag coefficient over the rotor disk for the baselinecase, minimum stall index case, and minimum shafttorque case, respectively. The results show that the dragbehavior along the entire blade span shown in the regionnear 300 deg azimuth is responsible for this phe-nomenon. Of the three cases shown, the minimum stallindex case has the highest drag rise, while minimumtorque has a drag reduction from the baseline. Since thestall area is localized inboard, reducing stall does notguarantee an improvement in rotor performance.

Open loop results for the low speed flight condition (u, =0.15, CT/O = 0.16) are shown in Fig. 6. The sensitivityof the stall index to 2P excitation is weak. Figure 6(a)shows dial the stall index varies by only 20 percent withthe 2P phase sweep at 1 deg amplitude. The shaft torquevariation with the same phase sweep is moderate, how-ever, varying by 6 percent about the uncontrolled value.The amplitude variation at the phase for minimum stallindex (330 deg) shown in Fig. 6(b) exhibits the samelow sensitivity. At this low speed condition, the stallindex can be reduced, at best, by only 10 percent with 2deg of 2P input. Open loop results for other harmonicsshow similar results ~ the stall index is fairly insensitive

Page 7: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another

to higher harmonic control at this low speed flight condi-tion.

Closed Loop StudyClosed loop results for the low speed flight condition (|i= 0.15, C-r/a = 0.16) are presented first. Input harmon-ics from 2P to 4P are used; the 5P and 6P componentsare found to de-stabilized the closed-loop operation at thisflight condition. The controller reduces the stall indexby 17 percent, with a control amplitude (root-mean-square value) of 0.6 deg. The stall behavior for the un-controlled and controlled cases are shown in Figs. 7(a)and 7(b), respectively. Compared to the uncontrolledcase, the controlled excess lift (stall) region is narrowerin azimuth range, yet protrudes slightly outboard. Forthis flight condition, the stall index reduction is accom-panied by an 8.5 percent reduction in shaft torque. Theinput for stall suppression at this flight condition isshown as Case 1 in Table 2.

For the cruise speed flight condition (fi = 0.3, CT/cr =0.13), the controller uses input harmonics from 2P to6P. The stall index is reduced by over 75 percent, andthe control amplitude is only 0.37 deg. Table 2 showsthe amplitudes and phases of the blade pitch harmonics(Case 2). For the same flight condition, the open loopresults shown previously that the same level of stall alle-viation can be achieved with 1.0 deg of 2P input, and yetthe shaft torque increases. For the multi-harmonic case,however, the reduction in stall is accompanied by a 0.5percent reduction in shaft torque. With multi-harmonicinputs, Fig. 8 shows that stall can be reduced withoutincreasing the blade drag in the azimuth region of 300deg (compare Fig. 8 with Figs. 5(a), (b)).

Effectiveness of the closed loop operation using only 2Pis evaluated. The controller converges to a minimumstall index using 0.85 deg of control amplitude at 220deg phase (Table 2, Case 3). The reduction in stall issimilar to the multi-harmonic cases, achieving a 74 per-cent reduction in stall index. As in the open loop re-sults, the 2P input increases the rotor shaft torque by 2.3percent. For stall suppression, multi-harmonic inputsare more efficient than 2P input in terms of control am-plitude requirement. Furthermore, the multi-harmonicinput incurs no performance penalty.

Closed-loop control with multi-harmonic input is alsoeffective at the high speed condition (|i= 0.35, C-p/o =0.12). Since the system exhibits moderately nonlinearbehaviors, this is the only flight condition that requirestransfer matrix updating^ The stall index is reduced by75 percent using 0.8 deg of control amplitude (see Table2, Case 4). Figures 9(a) and 9(b) show the stall behaviorfor the uncontrolled and controlled cases, respectively.All the stall areas, except for the one at the advancingblade tip region, are suppressed. The blade drag plots of

Fig. 10 show that the controller is capable of relievingmost of the drag rises over the rotor disk, resulting in 6percent reduction in the rotor shaft torque.

Control for Performance GainFor this pan of the study, the rotor shaft torque is thecontrolled parameter. The cruise speed flight condition isconsidered (|i = 0.3, CT/a = 0.13). The controller em-ploys a multi-harmonic input including 2P to 6P com-ponents. The controller reduces the shaft torque by 5percent. The maximum control authority was roughly0.6 deg with the 3P and 4P components dominant (seeTable 2, Case 5). The stall index, however, increased by1 percent. A comparison of two multi-harmonic wave-forms — one for stall suppression (Case 2) and one fortorque reduction (Case 5) — at the same flight conditionis shown in Fig. 11. An explanation for the differencein control waveforms is that for performance improve-ment, the input requirement is global, encompassingmany different phenomena such as retreating blade stalland advancing blade compressibility. On the other hand,the requirement for stall index suppression is local, fo-cusing only on the stall region on the retreating side.

Concluding Remarks

The results of this investigation demonstrated that stallcan be suppressed effectively with higher harmonic con-trol at 'both cruise and high speed flight conditions. Thecontrol amplitude requirements are less than 1 deg.However, since stall is only one of the phenomena af-fecting rotor performance, stall index suppression, asimplemented here, does not guarantee a gain in rotor per-formance.

