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Guide to Undergraduate and Graduate Education in Urban and Regional Planning 16th Edition - 2010

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Guide to Undergraduate andGraduate Education in

Urban and Regional Planning16th Edition - 2010

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Guide to Undergraduate andGraduate Education in

Urban and Regional Planning15th Edition - 2009

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This GUIDE was prepared as a public service by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), a consortium of university based programs offering degrees and credentials in urban and regional planning. ACSP hopes to encourage a wide range of high school and undergraduate students to consider a rewarding and challenging career in planning.

ACSP promotes education, research, service, and outreach in the United States and throughout the world by seeking to:

recognize diverse needs and interests in planning;•

strengthen the role of planning education in colleges and universities through publications, conferences, •and community engagement;

improve and enhance the accreditation process, and;•

extend planning beyond the classroom into the world of practice.•

If you are interested in a career in which you can help your community, influence the direction of growth and change, and build a better future, you should read this GUIDE.

OBJECTIVES This GUIDE is designed to show you:


the wide variety of jobs which urban and regional planners do;•

the kind of education and training you need to become a planner;•

the range of universities which offer planning education and training; and•

how you might choose a university planning program matched to your interests and needs.•

IS PLANNING THE CAREER FOR ME? Are you interested in positive social, economic, environmental, and physical change? •

Do you want to work with people from various backgrounds to develop a better community? •

Do you like to communicate with others about ideas, programs and plans? •

Are you challenged by complex problems and excited about being part of a cooperative process to devise •solutions to those problems?

Do you think about the future?About what • could be rather than about what is?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, you should seriously consider becoming a planner!

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WHAT DO PLANNERS DO?...................................................................................................................... -i-

PLANNING SPECIALIZATIONS ............................................................................................................. -ii-

LAND USE PLANNING ............................................................................................................... -ii-

ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING ................................................................................................. -ii-

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING . .............................................................................. -ii-

TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ................................................................................................ -ii-

HOUSING, SOCIAL, AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ................................ -iii-

OTHER IMPORTANT PLANNING JOBS .......................................................................................... -iii-

WILL I GET A JOB? .................................................................................................................................... -iii-

HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT PLANNING? ...............................................................-iv-

A PLANNER’S EDUCATION ....................................................................................................................-vi-

HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST PLANNING PROGRAM ...........................................................-vii-

HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE ...................................................................................................................-viii-

LISTINGS BY SCHOOLALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY ...................................................................................................................... 1ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY ......................................................................................................................3AUBURN UNIVERSITY ...................................................................................................................................6BALL STATE UNIVERSITY ..............................................................................................................................8BOSTON UNIVERSITY .................................................................................................................................. 11CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN LUIS OBISPO ...................................................14CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, POMONA .................................................................18CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE ....................................................................................21THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA .............................................................................................23CLEMSON UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................... 25CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY ...............................................................................................................28COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................. 30CORNELL UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................ 34EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY ...................................................................................................................39EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................40

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EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY .....................................................................................................43FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................ 45FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY .....................................................................................................................47FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY ...............................................................................................................50GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................................. 52HARVARD UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................... 56INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA .............................................................................................. 59IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY ...........................................................................................................................61JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY ....................................................................................................................64KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY ..................................................................................................................... 66MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ....................................................................................68MCGILL UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................... 74MIAMI UNIVERSITY ..................................................................................................................................... 76MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY..................................................................................................................77MINNESOTA STATE UNIVERSITY, MANKATO ..........................................................................................80MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY ...................................................................................................................82MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ....................................................................................................................83THE NEW SCHOOL ......................................................................................................................................85NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................87NEW YORK UNIVERSITY .............................................................................................................................90NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY ......................................................................................................... 93OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ...........................................................................................................................96PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY ...............................................................................................................100PRATT INSTITUTE ...................................................................................................................................... 104RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY ........................................................................110RUTGERS UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES .................. 114RYERSON UNIVERSITY .............................................................................................................................. 115SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY ........................................................................................................................119SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY ..................................................................................................... 121SAN JOSÉ STATE UNIVERSITY .................................................................................................................. 123STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY ..................................................................................126TEMPLE UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................. 129TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY .........................................................................................................................132TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................. 137TUFTS UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................... 140UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK .................................................143UNIVERSITY OF AKRON ...........................................................................................................................146UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA ........................................................................................................................149UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ...................................................................................................... 152UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY .............................................................................................. 155UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE ..................................................................................................... 159UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ........................................................................................163UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ...................................................................................................................167UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO DENVER ................................................................................................... 171UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE ................................................................................................................... 176UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA .........................................................................................................................179

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UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII ...........................................................................................................................182UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO ............................................................................................................................186UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO .................................................................................................190UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ...........................................................................195UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ...............................................................................................................................199UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ..........................................................................................................................202UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE ................................................................................................................204UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK ......................................................................................207UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST .......................................................................................210UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS ........................................................................................................................213UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN......................................................................................................................215UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ...................................................................................................................219UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI- KANSAS CITY .............................................................................................222UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN....................................................................................................223UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO ................................................................................................................ 225UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS .............................................................................................................. 227UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA ...................................................................................................................230UNIVERSITY OF OREGON .........................................................................................................................232UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA .............................................................................................................234UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND ...............................................................................................................237UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA ........................................................................................................... 240UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.............................................................................................242UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE ....................................................................................................... 247UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, ARLINGTON ..................................................................................................... 249UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN .........................................................................................................253UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO ..........................................................................................................................256UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ..................................................................................................................... 258UNIVERSITY OF UTAH ..............................................................................................................................260UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ........................................................................................................................263UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON ...............................................................................................................265UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO ....................................................................................................................269UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON .................................................................................................274UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MILWAUKEE ............................................................................................277VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY............................................................................................280VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY .........................................................282WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .................................................................................................................... 286WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY .................................................................................................................. 288WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ....................................................................................................... 290

APPENDICESAPPENDIX A - FACULTY BY SPECIALIZATION ....................................................................................... A-1


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WHAT DO PLANNERS DO? Planningisasystematic,creativewaytoinfluence

the future of neighborhoods, cities, rural and metropolitan areas, and even the country and the world. Urban and regional planners use their professional skills to serve communities facing social, economic, environmental, and cultural challenges by helping community residents to:

develop ways to preserve and enhance their •quality-of-life;


identify policies to promote equity and equality;•

structure programs to improve services to •disadvantaged communities, and ;

determine methods to deal effectively with •growth and development of all kinds.

Urban and regional planners do many types of jobs and are involved in almost any kind of government or private activity which seeks to affect the future or respond to community change. The majority of planners work in traditional planning areas such as land use, environmental protection, economic development, transportation, community design, housing, and social planning. However individual planners can still have a wide variety ofresponsibilitieswithinthesebroadlydefinedspecialities. Other planners work in less traditional areas, often with people from other disciplines, such as healthy communities or energy development or school planning. Some planners become generalists. They develop a level of expertise in several substantive areas. Others become specialists and definethemselvesashousingortransportationorenvironmental planners.

Most planners share a common set of skills and values even though they may specialize in one or two substantive areas. Using their “planning toolkit” they:

involve all affected parties in important planning •decisions;

help communities develop their own vision of •the future, preparing plans responsive to shared community objectives;

analyze qualitative and quantitative information •to suggest possible solutions to complex problems;

evaluate the cost-effectiveness of proposed •projects and plans; and


and citizen groups in a comprehensive and understandable way.

Plannersworkingovernment,withnon-profitagencies, and in private industry. Those in the public sector often work for city or county governments or regional planning agencies but there are also planning jobs at the State and Federal level. International organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank also hire planners. Planners with jobs in the private sector can work with utility companies,lawfirms,realestatedevelopers,andplanning consultants. Planners also work in the non-profitsectorandwithnon-governmentalagencieslike the United Way or community development organizations or advocacy groups for the elderly.

In their jobs, some planners have responsibility forspecificgeographicareassuchasindividualneighborhoods in a city or region; within those areas they may provide assistance on a variety of substantive issues from land use to transportation. Other planners have substantive responsibilities–such as housing or environmental planning–and provideassistanceintheirspecificspecializationtomany communities within a city or region. Some planners work on projects which will be undertaken within a year or two while others focus their efforts on projects many years in the future.

Today, planners may move back and forth between jobsinthepublic,non-profit,andprivatesectorsover the course of their career. They may also work for different levels of government at different times. They may change their specialities or their focus long after they leave school in response to on-the-job experiences, or the opportunity for new challenges.

While you may think of planning as an urban activity, it actually occurs in communities of all sizes. Many planners work in small cities, in rural areas, and for Indian Nations. Others work in suburban neighborhoods at the periphery of large regions while still others have jobs in the dense core of major metropolitan areas.

In the next few pages we’ll describe the most common planning specialities.

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Land Use Planning Most planners are involved in this, the most

traditional kind of planning practice. At the same time, there are many different kinds of land use planning jobs. Some land use planners develop ways to encourage growth or development in certain communities or along appropriate corridors while others work to discourage growth in environmentally sensitive areas or where supporting services cannot be effectively provided.

Some land use planners work on long-range comprehensive plans which are designed to coordinate all the important activities in which a community engages–housing, recreation, transportation, water and air quality, and so forth. Some land use planners help develop or administer local regulations which establish the kind of housing, industrial, and retail facilities which can be built inthecity.Othersdevelopwaystofinancepublicservices while still other land use planners evaluate the impact of proposed residential or commercial development and suggest ways for communities to respond.

Many land use planners coordinate their activities with other kinds of planners in order to protect open space and agricultural land in the face of increasing demands for new homes and businesses.

Environmental Planning Environmental planners work to enhance the

physical environment and minimize the adverse impacts of development. Some environmental plannersfocusonscientificandtechnicalquestionswhile others develop policies and programs to encourage the public to protect natural resources. Some planners develop expertise in one aspect of resource management while others attempt to identify the environmental implications of a range of government polices or proposed land use changes.

Some environmental planners focus on cleaning up polluted areas or resources while others focus on preventing contamination and the destruction of ecosystems.

Many environmental planners work to integrate a concern about pollution and the conservation of non-renewable resources into the plans developed in other substantive areas like transportation or economic development.

Economic Development Planning Economic development planners, in North America

and internationally, work to improve a community or region by expanding and diversifying the economic activities which support the families living there. Many planners do so by helping develop plans to attract businesses which create new jobs and provide additional tax revenues; others work to keep businesses from leaving distressed areas.

Economic development planners at the local level often work to promote the special features of their community, sometimes by encouraging tourism or additional recreational opportunities. Some planners develop projects which bring housing and commercial enterprises as well as jobs into disadvantaged neighborhoods. Some economic developmentplannershelpcommunitiesfindwaystofinancethecostofnewdevelopmentwhileotherswork to overcome regulatory and other barriers to new projects.

Economic development planners often work in conjunction with land use, housing, social and community planners to address the needs of distressed communities or declining business districts.

Transportation Planning Transportation planners help develop programs

to meet the current transportation needs of families and businesses, locally and across a region; they also attempt to predict future travel patterns in order to identify the need for additional transportation services and facilities. Some transportation planners are very technically oriented and work with advanced computer technology; others deal with the social and economic aspects of travel. Some focus on one mode such as cycling or public transit while others attempt to plan for multiple modes.

Transportation planners working for local governmentsoftenrespondtotrafficcongestion;othersdevelopwaystofinancenewfacilities.Sometransportation planers help develop programs which are designed to encourage people to drive less, or which provide home-to-work options for welfare recipientstryingtofindjobs,orwhichorganizespecial transportation services for the elderly.

Many transportation planners coordinate their activities with environmental, land use, and economic development planners.

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Housing, Social and Community Development Planning

Many planners practice in these overlapping areas. Housing planners help develop strategies to increase the supply of affordable housing and expand home ownership among low income or disadvantaged groups. These planners often try to create incentives and remove constraints on private home builders orworkwithpublicornon-profitorganizationstobuild housing units for low income families or senior citizens.

Many housing planners try to encourage mixed use developments offering services and jobs closer to where people live; others promote projects which provide housing opportunities for people from a mixture of income levels. Planners concerned with the social aspects of a community often combine their interest in housing with efforts to increase the overall quality of life in poor or minority neighborhoods.

Many social and community planners work to improve multiple aspects of a targeted neighborhood, combining many substantive planning skills from economic development to urban design. For example, community and social planners may work to improve transit service in disadvantaged communities or develop job training programs for unemployed residents or provide better public health facilities in low income neighborhoods. These planners often work with land use and transportation planners.

Other important planning jobs In addition to the substantive areas described


geographic information systems•

public health •

historic preservation •

coastal management •

mediation and negotiation •

criminal justice •


public policy and management •

urban design •

elementary and secondary education •

labor force development •

human services •

law •

WILL I GET A JOB? YES !! In spite of the current recession, both US News

and World Report and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report that planners continue to be in demand in North America. There are promising career opportunities in every planning specialization, although sometimes there is more need for one specialization than another. Most planning programs helpyougeta“jumpstart”onfindingajobatgraduation by involving you in real-world planning projects and by encouraging or requiring you to do a planning internship as part of your education. These activities show you how different kinds of planners actually do their jobs, as well as giving you the opportunity to interact with practicing planners who might offer you a job when you graduate. In fact, many planning internships turn into full-time jobs after graduation.

Planning is a great career for women and people of color. Just under 40% of those hired as planners are women and there are few salary discrepancies between men and women entering public services. While only 7% of practicing planners identify themselves as members of minority groups, this number is growing. Many planning programs strongly encourage minority students of every type to obtain planning degrees because planning is a profession which values varying perspectives and different experiences. We have every expectation, as more minority planners graduate from the programs listed in this GUIDE, that the number of professional planners from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds will substantially increase.

You can lay the groundwork for a successful job search long before you graduate. If you attend local and state or provincial meetings of the American Planning Association (APA) or the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) you will meet professional planners involved in a variety of projects–and learn about current and future job openings. It’s a great idea to join APA or CIP as a student because you getallthebenefitsofmembershipataverylowstudent fee. As an APA member you will receive regular correspondence and newsletters from your APA Chapter and Section; newsletters often contain job announcements (so even before you are in the job market you can see the kinds of jobs that do come available, the requirements, and the salary). In addition, APA publishes JobMart which lists job vacancies across the US (and sometimes Canada); APA members can subscribe to JobMart and most Planning Programs have a subscription.

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There are many ways to determine if a career in planning is right for you. If your university sponsors a career day, practicing planners may well attend. Seek them out and ask what they do and what their focus is. Attend a local meeting of the American Planning Association (APA) or Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP). Introduce yourself to some of the planners present and discuss their jobs and responsibilities; question the kind of issues they tackle. Ask if a planning job would allow you to achieve your personal goals.

You can also read about a host of planning issues and how planners are addressing them in Planning, the magazine published by the American Planning Association(APA).CanadianstudentswillfindPlanCanada, the magazine published by the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP), to be equally useful. Both magazines feature the latest developments in planning. Your University or city library may have copies. On their website the APA has a section called Jobs and Careers which describes the profession, discusses the kind of issues planners might address, talks about planning education, and lists scholarships. Visit:

The CIP has a series, Planners at Work, on their website which includes case studies illustrating the value of professional planning in Canadian cities:

To more thoroughly research different kinds of planning jobs, and to explore in greater depth avarietyofimportantplanningtopics,findthelatest edition of The Practice of Local Government Planning, published by the International City Management Association (ICMA); many libraries will have a copy. It contains individual chapters by different authors; each explains what a certain type of planner does or explores a major planning issue. There are chapters on land use, environmental, transportation, economic development, and other planning specializations as well as those discussing other important planning concerns.

Youmayalsofindithelpfultolearnaboutthecareers of a cross-section of practicing planners. In the next few pages you can read about the career paths, background, and education of six professional planners across the United States.

Paul C. Crawford, FAICP Mr. Crawford received his bachelors degree in

Community and Regional Planning from California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo. He is currentlythepresidentofaprivateplanningfirm,Crawford Multari & Clark Associates, which has provided city and regional planning services to more than 100 cities and 18 counties in California. Through his career, Mr. Crawford has served as planning director of the San Luis Obispo County Council of Governments and as an adjunct professor of city and regional planning at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. He was elected to the California Planning Roundtable in 1993 and received the 1998 Award for Distinguished Leadership from the California Chapter of the American Planning Association. Mr. Crawford is a nationally recognized expert on zoning and is currently the Co-Chair of the Planners Task Force of the Congress for New Urbanism. He is co-author of Codifying New Urbanism – How to Reform Municipal Land Development Regulations, published by the American Planning Association. Mr. Crawford was inducted as a Fellow of the American Institute of CertifiedPlannersin2001inrecognitionofhismanyplanning contributions.

Malik R. Goodwin Mr. Goodwin has a BS in Architecture, a Masters

in Architecture, and a Masters in Urban Planning, all from the University of Michigan. He is currently a project manager with the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, a quasi-public agency whose mission is to attract and retain businesses in the City of Detroit. Mr. Goodwin is the general manager for the Lower Woodward Streetscape Improvement Project, a $21 million initiative to improve and enhance three main thoroughfares in the heart of downtown Detroit. He assists the City of Detroit in preparing grant applications and in developing short-term planning strategies for making capital investments in the downtown area. Mr. Goodwin also coordinates capital projects for the City with state and federal agencies. Prior to joining the Economic Growth Corporation, he was an urban designer with aprivatearchitecturalfirm.Mr.Goodwinwasdrawnto planning because his mother was a city planner. He felt that his interest in helping cities to develop strategies to optimize the use of their resources over time would be enhanced by a planning education. He believes that effective strategists and managers are in high demand among the kind of public agencies which serve as custodians of community resources.

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Angela Harper, FAICP Ms. Harper received her Masters degree in

Planning and Urban Design from the University of Virginia after her work for the Nashville/Davidson County Planning Department inspired her to continue her planning education. Since obtaining her degree she has worked with Henrico County, Virginia, in increasingly responsible positions. She has served as director of planning and deputy county manager and has helped the County achieve managed growth and a stable tax base. Ms. Harper wasresponsibleforHenricoCounty’sfirstmajorthoroughfare plan and the County’s strategic plan. She also established the County’s Community Development Block Grant program. She has received awards from the National Association of Counties and the U.S. Department of Transportation for her planning accomplishments. In 1999 Ms. Harper was selectedasLocalOfficialoftheYearbytheNationalAssociation of Home Builders. She was inducted asaFellowoftheAmericanInstituteofCertifiedPlanners (FAICP) in May of 2001 in recognition of her contribution to planning and the body of her planning accomplishments. She has served on many accreditation site teams, evaluating planning programs for PAB accreditation, and loves being “a cheerleader” for planning.

Emil R. Moncivais, AICP Mr. Moncivais has a Bachelors degree in

Architecture and a Masters of Urban and Regional Planning from Texas A & M University. He is currently the director of planning for the City of San Antonio, Texas; he previously served as the director of planning for the City of Fort Worth. Mr. Moncivias also served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army and as a professor of urban geography at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth. In his current position Mr. Moncivias directs and oversees the City of San Antonio’s comprehensive planning, neighborhood planning, historic preservation, and GIS (geographic information system) efforts. Under his leadership the City of San Antonio has received nine major awards from the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association and the International City Management Association. He was drawn to a career in city planning by his experiences with the civil rights movement in the 1960s. He felt that the movement gave him a sense of joy and a vision for the future in which he could make a difference. He saw it was possible to make that goal operational by becoming a planner and helping to develop livable communities,

enhance quality of life, and bring cohesiveness to a diversifiedsociety.

Tripp Muldrow, AICP Mr. Muldrow has a BA in English and a Masters

in City Planning from Clemson University. He iscurrentlyapartnerinaprivateplanningfirm,Arnett Muldrow & Associates, based in Greenville, SouthCarolina.Thefirmhelpssmalltownsandcities rebuild their aging downtowns, reinvigorate their historic neighborhoods, and create economic development opportunities while preserving the special characteristics that make each city and town unique. Mr. Muldrow has coordinated commercial corridor business associations, developed and implemented historic preservation policies, and authored downtown development studies, tourism strategies, and economic development master plans. Mr. Muldrow is currently the president of the South Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association, a board member of Community Builders, a commissioner of the Greenville Housing Authority, and a member of the Board of Regents for Leadership Greenville. Mr. Muldrow was always fascinated by cities, particularly their downtowns, and how they worked. His career path was set once he learned about the breadth and scope of theplanningfield.Heloveshisjobandfindstheopportunities limitless; being a consultant means his work keeps changing which keeps everything exciting.

Terri Y. Montague Ms. Montague has a Bachelors degree in

Economics from the University of Chicago and a Masters Degree in City Planning and Real Estate Development from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is currently the president and chief operatingofficeroftheEnterpriseFoundation,which works with local and national partners to develop affordable housing for low income families and provides loans, grants, and technical assistance tononprofitorganizationsthatarebuildingandrevitalizing local neighborhoods. Prior to her job with Enterprise, Ms. Montague managed a strategic investment initiative in housing and community investment for Lend Lease Real Estate Investments. In her current position, she is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the community development nonprofitcorporationwithanannualbudgetof$50million and 235 employees nationwide. She began

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her community development career as a Geno Baroni Fellow at the Community Information Exchange in Washington, DC.

Ms. Montague initially found planning so appealing because of its interdisciplinary nature and the promise it holds for creating effective public/private partnerships. She feels that planning offers the potential to understand and shape the vital and varied institutions that transform the nature of opportunity in our cities–especially for low income people and places.

A PLANNER’S EDUCATION What kind of an education should a planner have?

Today most people need a professional Masters Degree in Planning to get the best planning jobs, although a Bachelors degree (BA or BS) can provide an entry into the profession. Universities offering bothBachelorsandGraduatedegreesareprofiledin this GUIDE. People can enter Masters programs in planning with many different kinds of Bachelors degrees; it is not necessary to have a BA/BS in Planning to do graduate work in planning. Some plannersareeducatedfirstinthesocialscienceslike public administration, sociology, economics, geography,orgovernment;othersaretrainedfirstin the design professions like architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture. Still others have their undergraduate degree in professions such as public health, social work, nursing, or engineering. Many people with undergraduate degrees in the Arts or Humanities (English, Art, History) also choose to pursue a graduate planning degree.

Some people use the new skills they acquire in graduate school to expand the emphasis of their undergraduate degree while others develop new approaches. For example, those with economics training may become economic development planners while those with degrees in biology or chemistry may choose to become environmental planners. But it is not unusual for someone trained at the undergraduate level as an architect to become a social policy planner or for someone with a BS in Nursing to become a housing planner!

There are many universities where you can gain the education and training you need to become a planner. Today there are more than120 planning programs or planning departments which are members of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) or of the Association of Canadian University Planning Programs (ACUPP). Seventy-

one U.S. programs and nine Canadian programs give accredited degrees; a few Canadian schools are accredited by both organizations. Most of these programs are described in detail in the body of this GUIDE.

You should try to attend a planning program accredited by either the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) in the U.S. or the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) in Canada, because it can make a difference in your career. These organizations review Masters or Bachelors Planning programs to assure prospective students, employers, and the public that the education and training they provide measure up to the profession’s standards–and that they are thereforequalifiedtotrainfutureplanners.ThePABdoes not evaluate PhD programs for accreditation because the primary focus of the doctoral degree is usually not professional practice. However, the CIP does evaluate Canadian PhD programs for accreditation.

The PAB is jointly sponsored by ACSP, the organization of planning professors (and the authors of this GUIDE), and by an organization of professional planners, the American Institute of CertifiedPlanners(AICP).TheCIPistheCanadianorganization of professional planners. The PAB strives to foster high standards for professional education in planning; accredited programs must meet strict standards developed cooperatively by both practicing planners and planning academicians. The same is true of the Canadian schools accredited by the Canadian Institute of Planners.

Not all accredited schools teach the same courses or emphasize the same subjects–in fact, the differences between the schools appeal to different student interests. But the curriculum at all accredited schools will provide you with a core set of theories, methods, and techniques which properly prepare you for a career as a practicing planner. Graduating from an accredited program will make you more attractivetomostagenciesorfirmshiringplanners.In addition, you will be able to join the American InstituteofCertifiedPlanners(AICP)soonerafter leaving school if you attend an accredited school.Beingacertifiedplannercanadvanceyourprofessional career.

This GUIDE also contains several universities outside North America; these programs may be very interesting to you. Remember however, no program outside of North America is eligible for either PAB or CIP accreditation.

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While all accredited planning programs cover the same set of core materials and techniques, they do so in different ways. Planning programs vary greatly in the issues they emphasize, the research they foster, and the professional projects in which they engage. As a result, programs may differ markedly in the kinds of topics to which you will be exposed, the other students with whom you attend class, and the kind of educational experience you will have.

For example, planning programs located near the ocean may offer a concentration in coastal resource planning; programs located in farm states may focus on rural and small urban planning issues; those along the Mexican or Canadian border may stress comparative planning. Of course, other planning programs may offer these same concentrations in response to the backgrounds and research interests of their faculty. Individual programs also vary in the extent to which they emphasize practice in studios and workshops or in the degree to which they expose students to research and policy analysis. Some programs have established international ties; others have long worked with local communities to provide students with practical experience.

To determine the planning program which will best provide you with the education and training you want, decide which issues you would like to highlight in your educational program and the professional specialization you think you might want to follow. Then look at the programs listed in this GUIDE to see which stress the topics you want to cover, which provide the courses you would like to take, which offer the experiences you seek.

You may be interested in the background of the other students in the program; for example, if you would like to work or study for awhile in another country you might be interested in a school that has a fair number of international students or faculty with comparative research interests. If you would like to be part of a small, intimate program think about applying to schools with a relatively small number of students. If you are interested in research or think that you might want to go on for a PhD in Planning (which would allow you to teach at a university) you might want to consider those programs that offer both Masters and Doctoral degrees.

If you are interested in learning through hands-on experiences, try to identify those programs offering a large number of project courses or requiring a

professional project (or “capstone”) report instead of a thesis to graduate. If you want to spend some time working internationally, you could select a university that has exchange programs in other countries. Perhaps you have an interest in another subject related to planning, like public health or law: look for programs with dual degrees in planning and these otherfields.Andofcourse,youhavetoconsiderfinancialandotherpracticaldetails–scholarshipsandgrants, the possibility of getting a job or loans, the total cost of education, etc.

This GUIDE is set up to help you quickly evaluate a large number of planning programs by comparing the major factors likely to be of most interest to students: the course offerings and requirements, the type of students in the program, the background and experiences of the faculty, the costs of attending, andthepossibilityoffinancialassistance.Butthebrief entries in this GUIDE can only help you narrow down your choices–there simply isn’t enough space to tell you all you want, or need to know about a prospective program.

Onceyouhaveidentifiedanumberofprogramsthat might meet your needs, contact them directly! Start by visiting their websites; then contact the chair of the program or individual faculty who work in the areas in which you have an interest. Most programs have a wealth of promotional material they will be happy to send you.

Students often ask: “What’s the best school for...” this or that specialization. There is no one answer. The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning has refused to rank schools because every planning program in the GUIDE has its own strengths and resources. There is simply no effective way to say that one school offers a better degree than another. Planning students bring their own goals, background, and experiences to their educational career–so different individuals will get very different things from any individual planning program. Only you can decide the best school for your needs, interests, and resources.

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HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE In this section, we’ll try to explain how to read

each entry in the GUIDE. In order to provide you with a large amount of information in very little space, the entries in this GUIDE contain many abbreviations. In addition, you may not be familiar with some of the terminology. So we’ll show you how to “de-code” the entries and use the data to compare and contrast some of the schools which have sparked your interest.

Thefirstlineofeachentryliststhenameoftheuniversity. If this university were called America StateUniversityitwouldbeoneofthefirstentriesintheGUIDE.However,iftheofficialnameistheUniversity of America it will be near the back, with all the listings beginning with “University of...” This is the way in which most major student guides organize schools. It may be confusing initially but onceyouremember,itwillbeeasytofindtheschoolyou want. Remember there may be two different schools, America State University and the University of America.

Thefirstlinealsotellsyouwhatplanningdegreeseach university gives; the icon BA means that the university gives at least one undergraduate planning degree (which may be either a BA or a BS). The icon MA means that the university gives one masters degree in planning (which may be an MA or MS or other masters designation). The icon PhD means that the university gives at least one doctoral degree inplanning.Ifthefirstlinedoesnotdisplayaspecificicon (BA, MA, or PhD) it means that the university does not give a planning degree at that level.

Thefirstlinealsoshowsyouwhethertheundergraduate or Masters programs the university gives are accredited by either the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) or the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP). If the icon PAB or CIP is shown under the degree listed, at least one of the degrees given at that level at that university is accredited. Note that a school with multiple Masters degrees may have some that are, and some that are not accredited–for example their Masters degree in Urban Planning may be accredited but not their Masters degree in Historic Preservation and Design. To save spaceonthefirstline,youwillseethePABorCIPicon if any of the Masters or undergraduate degrees given by this university are accredited. Be sure to check the text below to get complete information for thespecificprogramordegreeinwhichyouhaveaninterest.

Remember that doctoral programs are never accredited by the PAB because such programs don’t generally focus on professional practice–so none of the U.S. schools offering a doctorate will show anaccreditationstatus.Thisisnotadeficiency!However the CIP does accredit PhD programs in Canada. Neither organization accredits international universities.

Finallythefirstlineofeachschool’sentrytellsyou its membership status in the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, the sponsor of this GUIDE. FULL members are those giving planning degrees in the US. AFFILIATE members are generally those schools in the U.S. that give degrees related to planning but not planning degrees (urban studies or urban geography). Schools outside the U.S. are eligible for CORRESPONDING membership if they give planning or related degrees.

The top of the left column of each entry generally gives you the name of the chair of the entire department and the departmental mailing address; it usually provides the department phone, fax, e-mail and website address as well. Note that the chair may not be the contact person for any or all of the planning degree programs offered; an individual entry may list a different contact person for each program. Remember phone numbers and addresses change; if you have trouble, seek out new numbers through telephone information or by visiting the university website which should be easily found by any net browser.

PROGRAM INFORMATION This section in the left-hand column summarizes

the most important details you might want to know about each of the planning degrees which the university offers. It shows the deadlines for applicationandforrequestingfinancialassistanceas well as what the application fee will be. The text may also indicate what tuition costs will be if you are a resident of the state or if you are from out-of-state (this distinction usually only applies at public universities).

This section gives you an idea of the availability offinancialassistancebylistingscholarships,research and teaching assistantships, and other job opportunities. In general, the more awards and assistantships the better–but you will have to talk to each school to learn how likely it is that you will be abletogetfinancialassistanceofsomekind.

You should question the conditions of any

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scholarship or grant--will you receive it as long as youareinschooloronlyforyourfirstyear?Ifaschool has only a small amount of scholarship money it may choose to give it all to entering students, as a recruitment incentive. That means that second year students may be left without any aid. If the university offers research assistantships or other kind of paid work,findouthowmuchworkyouwillreallyhaveto do and how likely it is that you will be able to hold the job or assistantships for your entire education.

This section also contains a small chart with some details about student enrollment. It should also giveyouanideaofhoweasyordifficultistobeacceptedasastudent.Thechartshowsthefiguresofstudents who applied for admission to the program, the number who were accepted by the program, andfinallythenumberwhoactuallyenrolled.Thesenumbers should give you an idea of the number of students in the program that interests you. Generally the number of students accepted is less than the number who applied; the number who are enrolled is usually less than the number accepted. Most universities turn down some students who apply; some students who apply and are accepted decide not to come. If there is a big gap between the number who applied and the number of students accepted, it generally signals that this is a very popular program and hard to get into. It is less clear why there may be a gap between the number accepted and the number who end up enrolling. Sometimes this means that acceptance decisions are made independent of financialaiddecisionsandthatsomestudentswhowereacceptedwereunabletofindscholarshiporotherkindsoffinancialassistance.

DEGREE DESCRIPTIONS The GUIDE next describes each of the degrees

offered by the university, starting with any undergraduate degrees. Not every university has provided exactly the same information so not all entries are identical. However, in general, the text tells if the program or degree is accredited, how old it is, and the total number of degrees granted over the last few years. If a university has more than one undergraduate or graduate degree, the text will indicate which, if any, of those programs have received PAB or CIP accreditation. Remember that the top line of each school’s entry only indicates if at least one of the degree programs is accredited; if they givemorethanonedegreethespecificdegreewhichinterests you may or may not be accredited.

TheGUIDEnextidentifiesthesubstantivespecializations available for each degree. This can give an idea of the range of areas where you can concentrate your efforts; these specializations generallyreflecttheskillsandinterestsofthefaculty.Compare the size of the faculty (listed later in each school’s entry) to the number of specializations offered; if a school claims many specializations but has a small faculty it may lack the resources to allow you to fully develop your skills in any given area.

Also check the specializations offered against the background of individual faculty; if you are interested, for example, in the school’s environmental planning or urban design specialization, make sure that some of the faculty actually have expertise in these areas. In addition, when you begin to contact schools of interest, ask about the actual number of classes the program gives in each specialization and when they are offered. Sometimes even large programs have only a few courses in certain specializations and those are given infrequently–if so, you might actually have to stay in school longer just to be able to take the required courses!

Pay special attention to whether the classes offered in your specialization of interest are planning courses or if they are actually taught by faculty in other departments. It is important to be able to take courses in other departments across campus–but make sure at least some of the courses in your specialization are actually taught by planners, with the professional focus of someone who is a planner. The text next indicates the prerequisites and other requirements needed to get into the program. Most programs describe any exams you must take (like the ACT or SAT for undergraduates and the GRE for graduates) and the minimum score you must achieve. Note that not all programs require such exams. The text will also indicate any other prerequisites needed to apply such as a minimum grade point average. You should ask the programs in which you have an interest for a list of prerequisite courses or skill levels and an idea of what you will have to do if you are missing some prerequisites. If you are required to make up missing prerequisites you will need more hours/credits than indicated to graduate. Planning programs often list this information on their websites; if not, they will be happy to send printed materials to answer most of your questions.

Next, each university usually explains how many units or hours needed to obtain the degree in

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question, breaking those totals down into required courses, restricted and unrestricted electives, andthefinalproductrequired--suchasathesisor professional report or capstone project. Most Masters programs require between 36 - 60 hours/credits to graduate. However, if you are missing some prerequisites, for example economics or statistics, you might have to make them up either before you areallowedtoofficiallyentertheprogramorwhileenrolled in the program.

Most programs require all students to take the same, core, courses, which cover material central to the educational experience offered in that degree program. In addition, students with different specializationsareoftenrequiredtotakespecificelective courses; for example, someone majoring in land use planning might well have to take different classes than someone majoring in housing. Most programs allow students to take some “free” or unrestricted electives.

Compare the hours of core courses and the restricted versus unrestricted electives to get a generalideaofthedegreeofflexibilityyouwillhave in the program. In general, the more hours in the core the fewer electives you can take; the more restricted the remaining the electives, the less freedom you may have in pursuing courses outside the planning department. Some students like to have many electives, preferably unrestricted, because they can customize their degrees to match their interests. Other students prefer a more structured curriculum because they want to be sure that they are developing therangeofspecificskillsneededbyplanners.

Thetextalsoindicateswhatkindoffinalproductyou will have to produce to get the degree; for example whether you must take an exam, write a thesis or dissertation, prepare a professional report, or take part in a “capstone” or joint professional project of some kind. Some schools allow you to choose among several options while others require thesamefinalproductfromallstudents.Programsalso vary in the extent to which they give class credit forpreparingthefinalproduct;someprogramsindicate the number of hours/credits, if any, you are allowedtotaketofinishyourthesis,etc.

STUDENT COMPOSITION These charts give you an idea of the number and

diversity of the students in each planning degree program the university offers. These student statistics are also useful in determining if you will be

taking courses with international students and if you will be working with students from various ethnic and racial backgrounds.


The GUIDE contains two separate entries for faculty. The text describing PLANNING FACULTY includes those people who spend at least half their time teaching in one or more of the listed planning programs. The second set of faculty descriptions, OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTY includes those people who teach in other university programs--like engineering, geography, or social work--for the majority of their time or those who are practicing professionals who teach occasionally or part-time in the university’s planning program. Sometimes this category includes retired professors or university administrators who teach planning courses occasionally.

You will get the best educational experience from schools which effectively mix these faculty components. It is important to have courses with faculty who are active in professional practice and it is useful to take classes with those from other disciplines. However, be sure the university has a minimum number of faculty who are dedicated to the planning program for most of their time--or you couldfindithardtogetthecoursesyouneedoreven to interact in any meaningful way with your professors. Also be sure there are enough faculty to cover the core curriculum from a planner’s perspective.

The faculty entries give you a very brief idea of the background, skills, interests, and experiences of the faculty with whom you might be studying. If the faculty member has taken a professional certificationexamthroughtheAmericanInstituteofCertifiedPlanners,theiconAICPwillappearopposite his/her name. This generally indicates that the faculty member is very interested in professional planning practice. The icon FAICP means the faculty member has been named a Fellow of the AICP, a very prestigious honor for a professional planner.

Thefirstlineoftextbelowafacultymember’sname indicates his/her rank and seniority–the most senior (in U.S. schools) are Professors followed by Associate and then Assistant Professors. If someone is listed as visiting or adjunct it generally means that s/he is not a permanent member of the faculty--and may be gone before you arrive. If someone is listed as emeritus it means that s/he has retired--retired

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professors vary greatly in the number of courses they teach.

The text next indicates the degrees which the faculty member has and the university where they obtained those degrees; some, but not all, entries indicate the year(s) in which their various degrees were granted. While most planning professors have a PhD, not all do, particularly if they are or have been active practitioners.

The next line indicates the specializations or expertise of each faculty member. If you have an interest in a certain specialization you may want to see how many of the program’s faculty actually claim expertise in that area. You will also want to know who will actually be teaching core or elective courses in that specialization; to do so, get a copy of the course offerings directly from the school by visiting the website and/or contacting the program directly. Once you have seen the number and kind of courses taught in the concentrations in which you have an interest, you can directly question individual faculty about the program, the courses they teach, and the requirements of the specialization.

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Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning

Contact Person: Dr. Chukudi Izeogu, ChairPhone: (256) 372-4990E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated:1975 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................268Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09 ..................................................11


Urban and Regional PlanningP.O. Box 938

Normal, Alabama 35762Phone (256) 372-5426

Fax (256) 372-5906

Dr. Chukudi Izeogu, Department ChairPhone (256) 372-4990

E-mail:[email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Completion of high school or junior College transferMinimum GPA: C AverageMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: 18 ACT (University Requirement)

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 54Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 8Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 18Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................. 6Total Required Hours In Planning Program .......................................... 122Senior Project ................................................................................ Required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONL.L. Crump Scholarship:Call (256) 372-5426 or (256) 372-4990 for details

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ........................................................................................ July 15Financial Aid Deadline ................................................................................... April 1In-State Tuition and Fees: ............................ $1560-2340 per semester (10-16 hours)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: .................... $2860-4420 per semester (10-16 hours)Other: .........................................................Additional hours $305/hour per semesterApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$10Additional Fees: ............................................................................. $265 per semester

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ........................................ July 15 Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program .................................... April 1In-State Tuition and Fees: ............................ $1560-2340 per semester (10-16 hours)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: .................... $2860-4420 per semester (10-16 hours)Other: .........................................................Additional hours $378/hour per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$20Additional Fees: ............................................................................. $265 per semester

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Dr. Chukudi Izeogu, ChairPhone: (256) 372-4990E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1975 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/09 ...........................................................168Degrees Granted from 6/31/08 to 12/31/09 ................................................7

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution & GPA 2.5 Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.8 (Department)Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL Not RequiredRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Two letters of recommendation and a resume

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................28Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................9Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................9Other ....................................................................................................... 3-6Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................46Thesis or Final Project & Exam ....................................................Required


Undergraduate MinorsHousing and Community Development,

International Development, Environmental Planning, Transportation Planning

Masters SpecializationsHousing and Community Development,

Environmental Planning, International Development, Transportation Planning


FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONResearch Assistantships:Call (256) 372-5426 or (256) 372-4990 for details

Applied Accepted Enrolled07/09 08/09 07/09 08/09 07/09 08/09

Undergraduate 15 19 16 15 15 15Masters 5 6 5 6 5 6

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories above.

Joseph A. Lee AICPAssistant Professor. MURP, University of North Carolina (1972). Specializations: Citizen Participation, Community Development, Geographic Information Systems, Historic Preservation. (256) 372-4991 [email protected]

Jacob Oluwoye Professor. BS, University of Wisconsin, Madison; MCP, Howard University; PhD., University of New South Wales, Australia.. Specializations: Transportation. (256) 372-4994 [email protected]

Donald Outland Associate Professor. MS, Alabama A&M University (1971). Specializations: Citizen Participation, International Development, Public Management/Strategic Planning, Rural Development. (256) 372-4993 [email protected]

Constance Wilson Associate Professor. MURP, Fisk University (1973); PhD, University of Alabama (2000). Specializations: Citizen Participation & Race/Ethnicity and Planning and Transportation, Community Development, Planning Practice, Politics and Governance. (256) 372-4992 [email protected]

PLANNING FACULTYRussell J. FricanoAssistant Professor. (1977) Ph.D, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Growth Management, Land Use Planning, Infrastructure Financing. (256) 372.4995 [email protected]

Earl N. M. Gooding Professor. M.Lit., Oxford (1965); PhD, University of Connecticut (1996); PhD, Vanderbilt University (1977). Specializations: Demography, Environmental Planning, International Development, Planning & Quantitative Methods. (256) 372-4986 [email protected]

Berneece HerbertInstructor, Research Associate. BSC, University of the Virgin Islands (1991), MURP, Alabama A&M University (1998), PhD Plant & Soil Science (2007). (265) 372-4988 [email protected]

Chukudi Izeogu Professor. BS, University of Nigeria (1971) MPL, University of Southern CAlifornia (1974); PhD, University of California, Los Angeles (1981). Specializations: Regional Economic Development Planning, Environmental Planning, Housing and Land Use Policy Evaluation and Planning, International Development Planning. (256) 372-4990 [email protected]

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYJames Alexander Professor. BA, University of Alabama (1970); PhD, University of Texas, Austin (1989). Specializations: Policy Economy. (256) 372-4794 [email protected]

Merilyn DabbsAssociate Professor. BS, University of North Alabama (1965); MS., University of Alabama (1970); PhD, Candidate, University of Tennessee. Specializations: Geography. (256) 372-5350 [email protected]


Alabama A&M University is one of two Universities in the State of Alabama offering an accredited degree in urban and regional planning and one of the twelve universities in the nation with accredited urban planning degrees at both undergraduate and graduate level. Alabama A&M University offers scholarships and assistantships to eligible students. Academically qualified white residents of Alabama may apply for the Diversity Scholarship for the Undergraduate program.

The Department of Community Planning & Urban Studies was established in 1970 as the Department of Urban Studies offering only the MS in Urban Studies. Following this was the undergrad-uate degree program in Urban Studies, which was later replaced by the BS degree program in Urban Planning.

The Master of Urban & Regional Planning program evolved in 1982 from the Master of Community Planning program, which was established in 1975. It attained initial recognition in 1976.

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 0 0 0

African American 15 18 33

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 1 1 2

Total Students 16 19 35

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School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning

PO BOX 5302, Tempe, AZ 85287-5302Phone: (480) 965-7533

FAX (480) 965-8313Email: [email protected]

Web Site :

Luc Anselin, DirectorPhone (480) 965-7533

E-Mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Must be admitted to the University or Junior College transferMinimum GPA: 3.0.Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: ACT- 22 for in-state students and 24 for out -of-state students. SAT - 1040 for in-state students and 1110 for out-of state students.

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 36Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 8Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 18Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................................................ 18Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 80Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 120Thesis or Final Product ............................................Final Project Required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONNumerous Scholarships, Grants and Loans are available.For more details visit Federal Pell Grant/ Federal Supplemental Education opportunity. Grants are based on financial need. Visit website

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 .................................................................May 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ......................................................... March 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees .............Full Time (7 credits or more) $3,897 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ..Full Time (12 credits or more) $10,129 per semesterApplication Fee ..................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees ...........................................................Special class fees and deposits

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for Masters Program 2010-11 ....................... January 15, 2011FinancialIn-State Tuition and Fees .............Full Time (7 credits or more) $4,425 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ..Full Time (12 credits or more) $11,199 per semesterApplication Fee ..................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees…. .......................................................Special class & program fees

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban and Environmental Planning

Contact Person: Subhro Guhathakurta, Assoc. DirectorPhone: (480) 965-7533E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1978 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 6/31/10 ...........................................................517Degrees Granted from 6/1/09 to 6/31/10 ..................................................27


Masters SpecializationsCommunity and Urban Planning,

Environmental Planning, International Planning, Transportation Planning

BS in Planning

Contact Person: Subhro Guhathakurta, Assoc. DirectorPhone: (480) 965-7533E-mail [email protected] Year initiated:1990 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 6/31/10 ..........................................................410Degrees Granted from 6/1/09 to 6/31/10 .................................................40

UNDERGRADUATE DEGREEMASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.2GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL 600Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................26Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................21Other .................................................................. 3 units Internship optional

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate 75 - 48 62 42 62Masters 111 72 70 40 27 22

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Total Required Hours in Planning Program.............47 (50 with internship)Exam, Thesis or Final Product: A Capstone studio, thesis or profes- sional project is required. A compre- hensive oral exam for students elect- ing thesis or professional project option.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards:.......................small numbers are available through Graduate College based on merit and needGrants and Loans:..................Federal Perkins Loans and/or William D Ford Direct Student Loans. Visit and Research:..........TA and RA positions based on meritAssistantships:........................Based on need

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.PLANNING FACULTYLuc AnselinWalter Isard Chair and Director. Lic. (Economics), Free University of Brussels (1975); M.A. (Statistics, Operations Research), Free University of Brussels (1976); M.A. (Regional Science), Cornell University (1979); PhD. Cornell University (1980). Specializations: GIS and Spatial Analysis, Urban and Regional Modeling, Planning Methods. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 7 5 12

White 26 15 41

African American 0 1 1

Native American/Pacific Islander 1 0 1

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 11 7 18

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 4 6 10

Total Students 49 34 83

Carlos Balsas, AICPAssistant Professor. LURP, University of Averio, Portugal (1995); MRP, University of Massachusett, Amherst (1995); Ph.D., University of Massachusett, Amherst (2004). Specializations: Urban Revitalization, Transportation Planning, Sustainable Transportation Planning, Scholarship of Teaching, International Planning. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Michael BattyDistinguished Visiting Professor, University College London.BA, University of Manchester (1966); PhD, University of Wales (1984); FRTPI, Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute (1983); FCILT, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transportation. Specializations: Development of computer based technologies, specifi-cally graphics-based and mathematical models for cities.

Anthony BrazelProfessor. BA, Rutgers University (1963); MA, Rutgers University (1965); PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (1972). Specializations: Physical Geography, Urban Climatology. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Katherine CreweAssociate Professor. BA, Rhodes University, South Africa (1976); MLA, University of California, Berkeley (1980); Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1997). Specializations: Planning Practice and Transportation; Historic Preservation; Citizen Participation; Gender Studies and Planning; Physical Planning/Urban Design; International Urban Design. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Patricia GoberProfessor. BS, University of Wisconsin (1970); MA, Ohio State University (1972); PhD, Ohio State University (1975). Specializations: Population, Urban Systems, Migration, Water Resources, Climate Change. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Aaron GolubAssistant Professor. SC, Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1994); MME, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1996); PhD, University of California, Berkeley (2003). Specializations: Urban Transportation Planning, Environmental and Social Impacts of Transportation, Environmental Justice, and International Transportation. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Subhrajit GuhathakurtaProfessor. B.Arch., Jadarpur University, India (1985); MCRP, Iowa State University (1987); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1991). Specializations: International Development and Planning; Urban Modeling and GIS; Computer Applications; Economic Development Planning; Environmental Planning. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Nabil Kamel Assistant Professor. BS, Cairo University, Egypt (1983); MUP, Texas A&M (1993); PhD., University of California, Los Angeles (2004). Specializations: Housing and Urban Development, Regional Economic Development, Environmental Community Development. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

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Joochul Kim Associate Professor. BA, University of California, Berkeley (1973); MUP (1977) and Ph.D., (1979) University of Michigan. Specializations: Community Planning; Economic Development Planning; Housing and International Planning. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Kelli LarsonAssistant Professor. BA, Southern Illinois University (1977); MA, Southern Illinois University, (1999); PhD, Oregon State University, (2005). Specializations: Water Resource Governance and Human-Environmental Interactions. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Kevin McHughAssociate Professor. BS, Pennsylvania State University (1976); MA, Arizona State University (1977); PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Changaign (1984). Specializations: Cultural Geography, Geographical Thought & Theory, Place and Movement, and Spatiality of Aging. (480)965-7533 [email protected]

Alan MurrayProfessor. BS. University of California, Santa Barbara (1990); MA, University of California, Santa Barbara (1992);PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara (1995). Specialization: Facility Siting, Transportation and Transit. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Serge ReyProfessor. BS, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (1985); MA, University of California, Santa Barbara (1988); PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara (1994). Specialization: Integrated Multiregional modeling, Spatial Data Analysis, and Regional Science. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Jay Stein, FAICP Professor of Practice. BA. SUNY at Binghamton (1968); MA, York University (1971); PhD, University of Michigan (1976). Specialization: Health and Planning, Growth Management, Economic Development and Public Finance. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Emily Talen, AICP Professor. BA, Calvin College (1980); Masters in City and Regional Planning, Ohio State University (1984); PhD. University of California, Santa Barbara (1995). Specializations: Urban Design, New Urbanism, Placemaking, Sustainable Cities, Smart Growth, and Urban Codes. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

David PijawkaProfessor. BA, Brock University, Canada (1971); MA (1978) and Ph.D., (1983) Clark University. Specializations: Sustainable Planning and Design; Socio-economic Assessments; Disaster Management and Recovery Planning; Perception and Behavior Studies; Institutional Design. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Douglas WebsterProfessor. BA, University of Toronto (1969); MA, University of Waterloo (1972); PhD, University of California, Berkeley (1977). Specializations: Sustainable Urbanization, City Building in China, Southeast Asian Urbanization, Urban Competitiveness/City Development Strategies. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Elizabeth WentzAssociate Professor. BA, The Ohio State University (1987); MA, The Ohio State University (1989); PhD, The Pennsylvania State University (1997). Specialization: Geographic Information Systems, Application of GIS to Urban Environments, Urban Remote Sensing, Water Resource Management. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Ruth Yabes, AICP Associate Professor. BA and BS, University of California, Davis (1976); MCP, University of Pennsylvania (1982); Ph.D., Cornell University (1990). Specializations: Participation; Community Development; International Planning; Planning Pedagogy. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYAmbika Adhikari, AICPFaculty Associate. B.Arch., University of Baroda, Gujarta; M of Arch, University of Hawaii, Honolulu; Fellow (Urban Planning) Massachusetts Institute of Technology: DD, Harvard University. Specializations: Environmental Planning. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Dean Brennan, FAICPFaculty Associate. BS, Iowa State University; Mpa, Arizona State University. Specializations: Urban Planning, Environmental Planning. (480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Judith DworkinFaculty Associate. MA, Clark University; JD, Arizona State University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Environmental Law. (480) 965-7533 Noel HebetsFaculty Associate. BS, Engineering Mechanics & Materials, Arizona State University, 2003; JD, Arizona State University Law School, 2006. Specializations: Zoning and Development Law. (480) 965-7533

John Keane Faculty Associate. BA, Cornell University; MS, Arizona State University.Specializations: Environmental Planning, Environmental Economics. (480) 965-7533

Darin SenderFaculty Associate. BSD, Arizona State University; JD, De Paul University College of Law. Specializations: Environmental Law and Policy. (480) 965-7533

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Graduate Program in Community PlanningSchool of Architecture

104 Dudley HallAuburn, AL 36849-5316

Phone (334) 844-4516 Fax (334) 844-5419

John J. Pittari, Jr., Program ChairPhone: (334) 844-5424

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 .........................................................February 15, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 ........................... March 1, 2011 (for assistantships)In-State Tuition and Fees .............................................................$3,950 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ....................................................$10,950 per semesterApplication Fees .................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees ...............................................Professional Fee: $2,150 per semester

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Community Planning

Contact Person: Juanita Dowdell, Program CoordinatorPhone: (334) 884-8797E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1978 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................158Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................18

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................42Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...........................................12Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................6Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Other ................................................................. 6 hours internship optionalTotal Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exam, Thesis or Final Product .............................. Synthesis studio project

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/1008/0909/1008/0909/1008/09

13152221Masters 2931

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: Program: 2.8Minimum GRE: 1000: DepartmentMinimum TOEFL University: 550 (paper), 213 (computer), 79 (iBT)Departmental Requirement: Applicants are evaluated holistically

MA/MS ACSP Member: Full


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Joint Degrees: with Public Administration,Landscape Architecture, and Architecture.

Graduate Certificate: Small Town Design

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 1 1

White 13 17 30

African American 3 2 5

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 1 4 5

Total Students 17 24 41

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Our program is devised to prepare students with diverse back-grounds for professional planning careers in both the public and private sectors. Graduates are skilled at describing and analyzing urban processes and conditions; at creating and evaluating alter-native measures to shape future growth and development; and at devising and recommending appropriate mechanisms for the implementation of their proposals.

One-fourth of our students hold graduate assistantships, which provide a monthly stipend and full tuition waiver. We offer joint degree options with the Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Public Administration programs; and study opportunities with the Center for Architecture and Urban Studies in Birmingham and the Auburn Abroad program in Rome.

Daniel BennettProfessor. B Arch., Auburn University 1968; M.Arch, Rice University 1974. Specializations: Urban Design, Site Design, Urban Form. (334) 844-4285 [email protected]

Charlene LeBleu AICPAssistant Professor. BS, University of Florida; MCP & MLA, Auburn 2003. Specializations: Site Design, GIS, Ecological Planning. (334) 844-0192 [email protected]

Cheryl MorganProfessor. BA & B. Arch, Auburn 1974; M. Arch, University of Illinois 1976. Specializations: Urban Design, Small Town Planning, Community Participation. (205) 323-3592 [email protected]


FYIPLANNING FACULTYMichael ClayAssistant Professor. BS, Brigham Young 1999; MCRP, Iowa State 2001; Ph.D, University of California, Davis, 2005. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Transit, Land Use, Quantitative Methods. (334) 844-8412 [email protected]

John J. Pittari, Jr.Associate Professor. BLA, University of Florida 1983; MUP, City College of New York 1985; Ph.D, University of Washington 1997. Specializations: Historic Preservation, Urban Design, Urban Form, Physical Planning, Planning History. (334) 844-5424 [email protected]

Rebecca Retzlaff AICPAssistant Professor. BS, Michigan State 1997; MS, School of the Art Institute of Chicago 1999; PhD, University of Illinois-Chicago 2006. Specializations: Environmental Planning and Policy, Historic Preservation, Land Use Planning and Regulation, Growth Management (334) 844-5429 [email protected]

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BS in Urban Planning and Development

Contact Person: Dr. Francis Parker, Undergraduate AdvisorPhone: (765) 285-5870E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1985 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................281Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................21


Urban Planning And DevelopmentCollege of Architecture and Planning

Muncie, Indiana 47306Phone (765) 285-1963

Fax (765) 285-2648

Michael Burayidi, ChairPhone (765) 285-1963

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Suggested High School Courses: College prep core courses.Minimum GPA: 3.0 70th percentile.Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: Cutoff scores depend on pool of applicants

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 ............................................................................. OpenFinancial Aid Deadline 2010-11 .......................................................... March 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees ................................................... $8,734 per academic yearOut-of-State Tuition and Fees .......................................... $21,810 per academic yearApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$35Approximate Annual Cost ..........................................................................$8,442.00 GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 ............................................................................. OpenFinancial Aid Deadline 2010-11………… ................................ ……..March 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees & room and board .................... $9,174 per academic yearOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ...........................................................................22,170Application Fee ......................................................................................................$50Approximate Annual Cost Instate ..............................................................$9,174.00

MASTERS DEGREEMasters of Urban Planning and Development

Contact Person: Dr. Francis Parker, Graduate AdvisorPhone: (765) 285-5870E-mail [email protected] Year Initiated: 1975 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................128Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................10


59545750Undergraduate 5861


38373629Masters 3028


Masters SpecializationsSustainable and Comprehensive Planning, Community and

Economic Development Planning, Customized Urban Planning area, Physical Planning and Urban Design.

University Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accred-ited institution. BUPD take accel-erated track (36 hrs), others take standard track (48 hrs). Applicants not meeting the minimum GPA may receive probationary status, on department’s recommendation. Full admission from probationary status requires a 3.0 average in nine semester hours of pre-approved graduate work.

Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75Minimum GRE: Not Required for applicants who

meet the above.Ranking in Undergraduate Class: None.Departmental Requirement: Same as University.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of core ............................................................................................15Hours of Studio of Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................6Hours of unrestricted Electives ............................................................... 3-6Thesis or final project ............................................................................. 3-6Total required hours in Planning Program ................................................36Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ..............................................Written Essay

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 41Hours of Concentration Area ................................................................... 82Hours of Restricted Elective ............................... Included in concentrationHours of Elective ..................................................................................... 3+Total Required Hours In Planning Program .......................................... 126Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 126Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship Opportunities: Required, department facilitates in finding suit- able internships. Dept. Awards and Grants: Field trip and study abroad grants available.Financial Aid Information:Check with financial aid office

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FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship Opportunities: Required, department facilitates.

Teaching and Research Assistantships: Assistantships include tuition, does

not include dedicated fee of $485. Other assistantships available dependent upon faculty grants.

PLANNING FACULTYVera AdamsInstructor. MBA, Northern Illinois University; MCRP University of California, Berkley; MARCH University of California Berkley. Specializations: Urban Design, Housing, Planning Education (765) 285-1918 [email protected]

Michael BurayidiDistinguished Irving Professor and Chair. PhD, University of Louisville (1993), MEDes University of Calgary (1990), B.Sc (Hons) University of Science and Technology, Ghana (1985). Specializations: Land Use Planning, Economic Development, Comparative Planning Systems, Housing and Real Estate Development. (765) 285-1963 [email protected]

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Lohren DeegAssistant Professor. BS, BA and MARCH, Ball State University, 2004; Specializations: Urban and Town Design, Design Comm Media, Theory, History, Graphic layout (765) 285-2423 [email protected]

Bruce W. FrankelProfessor; BA, Rutgers University; MCP, University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania 1968; 1970; 1974. Specializations: Planning Practice and Master Planned Communities, Enterprise Planning, Community Health, Community Development/Affordable Housing. (765) 285-2680 [email protected]

Eric Damian KellyProfessor; BA, Williams College; JD and MCP, University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., The Union Institute 1969; 1975; 1992.Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Land Use/Growth Management, Planning Law, Planning Practice. (765) 285-1909 [email protected]

Francis H. Parker Professor. BA and MA, Wesleyan University; MRP, University of North Carolina; Ph.D., University of North Carolina 1960; 1964; 1970.Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Planning History, Planning Law, Planning Theory and Transportation. (765) 285-5870 [email protected]

M.C. Nihal Perera Professor; BS, University of Sri Lanka; MS, University College, London; Ph.D., Binghamton University 1978; 1987; 1995. Specializations: International Development and Planning, Landscape/Site Design, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Race/Ethnicity & Planning. (765) 285-8606 [email protected]

David A. Schoen, EmeritusEmeritus. BS, University of Wisconsin; MS, Southern Illinois University; MURP, Ball State University; MLA, Ball State University 1968; 1972; 1981; 1984. Specializations: Computer Applications, Geographic Information Systems, Landscape/Site Design, Quantitative Methods. (765) 285-5871 [email protected]

Scott I. TruexAssociate Professor. BS & B Architecture, Ball State University, 1980; MA, Ball State University, 1981. Specilaizations: Urban Design, Community Design & Sustainable Development Practices (765) 285-5188 [email protected]

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 18 9 27

African American 0 2 2

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 4 5 9

Total Students 22 16 38

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FYIThe Ball State Bachelor of Urban Planning and Development is among only 15 accredited undergraduate programs in North America, and its graduate program is the only such program in Indiana. Our undergraduate program and the core of our traditional masters program are offered in Muncie.

We are part of the nationally recognized College of Architecture & Planning, and housed within a state-of-the-art building amidst a bucolic, 750-acre main campus in Muncie, and a satellite campus in the heart of Indianapolis. Muncie is a city of 65,000 with a low cost of living and an easy lifestyle, enriched by a growing creative class and a large number of arts programs both at the university and in the community. Some courses in the accelerated track graduate program are offered in the Ball State Indianapolis facility, located just south of Monument Circle in the heart of the city.

THESE VALUES CONSTITUTE OUR PROGRAM ORIENTATIONImmersive Learning - Our program has an established tradition of a hands-on approach to professional education, a tradition that has become a model for Ball State’s comprehensive commitment to immersive learning. In our studio classes, students apply their classroom learning to real-world problems, working in teams with real-world stakeholders.

Experiential Learning – In addition to the immersive experi-ences offered in many studios, students apply their learning to real issues, using real sites and real data, in other selected classes, in co-curricular community charrettes, and, at the student’s option, in many of the capstone student projects.

Physical Context – Every student will learn to analyze and understand the physical context in which planning takes place and to participate in the making of physical plans. Courses dealing with community development, economic development and social issues all acknowledge the physical world in which those planning issues are addressed.

Sustainability – Our curriculum and our courses recognize that healthy communities are socially, economically and ecologically sustainable ones.

Plan Implementation - Simply, plans in the public interest are made useful if they are implemented. Students learn about the political, practical, legal and economic aspects of plan implemen-tation, working with full-time and adjunct faculty members who have direct experience in that field.

Learning Community - We are a faculty of teachers first. Our missions in research and service to our external constituencies of profession and the general community are not neglected, but those are subordinate to the obligations we have to our students. This collegiality and attention is nurtured and maintained as our hallmark.

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Bachelor of Science in Urban Affairs

Contact Person: Enrique R. SilvaPhone: (617) 358-3264E-mail: [email protected]

New England Association of Schools and Colleges Accredited


City Planning and Urban Affairs

Department of Applied Social SciencesBoston University Metropolitan College808 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 238

Boston, MA 02215

Enrique R. SilvaAssistant Professor, Faculty Coordinator

Phone: (617) 358-3264Email: [email protected]


Annual Graduate Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSHigh school graduation or have your GED and MET EN104 (English Composition) or its equivalent at another college or university and have earned a grade of "C" or higher in the course,

Completion of a minimum six acceptable transfer courses for another accredited university of college and have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher (The MET EN104 equivalent as mentioned above would need to be one of these six transfer courses).

Completion of a minimum of six courses at Metropolitan College and have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher (The MET EN104 equivalent as mentioned above would need to be one of these six transfer courses).

Completion of a bachelor's degree at an accredited university or college and would like to pursue a second bachelor's degree at MET.

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Distribution Requirements (Core): .......................................................... 48Professional Core ..................................................................................... 40Electives ................................................................................................... 32

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONBoston UniversityOffice of Financial Assistance(617) 353-2965

GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ......................................................................Rolling admissionsFinancial Aid Deadline ..................................................................... Rolling deadline

Part-time StatusUndergraduate (1-12 credits); Graduate (1-11.5 credits)

Course Numbered 100-599Tuition unless otherwise noted: 1-12 credits $362 per credit

Course Numbered 600-999Tuition unless otherwise noted: 1-11.5 credits $721 per credit

Registration Fee: $40

Laboratory courses (non-computer science): $200 per course

Full-time StatusUndergraduate (12.5-18 credits); Graduate (12-18 credits)

Tuition: $19,657 per semester (additional charge of $1,228 per credit in excess of 18 credits).

Undergraduate Student Fee: $275 per semester

Graduate Student Health Fee: $104 per semester

Graduate Student George Sherman Union Fee: $975 per semester

Admissions Application Fee: Undergraduate Online $75; Undergraduate Offline $75; Graduate Application Fee, $70.

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of City Planning (MCP)

Contact Person: Enrique R. SilvaPhone: (617) 358-3264E-mail: [email protected]

New England Association of Schools and Colleges AccreditedDegrees Granted 1997-2007 ...................................................................140Degrees Granted from Sept. 2007 - August 2010 ....................................53


Applied Accepted Enrolled

35163825MCP & MUA 6325200920082009200820092008

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MASTERS DEGREEMaster of of Urban Affairs (MUA)

Contact Person: Enrique R. SilvaPhone: (617) 358-3264E-mail: [email protected]

New England Association of Schools and Colleges Accredited



University Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredit-ed institution, 3 letters of reference and a personal essay.

Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 MajorMinimum GRE: Not Required.Minimum TOEFL 84 iBTRanking in Undergraduate Class: None.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Electives .....................................................................................40Internship ......................................................Optional, Course credit givenThesis: .............................................................................................Optional

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONThe Metropolitan College Graduate Financial Aid Office assists students in financing their education through assistantships, the Federal Stafford Loan or the Graduate Plus Loan.

Boston University Metropolitan College Graduate Financial Aid755 Commonwealth AvenueBoston, MA 02215

Phone: (617) 358-3993Fax: (617) 353-4190Email: [email protected]

University Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredit-ed institution, 3 letters of reference and a personal essay.

Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 MajorMinimum GRE: Not Required.Minimum TOEFL 84 iBTRanking in Undergraduate Class: None.

Masters SpecializationsCommunity Development, Environmental/Sustainability Planning, Housing, Transportation Planning, Land Use/

Law, Housing and Community Development, Urban Design, Comparative Urbanization

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Electives .....................................................................................12Internship ......................................................Optional, Course credit givenThesis: ........................................................................................Not offered


Hispanics*Of any Race 1 0 1


US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

White 20 10 30African American 1 4 5

Native American 0 0 0Asian/Pacific

Islander 1 0 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 8 4 12

Non-US CitizensNon- PermanentResidents

2 8 10

Total Students 33 26 59

Walter F. CarrollAdjunct Professor, City Planning and Urban Affairs. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., American University (Sociology). Specializations: Race and Ethnicity, Urban Political Economy, Comparative Urban Policy

Stephen DelaneyAdjunct Professor, City Planning and Urban Affairs. B.A., Salem State College; M.U.A. Boston University. Specializations Municipal Management, Public Finance and Budgeting

Madhu C. Dutta-KoehlerAdjunct Professor, Urban Design. B.Arch, Manipal Institute of Technology, India; M.Arch, University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D. Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Urban Design


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Joshua HassolAdjunct Professor, Transportation and Environmental Planning. B.A., Wesleyan University, Ph.D., University of California, Fulbright Scholar, University of British Columbia. Specializations: Transportation, Infrastructure, Climate Change

Daniel LeClairProfessor and Chair of Applied Social Sciences. BA, University of Rhode Island, M.A., Clark University, Ph.D., Tulane University. Specializations: Addiction Recovery and Prison Reform

Jennifer M. RaittB.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst (Urban Planning and Documentary Studies) M.S., The New School (LaGuardia Fellow in Nonprofit Management). Specializations: Housing and Community Development, Regional Development

Frank C. Smith, Jr.Adjunct Professor, Real Estate Development. B.A., Dartmouth College, M.B.A. Boston University. Specializations: Real Estate Development

Enrique R. SilvaAssistant Professor/Faculty Coordinator. BA, Columbia University, MScPI, University of Toronto, PhD, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Comparative Urbanization, Planning Theory, Planning Institutions, Citizen Participation (617) 358-3264 [email protected]

Donald ZizziB.A. Fordham University, M.P.A. Rockefeller School of Public Affairs and Policy SUNY Albany. Specializations: Urban Economics, Regional Development and Planning

FYIBoston University's Masters degree programs in urban affairs (MUA) and city planning (MCP) offer a breadth of courses that individually and collectively challenge students to see not only cities, but also their own role as planners, policy makers and social advocates (current or future) in a critical and thoughtful light. Students are asked to consider the political, social and tech-nical implications of each facet of planning and policy making, and thus to grapple with the fact that there are few, if any, simple solutions or approaches to urban issues.

We match the breadth and substance of our courses with a pro-gram that is unparalleled in its flexibility for prospective students. BU students can pursue their MCP or MUA studies in a full-time or part-time basis depending on his or her own schedule, as well as professional and personal commitments. Without jeopardizing grades, academic standing or other commitments, BU students can start their MCP or MUA by taking anywhere from one to five courses per semester depending on his or her schedule and person-alized study programs.

Through its course schedule and degree requirements, financial arrangements and responsive staff, BU's MCP and MUA programs manage to remove many barriers to graduate education that would otherwise keep many people from considering much less complet-ing a solid recognized graduate education in planning and urban affairs. This commitment to accessibility results in a student body that is truly diverse and it is this diversity that makes teaching and learning at BU so exciting. From the faculty's perspective, diversity challenges each professor to prepare course material that engages a broad spectrum of interests and backgrounds - which, in turn, reflects his or her own thinking about city planning and ideas for future research and courses.

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BS in City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Hemalata C. Dandekar Department HeadPhone: (805) 756-1315E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated:1968 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 6/30/10 ...................................................... 1,016Degrees Granted from 7/1/09 to 6/30/10 ................................................ 32




UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Same as universityMinimum GPA: Average for College of Architecture and Environmental Design is 3.95Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: ACT-28 for students SAT-1249 for university and 1269 for college.

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 55Hours of Studio Courses .......................................................................... 26Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 39Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................. 0Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 90Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 180Thesis or Final Product .................................... Senior Project or Studio III

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTen departmental awards ($250 to $7,000) for continuing students. Eligibility Criteria: Varies by endowment (e.g. grades, region, financial need, merit) Four college awards ($250 to $2,000) Competitive. Eligibility Criteria: Varies by endowment, annual awards.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 ..........................................................October 31, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 .......................................................... March 2, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: ..............Full Time (6 credits or more) $2,260 per quarterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ........................................... $248 per unit per quarterApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$55

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 ...........................................................February 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ...........................................................March 2, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: ........ Full Time (6 credits or more) $2,588 per per quarterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: .............................................................. $248 per unitApplication Fee: ..................................................................................................... $55



City and Regional Planning Department1 Grand Avenue, 21-128

San Luis Obispo, California 93407-0283Phone (805) 756-1315

Fax (805) 756-1340E-mail: [email protected]

Hemalata C. DandekarPhone: (805) 756-1315

E-mail: [email protected]

Master of City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Michael Boswell, Associate ProfessorPhone: (805)756-2496E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1976 PAB Accreditation Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 ...........................................................245Degrees Granted from 7/1/09 to 6/30/10 ..................................................20


Undergraduate SpecializationsPhysical Planning and Urban Design,

Transportation, Environmental Planning, Environmental Design

Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental Planning,

Urban Development and Design, Transportation

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate 98 107 48 57 40 35MCRP 45 89 36 65 24 26MS/MCRP 4 3 4 3 4 3

Annual Student Enrollment

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MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.5 in last 90 unitsMinimum GRE: Not required, unless borderline GPAMinimum TOEFL: 550-paper, 213-computerRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: 3.0 in last 90 units. Knowledge of basic computer applications; statement of purpose, writing sample, 3 letters of recommendation, resume.


Joint Master of City and Regional Planning/Master of Science in Engineering, Transportation

Contact Person: Cornelius Nuworsoo, Associate ProfessorPhone: (805) 756-2573E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated:1992 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 .............................................................25Degrees Granted from 7/01/09 to 6/30/10 ..................................................6

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.5 in last 90 unitsMinimum GRE: Not required, unless borderline GPAMinimum TOEFL 550-paper, 213-computerRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: 3.0 in last 90 units. Knowledge of basic computer applications; statement of purpose, writing sample, 3 letters of recommendation, resume. CE 221, CE 381 or GEOL 201, CSC 231, Econ 201, Engl 148, Math 143, SCOM 101, Stat 321.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................50Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...........................................15Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................25Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Other ......................................................................................................... 0Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................90Thesis or Final Product: ............. Thesis, Professional Project or Studio III

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ........................................................................................... 33Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ........................................... 16Hours of Restricted Electives ................................................................... 11Hours of Unrestricted Electives .................................................................. 6Other .......................................................................................................... 6Total Required Quarter Hours in Planning Program ................................ 72Thesis or Final Product: ............. Thesis, Professional Project, or Studio III


Michael Boswell AICPAssociate Professor. BS (1989) University of Central Florida; MSP (1991) and Ph.D. (2000) Florida State University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Hazard Mitigation, Planning Theory, Climate Action Planning, Sustainability. (805) 756-2496 [email protected]

Chris Clark AICPLecturer. BA (1976) and MA (1977) University of Oregon; JD (1982) Franklin Pearce Law Center. Specializations: Land Use Law, Environmental Planning, Public Policy, Land Use Planning. (805) 756-6605 [email protected]

W. David Conn Associate VP & Professor. BA (1968), MA (1972), and D. Phil. (1973) Oxford University. Specializations: Environmental Policy and Planning, Pollution Prevention and Control. (805) 756-2246 [email protected]

Hemalata DandekarProfessor. B.Arch., University of Bombay (1967); M.Arch., University of Michigan (1969); Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles (1978). Specializations: Rural and Regional Planning, Sustainable Housing and Community Development, International Development, Gender Planning. (805) 756-1315 [email protected]

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 2 2 4

White 18 13 31

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 2 3 5

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 3 5 8

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 1 0 1

Total Students 25 23 48

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYAdrienne GreveAssistant Professor. BS, (1996) Cornell University; MS, (1999) Colorado State University; Ph.D., (2006) University of Washington.Specializations: Urban Ecology, Planning and Climate Change, Urban Hydrology and Stormwater. (805) 756-1474 [email protected]

Zeljka Pavolich Howard Lecturer. Diploma of Engineer Architect (1964) University of Belgrade; MS Urban and Regional Planning (1972) Florida State University. Specializations: Comprehensive Planning, Urban Design, History of Cities, Community Involvement. (805) 756-1507 [email protected]

Kelly Main AICPAssistant Professor. BA Economics, University of California, Davis (1982); M.A. Economics, Brown University (1983); Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles (2007). Specializations: Community Planning, Land Use Planning, Public Realm, Cultural Aspects of Planning, Place Attachment. (805) 756-2286 [email protected]

Cornelius Nuworsoo AICPAssociate Professor. BS, University of Science and Technology, Ghana (1981); MS Transportation Studies, Morgan State University (1986); MCP, University of California, Berkeley (2002); Ph.D., Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2004). Specializations: Transportation Engineering, Transportation and Land Use Planning, Quantitative Methods in Planning. (805) 756-2496 [email protected]

Vicente del RioProfessor. B. Arch. (1978), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (1979), State University of Rio de Janeiro; MA in Urban Design (1981), Oxford Polytechnic; Ph.D. Architecture and Urbanism (1991), State University of Sao Paulo. Specializations: Urban Design, Environment-Behavior Studies, Revitalization, International Planning. (805) 756-2572 [email protected]

William Siembieda AICPProfessor. BA (1965), MCRP (1967), University of California, Berkeley; MPA (1970), California State University, San Diego; Ph.D. (1990), University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Housing and Real Property Development, International Planning, Disaster Mitigation Recovery Planning, Land Use and Strategic Planning. (805) 756-5085 [email protected]

Umut TokerAssistant Professor. B.Arch, Middle East Technical University (1996); Master of City Planning in Urban Design, Middle East Technical University (1999); Ph.D., North Carolina State University (2003). Specializations: Urban and Sustainable Design, Participatory Planning and Design, Environment-Behavior Research, Research/Data Analysis Methods, Computer-based Graphic Representation Techniques. (805) 756-1592 [email protected]

Paul Wack AICPProfessor. BA (1969) San Fernando Valley State College; MA (1974) California State University, Northridge, MPA (1976) University of Southern California. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Planning Practice and Politics of Governance, Planning Regulation and Implementation, Sustainability and Climate Change. (805) 756-6331 [email protected]

Doreen Liberto Blanck AICPLecturer. BA (1978) University of California, Riverside; Master in Dispute Resolution (2003) Pepperdine University Law School. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Small Town Planning and Annexation, Environmental Analysis, Specific Plans, Facilitation, Mediation, Arbitration, Energy (Biofuel), Permit Processing. (805) 203-5022 [email protected]

Scott Bruce AICPLecturer. BS (1978) California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. Specializations: Community & Regional Planning, Planing Regulations & Implementation, and Annexation. (850) 756-1315 [email protected]

Jeffrey Hook AICPLecturer. BA, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.L.A. California Polytechnic State University, Pomona (1980). Specializations: Housing, Demographics, Urban Design and Historic Preservation, Cultural Resource Preservation. (805) 781-7176 [email protected]

Michael JencksLecturer. BA, Williams College; JD, Boalt Law School, University of California, Berkeley (1972). Specializations: Land Use Law, Environmental Law, Water Law. (805) 473-2929 [email protected]

Tina MetzgerLecturer. BS (1987) Landscape Architecture and MS (1993) City & Regional Planning, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. Specializations: Community Planning, Land Use Planning, Housing and Access, Environmental Planning, and Planning Policy. (805) 756-1315 [email protected]

Michael MultariLecturer. BA (1976) Yale University, MPA (1979) Princeton University. Specializations: Demography, Economic Development Planning, Infrastructure and Public Services, Land Use/Growth Management. (805) 756-1315 [email protected]

Kenneth Topping FAICPLecturer. BA Sociology (1956) University of Redlands; MS Public Administration (1972) California State University, Los Angeles. Specializations: Big City, County and Regional Planning, Infrastructure Development, International City Development and Disaster Management, Geographic Information System (GIS). (805) 927-7773 [email protected]

Lisa Wise AICPLecturer. M.S. Accounting (1990) DePaul University, MCRP (2001), California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Specializations: Housing Policy, Long-range Land Use Planning, Development Codes, Feasibility Analysis. (805) 595-1345 [email protected]

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FYIThe City and Regional Planning Program at Cal Poly SLO is part of the nationally recognized College of Architecture and Environmental Design, which is the largest college of its kind in California. We have awarded over 1,200 degrees (Bachelors and Masters level) since the program began in 1968. Students often use the phrase "get an education, get a job, make a difference" when talking about their experience at Cal Poly SLO. We are proud of the program's strengths in land use planning, envi-ronmental planning, urban design, community sustainability and climate adaptation planning. We utilize the "learn by doing model" where the student acquires a strong professional skill set as well as an understanding of the planning process. Students learn how to develop and implement community plans.

Students complete at least one internship in a planning agency, private firm or non-profit organization. This gives each student real-world experience and, many times, a head start on finding a job after gradua-tion. Public, non-profit and private employers seek to hire our program's graduates, as we have a well-earned reputation for providing students an excellent professional education. CRP graduates have become planning directors of major US cities and principals in highly acclaimed private firms.

Students work with faculty that have an excellent balance of professional experience and academic preparation and, more importantly, who are exceptional instructors. Our faculty (full-time and part-time) are involved in environmental planning, sustainability, urban design, plan implementa-tion, international planning, geographic information systems, community development, climate change, disaster mitigation planning, form based codes, transportation and the land use development process.

The award-winning and nationally ranked City and Regional Planning Department is recognized for its educational excellence and student achievement including the American Institute for Certified Planners (AICP) student project award for best applying the planning process, the American Planning Association (APA) awards for best paper in trans-portation planning, APA award for outstanding leadership by a student planner, and many California state awards for community plans and low-cost housing projects proposals. The masters program ranks #1 nationally for programs without a Ph.D. program in the 2009 Planetizen Guide to Graduate Planning Education.

CRP students have the advantage of being able to to take courses in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s other disciplines that include Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and research units of the college such as the Planning, Design and Construction Institute (PDCI) and the Community Safety and Sustainability Group (CSSG). Students have the opportunity to complete minors in the following areas: Real property development, sustainable environments, and construction man-agement.

Access to these departments provides an exciting opportunity to work in various areas of environmental design practice. To understand our ever-globalizing world, CRP offers its students opportunities to study abroad in partner universities in Brazil, Switzerland, Mexico and Portugal.

The city of San Luis Obispo (about 44,000 people) is located on California's scenic Central Coast, about halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. There is a small town feel to the community that enjoys many arts and music festivals, a wonderful year-round temperate climate, close proximity to the beautiful Pacific Ocean, and excellent outdoor recreation activities in the nearby hills, extensive bike trails and beaches. It is a wonderful place for learning and enjoying the exceptional natural environment offered by the Central Coast.

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BS in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Jerry Mitchell, ChairPhone: (909) 869-4656E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated: 1967 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................1757Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................60




UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 .................................................... November 30, 2009Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 .........................................................April 15, 2010In State Tuition and Fees .............................................................. $1517 per quarterOut of State Tuition and Fees .............................................................. $226 per unitApplication Fee .................................................................................................. $55Additional Fee .................................................................................................. $169

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ....................................................................... January 15, 2010Financial Aid Deadline .......................................................................April 15, 2010In State Tuition and Fees .............................................................. $1829 per quarterOut of State Tuition and Fees .............................................................. $226 per unitApplication Fee ................................................................................................... $55Additional Fees ................................................................................................. $178

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)

Contact Person: Herschel Farberow, Graduate CoordinatorPhone: (909) 869-2716E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1970........................................................... PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................352Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................31

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.5 or 3.0 with 1000 on the combined GRE verbal and quantitative score with no score less than 450Minimum GRE: See aboveMinimum TOEFL 580Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not Required University Requirements: Earned bachelors degree from an accredited institution.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................32Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...........................................16Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................14Exams or Written Requirements ............................. Thesis or Comp. Exam


Department of Urban and Regional Planning 3801 West Temple AvenuePomona, California 91768

Phone (909) 869-2688Fax (909) 869-4688

Dr. Jerry Mitchell, ChairPhone (909) 869-4656

E-mail: [email protected]


Minimum GPA: See above

Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: See above

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 52Hours of Studio Courses .......................................................................... 20Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 32Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................. 0Total Required Hours In Planning Program .......................................... 104Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 180Thesis or Final Product ..........................................................Senior Project

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONNeeds based Federal and Cal Grants: Merit and need-based--Check ..... with Office of Financial Aid.Dept. Awards $200 - 1000: For continuing students: Competitive, merit-based.


Undergraduate SpecializationsCommunity Development, Environmental Planning,

Land Use & Physical Planning, Transportation Planning,

GIS minor offered

Masters SpecializationsCommunity Development, Land Use,

Environmental Planning, Transportation

Annual Student Enrollment Applied Accepted Enrolled

56579087Undergraduate 12311609/1008/0909/1008/0909/1008/09

26253254Masters 12199


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FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONGrants and Loans: Need and merit based federal and Cal grants-- Check with Office of Financial Aid. Department Awards $200-$1000--for continuing students--competitive, merit based.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Felix R. BarretoProfessor. B.A., Rutgers University (1978); M.C.R.P. (1980); Ph.D. (1986). Specializations: Planning Methods, Urban Theory, Housing, Urban Economics. (909) 869-2727 [email protected]

Julianna Delgado AICPAssociate Professor, BA, UCLA (1971); Master of Arts in Design, University of Paris (1974); Master of Architecture, UC, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (1981); PhD in Architecture, UC, Berkeley (1992). Specialization: Land Use, Design, Planning Studios. (909) 869-5427 [email protected]

Do-Hyung KimAssistant Professor. BS, Kyung-Hee University (1991); MS in URP, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1999); Ph.D., University of Florida (2005). Specializations: GIS, Collaborative Urban Design, Transportation Modeling. (909) 869-4645 [email protected]

Herschel Farberow AICPProfessor. BS, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (1972); MA, University of California, Los Angeles (1974). Specializations: Design Foundations, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design. (909) 869-2716 [email protected]

Jerry V. MitchellProfessor. BS, University of Illinois (1971); J.D., (1975); Ph.D., University of Michigan (1986). Specializations: Planning Law, Environmental Planning. (909) 869-4656 [email protected]

Gwendolyn H. Urey Professor. BA, Bryn Mawr College (1979); M.U.P., University of Oregon (1983); Ph.D., Cornell (1995). Specializations: Planning Methods, Infrastructure Planning, International Planning. (909) 869-2725 [email protected]

Richard W. Willson FAICPUProfessor. Bachelor of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, (1978); Master of Planning, University of Southern California, (1983); Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, (1991). Specializations: Planning Theory, Transportation Planning, Policy Analysis. www.csupomona/~rwwillson (909) 869-2701 [email protected]

Richard J. Zimmer AICPLecturer. BA, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (1973); MPA, University of Southern California (1975). Specializations: Community Development, Politics & Government, Public Finance, Real Estate Development. (909) 869-4943 [email protected]

Kip KobayashiLecturer, BFA, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (1983); MFA, USC, Los Angeles, CA (1986). Specialization: Urban Design. [email protected]

Bonny LayLecturer, BA, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (1967); Masters, Western Michigan, Kalamazoo, Michigan (1970). Specialization: Planning Administration. [email protected]



U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 7 10 17

White 17 9 26

African American 3 2 5

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 6 10 16

Mixed 10 3 13

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 3 1 4

Total Students 46 35 81

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The award winning programs offer many opportunities for student enrichment, including:

* Use of the Southern California region as a laboratory, which has produced many APA award-winning projects. The pro-gram has a continuing involvement in community action research in the City of Pomona and other communities.

* Summer programs in China, Greece and other locations and field trip courses in the Western US.

* An interdisciplinary GIS Minor and extensive GIS offerings for graduate students.

* Numerous internship opportunities in the public, non-profit, and private sectors.

* The annual Dale Prize program, which brings scholars and practitioners to campus for dialogue on focused planning top-ics.

* An ability to take courses in the Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies, an innovative environmental demonstration and research facility.

* Opportunities to participate in CPP's Presidents Climate Committee Initiative

* Active student organizations for graduate students, under-graduate students and a chapter of Planners' Network.

* An active and supportive alumni organization.

Charles LogginsProfessor Emeritus. A.B., San Francisco State University (1971); M.C.P., Harvard University (1973). Specializations: Community Development, Social Policy, Planning Research Methods. [email protected]

Hollie M. LundLecturer. BA, Western Washington University (1997); Ph.D., Portland State University (2001). Specializations: Neighborhood Design and Planning, Community Development, Transportation Planning, Community and Environmental Psychology. (909) 869-2710 [email protected]

Robert ManfordLecturer, B.A., University of Ghana (1991); Masters, USC, Los Angeles, CA (1994); Ph.D., USC, Los Angeles, CA (2003). Specialization: Environmental Planning. [email protected]

Meredith McKenzieLecturer. JD, Law, Loyola University (1998). Specializations: Environmental Planning, California Water. [email protected]

Meenaxi PanakkalLecturer. MURP, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (2003). Specializations: Land Use Planning, Urban Design. [email protected]

Robert PaternosterLecturer. MCP, Harvard, (1963). Specializations:Undergraduate Seminar, General Plan. [email protected]

Marta PerlasLecturer, B.Arc, SciArc, Santa Monica, CA (1987). Specialization: Urban Design. [email protected]

Lori PullmanLecturer. BFA, University of California, Los Angeles (1997). Specializations: Urban Design, Studios, Planning History. [email protected]

Dimitris Poulakidas Lecturer. Planning BA, University of Thesssady, Volos, Greece (1996); M.C.P., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (2002). Specializations: Planning Methods and Modeling, Transportation, GIS, Land Use. (909) 869-4645 [email protected] Steve Preston FAICPLecturer. BA, MA California Polytechnic State University, Pomona (1984). Specializations: Facilitating, Visioning and Consensus Building.

David SalazarLecturer. MURP, California Polytechnic State University, Pomona (1990). Specializations: Campus Planning, Planning Practice. [email protected]

Abishek TiwariLecturer. Ph.D. UCLA (2008). Specializations: Research Methods, Policy Analysis, Housing.

Ana Maria Whitaker AICPUProfessor Emeritus. BA, University of California, Los Angeles (1967); M. Architecture, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Planning Graphics, Urban Design, Land Use, Design and Planning History. [email protected]

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BA in Urban Studies and Planning

Contact Person: Rob Kent, ChairPhone: (818) 677-4372E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated:1971 Degrees Granted through August 2009 ........................................ Over 826Degrees Granted from September 2005 to August 2009....................... 176

Masters of Public Administration -- Urban Planning Concentration

Contact Person: Rob Kent, ChairPhone: (818) 677-4372E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated:2010



Enrolled (Past 5 Fall Terms)Undergraduates



UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core ...........................................................................................34Hours of Studio Courses (in core) ..........................................................(3)Hours of Restricted Elective ....................................................................15Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................................................. 0 Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 49 Total Required Hours to Graduate from University................................120Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONUniversity-wide: Over 300 scholarshipsEligibility criteria: Varies.Departmental: Two, awarded by achievement.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESReceipt of Applications Starts 2011-2012 ........................................ October 1, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 ..................................................... March 2, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees ............................ $2,431 per semester (12 units or more)Out-of-State Tuition ............................... $2,431 + $372 per unit (12 units or more) Application Fees ................................................................................................... $55Additional Fee ............................................................................... No additional fees

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 .................................................................. July 2011 Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 ..................................................... August 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees ..................................................................... $1,248/Course Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................. $1,248/ CourseApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$55 Approximate Annual Cost Instate .............................................$7,488 without books


Urban Studies and Planning 18111 Nordhoff StreetNorthridge, CaliforniaPhone (818) 677-2904

Fax (818) 677-5850E-mail: [email protected] urban_studies_and_planning/index.html

Robert B. Kent, Department ChairPhone: (818) 677-4372

E-mail: [email protected]

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: NoneUniversity Requirement: See website: GPA: 2.0Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: SAT: 510, ACT: 10

Fall 05 Fall 06 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 0979 100 79 115 108

Undergraduate SpecializationsUrban and Regional Planning

Housing, Community and Economic DevelopmentSustainability and Environmental Planning

Masters SpecializationsPublic Sector Planning

Environmental PlanningSustainability

Community Development

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MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core ........................................................................................ 18Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ......................................... 3Hours of Restricted Electives ................................................................. 15Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................... 0Total Required Hours in Planning Program ......................................... 36Exam, Thesis or Final Product .......................................................... Exam

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship Opportunities: Yes

Teaching and Research Assistantships: None

Kenya CovingtonAssistant Professor. Ph.D. University of Maryland, Baltimore County (2003). Specializations: Urban and Social Policy, Geography of Child Care, Affordable Housing (818) 677-6463 [email protected]

Robert B. KentChair and James R. Ring Professor of Urban Studies and Planning. PhD, Syracuse University (1983). Specializations: Urban and Regional Planning, Development Planning, Cartography/GIS, Latin America. (818) 677-4372 [email protected]

Henrik MinassiansAssistant Professor. Ph.D. University of Southern California (2002).Specializations: Public Administration, Urban Policy Design and Management, Urban Governance, Contract Design and Management, Policy Implementation Theory (818) 677-7246 [email protected]

Ward ThomasAssociate Professor. Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles (1997). Specializations: Economic Development, Public Policy Analysis, Environmental Planning (818) 677-7247 [email protected]

Zeynep TokerAssociate Professor. Ph.D. North Carolina State University (2004). Specializations: Community Participation, Research Based Urban Design, Housing and Gender in Planning, Research Methods (818) 677-2872 [email protected]

Phyl Van AmmersLecturer. J.D. University of California, Los Angeles (1981) Specializations: Housing Policy, Utopian Communities, Law and Planning, Sustainable Planning (818) 677-2881 [email protected]


OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYEuripedes De OliveiraPart-Time Lecturer. M.A. University of California, Los Angeles (2002).Specializations: Third World Cities, Latin America, Brazil (818) 677-2904 [email protected]

Ali FarassatiPart-Time Lecturer. Ph.D. University of Paris, France (1998). Specializations: Environmental and Urban Planning, Community Development, Architecture. (818) 677-2904 [email protected]

Charles Keynejad AICPPart-Time Lecturer. M.A. University of Southern California (1979). Specializations: Planning in the Public Sector (Comprehensive and Regional Planning), Transportation Planning, Environmental Planning, Public Policy Making and Planning (818) 677-2904 [email protected]

Abhishek TiwariPart-Time Lecturer. Ph.D. University of California, Irvine (2009). Specializations: Housing Policy, Demography, Green Building, Community Development, Public Health (818) 677-2904 [email protected] [email protected]

Dev Vrat AICPPart-Time Lecturer. M.A. University of California, Santa Barbara (1986). Specializations: CEQA/NEPA Compliance, General Plans and Specific Plans, Land Use Feasibility Studies, Infrastructure and Services Finance Plans (818) 677-2904 [email protected] [email protected]

David WeintraubPart-Time Lecturer. M.A. California State University, Northridge (1992). Specializations: Long Range Community Planning, Facilities Master Planning, Environmental Review, Case Processing/Entitlements (818) 677-2904 [email protected] [email protected]

Claude WilleyPart-Time Lecturer. M.A. University of California, Irvine (2001). Specializations: Transportation History, California Water, Environmental History, Art and Urbanism, Los Angeles (818) 677-2904 [email protected] [email protected]

FYIMission StatementThe mission of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning is to prepare students, at both the undergraduate and graduate level, for professional careers in urban studies and planning. In addition, the department seeks to provide a broad based educational experi-ence, set in the context of the social sciences, which contributes to the development of informed and thoughtful individuals prepared to contribute to the society at large. Department faculty supports the mission through teaching, research and publication, community outreach and action, and university service.

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Minimum of 2.5 GPA in the last 60 semester credit or 90 quarter credit hoursMinimum Undergraduate GPA: Minimum of 2.5 GPA in the last 60 semester credit or 90 quarter credit hours; GPA less than 3.0 requires GREMinimum GRE: 50th percentile in one of the three categories of GRE

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Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning

School of Architecture and Planning620 Michigan Avenue, N.E.Washington, D.C. 20064

Phone (202) 319-5188Fax (202) 319-5728

Hazel R. Edwards, Ph.D., AICP, Program DirectorPhone (202) 319-6265

E-mail: [email protected]



GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEES Admission Deadline for Masters program ................................... rolling admissionsFinancial Aid Deadline for Masters program ................................................ March 1 Tuition and Fees (Full-time, 10 or more credits) ..................... $16,930 per semester Tuition and Fees (Part-time, 9 or fewer credit hours) .............$1,315 per credit hourApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$55 Additional Fees ...................... $425 (one time fee); $40 (activities fee per semester)

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Masters 10 10 9 12 16 19

Annual Student Enrollment

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Hazel R. Edwards, Program DirectorPhone: (202) 319-6265E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2008Degrees Granted through 8/31/10...........................................................1

Masters SpecializationsSustainable Design and Planning; Real Estate

Development and Planning; Urban Design

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS University Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an

accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 Minimum GRE: 1000 required for financial aidMinimum TOEFL: 580 paper; 237 computer; 92

InternetRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not Required Departmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 21 Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ............................................ 6Hours of Restricted Electives .................................................................... 9 Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................. 3Thesis ......................................................................................................... 9Hours of Design Option Courses ............................................................. 12Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 48 Total Required Hours in Planning Program with Design Option ........... 60

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION Tuition Awards: MCRP Scholarship; Teaching and

Research AssistantshipsEligibility Criteria: Academic and Need/Merit; 1000

GRE, 3.0 GPA

TOTAL MASTERS STUDENT COMPOSITION2010-2011 (as of July 3, 2010)

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 1 1

White 7 3 10

African American 2 4 6

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 0 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 1 0 1

Total Students 11 8 19

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Hazel R. Edwards, Ph.D. AICPAssociate Professor. B.Arch., Howard University (1981); MAUD, Harvard University (1989); Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1993). Specializations: Planning History, Theory, and Ethics, Urban Design, Design Behavior, Livability Issues, Research Methods, Qualitative Methods, Community Engagement. (202) 319-6265 [email protected]

Julius Levine FAICPProfessor. BSCE, City College of New York; MCP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Planning History, Real Estate Development, Land Use Planning, Public and Private Policy and Implementation, Infrastructure Planning, Planning Practice. (202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Dwayne Pierce Guthrie, Ph.D., AICPAssociate Professor of Practice. BAE, University of Florida (1977); MAURP, University of Florida (1979); Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2007). Specializations: Infrastructure Funding, Growth Management, Demographics, Transportation Planning, Quantitative Methods. (202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Cameron Weimar, LEED-APAssistant Visiting Professor. B.S., Frostburg University; MUEP, University of Virginia; MUD, University of Michigan. Specializations: Environmental Planning; GIS Spatial Modeling; Land Use and Physical Planning; Life Cycle Assessment; Quantitative Methods; Sustainable Systems; Urban Design; Working Lands Preservation (202) 319-6682 [email protected]


Dean Bellas, Ph.D. AICPLecturer. BS, Western New England College (1982); MURP, George Washington University (1993); Ph.D., George Mason University (2005). Specializations: Economic and Fiscal Impact, Finance, Public Policy, Regional Economic Development Policy, Urban Economics. (202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Christopher P. Grech RIBAAssociate Professor. BA (1982) and B.Arch. (1985), University of Liverpool. Specializations: Sustainable Design, Building Envelope Design. (202) 319-6398 [email protected]

Miriam GusevichAssociate Professor. B.Arch. and M.Arch., Cornell University.Specializations: Urban Design, History, and Theory, Integration of Buildings, Landscapes, and Infrastructure, Collaborative Design Processes. (202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Annie I. HillaryLecturer. B.A., Brown University; M.C.R.P., Morgan State University. Specializations: Coastal Resource Management, Conservation Practices, Environmental Planning, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Planning. (202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Judith Meany, Ph.D. FAICPProfessor of Practice. BA, George Washington University (1971); MCRP, The Catholic University of America (1974); Ph.D., University of Maryland (1989). Specializations: Real Estate Development and Design, Land Use Planning and Law, Principles of Urbanization. (202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Howard Ways AICPLecturer. B.Arch., Temple University; M.C.R.P., Morgan State University. Specializations: Community and Housing Development, Public Policy, Urban Design. (202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Terrance Williams FAIAProfessor. B.Arch., University of Oregon; M.Arch., Cornell University. Specializations: Urban Design, Community Design, Land Use Planning, Architectural Design, Zoning. (202) 319-5565 [email protected]

Building on the strong tradition of CUA’s architecture programs, the Master of City and Regional Planning (M.C.R.P.) links design with policy to assist planners in the stewardship of the built, natural, and cultural environments. The curriculum prepares students with the foundation to become generalist planners and steward planners according to the CUArch mission.

In today’s climate, planning and design interventions should consider the impact on the environment. At CUArch students will learn about creating better environments from the perspective of sustainable design and plan-ning principles. The Washington, D.C., metropolitan area provides an excellent laboratory to explore planning issues, in urban, suburban, and exurban locations.

The planning curriculum integrates planning history, theory, practice, zon-ing and legal aspects, land use, transportation, and analytical methods, all of which form the foundation of the generalist planner’s perspective. Coupled with a design orientation, these policy-related subjects will be framed within sustainable design and planning principles as well as the context of regionalism. The program is also aligned closely with the Master of Science in Sustainable Design program.

The M.C.R.P. is a minimum two-year, 48-credit hour program with an optional design focus that increases the program to 60-credit hours. This added coursework will strengthen the physical design skills for those who do not have an architectural background or who want to extend their training in the context of physical planning.

Joint Masters Degrees: • Architecture

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Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture124 Lee Hall

Clemson, South Carolina Phone (864) 656-3926

Fax (864) 656-7519

Thomas Schurch, ChairPhone (864) 656-3925

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 ...........................Rolling Admission, March 1 PriorityFinancial Aid Deadline 2010-11 ....................................................... March 1 PriorityIn-State Tuition and Fees: .............. $4,037; $1,020 per semester with assistantshipOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ........ $8,033; $1,020 per semester with assistantshipApplication Fees: ................................$70 US applicant, $80 International applicant

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Barry Nocks, DirectorPhone: (864) 656-4094E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1968 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................502Degrees Granted from 9/10 to 8/31/10 .....................................................15


MASTERS GRADUATION RequirementsHours of Core ...........................................................................................23Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................8Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives .............................................................. 6-9Thesis or Terminal Project ....................................................................6-9Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................56Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ..........Thesis or Terminal Project and Oral defense.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONThe program offers approximately 13 departmental assistantships of roughly $3,500 each year plus tuition reduction to only $1020 per semester. These are awarded based on merit, financial need, timely submittal and faculty needs. Additional assistantships may be available based on faculty research funding. Graduate and research assistantships are made available to attract high caliber students.

Most second year students have 15 hour (2 days/week) assistantships with local planning entities, earning around $4,500 for the academic year plus tuition reduc-tion to $1020 per semester. These are based on job availability; auto access is usu-ally necessary for these positions.


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s from an accredited institution, transcripts Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.7, University; 3.0 MajorMinimum GRE: Prefer 470V, 610Q, 4.0 WritingMinimum TOEFL Prefer 600Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: 3 letters of recommendation, statement of purpose

Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental/Land Use, Development,

Transportation, Urban Design, GIS

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Masters 47 80 33 64 23 22

Annual Student EnrollmentU.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 2 2

White 22 14 36

African American 1 1 2

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 1 3 4

Total Students 24 20 44

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..................................................................................... 23-26Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................15Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................9Other ...........................................................................................................0 Exams or Written Requirements: Comprehensive Exam and Dissertation

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSMinimum GRE: Prefer 600, 600, 5.0 minimumMinimum TOEFL: Prefer 600 Minimum GPA: UG-3.0 Grad.-3.5Program Requirement: Master’s degree in appropriate discipline; 3 letters of recommendation, statement of interest; financial aid application.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONGraduate and Research assistantships available to attract high caliber students.

PLANNING FACULTYM. Grant CunninghamAssociate Professor. B.A., Duke University (1979); M.A., University of South Carolina (1985); Ph.D., Clemson University (1995). Specializations: Coastal Management, Resource Policy, Communications, Community Development. (864) 656-1587 [email protected]

Anne E. DunningAssociate Professor. B.A., Cornell University (1992); MCP, and M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology (1998); Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology (2004). Specializations: Transportation Planning & Engineering, Transit Planning, Transportation Innovation, Quantitative Methods. (864) 656-0151 [email protected]


David J. AllisonProfessor. B.S. Pre-Architecture, Clemson University (1978); MArch, Clemson University (1982). Specializations: Health Care Design, Healthy Communities. (864) 656-3897 [email protected]

Dina G. BattistoAssociate Professor. Bachelor’s Architecture, University of Tennessee Knoxville (1991); MArch, Clemson University (1993); PhD. Michigan. Specializations: Health Care Design, Healthy Communities, Aging. (864) 656-3887 [email protected]

Planning, Design and the Built Environment

Contact Person: Mickey Lauria, DirectorPhone: (864) 656-0520E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated 2005Degrees granted through 7/31/10 ...............................................................7


Doctoral SpecializationsRegional & Community Development & Design

Built Environment & HealthRestoration, Sustainability & Land Ecology

Technology, Materials & Construction Processes

Caitlin DyckmanAssistant Professor. B.A. English, UCLA(1997); MCP University of California, Berkeley (2001); J.D. University of California, Davis (2001), Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (2006). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Planning Law, Water Policy and Law, Land Use Planning Process. (864) 656-2496 [email protected]

Cliff D. EllisAssociate Professor. B.A. History and Philosophy, Colorado College (1973); MPCD. Planning and Community Development, University of Colorado at Denver (1982); Ph.D. City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley (1990). Specializations: Urban Design, New Urbanism, Site Planning. (864) 656-2477 [email protected]

Mickey LauriaProfessor. A.B., UCLA (1975); M.A. (1977); Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Specializations: Planning Theory, Housing, Community Development, Research Methods, Urban Politics and Policy. (864) 656-0520 [email protected]

James B. LondonProfessor. B.S., (1971); M.A., University of South Carolina (1974); Ph.D., Clemson University (1979) Specializations: Natural Resource Policy and Planning, Economic Development, Sustainable Development, Impact Assessment. (864) 656-3927 [email protected]

Barry C. NocksProfessor. B.S., Cornell University (1969); MRP (1972); Ph.D. (1978), University of North Carolina. Specializations: Planning Theory and History, Planning Process and Strategic Planning, Planning Practice, Negotiation. (864) 656-4094 [email protected]

Stephen L. SperryAssociate Professor. BLA, SUNY, Syracuse University (1970); MLA, Harvard University, (1975) Specializations: Land Use Planning and GIS, Database Technology, Spatial Modeling, Image Processing, Raster and Vector Technology. (864) 656-3635 [email protected]

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Ted CavanaughProfessor. B.S. Architecture, McGill University (1971); MArch, McGill University (1974); PhD. History of Technology, Lehigh University (2002). Specialization: Building Technology and Design. (864) 656-3898 [email protected]

Shima Clarke, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Department of Construction Science and Management (864) 656-4498 [email protected]

J. Terrence FarrisAssociate Professor. A.B., St. Louis University (1972); MUP (1974) Ph.D., Michigan State University (1996). Specializations: Real Estate Development, Public-Private Partnerships, Housing and Community Development, Market and Feasibility. (864) 656-3903 [email protected]

Keith Evan GreenAssociate Professor. B.A., University of Pennsylvania (1985); M Arch., University of Illinois at Chicago; M.S. and PhD., University of Pennsylvania (1998); Regional Architect. Specializations: Digital Environment, Advanced Materials, Housing, Architectural History/Theory/Criticism. (864) 656-3887 [email protected]

Doris GstachAssistant Professor of Landscape Architecture. Dipl.-Vorprüfung Landschaftsplanung (B.L.A), Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsplanung, (M.L.A.)University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Ph.D. Kassel University, Germany. Specializations: Open Space, Community Design (864) 656-2472 [email protected]

Robert Hogan Professor and Assistant Interim Chair, Department of Architecture. (864) 656-3914 [email protected]

Roger W. LiskaProfessor. B.S. Michigan Technological University (1965); M.S. Wayne State University (1967); PhD. University of Georgia (1998). Specializations: Construction Personnel Management, Resource Control, Best Practices. (864) 656-3878 [email protected]

Hala NassarAssociate Professor. B.S., Pennsylvania State University, M.S., The Pennsylvania State University, M.AG., The Pennsylvania State University, PH.D., The Pennsylvania State University. Specializations: Nature-based Land Art, Design (864) 656-2499 [email protected]

Thomas SchurchProfessor and Chair. BA, US International University, Cal Western Camus, San Diego (1971); MLA, Cal Poly Pamona; PhD, University of Washington in Urban Design & Planning (1989). Specializations: Urban Design, Meaning in the Built Environment, Community Based Service Learning. (864) 656-3926 [email protected]

Allen ThompsonAssistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion. BA, Evergreen State College, 1992.;MA,1995, PhD,2005, University of Washington-Seattle. Specializations: Environmental Ethics. (864) 656-2380 [email protected]

Stephen VerderberProfessor, School of Architecture. BS 1975, March 1977, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; ArchD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Specializations: Health Care Design, Aging and Research Methods. (864) 656-3902 [email protected]

Elaine WorzalaProfessor and Director, Center for Real Estate Development. Ph.D., Real Estate and Urban Land Economics; MS in Real Estate Appraisal and Investment Analysis, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Specializations: Real Estate Principles, Process and Market Analysis, Valuation, Roundtables on the Role of the Architect and Contractor, Feasibility Analysis, and Real Estate Finance and Investments. (864) 656-3925 [email protected]

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Master of Urban Planning, Design and Development

Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs 1717 Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44115Phone (216) 687-2136

Fax (216) 687-9342

Wendy Kellogg, ChairPhone: (216) 687-5265

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-2011 .......................................................... July 12, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2010-2011 ............................................... February 15, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................... $475.25 per credit hourOut-of State Tuition and Fees: .......................................................................$896.00Application Fee ............................................................................................... $30.00Additional Fees .................................................................................................. None


Master of Urban Planning Design and Development

Contact Person: Dennis Keating, DirectorPhone: (216) 687-2298E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1990 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/15/2010 .......................................................289Degrees Granted from 12/15/09 to 5/15/10 ..............................................24

MASTERS GRADUATION RequirementsHours of Core ...........................................................................................32Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ................................. 12 to 16Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................16Exit Project/Thesis ......................................................................................4Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams or Written Requirements ..........................................................None



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75 University, 3.0 DepartmentMinimum GRE: 50th Percentile DepartmentMinimum TOEFL internet-based: 17 in reading, speaking and listening, 14 in writing/ computer-based: 197/paper-based: 525

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship Opportunities: Check with department for availability. Department Awards and Grants: Dively Fellowship, W. Dale Fellowship and Premier Industry.

Teaching and Research Assistantships: Three to five total in state and out of state, include tuition and stipend.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsHousing and Neighborhood Development

Economic DevelopmentEnvironmental Sustainability

Real Estate Development and FinanceGIS

Historic Preservation

Applied Accepted Enrolled07/09 08/2010 07/09 08/2010 07/09 08/2010

Masters 59 - 34 - 61

Annual Student Enrollment

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 1 1 2

White 18 18 36

African American 2 4 6

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 5 5 10

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 2 4 6

Total Students 28 32 60

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Mark SallingResearch Faculty. Ph.D., Kent State University (1982). Specializations: Demography, Geographic Information Systems. (216) 687-3716 [email protected]

Michael SpicerProfessor. Ph.D., Ohio State University (1974). Specializations: Politics and Governance, Public Management/Strategic Planning, Urban and Regional Economics. (216) 687-3571 [email protected]

Alan WeinsteinAssociate Professor. J.D. University of California-Berkeley (1977). Specializations: Planning Law. (216) 687-3758 [email protected]


PLANNING FACULTYMittie Davis Jones Associate Professor. Ph.D., Wayne State University (1985) Specializations: Citizen Participation, Community Development, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Politics and Government. (216) 687-3861 [email protected]

Joel A. ElveryAssistant Professor. Ph.D. University of Maryland (2004). Specializations: Labor Economics, Urban Economics, Public Policy. (216) 687-2259 [email protected]

Edward W. HillProfessor. Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1981) Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Urban Economics, Regional Economics. (216) 687-2174 [email protected]

Sung-Gheel JangAssistant Professor. Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2005). Specializations: GIS, Environmental and Regional Land Use. (216) 687-5597 [email protected]

Sanda KaufmanProfessor. Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University (1985) Specializations: Citizen Participation, Computer Applications, Quantitative Methods, Conflict Management. (216) 687-2367 [email protected]

W. Dennis KeatingProfessor. JD University of Pennsylvania (1968); Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley (1978) Specializations: Community Development, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Planning Law. (216) 687-2298 [email protected]

Wendy A. KelloggProfessor. Ph.D., Cornell University (1993) Specializations: Citizen Participation, Environmental Land Use Planning, Coastal Management, Smart Growth. (216) 687-5265 [email protected]

Norm KrumholzProfessor. M.C.R.P., Cornell University (1965). Specializations: Community Development, Housing/Neighborhood Planning, Metropolitan/ Regional Planning, Planning Practice and Politics. (216) 687-6946 [email protected]

Sugie LeeAssistant Professor. Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology (2005). Specializations: Land Use Planning, Growth Management, Urban/Metropolitan Spatial Analysis, GIS. (216) 687-2381 [email protected]


Brian MikelbankAssociate Professor. Ph.D., Ohio State University (2000) Specializations: Quantitative Spatial Analysis, Urban Geographic Information Systems, Urban Geography, Economic Geography. [email protected]

Stephanie R. RybergAssistant Professor. Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania (2010). Specializations: Historic Preservation, Planning History (216) 802-3386

Robert SimonsProfessor. Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1990). Specializations: Brownfield Redevelopment, Real Estate Development, Urban and Regional Economics. (216) 687-5258 [email protected]

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Graduate Program in Urban Planning 413 Avery Hall

1172 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027

Phone 212 854 3518 Fax 212 864 0410 E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Lance Freeman, Department Chair Phone 212 854 8495

[email protected]


Annual Student EnrollmentThe University does not release these figures

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESDeadline for Fall Admission...................................January 15 No Spring Admission Financial Aid Deadline ..............................................................................January 15 In-State Tuition and Fees 2009-2010 ......................................$ 19,950 per semester Out-of-State and Int’l Tuition & Fees .....................................$ 19,950 per semester Application Fee .................................................................................................... $ 75 Additional Fees ................................................................................................... $ 375

DOCTORAL DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline......................................................................................January 1 Financial Aid Deadline ........................................................................................ N/A In-State Tuition and Fees..........................................................$ 19,950 per semester Out-of-State/ International Tuition & Fees .............................$ 19,950 per semester Application Fee.................................................................................................... $ 75 Additional Fees.....................................................................Approx. $3000 per year

MASTERS DEGREEMasters of Science in Urban PlanningGraduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

Contact Person: Janet W. Foster, Associate Director for Planning and PreservationPhone: (212) 854-3518E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1943 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted 1982 through May 10 .................................................788


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy Application form (available on-line), 3 letters of recommendation, transcripts from undergraduate school, GRE scores University Undergrad GPA No minimum requirements postedMinimum GRE 450 verbal/450 quantitative Minimum TOEFL 100 on digital testRanking in Undergraduate Class N/A Department Requirements N/A

MASTERS GRADUATION RequirementsHours of core curriculum: .........................................................................24Hours of studio (included in core) ..............................................................6Hours of restricted electives .....................................................................24Hours of specialization (minimum) ............................................................9Hours of thesis (included in core) ..............................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................60

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONFinancial aid available, need-based. Apply directly to Columbia GSAPP



US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 1 3 4

White 19 24 43African American 2 2 4Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 6 7

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 2 6 8

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents13 16 29

Total Students 37 54 91

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsHousing and Community Development, Urban

Economic Development, International Planning & Development, Physical Planning, Transportation


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Doctoral SpecializationsHousing, International Development

Land Use & EnvironmentUrban Economic Development

Urban Redevelopment

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Must have 3.5 GPA. If English is not the native language, TOEFL score of 100.Minimum GRE: 1200Departmental Requirement: Masters degree in Planning or related field.

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of core ............................................................................................21Hours of Thesis ....................................................................................... 24Hours of Restricted Electives .......................................................................Hours of Unrestricted Electives ....................................................................Other .........................................................................................................27Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................72

PLANNING FACULTYRobert Beauregard, Director of the PhD ProgramProfessor of Urban Planning. Ph.D., Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University, (1975), B.A. Architecture, Department of Design, Rhode Island School of Design, (1969).Specializations: Postwar Urbanization, Economic Restructuring of Urban Environments, Shrinking Cities. [email protected]

Lance Freeman, Director of the Urban Planning ProgramAssociate Professor of Urban Planning (tenured). Ph.D., City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, December (1997). Master of Regional Planning, University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill, December (1991), Bachelor of Science, BusinessAdministation, State University of New York at Buffalo, December, (1987). Specializations: Housing, Affordable Housing, Gentrification, Neighbhorhood Revitalization. [email protected]

Clara IrazabalAssistant Professor of Urban Planning (nontenured, tenure track). Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, ColumbiaUniversity (2008-). Assistant Professor of Urban Planning (tenure-track), School of Policy, Planning, and Development, University of SouthernCalifornia (2002-2008). Ph.D. in Architecture (2002), University of California, Berkeley. Master of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley (1994). MSc in Physical Planning and Urban Design, Universidad Central de Venezuela (1993). Specializations: International Planning, Latin American Planning, Urban Design, Social and Cultural Aspects of Planning and Place-making. [email protected]


US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 0 0 0

White 5 5 10African American 1 0 1Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 2 2

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 3 0 3

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents4 4 8

Total Students 13 11 24

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Ph.D. in Urban PlanningGraduate School of Art and Sciences

Contact Person: Dr.Robert Beauregard, Director for PhD ProgramPhone: (212) 854-6280E-mail [email protected]

Degrees Granted through May 2010 .......................................................57


Dual Masters Programs:• MSUP and Masters in Historic Preservation (3 years)• MSUP and Masters in Architecture (4 years)• MSUP and Masters in Business Administration (3 years)• MSUP and Masters in Public Health (3 years)• MSUP and Masters in International Affairs (3 years)• MSUP and Juris Doctor (Law) (4 years)• MSUP and Masters of Social Work (3 years)

Dual degrees require separate application and independent admis-sion to both programs. Contact both programs of a dual degree forappropriate information on applications.

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David KingAssistant Professor of Urban Planning (nontenured, tenure track). Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University. PhD Urban Planning, UCLA (2008), MURP Transportation planning and policy, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota (2003). Specializations: Transportation Finance and Planning, Travel Behavior, Urban Governance and the Role of Public Policy in Adopting New Transportation Technologies. [email protected]

Peter MarcuseProfessor Emeritus of Urban Planning. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1972), J.D., Yale Law School, (1952), M.A. Columbia University,(1963), M.U.S., (Master of Urban Studies), Yale School of Architecture, Department of City Planning, (1968), B.A., Harvard College (1948). Specialization: Social Justice in Planning. [email protected]

Elliott Sclar Professor of Urban Planning (tenured). PhD Economics, (1972); M.A. Tufts, (1966); BA Hofstra, (1963). Specializations: Economic Development, International Development, Transportation Planning [email protected]

Smita Srinivas Assistant Professor of Urban Planning (nontenured, tenure track). Director of the Technological Change and Urban Social Policy Research Unit, Columbia University. Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Certificate, Economics, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland. M.S. Physics, Yale University, B.A. Math & Physics, Smith College. Specializations: Industrial and Echnological Change and their links to social policies, health care and skills develop-ment. Also Institutional and Development theories, Microeconomics Research Design and Methodology. [email protected]

Stacey SuttonAssistant Professor of Urban Planning (nontenured, tenure track). Director of the Community, Capital and the City Action Research Lab (C3ARL), Columbia University. Ph.D. Urban Planning and Sociology, Rutgers University (2006), MBA Economics and Organizational Behavior, New York University (2000). Specializations: Local Economic Development, Neighborhood Change, Entrepreneurship and Neighborhood Economies, and race as a feature of socio-spatial vision and structure. [email protected]

Moshe AdlerAdjunct Assistant Professor of Urban Planning. Ph.D. Economics, U.C.L.A., Los Angeles, California, (1982), M.A. Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, (1976), B.Sc. Mathematics, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, (1972). Specializations: Urban Economics, Quantitative Techniques for Planners

Tim Boyle Adjunct Assistant Professor of Urban Planning. M.Arch. Columbia University (2005). B.S. Design, Arizona State University College of Architecture & Environmental Design, (2002). Specialization: Digital Design for Planners

Alfredo BrillembourgAdjunct Assistant Professor. Architect; Columbia University Advanced Architectural Degree. Co-Director: SlumLab, New York & Caracas, Venezuela. Specialization: Informal settlements; spatial and architectural renewal in urban formal settlements.

Richard FroehlichAdjunct Assistant Professor of Urban Planning. Columbia College (1985), Columbia University School of Law (1988). Richard Froelich has been employed at the New York Housing Development Corporation as Senior Vice President and General Counsel since 2003. Prior to that he worked with the New York State Housing Finance Agency and the State of New York Mortgage Association. He is a member and past presdient of the American Bar Association's Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development Law. His specializations are public financing of housing and the legal issues related to public-private development projects.

Jyoti HosagraharAdjunct Associate Professor. Director of Sustainable Urbanism International at Columbia University, and Bangalore, India. Architect, planner, and historian, she advises on urban development, historic conser-vation, and sustainability issues in Asia. Specializations: urban heritage; cultural and environmental sustainability of cities

Andrea KahnAdjunct Professor of Architecture. M.Arch, Princeton University; BA Bennington College. Specialization: Design for presentations; teaching architects and urban designers to articulate the merits of a strong idea to the public through presentaton skills and graphics.

Kaja KuhlAdjunct Assistant Professor. Architect (Diploma in Architecture from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany) and Planner (Master of Science in Urban Planning from Columbia University in New York). She is the founder of “youarethecity”. Specialization: housing and settlements for refugee populations

Floyd LappAdjunct Associate Professor of Urban Planning. Master’s and doctoral degrees in public administration, majoring in urban and regional plan-ning, from New York University’s Wagner School, (1964) and (1972). Specialization: Transportation Planning, Physical Planning.

Jennifer LevyAdjunct Assistant Professor. JD degree, New York University. Co-Director/Director of the Housing Unit and Deputy Director of Litigation, South Brooklyn Legal Services. Specialization: Planning Law; legal practice and housing law for community-based organizations. Matthew LynchAdjunct Assistant Professor. B Arch, University of Sydney (Australia). Specialization: Urban Design, studio coordination

Peter MarcotullioAdjunct Associate Professor of Urban Planning. Research Fellow at The United Nations University, New York, NY. Ph.D. Urban Planning, Columbia University, (1996), M.A. Geography, Columbia University, (1989). M.A. Biology/Ecology, University of Pennsylvania, (1983 B.A. Major: Psychology; Minor: Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, (1979). Specialization: Environmental Planning.

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FYIJonathan MartinAdjunct Associate Professor of Urban Planning. Doctoral Candidate (ABD)—Ph.D. City and Regional Planning—Cornell University (2006 expected) Master of Regional Planning (MRP)—Cornell University, 2001), BSD-Architecture, (1995 (Magna Cum Laude)—Arizona State University, (1995). Specialization: Land Use Planning

Lee MillerAdjunct Associate Professor of Urban Planning. JD Harvard Law School. Lee Miller is the Managing Director of, and a Senior Consultant with The Cabot Advisory Group. He works with organizations and individuals on how they can more effectively lead and influence others. Specialization: Negotiation, a key part of any planner’s skill set.

Lionel McIntyreNancy and George Rupp Associate Professor in the Practice of Community Development. M.S. Urban Planning, Columbia University, (1988), B.A. Dillard University, (1987). Director of the Planning Program, Columbia University GSAPP from (1993 through (1999.Specialization: Community Development. Justin Garrett MooreAdjunct Professor of Urban Planning & Urban Design. M. Arch, Columbia University. Specialization: Urban Design for Planners

Minna NinovaAdjunct Associate Professor of Urban Planning. MS Urban Planning, Columbia University. Specialization: GIS, mapping.

Andrew SchererAdjunct Professor of Urban Planning. Executive Director, Legal Service of New York City. J.D. New York University School of Law, (1978), B.A. University of Pennsylvania, Urban Studies, (1972). Specializations: Planning Law, Law and Social Change.

Ethel ShefferAdjunct Assistant Professor of Urban Planning. President of the American Planning Association, New York Metro Chapter; member AICP; Consultant to Community Organizations on Development, Planning and Social Services. M.A. Political Science, Columbia University, B.A. Brooklyn College. Specializations: Politics and Community Planning/Advocacy.

Graham TrelstadAdjunct Assistant Professor. MS Urban Planning, Columbia University. AICP. Partner, AKRF Consulting. Specialization: Land Use Planning and Environmental Review Sarah Williams Director, Columbia University Spatial Information Laboratory. Masters in City Planning, MIT. Specialization: Spatial Information, GIS, Technology & Mapping

Columbia University’s official name is “Columbia University in the City of New York”, and what better place to study urban planning and devel-opment. Our location in the New York City region means access to a multitude of fieldwork, internship, and lecture opportunities as well as exposure to a wide range of planning issues from mega-projects, strategic rezoning, street calming programs, and urban agriculture to affordable housing initiatives, neighborhood retail revitalization schemes, and urban park development. Moreover, at GSAPP you will be exposed to numer-ous global projects ranging from housing development in Seoul to facility planning in Amman as well as visiting scholars from around the world lecturing on planning and architecture.

The Master of Science degree in Urban Planning Program offers both a core curriculum to anchor the student's understanding of urban planning and also a variety of elective courses on sustainable zoning, mass transit, negotiation, presentation skills, neighborhood development, interna-tional planning, redevelopment policy, and many others that will develop specialized knowledge in the field. We also provide a major studio experience as well as an opportunity to explore a topic in depth through our year-long thesis course. Seven full-time faculty plus approximately twenty adjuncts from the region's professional community support this extensive curriculum. Located within a multi-disciplinary design-based school, the Urban Planning Program has strong ties to the architecture, historic preservation and real estate development programs here, through joint lectures, shared classes, and the mingling of students committed to their individual fields but sharing Avery Hall and their passion for the improving the world through the design and use of the places we inhabit.

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BS in PlanningBachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Studies

Contact Person: Richard S. Booth, DirectorPhone: (607) 255-4613E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1986 Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ..........................................................588Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 5/31/10 .................................................30

CORNELL UNIVERSITYCity and Regional Planning

106 Sibley HallIthaca, New York 14853

Phone (607) 255-4613Fax (607) 255-1971

Kieran P. Donaghy, ChairPhone: 607-255-4613

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Suggested high school coursesMinimum GPA: Not required.Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: Must take-no minimum score.

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 22Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 0Hours of Restricted Electives (major) ..................................................... 18Hours of University Distribution Requirement ....................................... 33Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................... 67Other (Language) ....................................................................................... 6Total Required Hours to Graduate from the University ........................ 120Thesis or Final Product ...........................................................Not Required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONAll Undergraduate aid is centrally administered through the University Financial Aid Office, all need-based.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11-early dec. .......................................November 1, 2010 Admission Deadline 2010-11-regular dec. ....................................... January 1, 2011 Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11........................................................January 2, 2011 Tuition and Fees: .......................................................................$19,725per semester Application Fee......................................................................................................$70 Additional Fee-Activity Fee ........................................................ $108 per semester

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissions Deadline 2011-12.........................................................January 10, 2011 Financial Aid Deadline for 2011-12 ................................................January 10, 2011 Tuition and Fees: (Master’s)..................................................... $12,907 per semester Tuition and Fees: (PhD)............................................................ $14,750 per semester Application Fee......................................................................................................$70 Additional Fees....$38 Activity per semester, $1716 Health Insurance (12 Months)

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Regional Planning

Contact Person: John Forester, Director of Graduate StudiesPhone: (607) 255-5179 E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1942 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 .........................................................1282Degrees Granted from 6/1/05 to 5/31/10 ................................................119

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: GeneralMinimum TOEFL: IBT (Internet Based TOEFL) Writing-20, Listening-15, Reading-20, Speaking-22 (University)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION RequirementsHours of Core ..................................................................................... 20-26Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................4Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................30Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................60Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ............ Oral exam on final writing project

Applied Accepted Enrolled

29324352Undergraduate 738209/1010/1109/1010/1109/1010/11

5853137123Masters (MRP) 240312

6696Doctoral 7780


Undergraduate SpecializationsUrban and Regional Studies

Masters SpecializationsLand Use, Environmental Planning and Design

Historic Preservation Planning,Economic Development Planning: Communities and Regions,

International Studies in Planning,Individualized Curriculum


841513Masters (MA) 2432

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FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONIncludes Master of Regional Planning, Master of Historic Preservation and Ph.D

Tuition and stipend awards: Graduate Teaching Research Specialists 57-1st year, 56-2nd year

Grants and Loans: Teaching Assistants (11) Sage PhD Fellowships: (2) (non-competitive) Clarence Stein Awards: (9) (contact Michael Tomlan) FLAS Fellowships: (1) Diversity Sage Fellowships: (3) Provost South Africa Fellowship: (0) Summer Internships and Travel Awards (42)

Historic Preservation Planning Program

Contact Person: Michael Tomlan, DirectorPhone: (607) 255-7261E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1975 Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................189Degrees Granted from 6/1/06 to 5/31/10 ..................................................26

Masters SpecializationsHistoric Preservation

MASTERS GRADUATION RequirementsHours of Core ...........................................................................................10Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................44Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................60Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ............ Oral exam on final writing project.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: GeneralMinimum TOEFL: IBT (Internet Based TOEFL) Writing-20, Listening-15, Reading-20, Speaking-22 (University)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements


Doctor of Philosophy

Contact Person: John Forester, Director of Graduate Studies Phone: (607) 255-5179 E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated: 1951Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ..........................................................279Degrees Granted from 6/1/06 to 5/31/10 .................................................20

“” web page regarding KatrinaSibley Hall

New York Fall Field Trip Sibley Dome

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 2 2 4

White 43 28 71

African American 3 1 4

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 2 7 9

Mixed 1 3 4

Other/Don’t Know 5 6 11

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 5 5 10

Total Students 61 52 113

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSSemesters in Residence ...............................................................................6Passing Qualifying Exam-Admission to Candidacy .....................A-ExamCompletion of DissertationDefense of Dissertation ................................................................... B-Exam


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Doctoral SpecializationsLand Use and Environmental Planning,

Historic Preservation Planning,Economic Development Planning: Communities and Regions,

International Studies in Planning,Individualized Curriculum

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Master’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: Very highMinimum GRE: GeneralMinimum TOEFL: IBT (Internet Based TOEFL) Writing-20, Listening-15, Reading-20, Speaking-22 (University)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

Katia BalassianoVisiting Assistant Professor. BA SUNY Albany (1989), MCP University of Rhode Island (1992), Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa (2009). Specializations: Land Use Regulations, Affordable Housing, Urbanization and Globalization in Asia and SE Asia. http:// (607)255-5561 [email protected]

Lourdes BeneriaProfessor. Lic., University of Barcelona (1961); M.Phil. (1974) and Ph.D; (1975), Columbia University. Specializations: Labor Markets, Women’s Work, Globalization, Gender and Development, European Integration, Latin American Development. (607) 255-2148 [email protected]

Richard S. BoothDirector of Urban and Regional Studies Program, Professor. BA, Amherst College (1968); JD, George Washington University (1972). Specializations: Land Use and Environmental Law, Regional Land Use Planning, Critical Area Preservation, Historic Preservation Law, Environmental Politics. (607) 255-4025 [email protected]

Nancy BrooksVisiting Associate Professor. BA, College of William and Mary (1985); Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, (1995). Specializations: Public Economics, Urban Economics, Environmental Economics and Research Methods.

Susan M. ChristophersonProfessor. BA, University of Minnesota (1972); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1983); Specializations: Labor Markets, Labor Flexibility, Economic Development, Media Industries, Market Governance, European Studies. (607) 255-8772 [email protected]

Jeffrey ChusidAssociate Professor. AB (1978), M.Arch (1982, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Historic Preservation Design & Planning, Architecture, Cultural Landscapes. (607) 254-8579 [email protected]

Pierre ClavelProfessor Emeritus. AB, Haverford College (1957); MRP, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, (1959) and Ph.D. (1966), Cornell University. Specializations: Politics, Administration, Local Economic Development. (607) 255-6212 [email protected]

Kieran DonaghyChair and Professor. BA, SUNY, Albany, (1978), MS (1984) PhD (1987, Cornell University. Specializations: Dynamic Systems Modeling, Globalization, Macroeconomic Policy, Regional Planning, International Conflict, Environmental Policy. (607) 254-4865 [email protected]


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 1 1

White 5 8 13

African American 0 2 2

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 1 0 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 6 7 13

Total Students 12 19 31

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John ForesterDirector of Graduate Studies and Professor. BS (1970), MS (1971), MCP (1975) and Ph.D. (1978), University of California at Berkeley. Specializations: Participatory Planning Process, Ethics and Deliberative Democracy, Public Dispute Resolution and Multi-party Mediated Negotiations, Oral Histories of Planning Practitioners. (607) 255-5179 [email protected]

Ann ForsythProfessor. BSc, University of Sydney (1985), MA University of California, Los Angeles (1989), Ph.D. Cornell University, (1993) Specializations: Social Aspects of Physical Planning and Urban Design, Urban and Environmental Theory, Gender and Diversity, Research Methods, Professional Ethics, Planning and Design Education.

David FunkSenior Lecturer and Director, Program in Real Estate. BA (1986) MA (1987) Ohio University, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, (1999). Specializations: Use of Real Estate Gifts in Fundraising, Real Estate Transactions, Property Management, University Administration, International Education and Programs. or

William W. GoldsmithDirector of International Studies in Planning, Professor. BSCE, University of California, Berkeley (1963); Ph.D.,Cornell University (1968). Specializations: United States Urban Policy, Political Economy, International Urbanization, Development and Underdevelopment, Latin America and the Caribbean. (607) 255-2333 [email protected]

Marcela Gonzalez-RivasPost-doctural Associate. University of North Carolina (2007) PhD, London School of Economics (1997) MS; Universidad de las Americas (Mexico) Bachelor’s (1994). Specializations: Economic development, Regional economics, globalization and trade openness, Poverty and inequality, Effect of corruption on economic growth (607) 255-3489 [email protected]

Abdulrazak KarriemVisiting Assistant Professor. BA University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa (1990), MRP Cornell University (1996) Ph.D. Cornell University (2008). Specializations: Brazilian Landless Movement’s struggles for land reform and an ecologically sustainable rural devel-opment model, land reform, rural development, and Constitutional Development (on provincial and local governance) under the post-apart-heid Nelson Mandela government in South Africa. (607) 255-8477 [email protected]

Neema KudvaAssociate Professor. Dip. Arch., CEPT, India (1989); M.Arch./MCP (1993) and Ph.D. (2001), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: International Development Planning, Non-Government Organizations, Community Based Planning Practices, International Urbanization. (607) 255-3939 [email protected]

Clement LaiAssistant Professor. BA, Pomona College, (1987), MA (1997) PhD (2006), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Racism and Space, City and Communities of Color, Asian American Studies, Social Movements, Racial Theory, Property. (607) 254-6540 [email protected]

Porus OlpadwalaProfessor. MBA, University of Calcutta (1972); MRP (1976) and Ph.D.(1979), Cornell University. Specializations: Political Economy,Comparative International Development, International Urbanization,Technology Development and Transfer, Transnational Corporation, Asia & Western Europe (607) 255-2957 [email protected]

C. Brad OlsonSenior Lecturer. BS, Cornell University (1963); MBA, University of California (1967). Specializations: Urban Redevelopment and Large Scale Community Development. or (607) 255-1114 [email protected]

Rolf Pendall AICPAssociate Professor. BA, Kenyon College (1984); MSCRP, University of Texas, Austin (1989); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1995). Specializations: Land Use Planning, State, Regional, and Local Growth Management, Zoning and Subdivision Regulation, Affordable Housing, Domestic (US) Environmental Planning & Policy. (607) 255-5561 [email protected]

Arturo SanchezAssistant Professor. BA, St. Francis College, (1971), MA, New York University, (1974), MS, Columbia University (1982), PhD, Columbia University, (2003). Specialization: Latina/o Studies, Transnationalism, Immigration Theory, Latin American Urban Economic Restructuring, Global Cities. (607) 255-6226 [email protected]

Stephen SchmidtAssistant Professor. BA, Washington University, (1995), MLA, University of Washington, (2000), PhD, Rutgers University, (2006). Specialization: Environmental Planning, Social Context of Open Space: Preservation, Planning in International Comparison, Urban Design, Privatization of Public Space Provision. (607) 254-4846 [email protected] Michael TomlanDirector Historic Preservation Planning Program, Professor. B.Arch., University of Tennessee (1973); MA, Columbia University (1976); Ph.D., Cornell University (1983). Specializations: Building Conservation Technology, Documentation Methods for Preservation, History of the Preservation Movement, China, India, Canada. (607) 255-7261 [email protected]

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYRobert AbramsSenior Lecturer. BS, Cornell University (1953); MBA, Harvard University (1957). Specializations: Commercial Real Estate Management and Marketing. or (607) 255-1748 [email protected]

Iwan AzisProfessor. AB University of Indonesia (1978), MS (1982) and Ph.D. (1983), Cornell University. Specializations: Sectoral and Regional Modeling, CGE and Econometric Modeling for Policy Analysis and Forecasting, Decision-Making Analysis. (607) 255-4271 [email protected]

Sherene BaugherAssociate Professor and Acting Director Archaeology Program.BA (1969), MA, Hunter College, CUNY (1971); MA (1976), MUP (1976) and Ph.D. (1978), State University of New York, Stony Brook. Specializations: Historic Preservation, American Indians and Planners, Urban Planning History, Urban Archaeology, Canada and Mexico. (607) 255-1648 [email protected]

Matthew DrennanProfessor Emeritus. BS, University of Detroit (1959); MA, University of Michigan (1962); Ph.D., New York University (1971). Specializations: Microeconomics, Public Finance, Basic Statistics, Urban Economics, Economic Transformation, Fiscal Conditions of Cities and States.

Walter IsardProfessor Emeritus. BA, Temple University (1939), MA University of Chicago (1941), Ph.D., Harvard University (1943). Specializations: Regional Science and Policy Planning, Conflict-Management Procedures, Peace Science, General Social Science Theory & Methods. (607) 255-3306 [email protected]

John RepsProfessor Emeritus. AB, Dartmouth (1943); MRP, Cornell University (1947). Specializations: History of American City Planning. (607) 255-5391 [email protected]

Sidney SaltzmanProfessor Emeritus. BS (1943), MS (1950) and Ph.D. (1963). Specializations: Regional Modeling, Public Policy Analysis & Management, Regional Development in Developing Nations, Indonesia, the Middle East, Russia. (607) 255-4271 [email protected]

Stuart W. Stein FAICPProfessor Emeritus. MCP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1954). Specializations: Urban Land Use, Planning Design, Housing, Historic Preservation, Local Government in Development, Urban Planning Practice. (607) 255-4331 [email protected]

Roger TrancikProfessor Emeritus. MLA, Harvard University (1968). Specializations: Urban Design, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning, Spatial Design Theory and Analysis, International Studies in Scandinavia, Italy, and Panama. (607) 255-6229 [email protected]

Thomas VietoriszAdjunct Professor. BA, Massachusetts of Technology (1952), Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1956). Specializations: Regional, Industrial and International Development, Human Resources/Corporate Strategy, International Joint Ventures. (607) 255-2333 [email protected]

Mildred WarnerProfessor. BA, Oberlin College (1979); MS (1985) and Ph.D.(1997), Cornell University. Specializations: Community Development, Economic Development, State & Local Government Policy. (607) 255-6816 [email protected]

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Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Undergraduate NA NA NA NA 50 38

BS in Urban and Regional PlanningYear initiated:1974 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 8/31/10 ............................................... Over 1000Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................18



Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 33Hours of Restricted Planning Electives ..................................................... 9Hours of Unrestricted Planning Electives ................................................. 6Minor or Concentration Areas ................................................................. 24Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 48Total Required Hours to graduate from University ............................... 126

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONContact Financial Aid Officer

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 ............................................. March 15, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 ............................................. June, 2012In-State Tuition and Fees ..........................................$1440.50 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ...................................$7477.50 per semesterApplication Fee .....................................................................................$100Additional Fees ...........................................................$958.00 per semester


Urban and Regional Planning Planning Program

Department of GeographyBrewster A-215

Greenville, North Carolina 27858-4353Phone: (252) 328-6465

Fax: (252) 737-1527

Jerry Weitz, DirectorPhone: (252) 328-6579

E-mail: [email protected] PLANNING FACULTYAlan M. BurneLecturer. MA, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Computer Applications, Geographic Information Systems. (252) 328-1273 [email protected]

Misun Hur Assistant Professor. BS, GyeongSang National University; MA, The Ohio State University; Ph.D., The Ohio State University. Specializations: Community Development, Urban Design, GIS & Visualization Technology, Environmental Behavior. (252) 328-1270 [email protected]

Daniel J. Marcucci AICPAssistant Professor. BA, Harvard University; MLA, University ofPennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations:Environmental Planning, Land Use Planning, Landscape Planning, Coastal Management. (252) 328-5197 [email protected]

Anuradha Mukherji Assistant Professor. MS, Texas A&M University; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Housing, Hazard Mitigation and Recovery, Disaster Planning and Management, International Development. (252) 328-5357 [email protected]

Jerry Weitz FAICPAssociate Professor. BA, Emory University; MA, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Portland State University. Specializations: Growth Management, Smart Growth, Land Use and Plan Implementation. (252) 328-6579 [email protected]

Mulatu WubnehProfessor. Ph.D., Florida State University. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Impact Assessment, International Development and Planning, Urban and Regional Economics. (252) 328-1272 [email protected]


Undergraduate SpecializationsCoastal Planning and Development

Community Planning and Development

Also OfferedCertificate in Urban Design

Graduate concentration in Planning with MBA, MPA, MS in ITEC and MA in Geography

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: College Prep CoursesMinimum GPA: Not required through departmentMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: Not required through department

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BA/BS in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Robert A. Jones, DirectorPhone: (734) 487-8488E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1975 Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .........................................................475Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 .................................................11

Urban and Regional Planning ProgramDepartment of Geography and Geology

Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197Phone (734) 487-0218

Fax (734) 487-6979

Richard Sambrook, Department HeadPhone: (734) 487-0218

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Good student standingMinimum GPA: University requiredMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: University required

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core ..........................................................................................26Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................4Hours of Restricted Elective ......................................................................6Hours of Unrestricted Elective ..................................................................0Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................36Total Required Hours to Graduate from University ..............................124Thesis or Final Product ........................................................... Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONUndergraduate financial aid varies, consult university catalog or contact Financial Aid OfficeRobert M. Ward Planning Program Scholarship, contact program director

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 ....................................................ContinuousFinancial Aid Deadline 2010-11 ...................................................March 15In-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................$276.25/Credit hourOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ................................... $639.75/Credit hourApplication Fee ............................................................$20 online/$30 mailAdditional Fees ...................................................................................varies

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 ...................................................ContinuousFinancial Aid Deadline 2010-11 ..............................................February 15In-State Tuition and Fees: ...........................................$454.75/Credit hourOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ...................................$859.50/Credit hourApplication Fee ...........................................................$25 online/$35 mailAdditional Fees: .................................................................................varies


Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Bachelors N/A N/A N/A N/A 54 51Masters N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 20



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 2 1 3

White 26 16 42

African American 3 4 7

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 2 0 2

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens 0 0 0

Total Students 31 20 51


Undergraduate SpecializationsComprehensive Land Use PlanningGeographic Information Systems

Environmental AnalysisHistoric Preservation

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MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Science in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Norman Tyler, Graduate CoordinatorPhone: (734) 487-8656E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2001 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ............................................................30Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ...................................................4


Eugene JaworskiProfessor Emeritus. BA, University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Louisiana State University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Remote Sensing. (734) 487-0218 [email protected]

Ted Ligibel Professor. BS, University of Toledo (1972); MA, Bowling Green State University (1981); Ph.D., Bowling Green State University (1995). Specializations: Historic Preservation. (734) 487-0232 [email protected]

Robert WardProfessor Emeritus. AB Earlham College (1958); MAT Indiana University (1963); Ph.D., University of Michigan (1971). Specializations: Land Use, Rural Planning (734) 487-0218 [email protected]



Masters SpecializationsLand Use Planning

Geographic Information SystemsEnvironmental Assessment

Historic PreservationDowntown Revitalization

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Contact Admission Office Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.5 University; 2.75 DepartmentalMinimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL 213 (CRT)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: 2 Letters of Recommendation

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .........................................7-9Hours of Restricted Electives .................................................................3-5Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................36Exam, Thesis or Final Product: ..........................Oral Exam and Paper ........................ of Publishable Quality

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONGraduate financial awards vary, contact Graduate Studies officeAssistantships available, contact department officeRobert M. Ward Planning Program Scholarship, contact graduate coordi-nator.

Nina DavidAssistant Professor. B.Arch, Madras University (2001); M.Env.Sc, Ohio State University (2003); MCRP Ohio State University (2003), PhD, University of Michigan (2008), Specializations: Regional Cooperative Planning, Research Methods, Physical Planning (734) 487-7582 [email protected]

Robert JonesAssociate Professor. BA, Seattle University (1977); MA, University of Washington (1982); M.Arch., University of Oregon (1989); Ph.D., Portland State University (1999). Specializations: Urban Design, Physical Planning, Development Regulation (734) 487-8488 [email protected]

Hugh SempleAssociate Professor. BA, University of Guyana (1985); MA, University of Alberta (1991); Ph.D., University of Manitoba (1996). Specializations: GIS, Physical Planning, Urban Geography (734) 487-8169 [email protected]

Norman Tyler, AICPProfessor. BS, University of Michigan (1970); D. Arch, University of Michigan (1987); Ph.D., Michigan State (1998). Specializations: Urban Revitalization, Historic Preservation, Architecture (734) 457-8656 [email protected]

William Welsh Assistant Professor. BS, Kutztown University (1986); MS, Shippensburg University (1990); Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (2001). Specializations: Remote Sensing, GIS, Land Use/Land Cover Change. (734) 487-0218 [email protected]

Yichun XieProfessor. BSc, Anhui Normal University (China) (1978); MA, University of Akron; Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo (1994). Specializations: GIS, Physical Planning. (734) 487-7588 [email protected]

Eastern Michigan University offers urban and regional planning programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The programs focus on current issues in comprehensive urban and regional planning. Instruction is offered in local land use planning and development regulation, prob-lems of urban and regional growth, local decision-making processes, and urban revitalization. The programs are designed to prepare students for professional planning work in government agencies, private planning firms, and other positions where planning skills are needed and relevant. Core and elective courses provide necessary skills to develop and update local comprehensive plans and land use regulations, analyze site plans, critique general and neighborhood development plans, and administer local planning ordinances. Students are also versed in the preparation and

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review of grant applications, environmental impact statements, policy programs, and community development efforts.

The PAB accredited undergraduate program offers students a choice of either a BA or BS degree with a major in Urban and Regional Planning. Students are also required to choose from a wide variety of minors, and most select a program that allows them to acquire a specialty within the planning field. Typical minors include GIS, environmental analysis, his-toric preservation, geography, conservation and resource use, economics, and public administration.

The department offers three planning-related Master of Science degree programs. The Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning was started in 2001, and focuses on comprehensive planning and land-use issues, environmental analysis, and physical development and redevelop-ment. The degree prepares students for work in city and regional plan-ning agencies and private consulting firms, where they are highly desired because of the degree's emphasis on the application of practical skills in land use and environmental planning, and Geographic Information Systems. Students may select a thesis or a non-thesis option, with the later requiring substantive professional planning experience.

The Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems is focused on the appropriate application of emerging geo-technologies to the fields of planning, environmental assessment, and other areas. This degree pre-pares students to work as GIS analysts, applied researchers, and consul-tants providing expertise in computer mapping analysis and application development. GIS technologies are widely utilized in the U.S. and abroad and there is a high demand for these skills. This degree shares a common core with the graduate planning program, after which students move on to concentrate in advanced GIS, remote sensing, and aerial photography interpretation courses.

A Master of Science in Historic Preservation with a Concentration in Preservation Planning is available. The degree emphasizes preparation for careers in historic preservation in a planning, administrative, historic agency, consulting, or heritage tourism capacity. It provides practical experience through work-study, internship, cooperative education, and field study opportunities.

In addition to degree programs, the department offers professional certifi-cates in GIS and Historic Preservation aimed at those seeking to add or upgrade qualifications in these areas.

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BA in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Fred A. Hurand, Chair and Undergraduate AdvisorPhone: (509) 358-2229E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1968 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................534Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09 ....................................................5


Department of Urban Planning,Public and Health Administration

668 North RiverpointSpokane, Washington 99202

Phone (509) 358-2230Fax (509) 358-2267

E-mail: [email protected]

Fred Hurand, ChairPhone (509) 358-2229

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: None RequiredMinimum GPA: 2.0Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: Either SAT or ACT

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core, Including Studio ............................................................. 73Hours of Restricted Electives .................................................................. 17Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................... 28Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 90Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 180Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTwo scholarships available, eligibility based on academics and need.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2005-0 .................................................... No DeadlineFinancial Aid Deadline 2005-06 .............................................. No DeadlineIn-State Tuition and Fees ................................................. $1682 per quarterOut-of State Tuition and Fees .......................................... $4456 per quarterApplication Fee .......................................................................................$50Additional Fee .................................................................... $435 per quarter

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2005-06 ...................................................No DeadlineFinancial Aid Deadline 2005-06 ...............................................No DeadlineIn-State Tuition and Fees .................................................$2492 per quarterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ..........................................$6010 per quarterApplication Fee: ..................................................................................... $50Additional Fees: .................................................................$435 per quarter

MASTERS DEGREEMaster in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Gabor Zovanyi, Graduate Program AdvisorPhone: (509) 358-2228E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1978 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................232Degrees Granted from 9/11/09 to 8/31/09 ................................................11

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None Required Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL Not RequiredRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Two letters of recommendation and a letter of interest.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core, including studio ...............................................................46Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................26Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................72Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ......................... Comprehensive Exam and Research Report required


Undergraduate SpecializationsUrban and Regional Planning

Masters SpecializationsTribal Planning

Environmental Planning,Small Town Planning

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONThree work study grants available, eligibility based on academics and need.Two scholarships available, eligibility based on academics and need.

Applied Accepted Enrolled07/09 08/09 07/09 08/09 07/09 08/09

Undergraduate 20 20 20 19 11 9Masters 17 19 12 19 9 13

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PLANNING FACULTYCharles DotsonLecturer. BA, Eastern Washington University; M. Environmental Science, Western Washington University. Specializations:Planning Administration. (509) 559-5818 [email protected]

Fred A. Hurand FAICPProfessor. B.Arch, Ohio State; MUR, University of Washington; PhD, Pennsylvania State University. Specializations: Urban Design, Land Use Planning, Disaster Mitigation, Environment/Behavior Studies. (509) 358-2229 [email protected]

William KelleyProfessor. BA, Pan American University; MURP, Texas A&M; ABD, University of Washington. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Planning Methods, Small Town Planning. (509) 358-2226 [email protected]

Richard RollandLecturer. BS, Portland State; MURP, Eastern Washington University. Specializations: Tribal Planning, Tribal Transportation Planning.

Dick Winchell FAICPProfessor. BA, Wartburg College; MURP, University of Colorado-Denver; PhD, Arizona State University. Specializations: Community Development, Tribal Planning, Neighborhood Planning, Housing. (509) 358-2214 [email protected]

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYMichael FolsomProfessor. BS, Portland State; MA, Michigan State; PhD, Michigan State.Specializations: Physical Geography, Wetlands Science, Environmental Planning. (509) 359-2460 [email protected]

William GrimesLecturer. BA, University of California, Riverside; MURP, Cal State Pomona. Specializations: Urban Design, Land Development, Urban Morphology, Comparative Urbanization. (509) 835-3770 [email protected]

Larry LutonProfessor. BS, University of Tennessee; MA, Claremont; PhD, Claremont. Specializations: Planning Methods, Public Administration. (509) 358-2247 [email protected]

Robert QuinnProfessor. BS, MS, PhD, Oregon State. Specializations: Physical Geography, Meteorology. (509) 359-7050 [email protected]

Daniel TurbevilleProfessor. BS, University of South Carolina; MA, Western Washington University; PhD, Simon Fraser. Specializations: Physical Geography, Human Geography, Architectural History. (509) 359-2270 [email protected]

Stacy WarrenAssociate Professor. BA, University of Delaware; MA, Clark University; PhD, University of British Columbia. Specializations: GIS (509) 359-7962 [email protected]

Robert ZinkeProfessor. BA, Washington State; MA, Drew University; PhD, New York University.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Gabor ZovanyiProfessor. AB, University of California, Los Angeles; MCP, San Diego State University; PhD, University of Washington. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Growth Management, Sustainable Communities, Comparative Urbanization. (509) 358-2228 [email protected]

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 17 7 24

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 1 0 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens 0 0 0

Total Students 18 8 26

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Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Asli Ceylan Oner, Coordinator Phone: (954) 762-5652 E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated:1997Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................186Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09 ..................................................27


Urban and Regional Planning111 East Las Olas Blvd., HEC, Suite 1009B

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301Phone (954) 762-5652

Fax (954) 762-5673Email: [email protected]

Jaap Vos, DirectorPhone: (954) 762-5652E-mail:[email protected]



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSSchool Requirement: Completion of Associate Degree or 60 credits of approved lower level college coursesMinimum GPA: 2 (University)Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: 860-1140 (University)

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 39Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 3Hours of Restricted Elective ...................................................................... 6Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................................................ 15Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 60Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Final Project


UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ......................................................................................... June 1Financial Aid Deadline ...................................................................................... NoneIn-State Tuition and Fees: .......................................$139.55 credit hour per semester Out-of-State/International Tuition and Fees: ..........$584.14 credit hour per semester Other: .........................................................................................................................0Application Fee: .....................................................................................................$30Additional Fees: .......................................................................Lab fees approx. $100

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program .......................................... July 1Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ............................ February 15In-State Tuition and Fees: .......................................$293.94 credit hour per semester Out-of-State/International Tuition and Fees: ..........$920.66 credit hour per semester Other: .........................................................................................................................0Application Fee ......................................................................................................$30Additional Fees: .......................................................................Lab fees approx. $100

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Jaap Vos, DirectorPhone: (954) 762-5652E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1989 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................165Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09 ....................................................9

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution & GPA 3.0 Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 (Department)Minimum GRE: 1000Minimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredSchool Requirement: Personal statement and two reference letters

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................27Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................3Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ..........................................Planning Project


Masters SpecializationsEconomic Development and Tourism,

Environmental PlanningAnnual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled

39295035Undergraduate 885508/0907/0908/0907/0908/0907/09

17152726Masters 6459

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Ann-Margaret Esnard Professor. BS, University of the West Indies; MS, University of Puerto Rico; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Specializations: GIS and Planning Technology, Emergency Management. (954) 762-5646 [email protected]

Yanmei LiAssistant Professor, Ph.D., University of Ohio State. MA, Beijing Normal University in China. Specializations: Statistics, Geography and Urban Planning. (954) 762-5037 [email protected]

Diana MitsovaAssistant Professor. Ph.D., University of Cincinnati. MA, Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis. Specializations: GIS Applications, GIS Data Collection, Environmental Modeling. (954) 762-5674 [email protected]

Asli Ceylan OnerAssistant Professor. Ph.D., University of Virginia Tech. MA, London School of Economics and Political Science, London. Specializations: Globalization Planning and Governance of Global Cities. (954) 762-5357 [email protected]


US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 4 6 10

White 13 9 22African American 1 5 6Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents1 1 2

Total Students 19 23 42

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYJaap Vos Associate Professor. MS, Wageningen University; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Equity, Sustainable Development, Climate Change. (954) 762-5653 [email protected]

Kasama PolakitAssistant Professor. Ph.D., University of Melbourne. MA, University of Melbourne, Australia. Specializations: Architecture and Urban Design theory, Sustainable Urban Design. (954) 762-5655 [email protected]

David Prosperi Professor. AB Geography, Villanova University; MA, Temple University; Ph.D., Indiana University. Specializations: Citizen Participation and Internet, E-Government, Economic Development. (954) 762-5663 [email protected]


FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION10 Excellence in Planning Scholarships1 Innovation in Planning ScholarshipEligibility Criteria: GPA above 3.2 GRE above 1200

The School of Urban and Regional Planing is a locus of scholars, teachers, practitioners, agents and students committed to the con-tinuous improvement of urban regions and the planning enterprise through research, teaching and service.

The School provides an environment to discuss, develop and dis-seminate new ideas and concepts, and contribute to the practice of planning directed towards a future that is environmentally, economically and humanly beneficial. The focus of our work relies on the recognition and use of multi-scalar connections and interactions of systems and planning activities including policy framework development, participatory decision-making and com-munity stewardship. The School seeks to exploit the potential of emerging technologies and collaborative engagement in creative and innovative ways.

Current initiatives include global urban network's climate change, metropolitan form, disaster management, place making, healthy cities and housing market issues.

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FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION1 University Fellow, stipend of $18,000, IS/OS tuition. Based on GRE upward of 1300; outstanding GPA.

1 Doctoral Presidential Fellow, stipend of $23,000, IS/OS tuition. Based on GRE upward of 1300; outstanding GPA.

3-6 Doctoral awards, stipend of $13,500, IS/OS tuition. Based on merit and need.

4-7 Research Assistants, stipend of $6,500, IS/OS tuition. Based on merit and need.

2 Transit fellows, stipend of $15,000, IS/OS tuition. Awarded to outstanding students wishing to pursue careers in public transportation planning.

Cooperative Internship awards, stipend of $7,500-$8,200, IS/OS tuition. Based on merit and need.


Department Of Urban & Regional Planning113 Collegiate Loop

Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2280Phone (850) 644-4510

Fax (850) [email protected] S. Chapin, Department Chair

Phone: (850) 644-4510E-mail: [email protected]

Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Only Deadline (US) Fall term ......................................................... July 1Admission and Financial Aid (US) Fall term…………….. .....................February 15Admission and Financial Aid (International) Fall term......................... November 15In-state Tuition and Fees Per Term ................................................................... $3,870Out-of-state Tuition and Fees Per Term ......................................................... $11,450Application Fee ...................................................................................................... $30Additional Fees .......................................................................................................... 0

Master in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Jeffrey R. BrownPhone: (850) 644-4510E-mail [email protected] Year Initiated: 1965 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 12/31/09 ......................................................1,182Degrees Granted from 01/01/09 to 12/31/09 ............................................41

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................21Capstone (Research paper, studio or thesis) ...............................................3Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................12Other ...........................................................................................................0Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48





*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1000Minimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirement

Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental and Natural Resource Planning, Growth

Management and Comprehensive Planning, Housing and Community Development, Transportation Planning, Planning for Developing Areas, Healthy Communities

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 5 4 9

White 55 29 84

African American 5 5 10

Native American/ Pacific Islander 2 1 3

Asian American 3 5 8

Mixed 0 1 1

Other / Don’t know 1 0 1

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent Residents

1 0 1

Total Students 67 41 108

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate 130 123 72 82 49 54Masters 29 19 8 10 3 6

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Theory ........................................................................................21Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Application Area .......................................................................................12Methods.......................................................................................................9Dissertation ...............................................................................................24Total ..........................................................................................................66Exams or Written Requirements: Qualifying and Comprehensive Exams

Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Rebecca S. MilesPhone: (850) 644-4510E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated: 1972Degrees Granted through 12/31/09 ..........................................................51Degrees Granted from 01/01/09 to 12/31/09 .............................................2Dissertations Granted from 01/01/09 to 12/31/2009

Perceived School Quality and its Relationship with Monetary 1. Housing Value: School Facility Age and its Association with Housing Sale PriceEvaluating the Effect of the Work-Place Built Environment on Travel 2. Behavior of Employees in Southeast Florida


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSMinimum GRE: 1000Minimum TOEFL: 550Minimum GPA: 3.0Departmental Requirement: Master’s degree in urban planning, urban studies, environmental studies, policy science, law, social science.

PLANNING FACULTYAndrew AurandAssistant Professor. BA, Bucknell University (1994); MSW, University of Pittsburgh (1999); PhD, University of Pittsburgh (2007). Specializations: Public Policy and Public Administration, Community Organizing, Housing and Community Development. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Jeffrey BrownAssociate Professor. BA (1996), MA (1998) and Ph.D., UCLA (2003). Specializations: Transportation Planning, Methods, Geographic Information Systems. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

William ButlerAssistant Professor. BA, Guilford College (1996); MURP, Virginia Tech (2003); PhD, Virginia Tech (2009). Specializations: Environmental Planning and Policy, Collaborative Governance, Planning Theory. (850) 644-4510 [email protected] Timothy ChapinAssociate Professor and Chair. BA, Emory University (1992); MCP, Georgia Institute Technology (1994); Ph.D., University of Washington (1999). Specializations: Economic Development, Infrastructure/Public Services, Land Use/Growth Management, Quantitative Methods. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Doctoral SpecializationsAlternative Transportation in the Modern City, Built

Environment and Public Health, Environmental and Natural Hazards Planning Strategies, Growth Management and Comprehensive Planning, Race

and Planning, Social and Spatial Contexts of Urban Change, and Transportation and Accessibility.

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 1 0 1

White 3 4 7

African American 1 1 2

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent Residents

4 4 8

Total Students 8 9 17

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Karen JumonvilleAdjunct. B.S., Florida State University (1994); MSP, Florida State University )1997). Specializations: Growth Management, Land Use and Environmental Planning.

Steve LeitmanAdjunct. B.A., Florida Atlantic University (1972); M.S.P., Florida State University (1977). Specializations: Environmental Planning.

Tom TaylorAdjunct. BA, Iowa State University (1970); MS, New Orleans University (1980); Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1989). Specializations: Negotiation and Conflict Management.


FYIFSU DURP is the oldest accredited planning program in the State of Florida and since 1965 has graduated over 1,200 students with Masters and Ph.D.'s in urban and regional planning. As such, FSU DURP is one of the largest producers of planners in the nation. FSU DURP's faculty are dedicated to preparing their Master's and Ph.D. students for careers as leaders in planning practice and uni-versity teaching and research.

The program has five joint degree programs (with Demography, International Affairs, Law, Public Administration, and Public Health) and two certificate programs (Real Estate and Urban Design) that reflect interest from students for training in specific areas in demand by employers. These joint degrees and certifi-cates build upon DURP's connections to other campus units, including the Center for Demography and Population Health and the College of Business.

90-100 percent of FSU DURP's master's students obtain plan-ning positions within a few months of graduation and recent Ph.D. graduates have obtained planning school teaching positions at the University of Iowa, Oklahoma University, Texas A & M University, University of Minnesota, University of Toledo, Griffith University (Australia), and Queensland University of Technology (Australia).

Graduates of both programs are now employed in 49 states and over 38 foreign nations as professional staff in private consulting firms, development companies, law firms, universities, research organizations, and in local, state, regional, and national offices. FSU DURP endeavors to attract a large and diverse set of stu-dents to urban planning. In recent years, approximately half of the incoming graduate students have received financial aid generated by the Department. Much of this aid comes from sources external to Florida State such as grants, contracts, and gifts.

Christopher CouttsAssistant Professor. B.C.H., New Mexico State University (1997); M.P.H., New Mexico State University (2003); Ph.D., University of Michigan (2006). Specializations: Community Health and Health Behavior. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Robert DeyleProfessor. BA, Dartmouth College (1972); MS, Duke University (1977); Ph.D., State University of New York, Syracuse (1987).Specializations: Environmental Planning and Policy Analysis, Plan Implementation, Geographic Information Systems, Natural Resource Planning. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Petra DoanAssociate Professor. BA, Haverford College (1977); MRP (1984); Ph.D. (1988), Cornell University. Specializations: Gender Studies and Planning, International Development, Infrastructure/Public Services, Metropolitan/Regional Planning and Rural Development. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Peter KoeppelSenior Planner: B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2001), M.S.P. Florida State University (2004). Specialization: Transportation planning. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Rebecca MilesProfessor. BA, Harvard University (1977); MRP (1983); Ph.D. (1988), Cornell University. Specializations: Gender Studies and Planning, International Development, Rural Development, Community Health Planning. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Melissa SaundersPlanner in Residence. B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison (1981); M.A. Rutgers University, New Brunswick (1986); M.C.P., University of Pennyslvania (2001); Ph.D., University of Pennyslvania (2008). Specializations: Urban Design and Site Planning, Land Use Planning (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Gregory ThompsonProfessor. AB, University of California, Davis (1968); MCP, University of California, Berkeley (1970); Ph.D., University of California, Irvine (1987). Specializations: Transportation Policy and Analysis, Planning History, Transportation Methods. (850) 644-4510 [email protected]

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Department of Geography

101 Braddock RoadFrostburg, MD 21432Phone: 301-687-4369

Fax: 301-687-4495

Dr. Craig Caupp, Department ChairPhone: 301-687-4755

E-mail:[email protected]

Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline .......................................................................................... rollingFinancial Aid Deadline .....................................................................................April 1In-State Tuition and Fees ..............................................................$3275 per semesterContiguous County Tuition and Fees ...........................................$6235 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees .......................................................$8081 per semesterApplication Fee ...................................................................................................... $30

Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Dr. Henry W. BullamorePhone: (301) 687-4413E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2002 Not accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................22Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................0


55Undergraduate 53

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSGeneral Education Program ......................................................................40Introductory Level Courses ......................................................................25Professional Core Courses ........................................................................34Major Electives ...........................................................................................6Advanced Planning Focus ..........................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program ..........................................120Thesis or internship ......................................................................... optional





UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirements: Admission to University Core High School Courses requiredMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: SAT required, no minimum

Undergraduate Planning Focus Options:Community Planning, Tourism Development,

Mapping Science, and Environmental Planning

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION:Students are eligible for numerous need and merit based scholarships. In addition, the endowed Edith and William Bullamore Scholarships are limited to Urban and Regional Planning majors. Call the Financial Aid Office at (301) 687- 4301.

Bachelor of Science (with a major in Environmental Analysis and Planning)

Contact Person: Dr. Craig L. CauppPhone: (301) 687-4755E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated: 1980 .............................................................Not accreditedDegrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................204Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 .................................................. 4

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSGeneral Education Program ......................................................................40Courses in Biology ............................................................................. 21-23Courses in Geography ......................................................................... 46-47Other Required Courses ...................................................................... 17-18Total Required Hours .............................................................................120Thesis or Internship ........................................................................ optional

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION:Students are eligible for numerous need and merit based scholarships. In addition, the endowed Walter Brock Scholarships are limited to Environmental Analysis and Planning majors. Call the Financial Aid Office at (301) 687-4301.

PLANNING FACULTYHenry W. BullamoreProfessor. BA, Valparaiso University (1971), MA, University of Illinois (1973), Ph. D., University of Iowa (1978). Specializations: Urban Geography, Urban Planning, Comparative Planning, Small Town Plan-ning. AICP (301) 687-4413 [email protected]

Craig L. CauppProfessor and Chair. BS, Ball State University (1970), MS, Indiana University (1979), Ph.D., Utah State University (1987). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Land Development, Environmental Law. (301) 687-4755 [email protected]

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Margaret M. DaltonProfessor. BS, University of New Hampshire, MS University of Minnesota, Ph. D., West Virginia University. Specializations: Urban Economics, Public Finance, Regional Development (301) 687-4418 [email protected]

Fritz C. KesslerAssociate Professor. BS, Ohio University (1988), MS, Pennsylvania State University (1991), Ph.D., University of Kansas (1999). Specializations: Mapping Science, Cartographic Design. (301) 687-4266 [email protected]

John C. McMullenAssistant Professor. BS, Frostburg State University, MA, West Virginia University, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Specializations: Urban Sociology, Community Development, urban Ecology (301) 687-3162 [email protected]

John J. O’RorkeAssociate Professor. BA, Williams College, MPA, State University of New York at Albany, Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Public Administration, Urban Politics (301) 687-4277 [email protected]

Francis L. PrechtProfessor. BS, Towson University, MA, Michigan State University, Ph.D., University of Georgia. Specialization: Conservation and Resource Management, Geographic Information Science (301) 687-4440 [email protected]

Matthew E. RamspottAssistant Professor. BS, University of Nebraska (1998), MS, Texas State University (2000), Ph.D., University of Kansas (2006). Specializations: Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems. (301) 687-4412 [email protected]

James C. SakuAssociate Professor. BA, University of Cape Coast (1985), MA, Wilfrid Laurier University (1991), Ph. D., University of Saskatchewan (1995). Specializations: Economic Development, Regional Planning. (301) 687-4724 [email protected]

Frostburg State University offers the only undergraduate major in urban and regional planning in Maryland.

The major in urban and regional planning, begun in 2002, replaces the concentration in urban planning that was completed by more than 200 graduates since it began in 1970.

The Environmental Analysis and Planning major began as a pro-gram to train specialists in coal mine reclamation, and was revised in 1990 to have a broader focus on environmental planning.

Internships for 9 or 15 credits are offered each semester and sum-mer. Students must apply and meet academic progress require-ments to earn internship credit.

Planning programs are coordinated within the Department of Geography which has labs for environmental science, field equip-ment, and four computer laboratories for GIS, mapping science and environmental design.

Students in both planning programs must complete a capstone project, but the experience is built into required courses. Also, several major courses meet general education requirements of the university (17 hours in urban and regional planning, and 18 hours in environmental analysis and planning) allowing students to com-plete minors or second majors in other fields.


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School of City and Regional PlanningCollege of Architecture

245 Fourth Street, NW – Suite 204 Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0155

Phone (404) 894-2350Fax (404) 894-1628

Bruce Stiftel, ChairpersonPhone (404) 894-2350

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONMASTERS DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 .........................................................................March 1 Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 .. February 1 (merit-based aid); May 1 (need-based aid)In-State Tuition and Fees: .......................................................... $5,504 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ..................................................$14,288 per semesterApplication Fee: ..................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees: ..............................................................................$823 per semester

DOCTORAL DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 .....................................................................January 15Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ..............January 15 (merit-based aid); May 1 (need-based aid)In-State Tuition and Fees: .......................................................... $4,318 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ..................................................$13,103 per semesterApplication Fee: ..................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees: ..............................................................................$823 per semester

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Dracy R. Blackwell Phone: (404) 894-2352 E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1952 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ........................................................1,207Degrees Granted from 09/01/09 to 08/31/10 ............................................45


MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................20Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................4Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................15Applied Research Paper ..............................................................................4 Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................55Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ..............Applied Research Paper or Thesis

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONFellowships: $1,200 - $14,000 stipend, plus tuition.Graduate Research Assistantships: $7,200 - $9,600 stipend, plus tuition.Co-op Internship: $7,200 - $9,600 stipend, plus tuition.Awards: $500 - $2,000.Loans: Need based.Work-Study: Need based.

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 450 Verbal / 550 Quantitative / 4.0 Writing Minimum TOEFL: 100 ibTOEFLRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: 3-Letters, supplemental application (online)


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 4 2 6

White 43 43 86

African American 7 3 10

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 3 2 5

Mixed 0 2 2

Other / Don’t know 1 1 2

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent Residents

3 8 11

Total Students 57 59 116

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Masters 149 160 86 92 49 45Doctoral 38 28 09 03 07 03

Masters Specializations

Economic Development, Environmental Planning, Transportation, Land Use, Geographic Information Systems,

Land and Community Development, Urban Design

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DOCTORAL DEGREECity and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Dracy R. Blackwell Phone: (404) 894-2352 E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated: 1982Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ............................................................13Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ...................................................1

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10

1.“The role of collaboration in Everglades restoration”

Doctoral SpecializationsHousing, Community and Economic Development;

Land Use and Transportation; Environment/Sustainability; Collaborative Governance; GIS.

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................16Major Field ...............................................................................................15Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Minor Field .................................................................................................9 Total Minimum Coursework Hours ..........................................................46 Exams or Written Requirements: .......Comprehensive Exams; Dissertation .................................................................................. Proposal and Defense.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONFellowships: $10,000 - $20,000 stipend, plus tuitionGraduate Research Assistantship: $11,250 - $15,000 stipend, plus tuition.Loans: Need based.


University Admissions Policy: Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution.

Minimum GRE: 550 Verbal / 550 Quantitative / 4.0 Writing

Minimum TOEFL: 102 ibTOEFL

Minimum GPA: 3.0

Departmental RequirementMaster's degree in planning or related field; supplementary application (online); sample of written work; 3 letters of reference; study interests must fit resources available at Georgia Tech.


Richard Dagenhart Associate Professor. BA, B Arch, University of Arkansas (1970); MCP, M Arch, University of Pennsylvania (1972). Specializations: Urban Design, Everyday Urbanism. (404) 894-2992 [email protected]

Michael A. Dobbins FAIA, AICPProfessor of Practice. BA, Yale University (1960); M Arch, Yale University (1965). Specializations: Urban Design, Community Planning. (404) 385-4243 [email protected]

William J. DrummondAssociate Professor. AB, Duke University (1975); M. Div, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (1979); Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1989). Specializations: Computer Applications, Historic Preservation, Geographic Information Systems, Land Use/Growth Management, Quantitative Methods. (404) 894-9840 [email protected]


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


1. MCRP + M. (Architecture)2. MCRP + M.S. (Civil Engineering: Transportation, Water Resources or Environmental Engineering)3. MCRP + M.S. (Public Policy)4. MCRP + J.D. (Georgia State Univ College of Law)

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 0 0 0

White 4 6 10

African American 1 0 1

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent Residents

6 6 12

Total Students 11 13 24

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Douglas C. Allen ASLAProfessor and Associate Dean. BLA, University of Georgia (1971), MLA, Harvard University (1976). Specializations: Urban Design. (404) 894-0907 [email protected]

Jennifer Joy ClarkAssistant Professor. BA, Wesleyan Univesity (1995); MPlan, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota (1999); Ph.D., Cornell University (2004). Specializations: Regional Economic Development Policy, Agglomeration Economics, Industry Studies, Labor Markets. (404) 385-7224 [email protected]

Jamie Cochran AICPVisiting Lecturer. BA, Florida State University (1975); MPA, Harvard University (1989). Specializations: Transportation Planning, Transportation Investment Analysis, Infrastructure Planning and Management. (404) 285-7577 [email protected]

Thomas N. DeboProfessor Emeritus. BSCE, Michigan Tech (1963); MCP (1972) and PhD (1975) Georgia Institute of Technology. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Urban Stormwater Planning. (404) 894-2350 [email protected]

Nickolas L. FaustSenior Lecturer. BS (1969); MS, Georgia Institute of Technology, (1975). Specializations: Remote Sensing. (404) 894-0021 [email protected]


Michael L. Poirier ElliottAssociate Professor and Associate Director, Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development. BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1974); MCP, University of California, Berkeley (1978); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1984). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Planning Theory, Negotiation & Conflict Management, Politics & Governance. (404) 894-9841 [email protected]

Harley F. EtienneAssistant Professor. BA, Morehouse College, (1996); MA, Temple University (2002); Ph.D., Cornell University, (2007). Specializations: Urban Community Development, Inner-city Revitalization, Neighborhood Change, Urban Poverty and Qualitative Research Issues in Planning. (404) 385-3343 [email protected]

Steven P. French FAICPDavid M. McKenney Professor and Associate Dean for Research. BA, University of Virginia (1971); MURP, University of Colorado, Denver (1973); Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1980). Specializations: Land Use & Growth Management, Computer Applications, Environmental Planning, Geographic Information Systems, Quantitative Methods. (404) 385-0900 [email protected]

Daniel ImmergluckAssociate Professor. BS, Northwestern (1984); MPP, Michigan (1987); Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago (1996). Specializations: Housing Policy, Real Estate Finance and Development, Community Development, Economic Development. (404) 385-7214 [email protected]

Nancey Green Leigh FAICPProfessor and PhD Program Director. BA (1975) and MRP (1979), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; M.Economics (1984); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1989). Specializations: Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Urban/Regional Economics, Economic Development Planning. (404) 894-9839 [email protected]

Barbara LynchVisiting Associate Professor. BA, Cornell University (1961); MS, Cornell University (1978); Ph.D., Cornell University (1988). Specialization: International Planning. (404) 385-6884 [email protected]

Catherine L. RossHarry West Professor and Director, Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development. BA, Kent State University (1971); MCRP (1973) and Ph.D., (1979), Cornell University. Specializations: Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Transportation, Politics & Governance, Economic Development Planning, Real Estate Development. (404) 385-5133 [email protected]

David S. Sawicki FAICPProfessor. BSCE, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1965); Ph.D., Cornell University (1971). Specializations: Urban & Regional Economics, Demography, Community Development, Economic Development Planning, Social Policy/Human Services. (404) 894-0569 [email protected]

Bruce Stiftel FAICPProfessor and Chairperson. BS, State of New York at Stony Brook (1975); MRP (1981) and Ph.D., (1986), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializations: Planning Theory, Citizen Participation,Environmental Planning, Planning School Advancement. (404) 894-2350 [email protected]

Brian Stone Jr. Associate Professor. BA (1993); MEM, Duke University (1996); Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology (2001). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Urban Ecology, Land Use and Air Quality, Climate Change and Urban Heat Island. (404) 894-6488 [email protected]

Jiawen Yang Assistant Professor. BS (1997); MS, Beijing University (2000); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2005). Specializations: Transportation Planning, Metropolitan Planning, Urban Economics, Quantitative Methods, GIS and Transportation. (404) 385-7215 [email protected]

Perry Pei-Ju Yang Associate Professor. BSc (1991) and MSc (1994), Taiwan University; MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2000); Ph.D., National Taiwan University (2001). Specializations: Urban Design, GIS and Urban Simulation. (404) 894-2076 [email protected]

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Anthony Giarrusso AICPResearch Scientist and Associate Director, Center for Geographic Information Systems. BS, Georgia State University (1992); MCP, Georgia Institute of Technology (2000). Specialization: Geographic Information Systems. (404) 894-0127 [email protected]

Randall GuenslerAssociate Professor. BS (1985), MS (1989) and PhD (1993), University of California, Davis. Specializations: Transportation and Air Quality, Transportation Energy Use. (404) 894-0405 [email protected]

David F. Haddow AICPSenior Lecturer. BA, Emory University (1975); MCP, Georgia Institute of Technology (1979); MBA, Georgia State University (1982). Specializations: Real Estate Investment Analysis, Market Analysis, Land Development Planning. (404) 577-7222 [email protected]

Edrick HarrisLecturer. BS, Southern Polytechnical State University (1988); MCP, Georgia Institute of Technology (1979); MBA, Georgia State University (1982). Specializations: Real Estate Investment Analysis, Market Analysis, Land Development Planning. (404) 330-1036 [email protected]

Julian Conrad JuergensmeyerAdjunct Professor. BA (1959) and JD (1963), Duke University. Specializations: Land Use Law, Growth Management Law. (404) 651-2437 [email protected]

Karen Leone deNieLecturer. BA, English, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1995); MCRP Georgia Institute of Technology (2005). Specialization: Health and The Built Environment (404) 217-1458 [email protected]

Michael D. MeyerFrederick R. Dickerson Professor and Director, Georgia Transportation Institute. BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1974); MS, Northwestern University (1975); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1978), Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology and Georgia State University (2006). Specializations: Regional Transportation Planning, Transportation Finance, Transit Planning and Operation. (404) 385-2246 [email protected]

Mitchell L. MoodyLecturer. BS (1975), MSEE (1986), MS Public Policy, (1993) and PhD (2008) Georgia Institute of Technology. Specializations: Economic Development, Demographics (404) 894-2350 [email protected]

Subrahmanyam Muthukumar Research Scientist. B Arch, University of Roorkee (1989); M Arch,University of Texas, Austin (1994); MCRP, (2000); Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology (2008). Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Land Use and Growth Management. (404) 894-0128 [email protected]

Georgia Tech’s SCaRP is a global leader in the creation of sustainable cities and regions aiming for the highest levels of international learning and professional engagement, A research-led and highly interdisciplinary community of scholars, the School faculty includes five Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners, the editor of the Journal of the American Planning Association, and former chief operating officers of the Atlanta Regional Commission, the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, and the Atlanta City Planning Department. They are respon-sible for an average of over $2 million per year of externally funded research, serve on 15 editorial boards, and are widely sought as framers of and advisors to local, state, federal and international human settlements policy, research foundations, private developers and learned societies.

Graduate Students come to this school from across the U.S. and around the world. These students arrive with ambitions to solve the world’s most vexing problems resulting from population growth, economic dispari-ties, resource shortages and climate change and after graduation become leaders in the city planning profession, the development industry, the non-profit sector and academia. Our 1200 graduates, including many of Atlanta’s and Georgia’s top planners and policy makers, work in 45 U.S. states and 21 foreign countries.

Our institutional setting enables students to acquire expertise in every area of the urban development process. The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development and the Center for GIS provide research opportunities and financial support to many of our students and establish critical linkages between the Program and the larger regional community. Planning students work with other centers and institutes across the Tech campus. Tech’s award winning Co-op study program matches planning students with a long list of forward-looking and respected city planning firms and agencies in the Atlanta metropolitan area. Georgia Tech consis-tently ranks among U.S. News’ top 10 public universities. Atlanta is the fifth largest concentration of higher education activity in the United States and among its most diverse and rapidly growing metropolitan areas.

Jan YoutieAdjunct Associate Professor and Manager Policy Services, Enterprise Innovation Institute. BS (1977), MA (1979) and PhD (1981) Emory University. Specializations: Economic Development, Climate Change. (404) 894-6111 [email protected]

Seth WeissmanLecturer, BA University of Pennsylvania (1975); MRP, University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill, (1978); JD, Duke University (1979).Specializations: Planning Law, Mixed-use Development. [email protected]

Harry WestProfessor of Practice. BBA (1962) and MPA (1969) University of Georgia. Specializations: Regional Planning, Transportation Planning. (404) 385-5121 [email protected]

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Department of Urban Planning and Design Graduate School of Design

48 Quincy Street, Gund HallCambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Phone (617) 495-2521 Fax (617) 496-9521E-mail: [email protected]

Judith Grant Long, Program DirectorPhone: (617) 495-2521

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-2010 for Masters program .......................January 1, 2010Admission Deadline 2009-2010 for Ph.D program...........................January 1, 2010 Financial Aid Deadline 2009-2010 for Masters program ......... New students 1/01/10 Returning students ...........................................................................................1/01/10Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D Program ..........................................January1, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees: ..........................................................$35,992 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ..................................................$35,992 per semesterApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$80Additional Fees: .......... Health Services Fee $1,126; Health Insurance (Blue Cross) $2,606; Activity fee $100 per semester




MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None Specified Minimum Undergraduate GPA: None SpecifiedMinimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL: Required International StudentsRanking in Undergraduate Class: None SpecifiedDepartmental Requirement: None Specified

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSUnits of Core .............................................................................................28Units of Studio or Practice Related Courses ............................................24Units of Restricted Electives ....................................................................24Units of Unrestricted Electives .................................................................24Total Required Units in Planning Program ..............................................80Exam or Final written Requirement: ................................................. None

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONNeed based aid for US Citizens, US Permanent Residents, with limited funding available for International Students (part of a new financial aid program started in 2010)

Master in Urban Planning

Contact Person: Judith Grant Long, PhD, AICPPhone: (617) 495-2521E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1994 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................269Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................29


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Annual Student Enrollment

07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11Masters 55 49 58 59Doctoral 6 5 5 6

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 1 0 0

White 17 19 37

African American 2 2 4

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 2 2 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent Residents

7 6 13

Total Students 29 29 58

Areas of Concentration:History and Theory, Real Estate and Urban Development,

Transportation and Infrastructure, Urban Design, Housing and Neighborhood Development

Dual/Concurrent Degree Programs:MUP/MArch (Architecture at the GSD)

MUP/MLA (Landscape Architecture at the GSD)MUP/MPP (Public Policy at KSG)

MUP/JD (Law at HLS)

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ........................................................................................N/AHours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ........................................N/AHours of Restricted Electives ................................................................N/AHours of Unrestricted Electives .............................................................N/ATotal Required Hours in Program .........................................................N/AThesis or Final Product: Oral Examination and Thesis

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None SpecifiedMinimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL: RequiredMinimum GPA: None SpecifiedDepartmental Requirement: None Specified


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Alan AltshulerProfessor. BA, Cornell University; MA, University of Chicago; PhD, University of Chicago. Specializations: Impact Assessment, Infrastructure/Public Services, Land Use/Growth Management, Planning Practice, Political Economy. (617) 495-7559 [email protected]

Susan FainsteinProfessor. AB, Harvard College; Ph.D, MIT. Specializations: Politics and Economics of Urban Redevelopment, Tourism, Comparative Urban and Social Policy, Planning Theory, and Issues of Gender and Planning (617) 495-9901 [email protected]

Eric BelskyLecturer. MA, Clark University; Ph.D. Clark University. [email protected]

Joan BusquetsProfessor in Practice. BArch, University of Barcelona; PhD, Architecture, University of Barcelona. Specializations: Urban Design. (617) 496-8811 [email protected]

Jose A. Gomez-IbanezProfessor. AB, Harvard College; MPP, Harvard University; PhD, Harvard University. Specializations: Urban Economics, Transportation, Infrastructure/Public Services. (617) 495-1341 [email protected]

Michael Hooper Assistant Professor. BSc, MSc, McGill University; MCP, MIT; MA, Stanford University; PhD, Stanford University. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Urban Politics, International Development, Participation in Planning. (617) 495 9571 [email protected]

Jerold S. KaydenProfessor. AB, Harvard College; MCRP, Harvard University; JD, Harvard University. Specializations: Planning and Environmental Law, Public and Private Development, International Planning and Development, Public Space. (617) 496-0830 [email protected]

Alex KriegerProfessor in Practice. BA, Cornell University; MCPUD, Harvard University. Specializations: Physical Planning/Urban Design, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Metropolitan/Regional Planning. (617) 495-4803 [email protected]

Judith Grant LongAssociate Professor and Program Director. BA, Huron University College, Canada; BAA, Ryerson University, Canada; MDes, Harvard Graduate School of Design; PhD, Harvard University. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Urban Redevelopment, Tourist Infrastructure; Olympic Urbanism; Studio Pedagogy. (617) 495 2521 [email protected]

DOCTORAL DEGREEPh.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) in Urban PlanningD. Des. (Doctor of Design)

Contact Person: Barbara ElfmanPhone: (617) 495-2337E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1942Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ............................................................94Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ...................................................6Dissertations Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 .................................... None

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 0 0 0

White 3 1 4

African American 0 1 1

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent Residents

0 0 0

Total Students 3 2 5

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Paul Cote Lecturer. BA, Geography, Indiana University; MCP, MIT. Specializations: Geographic Information Systems. (617) 496-0546 [email protected]

Felipe CorreaAssistant Professor of Urban Design. B.Arch. Tulane, MAUD, Harvard Design School. Specializations: Comparative Urbanism, Urban Design. (617) 495 2521 [email protected]

Richard DiminoLecturer. BS, Northeastern University; MBA, Boston University. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Project Planning and Management. (617) 495-2521 [email protected]

Toni GriffinAdjunct Associate Professor. BArch, Notre Dame. Specializations: Urban Redevelopment, Affordable Housing, and Urban Design. (617) 495 2521 [email protected]

Nicolas RetsinasLecturer. AB, New York University; MCP, Harvard University. Specializations: Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Housing Finance, Community Development. (617) 496-3676 [email protected]

James StockardLecturer. MCP, Harvard University. Specializations: Affordable Housing, Community Development, Housing and Neighborhood Planning. (617) 495-5988 [email protected]

FYIHarvard’s Master in Urban Planning (MUP) degree program teaches students how to plan for the development, preservation, and enhancement of a productive, sustainable, and equitable built environment. Students are taught to understand, analyze, and influence the variety of forces – social, economic, political, legal, historical, ecological, cultural, and aesthetic, among others – shap-ing the built environment. Students learn to understand these forc-es through deep immersion in the histories and theories of urban planning and urbanism as profession and phenomenon; to analyze these forces through intelligent application of qualitative, quantita-tive, and visual techniques; and to influence these forces through technical facility and creative interventions involving laws, insti-tutions, the economy, politics, and design.


Richard B. PeiserProfessor. BA, Yale University; MBA, Harvard University; PhD, University of Cambridge. Specializations: New Towns, Development Finance, International Development, Real Estate. (617) 495-9558 [email protected]

Joyce Klein RosenthalAssistant Professor. BA, Binghamton University; MSUP, Columbia University; MPH, Columbia University; PhD, Columbia University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Public Health and the Built Environment, Planning and Climate Change, Environmental Justice and Social Equity in Planning, Sustainable Development. (617) 495-2521

Peter G. RoweProfessor. BArch, Melbourne University; MArch, Rice University. Specializations: Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Planning History, Planning Theory, International Planning and Design. (617) 495-4237 [email protected]

A. Hashim SarkisProfessor. BArch, Rhode Island School of Design; MArch, Harvard University; PhD, Architecture, Harvard University. Specializations: Urbanism in Muslim Societies, Urban Design, Theory. (617) 496-0330 [email protected]

Studio Space at Harvard GSD

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Department of Geography & Regional Planning

Room 9 Leonard Hall421 North Walk

Indiana, PA 15705-1087Phone (724) 357-2250

Fax (724) 357-6479 John Benhart, Jr. – Department Chair

Email – [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONUNDERGRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline .......................................................................Rolling AdmissionFinancial Aid Deadline ..................................................................... August 28, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees ................................................................$3604.70 per termOut of State Tuition and Fees .........................................................$7482.70 per termApplication Fee ...................................................................................................... $40Additional Fee ................................................................................. Included in above

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ..................................................................... Rolling AdmissionFinancial Aid Deadline ..................................................................... March 14, 2010In-State Tuition ..............................................................................$4,141,95 per termOut of State Tuition .......................................................................$6,193.50 per term



BS in Regional Planning

Contact Person Dr. Robert Begg, Director Phone: (724) 357-2250E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1972 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................187Degrees Granted from 8/31/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................4

Master of Science in Geography - Regional Planning Track

Contact Person Dr. Robert Begg, Director Phone: (724) 357-2250E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1972 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................269Degrees Granted from 8/31/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................5

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................36Hours of Studio .........................................................................................12Hours of Restricted Elective .....................................................................12Hours of Elective ................................................................................ 19-25Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Total Required Hours to Graduate from University ...............................120Thesis or Final Product ...........................................................................Yes

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................9Hours of Studio or Practice-Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Elective .....................................................................15Hours of Unrestricted Elective ............................................................. 9-15Total Required Hours in Planning Program ....................................... 33-39Thesis or Final Product Required ...........................................................Yes

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSMinimum GPA: 2.0Class Rank: N/ASAT: NoneACT: NoneHonors Program: Yes, 3.0 GPA minimum

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors from accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 (conditional admission possible with 2.5 and above)Minimum GRE: Must take test but no minimumMinimum TOEFL: 550, but can be admitted through the University American Language InstituteIELTS Test: 5.5, but can be admitted through the University American Language Institute Ranking in Undergraduate Class: N/ADepartmental Requirements: Same as university

MA/MS ACSP Member: Full

Undergraduate SpecializationsLanduse and GIS, Environmental Planning

Masters SpecializationsGIS/Cartography, Environmental Planning,

Regional Planning

Annual Student Enrollment

Enrolled07/08 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate 20 18 25Masters 28 22 32

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FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONGraduate Assistantships: Several each year including tuition waiver and stipend available on a competitive basis

Robert B. BeggProfessor. Ph.D. University of Iowa. Specializations: Community Development; Economic Development Planning(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

John E. Benhart, Jr. Professor. Ph. D. University of Tennessee – Knoxville. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Geographic Information Systems, Transportation, Urbanization(724) 357 7652 [email protected]

Richard J. Hoch AICPAssistant Professor. Ph. D. West Virginia University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Geospatial Applications for Land Use Planning, Urban Development(724) 357 5990 [email protected]

Calvin O. MasilelaProfessor. Ph. D. Virginia Polytechnic and State University. Specializations: Land Use Policy, Planning Techniques, Planning Theory, Urban Planning(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

D. Whit WattsAssistant Professor. Ph. D. Virginia Polytechnic and State University. Specializations: Landscape Design, Land Use Law, Land Use Planning(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Joseph W. BencloskiProfessor. Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University. Specializations: Environmental Systems (724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Donald W. BuckwalterProfessor. Ph.D. University of Tennessee – Knoxville. Specializations: Economic Development, Transportation (724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Brian W. OkeyAssistant Professor. Ph.D. University of Guelph. Specializations: Conservation, Environment, Sustainable Development (724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Kevin J. PatrickProfessor. Ph.D. University of North Carolina. Specializations: Cartography, Cultural Landscapes, Economic Development, Urbanization (724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Robert P. SechristProfessor. Louisiana State University. Specializations: Cartography, Geographic Information Systems, Public Infrastructure (724) 357 2250 [email protected]

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BS in Community and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Malinda Cooper, Academic AdvisorPhone: (515) 294-3680E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1967 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .......................................................1133Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09..................................................40

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Enrollment managed: admission through application review after 1st year design core or through transfer.Minimum GPA: None.Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: University admission based on composite score of ACT, GPA, class rank, and core courses.


Department of Community and Regional Planning146 College of Design

Ames, Iowa 50011-3095Phone (515) 294-8958

Fax (515) 294-2348

Douglas M. Johnston, Ph.D., Department ChairE-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core ..........................................................................................39Hours of Studio Courses ..........................................................................16Hours of Restricted Elective ....................................................................67Hours of Elective .....................................................................................80Hours of Unrestricted Electives ...............................................................14Total Required Hours In Planning Program ..........................................129Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................129Thesis or Final Product ...........................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONThree Departmental Scholarships (1 for incoming students). Eligibility Criteria include academic achievement, professional potential and financial need.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 ..................................................................... January 1Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 ....................................................................March 1In-State Tuition and Fees: .................................................... $3,325.35 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................ $8,935.35 per semesterApplication Fee:.............................................................................$30, US; $50, Int’l

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 ...................................................................... January 1Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 ................................................................... March 1In-State Tuition and Fees: .................................................... $3,782.35 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................. $9,332.35 per semesterApplication Fee: .......................................................................... $30, US; $70, Int’l

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Community and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Prof. Francis OwusuPhone: (515) 294-8958E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1947 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ..........................................................340Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10..................................................10

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s from an accredited institution;Minimum Undergraduate GPA: None.Minimum GRE: None.Minimum TOEFL: TOEFL Paper (PBT) 550; TOEFL Computer (CBT) 213; TOEFL Internet (iBT) 79 IELTS 6.5Departmental Requirement: None

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..........................................................................................21Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ....................................... 3-7Hours of Restricted Electives ....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ......................................................... 21-23Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................48Exams or Written Requirements: ............Capstone Studio (4 credit) or Professional Report (4 credit) or Thesis (6 credit)

Applied Accepted Enrolled

3030N/AN/AUndergraduate N/AN/A09/1008/0909/1008/0909/1008/09

15112820Masters 6830


FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONApproximately nine, 1/4 - time TA and 4-5 RA appointments at total approx. $8,000 per nine month appointment (includes Annual Stipend $5,768; Tuition Scholarship Credit $1,679).

Eligibility criteria: Academic achievement, experience, and professional potential.


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PLANNING FACULTYTimothy O. BorichAssociate Professor. BS (1975), South Dakota State University; MA (1978), University of South Dakota; Ph.D. (1992), Iowa State University. Specializations: Community Economic Development, Leadership Development, Rural Sociology and Development, Public Policy Development. (515) 294-8707 [email protected]

Carlton BasmajianAssistant Professor. BA-History (1996), University of Chicago; MCP (2000), Georgia Institute of Technology; Ph.D. (2008), University of Michigan. Specialization: Regional Planning, Planning History, Suburbia, Land Use (515) 294-6942 [email protected]

Susan L. BradburyAssociate Professor. BA (1984), McMaster University; MA (1987), University of Waterloo; Ph.D. (1989), University of Florida-Gainesville. Specializations: Community Economic Development, Telecommunications Planning, Small Town and Rural Planning, Plan Development and Implementation. (515) 294-8720 [email protected]

Tara Lynne ClappAssistant Professor. BES (1985), University of Manitoba; MEDes (1995), University of Calgary; Ph.D. (2003), University of Southern CAlifornia.Specializations: Environmental Planning and Policy, Land Use Growth Management, Planning History and Theory, Research Methods. (515) 294-7759 [email protected]

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.




Full-Time TotalM F

U.S. White 10 8 18 African American 1 3 4 Native American 0 0 0 Asian American 0 0 0 Hispanic 1 0 1 Other 1 1 2Foreign 0 5 5

Total 15 15 30

Paul CoatesAssociate Professor. BA-Political Science (1969), University of Wyoming; MPA (1971) University of Wyoming; Ph.D. (1980), Iowa State University. Specialization: Local Governmental Financial Management, Government Structure and Management, Governmental Performance Measurement, Community Performance Indicators, Citizen Participation. (515) 294-1844 [email protected]

Monica A. HaddadAssociate Professor. BA (1988), Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil; MA (2000), University of Illinois at Urbana; PhD (2003), University of Illinois at Urbana. Specializations: Spatial Analysis (GIS), Human Development, Social Equity, Public Investments, Regional Policies. (515) 294-8979 [email protected] Douglas M. JohnstonProfessor and Chair. BS-Environmental Studies (1979), State University of New York; BLA (1980) State University of New York, MLA (1982), Harvard University; Ph.D.-Civil and Environmental Engineering (1986), University of Washington. Specialization: Environmental Planning, Environmental Economics, Water Resources, GIS. (515) 294-8958 [email protected]

Riad G. Mahayni Professor. BS (1966), Oregon State University; MUP (1969), University of Oregon; Ph.D. (1972), University of Washington. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Planning Theory, Regional Planning, Planning in Developing Nations. (515) 294-8524 [email protected]

Francis Y. OwusuAssociate Professor. BA (1987), University of Ghana; MA (1990), University of Ghana; MA (1992), Carleton University, Canada; Ph.D. (20 Specializations: Community Economic Development, Environmental Planning, Planning Methods, GIS, Third World Development. (515) 294-7769 [email protected]

Jane RongerudeAssistant Professor. BS (1998), Portland State University; MCP (2001), University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D. (2009). Specializations: Housing, Community-based Organizations, Regionalism and Regional Planning. (515) 294-8958

Gary D. TaylorAssistant Professor. BS (1985), Northwest Missouri State University; JD (1988), University of Nebraska; MCRP (1996), Iowa State University. Specializations: Planning Law and Implementation, Intergovernmental Coordination, Small Town Planning. (515) 294-2973 [email protected]

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Susan CosnerVice President of Community Initiatives for Iowa Area Development Group

Stuart H. HuntingtonAssociate Emeritus. BA (1964), North Park College; MS (1969), University of Missouri.

Alan Jensen AICPGIS Coordinator, ISU Extension (MCRP, Iowa State University)

Eric Jensen AICPDevelopment Administrator, Planning and Building Department, City of Ankeny (MCRP)

Karen JeskeLecturer. BS (1989), Iowa State University; MS (1993), University of Illinois - Chicago; Ph.D. (2010), Iowa State University.

Jerry KnoxAssociate Emeritus. BA (1962), University of Iowa; MUP (1968), Michigan State University.

William MaloneAssociate Emeritus. BS (1947), MS (1950), Iowa State University.

Phil Mescher AICPTransportation Planner III, Team Leader Traffic Forecasting and Modeling, Office of Systems Planning, Iowa Department of Transportation (F’2008) (MS Transportation)

Gary Reiners BA, J.DPrincipal, Public Management Resource Group. BA (1967), University of California, Berkeley; J.D. (1974), School of Law, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Planning Law, Environmental Law and Policy

R. Duane ShinnProfessor Emeritus. BArch (1960), University of Idaho; MS (1962), University of Southern California; Ph.D. (1969), University of Washington.

David SwensonAdjunct Assistant Professor. BS (1979) University of South Dakota; MA (1981) University of South Dakota; MA (1985) University of Iowa. Specializations: Urban Economics. (515) 294-7458 [email protected]


Department offers individual courses via distance edu-cation.


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BA in Urban Studies

Contact Person: Otha Burton, Jr., Ph.D.Phone: (601) 432-6865E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated 2003 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ............................................................ 19Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10....................................................0


Department of Urban and Regional Planning

3825 Ridgewood Road, Box 23Jackson, Mississippi 39211

Phone (601) 432-6865 - Fax (601) 432-6862

Dr. Otha Burton, Jr., Associate Dean,Chair and Associate Professor

E-mail: [email protected]

Ms. Lisa Johnson, Student Development CoordinatorE-mail: [email protected]



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: ACT, SAT, CPCMinimum GPA: 2.5Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: ACT- 650 SAT - 16

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 40Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 0Hours of Restricted Elective ...................................................................... 0Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................. 0Other ........................................................................................................ 83Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 40Total Required Hours to graduate from University ............................... 123Thesis or final product .............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONContact DURP for Scholarship Information.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ............................................................................................ OpenFinancial Aid Deadline .................................................................................. April 15In-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................. $2525 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ...................................................... $3665 per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$25Designated Fees ...............................................................................................Various

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for Masters program ..................................................March 31Admission Deadline for Ph.D. program ......................................................March 01Financial Aid Deadline for Masters program ..............................................March 31Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D. program ..................................................March 31In-State Tuition and Fees .............................................................$2525 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ......................................................$3665 per semesterApplication Fee ..................................................................................................... $25Designated Fees ..............................................................................................Various

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Arts, Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Mukesh Kumar, Ph.D.Phone: (601) 432-6861E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1998 PAB Accredited 2010Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................45Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................04

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s Degree, Graduate Application, & Official Transcript Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0, University 3.0, DepartmentalMinimum GRE: SatisfactoryMinimum TOEFL SatisfactoryRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Three (3) letters of recommendation, and Statement of Purpose

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................16Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................3Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................15Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................49Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .................................... Thesis or non-thesis


Masters SpecializationsCommunity Development & Housing

Environment & Land UseUrban Design

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONGraduate Assistant must be enrolled full-time (9 credit hours).

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled03/09 05/09 08/09

Undergraduate - - 9Masters - 11 11Doctoral - 10 10

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Urban & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Edmund Merem, Ph.D.Phone: (601) 432-6856E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated 1998Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ..............................................................9Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ...................................................2

Doctoral SpecializationsCommunity Development & Housing

Environment & Land UseUrban Design

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................15Hours of Concentration .............................................................................12Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................12Dissertation ...............................................................................................12 Total ..........................................................................................................48

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONResearch Assistant must be a Ph.D. student and enrolled full-time (9 credit hours).


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Master Degree or equivalent, Graduate Application, and Official TranscriptMinimum GRE: SatisfactoryMinimum TOEFL: SatisfactoryMinimum GPA: 3.0Departmental Requirement: Three (3) letters of recommendation, Statement of Purpose

Otha Burton, Jr., Ph.D.Associate Dean and Chair, Associate Professor. Ph.D. Mississippi State University. Specialization: Community Development

Edmund Merem, Ph.D.Associate Professor. Ph.D. Jackson State University. Specialization: Environment and Land Use Planning

Mukesh Kumar, Ph.D.Associate Professor. Ph.D. Cleveland State University. Specialization: Economic Development

Evandro Santos, Ph.D.Assistant Professor. Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley. Specialization: Urban Design and Urban Transportation

Joan Wesley, Ph.D.Assistant Professor. Ph.D. Jackson State University. Specialization: Community Development and Housing

Jim Borsig, Ph.D., AICPVisiting Assistant Professor. Ph.D. Mississippi State University. Specialization: Public Administration

Moe Chowdhury, Ph.D., AICPVisiting Assistant Professor. Ph.D. University of WisconsinSpecialization: Development Plan. and Environment Planning

Terry Wallace, J.D.Visiting Assistant Professor. J.D. University of Mississippi, School of Law. Specialization: Legal Aspects and Zoning

Ester Ainsworth, M.A. AdjunctMarshand Crisler, MPPA AdjunctSean Perkins, MPPA, Adjunct


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 2 4 6

African American 14 13 27

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 1 0 1

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 0 0

Total Students 17 17 34

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Department of Landscape Architecture/ Regional and Community Planning

302 Seaton HallManhattan, Kansas 66506-2909

Phone (785) 532-5961Fax (785) 532-6722

E-mail: [email protected]://

Stephanie Rolley, FASLA, AICP, Head


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-2010 ....................................................................... VariesFinancial Aid Deadline 2009-2010 .................................................................... VariesIn-State Tuition and Fees .............................................. $7,402.00 for 12 credit hoursOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ..................................... $16,138.00 for 12 credit hours Application Fee ............................................................$80.00 Resident/InternationalAdditional Fee .......................................................................... $19.00 per credit hour

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Regional and Community Planning

Contact Person: Stephanie Rolley, Professor and HeadPhone: (785) 532-5961E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1957 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................416Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09 ....................................................8

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................34Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ................................................................. 2-6Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................ 8-12Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams or Written Requirements: .............. Comp. exam and specialization paper, or Master Report/Thesis

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/1008/0909/1008/0909/1008/09

1219166Masters 2311

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: GPA > 3.0 for regular admission; 2.75>GPA<3.0 for probationary admission Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL 550: University; 600: DepartmentDepartmental Requirement: Undergraduate Statistic Course and American Government.

MA/MS ACSP Member: PAB Full


PLANNING FACULTYJason BrodyAssistant Professor. BA Architecture, Washington University; MCP, University of Pennsylvania; PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Specializations: Urban Design, Design Inquiry and Methodology, Planning Theory and History. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Huston Gibson, PhDAssistant Professor. BA Psychology (major), Sociology (minor), University of Mississippi, Oxford; MS Planning, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; PhD, Florida State University, Tallahassee. Specializations: Interdisciplinary Planning, Sustainable Community Development, School Facilities & Housing Prices. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]


* Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationCommunity Planning and Development

Regional Resource Planning and Management

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 0 0 0

White 23 24 47

African American 1 4 5

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 3 2 5

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 1 2 3

Non-US CitizensNon-Permanent Residents

0 0 0

Total Students 28 32 60

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Jack CrockerAdjunct Faculty. BA and MS, Economics, Kansas State University; Post Graduate work, University of Minnesota. Specializations: Land Development & Finance.

Tim Keane, PhDAdjunct Associate Professor. BSLA, Iowa State University; MLA, University of Michigan; PhD, University of Michigan. Specializations: Environmental Systems and Planning, Environmental Ethics. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

C.A. Keithley AICPEmeritus Professor. BArch, MArch, MRCP, Kansas State University. Specializations: Project Management, Microcomputer Applications, Planning Analysis & Methods. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Stephanie Rolley AICPAdjunct Professor. BLA, Kansas State University; MCP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Community Planning and Design. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]



Sheri Smith, PhD AICPAdjunct Faculty. BA, George Washington University; MURP, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana; PhD, Texas A&M. Specializations: Quantitative Research Techniques, Planning Theory & Ethics, Infrastructure Planning & Development, Community Development.

Robert Stokes, PhDAdjunct Professor. BS, Antioch College; MS, Civil Engineering, Ohio State University; MCRP, Ohio State University; PhD, Texas A&M. Specializations: Transportation Planning. (785) 532-1595 [email protected]

John WilhmAdjunct Faculty. BS and MRCP, Kansas State University. Specializations: Real Estate Assessment.

Clyde Mitchell-Weaver, PhDAdjunct Associate Professor. BA Geography, University of Missouri; MA Geography, Kansas State University; MRCP, Kansas State University; PhD, UCLA. Specializations: Regional Development and Planning; Urban Systems and Third World Development. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

The department offers other degree programs, including a 5 year 150 credit hour Non Baccalaureate MRCP degree and a 36 credit hour on-line Master's Degree in Community Development. Contact the department for more information on these opportuni-ties.

John Keller, PhD FAICPProfessor. BA, St. Benedicts College; MA, KSU; MS & PhD, Rutgers. Specializations: Rural Planning & Economic Development, Physical Planning & Practice, Land Use Regulation/Law, Transportation & Emergency Management. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Jae Hong Kim, PhDAssistant Professor. BS Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; MA Urban Planning and PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Specializations: Land Development, Local & Regional Economies, Transportation, Business Location Decisions. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Larry Lawhon, PhD AICPAssociate Professor. BA, University of Oklahoma; MRCP, University of Nebraska; PhD, Texas A&M. Specializations: Planning Administration, Planning Principles, Housing and Development, Growth Management. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Ray Weisenburger APAProfessor. BArch and MRP, Cornell University. Specializations: Urban Design & Historic Preservation, Urban Visual Analysis, Housing & Land Development, Urban Development Issues. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

La Barbara WigfallAssociate Professor. BArch, Howard University; MCRP, Harvard University. Specializations: Community Development and Historic Preservation. (785) 532-5961 [email protected]

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BS in PlanningYear Initiated: 1933 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................391Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................9

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Room 7-337, 77 Massachusetts AvenueCambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Phone (617) 253-9403 • Fax (617) 253-2654E-mail: [email protected]

Amy Glasmeier, Department Head(617) 253-1933

Sandra Wellford, Academic Administrator(617) 253-4409 - E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSFor University and Departmental Requirements: Check MIT Freshmen Admission UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 60Hours of Unrestricted Elective ........................................................... 60-73Total Required Hours ............................................................................. 123Thesis or Final Product ..................................................................Required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONAssigned through MIT Undergraduate admission; not the Department.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline .........................Apply through MIT Undergraduate Admission Financial Aid Deadline .......................................................................Same as aboveTuition(In-State, Out-of-State and International): ................... $19,470 per semesterApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$75Additional Fees ...................................................$136/semester student activities fee

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for Masters program .................................................. January 3 Admission Deadline for Ph.D program ....................................................... January 3Financial Aid Deadline for Masters program .............................................. January 3Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D Program .................................................. January 3Tuition (In-State, Out-of-State and International) ................. $19,470 per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$75Additional Fees: .................................. $136/semester student activities fee, optional health insurance for graduate students




MASTERS DEGREEMaster in City PlanningYear Initiated: 1935 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................2241Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................70

MCP ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: Minimum GRE: Required; no minimumMinimum TOEFL 600 (Departmental Requirement)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MCP GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................17Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................4Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................21Thesis ..........................................................................................................8Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................50

MS in PlanningYear Initiated: 1985 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................51Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................3

MCP SpecializationsCity Design and Development; Environmental Policy;

Housing, Community and Economic Development; International Development. Cross-Cutting:Transportation; Urban Information Systems;

Regional Planning.

Master of Science SpecializationsCity Design and Development; Environmental Policy; Housing, Community, and Economic Development;

International Development. Cross-Cutting: Transportation; Urban Information Systems;

Regional Planning.

Undergraduate SpecializationsUrban and Environmental Policy and Planning;

Regional Development and Public Policy; Urban Society, History, and Politics

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

MCP 431 460 91 92 64 71MS 7 5 4 4 3 4PhD 136 126 14 15 11 7

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MASTER of SCIENCE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Intended for professionals with a number of years of distinguished practice; bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and a DUSP faculty sponsor. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: Minimum GRE: Required; no minimumMinimum TOEFL 600 (Departmental Requirement)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTER OF SCIENCE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................0Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................42Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................16Thesis ......................................................................................................... 8Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 66


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONApproximately 2/3 of the MCP class receives some form of tuition assis-tance. Of these, roughly half receive full-tuition awards for one or two years, some with additional RA stipends; others are typically offered half-tuition grants. Students admitted without aid are also eligible to apply for funding in the second year of the program. All students can apply for departmentally funded jobs and off-campus internships (~$2,500/semester). Aid is based on need and merit. We encourage all applicants to apply for aid regardless of nationality or race.

DOCTORAL DEGREEPh.D. in Urban and Regional Planning/ Studies

Year initiated 1958Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ..........................................................394Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ................................................. 11

Recent Dissertations CompletedPreference Accommodating and Preference Shaping: Incorporating 1. Traveler Preferences into Transportation PlanningFlexible Bureaucracies: Discretion, Creativity, and Accountability in 2. Labor Market Regulation and Public Sector Management The Relative Risk: parenting, poverty, and peers in the three city study 3. of moving to opportunityInstitutional arrangements and land reallocation during transition : a 4. regional analysis of small farms in Romania Why some were so fast while others not: speed of entry as a new 5. competitive asset in late-industrializationReinventing VAT collection : industry vertical assessment, revenue 6. increase, and public sector reliability Strategic Unionism: the political role of the Congress of South 7. African Trade Unions (COSATU) in South Africa and what it means for Black workersRegional Catalytic Economic Impacts and Noise-Damage Costs of 8. Aviation GrowthImpacts of greenhouse gas mitigation policies on agricultural land 9. Transfers and Path Choice in Urban Public Transport System10. Recovering the Wall: enclosure, ethics, and the American landscape11.

Doctoral SpecializationsFirst Fields of Study:

City Design and Development, International Economic Development, Urban Information

Systems, Public Policy and Politics, Urban History, Urban and Regional Economics, Urban Sociology

Second Fields of Study:Environmental Planning and Natural Resource

Management, Housing and Real Estate Development, Labor and Employment Policy, Neighborhood and Community Development,

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution, Planning in Developing Countries, Regional Development,

Transportation and Land Use

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: If English is not the native language, TOEFL score of 600 (Departmental requirement)Departmental Requirement: Masters degree is recommendedMinimum GRE: 1200 and 5.0 in Analytical writing

US Citizens/Perm. residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 6 7 13

White 22 40 62

African-American 2 5 7

Native American/ Pacific Islander 1 0 1

Asian American 3 12 15


Other 13 13 26

Non-US Citizens/Non Perm. Residents 16 15 31

Total Students 57 85 142

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PLANNING FACULTYCherie AbbanatLecturer. MCP, MIT (1997). Specializations: Writing and Communication for Planners. (617) 324-1570 [email protected]

Alice AmsdenProfessor. Ph.D., London School of Economics. Specializations: Economic and Industrial Development. (617) 253-6254 [email protected]


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: Each incoming Ph.D class is awarded 7 full tuition +stipend for at least 3 years. Eligibility Criteria: Merit and Need

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................16Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Total Required Hours in Program.....32 with Masters / 42 without Masters Thesis or Final Product......................3-part general exam: written propos- al, written questions, and oral exam.

US Citizens/Perm. residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 1 1 2

White 8 13 21

African-American 3 1 4

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 2 2 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other 0 5 5

Non-US Citizens/Non Perm. Residents 27 15 42

Total Students 41 38 79

Alan BergerAssociate Professor. MLA, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: landscape and urbanization. (617) 253-6707 [email protected]

Eran Ben-JosephAssociate Professor. Ph.D., UC-Berkeley (1995). Specializations: Landscape Architecture, Site Planning and Design, Design Standards, Urban Simulation. (617) 253-7305 [email protected]

Xavier de Souza BriggsAssociate Professor. Ph.D., Columbia (1996). Specializations: Housing, Race and Metropolitan Opportunity, Social Capital and Racial Segregation, Dynamics of Democratic Problem Solving. (617) 253-7956 [email protected]

JoAnn CarminAssociate Professor. Ph.D., UNC-Chapel Hill. Specializations: Civil Society Participation in Environmental Governance, Environmental Movements and Organizations, Environmental Disaster and Emergencies, Central and Eastern Europe. (617) 452-2697 [email protected]

Tony Ciochetti Professor of the Practice. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (1995). Specializations: Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Development. (617) 253-3988 [email protected]

Phillip Clay Professor, Chancellor. Ph.D., MIT (1975). Specializations: Housing Policy, Community Development. (617) 253-6164 [email protected]

Dayna CunninghamExecutive Director, CoLab. JD, NYU; MBA, MIT (2004). Specializations: Community Development, Participation. (617) 452-1380 [email protected]

Diane Davis Professor. Ph.D., UCLA (1986). Specializations: Cities and National Development, Politics of Urban Policy, Policing and Public Security, Cities in Conflict. (617) 452-2804 [email protected]

John de Monchaux Professor Emeritus. MArch (Urban Design), Harvard (1963). Specializations: Urban Settlements, Design Review. (617) 253-8299 [email protected]

Joseph Ferreira, Jr.Professor. PhD., MIT (1971). Specializations: Urban Spatial Structure, Geographic Information Systems, Community Statistical Systems, Planning Support Systems. (617) 253-7410 [email protected]

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Lynn FisherAssociate Professor. Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Specializations: Real Estate, Property Rights, Housing Economics, Financial Contracting. (617) 252-1685 [email protected]

Michael FlaxmanAssistant Professor, Ph.D., Harvard (2001). Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Modeling Alternative Futures, Environmental Planning. (617) 258-0461 [email protected]

Robert FogelsonProfessor. Ph.D., Harvard (1964). Specializations: Urban and Suburban History. (617) 253-1671 [email protected]

Dennis FrenchmanProfessor. MArch AS, MCP, MIT (1976). Specializations: Urban Design, Advanced Media and Design of Public Space, Heritage and Cultural Development, Transformation of Former Industrial Areas. (617) 253-8847 [email protected]

David GeltnerProfessor. Ph.D., MIT (1989). Specializations: Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Investment. (617) 253-5131 [email protected]

Amy K. GlasmeierProfessor and Department Head. PhD, UC Berkeley (1986). Specializations: Geography and Regional Economic Development; Poverty. (617) 324-6565 [email protected]

Ezra Haber Glenn AICPLecturer. MA, University of California at Davis (1996). Specializations: Community Development, Local Planning. (617) 253-2024 [email protected]

Ralph Gakenheimer AICP/FAICPProfessor Emeritus. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (1964). Specializations: Transportation, Infrastructure, Metropolitan Planning in Developing Countries. (617) 253-1932 [email protected]

Lorlene HoytAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (2001). Specializations: Urban Revitalization, Business Improvement Districts, Public Participation GIS, Planning Education and Pedagogy. (617) 452-2073 [email protected]

Langley KeyesProfessor Emeritus. Ph.D., MIT (1967). Specializations: History of Housing Policy, Community Development, Community Networks, Social Services and Housing. (617) 253-1540 [email protected]

Annette Kim Assistant Professor. Ph.D., UC-Berkeley. Specializations: International Urban Development, Institutional Change, Spatial Analysis, Transition Economies. (617) 324-6135 [email protected]

Eric Klopfer Associate Professor. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (1997). Specializations: Science Education, Teacher Training, Educational Technology, Biology. (617) 253-2025 [email protected]

Judith Layzer Associate Professor. Ph.D., MIT (1998). Specializations: Science and Environmental Politics, Collaborative Environmental Policy Making, Land Use, Natural Resources and Ecosystem Management. (617) 253-5196 [email protected]

Tunney LeeProfessor Emeritus, Lecturer. B. Arch., University of Michigan (1954). Specializations: Urban Design, Chinatowns, Housing Density. (617) 258-7275 [email protected]

Frank Levy Professor. Ph.D., Yale (1969). Specializations: Urban Economics, Computerization of Work, Labor Markets. (617) 253-2089 [email protected]

Ceasar McDowell Professor of the Practice. Ed.D., Harvard (1988). Specializations: Community Building, Cross-Boundary Leadership, Information Technology, Community Psychology. (617) 253-7587 [email protected]

Harvey MichaelsLecturer. MCP, MIT. Specializations: Energy Efficiency. (617) 253-2084 [email protected]

Karen R. Polenske Professor. Ph.D., Harvard (1966). Specializations: Regional Economic Development, Energy/Environmental Analysis, Economic-Impact Analysis. (617) 253-6881 [email protected]

Balakrishnan RajagopalAssociate Professor. SJD, Harvard (2000). Specializations: Human Rights, Property and Land Use Law, Displacement and Resettlement, Globalization. (617) 258-7721 [email protected]

Carlo RattiAssociate Professor of the Practice, Ph.D., University of Cambridge (2001). Specializations: Urban Design, Electronic Media and Design of Public Space, Human-Computer Interfaces. (617) 253-7926 [email protected]

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYBrent RyanAssistant Professor. PhD, MIT (2002). Specializations: Urban Design and Development; Urban Revitalization.

Bish Sanyal Professor. Ph.D., UCLA (1984). Specializations: Development Planning, Informal Economy, Planning Theory. (617) 253-3270 [email protected]

Karl SeidmanSenior Lecturer. MPP, Harvard University. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Dev. Finance, Neighborhood Commercial Revitalization. (617) 253-3964 [email protected]

Susan Silberberg-Robinson Lecturer. MCP, MIT (1998). Specializations: Urban Design, Cultural Tourism and Heritage Planning and Development, Growth Management Policies and Politics. (617) 253-2027 [email protected]

Anne Whiston Spirn Professor. MLA, University of Pennsylvania (1974). Specializations: Urban Landscape Planning and Design, Landscape History and Theory, Landscape Photography. (617) 452-2602 [email protected]

Lawrence Susskind AICPProfessor. Ph.D., MIT (1973). Specializations: Environmental Policy, Negotiation, Public Dispute Resolution. (617) 253-2026 [email protected]

Terry SzoldAdjunct Professor. MRP, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (1983). Specializations: Land Use Planning, Growth Management, Politics of Development. (617) 253-7419 [email protected]

Judith TendlerProfessor. Ph.D., Columbia (1966). Specializations: Development Planning, Public-Sector Performance in Developing Countries, Rural Development, Poverty Reduction. (617) 253-0249 [email protected]

J. Phillip ThompsonAssociate Professor. Ph.D., CUNY (1983). Specializations: Urban Politics, Race Relations, Labor and Local Economic Development, Community Organization. (617) 452-2813 [email protected]

Lawrence J. ValeProfessor. D.Phil, Oxford (1985). Specializations: Design Politics, Public Housing, Qualitative Methods, Disaster Recovery. (617) 253-0561 [email protected]

P. Christopher ZegrasAssistant Professor, Ph.D., MIT (2005). Specializations: Urban Transportation, Transportation and Environmental Sustainability. (617) 452-2433 [email protected]

Nicholas Ashford Professor. Ph.D., JD, University of Chicago. Specializations: Technology and Policy, Environmental Regulation, Environmental Law and Policy. (617) 253-1664 [email protected]

Julian BeinartProfessor. M. Arch., MIT (1956); MCP, Yale (1958). Specializations: Urban Design, History and Theory of City Form. (617) 253-7918 [email protected]

Manuel CastellsVisiting Professor. Ph.D., University of Paris (1967). Specializations: Information Technology and Society, Social Movements.

Joseph CoughlinSenior Lecturer. Ph.D., Boston University (1995). Specializations: Transportation Logistics. (617) 253-4978 [email protected]

Michael DennisProfessor. B.Arch., University of Oregon (1962). Specializations: Architecture and Urban Design, Campus Design and Planning. (617) 253-7650 [email protected]

Reinhard GoethertPrincipal Research Associate. Dr.- Ing, Technische Hochschule (1985). Specializations: Urban Housing in Developing Countries, Urban Upgrading. (617) 253-2402 [email protected]

Michael JoroffSenior Lecturer Emeritus. MCP, Harvard (1962). Specializations: Technology and Urban Development. (617) 253-1354 [email protected]

Herman KarlCo-Director, MIT-USGS Science Impact Collaborative (MUSIC). PhD, USC (1977). Specializations: Science and Public Policy. (617) 324-0262 [email protected]

Melvin KingSenior Lecturer Emeritus. M.ED., Boston Teacher’s College. Specializations: Community Development and Information Technology. (617) 253-3287 [email protected]

Richard LockeProfessor. Ph.D., MIT (1989). Specializations: Comparative Politics and Political Development, Industrial Relations, Political Economy. (617) 253-4912 [email protected]

Tod McGrathLecturer. MBA, Columbia University. Specializations: Real Estate Finance. (617) 253-4373

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Paul Osterman Professor. Ph.D., MIT (1976). Specializations: Labor Markets, Human Resources and Training. (617) 253-2667 [email protected]

Michael Piore Professor. Ph.D., Harvard. Specializations: Political Economy, Economic Institutions and Growth Policy Analysis. (617) 253-3377 [email protected]

Thomas Piper Principal Research Scientist. M. Arch., MIT (1975). Specializations: Urban Development, Boston Politics. (617) 253-8950 [email protected]

Peter RothLecturer. M. Arch,, MS, MIT (1986). Specializations: Urban Development. (617) 253-4373

Frederick SalvucciSenior Lecturer, Senior Research Associate. SM, MIT (1962). Specializations: Urban Transportation Planning, Transit Management, Transportation Policy. (617) 253-5378 [email protected]

Adèle Naudé SantosProfessor, Dean. M.Arch., MCP, University of Pennsylvania (1968). Specializations: Architecture and Urban Design, Housing. (617) 253-4402 [email protected]

Susan SilbeyProfessor. Ph.D., University of Chicago. Specializations: Law and Society. (617) 253-6952 [email protected]

Joseph Sussman Professor. Ph.D., MIT (1968). Specializations: Transportation Systems. (617) 253-4430 [email protected]

Sam Bass Warner, Jr. Visiting Professor. Ph.D., Harvard (1959). Specializations: Urban History, Urban Environments. (617) 253-5115 [email protected]

James Wescoat, Jr., Professor. Ph.D. University of Chicago (1983). Specializations: Water Resources, Landscape Architecture. (617) 253-1400 [email protected]

William WheatonProfessor. Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Urban Economics, Real Estate, Public Finance. (617) 253-1723 [email protected]

Clarence WilliamsAdjunct Professor Emeritus. Ph.D., University of Connecticut. Specializations: Race Relations. (617) 253-5446 [email protected]

FYICAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD?Can you design better cities?Can you help places grow sustainably?Can you help communities thrive?Can you help advance equitable world development?


At the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP), we are committed to positive social change. Our moral vision is translated into professional education in distinct ways:

We believe in the abilities of urban and regional institutions to steadily improve the quality of life of citizens.

We emphasize democratic decision-making involving both pub-lic and private actors, and acknowledge the necessity of govern-ment leadership to ensure greater social and economic equality.

We foster a positive approach to technological innovation as a major force of social change.

We trust that the built environment can meet the needs of diverse populations and serve as a source of meaning in their daily lives.

Nigel WilsonProfessor. Ph.D., MIT (1970). Specializations: Urban Transport, Public Transport Operation. (617) 253-5046 [email protected]

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School of Urban Planning815 Sherbrooke Street

Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A2K6Phone (514) 398-4075

Fax (514) 398-8376E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Raphaël Fischler, School DirectorPhone (514) 398-4075

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 ...........................................................January 15, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 .......................................................January 15, 2010In-State Tuition and Fee: ......................................................$3,682.36 Can. per yearOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................ $7,215.16 Can. per yearInternational Tuition and Fees: ...........................................$15,524.51 Can. per yearApplication Fee ...........................................................................................$100 Can.Additional Fees: ..........................................................................................$180 Can.

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Raphaël Fischler, DirectorPhone: (514) 398-4075E-mail [email protected] Year Initiated: 1974 CIP Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................525Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................19

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCredits of Core ..........................................................................................27Credits of Studio or Practice Related Courses .........................................15Credits of Restricted Electives .................................................................12Credits of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................6Other ................................................................................ 6 units InternshipTotal Required Credits in Planning Program ............................................66Thesis, Exams or final product .......................Supervised Research Project

Annual Student Enrollment Applied Accepted Enrolled


21274239Masters 227180



PLANNING FACULTYMadhav BadamiAssociate Professor. B.Tech, MS, IIT, Madras; MEDes, Calgary; PhD, UBC. Specializations: Environmental Policy and Planning, Sustainable Urban Transport, International Planning, Environment and Development. (514) 398-3183 [email protected]

Lisa BornsteinAssociate Professor. BSc, UC Berkeley; MRP, Cornell; PhD, UC Berkeley. Specializations: International Planning, Economic Development, Environmental Policy and Planning, Institutions and Governance. (514) 398-4077 [email protected]

David Brown Associate Professor. BA, Bishop’s; MUP, McGill; PhD, Sheffield. Specializations: Environmental Governance, Planning in Developing Countries, GIS Applications in Planning, Environment and Behavior. (514) 398-4075 [email protected]

Ahmed El-GeneidyAssistant Professor. BAA, MArch, Alexandria; PhD, Portland State University. Specializations: Land Use and Transportation Planning, Public Transit Planning and Operations, Travel Behaviour, GIS Applications. (514) 398-8741 [email protected]

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Must hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL iBT: 100 (with 23 for each component)Departmental Requirement: Must hold a Bachelors degree from an accredited institution.

Masters SpecializationsPhysical Planning, Community Planning, Urban/Regional Development, Transportation Planning,

Urban Design, International Development

Origin Male Female Total

Citiz. & perm. res.-- Other/don’t know 20 24 44

Non-cit. & non-PR 0 0 0

Total 20 24 44

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Montreal is a cosmopolitan city with roots in both French and English culture. It has four universities and many colleges, a downtown that is active 24/7, attractive and safe neighborhoods, and plenty of recreational opportunities. It is an exceptional labo-ratory for urban studies and planning, and the School is well-inte-grated in the local planning world. Master's students, who have varied disciplinary and ethnic/cultural backgrounds, participate in local planning through studio courses and individual initiatives. The School also welcomes doctoral students (Ad-Hoc Ph.D. in Urban Policy, Planning and Design) as well as visiting professors and foreign researchers. Professors and students are very active in international research, in particular in China, India, the Middle East, Southern Africa, Central America and the Caribbean.



Cameron CharleboisAdjunct Professor. BS(Arch.), BArch., McGill; M.Man., McGill; D.Man., University of Hertfordshire. Specializations: Real-Estate Development; Urban Planning and Policy-Making; Public, Private and Not-for-Profit Management; Organization Theory.

David FarleySenior Adjunct Professor. BArch., McGill; MArch; Harvard; M City Planning, Harvard. Specialization: Urban Design. [email protected]

Mario PoleseSenior Adjunct Professor. BA, New York; MA, PhD, Pennsylvania. Specializations: Urban and Regional Economics, Development and Spatial Structures. (514) 499-4070 [email protected]

Ray TomaltyAdjunct Professor. BA, MPA, Queens; PhD, Waterloo. Specializations: Growth Management, Housing, Local Finances, Environmental Planning and Policy. (514) 847-9259 [email protected]

Raphaël FischlerAssociate Professor. B.Eng, Eindhoven; MSc, MCP, MIT; PhD, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Metropolitan Governance, Urban and Real-Estate Development, Land-Use Regulation, Community Planning, History and Theory. (514) 398-4076 [email protected]

Jane GlennProfessor Emeritus. BA, LLB, Queen’s; D. en droit, Strasbourg. Specializations: Land Use Planning Law, Agricultural Land Control, Land Tenure. (514) 398-6629 [email protected]

Nik LukaAssistant Professor. BAA, Ryerson; MArch, Laval; PhD, Toronto. Specializations: Urban Design, Landscape Planning, Housing, Urban Form, Environment and Behavior, Public Space. (514) 398-5925 [email protected]

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BA in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: James M. Rubenstein, ProfessorPhone: (513) 529-5025E-mail [email protected] Year Initiated: 1976 Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 ..........................................................310Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 6/30/10 .................................................23


Urban and Regional Planning 216 Shideler Hall

Oxford, Ohio 45056Phone (513) 529-5010

Fax (513) 529-1948E-mail: [email protected]

William H. Renwick, Department ChairPhone (513) 529-5010

E-mail: [email protected]



UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 12Hours of Concentration Area ..................................................................... 0Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 28Hours of Elective ....................................................................................... 0Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 40Total Required Hours to graduate from University .....................................Thesis, Exams or Final Product ...............................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONOhio Resident ScholarshipOhio Leader Scholarship

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 ............................................................................VariesFinancial Aid Deadline 2009-10 ........................................................................VariesIn-State Tuition and Fees: .................................................................$12,198 per yearOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ...................................................... $26,988 per yearApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$50Additional Fee: ................................................................................................... None


PLANNING FACULTYJames M. RubensteinProfessor. AB, University of Chicago (1970); MSC, The London School of Economics and Political Science (1971); PhD, Johns Hopkins University (1975) Specializations: Community Development, Demography, International Development and Planning, Land Use/Growth Management. (513) 529-5025 [email protected]

David PrytherchAssociate Professor. BS, Pennsylvania State (1992); MA, University of Arizona (1999); Ph.D., University of Arizona (2003). Specializations: Globalization, Regionalism, International Planning, Land Use Law (513) 529-9284 [email protected]

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYBruce D'ArcusAssociate Professor. BA, University of California (1994); MA, University of Colorado (1997); PhD, Syracuse University (2001) Specializations: Public Space, Cultural Politics. (513) 529-1521 [email protected]

Marcia EnglandAssistant Professor. BA, University of Washington (1998); MA, University of Washington (2002); Ph.D., University of Kansas (2006). Specializations: Access to Public Space; the Politics of Representations; and the Socio-Spatial Regulation of Marginalized Persons (513) 529-5023 [email protected]

Jerry GreenAssociate Professor. BS, Kent State (1963); MRP, University of North Carolina (1967); PhD, University of North Carolina (1976) Specializations: Land Use Capability Analysis, Aerial Photo Interpretation, Map Interpretation. (513) 529-5017 [email protected]

John MaingiAssociate Professor. BS, Moi University (1987); MS, University of Arizona (1992); PhD, University of Arizona (1998) Specializations: Remote Sensing, GIS, Natural Resources. (513) 529-5024 [email protected]

Ian YeboahProfessor. BA, University of Science & Technology (1982); MSc, University of Calgary (1988); Ph.D., University of Calgary (1994). Specializations: Globalization and Urbanization, Globalization and Population Movements, Global Development and Poverty (513) 529-5013 [email protected]

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: No RequirementsMinimum GPA: No RequirementsMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: No Requirements

Undergraduate SpecializationsComputers/GIS, Community Development

International Development, Rural/Small Town Planning

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BS Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Ms. Jonglim Han Yoo, AdvisorPhone: (517) 353-0862E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated:1946 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 5/15/10 ......................................................... 978Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 5/15/10 ................................................ 80

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Suggested: Adv. english, composition, algebra, statistics & computer skillsMinimum GPA: Depends on pool of applicantsMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: Depends on pool of applicants




UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core/Studio Courses ................................................................. 30Hours of Cognates/Guided Electives ....................................................... 21Other ........................................................................................................ 69Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 51Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 120Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not requiredInternship ............................................................................. Recommended

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION5 Undergraduate scholarships, eligibility based on merit.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 ................................................................ October 15Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 ...........................................................February 15In-State Tuition and Fees: ... ..................$5,974.00 per semester based on 16 creditsOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ........... $15, 550.00 per semester based on 16 creditsApplication Fee: ..................................................................................................... $35Additional Fees: ...................................................................................................None

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 .................................................. March 1, August 15Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 ..........................................................February 15In-State Tuition and Fees: ....................... $4,803.00 per semester based on 9 creditsOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ................ $9,417.75 per semester based on 9 creditsApplication Fee: ....................................................................................................$50 Additional Fees: .................................................................................................. None


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s Degree Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 recommendedMinimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL 92/93; 237Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Bachelor’s DegreeDepartmental Recommendation Basic Statistics

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core/Studio Courses ..................................................................28Hours of Concentrated Area .....................................................................12Research Component ................................................................................ 8Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ............................. Plan A Thesis or Plan B Research Paper

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION5 scholarships/fellowshipsPossible assistantshipsEligibility Criteria: Determined on merit.


School of Planning Design & ConstructionUrban and Regional Planning Program

East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1030Phone (517) 432-3393

Fax (517) 432-3772E-mail: [email protected]

Scott G. Witter, DirectorE-mail: [email protected]

Master of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Ms. Robin Rennie, AdvisorPhone: (517) 884-2502E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1946 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 5/15/10 ...........................................................390Degrees Granted from 9/1/07 to 5/15/10 ..................................................19


Masters SpecializationsLand Use Planning

Community & Economic Development

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate -- -- -- -- 98 96MURP 46 - 4 - 4 18MURP/JD 126 - 15 - 7 0

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PLANNING FACULTYKenneth E. Corey AICPProfessor. PhD, University of Cincinnati; MCP, University of Cincinnati; MA, University of Cincinnati; BA, University of Cincinnati. Specializations: International Development, Digital Communities. (517) 432-4750 [email protected]

Peilei FanAssistant Professor. PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; MCRP, Rutgers University; BS, Nanjing University, P.R. China; Specializations: High Tech Industrialization, Urbanization in Asia, Land Use, and Spatial Analysis (517) 432-6517 [email protected]

Roger E. Hamlin AICPProfessor. PhD, Syracuse University; MRP, Syracuse University; AB, Hamilton College. Specializations: Fiscal/Regional Planning, Economic Development, Real Estate Development. (517) 353-8743 [email protected]

René C. HinojosaProfessor. PhD, University of Washington; MS, University of Washington; CE, Technical University of Oruro, Bolivia. Specializations: Research and Evaluation Methods, Transportation Planning, Regional Analysis, International Planning and Development. (517) 353-3184 [email protected]

Eva KassensAssistant Professor. PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology; MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dipl.Ing., University of Karlsruhe (Germany). Specializations: Transportaiton Planning and Policy, Sustainable Citites and Regions (517) 432-8085 [email protected]

Zenia Z. Kotval AICPProfessor. PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; MRP, University of MA-Amherst; BS, Academy of Architecture, India. Specializations: Local Economic Development, Industrial Development/Redevelopment Policy. (517) 353-9362 [email protected]

Rex L. LaMoreSr. Specialist. PhD, University of Michigan; MS, Michigan State University; BS, Michigan State University. Specializations: Community and Economic Development, Public Policy Analysis, Neighborhood Development. (517) 353-9555 [email protected]

Patricia L. MachemerAssociate Professor. PhD, Michigan State University; MA, University of Michigan; MA, University of Michigan; BA, University of Michigan. Specializations: Growth Management, Land Use, Participatory Design Process. (517) 353-9047 [email protected]


Contact Person: Ms. Robin Rennie, AdvisorPhone: (517) 884-2502E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2004 Not Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/15/10 ...............................................................1Degrees Granted from 9/1/07 to 5/15/10 ....................................................0

JOINT MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 RecommendedMinimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL 92/93; 237Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: LSAT and undergraduate GPA are both considered; no minimum stated.

JOINT MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core/Studio Courses ..................................................................83Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................27Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Research Component ................................................................................ 8Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .............................Plan A Thesis or Plan B Research Paper.

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

US Citizens/Perm. residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 6 2 8

African-American 0 1 1

Native American/Pacific Islander 2 0 2

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens/Non Perm. Residents 1 6 7

Total Students 9 9 18

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Carl Goldschmidt FAICPProfessor Emeritus. PhD, University of Pittsburgh; MCP, University of California, Berkeley; BS, University of California, Berkeley;

John E. MelcherSpecialist. MS, Michigan State University; BS, Michigan State University. Specializations: Community and Neighborhood Development, Economic Development. (517) 353-9555 [email protected]

John Schweitzer Professor. PhD, Educational Psychology, Michigan State University; MA, Psychology, Fordham University; BS, Psychology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Specializations: Urban Residential Neighborhoods, Community Development, Urban School Reform. (517) 353-9144 [email protected]

Igor Z. VojnovicAdjunct Associate Professor, Department of Geography, MSU; PhD Toronto University, M.Sc.Pl., Toronto University, B.A. York University, (Canada), Specializations: Metro Environments, Urban Form and Land Use, Local Governance, Urban Design, Urban and Environmental Geography [email protected]



The MSU Planning Program, founded in 1946, has the old-est urban planning undergraduate degree program in the nation. Graduates of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs are scattered throughout the U.S., offering a large network of alumni and potential job contacts. Through Urban Planning Partnerships, which is the outreach unit located within the Program, students carry out real-world planning research for a range of small towns and cities. These cities include Detroit, Lansing, Flint, Grand Rapids, and Pontiac, Michigan. Good ties with area state government and local planning agencies lead to a number of excellent internship placements for students.

Herbert P. Norman, Jr.Specialist/Instructor. PhD, Michigan State University; MA, East Carolina University; BS, East Carolina University. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Land Management, Planning Process Theory, International Applications. (517) 353-0677 [email protected]

Eric J. Strauss AICPProfessor. PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison; JD, Northwestern University; BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Specializations: Urban and Rural Land Use Planning, Environmental Management, Planning Law. (517) 353-8715 [email protected]

Mark I. WilsonProfessor. PhD, University of Pennsylvania; AM, University of Pennsylvania; MA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; M.Com, University of Melbourne, Australia; BCom, University of Melbourne. Specializations: Urban and Regional Technology Planning, Economic Development, Non-Profit Organizations and Management (517) 353-9056 [email protected]

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BA in Urban and Regional Studies

Contact Person: Anthony J. Filipovitch, ChairPhone: (507) 389-1714E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated:1968 Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .......................................................... 351Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ................................................... 9



Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: No RequirementsMinimum GPA: Above 50% class standingMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: 21

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 21Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 0Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 12Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................. 0Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 33Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 128Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ............................................................................ Priority April 1Financial Aid Deadline ..................................................................Priority March 15In-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................................... $268 per creditOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: .......................................................... $538 per creditApplication Fee: ................................................................................................... $20Additional Fees: .................................................................................................. None

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline .............................................................................Priority April 1Financial Aid Deadline ................................................................... Priority March 15In-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................................... $346 per creditOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: .......................................................... $548 per creditApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$40Additional Fees: .................................................................................................. None


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No Requirements Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL 500 (173 computer)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Urban Studies Undergrad or equivalent

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................9Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................24Internship .................................................................................................. 3Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................36Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .................... Written comprehensive exam; written studio project with public press conference


65Undergraduate 464909/1008/0907/08

10MA 96


Urban and Regional Studies Institute106 Morris Hall

Mankato, Minnesota 56001Phone (507) 389-1714

Fax (507) 389-6377E-mail: [email protected]

Anthony Filipovitch, Department Chair(507) 389-5035

E-mail: [email protected]

MA in Urban Studies

Contact Person: Anthony J. Filipovitch, Graduate CoordinatorPhone: (507) 389-1714E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1966 Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ..........................................................424Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ...................................................2

26MAUP 2520

Specialization:Nonprofit Leadership

Economic Development

Masters SpecializationsEconomic Development

Local Government Management CertificatePlanning Certificate

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Raymond Asomani-BoatengAssociate Professor. PhD, University of Waterloo; MSc, Michigan State University; MA, University of Waterloo; BAA, Ryerson University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, GIS, Planning Process. (507) 389-5030 [email protected]

David Laverny-Rafter AICPProfessor. PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MCRP, Rutgers University; BA, Southern Illinois University. Specializations: Housing Policy, Transportation Planning, Program Evaluation, Strategic Planning. (507) 389-1540 [email protected]

Beth Wielde HeidelbergAssociate Professor. DPA, Hamline University; MA, Minnesota State University, Mankato; BS, University of Minnesota. Specializations: Urban Aesthetic, Historic Preservation, Design. (507) 389-1715 [email protected]

MA in Urban Planning

Contact Person: Anthony J. Filipovitch, Graduate CoordinatorPhone: (507) 389-1714E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated:1990 Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................115Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................12

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No Requirements Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 Minimum GRE: Not requiredMinimum TOEFL 500 (173 computer)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Urban studies undergraduate or equivalent

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................6Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................3Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................24Internship .................................................................................................. 3Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................36Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ....................Written comprehensive exam; written studio report with public press conference.