In low speed flight, open loop results indicate that thestall index was fairly insensitive to higher harmonic in-put. Although the reduction in stall index was smallwith the closed loop multi-harmonic control, a sizablegain in rotor performance was achieved.

The blade pitch schedule that improved rotor performancewas different from the one that suppressed stall for thecruise speed flight condition. Rotor performance im-provement can be achieved, in fact, with a small degrada-tion in stall behavior.


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15. Dennis, J. E., Jr. and Schnabel. R. B. Numerical Methodfor Unconstrained Optimization and NonlinearEquations. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983.

16. Nguyen, K. and Chopra, I., "Application of HigherHarmonic Control to Rotors Operating at High Speedand Thrust," Journal of the American HelicopterSociety, Vol. 35, (3), Jul 1990.

17. Nguyen, K. and Chopra, I., "Effects of Higher HarmonicControl on Rotor Performance and Control Loads,"Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 29, (3), May-Jun 1992.

Table 1. Blade PropertiesNumber of blades 4Radius, ft 16.11Tip speed, ft/sec 715Tip Mach number 0.6334Chord, in 10.63Solidity ratio 0.0701Root cut-out, ft 3.7Linear twist -10Precone, deg 2.5Lock number 5.40Airfoil HH-10Computed blade frequencies(425 rpm, per rev)

First lag 0.71First flap 1.125First torsion 3.68Second lag 4.53Second flap 2.82Third flap______________5.10

Table 2. Closed-Loop Results



FlightConditionLow SpeedCruiseCruiseHigh SpeedCruise


.10; -13.12; -140.85; -140.26; 117.04; -56

AS; 03(deg)

.37; 112.08; 77

.30; 1.23; 132


.98; -99.05; -143

.05; 180.39; 31

AS; 05(deg)

.11; 35

.47; -24.09; 32


.32; 125

.51; 125.13; 13

AStallIndex (%)





Page 9: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another




S£ 30

=05 20



-Af i


_. . . . . . ... .........

, . , , ,

\ '\ :


\ :V ;

^ Uncontrolled

-- — • ' ' ' ' •» • r

\ I\ \

^- ,., _^ -^

. . . . . I . . . . .





.. ..../... .-.



y~i. . . . . i

90 180 2702P Phase, deg

360 1 22P Amplitude, deg

Fig. 1. Variation of stall index with 2P phase angle, 1deg amplitude (ji= 0.3, CT/d =0.13). .

Fig. 3. Variation of stall index with 2P amplitude at240 deg phase (n= 0.3, CT/a = 0.13).

= 0.05-


0.9360 t r/R


§X„ 0.62o-


S 0.610


% 0.605a '

OZ 0.6



r >

F -^

^_ -^

y. . i ^" .

/ : i' Uncontrolled

. . . . . I . . , , .

... .. - —



\ -\

. . . . .90 180

2P Phase, deg270 360

Fig. 4. Variation of shaft torque with 2P phase angle,1 deg amplitude (ji= 0.3, Gr/a = 0.13).


0.9360 1 r/R

Fig. 2. Evolution of stall over rotor disk, (a) uncon- pig 5< Evolution of blade d over rotor disk uncon.trolled, (b) 2P phase of 240 deg at 1 deg amplitude (|a= trolled fu= 0 3 Or/a = 013)0.3, CT/a = 0.13). ' '

Page 10: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another


x 10

Azimuth, deg

1 22P Amplitude, deg

Fig. 6(b). Variation of stall index with 2P amplitudeat 330 deg phase (\i= 0.15, CT/a = 0.16).

x 10



360 1Azimuth, deg

Fig. 5(cont.). Evolution of blade drag over rotor disk:(b) minimum stall (2P phase 240 deg), (c) minimumtorque (2P phase 60 deg) (|i= 0.3, CT/CT = 0.13).


0.9360 1 r/R



c55 7,




i- "*••

^A~ -i^

/^.-. ...............


i i i i .

-— A\^\

lied •>




\\\....... . .4

- . . . , .


« 0.01 -


\ °>0

-0 90 180 270 360

2P Phase, deg Azimuth,

Fig. 6(a). Variation of stall index with 2P phase an-gle, 1 deg amplitude (n= 0.15, CT/O = 0.16).

Fig. 7. Evolution of stall over rotor disk: (a) uncon-trolled, (b) multi-harmonic control (n= 0.15, Gr/a =0.16).

Page 11: Active control of helicopter blade stall · Passive control of blade stall typically involves the tai-loring of blade twist and planform for efficient blade load distribution. Another


Azimuth, deg

Fig. 8. Evolution of blade drag over rotor disk withmulti-harmonic control (|J= 0.3, Gr/a = 0.13).



Fig. 10. Evolution of blade drag over rotor disk: (a)uncontrolledj(b) multi-harmonic control (|i= 0.35, Cj/O= 0.12).

Azimuth, deg360 1



- - Stall Suppression• Stall buppression \,- Torque Reduction . I _

Fig. 9. Evolution of stall over rotor disk, (a) uncon-trolled, (b) multi-harmonic control (n= 0.35, C-r/a -O.I 2).

180 270Azimuth, deg

Fig. 11. Comparison of HHC schedules for stall sup-pression and for torque reduction, (ji= 0.3, Gr/C = 0.13).