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Anthony J. FilipovitchProfessor. PhD, Portland State University; MA, Duquesne University; BA, University of Michigan. Specializations: Nonprofit Leadership, Children in the City, Analytical Methods. (507) 389-5035 [email protected]

Janet Cherrington-Cucore Professor. PhD, University of Delaware; MS and BA, West Chester University. Specializations: Local Government Management, Urban Finance, Community Development. (507) 389-5031 [email protected] Miriam PorterAssociate Professor. DPA, Hamline University; MA and BS, Mankato State University. Specializations: Urban Management, Human Resource Management, Civic Management. (507) 389-5032 [email protected]

Male Female Total

White 13 6 19

African American 2 1 3

Asian American 0 0 0

Other/Don’t know 3 1 4

Non-US Citizens 4 3 7

Total Students 22 11 33

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Dimitri IoannidesProfessor. PhD, Rutgers University (1994) Specializations: Tourism Planning and Development, Planning Theory, Sustainable Development. (417) 836-5318 [email protected]

Rajinder JutlaAssociate Professor. PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1995) Specializations: Urban Design, Planning History, Quantitative Methods. (417) 836-5298 [email protected]

Diane May AICPAssistant Professor. MS, Southern Illinois University (1974) Specializations: Comprehensive Planning, Citizen Participation, Planning History. (417) 836-6900 [email protected]

Paul Rollinson AICPProfessor. PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana (1988) Specializations: Housing, Homelessness, Social Planning. (417) 836-5688 [email protected]

Jacob SowersAssistant Professor. MA Arizona State University(2008), PhD candi-date, Kansas State University. Specializations: Energy, Community Development (417) 836-3137 [email protected]

BS in Planning

Contact Person: Paul Rollinson, DirectorPhone: (417) 836-5688E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1988 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................128Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................16


Department of Geography, Geology and Planning

901South National AvenueSpringfield, Missouri 65897

Phone (417) 836-5800Fax (417) 836-6006

Tom Plymate, Department HeadE-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 48Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 3Hours of Elective ..................................................................................... 19Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 70Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 125Thesis or Final Product ............................................................................No

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 .......................................................................... July 20Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 ...................................................................... July 20In-State Tuition and Fees: ...........................................................$186 per credit hourOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................. $372 per credit hourApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$35Student Service Fees ..................................................................................Up to $348

Applied Accepted Enrolled

4040N/AN/AUndergraduate N/AN/A




OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYNeil GuionAdjunct. JD, University of Virginia Law School. Specializations: Planning Law.

Bob Hosmer AICPAdjunct. MS, Missouri State University. Specializations: Transportation.

Frank Miller AICPAdjunct. MS, Kansas State University. Specializations: Growth Management, Transportation.

Xiaomin QiuAssistant Professor. Ph.D., Texas State University, San Marcos. Specializations: GIS

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: University RequirementsMinimum GPA: University RequirementsMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: University Requirements


Specialization:Community and Regional PlanningTourism Planning and Development

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Department of City and Regional PlanningSchool of Architecture of Planning

2201 Argonne Drive, Montebello D103Baltimore, Maryland 21251

Phone (443) 885-3225Fax (443) 885-8233

Siddhartha Sen, ChairpersonPhone: (443) 885-1864

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ...............................................NAFinancial Aid Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ..................February 1 for Fall.....................................................................................................October 1 for Spring In-State Tuition and Fees ...................................................................$383/credit hourOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................$680/credit hourInternational Tuition and Fees ...........................................................$680/credit hourApplication Fees ...................................................................................................... $0

Applied Accepted Enrolled


MASTERS DEGREEMaster of City and Regional Planning

Contact: Siddhartha Sen Phone: (443) 885-1846E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1970.............................................................PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................257Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................4

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................30Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................18Thesis ..............................................................................................OptionalTotal Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONAssistantships, Fellowships, Scholarships and Tuition awards are availableEligibility Criteria ................................................................... Competitive

Masters SpecializationsGeneralist Option, Urban Design and Sustainability,

Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Community and Economic Development

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 (2.5/ for conditional)Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL RequiredRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.





32 29 31 31 29 31 46 47 53Masters


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 1 1 2

White 5 3 8

African American 26 14 40

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 2 2

Total Students 32 21 53

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Mary Anne Alabanza Akers, Ph.D. AICPProfessor and Dean. B.A., Sociology University of Philippines, M.A, Urban and Regional Planning,University of Philippines, Ph.D., Social Science-Urban Planning and Community Organization, Michigan State University. Specializations: International Planning, Community Participation, Urban Design and Physical Planning, Community-based Economic Development. (443) 885-4457 [email protected]

Daniel Campo, Ph.D.Assistant Professor. B.A., State University of New York at BinghamtonMUP, Hunter College of the City University of New York, Ph.D., City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Urban Design, Planning History and Theory, Community Planning and Development, Parks and Open Space Planning, Cultural Geography, Historic Preservation, Comparative International Development, and Sustainable Practices. (443) 885-3514 [email protected]

Joyce Ann Pressley, Ph.D.Assistant Professor: B.A., Economics and South Asian Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania; M. A. City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D. Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: International Economic Development, Land Use, Infrastructure and Environmental Systems, and Rural Development. (443) 885-1860 [email protected]

Siddhartha Sen, Ph.D. Professor and Chairperson. B. Arch, University of Kolkata; M.Arch., Rensselaer; MCP., Georgia Tech; Ph.D. Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Specializations: International Development and Planning, Race and Ethnicity, Urban Design, Planning Theory and Practice, Transportation Planning and Policy, Housing & Community Development. (443) 885-1864 [email protected]

Sidney Wong, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Bachelor of Social Sciences (Economics), University of Hong Kong, Master of Social Sciences in Urban Studies, University of Hong Kong, MS, Town Planning, University of Wales, U.K, Ph.D., City and Regional Planning, University of California Berkeley. Specializations: Planning Methods, Local Economic Development, Municipal Finance and Budgeting, Fiscal Impact Analysis, Community Development and Information Systems, Planning History. (443) 885-3208 [email protected]

FYIThe program is the oldest planning program at a Historically Black College/University (HBCU). It is the first HBCU program accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board. The program teaches practical professional applications using Baltimore region as a model. The program is offered in the evening to meet the need of working students. Work experience, motivation, interest, and maturity are also considered for the selection of non-degree students (i.e. those candidates who may not meet the criteria for conditional or unconditional admission). Applicants admitted as non-degree students may enroll in maximum of eight credits a semester for a maximum of five years and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Non-degree stu-dents may apply for a degree program upon the completion of minimum 12 graduate credits with a cumulative GPA of 3.0.


ADJUNCTJeffrey C. Springer AICP, PESpecializations: Transportation Planning

INSTITUTE FOR URBAN RESEARCHHerschelle Reed-Morris, JD.Instructor: B.A., Morgan State College; J.D., Howard University.Specializations: Land Use Law, Real Estate Development

SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNINGPaul Walker Clarke, AIASpecializations: Urban Design, Housing, Community Design and Planning

Ruth Connell AIASpecializations: Sustainability, Design Theory, Historic, Preservation

Suzanne Frasier AIASpecializations: Urban Design

Diane Jones ASLASpecializations: Environmental Justice, Community Design. Art Expression, Transportaiton Planning

Richard E. Lloyd, Ph.D.Specializations: Urban Design, Housing and Community Development, Landscape/Site Design

Barabara MobarakSpecializations: Community Planning and Design, Architectural History, Historic Preservation, Environmental Justice

Glenn Smith ASLASpecializations: Urban Design and Landscape Morphology

Sanjit RoySpecializations: Urban Design

Paul Voos ASLASpecializations: Human Settlement and Transitive Landscape

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGMonsoureh Jeihani, Ph.D.Specializations: Transportation in Developing Nations, Land Use Modeling

Young-Jae Lee, Ph.D.Specializations: Transportation Planning, Transportation Modeling

COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTSLinda Loubert, Ph.D.Specializations: GIS, Methods, Municipal Finance

Anita Pandey, Ph.D.Specializations: Technical Writing

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Masters of Science in Urban Policy Analysis and Management

Contact Person: Merida Escandon Director of AdmissionsPhone: (212) 229-5630 ext. 1108 E-mail: [email protected] Year Initiated: 1971 Degrees Granted through 8/31/06 .......................................................... N/ADegrees Granted from 9/1/03 to 8/31/06 ............................................... N/A


Milano the New School for Management and Urban Policy

Program in Urban Policy Analysis and Management

72 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10025Phone: 212-229-5400

Fax: 212-229-5404

Alex Schwartz, ChairPhone: (212)229-5400, ext. 1415

E-mail: [email protected]



GRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 27 Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ............................................ 9 Hours of Restricted Electives .................................................................... 0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................... 15Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 42Exam,Thesis or Final Product ...................................................... Required

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissions Deadline 2009-10 ........... January 15 PhD (only), February 15 all other ...................................................................... programs, Spring Semester, October 15 Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 .......... None (March 1 suggested for Fall Semester, .....................................................................................October 1 for Spring SemesterIn-State Tuition and Fees: (Master’s) ............................................ $1,255 per creditOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: (Master’s) ..................................... $1,255 per credit In-State Tuition and Fees: (PhD) ................................................... $1,255 per creditOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: (PhD) ............................................... $N/A per creditApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$50Additional Fees ............................................ None (Optional health insurance plan)



GRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from a regionally accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL: At least 600 (paper-based)/at least 100 (Internet based)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

Masters SpecializationsCommunity Development Finance, Economic and Workforce

Development, Finance, Global Management and Policy, Health Policy and Management, Housing and Community

Development, Leadership and Change, Politics and AdvocacySocial Entrepreneurship, Social Policy, Strategic Human

Resource Management, Sustainability Management



Fall 2009 126 50 176 60 122

Fall 2008 83 46 129 68 88

Charles AllisonAssociate Professor of Professional Practice. (MBA, Harvard University). Specializations: Finance, Environmental Sustainability, Alternative Energy Sources (212) 229-5400 x 1617 [email protected]

Warren BalinskyAssociate Professor. (Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University), Specializations: Home Health Care and the Applications of Planning, Development, Marketing, and Research to Health Services Management and Policy. (212) 229-5400 x1615 [email protected]

Peter EisingerHenry Cohen Professor. (Ph.D., Yale). Specializations: Poverty Policy, Economic Development, Urban Politics. (212) 229-5400 x1516 [email protected]

Alec Ian GershbergAssociate Professor. (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania). Specializations: Education Policy, International Development, Public Finance. (212) 229-5400 x1412 [email protected]

Fall Student Enrollment, Masters

Applied Accepted EnrolledFall 09 168 148 61Fall 08 146 138 52

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Leigh Taylor GrahamVisiting Assistant Professor. (Ph.D., Massachussetts Institute of Technology). Specializations: Community Development, Participatory Plamning. (212) 229-5400 x 1201 [email protected]

Darrick HamiltonAssistant Professor. (Ph.D., University of North Carolina). Specializations: Econometrics, Racial Disparities. Inequality. (212) 229-5400 x1514 [email protected]

David HowellProfessor. (Ph.D., New School for Social Research). Specializations: Labor Economics, Comparative Social Policy, Immigration. (212) 229-5400 x1416 [email protected]

Rachel MeltzerAssistant Professor. (Ph.D., New York University). Specializations: Economic Development, Quantitative Methods, Housing. (212) 229-5400 [email protected]

M. Bryna SangerProfessor. (Ph.D., Brandeis University). Specializations: Public Management, Performance Measures, Policy Analysis, Social Policy. (212) 229-5400 x1411 [email protected]

Alex SchwartzAssociate Professor and Chair Policy Programs. (Ph.D., Rutgers University). Specializations: Housing and Community Development. (212) 229-5400, x1415 [email protected]

Lisa J. ServonAssociate Professor. (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley). Specializations: Microfinance, Community and Economic Development, Poverty, Social Policy. (212) 229-5400 x1618 [email protected]

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College of Architecture and DesignUniversity HeightsNewark NJ 07102

Frederick Little, Graduate Program & Admissions Coordinator (as of 11/1/99)

Phone (973)-642-7576Fax 973-596-3073

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12...........................................................................1/15/11Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12.......................................................................1/15/11In-State Tuition and Fees (2010-11)...................................................$8,429/semesterOut-of-State/International Tuition and Fees (2010-11)....................$11,532/semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$75International Student Fee ......................................................................$125/semesterHealth Insurance Fee ............................................................................$180/semester

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Infrastructure Planning

Contact Person: Georgeen Theodore, AIA, DirectorPhone: (973) 596-3095Email: [email protected] Year Initiated: 1996 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................85Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................8

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...........................................12Hours of Restricted Electives ................................................................N/AHours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................12Thesis/Professional Project ....................................................................N/ATotal Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................36Exam, Thesis or Final Product: .............................................................N/A

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s Degree Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: No MinimumMinimum TOEFL 80 CPTRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Portfolio and three (3) letters of recommendation. Students not sufficiently experienced in design will be required to take a design bridge course prior to enrolling in studios.

MA/MS ACSP Member: PAB Affiliate



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters Specializations:Design/Visualization, History/Theory, Transportation,

Environmental Sustainability, Construction Management

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 20 19 12 10 5 7

Doctoral 31 26 13 10 5 8

US Citizens &PermanentResidents

Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 0 0 0

White 3 1 4

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 2 2 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 1 1

Non-US CitizensNon- PermanentResidents

2 3 5

Total Students 7 7 14

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONVaries: Annual appointments of about 3 Graduate Assistantships.

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DOCTORAL DEGREEDoctoral Program in Urban Systems

Contact Person: Karen Franck, PhD, Program Director Phone: (973) 596-3092Email: [email protected] Year Initiated: 2001 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................11Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................5

Doctoral Specializations:Urban Health Systems, Urban Environment Studies,

Urban Educational Policy

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ........................................... 0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................12Thesis/Professional Project .......................................................................24Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................72Exam, Thesis or Final Product: ................................................ Dissertation

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Master Degree Minimum Graduate GPA: 3.5Minimum GRE: No MinimumMinimum TOEFL 80 CPTRanking in Graduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Written statement of purpose, three (3) letters of recommendation and official transcripts of all prior academic work. Interview optional at the discretion of the Director.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

US Citizens &PermanentResidents

Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 1 0 1

White 2 10 12

African American 1 3 4

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 3 1 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 1 4 5

Non-US CitizensNon- PermanentResidents

4 4 8

Total Students 12 22 34

DOCTORAL FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONVaries: Limited number of full assistantships.

PLANNING FACULTYKaren Franck Professor. PhD., City University of New York. Specializations: Urban Systems, Alternative Housing, Urban Public Space. (973) 596-3092 [email protected]

Darius Sollohub AIAAssociate Professor. M.Arch, Columbia University. Specializations: Infrastructure Planning, Sustainable Transportation, Community Planning, Urban Design. (973) 596-5574 [email protected]

Georgeen Theodore AIAAssistant Professor. MAUD, Harvard University. Specializations: Urban Design, Infrastructure Planning, Visualizing Infrastructure, Community Planning, Contemporary Urbanism. (973) 596-3095 [email protected]

Thomas Dallessio AICP/PPAdjunct Professor. MA and MCRP, Rutgers University. Specializations: Executive Director, Leadership New Jersey; Land Use Planning, Infrastructure Planning. (609) 802-0880 [email protected]

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FYIRobert Hutchinson AICPAdjunct Professor. MIP MS Environmental Policy, New Jersey Institute of Technology, MBA, City University of New York. Specializations: Infrastructure Planning, Public and Private Finance, Project Management, Building Economics, Sustainable Technologies, Renewable Energy (917) 518-0711 hutchinson@dwh advisors .com

Alex Marshall Adjunct Professor. MS, Journalism, Columbia University. Specializations: Infrastructure, Public Policy, Historic Preservation, Urban Planning, Urban History, Political Economy. (212)-229-9392 [email protected]

Nicolas RonderosAdjunct Professor. MS Urban Policy Analysis and Management, The New School University. Specializations: Geographical Information Systems, Form Based Zoning, Transit-Oriented Development (212) 253-2727 Ext. 318 [email protected]

Steven ChienProfessor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. MS and PhD, University of Maryland. Specializations: Simulation Modeling, Transportation Systems, Urban Systems Engineering, Mass Transportation Systems, Traffic Safety. (973) 596-6083 [email protected]

Maurie CohenAssociate Professor of Environmental Policy and Sustainability. PhD, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Sustainable Consumption, Sustainable Mobility, Sociotechnical Transition Management. (973) 596-5281 [email protected]

Janice DanielAssociate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.PhD, Texas A&M University. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Congestion Strategies, Urban Freight Movement. (973) 642-4794 [email protected]

Rachel LiuAssociate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.PhD. University of South Florida. Specializations: Travel Behavior, Intermodal Transportation Planning, Network Simulations. (973) 596-5884 [email protected]

Joint or Concurrent Degree Programs: MIP(NJIT) and MCRP (Bloustein School, Rutgers)

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Urban Planning ProgramRobert F. Wagner Graduate School of

Public Service295 Lafayette Street, Second FloorNew York, New York 10012-9604

Phone (212) 998-7400Fax (212) 995-4165 Gould Ellen, Department Chair

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 .............Spring 2011: October 15; Fall 2011: May 15Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 . Spring 2011: September 15; Fall 2011: January 5In-State Tuition and Fees: .......................... $954/$70 per credit (Subject to change)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ..................... $954/$70 per credit (Subject to change)Application Fee ......................................................................................................$80Estimated Additional Costs: ............................Room/board: $21,840; Books: $950;........................................................................................... Health Insurance: $1,360;.......................................................Transportation: $800; Personal Expenses: $4,315

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Ingrid Ellen, ChairPhone: (212) 998-7533Email: [email protected] Year Initiated: 1960 PAB Accredited

Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .........................................................1238Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................39

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCredit Hours of Core ................................................................................36Credit Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ..................................0Credit Hours of Restricted Electives ..........................................................0Credit Hours of Unrestricted Electives .....................................................20End Event Credit Hours ..............................................................................4Total Required Credit Hours in Planning Program ..................................60

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 (Recommended)Minimum GRE: Not Required.Minimum TOEFL: 250 (Computer-based), 600 (Paper-based), 100 (Internet-based).Departmental Requirement: None.

MA/MS ACSP Member: PAB Full



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.Masters Specializations:Environment, Infrastructure & TransportationPlanning; Economic Development & Housing;

International Urban Planning

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 270 301 186 160 60 59

US Citizens &PermanentResidents

Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 3 2 5

White 22 21 43

African American 1 3 4

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 3 6 9

Mixed 0 3 3

Other / Don’t know 26 28 54

Non-US CitizensNon- PermanentResidents

8 6 14

Total Students 63 69 132

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Shlomo Angel Adjunct Professor. B.Arch., University of California, Berkeley (1967); Ph.D., Berkeley (1972).

Kate J. AscherAdjunct Associate Professor. BA, Brown University (1980); M.Sc. (1981) and Ph.D. (1986), London School of Economics.

Jan Blustein Professor. BA, Johns Hopkins University (1975); MA Oxon, Oxford University (1977); M.D., Yale University (1985); Ph.D. New York University (1993).

Sewin Chan Associate Professor. BA, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1990); Ph.D., Columbia University (1995).

Kate CollignonAdjunct Assistant Professor. BA, Columbia University (1995); MPP/UP, Harvard University (2000).

Salo CoslovskyAssistant Professor. BPA, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (1996); MIA, Tufts University (2002); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2009).

Maria DamonAssistant Professor. AB, Cornell University (1999); Ph.D., University of California, San Diego (2007).

John FontillasAdjunct Assistant Professor. BA, University of California, Berkeley (1987); MUP, New York University (1997).

Dall Forsythe Professor of Practice. BS (1967) and Ph.D. (1974), Columbia University.

Sarah Gerecke Adjunct Assistant Professor. AB, Princeton University (1980); JD, Harvard University (1984).

John GershmanClinical Associate Professor. BA, Colgate University (1987); MA, University of California, Berkeley (1988).

Solomon Greene Adjunct Assistant Professor. A.B., Stanford University (1996); MCP, University of California at Berkeley (2003); J.D., Yale University (2003).

Holly Haff Adjunct Assistant Professor. BA, University of Hawaii (1970); MA, University of Oregon (1979).

Louise Harpman Clinical Associate Professor. AB, Harvard University (1987); M.Phil., Cambridge University (1988); M. Arch., Yale University (1993).

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYPLANNING FACULTYHilary BallonProfessor. BA, Princeton University (1977); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1985). Specializations: History and Theory of Planning, Urban Design. (212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Ingrid Gould Ellen Professor. BA (1987), MPP (1991) and Ph.D. (1996), Harvard University. Specializations: Community Development, Economic Development Planning, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Race/Ethnicity Planning, and Urban and Regional Economics. (212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Zhan GuoAssistant Professor. B. Arch., Tianjin University (1996); MA, Tsinghua University (1999); MCP (2003) and Ph.D. (2008), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Transportation, Infrastructure/Public Services, Environment. (212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Mitchell Moss Professor. BA, Northwestern University (1969); MA, University of Washington (1970); Ph.D., University of Southern California (1975). Specializations: Economic Development, Urban Policy and Politics, and Technology and Regional Development. (212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Katherine O’Regan Associate Professor. BS, University of Pennsylvania (1983); Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley (1990). Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Housing, Transportation, Race and Ethnicity Planning, and Urban and Regional Economics. (212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Paul Smoke Professor. BA, Georgetown University (1978); MA, Rutgers University (1980); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1988). Specializations: Public Finance and Management, Public Finance Reform, Urban/Regional Economics, International Economic Development. (212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Rae Zimmerman Professor. BA, University of California, Berkeley (1965); MCP, University of Pennsylvania (1969); Ph.D., Columbia University (1972). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Infrastructure/Public Services, Race/Ethnicity & Planning, and Transportation. (212) 998-7400 [email protected]

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Kei HayashiAdjunct Assistant Professor. BA, Wesleyan (1987); MPA, Princeton University (1992).

Natasha Iskander Assistant Professor. BA, Stanford University (1994); MCP (1999) and Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute for Technology (2006).

Melissa Kaplan-Macey Adjunct Assistant Professor. BA, Brown University (1998); MUP, New York University (2001).

Roger Kropf Professor. BA, Oberlin College (1968); MRP, Syracuse University (1973), PhD, Syracuse University (1976).

Mark LevineAdjunct Associate Professor. BA, Union College (1966); JD, New York University (1969).

Paul Light Professor. BA, Macalester College (1975); MA (1976) and Ph.D. (1980), University of Michigan.

Sarah LudwigAdjunct Assistant Professor. BA, Bryn Mawr College (1984); MUP, New York University (1989); JD, New York University (1992).

Joseph Magee Assistant Professor. BA, University of Michigan (1996); Ph.D., Stanford University (2004).

Zvia S. Naphtali Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor. BA (1965), MA (1977), and Ph.D. (1981), New York University.

Amit NigamAssistant Professor. BA, Wesleyan University (1994); MA, Yale University (1997); Ph.D., Northwestern University (2006).

Jonathan Orcutt Adjunct Assistant Professor. BA, Colby College (1985).

David Quart Adjunct Assistant Professor. BS, University of Pennsylvania (1992); MUP, New York University (2003).

Joseph ReillyAdjunct Associate Professor. BBA, Iona College (1981).

Carlos E. RestrepoAdjunct Assistant Professor. BS, Lehigh University (1990); MS, University of Pennsylvania (1992); Ph.D., New York University (2006).

Leonardo Romeo Adjunct Professor. Dott.Arch (Dottore in Architettura), University of Venice, Italy (1971); MSc.CE (Master of Civil Engineering), Columbia University (1982).

Shanna Rose Assistant Professor. BA, Swarthmore College (1997); Ph.D., Harvard University (2005).

Anthony ShorrisProfessor of Practice. BA, Harvard College (1977); MPA, Princeton University (1979).

Daniel SmithAssistant Professor. BA, University of Delaware (2002); MPA, University of Delaware (2004); Ph.D., University of Georgia (2007)

Steven StainbrookAdjunct Assistant Professor. B. Arch and BS, Ball State University (1995); M. Arch, Harvard University (1997).

Ruth Ann StewartClinical Professor. BA, Wheaton College (1963); MS Columbia University (1965).

James StuckeyAdjunct Associate Professor. BA (1975) and MA (1977, 2002), St. John’s University.

Claire WeiszAdjunct Assistant Professor. B.Arch, University of Toronto (1984); M.Arch, Yale University (1989).

Mark WillisAdjunct Professor. BA (1968) and Ph.D. (1979), Yale University; JD, Harvard University (1971).

David WinderAdjunct Associate Professor. BA (1963), M.Ed. (1974), and Ph.D. (1979), University of Manchester.

Allen ZerkinAdjunct Associate Professor. BA, Brandeis (1966); JD, Yale University (1972).

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BS in Public Planning

Contact Person: Debbie Martin, Administrative AssociatePhone: (928) 523-2383Email: [email protected]

Year Initiated:1979 Degrees Granted 1999 through 8/31/09 ................................................. 94



Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: NoneMinimum GPA: 3.0 GPA/Top 25%Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: ACT- 22 SAT -1040Conditional admission below these numbers.

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 39Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 7Hours of Restricted Elective ...................................................................... 9Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................. 8Other: Emphasis area: .............................................................................. 14Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 60Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 120Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not requiredAdditional Requirement: ............ minimum GPA of 3.0 in Planning classes minimum GPA of 2.5 overallFINANCIAL AID INFORMATION Standard Federal Aid and Loan Programs.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ........................................................................................... NoneFinancial Aid Deadline ....................................................................................... NoneIn-State Tuition and Fees ........................................................... $3,529 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ................................................... $8,885 per semesterApplication Fee: .................................................................................................... $25Additional Fees: ...................................................................................................... $0

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ..................................................................................February 15Financial Aid Deadline ....................................................................................... NoneIn-State Tuition and Fees ........................................................... $3,254 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees .................................................... $8,512 per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$65Additional Fees: ...................................................................................................$100


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: None.Minimum GRE: Departmental: 1000 Verbal/Math Minimum TOEFL None.Departmental Requirement: Combined Verbal & Math GRE of 1000; lower scores admitted with deficiencies.

Accepted Enrolled




Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation

NAU Box 15016Flagstaff, Arizona 86011-5016

Phone (928) 523-2650Fax (928) 523-2275

[email protected]

Pamela Foti, Department ChairPhone: (928) 523-6196

E-mail: [email protected]

Master of Science in Applied Geospatial Sciences with an emphasis in Planning and Recreation

Contact Person: Debbie Martin, Administrative AssociatePhone: (928) 523-2650Email: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2009 Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .............................................................16

Masters SpecializationLand Use Planning, Community Development,

Geographic Information Systems

Specialization:Land Use Planning, Environmental Planning,

GIS Applications in Planning, Indigenous/Native American Planning, Recreation and Tourism Planning

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Carolyn M. DaughertyProfessor Emeritus. B.S., M.S., Ohio State University -Columbus; Ph.D., Arizona State University (1987). Specializations: Small Town and Rural Planning, Environmental Planning, Site Planning. (928) 523-0984 [email protected]

R. Dawn Hawley Professor. B.A., Baylor University; M.A., University of Nebraska-Omaha; Ph.D., Arizona State University (1994). Specializations: Land Use Planning, Public Participation, Economic Geography. (928) 523-1251 [email protected]

Ruihong (Ray) HuangAssistant Professor. B.A., Hunan Normal University, China; M.S., Zhongshan University, China; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2003). Specializations: Transportation Planning, GIS, Site Planning. (928) 523-8219 [email protected]

Alan A. Lew FAICPProfessor. B.A., University of Hawaii-Hilo; M.A., M.U.P., Ph.D., University of Oregon (1986). Specializations: Urban Planning, Tourism Planning, GIS. (928) 523-6567 [email protected]

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................4Hours of Seminar Related Courses .............................................................6Hours of Emphasis Concentration Courses ..............................................20Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .................................Thesis or Non-Thesis ....................................................................Major Paper is required - 6 hrs. Total Required Hours in MS Program ......................................................36


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTUniversity Admission Policy ...............................................................NoneMinimum GPA ....................................................................................NoneMinimum GRE ...................................................................................NoneMinimum TOEFL ...............................................................................NoneProgram Requirement: Minimum 5 years of professional work experience.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................12Hours of Community Planning Emphasis ................................................15Restrictive Electives ...................................................................................3Unrestrictive Electives ................................................................................3Other: Capstone Experience .......................................................................3Total Required:..........................................................................................36Final Product: ..............................................................Capstone Experience

Thomas W. ParadisAssociate Professor. B.S., Pennsylvania State University-University Park; M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign (1997). Specializations: Historic Preservation, Urban Design.

Neil Gullickson Adjunct Lecturer. B.A., B.S., Northern Arizona University. Specializations: Physical Planning, Planning and Design Review.


Master of Administration with a Community Planning Emphasis (Web-based program)

Contact Person: Pamela Torbico, Program CoordinatorPhone: 800-426-8315 (Distance Learning Center)Email: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2006Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...............................................................4

Masters SpecializationPlanning Administration, Community Development

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 16 7 11

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 2 4 6

Mixed 2 1 3

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 2 1 3

Total Students 22 13 35

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Northern Arizona University is located in Flagstaff, Arizona, a city of approximately 60,000. At an Elevation of 7,000 feet, Flagstaff sits at the 12,000 foot San Francisco Peaks and is surrounded by the largest Ponderosa pine forest in the world. This four-season city is focal point for a region offering a wide range of recreation-al and cultural opportunities, all of which department classes and program take advantage of.

A little over an hour’s drive will take you to one of the greatest wonders of the world-the Grand Canyon. Winter skiing and the red rock country of Sedona are a short drive from the city. The surrounding area is rich in Navajo, Hopi and other American Indian cultures. The Coconino National Forest surrounds Flagstaff and offers recreational activities from hiking and moun-tain biking to fishing and boating.

William RingAdjunct Lecturer. J.D., University of Arizona. Specializations: Land Use Law.

James L. Sell Visiting Assistant Professor (Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1983).Specializations: Cultural Geography, Environment/Behavior/Design, Landscape Perception and Planning, Citizen Participation, Environmental and Geographic Education, United States.

Tracy McMillanAdjunct Lecturer. (Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2003). Specializations: Impact of Transportation, Urban Design and Land Use Planning and Policy on Public Health; Children's travels and Health; Schools and Communities.

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City and Regional PlanningAustin E. Knowlton School of Architecture

275 Woodruff AvenueColumbus, Ohio 43210Phone (614) 292-1012

Fax (614) 292-7106

Associate Professor Jennifer Evans-Cowley, HeadPhone: (614) 292-5427

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for Masters program ................................................. August 15Admission Deadline for Ph.D program ...................................................... August 15Admission Deadline for BS program ......................................................... August 15Financial Aid Deadline for Masters program ...................................Early application ............................................................................................................... recommended Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D Program .......................................Early application............................................................................................................... recommended Financial Aid Deadline for Bachelor's program ..............................Early application ............................................................................................................... recommendedIn-State Tuition and Fees ................................................................$2,902 per quarterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees .........................................................$7,459 per quarterApplication Fee .................................................................................... $40 ($50 Int’l)Additional Fees: .....................................................................................................Yes



UNDERGRADUATE DEGREEMASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Required if GPA below 3.0 (1,000 minimum)Minimum TOEFL 600 (250)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Departmental Requirement: Resume and statement of purpose

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................42Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................5Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................42Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................90Exams or Written Requirements:: ............. Comprehensive Exam or Thesis

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Completion of high school or college transferMinimum GPA: 2.0Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: 1090/24

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..........................................................................................45Hours of CRP Electives ...........................................................................20Hours of Studio ........................................................................................15Hours of Restricted Electives ..................................................................20Hours of Unrestricted Electives ...............................................................20Total Required Hours in Planning Program ................... 181 quarter hoursThesis or Final Product ..........................................................Not Required

Master of City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Professor Maria Manta Conroy, Graduate Program Admissions Coordinator Phone: (614) 292-1012E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1958 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................1344Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................38

Bachelor of Science City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Professor Jennifer Evans-Cowley, Undergraduate Program Admissions Coordinator Phone: (614) 292-5427E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2009 Not PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 1Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................0

Masters SpecializationsEnergy, Environment, and Sustainability, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Housing,

Real Estate, and Neighborhoods, International Development, Physical Planning and Urban Design, Planning Policy and Process, Transportation, Urban

and Regional Economics

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 76 129 61 70 46 34

Doctoral 23 42 7 10 5 2

Bachelors - 13 - 9 - 5

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................20Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..............................................................115Total Required Hours in Program: 135Thesis or Final Product: Dissertation

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: ..............................................................None Departmental Requirement: .................................................................None Minimum GPA: ........................................................................................3.0Minimum GRE: .............................................................................RequiredMinimum TOEFL: ........................................................................600 (250)

Doctoral SpecializationsUrban & Economic Development, Environmental & Land Use Planning, Planning Management and

Law, Energy & Telecommunications, Environmental Behavior and Urban Design, Negotiation

Ph.D. of City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Professor Phil Viton, PhD Program Admission CoordinatorPhone: (614) 292-2119E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1985 Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .............................................................58Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................6

Dissertations from 9/1/2009 to 6/30/101. Land-Use Planning and the Urban Heat Island Effect.2. Impacts of Transportation, Land Uses, and Meteorology on Urban Air Quality.3. A Computable General Equilibrium Model of the City with Optimization of its Transportation Network: Impacts of Changes in Technology, Preferences, and Policy.4. Optimal Regional Allocation of Population and Employment: Application of a Spatial Interaction Commuting Model.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: 5 Graduate Associateships (All associate ships carry stipend for 20 hrs/week plus payment of tuition/fees. Eligibility Criteria: 3.0 GPA

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: 60 Internships 24 Tuition and Fee Waivers Eligibility Criteria: 3.0 GPA

JOINT DEGREESo MA/MCRP - African American and African Studieso MA/MCRP - Environmental Scienceo MA/MCRP - Public Policy and Managemento MPA/MCRP - Public Policy and Managemento MLA/MCRP - Landscape Architectureo MS/MCRP - Civil Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science - Specialization in Transportationo MSW/MCRP - Social Worko JD/MCRP - Lawo MA/MCRP - Geographyo MS/MCRP Natural Resources

Enrollment Status and Gender Male Female TotalC1. STUDENTS - RACE AND ETHNICITY

US Citizens and Permanent Residents Only

Race White 30 16 46Black or African American 4 7 11American Indian or Alaska native 0 0 0

Asian 1 2 3Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Some Other Race alone 0 0 0Two or More Races 0 0 0Unknown 5 4 9

Sub-Total (Citizens and Residents) 40 29 69

Foreign Students 1 6 7Total Students 41 35 76

US Citizens and Permanent Residents Only 40 29 69

Ethnicity* Hispanic or Latino 2 1 3Not Hispanic or Latino 35 29 73

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYCharisma AceyAssistant Professor. BA California State Northridge (1995), MPP, UCLA (1998), PhD. Specializations: International Development, Social Equity, Governance, Poverty. (614) 292-1012

Gulsah AkarAssistant Professor. BS (2002), MS (2004) Middle East Technical, PhD (2009), University of Maryland. Specializations: Transportation, Energy, Public Health. (614) 292-1012

Maria Manta ConroyAssistant Professor. BS, University of Pennsylvania (1989); MS (1993) and MP (1993), University of Virginia; Ph.D., University of North Carolina (2000). Specializations: Sustainability, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Environmental Planning, Citizen Participation. (614) 292-8044 [email protected]

Jennifer Evans-CowleyAssociate Professor. BS (1994), MUP (1996) and Ph.D., (2000), Texas A&M; MPA, University of North Texas (1997).Specializations: Planning Administration, Infrastructure, Planning Theory, Land Use. (614) 292-8044 [email protected]

Steven I. GordonProfessor. BA, SUNY-Buffalo (1970); MA (1972), MPhil. (1973) and Ph.D., (1977), Columbia University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, GIS, Computers, Environmental Modeling. (614) 292-3372 [email protected]

Jean-Michel GuldmannProfessor. MA, Ecole des Mines (1970); MSc (1973) and DSc (1976), Technion, Israel. Specializations: Energy, Communications, Urban Economics, Quantitative Methods. (614) 292-2257 [email protected]

Hazel Morrow-JonesAssociate Professor. BA, Macalaster College (1974); MA (1976) and Ph.D., (1980), Ohio State University. Specializations: Housing, Quantitative, Planning and Geography, Population Studies. (614) 292-1027 [email protected]

Jack L. NasarProfessor. BArch., Washington University (1969); MUP, New York University (1973); Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University (1979). Specializations: Environment and Behavior, Urban Design, Environmental Psychology, Physical Planning. (614) 292-1457 [email protected]

Kenneth PearlmanProfessor Emeritus, Section Head. AB (1964) and MCP (1974), University of Pennsylvania ; JD, Columbia University (1967).Specializations: Planning Law, Planning Theory, Planning Administration, Land Use Policy. (614) 292-5427 [email protected] Phillip A. VitonAssociate Professor. BA, Brown University (1972); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1977). Specializations: Transportation, Urban Economics, Quantitative Methods, Urban Modeling. (614) 292-5427 [email protected] Burkhard von RabenauProfessor Emeritus. Dipl. Ing., Technische Hochschule Stuttgart, Germany (1968); MCP (1970) and Ph.D., (1973), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: International Development, Urban Economics, Project Analysis, Quantitative Methods. (614) 292-8279 [email protected]

Kyle EzellAssociate Professor of Practice: MA, South Dakota State University. Specialization: Downtown Development. (614) 292-1012 [email protected]

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 2 1 3

White 3 3 6

African American 2 2 2

Native American/Pacific Islander 1 2 3

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 2 2 4

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 1 2 3

Total Students 11 12 23

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Roxyanne BurrusLecturer. BA Sociology UCLA, MCRP Ohio State University

Charles CartwrightLecturer. BA, MLA, MCRP, Ohio State University. Specializations: Technology, GIS,

Jeff DarbeeLecturer. BA Lake Forest College. Specialization: Historic Preservation Craig Davis Professor. BS Zoology Colorado State, MS Botany Colorado State, PhD Ecology UC Davis

Daniel FerdelmanLecturer. BS Architecture Ohio State University, MCRP City Planning University of Cincinnati

Christine GodwardBA, MCRP, Ohio State University. Specialization: Public Health

Jamie GreeneLecturer. BS, Ohio State University (1984); MUP, University of Virginia (1988). Specializations: Comprehensive Planning Regional Planning, International Development.

Chris HermannLecturer. BArch, MCRP University of North Carolina. Specializations: Urban Design

Roy LewickiProfessor. BA Psychology Dartmouth, PhD Social Psychology Columbia

Mark McCordProfessor. BS, Purdue (1977); MS, Stanford (1978); Ph.D., MIT (1983). Specializations: Transportation. (614) 292-2388 [email protected]

Ravi MishalaniAssociate Professor. BE, Civil Engineering American University of Beirut, MS and PhD Transportation Systems MIT

Scott LissnerLecturer. BA Psychology and Economics Rutgers, MA Couseling Hunter, PhD Higher Education Administration University of Virginia

Vincent PapsideroLecturer: MCRP, The Ohio State University. Specialization: Planning Practice.

Nancy RechieLecturer. BA Ohio Dominica, MA Virginia. Specialization: Historic Preservation

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTY Jason ReeceLecturer. MCRP Ohio State University [email protected]

Laura SchinnLecturer. BArch Virginia, MCRP Ohio State University. Specialization: Urban Design

Jason SudyLecturer. BA, MCRP Ohio State University. Specialization: Urban Design Beth UrbanLecturer. BA, MCRP Ohio State University. Specialization: Grant Writing

David WirickLecturer. BA Political Science Kent State University, MA Public Policy Ohio State University

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Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning

College of Urban and Public AffairsP.O. Box 751 - USP

Portland, Oregon 97207-0751Phone (503) 725-4045

Fax (503) 725-8770E-mail: [email protected]

Connie P. Ozawa, DirectorE-mail: [email protected]


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Intro courses: Sociology, Political Science, MicroeconomicsMinimum GPA: 3.0Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: SAT 1000, ACT 21

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 12Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 6Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 20Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................................................ 16Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 54Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 180Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship opportunities and University financial aid available.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ....................................Rolling, major declared by Mid-OctoberFinancial Aid Deadline ........................................................................................ N/AIn-State Tuition and Fees (09/10): .............................$2, 255 per quarter (Full Time)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: ................................... $7,066 per quarter (Full Time)Application Fee ...................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees: ........................................................................................................ 0

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for Masters program .................................................January 15 Admission Deadline for Ph.D program ......................................................January 15Financial Aid Deadline for Masters program .............................................January 15Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D Program .................................................January 15In-State Tuition and Fees (09/10): ..............................$4,225 per quarter (Full Time) Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: .................................. $6,325 per quarter (Full Time)Application Fee ..................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees: ........................................................................................................ 0

For late tuition information, please consult

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Tracy Braden Student Services CoordinatorPhone: (503) 725-5477E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1974 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................720Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................38


Masters SpecializationsCommunity Development, Environment, Land Use, Transportation, Regional Economic Development

Annual Student Enrollment

Undergraduate SpecializationsCommunity Organization and Change, Housing and

Economic Development, Communications and Community Development

BA/BS in Community Development

Contact Person: Tracy Braden, Student Services CoordinatorPhone: (503) 725-5477E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated:1996 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ......................................................... 363Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ................................................57

UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75 University, 3.0 DepartmentalMinimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: A complete application consistent with the requirements posted on the School web page. Recommended: Basic Statistics, Microeconomics.

Applied Accepted Enrolled2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009

Undergraduate 68 47 68 41 68 41Masters 198 266 81 101 42 38

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Doctoral SpecializationsPlanning, Community Development, Policy Analysis,

Gerontology, Regional Economic Development, Transportation

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institutionMinimum GRE: 1,000 Math/Verbal CombinedMinimum TOEFL: 550Minimum GPA: 2.75 or 3.0 in 12 or more graduate creditDepartmental Requirement: A complete application consistent with the requirements posted on the School web page. Recommended: Basic Statistics, Microeconomics.

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................17Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................39Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................16Other ...........................................................................................................0Exams or Written Requirements: ........................... Dissertation: 27 credits minimum, 2 field area exams.Total ..........................................................................................................99


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................43Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...........................................10Hours of Restricted Electives ............................................................. 12-15Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 14-17Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................72Exam, Thesis or Final Product:......................Field Area Project (optional)

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship opportunities, Department awards, University financial aid.

PhD in Urban Studies

Contact Person: Tracy Braden, Student Services CoordinatorPhone: (503) 725-5477E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1969Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ..........................................................217Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ...................................................4Dissertations Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10

Policy Responses to the Closure of Manufactured Home Parks in 1. OregonCommunity Development for a White City: Race Making, 2. Improvement and the Cincinnati Race Riots and Anti-Abolition Riots of 1829, 1836, and 1841The Foundation to Collaborate: Understanding the Role of 3. Participant InterestsWorking Mothers' Decisions, Experiences and Feelings about Using 4. On-Site Childcare



US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 1 0 1

White 21 56 77

African American 1 0 1

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 2 2

Mixed 1 0 1

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 1 2 3

Total Students 25 60 85

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 1 0 1

White 18 31 49

African American 0 0 0

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 1 0 1

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 7 4 11

Total Students 27 35 62

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PLANNING FACULTYCarl AbbottProfessor. BA, Swarthmore College; MA, PhD, University of Chicago. Specializations: Community Development, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Urban and Planning History. (503) 725-5171 [email protected]

Sy AdlerProfessor. BA, University of Pittsburgh; MCP, Harvard University; PhD, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Community Development, Land Use/Growth Management, Planning History, Planning Practice, Planning Theory, Transportation. (503) 725-5172 [email protected]

Ellen M. BassettAssistant Professor. AB, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; MA, MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, International Development. (503) 725-5174 [email protected]

Lisa K. BatesAssistant Professor. BA, The George Washington University; PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Specializations: Housing Policy and Planning, Community Development, Race and Poverty. (503) 725-8203 [email protected]

Jennifer DillAssociate Professor and Director of the Center for Transportation Studies. BS, University of California, Davis; MA, University of California, Los Angeles; PhD, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Transportation, Infrastructure/Public Services, Environmental Planning, Land Use/Growth Management. (503) 725-5173 [email protected]

Michael FogartyProfessor. BA, MS, Portland State University; PhD, University of Pittsburgh. Specializations: Economic Development Planning. (503) 725-8263 [email protected]

Karen GibsonAssociate Professor. BA, San Francisco State University; MS, Carnegie Mellon University; PhD, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Community and Economic Development, Housing, Planning and Social Policy, Racial Economic Inequality, Urban Studies. (503) 725-8265 [email protected]

John Gliebe AICPAssistant Professor. BS, Bowling Green State University; MRP, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Ph.D. Northwestern University. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Advanced Travel Demand Modeling and Modeling Methods, Travel Demand Forecasting. (503) 725-4016 [email protected]

Loren Lutzenhiser Professor. BA, MA, University of Montana; PhD, University of California, Davis. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Energy Planning, Community Development. (503) 725-8743 [email protected]

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYCharles HeyingAssociate Professor. BA, Creighton University; MCRP, Iowa State University; PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Specializations: Community Development, Green Economics and Sustainable Development, Urban Sociology and Politics, Political Economy of Nonprofit Organizations, Social Network Analysis. (503) 725-8416 [email protected]

Jason R. JurjevichAssistant Professor and Assistant Director of the Population Research Center. BBA, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; MA, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; PhD, University of Arizona. Specializations: Population Geography and Population Dynamics, Social Demography, Spatial Processes of Migration, Electoral Geography. (503) 725-8590 [email protected]

Connie P. Ozawa Professor and Director of the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning. AB, University of California, Berkeley; MA, University of Hawaii, Manoa; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Citizen Participation, Environmental Planning, Planning Theory, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Community Development. (503) 725-5126 [email protected]

Anthony RufoloProfessor. BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Infrastructure/Public Services, Public Finance/Fiscal Planning, Transportation, Urban and Regional Economics. (503) 725-4049 [email protected]

Greg SchrockAssistant Professor. BA, University of Notre Dame; MURP, University of Minnesota; PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago. Specializations: Regional Economic Development, Labor Market and Workforce Development Policy. (503) 725-8312 [email protected]

Ethan P. Seltzer Professor. BA, Swarthmore College; MRP, PhD, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Land Use, Regional Economic Development. (503) 725-5169 [email protected]

Vivek ShandasAssociate Professor. BS, University of California at Santa Cruz; MS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; PhD, University of Washington. Specializations: Urban Ecology, Spatial Analysis, including Participatory Processes; Water Resources; Interdisciplinary Education. (503) 725-5222 [email protected]

Nohad A. Toulan FAICPDean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus. BS, University of Cairo; MCP, University of California, Berkeley; PhD, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Housing and Neighborhood Planning, International Development and Planning, Land Use/Growth Management, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Physical Planning/Urban Design. (503) 725-5141 [email protected]

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In addition to the degrees described above, the Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, College of Urban and Public Affairs also offers graduate certificates in Transportation in cooperation with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, GIS in cooperation with the Geography Department, Urban Design in cooperation with the Architecture Department and, Real Estate Development in cooperation with the School of Business. These Certificates are available to all students both dur-ing and after the conclusion of their graduate studies.

FYIBarry MesserAssociate Professor. BA, Whittier College; MA, University of Pittsburgh; PhD, Portland State University. (503) 725-5179 [email protected]

Sheila MartinAssociate Professor and Director of the Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies. BA, Southern Illinois University; MA, University of Kentucky; PhD, Iowa State University. Specializations: Economic Development, Community Development, Regional Planning and Development. (503) 725-5137 [email protected]

James StrathmanProfessor and Director of the Center for Urban Studies. BA, University of Iowa; AM, University of Pennsylvania; PhD, University of Iowa. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Energy Planning, Impact Assessment, Quantitative Methods and Real Estate Development. (503) 725-4069 [email protected]

Gerald Sussman Professor. BA, Fairleigh Dickinson University; MA, University of the Philippines; PhD, University of Hawaii, Manoa. Specializations: Community Development, International Development and Planning, Political Economy, Politics and Governance. (503) 725-5176 [email protected]

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Programs for Sustainable Planning & Development

200 Willoughby AvenueBrooklyn, New York 11205

Phone (718) 399-4314 • Fax (718) 399-4379

John Shapiro, AICP, Chair

Lacey Tauber, Assistant to the ChairPhone (718) 399-4340

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 ................................................................................N/AFinancial Aid Deadline 2009-10 ...........................................................April 15, 2009In-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................................$1,263 per creditOut-of-State and International Tuition and Fees: ............................$1,263 per creditApplication Fee: .................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees ...............................................................................$490 per semester

FINANCIAL AIDGraduate Assistantships Eligibility Criteria: GPA=3.0; At least part-time registration (6 credits) Graduate Scholarships (award amount varies)Eligibility Criteria: GPA=3.0 Full time registration (9 credits)


Master of Science in City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: John Shapiro, AICP, Chair Phone: (718) 399-4391E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1959 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................558Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................16

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL: 575 (University), 600 (Department)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Evidence of strong writing and/or visual communication skills; commitment to the profession of planning and to the core values of the program: equity, sustainability and public participation

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..........................................................................................20Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ..........................................10Hours of Restricted Electives ..........15 credits required for specializationsHours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................25Other ..................................................................................... 5 Thesis/DPCTotal Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................60Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ................. Demonstration of Professional...................................................................................Competence or Thesis

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/1007/0909/1007/0909/1007/09

36188257MCRP 11171


Master of Science in Historic Preservation

Contact Person: Dr. Eric Allison, CoordinatorPhone: (212) 647-7532E-mail: [email protected] Year Initiated: 2004 NCPE Accreditation 2006Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .............................................................30Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................11

Masters SpecializationsHistoric Preservation

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..........................................................................................27Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ............................................5Hours of Restricted Electives ....................................................................3Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................9Total Required Hours in Program ............................................................44Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ................................................ Colloquium

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: No RequirementsMinimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL: 575 (University), 600 (Department)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Evidence of strong writing and analytical skills.

Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental Planning, Community Development,

Historic Preservation, Physical Planning

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Masters in Urban Environmental Systems Management

Contact Person: Jaime Stein, Coordinator Phone: (718) 399-4323 E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: Spring 2005 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................63Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................12

Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental Systems Management

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..........................................................................................20Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ............................................5Hours of Restricted Electives ....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................15Total Required Hours in Program ............................................................40Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .................. Demonstration of Professional ...................................................................................................Competence

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited Institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL: 575 (University), 600 (Department)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Evidence of strong analytical skills. Evidence of commitment to sustainability as a tool for confronting environmental quality & health issues.


Fall 2009

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYJohn Shapiro, AICPChair, Associate Professor. M.S.C.R.P., Pratt Institute. Specialization:Physical Planning & Land Use (718) 399-4391 [email protected]

Jonathan Martin, Ph.D.Adjunct Assistant Professor. PhD, Cornell University. Specializations:Land Use Regulation and Growth Management; Planning Methods(718) 399-4387 [email protected]

Enrollment Status and Gender Full-time Part-time Male Female Male Female TotalC1. STUDENTS - RACE AND ETHNICITY

US Citizens and Permanent Resi-dents Only

Race White 16 15 9 10 50Black or African American 1 8 2 11

American Indian or Alaska native 0 0 0 0 0

Asian 1 2 1 1 5Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

0 0 0 0 0

Some Other Race alone 1 0 0 0 1

Two or More Races 0 2 0 0 2Unknown 0 0 0 0 0Sub-Total (Citizens

and Residents) 19 27 10 13 69

Foreign Students 2 1 3Total Students 21 28 10 13 72

US Citizens and Permanent Resi-dents Only

Ethnicity* Hispanic or Latino 1 2 3Not Hispanic or Latino 20 26 10 13 69

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Moshe Adler, Ph.D.Visiting Associate Professor. Ph.D, UCLA. Specialization: Urban Economics (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Caron Atlas Visiting Assistant Professor. M.A., University of Chicago; Specialization: Art and Social Change (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Eve Baron, Ph.DVisiting Associate Professor. Ph.D., Rutgers University. Specialization: Community-Based Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

David BurneyVisiting Assistant Professor. M. S., University of London; Dip. Arch., Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh; Dip. Arch., Kingston University, London. Specialization: Urban Design (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Joan ByronVisiting Assistant Professor. B.Arch, Pratt Institute. Specializations:Environmental Planning, Physical Planning, Urban Design (718) 636 3486 x6447 [email protected]

Carter CraftVisiting Assistant Professor. M.U.P. New York University. Specialization: Waterfront Planning and Development (718) 399-4340

Mike FlynnVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S.C.R.P, Pratt Institute. Specialization: Transportation Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Adam FriedmanVisiting Assistant Professor. J. D., Benjamin Cardozo School of Law. Specialization: Industrial Retention, Community-based Planning (718) 636-3486

Daniel HernandezVisiting Assistant Professor. M.Arch, University of California. Specialization: Affordable Housing Development (718) 399-4340

George Jacquemart, P.E.Visiting Associate Professor. MSUP, Stanford University. Specialization: Transportation planning. (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

William MenkingAssociate Professor. M.S.C.R.P Pratt Institute. Specialization: UrbanHistory and Theory. (718) 399-4318 [email protected]

Ronald Shiffman FAICP, FAIAProfessor. M.S.C.R.P. Pratt Institute, Specializations: Community Development, Sustainable Development, Physical Planning. (718) 399-4325 [email protected]

Ayse Yonder, Ph.D.Professor. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Community Development, Gender and Planning, Disaster Mitigation, Urban Land and Housing in Developing Countries. (718) 399-4323 [email protected]

HISTORIC PRESERVATION FACULTY Eric Allison, Ph.D.Adjunct Associate Professor and Coordinator of Historic Preservation Program. Ph.D., Columbia University. Specialization: Historic Preservation (212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Ned Kaufman, Ph.D.Adjunct Associate Professor. Ph.D., Yale University. Specializations:Environmental Planning, Historic Preservation. (212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Vicki WeinerAdjunct Associate Professor. MS Historic Preservation, ColumbiaUniversity. Specializations: Historic Preservation; CommunityDevelopment (718) 636-3486 ext 6464 [email protected]


Eva HanhardtAdjunct Associate Professor. MUP, New York University. Specialization:Environmental Planning; Community Based Planning (718) 399-4323 [email protected]

Jaime Stein Visiting Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Environmental Systems Management Program. M.S., Environmental Systems Management, Pratt Institute. Specialization: Environmental Policy & Sustainability (718) 399-4323 [email protected]

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Brad LanderVisiting Associate Professor. MSCRP, Pratt Institute. Specializations: Housing and Real Estate; Community Development (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Rob LaneVisiting Assistant Professor. M. Arch., Columbia University. Specialization: Urban Design (718) 399-4340

Tina LundVisiting Assistant Professor. B.A., Grinnell College. Specialization: Demography, Data Analysis (718) 399-4340

Frank Lang, R.A.Visiting Assistant Professor. M.Arch, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Housing & Community Development; Housing Finance (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Mercedes NarcisoAdjunct Associate Professor. M.S., Pratt Institute. Specialization: Community-based Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Juan Camilo OsorioVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S., University of MassachusettsSpecialization: GIS, Data Analysis (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Stuart PertzVisiting Assistant Professor. M.Arch., Princeton UniversitySpecialization: Urban Design (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

David ReissVisiting Assistant Professor. J.D., New York University School of LawSpecialization: Law and Community Development (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Damon RichVisiting Assistant Professor. Graduate School of Design, Harvard University. Specialization: Urban Design (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Steven RomalewskiVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S., Columbia University. Specialization: GIS, Data Analysis (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Alison SchneiderVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S.C.R.P., Pratt Institute. Specialization: Physical Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Sideya ShermanVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S., Hunter College. Specialization: Community-Based Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Toby SnyderVisiting Assistant Professor. M. Arch., Rhode Island School of DesignSpecialization: Urban Design (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Samara Swanston, J.D.Visiting Assistant Professor. JD, St. John's University. Specializations:Environmental Law; Environmental Justice (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Petra Todorovich Visiting Assistant Professor. M.S.C.R.P., Rutgers University. Specialization: Regional Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Meenakshi Varandani Visiting Assistant Professor. M.S.C.R.P., Pratt Institute. Specialization: International Planning, Economic Development (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Joseph Weisbord Visiting Assistant Professor. M.S.C.R.P., Pratt Institute. Specialization: Affordable Housing Development (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Andrew Wiley-Schwartz Visiting Assistant Professor. B.A., Hampshire College. Specialization: Transportation Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Edward Perry Winston, R.A.Visiting Assistant Professor. M.Arch, Rice University. Specializations:Physical Planning, Community Development (718) 399-4340 [email protected]


Chelsea AlbucherAdjunct Associate Professor. M.S., Tufts University; B.A., Specialization: Sustainability (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Chris Benedict, R.A.Visiting Assistant Professor. B.Arch, Cooper Union. Specializations: Green Buildings; Energy Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Michael BobkerVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S. Energy, New York Institute of Technology, Specializations: Energy Systems Management (718) 399-4340

Carlton BrownVisiting Assistant Professor. B.Arch, Princeton. Specializations: Sustainable Development and Affordable Housing (718) 399-4340

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Damon Chaky, Ph.DAssistant Professor. PhD in Geology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,Specialization: Geochemistry; Toxics and Hazardous Materials (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Ramon CruzVisiting Assistant Professor. M.U.P. Princeton University, Specializations: Ecological Cities (718) 399-4340

Stephanie FeldmanVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S., New Jersey Institute of TechnologySpecializations: Waste Management (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Olympia KaziVisiting Assistant Professor. Laurea in Architettura, Universita degli Studi di Firenze. Specialization: Sustainable Design (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Katie KendallVisiting Assisting Professor. L.L.M., Vermont Law School; J.D., Brooklyn Law School. Specialization: Environmental Policy & Law (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Robert Kulkowski, Ph.DVisiting Assisting Professor. Ph.D. The State of University of New York. Specialization: Environmental Policy & Law (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Paul Mankiewicz, Ph.D.Visiting Associate Professor. PhD, City University of New York. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Water Quality Management (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Gita Nandan VVisiting Assistant Professor. M.Arch., U.C. Berkeley, Specialization: Green Architecture (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Ariella Rosenberg MaronVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S.C.R.P., M.I.T., Specialization: Environmental Planning & Sustainable Development (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Gelvin Stevenson, Ph.DVisiting Assistant Professor. Ph.D, Washington University. Specialization: Environmental Economics (718) 399-4314 [email protected]

Ira SternVisiting Assistant Professor. MSCRP, Pratt Institute. Specialization: Environmental Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Catherine ZidarVisiting Assistant Professor. MSCRP, Pratt Institute. Specializations:Environmental Planning, Ecological Infrastructure (718) 399-4340 [email protected]


Lisa AckermanVisiting Assistant Professor. M.B.A., New York University. Specialization: Historic Preservation, International Conservation (212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Carol ClarkVisiting Associate Professor. M.S. Columbia University. Specialization: Zoning, Affordable Housing Development (212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Pat Fisher-Olsen Visiting Assistant Professor. M.S., Pratt Institute. Specialization: Historic Preservation (212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Jeanne Houck, Ph.DVisiting Assistant Professor. Ph.D., New York University. Specialization: Historic Preservation, Public History (212) 647-7532

Anne HrychukVisiting Assistant Professor. M.A., New York University; Ph. D. Candidate, New York University. Specialization: Historic Architecture (212) 647-7532

Jonathan MeyersVisiting Assistant Professor. M.B.A., Columbia University. Specialization: Historic Preservation and Real Estate Development (212) 647-7532

Norman MintzVisiting Associate Professor. M.S., Columbia UniversitySpecialization: Downtown Revitalization (212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Christopher NevilleVisiting Assistant Professor. M.S., Columbia University. Specialization: Historic Preservation, Public History (212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Theodore Prudon, Ph.D.Visiting Assistant Professor. Ph.D., Columbia University. Specializations: Historic Preservation; Building Technology (212) 647-7532

Lacey Tauber Visiting Assistant Professor. M.S., Historic Preservation, Pratt Institute. Specialization: Historic Preservation, Community-Based Planning (718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Kevin Wolfe, R.A.Visiting Assistant Professor. M.Arch. Columbia University, Specializations: Historic Preservation; Adaptive Reuse Techniques (212) 647-7532

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PSPD is an alliance of four programs with a shared value placed on urban sustainability – defined by the “triple bottom line” of environment, equity, and economy:

• City and Regional Planning • Environmental Systems Management• Historic Preservation• Facilities Management Each of the four graduate programs maintains its independence, degree, and depth of study, yet with the advice of Coordinators and Chairs, students can move between the four programs, with the further option to follow set tracks for specialized or multifaceted stud-ies or to pursue two degrees at less cost and time than would otherwise be the case.

PSPD also offers linkages to: the Construction Man-agement Program, with the opportunity to focus on real estate development; Brooklyn Law School, with opportunity for a joint Masters / Juris Doctor; and the Pratt Center for Community Development, with op-portunity to combine study and advocacy.

The primary mission of the PSPD is to provide a professionally oriented education to a student body with diverse cultural, educational and professional backgrounds. The PSPD welcomes applicants with undergraduate degrees in a wide range of disciplines. In the application process, the PSPD values creativity, civic engagement, and depth of experience, in addition to intellectual capacity.

Programs for Sustainable Planning and Development

Master of Science in City and Regional PlanningSince its inception 50 years ago, the City and Re-gional Planning Program has remained true to its emphasis on an education that emphasizes practice over theory, participatory planning over top-down policy making, and advocacy over technocracy.

To promote specialized or interdisciplinary study, half of the credits are in elective seminars and studios. While by no means required, each student can focus on one of four particular professional concentrations, each of which has its own faculty coordinator:

• Community Development and Advocacy• Environmental Planning and Policy• Preservation Planning and Livable Cities• Physical Planning and Urbanism

internships Virtually every student is assured the opportunity for an internship. Most students have had or, in the course of study, will gain work expe-rience in the field – such that students learn from each other as well as from faculty.

studio culture Studios bring together students from all four PSPD graduate programs for inter-disciplinary teamwork. The studios tackle real planning challenges, usually in connection with a project of the Pratt Center for Community Devel-opment or another advocacy organization.

200 Willoughby AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11205


Programs for SustainablePlanning and Development

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Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy

33 Livingston Avenue, Suite 300New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1987

Phone (732) 932-5475 ext. 542Fax (732) 932-1771

Robert Burchell, Program DirectorE-mail:[email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program..... ..................... May 1 Admission Deadline 2009-10 for Ph.D program ............................... May 1Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ............... January 15Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 for Ph.D p rogram ................. January 15In-State Tuition and Fees ..............................................$6,924 per semesterOut-of-State and International Tuition and Fees .......$10,632 per semesterApplication Fee .......................................................................................$65Additional Fees: ...............................................................$890 per semester

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/1008/0909/1008/0909/1008/09

9355199119MCRP 315164


66106MCRS 1213


Master of City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Stephen D. WestonPhone: (732) 932-5475 x753E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1968 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................1441Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................44

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Four year degree. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: University, V-500/Q-600; Department, varies by year.Minimum TOEFL: 93/213/550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Four year degree, some experience welcomed, but not required.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................18Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................6Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................18Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams, Thesis, or Final Product: .............. Professional report requirement


Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental and Physical Planning,

Regional Planning and International Development, Urban and Community Development,

Housing and Real Estate,Transportation Policy and Planning

Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental and Physical Planning,

Regional Planning and International Development, Urban and Community Development,

Housing and Real Estate,Transportation Policy and Planning

Master of City and Regional Studies

Contact Person: Stephen D. Weston Phone: (732) 932-5475 x 753E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1975 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................125Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................6

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Four year degree. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: University: V-500/Q-600; Department: varies by year.Minimum TOEFL: 93/213/550Departmental Requirement: Another advanced degree and/or international student with significant experience in field.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................15Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ........................................N/AHours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................6Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................9Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 30Exam, Thesis or Final Product: ........ Comprehensive Exam - oral/written

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US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 6 3 9

White 40 37 77African American 3 6 9Native American/Pacific Islander 1 0 1

Asian American 6 5 11

Mixed 6 2 8

Other / Don’t know 6 3 9

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents8 7 15

Total Students 76 63 139

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................15Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................33Other .............................................................................. 24 research creditsTotal Required Hours in Program ............................................................ 72 Exams, Thesis, or Final Product: .............. Qualifying Examination, Thesis Proposal, Dissertation and Defense*Up to 24 credits can be transferred in from a prior graduate program - advance approval.

Ph.D. in Planning and Public Policy

Contact Person: Stephen D. WestonPhone: (732) 932-5475 x753E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1968Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ..........................................................149Degrees Granted from 9/1/10 to 8/31/10 ...................................................3

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2010 to 8/31/20101. Urban Design and Planning Policy: A Contexual Approach2. Disputed Relocation and Property Development in Shanghai, 190-20053. The Impact of Affordable Housing on Taxable Property Valuation in a Poor City.

Doctoral SpecializationsHousing and Community Development,

Land Use and Transportation,Politics and Policy Analysis,

Urban and Regional Economics,Science, Environmental and Health Policy,

International Development

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONSchool Awards: Fellowships and Assistantships. Eligibility Criteria: Merit and need-based aid, based upon admission application.University Financial Aid Office: Grants and loans. Eligibility Criteria: Federal grant and loan criteria.

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Master’s or other advanced degree. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: University: V-500/Q-600; Department: varies by year.Minimum TOEFL: 93/213/550Departmental Requirement: Master’s or other advanced degree.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONSchool Awards, Fellowships and Assistantships. Eligibility criteria: Merit and need-based aid, based upon admission Application.University Financial Aid Office: Grants and loans.Eligibility Criteria: Federal grant and loan criteria.

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US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 1 1 2

White 18 16 34African American 3 4 7Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 5 6

Mixed 0 2 2

Other / Don’t know 1 3 4

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents2 2


Total Students 26 33 59

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYHooshang AmirahmadiProfessor. MS, University of Dallas (1978); PhD., Cornell University (1982). Specializations: Global Restructuring, Regional Policies, Urban and Regional Economics. (732) 932-3822 ext. 737 [email protected]

Clinton J. AndrewsProfessor. MS(1985); PhD., (1990) Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Energy Policy, Planning Methods. (732) 932-3822 ext. 721 [email protected]

Robert W. BurchellProfessor. Ph.D., Rutgers University (1971). Specializations: Real Estate Analysis, Fiscal Impact Analysis, Housing, Land Use Planning Methods/Theory. (732) 932-3133 ext. 542 [email protected]

Gabriella Y. CaroliniAssistant Professor. MDS (2002) Oxford University; Ph.D. (2008) Columbia University. Specializations: International Urban Development, Informal Settlements, Public Sector Accounting, Development Finance (732) 932-3822 ext. 731 [email protected]

James DeFilippisAssociate Professor. MA (1996); Ph.D. (2000) Rutgers University. Specializations: Urban Political Economy, Housing, Community Development. (732) 932-3822 ext. 734 [email protected]

James W. HughesProfessor and Dean. MCRP (1969); Ph.D. (1999) Rutgers University. Specializations: Housing & Real Estate Markets, Demographics, Analysis of Regional & State Economies (732) 932-5475 ext. 756 [email protected]

Radha JaganathanAssociate Professor. MS, Rutgers University (1996); Ph.D., Princeton University (1999). Specializations: Demography, Poverty, Public and Child Welfare. (732) 932-4101 ext. 668 [email protected]

Michael L. LahrAssociate Research Professor. MA (1978); Ph.D. (1992) University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Economic Development, Urban and Regional Economics/Development, Public Finance. (732) 932-3133 ext. 546 [email protected]

Robert W. LakeProfessor. MA (1972); Ph.D. (1981) University of Chicago. Specializations: Community Development, Planning Theory, Race/Ethnicity & Planning. (732) 932-3133 ext. 521 [email protected]

David ListokinProfessor. MPA, Bernard Baruch College (1971); MCRP (1971); Ph.D. (1978) Rutgers University. Specializations: Housing, Fiscal Impacts, Historic Preservation. (732) 932-3822 ext. 550 [email protected]

Anton E. Nelessen Associate Professor. MS, Harvard University (1968). Specializations: Physical Planning, Urban Design, Neighborhood & C.B.D. Rehabilitation. (732) 932-3822 ext. 726 [email protected]

Kathe NewmanAssistant Professor. Ph.D., City University of New York (2001). Specializations: Urban Politics, Urban Revitalization, Community Development. (732) 932-3822 ext. 556 [email protected]

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Robert B. NolandProfessor. MS (1986); Ph.D. (1992) UNiversity of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Transportaiton Planning, Environmental Policy, Quantitative Methods. (732) 932-6812 ext. 606 [email protected]

Frank J. PopperProfessor. MPA(1969); Ph.D. (1972) Harvard University. Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, The American West, Regional and Environmental Policy. (732) 932-4101 ext. 689 [email protected]

John R. PucherProfessor. Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1978). Specializations: Urban Transportation, Urban Economics, Public Sector Economics. (732) 932-3822 ext. 722 [email protected]

Julia Sass RubinAssistant Professor. M.B.A. (1990); A.M. (1997); Ph.D. (2002) Harvard University. Specializations: Community Economic Development, Development Finance, Nonprofit & Hybrid Organizational Forms. (732) 932-3133 ext. 546 [email protected]

Lyna WigginsAssociate Professor. M.S. (1972) Stanford University; Ph.D. (1981) University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Geographic Information Science, Urban Applications of GIS, Planning Methods. (732) 932-3822 ext. 568 [email protected]

Frank FelderAssociate Research Professor. SM, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1994, 2001) Specializations: Energy Planning & Policy, Restructured Electricity Markets, Reliability Analysis (732) 932-5680, ext. 670 [email protected]

Norman GlickmanUniversity Professor. MA and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (1967, 1969). Specializations: International/Regional Economic Development, Urban Impact Analysis, Urban and Industrial Policy. (732) 932-3133 ext. 570 [email protected]

Michael GreenbergProfessor and Associate Dean. MA and Ph.D., Columbia University (1969). Specializations: Urban Neighborhood Redevelopment, Brownfields, Environmental Health Policy. (732) 932-5475 ext. 673 [email protected]

Briavel HolcombProfessor. MA and Ph.D., University of Colorado (1967, 1972). Specializations: Tourism, Urban Geography, Societal Impacts of the Internet. (732) 932-4101 ext. 688 [email protected]

Stuart MeckFaculty Fellow, Center Director. MA, Ohio State, MBA, Wright State University (1971, 1981). Specializations: Comprehensive Planning, Land Use Law & Regulation, Affordable Housing (732) 932-3640, ext. 640 [email protected]

Martin E. RobinsFaculty Fellow, Center Director. LL.B., Harvard University Law School (1967). Specializations: Transit Development, Transit System Planning, Transit System Access. (732) 932-6812 ext. 697 [email protected]

Joseph J. SenecaUniversity Professor. MA and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Environmental Policy and Regulation, State and Local Economic Development and Finance, Government Regulation of Business. (732) 932-5475 ext. 757 [email protected]

Meredeth Turshen Professor. MA, New York University (1961); Ph.D., University of Sussex (UK) (1975). Specializations: Gender and Development, International Health, Third World Social Policy. (732) 932-4101 ext. 681 [email protected]

Carl Van Horn Professor. MA and Ph.D., The Ohio State University (1975, 1976). Specializations: Workforce Development, Policy Analysis and Evaluation, State Politics. (732) 932-4100 ext. 714 [email protected]

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Environmental Planning and Design Undergraduate Program

93 Lipman DriveBlake Hall, Room 113

School of Environmental and Biological Sciences New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Phone (732) 932-9317 • Fax (732) 932-1940

David Tulloch, Undergraduate Program Director Phone (732) 932-1951

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONUNDERGRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 ............................... Apply through Rutgers*Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ......................... Apply through Rutgers**In-State Tuition and Fees 2009-2010 .........................$12,940 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees 2009-2010 .................$23,850 per semesterApplication Fee .......................................................................................$65

*Apply through Rutgers at:** Apply through Rutgers at:


BS in Environmental Planning and Design – Environmental Planning Option

Contact Person: David Tulloch Undergraduate Program Director (732) 932-9317 [email protected]

Year initiated: 1971Degrees granted through 5/31/10 ......................................................... N/AN/A Degrees granted from 5/31/09 to 5/31/10 ......................................... 5

Enrolled 5/31/10 .....................................................................................29Enrolled 5/31/09 ......................................................................................23Enrolled 5/31/08 ......................................................................................30

Jean Marie HartmanAssociate Professor. B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1976), M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1981), Ph.D. University of Connecticut (1984). Specializations: Plant Ecology, Ecological Design (732) 932-8488 [email protected]

Barry ChalofskyAdjunct Instructor. BA- Syracuse University (1973), M.C.R.P. Rutgers University (1977), Licensed NJ Professional Planner (1978), NJ Certified Public Manager (1986). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Water Quality Policy, Stormwater and Ground Water Protection Policy (609) 883-8053 [email protected]

Frank GallagherAdjunct Instructor. B.A., Rutgers University (1978), M.A., Montclair State College (1983), Ph.D., Rutgers the State University of New Jersey (2008). Specializations: Open Space Planning, Urban Forestry (732) 932-9317 [email protected]

Planning Statement of Purpose:Rutgers offers an Environmental Planning Option as part of its BS in Environmental Planning and Design at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. (The other options within the major are envi-ronmental geomatics, landscape architecture and landscape industry.) Environmental planning requires the integration of environmental infor-mation into the planning process and is concerned with the protection and enhancement of environmental systems while addressing demands for human population growth and land development. This option is intended for students who are interested in pursuing professional careers in envi-ronmental planning and related areas. It also provides a basis for graduate and professional studies. An environmental planning certificate program also is available for undergraduate students in other programs of study.

Wolfram HoeferAssistant Professor. Dipl.-Ing., TU-Berlin (1993), Dr.-Ing. TU-Munich (2000). Specializations: Post-industrial Landscapes, Landscape Theory (732) 932-9313 [email protected]

Richard LathropProfessor. B.A., Dartmouth (1981), M.S., Dartmouth (1985), Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1986). Specializations: Landscape Ecology, Remote Sensing (732) 932-1580 [email protected]

Laura LawsonProfessor. B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz (1988), M.L.A., University of California, Berkeley (1992), Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (2000). Specializations: Urban Open Space, Community Gardening, Social Factors in Design (732) 932-8010 [email protected]

David TullochAssociate Professor. BSLA, University of Kentucky (1992), MLA, Louisiana State University (1994), Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997). Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Regional Design (732) 932-1581 [email protected]

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School of Urban and Regional PlanningSchool of Urban & Regional Planning

(SBB-400)350 Victoria St., Toronto, Ontario

M5B 2K3,

Phone: 416-979-5165 – Fax: 416-979-5357Email: [email protected]

Dr. Mitchell Kosny, School Director (Int.)Email: [email protected]

Phone: 416-979-5000, press 1, ext. 7314

Dr. Sandeep Agrawal, Associate Director (Int.); Graduate Program DirectorEmail: [email protected]

Phone: 416.979.5000, press 1, ext.

PROGRAM INFORMATIONUNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEES* Information provided below is subject to change, please see website for current information.Admission Deadline .......................................................................................March 1OSAP Deadline ..............................................................Mid-July for September startDomestic Tuition and Fees for 4 year PLAN ............................................ $24,798.24Domestic Tuition and Fees for 2 year PLAB/PLAD................................. $12,957.15International Tuition and Fees for 4 year PLAN ....................................... $71,242.76International Tuition and Fees for 2 year PLAB/PLAD ........................... $36,222.38

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEES* Information provided below is subject to change, please see website for current information.Admission Deadline for Fall 2011 .................................................. mid-January 2011Financial Aid Deadline ...................................... June 2011 for September 2011 startDomestic Tuition and Fees for 2 yr stream ........................ *$12,844 for the 5 termsDomestic Tuition and Fees for 1 yr stream ............................... $7706.40 for 3 termsInternational Tuition and Fees for 2 yr stream: ............. .*$28,559.90 for the 5 termsInternational Tuition and Fees for 1 yr Stream: .................... $17,079.14 for 3 termsApplication Fee .............................................................................................. $100.00Additional fees: ........................................................................................................ **Fees are officially posted on the website at at the beginning of August for the coming academic year and they are subject to change. Please note that tuition fees usually increase each academic year. The fees listed above are for students who started in Fall 2009.

UNDERGRADUATE DEGREEBachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (BURPl)

Contact Person: Dr. Mitchell Kosny, Director (Int.)Phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 7314Email: [email protected]


Contact: Amy Bastoros, Admissions OfficerEmail: [email protected]: 416-979-5000, Press 1, ext. 7256


University Admission Policy for 4 year PLANThe following are minimum requirements only and are subject to change: • Completion of the OSSD or equivalent; • Six (6) Grade 12 U or M courses or equivalent including program

specific prerequisite courses and English (one of ENG4U, ETS4U, EWC4U) /Anglais (one of EAE4U, EAL4U, EAC4U); English/Anglais (ENG4U/EAE4U) is the preferred English for all programs and is the required English for Journalism and Radio and Television.

All Ryerson programs also stipulate specific subject prerequisites. Grades required for admission are determined on the basis of competition each year.

ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTSOntario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent with a mini-mum of six Grade 12 U or M courses including the following program specific requirements ( a minimum overall average of 70% establishes eligibility for admission consideration; subject to competition individual programs may require higher pre-requisite grades and/or higher overall averages):

ENGLISH/ANGLAISRecommended: Grade 12 U or M courses in Social Sciences and the Humanities (HFA4M, HHS4M, HHG4M, HSB4M, HZT4U) and/or Economics (CIA4U) and U courses in Canadian and World Studies (CGW4U, CGU4U, CHI4U, CHY4U, CLN4U, CPW4U), Science (SBI4U, SCH4U, SPH4U, SES4U) and/or Mathematics (MHF4U, MCV4U, MDM4U)

The minimum grade required in the subject prerequisite (normally in the 65-70% range) will be determined subject to competition.

ACSP Member:Full

Annual Student Enrollment

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled10/11 10/11 10/11

PLAN 678 335 105PLAB 59 30 20PLAD 9 7 7

Applied Accepted Enrolled10/11 10/11 10/11

MPl (2 yr Stream) 197 70 32MPl (1 yr stream) 7 2 2

BURPl 2 and 4 Year streams, MPl 1 and 2 Year streams

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University Admission Policy for 2 year PLAB• Bachelor's degree from an accredited English-language university

including six semesters of liberal studies (liberal arts and sciences) courses.

• Related work, volunteer or community experience, and letters of ref-erence will be considered, if provided.

• Qualified applicants must successfully complete a 75 hour, three week Spring/Summer intensive block course (CVUP 100) which is offered through The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education. Students must complete CVUP 100 prior to their entry into the program.

Students who offer additional university credits for required courses in the PLAB program will be permitted to substitute additional planning elective or professionally-related electives courses for those credits held.

University Admission Policy for 2 year PLAD• Completion of the Urban and Regional Planning Technician-GIS

Diploma from Mohawk or the GIS and Urban Planning Diploma from Fanshawe Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology with a minimum of a ‘B’ average overall.

• Qualified applicants must successfully complete a 75 hour, three week Spring/Summer intensive block course (CVUP 100) which is offered through The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education. Students must complete CVUP 100 prior to their entry into the program.

FINANCIAL AID/AWARDSUrban and Regional Planning awards for undergraduate students range from $200-$2900.

Additional information as well as information on other awards available to undergraduate students of the School of Urban and Regional Planning can be found at the following website:

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS4 Year PLAN28 Required courses; 6 Liberal studies Electives; 4 Professionally Related Electives; and 4 Professional Electives

2 Year PLAB16 Required courses; and 4 Professional Electives

2 Year PLAD17 Required courses; and 3 Professional Electives

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Planning in Urban Development

Contact Person: Dr. Sandeep Agrawal, Program DirectorPhone: 416-979-5000 press 1 ext 6767E-mail: [email protected] - OR- Program Administrator 416-979-5000 ext 2099. [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2 year stream 2008; 1 year stream 2009Accreditations: Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP), and the Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI)


2 Year StreamNumber of Required Courses ...................................................................10 Number of Electives ..................................................................................3Studio or Practice Related Courses ............................................................2Studio Courses ...................................... (included in 10 Required Courses)Field Practicum ............................................... minimum 6 weeks required ....................................................... (completed in 3rd term of the program)Final Product:. .............................................. Major Research Paper/Project ................................................. (completed in the 3rd term of the program)

1 Year StreamNumber of Required Courses .....................................................................6Number of Elective Courses .......................................................................2Studio or Practice Related Courses: ......(Included in 6 Required Courses)Final Product ............................................... Major Research Paper/Project ................................................. (completed in the 3rd term of the program)


University Admission Policy for 2 year stream:4 year honours Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University

Minimum Undergraduate GPA B in the last 2 years of the study.

Minimum GRE Not required

Minimum TOEFL 237 and 4.5 essay/580 and 4.5 TWE

Departmental Requirement MPL Supplementary Admissions data form, Statement of Intent, Curriculum Vitae, 2 letters of recommendation and original transcripts from all undergraduate schools.

University Admission Policy for 1 year stream: 4 or 5 year accredited Bachelor’s Degree in Planning from a recognized University AND no less than two calendar years of professional planning experience. Students with a Bachelor's Degree (four- or five-year) in a related discipline who show evidence of significant professional experi-ence in Planning will be accepted on a case by case basis.

Minimum Undergraduate GPA B in the last 2 years of the study.

Minimum GRENot required

Minimum TOEFL 237 and 4.5 essay/580 and 4.5 TWE

Departmental RequirementMPL Supplementary Admissions data form, Statement of Intent, Curriculum Vitae, 2 letters of recommendation and original transcripts from all undergraduate schools.

Masters SpecializationsMulticulturalism, Environmental Planning, Urban

Regeneration, Sustainable Urban Development

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PLANNING FACULTYSandeep Kumar Agrawal MCIP, RPP, AICPProfessor, Interim Assoc. School Director, Graduate Program Director. B.Arch. (IIT-Roorkee, India, 1991), M.C.P. (Manitoba, 1994), Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001). Specializations: Urban Design, Design Review, Ethnic Enclaves, Multiculturalism and Planning Policies, Immigration and Settlement. (416) 979-5000 ext. 6767 [email protected]

Lawrence Altrows Professor. B.Sc. (McGill, 1968) M.urb. (Montréal, 1973). Specializations: Community Development Practices in Latin America, Tourism Development, International Development, Community Development (416) 979-5000 ext. 6765 [email protected]

David Amborski MCIP, RPPProfessor. B.A. (Boston College, 1971) M.Sc. (Planning) (Toronto, 1974) M.A. (Economics) (Toronto, 1981). Specializations: Municipal Finance, Development Charges, Property Tax Reform in Ontario, Strategic Planning Practice in Ontario and Eastern Europe (416) 979-5000 ext. 6768 [email protected]

Ronald Keeble MCIP, RPPProfessor. B.A. (Brock, 1973) M.E.S. (York, 1976) . Specializations: Land-use and Site Planning / Design, Professional Practice, Planning Ethics and Theory (416) 979-5000 ext.6771 [email protected]

Mitchell Kosny, MCIP, RPPInterim School Director. B.A. (Idaho, 1972) M.R.C.P. (Oklahoma, 1974) Ph.D. (Waterloo, 1978). Specializations: Municipal Capacity-building, Policy, Strategic Planning, Social Planning (416) 979-5000 ext.7314 [email protected]

Nina-Marie Lister MCIP, RPPAssociate Professor. B.A. Hons. (Toronto) M.Sc. Pl. (Toronto) Ph.D. Cand. (Waterloo), MCIP, RPP. Specializations:Urban/ex-urban Parklands, Urban Ecology, Landscape & Ecological Design, Landscape Urbanism; Edible Landscapes & Food Security, Biodiversity Conservation (416) 979-5000 ext 6769 [email protected]

Ronald Pushchak MCIP, RPPProfessor. Cross-appointed with School of Occupational and Public Health. B.A. (Toronto, 1970) M.E.S. (York, 1973) Ph.D. (Princeton, 1982). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Environmental Risk Assessment, Hazardous Facility Siting (416) 979-5000 ext. 7049 [email protected]

Pamela Robinson MCIP, RPPAssistant Professor. B.A.H. (Queen's, 1991), M.PL. (Queen's, 1994), Ph.D. (University of Toronto, 2000). Specializations: Urban Sustainability, Environmental Design, Environmental Planning, Urban Governance, Public Engagement and Progressive Pedagogy. (416) 979-5000 ext. 6762 [email protected]

Joseph H. Springer MCIP, RPPProfessor. B.A. (University of Western Ontario, 1971) M.C.R.P. (Rutgers, 1974/78) Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario, 1984) . Specializations: Homelessness and Social Housing, Policy Evaluation. (416) 979-5000 ext. 6766 [email protected]

Steven Webber MCIP, RPPAssistant Professor. BA (Toronto) M.A.(U.C.L.A), Ph.D. (USC). Specializations: Land Use Policy, Growth Management Strategies, Affordable Housing, Financial Feasibility (416) 979-5000 ext. 6772 [email protected]

Zhixi Cecilia ZhuangAssistant Professor. B.Arch (China), MUP (China), PhD (Waterloo). Specializations: Urban Design, Retailing, Revitalization and Urban Growth, Multicultural Planning, Immigration Settlement, Cross-cultural Studies. (416) 979-5000 ext. 6806


Ryerson University Graduate Scholarship (RGS) – $7000.00 scholarship for students with an A- average or higherNumber of Scholarships depends on funding availableRyerson University Graduate Award – Maximum amount $6500.00 per student Number of Award and amount of each depends on funding available.Various Graduate Assistant positions are available through the School of Urban and Regional Planning

AFFILIATED FACULTYNancy Alcock Instructor. MSc (Public Policy and Public Administration) (London School of Economics and Political Science), B.E.S (Waterloo)

Paul Bedford Adjunct Professor. BSc (Carleton), MSc (U of T)

Paul M.L. Breuer Professor Emeritus. B.A. (Western), M.A. (Illinois), M.C.I.P.

Eileen CostelloB.A. (Queen's, 1996), M.Sc. Pl. (Toronto, 1998), LLB (Toronto 2001). Specialization: Municipal and Land Use Planning Law. [email protected] HaiderAssociate Professor. B.Sc. (Pakistan, 1992) M.A.Sc. (Toronto, 1999), PhD (Toronto, 2003). Specializations: Supply Chain/Logistics Management, Travel Demand Forecasting, Infrastructure Investment Analysis, and Land Development (416) 979-5000 x 2480 [email protected]

Pamela Hitchcock Professor Emerita. B.A. (Wheaton), M.R.P. (North Carolina), M.C.I.P.

George Kapelos Professor. AB, Prin., MCP, Harv., March, Yale, RPP, MCIP, OAA, MRAIC

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Michael E. Kusner Professor Emeritus. B.Arch. (Natal), Dipl. Town Planning (London), M.Sc. (Toronto), M.C.I.P.

Ian Lord Senior Instructor, B.A. (Queen’s), M.Sc. (Pl) (Toronto), LL.B (Osgoode Hall)

Harold Madi Instructor. B.A.A. (Urban and Regional Planning) (Ryerson), M. Arch. (UBC), M.R.A.I.C. NEW

James Mars MCIP, RPP, AICPProfessor Emeritus. A.B. (Brown, 1969) M.R.P. (Cornell, 1973) Ph.D. (Cornell, 1979). Specializations: Transportation Planning, Information Technology, Statistics, Survey Research; Planning Analysis, Regional Planning and Policy (416) 979-5000 ext. 6764 [email protected]

Beth Moore Milroy FCIP, RPPProfessor Emerita. B.A. (McGill, 1974) M.urb. (Montréal, 1976) Ph.D. (British Columbia, 1981) . Specializations: The Public Realm, Multiculturalism in Planning, Gender and Planning [email protected] Leo LongoB.A. (Toronto, 1974), LLB(Queen's, 1977). Specialization: Development Law, Municipal Law. [email protected]

Mohammad Qadeer FCIP, RPPAdjunct Professor. M.S. (Greece, 1962), M.C.P (Rhode Island, 1966), PhD (Columbia, 1971). Specializations: Multiculturalism, Ethnic Enclave, Third World Planning, Rural Planning [email protected]

Eva Samery Professor Emerita. B.A. (Budapest), M.Sc. (Pl.) (Toronto), M.C.I.P., R.P.P

Almos Thomas TassonyiB.A. (Toronto, 1973), M.A.(Toronto, 1974), M.Sc. (London, 1995), PhD Candidate (Calgary). Specialization: Municipal Finance, Property Tax Legislation. [email protected]

Cheryl TeelucksinghAssociate Professor. B.A. (Queen’s, 1987), M.C.S. (Calgary, 1996), PhD (York, 2001). Specializations: Environmental Justice, Urban Sustainability, Socio-spatial Theory, Applied Geographical Information Systems, and Ethno-racial and Immigrant Settlement Patterns. (416) 979-5000 Ext. 6213 [email protected]

Don Verbanac Instructor. B.A.A. (Urban and Regional Planning) (Ryerson), M. Arch. (Manitoba), M.R.A.I.C.

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Urban Planning and Real Estate Development

3550 Lindell Blvd., Tegeler Hall – Suite 300W

Saint Louis, Missouri 63103Phone (314) 977-3934 Fax (314) 977-1616

Robert A. CropfE-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 .................................................................. July 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 .......................................................February 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................................................$935/crOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................................................. N/A Application Fee ......................................................................................................$40Additional Fees: .................................................................................................. None

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban Planning and Real Estate Development

Contact Person: Pamela SamuelsPhone: (314) 977-3934E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1998 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................36Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................2

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................9Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................12Other ...........................................................................................................0Total Required Hours in Planning Program............................................. 45

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No Requirements Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: None SpecifiedMinimum TOEFL None SpecifiedDepartmental Requirement: Inferential Statistics

MA/MS ACSP Member: Full

PLANNING FACULTYDr. Sarah Coffin Associate Professor. PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology. Specializations: Research in Brownfields, Green Economic Development, Sustainable Development (314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Dr. Scott CummingsProfessor. PhD, University of Connecticut. Specializations: Research in Public Policy Analysis, Evaluation, Urban Policy Development. (314) 977-3934 [email protected]


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsCommunity DevelopmentEconomic Development

Annual Student EnrollmentApplied Accepted Enrolled

09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11Masters 27 23 16 14 7 10

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 2 1 3

White 14 2 16

African American 1 4 5

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 1 1

Other / Don’t know 0 1 1

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 2 2

Total Students 17 11 28

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Dr. Robert CropfAssociate Professor/Chair. PhD, New York University. Specializations: Research in Public Finance, Public Policy Analysis, Urban Policy Analysis. (314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Dr. Mary DomahidyAssociate Professor. PhD, Saint Louis University. Specializations: Research in Public Policy Analysis, Urban Affairs, Organization Studies, Strategic Planning. (314) 977-3934 [email protected]


FYIMaster's Degree in Urban Planning and Real Estate Development The mission of the program in Urban Planning and Real Estate Development is to provide a center for education, community dia-logue and research to support urban growth, and revitalization in the St. Louis region and globally.

Why Include Real Estate? Land and land transactions are fundamental aspects of develop-ment and revitalization. Whether you are working on neighbor-hood, infill-housing, or attracting a major industry to increase employment, land transactions are a critical aspect of "making the deal." A basic understanding of financial concepts, land use laws, and the language of real estate transactions are important to both public sector and private sector professionals.

UPRED works with and on issues that run the gamut of human settlement and sustainable development. The St. Louis region is our primary focus, but our search for ideas and solutions is nation-al and global.

The problems of urban decline and disinvestment are not unique to St. Louis. Similarly, problems caused by population growth on the urban fringe and changing employment locations are not just symptomatic of life in urban areas of the United States. The skills and competencies gained in the program are designed to develop local, regional, and global perspectives.

Program Design UPRED is a 45-credit hour program.

Key elements are the studio/workshop courses, internship, and concentration. The workshop/studio courses are intended to develop your technological, teamwork, and leadership capacity in handling active planning problems. Building on the previous semester, each workshop/studio introduces a new problem to be resolved and new skills to be commanded.

Building Specialization: The program offers each student the opportunity to enhance his or her interests by specializing in one of three areas of oncentration. The concentrations are: o Real Estate Development o Economic Development o Community Development

Dr. Dan Monti Professor. PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializations: Urban Redevelopment, Business Community Relations, Civil Unrest, Gangs, Urban History, Urban Community and Civic Culture. (314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Dr. Joanna Ganning Assistant Professor. PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne. Specializations: Regional and Community Economic Development: Urban-Rural Linkages, Urban and Rural Amenities, and the Economic Role of Universities in Regions. (314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Dr. James GilsinanProfessor. Ph.D., Univeristy of Colorado. Specializations: Criminal Justice, Qualitative Methods, Public Sector Organizations. (314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Peter W. Salsich, Jr.Professor. JD, Saint Louis University. Specializations: Land Use Regulation/Real Estate Transactions, Property, Contracts, Housing and Community Development. (314) 977-2770 [email protected]. Allan TomeyInstructor. AB, Northwestern University. Specializations: Research in Employment and Training. (314) 977-3934 [email protected]

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SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Urban Studies and Planning

1600 Holloway AveSan Francisco, CA 94132 [email protected]

Phone: (415) 338-1178 - Fax: (415) 338-2391

Ayse Pamuk- Professor and Department ChairPhone: (415) 338-7045

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONUNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline: .............................................................................. November 30Financial Aid Deadline: ..............................................................................March 2ndIn-State Tuition and Fees: .....................................................................$3,238-$5,014Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: .............................................................$3,238-$5,014 * ...................................................................................................Add $372 per unitApplication Fee: ..................................................................................................... $55

Year Established: 1967Total Undergraduates Enrolled (2000): 110Degrees Conferred 2008-2009 (Urban Studies): 34

UNDERGRADUATE DEGREEBachelor of Arts in Urban Studies and Planning

Contact Person: Ayse PamukPhone: (415) 338-1178E-mail [email protected] Degrees Granted 1967-2009 (B.A. Urban Studies) ................................752

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core: ..........................................................................................22Hours of Practice: .......................................................................................8Unrestricted Electives: ..............................................................................15Restricted Electives: ..................................................................………….0 Total requirements for B.A.: .......................................................43-45 unitsTotal Units to Graduate:..........................................................................120

BA ACSP Member: Affiliate

UNDERGRADUATE MINORUrban Studies and Planning

The core requirements consist of courses which develop a solid founda-tion in the five major areas of the curriculum:

1.) Introductory Seminar and Social Science perspectives: drawing upon the basic social science disciplines to provide a broad-based under-standing of urban growth and change:

USP 401: Seminar in Urban Studies and Planning

Cross-disciplinary Social Science courses:(Two of the following courses)USP 432: Urban GeographyUSP 470: City in a Global SocietyUSP 512: Urban PoliticsUSP 535: Urban Economics

2.) Research methods and data analysis:USP 492: Research MethodsUSP 493: Data Analysis

3.) Foundation course in policy or planning: developing the concep-tual and analytic approaches necessary for effective action intended to address current urban issues.USP 480: Policy Analysis USP 658: Land Use Planning

4.) Fieldwork and Practical applications: internship and research proj-ect providing carefully supervised hands-on experience in both a real-world work setting (the internship) and practicum (the senior seminar).USP 603/604: Public Service Internship and Internship SeminarUSP 680: Senior Seminar

5.) Electives/Foci of Interest:Electives are courses focusing on particular issue areas in which the theo-retical and analytic approaches developed in the core courses are applied to critical contemporary issues. This allows students to develop familiar-ity and some expertise in a public policy area. Major urban planning and policy areas include housing and community development, land use plan-ning, sustainable development, and social policy.

Student Resources:Urban Studies and Planning Courses and


Urban Action-A Journal of Urban Affairs


Cal Grants:

Advising Center

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Ashok DasAssistant Professor. B.Arch. (1996), School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India; M.A. (2001), Kansas State University; M Arch (2001), Kansas State University; Ph.D. (2008), University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Social Policy, Urban Poverty, Quantitative Methods, International Development and Planning. (415) 338-3689 [email protected]

Ayse PamukProfessor. B.C.P. (1984), Middle East Technical University; M.S. (1987), Aegean University; M.C.P. (1989), Ph.D. (1994), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Housing and Community Development, Quantitative Methods & GIS, International Development and Planning. (415) 338-7045 [email protected]

Raquel Rivera PinderhughesProfessor. B.A. (1979), City University of New York; M.A. (1983), Ph.D. (1987), Graduate Center of New York. Specializations: Sustainable Urban Development, Environmental Justice, Community Food Security, Green Collar Jobs. (415) 338-7520 [email protected]

Jasper RubinAssistant Professor. B.A. (1988), University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.A. (1995) University of Maryland; Ph.D. (2003), University of Maryland. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Research Methods, Waterfront Development. (415) 405-3495 [email protected]

Linda DayLecturer. Ph.D., Syracuse University, Social Science (1970); M.Arch. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, (1992). Specializations: Neighborhood & Community Design, Sustainable Development, Qualitative Research Methods. [email protected]

Richard LeGatesProfessor Emeritus. B.A. (1965), Harvard University; J.D. (1968), Boalt Hall Law School; M.C.P. (1969), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Land Use Law, Urban Housing Policy, Research Methods & GIS, Regional Planning. (415) 338-2875 [email protected]

Carol SilvermanLecturer. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Sociology (1983). Specializations: Research Methods, Social Networks, Social Psychology. [email protected]

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Department of Urban and Regional Planning

One Washington SquareSan José, California 95192-0185

Phone (408) 924-5882Fax (408) 924-5872

E-mail: [email protected]

Dayana Salazar, Department ChairPhone (408) 924-5854

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for Domestic Students ................Fall: March 15, Spring: TBD Admission Deadline for International Students ..........Fall: March 15, Spring: TBDFinancial Aid Deadline 2010-11 .....................................................................March 2In-State Tuition and Fees: ........................................... $2,995 per semester Full time.Out-of-State/International Tuition and Fees: ............. $7,459 per semester Full time.Application Fee ...................................................................................................... $55Additional Fees: .................................................................................................. None

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Hilary Nixon, Graduate AdvisorPhone: (408) 924-5852 E-mail [email protected] Year Initiated: 1970 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................709Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................43

Minimum GRE: GRE recommended but not required (Department)Minimum TOEFL 550/213: UniversityDepartmental Requirement: Personal statement, transcripts and three letters of recommendation.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................18Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................9Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................15Other ......................................................................6 units Report or ThesisTotal Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exam, Thesis or Final Product: ......................... Planning Report or Thesis for 6 unitsNote: 180 hours of professional work or internship experience required.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONEight Graduate Research Assistantships per year ($1,000 to $9,000).Eligibility Criteria: Research Assistantship positions are project- dependent. Amount of stipend varies by hours.Two Departmental Awards ($500 to $1,200).Eligibility Criteria: Distinguished academic record and outstanding service to the department and the profession.

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.5 (University), 3.0 recommended on last two years of undergraduate work (Department)

MA/MS ACSP Member: Full


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsCommunity Design and Development,

Applications of Technology in Planning, Environmental Planning


Applied Accepted Enrolled 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 Masters 121 105 76 35 52 32

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 5 10 15

White 46 53 99

African American 4 3 7

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 8 13 21

Mixed 1 0 1

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 17 17

Total Students 59 86 145

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PLANNING FACULTYAsha Weinstein Agrawal Associate Professor: BA (1993) Harvard University; M.Sc. (1994) London School of Economics and Political Science; Ph.D. (2002) University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Transportation Planning and Finance, Planning History, and Communication Skills for Planners. (408) 924-5853 [email protected]

Shishir MathurAssociate Professor: B.Arch. (1995) Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli; MUP (1997) School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi; Ph.D. (2003) University of Washington. Specializations: Housing, Growth Management, Public Finance, Strategic Planning and Management. (408) 924-5875 [email protected]

Hilary NixonAssociate Professor: BA (1993) University of Rochester; MA (1996) National University, San Diego; Ph.D. (2006) University of California, Irvine. Specializations: Environmental Planning and Policy, Industrial Ecology, Waste Management, and Applied Econometrics. (408) 924-5852 [email protected]

Dayana M. SalazarProfessor: B.Arch. (1986) Javeriana University, Bogotá; MCP (1990) University of Cincinnati. Specializations: Participatory Community Planning, Computer Aided Visualization, Urban Design, and Site Planning. (408) 924-5854 [email protected]

Terry L. ChristensenProfessor: BA (1966) Stanford University; Ph.D. (1972) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializations: Political science, local and state politics, and urban studies. (408) 924-5565 [email protected]

Courtney A. DamkrogerLecturer: BA and BBA (1981) Southern Methodist University; MA (1986) and MCP (2000) University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Historic Preservation. (408) 277-4576 [email protected] John E. DavidsonLecturer: BA (1986) University of Chicago; MUP (2002) San José State University. Specializations: Land Use Planning. (408) 535-7895 [email protected]

Rob L. Eastwood Lecturer: BA (1995) Occidental College; MA (1998) Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Specializations: Environmental Planning and Social Planning. (408) 299-5792 [email protected]

Roxanne Ezzet-Lofstrom Lecturer: BA (1988) University of California at San Diego; MA (1995) San Diego State University; Ph.D. (2002) University of California Irvine. Specializations: Policy Analysis. (415) 333-1165 [email protected]

Benjamin GrantLecturer: BA (1995) Columbia University; MCP (1999) University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Urban Design, Transportation and Land Use Integration. (415) 298-1579 [email protected] Richard Kos Lecturer: AICP; BS (1989) Rutgers; MRP (1995) University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Specializations: Geographic Information Systems and Community Planning. (415) 227-0833 [email protected]

Matthew KruppLecturer: BA (1996) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; MUP (2002 ) State University of New York, Buffalo. Specializations: Environmental Planning. (408) 945-5182 [email protected]

Richard Lee Lecturer: AICP, BA (1978) Carleton College; MS (1984), MCP (1986), Ph.D. (1995) University of California Berkeley. Specializations: Transportation Planning. (925) 930-7100 [email protected]

Reena Brilliot Lecturer: BA (2001) Pitzer College; MCP (2003) University of California Berkeley. Specializations: Communication Skills for Planners. (408) 535-7844 [email protected]

Dana A. PeakLecturer: BS (1989) University of California, Davis; MA (1995) Cornell University. Specializations: Historic Preservation. (408) 299-5798 [email protected]

Mike PogodzinskiProfessor: BS (1973) Cornell University; MA (1975) and Ph.D. (1980) State University of New York at Stony Brook. Specializations: Urban and Regional Economics. (408) 924-5421 [email protected]

Laurel R. Prevetti Lecturer: BS (1981) and MS (1984) University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Community Development, and Resource Management. (408) 535-7901 [email protected]

Walter Rask Lecturer: BA (1972) University of California, Santa Cruz; MCP (1974) University of Pennsylvania; MArch (1985) MIT. Specializations: Urban Design, Architecture, History. (408) 795-1878 [email protected]

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FYISan José State University’s Department of Urban and Regional Planning is uniquely poised to educate future and current planning professionals and to generate innovative research to further the discipline. The university is located in downtown San José, the largest city in Northern California and the capital of Silicon Valley, one of the most rapidly changing and socially complex metropolitan areas of the nation.

The department offers graduate study leading to the degree of Master of Urban Planning. The program trains skilled professionals who graduate with a strong education in general planning practice and theory, as well as specialized training in planning sub-fields.

Graduates also become familiar with cutting-edge planning concepts and applications that are evolving locally in the Silicon Valley and larger Bay Area. The department takes advantage of its urban location by collaborating with local planning agencies and through hands-on work with community-based organizations. Faculty and students engage in public service projects designed to assist local communities in addressing topical planning issues, while also providing students with real-world professional experience.

A special mission of the program is to provide planning education opportunities for a diverse student population, including working students who prefer to attend the program on a part-time basis.

Charles R. RivasplataLecturer: BA (1980), MA (1983), MS (1990), and MCP (1991) University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D. (2006) University of California, Davis. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Institutional Integration, and Regional Governance. (415) 897-6929 [email protected]

Yifat RodehLecturer: BA (1988), MA (2000) Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel; Ph.D. (2008) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Specializations: Environmental Planning and Policy, Transportation Planning. (408) 264-3432 [email protected]

Heidi SokolowskyLecturer: BSc (1990), MSc (1996) University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany; JD (1990) University of the Pacific. Specializations: Architecture and Urban Design. (415) 864-2954 [email protected]

Keith A. SugarLecturer: BA (1986) San Francisco State University; JD (1990) University of the Pacific. Specializations: Planning and Environmental Law. (831) 336-9566 [email protected]

David A. VasquezLecturer: BA (1976) San Francisco State University; MA (1987) California State University, Chico; Ed.D. (1997) University of San Francisco. Specializations: Computer Graphics for Urban-Design Visualization and Sustainable urban Design. (415) 722-7167 [email protected]

Hing WongLecturer: BA (1984) University of California, Berkeley; MUP (1996) San José State University. Specializations: Quantitative Methods. (925) 549-2000 [email protected]

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BA in Interdisciplinary Major in Urban Studies and Planning

Contact Person: Christopher J. SmithPhone: (518) 442-3249E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated:1994 Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 ...........................................................203Degrees Granted from 7/1/09 to 6/30/10 ..................................................18



Department of Geography and PlanningAS-218, 1400 Washington Avenue

Albany, New York 12222Phone (518) 442-4636

Fax (518) 442-4742E-mail: [email protected]

Christopher J. Smith, Department ChairPhone (518) 442-3249

E-mail:[email protected]



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Requirement: High School Diploma or EquivalentMinimum GPA: 90/100 AverageMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: 1100 AverageDepartmental Requirement: Self-Selective

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 18Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 0Hours of Restricted Elective ...................................................................... 0Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................. 0Other ........................................................................................................ 18Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 36Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION56% of Incoming Freshmen Receive Financial AidEligibility Criteria: Need-BaseMerit-Base ScholarshipsEligibility Criteria: GPA Average 95/100 SAT Average 1341

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ...................................................................................... March 1Financial Aid Deadline ............................................................................... March 15In-State Tuition and Fees: ...................................................................$4,970 per yearOut-of-State and International Tuition and Fees: .............................$12,870 per year Other: ....................................................................$979 Mandatory Health Insurance....................................................................and SEVIS fee for International Students Application Fee: .....................................................................................................$40Additional Fees: ..................................................................................$1,860 per year

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ........................................... None Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ................................ March 15In-State Tuition and Fees: ...................................................................$8,370 per yearOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: .........................................................$13,250 per yearOther: .................................................................$1,778 Mandatory Health Insurance....................................................................and SEVIS fee for International Students Application Fee ......................................................................................................$75Additional Fees: ..................................................................................$1,173 per year

MASTERS DEGREEMaster Regional Planning in Urban & Regional PlanningContact Person: Catherine T. Lawson, Associate Professor and DirectorPhone: (518) 442-4775E-mail: [email protected] Initiated: 1982 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/16/10 ...........................................................364Degrees Granted from 8/25/09 to 5/16/10 ................................................19


Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental and Land-Use Planning; Housing, Local Economic Development and Community Planning; Transportation Planning; Urban and

Regional Information Systems MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution & GPA 2.5 Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.5 (University)/ 3.0 (Department)Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL 213Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Good writing, graphic, computer and verbal skills.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................27Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................4Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................8Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ...................Research paper as part of core; Written and oral comprehensive exam

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate 60 58 58 56 53 54Masters 49 57 43 53 49 54

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US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 1 0 1

White 28 15 42African American 1 3 4Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 1 1 2

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents0 1 1

Total Students 29 21 50

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.



Ray Bromley AICPProfessor. BA.(1969); MA. (1973), Ph.D., (1975) Cambridge University. Specializations: History of Ideas in Planning and Development, Community Development and Neighborhood Planning, Housing Policy, International Development. (518) 442-4766 [email protected]

Gene Bunnell AICPAssociate Professor. BA, Wesleyan University (1966); MCRP., Harvard University (1969); MPH, Michigan (1970); P.hD., London School of Economics (1993). Specializations: Land-Use Planning and Growth Management, Case Studies of Planning Effectiveness, Infrastructure Finance and Privatization, Story-Telling in Planning. (518) 442-4469 [email protected]

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION2.5 Assistantship Lines; 1 Targeted Fellowship Lines; AITE Scholarships; Research, Assistantships, Plus Standard Student Loan Program.Eligibility Criteria: Strong academic record and suitability for TA or RA work, as related to specific assignments. AITE are transportation Scholarships awarded on basis of GPA and research project summary.

Youqin Huang Assistant Professor. BA, (1992); MA., (1995) Peking University; MA., (1997); Ph.D., (2001) University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Migration Studies, Gender Studies, Population Geography, Quantitative Methods. (518) 442-4792 [email protected]

James E. Mower Associate Professor. BA. (1977) SUNY at Geneseo; MA. (1981) Indiana University; Ph.D., (1989) University at Buffalo - SUNY. Specializations: GIS, Automated Cartography. (518) 442-4779 [email protected]

John S. Pipkin Distinguished Service Professor. BA, (1968); MA., (1970) University of Sheffield; MS., (1970); Ph.D., (1974) Northwestern University. Specializations: Urban Design, Quantitative Methods, Built Environment, Urban Geography. (518) 442-4777 [email protected]

Christopher J. Smith Professor and Department Chair. BSc, London School of Economics (1968); AA Diploma, Architecture Association (1970); MA (1971), PhD (1974) University of Michigan. Specializations: Urban Geography, East Asian Studies, Social Problems, Urbanization and Migration. (518) 442-3249 [email protected]

Qingmin MengVisiting Associate Professor. BA, Shandon Normal University, China, (1994); MS Lanzhou University, China (1997); MS University of Georgia (2005); PhD, University of Georgia (2006). Specializations: Remote Sensing, GIScience & Open Source Geospatial Technology, Coupled Human & Natural Systems, Forest & Natural Resources. (518) 5491-8563 [email protected]

Catherine T. Lawson Associate Professor. BA., Western Washington University (1988); MS., (1995); MURP (1997); Ph.D., (1998) Portland State University. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Quantitative Methods & Data Management, GIS, Freight. (518) 442-4775 [email protected]

David A. Lewis Associate Professor. BA, (1989); MCRP., (1997); Ph.D., (2003) Rutgers University. Specializations: Regional Planning and Regional Science, Brownfield Redevelopment, Local and Regional Economic Development, Globalization and Economic Restructuring. (518) 442-4595 [email protected]

Corianne P. ScallyAssistant Professor. BA Florida State Univeristy, (1998); M.S.P. Florida State University (2000); Ph.D. Rutgers University, (2007). Specializations: Housing, Community Development, Urban, Qualitative Methods. (518) 591-8561 [email protected]

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In their jobs, some planners have responsibility for specific geographic areas such as individual neighborhoods in a city or region; within those areas they may provide assistance on a variety of

substantive issues from land use to transportation. Other planners have substantive responsibilities–such as housing or environmental planning–and provide assistance in their specific

specialization to many communities within a city or region. Some planners work on projects which will be undertaken within a year or two while others focus their efforts on projects many years in the future.

Today, planners may move back and forth between jobs in the public, non-profit, and private sectors over the course of their career. They may also work for different levels of governments at different times. And they may change their specialities or their focus long after they leave school in response to on-the-

job experiences or the opportunity for new challenges.

While you may think of planning as an urban activity, it actually occurs in communities of all sizes. Many planners work in small cities, in rural areas, and for Indian Nations. Others work in suburban

neighborhoods at the periphery of large regions while still others have jobs in the dense core of major metropolitan areas.

Paul M. Bray Adjunct Faculty. BA, Boston University (1965); JD., Columbia University (1968). Specializations: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Planning, Land-Use Law, Environmental Law. (518) 472-1772 [email protected]

Todd M. Fabozzi Adjunct Faculty. BA, SUNY College at Potsdam (1985); MRP., University at Albany - SUNY (1994) . Specializations: GIS, Growth Management, New Urbanism. (518) 588-0743 [email protected]

Rocco Ferraro AICPAdjunct Faculty. BA., Rutgers University (1973); MCRP, Ohio State University (1975). Specializations: Land-Use Planning, Applied Demography, Regional Planning, Growth Management. (518) 453-0850 [email protected]

Christopher J. O’Connor Adjunct Faculty. BA., (1996); MA., (2002); University at Albany, SUNY. Specializations: GIS, Water Resources. (518) 442-4770 [email protected]

Kathleen O'Connor, P.E.Adjunct Faculty. BA University of Michigan, (1987); BSE University of Michigan (1994); MS (1996) University of California. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Water Resources.

Jeffrey S. Olson Adjunct Faculty. B.Arch, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1985); MA,Empire State College, SUNY (1994). Specializations: Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Planning, Health and Recreation, Trails and Greenways. (518) 442-4778 [email protected]

Erica L. Powers, Esq.Adjunct Faculty. BA Cum Laude, Harvard College (1965); JD, Boston University (1971); LL.M. Boston Univeristy School of Law (1976). Specializations: Planning Law and Environmental Law.

James E. Reppert AICPAdjunct Faculty. AB, Albright College (1982); MLA., SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (1994). Specializations: Site Planning, Community Planning, Waterfront Planning. (518) 442-4770 [email protected]

Patricia E. Salkin Professor & Associate Dean, Albany Law School. BA, University at Albany-SUNY; JD., Albany Law School. Specializations: Land-Use Law, Environmental Law, Planning Ethics. (518) 445-2351 [email protected]

S. Thyagarajan AICPAdjunct Faculty. BA., University of Bombay (1959); MCRP, Ohio State University (1963). Specializations: Comprehensive Planning, Site Planning, Urban Design, Growth Management. (518) 442-4770 [email protected]

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BS in Community and Regional Planning

Contact Admissions office (267) 468-8100Email [email protected]

Year Initiated 2002Degrees granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................47Degrees granted from 9/01/09 to 8/31/10 ...................................................3


Department of Community and Regional Planning

School of Environmental Design

580 Meetinghouse Road, Ambler, PA 19002Phone (267) 468-8300

Fax 267-468-8315

Dr. Deborah Howe, FAICP, ChairE-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 267-468-8301



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSMinimum GPA B average, 3.0 Class Rank: Top 40%SAT: Critical Reading range 500-600, Math range

500-600ACT: 22-24, need Writing portionHonors: Automatic consideration, 1300+ SAT, 3.8

GPA, top 10%

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .......................................................................................... 24 Hours of Studio .......................................................................................... 3Hours of Internship .................................................................................... 3Hours of Planning Elective ........................................................................ 9Final Project ............................................................................................... 3Total Required Hours in Planning Program ........................................... 42Total Credits to Graduate ....................................................................... 124

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONFinancial Aid Deadline: March 1stMerit Scholarships: Automatic consideration with application, Scholarship criteria: 1150 SAT, 3.5 GPA, top 20% of class.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEES:Admission Deadline Fall Semester ............................................................. March 1Admission Deadline Spring Semester ....................................................November 1Financial Aid Deadline ................................................................................ March 1In-state Tuition .................................. $5,917 plus fees (12-17 credits) per semesterOut of State Tuition ........................ $10,831 plus fees (12-17 credits) per semesterApplication Fee .....................................................................................................$50

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline rolling admission ....................................................until July 1Financial Aid Deadline ................................................................................ March 1In-state Tuition .................................................................... $625 plus fees per creditOut of State Tuition ............................................................ $912 plus fees per creditApplication Fee .........................................................................$60 online, $75 paper

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Science in Community and Regional Planning

Contact Department AdministratorPhone 267-468-8300Email [email protected]

Year Initiated 2002Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................90Degrees Granted from 9/01/09-8/31/10 ....................................................15


Masters Concentrations (transcripted)Sustainable Community Planning

Transportation Planning

University Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE Required if undergrad GPA is < 3.25Minimum TOEFL 550 paper, 213 computer, or 79 InternetIELTS Test 6.5 Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not requiredDepartmental Requirements: None

Applied Accepted

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 21 Hours of Studio or Practice Related Credits ............................................. 6Hours of Restricted Electives (if pursuing concentration) ...................... 12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................ 6-18Thesis (optional) ........................................................................................ 6Total Hours............................................................................................... 45

07/08 08/09 09/10 07/08 08/09 09/10Undergraduate 23 21 15 13 14 7Graduate 30 37 36 21 26 22


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PLANNING FACULTYWilliam Cohen FAICPAssociate Professor of Practice. BA (1965) and MA (1976) University of Delaware, MCP (1999), AM (2002) and PhD (2003) University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Ecological Planning, Environmental Design (267) 468-8303 [email protected]

Jeffrey Featherstone Professor of Research. BA (1971) University of Minnesota, MA (1989) Rider University, PhD (1999) Temple University. Specializations: Public Policy, Sustainable Development (267) 468-8311 [email protected]

Bradley Flamm Assistant Professor. BA (1984) and PhD (2006) University of California, Berkeley, MRP (1992) Cornell University. Specializations: Transportation, Energy, Environment (267) 468-8305 [email protected]

James W. HiltyProfessor. BS Ed (1965), MA (1966), MA (1967) Ohio State University, PhD (1973) University of Missouri—Columbia. Specializations: Strategic Planning for Higher Education and Non-Profit Management. (267) 468-8020 [email protected]

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Deborah Howe FAICP Professor. BS (1974) SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry, MS (1977) and PhD (1982) University of Michigan. Specializations: Community Development, Land Use Planning, Housing, Sustainable Development (267) 468-8301 [email protected]

Lynn MandaranoAssistant Professor. BS (1984) Cornell University, MBA (1991) Iona College, PhD (2004) University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Collaborative Planning Negotiations, Sustainable Communities (267) 468-8304 [email protected]

M. Richard Nalbandian AICPAssociate Professor of Research. BS (1963) and MS (1966) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MRP (1973) University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Regional Planning, Sustainability Practices (267) 468-8302 [email protected]

AFFILIATED FACULTYMichael CarrollAssociate Transportation Planner, Dowling Associates. BS (1991) Cornell, MS (1993) and MCP (1996) University of California, Berkeley.Specializations: Traffic Modeling and Transportation Planning

James P. CreedonSecretary, Pennsylvania Department of General Services. BA (1983) and MBA (1992) Lehigh University. Specializations: Strategic Planning, Emergency Management, Administration.

Jeffrey P. DoshnaConsultant. BA (1996) John Hopkins, MCRP (2002) Rutgers University.Specializations: Economic Development, Planning Methods, GIS Applications

Charles Guttenplan AICPDirector of Planning Services/Corporate Vice President, Waetzman Planning Group, Inc. BS (1971) Pennsylvania State University, MURP (1972) University of Pittsburgh. Specializations: Land Use, Planning Administration and Management.

John C. KeeneProfessor Emeritus. University of Pennsylvania. BA Yale University (1953), JD Harvard University (1959), MCP University of Pennsylvania (1966). Specializations: Law of Planning and Urban Development, Smart Growth Programs, Environmental Law, and Historical, Political, and Legal Aspects of Brownfield Remediation

Md Mahbubur R. Meenar Assistant Director, GIS Operations & Research, Center for Sustainable Communities. BArch (1997) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, MUP (2002) SUNY at Buffalo. Specialization: GIS and Environmental Modeling, Sustainable Practices

Brady StrohDirector, Center for Geospatial Information Services, Pennsylvania State University. BS (1975) Bloomsburg University, MS (1980) Pennsylvania State University. Specializations: GIS Administration, Operation and Development.


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 1 1

White 28 24 52

African American 1 0 1

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 4 1 5

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 2 2

Total Students 33 28 61

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Susan Spinella Acting Director, Center for Sustainable Communities. BS (2001) and MS (2004) Temple University. Specializations: Sustainability Practices, Emergency Management.

Joanne Walker Partner, McKenna Walker PC. BA (1980) LaSalle University, JD and MPA (1983) Syracuse University. Specializations: Environmental Law, Program and Project Management.

Ernest D. WeilerConsultant, Retired—Rohm and Haas Company Director. BS (1959) and PhD (1966) U. of Nebraska, MBA (1974) Temple University. Specializations: Sustainable Business Practices.

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Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning

Langford Architecture BuildingTAMU, College Station, Texas 77843-3137

Phone (979) 845-1019Fax (979) 862-1784

Dr. Forster Ndubisi, Department HeadE-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011/12 for undergraduate program ......................January 15th Financial Aid Deadline 2011/2012 for undergraduate program ..............January 29th In-State Tuition and Fees (12 credit hours) ................................................. $4,088.31Out-of-State Tuition and Fees (12 credit hours) ........................................ $11,243.31Application fees ................................................................................................ $60.00Additional Fees ............................................................. Field trip and laboratory fees

MASTERS DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011/12 for Masters program .......................................March 1Admission Deadline 2011/12 for Ph.D. program .....................................December 1Financial Aid Deadline 2011/2012 for Masters program .............................January 1Financial Aid Deadline 2011/2012 for Ph.D. program .............................December 1In-State Tuition and Fees (9 credit hours) ................................................... $3,099.90Out-of-State Tuition and Fees (9 credit hours) ............................................ $5,592.90Application fees ..................................................................$50 US, $75 internationalAdditional Fees ............................................................. Field trip and laboratory fees



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy Minimum High School GPA: Minimum Required Coursework (Students applying for Fall of 2010)Minimum SAT: 1500 out of 2400 (Verbal + Math + Writing)Minimum TOEFL:

a. a minimum TOEFL score of: i. 550 for paper-based testing (p-BT), or ii. 213 computer-based testing (c-BT), or iii. 80 internet-based testing (i-BT), or

b. a minimum SAT Critical Reading (Verbal) score of 500, c. a minimum ACT English score of 19, d. a minimum IELTS score of 6.0 overall band, or e. completing all four years in a high school within the U.S.

Ranking in High School: Applicants qualify for automatic Top 10% admission, if:• they attend a recognized public or private high school within the

state of Texas, and • rank in the top 10% of their graduating class, and • ensure all required credentials are received by the freshman

closing date.

* If you are a Texas resident in an out-of-state school you are also eli-gible for top 10% admission at Texas A&M University. You must submit a residency questionnaire so that your residency status may be determined. This may take a little longer, but you also will be admitted as soon as possible.

Departmental Requirement: NA

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................47Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...........................................49Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................12Other .............................................................................................................Total Required Hours in Planning Program ...........................................120Exams or Written Requirements ...........................................................none

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONNumerous scholarships are available for all undergraduate students in the College of Architecture. Students can submit a single college-wide schol-arship application to be considered for all ten College of Architecture scholarships. The Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning offers 14 additional scholarships that students can apply for. Qualified students apply through the LAUP department.

Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Sciences

Contact Person: Ann PoolPhone: (979) 845-3941E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2007 PAB Accredited Degrees granted through 5/31/10 .............................................................15

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Undergrad n/a n/a 48 41 26Masters 76 87 56 43 21 22Doctoral 58 56 27 17 22 12

Undergraduate Specializations:Environmental Planning & Analysis

Housing & Urban DevelopmentHealth & Human Services Planning & Policy

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MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None Specified Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: GRE is Requiered, No Minimum Score for AdmissionMinimum TOEFL 600Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: None Specified

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................18Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................12Other ...........................................................................................................0Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams or Written Requirements............Final oral examination required. Professional option requires a three hour professional paper. Research option requires a six hour thesis.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONScholarships, Fellowships, and Graduate Assistantships available for highly competitive students. Eligibility varies with each type of assis-tance. Apply early for full consideration.

Master of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Shannon Van ZandtPhone: (979) 458-1223E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1968 PAB Accredited Degrees granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................540 Degrees granted from 8/31/07 to 05/31/10 ...............................................34



Fall. 2009

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

US Citizen & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of an Race 1 0 1

White 12 10 22

African American 0 0 0

Native American / Pacific Islander 1 0 1

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don't know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Resident 8 11 19

Total Students 22 21 43

US Citizen & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of an Race 1 2 3

White 10 8 18

African American 1 0 1

Native American / Pa-cific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 1 1

Other / Don't know 3 0 3

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Resident 0 0 0

Total Students 15 11 26

Masters SpecializationsHealth and Human Services Planning, Housing, Community and Economic Development, Land

Use and Environmental Planning, Transportation Planning and Design, Design Your Own

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................29Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................15Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................20Total Required Hours in Program...... ...................................................... 64Exams or Written Requirements: Dissertation is required, must defend dissertation during final semester. Final comprehensive examination is required.

Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Sciences

Contact Person: Dr. George RogersPhone: (979) 845-7284E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1980Degrees Granted through 5/31/2010 ......................................................190Degrees Granted from 8/31/07 to 5/31/10 ...............................................20

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2007 to 8/31/2010Hydrologic and Ecological Effects of Watershed Urbanization: 1. Implication for Watershed Management in Hill-slope RegionsThe Role of Landscape Spatial Patterns on Childhood Obesity 2. and Quality of Life: A Study of Hispanic Children in Inner-City NeighborhoodsConnecting Land Use and Transportation toward Sustainable 3. Development: A Case Study of Houston-Galveston Metropolitan RegionEco-hydrological Planning for The Woodlands: Lessons Learned 4. after 35 YearsIntegrating Walking for Transportation and Physical Activity in 5. Sedentary Office WorkersExamination of Housing Price Impacts on Residential Properties 6. before and after Superfund Remediation Using Spatial Hedonic ModelingDevelopment of Algorithms to Estimate Post-Disaster Population 7. Dislocation - A Research-Based ApproachMitigating Flood Loss through Local Comprehensive Planning in 8. FloridaEvaluation of Value Creation Concepts in Single Family Residential 9. SubdivisionMeasuring the Measure: A Multi-Dimensional Scale Model to 10. Measure Community Disaster Resilience in the U.S. Gulf Coast RegionShaping Urban Form without Zoning: A Case Study of Houston11. Valuation of Governmental Guarantee in BOT Project Finance with 12. Real Option AnalysisSection 404 Permitting in Coastal Texas from 1996-2003: Patterns 13. and Effects on StreamflowThe Effects of Neighborhood Environments in Physical Activity for 14. Older African American Women in TexasA Comparative Study of Single Family and Multifamily Housing 15. Recovery Following 1992 Hurricane Andrew in Miami-Dade County, FloridaWeb-based GIS and Public Participation: An aid to widening female 16. participation in revitalizing outdoor recreational facilities in Saudi Arabia-A case study in Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaHealthy Transportation - Healthy Communities: Developing 17. Objective Measures of Built-Environment Using GIS and Testing Significance of Pedestrian Variables on Walking to TransitA Study of Use Pattern, User Satisfaction and Willingness-to-pay of 18. Off-Leash Dog Parks: Post Occupation Evaluations of Four Dog Parks in Texas and FloridaHealth Disparity and the Built Environment: Spatial Disparity and 19. Environmental Correlates of Health Status, Obesity, and Health DisparityVariations in Disaster Aid Acquisitions among Ethnic Groups in a 20. Rural Community

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None SpecifiedDepartmental Requirement: Subject to Program Admissions CommitteeMinimum GRE: GRE is Required, No Minimum Score for AdmissionMinimum TOEFL: No minimum, if you do score below a certain threshold you will be required to take English Language Courses. Minimum GPA: 3.0


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

US Citizen & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of an Race 2 0 2

White 5 2 7

African American 5 1 6

Native American / Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don't know 1 0 1

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Resident 30 16 46

Total Students 40 19 59

Doctoral SpecializationsSustainable Development

Health Systems Planning & PolicyTransportation Planning

Urban & Community DevelopmentEnvironmental Hazard Management

Integrating the principles of strategic environmental assessment into 21. local comprehensive land use plans in CaliforniaAn analysis of producing ethanol and electric power from woody 22. residues and agricultural crops in East Texas

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Sherry Bame Professor. University of Michigan (1969); MS, Boston University (1972); PhD, University of Michigan(1985). Specializations: Social Policy Planning, Research Methods, Health & Human Services Planning. (979) 845-1047 [email protected]

Samuel BrodyProfessor. BA, Bowdoin College (1992); MS, Bowdoin College (1996); PhD, University of North Carolina (2001). Specializations: Ecosystem Management, Collaborative Planning. (979) 458-4623 [email protected]

Elise BrightProfessor. BA, Arizona State (1972); MCP, Harvard (1975); PhD, Texas A&M University (1980). Specializations: Environmental Design, City Planning. (979) 845-3161 [email protected]

Eric DumbaughAssistant Professor; BA, Florida State University (1996); MS, Georgia Institute of Technology (2002); PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology (2005). Specializations: Transportation Planning and Design (979) 862-4320 [email protected]

Cecilia GiustiAssistant Professor. BA, Catholic University of Peru (1981); MA, University of Texas at Austin (1988); PhD, University of Texas at Austin (2001) Specializations: Planning in Developing Countries, Economic Development. (979) 458-4304 [email protected]

Chang-Shan HuangAssociate Professor and Executive Coordinator. BA, Tsinghua University (1983); MLA, Pennsylvania State University (1992); MFA, University of Pennsylvania (1995); PhD, University of Pennsylvania (1995) Specializations: Community Design, Urban Design, and Landscape Architecture. (979) 845-7873 [email protected]

Kenneth JohAssistant Professor. BA, UC San Diego (2000), MA Urban Planning, UCLA (2003), PhD Planning, Policy and Design, UC Irvine (2009). Specializations: Transportation Policy and Planning.

Chanam LeeAssociate Professor. BLA, Kyungpook National University (1996); MLA, Texas A&M University (1999); PhD, University of Washington (2004). Specializations: Active Living. (979) 845-7056 [email protected]

Michael K. LindellProfessor. BA, University of Colorado (1969); PhD, University of Colorado (1975) Specializations: Environmental Hazard Mitigation, Emergency Management, Research Methods. (979) 862-3969 [email protected]

Ming-Han LiAssociate Professor: Ph.D. (Urban and Regional Science), Texas A&M University, 2002; M.L.A., Texas A&M University, 1998; M.S. (Civil Engineering), The University of Texas-Austin, 1995; B.S. (Agriculture Engineering), The National Taiwan University, 1990. (979) 845-7571 [email protected]

Forster NdubisiProfessor and Department Head. BS, University of Ibadan (1977); MLA, University of Guelph (1982) ; PhD, University of Waterloo (1987). Specializations: Growth Management, Ecological Design and Planning, Community Design. (979) 845-1019 [email protected]

Michael C. NeumanAssociate Professor. BS (1977); MCP (1986) University of Pennsylvania; PhD (1996) University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Citizen Participation, Sustainable Urbanism, Infrastructure/Public Services, Land Use/Growth Management. (979) 345-7062 [email protected]

Walter G. PeacockProfessor. BA, Columbus College (1978); MA, University of Georgia (1982); PhD, University of Georgia (1986) Specializations: Sustainability, Natural Disaster Management, Quantitative Methods, Community Impact Assessment. (979) 845-7853 [email protected]

George O. RogersProfessor. BS, Oregon State University (1975); MA, University of Waterloo (1976); PhD, University of Pittsburgh (1983) Specializations: Environmental Planning, Impact Assessment, Natural Resources Planning, Quantitative Methods. (979) 845-7284 [email protected]

Andrew Seidel AICPProfessor. BArch, Pratt Institute (1972); MCP, Harvard University (1974); PhD, University of Michigan (1980) Specializations: Citizen Participation, Community Development, Computer Applications, Demographics. (979) 845-6584 [email protected]

Donald A. SweeneyAssociate Professor. BA (1967); MArch (1968); DED (1972) Texas A&M University Specializations: Healthy Communities Planning, Citizen Participation, Health Policy. (979) 845-7888 [email protected]

Shannon Van ZandtAssistant Professor. BS, Texas A&M University (1993); MUP, Texas A&M University (1997); PhD, University of North Carolina (2004). Specializations: Sustainability and Housing and Community Development. (979) 458-1223 [email protected]

James W. VarniProfessor: Ph.D. (Psychology), University of California-Los Angeles, 1976; Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1977; M.A. (Psychology), University of California-Los Angeles, 1974; B.A. (Psychology), University of California-Santa Barbara, 1972. (979) 862-1095 [email protected]


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Timothy LomaxVisiting Assistant Professor. BS (1979); MS (1982); PhD (1987), Texas A&M University Specializations: Transportation Planning, Traffic Modeling. (979) 845-9960 [email protected]

Dennis PerkinsonVisiting Assistant Professor. BA, University of South Florida (1974); MS, Northwestern University (1977); PhD, Texas A&M University (1997) Specializations: Transportation Planning, Transit. (979) 862-4936 [email protected]

Carla PraterVisiting Assistant Professor. BA, Pepperdine University (1975); MUP, Texas A&M University (1993); PhD, Texas A&M University (1999) Specializations: Hazard Reduction and Recovery. (979) 862-3970 [email protected]

David L. PughVisiting Associate Professor, Associate Professor Emeritus: J.D., University of Missouri, 1975; Master of Regional & City Planning, University of Oklahoma, 1970; B.F.A., The University of Oklahoma, 1966. (979) 845-1019 [email protected]

Katherine TurnbullLecturer; BS, University of Minnesota (1975); MS, University of Wisconsin (1976); PhD, Texas A&M University (1993). (979) 845-6005 [email protected]

Douglas F. WunneburgerAssistant Research Scientist. BA, University of Texas (1977); MS, Stephen F. Austin University (1981); PhD, Texas A&M University (1992) Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Computer Applications.

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYZhifang WangAssistant Professor: Ph.D. (Landscape Architecture), University of Michigan, 2008; M.L.A., University of Michigan, 2008; M.S. (Landscape Planning), Beijing University, 2001; B.S. (Urban Planning), Beijing University, 1998. (979) 458-4121 [email protected]

Yu XiaoBM, Beijing (Peking) University (2002), BS Beijing (Peking) University (2002), MUP University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2004), PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2008). Specializations: Urban Economic Development, Disaster Management, Public Finance.

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 1 1 2

White 1 0 1

African American 7 10 17

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 1 1

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon-Permanent Residents

2 1 3

Total Students 11 13 24


Urban Planning and Environmental Policy3100 Cleburne St.

Houston, Texas 77004Phone (713) 313-6842

Fax (713) 313-7447

Qisheng Pan, ChairPhone: (713) 313-7221

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission “Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program ...................................... July 15Admission “Deadline 2010-11 for Ph.D program ............................................. July 1Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program .................. Up to December 1Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Ph.D program ...................... Up to December 1In-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................ $2,858 per semesterOut-of-State/International Tuition and Fees ............................... $5,045 per semesterApplication Fee .........................................................$50 domestic/ $75 international


Master in Urban Planning and Environmental Policy

Contact Person: Sheri L. Smith, MUPEP CoordinatorPhone: 713-313-4807E-Mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2002

Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .............................................................19Degrees Granted from 9/1/07 to 8/31/09 ....................................................9

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Four year degree. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.70 3.0 (last 60 hours)Minimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL: 555 paper based, 213 computer basedRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Subject to program admission committee

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Other .............................................................................................................Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams, Thesis, or Final Product: ...........Comprehensive Examination and ..................................................................................... Internship or Thesis


Masters SpecializationsLand Use and Transportation, Housing and

Community Development, Environmental Policy


FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONAssistantships, Fellowships availableEligibility Criterion: Academic Skills

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/08 08/09 08/08 08/09 08/08 08/09

Masters 11 19 9 14 8 13Doctoral 14 12 12 5 12 5

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 2 0 2

White 1 0 1

African American 11 11 22

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon-Permanent Residents

0 0 0

Total Students 14 11 25


DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................21Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................9Other (Dissertation) ..................................................................................12Total Required Hours in Program ............................................................ 54Exams, Thesis, or Final Product: ..................Comprehensive Examination

Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Environmental Policy

Contact Person: Laita Sen, ProfessorPhone: (713) 313-7448E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 2002Degrees Granted through 8/31/2008 .......................................................... 7Degrees Granted from 9/1/2007 to 8/31/2008 ........................................... 2Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2002 to 8/31/2003 ...................................7

Doctoral SpecializationsTransportation

Housing and Community DevelopmentEnvironmental Policy and Planning

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONAssistantships, Fellowships availableEligibility Criterion: Academic Skills

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Master’s or other advanced degreeMinimum Masters GPA: 3.33Minimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL: 213/550Departmental Requirement: Subject to Program Admission Committee


PLANNING FACULTYDivya ChandrasekharAssistant Professor. Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Specializations: Emergency Management Planning, Coastal Environmental Emergency Assessment & Modeling.

Olurominiyi IbitayoAssociate Professor. MS., Colorado State University; Ph.D, Arizona State University. Specializations: Risk Management, Neighborhood Analysis and Development, Environmental Planning. (713) 313-7398 [email protected]

Walter McCoyProfessor. MURP University of Pittsburg, PhD, University of Pittsburg, JD S. Texas College of Law. Specialization: Environmental Law (713) 313-7312 [email protected]

Qisheng PanAssociate Professor. MS. and Ph.D, University of Southern California. Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Transportation, Land Use Planning, Economic Impact Analysis. (713) 313-7221 [email protected]

Sungjin ParkAssistant Professor. MS and Ph.D, UC Berkeley. Specializations: Urban Design, Sustainable Development (713) 313-7304 [email protected]

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYLei YuAssociate Professor. MS., Nagoya Institute of Technology; Ph.D, Queen’s University. Specializations: Transportation Engineering and Design, Highway Design, Traffic Controls. Carol LewisAssociate Professor. Ph.D, Houston. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Mass Transit, Mobility Issues.

Yi QiAssistant Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Transportation. Ph.D., Polytechnic University of New York


Lalita SenProfessor. MS. and Ph.D, Northwestern University. Specializations: Transportation, Housing, Accessibility. (713) 313-7448 [email protected]

Sheri Smith AICPAssociate Professor. MUP, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ph.D., Texas A&M. Specializations: Housing and Community Development, Infrastructure (713) 313-4807 [email protected]

Laura Solitare Assistant Professor. MS. and Ph.D, Rutgers University. Specializations: Community Development, Environmental Justice, Brownfields. (713) 313-7772 [email protected]

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Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning

Medford, Massachusetts 02155Phone (617) 627-3394

Fax (617) 627-3377E-mail: [email protected]

Julian Agyeman, Department ChairE-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission deadline 2010-11 MA program ................................................January 15Admission deadline 2010-11 for MPP program .............................................April 30Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for MA program ............................................May 1Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for MPP program .......................................... July 1In-State Tuition and Fees (MA program): ........................$27,734 per academic yearOut-of-State Tuition and Fees (MA program): ................$27,734 per academic yearIn-State Tuition and Fees (MPP program):..................................................... $39,624Out-of-State Tuition and Fees (MPP program): ............................................. $39,624 Application Fee: ..................................................................................................... $75Additional Fees: .............................. Mandatory Health Services Fee-$646, Graduate ..............................................................................................Student Council Fee-$40


Master of Arts in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning

Contact Person: Julian AgyemanPhone: (617) 627-3394E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1973 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................882Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................27

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................5Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................7Other ...........................................................................................................2Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................14Exams or Written Requirements: ...................................................... Thesis

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None Specified Minimum Undergraduate GPA: None SpecifiedMinimum GRE: Required no minimum specifiedMinimum TOEFL: Required 550 PBT, 213 CBT, 79-80 IBTDepartmental Requirement: None Specified

MA/MS ACSP Member: Full

Masters SpecializationsUrban and Social Policy and Planning

Environmental Policy and Planning


Master of Public Policy

Contact Person: Julian AgyemanPhone: (617) 627-3394E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2002 Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 .............................................................62Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................8

Masters SpecializationsUrban and Social Policy

Environmental Policy

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None Specified Minimum Undergraduate GPA: None SpecifiedMinimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL: Required – 550 PBT, 213 CBT, 79-80 IBTDepartmental Requirement: 7 years of relevant professional experience

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................3Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................4Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................2Other ...........................................................................................................0Total Required Hours in Planning Program ..............................................9Exams or Written Requirements: ....................................................... None

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 152 180 122 120 45 50Masters 14 10 10 6 10 5

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Justin Hollander AICPAssistant Professor. PhD, Rutgers University; MRP, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Specialization: Urban Planning (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

James JenningsProfessor. PhD, MA, Columbia University; BA, Hunter College. Specializations: Urban and Neighborhood Politics, Social Welfare, Community Development. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Sheldon KrimskyProfessor. PhD, MA, Boston University; MS, Purdue University. Specializations: Environmental Policy and Ethics. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Penn S. LohProfessor of the Practice. MS, University of California, Berkeley. Specialization: Environmental Justice. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Barbara ParmenterLecturer. PhD, University of Texas at Austin. Specializations: Geographic Information Systems (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Ann RappaportLecturer. PhD, Tufts University; MS, MIT Specialization: Environmental Science and Management. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Robert Russell AICPLecturer. JD, Harvard Law School. Specializations: Environmental Law. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Jon Witten AICPLecturer. JD, Suffolk Law School; MRP, Cornell University Specializations: Land Use Planning, Local Government Law, Natural Resources Policy. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]


PLANNING FACULTYJulian Agyeman Professor. PhD, University of London UK; MA, Middlesex University UK Specializations: Sustainable Communities, EnvironmentalJustice, Environmental Education. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Rachel G. BrattProfessor. PhD, MIT. Specializations: Housing and Community Development. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Mary E. DavisAssistant Professor. PhD, University of Florida. Specializations: Environmental Health. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Laurie GoldmanLecturer. PhD, MIT; MS, Israel Institute of Technology. Specializations: Housing, Community Development. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Margaret Barringer AICPLecturer. MCP, University of Rhode Island Specializations: Economic Development. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Patricia Bonner-DuValLecturer. MEd., Harvard University. Specialization: Philanthropy and Fundraising.

Robert BurdickLecturer. JD, Boston University Law School. Specialization: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

US Citizens & Permanent Resi-dents

Male Female Total

Hispanics of any Race 3 7 10

White 28 51 79

African American 3 9 12

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 2 2 4

Mixed 2 2 4

Other/Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon-Permanent Residents

2 1 3

Total Students 40 72 112

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Mark ChaseLecturer. MA, Tufts University. Specialization: Transportation Planning. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Christine Cousineau AICPLecturer. MArch, MIT; MCP, MIT. Specialization: Urban Planning (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Louise DunlapLecturer. PhD, University of California at Berkeley; MA, University of California at Berkeley. Specializations: Writing. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Scott HorsleyLecturer. MA, University of Rhode Island. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Water Resources Policy. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Francine JacobsAssociate Professor. Ed.D., Harvard University; MEd, Harvard University. Specializations: Child and Family Policy, Program Evaluation. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Sylvia JohnsonLecturer. PhD, Brandeis University. Specializations: Philanthropy and Fundraising. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Chrystal KornegayLecturer. MCP, MIT. Specializations: Real Estate Development and Finance. (617) 627-3394 [email protected] Jeffrey LevineLecturer. Masters of Planning. University of Minnesota. Specializations: Urban and Regional Planning. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Alicia Doyle LynchLecturer. PhD Candidate, Tufts University. Specializations: Quantitative Reasoning. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Ingar PalmlundLecturer. PhD, Clark University; MPA, Lund University, Sweden. Specialization: International Environmental Policy. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Alan Jay RomLecturer. JD, Cleveland State University. Specialization: Legal Frameworks of Social Policy. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Roberta Rubin Lecturer. JD, Harvard Law School. Specialization: Housing. (617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Marjorie Erickson WarfieldLecturer. Specialization: Child and Family Policy, Statistics. [email protected]

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Urban and Regional Planning116 Hayes Hall, 3435 Main Street

Buffalo, New York 14214-3087Phone (716) 829-3485

Fax (716) 829-3256E-mail: [email protected]/planning

Niraj Verma, ChairE-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESFall Admission Deadline 2009-10 ..................................... Rolling; March 1 priorityFall Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 ................................ Rolling; March 1 prioritySpring Admission Deadline 2009-10 ............................. Rolling; October 31 prioritySpring Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 ........................ Rolling; October 31 priorityIn-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................................. $9,883 per yearOut-of-State Tuition and Fees .......................................................... $14,763 per yearApplication Fee ..................................................................................................... $75Additional Fees (School Instructional Technology Fee ..................................... $237

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEES Admission Deadline Fall Semester ................................................................. June 1 Admission Deadline Spring Semester .................................................... November 1 Financial Aid Deadline ................................................................................. March 1 In-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................ $3,535 per semester Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ..................................................... $7,485 per semester Application Fee ..................................................................................................... $50 Additional Fee (School Instructional Technology Fee .................. $193 per semester



Master of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Shannon PhillipsPhone: (716) 829-3485E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1980 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................697Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................39

Environmental Design BABachelor of Arts in Environmental Design

Contact Person: R.J. Multari, Director of AdvisementPhone: (716) 829-3485E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1996 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 6/01/10 ......................................................... 390 Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 6/1/10 ................................................. 32\

Undergraduate Minor - Environmental Design

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................18Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ....................................... 6-12Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 21-24Other ...........................................................................................................0Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 52Exams or Written Requirements: .................Thesis or Professional Project

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL: 550/213/79Departmental Requirements: Essay, resume, three letters of recommendation, official transcripts.

MUP ACSP Member: Full PAB

Masters SpecializationsCommunity Development & Urban Management, Economic and International Development, Environmental & Land Use

Planning, GIS and Spatial Modeling,Urban Design and Physical Planning, Interdisciplinary Options

Dual DegreesMUP/JD, MUP/Master of Architecture

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11* 09/10 10/11* 09/10 10/11*

MUP 162 178 75 73 40 41

BAED Undergraduates do not apply directly to the planning program

*Student enrollment figures DO NOT include spring admission ...............................

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity admissions criteria apply. See University at Buffalo Admissions Web site:

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ......................................................................................... 30 Hours of Studio Courses ......................................................................... 18 Hours of Restricted Elective ....................................................................18 Hours of Required Academic Residency ..................................................36 Total Required Hours In Environmental Design Program ..................... 48 Total Required Hours to Graduate from University ............................. 120 Additional Requirement .. minimum GPA of 2.5 in Environmental Design major courses

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H.D. Samuel Cole Professor. BS, Imperial College (London); DPhil, University of Sussex. Specializations: GIS and Planning Technologies, Futures and Forecasting, Regional and Island Development, Tourism and Recreation Planning. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Himanshu Grover AICPAssistant Professor. B. Planning, School of Planning and Architecture (New Delhi); MUP, Texas A&M University; PhD,Texas A&M University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Comprehensive Plans, Sustainable Development and Climate Change (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Daniel B. HessAssociate Professor. BS, Clarkson; MUP, University at Buffalo; PhD, UCLA. Specializations: Transportation Planning and Policy, Planning History, Transportation, Land Use and Urban Form, Urban Design. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Kathryn A. FosterAssociate Professor. Currently serving full-time as Director of Regional Institute. BA, Johns Hopkins; MCP, UC Berkeley; PhD, Princeton. Specializations: Regional Planning and Policy, Political Economy, Metropolitan Governance Systems, Urban Studies. (716) 829-3777 [email protected]

G. William Page AICPProfessor. BA, Princeton; MCRP, Rutgers; PhD, Rutgers. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Policy, and Management, GIS Applications, Quantitative Methods, Water Policy. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

JiYoung ParkAssistant Professor. BA, MA Seoul National University, Ph.D., University of Southern California. Specializations: Analytical, Quantitative and Research Methods, Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Mitigation (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Alfred D. PriceAssociate Professor. BA, Princeton; MArch/MUP, Princeton. Specializations: Housing Planning and Policy, Community Development, Real Estate Finance, Brownfield Redevelopment. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Samina RajaAssociate Professor. BSc, Jamia Millia University (New Delhi); MP1, School of Architecture and Planning (New Delhi); PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Specializations: International Development, Fiscal Impacts of Growth, Quantitative Methods, Community Food Security. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Robert G. Shibley AICPProfessor. M.Arch., Catholic University. Specializations: Urban Design, Placemaking, Downtown Redevelopment, Waterfront Planning, Architectural Design. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Robert M. SilvermanAssociate Professor. BS, Arizona State; MPA, Arizona State; PhD, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Specializations: Citizen Participation and Community Organizing, Community Development, Public Finance, Research Methods. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Ernest SternbergProfessor. BA, Empire State College; MS, Cornell; PhD, Cornell. Specializations: Economic Development, Planning Theory, Disaster and Domestic Security, Physical Planning. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Henry Louis Taylor, Jr.Professor. BS, Tennessee A&I State; MS, University of Tennessee; MA, University at Buffalo; PhD, University at Buffalo. Specializations: Race, Class and Gender, Urban History, Urban Management, Community Development, Health and the Built Environment. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Niraj VermaProfessor and Chair. BS, Birla Institute of Technology, India; M.Infrastructure Planning, University of Stuttgart, Germany; PhD, Berkeley. Specializations: Planning Theory, Design Theory, Infrastructure Planning, Role of Institutions, International Planning, Management, Ethics. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

US Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race* 1 3 4

White 36 24 58

African American 5 7 14

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 3 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don't Know 2 3 5

Non-US Citizens/Non-Permanent Residents 4 14 18

Total Students 49 54 103

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James J. AllenAdjunct Assistant Professor. MUP, University at Buffalo. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Strategic Planning. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Alex BittermanAdjunct Assistant Professor. M.Arch, University at Buffalo; Ph.D., University at Buffalo. Specializations: Graphic and Environmental Design. (716) 829-3485

Carl CalabreseAdjunct Assistant Professor. MA, University at Buffalo. Specializations: Governance and Management, Local Government Politics. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Thomas DeSantisAdjunct Assistant Professor. BA, University at Buffalo; MUP, University at Buffalo. Specializations: Community Development and Revitalization. (716) 829-3485

Alan DewartAdjunct Assistant Professor. MBA, Cornell University. Specialization: Real Estate Development. (716) 829-3485

Eric Gillert AICPAdjunct Assistant Professor. BA, Syracuse University Specialization: Physical Planning. (716) 829-3485

Hiroaki HataAssociate Professor, Department of Architecture. MArch, Harvard University and Washington University. Specializations: Urban Design, Architecture. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Lindy KornAdjunct Assistant Professor. JD, Ohio Northern University. Specializations: Negotiations and Conflict Resolution, Diversity Planning. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Jordana MaiselAdjunct Assistant Professor. MUP, University at Buffalo. Specializations: Inclusive Design and Accessibility. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Li YinAssistant Professor. BS, Yunnan Polytechnic; MS, Asian Institute of Technology; PhD, University of Colorado, Denver. Specializations: GIS and Planning Technologies, Environmental Impact Analysis, Urban and Regional Growth Modeling. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

James MorrellAdjunct Assistant Professor. MUP, University at Buffalo. Specializations: Technology and Information Systems. (716) 829-3485

R. J. MultariAdjunct Assistant Professor. Ed.M. , Ed.S., M.S., Adv.Crt., University at Buffalo. Specializations: School and Campus Planning and Environmental Education. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

William MurrayAdjunct Assistant Professor. JD, University of Detroit. Specializations: Planning Law, Real Estate Development. (716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Adam SokolAdjunct Assistant Professor. M.Arch, Yale University. Specializations: Architecture and Design. (716) 829-3485

Kenneth Swanekamp Adjunct Assistant Professor. MBA, University at Buffalo. Specialization: Physical Planning. (716) 829-3485

Kerry TraynorAdjunct Assistant Professor. M.Arch, University at Buffalo; M.S. Arch. History, Mississippi State University. Specialization: Historic Preservation. (716) 829-3485

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BA in Geography - Planning Track

Contact Person: Deborah KingPhone: (330) 972-2394E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated:2000 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ........................................................... 18Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 .................................................. 3



Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: No RequirementsMinimum GPA: No RequirementsMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: No Requirements

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 14Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 0Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 21Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................................................ 12Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 47Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 128Thesis Exams or Final Product ................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONUniversity Scholarships and GrantsFederal Student Aid Program

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 ......................................................................... OpenFinancial Aid Deadline 2010-2011 ..................................................................... OpenIn-State Tuition and Fees: ...........................................................$373 per credit hourOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ...................................................$692 per credit hourApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$40Additional Fees: ............................................................................$51 per credit hour

GRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 ......................................................................... OpenFinancial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 ..................................................................... OpenIn-State Tuition and Fees: ...........................................................$398 per credit hourOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ...................................................$658 per credit hourApplication Fee: ....................................................................... $30/ $40 InternationalAdditional Fees: ............................................................................$36 per credit hour


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No Requirements Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75Minimum GRE: GRE RecommendedMinimum TOEFL 550 Paper, 213 CBT, 79 IBTRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: BA/BS in planning, geography, or related fields.


Department of Geography and PlanningAkron, Ohio 44325-5005

Phone (330) 972-7620Fax (330) 972-6080

[email protected]

Raymond W. Cox III, Interim Department ChairPhone: (330) 972-8891

E-mail: [email protected]

MA in Geography/Urban Planning

Contact Person: Linda BarrettPhone: (330) 972-6120E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1992 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................98Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................5

Undergraduate SpecializationsUrban and Regional Planning

Geographic Information Sciences

Masters SpecializationsUrban and Regional Planning,

Geographic Information Sciences, Cartography

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................30Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Electives .....................................................................................15Internship .................................................................................................. 3Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .................................. Thesis option - 30-36 hours of coursework, 9-15 hours thesis research

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate Undergraduates do not apply directly to the Planning Program

MA/MS 34 32 28 31 13 18

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PLANNING FACULTYMS in Geography/Geographic Information Sciences

Contact Person: Linda BarrettPhone: (330) 972-6120E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated:1968, revised 2004 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................107Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................5

Masters SpecializationsGeographic Information Systems, Cartography,

Mapping, Remote Sensing, Geographic Techniques

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No Requirements Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75Minimum GRE: GRE RecommendedMinimum TOEFL 550 Paper, 213 CBT, 79 IBTRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: BA/BS in planning, geography, or related fields.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................27Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Electives .....................................................................................18Other ......................................................................................................... 0Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................45Exam,Thesis or Final Product: Thesis option - 30 hours of coursework,

15 hours thesis research.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


David BenjaminAssistant Lecturer. J.D., Case Western Reserve University School of Law. Specializations: Land Use Planning Law, Local Government Law. (330) 972-7620 [email protected]

Fred GuerraPlanning Director, City of Cuyahoga Falls, Assistant Lecturer. M.P.A. California State University – Long Beach (1981). Specializations: Land Use Planning Methods, Zoning, Community Development (330) 972-7620 [email protected]

Joseph Hadley Director - Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning and Development Organization -- NEFCO. Lecturer. MA, University of Akron (1979). Specializations: Regional Planning, Remote Sensing. (330) 972-7620 [email protected]

Loren Siebert Associate Professor. PhD, University of Washington (1997). Specializations: Land Use Planning, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, Japan, History of Urban Design and Planning. (330) 972-7769 [email protected]

Patrice Theken Director Medina County Planning and Assistant Lecturer. MA, University of Akron (2000). Specializations: Regional Planning, Cultural Geography. (330) 972-7620 [email protected]

Linda BarrettAssociate Professor. PhD, Michigan State University (1995). Specializations: Soils, Biogeography, Geographic Information Systems. (330) 972-6120 [email protected]

Kevin ButlerManager, Geographic Information Science Research. PhD, Kent State University (2008). Specializations: GIS Programming and Customization, Spatial Analysis. (330) 972-7621 [email protected]

Meera ChatterjeeVisiting Assistant Professor. PhD, Delhi University (1999). Specializations: Physical Geography, Economic Geography, Asia (330) 972-8309 [email protected]

Shanon DonnellyVisiting Assistant Professor. PhD, Indiana University (2009). Specializations: Land Use and Land Cover Change, Geographic Information Systems. (330) 972-8037 [email protected]

US Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race* 1 2 3

White 14 7 21

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don't Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens/Non-Per-manent Residents 9 2 11

Total Students 24 11 35

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Ghazi Walid FalahProfessor. PhD, Durham (UK) (1983). Specializations: Political Geography, Middle East. (330) 972-8831 [email protected]

Deborah King Instructor. MA, University of Georgia (1977). Specializations: Maps and Map Reading, Cartography. (330) 972-2394 [email protected]

Charles MonroeProfessor, Associate Dean of College of Arts and Sciences. PhD, Pennsylvania State University (1974). Specializations: Quantitative Methods, Transportation, Economic Geography. (330) 972-8033 [email protected]

Jon MooreAssistant Professor. PhD. Geography: The Ohio State University (2003). Specializations: Economic Development, Urban Governance. (330) 972-6757 [email protected]

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Hispanics*Of any Race 4 3 7


Planning Graduate Program

P.O. Box 210075 Tucson, Arizona 85721-0075

Phone (520) 621-1004Fax (520) 626-6448

[email protected]

Dr. Laura Huntoon, Program CoordinatorPhone (520) 626-1151

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline: Domestic Students ......................... Feb 1, Apr 1, June 1 (Fall) Nov 1 (Spring)Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 .................................................................February 1In-State Tuition and Fees: ........................................................... $5,223 per semester Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................ $12,678.90 per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$75

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Science in Planning

Contact Person: Meghann CaskeyPhone: (520) 621-1004E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1961 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................513Degrees Granted from 8/31/09 to 5/31/10 ................................................18

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/0907/0908/0907/0908/0907/09

11182626Masters 3231

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: $75 Application Fee Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 University; 3.1 DepartmentMinimum GRE: 1200 with 3 or betterMinimum TOEFL 550 University; 573 DepartmentDepartmental Requirement: 3 units of undergraduate statistics.

MA/MS ACSP Member: Full


US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

White 17 10 27African American 2 0 2Native American/Pacific Islander 0 2 2

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents1 0 1

Total Students 24 16 40

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................19Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................7Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................15Other .........................................................................................................12Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................49Exams or Written Requirements: .........Optional Thesis or Master’s Report

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYLaura Huntoon AICPAssociate Professor. Harvard AB, University of Pennsylvania, MA, Ph.D.,(1991). Specializations: International Development and Planning, Comparative International Perspectives, Migration, Quantitative Methods, Social Equity. (520) 626-1151 [email protected]

Iris PattenAssistant Professor; Master of Urban and Regional Planning, 2007, University of Florida, Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning, 2010, University of Florida. Specializes in land use analysis and scenario modeling, geographic information systems, land use conflict, and interna-tional planning. Current research includes understanding the connection between land use and economic growth, the impacts to growth and land use suitability after regional and local events (i.e. transit and changes in growth policy) occur, and how innovative industries affect land use suit-ability and future growth patterns. Research has been funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency, state and regional agencies and orga-nizations. Member of the planning professional associations (American Planning Association and Florida Planning Association) and academic planning associations (American Collegiate Schools of Planning – ACSP). (520) 621-1004

Ryan PercklAssistant Professor. Ph.D. Clemson University 2010, Environmental Design and Planning, MCRP. Clemson University 2005, City and Regional Planning, B.S. University of Wisconsin-River Falls 2003, Environmental Science and Land Use Planning. Specializes in geographic information systems, conservation planning, landscape ecology, landscape connectivity modeling, suitability and opportunity analysis, alternative futures modeling, and land use analysis. His current research includes the development and evaluation of habitat patch models, development of trans-boundary and ecoregion-scale connectivity modeling, assessing the use of human footprint datasets in corridor modeling, investigating the environmental and social impacts of conservation easements, and the implementation of projection based modeling in infrastructure planning.

Gary PivoProfessor. University of California, Irvine, BA; MRP, Cornell University; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1987). Specializations: Infrastructure/Public Services, Land Use/Growth Management, Metropolitan Planning, Regional Planning. (520) 621-9597 [email protected]

Sandra RosenbloomProfessor. University of California, Los Angeles, AB, MPA, and Ph.D.Specializations: Transportation Planning, Gender and Aging Issues, Infrastructure Finance. (520) 626-2821 [email protected]

Michael BradleyAssociate Professor. University of New Mexico, BA and MPA and Ph.D. (1971) University of Michigan. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Impact Assessment, Natural Resource Planning, Political Economy. (520) 621-3865 [email protected]

Frank CassidyProfessional/Adjunct. University of Arizona, BA and JD (1982) Specializations: Land Use Law. (520) 682-3401 [email protected]

Arlan Colton FAICPProfessional/Director, Pima County Planning and Zoning. University of Arizona, MS (1977). Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Planning Process, Land Use Law and Policy. (520) 740-6800

Sharon MegdalDirector, Water Resources Research Center. Professor and Specialist, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. MA and PhD, Princeton University, A.B., Douglass College of Rutgers University. State and regional water policy and management. (520) 792-9591 ext.21 [email protected]

William Patrick O'BrienIntermountain Regional Desert Southwest Ecosystem Study Unit of the National Park Service; PhD., 1994 University of Colorado, Boulder. Specializations: Cultural Resource Conservation, Historic Preservation Planning, and Historic Research. (520) 621-9922 [email protected]

Emily NottinghamPh.D., Mass Communications, Indiana University 1978. Specializations: Housing and Community Development; Planning, Funding, Development and Operation of Housing, Human Services and Community Development Programs; Collaborative, Self-sustaining Community Initiatives; Public Housing Authorities, Development of for-sale and Rental Housing, Mixed-income and Mixed-use Communities.

Pamela J. PelletierCommunity Planner, Tumamoc: People & Habitats. University of Arizona, MS (2005). Specializations: Regional Planning, Conservation & Natural Resources, Community Outreach & Food Systems Planning.

Rebecca RuoppProfessional/Affiliate. BA, Franconia College; M.A., Tufts University . Specializations: Environmental Planning, Commercial and Residential Infill, and Public Participation. [email protected]

Jack SiryMasters in Urban Planning, University of Arizona, 1974. Specializations: Community Development, Economic Development, Housing, Municipal Housing Trust Fund, Human Services, Planning Process and Administration, Long Range Strategic Planning, Redevelopment and Neighborhood Planning, Rezoning and Code Revision.


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The Planning Graduate Program at the University of Arizona offers a Master of Science in Planning intended for students interested in careers creating healthy, equitable, and livable communities. This two year program offers concentrations in Environmental/Healthy Cities, International/Borderlands, and Land Use and Community Development. In addition to chosen area of concentration, students participate in an engaging core cur-riculum designed around the many social, political, economic, and cultural factors currently influencing the built environment. With a third of the coursework dedicated to electives, students have the flexibility to create a program tailored to their individual interests. The School of Landscape Architecture and Planning is committed to advancing sustainable design and planning for arid regions.

Applied research projects, headed by faculty members, play a vital role in Arizona while our academic research has an interna-tional, national and local impact. Many student outreach projects have won awards from the Arizona Planning Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners. Projects, mentors, and the required internships allow students to step confidently into the profession.

The Planning Graduate Program addresses the issues of growth experienced in the Southwestern United States, including expand-ing rural residential land use. Because of the Program's unique location, students get hands-on experience in border and tribal planning issues and the environmental problems associated with dry climates and urban sprawl. The Planning Graduate Program has a number of Returning Peace Corps Fellows who are able to continue their work with under-privileged neighborhoods, com-munities and non-profit organizations around Tucson and south-eastern Arizona.


Stephen R. YoolProfessor/Adjunct. BS and MA, California State University - Haywood; Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara. Specializations: Biogeography; Fire, Remote Sensing; Computer Cartography, GIS.

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School of Community & Regional PlanningLasserre Building, 6333 Memorial Road, Room 433

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6T 1Z2Phone: (604) 822-3276

Fax: (604) 822-3787Email: [email protected]

Dr. Penelope Gurstein, DirectorPhone: (604) 822-6065

Email: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012: ....................................................December 1, 2010Domestic Student Tuition: ........................................................................... $4,180.26International Student Tuition*: ................................................................... $7,344.00Domestic Student Application Fee: ...................................................................... $90International Student Application Fee: ............................................................... $150* International Partial Tuition Scholarship available.

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Arts (Planning)Master of Science (Planning)

Contact Person: Patti ToporowskiPhone: (604) 822-4422E-mail [email protected] Year Initiated: 1953 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................1136Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................26

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Must hold at least a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 76% or B+ AverageMinimum GRE: Strongly RecommendedMinimum TOEFL: IBT: 100 (no component test less than 26)Departmental Requirement: Must hold at least a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

MA/MS ACSP Member: Full



MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCredits of Core Coursework: ...................................................................15Credits of Restricted Electives: ...............................................................12Thesis, Exams, or Final Project Credits: Supervised Research Project ...............................................................(6), or Thesis .............................................................................................(12) Total Required Credits in Planning Program: .........................................60

Master’s Specializations

Comparative Development PlanningCommunity Development and Social Planning

Disaster and Risk Management PlanningEcological and Natural Resources PlanningUrban Design and Transportation Planning

Urban Development Planning

DOCTORAL DEGREEContact Person: Sherli MahPhone: (604) 822-3276E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1968 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................56Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................1

Ethnic Descent Male Female TotalCanadian (Including Perma-nent ResidentsArmenian 1 0 1Chinese 2 4 6European/White 15 35 50Filipino 1 1 2First Nations/Meti 1 1 2Japanese 1 1 2Latin American 1 0 1Middle Eastern/North African/Arab 2 0 2

South Asian 1 4 5Southeast Asian 2 2West Asian 1 0 1Foreign (including US Citi-zens) 10 14 24

Total 36 62 98

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Masters 174 175 47 50 34 34

Note: A total of 93 Masters students were registered (59 females and 34 males)4 Canadians listed 2 ethnicities1 Canadian listed 3 ethnicities

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Leonora Angeles Associate Professor. B.A., M.A. (Philippines) Ph.D. (Queen's). Specializations: International and Community Development (604) 822-9312 [email protected]

Larry Beasley Distinguished Practice Professor. C.M., B.A. (Geography and Political Science), M.A. (Planning), Hon. L.L.D. (Simon Fraser U.), F.C.I.P. Specializations: City Planning, Urban Design, Heritage Conservation. (604) 687-5108 [email protected]

Peter Boothroyd Professor Emeritus. B.A. (Geography, U. of Toronto), M.A. (Sociology, U. of Alberta). Specializations: Social Policy, Community and Regional Development. (604) 822-4155 [email protected]

Stephanie E. ChangAssociate Professor. B.S.E. (Princeton), M.S. (Cornell), Ph.D. (Cornell). Canada Research Chair in Disaster Management and Urban Sustainability. Specializations: Disaster and Risk Management (604) 827-5054 [email protected]

Anthony H.J. Dorcey Professor. M.A. (Economic Science) (Aberdeen), M.Sc. (Regional Planning) (Wisconsin), F.C.I.P. Specializations: Water Resources Management, Natural Resources Policy, Dispute Resolution, Governance. (604) 822-5725 [email protected]

Lawrence Frank Associate Professor. B.L.Arch., M.Sc., PhD. (Washington). J. Armand Bombardier Chair in Sustainable Transportation. Specializations: Transportation Infrastructure. (604) 822-5387 [email protected]

John Friedmann Honorary Professor. Specializations: Planning Theory, International Development. (604) 822-0107 [email protected]

Penelope Gurstein Professor and Director. B.A. (York), B.Arch. (U.B.C.), M.Arch., Ph.D. (U.C. Berkeley). Specializations: Social Development, Community-based Research. (604) 822-6065 [email protected]

Tom Hutton Professor, Associate Director of SCARP for CHS. B.A. (Geography, U.B.C.), D.Phil. (Geography, Oxford University). Specializations: Metropolitan Structural Change, Pacific Rim Urban Development, Inner City Change and Planning Innovation. (604) 822-4818 [email protected]

Michael Leaf Associate Professor & Chair, Masters Program. M.A. (M.I.T.), M.Arch, M.C.P., Ph.D. (U.C. Berkeley). Specializations: International Development Comparative Urbanization. (604) 822-6213 [email protected]

Timothy McDaniels Professor & Associate Director. B.A. (Minnesota), M.A. (SFU), Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon). Specializations: Decision Analysis, Environmental Policy and Resource Management. (604) 822-9288 [email protected]

William Rees Professor. B.Sc., Ph.D. (University of Toronto), F.R.S.C. Specializations: Ecological Systems, Ecological Economics, Human Ecology, Policy for Sustainable Development. (604) 822-2937 [email protected]

Leonie Sandercock Professor & Chair of PhD Program. BA (Hons), University of Adelaide (1970). PhD, Australian National University (1974), MFA (screenwriting) University of California at Los Angeles (1989). Specializations: Urban Planning and Social Policy. (604) 822-0225 [email protected]

Maged Senbel Assistant Professor. B.Arch. (University of Oregon), M.Arch. (McGill University), M.Sc. (Planning), Ph.D. (Planning) (U.B.C.). Specializations: Urban Design. (604) 822-9158 [email protected]

Mark StevensAssistant Professor. B.A. (University of Oregon), MCRP, (Planning, University of Oregon), PhD, (Planning, University of North Carolina). Specializations: Environmental & Land Use Planning. (604) 822-1602 [email protected]

Wally BraulAdjunct Professor. Specializations: Environmental & Aboriginal Law [email protected]

Bill Buholzer Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Land Use Law. [email protected]

Margaret EberleAdjunct Professor. Specializations: Affordable Housing. [email protected]

Nathan Edelson Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Community Economic Development. [email protected]

Jonathan Frantz Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Multimedia. [email protected]

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Must hold a Master’s degree from an accredited institution.Minimum GRE: Strongly RecommendedMinimum TOEFL: IBT: 600Departmental Requirement: Must hold a Master’s degree from an accredited institution.

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Michael Gordon Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Housing. [email protected]

Bill GushueAdjunct Professor. Specializations: Geographical Information Systems. [email protected]

Scot HeinAdjunct Professor. Specializations: Urban Design [email protected]

Ann McAfeeAdjunct Professor. Specializations: Strategic Planning. [email protected]

Norma-Jean McLaren Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Social Planning Policy. [email protected]

Wendy MendesAdjunct Professor. Specializations: Urban Food Systems Policy & Planning. [email protected]

Jon O'Riordan Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Sustainable Resource Management. [email protected]

Michael ShifferAdjunct Professor. Specializations: Transportation [email protected]

William Trousdale Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Community Economic Development. [email protected]

Eric Vance Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Economic Impact and Evaluation for Planning. [email protected]

Jay Wollenberg Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Real Property Development. [email protected]

Raymond Young Adjunct Professor. Specializations: Public Law in the Context of Land Use Control. [email protected]

The School of Community and Regional Planning is located at the naturally scenic UBC campus in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. SCARP's mission is to advance the transition to sus-tainability through excellence in integrated policy and planning research, professional education and community service. The School of Community and Regional Planning at UBC was the first dedicated planning school in Canada. With more than five decades of experience in graduate planning education and research, SCARP pioneered the integrated approach to planning for devel-opment.

The Canadian Institute of Planners and the American Institute of Certified Planners has long recognized our Master’s and Ph.D. degrees. As one of the largest graduate planning programs in Canada, SCARP has the equivalent of 15 full-time faculty, 100 students enrolled, and a teaching program characterized at once by diversity and integration. Fortunately, we are also small enough that students and faculty are able to enjoy regular one-on-one con-tact.


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BA in Urban Studies

Contact Person: Susan HagstromE-mail [email protected] Year initiated: 2002 Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 .........................................................106Degrees Granted from 6/1/08 to 8/31/09 ................................................27


UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEYDepartment of City and Regional Planning

228 Wurster Hall, #1850Berkeley, California 94720-1850

Phone (510) 642-3256Fax (510) 642-1641

Karen Christensen, Department ChairPhone: (510) 642-3256

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental/University Requirement: History/Social Science (2 yrs); English (4 yrs); Math (3 yrs); Laboratory Science (2 yrs); Language other than English (2 yrs); Visual and Performing Arts (1 yr); College Prep Electives (1 yr).Minimum GPA: CA resident: 3.0 GPA; non-resident, 3.4 GPA.Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: Must be taken as well as three SAT II Subject Tests.

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 20CED Requirement .................................................................................... 47Major Requirement ........................................................................... 9 to 12External Breadth Requirement ......................................................... 9 to 12General Electives ..........................................................................32 to 35+Total Required Hours In Planning Program ................................... 120-126Total Required Hours to Graduate from University ....................... 120-130Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required


UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission deadline: ....................................................................November 20, 2010Financial Aid Deadline: ....................................................................... March 2, 2010In-state Tuition and Fees: ............................................................................$4,874.25Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: ..................................................................$16,208.75Application Fee: .....................................................................$60, $70 (International)

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissions Deadline: ................................................................... December 5, 2010Financial Aid Deadline: ................................................................ December 5, 2010In-state Tuition and Fees: ...........................................................................$9,474.75Out of State Tuition and Fees: ..................................................................$15,801.25Application Fee: ......U.S./ Domestic Applicants: $70 / International Applicants: $90

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of City Planning

Contact Person: Student Affairs OfficerPhone: (510) 643-9440E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1948 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 .................................................UnknownDegrees Granted from 6/1/09 to 6/30/10 ..................................................50


Undergraduate SpecializationsUrban Studies and Planning,

Environmental Design

Masters SpecializationsTransportation Policy and Planning

Housing, Community, and Economic DevelopmentGrowth Management and Land Use Planning

Environmental Planning and PolicyUrban Design

International and Comparative PlanningGeographical Information Systems (GIS)

Metropolitan/ Regional Planning

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate 100 118 19 16 13 9 Masters 350 459 66 63 40 37Doctoral 62 76 10 14 5 13

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MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................18 Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ....................................... 4-5 Hours of Restricted Electives ................................................................ 6-7 Hours of Unrestricted Electives ......................................................... 12-17 Hours for final project ........................................................................... 3-6Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................48 minimum Exam, Thesis or Final Product ................. Students may choose to write a ................................................... professional report, client report, or thesis

DOCTORAL DEGREEPlanning Contact Person: Student Affairs OfficerPhone: (510) 643-9440E-mail [email protected] Year initiated 1968Degrees Granted through 8/31/2009 ......................................................208Degrees Granted from 9/1/2008 to 8/30/2006 ...........................................6

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2002 to 8/31/20081. Computers and the Promise of Development2. Deliberate Improvisation: The Governance of Highway Franchises in Santiago, Chile 1990-20053. The Dark Side of Silicon Valley: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Water Quality Regulation In the Context of the Semi-conductor Industry4. Costs of Suburbanization: Comparative Effects of Peri-Urban Residential Relocation on Household Welfare Measures in Shanghai5. Latino Perspectives and Community Environment: Encouraging Physical Activity for Better Health6. Towards a Living Wage in the New Economy: The Politics and Economics of Building Labor Market Institutions at the Urban Scale

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................0Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Other ...........................................................................................................0Total Hours .......................48 units and 2 years of full-time student statusExam, Thesis, or Final Product: .............. Planning Theory (2 courses) and Methods (3-4 courses) to be determined by the demands of dissertation research. Student must also complete Inside and Outside field examinations, an oral qualifying exam, and filing of dissertation. Indicators of academic progress include satisfactory completion of exams and annual review.

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None.Minimum GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: No minimum score required.Minimum TOEFL: 570 (paper); 230 (CBT); 68 (IBT)Departmental Requirement: Prefers Master’s degree in planning or related field


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Doctoral SpecializationsTransportation, Community Development,

Regional Economic Development, Housing, International Planning,

Urban Design, Environmental Planning,Land Use, Infrastructure

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: No minimum score requirementMinimum TOEFL 570 (paper), 230 (CBT), 68 (iBT).Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. Coursework in microeco- nomics and statistics preferred but not required; planning-related work expe- rience preferred but not required.

US Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race* 2 2 4

White 27 36 63

African American 0 2 2

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 2 2

Asian American 1 7 8

Mixed 4 7 11

Other/Don't Know 3 7 10

Non-US Citizens/Non- Permanent Residents 6 7 13

Total Students 44 70 113

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONMulti-year fellowships for top applicants. Combination of fellowship and academic student appointments awarded to all incoming Ph.D. students.

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYNezar AlSayyadProfessor. M.S., MIT (1981); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1988). Specializations: Historic Preservation, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, International Development and Planning. (510) 642-4852 [email protected]

Peter BosselmannProfessor. M.Arch., UCLA (1976); Diploma in Architecture, Karlsruhe University, Germany (1973). Specializations: Citizen Participation, Computer Applications, Environmental Planning, Environmental Psychology. (510) 642-6579 [email protected]

Robert Cervero Professor. AB, University of Noth Carolina (1973); MS, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ph.D., UCLA (1980). Specializations: Computer Applications, Infrastructure/Public Services, International Development and Planning. (510) 642-1695 [email protected]

US Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race* 4 2 6

White 12 9 21

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 2 3

Mixed 0 2 2

Other/Don't Know 2 5 7

Non-US Citizens/Non-Permanent Residents 10 4 14

Total Students 30 23 52

Karen ChappleAssociate Professor. BA, Columbia University (1989); MSCRP, Pratt Institute (1994); Ph.D., UC Berkeley (2000). Specializations: Local Economic Development, Poverty, Metropolitan Planning. http://socrates. (510) 642-1868 [email protected]

Daniel G. ChatmanAssistant Professor. BA, University of California, Berkeley (1991); Master in Public Policy, Harvard University (1997); Ph.D., UCLA (2005). Specializations: Transportation, Land Use, Economic Development, Smart Growth. (510) 642-2454 [email protected]

Karen ChristensenAssociate Professor. BA, Ratcliffe College (1966); MCP (1977) and Ph.D. (1980), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Citizen Participation, Community Development, Housing and Neighborhood Planning. (510) 642-3111 [email protected]

Jason CorburnAssociate Professor. MCP and Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Environmental Policy & Planning; Environmental Health; Urban Environmental Justice; Social & Spatial Epidemiology; Health Impact Assessment; Science & Technology Studies; Social Theory; Environmental Dispute Resolution. (510) 643-4790 [email protected]

Michael DearProfessor. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Urban Geography, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Social Policy, Political Economy and Planning Theory. (510) 642-1324 [email protected]

Elizabeth Deakin Professor. B.S. and M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; J.D., Boston College. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Land Use/Growth Management, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Natural Resource Planning, Planning Law. (510) 642-47497 [email protected]

David Dowall Professor. B.S., University of Maryland (1971); MURP (1974) and Ph.D. (1975), University of Colorado. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Infrastructure/Public Services, International Development and Planning, Metropolitan/Regional Planning. (510) 642-6579 [email protected]

Malo André HutsonAssistant Professor. MCP, University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Urban Policy and Politics; The role of public/private institutions in influencing urban development (510) 642-1776 [email protected]

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Arthur Blaustein Adjunct Professor. MA, Columbia University (1962). Specializations: Community Development, Economic Development PLanning, Citizen Participation/Community Organization. (510) 642-3256

Fred Etzel AICP Adjunct Associate Professor. BA, Colgate University (1968); MCP, UC Berkeley, J.D., Hastings College of Law (1978). (510) 642-3256 [email protected]

Michael Smith-HeimerProfessor Adjunct. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley.Specializations: Real Estate Development, Urban and Regional Economics, Housing and Neighborhood Development. (510) 642-3256 [email protected]


Concurrent Masters Degrees with the Following Departments are Offered:o International and Area Studies to list of Concurrent

Masters Degrees. o Architecture o Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planningo Civil Engineeringo Public Healtho Law

Judith Innes Professor. BA, Radcliffe College (1963); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1973). Specializations: Citizen Participation, Community Development, Environmental Planning, Land Use/Growth Management, Negotiation and Conflict Management. (510) 642-3256 [email protected]

Elizabeth MacdonaldAssociate Professor. BA, MLA/MCP and Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1999). Specializations: Urban Design Theory, History of Urban Design and Urban Form, Public Space Design, and Environmental Behavior Research, Street Design. (510) 643-3765 [email protected]

John RadkeAssociate Professor. BA (1975) and MA (1977), Wilfred Laurier; Ph.D., University of British Columbia (1983). Specializations: Computer Applications, Environmental Planning, Geographic Information Systems, Natural Resource Planning, Quantitative Methods. (510) 643-5995 [email protected]

Ananya RoyProfessor. BA, Mills College (1992); MCP (1994) and Ph.D. (1999), University of California, Berkeley. (510) 642-4938 [email protected]

AnnaLee SaxenianProfessor. BA, Williams College (1976); MCP, UC Berkeley (1980); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1989). Specializations: Economic Development Planning, International Development and Planning, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Political Economy, Regional Economics. (510) 642-3256 [email protected]

Michael Southworth FAICPProfessor. BA (1962) and B.Arch. (1964), University if Minnesota; MCP (1967) and Ph.D. (1970), MIT. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Environmental Psychology, Historic Preservation, Landscape/Site Design, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Planning Practice. (480) 965-7167 [email protected]

Paul WaddellProfessor. M.S. (1981) and Ph.D. (1989), University of Texas, Dallas. Specializations: Urban Economics, Economic Geography, Land Use, Transportation, Urban Simulation Modeling. (510) 643-6622 [email protected]

Jennifer WolchProfessor. Ph.D., Princeton University (1978). Specializations: Citizen Participation, Environmental Planning, Gender Studies and Planning, Infrastructure/Public Services. [email protected]

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Department of Planning, Policy, and Design

202 Social Ecology IIrvine, California 92697-7075

Phone (949) 824-0563Fax (949) 824-8566

[email protected]://

David Feldman, Department ChairPhone (949) 824-4384

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONUNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 .......................................................... January 15, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ...................................................... January 15, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: .............................................................. $3,975 per quarterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................... $11,601 per quarterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$40Additional Fees: .................................................................................................. None

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 for Masters program .........................January 15, 2011 Admission Deadline 2011-12 for Ph.D program .............................January 15, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 for Masters program .....................January 15, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 for Ph.D Program .........................January 15, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................................. $4,472 per quarterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ..................................................... $9,505 per quarterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$70Additional Fees: ......................Graduate Student Health Insurance: $781 per quarter


Master of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Janet GallagherPhone: (949) 824-9849 or (949) 824-0563E-mail [email protected] Year Initiated: 1992 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................270Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09 ..................................................37

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Must hold Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Verbal plus quantitative greater than 1100 recommendedMinimum TOEFL Only required for non-native English speakers ((550 for paper-based test, and 213 for the computer-based test).Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Three letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, transcripts.


Areas of StudyHousing and Community Development,Transportation, Environmental Planning, Urban Security, Economic Development,

Land Use/Growth Management,Public Management, Urban Design,

Health Promotion

Applied Accepted Enrolled

Annual Student Enrollment


503413392Masters 174106

510815Doctoral 6554

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................32Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................8Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................32Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................72Exam, Thesis or Final Product: Required “Professional Report” Analysis of a community planning process or project done in a manner that shows professional judgement and competence.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship: Department provides assistance in placing students in internships.

Grants and Loans: Ten to 12 fee fellowships pay from one to three quarters of fees, with some offers paying from one to two quarters of out-of-state tuition and fees. Awards based on merit. Teaching/Research Approximately $1,450 per month, with Assistantships: payment of in-state fees and health insurance. Out of state tuition paid by some research assistantships. Availability varies. Contact Department, Awards based on merit.

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................24Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................24Other ...........................................................................................................0 Exam, Thesis or Final Product Comprehensive exams on methods and topical area of specialization in second year.

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Minimum 3.0 GPA.Minimum GRE: 1100 minimum recommended.Departmental Requirement: Minimum 3.0 GPA. Three letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, transcripts.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship: Department provides assistance in placing students in internships.Grants and Loans: Ten to 12 fee fellowships pay from one to three quarters of fees, with some offers paying three quarters of out-of-state tuition and stipend. Portions of awards renewable for total of four years. Awards based on merit.

Teaching/Research Approximately $1,450 per month, with Assistantships: payment of in-state fees and health insurance. Out of state tuition paid by some research assistantships. Awards based on merit.

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Doctoral SpecializationsUrban and Community Development,

Environmental Policy,Design Behavior Research,

Health Promotion and Policy

Recent Dissertations1. Walking and Urban Form: Modeling and Testing Parental Decisions about Children’s Travel.2. Exploring Elements of Religious Organizations that Affect Participation and Success in Obtaining Funding from Faith-based Initiatives.3. Blighted Partnerships: Unsustainable Redevelopment Practices.4. Metropolitan Quality of Life: The Roles of Labor Markets, Land Markets, and Amenities.5. Inscribing at the Crossroads of Culture and Crime: Graffiti in Place and on Property in Urban Los Angeles.6. Transdisciplinary Scientific Collaboration: An Exploration of the Research Process.

Planning, Policy, and Design (formerly Urban & Regional Planning) Contact Person: Janet GallagherPhone: (949) 824-9849 or (949) 824-0563E-mail [email protected] Year initiated 1997Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ............................................................32Degrees Granted from 9/1/10 to 8/31/10 ...................................................3



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 4 5 9

White 17 27 44

African American 1 0 1

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 6 9 15

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 1 1 2

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 5 11 16

Total Students 34 54 88

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 2 2

White 5 13 18

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 3 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 5 4 9

Total Students 11 22 33

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PLANNING FACULTYVictoria Basolo AICPAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Specializations: Housing and Community Development, Local Economic Development/Redevelopment, Regionalism and Environmental Policy. (949) 824-3521 [email protected]

Victoria BeardAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of British Columbia. Specializations: Planning in Developing Countries, Community-based Planning, Poverty Reduction, Planning Theory and Population Studies. (949) 824-6484 [email protected] Marlon BoarnetProfessor. Ph.D., Princeton University. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Economic Development, Urban Economics. (949) 824-7695 [email protected]

Scott Bollens AICPProfessor. Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializations: Urban Ethnic Relations, Growth Policy, Metropolitan Governance, Intergovernmental Planning. (949) 824-7696 [email protected]

Tim-Allen BrucknerAssistant Professor. Ph.D. University of California, Irvine. Specializations: Economic Downturns and Health, Perinatal Epidemiology, Biodemography, Mental Health Policy (949) 824-0563 [email protected]

Kenneth ChewSenior Lecturer (tenured) and Vice Chair. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Social Demography, Public Health, Demographic Methods in Planning. (949) 924-6990 [email protected]

Joseph DiMentoProfessor. Ph.D., J.D., University of Michigan. Specializations: Land use and Environmental Law, International Organizations, Conflict Resolution. (949) 824-5102 [email protected]

David L. FeldmanProfessor and Chair: Ph.D., University of Missouri. Specializations: Water Resources Management and Policy, Global Environmental Change, Ethics and the Environment, Adaptive Management and Sustainable Development (949) 824-4384 [email protected]

Martha FeldmanProfessor. Ph.D., Stanford University. Specializations: Organization Theory, Organizational Change, Public Management, Qualitative Research Methods. (949) 824-4252 [email protected]

Ajay GardeAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of Southern California. Specializations: Urban Design, Urban Form, Sustainable Growth, Physical Planning. (949) 824-9087 [email protected] Helen IngramProfessor Emerita. Ph.D., Columbia University. Specializations: Public Policy, Water Resources and Environment, U.S.-Mexico Relations, American Politics. (949) 824-1434 [email protected]

Douglas HoustonAssistant Professor. Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Transportation, Air Quality, Urban Inequality, Environmental Equity, Spatial Analysis. (949) 824-0563 [email protected]

Raul LejanoAssociate Professor. Ph.D., D.Env., University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Environmental Justice, Risk Assessment, Sustainability Planning. (949) 824-9825 [email protected]

Richard MatthewAssociate Professor. Ph.D., Princeton University. Specializations: Environmental Change, Conflict and Security, Sustainable Development, Global Governance, Urban Security. (949) 824-4852 [email protected]

Sanjoy MazumdarProfessor. M.Arch., A.S., M.C.P., Ph.D., MIT. Specializations: Environmental Design, Social and Cultural Aspects of Planning, Ethnic Communities, Qualitative Research Methods. (949) 824-5046 [email protected] Daniel StokolsProfessor. Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.Specializations: Health Impacts of Environmental Stressors, Environmental Design and Social Behavior, Health Promotion and Planning. (949) 824-5294 [email protected] Luis Suarez-VillaProfessor. Ph.D., Cornell University. Specializations: Innovation and Technology, Economic and Social Development, Regional Analysis. (949) 824-6323 [email protected]

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYSarah CatzLecturer. J.D., Santa Clara University School of Law. Specializations: Transportation Policy, Infrastructure Policy, Transportation and Land Use.

Joseph DevoyLecturer. BS and ME, California State University, Long Beach Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Computer Applications, Physical Planning.

Randal JacksonLecturer. B.L.A., Utah State University. Specializations: Physical Planning, Land Use Planning, Urban Design.

Michael McNallyAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of California, Irvine. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Computer Applications, Travel Demand Models.

David MeyerProfessor. Ph.D., Boston University. Specializations: Social Movements, Public Policy, Social Justice.

Mark PetraccaAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of Chicago. Specializations: Public Policy, Political Institutions, Interest Groups.

Judith RosenerSenior Lecturer with Security of Employment, Emerita. Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. Specializations: Politics and Governance, Public Management, Strategic Planning and Real Estate.

Michael RuaneLecturer. MA, University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Planning Practice, Growth Management, Strategic Planning.

Jean-Daniel SaphoresAssociate Professor. Ph.D. Cornell University. Specializations: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and Policy, Environmental Planning, Infrastructure Planning.

David SmithProfessor. Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializations: International Development, Political Economy, Urban and Regional Development.

Rodolfo TorresProfessor. Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. Specializations: Critical Urbanism, Class Structures, Studies in Racism and Inequalities, Poverty and Social Policy. (949) 824-7680 [email protected]

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School of Public Affairs3250 School of Public Affairs Building

Los Angeles, California 90095-1656Phone (310) 825-4025

Fax (310) 206-5566

Brian D. Taylor, Department Chair(310) 903-3228

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINE, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program ....................... January 15, 2011 Admission Deadline 2010-11 for Ph.D program ......................... December 15, 2010 Financial Aid Deadline for Masters program .............. ..... ..........December 15, 2010Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D Program ................................. December 15, 2010 In-State Tuition and Fees .................................................................$18,935 per year Out-of-State Tuition and Fees................................. ..........................$31,636 per year Application Fee ............................................................................................................$70 Additional Fees ............................................................................................ None



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 UniversityMinimum GRE: None.Minimum TOEFL 600/250/100 Ranking in Undergraduate Class: None.Departmental Requirement: College Algebra, Microeconomics.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................20Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...........................................20Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................24Capstone Project .........................................................................................8Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................72Exams or Written Requirements:..........Thesis or Comprehensive Exam Option (individual applied research project; or comprehensive (group) project, or 2-week exam)

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION5-6 major 2-year fellowships offered per year. Some departmental fellowships . Some non-resident tuition waivers; some transportation fellowships. Some teaching and research assistantships (number varies each year). These provide fee remissions (approx. 2/3 of reg. fees) under certain conditions. (Check with Department).

Master of Urban and Regional PlanningContact Person: Jennifer CrowePhone: (310) 825-8957E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1969 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................1914Degrees Granted from 9/1/07 to 8/31/10 ................................................139

Masters SpecializationsDesign and Development,

Environmental Analysis and Policy,Regional and International Development,

Transportation Policy and Planning,Community Economic Development and Housing

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Applied Accepted Enrolled09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11

Masters 357 397 164 182 77 81Doctoral 52 80 14 10 7 4


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 13 9 22

White 40 32 72

African American 3 2 5

Native American/Pacific Islander 3 3 6

Asian American 7 14 21

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 2 3 5

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 4 3 7

Total Students 72 66 138

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Evelyn BlumenbergAssociate Professor. BA, UC Berkeley (1982); MA (1990) and Ph.D. (1995), UCLA. Specializations: Urban Poverty and Low Wage Labor Markets, Social Policy and Planning, Social Economic Inequality, Gender and Planning. (310) 903-3305 [email protected]

Randall CraneProfessor. BA, UC Santa Barbara (1974); MCRP, Ohio State University (1979); Ph.D., MIT (1987). Specializations: Urban Development, Environmental Policy, Housing, Governance. (310) 951-3576 [email protected]

Leobardo EstradaAssociate Professor. BA, Baylor University (1966); MS (1968) and Ph.D. (1970), Florida State University. Specializations: Social Planning, Survey Research, Planning for Multiple Public, Geographic Information Systems. (310) 825-6574 [email protected]


DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Required Courses .......................................................................24Hours of Methods Courses .......................................................................12Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Outside Field .............................................................................12Total Required Hours in Program ............................................................ 48Exam, Thesis or Final Product:......Must pass written and oral major field exams, three courses in outside field, three courses in research methods and Oral Qualifying Exam for advancement to Candidacy.

Ph.D. in Urban PlanningContact Person: Jennifer CrowePhone: (310) 825-8957E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated 1970Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ..........................................................182Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/10 .................................................10

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/10

“Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Structural Silence: Citizen-Consumer 1. Access and Behavior in Nigeria’s Urban Water Markets""Promise or Compromise? Community-Managed Water Supply for the 2. Urban Poor in Madhya Pradesh, India" "The Regulated City: The Politics of Land Use Regulation in Los 3. Angeles, 1909-2009

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None.Departmental Requirement: Master’s degree in relevant field.Minimum GRE: None.Minimum TOEFL: 600/250/100

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION3-4 major 4-year fellowships offered per year. Some departmental fellowships. Some non-resident tuition waivers; some transportation fel-lowships. Some teaching and research assistantships (number varies each year). These provide fee remissions (approx. 2/3 of reg. fees) under cer-tain conditions. (Check with Department).


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Doctoral SpecializationsCommunity Development,

Critical Studies of Cities and Regions,Culture and Ethnicity, Economic Development,

the Environment, Gender and Planning,Housing,

International Housing and Development,Regional Political Economy,Transportation, Urban Design

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 3 2 5

White 8 7 15

African American 2 1 3

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 1 4 5

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 5 4 9

Total Students 19 19 38

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Susanna HechtProfessor. BS, University of Chicago (1972); MA (1976) and Ph.D. (1982), UC Berkeley. Specializations: Environmental Planning and Politics, Women in Development, International Development and Planning, Natural Resource Planning and Rural Development. (310) 779-5654 [email protected]

Jacqueline LeavittProfessor. BS, Pennsylvania State University (1961); MS (1965) and Ph.D. (1980), Columbia University. Specialization: Housing Policy, Community Development, Gender Studies and Planning, Alternative Planning & Design for Grassroots Empowerment. (310) 825-4380 [email protected]

Robin LiggettProfessor Emeritus. BA, Pomona College (1966); MS (1971) and Ph.D. (1978), UCLA. Specializations: Quantitative Methods, Computer Applications in Architecture, Urban Design & Urban Planning, Computer Visualization of Urban Environments, Geographic Information Systems. (310) 825-6294 [email protected]

Anastasia Loukaitou-SiderisProfessor. M.Arch (1984), MPL (1985) and Ph.D. (1988), University of Southern California. Specializations: Physical Planning, Urban Design, Planning History, Public Environment of the City, Privatization of Public Space, Safety and Security in Inner City Areas and Bus Stop Crime. (310) 206-9679 [email protected]

Vinit MukhijaAssociate Professor. Master of Urban Design, University of Hong Kong (1992); M.Arch., University of Texas (1995); Ph.D., MIT (2000). Specializations: Housing and Land Development, Urban & Neighborhood Revitalization, Development Strategies for Low Income Communities, Physical Planning and Urban Design. (310) 794-4478 [email protected]

Paul OngProfessor. MUP, University of Washington (1977), Ph.D. UC Berkeley (1983). Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Race/Ethnicity and Planning, Urban Labor Markets, Immigrants in the Urban Economy. (310) 206-2193 [email protected]

Donald Shoup FAICPProfessor. BE (1961), BA (1962), MA (1965) and Ph.D. (1968), Yale University. Specializations: Public Finance & Fiscal Planning, Transportation and Land Use, Parking, Neighborhood Planning. (310) 825-5705 [email protected]

Edward SojaDistinguished Professor Emeritus. BA, Hunter College (1961); MA, University of Wisconsin (1961); Ph.D., Syracuse University (1967). Specializations: Critical Urban and Regional Studies, Spatial and Planning Theory, Comparative Regional Restructuring in Industrial Societies, Political Economy. (310) 825-4335 [email protected]

Michael StorperProfessor. BA (1975), MA (1979) and Ph.D. (1982), UC Berkeley. Specializations: International Development and Planning, Urban and Regional Economics, Political Economy, Trade and Location Patterns and Labor Markets. (310) 825-2718 [email protected]

Lois TakahashiProfessor. MS, Carnegie Mellon University (1987); Ph.D., USC (1992). Specializations: Social Service Delivery Focusing on HIV/AIDS and Homelessness, Locational Conflict, Collaboration Among Community Based Organizations, Planning History and Theory. (310) 429-8641 [email protected]

Brian TaylorProfessor. BA, UCLA (1983); MCP (1987) and MS (1987), UC Berkeley; Ph.D., UCLA (1992). Specializations: Transportation Policy, Planning and Finance, Transportation and Urban Form, Planning for Special Populations. (310) 903-3228 [email protected]

Chris TillyProfessor. BA, Harvard College (1976); Ph.D., MIT (1989). Specializations: Work and labor markets, poverty and inequality, com-munity and regional development, social movements. His research focus-es on the US and Mexico, with some broader comparative work. Also Director, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. 267-4738 [email protected]

Rui WangAssistant Professor. Ph.D., Harvard (2008). Specializations: Environmental policy; urban economics; transportation policy; Chinese urbanization. (310) 367-3738 [email protected]

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYEric AvilaAssociate Professor of Chicana/o Studies. BA, UC Berkeley (1990); MA, UC Berkeley (1992); Ph.D., UC Berkeley (1997). Specializations: The Culture of Cities; Comparative U.S. Urban History; 20th-century Urbanism; History of Los Angeles; Racial Identity and Racialization; Urban Latino/Chicano Culture; The Uses and Meanings of the Urban Built Environment. (310) 825-9106 [email protected]

Stephen ComminsLecturer. BA, UCLA (1971); MA, Claremont School of Theology (1974); Ph.D., UCLA (1988). Specializations: History of Development Planning and Theory, Regional Economic Development Policies, Non-Governmental Organizations, Rural Development and Social Policy. (310) 422-5997 [email protected]

Dana CuffProfessor. BA, UC Santa Cruz; Ph.D., UC Berkeley (1982). Specializations: Physical Planning/Urban Design, Social & Cultural Bases of Design, Low Income Housing & Neighborhoods, Critical Urban Studies. (310) 206-5517 [email protected]

Carol GoldsteinLecturer. BA, Northwestern University (1972). Specializations: Physical Planning, Urban Design and Planning Practice, Cultural Policy, Planning, Funding & Facility Development, Public Art. (310) 825-4896 [email protected]

Gilda HaasLecturer. BA (1975), MA (1977), UCLA. Specializations: Community Economic Development, Popular Education and Public Policy, Cooperatives, Financial Institutions and Markets. (213) 745-9961 [email protected]

Richard J. JacksonProfessor of Environmental Health Sciences, M.D (UCSF). M.P.H (UC Berkeley). Specializations: Biomonitoring, built environment and health, environmental health policy, children's health, community environmental health (310) 206-8522 [email protected]

Gary OrfieldProfessor of Education. BA, University of Minnesota (1963); MA, University of Chicago (1965); Ph.d., University of Chicago (1968). Specializations: Educational policy as it relates to the challenges of urban schools; civil rights; urban policy and minority opportunity. Co-director and Founder, The Civil Rights Project, the nation's leading research center on issues of civil rights and racial inequality. (310) 267-4877 [email protected]



Michael StollProfessor. BS, UC Berkeley (1988); MCP (1990) and Ph.D. (1995), MIT. Specializations: Interplay of Race Ethnicity, Urban Poverty and Labor Markets, Urban Economic Development Strategies. (310) 206-4774 [email protected]

Abel ValenzuelaProfessor. BA, UC Berkeley (1986); MCP (1968) and Ph.D. (1993), MIT. Specializations: International Migration, Immigrants in the Urban Economy, Urban Poverty, Race, Ethnicity and Social Inequality. (310) 206-8224 [email protected]

Goetz WolffLecturer. AB, Occidental College (1965; MA, Yale University. (1968); ABD, UCLA. Specializations: Regional Economic Development, Industrial Restructuring and Labor Market Dynamics; Southern California Regional Economy, Industrial, Spatial and Labor Analysis, Industry Cluster/Sectoral Analysis. (310) 369-0900 [email protected]

Min ZhouProfessor of Sociology. BA, Zhongshan (Sun Yat-Sen) University, China (1982); MA, SUNY-Albany (1985); Ph.d., SUNY-Albany (1989). Specializations: Immigrant Neighborhoods in Los Angeles: Chinatown, Koreatown, and Pico Union; Intra-Asian Migration: Diverse Patterns of Human Movements and the Role of the State; Race and Ethnicity; The Community; Urban Sociology (310) 825-3532 [email protected]

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Bachelor of Urban Planning Contact Person: Xinhao WangPhone: (513) 556-0497E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated:1961 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 ......................................................... 864



School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning

P.O. Box 210016Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0016

Phone (513) 556-4943Fax (513) 556-1274

E-mail: [email protected]

Xinhao Wang, Ph.D., Interim School Director Phone: (513)556-0497

E-Mail: [email protected]



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: College Prep Program.Minimum GPA: University, variable; Department, top 30%.Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: ACT- University, variable; Department, 21. SAT- University, variable; Department, 980

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 90Hours of Studio Courses .......................................................................... 30Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 69Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................. 0Other (Thesis) ...........................................................................................11Total Required Hours In Planning Program .......................................... 200Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 200Thesis or Final Product ...................................................... Thesis Required

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 ..........................................................................RollingFinancial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ...................................................... February 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: ....................................... $3,355 per quarter (10,065/year)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: ............................ $8,196 per quarter ($24,588/year)Application Fee ......................................................................................................$50Additional Fees: ................................................................................................. None

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 for Masters program ........................................ Rolling Admission Deadline 2011-12 for Ph.D program .............................February 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 for Masters program .....................February 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 for Ph.D Program .........................February 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: .................................... $4,412 per quarter ($13,236/year)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees: ................................$7,995 per quarter (23,985/year)Application Fee: ..................................................................................................... $50Additional Fees: ...................................................................................................None


Bachelor of Science in Urban Studies

Contact Person: Xinhao WangPhone: (513) 556-0497E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated:1961 Not PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 ......................................................... 232

Undergraduate SpecializationsStudent chooses from over 20 options or

develops own.

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: College Prep Program.Minimum GPA: University, variable; Department, top 40%.Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: ACT- University, variable; Department, 20. SAT- University, variable; Department, 940

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 45Hours of Concentration ............................................................................ 30Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 78Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................................................ 27Other (Thesis) ............................................................................................ 6Total Required Hours In Planning Program .......................................... 186Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 186Thesis or Final Product ...................................................... Thesis Required

Undergraduate SpecializationsCertificate in Historic Preservation,

Certificate in Geographic Information Systems


Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09

Undergraduate 112 124 62 54 50 26Masters 120 95 92 64 33 47Doctoral 24 28 3 3 3 3

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MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Community Planning

Contact Person: Xinhao WangPhone: (513) 556-0497E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1963 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 ...........................................................863Degrees Granted from 9/1/02 to 8/31/10 ................................................156

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Variable. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: University, variable; Department, 3.0Minimum GRE: University, variable; Department, variable.Minimum TOEFL University, 520; Department, 560.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................33Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................5Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................20Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................21Other .........................................................................................................11Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................90

Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ......................................................... ThesisNOTE: Paid summer Internship is required. FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTen full MCP assistantships, and 35-40 full and partial tuition scholar-ships and internships. Eligibility based on merit.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONUniversity merit scholarships and several departmental minority scholar-ships. Eligibility based on GPA, SAT/ACT score, exam, interview and financial need.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

DOCTORAL DEGREERegional Development Planning

Contact Person: Xinhao WangPhone: (513) 556-0497 E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated 2002Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 ..............................................................2Degrees Granted from 9/1/2003 to 6/30/10 ...............................................2

Doctoral SpecializationsMetropolitan Development Planning,

Regional/National Development Planning,Regional Development, Planning & Management in

Developing Countries.

Masters SpecializationsUrban Design

Physical PlanningEnvironmental PlanningEconomic Development

International Development Certificate in Historic Preservation

Certificate in Geographic Information Systems

Peace Corps Programs:Masters International Program

Peace Corps/Fellows USA

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 1 0 1

White 35 23 58

African American 2 3 5

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 4 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 1 0 1

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent residents 7 8 15

Total students 45 38 83

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FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION10 full doctoral assistantships. Eligibility based on merit.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................20Hours of Research .....................................................................................45Hours of Major Field ................................................................................20Hours of Minor Field ................................................................................12Other .........................................................................................................38 Total Required Hours in Program ...........................................................135Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ...............................First year screening, comprehensive exam, admission to candidacy, dissertation.

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Variable.Minimum GPA: University, variable; Department, 3.4Minimum TOEFL: University, 520; Department, 600.Minimum GRE: University, variable; Department, above the median.Departmental Requirement: Masters in Planning or related field, calculus, stats, economics, natural science, environmental science.

PLANNING FACULTYMahyar ArefiAssociate Professor. MUD, MArch, Tehran; Ph.D., USC. Specializations: Urban Design, Community Development. (513) 556-0212 [email protected]

Christopher AuffreyAssociate Professor. Ph.D., Michigan. Specializations: Healthy Urban Planning, Environmental Justice, Sustainable Development. (513) 556-0579 [email protected]

Carla Chifos AICPAssociate Professor. MCP, Cincinnati; Ph.D., Cornell. Specializations: Sustainable Development, Urban Environment, International Development. (513) 293-8195 [email protected]

David J. Edelman Eur Ing, SIA, AICPProfessor. MRP, Ph.D., Cornell. Specializations: Urban Environmental Management, Energy Policy Planning, Development Planning and Management. (513) 556-2378 [email protected]

Charles E. Ellison Professor. Ph.D., Michigan. Specializations: Urban Theory, Political Economy, Public Policy, Planning and Politics. (513) 556-0210 [email protected]

Esther ErkinsVisiting Assistant Professor. MS, Buffalo; EdD, Cincinnati. Specializations: Community Development, Ethical Issues, Community Partnerships.

Jan Marie Fritz CCS Professor. Ph.D., American. Specializations: Community Development, Environmental Justice, Mediation and Facilitation of Organizational and Public Policy Disputes. (513) 556-0208 [email protected]

Beth HonadleProfessor of Political Science and Affiliated Professor of Planning. PhD, Syracuse (Maxwell School). Specializations: Public Policy Analysis, Economic Development, Local Government and Capacity Building. [email protected] W. Looye Associate Professor. MRP, Ph.D., Cornell. Specializations: Urban and Regional Theory, International Development, Women in International Development, Planning Techniques. (513) 556-0216 [email protected]

Michael C. Romanos AICPProfessor. MSc, Florida State; Ph.D., Cornell. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Sustainable Development, Urban and Regional Spatial Structure, International Planning. (513) 293-8156 [email protected]

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 3 2 5

African American 0 1 1

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 1

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent residents 6 4 10

Total students 10 7 16

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYEileen CrisantiAdjunct Assistant Professor. MCP, Cincinnati. Specializations: Professional Practice in Planning

Nancy CutlerAdjunct Instructor. MCP, Cincinnati; JD, Northern Kentucky. Specializations: Planning Law, Land Use Law

Terry GrundyAdjunct Associate Professor. MA, Athenaeum. Specializations: Urban Lobbying, Government Relations, Community Development.

Amy LindMary Ellen Heintz Associate Professor of Women's Studies and Affiliated Associate Professor of Planning. Ph.D., Cornell. Specializations: Gender and Development, Gender and Planning, Gender and Globalization [email protected]

John Niehaus PEAdjunct Professor. MCP, Cincinnati. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Transportation Engineering

Gary PowellAdjunct Assistant Professor. JD, Cincinnati. Specializations: Planning Law and Administration

K.D. RexAdjunct Instructor. MA, Iowa. Specializations: GIS, Geography

Paul SchirmerAdjunct Instructor. BUP, Cincinnati. Specializations: Land Development, Real Estate, Urban Design

Menelaos Triantafillou AICP, ASLAAssociate Professor. BUP, Cincinnati, MLA, Harvard. Specializations: Urban Design, Physical Planning, Community Development. (513) 556-4212 [email protected]

David P. Varady FAICPProfessor. MCP, Ph.D., Pennsylvania. Specializations: Housing, Residential Mobility, Community Development. (513) 405-3602 [email protected]

Xinhao Wang AICPProfessor. MCP, Rhode Island; Ph.D., Pennsylvania. Specializations: Environmental Planning, GIS, Modeling. (513) 556-0497 [email protected]

Rainer vom Hofe Associate Professor. MS, Ph.D., Cornell. Specializations: Regional Analysis, Economic Development, Quantitative Methods, Urban and Regional Economics. (513) 556-3835 [email protected]

Marisa ZapataAssistant Professor. MS, Ph.D., Illinois. Specializations: Participatory Planning Processes, Land Use Planning, Culutral Diversity. [email protected]

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Bachelor of Environmental Design (B.Envd) Contact Person: Peg Gordon Phone: (303) 492-2804 E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated:1970 B.Envd Degrees Granted, 1991-2008:Architecture Track ..............................................................................1,784Design Studies Track .............................................................................367Planning Track .......................................................................................239

Master of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Pam Erickson Phone: (303) 556-3387 E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated:1971 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/2008 .......................................................... 958Degrees Granted from 9/2007 to 8/2008 .............................................. 38



College of Architecture and PlanningDenver, Colorado 80217

Phone (303) 556-3382Fax (303) 556-3687

E-mail: [email protected]://


Thomas A. Clark, ChairpersonPhone (303) 556-3296

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: H.S. Diploma or GED and two essays.Minimum GPA: University Mean: 3.60 Departmental Mean, 3.63Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: University Mean, 1203/26.5 Departmental Mean, 1181/26.3

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 52 Hours of Studio Courses ......................................................................... 26 Hours of Restricted Electives ................................................................. 24 Hours of Unrestricted Elective ............................................................... 18Total Required Hours In Planning Program ......................................... 102Total Required Hours to Graduate from University .............................. 120Thesis or Final Product ...........................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION Various Scholarships.Eligibility Criteria: Competitive GPA/portfolio/recommendations.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ................................................................................ February 15 Financial Aid Deadline ................................................................................... April 1 In-State Tuition ........................................................................... $3,223 per semester Out-of-State Tuition ................................................................. $13,350 per semesterApplication Fee: ....................................................................................................$70

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESApplication Deadline for Masters Program (Fall) ....................................February 15Application Deadline for Ph.D Program ....................................................February 1Financial Aid Deadline for Masters Program ................................................March 1Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D Program ....................................................March 1In-State Tuition (If enrolled for 15 credits) ................................ $4,298 per semester Out-of-State Tuition (If enrolled for 15 credits) ........................$10,134 per semester Matriculation Fee: ......................................................................$115 (One-time Fee)Application Fee ...................................................................................................... $50 International Student Application Fee: ................................................................. $75 Additional International Student Fees: ..........................................$100 per semester

Applied Accepted Enrolled

221235436394Undergraduate 512458


39398079Masters 99886686Doctoral 1930


Masters SpecializationsLand Use and Environmental Planning

Economic and Community Development PlanningUrban Place Making and Design

In addition, Masters students may establish their own unique specializations with an advisor’s


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: None. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 Minimum GRE: Department, Yes, if GPA under 3.0 Minimum TOEFL University, 500; Department, 550. Departmental Requirement: Undergraduate Degree.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................27 Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ..........................................12Hours of Restricted Concentration Electives ...........................................15 Unrestricted Electives .................................................................................9 Total Required Hours in MURP Program ...............................................51

Note: Masters Thesis may be undertaken in lieu of second studio (6 credits).

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US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 2 0 2

White 48 39 87African American 0 1 1Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 1 2

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 7 6 13

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents7 2 9

Total Students 65 49 114**

*Dual degree students not included.

DOCTORAL DEGREEDesign and Planning Program

Contact Person: Michael Harper Phone: (303) 556-6042 E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated 1997Degrees Granted through 5/2008 .............................................................23Degrees Granted from 9/2007 to 8/2008 ...................................................3

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: GRE: Strongly Encouraged Minimum TOEFL: 550: University , 575: Departmental Minimum GPA: 3.0 University; Undergraduate GPA 3.0; Graduate GPA 3.5 Departmental Requirement: Twelve hours of upper level undergradu-ate coursework in Architecture/Planning; 12 hours upper level under-graduate course work in Social/Behavioral Science or Environmental/Natural Science or Engineering or Humanities. A minimum of 3 hours of undergraduate or graduate coursework in one of the following: Statistics, Mathematics, Foreign Language, or Computer Applications.

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .........................................................................................12 Specialization ...........................................................................................12Minor .....................................................................................................12Electives ...................................................................................................10 Dissertation ..............................................................................................30TOTAL CREDITS ....................................................................................76

Exams or Written Requirements: Preliminary Examination,Comprehensive Examination, and Dissertation.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION20 Tuition grants, 13 fellowships. Department participates in the NSF-IGERT collaborative program in “Sustainable Infrastructure” at the University of Colorado Denver.Eligibility Criteria: Active student status; Competitive.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition aid and scholarships are awarded annually. Students also will find significant opportunity for paid internships and a limited number of paid research opportunities.

Recent Doctoral Dissertations o The Application of Dramatic Theory in Design Narrative: A Paradigm for Interactive Educationo Historic Preservation of Urban Landscape: (With special emphasis on the Arab world). o Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: Communities at Wildfire Hazard in the Wildland Urban Interface in the Western United States. o Historic Preservation, Cultural Landscapes, and Water Resources. o Historic Preservation and Urban Redevelopment in the People's Republic of China.

Doctoral SpecializationsSustainable and Healthy Environments

History of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism

o A Procedure to Align the Built Environment with Ecosystem Integrity.o Mixed-Income Housing, Discourse and Debate. o Issues of Time and Place: Sustaining a Locally Based Aesthetic at the University of Colorado at Boulder 1917-2003. o Examining Community-based Collaboration in the Context of Western Public Lands and Nature Resources Management. o Building Rural Learning Regions: Innovations in the Food Production Industry o Intra-City Differentials in Urban Poverty and Slums in Nairobi, Kenya: Measurements, Determinants, Consequences, and Implications. o Power, Identity, and the Rise of Modern Architecture: From Siam to Thailand. o Bottom-Up Metropolitan Planning in Kolkata: Rhetoric vs. Reality. o America Connecting: Internet Utilization as a Predictor of Community Participation and Social Capital. o The Political Economy of Urban Public Space: A Case Study of Denver. o Influence of Current Transportation Decision Processes on Modal Outcomes: Three Colorado Case Studies.. o The Emergence and Development of the Second Home in Colorado, 1880-1940.

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US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 1 1 2

White 8 11 19African American 1 0 1Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 1 1

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents7 1 8

Total Students 17 15 32

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYThomas Clark, Chairperson Professor. AB, Brown University (1966); MA (1969) and PhD (1975), University of Iowa. Specializations: Urban and Regional Economic Development, Growth Management, Regional Policy Development, International Planning, Planning Implementation, and Quantitative Methods. (303) 556-3296 [email protected]

Ernesto Arias (Emeritus)Professor Emeritus. Decision Support Systems.

John BarbourInstructor. BENVD University of Colorado; MURP and MArch, University of Colorado Denver. Specializations: Historic Heritage Districts; Historic Preservation; Urban Anthropology; Social Connectivity. (303) 492-8010 [email protected] Louise Chawla Professor. BA. Psychology, Hunter College of New York (1972); MA Education and Child Development, Bryn Mawr College (1979); PhD Environmental Psychology, CUNY (1984). Specializations: Children and Cities; Children and Nature; and Children's Participation in Community Development. (303) 492- 5228 [email protected]

Bruce GoldsteinAssociate Professor. BA, Wesleyan (1986); MS, Yale University (1990); PhD, University of California, Berkley (2004). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Communicative Planning and Regional Planning Frameworks. (303) 556-3382 [email protected]

Spenser Havlick (Emeritus)Professor Emeritus. Specializations: Natural Hazards, Growth Management.

Kevin Krizek Associate Professor and Director, Ph.D. Program. BSE Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (1993); MSCE. University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2000) ; MRP University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (1995); PhD University.of Washington, Seattle, WA (2001). Specializations: Land Use and Transportation (including walking and cycling), Planning for Healthy Communities. (303) 556-3282 [email protected]

Yuk Lee Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. BA, Eastern Kentucky University (1965); MA, University of Cincinnati (1967); PhD, Ohio State University (1970). Specializations: Spatial Analysis, Mathematical and Quantitative Analysis, Spatial Perception, Urban Transportation Planning, Land Use Planning. (303) 556-4232 [email protected] Raymond McCall Associate Professor. BS, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1969); MS, Illinois Institute of Technology (1975); PhD, University of California, Berkeley (1978). Specializations: Urban Design, Computer-Aided Design, and Electronic Networking. (303) 492-7042 [email protected]

Gilbert McNeish Professor Adjunct. BA, Drake University, MPA University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, JD University of Denver. Specializations: Land Use and Environmental Law. Brian Muller Associate Professor. BA, Yale University (1979); MA, University of Texas, Austin (1986); PhD, University of California, Berkeley (2000). Specializations: Land Use Modeling, Geographic Information Systems, Agricultural & Open Space Land Preservation, Regional Economic Development. (303) 556-5967 [email protected] Jeremy Németh Assistant Professor and Director, Master of Urban Design Program. BA, UC Berkeley (2000), MS Building and Urban Design, University College London, PhD Rutgers University (2007). Specializations: Urban Design and Public Policy, Urban Public Spaces, Urban Security Planning. (303) 556-3688 [email protected]

Korkut Onaran Assistant Professor Adjunct. BArch and MArch, Middle East Technical University, Ankara; PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Specializations: Urban Design, Design Review, Legal Aesthetics.

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Peter ParkAssociate Professor, and Manager, Department of Community Development and Planning, City of Denver. BS, Arizona State University, MArch, MUP, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Specializations: Urban Design Economics and Planning, Comprehensive Planning, Form-based Code, and Planning Administration. (303) 556-3479 [email protected]

Thomas Ragonetti Professor Adjunct. AB and MRP, Cornell University; JD, Harvard University. Specializations: Landscape & Site Design, Planning Practice.

Fahriye Sancar Professor. B.Arch, Middle East Technical Institute (1971); MS Arch (1972) and PhD (1977), Pennsylvania State University. Specializations: Urban Design, Design Review, Planning Theory & Methods, Research Methodology, Environmental Aesthetics, and International Planning. (303) 492-7497 [email protected] Raymond Studer, Jr. (Emeritus)Professor Emeritus. Specializations: Planning Methods, Planning Design and Management Systems.

Will Toor Professor Adjunct, and Former Chair, Denver Regional COG, and Former Mayor, City of Boulder. BS, Carnegie-Mellon University; MS, University of Chicago; PhD, University of Chicago. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Transportation Planning, and Metropolitan Planning.

Willem Van Vliet Professor, and Director, Center for Research and Design: Children, Youth and Environments. Doctorandus, Amsterdam (1976); PhD, University of Toronto (1989). Specializations: Housing, Environment & Behavior, Children and Youth, Neighborhood Planning, International Development and Planning. (303) 492-5015 [email protected]

Pamela Wridt Senior Instructor and Associate Chair. BS (Education), University of Wisconsin, Whitewater; MA (Applied Geography), Southwest Texas State University; MA (Psychology), City University of New York; PhD (Environmental Psychology), City University of New York. Specializations: Community Development, Participation and Environmental Psychology. (303) 556-3472 [email protected]

Gideon BergerLecturer. B.A. Communications. American University, MCP University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Transit Oriented Development/Infill, Community Development, Economic Development, and Communications, Living Streets.

Graham BillingsleyLecturer. Past President, American Institute of Certified Planners, and former Director, Boulder County Land Use Department. BA Planning, University of Cincinnatti, ACIP, Land Use Manager, Boulder County. Specializations: Progressive Land Use Policy.

Cindy Brown Lecturer. BA Political Science & International Affairs, University of Colorado at Boulder, Planner, City of Boulder Housing Partners. Specializations: Housing Policy and Practices, Community Housing Practices, Real World Planning. Dale CaseLecturer. AIC, BA Public Administration concentration in Urban Affairs and Administration, Miami University, Oxford Ohio, MUPDD Master of Planning, Design and Development, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, Chief Planner, Boulder County Specializations: Public Policy and Planning, Comprehensive Planning.

Jim Charlier Lecturer. BS, Iowa State University, MS Iowa State University. Specializations: Urban Transportation Planning Robert Finch Lecturer. AA, State University of New York; BS, Colorado State University; MPA, University of Colorado, Denver; MURP, University of Colorado Denver. Specialization: Natural Resources Planning and Management.

Michael HarperSenior Instructor. BS, Colorado School of Mines; MS, University of Tulsa; PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Specializations: Project Management, Decisions Modeling, Operations Research.

Emmett Haywood Lecturer. BA, Kansas State University; MRCP, University of Oklahoma. Specializations: Housing and Neighborhood Planning, and Race/ Ethnicity and Planning.

Kenneth Hoagland Lecturer. BA, Doane College; MRP, University of Massachusetts. Specializations: Public Finance and Fiscal Planning, Real Estate Development.

Ellen IttelsonLecturer. BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MA, University of New Mexico. Specializations: Comprehensive Planning and Downtown Revitalization.

Edward KampLecturer. MURP, University of Colorado Denver. Specializations: Physical Planning, Urban Economics, and Real Estate Market Analysis.

Kevin Puccio Lecturer. BS, University of Florida; MURP, University of Colorado Denver; M. Urban Design, University of Colorado Denver. Specializations: New urbanism, Project Management.

Ken Schroeppel Lecturer. BS, Ferris State University; MURP, University of Colorado Denver. Specializations: Urban Renewal andBlight Studies, Downtown Planning, Urban Redevelopment & Revitalization, Transit-Oriented Development.

James Spensley Lecturer. JD George Washington University. Specializations: Transportation Law and Environmental Consulting.

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The University of Colorado is a three-campus system with four locations: the University of Colorado Denver’s downtown Denver campus and Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, plus UC Boulder and UC Colorado Springs. More than 55,000 undergrad-uate and graduate students currently pursue studies on these UC campuses. The UC System is ranked sixth among public institu-tions in federal research expenditures by the National Science Foundation ($661 million overall in FY08). Of this well over half is generated at the University of Colorado Denver. Academic prestige is evidenced in the System’s four Nobel laureates, seven MacArthur Fellows, 18 alumni astronauts and 19 Rhodes Scholars. For more information about all three CU campuses, visit The College of Architecture and Planning, one of the largest in North America, accommodates upwards of 1500 students, served by nearly 45 full-time faculty members and a sub-stantial number of honorarium faculty affiliates.

The BEnvd Degree offers emphases in architecture, planning and design studies, and is offered on the Boulder campus. BEnvd (Planning) graduates achieve advanced standing in our graduate MURP Program. Graduate professional Masters Programs offered by the College on the Downtown Denver Campus in addition to the MURP, include the MArch, MLA, and MUD. Master of Historic Preservation is pending as of 6/10/09.

The MURP Degree, moreover, can be paired with all the other Masters Programs offered by the College, and formal Dual Degree relationships also exist with Public Affairs (MURP/MPA), Business (MURP/MBA), and Law (MURP/ JD), and Public Health (MURP/MPH, pending as of 6/10/09).

The Ph.D. Program in Design and Planning draws from the exten-sive strengths of the UC System, and a Certificate Program in Historic Preservation is available, involving all departments. Opportunities for multi-disciplinary work abound and a remark-able number of diverse environmental settings reside close at hand, offering a rich mix of practice contexts.

The College's four Centers afford additional opportunities for qualified students: Center for Sustainable Urbanism; Children, Youth and Environments: Center for Research and Design; Center for Preservation Research; and the Colorado Center for Community Development. During 2005-7 the Department of Planning and Design faculty published five books, 33 refereed articles and 25 book chapters while editing three major scholarly journals: Progress in Planning (Elsevier), Children, Youth and Environments (online), and Journal of Transport and Land Use (online). With colleagues in three campus units its members were central in the campus’ securing an NSF IGERT grant for doctoral study in Sustainable Infrastructure for $3.2 million. the Department of Planning and Design has entered an MOU with the Seoul Metropolitan Government to train its senior planning staff. The college maintains strong international ties including those with a women's School of Architecture in Saudi Arabia (Dar Al-Hekman College), Tongji University (China), the UN Habitat Programs in Nairobi, Kenya and others. The NSF IGERT(PhD) program in Sustainable Infrastructure partners with researchers in Mumbai, India. Applications to the MURP are at an all-time high for Fall 2009. An entering class of 80 is anticipated. Applications originate from throughout the U.S., and from many other nations.

Daniel Strammiello Lecturer. BA, Trinity College; MA, George Washington University. Specializations: Real Estate Development.

James van HemertLecturer, President, Colorado Chapter of the APA, and Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute, Strum College of Law, University of Denver. BA, Calvin College, MA (Regional Planning) University of Waterloo, MA Social Science, Azusa Pacific University. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Community Health Planning.

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School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy184 Graham Hall

Newark, Delaware 19716Phone (302) 831-1687

Fax (302) 831-3296

Maria P. Aristigueta, Director

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program ........................................ July 1 Admission Deadline 2010-11 for Ph.D program .............................................. July 1 Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program ...............................February 1 Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Ph.D Program ...................................February 1 Tuition ........................................................................................$12,120 per semesterInternational Tuition ..................................................................$12,120 per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$75Additional Fees .............................................................................. $359 per semester



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1100 (M+V)Minimum TOEFL 213Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................12Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ............................................................. 12-18Hours of Unrestricted Electives .............................................................. 6-9Other ...........................................................................................................0Exams or Written Requirements ............................................................. 3-6Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................36

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: Each student is considered for financial assistance.Eligibility criteria: Merit

Master of Arts in Urban Affairs and Public Policy

Contact Person: Danilo Yanich, Ph.D., Program DirectorPhone: (302) 831-1710E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1971 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................319Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................20

Masters SpecializationsUrban and Regional Planning; Historic Preservation; Community Development and Nonprofit Leadership;

Energy, Environment & Equity


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09

MA in UAPP 88 85 23 25 22 23 PhD in UAPP 42 42 9 8 7 8

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 11 32 43

African American 0 4 4

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 1 0 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent residents 1 3 4

Total students 13 40 53

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................15Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................18Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Other ..................................................................................................... 9-12Total Required Hours in Program ....................................................... 42-45Thesis or Final Product: ..............................................Dissertation required

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Master’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.5 in previous Master’s workMinimum GRE: 1100Minimum TOEFL 213Departmental Requirement: No Requirements

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: Each student is considered for financial assistance. Eligibility criteria: Merit

DOCTORAL DEGREEPh.D. in Urban Affairs and Public Policy

Contact Person: Danilo Yanich, Ph.D., Program DirectorPhone: (302) 831-1710E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1971Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ..........................................................131Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ...................................................4

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10

1. The Urban Stream and Urban Eco-Regeneration: A Case Study of the Eco-Regeneration Project of Cheonggyecheon in Seoul2. The Conflicts and Dialogues among Technological, Ecological and Indigenous Paradigms in a Globalized Modernity: A Case Study of the U’wa People’s Resistance against Oil Development in Colombia3. Building Energy Governance in Global Cities – A Case Study of Shanghai’s Commercial Building Sector4. The Global Diffusion and Variations of Creative Industries for Urban Development: The Chinese Experience in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou

Doctoral SpecializationsGovernance, Planning and Management, Social and Urban Policy, Technology, Environment and Society


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYDavid L. Ames FAICP/AICPProfessor. Ph.D., Clark. Specializations: Historic Preservation, Urban Geography, Urban and Regional Planning. (302) 831-1050 [email protected]

Karen Curtis Associate Professor. Ph.D., Temple (1984). Specializations: Community Development, Economic Development Planning, Social Policy/Human Services. (302) 831-6854 [email protected]

Raheemah Jabbar-Bey Assistant Professor. MA, University of New Hampshire. Specializations: Economic Development Planning. (302) 831-8564 [email protected]

Edward O’Donnell Instructor. M.Ed., West Chester University. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Growth Management, Infrastructure/Community Facilities, Natural Resources Protection. (302) 831-4928 [email protected]

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 1 1

White 10 12 22

African American 4 5 9

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 1 2

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent residents 4 9 13

Total students 19 28 47

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John ByrneProfessor. Ph.D., University of Delaware. Specializations: Energy Planning, Environmental Planning, Political Economy. (302) 831-8405 [email protected]

David Hugg AICPAdjunct Professor. MA, New York University. Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Planning Practice.

Janet JohnsonAssociate Professor. Ph.D., Cornell University (1979). Specializations: Environmental Policy, State and Local Government, Research Methods. Jonathan JusticeAssociate Professor. Ph.D., Rutgers. Specializations: Urban Policy and Administration, Financial Management. (302) 831-1682 [email protected]

Gerald KauffmanInstructor. MPA, University of Delaware. Specializations: Water resourc-es and Watershed Planning, Management and Policy. (302) 831-4929 [email protected]

Jerome LewisAssociate Professor. Ph.D., New York University. Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Politics and Governance. (302) 831-1709 [email protected]

David RaccaInstructor. MA, University of Delaware. Specializations: Computer Applications, GIS. (302) 831-1698 [email protected]

Jeffrey RaffelMessick P. Professor of Public Administration. Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1972). Specializations: Urban Management, Educational Planning, Policy Analysis.



Edward RatledgeAssociate Professor. MA, University of Delaware. Specializations: Computer Applications. (302) 831-1684 [email protected]

Rebecca SheppardAssistant Professor. PhD, University of Delaware. Specializations: Historic Preservation Planning, Landscape/Site Design. (302) 831-3625 [email protected]

Young-Doo WangProfessor. Ph.D., University of Delaware (1980). Specializations: Energy Planning, Environmental Planning. (302) 831-1706 [email protected]

Danilo YanichAssociate Professor. Ph.D.. Specializations: Quantitative Methods, Social Policy/Human Services. (302) 831-1710 [email protected]

Steven W. PeuquetAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (1995). Specializations: Community Development, Housing and Neighborhood Planning. (302) 831-1689 [email protected]

Robert WarrenProfessor. Ph.D., UCLA (1964). Specializations: Urban and Regional Government, Telecommunications & Information, Urban Planning and Development, Cultural Theory. (302) 831-1686 [email protected]

Margaret WilderProfessor. Ph.D., University of Michigan (1983). Specializations: Community Development Policy and Organizations, Economic Development Policy & Planning, Housing Problems and Policy, Race, Gender and Economic Mobility. (302) 831-6294 [email protected]

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Department of Urban and Regional Planning

College of Design, Construction and PlanningRoom 431 Architecture Building

P.O. Box 115706, Gainesville, Florida 32611-5706Phone (352) 392-0997

Fax (352) 392-3308


Zhong-Ren Peng, Ph.D., Department ChairEmail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.00Minimum GRE: 1000 (verbal minimum 320)Minimum TOEFL 213/550/80Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Letter of intent, 3 letters of recommendation, transcript(s)

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..................................................................................... 25-28Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................12Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................52Exams or Written Requirements ........................................................ Thesis

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: Research Assistantships and Stipends. Eligibility criteria: Graduate Student at University of Florida.

Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Dr. Richard Schneider, Professor and Graduate CoordinatorPhone: (352) 392-0997 ext 430E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1975 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................515Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................15

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 for Masters program .................N/A Early application ............................................................................................................... recommendedAdmission Deadline 2011-12 for Ph.D program .....................................February 1stFinancial Aid Deadline 2011-12 for Masters program ............................January 15thFinancial Aid Deadline 2011-12 for Ph.D program ................................January 15thIn-State Tuition and Fees ........................................................ $3,554 (9) credit hoursOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ............................................... $10,077 (9) credit hoursApplication Fee ...................................................................................................... $30Additional Fees ...................................................................................................varies

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsDEPARTMENT: Environmental Planning, Growth Management and Transportation; Housing and Community Development; Information Technology for Planning and Urban Design. Concurrent and Joint degree programs in Law, Civil Engineering, Real Estate, Architecture and Landscape Architecture.COLLEGE: Certificate in Historic Preservation, Sustainable DevelopmentUNIVERSITY: University Concentration in Geographic Information Sciences

*College of Design, Construction, and Planning

APPLIED ADMITTED ENROLLED2009-10 2009-10 2009-10

Masters 80 63 24Doctoral 71 27 22


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 6 9 15

White 37 27 64

African American 4 1 5

Native American/Pacific Islander 2 3 5

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 2 0 2

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 6 5 11

Total Students 56 36 102

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DOCTORAL DEGREEPh.D. in Design, Construction and Planning with a concentration in Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Maria Gavidia, Doctoral CoordinatorPhone: (352) 392-4826 ext 312E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1988 ............................................................ DCP ...........URPDegrees Granted through 8/31/10 ......................................... 82 ...............16Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ................................ 5 .................1Dissertations Granted from 8/31/09 to 8/31/10 ...................... 4 .................1

Exploring the Influence of Environmental Features on Residential 1. Burglary Using Spatial-Temporal Pattern Analysis

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................10Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ........................................N/AHours of Restricted Electives ................................................................N/AHours of Unrestricted Electives .............................................................N/AOther .........................................................................................................50Total Required Hours in Program ...................60+30 from Master’s degreeThesis or Final Product ........................Written and Oral Qualifying Exams Dissertation Required

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1200Minimum TOEFL 213/550/80Departmental Requirement: Masters Degree. Statement of Intent and 3 letters of recommendation.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: Research Assistantships and Stipends. Eligibility criteria: Graduate Student at University of Florida.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.URP students in parenthesis


Ilir BejleriAssociate Professor, BArch (1987), Ph.D. (1994), University of Tirana, Albania. Specializations: Urban Design, Urban Simulation, Information Technology for (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Andres BlancoAssistant Professor. B.A. (1999), M.S. (2005), Universidad de los Andes, Bogota`, Colombia. Ph.D. Candidate, Cornell University. Specializations: Urban Economics, Local Economics Development, Urban Public Finance. (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Kathryn FrankAssistant Professor, BCE (1994) Georgia Tech; Master (2000) University of Oregon; Ph.D (2009) Georgia Tech. Specializations: Ecosystem management, regional sustainability, Collaborative planning and policy making, alternative dispute resolution, water resources and aquatic/coastal ecosystems, children and youth participation in (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Doctoral SpecializationsUrban and Regional Planning, Building Construction,

Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape, Architecture

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 1 0 1

White 20 14(1) 34(1)

African American 0 3(1) 3(1)

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 24 (6) 14(5) 38(11)

Total Students 45 31 76(13)

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Claude Boles FAICPDirector, Center for Building Better Communities. BCE (1966), Auburn University; MCP (1969, MS (1969), Georgia Institute of Technology. Specializations: Planning Administration, Growth Management, and Comprehensive (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

V. Gail Easley FAICPAdjunct Lecturer. BA, Political Science (1977), University of FloridaMSP (1979), University of Tennessee. Specializations: Growth Management, Comprehensive Planning and Land Development (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

James Nicholas Emeritus Professor. BA (1965), MA (1967), University of Miami, Florida; Ph.D. (1970), University of Illinois. Specializations: Impact Fees, Land [email protected]

Earl Starnes FAICPEmeritus Professor. BA, Architecture; MA, Planning; Ph.D., Planning. Specializations: State [email protected]

Orjan Wetterqvist AICPEmeritus Professor. MA, Architecture (1958), Royal Institute of Technology. Specializations: City Design, Architecture, City Planning in Salubrious Conjunction, Theoretically and in Practice.


Preservation Institute of Nantucket - PIN (College of DCP)Geographic Facilities Information Center - GeoPlan Center (URP)Center for Building Better Communities (URP)Center for Health and the Built Environment (URP)Center for Environmental Design and Planning in the Americas (College of DCP)Paris Research Center (UF)Shimberg Center for Housing Studies

Dawn JourdanAssistant Professor. BS (1996), Bradley University; J.D./MUP (2000), University of Kansas; Ph.D. (2004), Florida State UniversitySpecializations: Planning Law, Housing Law, Growth Management (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Kristin Larsen AICPAssociate Professor. BS (1986), MAURP (1990), University of Florida, Ph.D. (2001), Cornell. Specializations: Planning History, Housing, Historic (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Stanley Latimer AICPAssistant In: BS (1976), University of Georgia; MAURP (1982), MS (1983), University of Florida. Specializations: Information Technology for Planning, Global Positioning (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Joseli Macedo AICPAssistant Professor. BA (1985), Universidade Federal de Parana; MCP (1992) University of Cincinnati; Ph.D (2000) University of Florida. Specializations: Urban Design, International (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Zhong-Ren Peng (Chair)Professor. BS (1983) Huazhong Normal University, MS (1986) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science, MS (1994) and Ph.D. (1994) Portland State University. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Transportation and Land Use Integration, Information Technology for (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Richard Schneider AICPProfessor. BA (1968), MA (1973), CURP (1975), and Ph.D. (1981), University of Florida. Specializations: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, Conflict (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Christopher Silver (Dean) FAICPProfessor. BA (1973) St. Lawrence University, MA (1975) and Ph.D. (1981) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; MURP (1979) Virginia Commonwealth University. Specializations: History of Urban and Regional Planning, International Development Planning, Community Development, Comparative International Perspective, Urban (352) 392-4836 [email protected] Ruth SteinerAssociate Professor. BA (1979), Lawrence University; MBA (1982), University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; MCP (1988), Ph.D. (1996), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Growth Management, Transportation, Environmental Impact Assessment, Health and the Built (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Paul Zwick (Associate Dean)Professor. BS (1979), Florida Technological University; MAURP (1981), Ph.D. (1985), University of Florida. Specializations: Planning Information and Analysis, Land Use Analysis and Modeling and Environmental Planning. (352) 392-0997 [email protected]

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Urban and Regional Planning2424 Maile Way, Saunders107

Honolulu, Hawaii 96822Phone (808) 956-7381

Fax (808) 956-6870

Dolores Foley, Department ChairPhone: (808) 956-2780

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program ........................... March 1, 2011 Admission Deadline 2010-11 for Ph.D program ................................. March 1, 2011 Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program ........................ April 15, 2011 Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Ph.D Program ........................... April 15, 2011 In-State Tuition and Fees 2010-11 ....................................... $4000.70 per semester* Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ............................................... $9328.70 per semester* Application Fee ......................................................................................................$60 Additional Fees ................................................................................. $0 per semester *Based on 9 credits



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1100Minimum TOEFL: 500/173 University/ 550 DepartmentRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement:

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................9Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................6Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................21Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................42Thesis Exam or Final Product ..........Thesis or area of concentration paper

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: Tuition Waiver (12) East West Center Scholarship, etc. Eligibility criteria: Academic achievement

Master of Urban and Regional PlanningContact Person: Dolores Foley, ChairPhone: (808) 956-2780E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1973 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 12/31/09 .........................................................397Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09…………………………….29

Masters SpecializationsCommunity Planning and Social Policy, Development

Planning in Asia and the Pacific, Environmental Planning and Natural Resource Management, Land

Use, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 50 66 31 43 14 25Doctoral 16 16 13 8 6 1

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 17 13 30

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 2 3 5

Asian American 1 7 8

Mixed 1 3 4

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Per-manent residents 10 5 15

Total students 31 31 62

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................6Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................3Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Total Required Hours in Program ............................................................ 15Thesis or Final Product Comprehensive written exam on Planning Theory; Planning Methods plus Dissertation Defense.

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: If English is not the native language, TOEFL score of 500/173 University 600/250 Department Departmental Requirement: 3.5 GPAMinimum GRE: 1100

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: Tuition Waiver (12) East West Center Scholarship, etc. Eligibility Criteria: Academic achievement

Ph.D. in Urban and Regional PlanningContact Person: Dolores Foley, ChairPhone: (808) 956-2780E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2002Degrees Granted through 8/31/2010 ........................................................10 Degrees Granted from 9/1/2008 to 8/31/2010 ...........................................7 Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2002 to 8/31/2010 .................................10

Doctoral SpecializationsCommunity Planning and Social Policy, Development

Planning in Asia and the Pacific, Environmental Planning and Natural Resource Management, Land

Use, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Makena CoffmanAssistant Professor. BA, Standford (2002); Ph.D, Hawaii (2007). Specializations: Environmental economics and planning, energy and cli-mate change policy, resource management, general equilibrium modeling. (808) 956-2890 [email protected]

Priyam DasAssistant Professor. B.Arch, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India (1996); MLA, Pennsylvania State (2000); ABD, UCLA. Specializations: Urban Development, Basic Environmental Services and Governance in South Asia, Design and Planning of the Built Environment. (808) 956-5367 [email protected]

Michael DouglassProfessor. BA, UCLA (1976); MA, Hawaii (1968); Ph.D., UCLA (1982). Specializations: Asia Pacific Urbanization, Regional and Rural Development in Asia, Urban Environmental Management, Globalization and Local Development. (808) 956-6866 [email protected]

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 5 2 7

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 3 3

Asian American 1 0 1

Mixed 1 2 3

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Per-manent residents 6 6 12

Total students 13 13 26

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Denise AntoliniAssociate Professor of Law and Director of Environmental Law Program. AB (1982), Princeton; MPP (1985), JD (1986), UC Berkeley. Specializations: Environmental Law and Policy. (808) 956-6238 [email protected]

Peter Flachsbart AICPAssociate Professor. BSCE, Washington (1966); MS (1968) and Ph.D. (1971), Northwestern. Specializations: Planning Methods and Models, Environmental Planning, Land Use Planning, Energy Policy & Urban Transportation Planning. (808) 956-8684 [email protected]

Dolores FoleyAssociate Professor. and Chair BA, Pennsylvania State (1967); MPA, Cal State (1981); Ph.D., USC (1989). Specializations: Community Planning, Social Policy, Citizen Participation, Community Development. (808) 956-2780 [email protected]

Karl KimProfessor. AB, Brown (1979); Ph.D., MIT (1987). Specializations: Planning Theory, Planning Methods, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Tourism Planning, and Disaster Management. (808) 956-6865 [email protected]

Reg KwokProfessor. MS, Polytechnic London (1963). Specializations: Development in Asia, Urbanization in China, Spatial Development and Urban Design. (808) 956-6867 [email protected]

Kem LowryProfessor. BA, Washburn (1964); MA (1973) and Ph.D. (1976), Hawaii. Specializations: Evaluation Research, Coastal Zone Management, Alternative Dispute Resolution. (808) 956-6868 [email protected]

Luciano Minerbi AICPProfessor. DottArch., Polytechnical Milano (1966); MUP, Washington (1969). Specializations: Comparative Urbanism, Settlement and Community Planning, Environmental and Land Use Planning, Pacific Islands Planning. (808) 956-6869 [email protected]

James SpencerAssociate Professor. BA, Amherst College (1990); MEM, Yale University (1995); Ph.D., UCLA (2002). Specializations: Political Economy and Regional Development, Urban Labor Markets, Environmental Management, Community Development. (808) 956-8928 [email protected]

Karen UmemotoProfessor. BS, San Francisco State (1983); MA, UCLA (1989); Ph.D., MIT (1998). Specializations: Community Planning, Community-Based Development, Social Policy Planning, Race and Ethnic Relations. (808) 956-7383 [email protected]

David CalliesKudo Professor. BA, De Paul (1965); JD, Michigan (1968); LLM, Nottingham (2069). Specializations: Land Use Management and Control, Intergovernmental Relations. (808) 956-6550 [email protected]

William ChapmanProfessor. BA, University of Virginia (1971); MS, Columbia University (1978); Ph.D., Oxford (1982). Specializations: Historic Preservation. (808) 956-8826 [email protected] CoxSpecialist. BS, HITAHR (1976); MS, Montana (1978); Ph.D., Texas A&M (1982). Specializations: Agricultural and Resource Economics. (808) 956-7602 [email protected]

Tom DinellProfessor Emeritus. M.P.A., Michigan Specializations: Planning Theory, Citizen Participation, Social Policy, Professional Practice, and Conflict Resolution. (808) 734-8102 [email protected]

Brien HallettAssociate Professor, Matsunaga Institute for Peace. BA (1966), Coe College; MA (1982), PhD (1995), Hawaii. Specialization: Congressional War Powers, Humanitarian Intervention, and Terrorism. (808) 956-4236 [email protected]

Bruce HoughtonMacdonald Professor of Volcanology. BSc, University of Auckland (1971); Ph.D., University of Otago, Dunedin (New Zealand) (1977). Specializations: Quantifying the processes involved in explosive vol-canic eruptions and understanding the patterns of behavior of erupting volcanoes. (808) 956-2561 [email protected]

Casey JarmanAssociate Professor. BA, Florida International College (1971); JD, Mississippi (1981); LLM, Washington (1985). Specializations: Environmental Law, Ocean Law, Legal Writing. (808) 956-5569 [email protected]

Andrew KaufmanAssistant Landscape Specialist in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences in CTAHR. BS (1992), MLA U of Arizona; MS (2000), Iowa State; PhD (2003) Washington State. Specialization: Environment-Behavior and Environmental Psychology. (808) 956-7958 [email protected]

Mary Grace McDonaldAssociate Professor of Geography. BA (1981), Oberlin; MA (1985), PhD (1990), UC Berkeley. Specialization: Agricultural Change, Social Theory and Political Geography. (808) 956-7016 [email protected]

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Davianna P. McGregorAssociate Professor of Ethnic Studies. Bed (1972), BA (1973), 5-Yr Certificate (1973), MA (1979), PhD (1990), Hawaii. Specialization: Land Use and Management Related to Indigenous Communities, Indigenous Rights, Cultural Resource Mapping, Natural Resource Management, and Cultural Impact Studies. (808) 956-7068 [email protected]

Lawrence NitzProfessor. BA, Michigan (1963); MA (1965) and Ph.D. (1969), Michigan State. Specializations: Public Policy, Political Economics. (808) 956-8665 [email protected]

David NixonAssociate Professor, Public Policy Center and Public Administration. BS (1990), Michigan Sate; PhD (1996), Washington. Specializations: Political appointment, public management. (808) 956-7718 [email protected]

Norman H. OkamuraSpecialist in SSRI. BA (1974), Loyola Marymount; MA (1975), PhD (1980), Hawaii. Specialization: Environmental Planning, Land Use Information, Zone Management and Information Systems (808) 956-2909 [email protected]

C.S. PapacostasProfessor. BE, Youngstown State (1969); MS (1971) and Ph.D. (1974), Carnegie-Mellon. Specializations: Transportation Engineering and Design. (808) 956-6538 [email protected]

Krisna SuryanataAssociate Professor. Sarjana Soil Science, Indonesia (1978); MA, Hawaii (1985); Ph.D., UC Berkeley (1994). Specializations: Political Ecology, Agro-Food Systems, Rural Development, Community-Based Resource Management. (808) 956-7384 [email protected]

Brian SzusterAssociate Professor of Geography. BS (1986), U of Alberta; MA (1992), Simon Fraser U; PhD (2001), U of Victoria. Specialization: Coastal Land Conservation and the Impact of Human Development Activities. (808) 956-7345 [email protected]

Seiji YamadaAssociate Professor of Area Health Education. BA (1983), Harvard; MD (1987), Illinois, MPH (1996), Hawaii. Specialization: Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (808) 692-1069 [email protected]

Raymond YehDean, Arch. BSj (1965), BArch. (1967), Oregon; MArch., Minnesota (1969). Specializations: Architectural and Urban Design. (808) 956-3469 [email protected]

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Graduate Program in Bioregional Planning & Community Design

PO Box 442481Moscow, Idaho 83844-2481

Phone (208) 885-7448 • Fax (208) 885-9428

Steven J. Hollenhorst, Program DirectorPhone (208) 885-5472

E-mail: [email protected]



GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEES Admission Deadline for Masters program ..........Up to August 1st for Fall Semester Up to September 1st for Spring Semester, Up to May 1st for Summer TermAdmission Deadline for Ph.D program ............................................................... N/AFinancial Aid Deadline for Masters program ..........................................February 1st Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D Program .......................................................... N/AIn-State Tuition and Fees ................................................................. $7,120 per yearOut-of-State Tuition and Fees .......................................................... $18,712 per yearApplication Fee ...................................................... $85 for domestic or international

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Masters 16 16 10 16 9 10

Annual Student Enrollment

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Bioregional Planning and Community Design

Contact Person: Steven J. Hollenhorst, Program DirectorPhone: (208) 885-5472E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Person: Michele D. Vachon, Program ManagerPhone: (208) 885-5476E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2008 In process of satisfying accreditation requirementsDegrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/10 ................................................ 12

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS University Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from a College

or University accredited by a regional accrediting association.

Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: GRE Required, No minimum

statedMinimum TOEFL: 525 Departmental RequirementRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredOther University Requirements: Resume/Curriculum Vitae, three

letters of recommendation, official copies of all college transcripts, and a detailed written statement of academic and career goals/ objectives.

Departmental Requirement: Area of Emphasis Selection Form

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 15Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ............................................ 8Hours of Restricted Electives .................................................................. 15Hours of Specialization Electives .............................................................. 9Thesis ......................................................................................................... 0Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 47Exams or Written Requirements .........Project thesis with oral presentation

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION Tuition Awards: Research Assistantships AvailableEligibility Criteria: Academic

Masters Specializations Regional Planning and Multi-jurisdictional

Governance,Community and Bioregional Design, Community and Economic Development, Transportation and Sustainable

Infrastructure, GIS and Spatial Analysis.

Students may also respond to emerging trends by defining their own specialization in consultation with both their major professor and the

faculty who specialize in the area of interest.

Total Students Enrolled for 2010-2011: 23

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U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 7 9 16

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 1 0 1

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 1 1

Total Students 8 10 18

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYGary AustinAssociate Professor Department of Landscape Architecture. B.A. California State University (1977), M.L.A. California State Polytechnic University (1981). Specializations: Landscape Architectural History, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture Construction. (208) 885-7448 [email protected]

Rula Awwad-Rafferty, Ph. D.Professor Department of Landscape Architecture. B.S. Architecture Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan (1985), M.A. Architecture University of Idaho (1990), Ph.D. Washington State University (1995). Specializations: Environment and behavior interaction; Factors affect-ing quality of life in the built environment: physical, cultural, social, and psychological; Culture and resettlement: resettlement of cultural groups, elderly, health care applications, and military; Adaptive reuse applications and community building; Sense of place: place attachment and identity; conflict and place, security and place attachment; Vernacular architecture; Interdisciplinary design education; Experiential approaches to understand-ing the physical and metaphorical parameters of interior spaces; Studio applications. (208) 885-6832 [email protected]

Nancy Deringer, Ph. D.Assistant Professor of Child, Family, and Consumer Studies. B.S. University of Minnesota (1986), M.S. University of Idaho (1995), Ph.D. University of Idaho (2005). Specializations: Family Resource Management, Work-Life Issues, Housing, Retail and Commercial Property (208) 885-7264 [email protected]

Raymond Dezzani, Ph. D.Assistant Professor Department of Geography. B.A. University of California, Berkeley (1981), M.S. California State University (1984), Ph. D. University of California, Riverside (1996). Specializations: Spatial statistics (Markov random field models, local stochastic estima-tion, Markov transition). Stochastic diffusion processes, GIS, global and regional economic inequality measurement and world systems theory, geographic trade models, spatial models in landscape genetics, and wild-fire propagation models. (208) 885-7360 [email protected]

Stephen R. Drown ASLAProfessor of Landscape Architecture, Adjunct Professor of Architecture and Environmental Science. B.S. Philadelphia College of Art (1970), M.L.A., State University of New York (1974). Specializations: Design Theory, Design Development, Graphics, Professional Practice. (208) 885-7448 [email protected]

Tim Frazier, Ph.D.Assistant Professor Department of Geography. B.A. University of Tennessee (2002), M.S. Pennsylvania State University (2005), Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University (2009). Specializations: Coastal Hazards, Climate Change, Hazard Mitigation, Resilience Enhancement through Planning, GIS. (208) 885-6238 [email protected] Lorie HigginsAssistant Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. B.A. University of Montana (1989), M.A. Washington State University (1993), Ph.D. Washington State University (2001). Specializations: Rural Communities and Natural Resource Decision Making. (208) 885-9717 [email protected]

Steven J. Hollenhorst, Ph.D.Professor of Protected Area Policy, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Science. B.S. University of Oregon (1982), M.S. University of Oregon (1983), Ph.D., Ohio State University (1987). Specializations: Protected Area Policy (208) 885- 5472 [email protected]

Mark HoverstenProfessor, Dean College of Art and Architecture. B.L.A. University of Minnesota (1976), B.F.A. University of Minnesota (1980), M.A. University of New Mexico (1981), M.F.A. University of Iowa (1983), Ph.D. Candidate, Lincoln University. Specializations: Site Design, Land Planning and Public Policy. (208) 885-5423 [email protected]

Michael Kyte, Ph.D. PEProfessor of Transportation Engineering. B.S. UCLA (1970), M.S.C.E. University of California, Berkeley (1972), Ph.D. University of Iowa (1986). Specialization: Traffic Operations, Highway Capacity, Video Based Traffic Detection, Transportation Engineering Education and Training. (208) 885-6002 [email protected]

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Tamara Laninga, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Sustainable Land Use Planning, Department of Conservation Social Sciences. B.S. Western Washington University (1994), M.A. University of Colorado, Boulder (2000), Interdisciplinary Certificate in Environmental Policy, University of Colorado, Boulder (2001), Ph.D. University of Colorado, Denver (2005). Specializations: Community-based collaborative planning, federal land management plan-ning processes, and sustainable land use planning. (208) 885-7117 [email protected]

Jerrold A. Long, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Law. B.S. Utah State University, J.D. University of Colorado School of Law, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Specializations: Natural Resources Law, Property.,-d-,long.aspx (208) 885-7988 [email protected]

Michael Lowry, Ph.D. PTPAssistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering. B.S. Brigham Young University (2002), M.S. Brigham Young University (2004), Ph.D., University of Washington (2008). Specialization: Land use and trans-portation planning, travel demand management, traffic calming and street design, bicycle and pedestrian planning, project evaluation and finance, public participation. (208) 885-0139 [email protected] McKibben LEED APAssistant Professor and IURDC Director. B.Arch. University of Oregon (1976), M. Arch. Yale University (1981). Specializations: Practicing architect with McKibben + Cooper Architects/Urban Design, Boise. Architectural and urban design, master planning, community design/revitalization, regenerative design/sustainable development, and renova-tion/adaptive reuse of historic structures as well as urban research and outreach projects serving Idaho through the Idaho Urban Research and Design Center (IURDC). (208) 364-4540 [email protected]

Wendy McClureProfessor Department of Architecture and Interior Design. B.A. University of Pennsylvania (1974), M.Arch. University of Washington (1977). Specializations: Architect and town planner. Architectural design, community revitalization, designing for sustainability, and adaptive use of historic structures. Studio teaching emphasis on outreach in the com-munity context in association with the College of Art and Architecture's Rural Planning and Design Center and in collaboration with Landscape Architecture. (208) 885-6473 [email protected]

David Paul, Ph.D.Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. B.P.E Purdue University (1993), M.A. East Tennessee State University (1995), Ph.D. Ohio State University (1999). Specializations: Investigating the relationships between physical activity, food intake, and chronic disease; Studying the relationship between the built environment and obesity in children and adults; Developing methodologies to improve the measurement of physical activity and food intake. (208) 885-7921 [email protected]

Sandra Pinel, Ph.D.Assistant Professor Department of Conservation Social Sciences. B.A. Brandeis University (1974), M.S. University of Wisconsin, Madison (1979), Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison (2007). Specializations: Local and regional land use planning, indigenous and community culture in planning theory and methods; cultural landscapes, multi-jurisdictional governance; limits to participatory and collaborative planning; conflict management; community economic development; epistemologies in planning cultural resource management; ethnographic research methods, social impact and contextualized case study research. (785) 885-7792 [email protected]

Nick Sanyal, PhD.Associate Professor Department of Conservation Social Science. B.Sc. St. Edmund’s College, University of Gauhati, Shillong, India (1970), M.S. Texas A&M University (1975), M.S. University of Idaho (1984), Ph.D. University of Idaho (1991). Specializations: Directing scholarship on and learning about the wildlands, working landscapes, communities and insti-tutions necessary for the use, enjoyment, planning and conservation of natural resources; conservation planning; human dimensions of planning and management; qualitative and quantitative research methods and sur-vey methodologies; public opinion measurement; and community-based Service Learning. (208) 885-7528 [email protected]

Manoj Shrestha, Ph.D.Assistant Professor Political Science and Bureau for Public Policy Research. M.A. Tribhuvan University (1986); M.Sc., University of Bradford, UK (1991); Ph.D., Florida State University (2008).Specializations: Local government, public policy, water governance, col-laborative management and policy, intergovernmental relations. (208) 885-0530 [email protected]

Philip Watson, Ph.D.Assistant Professor Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology. B.S. Taylor University (1998), M.Ag. Colorado State University (2003), Ph.D. Colorado State University (2006). Specializations: Bioregional Planning, Fishery Management, Community Economics, Regional Economics, Natural Resources, Specialty Agriculture, Economic Development, Rural Innovations. (208) 885-6934 [email protected]

Patrick Wilson, Ph.D.Associate Professor Department of Conservation Social Sciences, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Environmental Science. B.A.Ed. (1987), M.A. Western Washington (1990), Ph.D. University of Alberta (1996). Specializations: Natural resource policy and politics, and comparative public policy; politics of species conservation, tribal government manage-ment of natural resources, and water policy and politics. (208) 885-7911 [email protected]

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FYIBioregional Planning and Community Program MissionThe mission of the Bioregional Planning and Community Design pro-gram is to prepare future public leaders, create and disseminate new knowledge, and assist communities and organizations in planning for sustainable development, sustainable efficient conservation planning and management, and sustainable human quality-of-life within and across bioregions. The program’s faculty, staff, and students work with com-munities, through Learning and Practice Collaboratives (LPCs), create community-based plans, programs and policies that sustain and enhance their culture, resource base, built environment and economic vitality.

Geographic FocusProgram graduates fill an important niche in the Intermountain West and have skills that enable them to be effective planners in other parts of the world. The initial focus of the program is on Idaho, but with the expecta-tion that it will be expanded over time to include opportunities nationally and internationally.

InterdisciplinaryThe Bioregional Planning and Community Design program is distin-guished from other planning programs around North America in two ways: (1) it represents a university-wide, interdisciplinary approach that fully integrates education and research with community engagement; and (2) it supports, promotes and advances bioregional thought and process.

Undergraduate requirementsMany undergraduate degrees prepare students well for this graduate pro-gram. All entering students should have previously completed a statistics course and undergraduate course work in social sciences (economics, anthropology, sociology, etc.) and ecology or complete these in addition to the degree requirements. Students with significant pre-existing course work or professional planning practice may request credit for this prior work.

The program offers the following: • Master of Science in Bioregional Planning and Community

Design: Includes specializations in land use planning; environmental planning; economic development planning; transportation planning; public land planning; and housing, social and community develop-ment planning.

• Graduate certificate: Designed for those who want to incorporate sustainable planning principles and concepts into a related profes-sional discipline, such as transportation engineering, environmental and natural resource management, architecture, landscape architecture, and public administration.

Student Chapter – American Planning Association (SPPUD)Students for Place-Based Planning & Urban Design (SPPUD) strives to promote place-based planning and community design as a means of empowering citizens, strengthening communities, preserving natural resources, promoting social justice, and accommodating society’s needs in a sustainable manner.

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGODepartment of Urban Planning And Policy

412 South Peoria Street, 215 CUPPAH Chicago, Illinois 60607-7068

Phone (312) 996-5240Fax (312) 413-2314

E-mail: [email protected] Kawamura, Head

Phone (312) 413-1269E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEES Admission Deadline 2011-12 ........................................................... March 15, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ...................................................... January 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................ $8,729 per semesterOut-of-State/international Tuition and Fees ............................. $14,728 per semesterApplication Fee: .......................................................$50 domestic, $60 internationalAdditional Fees: ..................................................................................................$493

DOCTORAL DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEES Admission Deadline 2011-12 ........................................................... January 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ...................................................... January 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................ $8,729 per semesterOut-of-State/international Tuition and Fees ............................. $14,728 per semesterApplication Fee: .......................................................$50 domestic, $60 internationalAdditional Fees: ..................................................................................................$481

MASTERS DEGREEMasters of Urban Planning and Policy

Contact Person: Kazuya Kawamura, Department Head and Associate ProfessorPhone: (312) 413-1269E-mail: [email protected] Initiated: 1973 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................1345Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................68


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 for final 60 semester hoursMinimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL 550 (University)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: 3 letters of recommendation, personal statement and writing sample GRE and resume for Assistantship

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................20Hours of Specialization .............................................................................12Hours of Electives. ................................................................................ 8-20Professional Practice Experience ................................................................4Other (Masters Project or Thesis) ......................................................... 4-16Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................60Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ............................Masters Project or Thesis

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONFellowships; Assistantships; Tuition and Fee Waivers. Eligibility Criteria: All based on academic merit.Federal Loans. Eligibility Criteria: Based on financial need.



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsCommunity Development, Economic Development,Globalization and International Planning, PhysicalPlanning, Urban Transportation, Faculty Approved


Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 232 291 151 154 77 73Doctoral 45 44 12 7 5 5

US Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 5 14 9

White 71 55 126

African American 7 16 23

Native American/ 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 7 8

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 8 17 25

Non-US CitizensNon- PermanentResidents

0 2 2

Total Students 87 97 184

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Doctoral SpecializationsPhysical Planning, Urban Transportation, Community

Development, Economic Development, Global and International Planning, Faculty Approved Specialty

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Requirement: GRE can be substituted with GMATMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 for last 60 semester hoursMinimum GRE: General RequiredMinimum TOEFL 600 (University)Departmental Requirement: Masters in Urban Planning, Public Policy or related field; 3 Letters of recommendation, statement of research interests, writing sample and resume, electronic submission; up to 32 hours transferred from Master’s work to Ph.D on approval of Director of Graduate Studies

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................16Specialization ............................................................................................28Advanced Standing ...................................................................................32Dissertation ...............................................................................................20Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................96Exams or Written Requirements: Academic Progress: Written exami- nation; Oral exam may be required at the discretion of the committee. Write and successfully defend dis- sertation.


Urban Planning and Policy

Contact Person: Kazuya Kawamura, Department Head and Associate ProfessorPhone: (312) 413-1269E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated: 2003Previous Ph.D. degree in Policy Analysis with specialization in Planning was initiated in 1975 and terminated in 2003.Degrees Granted through 8/31/2009 ........................................................ 10Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09 ................................................... 4


(Includes students still pursuing PhD in Policy Analysis)

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONFellowships; Assistantships; Tuition and Fee Waivers. Eligibility Criteria: All based on academic merit.Federal Loans. Eligibility Criteria: Based on financial need.

Kheir Al-KodmanyAssociate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Co-Director, Urban Data Visualization Laboratory. B.Arch., University of Damascus (1986); MA (1989) and Ph.D. (1995), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Specializations: Computer Applications, Geographic Information Systems, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Quantitative Methods. (312) 413-3884 [email protected]

Philip AshtonAssistant Professor. BA, University of Winnepeg (1990); MUP, McGill University (1993); Ph.D., Rutgers University (2005). Specializations: Financial Restructuring and Central City Markets, Neighborhood Development and Change, Affordable Housing Development and Preservation; Comparative Urban Policy; Normative Ethical Theory in Policy. (312) 413-7599 [email protected]

John BetancurAssociate Professor. BA, Universidad Pontificia Bolivaniana, Colombia (1971); Sociologist, Universidad San Buenaventura, Colombia (1974); MUPP (1977) and Ph.D. (1986), University of Illinois at Chicago. Specializations: Community Development, International Development, Race/Ethnicity & Planning & Social Policy/Human Services. (312) 996-2125 [email protected]

US Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 0 1 1

White 5 8 13

African American 4 5 9

Native American/ 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 1 0 1

Non-US CitizensNon- PermanentResidents

4 7 11

Total Students 14 21 35

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Joshua DruckerAssistant Professor. BA, University of Michigan (1998); MRP (2000)and Ph.D. (2008), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Regional Development, Quantitative Methods, Science and Technology Policy. (312) 413-7597 [email protected]

Douglas GillsAssociate Professor, DGS. BA (1968) and MA (1972), North Carolina University; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Specializations: Citizen Participation, Community Development, Race/Ethnicity & Planning. (312) 996-2174 [email protected]

Charles HochProfessor. BA, University of San Diego (1970); MCP, San Diego State University (1975); Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles. Specializations: Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Land Use/Growth Management, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Planning Practice & Theory. (312) 996-2156 [email protected]

Martin JaffeAssociate Professor. BA, Wayne State University (1969); JD, Wayne State Law School (1973); LLM, Depaul School of Law (1984). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Land Use/Growth Management, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Planning Law. (312) 996-2178 [email protected]

Kazuya KawamuraHead and Associate Professor. BS, North Carolina State University (1988); MS (1989) and Ph.D. (1999), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Quantitative Methods and Transportation. (312) 413-1269 [email protected]

Brenda ParkerAssistant Professor. BA (1994), Michigan State University; MS (2002) and PhD (2008), University of Wisconsin, Madison. Specializations: Urban policy, urban governance, race, gender, qualitative methods, pro-gram, community activism (312) 996-2167 [email protected]

David PerryProfessor, Director of Great Cities Institute. BS, St. John Fisher College (1964); MPA (1966) and Ph.D. (1971), Syracuse University; MS (1981) and Ph.D. (1983), Carnegie Mellon University. Specializations: Urban Political Economy, Spatial Theory and Urban Planning, Public Infrastructure, Public Administration and Regional Change. (312) 996-8700 [email protected]

Janet SmithAssociate Professor and Co-Director, Voorhees Center. BFA (1985) and MUP (1990), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ph.D., Cleveland State University (1998). Specializations: Community Development, Housing and Neighborhood Planning. (312) 996-5083 [email protected]

Piyushimita ThakuriahAssociate Professor. BA (1987) and MA (1989), University of Delhi, India; MUPP (1991) and Ph.D. (1994) University of Illinois at Chicago. Specializations: Quantitative Methods, Transportation. (312) 355-0447 [email protected]

Nik TheodoreAssociate Professor and Director, Center of Urban Economic Development. BA, Macalester College (1986); MUPP (1989) and Ph.D. (2000), University of Illinois at Chicago. Specializations: Economic Development, Labor Markets. (312) 355-1340 [email protected]

Sanjeev VidyarthiAssistant Professor. BArch, University of Bombay, India (1991), March, Catholic University Leuven (2003), MUP, University of Michigan (2005), PhD, University of Michigan (2008). Specializations: Physical and Land Use Planning, Globalization and Transfer of Planning Ideas, Urban Design and Place Making. (312) 355-0447 [email protected]

Rachel WeberAssociate Professor. BA, Brown University (1989); MRP (1995) and Ph.D. (1998), Cornell University. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Planning Theory, Public Finance and Fiscal Planning. (312) 355-0307 [email protected]

Curtis WinkleAssociate Professor. BA, Indiana State University (1978); MCRP (1980) and Ph.D. (1986), Rutgers University. Specializations: Community Development, Gender Studies and Planning, Social Policy/Human Services. (312) 996-2155 [email protected]

Moira ZellnerAssistant Professor. BS, Cientro de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Exactas, Argentina (1995); MUP, University of Michigan (2000); PhD, University of Michigan (2005). Specializations: The complexity of human-envi-ronment interactions and their effects on the sustainability of natural resources; effects of public policy and individual decision-making, and their impacts on land-use/cover change and ecological processes. (312) 996-2149 [email protected]

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYMirabai AuerAdjunct Lecturer. BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2003); MUPP, University of Illinois at Chicago (2008). Specialization: Geographic information systems.

Ivan BakerAdjunct Lecturer. BA, Washburn University (1981); CEcD, AICP. Specializations: Economic Development, Commercial re-development planning, Economics, Real Estate.

Sarah Barr Adjunct Lecturer. BA, DePaul University (2001); MUPP, University of Illinois at Chicago (2008). Specialization: Geographic information sys-tems, Geospatial analysis and visualization. Charles Daas Adjunct Lecturer. BA, University of Michigan (1989); MUPP, University of Illinois at Chicago (1999). Specializations: Community development, Mutual housing.

William A. (Max) Dieber Co-Director, Urban Data Visualization Laboratory; Adjunct Lecturer. BSBA, Northwestern University (1970); MA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1972). Specializations: Geographic information sys-tems, Information services, Demography, Economic development.

Joseph DiJohn Adjunct Lecturer. BA, Marquette University (1965); MBA, DePaul University (1968). Specializations: Public transit planning and opera-tions, Freight analysis, Congestion management and pricing, Public/private partnerships

Yochai EisenbergAdjunct Lecturer. BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005); MUPP, University of Illinois at Chicago (2008). Specializations: Physical and Environmental Planning.

Kevin GibbsAdjunct Lecturer. Specialization: Geographic information systems.

Eugene Goldfarb Adjunct Lecturer. BA, State University of New York at Stony Brook; MUP, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; JD, DePaul University. Specializations: Sustainable development, Brownfield rede-velopment

Kiersten GroveAdjunct Lecturer. Bike planning, Complete streets.

Ting Wei Zhang FAICPProfessor. BA (1968) and MA (1981), Tongji University; Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago (1992). Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, International Development and Planning, Physical Planning/Urban Design. (312) 355-0303 [email protected]

Ben GombergAdjunct Lecturer. Specialization: Bike planning, Complete streets.

Brian LicariAdjunct Lecturer. BA, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (2000); MUP, New York University (2005). Specialization: Geographic informa-tion systems.

Robert Nelis Adjunct Lecturer. BA, St. Mary’s University of Minnesota (1969); MUPP, University of Illinois at Chicago (1975). Specializations: Municipal ser-vices planning, Local government management.

Erica Pascal Adjunct Lecturer. BA, Boston University (1972); JD, Northwestern University (1976). Specializations: Affordable housing finance and fund-ing, Housing law.

Mufid QassoumAdjunct Lecturer. BA, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1981); MA, Clark University (1992); PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago (2004). Specializations: Public Policy Analysis, Urban Planning, International Development

Monica Luecking Richart Adjunct Lecturer. BS, DePaul University (2001); MLA, University of Texas, Austin (2007). Specializations: Geospatial analysis and visualiza-tion

Nina Savar GIS Coordinator. BA, Smith College (1979); Master's work, University of Illinois at Chicago (1985). Specialization: Geographic Information Systems. (312) 413-9612

Stephen Schlickman Adjunct Lecturer. BA, Georgetown University (1975); JD, DePaul University (1979). Specializations: Public infrastructure policy, finance, and advocacy

Margaret Schneemann Adjunct Lecturer. BA, Grinnell College (1993); MS, University of Maine (1997). Specializations: Economics, statistics, water resource economics

Thomas Smith Adjunct Lecturer. BA, University of Michigan (1975); MURP, Michigan State University (1980), MS, Illinois Institute of Technology (1996). Specializations: Land use planning, Zoning policy analysis, Form-based codes, Development policy, Project management

Tom SnyderAdjunct Lecturer. AB, University of California-Santa Cruz (1970); MS, University of Oregon (1973); MCRP, Harvard University (1979); PhD, Harvard University (1986). Specializations: Economic development, Public budgeting processes, Public finance.

James Van Der Kloot Adjunct Lecturer. BS, Michigan State University (1979); BS, Michigan State University (1980). Specializations: Sustainable development

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Ferhat Zerin Adjunct Lecturer. BArch, Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (1989); MArch, University of Illinois at Chicago (1996). Specializations: Urban design, Master planning, Mixed-use development, Transit-oriented development.


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BA in Urban Planning

Contact Person: Alice Novak, Assistant Head, Academic Programs & BAUP Program DirectorPhone: (217) 244-5402E-mail: [email protected] Year Initiated:1953 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 .......................................................1,050Degrees Granted from 6/1/09 to 5/31/10 .................................................41



Department of Urban and Regional Planning

111 Temple Buell Hall, 611 Taft DriveChampaign, Illinois 61820

Phone (217) 333-3890Fax (217) 244-1717

Edward Feser, Department HeadPhone (217) 333-3890

E-mail:[email protected]



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: NoneMinimum GPA: 3.0/top 20% of classMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: ACT 24-28

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 22Hours of Workshop Courses ...................................................................... 6Hours of Restricted Electives .................................................................. 27Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 21-25Hours of General Education ............................................................... 40-44Total Required Hours in Planning Program .......................................... 120Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONWork Study, Project Grants, Internships, Scholarships, Loans

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-2011 .........................................................January 2, 2011Financial Aid Priority Deadline 2010-2011 .......................................March 15, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................................$6,820 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ..................................................$13,891 per semesterApplication Fee: .....................................................................................$40/$50 (Int.)College of FAA Tuition Differential: ..............................................$750 per semester

All new students admitted to the baccalaureate program - freshman and transfers - will receive a four-year guaranteed tuition schedule, which applies to both in-state and out-of-state students.

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-2011 for Masters Program ................ December 15, 2010Admission Deadline 2010-2011 for Ph.D. Program.................... December 15, 2010Merit Awards & Assistantships, MUP & Ph.D. ........................... December 15, 2010Financial Aid, MUP & Ph.D. .........................................................................AnytimeIn-State Tuition and Fees: ........................................................... $6,810 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: ................................................. $13,443 per semesterApplication Fee: .................................................................................... $60/$75 (Int.)College of FAA Tuition Differential: ............................................. $525 per semester

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Stacy Harwood, Associate Professor MUP Program Director [email protected]

Mary Edwards, Assistant Professor MUP Director of Admissions [email protected]

Phone: (217) 333-3890

Year Initiated: 1946 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................971Degrees Granted from 6/1/09 to 5/31/10 ..................................................27

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: NoneMinimum TOEFL Minimum 102 iBT, 610 PBT, 253 CBTRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirements: Prior coursework in intermediate microeconomics and statistics recommended. All admission materials must be submitted by deadline for full consideration.


Masters ConcentrationsCommunity Development for Social Justice, Land

Use and Transportation Planning, Local and Regional Economic Development, Sustainable Design and

Development, International Planning

Annual Student EnrollmentApplied Accepted Enrolled

08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10Undergraduate 60 56 43 45 35 34Masters 103 143 36 42 25 21Doctoral 39 52 5 6 5 4

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DOCTORAL DEGREEPhD in Regional Planning

Contact Person: Andrew Isserman, Professor Ph.D. Program DirectorPhone: (217) 333-3890E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1983Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ..........................................................86Degrees Granted from 6/1/09 to 5/31/10 ..................................................8

Dissertations Granted from 5/1/09 to 5/31/10:Planning Under Deep Political Conflict: The Relationship Between 1. Afforestation Planning and the Struggle Over Space in the Palestinian Territories

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSPlanning Theory: ....................................................................... 4 or 8 hoursDissertation Research Methods: ...............................Minimum of 12 hoursResearch Design: ........................................................Minimum of 4 hoursArea of Specialization: ...............................................Minimum of 8 hoursOther Electives: ...........................................................Minimum of 4 hoursThesis or Independent Study: .................................. Maximum of 32 hoursTotal: .................................... Minimum of 64 hours entering with masters; ..................................................................................................96 otherwiseOther Requirements: ............................................... Two Synthesis Papers, .........................................Qualifying Research Paper or Qualifying Exam, ...........................................Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Defense

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No RequirementsMinimum GRE: 75th PercentileMinimum TOEFL: Minimum 102 iBT, 610 PBT, 253 CBTMinimum GPA: 3.0Departmental Requirement: Close fit with faculty interests and expertise.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION3-4 fellowships; 10-12 teaching and research assistantships in the depart-ment, 10-15 outside department, covers tuition (excluding College of FAA tuition differential), some fees and stipend of approximately $7,200 for 9 months (total value: $25,161 IL resident, $43,258 non-resident).

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................30Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................8Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................10Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 12-16Recommended Internship ................... 4 (can substitute for elective hours)Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................64Exam,Thesis or Final Product: Capstone project (thesis, project, or workshop)


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 2 2

White 16 16 32

African American 4 8 12

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 0 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 4 5 9

Total Students 25 31 56

Constructing Professional Knowledge: The Neighborhood Unit 2. Concept and the Community Builders HandbookUnderstanding Stakeholder Participation in Post-Disaster Recovery 3. (Case Study: Nagapattinam, India)Growth Effects of Urban-Rural and Intra-Regional Linkages on Non-4. Metropolitan Counties and Communities in the U.S.Land Use, Spatial Structure, and Regional Economic Performance: 5. Assessing the Economic Effects of Land Use Planning and RegulationDeveloping a Markup Language for Encoding Graphic Content in 6. Plan DocumentsTransforming an Exotic Species: Nineteenth-Century Narratives 7. about Introduction of Carp in AmericaPlanning Access Differences: Collaborative Planning in the 8. California Central Valley

Doctoral SpecializationsWorking with faculty members, students create a

plan of study and define specializations which draw on departmental and campus strengths.

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PLANNING FACULTYBrian DealAssociate Professor. BS (1983), M.Arch. (1997) and Ph.D. (2003), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Specializations: Sustainable Design, Land Use Planning, Computer Applications to Planning and Design. (217) 333-1911 [email protected]

Lynn DearbornAssociate Professor. BS, Rensselaer Polytechnic University (1983); BArch, Rensselaer Polytechnic University (1983); MArch, University of Oregon Eugene (1994); Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2004). Specializations: Architecture, Design, Housing, Community Development. (217) 333-4331 [email protected]

Thomas N. DeboAdjunct Professor. BS, Michigan Technological University (1963), MCP (1972) and Ph.D. (1975), Georgia Institute of Technology. Specializations: Stormwater management, water resources, sustainability. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Mary Edwards, AICPAssistant Professor. BB (1985) and MA (1986), Western Illinois University; MA, University of Illinois at Chicago; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997). Specializations: Fiscal Impact Analysis, Public Finance, Planning Methods. (217) 333-3211 [email protected]

Edward FeserProfessor. BA, University of San Francisco (1989); MRP (1994) and Ph.D. (1997), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializations: Economic Development Policy, Technology and Economic Development, Planning Methods, Regional Development Theory. (217) 244-6767 [email protected]

Clyde Forrest, FAICPProfessor Emeritus. BA (1960) and JD (1962), University of Tulsa. Specializations: Planning Law, Environmental Planning, Land Use and Growth Management, Negotiation, Planning Practice. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Albert Z. Guttenberg, FAICPProfessor Emeritus. BA, Harvard University (1948). Specializations: Land use Classification, History of American Planning. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Stacy HarwoodAssociate Professor. BA, University of California, San Diego (1986; MURP, University of California, Irvine (1994); Ph.D., University of Southern California (2001). Specializations: Neighborhood Planning, Community Development in Immigrant Communities, Qualitative Methods, Social Inequality and Social Planning. (217) 265-0874 [email protected]

Leonard F. HeumannProfessor Emeritus. B.Arch. (1965), MCP (1967), and Ph.D. (1973), University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Housing Policy and Planning, Aging and Planning, Community Development, Social Policy Planning. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Geoffrey HewingsProfessor. BA, University of Birmingham, UK (1965); MA (1967) and Ph.D. (1969), University of Washington. Specializations: Regional Science Modeling, Regional Analysis, Forecasting. (217) 333-4740 [email protected]

Joe HookerAdjunct Lecturer. BA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1973); JD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1977); MUP, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1992). Specializations: Planning Law. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Lewis D. Hopkins, FAICPProfessor Emeritus. BA (1968), MRP (1972) and Ph.D. (1975), University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Planning Theory, Computer Applications in Planning, Planning Methods, Planning Practice. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Andrew IssermanProfessor. BS, Amherst College (1968); MA (1970) and Ph.D. (1975), University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Rural and Regional Development, Forecasting and Scenarios, Urban and Regional Analysis, Economic Impact Analysis. (217) 244-2858 [email protected]


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 5 5 10

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 11 5 16

Total Students 16 11 27

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FYIJoint degree programs allow students to pursue two gradu-ate degrees simultaneously, where the total time for the two degrees is decreased. The most popular joint degrees are with Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Law, and Agricultural and Applied Economics. Joint degrees with any related field are possible.

Tschangho John KimEndowed Professor of Urban and Regional Systems. BS, Hanyang University (1967); MS, Pratt Institute (1972); Ph.D., Princeton University (1976). Specializations: Technology and the City, Transportation, GIS, Metropolitan and Regional Planning, International Development Planning. (217) 244-5369 [email protected]

Bruce Knight, FAICPAdjunct Lecturer. BS, Iowa State University (1977); MA, University of Iowa. Specializations: Urban Planning Processes, Planning Practice, Land Use and Growth Management. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Bumsoo LeeAssistant Professor. BS, Hanyang University (1994); MCP, Seoul National University (1996); Ph.D., University of Southern California (2006). Specializations: Urban Spatial Structure, Metropolitan Development, Urban Land Use, Travel Behavior and Transportation Planning, Regional Economic Analysis and Modeling. (217) 333-3601 [email protected]

Daniel McMillenProfessor. BS, University of Illinois at Chicago (1981); MA, University of Illinois at Chicago (1982); Ph.D., Northwestern University (1987). Specializations: Urban Economics, Housing, Local Public Finance, Industrial Location and Spatial Econometrics. (217) 333-4741 [email protected]

Ruby MendenhallAssistant Professor. BS, University of Illinois at Chicago (1986), MPP, University of Chicago (1994), Ph.D., Northwestern University (2004). Specializations: Race and Housing Patterns, Social Networks, Inequality, Public Policy. (217) 333-2528 [email protected]

Faranak MiraftabAssociate Professor. BA, Tehran University (1980); MA, Norwegian Institute of Technology (1985); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1995). Specializations: Globalization and Transnational Linkages, Community Development in Developing Nations, Housing and Gender Issues in International Planning. (217) 265-8238 [email protected]

Alice NovakLecturer. BS, University of Missouri, Columbia (1981); MUP, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1985). Specialization: Historic Preservation Planning. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Robert Olshansky, AICPProfessor. BS, California Institute of Technology (1974); MUP (1982) and Ph.D. (1987), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Natural Hazards and Disaster Planning, Land Use Planning/Growth Management, Environmental Policy, Planning Practice. (217) 333-8703 [email protected]

Craig RostAdjunct Lecturer. BALA and MUP (1999), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Public Financial Analysis. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Varkki George PallathucherilAssociate Professor, American University of Sharjah, and Adjunct Research Professor, University of Illinois. B.Arch., IIT, Kharagpur (1981); MCRP (1988) and Ph.D. (1992), Ohio State University. Specializations: Urban Design, Computer Applications in Design and Planning, Site Design and Physical Planning, Community Planning and Design. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Ken SaloLecturer. BSC (1978) and LLM (1999), University of Cape Town ; LLB, University of Western Cape (1993). Specializations: Community Development and Social Justice, Citizen Participation, International Urban Environmental Issues. (217) 244-0285 [email protected]

Daniel SchneiderProfessor. BA, Wesleyan University (1981); Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison (1990). Specializations: Environmental Planning and Policy, Ecological Factors in Planning, Watershed Planning, Environmental History. (217) 244-7681 [email protected]

Anne SilvisAdjunct Lecturer. BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1981), MBA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1992). Specializations: Economic and Community Development, Primary Data Collection Techniques. (217) 333-5126 [email protected]

Elizabeth Tyler, FAICPAdjunct Lecturer. BA, University of Colorado (1979), MLA, University of California, Berkeley (1982), Ph.D, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2001). Specializations: Local Government, Environmental Planning, Community Development. (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Bev WilsonAssistant Professor. BA, Duke University (1997); MRP (2002) and Ph.D (2009), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Specializations: Land Use and Environmental Planning and Policy; Growth Management; Spatial Analysis; GIS, Sustainability; Urban Simulation Modeling (217) 333-3890 [email protected]

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Urban and Regional Planning347 Jessup Hall

Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1316Phone (319) 335-0032

Fax (319) 335-3330E-mail: [email protected]

Charles E. Connerly, DirectorPhone (319) 335-0039

E-mail: [email protected]


GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program .............................. July 15, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program .................... January 15, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................. $4206 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ....................................................$11,416 per semesterApplication Fee ....................................................................... $75/$100 InternationalAdditional Fees ......................................................................Some course fees apply

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled20092008200920082009200831274645Masters 6160



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Minimum TOEFL Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .......................................................................................... 17Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses (in core) ............................. 6Hours of Concentration .............................................................................. 9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................... 18Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 50Thesis or final product ...............................................................Final Exam

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: 14 teaching and 8 research quarter-time assistantships @$8287.50/year with nearly all tuition covered by the University. Further research assistantships and internships available.Eligibility Criteria: Merit and Diversity

Master Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Charles E. Connerly, DirectorPhone: (319) 335-0039E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1964 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 2010 ...............................................................742Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................28


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Masters SpecializationsEconomic Development; Land Use and

Environmental Planning; Housing and Community Development; Transportation Planning, GIS

Us Citizens & Permanent Residents

Male Female Total

HispanicsOf Any Race

0 0 0

White 27 21 48

African American 0 2 2

Native Amer/Pac Island 0 1 1

Asian American 3 1 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citiz/non perm 3 4 7

Total Students 33 29 62

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYLes BeckAdjunct Lecturer. M.S. Community and Regional Planning, Iowa State University. Specializations: Land Use PlanningAlso, Director of Linn County Planning and (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Joshua BusardAdjunct Lecturer. M.S. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois (2006). Specialization: LEED-AP certified-United States Green Building Council. Also Assistant Land-Use Planner, Johnson County Planning & Zoning Department, Iowa City, Iowa. (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Hilary CopelandAdjunct Lecturer. M.S. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa (2008). Specializations: GIS, Virtual Reality. Also Community Development Planner/GIS Specialist ECICOG in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Bart CramerAdjunct Assistant Professor. Ph.D. Geography, University of Iowa. Specializations: Transportation, Industry and Firm Economics, Spatial (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Karin Franklin AICPAdjunct Lecturer. M.A. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa. Also, former Iowa City Planning (319) 335-0032 [email protected]


Jerry Anthony AICPAssociate Professor. B.Arch., University of Kerala, India (1989); Master of Town Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, India (1991); Ph.D., Florida State University (2000). Specializations: Land Use Planning, Housing Policy, Growth (319) 335-0622 [email protected]

Charles E. ConnerlyProfessor/Director. B.A. History, Grinnell College (1968); M.A. History, University of Connecticut (1974); MUP, Urban Planning University of Michigan (1976); Ph.D. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Michigan (1980) Specializations: Housing, Community Development, Civil Rights, Planning (319) 335-0039 [email protected]

John W. Fuller AICPProfessor. AB, San Diego State University (1962); Ph.D., Washington State University (1968). Specializations: Transportation, International Development and Planning, Public Finance/Fiscal Planning, Public Management/Strategic Planning, and Urban and Regional (319) 335-0038 [email protected]

Richard G. FunderburgAssistant Professor. BA, California State University, Fullerton (1990); Master of Public Policy and Administration, California State University, Sacramento (1998); Ph.D., University of California, Irvine (2006).Specializations: Regional Science, Economic Development Policy, Spatial Analysis using (319) 335-0036 [email protected]

Paul Hanley Associate Professor. BS, Rutgers University (1988); MS, New Jersey Institute of Technology (1990); MUP (1994); and Ph.D. (1998), University of Illinois. Specializations: Transportation, Computer Applications, Infrastructure/Public Services. Also, Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director of Transportation Policy Research at the Public Policy Center, and Associate Director of the Mid-America Transportation (319) 335-0043 [email protected]

Lucie LaurianAssociate Professor. Masters in Demography, University Pantheon-Sorbonne, France (1995); Masters in Sociology, University of Rene Descartes, France (1995); Ph.D., University of North Carolina (2001). Specializations: Urban and Environmental Planning, Plan Implementation, Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making, Demography: Population-Environment Interactions, (319) 335-0037 [email protected]

Miwa MatsuoAssistant Professor. Bachelor of Engineering, University of Tokyo (2002); Ph.D. Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2008). Specializations: Transportation Planning, GIS, employment and accessibility.

Phuong H. NguyenAssistant Professor. BA English, Vietnam National University at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (1999), B.S. International Economics, Foreign Trade University, Vietnam (1999), Master of Public Policy, Terry Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University (2006), Ph.D., Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (2010). Specializations: Public Finance and Budgeting, Development Policy. (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Aaron StrongAssistant Professor. BA Mathematics, Luther College, Decorah, IA (1996), MS. Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder (1998), MA Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder (2001), Ph.D. Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder (2004). Specializations: Environmental and Ecological Economics, Urban Economics. (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

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Rick HavelAdjunct Lecturer. M.S. Resource Planning, Southwest Missouri State University. Specializations: Applied GIS for Planners. Also, GIS Coordinator for Johnson County Information (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Christina KueckerAdjunct Lecturer. M.S. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa (2008). Specializations: Virtual Reality and Economic Development. Also Associate Planner, City of Iowa City, Iowa City, (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Ronald MirrAdjunct Lecturer. M.S. Social Work, University of Iowa (1987). Specialization: Grant Writing. Also independent consultant for schools, health and human services agencies to assist with program planning, grant development, and program (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Jeffrey Schott Adjunct Lecturer. Associate Director, Nonprofit Resource Center, B.A. Political Science, State University of New York at Albany, M.A. in Political Science, University of Iowa. Also, Associate Director of the Nonprofit Resource Center at the University of (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Jim Schwab AICP Adjunct Lecturer. M.A. Urban and Regional Planning, University of IowaSpecializations: Disaster Planning. Also, Senior Research Associate with the APA in Chicago, (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

James StonerAssociate Professor. Civil-Environmental Engineering, M.S. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa, Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Northwestern University. Specializations: Transportation Engineering, Transportation Planning, and Traffic (319) 335-5664 [email protected]

Dan SwartzendruberAdjunct Lecturer. MA Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa (2000). Specializations: Applied GIS for Planners. Also, Planning Division Manager for Linn County, (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

David SwensonAdjunct Lecturer. BS, University of South Dakota (1979); MA in Political Science (1981) and MA in Urban & Regional Planning (1985), University of Iowa. Specializations: Applied Analysis and Methods. Also, Research Scientist at Iowa State (319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Bus Interchange and Bicycle Parking Downtown Iowa City

Class Trip to New Orleans

For over 40 years, The University of Iowa has been offering high quality graduate education in urban and regional planning. Located in a vibrant urban and academic setting, the University of Iowa Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning offers a fully accredited Master's degree (either MA or MS) in Urban and Regional Planning. Areas of concentration include: economic development; geographic information systems (GIS); land use and environmental planning; housing and community develop-ment; and transportation. Joint degrees (with Law, Public Health, Social Work or Civil and Environmental Engineering) are also offered. Our focus is on analytical urban planning, public policy, and sustainability. In their second year Field Problems course, all our students participate in the development of a sustainability plan through the Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities. Please see the following link: We have an outstanding set of students who are enabled by the graduate education they receive here to obtain good placements in the planning profession. Our faculty are recognized for both their scholarship and teaching, while also being engaged in the community.

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Graduate Program in Urban Planning1465 Jayhawk Boulevard

Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7614Phone (785) 864-4164

Fax (785) 864-5301

James M. Mayo, Department ChairPhone (785) 864-3350

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for Masters program ....................................................... July 1Admission Deadline for Ph.D program ............................................................... N/AFinancial Aid Deadline for Masters program .................................................March 1Financial Aid Deadline for Ph.D Program .......................................................... N/AIn-State Tuition and Fees .............................................................$3,679 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ......................................................$8,188 per semesterApplication Fee ..................................................................................................... $55Additional Fees .............................................................................. $423 per semester



MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................21Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................15Thesis ..........................................................................................................0Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams or Written Requirements ...............................Comprehensive Exam

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: Alan Black Urban Planning Scholarship Urban Planning Alumni & Friends ScholarshipEligibility Criteria: Academic

Master of Urban Planning

Contact Person: James M. Mayo, ChairPhone: (785) 864-4184E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1974 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................500Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................14

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and a faculty sponsor. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: Minimum GRE: Required no minimumMinimum TOEFL 530 University/ 570 DepartmentRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................0Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................42Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................ 48Thesis ......................................................................................................... 6

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Minimum TOEFL 230 Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters Specializations:Environmental and Land Use; Housing and

Development; Physical Development; Transportation

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 1 1 2

White 21 10 31

African American 1 2 3

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent residents 1 0 1

Total students 24 13 37

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 56 54 32 37 18 19

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Alan Black FAICPProfessor Emeritus. AB, Harvard (1953); MCP, University of California,Berkeley (1960); Ph.D., Cornell (1975). Specializations: Transportation (785) 864-3208 [email protected]

Bonnie Johnson AICPAssistant Professor. BA. (1990), MA. (1992) and Ph.D (2006), MUP (1994), University of Kansas. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Planning Practice and Democracy, Organization Behavior (785) 864-7147 [email protected]

James MayoProfessor. B.Arch. (1966) and MUP (1968), Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Oklahoma State (1974). Specializations: Urban Design, American Landscape, Political-Economy of (785) 864-3350 [email protected]

Kirk McClureProfessor. B.Arch. (1973) and BA (1974), University of Kansas; MCP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1978); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1985). Specializations: Housing Affordability, Community Development, Real Estate (785) 864-3888 [email protected]

Daniel SerdaLecturer. AB, Harvard (1991); MCP and Ph.D. (2003), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Politics of Urban Design, Planning Practice, Community Design, Environmental (785) 864-3178 [email protected]

Stacey S. WhiteAssociate Professor. BA, Emory University (1989); MS, University of Montana (1993); Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1998). Specializations: Public Participation in Land Use and Environmental Planning, Stormwater Management, Planning (785) 864-3530 [email protected]

Phil EnglehartLecturer. MA, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (1980); Ph.D., University of Kansas (2000). Specialization: Environmental (785) 864-4184 [email protected]


Joint Masters Degrees: o American Studieso Architectureo Geographyo Lawo Public Administration.

Mike GrubeLecturer. BGS (1990) and MUP (1992), University of Kansas. Specialization: Real Estate Development. (785) 864-4184 [email protected]

Charles MillerLecturer. BS (1985) and MS (1990), University of Kansas, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University (1999).Specialization: Transportation (785) 864-4184 [email protected]

Dale NimzLecturer. BA, Kansas State University (1970); MA, George Washington University (1984). Specializations: Historic Preservation (785) 864-4184 [email protected]

Marcy SmalleyLecturer. BA (1973), MUP (1981), University of Kansas. Specialization: Transportation (785) 864-4184 [email protected]

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School of Urban and Public Affairs 426 West Bloom Street

Louisville, Kentucky 40208Phone (502) 852-7906

Fax (502) 852-4558E-mail: [email protected]

David Simpson, Department ChairPhone (502) 852-8019

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-2011............................................................ July 15, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2009-2010...................................................... March 1, 2010In-state tuition and fees.....................................................................................$5,472Out-of –State...................................................................................................$10,413Application Fee......................................................................................................$50Additional Fees...................................................................... $35 Student Health Fee

DOCTORAL DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-2010............................................................July 15, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2009-2010...................................................... March 1, 2010In-state tuition and fees....................................................................................$ 5,472Out-of –State...................................................................................................$10,413Application Fee......................................................................................................$50Additional Fees...................................................................... $35 Student Health Fee

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Yani Vozos Student AdvisorPhone: (502) 852-8002E-mail: [email protected] Initiated: 2000 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................90Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/10 ..................................................24


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 Minimum GRE: 500 V/500 QMinimum TOEFL 210 Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................3Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Specialization ...............................................................................9Other (Internship) .......................................................................................3Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exam, Thesis or Final Product ...............................................Not Required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: 18-24 Graduate Research Assistanships: 1-2 Fellowships Eligibility criteria: Strong application credentials, full-time status


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Annual Student Enrollment

Masters SpecializationsLand Use and Environmental Planning, Housing and

Community Development, Spatial Analysis for PlanningAdministration of Planning Organizations

Certificate ProgramsGraduate Certificate in Real Estate


Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 24 27 21 23 13 14Doctoral 15 19 6 11 6 8

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 1 0 1

White 20 12 32

African American 3 4 7

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 1 1 2

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Per-manent residents 0 0 0

Total students 25 17 42

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Doctoral SpecializationsUrban Planning and Development, Urban Policy and Administration

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Masters degree in relevant subjectMinimum GPA: 3.0 (Undergraduate)/3.5 (Graduate)Minimum GRE: 500V/ 500Q/ 4.5AMinimum TOEFL: 210Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................18Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Specialization ...............................................................................9Other (Dissertation) ..................................................................................12Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: Students must pass 2 qualifying exams and complete a dissertation and oral defense of the dissertation.


Steven BourassaKHC Real Estate Research Professor. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (1988). Specializations: Housing, Land Policy, Urban Economics. (502) 852-5720 [email protected]

John GilderbloomProfessor. Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara (1983). Specializations: Housing and Community Development, International (502) 852-8557 [email protected]

Frank GoetzkeAssistant Professor. Ph.D., West Virginia University (2006). Specializations: Transportation Policy and Planning, Urban Economics.

(502) 852-8256 [email protected]

H. V. SavitchBrown and Williamsen Distinguished Research Professor. Ph.D., New York University (1971). Specializations: Political Economy, Politics, and Governance, Comparative Urban Development, Urban Public Management. (502) 852-7929 [email protected]

Year initiated 1988Degrees Granted through 8/31/2010 ........................................................60Degrees Granted from 9/1/2008 to 8/31/2010 .........................................5

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2005 to 8/31/20071. Urban Transportation: Analysis of Causes Leading to Rebirth of Light Rail2. Regionalism in the New Globalized Economy: Politics of Scale and the Discourse of Regionalism - Comparative Politics of Two Japanese Global City Regions


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

DOCTORAL DEGREEDoctor of Philosophy

Contact Person: Yani Vozos Student AdvisorPhone: (502) 852-8002E-mail: [email protected]

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 9 9 18

African American 2 1 3

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Per-manent residents 3 1 4

Total students 14 11 26

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYTony ArnoldBoehl Chair in Property and Land Use Law. J.D., Stanford University (1990). Specializations: Land Use and Environmental Law (502) 852-6388 [email protected]

William CahaneyAdjunct Lecturer. MA, Webster University (1975). Specialization: Real Estate Development. (502) 213-2380 [email protected]

Carrie Donald Associate Professor. JD, University of Louisville (1975). Specializations: Labor Management, Labor Law, Labor Relations, Workplace Issues of Women and (502) 852-6449 [email protected]

Steven KovenProfessor. Ph.D., University of Florida (1982). Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Politics and Governance, Public Finance. (502) 852-8257 [email protected]

Clara LeuthartAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of Louisville (1975). Specialization: Environmental Planning. (502) 852-6844 [email protected]

Michael McCoy RLAAdjunct Lecturer. MLA, University of Virginia (1984). Specializations: Neighborhood Planning, Site Planning. (502) 893-3550 [email protected]

Steve Sizemore AICPAdjunct Lecturer. MURP, University of Cincinnati (2004). Specializations: Planning History, Neighborhood Planning [email protected]

John I. Trawick AICPAdjunct Lecturer. MBA, Bellarmine University (1999). Specialization: Neighborhood Planning. (502) 589-0343 [email protected]

David M. Simpson AICPFifth Third Bank Professor of Community Development. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1996). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Citizen Participation, Conflict (502) 852-8019 [email protected]

Sumei ZhangAssistant Professor, PhD. The Ohio State University (2007) Specializations: Land Use Planning, Planning Theory, Research Methods (502) 852-7915 [email protected]


Planning Student Organization Web

Dawn Warrick AICPAdjunct Lecturer. MA, University of Arkansas (1999). Specialization: Professional Practice. (502) 574-5178 [email protected]

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School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

College Park, Maryland 20742 Phone (301) 405-8000 • Fax (301) 314-9583 (Masters program)or (Ph.D. program)

James R. Cohen, Program DirectorPhone: (301) 405-6795

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONMASTERS DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 ...................................................... December 15, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 .................................................. December 15, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees .................................................................. $471/credit hourOut-of-State/International Tuition and Fees ................................... $1016/credit hourApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$50Additional Fees: .............................................$337 to $593 per semester, Mandatory

DOCTORAL DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12.......................................................December 15, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12.........................................................January 1, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees ................................................................. $471/credit hour Out-of-State/ international Tuition and Fees ................................... $602/credit hourApplication Fee: .....................................................................................................$50Additional Fees: .............................................$337 to $593 per semester, Mandatory

MASTERS DEGREEMasters of Community Planning

Contact Person: James R. Cohen, DirectorPhone: (301) 405-6795E-mail [email protected] Initiated: 1973 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................343Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 5/31/10 ..................................................21


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: GPA of 3.50, need not take GREMinimum TOEFL RequiredRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Graduate school application, statement of purpose, official academic transcript and GRE scores; may accept 9 transfer credits toward MCP (make transfer request on official application).

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................21Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................18Field Internships .........................................................................................3Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ...................................Optional Final Paper

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONGraduate Assistantship, Lefrak Fellowship, Amounts vary each year.Eligibility Criteria: Based on GPA, GRE, professional experience, extracurricular activities and statement of purpose.



US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 0 0 0

White 23 31 54African American 4 6 10Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents2 2 4

Total Students 29 39 68

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsCommunity, Housing & Economic Development;

Urban Design; Land Use and Growth Management; Social Planning, Organization and Administration; Transportation Planning; International Planning;

Real Estate Development

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010

Masters 166 187 81 94 29 28

Doctoral 63 43 9 6 4 3

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Doctoral SpecializationsLand Use Planning, Urban Spatial Structure,

Economic Development, Urban Design, Community Social Development, International Planning

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No requirementsMinimum GRE: No requirementsDepartmental Requirement: Masters degree in related field, but not exclusively planning, preservation, architecture. 2 semesters of graduate level quantitative methods. Fall admissions only.

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................12Field Specialty Courses ............................................................................15Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Dissertation Research .................................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................39Exam,Thesis or Final Product:....... Comprehensive exams in 2 fields; oral defense of dissertation proposal; final dissertation


Howell S. Baum Professor. MA, University of Pennsylvania (1978); MCP (1971) and Ph.D. (1974), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Community Development, Planning Practice, Planning Theory, Politics and Government and Social Policy/Human (301) 405-6792 [email protected]

Sidney Brower AICPProfessor. MCP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1964). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Urban and Regional (301) 405-6796 [email protected]

Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Contact Person: Marie Howland, Director of Ph.D ProgramPhone: (301) 405-6791E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated 2002Degrees Granted through 05/31/2009 ...................................................... ...7Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 5/31/09 .......................................... ..........1

DOCTORAL DEGREE Alexander Chen Associate Professor. MUP, New York University (1976); Ph.D., University of Michigan (1981). Specializations: Quantitative Methods, Community Mapping, Housing and Neighborhood (301) 405-6798 [email protected]

James Cohen Lecturer. MRP (1985) and Ph.D. (1991) Cornell University. Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Environmental Planning, Planning History & (301) 405-6795 [email protected]

Casey DawkinsAssociate Professor. MA, Georgia Institute of Technology (1999); Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology (2003). Specializations: Housing Policy, Growth Management, Urban Economics, Quantitative Methods.

Chengri Ding Associate Professor. MS, Sinica Academy of Sciences (1989); Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1996). Specializations: GIS, Urban and Regional Economic Analysis, International Development (301) 405-6626 [email protected]

William Hanna Professor. MA (1960) and Ph.D. (1962), University of California, LA. Specializations: Community Development, International Development Planning, Urban and Regional Development (301) 405-4005 [email protected]

Marie Howland Professor. MCP, University of California, Berkeley (1974); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1981). Specializations: Economic Development Planning, International Development Planning, Rural Development, Urban & Regional (301) 405-6791 [email protected]

Hiroyuki IsekiAssistant Professor. MA in Urban Planning, UCLA (1998); Ph.D. in Urban Planning, UCLA (2004). Specializations: Transportation Policy, Transportation and Land Use, Transportation Economics, Application of GIS to Planning and Policy Analysis, Urban Public Finance.

Gerrit Knaap Professor. MS and Ph.D., University of Oregon (1978). Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Urban and Regional (301) 405-6083 [email protected]

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John I. CarruthersAdjunct Professor. MS, University of Arizona, Ph.D., University of Washington. Specializations: Urban and Regional Policy, Land Use Governance, Economic Geography [email protected]

Celia Craze AICPLecturer. BA (1979) and MA (1982), University of Maryland, College Park. Specializations: Community Development, Environmental Planning, Housing and Neighborhood Planning.

David Falk AICPAdjunct Professor. BA, Harvard College (1958); JD, Harvard Law School (1961). Specializations: Real Estate [email protected]

IS PLANNING THE CAREER FOR ME?Are you interested in positive social, economic, environmental, and physical change?

Do you want to work with people from various backgrounds to develop a better community?

Do you like to communicate with others about ideas, programs, and plans?

Are you challenged by complex problems–and excited about being part of a cooperative process to devise solutions to those problems?

Do you think about the future–about what could be–rather than about what is?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, you should seriously consider becoming a planner!

Andrew B. FrankLecturer. BA, Rutgers University (1989); MA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1993). Specializations: Community Development, Planning Theory, Real Estate Development.

Stephen J. KarinaAdjunct Professor. MA, University of Wyoming (1973); Ph.D. (1978) and JD (1988), University of Maryland. Specializations: Planning

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UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERSTDepartment of Landscape Architecture and

Regional Planning

109 Hills North111 Thatcher Road, Ofc 1, Amherst, MA 01003-9328

Phone (413) 545-2255Fax (413) 545-1772

Elizabeth Brabec, JD, Department HeadPhone (413) 545-2264

E-mail:[email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESApplication Deadline: ..........................February 2 (for Fall), October 2 (for Spring)Admission Decision Deadline 2009-10 ..........................................................April 15Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 .....................................................................April 15In-State Tuition and Fees ............................. est. $5,463. per semester (12-15 hours)In-Region Tuition and Fees ......................... est. $6,450. per semester (12-15 hours)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees .................... est. $10,714. per semester (12-15 hours)International Tuition and Fees ................... est. $12,750. per semester (12-15 hours)Application Fee ............ $40 (MA residents); $50 (US residents); $65 (International)Additional Fees & Costs: .........variable; contact department for further information



MASTER'S ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution and GPA 2.75 or higher

Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75 except for special circumstances (with department approval)

Minimum GRE: Required except for department-approved professional examination alter-native (LSAT, GMAT)

Minimum TOEFL: Required except for equivalent documentation of English language profi-ciency (with approval)

Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not Required

Departmental Requirement: 2-3 letters of recommendation in addition to official transcripts and GRE scores; resume recommended but not required

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...............................................................................24 creditsHours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ............................. 6-9 creditsHours of Concentration Electives ...................................................9 creditsHours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................. 6-9 creditsThesis or Project or Three-Course Option .................................. 6-9 creditsTotal Required Hours in Planning Program .................................48 credits

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONResearch Assistantships:Call Mark Hamin (413) 545-6608 for details

Master of Regional Planning

Contact Person: Mark Hamin PhD, Program DirectorPhone: (413) 545-6608E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1968, administratively organized 1976, first accredited 1987 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 5/31/10 ...........................................................656Degrees Granted from 6/30/08 to 12/31/09..............................................18


Master's SpecializationsUrban and Regional Land Use Planning; Economic

Development Planning; Landscape and Environmental Planning; Social, Policy, and Community Planning;

Independently-Designed Concentration Option

Applied Accepted Enrolled

08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10Masters 62 55 38 36 21 18



Full-Time Part-Time Total

Male Female Male Female

White 14 23 2 5 44

African American 1 2 0 0 3

Native American 0 0 0 0 0

Asian American 1 1 0 0 2

Hispanic 0 0 1 0 1

Other 0 0 0 0 0

Foreign 0 4 0 0 4

Total 16 30 3 5 54

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PhD ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Masters degree from an accredited institution and GPA 2.75 or higher

Minimum GRE: Required except for approved professional examination alternative (LSAT, GMAT)

Minimum TOEFL: Required

Departmental Requirement: 2-3 letters of recommendation in addition to official transcripts and GRE scores

PhD GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...............................................................................22 creditsHours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .........................................NAHours of Electives .......................................................................23 credits*Dissertation ...................................................................................15 creditsTotal Required Hours in Planning Program ...............................60 credits*(*12-17 of these can be waived for students with an eligible planning-related Masters degree)

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONResearch Assistantships:Email Program Director Elisabeth Hamin at [email protected] for details

Doctorate of Regional Planning

Contact Person: Elisabeth Hamin PhD, Program DirectorPhone: (413) 577-4490E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1988 Degrees Granted through 5/31/10............................................................ 46Degrees Granted from 6/30/08 to 12/31/09............................................... 3

PLANNING FACULTYAhern, Jack F., FASLAProfessor of Landscape Architecture. BS, Environmental Design, University of Massachusetts, 1974; MLA, University of Pennsylvania, 1980, PhD, Wageningen University, 2002. Specialities: Instructor of courses in plant materials, landscape ecology, design studio, landscape urbanism, and landscape architecture study tour. Research interests include: sustainable urbanism, landscape ecology for landscape planning design and management.

Brabec, ElizabethProfessor and Department Head. MLA, University of Guelph, Canada, 1984; JD, University of Maryland, 1992. Specialities: Research interests are focused on land conservation and design and planning of sustainable open space, complemented with a strong interest in culture and the his-torical basis of landscape form.

Hamin, Elisabeth M.Associate Professor of Regional Planning and Director of the PhD in Regional Planning Program. BA Business Administration, Cleveland State University; Masters of Management, Northwestern University; PhD in City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, 1997. Specialities: Instructor of Growth Management, Regional Planning Studio, Real Estate Finance and Climate Change planning seminar.

Hamin, MarkLecturer in Regional Planning and Director of the Master of Regional Planning Program. BA, History and BA, Philosophy, Brown University, 1984; PhD History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, 1999. Instructor of Planning History and Theory, Introduction to City Planning, Sustainable Cities, and planning practica. Specialities: Special research interests include: the influence of life sciences on the develop-ment of the planning field; urban infrastructural and ecological history; technologically-transformed food ecology/economy.

Kumble, PeterLecturer of Landscape Architecture. BA, Environmental Planning, Antioch College, 1980; MLA, University of Arizona, 1988; PhD, Czech University of the Life Sciences, 2010. Specialities: Professional career focused on developing broad-based land protection and sustainable land-use planning approaches and promoting techniques that foster effective resource conservation. Recent research has focused on mitigating the user impacts associated with eco-tourism on sensitive resources in third-world countries.

Mullin, John R., FAICPProfessor Emeritus of Regional Planning, Director of the Center for Economic Development, and Dean of the Graduate School. BA, Government, University of Massachusetts, 1967; MRP, Community Planning and Area Development, University of Rhode Island, 1969; MSBA, Boston University, 1972; PhD, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Waterloo, Ontario, 1975. Specialities: Research, teaching and outreach focused on regional economic development strategy and adaptive reuse/redevelopment in mill towns.

Pader, Ellen-J.Associate Professor of Regional Planning and Director of the JD/MRP Program. BA, Art History and English, Kenyon College, 1972; PhD, Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1981. Specialities: Major area of research in the cultural, social, and political facets of housing policy and design. Teaches courses on social issues in planning from inter-ethnic and cross-cultural perspectives, including: identifying discriminatory practices on the basis of ethnicity, race, gender and class; social change; housing policy, public health and social policy.

Renski, HenryAssistant Professor of Regional Planning. BA, Political Science, University of Southern Maine, 1995; MRP, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1998; PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2006. Specialities: Research focuses on understanding forces driving regional economic competitiveness and transformation, and building upon this knowledge to improve the effectiveness of economic development policy. Current work examines regional influences on entrepreneurship; empiri-cal tests of agglomeration theory; industrial cluster analysis and cluster-based development strategies; and the application of spatial-analytical techniques to local economic policy decision-making.

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FYIThe goal of the Regional Planning Program is to stimulate creative and sustainable approaches for addressing and resolving the physical, economic, and social prob-lems of towns, cities, and larger regions. Faculty and students are committed to the effort to anticipate and adequately prepare for the impact of regional growth and development on the environment and vice versa, and to resolve conflicts between development and the environment. The program is based on integrating the theoret-ical, historical, social, political, and technical dimensions of planning practice, with a strong emphasis on professional practice through studio and service to nearby communities. The program is oriented toward both intellectual and the professional aspects of regional planning. Our alumni can be found in all levels of government as well as in consulting practice, real estate development, nonprofit service, and in academic and research activities. They have been involved on the frontiers of social change since the 1960s, such as urban revitalization, environmental protec-tion, advocacy and equity planning, historic preservation, growth management, economic development strategy, and geographic information systems.

The two-year MRP program offers rich educational experience in many areas of regional planning, including urban form and design, elements of planning and decision-making processes, policy analysis and implementation, social and com-munity planning, sustainable development, and information technology. The main areas of concentration within the MRP program are: 1) Urban and Regional Land Use Planning; 2) Economic Development Planning; 3) Landscape and Environmental Planning; 4) Social, Policy and Community Planning. There is the option for an independently-designed concentration, as well as the opportunity to link with the program in landscape architecture, enabling students to work with other LARP faculty members and students studying problems of landscape archi-tecture and urban design. We also have existing dual degree MLA/MRP and MRP/JD programs, and have begun development of prospective MRP/ MPPA (Public Policy and Administration), MRP/MArch (Architecture), and MRP/MPH (Public Health) programs.

The PhD program in Regional Planning leads to a research degree for students interested in careers in the academic world or in research in public agencies or private corporations. We are able to supervise doctoral work in most areas of plan-ning, as well as some areas where planning and landscape architecture overlap. We generally seek students whose research interests align well with faculty expertise, so that we can provide a high level of mentoring to all students. To learn more about faculty interests and expertise and the intellectual tone of the Department, potential applicants should review faculty publications, as well as descriptions on the website or the LARP graduate handbook. Applicants to this program are encouraged to visit the campus and meet with the Program Director and pertinent faculty. If such a visit is impractical, then communication via email or telephone may take the place of a visit. Students admitted to this program normally have a Master's degree in planning or a closely related field. Those with a Master's degree in other fields but with appropriate professional experience are given serious con-sideration and encouraged to apply. Please be aware that the university requires a minimum one academic year full-time residency for all doctoral students.

Ryan, Robert L.Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, Director of the Dual Degree MLA/MRP Program. BSLA, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo, 1985; MLA and MUP, University of Michigan, 1995; PhD in Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, 1997. Specialities: Teaches courses in open space planning and research methods. Research interests include environmental psychology and landscape planning.

Sleegers, FrankAssistant Professor of Landscape Architecture. MLA, University of Massachusetts, 1995; Dipl. Ing, Hannover, Germany, 1996. Teaches design studios in landscape architecture and urban design. Specialities: Lecture courses in business management for landscape contractors and professional practice for landscape architects. Research and creative work generated by the use of narrative images, transformed to make the landscape legible, and create a sense of place for people. A special point of interest and research is the building and organizing of site-specific ephemeral art work in urban environments.


Brennan, TimothyAdjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. BA, Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970; MRP, University of Massachusetts, 1973; Intermediate and Advanced Diplomas in Urban Transportation Planning from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC. Since 1980, has served as Executive Director of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC). Specialities: Currently involved in efforts center-ing on the Institute for the Regional Planning Community, a nationwide initiative created by the National Association of Regional Councils.

DiPasquale, MichaelAdjunct Instructor in Regional Planning, Director of UMass Amherst’s LARP Extension Citizen Planner Training Collaborative (CPTC). MRP, University of Massachusetts, 2005. Specialities: Teaching and research interests include public visioning, community charrettes, and planning related to architectural design.

Feiden, Wayne, FAICPAdjunct Lecturer in Regional Planning. BS, Natural Resources, University of Michigan, 1980; MRP University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1988. Director, Planning Department, City of Northampton, MA. Specialities: Instructor for Judicial Planning Law and Tools and Techniques in Planning

Kotval, ZeniaAdjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, Professor of Planning, Michigan State University. BA, Architecture, with concentration in Design and Structural Engineering, Academy of Architecture, Bombay, India, 1987; MRP, University of Massachusetts, 1989; PhD in Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts, 1994. Associate Director of Center for Economic Development.

Mitchell, Robert P., FAICPAdjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. BA, History, Providence College, 1971; MRP, University of Massachusetts, 1973. Fellow of AICP; Past President of Massachusetts Chapter of the American Planning Association; Past President of the Massachusetts Association of Planning Directors. Specialities: Interests include Growth Management, innovative zoning and development tools and techniques and their influence on com-munity character, city planning history and town/gown relations.

Platt, Rutherford H.Professor Emeritus of Geography and Adjunct Professor of Regional Planning. BA, Yale, 1962; JD, University of Chicago, 1967; PhD, University of Chicago, 1971. Specialities: Research interests include urban development, environmental policy, and floodplain, wetland and coastal management.

Seewald, AlanAdjunct Instructor of Regional Planning. BA, University of Massachusetts, 1981; JD, Western New England College School of Law, 1985. Specialities: Teaches Judicial Planning Law.

Taupier, RichardAdjunct Assistant Professor of Regional Planning. BA, Philosophy, University of Massachusetts; MS, Resource Economics, University of Massachusetts; PhD, Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts. Specialities: Principal research and teaching interests include the applica-tion of geographic information systems to a wide range of environmental and natural resource planning issues, the economics of sustainable devel-opment, and regional development within newly emerging democracies, especially in Central Asia.

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Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning

208 McCord HallMemphis Tennessee 38152

Phone (901) 678-2161Fax (901) 678-4162

Kenneth M. Reardon, Ph.D., DirectorPhone (901) 678-2161

E-Mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 for Masters program .......................... July 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 for Masters program ...................... July 1, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees .............................................................$4,371 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ....................................................$10,167 per semesterApplication Fee ...................................................................................................... $35Additional Fees .......................................................................................................... 0



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No RequirementsMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 810Minimum TOEFL 219Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................30Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................15Other ...........................................................................................................3Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams or Written Requirements:: ...... Comprehensive exams and Written Capstone Project.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: Graduate Assistantship: Stipend + Tuition Federal Financial Aid; Workstudy ProgramEligibility Criteria: Letter of application, 2 letters of recommendation, statement of career goals Federal Guidelines

Master of City & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Dr. Kenneth M. Reardon, DirectorPhone: (901) 678-2610E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1974 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................204Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 5/31/10 ....................................................6


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsCity and Regional Planning

Community Planning & DevelopmentYouth Participation & Planning

Strategic Planning for Schools and NeighborhoodsSustainable Development

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 16 4 20

African American 2 6 8

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 0 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 1 1

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent residents 0 0 0

Total students 19 11 30

Applied Accepted Enrolled

08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10Masters 26 25 20 17 14 7

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PLANNING FACULTYReza BanaiProfessor. B.Arch., Miami University; M.Arch., Virginia Polytechnic University; MA and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Planning Theory, Site Planning & Regional Planning, Quantitative Methods, Urban Design. (901) 678-4559 [email protected]

Jeffrey LoweVisiting Associate Professor. BA, Howard University; MRP, Morgan State University; and Ph.D., Rutgers University: The State University of New York. Specializations: Economic and Community Development; Faith-Based Organizing, Planning, and Development; HBCU's and Community Development; Mid-Sized cities Policy Research; and Post-Disaster Planning.(901) 678-2161

Gene Pearson FAICPAssociate Professor Emeritus. MURP, University of Mississippi. Specializations: Land Development Policy, Urban Design, Mass Transit. (901) 678-2161 [email protected]

Ken ReardonProfessor: BA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; MUP, HunterCollege, CUNY; Ph.D., Cornell University. Specializations: Neighborhood Planning, Community Development, Municipal Reform, Community and University Partnerships. (901) 678-2610 [email protected]

T. Steve ReddingAssistant Professor. BA, Auburn University; M.Ed., University of West Georgia; MBA, Mississippi State University. Specializations: Economic Development. (901) 678-4558 [email protected]

Susan RoakesAssociate Professor. BA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; MSP, University of Tennessee; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison. Specializations: Policy Implementation, Land Use Planning, Urban Land Economics, Community Schools. (901) 678-4560 [email protected]

Charles SantoAssistant Professor. B.A., Washington & Lee University (1996); M.U.R.P., Virginia Commonwealth University (1999); Ph.D., Portland State University, (2005). Specialization: Housing, Economic Development, Youth Participation. (901) 678-3566 [email protected]

Thomas FoxAssistant Professor. MURP, University of New Orleans; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Computer Applications, Military Planning. (901) 678-2161

Hsiang-te KungProfessor. BS, University of Chinese Culture; MS and Ph.D., University of Tennessee. Specializations: Urban Hydrology, Urban Physical Environment, GIS, Water Resources. (901) 678-4538 [email protected]

Esra OzdenerolAssistant Professor. BS, University of Ankara, Turkey; PhD, 2000, MS, Louisiana State University. Specializations: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Community Participation GIS, Geovisualization, Spatial Analytical Methods and Modeling.

Phillip PoteetAssistant Professor. BS and MCRP, University of Memphis. Specializations: Planning, Architectural Design. (901) 678-2161 [email protected]


Pyramid Arena in downtown Memphis, former home of Tigers Basketball

Laura SaijaVisiting Associate Professor and Madame Curie Research Fellow. BS in Engineering, University of Catania; Visiting Scholar, University of Washington - Seattle; and Ph.D. in Architectural and Urban and Environmental Recovery, University of Catania. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Historic Preservation, Neighborhood Planning and Development, Graphic Design, Urban Design, and Participatory Action Research.

David G. WestendorffAssociate Professor B.A., Yale (1978); Ph.D., Cornell University (2009). Specializations: Sustainable Development, International Development, Urban Governance and Policy.

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A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning

2000 Bonisteel BoulevardAnn Arbor, Michigan 48109-2069

Phone (734) 763-1275Fax (734) 763-2322

E-mail: [email protected]://taubmancollege/planning

Richard Norton, Program ChairE-mail: [email protected]

Phone (734) 936-0197

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 ........................................................... January 5, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 ....................................................... January 5, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees ........................................................ $10,683 per semesterOut-of-State/International Tuition and Fees ............................ $16,513 per semesterApplication Fee:…………………………… .……$50-Domestic $75-InternationalAdditional Fees:………………………………… ....... ………….. $95 per semester

DOCTORAL DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESDoctoral Deadline 2010-11 ............................................................... January 9, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees ......................................................... $10,683 per semesterOut-of-State/International Tuition and Fees ............................ $16,513 per semesterApplication Fee:……………………………… .…$65-Domestic $75-InternationalAdditional Fees:………………………… ....... ………………….. $95 per semester

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Lisa Hauser, Admissions CoordinatorPhone: (734) 763-1275E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1970 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .........................................................1247Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................37


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: NoneMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 UndergraduateMinimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL 220/560/84 (Univ.); 250/600/100 (Dept.)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Microeconomics & Statistics but can be taken 1st semester.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..................................................................................... 20-27Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ......................................... 6-9Hours of Restricted Electives ................................................................. 3-6Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 19-28Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ...............................................Not Required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONFellowships Eligibility Criteria: Merit-basedGraduate Student Assistantships (GSI)Eligibility Criteria: Merit-based



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsLand Use & Environmental Planning, Housing,

Community & Economic Development, Physical Planning & Urban Design, Transportation Planning,

Planning in Developing Countries

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 190 229 179 183 63 74Doctoral 59 72 3 5 3 5

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 8 4 12

White 44 40 84

African American 5 3 8

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 3 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 3 2 5

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent residents 9 14 23

Total Students 71 66 137

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Doctoral SpecializationsComputers/GIS, Community Development,

Economic Development, Environmental Planning, Housing, International Development, Land Use/Growth Management, Physical Planning, Real Estate Development, Transportation, Urban/

Regional Development, Urban Design/Landscape & Technological Planning

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: NoneMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.3 (Undergraduate); 3.5 (Graduate)Minimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL 220/560/84 (Univ.); 250/600/100 (Dept.)Departmental Requirement: Master’s degree in planning or related field preferred

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................10Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Total Required Hours in Planning Program ....................................... 24-36Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ................ Exams and Dissertation (Thesis)

PLANNING FACULTYMaria Arquero de AlarconAssistant Professor: Dipl. Architecture, E.T.S.A. Madrid Polytechnic University (2001): MASLA, ETH Zurich (2004); MLAUD, GSD Harvard University (2008). Specializations: Interdisciplinary Design with a Focus on Multi-scalar Landscape and Urban Strategies; Techniques of Visualization and Representation. (734) 764-9453 [email protected]

Scott D. CampbellAssociate Professor. BAS, Stanford University (1980); MCP (1985) and Ph.D. (1990), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Planning Theory & History, Quantitative Methods, Regional Economic Development, Environmental Economics, Comparative Urbanization. (734) 763-2077 [email protected]

Lan Deng Assistant Professor. BS (1996), MS (1999), Beijing University, Ph.D. (2004), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Urban Economics and Urban Policies, Real Estate Development and Finance, Land Use Economics and Policies, Housing Economics and Policy. (734) 936-0951 [email protected]


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Ph.D. in Urban & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Scott Campbell, Coordinator of Doctoral StudiesPhone: (734) 763-2077E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated 1968Degrees Granted through 8/31/2008 .......................................................177Degrees Granted from 9/1/2007 to 8/31/2008 .................................. ..........6Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2006 to 8/31/2007 ....................................3

1. "Planning at the Edge: Planning Capacity, Growth Pressure, and Growth Management at the Urban Fringe"2. “Why Cooperate? An evaluation of the formation and persistence of voluntary regional land use cooperative arrangementsin Michigan”3. Planning a Metropolitan Atlanta: The Atlanta Regional Commission, 1970-2002


US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 9 3 12

African American 2 0 2

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent residents 1 7 8

Total Students 12 10 22

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYMargaret E. DewarProfessor. AB, Wellesley College (1970); MCP, Harvard University (1974); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1979). Specializations: State, Local & Community Economic Development Planning, Planning for Declining Industries, Industrial Policy, Processes of Regional Restructuring. (734) 763-2528 [email protected]

Joseph Grengs AICPAssociate Professor. MSE, University of Minnesota Institute of Technology (1989); MP, University of Minnesota (1997); Ph.D., Cornell University (2002). Specializations: Transportation Planning & Policy, Urban Politics, Community Development, Planning Methods & International Development. (734) 763-1114 [email protected]

Larissa LarsenAssociate Professor. BAS (1989) and MLA (1992), University of Guelph; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1997). Specializations: Landscape Planning, Neighborhood Design, Social and Natural Capital (734) 936-0234 [email protected]

Christopher LeinbergerProfessor of Practice, MBA Harvard Business School (1976). Specializations: Downtown Redevelopment, Real Estate Company Strategic Planning, Metropolitan Development Trends, Real Estate Development, Real Estate Market and Financial Analysis. [email protected]

Jonathan LevineProfessor. MCP (1982), MS (1987) and Ph.D. (1990), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Transportation & Land Use Planning, Regulation & Markets in Metropolitan Development, Public Transit Planning & Evaluation, Public Economics. (734) 763-0039 [email protected]

June Manning ThomasProfessor: BA, Michigan State University (1970), Ph.D., University of Michigan (1977). Specializations: Planning History, Urban Redevelopment, Neighborhood Planning, Social Equity in Planning. (734) 936-0201 [email protected]

Richard NortonAssociate Professor. MA and MEM, Duke University (1987); JD, University of North Carolina (1998); Ph.D., University of North Carolina (2001). Specializations: Environmental Policy and Planning, Sustainable Development, Intergovernmental Growth Management, Coastal Area Resource Management, Land Use and Planning Law. (734) 936-0197 [email protected]

Gavin ShatkinAssociate Professor. MURP, University of Hawaii (1996); Ph.D., Rutgers University (2001). Specializations: Community & Economic Development Planning, Planning in Developing Countries, Political Economy of Urban Development, Planning Theory, Research Methods. (734) 763-2075 [email protected]

Peter AllenAdjunct Lecturer. MBA, University of Michigan (1973). Specialization: Real Estate Essentials, Public Policy, Finance, Development, Legal, and Brokerage Aspects of Real Estate (734) 358-0060 [email protected]

Barry CheckowayProfessor. BA (1969),Wesleyan University; MA (1971), Ph.D. (1977) University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Community Organization, Social Planning and Neighborhood Development. (734) 763-5960 [email protected]

Robert FishmanProfessor. A.B., Stanford University (1968); Ph.D., Harvard University (1974). Specializations: Urban and Urban Planning History, Urban Design, Theory. (734) 764-6885 [email protected]

Monica Ponce de LeonDean/Professor. M.Arch., Harvard Graduate School (1991). Specializations: Urban Design (734) 764-1315 [email protected]

Douglas KelbaughProfessor. M.Arch., Princeton University (1972).Specializations: Architectural and Urban Design, Sustainable Design and Planning, New Urbanism. (734) 936-0213 [email protected]

Lidia KostyniukAdjunct Professor: BS (1966), MS (1969), Ph.D. (1975), State University of New York at Buffalo. Specializations: Travel Behavior, Transportation Safety, Mobility and Accessibility. (734) 763-2466 [email protected]

Matthew LassiterAssociate Professor: BA, Furman University (1992), MA (1994), Ph.D. (1999), University of Virginia. Specializations: 20th Century United States, Urban/Suburban, Political, Social, Southern, Popular Culture. (734) 647-4618 [email protected]

David ThacherAssociateProfessor. BS (1992) and BA (1992), University of California,Los Angeles; MUP, University of Michigan (1994); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1999). Specializations: Public Management,Crime Policy, Ethics, Housing & Community Development. (734) 615-4074 [email protected]

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Joint Degree Programs: o MUP/M.Arch.o MUP/MBAo MUP/JDo MUP/MSWo MUP/MS in Resource Policy & Behavioro MUP/MLA (Landscape Architecture)o MUP/MPP (Public Policy)o MUP/MPH (Health Beh./Health Ed.)o MUP/MUD (Urban Design)o MUP/MPH (Epidemiology or Health Mgmt. & Policy)o MUP/MS (Res. Ecology & Mgmt.)o MUP/MS (Information)o MUP/Ph.D. (e.g., Sociology, Anthropology, Classical Archaeology, & Architecture)



Urban and regional planners do many types of jobs and are involved in almost any kind of government or private activity which seeks to affect the future or respond to community change. The majority of planners

work in traditional planning areas such as land use, environmental protection, economic development, transportation, community design, housing, and social planning. However individual

planners can still have a wide variety of responsibilities within these broadly defined specialities. Other planners work in less traditional areas, often with people from other disciplines, such as healthy

communities or energy development or school planning. Some planners become generalists–they develop a level of expertise in several substantive areas. Others become specialists and define

themselves as housing or transportation or environmental planners.

Capstone presentation; "Filling in the Gaps: A Plan for Vacant Properties in Osborn

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Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

301 Nineteenth Avenue SouthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Phone (612) 624-3800Fax (612) 626-0002

E-mail: [email protected]

Carissa Schively Slotterback, Program Director Phone (612) 626-3193

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 for Masters program ........................ April 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 for Masters program ............... January 5, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees .......................................................... $7,592 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ................................................... $11,133 per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................$75(Domestic) $95(International)Additional Fees: .........................$782/Semester student health benefit plan assessed to those who do not have coverage.



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: No minimum: 3.59Minimum GRE: No minimum: 534/635/4.4 Average Scores of Present StudentsMinimum TOEFL: 550/213 (Univ.); 603/103.5 (Dept.)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Resume, 3 letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ............................................................................... 25.5-26.5Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................3Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives .................................................... 18.5-19.5Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams or Written Requirements: ..... 400 hour professional internship only

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition AwardsTeaching Assistantships: ¼ time, $6896 includes salary and partial health/tuition benefits. Research Assistantships: ¼ time, $6896 includes salary and partial health/tuition benefits.

Eligibility Criteria Merit and Need

Master of Urban & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Julie Harold, Director Graduate Student ServicesPhone: (612) 624-3800E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1999 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................205Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................53

Masters SpecializationsLand Use & Urban Design, Transportation Planning, Housing & Community Development, Economic and

Workforce Development, Environmental Planning


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 102 136 N/A 88 38 50US Citizens/Perm. residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 1 0 1

White 51 35 86

African-American 1 2 3

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 4 5

Mixed 0 0 0

Other 2 0 2

Non-US Citizens/Non Perm. Residents 5 1 6

Total Students 61 42 103

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Xinyu Cao Assistant Professor. BE (1998) and ME (2001), Tsinghua University; MS (2005) and Ph.D. (2006) University of California, Davis. Specializations: Transportation Planning and Policy, Land Use Planning, Travel Behavior Analysis and Demand Modeling, Neighborhood Design and Public Health. (612) 625-5671 [email protected]

Yingling Fan Assistant Professor. BS, Southeast University, China (1997); Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2007). Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Transportation Planning and Policy, Time Geography, Urban Health. (612) 626-2930 [email protected]

Edward G. Goetz Professor. BA, University of California, Riverside (1979); MA (1983) and Ph.D. (1987), Northwestern University. Specializations: Community Development, Housing & Neighborhood (612) 624-8737 [email protected]

David LevinsonAssociate Professor. BS, Georgia Institute of Technology (1989); MS, University of Maryland (1991); Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1998). Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Transportation (612) 625-6354 [email protected]

Greg H. Lindsey Professor. BUP, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1977); MA, Northeastern Illinois University (1987); MA (1989) and Ph.D. (1992) The Johns Hopkins University. Specializations:Environmental Planning and Management; Built Environment and Physical Activity. (612) 625-3375 [email protected]

Ann R. MarkusenProfessor Emerita. BSFS, Georgetown University (1968); MA (1972) and Ph.D. (1974), Michigan State University. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Arts and Culture Planning, Regional Planning, Political Economy. (612) 625-8092 [email protected]

David G. Pitt AICPProfessor. BA, Syracuse University; MLA, University of Massachusetts; Ph.D., University of Arizona (1986). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Environmental Psychology, Land Use/Growth Management, Landscape/Site Design, Natural Resource (612) 625-7370 [email protected]

Ryan P. AllenAssistant Professor. BA, The College of William and Mary (1997); MCP (2002) and Ph.D. (2007), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Immigrant and Refugee Policy, Social Networks, Urban Planning in Diverse (612) 625-5670 [email protected]

Ragui A. AssaadProfessor. BS and MS, Stanford University (1981); Ph.D., Cornell University (1991). Specializations: Community Development, Demography, Economic Development Planning, Impact Assessment, International Development & Planning. (612) 625-4856 [email protected]

John M. Bryson Professor. BA, Cornell University (1969); MA (1972), MS (1974) and Ph.D. (1987), Northwestern University. Specializations: Planning Practice, Planning Theory, Public Management/Strategic (612) 625-5888 [email protected]

US Citizens/Perm. residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 2 1 3

White 50 36 86

African-American 1 4 5

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 1 4 5

Mixed 0 0 0

Other 3 0 3

Non-US Citizens/Non Perm. Residents 5 2 7

Total Students 62 48 110

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYRichard S. Bolan FAICPProfessor Emeritus. BA, Yale University (1954); MCP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1956); Ph.D., New York University (1974). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Planning (612) 625-0128 [email protected]

David Hollister Professor. MSW (1962) and Ph.D. (1966), University of Michigan; Podt-Doctoral Fellow, Stanford University (1978-79). Specializations: Citizen Participation/Community Organization, Social Policy/Human Services. (612) 624-3695 [email protected]

Laura KalambokidisAssociate Professor. BS, University of Minnesota (1985); MA (1988) and Ph.D. (1992), University of Michigan. Specializations: Analysis of Federal and State Taxation of Businesses, Consumption Taxation, Tax Reform, Local Fiscal Impact Models. (612) 625-1995 [email protected]

Judith A. MartinProfessor. MA (1971 & 1973) and Ph.D. (1976), University of Minnesota. Specializations: Landscape & Cultural Concerns, Metropolitan Governance, Urban & Cultural (612) 626-1626 [email protected]

Julian D. Marshall Assistant Professor. BSE, Princeton University (1996); MS (2002) and Ph.D. (2005), University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Energy and Environmental Impacts of Transportation, Urban Growth Theory, Environmental Justice. (612) 625-2397 [email protected]

Myron W. Orfield, Jr.Associate Professor. BA, University of Minnesota (1983); Ph.D. can-didate, Princeton University (1983-84); J.D., University of Chicago Law School (1987). Specializations: Civil Rights, State and Local Government, State and Local Finance, Land Use, Questions of Regional Governance, Legislative (612) 625-7976 [email protected]

Carissa Schively Slotterback AICPAssistant Professor. BA, Winona State University (1995); MCRP, Clemson University (1997); Ph.D., Florida State University (2004). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Land Use Planning, Planning & Public Processes, Sustainable (612) 626-3193 [email protected]

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BA in Urban Planning and Design

Contact Person: Stella SzymanskiPhone: (816) 235-1725 E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2002-03 Degrees Granted through May 2009 .......................................................32


Urban Planning and DesignKatz Hall 5100 Rockhill RoadKansas City, Missouri 64110

Phone (816) 235-1725Fax (816) 235-5226

Joy Swallow, Department [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 ................................................................ April 1, 2008Financial Aid Deadline 2009-10 .......................................................... March 1, 2008 In-State Tuition and Fees .......................................................$310.25 per credit hourOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ................................................$679.95 per credit hourApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$35

Applied Accepted Enrolled

56433034Undergraduate 3234



PLANNING FACULTYMichael Frisch AICPAssociate Professor. BA, Earlham College (1983); MCP, MIT (1996); PhD, Rutgers (2002). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Economic Development, Land Use and Zoning, Community Development. (816) 235-6369 [email protected]

Sungyop Kim Assistant Professor. BA Sungkyunkwan (1994), University of Hawaii (1996), MURP University of Hawaii (2000) , PhD, University of Washington (2004). Specializations: Transportation, Land Use, GIS. (816) 235-6898 [email protected]

Joy Swallow AIAAssociate Professor and Chair. B.Arch., (1980) Kansas State; M.Arch. (1986) and Teaching Certificate, Historic Preservation, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Historic Preservation, Urban Design, Architecture. (816) 235-2998 [email protected]

Jacob Wagner Assistant Professor. BA, University of Oregon (1994); MCRP, University of Oregon (1998); PhD, University of New Orleans (2004). Specializations: Community Development, Historic Preservation, Planning History, Planning Theory. (816) 235-6053 [email protected]

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYSylvia Rose AugustusAdjunct. M.Arch University of California at Berkeley, MA Cornell University, B.Arch Washington University, St Louis MO. Specialization: Historic Preservation Planning

Chris Brewster AICPAdjunct. BS, University of Delaware; JD, University of Missouri, Kansas City. Specializations: Planning Law. John Eck RAAdjunct. M.Arch University of Virginia, B.Arch Kansas State UniversitySpecialization: Architecture, Building Technology, Urban Design, Architectural Rendering

Brian HendricksonAdjunct. B.Arch The University of Kansas. Specialization: New Urbanism

Vincent Gauthier AICPAdjunct. MAP, University of Tennessee; MA, Harvard. Specializations: Urban Redevelopment. Kevin Klinkenberg AIAAdjunct. B.Arch University of Kansas Specialization: New Urbanism

Ted Seligson FAIAVisiting Professor. B.Arch, Washington University. Specializations: Urban Design, Architecture. Richard Wetzel AIAAdjunct. BArch University of Kansas, MBA University of Missouri – Kansas City. Specialization: Urban Design

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: No RequirementsMinimum GPA: 2.5 / ACT 21Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: 21/ACT (Department)

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 27Hours of Studio Courses .......................................................................... 24Hours of Restricted Elective ...................................................................... 9Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................................................ 21Hours of General Education. ................................................................... 43Total Required Hours In Planning Program .......................................... 124Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required


Undergraduate SpecializationsUrban Design, Community Planning, Environmental

Planning, Historic Preservation, Transportation Planning

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Community and RegionalPlanning Program302 Architecture Hall

Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0105Phone (402) 472-9280

Fax (402) 472-3806E-mail: [email protected]

Professor Kim L. Wilson, Program DirectorPhone (402) 472-9230

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ..................................................................... Rolling admissionsFinancial Aid Deadline .................................... N/A Early application recommended *In-State Tuition and Fees ...................................... $247.00/credit hour per semester*Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ............................... $665.75/credit hour per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$45

*9-12 credit hours=Full Time



FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: Up to six internship positions annually with local agencies include stipends and tuition waiver benefits. Occasional funded projects in the program include research assistantships with stipend and tuition waiver benefits. Several College of Architecture and University scholarships and fellowships are available on a competitive basis.

Eligibility Criteria: Merit and Need

Master of Community and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Kim L. Wilson, DirectorPhone: (402) 472-9230E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1974 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................376Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................8

Annual Student Enrollment

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Not requiredMinimum TOEFL Paper 550; Computer 213Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not Required

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................3Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 18-24Thesis or Professional Project ....................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams or Written Requirements: .................. Comprehensive written exam ................................................. is one of three possible completion tracks.


Masters SpecializationsCommunity and Regional Planning

Applied Accepted Enrolled2008 16 14 142009 20 13 122010 25 21 15

US Citizens/Perm. Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 19 11 28

African-American 0 0 0

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens/Non Perm. Residents 0 0 0

Total Students 19 12 29

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Thomas HustonLecturer. BS in Business Administration (1982) and JD (1986), University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Specializations: Planning Law. (402) 477-6900 [email protected]

Joint Masters Degrees:

o MCRP/Master of Architecture (MCRP/MArch)

o MCRP/Juris Doctor (MCRP/JD)

o MCRP/Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Transportation specialization) (MCRP/MSCE)

FYIRodrigo CantareroAssociate Professor. BS in Urban Planning (1975), Iowa State University; MA in Urban and Regional Planning (1979) and MA in Economics (1980); PhD in Planning (1988), University of Southern California. Specializations: Economic Development Plannng, International Development and Planning, Quantitative Methods, Computer Applications in Planning. (402) 472-9278 [email protected]

Yunwoo NamAssistant Professor. BS in Sociology (1989) and MPA (1992), Yonsei University, Seoul; MCRP (1999) and PhD in City and Regional Planning (2004), University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Urban Spatial Structure, Urban Modeling, Urban Policy. (402) 472-9279 [email protected]

Gordon Scholz AICPProfessor. BArch (1968), University of Nebraska–Lincoln; MUP and MArch (1971), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; MBA (1975), University of Nebraska at Omaha. Specializations: Urban and Community Planning and Design, Land Use Planning, Historic Preservation Planning. (402) 472-9284 [email protected]

Zhenghong TangAssistant Professor. BS in Land Management (1997), Hunan Normal University, China; MS in Soil Science (2000), Huazhong Agricultural University, China; PhD in Urban and Regional Science (2007), Texas A & M University. Specializations: Environmental Planning and Policy, Land Use Planning, Quantitative Methods, GIS Analysis, Urban and Regional Development Policy, International Planning. (402) 472-9281 [email protected]



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Master in Community & Regional Planning Degree Program (MCRP Program)

Contact Person: Teresa L. Córdova, Ph.D., Program DirectorPhone: (505) 277-3922E-mail: [email protected]

Program Assistant: Liz SilettiPhone: (505) 277-5050Email: [email protected] Year initiated: 1979 PAB Accredited since 1986 Degrees Granted through 2009 254Degrees Granted in 2009 ......................................................................... 10

Total # of Students Enrolled:Spring 2009 – 60; Fall 2009 – 90; Spring 2010 - 87


UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICOCommunity and Regional Planning


School of Architecture & Planning2401 Central Ave. NE, MSC04 2530

1 University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM 87131

Phone (505) 277-5050Fax (505) 277-0076

Teresa L. Córdova, DirectorEmail: [email protected]



GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESMCRP Application Postmark Deadline for 2011-2012 .................. January 30, 2011Financial Aid Deadline for 2011-2012 ............................................... March 1, 2011In-State Graduate Tuition for 10 credit hours, Fall 2010 ..... $2,517.00 per semesterOut-of-State & Int’l. Grad. Tuition for 10 credit hours, Fall 2010 ........................................................................... $8,003.00 per semesterApplication Fee ................................................................................................ $50.00Additional Fees ........ $45.00 per credit hour for Graduate Students in the School of...........................................Architecture & Planning; $25.00 GPSA fee per semester

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Min. GPA in last two years of undergraduate study: 3.0GRE: Not requiredTOEFL/IELTS/CPE/CAE: The minimum acceptable score for IELTS is 7; and for the TOEFL is 550 on the paper test, 213 on the computerized test, or 79-80 on the internet-based test. For the CPE or CAE the minimum score is a C. Applicants who have received a bachelor's or graduate degree from an accredited institution in the United States, English-speaking Canada, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, or New Zealand are exempt from submitting IELTS, TOEFL, CPE, or CAE scores.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core/Studio Work .................................................................... 18Hours of Emphasis Work ........................................................................ 24Hours of Exit Course Work ..................................................................... 8 Total Required Hours in Planning Program ........................................... 50Exams or Written Requirements ............................. Complete a Committee ..................................................... Reviewed Thesis or Professional Project

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: 6 new Project Assistantships annually, which garner in-state tuition for the year. NM Graduate Scholars Awards available to continuing and new students (number varies).

Eligibility Criteria: Merit


MCRP Specializations: Community Development Natural Resource and Environmental Planning Physical Planning and Design

Dual Degree Programs: MA in Latin American Studies/MCRP Master of PublicAdministration/MCRP Master of Water Resources/MCRP

Other Degrees: Graduate Minor in Community & Reg. Planning Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Planning & Design Undergraduate Minor in Community & Reg. Planning

Certificate Programs: Certificate in Town Design Certificate in Historic Preservation and Regionalism

Fall 2009 Fall 2010Number Applied 59 53Number Accepted 41 40Number Enrolled 28 24

Master in Community & Regional Planning Degree Program(MCRP Program)Annual New Student Enrollment

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Teresa L. CórdovaAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley). Specializations: Community Development, Political Economy of Urban Development, Local Governance, Global/Local Dynamics (505) 277-3922 [email protected]

William FlemingAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of British Columbia. Specializations: Natural Resource Planning and Watershed Management (505) 277-6455 [email protected]

Timothy O. ImeokpariaAssistant Professor. Ph.D., Ohio State University. Specializations: Physical Planning and Urban Design (505) 277-1666 [email protected]

Claudia B. IsaacAssociate Professor and Regents Lecturer. Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles). Specializations: Community Development, Planning Theory, Latin American Planning, Gender and Development (505) 277-5939 [email protected]

Theodore JojolaProfessor and Regents Professor. Ph.D., University of Hawaii. Specializations: Community Development, Indigenous Human Rights, Indigenous Planning, Tribal Economic Development, Microcomputer Applications in Education and Planning (505) 277-6428 [email protected]

James R. RichardsonProfessor. M.Arch/AS and MCP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Negotiation and Public Dispute Resolution, Land Use Planning, Community Development, Urban Design (505) 277-6460 [email protected]

José A. RiveraProfessor. Ph.D., Brandeis University. Specializations: Community Development, Water Resources, and Policy Analysis (505) 277-0599 [email protected]

Moises GonzalesResearch Assistant Professor. M.C.R.P., University of New Mexico

David S. HenkelProfessor Emeritus. Ph.D., Cornell University.

Paul E. LuskProfessor Emeritus. M.Arch., University of Pennsylvania

William J. SiembiedaProfessor Emeritus. Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles)

US Citizens &PermanentResidents

Male Female Total

Hispanics 10 10 20

Caucasian 12 22 34

African American 0 1 1Native American/Pacific Islander 3 12 15

Asian American 2 1 3

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 6 7 13Non-US CitizensNon-Perm. Residents 0 1 1

Total 33 54 87

Adelamar AlcantaraInstructor. Ph.D., University of Hawaii.

Christopher BlewettInstructor. M.A., University of New Mexico.

Charlie DeansInstructor. M.L.A., University of Arizona

Enrico GradiInstructor. M.C.R.P., University of New Mexico

Sharon HausamInstructor. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison).

Anita MillerInstructor. J.D., New York University.

Dory WegrzynInstructor. M.C.R.P., University of New Mexico

Porus OlpadwalaAdjunct Professor. Ph.D., Cornell University.

V. B. PriceAdjunct Professor. B.A., The University of New Mexico

Steve BorbasAdjunct Associate Professor. M.Arch, Pratt Institute.

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Department of Planning and Urban Studies 2000 Lakeshore Drive

New Orleans, Louisiana 70148Phone (504) 280-6277 Fax (504) 280-6468

E-mail: [email protected] (Masters)[email protected] (Doctoral)

Jane S. Brooks, Department ChairPhone (504) 280-6514

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 ................................................................. July 1, 2011PhD Admission Deadline 2011-12 ................................................ February 15, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 ................................................... February 15, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees Fall 2010: ........................................ $2,479 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees Fall 2010: ................................. $6,761 per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$40Additional Fees........................................................................ Check with university

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Marla Nelson, PhD, AICP Associate Professor/ MURP CoordinatorPhone: (504) 280-3110E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1974 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 12/31/09..........................................................370Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................13

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75 (Department)Minimum GRE: 1000 (Department)Minimum TOEFL 80 IBT (University)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Department of Planning and Urban Studies application, statement of purpose; three (3) letters of recommendation; satisfactory academic standing at the last school attended

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................18Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...3 (not included in the core)Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................... up to 15Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................45Exam,Thesis or Final Product .......................................... Thesis (optional)


Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental & Hazard Mitigation Planning; Historic Preservation; Housing and Community Economic Development; Land Use and Urban

Design; Transportation Planning

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 98 107 45 59 35 37Doctoral 17 27 10 15 8 12

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 2 0 2

White 19 30 49

African American 0 6 6

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 8 6 14

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 1 1

Total Students 29 43 72

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONGraduate scholarships, research assistantships, and paid internships avail-able on a competitive basis (check with program administrators).

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DOCTORAL DEGREEPh.D. in Urban Studies

Contact Person: Michelle M. Thompson, Ph.D. DirectorPhone: (504) 280-6593E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1990Degrees Granted through 8/31/2010.........................................................54Degrees Granted from 9/1/2009 to 8/31/2010............................................1

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2009 to 8/31/20101. Identification and Explanation of Regional Development Poles in Haiti

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core/Required courses ...............................................................18Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ........................................N/AHours of Restricted Electives ............................................................... 9-12Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 42-45Other ......................................................................6 (dissertation research)Total ..........................................................................................................72Exams or Written Requirements: ............... General examination; final oral .............................................................................. examination; dissertation

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Masters degree from an accredited institutionMinimum GRE: 1100Minimum TOEFL: 80 IBT (University)Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.5 (University)/3.0 (Department)Departmental Requirement: PhD Program in Urban Studies application; statement of purpose; writing sample; three (3) letters of recommendation; satisfactory academic standing at the last school attended; a masters degree in urban planning or related discipline.


PLANNING FACULTYJane S. Brooks FAICPProfessor and Boebel Chair in Historic Preservation. BLA, Louisiana State University (1974); MLA, Harvard (1976). Specializations: Historic Preservation, Urban Design, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Planning History and Planning Practice. (504) 280-6514 [email protected]

Renia EhrenfeuchtM.S. in Urban Studies Coordinator/Assistant Professor. B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.U.P., University of Washington; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Politics of Public Space Use, Social Production of the Built Environment, Public Participation, Politics of Urban Design, Public Space History. (504) 280-6517 [email protected]

David GladstoneAssociate Professor and Louisiana Manufactured Housing Association Professor. BA (1990), MCRP (1994), and Ph.D. (2001), Rutgers University. Specializations: Urban and Regional Development, Social Policy, Tourism Planning, Real Estate Development, International Development. (504) 280-3206 [email protected]

Doctoral SpecializationsUrban Studies, Urban Anthropology, Urban History,

Urban Planning

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 1 1 2

White 8 12 20

African American 3 5 8

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 2 2 4

Total Students 14 20 34

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Robert Becker FAICPSenior Research Associate. BA, SUNY Buffalo; MA, University of Iowa, Ph.D., University of New Orleans. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Recreation Planning, New Community Development. (504) 280-6277 [email protected]

Wendel DufourDirector, Div. of Planning. BGS and MURP, University of New Orleans. Specializations: Neighborhood Planning, Land Use Planning, Housing Database Development, GIS. (504) 280-5474 [email protected]

Robert RiversAdjunct Professor. A.B.Architecture (1986) Princeton; MURP (1992), The George Washington University; JD (2003) Tulane. Specializations: Historic Preservation, Historic Preservation Law, Environmental Law, Architectural History. (504) 280-6277

Steve Villavaso FAICPAdjunct Professor. BS and MURP, University of New Orleans; JD, Loyola University School of Law. Specializations: Zoning Law, Development/Environmental Management, Brownfields Policy. (504) 280-6029 [email protected]

FYIJoint Degree Programs: Joint MURP-JD Program with Loyola University of New Orleans Law School.

Patrick Haughey AICPBSUSP Coordinator/Assistant Professor. B.Ed, McGill University (1993); MURP, University of New Orleans (1995); Ph.D. (2004) Trinity College Dublin. Specializations: Neighborhood Planning, Community Development and Public Participation, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (504) 280-1231 [email protected]

Hiroyuki IsekiAssistant Professor. B. Eng. (1991) Kyoto University; M. Eng. (1994) University of Tokyo; MA (1998) and Ph.D. (2004) University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Transportation Policy, Transportation and Land Use Planning, Transportation Economics, Travel Behavior, Urban Public Finance, Applications of GIS to planning and policy analysis. (504) 280-6029 [email protected]

Earthea NanceAssistant Professor. BS (1985) and MS (1991) University of California, Davis; Ph.D. (2004) Stanford University.Specializations: Infrastructure, Environment, and Development in Post-Disaster Areas; Developing Countries; and Communities of Color and Poverty. (504) 280-4017 [email protected]

Marla Nelson AICPMURP Coordinator/Associate Professor. BA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1992); MCRP (1997) and Ph.D. (2003), Rutgers University. Specializations: Local and Regional Development, Economic Development Planning, Community Development. (504) 280-3110 [email protected]

John L. Renne AICPAssistant Professor. BA (1999) University of Colorado at Boulder; MURP (2000) University of Colorado at Denver; Ph.D. (2005), Rutgers University. Specializations: Land Use and Transportation Planning, Real Estate Development and Finance, Evacuation Planning, Smart Growth and Sustainable Development. (504) 280-6592 [email protected]

Michelle M. ThompsonDirector, Ph.D. in Urban Studies Program/Assistant Professor. BA, Syracuse University (1982); MRP (1984) and Ph.D. (2001) Cornell University. Specializations: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and GeoSpatial Analysis, Community and Economic Development using Public Participation GIS, Real Estate and Market Valuation, Housing, Land Use Planning. (504) 280-6593 [email protected]

UNO-led planning team wins

2009 national JP Morgan Chase

Community Development Competition

UNO - PLUS 2010 Capstone Studio on Main Street Redevelopment of New Orleans Broad Street

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Regional and City Planning830 Van Vleet Oval, Gould Hall, Room 162

Norman, Oklahoma 73019-6141Phone (405) 325-2444

Fax (405) 325-7558E-mail: [email protected]

Charles Warnken, Interim Division DirectorPhone (405) 325-3871

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 20010-11 for Masters program .................................... RollingFinancial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program ........................ March 1, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees .............................................................................. $9,200*Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ...................................................................... $19,200*Application Fee ................................................................................................ $20-90

NOTE:*Tuition and Fee estimate based on 24 semester hours per academic year. The University of Oklahoma’s Master of Regional and City Planning degree is part of the Academic Common Market. Students from the States of Arkansas and Delaware are eligible for in-state tuition if they enroll in the Regional and City Planning program at the University of Oklahoma.

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Regional and City Planning

Contact Person: Charles Warnken, Interim DirectorPhone: (405) 325-3871E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1947 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................678Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................18

Masters SpecializationsTransportation Planning, Economic and Community

Development, Urban Design, Environmental Planning


MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .........................................................................................29*Hours of Studio or Practice Related Course ...............................................5Hours of Restricted Elective .......................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ......................................................... 10-12Thesis ..........................................................................................................4Total Required Hours in Planning Program ..... 48(thesis)- 50 (non-thesis)Exams or Written Requirements ........ Thesis or final comprehensive exam*29 core credit hours include a five credit studio

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: 2-5 Graduate Research Assistantships; 3-4 ScholarshipsEligibility Criteria: Academic interests, academic merit, financial need.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Undergraduate degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: B (3.0) or betterMinimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Three Letters of Recommendations Statement of Intent

Applied Accepted Enrolled2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010

Masters 35 27 28 21 18 12

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* of any Race 0 0 0

White 12 9 21

African American 1 1 2

Native American/ Pacific Islander 0 2 2

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-permanent Residents

2 8 10

Total Students 15 20 35

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Fernando Costa AICPProfessor of the Practice. BS, Georgia Institute of Technology (1974); MS, Civil Engineering and Masters of City Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology (1976). Specializations: Planning Management and Practice. Richard Marshment AICP Professor Emeritus. BS, Bowling Green State University (1968); MArch., University of New Mexico (1975); PhD, University of Washington (1981). Specializations: Transportation Planning, Economic Development, Public Finance. (405) 325-2399 [email protected]

Guoqiang Shen Associate Professor. B.Arch., Tsinghua University (1985); MS, Beijing University (1988); MCRP, Ohio State University (1994); PhD, Ohio State University (1998). Specializations: Urban Design, Transportation, Real Estate Development, GIS, Research Methods. (405) 325-1698 [email protected]

Charles Warnken AICPAssociate Professor. BS, University of Wyoming (1992); MPA, University of Louisville (1996); PhD, Florida State University (2003). Specializations: Economic Development, Land Use Planning. (405) 325-3871 [email protected]

Meghan Wieters AICPAssistant Professor. BA, Trinity University (1993), MSCRP, UT-Austin (1995), Ph.D. Texas A&M (2009). Specializations: Environmental Planning, History and theory, Planning Practice. (405) 325-3851 [email protected]

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYKhosrow Bozorgi AIA Associate Professor. B.Arch. (1974) and M.Arch (1977), National University of Iran; MSArch.(1988) and PhD(1989), University of Pennsylvania. Specialization: Urban Design. (405) 325-3348 [email protected]

Charles Robert Goins Professor Emeritus. B.Arch (1956), MRCP (1960) University of Oklahoma. Specialization: Planning History, Housing

William Harless AICPAdjunct Professor. BED (1980), MLA (1984), MRCP (1985) University of Oklahoma. Specialization: Subdivision Planning

Kent SchellAdjunct Professor. BS (1970) Business Administration and MRCP (1973), Kansas State University; JD (1978) University of Tulsa. Specialization: Historic Preservation

Tom Schurch AICP Associate Professor. BA, United States International University (1971); MLA, California Polytechnic University (1978); PhD, University of Washington (1989) Specialization: Urban Design. (405) 325-0358 [email protected]


RCPL's mission is to advance the art and practice of planning through educating students for lifelong professional practice and through expand-ing the knowledge on which practice is based. Distinguished features include the program's:

* Singular focus on the professional masters degree, * Well-established reputation, dating to its founding in 1948, * Alumni, many of whom have achieved national prominence,* Small size, which allows close student-faculty relationships, * Curricular flexibility, which accommodates students' interests,* Multi-disciplinary perspective, * Commitment to improving professional planning practice that address-

es urban and regional issues in Oklahoma and environs.


* High speed passenger rail transportation systems. * Mobility benefits of urban rail transit projects.* Data mining the National Transit Database. * Economic effects of highway bypasses on rural communities. * Comprehensive Plans for the cities of Mustang, Tuttle, Geary, Noble,

Perkins and Newcastle OK. * Reuse Strategies for Superfund Sites in Oklahoma City, OK. * Homeless Service Provision in Oklahoma.* Northeast 23rd St. Streetscape Assessment in Oklahoma City, OK. * Freight Movement for Tulsa's Transportation Plan 2030.* Freight Movement Modeling for State of Oklahoma.* Inter-Modal Containerized Freight Flow & Port Security.* Operating and Maintenance Cost Models for Light Rail Transit. * Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities founded in July 2008.

PLANNING FACULTY John Sharp AICPAdjunct Professor. BA Geography (1983) and MRCP (1987) University of Oklahoma. Specialization: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Michael Southard AICPAdjunct Professor. BA Public Administration (1991) and MRCP (1993) University of Oklahoma. Specialization: Economic Development, Planning Management and Practice

James Clare Woodside AICPAdjunct Professor. B.Arch (1973), MRCP (1977) University of Oklahoma. Specialization: Regional Planning, Urban Design

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Community and Regional PlanningDepartment of Planning, Public Policy and

Management1209 University of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon 97403-1209 Phone (541) 346-3635

Fax (541) 346-2040E-mail: [email protected]

Richard D. Margerum, Program Director

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for masters program, Fall ..........................................February 1Financial Aid Deadline for masters program..............................................February 1In-State Tuition and Fees 2010-11 ..................................................$4,704 per quarterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees 2010-11 ..........................................$6,697 per quarterApplication Fee ..........................................................................................$50 majorsAdditional Fees: ................................................................$250 Student activities fee .......................................... Optional extended health insurance for graduate students



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: NAMinimum TOEFL 575/88 University; 575/91 DepartmentRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................37Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...........................................10Hours of Restricted Electives ............................................................. 13-18Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Other ..................................................................................................... 7-12Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................72Exams or Written Requirements ........................Thesis or Terminal Project

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: Approximately 20 Graduate Teaching Fellowships; University Financial Aid PackageEligibility Criteria: Merit and Need

Master of Community and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Richard D. Margerum, Program DirectorPhone: (541) 346-3635E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1968 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 6/30/10 ...........................................................774Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 6/30/10 ..................................................13


Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental Planning

Land Use and Built EnvironmentCommunity Development

Governance and Civic EngagementSustainable Cities


Annual Student EnrollmentApplied Accepted Enrolled

08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/1097 104 52 57 23 21

Male Female TotalWhite 14 15 29Other/Don’t Know 8 2 10Total Students 22 17 39

PLANNING FACULTYRichard MargerumAssociate Professor. BA, Wittenberg (1987); MCP, Cincinnati (1989); Ph.D., Wisconsin (1995). Specializations: Environmental Planning and Management, Planning Processes, Collaborative Planning. (541) 346-2526 [email protected]

Gerardo SandovalAssistant Professor: BS, California, Davis (2000), MCP (2002) and Ph.D. (2007), California, Berkeley. Specializations: Economic and Community Development, Urban Revitalization, Immigrant Neighborhoods. [email protected]

Marc SchlossbergAssociate Professor. BBA, Texas (1987); MUP, San Jose State (1994); Ph.D., Michigan (2001). Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Social Planning, Transportation Planning. (541) 346-2046 [email protected]

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYNeil BaniaAssociate Professor. BA (1980), MA (1983) and Ph.D. (1985), Oregon. Specializations: Public Policy Analysis, Economics. (541) 346-3704 [email protected]

Robert ChoquetteAdjunct Instructor. BS (1982) and MUP (1991), Oregon. Specializations: Strategic Planning, Project Management. (541) 346-3635 [email protected]

Colleen ChrisingerAssistant Professor: BS, Willamette (2001); MSc, London School of Economics and Political Science (2003); MS, Wisconsin-Madison (2006). Specializations: Labor and Social Policy, Poverty, Economic Development Policy. [email protected]

Jessica GreeneAssociate Professor. BA, Michigan (1989); MPH, MIA (1996) and Ph.D. (2003), Columbia. Specializations: Health Policy, Quantitative Methods, Evaluation Research. (541) 346-0138 [email protected] Michael HibbardProfessor Emeritus. BS, California Polytechnic; MSW (1971) and Ph.D. (1980), San Diego State. Specializations: Community and Regional Development. (541) 346-3897 [email protected]

Renee IrvinAssociate Professor. BA, Oregon (1984); MA (1991) and Ph.D. (1998), Washington. Specializations: Nonprofit Management, Economics, Public Finance. (541) 346-2155 [email protected]

Grant JacobsenAssistant Professor. BA, William and Mary (2005); MA (2006) and Ph.D. (2010), California-Santa Barbara. Specializations: Environmental and Resource Policy, Climate Change and Energy Policy, Economics (513) 346-3419 [email protected]

Andre LeDucAdjunct Instructor. BS, Wisconsin (1996); MCRP, Oregon (1999). Specializations: Hazard Prevention and Mitigation. (541) 346-5833 [email protected]

FYI• Oregon is renowned for the Oregon Land Use system, which is considered one of the model state planning programs in the U.S.

• Eugene is located within 90 minutes of both the Oregon coast and Cascade Mountains, offering year round hiking, fishing, kaya-king, as well as winter skiing. Eugene is a progressive city with more than 100 miles of trails, a metropolitan bus service free to UO students, an extensive open space and parks system, and new sustainable business initiatives.

• PPPM is known for its work on sustainability, collaborative and participatory approaches to planning, community development, and environmental planning. PPPM is affiliated with the commu-nity service center (CSC), providing students with access to real world experience with actual clients. The CSC also coordinates yearlong paid internship through the Resource Assistance for Rural Environments (RARE) program, which provides students with (1) a monthly stipend, (2) medical insurance, (3) possible eli-gibility for in-state tuition after one year of service, and (4) up to 9 graduate credits in the UO Planning Program.

• PPPM is linked with the Institute for a Sustainable Environment, the Institute for Policy Research and Innovation, Oregon Transportation Research & Education Consortium, and the Sustainable Cities Initiative.

• The community and regional planning program offers concurrent degrees in business, conflict and dispute resolution, environmental studies, geography, historic preservation, landscape architecture, law and public administration.

Laura LeeteAssistant Professor. BA, California, Berkeley, (1982); MA (1988) and Ph.D. (1992), Harvard. Specializations: Poverty and Social Policy, Work-force Policy, Nonprofit Economics. (541) 346-0834 [email protected]

Robert ParkerInstructor. BS, Colorado State (1986); MUP, Oregon (1989). Specializations: Community Planning Workshop, Microcomputers in Planning and Policy Analysis. (541) 346-3801 [email protected]

Megan E. SmithInstructor. BA, Southern Oregon State (1990); MCRP, University of Oregon (1996). Specializations: Community Outreach, Watershed Planning, Rural Planning. (541) 346-3881 [email protected]

Bethany SteinerAdjunct Instructor. BA, Middlebury College (1996); MS,Environmental Psychology, Cornell (2001). Specializations: Community Outreach, Youth and Planning. (541) 346-3615 [email protected]

Yizhao YangAssistant Professor, B.Arch., Tianjin (1995); MS, Tsinghua (1998); MRP, (2001) and Ph.D., Cornell (2007). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Sustainable Living Design and Analysis, Geographic Information Systems. (541) 346-0833 [email protected]

Robert F. YoungAssistant Professor, B.A. (1982), M.C.R.P (1987), Ph.D. (2007) Cornell. Specializations: Environmental and Economic Policy and Planning, Environmental Policy and Planning History. (541) 346-1950 [email protected]

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Master of City Planning127 Meyerson Hall

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Phone (215) 898-8329

Fax (215) 898-5731E-mail: [email protected]

John Landis, Department ChairE-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissions Deadline 2010-2011 .....................................................January 12, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2010-2011 ...................................................................... N/AIn-State Tutition and Fees .............................................................................. $40,056Out of State Tuition and Fees ........................................................................ $40,056Application Fee: .................................................................................................... $70Additional Fees: ........................................................................................................ 0

DOCTORAL DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissions Deadline 2010-2011 ................................................ December 15, 2012Financial Aid Deadline 2010-2011 ...................................................................... N/AIn-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................................... $27,812Out of State Tuition and Fees ........................................................................ $27,812Application Fee: .................................................................................................... $70Additional Fees: ........................................................................................................ 0

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of City Planning

Contact Person: John Landis, Department ChairPhone: (215) 746-2340E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1950 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................2239Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/10 ................................................123


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No RequirementsMinimum Undergraduate GPA: Minimum of 3.0 recommendedMinimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL 615Ranking in Undergraduate Class: No RequirementsDepartmental Requirement: Special attention given to student’s statement and references

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................30Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................9Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................ 3-12Other .........................................................................................................15Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................57Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .......... Studio report or professional project

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONUniversity Fellows (4/year for 3 years)Merit-based (30+/year) based on prior academic and work achievementNeed-based (40+/year) based on formula



US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 2 4 6

White 46 43 89African American 3 6 9Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 4 7 11

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 9 12 21

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents7 7 14

Total Students 71 80 151

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsCommunity & Economic DevelopmentLand Use & Environmental Planning

Private & Public Real Estate DevelopmentSustainable Transportation and Infrastructure Planning

Urban Design

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 296 392 185 190 64 65Doctoral 48 56 6 6 3 2

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DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: *Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0 or higherMinimum GRE: 600Minimum TOEFL: 615Departmental Requirement: Writing sample

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ........................................................................................N/AHours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ........................................N/AHours of Restricted Electives ................................................................N/AHours of Unrestricted Electives .............................................................N/ATotal Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................60Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .........Doctoral Seminar, Preliminary Exam ..............................................................................................& Dissertation.

* Students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply but preference will be given to those whose research interests match the graduate group.

PLANNING FACULTYJonathan Barnett FAICPProfessor of Practice. BA and MArch., Yale University; MA, Cambridge University. Specializations: Physical Planning, Urban Design, Planning Practice. (215) 732-5215 [email protected]

Eugenie L. Birch FAICPProfessor. BA, Bryn Mawr; MA and PhD, Columbia University.Specializations: Planning History, Anchor Insitutions, Urban Development. (215) 898-6097 [email protected]

Thomas L. DanielsProfessor. BA, Harvard University; MS, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; PhD, Oregon State University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Land Use Planning, Land Preservation. (215) 573-8965 [email protected]

Gary Hack AICPProfessor. MArch and MUP, University of Illinois, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Physical Planning, Urban Design. (215) 898-8480 [email protected]

PhD in City & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Eugunie L. Birch, Professor & Graduate Group ChairPhone: (215) 898-6097E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated 1953Degrees Granted through 8/31/2010 ....................................................... 308Degrees Granted from 9/1/2009 to 8/31/2010 .................................. ..........5Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2009 to 8/31/2010

Neighborhood Stablization Through Historic Preservation: An 1. Analysis of Historic Preservation and Community Development in Cleveland, Providence, Houston and SeattleA Tool for Solving Land Use Conflicts?A Study in TDR in Taiwan.2. Land Preservation’s Link to the Environment, Economy and Society 3. in the Northern Forests of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and the Adirondack Region of New YorkA Framework for Energy Performance Indicators: Applying the 4. Composite Indicator Method for a University Campus.A Methodology for the Documentation and Analysis of Urban 5. Historic Resources.


US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 1 0 1

White 1 6 7African American 0 1 1Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 1 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 1 1 2

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents1 2 3

Total Students 4 11 15

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


Doctoral SpecializationsCartography & Spatial Statistics; Community &

Economic Development; Historic Preservation; Land Use and Environmental Planning; Public and Private Real Estate Development; Sustainable Transportation

Planning; Urban Design; Urban Infrastructure

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYHanley BodekLecturer. BA, University of Pennsylvania.Specializations: Housing Development

Marja Hoek-SmitLecturer. PhD, University of Amsterdam. Specialization: International Planning, Housing Paul LevyLecturer. PhD, Columbia University. Specialization: Planning Practice; Economic Development Harris SokoloffAdjunct Associate Professor. BA and M.Ed., Temple University; PhD, Syracuse University. Specialization: Conflict Resolution Harris SteinbergAdjunct Assistant Professor. BA University of Pennsylvania, MArch, University of Pennsylvania. Specialization: Physical Planning, Urban Design, Citizen Participation.

Dana TomlinProfessor. BS, University of Virginia; MLA, Harvard University; M.Phil. and PhD, Yale University. Specialization: GIS, Spatial Analysis

Susan WachterProfessor. BA, Harvard College; PhD, Boston College. Specialization: Real Estate Finance

Amy HillierAssistant Professor. BA, Middlebury College; MSW and PhD., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: GIS, Public Health. (215) 746- 2341 [email protected]

David HsuAssistant Professor. BS, Yale University; MS, Cornell University, MS, London School of Economics & Political Science; PhD, University of Washington. Specializations: Urban & Environmental Infrastructure.

John LandisProfessor. BS, Massachussetts Institute of Technology; PhD, University of California Berkeley. Specializations: Housing, GIS, Sustainable Urban Development, Urban Modeling. (215) 746-2340 [email protected]

Michael LariceAssociate Professor. BA and MArch, University of California, Los Angeles; PhD, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Urban Design, International Development to Specializations. (215) 573-5845 [email protected]

Randy MasonProfessor. BA, Bucknell University; MS, Penn State University; PhD, Columbia University. Specialization: Historic Preservation. (215) 898-3169 [email protected] Domenic VitielloAssistant Professor. BA, Wesleyan University; MCD, Massachussetts Institute of Technology; PhD, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Community and Economic Development, Immigration, Urban Agriculture.

Rachel WeinbergerAssistant Professor. BA and MUP, Hunter College of the City University of New York: MS and PhD, University of California, Berkeley.Specialization: Transportation Planning and Policy. (215) 746-4263 [email protected]

Laura Wolf PowersAssistant Professor. BA, Yale University; MDA, Princeton; PhD Rutgers University. Specializations: Community and Economic Development. (215) 746-4263 [email protected]

Robert YaroProfessor of Practice. BA, Wesleyan University; MCRP, Harvard University. Specializations: Regional Planning, Planning Practice [email protected]

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School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management

St. Lucia, Brisbane Queensland 4072, Australia

Phone [61] 7 3365-6455Fax [61] 7 3365-6899

E-mail:[email protected]

Professor James Shulmeister, Department Head[01161] 7 3365-6455

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011 for Masters program..............................................JanuaryAdmission Deadline 2011 for Ph.D program .............................................. Any timeFinancial Aid Deadline 2011 for Masters program .............................................. N/AFinancial Aid Deadline 2011 for Ph.D Program .................................................. N/AIn-State Tuition and Fees ...................................................................................... N/AOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................................... N/AInternational Tuition and Fees ................................................$A13,325 per semesterApplication Fee ...................................................................................................$A50

MA/MS Ph.D. ACSP Member: Corresponding


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Relevant Bachelor’s degree. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: Not requiredMinimum GRE: Required no minimumMinimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Relevant Bachelor’s degree.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................16Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................2Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................2Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Thesis ..........................................................................................................4Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................24

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONNational research scholarships--Nationally Competitive.

Master of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: John MinneryPhone: (011) 61-7-3365-3880E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1975 PIA Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................360Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................21

Masters SpecializationsUrban Governance

Urban Planning


Annual Student Enrollment Applied Accepted Enrolled


27192819Masters 2821

12779Doctoral 5015

48202020Masters 5020

Master of Development Practice

Contact Person: Donovan StoreyPhone: (011) 61-7-3365-6707E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2004 Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .............................................................79Degrees Granted from 9/1/08to 8/31/09 ...................................................27

Masters SpecializationsDevelopment Planning, Community Planning,

International Political Development

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Relevant Bachelor’s degree. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: Not requiredMinimum GRE: Required no minimumMinimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Relevant Bachelor’s degree.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................12Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................8Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Thesis ..........................................................................................................4Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................24

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONNational research scholarships--Nationally Competitive.

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...............................................................................................Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...............................................Hours of Restricted Electives .......................................................................Hours of Unrestricted Electives ....................................................................Total Required Hours in Program ............................................................

Doctoral SpecializationsUrban Policy and Management, Environmental Management, GIS, Property and Development,

Demography, Development Planning

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Master’s degree.Minimum GRE: Minimum TOEFL 550Departmental Requirement: Master’s degree.Exams or Written Requirements: Ph.D. by thesis only (Normally 3 years full-time)


Citizens Male Female Total

White 0 0 0Indigenous People 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 11 10 21

Non- Citizens 12 7 19

Total Students 23 17 40




Citizens Male Female Total

White 0 0 0Indigenous People 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 18 13 31

Non- Citizens 25 22 47

Total Students 43 35 78

Doctor of Philosophy (Research)

Contact Person: Hamish McGowan, Associate ProfessorPhone: (011) 61-7-3365-5229E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1980 Degrees Granted through 8/31 ................................................................123Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/09 ....................................................6

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2002 to 8/31/20091. Understanding and Managing Uncertainty in Metropolitan Planning.2. The Choice Between Rural Living and Agriculture: Implications for Land Use and Subdivision Policy.3. Urban Management in Indonesia: A Case Study of Banda Aceh.4. Housing Opportunity and Residential Mobility in Seoul Metropolitan Region: Macro and Micro Approaches.5. The Dynamics of the Evolution of Residential Property Price Premiums in a Metropolitan Setting.6. Modeling Quality of Life in Urban Environments.7. The Role of Planning in Achievement of Sustainable Tourism.8. The Urban Informal Sector in Colombo, Sri Lanka9. Sustainable Coastal Tourism in S.E. Asia

Greg BrownAssociate Professor: BS, BSBA, MBA, PhD. Specializations: Public participation GIS, environmental land use planning. (61) 7-33656644 [email protected]

John Minnery FPIAAssociate Professor. Ph.D., MPubAdmin (Qld); GDTP (Wits); BSc (Hons) (Cantuar). Specializations: Urban Policy, Urban Governance, Planning Theory, Planning History. (61) 7-3365-3880 [email protected]

Iderlina Mateo-Babiano Lecturer: BS Arch, MA, PhD. Specializations: Urban design, transporta-tion, Asian megacities.(61) 7-33653916 [email protected]

Tiffany MorrisonLecturer. BSe (Griffith), Hons (Qld), PhD (Qld). Specialzations: Environmental Policy, Planning, Governance and Institutional Theory, Comparative Environmental Policy and Planning, Political Geography. (61) 7-3365-6535 [email protected]

Ann PetersonSenior Lecturer. BA (Hons); BHMS, Dip.Ed., MURP (Qld.); Ph.D. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Wildlife Planning, Buffer Zones. (61) 7-3365-3979 [email protected]

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Martin Bell MPIAProfessor. BA (Hons); MA (Finders); Ph.D. (Qld). Specializations: Demographic Projections & Forecasts, Internal Migration, Local Population Change. (61) 7-3365-7087 [email protected]

Robert StimsonProfessor. BA, Mlitt (UNE); Ph.D (Finders). Specializations: Behavioral Geography, Urban Geography, Survey Research Methods. (61) 7-3365-6307 [email protected]

Victor Feros FPIAAdjunct Professor. BA, MUS (Qld). Specializations: Planning Practice, Land Use Planning. (61)-7-3365-6455

Arnis Siksna FPIAResearch Associate. BE (Arch), MTP, Ph.D. Specialization: Urban Design. (61)-7-3365-6455 [email protected]

John Brannock FPIAAdjunct Professor. BSurv, MSc, MURP (Qld). Specializations: Planning Practice, Planning Law, Heritage Planning. (61)-7-3365-6455

Jeff Humphreys FPIAAdjunct Professor. BRTP (Hons), BA. Specializations: Planning Practice, Planning Theory. (61)-7-3365-6455

Michael Kerry FPIAAdjunct Professor. BA (Hons), MCD. Specialization: Urban Management. (61)-7-3365-6455

We also offer a 4-year undergraduate Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning, accredited by the Planning Institute of Australia.

Michael FagenceResearch Associate. BA (Nott), MA, Mphil. Specialization: Tourism Planning. (61)-7-3365-6455 [email protected]

Sandra Vigar FPIAAdjunct Professor, BRTP, MBus Admin, MSc (Env. Man). Specializations: Environmental Management, Community Consultation.

Glen Searle FPIAAssociate Professor. BA (Hons), Ph.D. Specializations: Political Economy of Planning, Metropolitan Spatial Planning, Residential Intensification

Donovan StoreyLecturer, BA (Hons) (Cantuar), PD DevStud (Massey), PhD (Massey). Specializations: Internationasl Development Planning, Urbanization in Asia Pacific (61) 7-3365-6707 [email protected]

David WadleySnr. Lecturer. BA (Syd); Dip.Ed. (Melb); Ph.D (ANU); MBA. Specializations: Economic Geography, Marketing Geography, Commercial Planning, Futurology. (61) 7-3365-6535 [email protected]

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Program in Urban & Regional PlanningDept. of Geography

4202 East Fowler Avenue (NES 201)Tampa, Florida 33620Phone (813) 974-2386

Fax (813) 974-4808E-mail: [email protected]

Ambe Njoh, Program DirectorPhone (813) 974-7459E-Mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONAPPLICATION DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESFall Semester: ........................................................................................ February 15.Spring Semester: ......................................................................................October 15.

Graduate School Cost at USF for Academic Year 2009/2010


MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Ambe Njoh, Program DirectorPhone: (813) 974-7459E-mail: [email protected] Year Initiated: 2009 PAB Accredited


Masters SpecializationsHousing & Community Development; Environmental & Natural Resource Policy; Geographic Information Sciences; Globalization & International Development

Planning; Transportation Planning

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1000 V+QMinimum TOEFL: 500. Not Required for Students from Countries in which English is the language of academic instruction. Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: None

MASTERS STUDENTS First batch of students accepted in Fall 2009. Total number of Students as of Fall 2010: 26.


The MURP at USF requires completion of a total of 48 credit hours. The core curriculum, comprising a total of 21 credit hours, emphasizes the basic concepts and skills deemed necessary to planners in all subfields. The 21 credit hours are divided into three major categories as follows: foundations (9 credits), research methods and analytical techniques (6 credits), and computer applications and planning practice (6 credits).

Instate Out-of-StateFull-Time Tuition* $8,040 $19,720Housing/Meals* $10,130 $10,130Books/Supplies $1,500 $1,500Other Expenses** $4,100 $4,100Total $23,770 $35,450

For details, see:

The Geography Department of which Urban & Regional Planning (URP) is a part, offers a Ph.D. in Geography, Environmental Science and Policy. The degree is open to all qualified students presently enrolled in any one of the department’s masters degree programs, including URP, as well as to new students wishing to focus on any area of Geography, Environmental Science, Policy and/or Urban & Regional Planning for which expertise is available within the department.


DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSThere is a one-year residency requirement, a prescribed coursework, a written dissertation and an oral defense of the dissertation.

PLANNING FACULTYKevin Archer, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Geography Dept.; (Johns Hopkins, 1990). Specializations: Urban Geography, Political Geography, Social Theory, Globalization.

Pratyusha Basu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. (Iowa, 2003). Specializations: Rural Economies, Environmental Movements, and Gender Issues.

Martin Bosman, Ph.D. Associate Professor. (Kentucky, 1999). Specializations: Global

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City Formation, Economic Restructuring and Urban and Regional Revitalization, Globalization and Regionalization, Water & Social Ecological Justice.

Robert Brinkmann, Ph.D. Professor. (Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1989). Specializations: Geography, karst geomorphology and land use.

Jayajit Chakraborty, Ph.D. Associate Professor. (Iowa, 1999). Specializations: Environmental health, environmental justice, hazards, urban geography, GIScience, quantitative methods.

Vikas Mehta, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Community Design. (Maryland, 2006). Specializations: Urban Design, Relationship between Built Environment and Social Behavior, Public Space, Neighborhood design.

Ambe Njoh, Ph.D. Professor and URP Program Director. (London, 1990). Specializations: Research Methods/Quantitative Analysis, Sustainable Development, Community Participation, Planning in Developing Countries.

Steven Reader, Ph.D. Associate Professor. (Bristol). Specializations: Geography, Geographical Information Systems, computer cartography, spatial analysis.

Elizabeth Strom, Ph.D. Associate Professor. (City Univ. of New York, 1996). Specializations: Geography, Ph.D City Urban development. urban governance; arts and cultural policies.

Graham Tobin, Ph.D. Professor. (Stratclyde, 1978). Specializations: Natural Hazards (espe-cially floods, volcanoes, hurricanes), Water resources management and policy, Environmental contamination.

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYTheodore Trent Green, Ph.D. Associate Professor. (Harvard, 1986). Specializations: Architecture and Urban Design, Architecture, Urban/Community Design, Housing Development Regulations, Sustainable Development.

Susan Greenbaum, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology. (Kansas, 1981). Specializations: Community Development, Urban Ethnicity, Native American Policies, Social Networks, Neighborhood Revitalization, Ethnohistory, United States.

Robin Jones Director, University of South Florida Community initiative. M.A. University of Pittsburg (1974). Specializations: Housing and Community Development.

Mark BentleyPracticing Attorney and APA Certified Planner. JD, Stetson (1987). Specializations: Land use planning and law.

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UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIASchool of Policy, Planning, and Development

Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall, Room 312Los Angeles, California 90089-0626

Phone (213) 740-0350Fax (213) 740-7573

E-mail: [email protected]

Jack Knott, DeanPhone (213) 740-0350

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: No RequirementMinimum GPA: 3.5 Transfer admission onlyMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: No Requirement

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 30Hours of Studio Courses ..............................................................................Hours of Restricted Elective ........................................................................Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................................................ 34Total Required Hours In Planning Program (Track) .............................. 28Total Required Hours to graduate from University ............................... 128Thesis or final product .........................................................................None

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONUniversity GrantsEligibility Criteria: Need and MeritFederal Aid Eligibility Criteria: Need

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 ............................................................ December 1Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 .......................................................... February 2In-State Tuition and Fees ............. $1,360 per unit ($20,806 full time per semester)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ..... $1,360 per unit ($20,806 full time per semester)Application Fee .................................................................................................... $65Additional Fees ... Approx. $17,000 (books, room and board, transportation, misc.)

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 for Master program .......................... December 15Admission Deadline 2011-2012 for Ph.D. program .............................. December 1Admission Deadline 2011-2012 for DPPD program ............................... February 1Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 for Master program ................................. May 3Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 for Ph.D. and DPPD program ................ May 3In-State Tuition and Fees ............. $1,360 per unit ($16,934 full time per semester)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ..... $1,360 per unit ($16,934 full time per semester)Application Fee .................................................................................................... $85Additional Fees ... Approx. $17,000 (books, room and board, transportation, misc.)

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Planning

Contact Person: Tridib Banerjee, Professor and Director of Graduate Programs in Urban Planning Phone: (213)740-4724E-mail: [email protected] Year Initiated: 1955 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted from 2005 to 2010 ......................................................241Degrees Granted from 2009 to 2010 ........................................................34


Masters SpecializationsEconomic Development, Preservation and Design of the Built Environment, Social and Community

Development, Sustainable Land Use Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning

BS in Public Policy, Management, and Planning

Contact Person: David Sloane, Professor and Director, Undergraduate ProgramsPhone: (213) 740-5768E-mail [email protected] Year initiated:1987 Not Accredited Degrees Granted from 2005 to 2010 ......................................................500Degrees Granted from 2009 to 2010 ......................................................176


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1000Minimum TOEFL 600Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Same as University

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................16Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................8Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................16Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................8Other ...........................................................................................................0Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 48Exam, Thesis or Final Product: ................................Comprehensive Exam

Applied Accepted Enrolled2009 2009 2009

Undergraduate 302 82 49Masters 260 157 62Doctoral 123 26 18

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FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: Full and Partial Tuition ScholarshipsAssistantships: Graduate Assistantships

DOCTORAL (PH.D.) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................8Hours of Methodology or Teaching Related Courses ..............................10Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................16Other .........................................................................................................26Total Required Hours In Planning Program ....................... 60, min 46 (with advanced standing) Exam, Thesis or Final Product: .....................Screening, Qualifying Exam,............................................................................................ and Dissertation

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: Full ScholarshipsAssistantships: Graduate Assistantships

DOCTORAL (PH.D.) ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Master’s degree in Planning or a related field or 12 units of graduate- level Planning courseworkMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.5Minimum GRE: 1100 (Verbal and Quantitative)Minimum TOEFL 600


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning and Development (Ph.D.)

Contact Person: Tridib Banerjee, Professor and Director of Graduate Programs in Urban Planning Phone: (213) 740-4724E-mail [email protected]

Year Initiated 1983Degrees Granted from 2005 to 2010 ....................................................... 36Degrees Granted from 2009 to 2010 ......................................................... 2


Doctor of Policy, Planning, and Development (DPPD)

Contact Person: Richard Callahan, Director of Leadership ProgramsPhone: (916) 442-6911E-mail [email protected]

Year initiated 2005Degrees Granted from 2005 to 2010 ....................................................... 18Degrees Granted from 2009 to 2010 ......................................................... 5

Doctoral SpecializationsCommunity and Economic Development,

Environmental Policy and Management, Housing, International Planning and Development, Planning

Theory, Real Estate Development, Transportation and Land Use, Urban Design

DOCTORAL (DPPD) ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree in relevant fields and Master’s degree strongly advised Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.5Minimum GRE: Not requiredMinimum TOEFL 600

DOCTORAL (DPPD) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................8Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................16Other .........................................................................................................52Total Required Hours In Planning Program .......................... 60, min 40 (with advanced standing) Exam, Thesis or Final Product: ................Screening, Conspectus Defense, and Planning, Design, and Development Project

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 4 7 11

White 17 26 43

African American 3 5 8

Native American/Pacific Islander N/A N/A N/A

Asian American 14 16 30

Mixed N/A N/A N/A

Other/don’t know 4 3 7

Non-US Citizens Non-permanent residents 5 12 17

Total Students 47 69 116

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

ALL DOCTORAL PROGRAMS:Sample of dissertations granted 2009 and 2010

A Megaproject Matrix: Ideology, Discourse and Regulation in the 1. Delhi Metro RailBank Community Corporation Investments in Community Economic 2. DevelopmentBeyond Regulation: Special Improvement Districts, Design Review, 3. and Place-Making in New JerseyCongestion Pricing with an Unpriced Temporal Alternative and with 4. Heterogeneous User GroupsLinking Participation, Program Design and Outcomes; Voluntary Air 5. Quality Programs at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long BeachSpaces of Market-Culturalism: Chungking Mansions, Hong Kong6. Testing the Entrepreneurial City Hypothesis: A Study of the Los 7. Angeles RegionThe Rhetoric of Representation: Planning Los Angeles' Civic Space, 8. 1909 – 2009The Settlement of Migrant Workers in Korea: From the Entitlement of 9. the Workers' Rights to the Integration into Local CommunitiesTransformation of Housing in Slum Upgrading Areas: Lessons From 10. Turkey


Tridib Banerjee FAICPProfessor. Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Physical Planning/Urban Design, International Development and Planning, Planning Theory. (213) 740-4724 [email protected]

Raphael BosticProfessor. Ph.D., Stanford University. (On leave. Serving as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD). Specializations: Urban and Regional Economics, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Real Estate Development, Economic Development Planning. (213) 740-1220 [email protected]

Elizabeth CurridAssistant Professor. Ph.D., Columbia University. Specializations: Economic Development and Arts/Culture. (213) 740-4012 [email protected]

Liz FallettaClincial Assistant Professor. M.Arch., The Southern California Institute of Architecture, M.R.E.D., University of Southern California. Specialization: Urban Design [email protected]

Peter GordonProfessor. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Community Development, Economic Development Planning, Infrastructure/Public Services, Land Use/Growth Management. (213) 740-1467 [email protected]

Genevieve Giuliano Professor. Ph.D., University of California, Irvine. Specializations: Transportation Planning and Policy, Urban/Regional Economics, Land Use/Growth Management. (213) 740-3956 [email protected]

Eric J. HeikkilaProfessor. Ph.D., University of British Columbia. Specializations: International Development and Planning, Urban and Regional Economics, Metropolitan/Regional Planning. (213) 821-1037 [email protected]

Martin H. KriegerProfessor. Ph.D., Columbia University. Specializations: Visual Documentation of Urban Phenomena, Mathematical Modeling, Planning Theory, Environmental Planning. (213) 740-3957 [email protected]

Daniel A. MazmanianProfessor. Ph.D., Washington University. Specializations: Environmental Policy, Policy Implementation, Sustainable Communities, Political Science. [email protected]

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 3 3

White 9 5 14

African American 0 2 2

Native American/Pacific Islander N/A N/A N/A

Asian American 1 2 3

Mixed 0 2 2

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-permanent residents 10 11 21

Total Students 20 25 45

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Austin G. AndersonLecturer. M.B.A., Stanford. Specializations: Urban and Regional Economics, Real Estate Development. [email protected]

Deepak BahlAdjunct Assistant Professor. M.Arch., Clemson University; M.Pl., University of Southern California. Specializations: Economic Development, Urban Design. (213) 740-9491 [email protected]

Vinayak BharneAdjunct Instructor. M.Arch., University of Southern California. Specializations: Urban Design, New Urbanism. [email protected]


Hilda BlancoResearch Professor. Ph.D. University of California Berkeley. Specializations: Planning Theory, Community Development and Planning, Environmental Policy and Governance. [email protected]

Jan Breidenbach. Adjunct Associate Professor. M.A., University of California, Los Angeles. Specialization: Affordable Housing. [email protected]

Manuel CastellsWallis Annenberg Chair of Communication Technology & Society. Ph.D., University of Paris-Sorbonne. Specializations: Political Economy, International Development and Planning, Planning Theory, Social Policy. (213) 821-2079 [email protected]

Grace DyrnessAdjunct Instructor. D.P.D.S., University of Southern California. Specialization: Ecotourism. [email protected]

James A. FawcettLecturer. Ph.D., University of Southern California. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Coastal Planning and Management, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Politics and Governance. (213) 740-4477 [email protected]

William FultonSenior Scholar. M.S., Planning, University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Growth Management, Planning Process, Land Use Policy. [email protected]

Con HoweAdjunct Instructor. M.C.P., Massachussetts Institute of Technology. Specialization: Economic Development. [email protected]

Dion JacksonAdjunct Professor. M.R.E.D., M.B.A., and M.Pl., University of Southern California. Specialization: Economic Development. [email protected]

Allan D. Kotin Adjunct Professor. M.A., University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Real Estate Development, Economic Development Planning, Public Finance/Fiscal Planning, Impact [email protected]

Alan Kreditor FAICPProfessor and Senior Vice President Emeritus, Special Advisor for Development. M.C.P., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Real Estate (213) 740-2939 [email protected]

James KushnerAdjunct Instructor. L.L.B., and J.D., University of Maryland. Specializations: Health, Law and Planning. [email protected]

Leonard Mitchell Clinical Professor. M.B.A., George Washington University; J.D., Antioch School of Law. Specializations: Economic Development Finance, Planning Law, Economic Development Planning, International Development and (213) 740-1487 [email protected]

Dowell MyersProfessor. Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Demography, Housing, Planning Theory, Race/Ethnicity and Planning, Land Use/Growth Management. (213) 740-7095 [email protected]

Juliet MussoAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Citizen Participation/Community Organization, Politics and Governance. (213) 740-0636 [email protected] W. Richardson James Irvine Chair/Professor. M.A., Manchester University, UK. Specializations: Economic Aspects of Terrorism, Urban and Regional Economics, Transportation. (213) 740-3954 [email protected]

Lisa SchweitzerAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of Califonria, Los Angeles. Specializations: Transportation Planning and Policy, Environmental Planning. (213) 740-3866 [email protected]

David SloaneProfessor. Ph.D., Syracuse University. Specializations: Planning History, Social Policy/Human Services, Race/Ethnicity and Planning. (213) 740-5768 [email protected]

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Katherine PerezAdjunct Instructor. M.A., University of California, Los Angeles. Specialization: Community Participation [email protected]

John PerfittAdjunct Instructor. M.A., Loyola Marymount University. Specialization: Economic Development. [email protected] Deike PetersAdjunct Assistant Professor. Ph.D., Rutgers University, M.A., M.S., Columbia University. Specialization: International Development, Transportation, Land Use. [email protected]

Jon PynoosProfessor, Gerontology and Planning. Ph.D., Harvard University. Specialization: Housing and the elderly (213) 740-5156 [email protected]

James RabeAdjunct Instructor. M.A., University of Southern California. Specialization: Economic Development [email protected] Krista SloniowskiAdjunct Instructor. M.Pl., University of Southern California. Specialization: Environmental Planning. [email protected]

Chris SteinsAdjunct Instructor. M.Pl., University of Southern California. Specialization: Information Technology. [email protected]

Deborah Torres Adjunct Associate Professor. M.Arch., Harvard. Specializations: Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Landcape/Site Design, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Physical Planning/Urban Design. [email protected]

Frank B. Wein FAICPAdjunct Professor. D.P.D.S., University of Southern California. Specializations: Policy Plans (General Plans,Specific Plans), Environmental Impact Studies/Reports, Public Participation programs. [email protected]

Jack L. WongAdjunct Professor. M.A., University of California, Los Angeles. Specializations: Redevelopment/Economic Development; Housing; City Planning; Public Outreach, Community Development, Physical Planning, Ethnicity and [email protected]

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Community Planning and DevelopmentMuskie School of Public Service

96 Falmouth Street, P.O. Box 9300Portland, Maine 04104-9300

Phone (207) 780-4864Fax (207) 780-4060

Charles S. Colgan, Chair Phone: (207) 780-4008

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program ................................ July 1, 2010Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Masters program .....................February 1, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees .................. $364/credit hour per semester. For residents of .............................................................New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, and .............................................. Connecticut and residents of Canada: $545/credit hourOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ................................... $1,010/credit hour per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$65Additional Fees: ...............................................$27.00/credit hour, Unified Fee; $80, Health Fee for 6+ credits; $80 6 or more credit hours, Transportation Fee. $50-$100 depending on credit hours taken per semester


MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Community Planning and Development

Contact: Charles S. Colgan, Chair Phone: (207)780-4008E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1997 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................44Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................6

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................27Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses Required .............................3Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................9Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Capstone Project .........................................................................................3Internship (for pre-service students) ...........................................................0

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: University of Southern Maine plus Muskie School tuition waivers and scholarships available

Scholarships (Full-time status)

Graduate/Research Assistantships (Registered for 6 credit hours) 10-20 hours per week. Stipend $4500-$9000 per year plus 9-18 tuition cred-its. Assistantships funded by both University of Southern Maine and by external funders including the Environmental Protection Agency, Economic Development Administration, National Science Foundation, and State of Maine.

Masters SpecializationsLand Use & Environment, Community & Economic

Development, Health Planning Joint Degree Program with University of

Maine Law School


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelors degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: N/AMinimum GRE: N/AMinimum TOEFL: 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: N/ADepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 7 28 6 22 5 17US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 14 16 30

African American 1 0 1

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-permanent residents 0 0 0

Total Students 15 16 31

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Richard BarringerResearch Professor. AB, Harvard College (1959); MA, University of Massachusetts (1963); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1968). Specializations: Natural Resource Planning, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, State Politics & Policy. (207) 780-4418 [email protected]

Charles S. ColganProfessor. BA, Colby College (1971); Ph.D., University of Maine (1992). Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Transportation & Urban/Regional Economics, Quantitative Methods, GIS. (207) 780-4008 [email protected]

Jack KartezProfessor. BA, Middlebury College (1974); MUP, University of Oregon (1976); Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1990). Specializations: Public Policy & Environmental Dispute Resolution, Planning Theory, Land Use Planning, GIS. (207) 780-5389 [email protected]

Yuseung Kim AICPAssistant Professor. BS Environmental Science and Urban Planning Yonsei University (Korea) (1999) MRP Cornell University (2001) PhD University of Colorado-Denver 2010. Specializations: Urban design, GIS, landscape analysis, planning support systems. [email protected]

Josephine LaPlanteAssociate Professor. BA (1973), MA (1983) and Ph.D. (1984), Syracuse University. Specializations: Public Finance, Applied Statistics, Policy Analysis. (207) 228-8593 [email protected]

Mark LappingInterim Executive Director and Distinguished Professor. BS, State University of New York, New Paltz (1967); Ph.D., Emory University (1972). Specializations: Community Development, Environmental/Natural Resource Planning, Regional Development Planning; Rural Planning. (207) 228-8180 [email protected]

Sam MerrillResearch Assistant Professor. BA, University of Maine (1991); MS (1994) and Ph.D. (2002), University of Minnesota. Specializations: Conservation Planning, Environmental Planning, Wildlife Ecology. (207) 228-8596 [email protected]

Lisa MorrisAssistant Professor. BA, University of Southern Maine (1989), MS in Urban Planning (1994) and MSW (1993), Rutgers University; PhD University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (1999). Specializations: Economics, labor market analysis, poverty, race and gender (207) 788-5876 [email protected]


PLANNING FACULTY OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYJohn BaumanVisiting Research Professor. BA, Ursinus College (1960); MA, Temple University (1964); Ph.D., Rutgers University (1969). Specializations: Planning History, Housing & Historic Preservation. (207) 780-5389 [email protected]

Alan HoltAdjunct Assistant Professor. BA, Marlboro College (1982); M.Arch., Columbia University. Specializations: Urban Design, Architecture, Participatory Design. (207) 773-3833 [email protected]

Evan Richert AICPVisiting Research Associate Professor. BA (1969) and MRP (1974), Syracuse University. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Marine Resources, Growth Management. (207) 780-4824 [email protected]

The Muskie School of Public Service's Community Planning and Development program was inaugurated in 1997 and graduated its first students in 1999. The degree reflects the commitment to the environmen-tal and community development values of the School's namesake, the late Senator Edmund S. Muskie.

The program focuses on the planning and development needs of New England communities, but prepares students to deal with issues encoun-tered across the United States. In addition to the core courses, students may select from concentrations in land use and the environment, com-munity and regional development, or a joint Masters-JD degree program with the University of Maine School of Law.

The student body is drawn primarily from Maine and New England states, and courses are offered on schedules suitable for both full and part-time students.

The CPD program is affiliated with three research centers located within the Muskie School. The Casco Bay National Estuary project is a coopera-tive program addressing the environmental quality of Casco Bay and its watersheds. The EPA New England Environmental Finance Center ( undertakes projects addressing smart growth issues throughout New England. The Casco Bay Estuary Partnership ( is an EPA-funded program part of the National Estuary Program. The Maine Center for Business and Economic Research funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration ( undertakes research and technical assistance projects in economic development and transporta-tion. The program is also part of a major new initiative in sustainability in partnership with University of Maine funded by the National Science Foundation. (

The Program endeavors to provide financial assistance to all students who require it. Non Maine resident students may be eligible to apply fund-ing assistance to tuition at resident rates. Residents of New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut are eligible for reduced tuition.

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City and Regional Planning ProgramUTA Box 19588

Arlington, TX 76019Phone (817) 272-3071

Fax (817) 272-5008

Ivonne Audirac, DirectorPhone (817) 272-3071


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESMaster’s Admission Deadlines 2010-2011For International Students ....................................................FALL 10: April 1, 2010.............................................................................. SPRING 11: September 15, 2010................................................................................SUMMER 11: February 1, 2011

For U. S. Students .................................................................FALL 10: June 1, 2010.................................................................................. SPRING 11: October 15, 2010...................................................................................... SUMMER 11: April 1, 2011

Doctoral Admission DeadlineAdmission for Fall Semester Only ................................ Feb 1 for the following FallFinancial Aid Deadline ................................................................. Receipt by April 1In-State Tuition 2009-2010 .........................................................$4,150 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition 2009-2010 .................................................$6,763 per semester..................................................................................(additional fees may also apply; ................................................................................ see Graduate Catalog for details)Application Fee .................................................................$40-$70 for U.S. Students.....................................................................................$60 for International Students

GENERAL COST OF LIVINGApproximate Annual Cost: ............................................................................ $18,000

MASTER'S DEGREEMaster's in City and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Ivonne Audirac, DirectorPhone: 817-272-3071E-mail:

Year Initiated: 1975 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through May 2010 ......................................................373Degrees Granted in 2009-2010 academic year .........................................17


MASTER'S ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1000 (verbal + quantitative)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not Required.Departmental Requirements: Three letters of recommendation, 250 word essay

MASTER'S GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core (semester hours) ................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ......................................... 3/6Hours of Electives ............................................................................... 12/15Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Thesis or Final Report Product ..................................................................... - Theses ...............................................................................................6 -Professional Report ............................................................................3 Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48


Internship Opportunities Many of the 200 jurisdictions in the region and several consultants offer internships opportunities.

Dept. Awards and Grants Graduate Dean’s Doctoral Fellowships; Graduate Teaching Assistantships; numerous scholarships make it possible for recipients to pay in-statetuition.

Research Assistantships The program offers several GRAs and GTAs on a competitive basis. The Institute of Urban Studies provides opportunities for professional plan-ning, experience and in-depth urban research as GRAs.

Applied Enrolled Applied Enrolled08-09 08-09 09-10 09-10

Master’s in City and Regional Planning 75 35 61 23

Master's Specializations

Urban and Suburban Design and Redevelopment Green Cities and Transportation

Creative Cities and Economic Development

Certificate Programs in GIS and Development Review

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Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Public Policy

Contact Person: Ard Anjomani, DirectorPhone: (817) 272-3071E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 2003Degrees Granted 2004-2010 ....................................................................... 4

Dissertations Granted from 2004-2010

1. Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Industrial Regional Growth inMexico, 1993-2003: Implications for Regional Planning and Public Policy.2. Growth/Decline of Employment Subcenter in Polycentric Regions: The Case of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitian Area.3. Shared Land Use Impacts Between Military Installations and Contiguous Communities (post-BRAC): Fact and Opinion Differences in Planning and Public Policy.4. Planning for Growth in Cities and Metropolitan Regions: An Empirical Study of Impact Fee and Choice.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.



DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Current GRE score; Current minimum TOEFL score of 213 on computer-based exam (Non-native English speakers only)Minimum GRE: 1000 (minimum 500 on verbal + minimum 500 on quantitative)

Departmental Requirements: Master’s degree from an accredited institution; 3.6+ GPA in master’s; three letters of recommendation; statement of research interests.

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core (semester hours) ................................................................30(some core hours may be waived upon recommendation of student’s supervisory committee, depending on student’s previous preparation)Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Electives .......................................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................0Total Required Hours in Doctoral Program .....................39 + dissertationThesis or Final Product ............................................. Dissertation Required Indicators of Academic Progress ..............................Completion of writtencomprehensive exam in Planning/Policy; completion of diagnostic evalu-ation; completion of oral presentation of dissertation proposal; successful oral defense of dissertation proposal

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship Opportunities:Many of the 200 jurisdictions in the region and several consultants offer internship opportunities.

Dept. Awards and Grants:Graduate Dean’s Doctoral Fellowships; numerous scholarships make it possible for recipients to pay in-state tuition.

Research Assistantships:The program offers several GTAs that pay tuition and a monthly stipend, and several GRAs and GTAs are offered through the Institute of Urban Studies. The University of Texas at Arlington also provides competitive fellowships.

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 4 3 7

White 26 12 38

African American 0 2 2

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 2 1 3

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 1 0 1

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 4 7 11

Total Students 37 26 63

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 1 0 1

White 7 1 8

African American 4 1 5

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 1 1

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 6 2 8

Total Students 18 5 23

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PLANNING FACULTYArdeshir Anjomani Professor. M.Arch., University of Tehran (1968); M. Planning (1976) and Ph.D. (1979), University of Southern California. Specializations: Urban Development, Land-Use Planning and Urban Design, Environmental and Land Suitability Analysis Using GIS Technology, Community Revitalization and Economic Development, Research and Analytical Technique, Transportation Planning. (817) 272-3310 [email protected]

Ivonne AudiracAssociate Professor. B.Arch., Technologico de Monterrey, MX (1978); M.A., Colorado State Univ. (1982); MURP and PhD, University of Florida (1983 & 1987). Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management; Environmental Planning; International Development. (817) 272-3338

Enid ArvidsonAssociate Professor. B.A., University of California Santa Barbara (1979); M.R.P. (1985) and Ph.D. (Economics, 1996), University of Massachusetts. Specializations: Urban Political Economy, Urban Economics, Economic Development, Urban and Regional Theory, Planning Theory. (817) 272-3349 [email protected]

Barbara BeckerDean and Professor. B.S. (1969), M.S. (1983) and Ph.D. (1989), University of Texas at Austin. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Rural and Small Town Planning, Comprehensive and Strategic Planning, Economic Development. (817) 272-3301 [email protected]

Carl GrodachAssistant Professor. B.A., University of Arizona (1995); M.S., University of Texas Austin (1999); Ph.D. University of California Los Angeles (2006). Specializations: Urban Redevelopment, Community and Economic Development, Cultural Policy and Planning, Urban Tourism, Urban Design/Built Environment, Historic Preservation. (817) 272-3358 [email protected]

Jeff HowardAssistant Professor. B.A., University of Texas Austin (1981); M.S. (1997) and Ph.D. (2004), Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute. Specializations: Environmental Policy; Critical Environmental Theory; Political Dimensions of Environmental Science; Social Steering of Technology; Participatory Democratic Decision Making; Decision Making in Highly Uncertain Contexts; Social Policy Formation; Qualitative Research Methods. (817) 272-5119 [email protected]

Jianling Li AICP/APAAssociate Professor. B.S., Zhongshan University (1982); M.A. (1992) and Ph.D. (1997), University of California Los Angeles. Specializations: Transportation Research and Planning; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). (817) 272-3367 [email protected]

Edith Juanita BarrettProfessor and Distinguished Teaching Professor. B.S., Baylor University (1982); M.S. (1984) and Ph.D. (1987), Northwestern University. Specializations: Urban Public Policy (esp. adolescent issues, education, housing, social welfare), Methodology and Program/Policy Evaluation, Political Attitudes and Behavior (esp. among under-represented groups), Public Opinion/Survey Research. (817) 272-3385 [email protected]

Karabi C. BezboruahAssistant Professor. B.A. Gauhati University, India (1998), MBA Gauhati Univesity, India (2001), Ph.D., University of Texas at Dallas (2008). Specializations: Nonprofit Organizations; Management and Administrations; Philantrophy – Individual and Institutional (817) 272-3071

Colleen CaseyAssistant Professor. B.S., Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (1995); M.S., Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (1997); Ph.D., Saint Louis University (2007). Specializations: Governance, Collaborative Management, Social Context of Public Policy and Administration, Community Reinvestment, Access to Mortgage Credit in Low-Income/Urban Communities. (817) 272-3356 [email protected]

Richard L. ColeProfessor. B.A. (1967) and M.A. (1968), University of North Texas; Ph.D., Purdue University (1973). Specializations: Intergovernmental Relations, Public Policy, Urban Politics, Research Strategies, Methodology. (817) 272-3300 [email protected]

Rodney V. HissongAssociate Professor. B.S. (1974) and M.S. (1978), Iowa State University; Ph.D., Rice University (1989). Specializations: Theory and Policy of Urban Economics, Urban Public Finance, Research Methods. (817) 272-3350 [email protected]

Maria Martinez-CosioAssistant Professor. B.A. (1982), M.Ed. (1995), M.A. (1998), Ph.D. (2003), University of California San Diego. Specializations: Urban Sociology, Race and Ethnic Relations, Urban Politics, Urban Ethnography. (817) 272-3302 [email protected]

Darla Flint PaulsonAssistant Professor. B.A. St. Cloud State University (1997), Ph.D., University of Minnesota (2009). Specializations: Macro and Micro Human Resource Management; Business Ethics. (817) 272-3071

Andrew WhittemoreAssistant Professor. B.A., Haverford University (2002); M.C.P., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2004); PhD, University of California, Los Angeles (2010). Specializations: History and Theory of the Built Environment in Western Societies, Planning History in the United States and Europe, Land Use Planning in the United States. (817) 272-0458

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Alejandro Rodriguez Associate Professor. B.S., City College of New York (1982), M.P.A., Marist College (1991), Ph.D., Florida International University (1999). Specializations: Government Reform, Performance Measurement, Strategic Planning, Local Government, Public-private Relationships, Information Technology in Government. (817) 272-3357 [email protected]

Delbert A. TaebelProfessor Emeritus. B.A., Ripon College (1956), M.A., San Jose State University (1965), Ph.D., University of Texas Austin (1971).

Sherman M. WymanProfessor. B.A., Stanford University (1957), M.P.A., Syracuse University (1959), Ph.D., University of Southern California (1969). Specializations: Urban Development, Urban Management, Public Organizational Change and Development. (817) 272-3359 [email protected]


The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is one of the great urban laboratories of the world. Home to over six and half million people, it is a metropolis where every dilemma and benefit urban regions can contain exists at every scale, and where new challenges and experimental solutions are constantly developing across a vast and diverse landscape. Here students do not merely have an immense array of individual topics that they can explore, hands-on, at their doorstep, but also a wide assortment of different venues where they can investigate these topics and make a difference themselves.

For the student of local government, the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington combined statistical area covers over 14,600 square miles (larger than Rhode Island and Connecticut combined), contains within it two metropolitan areas, five micropolitan areas, nineteen counties, and almost two hundred cities and towns. For the student of urban design there are stabilization, infill, redevelopment and greenfield master planned projects of all kinds underway around the region, as well as virtually every kind of urban environment for first hand study, from walkable neighborhoods, to high-rise districts, to New Urban, suburban, exurban, and rural communities. For the student of transportation, the Metroplex is home to not only vast roadway, freeway, and tollway networks, as well as one of the busiest airports in the world, but also multiple mass transit systems that include the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) light rail network, the Trinity River Express (TRE) commuter rail line, the soon-to-open Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) A-Train rail line, and an historic trolley line For the student of the environment, there are not one, but two large-scale urban park and ecological restoration projects underway along the Trinity River (in both Dallas and Fort Worth), a new park project is being built atop a freeway in downtown Dallas, and sustainability initiatives are in progress across the region. For the student of local economics, the

Metroplex ranks fourth in the country in corporate headquarters and has a gross metropolitan product of almost $390 - the tenth largest in the world and more than that of even the San Francisco Bay Area. And the list goes on…

It is in the Metroplex that the nation’s most urgent urban challenges are presenting themselves today and where those solutions that can apply to the rest of the nation will need to be developed. The student active in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area that studies, understands, and shapes this region, will be ready to shape the nation and the world.

Our urban laboratory

It's not all work and no play

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School of Architecture1 University Station

Austin, Texas 78712-0222Phone (512) 471-1922

Fax (512) 471-0716

Kent S. Butler, Program DirectorPhone (512) 797-6644

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 for Masters program ...................... January 7, 2011Admission Deadline 2011-2012 for PhD program ............................ January 7, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 for Masters program .................. March 31, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-2012 for PhD program ....................... March 31, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees ............................................................ $5,247 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ..................................................... $9,799 per semesterApplication Fee ...................................................................... $65/$90 (International)Additional Fees: ........................................................................ <$1,000 per semester

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Science in Community & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Ming Zhang, Graduate Adviser Phone: (512) 471-0139 E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1959 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................898Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................34

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1000Minimum TOEFL 550 (for BOTH University and Program)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: None

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................9Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................9Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ...................... Field Area Project (optional)


FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONFederal loans and grants, SOA ScholarshipsEligibility and Criteria: Need and scholastic achievements.


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10

Masters 209 164 89 91 43 43Doctoral 39 34 6 4 5 2

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 4 5 9

White 20 40 60

African American 1 3 4

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 2 2 4

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 6 2 8

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 12 6 18

Total Students 45 58 103

Masters SpecializationsEconomic & Community Development,

Environmental & Natural Resources Planning, Historic Preservation, Transportation, Housing, Land

Use & Development

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DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core .............................................................................................9Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................18Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................15Other ...........................................................................................................9Total ..........................................................................................................51Exams or Written Requirements: .............................................. Dissertation

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Master's DegreeMinimum GRE: 1,000Minimum TOEFL: 550Minimum GPA: 3.0Departmental Requirement: No Requirements


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYKent S. ButlerDirector, Associate Dean, and Associate Professsor. BA, MS, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Water and Infrastructure Planning, Metropolitan and Regional Planning, Sustainable Development. (512) 797-6644 [email protected]

Sarah DoolingAssistant Professor. BS, MSSW, University of Maine; Ph.D., University of Washington. Specializations: Urban Ecology, Urban Vulnerabilities, Ecosystem Services, Spatial Justice, Interdisciplinary Pedagogy. (512) 471-7878 [email protected]

Michael HolleranAssociate Professor. AB, Brown University; MCP, Ph.D., Massachussetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Historic Preservation Technology, History of Urban Design & Development, Vernacular Landscapes, Water History. (512) 471-3792 [email protected]

Terry KahnProfessor. BBA, MBA, University of Texas, Austin; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Quantitative Methods, Public & Private Land Development Process, Housing Demand & Production. (512) 232-3634 [email protected]

Ming-Chun LeeAssistant Professor. BS, MS, National Cheng Kung University; M.Arch., Ph.D., University of Washington. Specializations: Community Informatics, Community-based Technology, Place-based Community Development and Design, Graphic Media in Urban Design and Planning. (512) 475-6158 [email protected]

Talia McCrayAssistant Professor. BS, North Carolina A&T St. University; BS, Bennett College; MS, Northwestern University; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Specializations: Transportation Planning, Accessibility, Equity, Community Development. (512) 471-2708 [email protected]

Elizabeth MuellerAssistant Professor. BSFS, School of Foreign Studies, Georgetown University; MCP, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Community Development, Housing & Poverty, Urban Politics, Qualitative Methods. (512) 471-1151 [email protected]

DOCTORAL DEGREEPhD in Community & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Robert G. PatersonPhone: (512) 471-0734E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1995Enrolled Students as of 8/31/10 ...............................................................15Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ............................................................16Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ...................................................3

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 2 8 10

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 2 3 5

Total Students 4 11 15

Doctoral SpecializationsEconomic & Community Development, Environmental

& Natural Resources Planning, Housing, Historic Preservation, Transportation, Land Use & Development

(List of all dissertation topics is not available.)

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYDean AlmyAssociate Professor. B.Arch., Cornell University; M.Arch., University of Texas, Austin. Specializations: Urban Design, Landscape Urbanism, Architecture. (512) 232-9311 [email protected]

Fernando LaraAssistant Professor. B.Arch., MSc, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Specializations: Latin American Architecture and Urbanism, Dissemination of Architectural Knowledge, Informal Settlements. (512) 471-0711 [email protected]

Steven A. MooreProfessor. B.Arch., Syracuse University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University. Specializations: Sustainable Design & Technology, Environmental Policy & Ethics, Sustainable Development. (512) 471-0184 [email protected]

Allan W. ShearerAssistant Professor. AB, Princeton University; MLA with Distinction, AM, Ph.D., Harvard University. Specializations: Landscape Planning, Futures/Scenario Methodology, Environmental Security. (512) 232-5286 [email protected]

FYIJoint Degree Programs • MA in Latin American Studies and MSCRP • JD in Law and MSCRP• M. Public Affairs and MSCRP• MS Urban Design and MSCRP• MS Sustainable Design and MSCRP

Michael OdenAssociate Professor. BA, University of Texas, Austin; Ph.D., New School for Social Research, New York. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Applied Planning Methods, Housing Policy, Regional Theory. (512) 471-0121 [email protected]

Robert G. PatersonAssociate Professor. BA, MPA, Florida Atlantic University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Growth Management, Sustainable Community Development, Public Policy Dispute Resolution, Community Consensus Building. (512) 471-0734 [email protected]

Rachael RawlinsLecturer. BA, University of California, Berkeley; MCRP, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; JD, University of Texas, Austin. Specializations: Planning Law, Preservation Law. (512) 471-1922 [email protected]

Bjorn SlettoAssistant Professor. BA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; MA, University of Kansas, Lawrence; Ph.D., Cornell University. Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Planning in Latin America, Urban Environmental Analysis, Indigenous Cartographies. (512) 471-5153 [email protected]

Frederick Steiner FASLA and FAARProfessor and Dean. BSD, MCP, University of Cincinnati; MRP, MA, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Ecological Land Use Planning, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Impact Assessment. (512) 471-1922 [email protected]

Patricia WilsonProfessor. BA, Stanford University; MRP, Ph.D., Cornell University. Specializations: Participatory Planning, Community Development: International & Local, Local Development in Latin America. (512) 471-0130 [email protected]

Ming Zhang AICPAssociate Professor. BE, ME, Tsinghua University; MRP, State University of New York at Albany; MST, Ph.D., Massachussetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Urban Transportation Planning, Urban Form and Travel Behavior, GIS Applications in Planning, International Planning. (512) 471-0139 [email protected]

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BA in Geography Contact Person: Dr. David J. Nemeth, Undergrad. AdvisorPhone: (419) 530-4049E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated:1966



Department of Geography and Planning2801 W. Bancroft Street, MS 932

Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390Phone (419) 530-2545

Fax (419) 530-7919

Dr. Patrick L. Lawrence, Department ChairPhone: (419) 530-4287

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: NoneMinimum GPA: 2.0Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: Not Required

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 12Hours of Studio Courses ..............................................................................Hours of Restricted Elective ........................................................................Hours of Unrestricted Elective ....................................................................Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 31Thesis or final product .............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONWide variety available in the Office of Student Financial Aid (Rm. 1200 Rocket Hall)

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 .......................................................................... RollingFinancial Aid Deadline 2011-12 .......................................................................... N/AIn-State Tuition and Fees as of 2009-10 ......................................$4,000 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees as of 2009-10...............................$8,400 per semesterApplication Fee ...................................................................................................... $40Additional Fees: ........................................................... Please see University website

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-2012 for Masters program ...........................April 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 for Masters program .........................................N/AIn-State Tuition and Fees ...............................................Approx. $5,500 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees ......................................Approx. $10,600 per semesterApplication Fee ...................................................................................................... $45Additional Fees: ........................................................... Please see University website

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Arts in Geography

Contact Person: Dr. Dan Hammel, Grad. AdvisorPhone: (419) 530-4709E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1971

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.7Minimum GRE: 500 verbal, 500 quantitativeMinimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................12Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................0Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................3Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................21Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................36 Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ............................................Exam & Thesis

Applied Accepted Enrolled

66Masters 16

Undergraduate SpecializationsGIS, Community Development, Economic

Development, Environmental Planning, Historic Preservation, International Development, Land

Use/Growth Management, Public Policy, Real Estate Development, Transportation, Urban/Regional

Development and Urban Design/Landscape

Masters SpecializationsGIS, Community Development, Economic

Development, Environmental Planning, Historic Preservation, International Development, Land

Use/Growth Management, Public Policy, Real Estate Development, Transportation, Urban/Regional

Development and Urban Design/Landscape

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship opportunities, Department awards, University financial aid.

09/10 09/10 09/10

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US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 0 0 0

White 7 2 9African American 0 0 0Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents0 7 7

Total Students 7 9 16

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYBhuiyan AlamAssistant Professor. Ph.D. Urban & Regional Planning, Florida State University, (2005), MS Civil & Environmental Engineering, Florida State University, (2005), MS Regional and Rural Development Planning, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, (1995), BS Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, (1992). Specializations: GIS Applications in Transportation, Environmental Planning, Urban and Regional Planning, Quantitative Methods/Spatial Statistics, Transportation Planning and Modeling, Regional (419) 530-7269 [email protected]

Frank CalzonettiProfessor. Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, (1978), MA, Wayne State University, (1974), BA, Wayne State University, (1972). Specializations: Economic and Community (419) 530-4749 [email protected]

Kevin P. CzajkowskiProfessor. Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (1995), BS Meteorology , State University of New York at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY., (1989). Specializations: Remote Sensing, Computer Applications, Environmental Planning, GIS, Systems & Natural Resource (419) 530-4274 [email protected]

Daniel J. HammelAssociate Professor and Graduate Adivsor. Ph.D . University of Minnesota, (1994), MA University of Minnesota, (1988), BA Kansas State University, (1984). Specializations: Community and Economic Development Planning, Urban and Regional Economics, (419) 530-4709 [email protected]

Patrick LawrenceAssociate Professor and Department Chair. Ph.D. Geography, University of Waterloo, (1996), MS Geography, University of Guelph, Ontario, (1991), BES Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, Ontario, (1989). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Impact Assessment, Land Use/Growth Management, Natural Resource (419) 530-4128 [email protected]

Peter S. LindquistAssociate Professor. Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, (1988), MS University of Wisconsin, Madison, (1981), BS University of Wisconsin, Eau-Claire, (1978). Specializations: Computer Applications, GIS, Transportation, Urban and Regional (419) 530-4287 [email protected]

David J. NemethProfessor and Undergraduate Student Advisor. Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, 1984), MA California State University, Northridge, BA California State University, Northridge. Specializations: Historic Preservation, Natural Resource Planning, Physical Planning, Urban (419) 530-4049 [email protected]

Neil ReidAssociate Professor. Ph.D. Arizona State University, (1991), MA Miami University, (1987), MA University of Glasgow, (1985). Specializations: Demography & Economic Development (419) 530-3591 [email protected]

Mary Beth SchlemperAssistant Professor. Ph.D University of Madison-Wisconisn, (2003) MA University of Missouri, (1997), BA University of Missouri (1993). Specializations: Cultural and Historical (419) 530-5492 [email protected]

Sujata ShettyAssistant Professor. Ph.D. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan, (2002), MUP College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan, (1992), BA School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, (1987). Specializations: Community and Economic Development Planning, Gender and Planning, International (419) 530-2567 [email protected]

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Program In PlanningRoom 5053, Sidney Smith Hall

100 St. George StreetToronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G3

Phone (416) 946-0269Fax (416) 946-3886

Kanishka Goonewardena, Planning DirectorPhone: (416) 978-2974

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESApplication Deadline 2011-12 ..........................................................January 14, 2011Document Deadline 2011-12 ............................................................January 28, 2011Domestic Fees: ............................................................................. $8,941.18 per yearInternational Tuition and Fees .................................................... $22,257.18 per yearApplication Fee .................................................................................................... $110Additional Fees .................................................................................................. None


M.S.C. in Planning

Contact Person: Marija Wright, Planning AdvisorPhone: (416) 946-0269E-mail: [email protected] Year Initiated: 1963 CIP Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................817Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................34

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCore Half Courses .......................................................................................7Unrestricted Half Course Electives ...........................................................9Other Half Courses .....................................................................................0Total Half Courses Required in Program .................................................16Exams or Written Requirements: ................................Current Issues Paper

MA/MS/Ph.D. ACSP Member: CIP Corresponding


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Must hold a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.3 in final yearMinimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL IBT overall 93 with writing/speaking 22Departmental Requirement: Must hold a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

Master of Urban Design Studies

Contact Person: Marija Wright, Planning AdvisorPhone: (416) 946-0269E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1999Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................33Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................8

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Must hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.3 in final yearMinimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL IBT overall 93 with writing/speaking 22 Departmental Requirement: Must hold a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCore Half Courses .......................................................................................6Unrestricted Half Course Electives ............................................................2Other Half Courses .....................................................................................0Total Half Courses Required in Program ...................................................8Exams or Written Requirements: ..................................... No Requirements

Masters SpecializationsUrban Planning and Development

Social Planning and Policy Economic Planning and Policy

Environmental Planning Urban Design

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

MScPI 217 199 53 47 31 30MUDS 19 13 10 7 4 2

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Total Students 28 42 70

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Amrita DaniereProfessor. AB, Dartmouth College (1981); MP, Harvard University (1984) Ph.D., Harvard University (1990). Specializations: Urban Infrastructure in Developing Countries, Social Capital, Civic Space. (416) 978-3236 [email protected]

Meric Gertler FAICPProfessor. BS, McMaster University; MPP, UC Berkeley; Ph.D., Harvard. Specializations: Economic Geography, Regional and National Systems of Innovation. (416) 978-3887 [email protected]

Kanishka GoonewardenaAssociate Professor. BS, University of Moratuwa; MSP, University of Southern California; Ph.D., Cornell University. Specializations: Cultural Studies, Urban Planning Theory, Globalization. (416) 978-2974 [email protected]

Paul HessAssistant Professor. Ph.D., University of Washington. Specializations: History of Planning, Travel Behavior, Urban Form Analysis. (416) 978-1586 [email protected]



Note that the Planning program is part of the Department of Geography; planning students therefore have access to ‘joint-geography-planning’ courses taught by both planning and geogra-phy faculty and to the supervisory services of both Planning and Geography faculty. There are total of 40 graduate faculty in the Department of Geography (including the core Planning faculty).

Joint Degree Programs: • Planning and Community Development• Planning and Asia-Pacific Studies• Planning and Environmental Studies• Planning and Environment and Health• Planning and Women and Gender Studies


Ph.D. in Planning

Contact Person: Jessica FinlaysonPhone: (416) 978-3377E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2007

Ph.D. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Must hold a Master’s degree from an accredited institution.Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.7 in final yearMinimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL 580 (paper) or 237 (computer) plus 5.0 TWE. Minimum score for inter net-based testing is 93/120 overall and 22/30 for each of the Writing and Speaking sectionsDepartmental Requirement: Must hold a Master’s degree from an accredited institution.

PH.D. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCore Half Course ........................................................................................2Hours of Half Course Electives ..................................................................4Other Half Courses .....................................................................................0Total Half Courses Required in Program ...................................................6Exams or Written Requirements .........................Comprehensive exam and ...............................................................................................thesis proposal

Virginia Maclaren FAICPAssociate Professor. BA, Bishop’s University; MPL, Ottawa University; MA and Ph.D., Cornell University. Specializations: Waste Management, Sustainable Urban Development, Environmental Assessment. (416) 978-1594 [email protected]

Katharine RankinAssociate Professor. BA, MPL, and Ph.D., Cornell University. Specializations: Critical development studies, comparative market regu-lation; feminist and planning theory, South and Southeast Asia (416) 978-1592 [email protected]

Susan RuddickAssociate Professor. MA, McGill University; Ph.D., UCLA. Specializations: Social Theory/Social Construction of Childhood, Public Space and the Public Sphere, Urban Political Economy. (416) 978-1589 [email protected]

Matti SiemiatyckiAssistant Professor. BA, Ryerson University, MA, Oxford University; Ph.D., Univeristy of British Columbia. Specializations: Transporttation Policy and Planning; Infrastructure Finance and Delivery; Community and Regional Planning Space and the Public Sphere, Urban Political Economy. (416) 946-5145 [email protected]

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BA/BS in Urban Planning

Contact Person: Nan Ellin, ChairPhone: (801) 585-9354E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated:1980 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ..........................................................455Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 .................................................30


City & Metropolitan Planning Program375 South 1530 East, Room 220

Salt Lake City, Utah 84112Phone (801) 581-8255

Fax (801) 581-8217

Nan Ellin,ChairPhone:(801)585-9354

E-mail: [email protected]



UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Requirement: Admissions index numberDepartmental Requirement: Refer to University RequirementMinimum GPA: 2.75Minimum SAT/ACT Scores: 860/18

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .......................................................................................... 28Hours of Studio Courses ............................................................................ 4Hours of Restricted Elective .................................................................... 12Other .......................................................................................................... 3Total Required Hours In Planning Program ............................................ 47Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONAvailable on competitive basis.

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissionDeadline2010-11 .................................................................... April 1,2010FinancialAidDeadline2010-11 ............................................................ March 15,2010In-StateTuitionandFees .......................................12cr.hours $2,671; 15cr.hrs, $3,169Out-of-StateTuitionandFees ..............................12cr.hours $8,412; 15cr.hrs, $10,039Application Fee ......................................................................................................$35Additional Fees: .................................................................. Some special course fees

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissionDeadline2010-11forMastersprogram ..................................... April 1,2010FinancialAidDeadline2010-11forMastersprogram ............................... March 1,2010In-StateTuitionandFees .......................................12cr.hours $4,586; 15cr.hrs, $5,500Out-of-StateTuitionandFees ............................12cr.hours $11,487; 15cr.hrs, $13,755Application Fee ......................................................................................................$45Additional Fees: .................................................................. Some special course fees

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of City & Metropolitan Planning

Contact Person: Nan Ellin, ChairPhone: (801) 585-9354E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 2004 PAB Accreditation Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ............................................................81Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 .................................................20

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution; Application and an under graduate recordMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Required but no set minimumMinimum TOEFL 173/500Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Program application, recommendations and statement of intent

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................22Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................5Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ........................................... 50Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ...............................................................4-6

Undergraduate SpecializationsPhysical Planning & Design, Environmental Planning,

Land Use, Growth & Transportation

Masters SpecializationsPhysical Planning & Design, Environmental Planning,

Land Use, Growth & Transportation


Annual Student Enrollment

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate - - - - 82 97Masters 27 36 19 26 15 17Doctoral - 5 - 3 - 3

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FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONSeveral awards scholarships and assistantships are available on a com-petitive basis.

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.



U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 1 1

White 29 10 39

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 1 2

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 2 2

Total Students 30 14 44U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 0 0

White 0 3 3

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 0 0

Total Students 0 3 3

DOCTORAL DEGREEPh.D. in Metropolitan Planning, Policy and Design

ContactPerson: Dr. Reid Ewing, Ph.D. Program CoordinatorPhone: (801)585-3745E-mail: [email protected]

YearInitiated: 2009 DegreesGrantedthrough8/31/10 ............................................................ N/ADegreesGrantedfrom9/1/09to8/31/10 ................................................... N/A

Doctoral SpecializationsPhysical Planning & Urban Design; Land Use and Transportation; Growth Management and Smart

Growth; Planning Law; Community Development; Sustainability Planning; Public Health and


DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Graduate School ApplicationMinimum Graduate GPA: 3.50 recommended

GRE: 1200 recommendedMinimum TOEFL 61 iBT (500 pBT) minimum, but demonstrated mastery of scholarly writing in English requiredDepartmental Requirement: Program application, recommendations, statement of interest, curriculum vitae, writing samples/portfolio samples, dissertation topic, and where feasible campus visit

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................16Hours of Writing and Pedagogy .................................................................4Hours of Electives (minimum) .................................................................15Hours of Research (minimum) .................................................................24Hours of Planning Foundations (if without a planning masters degree ......................................... up to 22Total Minimum Hours ........................................................................ 61-83Exam, Thesis or Final Product ........................................Qualifying Paper; .......................................Comprehensive Exam; Dissertation with Defense

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PLANNING FACULTYKeith Bartholomew Associate Professor. JD, University of Oregon (1987); Bachelor of Music, Northern Illinois University, (1983). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Land Use/Growth Management, Planning Law, Metropolitan/Regional Planning. (801) 581-8944 [email protected]

Nan EllinProfessor. PhD, Urban Planning, Columbia University, (1994); Master of Philosophy, Urban Planning, Columbia University, (1994); Master of Arts, Anthropology, Columbia University, (1983); BA, Anthropology and Hispanic Studies, Bryn Mawr College, (1981). (801)-585-5394 [email protected]

Philip C. Emmi Professor. Ph.D., University of North Carolina, (1979); Master of Regional Planning from University of North Carolina); BA, Economics, Harvard University. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Planning Theory, Metro/Regional Planning, System Dynamics. (801) 581-4255 [email protected]

Reid EwingProfessor. PhD, MIT, (1978); MCP, Harvard University, (1973); MS, Harvard University, (1971); BS, Purdue University, (1970). (801) 581-8255 [email protected]

Stephen A. GoldsmithAssociate Professor Lecturer. Loeb Fellow in Advanced Environmental Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, (1999); BA, Webster College, St. Louis, Missouri, (1976). (801) 585-5147 [email protected]

Arthur C. Nelson FAICPPresidential Professor. Ph.D. Portland State University, (1984); Masters of Urban Studies in Public Administration, Portland State University, (1976); BS, Portland State University, (1972). (801) 581-8253 [email protected]

Brenda Case Scheer AICP Dean/Professor. M.Arch., Rice University, (1977); BA, Architecture, Rice University. Specializations: Smart Growth, Urban Design, Urban Redevelopment, Sustainable Development. (801) 581-8254 [email protected]

OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYRobert Farrington AICPAdjunct Associate Professor. MS, University of Texas, San Antonio, (1978); BA, Political Science and Communications, University of Houston, (1974). Specializations: Economic Development & Planning, Real Estate Development. (801) 535-7941 [email protected]

Hal Johnson Adjunct Professor. MURP and MA, State University of New York, Albany, (1994); BS, Urban Planning, University of Utah, (1991). Specializations: Community Planning, Transit Planning, TODs. (801) 287-2539 [email protected]

Pam Perlich Adjunct Professor. Ph.D., University of Utah, (1992); BS, Economics, University of Tulsa. Specializations: Computer Applications, Demography, Economic Development Planning, Urban and Regional Planning. (801) 581-3358 [email protected]

Patrick PuttAdjunct Assistant Professor. BS, Northern Arizona University, (1982); MA, Northern Arizona University, (1984). (435) 553-9161 [email protected]

George Shaw AICPAdjunct Associate Professor. MS, Brigham Young University, (1976); BS Geographic Planning, Brigham Young University, (1974). Specializations: Planning Processes & Methods. (801) 568-7261 [email protected]

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Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning

Contact Person: David Phillips, ProfessorPhone: (434) 982-2196E-mail: [email protected] Year Initiated:1958 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .......................................................... 461Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ................................................. 20



School of ArchitectureCampbell Hall

P.O. Box 400122Charlottesville, Virginia 22904

Phone (434) 924-1339Fax (434) 982-2678

A. Bruce Dotson, Department ChairPhone (434) 924-6459

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Completion of high school or community college transferMinimum GPA: 3.0+ encouragedMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: SAT 1200+ encouraged

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Hours of Core .................................. ……………………………………37Hours of Studio Courses ................................... ………………………….4Hours of Restricted Elective ..................................... …………………..73Hours of Unrestricted Elective ................................... ………………….15Total Required Hours in Planning Program ................................ ……..122Thesis or Final Product ...................………………………….Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONState Financial Aid and Work Study

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissions Deadline 2011-12 ........................................................... January 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 .......................................................... March 1, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees ................................................$10,694 per year (2010-11)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ..........................................$33,640 per year (2010-11)Application Fee ......................................................................................................$60Additional Fees ......................................................................................................$60

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmissions Deadline 2011-12 ........................................................... January 5, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 .................................................... February 15, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees .................................................$13,936 per year (2010-11)Out-of-State Tuition and Fees ..........................................$23,932 per year (2010-11)Application Fee ......................................................................................................$60Additional Fees ......................................................................................................$60

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban & Environmental Planning

Contact Person: A. Bruce Dotson, Associate Professor and ChairPhone: (434) 924-6459E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1964 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................1259Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................20

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’ s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0+ suggestedMinimum GRE: 1000+ suggestedMinimum TOEFL 600Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Application, student letter of interest, GRE and reference letters.

MASTERS GRADUATION RequirementsHours of Core ...........................................................................................23Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................15Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program.............................................50Exam,Thesis or Final Product..................................................Not required

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship opportunities, Department awards, University financial aid.


Undergraduate SpecializationsEnvironmental Planning,

Land Use/Growth Management,Community Development

Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental Management & Conservation,

Land Use & Growth Management, Housing and Community Development,

Public Policy and PlanningHistoric Preservation


*All but 4-6/year transfer into major

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Undergraduate -- -- -- -- 35 38Masters 115 120 81 79 26 25

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

PLANNING FACULTYTimothy Beatley Professor. BP, University of Virginia (1979); MUP, University of Oregon (1981); PhD, University of North Carolina (1986). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Land Use/Growth Management, Natural Resource Planning. (434) 924-6457 [email protected]

Nisha BotchweyAssociate Professor. AB (1997), Harvard University; MCRP (1999) and PhD (2003), University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Community Development, Public Health. (434) 924-6444 [email protected]

A. Bruce Dotson Associate Professor. BA (1966) and Ph.D. (1970), Cornell University. Specializations: Land Use/Growth Management, Planning Practice and Negotiation, Conflict Management. (434) 924-6459 [email protected]

William H. Lucy AICPProfessor. BA, Knox (1961); MA, University of Chicago (1961); PhD, University of Syracuse (1973). Specializations: Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Politics and Governance, Public Finance/Fiscal Planning, Public Management/Strategic Planning. (434) 924-4779 [email protected]


Warren BoeschensteinProfessor. BA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1962); B.Arch., Washington State University (1966); MUD, Harvard (1971). Specializations: Metropolitan and Regional Planning, Transportation. (434) 924-6440 [email protected]

E. Frank Dukes AICPLecturer. Ph.D., George Mason University (1972). Specializations: Public Involvement, Mediation, Dispute Resolution. (434) 924-2041 [email protected]

Satyendra Huja AICPLecturer. BA, Roberts Wesleyan (1966); MA, Michigan State University (1968). Specializations: Urban Revitalization, Planning Process. (434) 977-5094 [email protected]

Gary OkerlundLecturer. BA, University of Washington (1960); MLA, Harvard (1970). Specializations Urban Design. (434) 924-1339 [email protected]

Suzanne Morse MoomawLecturer. BA, University of Alabama (1973); MA, University of Alabama (Birmingham) (1997); PhD, University of Alabama (1982). Specializations: Community Development, Neighborhood Housing, Civic Engagement and Citizen Participation (434) 924-1339 [email protected]

David L. Phillips AICP Professor. MS, Stanford University (1966); PhD, Cornell University (1976). Specializations: Computer Applications, GIS, Quantitative Methods. (434) 982-2196 [email protected]

Daphne Spain Professor. BA, University of North Carolina (1972); MS (1974) and Ph.D. (1976), University of Massachusetts. Specializations: Demography, Gender Studies and Planning, Planning History. (434) 924-6430 [email protected]

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 1 0 1

White 16 24 40

African American 0 1 1

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 2 2

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 1 0 1

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 2 2

Total Students 17 27 44

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UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONDepartment of Urban Design and Planning

Box 355740Seattle, Washington 98195-5740

Phone (206) 543-4190Fax (206) 685-9597

E-mail: [email protected]

Qing Shen, PhD, Department ChairPhone: (206) 685-3937

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2011-12 ...........................................................January 15, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2011-12 .......................................................January 15, 2011In-State Tuition and Fees 2009-10 ..................................................$4233 per quarterOut-of-State/International Tuition and Fees 2009-10 ......................$9036 per quarterApplication Fee: ..................................................................................................... $65Additional Fees: ....................................$50 per course for MUP Core courses/thesis

DOCTORAL DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 ...........................................................February 1, 2011Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 ........................................................................... N/AIn-State Tuition and Fees 2009-10 ..................................................$3576 per quarterOut-of-State/International Tuition and Fees 2009-10 ......................$8023 per quarterApplication Fee: ..................................................................................................... $65Additional Fees: ......................................................................................................... 0

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Krista Bargsten, Counseling Services CoordinatorPhone: (206) 685-4055E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1959 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 .........................................................1011Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................32


MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s Degree Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: No MinimumMinimum TOEFL 92 iBT/237c/580Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Micro Economics, Mathematics, Cultural Diversity

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................33Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................5Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................14Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................16Thesis/Professional Project .........................................................................9Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................72Exam, Thesis or Final Product: ................... Thesis or Professional Project

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONVaries: Annual appointments of about 4 TA, 10 RA, 6 SA, 3 Fellowships



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Masters SpecializationsUrban Design, Historic Preservation, Land Use &

Infrastructure, Environmental Planning, Real Estate

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 2 3 5

White 32 27 59

African American 1 0 1

Native American/ 0 0 0

Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 3 4

Mixed 2 1 3

Other / Don’t know 4 5 9

Non-US CitizensNon- PermanentResidents

3 2 5

Total Students 45 41 86

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Masters 239 272 102 93 32 37Doctoral 63 79 7 6 4 4

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Doctoral SpecializationsUrban Ecology & Environmental Planning, Urban Design,

Land Use & Transportation, Growth Management, Real Estate Development

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: NoneMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.58Minimum GRE: 608/773Minimum TOEFL 580/237CDepartmental Requirement: Master’s or equivalent degree

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................15Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...............................................Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................15Other ...........................................................................................................3Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................60Exam,Thesis or Final Product: Phase I Evaluation w/paper; general exam (written and oral); dissertation

Interdisciplinary PhD in Urban Design & Planning

Contact Person: Jean Rogers, CoordinatorPhone: (206) 543-6398E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated 1967Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ............................................................. 70Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 .......................................... ..........5

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09Essays on examining the impacts of land cover on housing prices 1. in King County, Washington using Bayesian model averaging and geographically weighted regressionAdvances in integrated urban modeling: microsimulation models of 2. the housing market, real estate development, and workplace choiceAccessibility and Location Choice: Innovations in Measurement and 3. ModelingDiscarded needles and the urban environment: a spatial analysis of 4. attractors, deterrents and disposal optionsTowards a Re-conceptualization of Community-based Computer 5. Learning Programs: Five Case Studies of Community Technology Projects in Seattle


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.


PLANNING FACULTYDaniel AbramsonAssociate Professor. MCP and M.Arch., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD., Tsing Hua University, Beijing. Specializations: Urban Design, Historic Preservation, Neighborhood Planning, Transnational Comparative Urbanism.// (206) 543-2089 [email protected]

Marina AlbertiProfessor. PhD., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Urban Ecology, Environmental Planning.// (206) 616-8667 [email protected]

Christine BaeAssociate Professor. MRP, State University of New York; PhD., University of Southern California. Specializations: Land Use, Transportation Planning, Analytical Techniques in Planning, Community Planning for Diverse Neighborhoods.// (206) 616-9034 [email protected]

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics* Of any Race 0 1 1

White 1 5 6

African American 0 0 0

Native American/ 1 0 1

Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 1 2

Mixed 1 0 1

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon- PermanentResidents

9 4 13

Total Students 13 11 24

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OTHER AFFILIATED FACULTYWilliam Beyers Professor of Geography, Adjunct Professor UDP, Public Affairs, Landscape Architecture. PhD., University of Washington. Specializations: Economic Geography, Local and Regional Development (Growth Management Act). // (206) 543-5871 [email protected]

Christopher BitterAssistant Professor. MA and PhD., University of Arizona. Specializations: Real Estate, Urban Economics// (206) 685-7088 [email protected]

Branden BornAssociate Professor. MS and PhD., University of Wisconsin. Specializations: Land Use, Food Systems Planning, Planning Process & Social Justice.// (206) 543-4975 [email protected] Christopher CampbellLecturer. MA and PhD., UCLA. Specializations: Planning Education, Urban Sociology.// (206) 543-6063 [email protected]

Manish Chalana Assistant Professor. PhD., University of Colorado. Specializations: Preservation Planning, Cultural Landscapes, Multicultural Planning. // (206) 616-6051 [email protected]

James DeLisleAssociate Professor. MS and PhD., University of Wisconsin. Specialization: Real Estate Studies.// (206) 616-2090 [email protected] Ron Kasprisin A.I.A., A.P.A.Associate Professor. B.Arch., University of Notre Dame; MUP, University of Washington. Specializations: Urban Design Process & Methods, Public Participation.// (206) 543-4190 [email protected]

Donald MillerProfessor. MCRP and PhD., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Urban Spatial Structure, Environmental Planning, Politics of Planning.// (206) 543-7355 [email protected]

Anne Vernez MoudonProfessor. B.Arch., University of California, Berkeley; Dr. es Sc., Ecole Polytechnique Federal. Specializations: Urban Design, Research Methods, Land Monitoring, Non-Motorized Transportation.// (206) 685-4057 [email protected]

Robert MugerauerProfessor. PhD., University of Texas, Austin. Specializations: Theory & Research Methods, Values, Social & Cultural Factors, Sustainability.// (206) 221-4415 [email protected]

Mark PurcellAssociate Professor. MA and PhD., UCLA. Specializations: Urban Democracy, Urban Social Movements.// (206) 543-8754 [email protected]

George RolfeAssociate Professor. M.Arch. and MCP, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Real Estate, Market Analysis.// (206) 543-6918 [email protected]

Dennis Ryan A.I.C.P.Associate Professor. MCP and PhD., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Urban Design Methods & Theories, Urban Planning & Design Communications.// (206) 543-8293 [email protected]

Qing ShenProfessor and Chair. MA, University of British Columbia, PhD., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Urban Economics, Transportation Planning, Statistical Methods and Geographic Information Systems.// (206) 685-3937 [email protected]

Frederick Wagner A.I.C.P.Research Professor. PhD., University of Washington. Specializations: Managing Director, NW Center for Livable Communities; Land Use & Legal Planning, Health Policy Across Urban & Rural Communities.// (206) 543-7459 [email protected]

Frank WesterlundAssociate Professor. MUP and PhD., University of Washington. Specializations: Land Use Planning, Environmental Planning, Hazards Mitigation.// (206) 543-4912 [email protected]

Jan Whittington A.I.C.P.Assistant Professor. MCRP, California State Polytechnical University, St. Luis Obispo, PhD., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Infrastructure Development and Management, Transportation Project Delivery.// (206) 221-9629 [email protected]

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Joint or Concurrent Degree Programs: MUP/JD, MUP/MPA and MUP/MLA

Gordon BradleyProfessor of Forest Resources. Adjunct Professor UDP. MLA and PhD., Cal State Polytechnic University. Specializations: Urban Ecology, Forest Land Use Planning, Conservation.// (206) 685-0881 [email protected]

Daniel Friedman F.A.I.A., A.I.C.P.Dean and Professor, College of Built Environments. Adjunct Professor UDP. PhD., University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Professional Education, Public Architecture, Twentieth Century Theory.// (206) 616-2442 [email protected]

Robert FreitagAffiliate Assistant Professor. MUP, University of Washington. Specializations: Director, Institute for Hazards Mitigation Planning & Research.// (206) 818-1175 [email protected]

Joaquin Herranz, Jr.Assistant Professor of Public Affairs. Adjunct Professor UDP. PhD., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MCP, University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Agencies, Inter-organizational Networks, Workforce Development, Intersections of Community Development and Arts and Culture.// (206) 616-1647 [email protected]

Jeffrey HouAssociate Professor and Chair of Landscape Architecture, Adjunct Associate Professor UDP. MLA University of Pennsylvania, MArch and PhD., University of California, Berkeley. Specializations: Community Design, Design Activism, Informal Participation, Cultural Multiplicity in the Urban Landscape, Democratic Design in the Pacific Rim.

Rachel Garshick KleitAssociate Professor of Public Affairs. Adjunct Associate Professor UDP. MA, Urban and Regional Policy, Tufts University, MS and PhD., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Specializations: Public Housing, Social Policy.// (206) 221-3063 [email protected]

Jeffrey Ochsner F.A.I.A.Professor of Architecture. Adjunct Professor UDP. MArch, Rice University. Specializations: Urban Design, Historic Preservation, Architectural History.// (206) 685-8454 [email protected]

Nancy RottleAssociate Professor of Landscape Architecture, Adjunct Associate Professor UDP, Adjunct Associate Professor Architecture. Specializations: Urban Design, Historic Preservation, Environmental Ecology.// (206) 543-7897 [email protected]

G. Scott RutherfordProfessor, Transportation Engineering. Adjunct Professor UDP. MS, Washington State University, PhD., Northwestern University. Specializations: Transit Planning, Transportation Planning and Policy, Bus Rapid Transit, Travel Demand Management.// (206) 685-2481 [email protected]

Sharon Sutton F.A.I.A.Professor of Architecture. Joint Professor UDP. M.Arch., Columbia University; MA and PhD., City University of New York. Specializations: Youth, Culture & Environment.// (206) 685-3361 [email protected]

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Faculty of Environment200 University Avenue West

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1Phone (519) 888-4567

Fax (519) 725-2827

Clarence Woudsma, Director E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESApplication Deadline 2011-2012 ........................................................March 31, 2011Admission Deadline .............................................................................April 15, 2011Admission Decisions .............................................................................May 30, 2011Domestic Fees .............................................................................................. $2,946.72Application Fee ................................................................................................... $205International Tuition Fee .............................................................. $9,282 for one term

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESApplication Deadline 2011-2012 ......................................................February 1, 2011Domestic Fees .............................................................................................. $2,525.54International Tuition and Fees ......$5,953.54/term; students must be registered three terms per yearApplication Fee ............................................................................................... $100.00Additional Fees ............................Faculty and Student Association Fees: $50.00 +/-


Contact Person: Linda YoungblutPhone: (519) 888-4567 ext. 35940E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1966 CIP Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................2395Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................82


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: Completion of high school or junior college transferMinimum GPA: A AverageMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: 26 ACT (University Requirement)

For more specific information, please see:

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCore ..............................................................................................13.0 unitsElective ..........................................................................................7.0 unitsCumulative overall average ................................................................. 65%Major average ...................................................................................... 75%

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION 519-888-4567, ext. 33583


06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10Undergraduate 379 378 401 471Masters 38 50 55 57PhD 31 28 30 26

University Admission Policy: A 75% overall standing in the last two years, or equivalent/four-year Honours Bachelor's degree or equivalent .

Minimum Undergraduate GPA78%

Admission for International Students Visit our International Website for Graduate Studies

Departmental Requirement Please see specific program of choice.

Language competency TOEFL: minimum score of 100, with minimum skill scores of 26 in each of speaking and writing; Paper-based TOEFL - minimum of 600 overall is required and 4.0 on the TWE and 50 in the TSE; Computer-based TOEFL - minimum of 250 overall, 50 in the TSE and 5.0 in the essay.

Other tests of English language proficiency accepted include:IELTS (International English Language Testing System ) - minimum score of 7.5; MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery) - minimum


* Fees are approximate, please go to: for current information. * Master Students may be eligible for International Student Awards

UNDERGRADUATE SPECIALIZATIONSPlanning students may choose to graduate with one or two special-izations in the areas of Decision Support and GIS, Environmental

Planning and Management, Land Development Planning, or Urban Design. In addition to the core courses required for the student's plan,

2.5 units within each area of specialized study must be completed. Students are required to have an 80% overall average in the specializa-

tion courses at time of graduation.

Contact Person: Edie CardwellPhone: (519) 888-4567 ext. 33618E-mail: [email protected]

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Contact Person: Edie CardwellPhone: (519) 888-4567 ext. 33618E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1968 CIP AccreditedDegrees Granted through 08/31/10 .........................................................130Degrees Granted from 09/01/09 to 08/31/10 ..............................................5


University Admission Policy: Must hold a Master’s degree from an accredited institution.

Minimum Undergraduate GPA 83%

Minimum GRE: N/A

Admission for International Students Visit our International Website for Graduate Studies

Minimum TOEFL IBT overall proof of English Language Competency: Applicants who have not completed three or more years of post-secondary work at a Canadian institution or at an institution at which English was the primary language of instruction, or have not been employed for a similar period of time in a position in which English was the primary language of business will be required to provide certification of English language proficiency. TOEFL: minimum score of 100, with minimum skill scores of 26 in each of speaking and writing;

score of 90, and CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language Assessment ) - minimum score of 70 is required.

Master of Arts Planning (MA)

Year Initiated: 1968 CIP AccreditedDegrees Granted through 08/31/10 .........................................................471Degrees Granted from 09/01/09 to 08/31/10 ............................................19


Departmental Requirement: Must hold a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution; minimum B+ or 78%, The undergraduate degree may be in planning or other fields relevant to planning including: architecture, biology, civil engineering, economics, forestry, geography, geology, landscape archi-tecture, law, political science, sociology, or other resource disciplines or social sciences.

MASTER OF ARTS PLANNING GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCore ................................................................................................1.5 unitsElective ..........................................................................................1.0 unitsThesis .............................................................................................2.0 unitsProgram milestones: Teamwork Strategies in Planning Workshop, Project Proposal, Development Workshop, Research Proposal Plan

Master of Environmental Studies Planning (MES)

Year Initiated: 1998 CIP AccreditedDegrees Granted through 08/31/10 ...........................................................56Degrees Granted from 09/01/09 to 08/31/10 ..............................................3


Departmental Requirement: Must hold a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution; minimum B+ or 78% The undergraduate degree may be in planning or other fields relevant to planning including: architecture, biology, civil engineering, economics, forestry, geography, geology, landscape archi-tecture, law, political science, sociology, or other resource disciplines or social sciences.

MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PLANNING GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCore ................................................................................................1.5 unitsElective ..........................................................................................1.0 unitsThesis .............................................................................................2.0 unitsThree Program milestones ...Teamwork Strategies in Planning Workshop, Project Proposal, Development Workshop, Research Proposal Plan

Master of Applied Environmental Studies Planning (MAES)

Year Initiated: 2003 Degrees Granted through 08/31/10 ...........................................................14Degrees Granted from 09/01/09 to 08/31/10 ..............................................4


Departmental Requirement Students must have two years planning related work experience, OR two year's worth of combined work experience and planning related experi-ence obtained by being a volunteer, intern or equivalent position, OR, registered in a program at another university that is part of a dual degree program with the MAES degree program.

MASTER OF APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PLANNING GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCore .................................................................................................3.0 unitsElective ...........................................................................................1.5 units

Male Female TotalCitizens & Permanent Residents 33 41 74

International Students 3 5 8Total Students 36 46 82

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Paper-based TOEFL - minimum of 600 overall is required and 4.0 on the TWE and 50 in the TSE.

Computer-based TOEFL - minimum of 250 overall, 50 in the TSE and 5.0 in the essay.

Other tests of English language proficiency accepted include:IELTS (International English Language Testing System ) - minimum score of 7.5;

MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery) - minimum score of 90, and

CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language Assessment ) - minimum score of 70 is required.

PH.D. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSCore ...............................................Minimum 4 one-term graduate courses, .............................................................................................. two milestones

Exams or Written Requirements ...............................Comprehensive exam, ................................................................................... thesis proposal, thesis

PLANNING FACULTYClarence WoudsmaAssociate Professor and Director. BA Hons (Laurentian), MA (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (McMaster). Specializations: Freight transportation and logistics - policy and practice, urban transportation policy issues, climate change and transportation, regulation/deregulation of transportation provi-sion, urban freight planning and city logistics.

[email protected]

Jeff CaselloAssociate Professor. BSc (Pennsylvania), MSc (Pennsylvania), PhD (Pennsylvania). Specializations: Urban transportation systems, Public transport system planning, design and operation, Multimodal transporta-tion modeling, Transportation and land use impacts, Urban spatial analy-sis, GIS applications. Jointly appointed with Civil Engineering [email protected]

Michael DrescherAssistant Professor. B.Sc. (Ruhr), M.Sc. (Utrecht), Ph.D. (Wageningen). Specializations: forestry dynamics, environmental planning, simulation and forecasting, coupled human-natural systems in urbanizing regions.

[email protected] Pierre Filion MCIP,RPPProfessor. Bac specialisé, MA (Laval), PhD (Kent, Canterbury). Specializations: Downtown and inner city planning, Metropolitan region planning, Land use transportation interaction. [email protected] Murray Haight MCIP, RPPAssociate Professor. BSc, MSc, PhD (McMaster). Specializations: Ecology; environmental planning; emphasis in waste management plan-ning; municipal and industrial waste management; international focus in southeast Asia.

[email protected]

Laura Johnson MCIP, RPPProfessor. BA (Antioch), MA, PhD (Cornell). Specializations: Social planning; integration of social supports into housing environments; tele-commuting and home-based work; women, work and family; supportive housing; survey research and qualitative research methods.

[email protected]

Luna KhirfanAssistant Professor. BSc, MA (Jordan), MA (Birmingham), PhD (Michigan). Specializations: Urban design and place making, International development and comparative planning, Participatory plan-ning, Historic preservation and cultural resource management, Museum studies.

[email protected]

Jane LawAssistant Professor. BSc (East London), MSc (Hong Kong Polytechnic), PhD (New Brunswick). Specializations: GIS and Public Health; Spatial Demography; Bayesian Spatial Analysis; Hierarchical Spatial Modeling and Analysis; Disease Mapping; Crime Mapping; Spatial/Environmental Epidemiology; Environmental Criminology; Healthy communities and the built environment; Neighbourhood/community effect; Health Geomatics, Land Information Systems. Jointly appointed with Health Studies and Gerontology. [email protected]

Geoff LewisAssistant Professor. BS (Rensselaer), MS (Michigan), MSc (Michigan), PhD (Michigan). Specializations: Energy use in buildings (including effects of landscape and occupant behaviour), Green building & sus-tainable communities, Renewable energy systems (especially PV, solar thermal and wind), Life cycle assessment, GIS & spatial analysis. Jointly appointed with the School for Environment, Enterprise and Development.

[email protected]

John LewisAssociate Professor. BA Hons , MPl (Queen's), MSc (UBC). Specializations: Landscape and urban design, Environmental perception and preferences, Accessible planning and design, Computer-based land-scape visualization, Aboriginal issues in land-use planning, Community participation and consultation. [email protected]

Markus MoosAssistant Professor. BES Hons (Waterloo), MA (Queen’s), PhD (UBC). Specializations: housing markets, urban restructuring and sustainability, land use and real estate development. [email protected]

Dawn ParkerAssociate Professor. BA (Lewis and Clark College), PhD (California). Specializations: Development of integrated socio-economic and bio-physical models of land-use change, Agent-based modeling, Complexity theory, Geographic information systems, Environmental and resource economics. [email protected]

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AFFILIATED FACULTYPaul F.J. Eagles Professor (Recreation & Leisure Studies). BSc (Waterloo), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Waterloo). Specializations: Outdoor recreation, Park planning, Applied ecology, Ecotourism, Park tourism, Environmental assessment, Resource management, Outdoor education. [email protected]

Monica EmelkoAssociate Professor (Civil Engineering). BS (MIT), MS (UCLA), PhD (Waterloo). Specializations: Pathogen removal during water and waste-water treatment, Physico-chemical water and wastewater treatment processes, Design of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, Riverbank (in-bank) filtration. [email protected]

Bob GibsonProfessor (Environment & Resource Studies). BA (York), MA, PhD (Toronto). Specializations: Environmental assessment, planning and development, environmental politics, history of attitudes to nature, public participation and democratic theory, environmental journalism, sustain-ability ethics, Assessment and planning project. [email protected]

Paul Kay Associate Professor (Environment & Resource Studies). BSc (Toronto), MS, PhD (Wisconsin-Madison). Specializations: Climate and society: patterns of variability, assessment of impact, especially water resources, implications of living with climatic uncertainty. [email protected]

Zhu QianAssistant Professor. BArch (Tongji), MA (British Columbia), PhD (Texas A & M). Specializations: Comparative urban planning and policy, Land use planning and urban form, Land use reform and policy in China, Heritage conservation and planning in China. [email protected] Mark Seasons FCIP, RPPAssociate Professor. BA Hons (Queen's), MEDes (Calgary), PhD (Waterloo). Specializations: Urban and regional planning, Strategic planning, Policy and program evaluation, Local economic development, Public administration.

[email protected] Robert Shipley MCIP, RPPAssociate Professor. BA (Western), MA, PhD (Waterloo). Specializations: Heritage conservation planning, The economics of heritage, Strategic planning and the use of visioning, Decision making processes and public participation, Program evaluation, Heritage tourism development, Symbolism in community design.

[email protected]

Roger SufflingProfessor. BSc Hons (Wales), PhD (Guelph). Specializations: Natural resource planning and management, Protected areas planning, Landscape ecology of boreal forests and of urban areas, Fire ecology; global warm-ing, Ecological restoration, Community and economic development in small northern communities, Environmental assessment.

[email protected]

Bruce MitchellProfessor (Geography & Env Mgmt). BA, MA (British Columbia), PhD (Liverpool). Specializations: Integrated resource and environmental management, water planning and management, decision making and insti-tutional arrangements, policy and program evaluation, community-based approaches to environmental management. [email protected]

Clare MitchellAssociate Professor (Geography & Env Mgmt).BA (Waterloo), MES (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo). Specializations: Population growth, coun-terurbanization and heritage tourism within Canada's non-metropolitan settlements. [email protected]

Stephen Murphy Associate Professor (Environment & Resource Studies). BSc, PhD (Queen's). Specializations: Ecological restoration and rehabilitation, Invasive species ecology and management, Conservation and environ-mental management, agroecology, Environmental education. [email protected]

Steffanie ScottAssociate Professor (Geography & Env Mgmt). BA (Simon Fraser), MA (Guelph), PhD (UBC). Specializations: International development, food system sustainability, rural livelihoods, land reform, post-socialist restruc-turing, poverty, participatory development approaches, gender and ethnic-ity, Southeast Asia and Latin America. [email protected] Mike Stone MCIP, RPPProfessor (Geography & Env. Mgmt). BSc (Waterloo), MA (Laurier), PhD (Waterloo). Specializations: Environmental planning, water quality, sediment/water interactions, water resources management. [email protected]

Larry SwatukAssociate Professor (School of Environment, Enterprise Development). BA (Windsor), MA (Windsor), PhD (Dalhousie). Specializations: Africa, water management, environmental politics, the south in globalization, natural resources governance. [email protected]

Geoff WallProfessor (Geography). BA (Leeds), MA (Toronto), PhD (Hull). Specializations: Tourism, recreation, socio-economic implications of cli-mate change, Asia, especially China. [email protected]

G.K. WarrinerProfessor (Sociology). BA (British Columbia), MSc (Wisconsin), PhD (British Columbia). Specializations: Methodology and statistics, Rural sociology, Social psychology, Environment and resources [email protected]

S. K. WismerAssociate Professor (Environment & Resource Studies). BA (Western Ontario), MEduc (OISE), PhD (Waterloo). Specializations: Community-based sustainable development, environment & health, impact assess-ment. skwismer@

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FYIThe School of Planning is one of a few planning schools in Canada to offer programs at the bachelor's, master's, and PhD levels. The School's programs and courses provide students with skills and perspectives neces-sary for successful careers as professional planners. We emphasize inter-disciplinary and integrative approaches to Planning and research practice and you're encouraged to explore widely the various academic offerings throughout the University in order to achieve your unique intellectual potential. Our Undergraduate program is fully co-operative with students participating in 5 rewarding work terms through their academic career. The curriculum is built around providing a comprehensive foundation for Planners today, with a strong focus on integrating planning practice and education. The master's and doctoral programs in Planning are designed for people with interests in applied research, policy and planning practice. The School is one of the first in Canada to offer a one-year, non-thesis course based master's degree (MAES) in addition to the two-year research degrees - Master of Arts and Master of Environmental Studies degrees.Our strong alumni base is involved in courses and onsite conferences which allows students to develop a network of valuable contacts before their career begins. Graduates of our program are in demand by con-sultants, business, universities, and all levels of government in North America and overseas. The academic programs in the School are accred-ited by the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) and Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI). All our students are encouraged to join the professional associations as student members to keep in touch with new developments within the profession by meeting practicing planners and receiving journals and newsletters.

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Urban and Regional PlanningMusic Hall, 925 Bascom Mall

Madison, Wisconsin 53706Phone (608) 262-1004

Fax (608) 262-9307

Brian W. Ohm, Department ChairE-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline for Fall Admittance for Masters or PhD Program .............. VariesAdmission Deadline for Spring Admittance for Master or PhD Program ... October 15Financial Aid Deadline for Masters or PhD program ....................................... VariesIn-State Tuition and Fees ........................................................... $5,768 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees .................................................. $13,046 per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$56Additional Fees: ........................................................................................................0

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban and Regional Planning

Contact Person: Alice Justice, Graduate Admissions CoordinatorPhone: (608) 265-0509E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1962 PAB AccreditedDegrees Granted through 8/31/10 .........................................................1072Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................18

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL 237 (University)/250 (Department)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Introductory Statistics Course.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................19Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................4Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................12Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................14Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................45Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ....................Thesis or professional project.


Masters SpecializationsCommunity Development Planning, Economic

Planning, Land Use Planning, Ecological Planning, International Development Planning, Food Systems


FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONUniversity Fellowship (Only available to outstanding new Fall applicants intending to pursue a Ph.D., competition across entire university division)Variable Research and Project Assistantships.Advanced Opportunity Fellowship for targeted under-representative minority students.Scholarships need and merit based.


US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 26 17 43

African American 0 0 0

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 1 1

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-permanent residents 3 2 5

Total Students 29 20 49

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 95 122 57 78 14 18Doctoral 31 38 4 3 1 1

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PhD in Urban & Regional Planning

Contact Person: Alice Justice, Graduate AdmissionsPhone: (608) 265-0509E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated 1966 Degrees Granted through 8/31/2010.........................................................65Degrees Granted from 9/1/2009 to 8/31/2010............................................0

Dissertations Granted from 9/1/2005 to 8/31/20101/. Co-Management, Cultural Landscapes, and Decentralization: Collaborating to Compete at Mt. Pulag National Park, the Philippines.2/. Effectiveness Beliefs of WAPA-Member Planners Practicing in Wisconsin3/. Native American and Non-Native Involvement in Collaborative Planning Processes: Interactions and Outcomes: A Case Study of the Planning Process for the Reuse of the badger Army Ammunition Plant.

Doctoral SpecializationsUrban and Regional Planning

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...............................................................................................Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses ...............................................Hours of Restricted Electives .......................................................................Hours of Unrestricted Electives ....................................................................Other ............................................................ 9 (Urban & Regional Theory)Total ..............................................................................................................Exams or Written Requirements: Minor field requirement; 3 writtenpreliminary exams on 1) planning theory, 2) the area of research special-ization of the student, 3) research methods.

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No RequirementsMinimum GRE: No RequirementsMinimum TOEFL: 237 (University)/250 (Department)Minimum GPA: 3.0Departmental Requirement: Master’s degree in planning or planning-related field; one year of professional planning or planning- related work experience.


PLANNING FACULTYKenneth D. GenskowAssistant Professor. MUP University of Illinois (1994); Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001). Specializations: Water Resources Policy, Watershed Planning, Collaborative Planning, Program Evaluation. (608) 262-8756 [email protected]

Asli GocmenAssistant Professor. MA, University of Cincinnati (1994); Ph.D., University of Michigan (2006). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Geographic Information Systems, Environmental Psychology, Spatial Analysis. (608) 265-0789 [email protected]

Jack R. HuddlestonProfessor. MS (1973) and Ph.D. (1976), Oklahoma State University. Specializations: State and Local Development Finance, Economic Analysis of Natural Resource Utilization, Economic Development Planning, Energy Analysis and Policy. (608) 262-6152 [email protected]

Harvey M. JacobsProfessor. MRP (1981) and Ph.D. (1984), Cornell University. Specializations: Property Rights, Land Use Policy Alternatives, Smart Growth, Urban Sprawl and Peri-Urban Land Management, Social Content of Land Use and Environmental Policy. (608) 262-0552 [email protected]

US Citizens & Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics of any race 0 0 0

White 4 2 6

African American 1 0 1

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non- Permanent residents 1 0 1

Total students 6 2 8

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Stephen M. BornProfessor Emeritus. (608) 262-1004 [email protected]

Richard E. ChenowethProfessor Emeritius (608) 262-1004 [email protected]

Steven C. DellerAffiliate Professor (Agricultural and Applied Economics) (608) 263-6251 [email protected]


Samuel F. Dennis, Jr.Affiliate Associate Professor (Department of Landscape Architecture). (608) 263-7699 [email protected]

Herman FelstehausenProfessor Emeritus. (608) 262-1004

Jessica GuoAffiliate Assistant Professor (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering) (608) 890-1004 [email protected]

Gary P. GreenAffiliate Professor (Rural Sociology) (608) 262-9532 [email protected]

David HartAdjunct Faculty (UW SeaGrant Institute) Coastal GIS Specialist (608) 262-6515

Jerome KaufmanProfessor Emeritus. (608) 262-1004

Stephen MalpezziAffiliate Professor (Real Estate). (608) 262-6007 [email protected]

Lisa NaughtonAffiliate Professor (Department of Geography) (608) 262-4846 [email protected]

Kristopher OldsAffiliate Professor (Department of Geography) (608) 262-5685 [email protected]

Barry M. OrtonAffiliate Professor (Division of Continuing Studies) (608) 262-2394 [email protected]

Randy StoeckerAffiliate Professor (Department of Rural Sociology) (608) 890-0764 [email protected]

Susan A. TheringAffiliate Assistant Professor (Department of Landscape Architecture) (608) 263-6506 [email protected]

Stephen J. VenturaAffiliate Professor (Institute for Environmental Studies & Department of Soil Science) (608) 262-6416 [email protected]

James A. Lagro, Jr.Professor. MLA (1982) and Ph.D. (1991), Cornell University. Specializations: Sustainability of the Built Environment, Smart Growth Implementation, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption, Urban Open Space Systems, Pedestrian Circulation Systems, Site Analysis and Planning, Landscape Ecology. (608) 263-6507 [email protected]

Susana Lastarria-CornhielSenior Scientist. MS (1974) and Ph.D. (1981) University of Wisconsin-Madison. Specializations: Land Tenure, Gender, International Development. (608) 262-0097 [email protected]

David W. Marcouiller AICPProfessor. MS, University of Minnesota (1988); Ph.D., Oklahoma State University (1992). Specializations: Natural Amenity-Driven Development, Economics of Exurban Land Uses, Rural Resource Dependency, Integrative Tourism & Recreation Planning, Regional Science. (608) 262-2998 [email protected]

Alfonso MoralesAssistant Professor. MA, Political Economy, University of Texas-Dallas (1987); MA, Sociology, University of Chicago (1989); Ph.D. Sociology, Northwestern University (1993). Specializations: Markets and Food Systems, Community Development, Social, Political and Economic Contexts of Planning Processes, Qualitative Methods. (608) 263-4848 [email protected]

Brian W. OhmProfessor. MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1982); JD (1986), University of Wisconsin-Madison. Specializations: Legal Framework for Land Use Planning, Growth Management and Environmental Protection, Smart Growth, New Urbanism. (608) 262-2098 [email protected]

Kurt G. PaulsenAssistant Professor. MA, Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin - Madison (1999); MA, Development Policy and Public Administration, University of Wisconsin - Madison (1999); Ph.D., Urban Planning and Policy Development, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2004). Specializations: Land Use and Comprehensive Planning, Quantitative Methods, Spatial Analysis, Public Finance, Housing. (608) 262-8990 [email protected]

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Urban PlanningP.O.Box 413

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0413Phone (414) 229-5563

Fax (414) 229-6976E-mail: [email protected]

Christopher De Sousa, Department ChairPhone (414) 229-5563

E-mail: [email protected]

PROGRAM INFORMATIONGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ....................................................... priority date for application to Masters program Jan. 1Financial Aid Deadline ................................................... priority date for application to Masters program Jan. 1In-State Tuition and Fees, Fall 2010 ...........................................$5,223 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees, Fall 2010 .................................. $11,867 per semesterApplication Fee: ..................................................................................................... $56Additional Fees (segregated fees included in tuition fees) : ...............................None

MASTERS DEGREESMaster of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Christopher De Sousa, ChairPhone: (414) 229-5563E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1974 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...........................................................437Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................21

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75 University, 3.0 DepartmentalMinimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL 100 (IBT)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................24Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses (included in core) ...............9Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................3Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................21Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................48Exam, Thesis or Final Product: ............................... Comprehensive Exam


Annual Student Enrollment

Coordinated Master of Architecture & Master of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Chris DeSousa, ChairPhone: (414) 229-5563E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1982 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................90Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................3

Masters Specializations Urban Design

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75 University, 3.0 DepartmentalMinimum GRE: RequiredMinimum TOEFL 100 (IBT)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: Portfolio for admission to M.Arch. plus specific Undergraduate work in Architecture.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................54Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses (included in core) .............27Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................24Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................84Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .............. Thesis and Comprehensive Exam

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION(4) Teaching Assistantship Strong academic preparation(3) Project Assistantship Strong academic preparation(5) Scholarships for $1,000 each Strong academic preparation(1) Scholarship for $2,000 Strong academic preparationVarious Chancellor’s Awards $1,500-$5,000 AnnuallyVarious Graduate School Fellowships $15,000 - $25,000 AnnuallyVarious Advanced Opportunity Fellowships for Minority/Disadvantaged.

Masters SpecializationsUrban Revitalization, Geographic Information

Systems, Transportation Planning, Urban Design, Economic Development, Environmental Planning

Applied Accepted Enrolled09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11 09/10 10/11

Masters 83 87 53 62 30 24

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PLANNING FACULTYChristopher De Sousa Associate Professor. BA Environment and Resource Management (1994), M.Sc.Pl. (Planning) (1996) & Ph.D. Geography (2000) University of Toronto. Specializations: Sustainability, Brownfields, Urban Development. (414) 229-5323 [email protected]

Carolyn Esswein Adjunct Assistant Professor. MArch and MUP, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Specializations: Urban Design, Comprehensive Planning. (414) 259-1500 [email protected]

Nancy Frank AICP Associate Professor. BS, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1977); MS (1978) and PhD (1982), State University of New York, Albany. Specializations: Environmental Planning, Planning Practice, Planning Theory. (414) 229-5372 [email protected]

Kirk Harris Assistant Professor. BA, Rutgers University (1979); MPA, University of Kentucky (1982); JD, Western State University (1985); PhD, Cornell University (1992). Specializations: Citizen Participation, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Planning Law, Politics and Government. (414) 229-5824 [email protected]


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

Coordinated Master of Urban Planning & Master of Science in Civil Engineering/Transportation

Contact Person: Chris DeSousa, ChairPhone: (414) 229-5563E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1986 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................13Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................0

Masters SpecializationsTransportation Planning

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: Minimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL 100 (IBT)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: None

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................33Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses (included in core) ...............9Hours of Restricted Electives ...................................................................15Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ............................................54Exam,Thesis or Final Product: .............. Thesis and Comprehensive Exam

Coordinated Master in Public Administration & Urban Planning

Contact Person: Chris DeSousa, ChairPhone: (414) 229-5563E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated:1986 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 .............................................................13Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ....................................................0

Masters SpecializationsMunicipal Management, Nonprofit Management

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.75 University, 3.0 DepartmentalMinimum GRE: Not RequiredMinimum TOEFL 100 (IBT)Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: None

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..................................................................................... 39-42Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses (included in core) ...............9Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................6Hours of Unrestricted Electives ..................................................................9Total Required Hours in Planning Program: ...................................... 54-57Exam,Thesis or Final Product: ............ Capstone & Comprehensive Exam

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 0 2 2

White 43 15 58

African American 0 3 3

Native American/Pacific Islander 1 0 1

Asian American 0 2 2

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 0 2 2

Total Students 44 24 68

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FYIThe Master of Urban Planning program focuses on urban devel-opment, especially in the context of large cities and their suburbs and larger regional contexts. The program aims to develop the professional skills needed for planning practice with current tech-nology and modern research methods. Master’s students focus heavily on critical thinking, communication skills (including consensus-building and negotiation), and preparedness to work in the diverse social context of planning in large, metropolitan areas. The program also addresses the latest in sustainable practices, as students tackle the environmental issues that face urban areas today.

In addition to our Master’s degree programs and specializations, the department offers an undergraduate Certificate in Urban Planning Studies and an interdisciplinary post-baccalaureate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems. Students also have the unique opportunity to receive dual Master’s degrees by par-ticipating in either the Architecture, Civil Engineering, or Public Administration coordinated degree programs. For more informa-tion about these programs, please visit the program web page:

Our location in the largest city in Wisconsin means that students have excellent access to a rich set of studio and internship expe-riences. The Urban Planning department at UWM has worked hand-in-hand with the City of Milwaukee on many projects, and offers students the advantage of using the city as a virtual class-room.

William HuxholdProfessor. BS, Northwestern University (1968); MS, University of Dayton (1973). Specializations: Geographic Information Systems. (414) 229-6954 [email protected]

Ivy Lingqian HuAssistant Professor. Bachelor of Urban Planning, Nanjing University (2002), Master of Planning (2006) & Ph.D. in Policy, Planning and Development (2010) University of Southern California. Specializations: Transportation Planning and Policy, Land Use-transportation Rrelationships, Urban and Regional Economics.

Welford Sanders Lecturer. BA, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Specializations: Community Development, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Real Estate Development. (414) 229-2992 [email protected]

Sammis White Professor. BA, Williams College; MCRP and PhD, University of Pennsylvania. Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Metropolitan/Regional Planning, Planning Practice and Social Policy, Human Services. (414) 229-6086 [email protected]

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is an urban research university located on the east side of the city, less than two miles from downtown and only a few blocks from beautiful Lake Michigan in a quiet neighborhood of homes and small shops. The campus is easily accessible by walking, bike, and public transpor-tation from many areas of the city. Milwaukee’s East Side has recently been a hotbed of development in which the University has played a major role. New developments have included gradu-ate student housing in Milwaukee's lively Prospect and North commercial district—an area of eclectic shops, restaurants and nightlife.

Our faculty represents diverse backgrounds and expertise, and brings with them the experience of professional success. Students in the program comment that the faculty members are outgoing toward students and involved in assuring the success of each of our students. All faculty members are involved in community-based scholarship and teaching. Faculty members are especially well-known for their work in economic development (includ-ing entrepreneurship and neighborhood revitalization), GIS, and sustainability. Faculty members are also involved in research on urban politics and planning, participation in planning, and reindus-trialization of urban centers.

Faculty serve on a wide variety of public and nonprofit boards and committees, including the Wisconsin Brownfields Study Group, the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, the Public Policy Forum Committee on Wisconsin Water Policy, the Menomonee Valley Partners, Hmong-American Friendship Association, and the Center for Resilient Cities.

As the Urban Planning Department acts as a partner to the com-munity and to the city at large, both faculty and students are consistently involved in neighborhood development and outreach programs. The department also founded a charter high school, the School for Urban Planning and Architecture that serves students in the City of Milwaukee promoting community development and social justice. Many activities have gained the attention of city leaders and maintain the status of the Master of Urban Planning program at UW-Milwaukee as one of the most respected in the nation.

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Master of Urban and Regional PlanningL. Douglas Wilder School of Government

and Public Affairs923 West Franklin Street, P.O. Box 842028

Richmond, Virginia 23284-2028 Phone (804) 828-2292

Fax (804) 827-1275

I-Shian (Ivan) Suen, Ph.D, Program CoordinatorPhone (804) 828-2721

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2010-11 for Masters Program ...................................... 7/15/11Financial Aid Deadline 2010-11 for Masters Program ...................................... 3/1/11In-State Tuition and Fees 2010-11 ...............................................$5,257 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees 2010-11 .....................................$10,097 per semesterApplication Fee ...................................................................................................... $50



Master of Urban & Regional Planning

Contact: I-Shian (Ivan) Suen, Ph.D, Program CoordinatorPhone: (804) 828-2721E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1972 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................615Degrees Granted from 9/1/08 to 8/31/09 ..................................................31

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.7Minimum GRE: SatisfactoryMinimum TOEFL SatisfactoryRanking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: No Requirements

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................21Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................3Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives ................................................................18Thesis or Final Product ...............................................................................6Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition Awards: Paid Interships (Mandatory for all students)State Tuition Assistantships: Varying Amounts (Full-time students)Wilder Fellowship: Tuition plus stipend (Full-time students)Willey Scholarship $4,000 (2nd Year students)T. Edward Temple Scholarship $900 (2nd Year students)John Marlles Scholarship $500 (Full-time students)Paid Research or Graduate Teaching Assistantships (Project specific)

Master's SpecializationsUrban Revitalization, Regional & Metropolitan

Planning, Environmental Planning & Sustainability



*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 1 0 1

White 27 25 52

African American 7 6 13

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 1 0 1

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 5 7 12

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 3 1 4

Total Students 44 39 83

Applied Accepted Enrolled08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10 08/09 09/10

Masters 64 69 55 57 34 30

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PLANNING FACULTYJohn J. Accordino AICPAssociate Professor. BA, University of Rochester (1976); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1987). Specializations: Economic Development Planning, Commercial District Revitalization, Community Development, European Planning. (804) 827-0525 [email protected]

Xueming (Jimmy) Chen AICPAssociate Professor. BA, Nanjing University (1982); M.S. Nanjing University (1985); Ph.D University of Southern California (1991). Specializations: Transportation Policy, Planning, Modeling, and GIS. (804) 828-1254

Meghan Gough Assistant Professor. BS, James Madison University (1997); MURP, Virginia Polytechnic Institute (2003); Ph.D, Ohio State University (2008).Specializations: Planning Theory and Processes, Citizen Participation, Sustainable Development, Regional Cooperation. (804) 827-0869

Avrum J. Shriar Associate Professor. BA, Bishop’s University (1984); MES, Dalhousie University (1984); Ph.D., University of Florida (1999). Specializations: Environmental Planning, Rural Development Policy & Planning. (804) 827-0788 [email protected]

I-Shian (Ivan) Suen Associate Professor. MUP, University of Oregon (1988); Ph.D., University of Washington (1998). Specializations: GIS/Spatial Analysis, Planning Methods, Land-Use Planning, eGovernment Services. (804) 828-2721 [email protected]

Weiping Wu Professor. BA (1986) and MUP (1989) Tsinghua University; Ph.D., Rutgers University (1996). Specializations: International Development, International Planning, Migration, Land Use/Growth Management. (804) 827-3413 [email protected]

Michela Zonta Assistant Professor. Laurea (doctorate), University of Milan (1990); MA (1998) and Ph.D. (2003), UCLA. Specializations: Housing & Community Development, Race, Ethnicity & Urban Poverty, GIS/Spatial Analysis, Planning Methods. (804) 827-0787 [email protected]

Helen-Ruth Aspaas Associate Professor. BA, Fort Lewis College (1972); MA, University of Nebraska (1986); Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder (1992). Specializations: International Development, Gender Studies, Economic Development. (804) 828-8086 [email protected]


Kimberly M. ChenAdjunct Professor. MURP, Virginia Commonwealth University (1989). Specialization: Historic Preservation Planning. (804) 358-4993 [email protected]

Aubrey W. Fountain, III, Esq.Adjunct Professor. MCP University of North Carolina (1996), JD University of North Carolina (1994). Specializations: Land-use Law, Legal Foundations of Planning. [email protected]

Morton B. Gulak AICP/AIAProfessor Emeritus. BA (1961) and Ph.D. (1980), University of Pennsylvania; MURP, VIP & SU (1972). Specializations: Urban Design, Urban Revitalization, Physical Planning, Planning Practice. (804) 827-0778 [email protected]

Ralph B. Higgins ASLAAdjunct Professor. BLA, University of Georgia (1969). Specializations: Landuse & Site Planning, Landscape Architecture. (804) 740-7500 [email protected]

Karl Huber Adjunct Professor. BS, Rutgers University (1975); MRP, Penn State University (1979). Specializations: GIS/Spatial Analysis. (804) 371-7484 [email protected]

Gary Johnson Professor Emeritus. BS, Northern Michigan University (1972); MUP, Wayne State University (1974); DED, Texas A&M University (1979). Specializations: Community Development, Housing & Neighborhood Planning, Transportation Planning, Land-Use/Growth Management. (804) 828-0469 [email protected]

Thomas E. Jacobson AICPAdjunct Professor. MURP, University of Minnesota (1971). Specializations: Land-use Planning, Planning Practice (804) 748-1040 [email protected]

Allan MillsAssociate Professor. Ph.D (1975) University of Minnesota. Specialization: Tourism Policy and Planning; Urban Forestry. [email protected]

Keith ReadyAssociate Professor. Ph.D. Specialization: Parks and Recreation Planning and Design. [email protected]

Ed SimpsonAdjunct Professor. MPA (1977) University of Puget Sound. Specialization: Adaptive Reuse Planning. [email protected] WikstromAssociate Professor. B.A. Northeastern University; M.A., Ph.D. University of Connecticut. Specialization: Intergovernmental Relations, Urban Politics. [email protected]

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Urban Affairs and Planning202 Architecture Annex

Blacksburg, Virginia 24061Phone (540) 231-5485

Fax (540) 231-3367E-mail: [email protected]

Thomas W. Sanchez, Program ChairPhone (540) 231-5425

E-Mail: [email protected]


UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: 4 yrs. English; 3 yrs. Math; 2 yrs. Soc. Sci. including History; 2 yrs. ScienceMinimum GPA: Min N/A; avg 3.69Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: Min N/A; avg 1187

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 39 PUA; 64 EPPHours of Core .......................................................................................... 39Hours of Studio Courses ......................................................................... 3-6Hours of Restricted Electives ............................................................... 6-15Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 23-33Other ............................................33 (university-required liberal arts core)Total Required Hours In Planning Program .......................................... 120Thesis or Final Product ............................................................Not required

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdm. Deadline Fall 2011 ..........................................................................01/15/2011Adm. Deadline Spring 2012 .....................................................................10/01/2011Financial Aid Deadline, 2011-12 ............................................................. 01/01/2011Instate Tuition and Fees (per semester)…… .....................................….…. $4729.50Out-of-state tuition and Fees (per semester ................................................$11608.50Application Fee ......................................................................................................$50

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdm. Deadline 2011-12 Masters ...............................................................03/01/2011Adm. Deadline 2011-12 Ph.D........................................................................6/1/2011Financial Aid Deadline, 2010-11 Masters ...................................................1/15/2011Financial Aid Deadline, 2010-11 PhD ....................................................... 1/15/2011Instate Tuition and Fees (per semester)…. (extended campus) ..................$5466.50Out-of-state tuition and Fees (per semester) (extended campus) ................$9978.50

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONUndergraduate: College Scholarship, University Financial Aid; Varies by Program, available through university financial aid office.Graduate: Approximately 20 teaching and graduate assistantships award-ed each year, based on admissions evaluation and match w/research & teaching needs.


BA in Public & Urban Affairs (PUA)BS in Environmental Policy & Planning (EPP)

Contact Person: Diane Zahm, Undergraduate Programs Coordinator Phone: (540) 231-7503E-mail: [email protected]

Year initiated: 1969 PUA; 1997 EPP Degrees Granted through 05/15/09 .........................................................265Degrees granted from 8/30/09-5/15/09 .....................................................29


Annual Student Enrollment

07/09 09/10Undergraduate 117 143Masters 90 101

MASTERS DEGREEMaster of Urban & Regional Planning

Contact Person Thomas W. Sanchez, Program ChairPhone: 540.231.5425E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1957 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 8/31/09 ...........................................................701Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................36

Masters SpecializationsEnvironmental Policy & Planning; Land Use & Physical Development; Housing, Community &

Economic Development; International Development

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Minimum Undergraduate GPA: 3.0Minimum GRE: 1100 V+QMinimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: None

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ..................................................................................... 18-21Hours of Studio or Practice Related Courses .............................................6Hours of Restricted Electives .......................................................................Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 21-24Total Required Hours in Planning Program: 48Exam,Thesis or Final Product: Practicum, Major Paper, or Thesis

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*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONInternship opportunities, Department awards, University financial aid.

Planning, Governance, and Globalization

Contact Person: Gerry Kearns, SPIA directorPhone: (540) 231-2291E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated 2007

Two Streams: Urban & Environmental Design & Planning (UEDP)Governance & Globalization (GG)

Thematic Areas (concentrations):UEDP (6):Metropolitan DevelopmentCommunity & Economic Development PlanningInternational Development PlanningEnvironmental Planning & Landscape AnalysisTransportation PlanningPhysical Planning & Urban Design

GG (2):Governance, Institutions & Civil SocietyGlobalization, Identities, Security, & Economies

DOCTORAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSAll students have a common set of requirements that include:• Minimum 90 credit hours• Core coursework and research (minimum 42 credits)• Theory (3 credits)• Methods (6 credits)• Pedagogy (3 credits) • Research (30 credits)• Additional coursework depending on track, thematic, and dissertation area

DOCTORAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No RequirementsMinimum GRE: 1150Minimum TOEFL: 550Minimum GPA: 3.0Departmental Requirement: No Requirements

PLANNING FACULTYJohn Browder Professor and College Associate Dean. BA, College of Wooster (1974); MPA, American University (1977); MA and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (1986). Specializations: International Development Planning, Environmental Ethics & Policy, Planning Practice & Theory. (540) 231-6217 [email protected]

Ralph BuehlerAssistant Professor. MS (2002); MS (2003); Ph.D. (2008), Rutgers University. Specializations: Transportation Policy and Planning, Land Use, Energy, and Regional Governance. (703) 706-8104 [email protected]

Margaret CowellAssistant Professor. BA, Brown University (2002), MUP, SUNY-Buffalo, Ph.D. Cornell (2010). Specializations: Building Resilient Regions; Economic Complementarity in Polycentric Regions; Effects of Economic Restructuring on Shrinking Regions (703) 706-8111 [email protected]

Casey Dawkins Assistant Professor. BS (1995), MCP (1999) and Ph.D. (2003), Georgia Tech. Specializations: Residential Segregation, Growth Management, Urban Inequality, Quantitative Spatial Analysis. (540) 231-2690 [email protected]

Ralph HallAssistant Professor. MS, Civil & Environmental Engineering (2002), MIT; MS, Technology & Policy (2002), MIT; Ph.D., (2006), MIT. Specializations: Sustainable Development, Transportation, Water/Sanitation in Developing Countries. (540) 231-7332 [email protected]

U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 2 2 4

White 27 42 69

African American 2 2 4

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 3 6 9

Mixed 0 0 0

Other/Don’t Know 3 1 4

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 2 7 9

Total Students 39 39 83

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Sonia Hirt Assistant Professor. Arch.Dipl., Higher Institute of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Bulgaria (1991); MUP (1995) and Ph.D. (2003), University of Michigan. Specializations: Land Use Policy & Planning, Urban Form, Sustainable Metropolitan Development, Comparative/International Planning. (540) 231-7509 [email protected]

Derek HyraAssociate Professor. BA, Colgate University (1996); MA, University of Chicago (2000); Ph.D., University of Chicago (2005). Specializations: Urban Politics, Race, Globalization, Neighborhood Poverty, Affordable Housing Finance, and Qualitative Methods. (703)706-8111 [email protected]

Paul L. Knox Senior Fellow for International Advancement . BA and Ph.D., University of Sheffield, UK. Specializations: Comparative Analysis of Urbanization & Urban Planning, Social Production of the Built Environment, Evolution of the American Urban Medical Care Delivery System. (540) 231-1695 [email protected]

C. Theodore Koebel Professor. BS, Xavier University (1969); MCP, University of Cincinnati (1971); Ph.D., Rutgers University (1979). Specializations: Housing, Real Estate, Community Development. (540) 231-0412 [email protected]

John Randolph Professor. BME, University of Minnesota (1969); MS (1972) and Ph.D. (1976), Stanford University. Specializations: Environmental Planning & Policy, Water Resources Planning, Energy Planning & Policy/Renewable Energy, Land Use Planning. (540) 231-7714 [email protected]

Jesse Richardson Associate Professor and Program Chair. BS and MS, Virginia Tech; JD, University of Virginia. Specializations: Environmental Law & Policy, Land Use Law & Policy, Farmland Protection, Local Government Autonomy. (540) 231-7508 [email protected]

Thomas W. SanchezProfessor and Program Chair. BA, University of California (1984), MCRP, California Polytechnic State University (1986), Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology (1996). Specializations: Transportation, Land Use, Residential Location Behavior, and Questions of Social Equity in Planning; Geographic Information Systems. (540) 231-5425 [email protected]

Max O. Stephenson Associate Professor. BA (1977), MA (1979) and Ph.D. (1985), University of Virginia. Specializations: Public Administration, Policy Implementation, Nonprofit Organizations & Management. (540) 231-6775 [email protected]

Karen TillAssociate Professor. BA, Analysis & Conservation Ecology(1986); MA, Geography (1991), Ph.D. (1996) University of Wisconsin. Specializations: Wounded Cities, Capital Cities in Transition, Cultural Politics and National Identity, Place Making and Social Memory, Public and Conceptual Urban Art and Architecture, New Urbanism, Qualitative and Feminist Research Methods. (540) 231-1109 [email protected]

Kris WernstedtAssociate Professor. PhD and MA, Cornell, MA, University of Wisconsin. Specializations: Environmental planning, management, and policy, with emphases on contaminated properties and water resources. (703) 706-8132 [email protected]

Diane L. Zahm Associate Professor. BS, Allegheny College (1980); MP, University of Virginia (1982); Ph.D., SUNY, Syracuse (1986). Specializations: Crime & Terrorism Prevention/Homeland Security, Environmental Design, Neighborhood Planning, Land Use Planning. (540) 231-7503 [email protected]

Yang ZhangAssistant Professor. BS, Geography (1997) Peking University; MA, Geography (2000) Peking University; Ph.D. Urban and Regional Planning (2006), Texas A&M. Specializations: Urban Land Use Planning, natural Hazards Mitigation, Post Disaster Re-development, and Sustainable Urban Form, Geographic Information Systems. (540) 231-1128 [email protected]

James R. Bohland Professor, Senior Fellow for Biomedical, Bioengineering and Health Projects. BA, Western Michigan University; MA and Ph.D., University of Georgia. Specializations: Health Policy & Planning, Population Analysis, Policy Analysis & Program Evaluation, Survey Research Methods. (540) 231-5517 [email protected]

Shelley MastranVisiting Professor. BA, English (1965), Vassar; MA, Geography (1974), George Washington; PhD, Geography (1988), University of Maryland.Specializations: Preservation Planning, Community Planning Projects, Heritage Areas, and Scenic Byway Management Plans. (703) 706-8111 [email protected]

Elizabeth MortonProfessor-In-Practice. BA, English and Art History (1985), Williams College; MRP, Urban & Regional Planning (1990), UNC-Chapel Hill; PhD, Urban Planning (2006), MIT. Specializations: Urban Design, Historic Preservation and Cultural Policy and Planning. (540)706-8111 [email protected]


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Damian PittVisiting Assistant Professor. BA, Sociology, University of Tennessee (1998), MS, Environmental Planning and Policy, University of Oregon (2001), PhD, Planning, Governance, and Globalization, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (2009). Specialization: Land Use and Environmental Planning; Energy and Environmental Policy; Local Government Climate Protection Planning; Planning and Permitting Issues for Renewable Energy Systems; Energy Implications of Land-use Planning and Smart Growth. (540) 231-4042 [email protected]

Derren RosbachBA, College of the Atlantic (1995), MS, Western Carolina University (2005), PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (expected 2010). Specialization: Cross-disciplinary collaborations with a focus on science, technology and the environment.

Joe SchillingAssistant Research Professor, Prof. BA, Social Science (1979) San Diego State University; LL.M, Environmental Law (1996), George Washington University; JD, Law (1983), Hastings College. Specializations: Land Use Law, Sustainable Regions Through Better Building and Community Design. (703) 706-8111 [email protected]

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Graduate Program in Urban Planning3198 Faculty/Administration Building

Detroit, Michigan 48202Phone (313) 577-2701

Fax (313) 577-0022

Robin Boyle, Department ChairPhone: (313) 577-2701

E-mail: [email protected]


Annual Student Enrollment

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ......................Rolling AdmissionFinancial Aid Deadline 2009-10 for Masters program ............................ July 1, 2010In-State Tuition and Fees ........................................ $478.85/credit hour per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees .............................. $1,057.55/credit hour per semesterApplication Fee ......................................................................................................$50Additional Fees: .....................................$38.70/credit hour; $163.05 registration fee

Applied Accepted Enrolled07/0805/0607/0805/0607/0805/06

31243733Masters 4855



MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: No RequirementsMinimum Undergraduate GPA: 2.6 (Univ.)/2.8 (Dept.)Minimum GRE: None Required Minimum TOEFL 550Ranking in Undergraduate Class: Not RequiredDepartmental Requirement: 2 letters of recommendation; personal statement

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTuition awards: Internships; Department Awards & Research Assistantships Eligibility criteria: Check w/Department

Master of Urban Planning

Contact Person: Kelly Hicks Phone: (313) 577-2701E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1959 PAB Accredited Degrees Granted through 05/10 ..............................................................476Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................36

Masters SpecializationsHousing & Community Development,

Urban & Regional Economic Development, Managing Metropolitan Growth


*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................23Project Courses ...........................................................................................4Hours of Restricted Electives .....................................................................0Hours of Unrestricted Electives .......................................................... 18-13Thesis ...................................................................................................... 3-8Total Required Hours in Planning Program .............................................48Exams or Written Requirements: ...............................Essay (3 cr. hours) or Thesis (8 cr. hours)

Robin BoyleProfessor/Department Chair. Diploma in Planning, Glasgow School of Art (1973); MS, University of Reading (1974). Specializations: Economic Development, Land Use/Growth Management, Housing & Neighborhood Planning, Real Estate Development. (313) 577-8711 [email protected]


U.S. Citizens &Permanent Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics ofAny Race 27 31 58

White 16 19 35

African American 1 3 4

Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 7 11 18

Other/Don’t Know 0 0 0

Non-US Citizens Non-Permanent Residents 2 0 2

Total Students 53 64 117

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Robert SinclairEmeritus Professor. BA, Wayne State University; MA and Ph.D., Northwestern University. Specializations: International Development & Planning, Political (313) 577-0542 [email protected]

Paul VigeantLecturer. BA, Clark University; (1962); Arch. & Design, University of Detroit (1966); MA, Wayne State University (1969).Specializations: Planning Practice, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Metropolitan/Regional (313) 577-0539 [email protected]

Daryl LaFlammeAdjunct Professor. BS, Ball State University (1990); MA, Indiana State University (1995). Specializations: Demography, (313) 577-2701 [email protected]

Jeffrey HornerLecturer. BA, Adrian College (1984); MUP, Wayne State University (1993). Specializations: Metropolitan and Regional Planning, Politics and Governance, Economic (313) 577-0194 [email protected]

Benjamin TallericoAdjunct Professor. BSBA, Lawrence Technical University; MUP and MA Wayne State University. Specializations: Planning Practice, Planning (313) 577-2701 [email protected]

Lei DingAssistant Professor. BS (1997) and MS (2000) Tsinghua University, PhD (2005) George Mason University. Specializations: Housing and Public Policy, Regional Economic Development, Public Policy and Policy Analysis, Statistical and Spatial (313) 577-0543 [email protected]

George GalsterProfessor. BA, Wittenberg University (1970); BS, Case Western Reserve University (1971); Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Specializations: Housing & Neighborhood Planning, Race/Ethnicity & Planning, Quantitative Methods, Urban & Regional Economics, Impact (313) 577-9084 [email protected]

Carolyn G. LohAssistant Professor. BA 2001 and MUP 2002 and Ph.D. 2008, University of Michigan. Specializations: Land Use, Growth Management, Planning Methods, (313) 577-0541 [email protected]

Rayman MohamedAssistant Professor. BS, University of Guyana (1991); MS, University of South Florida (1996); Ph.D., Cornell University (2003). Specializations: Environmental Planning, GIS, Land Use/Growth Management, Quantitative Methods, Metropolitan/Regional (313) 577-3356 [email protected]

Kameshwari PothukuchiAssociate Professor. B.Arch., University of Bombay (1987); MUP (1990), M.Arch. (1991) and Ph.D. (1995), University of Michigan. Specializations: Citizen Participation/Community Organization, Gender Studies & Planning, Planning Theory, Physical Planning/Urban Design, Community (313) 577-4296 [email protected]

Matthew D. WeberAdjunct Professor. BA, University of Michigan (1991); JD and MA, University of Wisconsin (1997). Specializations: Planning Law; Planning (313) 577-2701 [email protected]

Avis C. Vidal FAICPProfessor. AB, University of Chicago (1967); MCP (1973) and Ph.D. (1982), Harvard University. Specializations: Community Development, Housing & Neighborhood Planning, Economic Development, Real Estate Development, Citizen Participation/Community Organization. (313) 577-8842 [email protected]

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Geography and Planning Department

50 University AvenueWest Chester, PA 19383

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 610-436-2746


Fall Student Enrollment – Dept of Geography and Planning

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline – none, but preferably by 12/1 for the following fall and 11/1 for spring.In-State Tuition/Fees: ............................................................ $231/cr hr per semesterTechnology Fee: .................................................................................................. $103General Fee: ................................................................................................... $725.70 Out-of-State Tuition/Fees: .................................................... $579/cr hr per semesterTechnology Fee: .................................................................................................. $155General Fee: ................................................................................................... $725.70 Application Fee: .................................................................................................... $35

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline ............................................. 4/15 for fall sem; 10/15 for springIn-State Tuition/Fees: ............................................................ $370/cr hr per semesterTechnology Fee: .................................................................................................. $103General Fee: ................................................................................................... $664.35Out-of-State Tuition/Fees: .................................................... $593/cr hr per semesterTechnology Fee: .................................................................................................. $155General Fee: ................................................................................................... $664.35Application Fee: .................................................................................................... $35




MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSBachelors degree from an accredited college or university and minimum 2.80 undergraduate GPA

A goals statement, two letters of recommendation and current resume

Minimum MAT, GRE or GMAT: not required for applicants who meet the above

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSMinimum GPA: 3.0Minimum SAT or ACT Scores: 1000 Math & Verbal


5 Paciaroni Scholarship Awards to Undergrad and Graduate students to support scholarly travel; Requires 3.0 GPA

1 Dr. Alan P. Mewha Endowed Scholarship Award to an outstanding upper-class Geography & Planning major

Graduate and Research Assistantships are available and awarded to grad-uate students on a competitive basis

Master of Public Administration, Regional Planning Concentration

Contact Person: Dorothy Ives DeweyPhone: (610)436-2746E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1935Degrees Granted 2003 through 2009: .........................61 Total; 8 PlanningDegrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10: .....................8 Total; 2 Planning

Bachelor of Arts: Urban/Regional Planning Track

Contact Person: Dorothy Ives DeweyPhone: (610)436-2746E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1935 Degrees Granted through 2009 ........................82 Total; 15 Planning TrackDegrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ...........11 Total; 3 Planning Track

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSTotal Hours Required ................................................................................36Hours of Administration Core: ................................................................18Hours of Regional Planning Core: .......................................................... 6Hours of Regional Planning Electives: ...................................................12

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSTotal Hours Required: ............................................................................120Hours of General Ed Requirements: ........................................................48Hours of Geography Core: ......................................................................27Hours of Language/Culture Requirement: ......................................... 0-15Hours of Writing Emphasis Requirement: ................................................9Hours Required in Planning Program: ....................................................30

2007 2008 2009Undergraduate 38 31 33Masters 27 29 30

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Fall 2009

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.



Undergraduate GraduateHispanic 0 1

White 30 24

African American 2 3

Native American 1 0

Asian 0 1

Multiracial 0 0

Unknown 0 1

TOTALS 33 30

Male 22 21

Female 11 9

Joan M. WelchProfessor: B.A., St. Cloud State University, M.A., Boston University, Ph.D., Boston University, 1990. Specialities: Physical, Conservation, Environmental Planning (610) 436-2940 [email protected]

James P. LewandowskiProfessor: B.A., Toledo University, M.A. Toledo University, Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1991. Specialities: Urban/economic, International Trade, Quantitative Methods, GIS (610) 436-2724 [email protected]

Dorothy Ives Dewey, AICPAssociate Professor: B.A., Lafayette College, M.Pl., University of Southern California, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1997. Specialities: Land Use Planning, GIS (610) 436-2746 [email protected]

George W. Fasic, AICPPart-time (Former Director, Chester County Planning Commission): B.S., Pennsylvania State University, M.S., Columbia University, 1962. Specialities: Planning Law, Planning Design (610) 436-2544 [email protected]

Gary W. CoutuAssociate Professor: B.A., Duquesne University, MSPMP, Carnegie Mellon University, Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2001. Specialities: GIS, Watershed Analysis, Remote Sensing (610) 738-0522 [email protected]

Joy A. FritschleAssistant Professor: B.A., Humboldt State University of California, M.S., University of Memphis, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007. Specialities: Biogeography, Environmental Planning, GIS (610) 436-3396 [email protected]

Kristen B. CrossneyAssistant Professor: B.S., University of Maryland-Baltimore County, M.A., Temple University, Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2006. Specialities: Urban Studies, Planning and Policy, Housing (610) 430-5838 [email protected]

Matin KatiraiAssistant Professor: B.A., York University, Toronto, M.P.H., University of Kentucky College of Public Health, Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2009. Specialities: Urban Planning, Business GIS, Public Health, Transportation (610) 436-2393 [email protected]

The Geography and Planning Department offers programs that bridge the physical and social sciences, combining theory with practical experience. Students gain knowledge and analytical skills that can be applied to social and environmental problems. We pride ourselves in welcoming students with a variety of interests and a range of abilities and in helping majors develop focus and skills. We have close to 100 percent retention and graduation of majors.

Undergraduate students who desire graduate school will wish to know that 100 percent of WCU Geography & Planning undergraduate majors that have applied to graduate schools in the past decade have been accept-ed to the programs of their choice.

Our MPA Regional Planning concentration is appropriate for many career paths which value a combined knowledge of public administration as well as comprehensive planning, zoning, mapping, and demographic and environmental impacts of geographical change. Most students in the program aspire to planning or public administration careers, although some use this degree to broaden their knowledge and expertise for other employment opportunities. This degree supports working professionals who desire a career specialty or change. The concentration focuses on land use development and management at the local, county, and regional levels.

Internships are available for all degree programs.

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Department of Geography3244 Wood Hall, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008

Phone (269) 387-3410Fax: (269) 387-3442

Dr. Benjamin Ofori-Amoah, Department ChairPhone: (269) 387-3424

E-mail: [email protected]





UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSDepartmental Requirement: NoneMinimum GPA: 3.3 GPAMinimum SAT or ACT Scores: 22 ACT


Contact Person: Benjamin Ofori-Amoah, Chair Phone: (269) 387-3424E-mail: [email protected]

BS in Community and Regional Planning

Year Initiated: 2009 Degrees Granted through 8/31/10 ...............................................................0

Master in Geography with Community Development and Planning Concentration

Contact Person: Benjamin Ofori-Amoah, Chair Phone: (269) 387-3424E-mail: [email protected]

Year Initiated: 1962 Degrees Granted (in concentration) through 2010 .................................135Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................13

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................32 Hours of Restricted Elective.....................................................................25 Hours of Unrestricted Elective .................................................................12 Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................69 Total Required Hours to Graduate from University...............................122 Thesis or Final Product............................................................ Not required Additional Requirement.................................................... . min GPA of 2.0

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ........................................................................................... 20 Hours of Unrestricted Electives ............................................................... 12 Total Required Hours in Planning Program ........................................... 32. Total Required Hours in Minor ......................................................... 14–25Total Required Hours to Graduate from University ............................... 122 Thesis or Final Product ............................................................ Not required Additional Requirement .................................................... . min GPA of 2.0

UNDERGRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline .................. Fall Semester March 31, Spring Semester Sept. 30Financial Aid Deadline ......................................................Feb. 15 for following FallIn-State Tuition and Fees: ............................................................ $3610 per semesterOut-of-State Tuition and Fees: .................................................... $8856 per semesterEnrollment Fee: ....................................................................................................$333Application Fee: .....................................................................................................$35

GRADUATE DEADLINES, TUITION AND FEESAdmission Deadline .......... Fall Semester March 31, Spring Semester September 30Financial Aid Deadline ............................................................................ February 28In-State Tuition: .....................................................................$378.88 per credit hourOut-of-State Tuition: ..............................................................$601.15 per credit hourEnrollment Fee: ....................................................................................................$333Application Fee: .....................................................................................................$40

Annual Student Enrollment Applied Accepted Enrolled


N/AN/AN/AN/AUndergraduate N/AN/A

671214Masters 1417

MASTERS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSUniversity Admission Policy: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institutionMinimum Undergraduate GPA: NoneMinimum GRE: Departmental: 1000 Verbal & Quantitative Minimum TOEFL: 500 PBT, 173 - 213 CBT or 61 – 80 iBTDepartmental Requirement: Combined Verbal and Quant GRE of 1000; lower scores admitted with deficiencies.

BS in Geography: Urban and Regional Planning

Year Initiated: 1905 Degrees Granted 2002 through 8/31/10 ...................................................49Degrees Granted from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10 ..................................................18

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US Citizens &Permanent

Residents Male Female Total

Hispanics*Of any Race 0 0 0

White 19 14 33

African American 1 1 2Native American/Pacific Islander 0 0 0

Asian American 0 0 0

Mixed 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 0 0 0

Non-US CitizensNon- Permanent

Residents2 2


Total Students 21 17 37

*Do not double count Hispanics; Hispanics also appear in the racial categories below.

MASTERS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSHours of Core ...........................................................................................10 Hours of Planning Courses.......................................................................12 Hours of Research.......................................................................................6 Hours of Unrestricted Electives..................................................................5 Other Experiential.......................................................................................3 Total Required Hours in Planning Program ............................................36 Exam, Thesis or Research Paper ..................................................Required.

FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIONTeaching/Research Assistantship: About 15 awarded each year. These include stipend, tuition and fees. Eligibility criteria: Merit

PLANNING FACULTYDavid Lemberg AICPAssociate Professor. M.R.P., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1983); Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara (1998). Specializations: Community and Regional Development Planning, GIS. (269) 387-3410 [email protected]

Benjamin Ofori-AmoahProfessor and Chair. Ph.D., Simon Fraser University (1990). Specializations: Economic Geography, Economic Development, Regional Development Planning, GIS, International Planning. (269) 387-3415 [email protected]

Li YangAssistant Professor. Ph.D., University of Waterloo (2007). Specializations: Tourism Planning, International Planning. (269) 387-3415 [email protected]

Jordan Yin AICPAssistant Professor. M.R.P., Cornell University (1994); Ph.D. Cornell University (2001). Specializations: Community Development, Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Land Use Planning. (269) 387-3484 [email protected]



Kathleen BakerAssistant Professor. Ph.D., Michigan State University (2002). Specializations: GIS, Physical Geography.

Charles EmersonAssociate Professor. Ph.D., University of Iowa (1996). Specializations: GIS.

Lucius Hallet IVAssistant Professor. Ph.D., University of Kansas (2007). Specializations: Human Geography, Tourism Planning.

Western Michigan University is located in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a mid-sized metropolitan area in Southwest Michigan. Less than one hour from the sandy shores of Lake Michigan, Kalamazoo is located halfway between Detroit and Chicago, and easily accessible by highway, Amtrak, or air via the Kalamazoo / Battle Creek International Airport (AZO).

The Kalamazoo area is known as a cosmopolitan region that is home to an innovation economy, a thriving arts and cultural scene, and other educational assets, including Kalamazoo College and the “Kalamazoo Promise” (a nationally renowned program that offers full college scholar-ships to graduates of the Kalamazoo Public Schools).

Western Michigan University is a major state-supported research uni-versity with more than 24,000 students and 900 full-time faculty. WMU is one of 76 upper-tier public institutions nationally recognized as a Research University by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Since 1999, WMU has been named every year by US News and World Report as one of the “Best National Universities”.

The Department of Geography at WMU was founded in 1905 and offers programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The Department is home to an outstanding array of resources including frequently-updated computing facilities, award-winning student organizations, and the W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change. The Department has offered studies in planning for more than 30 years and has a success-ful record of placing students in professional positions and graduate or doctoral programs.

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APPENDIX A Faculty by Specialization

Advocacy, Ethics, Equity, and Social Policy Planning

Acey, Charisma; Ohio State University

Ashton, Philip; University of Illinois at Chicago

Awwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Beard, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Beneria, Lourdes; Cornell University

Betancur, John; University of Illinois at Chicago

Born, Branden; University of Washington

Bosman, Martin; University of South Florida

Briggs, Xavier de Souza; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Browder, John; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Connerly, Charles E.; University of Iowa

Curtis, Karen; University of Delaware

Doan, Petra; Florida State University

Edwards, Hazel R.; The Catholic University of America

Eisinger, Peter; The New School

Erkins, Esther; University of Cincinnati

Feldman, David L.; University of California, Irvine

Forester, John; Cornell University

Forsyth, Ann; Cornell University

Gibson, Karen; Portland State University

Golub, Aaron; Arizona State University

Gonzalez-Rivas, Marcela; Cornell University

Haddad, Monica A.; Iowa State University

Hamilton, Darrick; The New School

Harwood, Stacy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Heumann, Leonard F.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Houston, Douglas; University of California, Irvine

Huntoon, Laura; University of Arizona

Jaganathan, Radha; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Jojola, Theodore; University of New Mexico

Keeble, Ronald; Ryerson University

Keyes, Langley; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Krimsky, Sheldon; Tufts University

Lai, Clement; Cornell University

Marcuse, Peter; Columbia University

Matsuo, Miwa; University of Iowa

McCray, Talia; University of Texas at Austin

Mendenhall, Ruby; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Monti, Dan; Saint Louis University

Mugerauer, Robert; University of Washington

Rajagopal, Balakrishnan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Rosenbloom, Sandra; University of Arizona

Rosenthal, Joyce Klein; Harvard University

Salo, Ken; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Sanchez, Thomas W.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Sawicki, David S.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Sloane, David; University of Southern California

Springer, Joseph H.; Ryerson University

Sutton, Stacey; Columbia University

Thomas, June Manning; University of Michigan

Torres, Rodolfo; University of California, Irvine

Verma, Niraj; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Vos, Jaap; Florida Atlantic University

White, Sammis; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Wilder, Margaret; University of Delaware

Winkle, Curtis; University of Illinois at Chicago

Agricultural Land ControlMuller, Brian; University of Colorado, Denver

Vitiello, Domenic; University of Pennsylvania

Watson, Philip; University of Idaho

Analytical, Quantitative, Qualitative, Research Methods and Information Technology

Ahern, Jack F.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Al-Kodmany, Kheir; University of Illinois at Chicago

Alam, Bhuiyan; University of Toledo

Anjomani, Ardeshir; University of Texas, Arlington

Bae, Christine; University of Washington

Ballinsky, Warren; The New School

Bame, Sherry; Texas A&M University

Banai, Reza; University of Memphis

Bejleri, Ilir; University of Florida

Brody, Jason; Kansas State University

Brooks, Nancy, Cornell University

Brown, Jeffrey; Florida State University

Campbell, Scott D.; University of Michigan

Cantarero, Rodrigo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Chakraborty, Jayajit; University of South Florida

Chapin, Timothy; Florida State University

Chen, Alexander; University of Maryland, College Park

Clapp, Tara Lynne; Iowa State University

Clark, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Clay, Michael; Auburn University

Colgan, Charles S.; University of Southern Maine

Corburn, Jason; University of California, Berkeley

Corey, Kenneth E.; Michigan State University

Cummings, Scott; Saint Louis University

Das, Ashok; San Francisco State University

Dawkins, Casey; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Deeg, Lohren; Ball State University

Drucker, Joshua; University of Illinois at Chicago

Drummond, William J.; Georgia Institute of Technology

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Dunning, Anne E.; Clemson University

Edwards, Hazel R.; The Catholic University of America

Etienne, Harley F.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fan, Peilei; Michigan State University

Feldman, Martha; University of California, Irvine

Feser, Edward; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Forsyth, Ann; Cornell University

French, Steven P.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Galster, George; Wayne State University

Gilsinan, James; Saint Louis University

Gooding, Earl N. M.; Alabama A&M University

Guldmann, Jean-Michel; Ohio State University

Gurstein, Penelope; University of British Columbia

Guthrie, Dwayne Pierce; The Catholic University of America

Hamilton, Darrick; The New School

Harwood, Stacy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hinojosa, René C.; Michigan State University

Holleran, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Howard, Jeff; University of Texas, Arlington

Huntoon, Laura; University of Arizona

Hyra, Derek; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Johnson, Laura; University of Waterloo

Jutla, Rajinder; Missouri State University

Kahn, Terry; University of Texas at Austin

Kaufman, Sanda; Cleveland State University

Kawamura, Kazuya; University of Illinois at Chicago

Kim, Tschangho John; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Klopher, Eric; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

LaPlante, Josephine; University of Southern Maine

Latimer, Stanley; University of Florida

Lauria, Mickey; Clemson University

Lawson, Catherine T.; State University of New York at Albany

Lee, Ming-Chun; University of Texas at Austin

Lee, Yuk; University of Colorado, Denver

Lewandowski, James P.; West Chester University

Li, Yanmei; Florida Atlantic University

Lindell, Michael K.; Texas A&M University

Lowry, Kem; University of Hawaii

Mazumdar, Sanjoy; University of California, Irvine

McCall, Raymond; University of Colorado, Denver

McDaniels, Timothy; University of British Columbia

McDowell, Ceasar; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Meltzer, Rachel; The New School

Mikelbank, Brian; Cleveland State University

Mohamed, Rayman; Wayne State University

Morales, Alfonso; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Morrow-Jones, Hazel; Ohio State University

Moss, Mitchell; New York University

Moudon, Anne Vernez; University of Washington

Mueller, Elizabeth; University of Texas at Austin

Mugerauer, Robert; University of Washington

Njoh, Ambe; University of South Florida

Noland, Robert B; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Nuworsoo, Cornelius; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Page, G. William; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Pamuk, Ayse; San Francisco State University

Park, JiYoung; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Parker, Brenda; University of Illinois at Chicago

Patten, Iris; University of Arizona

Paulsen, Kurt G.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Peacock, Walter G.; Texas A&M University

Peng, Zhong-Ren; University of Florida

Perckl, Ryan; University of Arizona

Phillips, David L.; University of Virginia

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Radke, John; University of California, Berkeley

Raja, Samina; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Ratti, Carlo; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Rey, Serge; Arizona State University

Rogers, George O.; Texas A&M University

Rubin, Jasper; San Francisco State University

Ryan, Robert L.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Saija, Laura; University of Memphis

Sancar, Fahriye; University of Colorado, Denver

Sanyal, Nick; University of Idaho

Scally, Corianne P.; State University of New York at Albany

Schoen, David A.; Ball State University

Shatkin, Gavin; University of Michigan

Shen, Guoqiang; University of Oklahoma

Shen, Qing; University of Washington

Silverman, Robert M.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Silvis, Anne; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Sperry, Stephen L.; Clemson University

Srinivas, Smita; Columbia University

Suarez-Villa, Luis; University of California, Irvine

Tang, Zhenghong; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Thakuriah, Piyushimita; University of Illinois at Chicago

Till, Karen; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Toker, Umut; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Toker, Zeynep; California State University, Northridge

Vale, Lawrence J.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Viton, Phillip A.; Ohio State University

vom Hofe, Rainer; University of Cincinnati

von Rabenau, Burkhard; Ohio State University

Weisenburger, Ray; Kansas State University

Wilson, Mark I.; Michigan State University

Wubneh, Mulatu; East Carolina University

Yang, Jiawen; Georgia Institute of Technology

Zhang, Sumel; University of Louisville

Zwick, Paul; University of Florida

Analytical, Quantitative, Qualitative, Research Methods and Information Technology cont’d

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Architectural DesignChusid, Jeffrey; Cornell University

Dearborn, Lynn; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Machemer, Patricia L.; Michigan State University

McClure, Wendy; University of Idaho

McKibben, Sherry; University of Idaho

Polakit, Kasama; Florida Atlantic University

Shibley, Robert G.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Till, Karen; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Arts and Cultural PlanningCurrid, Elizabeth; University of Southern California

Grodach, Carl; University of Texas, Arlington

Khirfan, Luna; University of Waterloo

Markusen, Ann R.; University of Minnesota

Strom, Elizabeth; University of South Florida

Till, Karen; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

BrownfieldCoffin, Sarah; Saint Louis University

De Sousa, Christopher; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Lewis, David A.; State University of New York at Albany

Price, Alfred D.; University of Buffalo The State University of New York

Solitare, Laura; Texas Southern University

Simons, Robert; Cleveland State University

Citizen Participation, Community Organization, Education Policy, School, Youth Planning

Akers, Mary Anne Alabanza; Morgan State University

Aurand, Andrew; Florida State University

Brody, Samuel; Texas A&M University

Chawla, Louise; University of Colorado, Denver

Christensen, Karen; University of California, Berkeley

Coates, Paul; Iowa State University

Coutts, Christopher; Florida State University

Crewe, Katherine; Arizona State University

Cunningham, Dayna; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Edwards, Hazel R.; The Catholic University of America

Erkins, Esther; University of Cincinnati

Foley, Dolores; University of Hawaii

Forester, John; Cornell University

Frank, Kathryn; University of Florida

Gershberg, Alec Ian; The New School

Gills, Douglas; University of Illinois at Chicago

Goldstein, Bruce; University of Colorado, Denver

Graham, Leigh Taylor; The New School

Gurstein, Penelope; University of British Columbia

Harris, Kirk; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Haughey, Patrick; University of New Orleans

Hilt, James W.; Temple University

Hooper, Michael; Harvard University

Howard, Zeljka Pavolich; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Hoyt, Lorlene; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Innes, Judith; University of California, Berkeley

Jones, Mittie Davis; Cleveland State University

Kasprisin, Ron; University of Washington

Keyes, Langley; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Khirfan, Luna; University of Waterloo

Kudva, Neema; Cornell University

Laninga, Tamara; University of Idaho

Lawson, Laura; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Lee, Ming-Chun; University of Texas at Austin

Lowe, Jeffrey; University of Memphis

Lowry, Michael; University of Idaho

Mandarin, Lynn; Temple University

May, Diane; Missouri State University

McDowell, Ceasar; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Miles, Rebecca; Florida State University

Moomaw, Suzanne Morse; University of Virginia

Musso, Juliet; University of Southern California

Neuman, Michael C.; Texas A&M University

Njoh, Ambe; University of South Florida

Parker, Brenda; University of Illinois at Chicago

Paterson, Robert G.; University of Texas at Austin

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Pothukuchi, Kameshwari; Wayne State University

Prosperi, David; Florida Atlantic University

Reardon, Ken; University of Memphis

Roakes, Susan; University of Memphis

Rongerude, Jane; Iowa State University

Salazar, Dayana M.; San José State University

Santo, Charles; University of Memphis

Seidel, Andrew; Texas A&M University

Shrestha, Manoj; University of Idaho

Silva, Enrique R.; Boston University

Silverman, Robert M.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Springer, Joseph H.; Ryerson University

Stephenson, Max O.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Stiftel, Bruce; Georgia Institute of Technology

Sweeney, Donald A.; Texas A&M University

Thompson, J. Phillip; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Thompson, Michelle M.; University of New Orleans

Toker, Zeynep; California State University, Northridge

Van Vliet, Willem; University of Colorado, Denver

Vidal, Avis C.; Wayne State University

Wilder, Margaret; University of Delaware

Wilson, Mark I.; Michigan State University

Wilson, Patricia; University of Texas at Austin

Wridt, Pamela; University of Colorado, Denver

Yabes, Ruth; Arizona State University

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Citizen Participation, Environmental and Geographic Education

Bosselman, Peter; University of California, Berkeley

Brown, Greg; University of Queensland

Carmin, JoAnn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Conroy, Maria Manta; Ohio State University

Frank, Kathryn; University of Florida

Genskow, Kenneth D.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Gough, Meghan; Virginia Commonwealth University

Hanhardt, Eva; Pratt Institute

Hawley, R. Dawn; Northern Arizona University

Lee, Joseph A.; Alabama A&M University

Kamel, Nabil; Arizona State University

Kaufman, Sanda; Cleveland State University

Kellogg, Wendy A.; Cleveland State University

Laurian, Lucie; University of Iowa

Lawson, Laura; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Lewis, John; University of Waterloo

Layzer, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lowe, Jeffrey; University of Memphis

Margerum, Richard; University of Oregon

Njoh, Ambe; University of South Florida

Outland, Donald; Alabama A&M University

Ozawa, Connie P.; Portland State University

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Salo, Ken; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Sanyal, Nick; University of Idaho

Shandas, Vivek; Portland State University

Silva, Enrique R.; Boston University

Simpson, David M.; University of Louisville

Stiftel, Bruce; Georgia Institute of Technology

Toker, Umut; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

White, Stacey S.; University of Kansas

Wilson, Constance; Alabama A&M University

Wolch, Jennifer; University of California, Berkeley

Zapata, Marisa; University of Cincinnati

Climate ChangeBoswell, Michael; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Coffman, Makena; University of Hawaii

Frazier, Tim; University of Idaho

Gober, Patricia; Arizona State University

Greve, Adrienne; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Grover, Himanshu; University of Buffalo The State University of New York

Hamin, Elizabeth M.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Hassol, Joshua; Boston University

Lagro, James A. Jr.; University of Wisconsin- Madison

Rosenthal, Joyce Klein; Harvard University

Stone, Brian Jr.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Suffling, Roger; University of Waterloo

Wack, Paul; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Woudsma, Clarence; University of Waterloo

Vos, Jaap; Florida Atlantic University

Commercial and Industrial PlanningAccordino, John J.; Virginia Commonwealth University

Amsden, Alice; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dewar, Margaret E.; University of Michigan

Ehrenfeucht, Renia; University of New Orleans

Fan, Peilei; Michigan State University

Frenchman, Dennis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Haight, Murray; University of Waterloo

Hoefer, Wolfram; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Hoyt, Lorlene; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kotval, Zenia Z.; Michigan State University

McMillen, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Nixon, Hilary; San José State University

Renski, Henry; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Seidman, Karl; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Wadley, David; University of Queensland

Community and Economic DevelopmentAccordino, John J.; Virginia Commonwealth University

Akers, Mary Anne Alabanza; Morgan State University

Altrows, Lawrence; Ryerson University

Angeles, Leonora; University of British Columbia

Assaad, Ragui A.; University of Minnesota

Basolo, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Baum, Howell S.; University of Maryland, College Park

Beard, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Begg, Robert B.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Boothroyd, Peter; University of British Columbia

Borich, Timothy O.; Iowa State University

Botchwey, Nisha; University of Virginia

Bradbury, Susan L.; Iowa State University

Burton, Jr, Otha; Jackson State University

Calzonetti, Frank; University of Toledo

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Chapple, Karen; University of California, Berkeley

Clay, Phillip; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Connerly, Charles E.; University of Iowa

Córdova, Teresa L., University of New Mexico

Cunningham, Dayna; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cunningham, M. Grant; Clemson University

Curtis, Karen; University of Delaware

Ellen, Ingrid Gould; New York University

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Foley, Dolores; University of Hawaii

Frankel, Bruce W; Ball State University

Gibson, Karen; Portland State University

Glenn, Ezra Haber; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Goetz, Edward G.; University of Minnesota

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Grengs, Joseph; University of Michigan

Grodach, Carl; University of Texas, Arlington

Hammel, Daniel J.; University of Toledo

Hanna, William; University of Maryland, College Park

Haughey, Patrick; University of New Orleans

Huang, Chang-Shan; Texas A&M University

Huddleston, Jack R.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Immergluck, Daniel; Georgia Institute of Technology

Isaac, Claudia B.; University of New Mexico

Jojola, Theodore; University of New Mexico

Jones, Mittie Davis; Cleveland State University

Keating, W. Dennis; Cleveland State University

Kotval, Zenia Z.; Michigan State University

Krumholz, Norm; Cleveland State University

Lake, Robert W; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

LaMore, Rex L.; Michigan State University

Lauria, Mickey; Clemson University

Lee, Joseph A.; Alabama A&M University

Lemberg, David; Western Michigan University

Lewis, David A.; State University of New York at Albany

Lowe, Jeffrey; University of Memphis

McClure, Kirk; University of Kansas

McMullen, John C.; Frostburg State University

Moomaw, Suzanne Morse; University of Virginia

Morales, Alfonso; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ndubisi, Forster; Texas A&M University

Nelson, Marla; University of New Orleans

Newman, Kathe; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Olson, Brad C.; Cornell University

Owusu, Francis Y.; Iowa State University

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Pothukuchi, Kameshwari; Wayne State University

Powers, Laura Wolf; University of Pennsylvania

Rubenstein, James M.; Miami University

Rubin, Julia Sass; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Sawicki, David S.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Seasons, Mark; University of Waterloo

Seidel, Andrew; Texas A&M University

Serda, Daniel; University of Kansas

Servon, Lisa J.; The New School

Shatkin, Gavin; University of Michigan

Shetty, Sujata; University of Toledo

Silvis, Anne; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Spencer, James; University of Hawaii

Suffling, Roger; University of Waterloo

Thompson, J. Phillip; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Thompson, Michelle M.; University of New Orleans

Umemoto, Karen; University of Hawaii

Van Zandt, Shannon; Texas A&M University

Vidal, Avis C.; Wayne State University

Vitiello, Domenic; University of Pennsylvania

Warner, Mildred; Cornell University

Watson, Philip; University of Idaho

Wesley, Joan; Jackson State University

Wigfall, La Barbara; Kansas State University

Wilder, Margaret; University of Delaware

Wilson, Constance; Alabama A&M University

Winchell, Dick; Eastern Washington University

Wong, Sidney; Morgan State University

Wridt, Pamela; University of Colorado, Denver

Zimmer, Richard J.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Comparative Planning/Comparative Urbanization

Abramson, Daniel; University of Washington

Ashton, Philip; University of Illinois at Chicago

Bullamore, Henry W.; Frostburg State University

Burayidi, Michael; Ball State University

Campbell, Scott D.; University of Michigan

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Carroll, Walter F.; Boston University

Fainstein, Susan; Harvard University

Hirt, Sonia; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Huntoon, Laura; University of Arizona

Khirfan, Luna; University of Waterloo

Knox, Paul L.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Leaf, Michael; University of British Columbia

Minerbi, Luciano; University of Hawaii

Morrison, Tiffany; University of Queensland

Olpadwala, Porus; Cornell University

Qian, Zhu; University of Waterloo

Slavic, H.V.; University of Louisville

Silva, Enrique R.; Boston University

Silver, Christopher; University of Florida

Wilson, Patrick; University of Idaho

Zovanyi, Gabor; Eastern Washington University

Comprehensive PlanningEsswein, Carolyn; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Grodach, Carl; University of Texas, Arlington

Grover, Himanshu; University of Buffalo The State University of New York

Howard, Zeljka Pavolich; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

May, Diane; Missouri State University

Park, Peter; University of Colorado, Denver

Paulsen, Kurt G.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Computer Applications and Cartographic Design / Cartography

Al-Kodmany, Kheir; University of Illinois at Chicago

Batty, Michael; Arizona State University

Bosselman, Peter; University of California, Berkeley

Burne, Alan M.; East Carolina University

Cantarero, Rodrigo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Cervero, Robert; University of California, Berkeley

Czajkowski, Kevin P.; University of Toledo

Deal, Brian; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Drummond, William J.; Georgia Institute of Technology

French, Steven P.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Gordon, Steven I.; Ohio State University

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit; Arizona State University

Hanley, Paul; University of Iowa

Hopkins, Lewis D.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jojola, Theodore; University of New Mexico

Kaufman, Sanda; Cleveland State University

Kent, Robert B.; California State University, Northridge

Kessler, Fritz C.; Frostburg State University

Latimer, Stanley; University of Florida

Levy, Frank; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lewis, John; University of Waterloo

Lindquist, Peter S.; University of Toledo

Phillips, David L.; University of Virginia

Radke, John; University of California, Berkeley

Reader, Steven; University of South Florida

Salazar, Dayana M.; San José State University

Schoen, David A.; Ball State University

Seidel, Andrew; Texas A&M University

Sletto, Bjorn; University of Texas at Austin

Toker, Umut; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Conservation/Resource Management and Land Preservation

Booth, Richard S.; Cornell University

Brabec, Elizabeth; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Coffman, Makena; University of Hawaii

Daniels, Thomas L.; University of Pennsylvania

Frazier, Tim; University of Idaho

Grover, Himanshu; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Hollenhorst, Steven J.; University of Idaho

Jacobs, Harvey M.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Layzer, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Merrill, Sam; University of Southern Maine

Muller, Brian; University of Colorado, Denver

Patten, Iris; University of Arizona

Perckl, Ryan; University of Arizona

Precht, Francis L.; Frostburg State University

Sanyal, Nick; University of Idaho

Suffling, Roger; University of Waterloo

Tomlan, Michael; Cornell University

Wack, Paul; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Welch, Joan M.; West Chester University

White, Stacey S.; University of Kansas

Wilson, Patrick; University of Idaho

Cultural Geography and Ethnic EnclavesAgrawal, Sandeep Kumar; Ryerson University

Briggs, Xavier de Souza; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Chalana, Manish; University of Washington

Chusid, Jeffrey; Cornell University

Frenchman, Dennis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Gonzalez-Rivas, Marcela; Cornell University

Irazabal, Clara; Columbia University

Jojola, Theodore; University of New Mexico

Lai, Clement; Cornell University

Lee, Tunney; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Main, Kelly; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Mazumdar, Sanjoy; University of California, Irvine

McHugh, Kevin; Arizona State University

Monti, Dan; Saint Louis University

Nance, Earthea; University of New Orleans

O’Regan, Katherine; New York University

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Schlemper, Mary Beth; University of Toledo

Theken, Patrice; University of Akron

Torres, Rodolfo; University of California, Irvine

Zimmerman, Rae; New York University

DemographyAssaad, Ragui A.; University of Minnesota

Beard, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Chew, Kenneth; University of California, Irvine

Gober, Patricia; Arizona State University

Gooding, Earl N. M.; Alabama A&M University

Guthrie, Dwayne Pierce; The Catholic University of America

Hughes, James W; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Jaganathan, Radha; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Laurian, Lucie; University of Iowa

Morrow-Jones, Hazel; Ohio State University

Myers, Dowell; University of Southern California

Reid, Neil; University of Toledo

Rubenstein, James M.; Miami University

Sawicki, David S.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Seidel, Andrew; Texas A&M University

Spain, Daphne; University of Virginia

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Development and Spatial StructuresAlam, Bhuiyan; University of Toledo

Ben-Johnson, Eran; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dooling, Sarah; University of Texas at Austin

Edelman, David J.; University of Cincinnati

Ferreira, Joseph Jr.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kent, Robert B.; California State University, Northridge

Kwok, Reg; University of Hawaii

Lee, Bumsoo; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lee, Yuk; University of Colorado, Denver

McHugh, Kevin; Arizona State University

McMillen, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Miller, Donald; University of Washington

Nam, Yunwoo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Nguyen, Phuong; University of Iowa

Romanos, Michael C.; University of Cincinnati

Sanyal, Bish; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Searle, Glen; University of Queensland

Tendler, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ecological Planning, Economics and Systems

Ahern, Jack F.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Bosman, Martin; University of South Florida

Brody, Samuel; Texas A&M University

Coffin, Sarah; Saint Louis University

Cohen, William; Temple University

Dooling, Sarah; University of Texas at Austin

Drescher, Michael; University of Waterloo

Frank, Kathryn; University of Florida

Haight, Murray; University of Waterloo

Hamin, Mark; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Hartman, Jean Marie; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Lagro, James A., Jr.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lathrop, Richard; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Merrill, Sam; University of Southern Maine

Nixon, Hilary; San José State University

Parker, Dawn; University of Waterloo

Perckl, Ryan; University of Arizona

Pijawka, David; Arizona State University

Rees, William; University of British Columbia

Schneider, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Srinivas, Smita; Columbia University

Strong, Aaron; University of Iowa

Suffling, Roger; University of Waterloo

Zellner, Moira; University of Illinois at Chicago

Economic Development, Urban and Regional Economics and Geography

Accordino, John J.; Virginia Commonwealth University

Amsden, Alice; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Anjomani, Ardeshir; University of Texas, Arlington

Arvidson, Enid; University of Texas, Arlington

Assaad, Ragui A.; University of Minnesota

Basolo, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Becker, Barbara; University of Texas, Arlington

Begg, Robert B.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Beauregard, Robert; Columbia University

Blanco, Andres; University of Florida

Boarnet, Marlon; University of California, Irvine

Bornstein, Lisa; McGill University

Bostic, Raphael; University of Southern California

Boyle, Robin; Wayne State University

Brinkman, Robert; University of South Florida

Bruckner, Tim-Allen; University of California, Irvine

Burayidi, Michael; Ball State University

Campbell, Scott D.; University of Michigan

Cantarero, Rodrigo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Chapin, Timothy; Florida State University

Chatman, Daniel G.; University of California, Berkeley

Christopherson, Susan M.; Cornell University

Clavel, Pierre; Cornell University

Coffin, Sarah; Saint Louis University

Colgan, Charles S.; University of Southern Maine

Cowell, Margaret; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Currid, Elizabeth; University of Southern California

Curtis, Karen; University of Delaware

Deng, Lan; University of Michigan

Dewar, Margaret E.; University of Michigan

Ding, Lei; Wayne State University

Dowall, David; University of California, Berkeley

Drucker, Joshua; University of Illinois at Chicago

Eisinger, Peter; The New School

Ellen, Ingrid Gould; New York University

Feser, Edward; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Fisher, Lynn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fogarty, Michael; Portland State University

Funderburg, Richard G.; University of Iowa

Ganning, Joanna; Saint Louis University

Gertler, Meric; University of Toronto

Giusti, Cecilia; Texas A&M University

Glasmeier, Amy K.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Gonzalez-Rivas, Marcela; Cornell University

Gordon, Peter; University of Southern California

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit; Arizona State University

Hamlin, Roger E.; Michigan State University

Hawley, R. Dawn; Northern Arizona University

Hill, Edward W.; Cleveland State University

Honadle, Beth; University of Cincinnati

Howland, Marie; University of Maryland, College Park

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Hu, Ivy Lingqian; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Huddleston, Jack R.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Izeogu, Chukudi; Alabama A&M University

Jabbar-Bey, Raheemah; University of Delaware

Jojola, Theodore; University of New Mexico

Kamel, Nabil; Arizona State University

Keller, John; Kansas State University

Kelly, Eric Damian; Ball State University

Kim, Annette; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kim, Jae Hong; Kansas State University

Kim, Joochul; Arizona State University

Kotval, Zenia Z.; Michigan State University

Kumar, Mukesh; Jackson State University

Lahr, Michael L; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Leigh, Nancey Green; Georgia Institute of Technology

Levy, Frank; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lewis, David A.; State University of New York at Albany

London, James B.; Clemson University

Markusen, Ann R.; University of Minnesota

Marshment, Richard; University of Oklahoma

Meltzer, Rachel; The New School

Mikelbank, Brian; Cleveland State University

Mitchell, Leonard; University of Southern California

Morris, Lisa; University of Southern Maine

Moss, Mitchell; New York University

Muller, Brian; University of Colorado, Denver

Mullin, John R.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Nelson, Marla; University of New Orleans

Oden, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin; Western Michigan University

O’Regan, Katherine; New York University

Pan, Qisheng; Texas Southern University

Park, Peter; University of Colorado, Denver

Polenske, Karen R.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prosperi, David; Florida Atlantic University

Pucher, John R; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Reader, Steven; University of South Florida

Redding, T. Steve; University of Memphis

Reid, Neil; University of Toledo

Renski, Henry; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Richardson, Harry W.; University of Southern California

Romanos, Michael C.; University of Cincinnati

Ross, Catherine L.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Rost, Craig; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Saku, James C.; Frostburg State University

Sandoval, Gerardo; University of Oregon

Santo, Charles; University of Memphis

Sawicki, David S.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Saxenian, AnnaLee; University of California, Berkeley

Schrock, Greg; Portland State University

Sclar, Elliott; Columbia University

Seidman, Karl; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Seltzer, Ethan P.; Portland State University

Silvis, Anne; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Spencer, James; University of Hawaii

Stein, Jay; Arizona State University

Sternberg, Ernest; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Strom, Elizabeth; University of South Florida

Suarez-Villa, Luis; University of California, Irvine

Sutton, Stacey; Columbia University

Theodore, Nik; University of Illinois at Chicago

Thomas, Ward; California State University, Northridge

Thompson, J. Phillip; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Vidal, Avis C.; Wayne State University

vom Hofe, Rainer; University of Cincinnati

Waddell, Paul; University of California, Berkeley

Wadley, David; University of Queensland

Warnken, Charles; University of Oklahoma

Watson, Philip; University of Idaho

Weber, Rachel; University of Illinois at Chicago

White, Sammis; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Wong, Sidney; Morgan State University

Wilson, Mark I.; Michigan State University

Wubneh, Mulatu; East Carolina University

Zimmer, Richard J.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Economics/Fiscal Impact AssessmentAltshuler, Alan; Harvard University

Assaad, Ragui A.; University of Minnesota

Burchell, Robert W.; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Ding, Chengri; University of Maryland, College Park

Edwards, Mary; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Galster, George; Wayne State University

Isserman, Andrew; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lawrence, Patrick; University of Toledo

Lee, Bumsoo; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

London, James B.; Clemson University

Pan, Qisheng; Texas Southern University

Polenske, Karen P.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Raja, Samina; University of Buffalo The State University of New York

Renski, Henry; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Rost, Craig; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Wong, Sidney; Morgan State University

Wubneh, Mulatu; East Carolina University

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Mitigation

Carmin, JoAnn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chandrasekhar, Divya; Texas Southern University

Chang, Stephanie E.; University of British Columbia

Esnard, Ann-Margaret; Florida Atlantic University

Hurand, Fred A.; Eastern Washington University

Economic Development, Urban and Regional Economics and Geography cont’d

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Keller, John; Kansas State University

Kim, Karl; University of Hawaii

Lindell, Michael K.; Texas A&M University

Lowe, Jeffrey; University of Memphis

Mukherji, Anuradha; East Carolina University

Nance, Earthea; University of New Orleans

Olshansky, Robert; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Park, JiYoung; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Peacock, Walter G.; Texas A&M University

Pijawka, David; Arizona State University

Renne, John L.; University of New Orleans

Siembieda, William; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Sternberg, Ernest; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Vale, Lawrence J.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yonder, Ayse; Pratt Institute

Xiao, Yu; Texas A&M University

Zhang, Yang; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Energy PlanningAkar, Gulsah; Ohio State University

Allison, Charles; The New School

Andrews, Clinton J; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Buehler, Ralph; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Coffman, Makena; University of Hawaii

Edelman, David J.; University of Cincinnati

Flachsbart, Peter; University of Hawaii

Flamm, Bradley; Temple University

Guldmann, Jean-Michel; Ohio State University

Huddleston, Jack R.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Hutchinson, Robert; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Lewis, Geoff; University of Waterloo

Lutzenhiser, Loren; Portland State University

Michaels, Harvey; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Polenske, Karen R.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Randolph, John; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Sowers, Jacob; Missouri State University

Environmental Behavior, Planning, and Protection

Agyeman, Julian; Tufts University

Alam, Bhuiyan; University of Toledo

Alberti, Marina; University of Washington

Allison, Charles; The New School

Andrews, Clinton J; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Anjomani, Ardeshir; University of Texas, Arlington

Asomani-Boateng, Raymond; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Audirac, Ivonne; University of Texas, Arlington

Awwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Badami, Madhav; McGill University

Bartholomew, Keith; University of Utah

Basu, Pratyusha; University of South Florida

Beatley, Timothy; University of Virginia

Benhart, John E.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Booth, Richard; Cornell University

Bornstein, Lisa; McGill University

Bosselman, Peter; University of California, Berkeley

Boswell, Michael; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Bright, Elise; Texas A&M University

Brower, Sidney; University of Maryland, College Park

Brown, David; McGill University

Butler, Kent S.; University of Texas at Austin

Butler, William; Florida State University

Carmin, JoAnn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Caupp, Craig L.; Frostburg State University

Chakraborty, Jayajit; University of South Florida

Chandrasekhar, Divya; Texas Southern University

Chowdhury, Moe; Jackson State University

Clapp, Tara Lynne; Iowa State University

Clark, Chris; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Cohen, James; University of Maryland, College Park

Cohen, William; Temple University

Coffman, Makena; University of Hawaii

Conn, W. David; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Conroy, Maria Manta; Ohio State University

Corburn, Jason; University of California, Berkeley

Czajkowski, Kevin P.; University of Toledo

Daniels, Thomas L.; University of Pennsylvania

Daugherty, Carolyn M.; Northern Arizona University

Davis, Mary E.; Tufts University

Deakin, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Deyle, Robert; Florida State University

Dill, Jennifer; Portland State University

Donaghy, Kieran; Cornell University

Drescher, Michael; University of Waterloo

Dyckman, Caitlin; Clemson University

Edelman, David J.; University of Cincinnati

Elliott, Michael L. Poirier; Georgia Institute of Technology

Emmi, Philip C.; University of Utah

Feldman, David L.; University of California, Irvine

Flachsbart, Peter; University of Hawaii

Flamm, Bradley; Temple University

Flaxman, Michael; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Forrest, Clyde; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Forsyth, Ann; Cornell University

Frank, Nancy; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

French, Steven P.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fricano, Russell J.; Alabama A&M University

Fritschle, Joy A.; West Chester University

Gocmen, Asli; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Goldstein, Bruce; University of Colorado, Denver

Gooding, Earl N. M.; Alabama A&M University

Gordon, Steven I.; Ohio State University

Grover, Himanshu; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit; Arizona State University

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Guo, Zhan; New York University

Haight, Murray; University of Waterloo

Hanhardt, Eva; Pratt Institute

Hassol, Joshua; Boston University

Hoch, Richard J.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Houston, Douglas; University of California, Irvine

Howard, Jeff; University of Texas, Arlington

Hur, Misun; East Carolina University

Hurand, Fred A.; Eastern Washington University

Ibitayo, Olurominiyi; Texas Southern University

Ingram, Helen; University of California, Irvine

Innes, Judith; University of California, Berkeley

Izeogu, Chukudi; Alabama A&M University

Jaffe, Martin; University of Illinois at Chicago

Johnston, Douglas M.; Iowa State University

Kaufman, Ned; Pratt Institute

Krieger, Martin H.; University of Southern California

Lagro, James A., Jr.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lapping, Mark; University of Southern Maine

Larson, Kelli; Arizona State University

Laurian, Lucie; University of Iowa

Law, Jane; University of Waterloo

Lawrence, Patrick; University of Toledo

Layzer, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lewis, John; University of Waterloo

Lindell, Michael K.; Texas A&M University

Lindsey, Greg H.; University of Minnesota

Luka, Nik; McGill University

Lutzenhiser, Loren; Portland State University

Macdonald, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Maclaren, Virginia; University of Toronto

Marcucci, Daniel J.; East Carolina University

Margerum, Richard; University of Oregon

Matthew, Richard; University of California, Irvine

Mazumdar, Sanjoy; University of California, Irvine

Merrill, Sam; University of Southern Maine

Miller, Donald; University of Washington

Minerbi, Luciano; University of Hawaii

Mitchell, Jerry V.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Mitsova, Diana; Florida Atlantic University

Mohamed, Rayman; Wayne State University

Morrison, Tiffany; University of Queensland

Nalbandian, M. Richard; Temple University

Nance, Earthea; University of New Orleans

Nasar, Jack L.; Ohio State University

Nixon, Hilary; San José State University

Norton, Richard; University of Michigan

Ohm, Brian W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Owusu, Francis Y.; Iowa State University

Ozawa, Connie P.; Portland State University

Page, G. William; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Paterson, Robert G.; University of Texas at Austin

Patten, Iris; University of Arizona

Paul, David; University of Idaho

Pendall, Rolf; Cornell University

Peterson, Ann; University of Queensland

Pitt, David G.; University of Minnesota

Polenske, Karen R.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Pressley, Joyce Ann; Morgan State University

Pushchak, Ronald; Ryerson University

Radke, John; University of California, Berkeley

Randolph, John; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Rappaport, Ann; Tufts University

Retzlaff, Rebecca; Auburn University

del Rio, Vicente; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Robinson, Pamela; Ryerson University

Rogers, George O.; Texas A&M University

Rosenthal, Joyce Klein; Harvard University

Ryan, Robert L.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Saija, Laura; University of Memphis

Salo, Ken; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Sancar, Fahriye; University of Colorado, Denver

Schmidt, Stephen; Cornell University

Schneider, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Schweitzer, Lisa; University of Southern California

Serda, Daniel; University of Kansas

Shriar, Ayrum J.; Virginia Commonwealth University

Simpson, David M.; University of Louisville

Slotterback, Carissa Schively; University of Minnesota

Southworth, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Spencer, James; University of Hawaii

Steiner, Frederick; University of Texas at Austin

Stevens, Mark; University of British Columbia

Stiftel, Bruce; Georgia Institute of Technology

Stokols, Daniel; University of California, Irvine

Strauss, Eric J.; Michigan State University

Tang, Zhenghong; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Thomas, Ward; California State University, Northridge

Tobin, Graham; University of South Florida

Toker, Umut; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Toor, Will; University of Colorado, Denver

Tyler, Elizabeth; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Van Vliet, Willem; University of Colorado, Denver

Vos, Jaap; Florida Atlantic University

Wack, Paul; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Wang, Xinhao; University of Cincinnati

Welch, Joan M.; West Chester University

Wernstedt, Kris; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Westerlund, Frank; University of Washington

Wieters, Meghan; University of Oklahoma

Wilson, Bev; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Wolch, Jennifer; University of California, Berkeley

Wridt, Pamela; University of Colorado, Denver

Yang, Yizhao; University of Oregon

Environmental Behavior, Planning, and Protection cont’d

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Yin, Li; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Young, Robert F.; University of Oregon

Zahm, Diane L.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Zimmerman, Rae; New York University

Zovanyi, Gabor; Eastern Washington University

Zwick, Paul; University of Florida

Environmental EconomicsBeauregard, Robert; Columbia University

Brooks, Nancy, Cornell University

Campbell, Scott D.; University of Michigan

Coffman, Makena; University of Hawaii

Huddleston, Jack R.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Johnston, Douglas M.; Iowa State University

Parker, Dawn; University of Waterloo

Pijawka, David; Arizona State University

Srinivas, Smita; Columbia University

Strong, Aaron; University of Iowa

Young, Robert F.; University of Oregon

Environmental Impact AssessmentHuddelston, Jack R.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lawrence, Patrick; University of Toledo

Maclaren, Virginia; University of Toronto

Paul, David; University of Idaho

Rogers, George O.; Texas A&M University

Sletto, Bjorn; University of Texas at Austin

Steiner, Frederick; University of Texas at Austin

Steiner, Ruth; University of Florida

Suffling, Roger; University of Waterloo

Yin, Li; University of Buffalo The State University of New York

Environmental Justice, Policy and Land Use Law

Agyeman, Julian; Tufts University

Auffrey, Christopher; University of Cincinnati

Balassiano, Katia; Cornell University

Basolo, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Benjamin, David; University of Akron

Booth, Richard; Cornell University

Bosman, Martin; University of South Florida

Browder, John; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Brown, David; McGill University

Brown, Greg; University of Queensland

Carmin, JoAnn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Caupp, Craig L.; Frostburg State University

Chakraborty, Jayajit; University of South Florida

Clark, Chris; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Conn, W. David; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Corburn, Jason; University of California, Berkeley

Deng, Lan; University of Michigan

Deyle, Robert; Florida State University

DiMento, Joseph; University of California, Irvine

Dyckman, Caitlin; Clemson University

Feldman, David L.; University of California, Irvine

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Fritz, Jan Marie; University of Cincinnati

Glenn, Jane; McGill University

Golub, Aaron; Arizona State University

Houston, Douglas; University of California, Irvine

Howard, Jeff; University of Texas, Arlington

Jang, Sung-Gheel; Cleveland State University

Jacobs, Harvey M.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kartez, Jack; University of Southern Maine

Kayden, Jerold S.; Harvard University

Keller, John; Kansas State University

Kellogg, Wendy A.; Cleveland State University

Krimsky, Sheldon; Tufts University

Larson, Kelli; Arizona State University

Layzer, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lejano, Raul; University of California, Irvine

Loh, Penn S.; Tufts University

Martin, Jonathan; Pratt Institute

Mazmanian, Daniel A. University of Southern California

McCoy, Walter; Texas Southern University

McDaniels, Timothy; University of British Columbia

McNeish, Gilbert; University of Colorado, Denver

Merem, Edmund; Jackson State University

Morrison, Tiffany; University of Queensland

Nixon, Hilary; San José State University

Noland, Robert B; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Norton, Richard; University of Michigan

Ohm, Brian W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Olshansky, Robert; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Page, G. William; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Pearlman, Kenneth; Ohio State University

Pearson, Gene; University of Memphis

Pinderhughes, Raquel Rivera; San Francisco State University

Popper, Frank J; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Prytherch, David; Miami University

Rajagopal, Balakrishnan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Rawlins, Rachael; University of Texas at Austin

Retzlaff, Rebecca; Auburn University

Richardson, Jesse; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Russell, Robert; Tufts University

Salsich, Peter W.; Saint Louis University

Schneider, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Solitare, Laura; Texas Southern University

Stein, Jaime; Pratt Institute

Susskind, Lawrence; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tang, Zhenghong; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Wagner, Frederick; University of Washington

Watts, D. Whit; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Wernstedt, Kris; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Wilson, Bev; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Young, Robert F.; University of Oregon

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Food SystemsBorn, Branden; University of Washington

Hamin, Mark; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Lister, Nina-Marie; Ryerson University

Morales, Alfonso; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Paul, David; University of Idaho

Pinderhughes, Raquel Rivera; San Francisco State University

Raja, Samina; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis and Modeling

Al-Kodmany, Kheir; University of Illinois at Chicago

Alam, Bhuiyan; University of Toledo

Anjomani, Ardeshir; University of Texas, Arlington

Anselin, Luc; Arizona State University

Asomani-Boateng, Raymond; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Bejleri, Ilir; University of Florida

Benhart, John E.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Ben-Johnson, Eran; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Brinkman, Robert; University of South Florida

Brown, David: McGill University

Brown, Greg; University of Queensland

Brown, Jeffrey; Florida State University

Burne, Alan M.; East Carolina University

Casello, Jeff; University of Waterloo

Chakraborty, Jayajit; University of South Florida

Chen, Xueming (Jimmy); Virginia Commonwealth University

Cole, H.D. Samuel; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Colgan, Charles S.; University of Southern Maine

Coutu, Gary W.; West Chester University

Czajkowski, Kevin P.; University of Toledo

Deeg, Lohren; Ball State University

Dewey, Dorothy Ives; West Chester University

Deyle, Robert; Florida State University

Dezzani, Raymond, University of Idaho

Ding, Chengri; University of Maryland, College Park

Ding, Lei; Wayne State University

Donaghy, Kieran; Cornell University

Drescher, Michael; University of Waterloo

Drummond, William J.; Georgia Institute of Technology

El-Geneidy; Ahmed; McGill University

Esnard, Ann-Margaret; Florida Atlantic University

Fan, Peilei; Michigan State University

Ferreira, Joseph Jr.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Flaxman, Michael; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Frazier, Tim; University of Idaho

French, Steven P.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fritschle, Joy A.; West Chester University

Funderburg, Richard G.; University of Iowa

Gliebe, John; Portland State University

Gocmen, Asli; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Gordon, Steven I.; Ohio State University

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit; Arizona State University

Haddad, Monica A.; Iowa State University

Hadley, Joseph; University of Akron

Haughey, Patrick; University of New Orleans

Hillier, Amy; University of Pennsylvania

Houston, Douglas; University of California, Irvine

Hoyt, Lorlene; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Huang, Ruihong (Ray); Northern Arizona University

Hur, Misun; East Carolina University

Huxhold, William; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of Maryland, College Park

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of New Orleans

Jang, Sung-Gheel; Cleveland State University

Johnston, Douglas M.; Iowa State University

Kartez, Jack; University of Southern Maine

Katirai, Matin; West Chester University

Kaufman, Sanda; Cleveland State University

Kent, Robert B.; California State University, Northridge

Kim, Annette; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kim, Do-Hyung; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Kim, Tschangho John; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Kim, Yuseung; University of Southern Maine

Krieger, Martin H.; University of Southern California

Landis, John; University of Pennsylvania

Lathrop, Richard; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Lawson, Catherine T.; State University of New York at Albany

Lee, Joseph A.; Alabama A&M University

Lee, Sugie; Cleveland State University

Lee, Yuk; University of Colorado, Denver

Lemberg, David; Western Michigan University

Lew, Alan A.; Northern Arizona University

Lewandowski, James P.; West Chester University

Lewis, Geoff; University of Waterloo

Li, Jianling; University of Texas, Arlington

Lindquist, Peter S.; University of Toledo

Loh, Carolyn G.; Wayne State University

Mikelbank, Brian; Cleveland State University

Matsuo, Miwa; University of Iowa

McCall, Raymond; University of Colorado, Denver

Mikelbank, Brian; Cleveland State University

Mitsova, Diana; Florida Atlantic University

Mohamed, Rayman; Wayne State University

Muller, Brian; University of Colorado, Denver

Nam, Yunwoo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin; Western Michigan University

Owusu, Francis Y.; Iowa State University

Page, G. William; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Pamuk, Ayse; San Francisco State University

Pan, Qisheng; Texas Southern University

Parker, Dawn; University of Waterloo

Parmenter, Barbara; Tufts University

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Patten, Iris; University of Arizona

Paulsen, Kurt G.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Perckl, Ryan; University of Arizona

Phillips, David L.; University of Virginia

Precht, Francis L.; Frostburg State University

Radke, John; University of California, Berkeley

Ramspott, Matthew E.; Frostburg State University

Reader, Steven; University of South Florida

Renski, Henry; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Rey, Serge; Arizona State University

Ronderos, Nicolas; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Sanchez, Thomas W.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Schlossberg, Marc; University of Oregon

Schoen, David A.; Ball State University

Shandas, Vivek; Portland State University

Shen, Guoqiang; University of Oklahoma

Shen, Qing; University of Washington

Siebert, Loren; University of Akron

Sletto, Bjorn; University of Texas at Austin

Sperry, Stephen L.; Clemson University

Suen, I-Shian (Ivan); Virginia Commonwealth University

Tang, Zhenghong; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Theodore, Georgeen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Thompson, Michelle M.; University of New Orleans

Toker, Umut; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Tulloch, David; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Waddell, Paul; University of California, Berkeley

Wang, Xinhao; University of Cincinnati

Wentz, Elizabeth; Arizona State University

Wiggins, Lyna; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Wilson, Bev; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Wong, Sidney; Morgan State University

Yang, Jiawen; Georgia Institute of Technology

Yang, Perry Pei-Ju; Georgia Institute of Technology

Yang, Yizhao; University of Oregon

Yin, Li; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Zhang, Ming; University of Texas at Austin

Zhang, Ting Wei; University of Illinois at Chicago

Zhang, Yang; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Zonta, Michela; Virginia Commonwealth University

Zwick, Paul; University of Florida

GlobalizationAmirahmadi, Hooshang; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Archer, Kevin; University of South Florida

Balassiano, Katia; Cornell University

Beneria, Lourdes; Cornell University

Bosman, Martin; University of South Florida

Córdova, Teresa L., University of New Mexico

Donaghy, Kieran; Cornell University

Douglass, Michael; University of Hawaii

Feldman, David L.; University of California, Irvine

Gonzalez-Rivas, Marcela; Cornell University

Goonewardena, Kanishka; University of Toronto

Hyra, Derek; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Lewis, David A.; State University of New York at Albany

Matthew, Richard; University of California, Irvine

Miraftab, Faranak; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Oner, Asli Ceylan; Florida Atlantic University

Prytherch, David; Miami University

Rajagopal, Balakrishnan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sanchez, Arturo; Cornell University

Vidyarthi, Sanjeev; University of Illinois at Chicago

Growth ManagementAdler, Sy; Portland State University

Altshuler, Alan; Harvard University

Anthony, Jerry; University of Iowa

Audirac, Ivonne; University of Texas, Arlington

Bartholomew, Keith; University of Utah

Bassett, Ellen M.; Portland State University

Beatley, Timothy; University of Virginia

Bollens, Scott; University of California, Irvine

Boyle, Robin; Wayne State University

Burne, Alan M.; East Carolina University

Bunnell, Gene; State University of New York at Albany

Chapin, Timothy; Florida State University

Clapp, Tara Lynne; Iowa State University

Clark, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Cohen, James; University of Maryland, College Park

Dawkins, Casey; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Deakin, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Dill, Jennifer; Portland State University

Dotson, A. Bruce; University of Virginia

Drummond, William J.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fan, Yingling; University of Minnesota

Forrest, Clyde; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

French, Steven P.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fricano, Russell J.; Alabama A&M University

Giuliano, Genevieve; University of Southern California

Gordon, Peter; University of Southern California

Guthrie, Dwayne Pierce; The Catholic University of America

Hamin, Elizabeth M.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Havlick, Spenser; University of Colorado, Denver

Hoch, Charles; University of Illinois at Chicago

Innes, Judith; University of California, Berkeley

Jaffe, Martin; University of Illinois at Chicago

Jourdan, Dawn; University of Florida

Kelly, Eric Damian; Ball State University

Knaap, Gerrit; University of Maryland, College Park

Knight, Bruce; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lawhon, Larry; Kansas State University

Lawrence, Patrick; University of Toledo

Lee, Sugie; Cleveland State University

Levinson, David; University of Minnesota

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Loh, Carolyn G.; Wayne State University

Machemer, Patricia L.; Michigan State University

Mathur, Shishir; San José State University

Martin, Jonathan; Pratt Institute

Mohamed, Rayman; Wayne State University

Myers, Dowell; University of Southern California

Ndubisi, Forster; Texas A&M University

Neuman, Michael C.; Texas A&M University

Norton, Richard; University of Michigan

O’Donnell, Edward; University of Delaware

Ohm, Brian W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Olshansky, Robert; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Parker, Francis H.; Ball State University

Paterson, Robert G.; University of Texas at Austin

Pendall, Rolf; Cornell University

Pitt, David G.; University of Minnesota

Pivo, Gary; University of Arizona

Popper, Frank J; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Retzlaff, Rebecca; Auburn University

Rubenstein, James M.; Miami University

Siemiatycki, Matti; University of Toronto

Silberberg-Robinson, Susan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Stein, Jay; Arizona State University

Steiner, Ruth; University of Florida

Szold, Terry; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Toulan, Nohad A.; Portland State University

Webber, Steven; Ryerson University

Weitz, Jerry; East Carolina University

Wilson, Bev; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Wu, Weiping; Virginia Commonwealth University

Zovanyi, Gabor; Eastern Washington University

Hazardous Facility SitingMurray, Alan; Arizona State University

Pushchak, Ronald; Ryerson University

Health PlanningAkar, Gulsah; Ohio State University

Auffrey, Christopher; University of Cincinnati

Awwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Ballinsky, Warren; The New School

Bame, Sherry; Texas A&M University

Botchwey, Nisha; University of Virginia

Bruckner, Tim-Allen; University of California, Irvine

Chakraborty, Jayajit; University of South Florida

Chew, Kenneth; University of California, Irvine

Corburn, Jason; University of California, Berkeley

Coutts, Christopher; Florida State University

Frankel, Bruce W; Ball State University

Hillier, Amy; University of Pennsylvania

Katirai, Matin; West Chester University

Knox, Paul L.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Krizek, Kevin; University of Colorado, Denver

Law, Jane; University of Waterloo

LeClair, Daniel; Boston University

Miles, Rebecca; Florida State University

Pader, Ellen-J; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Rosenthal, Joyce Klein; Harvard University

Stein, Jay; Arizona State University

Steiner, Ruth; University of Florida

Stokols, Daniel; University of California, Irvine

Sweeney, Donald A.; Texas A&M University

Taylor, Henry Louis Jr.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Wagner, Frederick; University of Washington

Heritage Planning and Historic Preservation

Abramson, Daniel; University of Washington

Allison, Eric; Pratt Institute

AlSayyad, Nezar; University of California, Berkeley

Ames, David L.; University of Delaware

Ashton, Philip; University of Illinois at Chicago

Barbour, John; University of Colorado, Denver

Beasley, Larry; University of British Columbia

Booth, Richard; Cornell University

Brooks, Jane S.; University of New Orleans

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Chalana, Manish; University of Washington

Chusid, Jeffrey; Cornell University

Crewe, Katherine; Arizona State University

Drummond, William J.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Frenchman, Dennis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Grodach, Carl; University of Texas, Arlington

Holleran, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Kaufman, Ned; Pratt Institute

Khirfan, Luna; University of Waterloo

Larsen, Kristin; University of Florida

Lee, Joseph A.; Alabama A&M University

Lee, Tunney; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Listokin, David; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Marshall, Alex; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Mason, Randy; University of Pennsylvania

McKibben, Sherry; University of Idaho

Nemeth, David J.; University of Toledo

Pittari, John J. Jr.; Auburn University

Qian, Zhu; University of Waterloo

Retzlaff, Rebecca; Auburn University

Ryberg, Stephanie R.; Cleveland State University

Saija, Laura; University of Memphis

Schmidt, Stephen; Cornell University

Scholz, Gordon; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Shipley, Robert; University of Waterloo

Growth Management cont’d

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Silberberg-Robinson, Susan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Southworth, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Tomlan, Michael; Cornell University

Wielde Heidelberg, Beth; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Weiner, Vicki; Pratt Institute

Weisenburger, Ray; Kansas State University

Wigfall, La Barbara; Kansas State University

Housing, Community Development and Neighborhood Planning

Abbott, Carl; Portland State University

Abramson, Daniel; University of Washington

Adams, Vera; Ball State University

Adler, Sy; Portland State University

AlSayyad, Nezar; University of California, Berkeley

Anthony, Jerry; University of Iowa

Arefi, Mahyar; University of Cincinnati

Ashton, Philip; University of Illinois at Chicago

Aurand, Andrew; Florida State University

Awwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Bae, Christine; University of Washington

Balassiano, Katia; Cornell University

Barreto, Felix R.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Basolo, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Bates, Lisa K.; Portland State University

Betancur, John; University of Illinois at Chicago

Bostic, Raphael; University of Southern California

Bourassa, Steven; University of Louisville

Boyle, Robin; Wayne State University

Bratt, Rachel G.; Tufts University

Briggs, Xavier de Souza; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bromley, Ray; State University of New York at Albany

Brower, Sidney; University of Maryland, College Park

Burayidi, Michael; Ball State University

Burchell, Robert W; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Cao, Xinyu; University of Minnesota

Chen, Alexander; University of Maryland, College Park

Christensen, Karen; University of California, Berkeley

Clay, Phillip; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Connerly, Charles E.; University of Iowa

Covington, Kenya; California State University, Northridge

Crossney, Kristen B.; West Chester University

Curtis, Karen; University of Delaware

Dandekar, Hemalata; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Dawkins, Casey; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Dear, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Dearborn, Lynn; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

DeFilippis, James; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Deng, Lan; University of Michigan

Deringer, Nancy, University of Idaho

Ding, Lei; Wayne State University

Dobbins, Michael A.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Dowall, David; University of California, Berkeley

Ellen, Ingrid Gould; New York University

Erkins, Esther; University of Cincinnati

Etienne, Harley F.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fisher, Lynn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Franck, Karen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Frankel, Bruce W; Ball State University

Freeman, Lance; Columbia University

Fritz, Jan Marie; University of Cincinnati

Gibson, Huston; Kansas State University

Gibson, Karen; Portland State University

Gilderbloom, John; University of Louisville

Gills, Douglas; University of Illinois at Chicago

Galster, George; Wayne State University

Glenn, Ezra Haber; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Goetz, Edward G.; University of Minnesota

Goldman, Laurie; Tufts University

Gordon, Peter; University of Southern California

Graham, Leigh Taylor; The New School

Guerra, Fred; University of Akron

Hammel, Daniel J.; University of Toledo

Harwood, Stacy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Haughey, Patrick; University of New Orleans

Heumann, Leonard F.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hoch, Charles; University of Illinois at Chicago

Howe, Deborah; Temple University

Hughes, James W; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Hur, Misun; East Carolina University

Hyra, Derek; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Ibitayo, Olurominiyi; Texas Southern University

Immergluck, Daniel; Georgia Institute of Technology

Innes, Judith; University of California, Berkeley

Jennings, James; Tufts University

Jones, Mittie Davis; Cleveland State University

Jourdan, Dawn; University of Florida

Kahn, Terry; University of Texas at Austin

Kamel, Nabil; Arizona State University

Keating, W. Dennis; Cleveland State University

Keyes, Langley; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kim, Joochul; Arizona State University

Koebel, C. Theodore; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Krieger, Alex; Harvard University

Krumholz, Norm; Cleveland State University

LaMore, Rex L.; Michigan State University

Landis, John; University of Pennsylvania

Lapping, Mark; University of Southern Maine

Larsen, Kristin; University of Florida

Larsen, Larissa, University of Michigan

Lauria, Mickey; Clemson University

Laverny-Rafter, David; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Law, Jane; University of Waterloo

Lawhon, Larry; Kansas State University

Lee, Tunney; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Listokin, David; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Lowe, Jeffrey; University of Memphis

Luka, Nik; McGill University

Lutzenhiser, Loren; Portland State University

Main, Kelly; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Mathur, Shishir; San José State University

McClure, Kirk; University of Kansas

McCray, Talia; University of Texas at Austin

McMillen, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Mehta, Vikas; University of South Florida

Meltzer, Rachel; The New School

Mendenhall, Ruby; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Miraftab, Faranak; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Moomaw, Suzanne Morse; University of Virginia

Moos, Markus; University of Waterloo

Morrow-Jones, Hazel; Ohio State University

Mueller, Elizabeth; University of Texas at Austin

Mukherji, Anuradha; East Carolina University

Myers, Dowell; University of Southern California

Nelessen, Anton E.; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Novak, Alice; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Oden, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

O’Regan, Katherine; New York University

Ozawa, Connie P.; Portland State University

Pader, Ellen-J; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Pamuk, Ayse; San Francisco State University

Paulsen, Kurt G.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Pendall, Rolf; Cornell University

Peuquet, Steven W.; University of Delaware

Price, Alfred D.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Raitt, Jennifer M.; Boston University

Reardon, Ken; University of Memphis

Richardson, James R.; University of New Mexico

Rivera, José A.; University of New Mexico

Rollinson, Paul; Missouri State University

Rongerude, Jane; Iowa State University

Rowe, Peter G.; Harvard University

Saija, Laura; University of Memphis

Salo, Ken; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Salsich, Peter W.; Saint Louis University

Sanchez, Thomas W.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Sanders, Welford; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Sandoval, Gerardo; University of Oregon

Santo, Charles; University of Memphis

Sawicki, David S.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Scally, Corianne P.; State University of New York at Albany

Scholz, Gordon; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Schwartz, Alex; The New School

Seidman, Karl; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sen, Lalita; Texas Southern University

Sen, Siddhartha; Morgan State University

Shiffman, Ronald; Pratt Institute

Siembieda, William; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Silver, Christopher; University of Florida

Silverman, Robert M.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Smith, Janet; University of Illinois at Chicago

Smith, Sheri; Texas Southern University

Solitare, Laura; Texas Southern University

Sollohub, Darius; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Sowers, Jacob; Missouri State University

Springer, Joseph H.; Ryerson University

Sutton, Stacey; Columbia University

Taylor, Henry Louis Jr.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Theodore, Georgeen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Thomas, June Manning; University of Michigan

Thompson, Michelle M.; University of New Orleans

Toker, Zeynep; California State University, Northridge

Toulan, Nohad A.; Portland State University

Triantafillou, Menelaos; University of Cincinnati

Tyler, Elizabeth; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Vale, Lawrence J.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Van Ammers, Phyl; California State University, Northridge

Van Vliet, Willem; University of Colorado, Denver

Van Zandt, Shannon; Texas A&M University

Varady, David P.; University of Cincinnati

Vidal, Avis C.; Wayne State University

Webber, Steven; Ryerson University

Weiner, Vicki; Pratt Institute

Weisenburger, Ray; Kansas State University

Wesley, Joan; Jackson State University

White, Sammis; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Wilder, Margaret; University of Delaware

Wilson, Patricia; University of Texas at Austin

Winchell, Dick; Eastern Washington University

Winkle, Curtis; University of Illinois at Chicago

Yabes, Ruth; Arizona State University

Yin, Jordan; Western Michigan University

Yonder, Ayse; Pratt Institute

Zahm, Diane L.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Zonta, Michela; Virginia Commonwealth University

Human Ecology and EconomicsDrescher, Michael; University of Waterloo

London, James B.; Clemson University

Peacock, Walter G.; Texas A&M University

Perckl, Ryan; University of Arizona

Rees, William; University of British Columbia

Rogers, George O.; Texas A&M University

Sanyal, Nick; University of Idaho

Srinivas, Smita; Columbia University

Zellner, Moira; University of Illinois at Chicago

Housing, Community Development and Neighborhood Planning cont’d

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Immigration Policy/SettlementAgrawal, Sandeep Kumar; Ryerson University

Allen, Ryan P.; University of Minnesota

Harwood, Stacy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Howell, David; The New School

Sanchez, Arturo; Cornell University

Sandoval, Gerardo; University of Oregon

Vitiello, Domenic; University of Pennsylvania

Zhuang, Zhixi Cecilia; Ryerson University

Institutions, Politics and GovernanceAcey, Charisma; Ohio State University

Barringer, Richard; University of Southern Maine

Benjamin, David; University of Akron

Bornstein, Lisa; McGill University

Buehler, Ralph; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Butler, William; Florida State University

Coates, Paul; Iowa State University

Córdova, Teresa L., University of New Mexico

Dorsey, Anthony H.J.; University of British Columbia

Elliott, Michael L. Poirier; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Foster, Kathryn A.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Gibson, Huston; Kansas State University

Harris, Kirk; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Honadle, Beth; University of Cincinnati

Hutson, Malo André; University of California, Berkeley

Ingram, Helen; University of California, Irvine

Jones, Mittie Davis; Cleveland State University

Kim, Annette; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

LeClair, Daniel; Boston University

Lucy, William H.; University of Virginia

Minnery, John; University of Queensland

Morrison, Tiffany; University of Queensland

Musso, Juliet; University of Southern California

Parker, Brenda; University of Illinois at Chicago

Reardon, Ken; University of Memphis

Robinson, Pamela; Ryerson University

Ross, Catherine L.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Savitch, H.V.; University of Louisville

Shrestha, Manoj; University of Idaho

Srinivas, Smita; Columbia University

Strom, Elizabeth; University of South Florida

Szold, Terry; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Taylor, Gary D.; Iowa State University

Tyler, Elizabeth; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Verma, Niraj; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Warren, Robert; University of Delaware

Westendorff, David G.; University of Memphis

Wilson, Constance; Alabama A&M University

Zimmer, Richard J.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

International and Regional Development and Planning/Urbanization

Accordino, John J.; Virginia Commonwealth University

Acey, Charisma; Ohio State University

Akers, Mary Anne Alabanza; Morgan State University

AlSayyad, Nezar; University of California, Berkeley

Altrows, Lawrence; Ryerson University

Angeles, Leonora; University of British Columbia

Assaad, Ragui A.; University of Minnesota

Audirac, Ivonne; University of Texas, Arlington

Badami, Madhav; McGill University

Balassiano, Katia; Cornell University

Balsas, Carlos; Arizona State University

Banerjee, Tridib; University of Southern California

Bassett, Ellen M.; Portland State University

Beauregard, Robert; Columbia University

Beneria, Lourdes; Cornell University

Betancur, John; University of Illinois at Chicago

Bornstein, Lisa; McGill University

Bromley, Ray; State University of New York at Albany

Browder, John; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Cantarero, Rodrigo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Carmin, JoAnn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carolini, Gabriella Y.; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Cervero, Robert; University of California, Berkeley

Chifos, Carla; University of Cincinnati

Christopherson, Susan M.; Cornell University

Clark, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Corey, Kenneth E.; Michigan State University

Crewe, Katherine; Arizona State University

Dandekar, Hemalata; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Das, Ashok; San Francisco State University

DiMento, Joseph; University of California, Irvine

Ding, Chengri; University of Maryland, College Park

Doan, Petra; Florida State University

Douglass, Michael; University of Hawaii

Dowall, David; University of California, Berkeley

Fan, Peilei; Michigan State University

Friedmann, John; University of British Columbia

Fuller, John W.; University of Iowa

Gershberg, Alec Ian; The New School

Gilderbloom, John; University of Louisville

Gladstone, David; University of New Orleans

Goldsmith, William W.; Cornell University

Golub, Aaron; Arizona State University

Gooding, Earl N. M.; Alabama A&M University

Gough, Meghan; Virginia Commonwealth University

Grengs, Joseph; University of Michigan

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit; Arizona State University

Haight, Murray; University of Waterloo

Hanna, William; University of Maryland, College Park

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Heikkila, Eric J.; University of Southern California

Hinojosa, René C.; Michigan State University

Hirt, Sonia; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Hooper, Michael; Harvard University

Howland, Marie; University of Maryland, College Park

Huntoon, Laura; University of Arizona

Ingram, Helen; University of California, Irvine

Irazabal, Clara; Columbia University

Isaac, Claudia B.; University of New Mexico

Izeogu, Chukudi; Alabama A&M University

Karriem, Abdulrazak; Cornell University

Kassens, Eva; Michigan State University

Kayden, Jerold S.; Harvard University

Kent, Robert B.; California State University, Northridge

Kim, Annette; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kim, Joochul; Arizona State University

Kim, Tschangho John; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Khirfan, Luna; University of Waterloo

Krumholz, Norm; Cleveland State University

Kudva, Neema; Cornell University

Kwok, Reg; University of Hawaii

Larice, Michael; University of Pennsylvania

Lastarria-Cornhiel, Susana; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Leaf, Michael; University of British Columbia

Lewandowski, James P.; West Chester University

Looye, Johanna W.; University of Cincinnati

Lynch, Barbara; Georgia Institute of Technology

Macedo, Joseli; University of Florida

Mateo-Babiano, Iderlina; University of Queensland

Miles, Rebecca; Florida State University

Miraftab, Faranak; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Mitchell, Leonard; University of Southern California

Mukherji, Anuradha; East Carolina University

Norman, Herbert P. Jr.; Michigan State University

Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin; Western Michigan University

Olpadwala, Porus; Cornell University

Outland, Donald; Alabama A&M University

Pamuk, Ayse; San Francisco State University

Patten, Iris; University of Arizona

Peiser, Richard B.; Harvard University

Perera, M.C. Nihal; Ball State University

Pressley, Joyce Ann; Morgan State University

Prytherch, David; Miami University

Raitt, Jennifer M.; Boston University

Raja, Samina; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Rankin, Katharine; University of Toronto

del Rio, Vicente; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Romanos, Michael C.; University of Cincinnati

Rowe, Peter G.; Harvard University

Rubenstein, James M.; Miami University

Salo, Ken; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Sancar, Fahriye; University of Colorado, Denver

Sanchez, Arturo; Cornell University

Saxenian, AnnaLee; University of California, Berkeley

Sclar, Elliott; Columbia University

Schmidt, Stephen; Cornell University

Sen, Siddhartha; Morgan State University

Shetty, Sujata; University of Toledo

Siebert, Loren; University of Akron

Siembieda, William; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Silver, Christopher; University of Florida

Sletto, Bjorn; University of Texas at Austin

Smoke, Paul; New York University

Storey, Donovan; University of Queensland

Tang, Zhenghong; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Toulan, Nohad A.; Portland State University

Urey, Gwendolyn H.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Van Vliet, Willem; University of Colorado, Denver

Verma, Niraj; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

von Rabenau, Burkhard; Ohio State University

Westendorff, David G.; University of Memphis

Wilson, Patricia; University of Texas at Austin

Wu, Weiping; Virginia Commonwealth University

Wubneh, Mulatu; East Carolina University

Yabes, Ruth; Arizona State University

Yang, Li; Western Michigan University

Zhang, Ming; University of Texas at Austin

Zhang, Ting Wei; University of Illinois at Chicago

Zizzi, Donald; Boston University

Labor Economics and MarketsAshton, Philip; University of Illinois at Chicago

Beneria, Lourdes; Cornell University

Christopherson, Susan M.; Cornell University

Deringer, Nancy, University of Idaho

Elvery, Edward W.; Cleveland State University

Howell, David; The New School

Johnson, Laura; University of Waterloo

Kim, Jae Hong; Kansas State University

Levine, Jonathan; University of Michigan

Levy, Frank; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Morales, Alfonso; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Morris, Lisa; University of Southern Maine

Rankin, Katharine; University of Toronto

Rolfe, George; University of Washington

Schrock, Greg; Portland State University

Spencer, James; University of Hawaii

Theodore, Nik; University of Illinois at Chicago

Thompson, J. Phillip; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Thompson, Michelle M.; University of New Orleans

Tomey, E. Allan; Saint Louis University

Zhuang, Zhixi Cecilia; Ryerson University

International and Regional Development and Planning/Urbanization cont’d

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Landscape Architecture, Design and Planning

Ahern, Jack F.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Austin, Gary, University of Idaho

Banai, Reza; University of Memphis

Ben-Johnson, Eran; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Berger, Alan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Brabec, Elizabeth; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Daugherty, Carolyn M.; Northern Arizona University

Farberow, Herschel; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Hoefer, Wolfram; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Hoversten, Mark; University of Idaho

Huang, Chang-Shan; Texas A&M University

Huang, Ruihong (Ray); Northern Arizona University

Kim, Yuseung; University of Southern Maine

Lagro, James A., Jr.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Larsen, Larissa, University of Michigan

Lathrop, Richard; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Lewis, Geoff; University of Waterloo

Lewis, John; University of Waterloo

Lister, Nina-Marie; Ryerson University

Luka, Nik; McGill University

Marcucci, Daniel J.; East Carolina University

McClure, Wendy; University of Idaho

Perera, M.C. Nihal; Ball State University

Pitt, David G.; University of Minnesota

Ragonetti, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Ryan, Robert L.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Salazar, Dayana M.; San José State University

Sanyal, Nick; University of Idaho

Saunders, Melissa; Florida State University

Schoen, David A.; Ball State University

Sleegers, Frank; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Spirn, Anne Whiston; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Steiner, Frederick; University of Texas at Austin

Watts, D. Whit; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Land TenureDaniels, Thomas L.; University of Pennsylvania

Fisher, Lynn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Glenn, Jane; McGill University

Jacobs, Harvey M.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lastarria-Cornhiel, Susana; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Norman, Herbert P. Jr.; Michigan State University

Rajagopal, Balakrishnan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Richardson, Jesse; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Land Use Planning, Land Economics and Development

Adler, Sy; Portland State University

Altshuler, Alan; Harvard University

Anjomani, Ardeshir; University of Texas, Arlington

Anthony, Jerry; University of Iowa

Audirac, Ivonne; University of Texas, Arlington

Bae, Christine; University of Washington

Balassiano, Katia; Cornell University

Bartholomew, Keith; University of Utah

Basmajian, Carlton; Iowa State University

Bassett, Ellen M.; Portland State University

Beatley, Timothy; University of Virginia

Becker, Barbara; University of Texas, Arlington

Benjamin, David; University of Akron

Booth, Richard; Cornell University

Born, Branden; University of Washington

Bourassa, Steven; University of Louisville

Boyle, Robin; Wayne State University

Brabec, Elizabeth; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Brinkman, Robert; University of South Florida

Brown, Greg; University of Queensland

Buehler, Ralph; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Bunnell, Gene; State University of New York at Albany

Burayidi, Michael; Ball State University

Burchell, Robert W; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Burne, Alan M.; East Carolina University

Cao, Xinyu; University of Minnesota

Casello, Jeff; University of Waterloo

Caupp, Craig L.; Frostburg State University

Chapin, Timothy; Florida State University

Chatman, Daniel G.; University of California, Berkeley

Clapp, Tara Lynne; Iowa State University

Clark, Chris; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Clay, Michael; Auburn University

Cohen, James; University of Maryland, College Park

Dallessio, Thomas; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Daniels, Thomas L.; University of Pennsylvania

Deakin, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Deal, Brian; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Delgado, Julianna; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Deng, Lan; University of Michigan

Dewey, Dorothy Ives; West Chester University

Dill, Jennifer; Portland State University

Dotson, A. Bruce; University of Virginia

Drummond, William J.; Georgia Institute of Technology

El-Geneidy; Ahmed; McGill University

Evans-Cowley, Jennifer; Ohio State University

Fan, Peilei; Michigan State University

Fan, Yingling; University of Minnesota

Filion, Pierre; University of Waterloo

Flachsbart, Peter; University of Hawaii

Forrest, Clyde; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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French, Steven P.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fricano, Russell J.; Alabama A&M University

Giuliano, Genevieve; University of Southern California

Glenn, Jane; McGill University

Gordon, Peter; University of Southern California

Guerra, Fred; University of Akron

Guttenberg, Albert Z.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hawley, R. Dawn; Northern Arizona University

Hess, Daniel B. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Hirt, Sonia; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Hoch, Charles; University of Illinois at Chicago

Hoch, Richard J.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Hooper, Michael; Harvard University

Hoversten, Mark; University of Idaho

Howe, Deborah; Temple University

Hu, Ivy Lingqian; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Hurand, Fred A.; Eastern Washington University

Innes, Judith; University of California, Berkeley

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of Maryland, College Park

Izeogu, Chukudi; Alabama A&M University

Jacobs, Harvey M.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jaffe, Martin; University of Illinois at Chicago

Jang, Sung-Gheel; Cleveland State University

Johnson, Bonnie; University of Kansas

Kahn, Terry; University of Texas at Austin

Karriem, Abdulrazak; Cornell University

Kartez, Jack; University of Southern Maine

Keeble, Ronald; Ryerson University

Kellogg, Wendy A.; Cleveland State University

Kelly, Eric Damian; Ball State University

Kim, Jae Hong; Kansas State University

Knaap, Gerrit; University of Maryland, College Park

Knight, Bruce; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Krizek, Kevin; University of Colorado, Denver

Kumble, Peter; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Laninga, Tamara; University of Idaho

Law, Jane; University of Waterloo

Lawrence, Patrick; University of Toledo

Layzer, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lee, Bumsoo; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lee, Sugie; Cleveland State University

Lee, Yuk; University of Colorado, Denver

Levine, Jonathan; University of Michigan

Levine, Julius; The Catholic University of America

Levinson, David; University of Minnesota

Loh, Carolyn G.; Wayne State University

Long, Judith Grant; Harvard University

Lowry, Michael; University of Idaho

Machemer, Patricia L.; Michigan State University

Main, Kelly; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Marcouiller, David W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Marcucci, Daniel J.; East Carolina University

Masilela, Calvin O.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Merem, Edmund; Jackson State University

Miller, Donald; University of Washington

Minerbi, Luciano; University of Hawaii

Mohamed, Rayman; Wayne State University

Moos, Markus; University of Waterloo

Moudon, Anne Vernez; University of Washington

Muller, Brian; University of Colorado, Denver

Myers, Dowell; University of Southern California

Neuman, Michael C.; Texas A&M University

Norman, Herbert P. Jr.; Michigan State University

Nuworsoo, Cornelius; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

O’Donnell, Edward; University of Delaware

Olshansky, Robert; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Pan, Qisheng; Texas Southern University

Parker, Dawn; University of Waterloo

Parker, Francis H.; Ball State University

Patten, Iris; University of Arizona

Paulsen, Kurt G.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Pearson, Gene; University of Memphis

Pendall, Rolf; Cornell University

Peng, Zhong-Ren; University of Florida

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Pitt, David G.; University of Minnesota

Pivo, Gary; University of Arizona

Popper, Frank J; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Pressley, Joyce Ann; Morgan State University

Qian, Zhu; University of Waterloo

Randolph, John; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Renne, John L.; University of New Orleans

Retzlaff, Rebecca; Auburn University

Richardson, James R.; University of New Mexico

Roakes, Susan; University of Memphis

Rubenstein, James M.; Miami University

Rubin, Jasper; San Francisco State University

Sanchez, Thomas W.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Saunders, Melissa; Florida State University

Scholz, Gordon; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Seltzer, Ethan P.; Portland State University

Shapiro, John; Pratt Institute

Siebert, Loren; University of Akron

Siembieda, William; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Slotterback, Carissa Schively; University of Minnesota

Southworth, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Sperry, Stephen L.; Clemson University

Steiner, Frederick; University of Texas at Austin

Stevens, Mark; University of British Columbia

Stone, Brian Jr.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Strauss, Eric J.; Michigan State University

Land Use Planning, Land Economics and Development cont’d

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Suen, I-Shian (Ivan); Virginia Commonwealth University

Suffling, Roger; University of Waterloo

Szold, Terry; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tang, Zhenghong; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Thompson, Michelle M.; University of New Orleans

Toulan, Nohad A.; Portland State University

Vidyarthi, Sanjeev; University of Illinois at Chicago

Waddell, Paul; University of California, Berkeley

Wagner, Frederick; University of Washington

Warnken, Charles; University of Oklahoma

Watts, D. Whit; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Webber, Steven; Ryerson University

Weisenburger, Ray; Kansas State University

Weitz, Jerry; East Carolina University

Westerlund, Frank; University of Washington

White, Stacey S.; University of Kansas

Whittemore, Andrew; University of Texas, Arlington

Wilson, Bev; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Witten, Jon; Tufts University

Wu, Weiping; Virginia Commonwealth University

Yin, Jordan; Western Michigan University

Zahm, Diane L.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Zapata, Marisa; University of Cincinnati

Zellner, Moira; University of Illinois at Chicago

Zhang, Sumel; University of Louisville

Zwick, Paul; University of Florida

Mapping SciencesChen, Alexander; University of Maryland, College Park

Kessler, Fritz C.; Frostburg State University

Marketing GeographyAshton, Philip; University of Illinois at Chicago

Ballinsky, Warren; The New School

Christopherson, Susan M.; Cornell University

Wadley, David; University of Queensland

Metropolitan/Regional PlanningAbbott, Carl; Portland State University

Alam, Bhuiyan; University of Toledo

Ames, David L.; University of Delaware

Amirahmadi, Hooshang; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Arvidson, Enid; University of Texas, Arlington

Banai, Reza; University of Memphis

Bartholomew, Keith; University of Utah

Basmajian, Carlton; Iowa State University

Bollens, Scott; University of California, Irvine

Boothroyd, Peter; University of British Columbia

Briggs, Xavier de Souza; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bright, Elise; Texas A&M University

Brooks, Jane S.; University of New Orleans

Buehler, Ralph; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Butler, Kent S.; University of Texas at Austin

Chapple, Karen; University of California, Berkeley

Clark, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Cole, H.D. Samuel; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Dalton, Margaret M.; Frostburg State University

Dandekar, Hemalata; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Davis, Diane; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Deakin, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Doan, Petra; Florida State University

Donaghy, Kieran; Cornell University

Dowall, David; University of California, Berkeley

Drucker, Joshua; University of Illinois at Chicago

Emmi, Philip C.; University of Utah

Feser, Edward; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Filion, Pierre; University of Waterloo

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Foster, Kathryn A.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Gakenheimer, Ralph; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Gertler, Meric; University of Toronto

Goldstein, Bruce; University of Colorado, Denver

Hadley, Joseph; University of Akron

Hamin, Elizabeth M.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Hamlin, Roger E.; Michigan State University

Heikkila, Eric J.; University of Southern California

Hewings, Geoffrey; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hinojosa, René C.; Michigan State University

Hirt, Sonia; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Hutton, Tom; University of British Columbia

Isserman, Andrew; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Kassens, Eva; Michigan State University

Kent, Robert B.; California State University, Northridge

Kim, Tschangho John; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Knaap, Gerrit; University of Maryland, College Park

Krieger, Alex; Harvard University

Krumholz, Norm; Cleveland State University

Lapping, Mark; University of Southern Maine

Lee, Bumsoo; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lee, Sugie; Cleveland State University

Leigh, Nancey Green; Georgia Institute of Technology

Leinberger, Christopher, University of Michigan

Lemberg, David; Western Michigan University

Lewis, David A.; State University of New York at Albany

Lucy, William H.; University of Virginia

Mahayni, Riad G.; Iowa State University

Markusen, Ann R.; University of Minnesota

Mohamed, Rayman; Wayne State University

Moss, Mitchell; New York University

Nalbandian, M. Richard; Temple University

Nelson, Marla; University of New Orleans

Oden, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin; Western Michigan University

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Perry, David; University of Illinois at Chicago

Pivo, Gary; University of Arizona

Prytherch, David; Miami University

Romanos, Michael C.; University of Cincinnati

Rongerude, Jane; Iowa State University

Ross, Catherine L.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Saku, James C.; Frostburg State University

Saxenian, AnnaLee; University of California, Berkeley

Searle, Glen; University of Queensland

Seasons, Mark; University of Waterloo

Siemiatycki, Matti; University of Toronto

Silver, Christopher; University of Florida

Suarez-Villa, Luis; University of California, Irvine

Tang, Zhenghong; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Theken, Patrice; University of Akron

Toor, Will; University of Colorado, Denver

Toulan, Nohad A.; Portland State University

Tulloch, David; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

vom Hofe, Rainer; University of Cincinnati

Warren, Robert; University of Delaware

White, Sammis; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Yang, Perry Pei-Ju; Georgia Institute of Technology

Yaro, Robert; University of Pennsylvania

Yin, Li; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

MicrofinanceServon, Lisa J.; The New School

MigrationGober, Patricia; Arizona State University

Huntoon, Laura; University of Arizona

Laurian, Lucie; University of Iowa

Wu, Weiping; Virginia Commonwealth University

Multimedia/CommunicationsAbbanat, Cherie; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bunnell, Gene; State University of New York at Albany

Christopherson, Susan M.; Cornell University

Cunningham, M. Grant; Clemson University

Forester, John; Cornell University

Frenchman, Dennis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Guldmann, Jean-Michel; Ohio State University

Lee, Ming-Chun; University of Texas at Austin

Ratti, Carlo; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ryan, Dennis; University of Washington

Warren, Robert; University of Delaware

Municipal Development Charges, Finance and Laws

Amborski, David; Ryerson University

Benjamin, David; University of Akron

Coates, Paul; Iowa State University

Delaney, Stephen; Boston University

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Haight, Murray; University of Waterloo

Hamlin, Roger E.; Michigan State University

Kosny, Mitchell; Ryerson University

Mitchell, Leonard; University of Southern California

Peiser, Richard B.; Harvard University

Pendall, Rolf; Cornell University

Reardon, Ken; University of Memphis

Smoke, Paul; New York University

Tyler, Elizabeth; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Warren, Robert; University of Delaware

Witten, Jon; Tufts University

Wong, Sidney; Morgan State University

Natural Hazard MitigationBoswell, Michael; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Chakraborty, Jayajit; University of South Florida

Chandrasekhar, Divya; Texas Southern University

Chang, Stephanie E.; University of British Columbia

Frazier, Tim; University of Idaho

Havlick, Spenser; University of Colorado, Denver

Lagro, James A., Jr.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lindell, Michael K.; Texas A&M University

Mukherji, Anuradha; East Carolina University

Olshansky, Robert; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Tobin, Graham; University of South Florida

Westerlund, Frank; University of Washington

Zhang, Yang; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Natural Resources, Water Resources and Coastal Development

Barringer, Richard; University of Southern Maine

Beatley, Timothy; University of Virginia

Bosman, Martin; University of South Florida

Butler, Kent S.; University of Texas at Austin

Chandrasekhar, Divya; Texas Southern University

Coffman, Makena; University of Hawaii

Coutu, Gary W.; West Chester University

Cunningham, M. Grant; Clemson University

Czajkowski, Kevin P.; University of Toledo

Deakin, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Debo, Thomas N.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Deyle, Robert; Florida State University

Dorsey, Anthony H.J.; University of British Columbia

Dyckman, Caitlin; Clemson University

Feldman, David L.; University of California, Irvine

Metropolitan/Regional Planning cont’d

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Fleming, William; University of New Mexico

Frank, Kathryn; University of Florida

Frazier, Tim; University of Idaho

Genskow, Kenneth D.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Gober, Patricia; Arizona State University

Higgins, Lorie; University of Idaho

Holleran, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Huddleston, Jack R.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ingram, Helen; University of California, Irvine

Johnston, Douglas M.; Iowa State University

Kellogg, Wendy A.; Cleveland State University

Lapping, Mark; University of Southern Maine

Larson, Kelli; Arizona State University

Lawrence, Patrick; University of Toledo

Layzer, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

London, James B.; Clemson University

Long, Jerrold A.; University of Idaho

Lowry, Kem; University of Hawaii

Marcouiller, David W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Marcucci, Daniel J.; East Carolina University

McDaniels, Timothy; University of British Columbia

Nemeth, David J.; University of Toledo

Norton, Richard; University of Michigan

O’Donnell, Edward; University of Delaware

Page, G. William; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Pitt, David G.; University of Minnesota

Radke, John; University of California, Berkeley

Randolph, John; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Rivera, José A.; University of New Mexico

Rogers, George O.; Texas A&M University

Rubin, Jasper; San Francisco State University

Sanyal, Nick; University of Idaho

Schneider, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Shandas, Vivek; Portland State University

Shibley, Robert G.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Shrestha, Manoj; University of Idaho

Suffling, Roger; University of Waterloo

Tobin, Graham; University of South Florida

Watson, Philip; University of Idaho

Wentz, Elizabeth; Arizona State University

Wernstedt, Kris; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Wilson, Patrick; University of Idaho

Witten, Jon; Tufts University

Zellner, Moira; University of Illinois at Chicago

Negotiation and Conflict ResolutionConroy, Maria Manta; Ohio State University

Corburn, Jason; University of California, Berkeley

DiMento, Joseph; University of California, Irvine

Donaghy, Kieran; Cornell University

Dorsey, Anthony H.J.; University of British Columbia

Dotson, A. Bruce; University of Virginia

Elliott, Michael L. Poirier; Georgia Institute of Technology

Forester, John; Cornell University

Forrest, Clyde; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Frank, Kathryn; University of Florida

Fritz, Jan Marie; University of Cincinnati

Harris, Kirk; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Innes, Judith; University of California, Berkeley

Kaufman, Sanda; Cleveland State University

Kartez, Jack; University of Southern Maine

Lowry, Kem; University of Hawaii

Mandarano, Lynn; Temple University

Matthew, Richard; University of California, Irvine

Monti, Dan; Saint Louis University

Nocks, Barry C.; Clemson University

Ozawa, Connie P.; Portland State University

Paterson, Robert G.; University of Texas at Austin

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Richardson, James R.; University of New Mexico

Schneider, Richard; University of Florida

Simpson, David M.; University of Louisville

Susskind, Lawrence; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Physical Geography and Planning Akers, Mary Anne Alabanza; Morgan State University

Al-Kodmany, Kheir; University of Illinois at Chicago

Banerjee, Tridib; University of Southern California

Barnett, Jonathan; University of Pennsylvania

Brazel, Anthony; Arizona State University

Brower, Sidney; University of Maryland, College Park

Crewe, Katherine; Arizona State University

Ellis, Cliff; Clemson University

Forsyth, Ann; Cornell University

Garde, Ajay; University of California, Irvine

Hack, Gary; University of Pennsylvania

Hoch, Charles; University of Illinois at Chicago

Imeokparia, Timothy O.; University of New Mexico

Jaffe, Martin; University of Illinois at Chicago

Keeble, Ronald; Ryerson University

Keller, John; Kansas State University

Krieger, Alex; Harvard University

Li, Yanmei; Florida Atlantic University

Morrow-Jones, Hazel; Ohio State University

Nasar, Jack L.; Ohio State University

Nelessen, Anton E.; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Nemeth, David J.; University of Toledo

Perera, M.C. Nihal; Ball State University

Pittari, John J. Jr.; Auburn University

Pothukuchi, Kameshwari; Wayne State University

Rowe, Peter G.; Harvard University

Shapiro, John; Pratt Institute

Shiffman, Ronald; Pratt Institute

Southworth, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Sternberg, Ernest; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Toulan, Nohad A.; Portland State University

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Triantafillou, Menelaos; University of Cincinnati

Vidyarthi, Sanjeev; University of Illinois at Chicago

Welch, Joan M.; West Chester University

Zhang, Ting Wei; University of Illinois at Chicago

Planning AdministrationDotson, Charles; Eastern Washington University

Evans-Cowley, Jennifer; Ohio State University

Lawhon, Larry; Kansas State University

Park, Peter; University of Colorado, Denver

Pearlman, Kenneth; Ohio State University

Planning and Design ReviewAgrawal, Sandeep Kumar; Ryerson University

Arquero de Alarcon, Maria; University of Michigan

Ben-Johnson, Eran; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

de Monchaux, John; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Drown, Stephen R.; University of Idaho

Fasic, George W.; West Chester University

Laverny-Rafter, David; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Onaran, Korkut; University of Colorado, Denver

Sancar, Fahriye; University of Colorado, Denver

Studer, Raymond Jr.; University of Colorado, Denver

Wielde Heidelberg, Beth; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Planning in Developing CountriesBeard, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Brown, David: McGill University

Daniere, Amrita; University of Toronto

Gakenheimer, Ralph; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Giusti, Cecilia; Texas A&M University

Hall, Ralph; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Mahayni, Riad G.; Iowa State University

Nance, Earthea; University of New Orleans

Njoh, Ambe; University of South Florida

Owusu, Francis Y.; Iowa State University

Shatkin, Gavin; University of Michigan

Tendler, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yonder, Ayse; Pratt Institute

Planning Education and InstitutionsAdams, Vera; Ball State University

Campbell, Christopher; University of Washington

Delgado, Julianna; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Dooling, Sarah; University of Texas at Austin

Dotson, Charles; Eastern Washington University

Forester, John; Cornell University

Forsyth, Ann; Cornell University

Funk, David; Cornell University

Hoyt, Lorlene; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jojola, Theodore; University of New Mexico

Klopher, Eric; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Laverny-Rafter, David; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Lawhon, Larry; Kansas State University

Long, Judith Grant; Harvard University

Robinson, Pamela; Ryerson University

Silva, Enrique R.; Boston University

White, Stacey S.; University of Kansas

Yabes, Ruth; Arizona State University

Planning History and Cultural StudiesAdler, Sy; Portland State University

Agrawal, Asha Weinstein; San José State University

Awwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Ballon, Hilary; New York University

Basmajian, Carlton; Iowa State University

Birch, Eugenie L.; University of Pennsylvania

Brabec, Elizabeth; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Brody, Jason; Kansas State University

Bunnell, Gene; State University of New York at Albany

Campbell, Scott D.; University of Michigan

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Clapp, Tara Lynne; Iowa State University

Cohen, James; University of Maryland, College Park

Connerly, Charles E.; University of Iowa

Deeg, Lohren; Ball State University

Edwards, Hazel R.; The Catholic University of America

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Goonewardena, Kanishka; University of Toronto

Guttenberg, Albert Z.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hess, Daniel B. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Hess, Paul; University of Toronto

Holleran, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Howard, Zeljka Pavolich; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Jutla, Rajinder; Missouri State University

Keyes, Langley; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Khirfan, Luna; University of Waterloo

Larsen, Kristin; University of Florida

Levine, Julius; The Catholic University of America

Macdonald, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Main, Kelly; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Marshall, Alex; New Jersey Institute of Technology

May, Diane; Missouri State University

Menking, William; Pratt Institute

Minnery, John; University of Queensland

Monti, Dan; Saint Louis University

Nocks, Barry C.; Clemson University

Parker, Francis H.; Ball State University

Pittari, John J. Jr.; Auburn University

Rowe, Peter G.; Harvard University

Ryberg, Stephanie R.; Cleveland State University

Schneider, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Physical Geography and Planning cont’d

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Siebert, Loren; University of Akron

Silver, Christopher; University of Florida

Sloane, David; University of Southern California

Spain, Daphne; University of Virginia

Thomas, June Manning; University of Michigan

Thompson, Gregory; Florida State University

Till, Karen; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Warren, Robert; University of Delaware

Whittemore, Andrew; University of Texas, Arlington

Wieters, Meghan; University of Oklahoma

Wong, Sidney; Morgan State University

Young, Robert F.; University of Oregon

Zhuang, Zhixi Cecilia; Ryerson University

Planning and Policy ImplementationBradbury, Susan L.; Iowa State University

Deyle, Robert; Florida State University

Levine, Julius; The Catholic University of America

Mazmanian, Daniel A. University of Southern California

Roakes, Susan; University of Memphis

Stephenson, Max O.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Taylor, Gary D.; Iowa State University

Wack, Paul; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Weitz, Jerry; East Carolina University

Planning LawBartholomew, Keith; University of Utah

Benjamin, David; University of Akron

Deakin, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Dyckman, Caitlin; Clemson University

Fasic, George W.; West Chester University

Forrest, Clyde; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Glenn, Jane; McGill University

Harris, Kirk; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Hooker, Joe; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jaffe, Martin; University of Illinois at Chicago

Jourdan, Dawn; University of Florida

Kayden, Jerold S.; Harvard University

Keating, W. Dennis; Cleveland State University

Kelly, Eric Damian; Ball State University

Mitchell, Jerry V.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Mitchell, Leonard; University of Southern California

Norton, Richard; University of Michigan

Onaran, Korkut; University of Colorado, Denver

Parker, Francis H.; Ball State University

Pearlman, Kenneth; Ohio State University

Rawlins, Rachael; University of Texas at Austin

Slotterback, Carissa Schively; University of Minnesota

Strauss, Eric J.; Michigan State University

Taylor, Gary D.; Iowa State University

Van Ammers, Phyl; California State University, Northridge

Weber, Matthew D.; Wayne State University

Planning Practice, Methodology and TheoryAbbott, Carl; Portland State University

Adler, Sy; Portland State University

Altshuler, Alan; Harvard University

Andrews, Clinton J; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Anselin, Luc; Arizona State University

Arvidson, Enid; University of Texas, Arlington

Asomani-Boateng, Raymond; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Ballon, Hilary; New York University

Banai, Reza; University of Memphis

Banerjee, Tridib; University of Southern California

Barnett, Jonathan; University of Pennsylvania

Barreto, Felix R.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Baum, Howell S.; University of Maryland, College Park

Beard, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Boswell, Michael; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Brody, Jason; Kansas State University

Brooks, Jane S.; University of New Orleans

Browder, John; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Bryson, John M.; University of Minnesota

Burchell, Robert W; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Butler, William; Florida State University

Campbell, Scott D.; University of Michigan

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Clapp, Tara Lynne; Iowa State University

Clark, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Cohen, James; University of Maryland, College Park

Costa, Fernando; University of Oklahoma

Crewe, Katherine; Arizona State University

Dear, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Deeg, Lohren; Ball State University

Dotson, A. Bruce; University of Virginia

Drown, Stephen R.; University of Idaho

Dyckman, Caitlin; Clemson University

Edwards, Hazel R.; The Catholic University of America

Edwards, Mary; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Elliott, Michael L. Poirier; Georgia Institute of Technology

Ellison, Charles E.; University of Cincinnati

Emmi, Philip C.; University of Utah

Evans-Cowley, Jennifer; Ohio State University

Fainstein, Susan; Harvard University

Farberow, Herschel; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Ferreira, Joseph Jr.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Feser, Edward; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Flachsbart, Peter; University of Hawaii

Forrest, Clyde; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Frank, Nancy; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Frankel, Bruce W; Ball State University

Friedmann, John; University of British Columbia

Goonewardena, Kanishka; University of Toronto

Gough, Meghan; Virginia Commonwealth University

Grengs, Joseph; University of Michigan

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Guerra, Fred; University of Akron

Hoch, Charles; University of Illinois at Chicago

Hopkins, Lewis D.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ioannides, Dimitri; Missouri State University

Isaac, Claudia B.; University of New Mexico

Johnson, Bonnie; University of Kansas

Kartez, Jack; University of Southern Maine

Keeble, Ronald; Ryerson University

Kelley, William; Eastern Washington University

Kelly, Eric Damian; Ball State University

Kim, Karl; University of Hawaii

Knight, Bruce; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Krieger, Martin H.; University of Southern California

Krumholz, Norm; Cleveland State University

Lake, Robert W; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Lauria, Mickey; Clemson University

Laurian, Lucie; University of Iowa

Lawhon, Larry; Kansas State University

Levine, Julius; The Catholic University of America

Loh, Carolyn G.; Wayne State University

Looye, Johanna W.; University of Cincinnati

Macdonald, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Mahayni, Riad G.; Iowa State University

Margerum, Richard; University of Oregon

Martin, Jonathan; Pratt Institute

Masilela, Calvin O.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Menking, William; Pratt Institute

Minnery, John; University of Queensland

Myers, Dowell; University of Southern California

Nocks, Barry C.; Clemson University

Norman, Herbert P. Jr.; Michigan State University

Oden, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Olshansky, Robert; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Owusu, Francis Y.; Iowa State University

Ozawa, Connie P.; Portland State University

Parker, Francis H.; Ball State University

Pearlman, Kenneth; Ohio State University

Perry, David; University of Illinois at Chicago

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Pothukuchi, Kameshwari; Wayne State University

Ragonetti, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Rankin, Katharine; University of Toronto

Rowe, Peter G.; Harvard University

Ryan, Dennis; University of Washington

Sancar, Fahriye; University of Colorado, Denver

Sanyal, Bish; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sarkis, A. Hashim; Harvard University

Sen, Siddhartha; Morgan State University

Serda, Daniel; University of Kansas

Shatkin, Gavin; University of Michigan

Silva, Enrique R.; Boston University

Southworth, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Srinivas, Smita; Columbia University

Sternberg, Ernest; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Stiftel, Bruce; Georgia Institute of Technology

Studer, Raymond Jr.; University of Colorado, Denver

Suen, I-Shian (Ivan); Virginia Commonwealth University

Urey, Gwendolyn H.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Verma, Niraj; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Wack, Paul; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Weber, Matthew D.; Wayne State University

Weber, Rachel; University of Illinois at Chicago

White, Sammis; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Whittemore, Andrew; University of Texas, Arlington

Wieters, Meghan; University of Oklahoma

Wiggins, Lyna; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Wilson, Constance; Alabama A&M University

Willson, Richard W.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Wong, Sidney; Morgan State University

Yaro, Robert; University of Pennsylvania

Zhang, Sumel; University of Louisville

Zonta, Michela; Virginia Commonwealth University

Zwick, Paul; University of Florida

Police, Security and Military Planning Awwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Davis, Diane; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Law, Jane; University of Waterloo

LeClair, Daniel; Boston University

Matthew, Richard; University of California, Irvine

Németh, Jeremy; University of Colorado, Denver

Schneider, Richard; University of Florida

Zahm, Diane L.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Political Geography and EconomyAltshuler, Alan; Harvard University

Archer, Kevin; University of South Florida

Arvidson, Enid; University of Texas, Arlington

Briggs, Xavier de Souza; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Burchell, Robert W; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Clavel, Pierre; Cornell University

Córdova, Teresa L., University of New Mexico

Dear, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Ellison, Charles E.; University of Cincinnati

Foster, Kathryn A.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Goldsmith, William W.; Cornell University

Markusen, Ann R.; University of Minnesota

Marshall, Alex; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Mazmanian, Daniel A. University of Southern California

Morales, Alfonso; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Morrison, Tiffany; University of Queensland

Olpadwala, Porus; Cornell University

Planning Practice, Methodology and Theory cont’d

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Perry, David; University of Illinois at Chicago

Ruddick, Susan; University of Toronto

Savitch, H.V.; University of Louisville

Saxenian, AnnaLee; University of California, Berkeley

Searle, Glen; University of Queensland

Shatkin, Gavin; University of Michigan

Siemiatycki, Matti; University of Toronto

Spencer, James; University of Hawaii

Till, Karen; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

PovertyAcey, Charisma; Ohio State University

Bates, Lisa K.; Portland State University

Beard, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Chapple, Karen; University of California, Berkeley

Eisinger, Peter; The New School

Etienne, Harley F.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Gonzalez-Rivas, Marcela; Cornell University

Hyra, Derek; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Jaganathan, Radha; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Morris, Lisa; University of Southern Maine

Mueller, Elizabeth; University of Texas at Austin

Rollinson, Paul; Missouri State University

Servon, Lisa J.; The New School

Springer, Joseph H.; Ryerson University

Tendler, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Torres, Rodolfo; University of California, Irvine

Zonta; Michela; Virginia Commonwealth University

Property Tax Legislation and ReformAmborski, David; Ryerson University

Public Administration, Economics, Finance, Management and Policy

Agrawal, Asha Weinstein; San José State University

Allison, Charles; The New School

Aurand, Andrew; Florida State University

Blanco, Andres; University of Florida

Borich, Timothy O.; Iowa State University

Borsig, Jim; Jackson State University

Brooks, Nancy, Cornell University

Bryson, John M.; University of Minnesota

Cao, Xinyu; University of Minnesota

Carolini, Gabriella Y.; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Clark, Chris; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Clavel, Pierre; Cornell University

Córdova, Teresa L., University of New Mexico

Cummings, Scott; Saint Louis University

Dalton, Margaret M.; Frostburg State University

Delaney, Stephen; Boston University

Ding, Lei; Wayne State University

Doan, Petra; Florida State University

Edwards, Mary; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ellison, Charles E.; University of Cincinnati

Elvery, Edward W.; Cleveland State University

Featherstone, Jeffrey; Temple University

Feldman, Martha; University of California, Irvine

Fritz, Jan Marie; University of Cincinnati

Fuller, John W.; University of Iowa

Gershberg, Alec Ian; The New School

Gilsinan, James; Saint Louis University

Hamlin, Roger E.; Michigan State University

Honadle, Beth; University of Cincinnati

Hoversten, Mark; University of Idaho

Hutchinson, Robert; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Ingram, Helen; University of California, Irvine

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of Maryland, College Park

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of New Orleans

King, David; Columbia University

Lahr, Michael L; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

LaMore, Rex L.; Michigan State University

LaPlante, Josephine; University of Southern Maine

Levine, Jonathan; University of Michigan

Levine, Julius; The Catholic University of America

Listokin, David; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Lowry, Michael; University of Idaho

Lucy, William H.; University of Virginia

Marshall, Alex; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Marshment, Richard; University of Oklahoma

Mathur, Shishir; San José State University

McMillen, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Mendenhall, Ruby; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Minassians, Henrik; California State University, Northridge

Nguyen, Phuong H.; University of Iowa

O’Rorke, John J.; Frostburg State University

Outland, Donald; Alabama A&M University

Pader, Ellen-J; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Paulsen, Kurt G.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Perry, David; University of Illinois at Chicago

Robinson, Pamela; Ryerson University

Rosenbloom, Sandra; University of Arizona

Rubin, Julia Sass; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Rufolo, Anthony; Portland State University

Sanger, M. Bryna; The New School

Savitch, H.V.; University of Louisville

Seasons, Mark; University of Waterloo

Seidman, Karl; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Shrestha, Manoj; University of Idaho

Siemiatycki, Matti; University of Toronto

Silverman, Robert M.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Slotterback, Carissa Schively; University of Minnesota

Smoke, Paul; New York University

Springer, Joseph H.; Ryerson University

Stein, Jay; Arizona State University

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Stephenson, Max O.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Thomas, Ward; California State University, Northridge

Weber, Rachel; University of Illinois at Chicago

Willson, Richard W.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Wilson, Patrick; University of Idaho

Wong, Sidney; Morgan State University

Woudsma, Clarence; University of Waterloo

Xiao, Yu; Texas A&M University

Zellner, Moira; University of Illinois at Chicago

Public Policy AnalysisCummings, Scott; Saint Louis University

Ding, Lei; Wayne State University

Honadle, Beth; University of Cincinnati

Huddelston, Jack R.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of Maryland, College Park

LaPlante, Josephine; University of Southern Maine

Rivera, José A.; University of New Mexico

Sanger, M. Bryna; The New School

Seasons, Mark; University of Waterloo

Shipley, Robert; University of Waterloo

Thomas, Ward; California State University, Northridge

Thompson, Gregory; Florida State University

Willson, Richard W.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Public Space and the Public SphereBrabec, Elizabeth; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Daniere, Amrita; University of Toronto

Ehrenfeucht, Renia; University of New Orleans

Franck, Karen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Frenchman, Dennis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kayden, Jerold S.; Harvard University

Lagro, James A., Jr.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lawson, Laura; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Lee, Chanam; Texas A&M University

Luka, Nik; McGill University

Macdonald, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Mayo, James; University of Kansas

Mehta, Vikas; University of South Florida

Muller, Brian; University of Colorado, Denver

Németh, Jeremy; University of Colorado, Denver

Paul, David; University of Idaho

Ratti, Carlo; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ruddick, Susan; University of Toronto

Ryan, Robert L.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Schmidt, Stephen; Cornell University

Siemiatycki, Matti; University of Toronto

Talen, Emily; Arizona State University

Till, Karen; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Race and Ethnicity PlanningBates, Lisa K.; Portland State University

Betancur, John; University of Illinois at Chicago

Briggs, Xavier de Souza; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carroll, Walter F.; Boston University

Ellen, Ingrid Gould; New York University

Galster, George; Wayne State University

Gibson, Karen; Portland State University

Gills, Douglas; University of Illinois at Chicago

Hyra, Derek; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Lake, Robert W; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Mendenhall, Ruby; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Morris, Lisa; University of Southern Maine

Myers, Dowell; University of Southern California

Parker, Brenda; University of Illinois at Chicago

Perera, M.C. Nihal; Ball State University

Sen, Siddhartha; Morgan State University

Sloane, David; University of Southern California

Taylor, Henry Louis Jr.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Thompson, J. Phillip; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Torres, Rodolfo; University of California, Irvine

Umemoto, Karen; University of Hawaii

Wilder, Margaret; University of Delaware

Wilson, Constance; Alabama A&M University

Zimmerman, Rae; New York University

Zonta, Michela; Virginia Commonwealth University

Real Estate DevelopmentBitter, Christopher; University of Washington

Bostic, Raphael; University of Southern California

Boyle, Robin; Wayne State University

Burayidi, Michael; Ball State University

Burchell, Robert W; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Ciochetti, Tony; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DeLisle, James; University of Washington

Deng, Lan; University of Michigan

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Fisher, Lynn; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Funk, David; Cornell University

Geltner, David; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Gladstone, David; University of New Orleans

Hamin, Elizabeth M.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Hamlin, Roger E.; Michigan State University

Hughes, James W; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Immergluck, Daniel; Georgia Institute of Technology

Koebel, C. Theodore; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Leinberger, Christopher, University of Michigan

Levine, Julius; The Catholic University of America

McClure, Kirk; University of Kansas

Moos, Markus; University of Waterloo

Peiser, Richard B.; Harvard University

Public Administration, Economics, Finance, Management and Policy cont’d

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Price, Alfred D.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Renne, John L.; University of New Orleans

Rolfe, George; University of Washington

Ross, Catherine L.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Thompson, Michelle M.; University of New Orleans

Salsich, Peter W.; Saint Louis University

Sanders, Welford; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Shen, Guoqiang; University of Oklahoma

Siembieda, William; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Simons, Robert; Cleveland State University

Smith, Frank C. Jr.; Boston University

Vidal, Avis C.; Wayne State University

Zimmer, Richard J.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Regional Science/Natural ScienceCorburn, Jason; University of California, Berkeley

Drucker, Joshua; University of Illinois at Chicago

Fritschle, Joy A.; West Chester University

Funderburg, Richard G.; University of Iowa

Hewings, Geoffrey; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Marcouiller, David W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Rey, Serge; Arizona State University

Watson, Philip; University of Idaho

Rural, Small Town and Tribal Development and Planning

Becker, Barbara; University of Texas, Arlington

Borich, Timothy O.; Iowa State University

Bradbury, Susan L.; Iowa State University

Bullamore, Henry W.; Frostburg State University

Carolini, Gabriella Y.; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Dandekar, Hemalata; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Daugherty, Carolyn M.; Northern Arizona University

Doan, Petra; Florida State University

Douglass, Michael; University of Hawaii

Ganning, Joanna; Saint Louis University

Higgins, Lorie; University of Idaho

Howland, Marie; University of Maryland, College Park

Isserman, Andrew; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jojola, Theodore; University of New Mexico

Karriem, Abdulrazak; Cornell University

Keller, John; Kansas State University

Kelley, William; Eastern Washington University

Lapping, Mark; University of Southern Maine

Marcouiller, David W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

McClure, Wendy; University of Idaho

Miles, Rebecca; Florida State University

Mullin, John R.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Outland, Donald; Alabama A&M University

Pressley, Joyce Ann; Morgan State University

Richardson, Jesse; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Rolland, Richard; Eastern Washington University

Shriar, Ayrum J.; Virginia Commonwealth University

Strauss, Eric J.; Michigan State University

Suffling, Roger; University of Waterloo

Taylor, Gary D.; Iowa State University

Tendler, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Watson, Philip; University of Idaho

Wilson, Patrick; University of Idaho

Winchell, Dick; Eastern Washington University

Social, Human Services, Gender, and Diversity Planning and Policy

Acey, Charisma; Ohio State University

Agrawal, Sandeep Kumar; Ryerson University

Allen, Ryan P.; University of Minnesota

Archer, Kevin; University of South Florida

Awwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Bae, Christine; University of Washington

Bame, Sherry; Texas A&M University

Barbour, John; University of Colorado, Denver

Basu, Pratyusha; University of South Florida

Baum, Howell S.; University of Maryland, College Park

Beneria, Lourdes; Cornell University

Betancur, John; University of Illinois at Chicago

Boothroyd, Peter; University of British Columbia

Briggs, Xavier de Souza; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carroll, Walter F.; Boston University

Chalana, Manish; University of Washington

Covington, Kenya; California State University, Northridge

Crewe, Katherine; Arizona State University

Curtis, Karen; University of Delaware

Dandekar, Hemalata; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Daniere, Amrita; University of Toronto

Das, Ashok; San Francisco State University

Dear, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Doan, Petra; Florida State University

Fainstein, Susan; Harvard University

Foley, Dolores; University of Hawaii

Forsyth, Ann; Cornell University

Gibson, Karen; Portland State University

Gladstone, David; University of New Orleans

Glasmeier, Amy K.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Golub, Aaron; Arizona State University

Gurstein, Penelope; University of British Columbia

Harwood, Stacy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Heumann, Leonard F.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Howard, Jeff; University of Texas, Arlington

Howell, David; The New School

Irazabal, Clara; Columbia University

Isaac, Claudia B.; University of New Mexico

Jennings, James; Tufts University

Johnson, Laura; University of Waterloo

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Keyes, Langley; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kosny, Mitchell; Ryerson University

Lai, Clement; Cornell University

Lastarria-Cornhiel, Susana; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lawson, Laura; Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Looye, Johanna W.; University of Cincinnati

Marcuse, Peter; Columbia University

Mazumdar, Sanjoy; University of California, Irvine

McHugh, Kevin; Arizona State University

Mendenhall, Ruby; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Miles, Rebecca; Florida State University

Miraftab, Faranak; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Monti, Dan; Saint Louis University

Morales, Alfonso; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Morris, Lisa; University of Southern Maine

Mugerauer, Robert; University of Washington

O’Regan, Katherine; New York University

Pader, Ellen-J; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Parker, Brenda; University of Illinois at Chicago

Pinel, Sandra; University of Idaho

Pothukuchi, Kameshwari; Wayne State University

Rankin, Katharine; University of Toronto

Rollinson, Paul; Missouri State University

Rosenbloom, Sandra; University of Arizona

Ruddick, Susan; University of Toronto

Sanchez, Thomas W.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Sandercock, Leonie; University of British Columbia

Sanger, M. Bryna; The New School

Sawicki, David S.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Schlossberg, Marc; University of Oregon

Schmidt, Stephen; Cornell University

Servon, Lisa J.; The New School

Shetty, Sujata; University of Toledo

Sloane, David; University of Southern California

Spain, Daphne; University of Virginia

Springer, Joseph H.; Ryerson University

Suarez-Villa, Luis; University of California, Irvine

Sutton, Stacey; Columbia University

Taylor, Henry Louis Jr.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Tendler, Judith; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Toker, Zeynep; California State University, Northridge

Torres, Rodolfo; University of California, Irvine

Umemoto, Karen; University of Hawaii

White, Sammis; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Wilder, Margaret; University of Delaware

Winkle, Curtis; University of Illinois at Chicago

Wolch, Jennifer; University of California, Berkeley

Yonder, Ayse; Pratt Institute

Zapata, Marisa; University of Cincinnati

Zhuang, Zhixi Cecilia; Ryerson University

Zimmerman, Rae; New York University

Strategic Planning and Smart GrowthAmborski, David; Ryerson University

Arquero de Alarcon, Maria; University of Michigan

Auffrey, Christopher; University of Cincinnati

Barringer, Richard; University of Southern Maine

Becker, Barbara; University of Texas, Arlington

Bryson, John M.; University of Minnesota

Chatman, Daniel G.; University of California, Berkeley

Fuller, John W.; University of Iowa

Hilty, James W.; Temple University

Hutchinson, Robert; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Jacobs, Harvey M.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kellogg, Wendy A.; Cleveland State University

Kosny, Mitchell; Ryerson University

Krizek, Kevin; University of Colorado, Denver

Lagro, James A., Jr.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Laverny-Rafter, David; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Leinberger, Christopher, University of Michigan

Lucy, William H.; University of Virginia

Mathur, Shishir; San José State University

Nocks, Barry C.; Clemson University

Ohm, Brian W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Outland, Donald; Alabama A&M University

Peacock, Walter G.; Texas A&M University

Renne, John L.; University of New Orleans

Scheer, Brenda Case; University of Utah

Seasons, Mark; University of Waterloo

Shipley, Robert; University of Waterloo

Siembieda, William; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Talen, Emily; Arizona State University

Weitz, Jerry; East Carolina University

Sustainable Resource DevelopmentAgyeman, Julian; Tufts University

Ahern, Jack F.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Allison, Charles; The New School

Auffrey, Christopher; University of Cincinnati

Badami, Madhav; McGill University

Balsas, Carlos; Arizona State University

Barringer, Richard; University of Southern Maine

Boswell, Michael; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Brabec, Elizabeth; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Butler, Kent S.; University of Texas at Austin

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Chifos, Carla; University of Cincinnati

Coffin, Sarah; Saint Louis University

Conroy, Maria Manta; Ohio State University

Social, Human Services, Gender, and Diversity Planning and Policy cont’d

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Dandekar, Hemalata; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Deal, Brian; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Debo, Thomas N.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

De Sousa, Christopher; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Featherstone, Jeffrey; Temple University

Feldman, David L.; University of California, Irvine

Frank, Kathryn; University of Florida

Garde, Ajay; University of California, Irvine

Gibson, Huston; Kansas State University

Gough, Meghan; Virginia Commonwealth University

Grover, Himanshu; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Hall, Ralph; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Hirt, Sonia; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Howe, Deborah; Temple University

Hutchinson, Robert; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Ioannides, Dimitri; Missouri State University

Karriem, Abdulrazak; Cornell University

Kassens, Eva; Michigan State University

Kumble, Peter; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Lagro, James A., Jr.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Landis, John; University of Pennsylvania

Laninga, Tamara; University of Idaho

Lejano, Raul; University of California, Irvine

Lewis, Geoff; University of Waterloo

London, James B.; Clemson University

Maclaren, Virginia; University of Toronto

Mandarano, Lynn; Temple University

Matthew, Richard; University of California, Irvine

Mazmanian, Daniel A. University of Southern California

McClure, Wendy; University of Idaho

McKibben, Sherry; University of Idaho

Moos, Markus; University of Waterloo

Mugerauer, Robert; University of Washington

Nalbandian, M. Richard; Temple University

Neuman, Michael C.; Texas A&M University

Njoh, Ambe; University of South Florida

Norton, Richard; University of Michigan

Park, Sungjin; Texas Southern University

Paterson, Robert G.; University of Texas at Austin

Peacock, Walter G.; Texas A&M University

Pijawka, David; Arizona State University

Pinderhughes, Raquel Rivera; San Francisco State University

Polakit, Kasama; Florida Atlantic University

Rees, William; University of British Columbia

Renne, John L.; University of New Orleans

Robinson, Pamela; Ryerson University

Romanos, Michael C.; University of Cincinnati

Rosenthal, Joyce Klein; Harvard University

Scheer, Brenda Case; University of Utah

Shiffman, Ronald; Pratt Institute

Slotterback, Carissa Schively; University of Minnesota

Sollohub, Darius; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Stein, Jaime; Pratt Institute

Talen, Emily; Arizona State University

Toker, Umut; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Truex, Scott I.; Ball State University

Van Ammers, Phyl; California State University, Northridge

Van Zandt, Shannon; Texas A&M University

Vos, Jaap; Florida Atlantic University

Wack, Paul; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Webster, Douglas; Arizona State University

Westendorff, David G.; University of Memphis

Wilson, Bev; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Yang, Yizhao; University of Oregon

Zegras, P. Christopher; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Zellner, Moira; University of Illinois at Chicago

Zhang, Yang; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Zovanyi, Gabor; Eastern Washington University

Tourism PlanningAltrows, Lawrence; Ryerson University

Cole, H.D. Samuel; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Fainstein, Susan; Harvard University

Gladstone, David; University of New Orleans

Grodach, Carl; University of Texas, Arlington

Ioannides, Dimitri; Missouri State University

Kim, Karl; University of Hawaii

Lew, Alan A.; Northern Arizona University

Long, Judith Grant; Harvard University

Marcouiller, David W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Shipley, Robert; University of Waterloo

Silberberg-Robinson, Susan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yang, Li; Western Michigan University

Transportation, Transit, Public Service, and Infrastructure Planning

Adler, Sy; Portland State University

Agrawal, Asha Weinstein; San José State University

Akar, Gulsah; Ohio State University

Alam, Bhuiyan; University of Toledo

Altshuler, Alan; Harvard University

Anjomani, Ardeshir; University of Texas, Arlington

Badami, Madhav; McGill University

Bae, Christine; University of Washington

Balsas, Carlos; Arizona State University

Buehler, Ralph; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Butler, Kent S.; University of Texas at Austin

Casello, Jeff; University of Waterloo

Chatman, Daniel G.; University of California, Berkeley

Colgan, Charles S.; University of Southern Maine

Benhart, John E.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Black, Alan; University of Kansas

Boarnet, Marlon; University of California, Irvine

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Brown, Jeffrey; Florida State University

Bunnell, Gene; State University of New York at Albany

Cao, Xinyu; University of Minnesota

Cervero, Robert; University of California, Berkeley

Chapin, Timothy; Florida State University

Chen, Xueming (Jimmy); Virginia Commonwealth University

Clay, Michael; Auburn University

Crewe, Katherine; Arizona State University

Dallessio, Thomas; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Das, Priyam; University of Hawaii

Davis, Diane; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Debo, Thomas N.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Dill, Jennifer; Portland State University

Doan, Petra; Florida State University

Dowall, David; University of California, Berkeley

Dumbaugh, Eric; Texas A&M University

Dunning, Anne E.; Clemson University

El-Geneidy; Ahmed; McGill University

Evans-Cowley, Jennifer; Ohio State University

Fan, Yingling; University of Minnesota

Filion, Pierre; University of Waterloo

Flachsbart, Peter; University of Hawaii

Flamm, Bradley; Temple University

Frank, Lawrence; University of British Columbia

Fricano, Russell J; Alabama A&M University

Fuller, John W.; University of Iowa

Gakenheimer, Ralph; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Giuliano, Genevieve; University of Southern California

Gliebe, John; Portland State University

Goetzke, Frank; University of Louisville

Golub, Aaron; Arizona State University

Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A.; Harvard University

Gordon, Peter; University of Southern California

Grengs, Joseph; University of Michigan

Greve, Adrienne; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Guo, Zhan; New York University

Guthrie, Dwayne Pierce; The Catholic University of America

Hall, Ralph; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Hanley, Paul; University of Iowa

Hassol, Joshua; Boston University

Hess, Daniel B. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Hinojosa, René C.; Michigan State University

Houston, Douglas; University of California, Irvine

Hsu, David; University of Pennsylvania

Hu, Ivy Lingqian; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Huang, Ruihong (Ray); Northern Arizona University

Hutchinson, Robert; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of Maryland, College Park

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of New Orleans

Joh, Kenneth; Texas A&M University

Kassens, Eva; Michigan State University

Katirai, Matin; West Chester University

Kawamura, Kazuya; University of Illinois at Chicago

Keller, John; Kansas State University

Kelley, William; Eastern Washington University

Kim, Do-Hyung; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Kim, Jae Hong; Kansas State University

Kim, Karl; University of Hawaii

Kim, Tschangho John; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

King, David; Columbia University

Krizek, Kevin; University of Colorado, Denver

Kyte, Michael; University of Idaho

Lagro, James A., Jr.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Laverny-Rafter, David; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Lawson, Catherine T.; State University of New York at Albany

Lee, Bumsoo; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lee, Yuk; University of Colorado, Denver

Levine, Jonathan; University of Michigan

Levine, Julius; The Catholic University of America

Levinson, David; University of Minnesota

Li, Jianling; University of Texas, Arlington

Lindquist, Peter S.; University of Toledo

Lowry, Michael; University of Idaho

Luka, Nik; McGill University

Macdonald, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Mahayni, Riad G.; Iowa State University

Marshall, Alex; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Marshment, Richard; University of Oklahoma

Mateo-Babiano, Iderlina; University of Queensland

Matsuo, Miwa; University of Iowa

McCray, Talia; University of Texas at Austin

Moudon, Anne Vernez; University of Washington

Murray, Alan; Arizona State University

Nance, Earthea; University of New Orleans

Neuman, Michael C.; Texas A&M University

Noland, Robert B; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Nuworsoo, Cornelius; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

O’Donnell, Edward; University of Delaware

O’Regan, Katherine; New York University

Oluwoye, Jacob; Alabama A&M University

Pan, Qisheng; Texas Southern University

Parker, Francis H.; Ball State University

Pearson, Gene; University of Memphis

Peng, Zhong-Ren; University of Florida

Perckl, Ryan; University of Arizona

Perry, David; University of Illinois at Chicago

Pivo, Gary; University of Arizona

Pressley, Joyce Ann; Morgan State University

Pucher, John R; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Renne, John L.; University of New Orleans

Richardson, Harry W.; University of Southern California

Ronderos, Nicolas; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Transportation, Transit, Public Service, and Infrastructure Planning cont’d

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Rosenbloom, Sandra; University of Arizona

Ross, Catherine L.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Rufolo, Anthony; Portland State University

Sanchez, Thomas W.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Santos, Evandro; Jackson State University

Schlossberg, Marc; University of Oregon

Sclar, Elliott; Columbia University

Schweitzer, Lisa; University of Southern California

Sen, Lalita; Texas Southern University

Sen, Siddhartha; Morgan State University

Shen, Guoqiang; University of Oklahoma

Shen, Qing; University of Washington

Siemiatycki, Matti; University of Toronto

Smith, Sheri; Texas Southern University

Sollohub, Darius; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Steiner, Ruth; University of Florida

Thakuriah, Piyushimita; University of Illinois at Chicago

Theodore, Georgeen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Thompson, Gregory; Florida State University

Toor, Will; University of Colorado, Denver

Urey, Gwendolyn H.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Verma, Niraj; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Viton, Phillip A.; Ohio State University

Waddell, Paul; University of California, Berkeley

Wallace, Terry; Jackson State University

Weinberger, Rachel; University of Pennsylvania

White, Stacey; University of Kansas

Whittington, Jan; University of Washington

Wilson, Constance; Alabama A&M University

Wilson, Mark I.; Michigan State University

Willson, Richard W.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Wolch, Jennifer; University of California, Berkeley

Woudsma, Clarence; University of Waterloo

Yang, Jiawen; Georgia Institute of Technology

Zegras, P. Christopher; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Zhang, Ming; University of Texas at Austin

Zimmerman, Rae; New York University

Travel BehaviorCao, Xinyu; University of Minnesota

El-Geneidy; Ahmed; McGill University

Gliebe, John; Portland State University

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of New Orleans

Hess, Paul; University of Toronto

King, David; Columbia University

Lee, Bumsoo; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lowry, Michael; University of Idaho

Zhang, Ming; University of Texas at Austin

Urban Design and Urban FormAbramson, Daniel; University of Washington

Adams, Vera; Ball State University

Al-Kodmany, Kheir; University of Illinois at Chicago

Arefi, Mahyar; University of Cincinnati

Agrawal, Sandeep Kumar; Ryerson University

Akers, Mary Anne Alabanza; Morgan State University

Anjomani, Ardeshir; University of Texas, Arlington

Austin, Gary, University of Idaho

Ballon, Hilary; New York University

Banai, Reza; University of Memphis

Banerjee, Tridib; University of Southern California

Barnett, Jonathan; University of Pennsylvania

Beasley, Larry; University of British Columbia

Bejleri, Ilir; University of Florida

Brody, Jason; Kansas State University

Brooks, Jane S.; University of New Orleans

Brower, Sidney; University of Maryland, College Park

Busquets, Joan; Harvard University

Campo, Daniel; Morgan State University

Crewe, Katherine; Arizona State University

Dagenhart, Richard; Georgia Institute of Technology

Deeg, Lohren; Ball State University

Delgado, Julianna; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Dobbins, Michael A.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Dutta-Koehler, Madhu C.; Boston University

Edwards, Hazel R.; The Catholic University of America

Ehrenfeucht, Renia; University of New Orleans

Ellis, Cliff; Clemson University

Esswein, Carolyn; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Falletta, Liz; University of Southern California

Farberow, Herschel; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Filion, Pierre; University of Waterloo

Frenchman, Dennis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Forsyth, Ann; Cornell University

Foster, Kathryn A.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Garde, Ajay; University of California, Irvine

Grodach, Carl; University of Texas, Arlington

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit; Arizona State University

Hack, Gary; University of Pennsylvania

Hess, Daniel B. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Hess, Paul; University of Toronto

Hirt, Sonia; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Hoch, Charles; University of Illinois at Chicago

Holleran, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Howard, Zeljka Pavolich; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Huang, Chang-Shan; Texas A&M University

Hur, Misun; East Carolina University

Hurand, Fred A.; Eastern Washington University

Imeokparia, Timothy O.; University of New Mexico

Irazabal, Clara; Columbia University

Jaffe, Martin; University of Illinois at Chicago

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Jutla, Rajinder; Missouri State University

Kasprisin, Ron; University of Washington

Khirfan, Luna; University of Waterloo

Kim, Do-Hyung; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Kim, Yuseung; University of Southern Maine

Krieger, Alex; Harvard University

Kwok, Reg; University of Hawaii

Larice, Michael; University of Pennsylvania

Lee, Ming-Chun; University of Texas at Austin

Lee, Tunney; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lewis, John; University of Waterloo

Luca, Nik; McGill University

Macdonald, Elizabeth; University of California, Berkeley

Macedo, Joseli; University of Florida

Mateo-Babiano, Iderlina; University of Queensland

Mayo, James; University of Kansas

McCall, Raymond; University of Colorado, Denver

McKibben, Sherry; University of Idaho

Mehta, Vikas; University of South Florida

Minassians, Henrik; California State University, Northridge

Moudon, Anne Vernez; University of Washington

Nam, Yunwoo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Nasar, Jack L.; Ohio State University

Nelessen, Anton E.; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Németh, Jeremy; University of Colorado, Denver

Nemeth, David J.; University of Toledo

Onaran, Korkut; University of Colorado, Denver

Park, Peter; University of Colorado, Denver

Park, Sungjin; Texas Southern University

Pearson, Gene; University of Memphis

Perera, M.C. Nihal; Ball State University

Pittari, John J. Jr.; Auburn University

Polakit, Kasama; Florida Atlantic University

Pothukuchi, Kameshwari; Wayne State University

Qian, Zhu; University of Waterloo

Ratti, Carlo; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Richardson, James R.; University of New Mexico

del Rio, Vicente; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Rowe, Peter G.; Harvard University

Ryan, Brent; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ryan, Dennis; University of Washington

Saija, Laura; University of Memphis

Salazar, Dayana M.; San José State University

Sancar, Fahriye; University of Colorado, Denver

Santos, Evandro; Jackson State University

Sarkis, A. Hashim; Harvard University

Saunders, Melissa; Florida State University

Scheer, Brenda Case; University of Utah

Schmidt, Stephen; Cornell University

Scholz, Gordon; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Sen, Siddhartha; Morgan State University

Senbel, Maged; University of British Columbia

Serda, Daniel; University of Kansas

Shen, Guoqiang; University of Oklahoma

Siebert, Loren; University of Akron

Shibley, Robert G.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Silberberg-Robinson, Susan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sollohub, Darius; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Southworth, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Spirn, Anne Whiston; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Talen, Emily; Arizona State University

Theodore, Georgeen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Toker, Umut; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Toker, Zeynep; California State University, Northridge

Toulan, Nohad A.; Portland State University

Triantafillou, Menelaos; University of Cincinnati

Truex, Scott I.; Ball State University

Vidyarthi, Sanjeev; University of Illinois at Chicago

Webster, Douglas; Arizona State University

Wielde Heidelberg, Beth; Minnesota State University, Mankato

Weisenburger, Ray; Kansas State University

Yang, Perry Pei-Ju; Georgia Institute of Technology

Zhang, Ming; University of Texas at Austin

Zhang, Ting Wei; University of Illinois at Chicago

Zhang, Yang; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Zhuang, Zhixi Cecilia; Ryerson University

Urban Development and Redevelopment/Revitalization

Ames, David L.; University of Delaware

Anjomani, Ardeshir; University of Texas, Arlington

Balsas, Carlos; Arizona State University

Basolo, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Beauregard, Robert; Columbia University

Benhart, John E.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Berger, Alan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Birch, Eugenie L.; University of Pennsylvania

Bosman, Martin; University of South Florida

Carolini, Gabriella Y.; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Chifos, Carla; University of Cincinnati

Córdova, Teresa L., University of New Mexico

Das, Priyam; University of Hawaii

de Monchaux, John; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

De Sousa, Christopher; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Dewar, Margaret E.; University of Michigan

Edelman, David J.; University of Cincinnati

Etienne, Harley F.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Ezell, Kyle; Ohio State University

Fainstein, Susan; Harvard University

Fogelson, Robert; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Frenchman, Dennis; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Gladstone, David; University of New Orleans

Goldsmith, William W.; Cornell University

Urban Design and Urban Form cont’d

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Grodach, Carl; University of Texas, Arlington

Hanna, William; University of Maryland, College Park

Hoch, Richard J.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Holleran, Michael; University of Texas at Austin

Hoyt, Lorlene; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Hsu, David; University of Pennsylvania

Hutson, Malo André; University of California, Berkeley

Hutton, Tom; University of British Columbia

Kamel, Nabil; Arizona State University

Kim, Annette; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Krieger, Martin H.; University of Southern California

Lahr, Michael L; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Landis, John; University of Pennsylvania

Leinberger, Christopher, University of Michigan

Lewis, David A.; State University of New York at Albany

Long, Judith Grant; Harvard University

Maclaren, Virginia; University of Toronto

Monti, Dan; Saint Louis University

Moos, Markus; University of Waterloo

Newman, Kathe; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Ohm, Brian W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Olson, Brad C.; Cornell University

Price, Alfred D.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

del Rio, Vicente; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Ryan, Brent; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sandoval, Gerardo; University of Oregon

Savitch, H.V.; University of Louisville

Scheer, Brenda Case; University of Utah

Searle, Glen; University of Queensland

Seidman, Karl; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Shatkin, Gavin; University of Michigan

Shibley, Robert G.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Simons, Robert; Cleveland State University

Strom, Elizabeth; University of South Florida

Taylor, Henry Louis Jr.; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Thomas, June Manning; University of Michigan

Webster, Douglas; Arizona State University

Weisenburger, Ray; Kansas State University

Zhang, Yang; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Zhuang, Zhixi Cecilia; Ryerson University

Urban EcologyAlberti, Marina; University of Washington

Awwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Brazel, Anthony; Arizona State University

Dagenhart, Richard; Georgia Institute of Technology

Dooling, Sarah; University of Texas at Austin

Fan, Yingling; University of Minnesota

Fogelson, Robert; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Franck, Karen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Gober, Patricia; Arizona State University

Greve, Adrienne; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Lister, Nina-Marie; Ryerson University

McMullen, John C.; Frostburg State University

Ndubisi, Forster; Texas A&M University

Pijawka, David; Arizona State University

Rogers, George O.; Texas A&M University

Shandas, Vivek; Portland State University

Stone, Brian Jr.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Webster, Douglas; Arizona State University

Zellner, Moira; University of Illinois at Chicago

Urban GeographyAmes, David L.; University of Delaware

Bullamore, Henry W.; Frostburg State University

Chakraborty, Jayajit; University of South Florida

Dear, Michael; University of California, Berkeley

Mikelbank, Brian; Cleveland State University

Paul, David; University of Idaho

Urban Policy, Politics of Planning, and Government

Allen, Ryan P.; University of Minnesota

Arvidson, Enid; University of Texas, Arlington

Ashton, Philip; University of Illinois at Chicago

Badami, Madhav; McGill University

Baum, Howell S.; University of Maryland, College Park

Beasley, Larry; University of British Columbia

Beauregard, Robert; Columbia University

Bollens, Scott; University of California, Irvine

Briggs, Xavier de Souza; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bullamore, Henry W.; Frostburg State University

Carroll, Walter F.; Boston University

Clark, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Coates, Paul; Iowa State University

Covington, Kenya; California State University, Northridge

Crossney, Kristen B.; West Chester University

Cummings, Scott; Saint Louis University

Davis, Diane; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DeFilippis, James; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Deng, Lan; University of Michigan

Ehrenfeucht, Renia; University of New Orleans

Eisinger, Peter; The New School

Ellison, Charles E.; University of Cincinnati

Elliott, Michael L. Poirier; Georgia Institute of Technology

Fainstein, Susan; Harvard University

Fischler, Raphaël; McGill University

Goldsmith, William W.; Cornell University

Grengs, Joseph; University of Michigan

Hollander, Justin; Tufts University

Hooper, Michael; Harvard University

Hutson, Malo André; University of California, Berkeley

Hyra, Derek; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Ingram, Helen; University of California, Irvine

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Jennings, James; Tufts University

Jones, Mittie Davis; Cleveland State University

Katirai, Matin; West Chester University

King, David; Columbia University

Krumholz, Norm; Cleveland State University

Lauria, Mickey; Clemson University

Laurian, Lucie; University of Iowa

Lew, Alan A.; Northern Arizona University

Li, Yanmei; Florida Atlantic University

Marshall, Alex; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Masilela, Calvin O.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Miller, Donald; University of Washington

Minassians, Henrik; California State University, Northridge

Minnery, John; University of Queensland

Moss, Mitchell; New York University

Mueller, Elizabeth; University of Texas at Austin

Nam, Yunwoo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Németh, Jeremy; University of Colorado, Denver

Newman, Kathe; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

O’Rorke, John J.; Frostburg State University

Parker, Brenda; University of Illinois at Chicago

Purcell, Mark; University of Washington

Ryan, Dennis; University of Washington

Sandercock, Leonie; University of British Columbia

Savitch, H.V.; University of Louisville

Serda, Daniel; University of Kansas

Silberberg-Robinson, Susan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Springer, Joseph H.; Ryerson University

Strauss, Eric J.; Michigan State University

Strom, Elizabeth; University of South Florida

Szold, Terry; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Thompson, J. Phillip; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Vale, Lawrence J.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Wack, Paul; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Warner, Mildred; Cornell University

Warren, Robert; University of Delaware

Westendorff, David G.; University of Memphis

Willson, Richard W.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Zimmer, Richard J.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Urban and Regional EconomicsAmirahmadi, Hooshang; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Arvidson, Enid; University of Texas, Arlington

Barreto, Felix R.; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

Basolo, Victoria; University of California, Irvine

Beauregard, Robert; Columbia University

Bitter, Christopher; University of Washington

Blanco, Andres; University of Florida

Boarnet, Marlon; University of California, Irvine

Bosman, Martin; University of South Florida

Bostic, Raphael; University of Southern California

Bourassa, Steven; University of Louisville

Brooks, Nancy, Cornell University

Brower, Sidney; University of Maryland, College Park

Clark, Thomas; University of Colorado, Denver

Colgan, Charles S.; University of Southern Maine

Cowell, Margaret; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Dalton, Margaret M.; Frostburg State University

Das, Ashok; San Francisco State University

Dawkins, Casey; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

DeFilippis, James; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Deng, Lan; University of Michigan

Ding, Chengri; University of Maryland, College Park

Ellen, Ingrid Gould; New York University

Elvery, Edward W.; Cleveland State University

Fainstein, Susan; Harvard University

Fuller, John W.; University of Iowa

Galster, George; Wayne State University

Ganning, Joanna; Saint Louis University

Giuliano, Genevieve; University of Southern California

Goetzke, Frank; University of Louisville

Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A.; Harvard University

Guldmann, Jean-Michel; Ohio State University

Hamlin, Roger E.; Michigan State University

Hammel, Daniel J.; University of Toledo

Hanna, William; University of Maryland, College Park

Heikkila, Eric J.; University of Southern California

Hill, Edward W.; Cleveland State University

Howland, Marie; University of Maryland, College Park

Hu, Ivy Lingqian; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Hughes, James W; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Iseki, Hiroyuki; University of New Orleans

Knaap, Gerrit; University of Maryland, College Park

Lahr, Michael L; Rugers, The State University of New Jersey

Leigh, Nancey Green; Georgia Institute of Technology

Levy, Frank; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lewandowski, James P.; West Chester University

Lindquist, Peter S.; University of Toledo

McMillen, Daniel; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Mullin, John R.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

O’Regan, Katherine; New York University

Pucher, John R; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Renski, Henry; University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Richardson, Harry W.; University of Southern California

Roakes, Susan; University of Memphis

Rufolo, Anthony; Portland State University

Sanchez, Arturo; Cornell University

Sawicki, David S.; Georgia Institute of Technology

Saxenian, AnnaLee; University of California, Berkeley

Seasons, Mark; University of Waterloo

Shen, Qing; University of Washington

Simons, Robert; Cleveland State University

Smoke, Paul; New York University

Urban Policy, Politics of Planning, and Government cont’d

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Strong, Aaron; University of Iowa

Sutton, Stacey; Columbia University

Viton, Phillip A.; Ohio State University

vom Hofe, Rainer; University of Cincinnati

von Rabenau, Burkhard; Ohio State University

Waddell, Paul; University of California, Berkeley

Watson, Philip; University of Idaho

Wubneh, Mulatu; East Carolina University

Xiao, Yu; Texas A&M University

Yang, Jiawen; Georgia Institute of Technology

Zizzi, Donald; Boston University

Urban Simulation and ModelingAnselin, Luc; Arizona State University

Bejleri, Ilir; University of Florida

Ben-Joseph, Eran; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit; Arizona State University

Landis, John; University of Pennsylvania

Nam, Yunwoo; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Viton, Phillip A.; Ohio State University

Waddell, Paul University of California, Berkeley

Wilson, Bev; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Yang, Perry Pei-Ju; Georgia Institute of Technology

Urban SociologyAwwad-Rafferty, Rula, University of Idaho

Barbour, John; University of Colorado, Denver

Beauregard, Robert; Columbia University

Bollens, Scott; University of California, Irvine

Campbell, Christopher; University of Washington

Dagenhart, Richard; Georgia Institute of Technology

Dooling, Sarah; University of Texas at Austin

Franck, Karen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Gibson, Karen; Portland State University

Irazabal, Clara; Columbia University

Knox, Paul L.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Larson, Kelli; Arizona State University

McMullen, John C.; Frostburg State University

Mehta, Vikas; University of South Florida

Paul, David; University of Idaho

Pijawka, David; Arizona State University

Purcell, Mark; University of Washington

Sutton, Stacey; Columbia University

Webster, Douglas; Arizona State University

Zellner, Moira; University of Illinois at Chicago

Urbanism/Urbanization, New UrbanismAbramson, Daniel; University of Washington

Balassiano, Katia; Cornell University

Beauregard, Robert; Columbia University

Benhart, John E. Jr.; Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Berger, Alan; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Campbell, Scott D.; University of Michigan

Dagenhart, Richard; Georgia Institute of Technology

Douglass, Michael; University of Hawaii

Ellis, Cliff D.; Clemson University

Fan, Peilei; Michigan State University

Knox, Paul L.; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Leaf, Michael; University of British Columbia

Lister, Nina-Marie; Ryerson University

Long, Judith Grant; Harvard University

Minerbi, Luciano; University of Hawaii

Neuman, Michael C.; Texas A&M University

Ohm, Brian W.; University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sarkis, A. Hashim; Harvard University

Storey, Donovan; University of Queensland

Talen, Emily; Arizona State University

Theodore, Georgeen; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Till, Karen; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Torres, Rodolfo; University of California, Irvine

Webster, Douglas; Arizona State University

Zovanyi, Gabor; Eastern Washington University

Waste ManagementHaight, Murray; University of Waterloo

Maclaren, Virginia; University of Toronto

Nixon, Hilary; San José State University

ZoningGuerra, Fred; University of Akron

Pendall, Rolf; Cornell University

Peterson, Ann; University of Queensland

Ronderos, Nicolas; New Jersey Institute of Technology

Wallace, Terry; Jackson State University

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Abbanat, Cherie ................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 324-1570 [email protected]

Abbott, Carl ............................................................. Portland State University(503) 725-5171 [email protected]

Abramson, Daniel .................................................... University of Washington(206) 543-2089 [email protected]

Abrams, Robert .......................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-1748 [email protected]

Accordino, John J. ...................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 827-0525 [email protected]

Acey, Charisma ............................................................... Ohio State University(614) 292-1012

Ackerman, Lisa ..............................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Adams, Vera ......................................................................ball State University(765) 285-1918 [email protected]

Adhikari, Ambika ........................................................ Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Adler, Moshe .......................................................................Columbia University

Adler, Moshe .................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Adler, Sy ................................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-5172 [email protected]

Agrawal, Asha Weinstein ...........................................San Jose State University(408) 924-5853 [email protected]

Agrawal, Sandeep Kumar .................................................... Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 6767 [email protected]

Agyeman, Julian ....................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Ahern, Jack F. ......................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Ainsworth, Ester ..........................................................Jackson State University

Akar, Gulsah .................................................................... Ohio State University(614) 292-1012

Akers, Mary Anne Alabanza .......................................Morgan State University(443) 885-4457 [email protected]

Alarcon, Maria Arquero de .............................................University of Michigan(734) 764-9453 [email protected]

Albucher, Chelsea .........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Alcantara, Adelamar .................................................. University of New Mexico

Alcock, Nancy ..................................................................... Ryerson University

Al-Kodmany, Kheir ........................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 413-3884 [email protected]

Alam, bhuiyan ..................................................................... University of Toledo(419) 530-7269 [email protected]

Alberti, Marina ..............................................................University of Washigton(206) 616-8667 [email protected]

Alexander, James ........................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372-4794 [email protected]

Allen, Douglas C. ..............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-0907 [email protected]

Allen, James J. .......................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Allen, Peter ......................................................................University of Michigan(734) 358-0060 [email protected]

Allen, Ryan P. .................................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-5670 [email protected]

Allison, Charles .......................................................................... The New School(212) 229-5400 x 1617 [email protected]

Allison, David J. .................................................................. Clemson University(864) 656-3897 [email protected]

Allison, Eric .....................................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Almy, Dean ............................................................ University of Texas at Austin(512) 232-9311 [email protected]

AlSayyad, Nezar ............................................. University of California berkeley(510) 642-4852 [email protected]

Altrows, Lawrence ................................................................ Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 6765 [email protected]

Altshuler, Alan ...................................................................... Harvard University(617) 495-7559 [email protected]

Amborski, David .................................................................. Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 6768 [email protected]

Ames, David L..................................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1050 [email protected]

Amirahmadi, Hooshang .......................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 737 [email protected]

Ammers, Phyl Van ................................ California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2881 [email protected]

Amsden, Alice ...................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-6254 [email protected]

APPENDIX b Alphabetical Faculty Listing with Contact Information

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Anderson, Austin G. ...................................... University of Southern California(310) 477-9585 [email protected]

Andrews, Clinton J. .................................................................................. Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 721 [email protected]

Angeles, Leonora ............................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-9312 [email protected]

Angel, Shlomo ..................................................................... New York University

Anjomani, Ardeshir ............................................ University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3310 [email protected]

Anselin, Luc .................................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Anthony, Jerry.........................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0622 [email protected]

Antolini, Denise .................................................................. University of Hawaii(808) 956-6238 [email protected]

Archer, Kevin ............................................................University of South Florida

Arefi, Mahyar ................................................................. University of Cincinnati(513) 556-0212 [email protected]

Arias, Ernesto .................................................... University of Colorado, Denver

Arnold, Tony ................................................................... University of Louisville(502) 852-6388 [email protected]

Arvidson, Enid ..................................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3349 [email protected]

Ascher, Kate J. ..................................................................... New York University

Ashford, Nicholas .............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-1664 [email protected]

Ashton, Philip................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 413-7599 [email protected]

Asomani-boateng, Raymond .............. Minnesota State University, Mankato(507) 389-5030 [email protected]

Aspaas, Helen-Ruth ................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 828-8086 [email protected]

Assaad, Ragui A. ...........................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-4856 [email protected]

Audirac, Ivonne ................................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3338

Auer, Mirabai .................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Auffrey, Christopher ..................................................... University of Cincinnati(513) 556-0579 [email protected]

Augustus, Sylvia Rose ........................................University of Missouri-Kansas

Aurand, Andrew ......................................................... Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Austin, Gary ..........................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7448 [email protected]

Avila, Eric ..................................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-9106 [email protected]

Awwad-Rafferty, Rula ...........................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-6832 [email protected]

Azis, Iwan ................................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-4271 [email protected]


badami, Madhav ...................................................................... McGill University(514) 398-3183 [email protected]

bae, Christine ........................................................... University of Washington(206) 616-9034 [email protected]

bahl, Deepak ................................................. University of Southern California(213) 740-9491 [email protected]

baker, Ivan ........................................................ University of Illinois at Chicago

baker, Kathleen ................................................... Western Michigan University

balassiano, Katia ...................................................................Cornell University(607)255-5561 [email protected]

balinsky, Warren ........................................................................ The New School(212) 229-5400 x1615 [email protected]

ballon, Hilary ...................................................................... New York University(212) 998-7400 [email protected]

balsas, Carlos ............................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7167 [email protected]

bame, Sherry .................................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-1047 [email protected]

banai, Reza ......................................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-4559 [email protected]

banerjee, Tridib ............................................. University of Southern California(213) 740-4724 [email protected]

bania, Neil ..........................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-3704 [email protected]

barbour, John .....................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 492-8010 [email protected]

barnett, Jonathan .................................................... University of Pennsylvania(215) 732-5215 [email protected]

barreto, Felix R. .................... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-2727 [email protected]

barrett, Edith Juanita ......................................... University of Texas, Arlignton(817) 272-3385 [email protected]

barrett, Linda ...................................................................... Unviersity of Akron(330) 972-6120 [email protected]

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barringer, Margaret .................................................................. Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

barringer, Richard ............................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 780-4418 [email protected]

barr, Sarah ........................................................ University of Illinois at Chicago

bartholomew, Keith ............................................................... University of Utah(801) 581-8944 [email protected]

basolo, Victoria ................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-3521 [email protected]

bassett, Ellen M. ...................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-5174 [email protected]

basu, Pratyusha .......................................................University of South Florida

bates, Lisa K. ............................................................ Portland State University(503) 725-8203 [email protected]

battisto, Dina G. ................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-3887 [email protected]

batty, Michael .............................................................. Arizona State University

baugher, Sherene ...................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-1648 [email protected]

bauman, John ..................................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 780-5389 [email protected]

baum, Howell S. ...................................... University of Maryland, College Park(301) 405-6792 [email protected]

beard, Victoria .................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-6484 [email protected]

beasley, Larry ..................................................... University of british Columbia(604) 687-5108 [email protected]

beatley, Timothy ............................................................... University of Virginia(434) 924-6457 [email protected]

beauregard, Robert ...........................................................Columbia University [email protected]

becker, barbara ................................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3301 [email protected]

becker, Robert ........................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-6277 [email protected]

beck, Les ..................................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

bedford, Paul ...................................................................... Ryerson University

begg, Robert b. ......................................... Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

beinart, Julian ...................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-7918 [email protected]

bejleri, Ilir ............................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

bellas, Dean ...............................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-5188 [email protected]

bell, Martin ................................................................. University of Queensland(61) 7-3365-7087 [email protected]

belsky, Eric ............................................................................ Harvard University [email protected]

bencloski, Joseph W. ................................ Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

benedict, Chris ...............................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

beneria, Lourdes ...................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-2148 [email protected]

benhart Jr., John E. ................................... Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 7652 [email protected]

benjamin, David .................................................................. University of Akron(330) 972-7620 [email protected]

ben-Joseph, Eran ..............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-7305 [email protected]

bennett, Daniel .................................................................... Auburn University(334) 844-4285 [email protected]

bentley, Mark ...........................................................University of South Florida

berger, Alan ......................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-6707 [email protected]

berger, Gideon ...................................................University of Colorado Denver

betancur, John ................................................. University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-2125 [email protected]

beyers, William ........................................................ University of Washington(206) 543-5871 [email protected]

bezboruah, Karabi C. .......................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3071

bharne, Vinayak ............................................ University of Southern [email protected]

billingsley, Graham ...........................................University of Colorado Denver

birch, Eugenie L. ...................................................... University of Pennsylvania(215) 898-6097 [email protected]

bish Sanyal ........................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-3270 [email protected]

bitter, Christopher ................................................... University of Washington(206) 685-7088 [email protected]

bitterman, Alex ........................................................ University at buffalo SUNY

black, Alan ...........................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-3208 [email protected]

blanck, Doreen Liberto ...................................... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

(805) 203-5022 [email protected]

blanco, Andres ....................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

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blanco, Hilda ................................................. University of Southern California [email protected]

blaustein, Arthur ........................................... University of California berkeley(510) 642-3256

blewett, Christopher ................................................. University of New Mexico

blumenberg, Evelyn ................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 903-3305 [email protected]

blustein, Jan ...................................................................... New York University

boarnet, Marlon .................................................. University of California Irvine(949) 824-7695 [email protected]

bobker, Michael .............................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340

bodek, Hanley .......................................................... University of Pennsylvania

boeschenstein, Warren..................................................... University of Virginia(434) 924-6440 [email protected]

bohland, James R. ...............Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-5517 [email protected]

bolan, Richard S. ...........................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-0128 [email protected]

boles, Claude .......................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

bollens, Scott ...................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-7696 [email protected]

bonner-DuVal, Patricia ............................................................. Tufts University

booth, Richard S. ....................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-4025 [email protected]

boothroyd, Peter ............................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-4155 [email protected]

borbas, Steve ............................................................. University of New Mexico

borich, Timothy O. ............................................................ Iowa State University(515) 294-8707 [email protected]

born, branden .......................................................... University of Washington(206) 543-4975 [email protected]

bornstein, Lisa ......................................................................... McGill University(514) 398-4077 [email protected]

born, Stephen M. ...........................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-1004 [email protected]

borsig, Jim ...................................................................Jackson State University

bosman, Martin .......................................................University of South Florida

bosselmann, Peter ......................................... University of California berkeley(510) 642-6579 [email protected]

bostic, Raphael ............................................. University of Southern California(213) 740-1220 [email protected]

boswell, Michael ... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-2496 [email protected]

botchwey, Nisha................................................................ University of Virginia(434) 924-6444 [email protected]

bourassa, Steven C. ...................................................... University of Louisvillle(502) 852-5720 [email protected]

boyle, Robin ..................................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-8711 [email protected]

boyle, Tim ............................................................................Columbia University

bozorgi, Khosrow ......................................................... University of Oklahoma(405) 325-3348 [email protected]

brabec, Elizabeth ..................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

bradbury, Susan L. ............................................................ Iowa State University(515) 294-8720 [email protected]

bradley, Gordon ...................................................... University of Washington(206) 685-0881 [email protected]

bradley, Michael ............................................................... University of Arizona(520) 621-3865 [email protected]

brail, Richard K. ....................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 731 [email protected]

brannock, John .......................................................... University of Queensland(61)-7-3365-6455

bratt, Rachel G. ......................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

braul, Wally ........................................................ University of british Columbia [email protected]

bray, Paul M. ....................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 472-1772 [email protected]

brazel, Anthony ........................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

breidenbach., Jan ......................................... University of Southern [email protected]

brennan, Dean ............................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

brennan, Timothy .................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

breuer, Paul M.L. ................................................................. Ryerson University

brewster, Chris ............................................ University of Missouri-Kansas City

briggs, Xavier de Souza ...................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-7956 [email protected]

bright, Elise ...................................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-3161 [email protected]

brillembourg, Alfredo ......................................................Columbia University

brilliot, Reena..............................................................San Jose State University(408) 535-7844 [email protected]

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brinkmann, Robert ..................................................University of South Florida

brody, Jason .................................................................. Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

brody, Samuel .................................................................. Texas A&M University(979) 458-4623 [email protected]

bromley, Ray ........................................ State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4766 [email protected]

brooks, Jane S. ...........................................................University of New orleans(504) 280-6514 [email protected]

brooks, Nancy ........................................................................Cornell University

browder, John .......................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-6217 [email protected]

brower, Sidney ........................................ University of Maryland, College Park(301) 405-6796 [email protected]

brown, Carlton ...............................................................................Pratt Institute

(718) 399-4340

brown, Cindy ......................................................University of Colorado Denver

brown, David ............................................................................ McGill University(514) 398-4075 [email protected]

brown, Greg ............................................................... University of Queensland(61) 7-33656644 [email protected]

brown, Jeffrey ............................................................ Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

bruce, Scott ........... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(850) 756-1315 [email protected]

bruckner, Tim-Allen ............................................ University of California Irvine(949) 824-0563 [email protected]

bryson, John M. ............................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-5888 [email protected]

buckwalter, Donald W. .............................. Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

buehler, Ralph .......................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(703) 706-8104 [email protected]

buholzer, bill ...................................................... University of british Columbia [email protected]

bullamore, Henry W. ............................................... Frostburg State University(301) 687-4413 [email protected]

bunnell, Gene ....................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4469 [email protected]

burayidi, Michael ..............................................................ball State University(765) 285-1963 [email protected]

burchell, Robert W. ................................................................................. Rutgers(732) 932-3133 ext. 542 ............................................. [email protected]

burdick, Robert ......................................................................... Tufts University

(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

burne, Alan M. .............................................................East Carolina University(252) 328-1273 [email protected]

burrus, Roxyanne ............................................................ Ohio State University

burton, Otha ...............................................................Jackson State University

busard, Joshua ........................................................................University of Iowa(765) 730-7645 [email protected]

busquets, Joan H .................................................................. Harvard University(617) 496-8811 [email protected]

butler, Kent S. ........................................................ University of Texas at Austin(512) 797-6644 [email protected]

butler, Kevin ......................................................................... University of Akron(330) 972-7621 [email protected]

butler, William ............................................................... Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

byrne, John .....................................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-8405 [email protected]

byron, Joan ....................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 636 3486 x6447 [email protected]

CCahaney, William J. ........................................................ University of Lousiville

(502) 213-2380 [email protected]

Calabrese, Carl ......................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Callies, David ....................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-6550 [email protected]

Campbell, Christopher ............................................ University of Washington(206) 543-6063 [email protected]

Campo, Daniel ..............................................................Morgan State University(443) 885 3514 [email protected]

Cantarero, Rodrigo ...........................................University of Nebraska-Lincoln(402) 472-9278 [email protected]

Cao, Xinyu ......................................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-5671 [email protected]

Carolini, Gabriella Y. ............................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 731 [email protected]

Carroll, Michael .......................................................................Temple University

Carroll, Walter F. ...................................................................... boston University

Carruthers, John I. .................................. University of Maryland, College Park [email protected]

Cartwright, Charles ........................................................... Ohio State Universty(614) 292-1012

Case, Dale ...........................................................University of Colorado Denver

Casello, Jeff ..................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

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Casey, Colleen ..................................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3356 [email protected]

Caupp, Craig C. ......................................................... Frostburg State University(301) 687-4755 [email protected]

Cavanaugh, Ted ................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-3898 [email protected]

Cervero, Robert .............................................. University of California berkeley(510) 642-1695 [email protected]

Chakraborty, Jayajit ................................................University of South Florida

Chaky, Damon ................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Chalana, Manish ........................................................ University of Washington(206) 616-6051 [email protected]

Chalofsky, barry ................................................ Rutgers University, School of ...................................................................Environmental & biological Sciences

(609) 883-8053 [email protected]

Chandrasekhar, Divya ............................................Texas Southern University

Chang, Stephanie E. ........................................... University of british Columbia(604) 827-5054 [email protected]

Chapin, Timothy ........................................................ Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Chapman, William ............................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-8826 [email protected]

Chapple, Karen .............................................. University of California berkeley(510) 642-1868 [email protected]

Charlier, Jim .......................................................University of Colorado Denver

Chase, Mark ............................................................................... Tufts University

Chatman, Daniel G. ................................................................................ Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 742 [email protected]

Chatman, Daniel G. ........................................ University of California berkeley(510) 642-2454 [email protected]

Chatterjee, Meera ................................................................ University of Akron(330) 972-8309 [email protected]

Chawla, Louise ...................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 492- 5228 [email protected]

Chen, Alexander ..................................... University of Maryland, College Park(301) 405-6798 [email protected]

Chen, Kimberly M. ..................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 358-4993 [email protected]

Chenoweth, Richard E. ..................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-1004 [email protected]

Chen, Xueming (Jimmy) .........................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 828-1254

Chien, Steven ............................................ New Jersey Institute of Technology(973) 596-6083 [email protected]

Calzonetti, Frank................................................................. University of Toledo(419) 530-4749 [email protected]

Campbell, Scott D. ..........................................................University of Michigan(734) 763-2077 [email protected]

Carlson, Virginia.........................................University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(414) 229-5323 [email protected]

Carmin, JoAnn .................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 452-2697 [email protected]

Cassidy, Frank ................................................................... University of Arizona(520) 682-3401 [email protected]

Castells, Manuel .................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology

Castells, Manuel ............................................ University of Southern California(213) 821-2079 [email protected]

Catz, Sarah .......................................................... University of California Irvine

Chan, Sewin ......................................................................... New York University

Checkoway, barry ...........................................................University of Michigan(734) 763-5960 [email protected]

Cherrington-Cucore, Janet .................. Minnesota State University, Mankato(507) 389-5031 [email protected]

Chew, Kenneth .................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 924-6990 [email protected]

Chifos, Carla .................................................................. University of Cincinnati(513) 293-8195 [email protected]

Choquette, Robert .............................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-3635 [email protected]

Chowdhury, Moe .........................................................Jackson State University

Christensen, Karen ........................................ University of California berkeley(510) 642-3111 [email protected]

Christensen, Terry L. ..................................................San Jose State University(408) 924-5565 [email protected]

Christopherson, Susan M. ......................................................Cornell University(607) 255-8772 [email protected]

Chusid, Jeffrey ........................................................................Cornell University(607) 254-8579 [email protected]

Ciochetti, Tony ..................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-3988 [email protected]

Clapp, Tara Lynne .............................................................. Iowa State University(515) 294-7759 [email protected]

Clark, Carol .....................................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Clark, Chris ........... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-6605 [email protected]

Clarke, Paul Walker ....................................................Morgan State University

Clarke, Shima ...................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-4498 [email protected]

Clark, Jennifer Joy ..........................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-7224 [email protected]

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Clark, Thomas ....................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 556-3296 [email protected]

Clavel, Pierre ...........................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-6212 [email protected]

Clay, Michael ......................................................................... Auburn University(334) 844-8412 [email protected]

Clay, Phillip .......................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-6164 [email protected]

Coates, Paul ...................................................................... Iowa State University(515) 294-1844 [email protected]

Cochran, Jamie .................................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 285-7577 [email protected]

Coffin, Sarah ..................................................................... Saint Louis University(314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Coffman, Makena ................................................................ University of Hawaii(808) 956-2890 [email protected]

Cohen, James .......................................... University of Maryland, College Park(301) 405-6795 [email protected]

Cohen, Maurie ............................................ New Jersey Institute of Technology(973) 596-5281 [email protected]

Cohen, William ........................................................................Temple University(267) 468-8303 [email protected]

Cole, H.D. Samuel ..................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Cole, Richard L. ................................................... University of Texas, Arlignton(817) 272-3300 [email protected]

Colgan, Charles S. ............................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 780-4008 [email protected]

Colton, Arlan ..................................................................... University of Arizona(520) 740-6800

Commins, Stephen ..................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 422-5997 [email protected]

Connell, Ruth ...............................................................Morgan State University

Connerly, Charles E. ................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0039 [email protected]

Conn, W. David ........ California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-2246 [email protected]

Conroy, Maria Manta ...................................................... Ohio State University(614) 292-8044 [email protected]

Copeland, Hilary .....................................................................University of Iowa(319) 365-9941 [email protected]

Corburn, Jason ............................................... University of California berkeley(510) 643-4790 [email protected]

Córdova, Teresa L. ...................................................... University of New Mexico(505) 277-3922 [email protected]

Corey, Kenneth E. ...................................................... Michigan State University(517) 432-4750 [email protected]

Correa, Felipe ........................................................................ Harvard University(617) 495 2521 [email protected]

Coslovsky, Salo .................................................................. New York University

Cosner, Susan .................................................................... Iowa State University

Costa, Fernando ............................................................ University of Oklahoma

Costello, Eileen ...................................................................... Ryerson University [email protected]

Cote, Paul .............................................................................. Harvard University(617) 496-0546 [email protected]

Coughlin, Joseph ..............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-4978 [email protected]

Cousineau, Christine ................................................................. Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Coutts, Christopher ................................................... Florida State University(850) 644-5015 [email protected]

Coutu, Gary W. ..............................................................West Chester University(610) 738-0522 [email protected]

Covington, Kenya ................................ California State University, Northridge(818) 677-6463 [email protected]

Cowell, Margaret...................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(703) 706-8111 [email protected]

Cox, Linda ............................................................................ University of Hawaii(808) 956-7602 [email protected]

Craft, Carter ....................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340

Cramer, bart ............................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Crane, Randall ..........................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 951-3576 [email protected]

Craze, Celia .............................................. University of Maryland, College Park

Creedon, James P. ...................................................................Temple University

Crewe, Katherine ......................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7167 [email protected]

Crisanti, Eileen .............................................................. University of Cincinnati

Crisler, Marshand ........................................................Jackson State University

Crocker, Jack ................................................................. Kansas State University

Cropf, Robert .................................................................... Saint Louis University(314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Crossney, Kristen b. ......................................................West Chester University(610) 430-5838 [email protected]

Cruz, Ramon ...................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340

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Cuff, Dana .................................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 206-5517 [email protected]

Cummings, Scott .............................................................. Saint Louis University(314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Cunningham, Dayna ........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 452-1380 [email protected]

Cunningham, M. Grant ...................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-1587 [email protected]

Currid, Elizabeth ........................................... University of Southern California(213) 740-4012 [email protected]

Curtis, Karen ....................................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-6854 [email protected]

Cutler, Nancy ................................................................. University of Cincinnati

Czajkowski, Kevin P. ........................................................... University of Toledo(419) 530-4274 [email protected]


Daas, Charles .................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Dabbs, Merilyn ............................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372-5350 [email protected]

Dagenhart, Richard .........................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-2992 [email protected]

Dallessio, Thomas ...................................... New Jersey Institute of Technology(609) 802-0880 [email protected]

Dalton, Margaret M. ................................................ Frostburg State University(301) 687-4418 [email protected]

Damon, Maria ..................................................................... New York University

Dandekar, Hemalata .................................................... Arizona State University(805) 756-1315 [email protected]

Daniel, Janice ............................................. New Jersey Institute of Technology(973) 642-4794 [email protected]

Daniere, Amrita ................................................................. University of Toronto(416) 978-3236 [email protected]

Darbee, Jeff ........................................................................ Ohio State Universty(614) 292-1012

D'Arcus, bruce .......................................................................... Miami University(513) 529-1521 [email protected]

Damkroger, Courtney A. ...........................................San Jose State University(408) 277-4576

Daniels, Thomas L. ................................................... University of Pennsylvania(215) 573-8965 [email protected]

Das, Ashok .......................................................... San Francisco State University(415) 338-3689 [email protected]

Das, Priyam ......................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-5367 [email protected]

Daugherty, Carolyn M. ......................................... Northern Arizona University(928) 523-0984 [email protected]

David, Nina ............................................................ Eastern Michigan University(734) 487-7582 [email protected]

Davidson, John E. .......................................................San Jose State University(408) 535-7895 [email protected]

Davis, Craig ....................................................................... Ohio State University

Davis, Diane .....................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 452-2804 [email protected]

Davis, Mary E. ............................................................................. Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Dawkins, Casey ....................................... University of Maryland, College Park

Dawkins, Casey .....................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-2690 [email protected]

Day, Linda ........................................................... San Francisco State University [email protected]

Deakin, Elizabeth ........................................... University of California berkeley(510) 642-47497 [email protected]

Deal, brian .....................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-1911 [email protected]

Dearborn, Lynn .............................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-4331 [email protected]

Dear, Michael ................................................. University of California berkeley(510) 642-1324 [email protected]

Debo, Thomas N. ..............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-2350 [email protected]

Debo, Thomas N. ...........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Deeg, Lohren ..................................................................... ball State University(765) 285-2423 [email protected]

DeFilippis, James .................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 734 [email protected]

Delaney, Stephen .................................................................... boston University

Delgado, Juliana ................. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-5427 [email protected]

DeLisle, James ......................................................... University of Washington(206) 616-2090 [email protected]

Deller, Steven C. .............................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 263-6251 [email protected]

Deng, Lan ........................................................................University of Michigan(734) 936-0951 [email protected]

deNie, Karen Leone .........................................Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 217-1458 [email protected]

Dennis Jr., Samuel F. ......................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 263-7699 [email protected]

Dennis, Michael ................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-7650 [email protected]

Deringer, Nancy ....................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7264 [email protected]

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DeSantis, Thomas .................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485

Devoy, Joseph ..................................................... University of California Irvine

Dewar, Margaret E. .........................................................University of Michigan(734) 763-2528 [email protected]

Dewart, Alan ............................................................ University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485

Dewey, Dorothy Ives .....................................................West Chester University(610) 436-2746 [email protected]

Deyle, Robert ............................................................. Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Dezzani, Raymond ................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7360 [email protected]

Dieber, William A. ............................................ University of Illinois at Chicago

DiJohn, Joseph ................................................. University of Illinois at Chicago

Dill, Jennifer ............................................................ Portland State University(503) 725-5173 [email protected]

DiMento, Joseph ................................................. University of California Irvine(949) 824-5102 [email protected]

Dimino, Richard .................................................................... Harvard University(617) 495-2521 [email protected]

Dinell, Tom .......................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 734-8102 [email protected]

Ding, Chengri .......................................... University of Maryland, College Park(301) 405-6626 [email protected]

Ding, Lei ..........................................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-0543 [email protected]

DiPasquale, Michael .............................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Doan, Petra ................................................................ Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Dobbins, Michael A. .........................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-4243 [email protected]

Domahidy, Mary .............................................................. Saint Louis University(314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Donaghy, Kieran .....................................................................Cornell University(607) 254-4865 [email protected]

Donald, Carrie ................................................................ University of Lousiville(502) 852-6449 [email protected]

Donnelly, Shanon ................................................................ University of Akron(330) 972-8037 [email protected]

Dooling, Sarah ...................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-7878 [email protected]

Dorcey, Anthony H.J. ......................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-5725 [email protected]

Doshna, Jeffrey P. ....................................................................Temple University [email protected]

Dotson, A. bruce ............................................................... University of Virginia(434) 924-6459 [email protected]

Dotson, Charles .................................................Eastern Washington University(509) 559-5818 [email protected]

Douglass, Michael ............................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-6866 [email protected]

Dowall, David ................................................. University of California berkeley(510) 642-6579 [email protected]

Drennan, Matthew ................................................................Cornell University

Drescher, Michael ........................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Drown, Stephen R. ................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7448 [email protected]

Drucker, Joshua ............................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 413-7597 [email protected]

Drummond, William J. .....................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-9840 [email protected]

Dufour, Wendel ......................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-5474 [email protected]

Dukes, E. Frank .................................................................. University of Virginia(434) 924-2041 [email protected]

Dumbaugh, Eric ............................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 862-4320 [email protected]

Dunlap, Louise ........................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Dunning, Anne E. ............................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-0151 [email protected]

Dutta-Koehler, Madhu C. ....................................................... boston University

Dworkin, Judith .......................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7533

Dyckman, Caitlin ................................................................ Clemson University(864) 656-2496 [email protected]

Dyrness, Grace .............................................. University of Southern California [email protected]


Eagles, Paul F.J. ............................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Easley, V. Gail.......................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Eberle, Margaret ................................................ University of british Columbia [email protected]

Edelson, Nathan ................................................. University of british [email protected]

Edwards, Hazel R. ........................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-6265 [email protected]

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Edwards, Mary ..............................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3211 [email protected]

Eastwood, Rob L. ........................................................San Jose State University(408) 299-5792 [email protected]

Edelman, David ............................................................. University of Cincinnati(513) 556-2378 [email protected]

Ehrenfeucht, Renia ................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-6517 [email protected]

Eisenberg, Yochai ............................................. University of Illinois at Chicago

Eisinger, Peter ............................................................................ The New School(212) 229-5400 x1516 [email protected]

El-Geneidy, Ahmed .................................................................. McGill University(514) 398-8741 [email protected]

Ellen, Ingrid Gould .............................................................. New York University(212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Ellin, Nan ................................................................................ University of Utah(801)-585-5394 [email protected]

Elliott, Michael L. Poirier .................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-9841 [email protected]

Ellis, Clifford D. .................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-2477 [email protected]

Ellison, Charles E. .......................................................... University of Cincinnati(513) 556-0210 [email protected]

Elvery, Joel A. ........................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-2259 [email protected]

Emelko, Monica ............................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Emerson, Charles ................................................. Western Michigan University

Emmi, Philip C. ....................................................................... University of Utah(801) 581-4255 [email protected]

England, Marcia ....................................................................... Miami University(513) 529-5023 [email protected]

Englehart, Phil ....................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-4184 [email protected]

Erkins, Esther ................................................................ University of Cincinnati

Esnard, Ann-Margaret ............................................Florida Atlantic University(954) 762-5646 [email protected]

Esswein, Carolyn ........................................University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(414) 259-1500 [email protected]

Estrada, Leobardo ...................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-6574 [email protected]

Etienne, Harley F. .............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-3343 [email protected]

Etzel, Fred ....................................................... University of California berkeley(510) 642-3256 [email protected]

Evans-Cowley, Jennifer .................................................. Ohio State University(614) 292-8044 [email protected]

Ewing, Reid ............................................................................. University of Utah(801) 581-8255 [email protected]

Ezell, Kyle ....................................................................... Ohio State University(614) 292-1012 [email protected]


Fabozzi, Todd M. .................................. State University of New York at Albany(518) 588-0743 [email protected]

Fagence, Michael ....................................................... University of Queensland(61)-7-3365-6455 [email protected]

Fainstein, Susan ................................................................... Harvard University(617) 495-9901 [email protected]

Falah, Ghazi Walid ............................................................... University of Akron(330) 972-8831 [email protected]

Falk, David ............................................... University of Maryland, College Park [email protected]

Falletta, Liz .................................................... University of Southern California [email protected]

Fan, Peilei ................................................................. Michigan State University(517) 432-6517 [email protected]

Fan, Yingling .................................................................University of Minnesota(612) 626-2930 [email protected]

Farassati, Ali ......................................... California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2904 [email protected]

Farberow, Herschel .............. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-2716 [email protected]

Farley, David ............................................................................ McGill University [email protected]

Farrington, Robert ................................................................. University of Utah(801) 359-5118 [email protected]

Farris, J. Terrence ................................................................. Clemson University(864) 656-3903 [email protected]

Fasic, George W. ............................................................West Chester University(610) 436-2544 [email protected]

Faust, Nickolas L. .............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-0021 [email protected]

Fawcett, James A. .......................................... University of Southern California(213) 740-4477 [email protected]

Featherstone, Jeffrey ..............................................................Temple University(267) 468-8311 [email protected]

Feiden, Wayne .......................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Felder, Frank ............................................................................................ Rutgers(732) 932-5680, ext. 670 [email protected]

Feldman, David L. ............................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-4384 [email protected]

Feldman, Martha ................................................ University of California Irvine(949) 824-4252 [email protected]

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Feldman, Stephanie ......................................................................Pratt Institute718-399-4340 [email protected]

Felstehausen, Herman Dennis, .....................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-1004

Ferdelman, Daniel ............................................................ Ohio State University

Feros, Victor ............................................................... University of Queensland(61)-7-3365-6455

Ferraro, Rocco ..................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 453-0850 [email protected]

Ferreira, Jr., Joseph .........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-7410 [email protected]

Feser, Edward J. .............................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 244-6767 [email protected]

Filion, Pierre .................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Filipovitch, Anthony J. ......................... Minnesota State University, Mankato(507) 389-5035 [email protected]

Finch, Robert ......................................................University of Colorado Denver

Finn, Stephen .......................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3133 ext. 534 [email protected]

Fischler, Raphaël ..................................................................... McGill University(514) 398-4076 [email protected]

Fisher-Olsen, Pat ...........................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Fish, Frank ........................................................................... New York University

Fisher, Lynn ......................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 252-1685 [email protected]

Fishman, Robert .............................................................University of Michigan(734) 764-6885 [email protected]

Flachsbart, Peter ................................................................. University of Hawaii(808) 956-8684 [email protected]

Flamm, bradley .......................................................................Temple University(267) 468-8305 [email protected]

Flaxman, Michael .............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 258-0461 [email protected]

Fleming, William ........................................................ University of New Mexico(505) 277-6455 [email protected]

Fogarty, Michael ..................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-8263 [email protected]

Fogelson, Robert ..............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-1671 [email protected]

Foley, Dolores ..................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-2780 [email protected]

Folsom, Michael ..............................................Eastern Washington University(509) 359-2460 [email protected]

Fontillas, John ..................................................................... New York University

Forester, John ..........................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-5179 [email protected]

Forrest, Clyde ................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 244-5406 [email protected]

Forster, Craig .......................................................................... University of Utah(801) 581-3864 [email protected]

Forsyth, Ann ............................................................................Cornell University

Forsythe, Dall ...................................................................... New York University

Foster, Kathryn A. .................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3777 [email protected]

Fountain, III, Esq., Aubrey W. .................Virginia Commonwealth University [email protected]

Fox, Thomas ....................................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-2161

Franck, Karen ............................................. New Jersey Institute of Technology(973) 596-3092 [email protected]

Frank, Andrew b. ..................................... University of Maryland, College Park

Frankel, bruce W. ..............................................................ball State University(765) 285-2680 [email protected]

Frank, Kathryn ....................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Frank, Lawrence ................................................. University of british Columbia(604) 822-5387 [email protected]

Franklin, Karin ........................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Frank, Nancy ..............................................University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(414) 229-5372 [email protected]

Frantz, Jonathan ................................................ University of british Columbia [email protected]

Frasier, Suzanne .........................................................Morgan State University

Frazier, Tim ............................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-6238 [email protected]

Freeman, Lance ..................................................................Columbia University [email protected]

Freitag, Robert ........................................................... University of Washington(206) 818-1175 [email protected]

Frenchman, Dennis ..........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-8847 [email protected]

French, Steven P. .............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-0900 [email protected]

Fricano, Russell J. ........................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372.4995 [email protected]

Friedmann, John ................................................ University of british Columbia(604) 822-0107 [email protected]

Frisch, Michael ............................................ University of Missouri-Kansas City(816) 235-6369 [email protected]

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Fritschle, Joy A. .............................................................West Chester University(610) 436-3396 [email protected]

Fritz, Jan Marie .............................................................. University of Cincinnati(513) 556-0208 [email protected]

Froehlich, Richard ...............................................................Columbia University

Fuller, John W. .........................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0038 [email protected]

Fulton, William .............................................. University of Southern California(805) 643-7700 [email protected]

Funderburg, Richard G. ..........................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0036 [email protected]

Funk, David .............................................................................Cornell University


Gakenheimer, Ralph .........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-1932 [email protected]

Gallagher, Frank ...................... Rutgers University, School of Environmental .............................................................................................& biological Sciences

(732) 932-9317 [email protected]

Galster, George ..............................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-9084 [email protected]

Ganning, Joanna .............................................................. Saint Louis University(314) 977-3934

Garde, Ajay .......................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-9087 [email protected]

Gauthier, Vincent ........................................ University of Missouri-Kansas City

Geltner, David ..................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-5131 [email protected]

Genskow, Kenneth .........................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-8756 [email protected]

Gerecke, Sarah .................................................................... New York University

Gershberg, Alec Ian ................................................................... The New School(212) 229-5400 x1412 [email protected]

Gershman, John .................................................................. New York University

Gertler, Meric .................................................................... University of Toronto(416) 978-3887 [email protected]

Giarrusso, Anthony ..........................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-0127 [email protected]

Gibbs, Kevin ..................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Gibson, bob ..................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Gibson, Huston ............................................................ Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Gibson, Karen .......................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-8265 [email protected]

Gilderbloom, John I. ...................................................... University of Louisville(502) 852-8557 [email protected]

Gillert, Eric ................................................................ University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485

Gills, Douglas ................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-2174 [email protected]

Gilsinan, James ................................................................ Saint Louis University(314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Giuliano, Genevieve ..................................... University of Southern California(213) 740-3956 [email protected]

Giusti, Cecilia.................................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 458-4304 [email protected]

Gladstone, David .................................................... University of New Oreleans(504) 280-3206 [email protected]

Glasmeier, Amy K. ............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 324-6565 [email protected]

Glenn, Ezra Haber .............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-2024 [email protected]

Glenn, Jane ............................................................................... McGill University(514) 398-6629 [email protected]

Glickman, Norman .................................................................................. Rutgers(732) 932-3133 ext. 570 ...................................... [email protected]

Gliebe, John .............................................................. Portland State University

Gober, Patricia ............................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Gocmen, Asli ..................................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 265-0789 [email protected]

Godward, Christine............................................................ Ohio State Universty

Goethert, Reinhard ..........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-2402 [email protected]

Goetz, Edward G. ..........................................................University of Minnesota(612) 624-8737 [email protected]

Goetzke, Frank ............................................................... University of Louisville(502) 852-8256 [email protected]

Goins, Charles Robert ................................................... University of Oklahoma

Goldfarb, Eugene ............................................. University of Illinois at Chicago

Goldman, Laurie ........................................................................ Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Goldschmidt, Carl ..................................................... Michigan State University

Goldsmith, Stephen A. .......................................................... University of Utah(801) 585-5147 [email protected]

Goldsmith, William W. ............................................................Cornell University(607) 255-2333 [email protected]

Goldstein, bruce ................................................University of Colorado Denver

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Goldstein, Carol .......................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-4896 [email protected]

Golub, Aaron ............................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7533

Gomberg, ben .................................................. University of Illinois at Chicago

Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A. ......................................................... Harvard University(617) 495-1341 [email protected]

Gonzales, Moises ....................................................... University of New Mexico

Gonzalez-Rivas, Marcela ........................................................Cornell University(607) 255-3489 [email protected]

Gooding, Earl N. M. .....................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372-4986 [email protected]

Goonewardena, Kanishka ................................................ University of Toronto(416) 978-2974 [email protected]

Gordon, Michael ................................................ University of british Columbia [email protected]

Gordon, Peter ................................................ University of Southern California(213) 740-1467 [email protected]

Gordon, Steven I. ........................................................... Ohio State University(614) 292-3372 [email protected]

Gough, Meghan .....................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 827-0869

Gradi, Enrico .............................................................. University of New Mexico

Graham, Leigh Taylor ................................................................ The New School(212) 229-5400 x 1201 [email protected]

Grant, benjamin .........................................................San Jose State University(415) 298-1579 [email protected]

Grech, Christopher P. ..................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-6398 [email protected]

Greenbaum, Susan ..................................................University of South Florida

Greene, Solomon ................................................................ New York University

Green, Gary P. .................................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-9532 [email protected]

Green, Jerry .............................................................................. Miami University(513) 529-5017 [email protected]

Green, Keith Evan ................................................................ Clemson University(864) 656-3887 [email protected]

Greenberg, Michael ................................................................................ Rutgers(732) 932-5475 ext. 673 [email protected]

Greene, Jamie ................................................................ Ohio State University(614) 292-1012

Greene, Jessica ...................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-0138 [email protected]

Green, Theodore Trent ............................................University of South Florida

Grengs, Joseph ...............................................................University of Michigan(734) 763-1114 [email protected]

Greve, Adrienne ...... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-1474 [email protected]

Griffin, Toni ............................................................................ Harvard University(617) 495 2521 [email protected]

Grimes, William ...............................................Eastern Washington University(509) 835-3770 [email protected]

Grodach, Carl ...................................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3358 [email protected]

Grove, Kiersten ................................................ University of Illinois at Chicago

Grover, Himanshu .................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Grube, Mike .........................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-4184 [email protected]

Grundy, Terry ................................................................ University of Cincinnati

Gstach, Doris ........................................................................ Clemson University(864) 656-2472 [email protected]

Guensler, Randall .............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-0405 [email protected]

Guerra, Fred ......................................................................... University of Akron(330) 972-7620 [email protected]

Guhathakurta, Subhrajit ............................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7167 [email protected]

Guion, Neil ...................................................................Missouri State University

Gulak, Morton b. .....................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 827-0778 [email protected]

Guldmann, Jean-Michel ................................................ Ohio State University(614) 292-2257 [email protected]

Gullickson, Neil ..................................................... Northern Arizona University

Guo, Jessica ....................................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 890-1004 [email protected]

Guo, Zhan ............................................................................ New York University(212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Gurstein, Penelope ............................................ University of british Columbia(604) 822-6065 [email protected]

Gusevich, Miriam ........................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Gushue, bill ........................................................ University of british Columbia [email protected]

Guthrie, Dwayne Pierce ..............................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Guttenberg, Albert Z. ...................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 244-5376 [email protected]

Guttenplan, Charles ...............................................................Temple University

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Haas, Gilda ...............................................University of California, Los Angeles(213) 745-9961 [email protected]

Hack, Gary ................................................................ University of Pennsylvania(215) 898-8480 [email protected]

Haddad, Monica A. ........................................................... Iowa State University(515) 294-8979 [email protected]

Haddow, David F. .............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 577-7222 [email protected]

Hadley, Joseph ..................................................................... University of Akron(330) 972-2490 [email protected]

Haff, Holly ............................................................................ New York University

Haider, Murtaza .................................................................... Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 x 2480 [email protected]

Haight, Murray ................................................................ University of Waterloo [email protected]

Hallet IV, Lucius .................................................... Western Michigan University

Hallett, brien ....................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-4236 [email protected]

Hall, Ralph .............................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-7332 [email protected]

Hamilton, Darrick ...................................................................... The New School(212) 229-5400 x1514 [email protected]

Hamin, Elisabeth M. ..............................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Hamin, Mark ..........................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Hamlin, Roger, E. ....................................................... Michigan State University(517) 353-8743 [email protected]

Hammel, Daniel J. ............................................................... University of Toledo(419) 530-4709 [email protected]

Hanhardt, Eva ................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4323 [email protected]

Hanley, Paul ............................................................................University of iowa(319) 335-0043 [email protected]

Hanna, William ........................................ University of Maryland, College Park(301) 405-4005 [email protected]

Harless, William............................................................. University of Oklahoma

Harper, Michael ..................................................University of Colorado Denver

Harpman, Louise ................................................................. New York University

Harris, Edrick ....................................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 330-1036 [email protected]

Harris, Kirk..................................................University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(414) 229-6510 [email protected]

Hart, David .....................................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-6515

Hartman, Jean Marie ............... Rutgers University, School of Environmental .............................................................................................& biological Sciences

(732) 932-8488 [email protected]

Harwood, Stacy .............................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 265-0874 [email protected]

Hassol, Joshua ........................................................................ boston University

Hata, Hiroaki ............................................................ University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Haughey, Patrick ....................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-1231 [email protected]

Hausam, Sharon ......................................................... University of New Mexico

Havel, Rick ...............................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Havlick, Spenser W.............................................University of Colorado Denver

Hawley, R. Dawn ................................................... Northern Arizona University(928) 523-1251 [email protected]

Hayashi, Kei ......................................................................... New York University

Haywood, Emmett .............................................University of Colorado Denver

Hebets, Noel ................................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7533

Hecht, Susanna ........................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 779-5654 [email protected]

Heidelberg, beth Wielde ...................... Minnesota State University, Mankato(507) 389-1715 [email protected]

Heikkila, Eric J. .............................................. University of Southern California(213) 821-1037 [email protected]

Hein, Scot ........................................................... University of british [email protected]

Hemert, James van ............................................University of Colorado Denver

Hendrickson, brian ..................................... University of Missouri-Kansas City

Henkel, David S. ........................................................ University of New Mexico

Herbert, berneece.......................................................Alabama A&M University(265) 372-4988 [email protected]

Herbert Jr., Norman P. .............................................. Michigan State University(517) 353-9054 [email protected]

Hermann, Chris .................................................................. Ohio State Universty

Herranz, Joaquin, Jr., ............................................... University of Washington(206) 616-1647 [email protected]

Hess, Daniel b. .......................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Hess, Paul .......................................................................... University of Toronto(416) 978-1586 [email protected]

Heumann, Leonard F. ...................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 244-5373 [email protected]

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Hewings, Geoffrey ........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-4740 [email protected]

Heying, Charles ....................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-8416 [email protected]

Hibbard, Michael ...............................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-3897 [email protected]

Higgins, Lorie ........................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-9717 [email protected]

Higgins, Ralph b. .....................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 740-7500 [email protected]

Hillary, Annie I. ............................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Hill, Edward W. ........................................................ Cleveland State University(216) (216) 687-2174 [email protected]

Hillier, Amy ............................................................... University of Pennsylvania(215) 746- 2341 [email protected]

Hilty, James W. ........................................................................Temple University(267) 468-8020 [email protected]

Hinojosa, René C. ..................................................... Michigan State University(517) 353-3184 [email protected]

Hirt, Sonia .............................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-7509 [email protected]

Hissong, Rodney V. ............................................. University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3350 [email protected]

Hitchcock, Pamela ............................................................... Ryerson University

Hoagland, Kenneth............................................University of Colorado Denver

Hoch, Charles ................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-2156 [email protected]

Hoch, Richard J. ......................................... Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 5990 [email protected]

Hoefer, Wolfram ....................... Rutgers University, School of Environmental .............................................................................................& biological Sciences

(732) 932-9313 [email protected]

Hoek-Smit, Marja ..................................................... University of Pennsylvania

Hofe, Rainer vom .......................................................... University of Cincinnati(513) 556-3835 [email protected]

Hogan, Robert ...................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-3914 [email protected]

Holcomb, briavel .................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-4101 ext. 688 ....................................... [email protected]

Hollander, Justin ........................................................................ Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Hollenhorst, Steven J. ..........................................................University of Idaho(208) 885- 5472 [email protected]

Holleran, Michael .................................................. University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-3792 [email protected]

Hollister, David .............................................................University of Minnesota(612) 624-3695 [email protected]

Holt, Alan ............................................................. University of Southern Maine(207) 773-3833 [email protected]

Honadle, beth ............................................................... University of Cincinnati [email protected]

Hooker, Joe ....................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Hook, Jeffrey .......... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 781-7176 [email protected]

Hooper, Michael .................................................................... Harvard University(617) 495 9571 [email protected]

Hopkins, Lewis D. ..........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Horn, Carl Van ......................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-4100 ext. 714 [email protected]

Horner, Jeffrey ...............................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-0194 [email protected]

Horsley, Scott ............................................................................. Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Hosagrahar, Jyoti ................................................................Columbia University

Hosmer, bob ................................................................Missouri State University

Houck, Jeanne ................................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532

Houghton, bruce ................................................................. University of Hawaii(808) 956-2561 [email protected]

Hou, Jeffrey ................................................................ University of Washington

Houston, Douglas ............................................... University of California Irvine

Hoversten, Mark ...................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-5423 [email protected]

Howard, Jeff ........................................................ University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-5119 [email protected]

Howard, Zeljka Pavolich .................... California Polytechnic State University, ..................................................................................................... San Luis Obispo

(805) 756-1507 [email protected]

Howe, Con ..................................................... University of Southern California [email protected]

Howe, Deborah .......................................................................Temple University(267) 468-8301 [email protected]

Howell, David ............................................................................. The New School(212) 229-5400 x1416 [email protected]

Howland, Marie ....................................... University of Maryland, College Park(301) 405-6791 [email protected]

Hoyt, Lorlene ....................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 452-2073 [email protected]

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Hrychuk, Anne ............................................................................... Pratt Insitute(212) 647-7532

Hsu, David ................................................................ University of Pennsylvania

Huang, Chang-Shan......................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-7873 [email protected]

Huang, Ruihong (Ray) .......................................... Northern Arizona University(928) 523-8219 [email protected]

Huang, Youqin ...................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4792 [email protected]

Huber, Karl ..............................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 371-7484 [email protected]

Huddleston, Jack R. .......................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-6152 [email protected]

Hugg, David ....................................................................University of Delaware

Hughes, James W. ................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-5475 ext. 756 [email protected]

Hu, Ivy Lingqian .........................................University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Huja, Satyendra ................................................................ University of Virginia(434) 977-5094 [email protected]

Humphreys, Jeff ......................................................... University of Queensland(61)-7-3365-6455

Huntington, Stuart H. ....................................................... Iowa State University

Huntoon, Laura ................................................................ University of Arizona(520) 626-1151 [email protected]

Hurand, Fred A. .................................................Eastern Washington University(509) 358-2229 [email protected]

Hur, Misun ....................................................................East Carolina University(252) 328-1270 [email protected]

Huston, Thomas ..............................................University of Nebraska-Lincoln(402) 477-6900 [email protected]

Hutchinson, Robert .................................. New Jersey Institute of Technology(917) 518-0711 hutchinson@dwh advisors .com

Hutson, Malo André ...................................... University of California berkeley(510) 642-1776 [email protected]

Hutton, Tom ....................................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-4818 [email protected]

Huxhold, William .......................................University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(414) 229-6954 [email protected]

Hyra, Derek ...........................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University


Ibitayo, Olurominiyi .................................................Texas Southern University

Imeokparia, Timothy O. ............................................. University of New Mexico(505) 277-1666 [email protected]

Immergluck, Daniel .........................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-7214 [email protected]

Ingram, Helen ..................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-1434 [email protected]

Innes, Judith ................................................... University of California berkeley(510) 642-3256 [email protected]

Ioannides, Dimitri .......................................................Missouri State University(417) 836-5318 [email protected]

Irazabal, Clara .....................................................................Columbia University [email protected]

Irvin, Renee ........................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-2155 [email protected]

Isaac, Claudia b. ......................................................... University of New Mexico(505) 277-5939 [email protected]

Isard, Walter ...........................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-3306 [email protected]

Iseki, Hiroyuki ......................................... University of Maryland, College Park

Iseki, Hiroyuki ........................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-6029 [email protected]

Iskander, Natasha ............................................................... New York University

Isserman, Andrew .........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 244-2858 [email protected]

Ittelson, Ellen .....................................................University of Colorado Denver

Izeogu, Chukudi ..........................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372-4990 [email protected]


Jabbar-bey, Raheemah ..................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-8564 [email protected]

Jackson, Dion ................................................ University of Southern California [email protected]

Jackson, Randal .................................................. University of California Irvine

Jackson, Richard J. ...................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 206-8522 [email protected]

Jacobs, Harvey M. ..........................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-0552 [email protected]

Jacquemart, George ......................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Jaffe, Martin ..................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-2178 [email protected]

Jaganathan, Radha ................................................................................. Rutgers(732) 932-4101 ext. 668 [email protected]

Jang, Sung-Gheel ..................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-5597 [email protected]

Jarman, Casey ..................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-5569 [email protected]

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Jaworski, Eugene ................................................ Eastern Michigan University(734) 487-0218 [email protected]

Jacobs, Francine ......................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Jacobson, Thomas E. ...............................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 748-1040 [email protected]

Jeihani, Monsoureh ....................................................Morgan State University

Jencks, Michael ...... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 473-2929 [email protected]

Jennings, James ......................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Jensen, Alan ...................................................................... Iowa State University

Jensen, Eric ........................................................................ Iowa State University

Jeske, Karen ...................................................................... Iowa State University

Joh, Kenneth ................................................................... Texas A&M University

Johnson, bonnie .................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-7147 [email protected]

Johnson, Gary .........................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 828-0469 [email protected]

Johnson, Hal ........................................................................... University of Utah(801) 287-2539 [email protected]

Johnson, Janet ................................................................University of Delaware

Johnson, Laura ................................................................ University of Waterloo [email protected]

Johnson, Sylvia ......................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Johnston, Douglas M. ....................................................... Iowa State University(515) 294-8524 [email protected]

Jojola, Theodore ........................................................ University of New Mexico(505) 277-6428 [email protected]

Jones, Diane ................................................................Morgan State University

Jones, Mittie Davis ................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-3861 [email protected]

Jones, Robert ........................................................ Eastern Michigan University(734) 487-8488 [email protected]

Jones, Robin .............................................................University of South Florida

Joroff, Michael ..................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-1354 [email protected]

Jourdan, Dawn ....................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Juergensmeyer, Julian Conrad .......................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 651-2437 [email protected]

Jumonville, Karen ......................................................... Florida State University

Jurjevich, Jason R. ................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-8590 [email protected]

Justice, Jonathan ............................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1682 [email protected]

Jutla, Rajinder .............................................................Missouri State University(417) 836-5298 [email protected]

KKahn, Andrea ......................................................................Columbia University

Kahn, Terry ............................................................ University of Texas at Austin(512) 232-3634 [email protected]

Kalambokidis, Laura .....................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-1995 [email protected]

Kamel, Nabil ................................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7167

Kamp, Edward ....................................................University of Colorado Denver

Kapelos, George .................................................................. Ryerson University

Kaplan-Macey, Melissa ....................................................... New York University

Karina, Stephen J. ................................... University of Maryland, College Park

Karl, Herman .....................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 324-0262 [email protected]

Karriem, Abdulrazak ..............................................................Cornell University(607) 255-8477 [email protected]

Kartez, Jack ......................................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 780-5389 [email protected]

Kasprisin, Ron ......................................................... University of Washington(206) 543-4190 [email protected]

Kassens, Eva .............................................................. Michigan State University(517) 432-8085 [email protected]

Katirai, Matin ................................................................West Chester University(610) 436-2393 [email protected]

Kaufman, Andrew ............................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-7958 [email protected]

Kaufman, Jerome ...........................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-1004

Kaufman, Ned ................................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Kaufman, Sanda ..................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-2367 [email protected]

Kawamura, Kazuya .......................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 413-1269 [email protected]

Kayden, Jerold S. .................................................................. Harvard University(617) 496-0830 [email protected]

Kay, Paul .......................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

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Kazi, Olympia ................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Keane, John .................................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7533

Keane, Tim .................................................................... Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Keating, Dennis, W. ................................................. Cleveland State University(216) 687-2298 [email protected]

Keeble, Ronald ..................................................................... Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext.6771 [email protected]

Keene, John C. .........................................................................Temple University

Keithley, C.A. ................................................................. Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Kelbaugh, Douglas .........................................................University of Michigan(734) 936-0213 [email protected]

Keller, John .................................................................... Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Kelley, William ...................................................Eastern Washington University(509) 358-2226 [email protected]

Kellogg, Wendy A. ................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-5265 [email protected]

Kelly, Eric Damian .............................................................ball State University(765) 285-1909 [email protected]

Kendall, Katie .................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Kent, Robert b. ..................................... California State University, Northridge(818) 677-4372 [email protected]

Kerry, Michael ............................................................ University of Queensland(61)-7-3365-6455

Kessler, Fritz ............................................................. Frostburg State University(301) 687-4266 [email protected]

Keyes, Langley .................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-1540 [email protected]

Keynejad, Charles ................................ California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2904 [email protected]

Khirfan, Luna .................................................................. University of Waterloo [email protected]

Kim, Annette ....................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 324-6135 [email protected]

Kim, Do-Hyung .................... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-4645 [email protected]

Kim, Jae Hong ............................................................... Kansas State University785-532-5961 [email protected]

Kim, Joochul ................................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7533

Kim, Karl .............................................................................. University of Hawaii(808) 956-6865 [email protected]

Kim, Sungyop .............................................. University of Missouri-Kansas City(816) 235-6898 [email protected]

Kim, Tschangho John ..................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 244-5369 [email protected]

Kim, Yuseung ...................................................... University of Southern Maine [email protected]

King, David .........................................................................Columbia University [email protected]

King, Deborah ...................................................................... University of Akron(330) 972-2394 [email protected]

King, Melvin ......................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-3287 [email protected]

Kleit, Rachel ............................................................. University of Washington(206) 221-3063 [email protected]

Klinkenberg, Kevin ..................................... University of Missouri-Kansas City

Kloot, James Van Der ....................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Klopfer, Eric .......................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-2025 [email protected]

Knaap, Gerrit ........................................... University of Maryland, College Park(301) 405-6792 [email protected]

Knight, bruce.................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Knox, Jerry ........................................................................ Iowa State University

Knox, Paul L. .........................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-1695 [email protected]

Kobayashi, Kip ..................... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Koebel, C. Theodore .............Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-0412 [email protected]

Kornegay, Chrystal ................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Korn, Lindy ............................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Kosny, Mitchell .................................................................... Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext.7314 [email protected]

Kostyniuk, Lidia ..............................................................University of Michigan(734) 763-2466 [email protected]

Kotin, Allan D. ............................................... University of Southern Califonria(213) 623-3841 [email protected]

Kotval, Zenia .........................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Kotval, Zenia Z. ......................................................... Michigan State University(517) 353-9362 [email protected]

Koven, Steven ................................................................ University of Louisville(502) 852-8257 [email protected]

Kreditor, Alan ................................................ University of Southern California(213) 740-2939 [email protected]

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Krieger, Alex .......................................................................... Harvard University (617) 495-4803 [email protected]

Krieger, Martin H. ......................................... University of Southern Calfironia(213) 740-3957 [email protected]

Krimsky, Sheldon ...................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Krizek, Kevin ......................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 556-3282 [email protected]

Kropf, Roger ........................................................................ New York University

Krumholz, Norm ..................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-6946 [email protected]

Krupp, Matthew ..........................................................San Jose State University(408) 945-5182 [email protected]

Kudva, Neema .........................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-3939 [email protected]

Kuecker, Christina ...................................................................University of Iowa(515) 556-7256 [email protected]

Kuhl, Kaja ............................................................................Columbia University

Kulkowski, Robert .........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Kumar, Mukesh ...........................................................Jackson State University

Kumble, Peter........................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Kung, Hsiang-te ..............................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-4538 [email protected]

Kushner, James ............................................ University of Southern Califrnmia(213) 738-6821 [email protected]

Kusner, Michael E. ............................................................... Ryerson University

Kwok, Reg ............................................................................ University of Hawaii(808) 956-6867 [email protected]

Kyte, Michael .........................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-6002 [email protected]


LaFlamme, Daryl ............................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-2701 [email protected]

LaGro, Jr., James A. .......................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 263-6507 [email protected]

Lahr, Michael L. ....................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3133 ext. 546 [email protected]

Lai, Clement ............................................................................Cornell University(607) 254-6540 [email protected]

Lake, Robert W. ....................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3133 ext. 521 [email protected]

LaMore, Rex L. ........................................................... Michigan State University(517) 353-9555 [email protected]

Lander, brad ...................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Landis, John ............................................................. University of Pennsylvania(215) 746-2340 [email protected]

Lane, Rob ........................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340

Lang, Frank ..................................................................................... Pratt Institue(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Laninga, Tamara ...................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7117 [email protected]

LaPlante, Josephine ........................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 228-8593 [email protected]

Lapp, Floyd ........................................................................Columbia University

Lapping, Mark ..................................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 228-8180 [email protected]

Lara, Fernando ...................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-0711 [email protected]

Larice, Michael ......................................................... University of Pennsylvania(215) 573-5845 [email protected]

Larsen, Kristin .....................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Larsen, Larissa ................................................................University of Michigan(734) 936-0234 [email protected]

Larson, Kelli .................................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Lassiter, Matthew ...........................................................University of Michigan(734) 647-4618 [email protected]

Lastarria-Cornhiel, Susana............................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-0097 [email protected]

Lathrop, Richard ...................... Rutgers University, School of Environmental .............................................................................................& biological Sciences

(732) 932-1580 [email protected]

Latimer, Stanley ..................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-9406 [email protected]

Lauria, Mickey ...................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-0520 [email protected]

Laurian, Lucie ..........................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-2955 [email protected]

Laverny-Rafter, David .......................... Minnesota State University, Mankato(507) 389-1540 [email protected]

Lawhon, Larry ............................................................... Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Law, Jane ......................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Lawrence, Patrick ................................................................ University of Toledo(419) 530-4128 [email protected]

Lawson, Catherine T. ............................ State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4775 [email protected]

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Lawson, Laura .......................... Rutgers University, School of Environmental .............................................................................................& biological Sciences

(732) 932-8010 [email protected]

Lay, bonny ............................ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Layzer, Judith ....................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-5196 [email protected]

Leaf, Michael ...................................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-6213 [email protected]

Leavitt, Jacqueline ...................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-4380 [email protected]

Lebleu, Charlene .................................................................. Auburn University(334) 844-0192 [email protected]

LeClair, Daniel ........................................................................ boston University

LeDuc, Andre ......................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-5833 [email protected]

Lee, bumsoo ..................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3601 [email protected]

Lee, Chanam ..................................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-7056 [email protected]

Lee, Joseph A. .............................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372-4991 [email protected]

Lee, Ming-Chun ..................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 475-6158 [email protected]

Lee, Richard .................................................................San Jose State University(925) 930-7100 [email protected]

Lee, Sugie ................................................................ Cleveland State University(216) 687-2381 [email protected]

Leete, Laura ........................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-0834 [email protected]

Lee, Tunney .......................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 258-7275 [email protected]

Lee, Young-Jae .............................................................Morgan State University

Lee, Yuk .............................................................. University of Colorado, Denver(303) 556-4232 [email protected]

LeGates, Richard ................................................ San Francisco State University(415) 338-2875 [email protected]

Leigh, Nancey Green .......................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-9839 [email protected]

Leinberger, Christopher .................................................University of Michigan(734) 764-9453 [email protected]

Leitman, Steve .............................................................. Florida State University

Lejano, Raul ......................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-9825 [email protected]

Lemberg, David ................................................... Western Michigan University(269) 387-3410 [email protected]

Leon, Monica Ponce de...................................................University of Michigan(734) 764-1315 [email protected]

Leuthart, Clara ............................................................... University of Lousiville(502) 852-6844 [email protected]

Levine, Jeffrey ........................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Levine, Jonathan.............................................................University of Michigan(734) 763-0039 [email protected]

Levine, Julius ...............................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Levine, Mark ........................................................................ New York University

Levinson, David ............................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-6354 [email protected]

Levy, Frank ........................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-2089 [email protected]

Levy, Jennifer ......................................................................Columbia University

Levy, Paul ................................................................. University of Pennsylvania

Lew, Alan A. ........................................................... Northern Arizona University(928) 523-6567 [email protected]

Lewandowski, James P. ................................................West Chester University(610) 436-2724 [email protected]

Lewicki, Roy ...................................................................... Ohio State University

Lewis, Carol ..............................................................Texas Southern University

Lewis, David A. ..................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4595 [email protected]

Lewis, Geoff ..................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Lewis, Jerome ..................................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1709 [email protected]

Lewis, John ...................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Licari, brian ...................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Liggett, Robin ..........................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-6294 [email protected]

Light, Paul ........................................................................... New York University

Ligibel, Ted ........................................................... Eastern Michgian University(734) 487-0232 [email protected]

Li, Jianling ........................................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3367 [email protected]

Li, Ming-Han .................................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-7571 [email protected]

Lind, Amy ...................................................................... University of Cincinnati

Lindell, Michael K. ........................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 862-3969 [email protected]

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Lindquist, Peter S. ............................................................... University of Toledo(419) 530-4287 [email protected]

Lindsey, Greg H. ............................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-3375 [email protected]

Liska, Roger W. ................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-3878 [email protected]

Lissner, Scott ..................................................................... Ohio State University

Lister, Nina-Marie ................................................................. Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext 6769 [email protected]

Listokin, David ....................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 550 [email protected]

Liu, Rachel .................................................. New Jersey Institute of Technology(973) 596-5884 [email protected]

Li, Yanmei ..................................................................Florida Atlantic University(954) 762-5037 [email protected]

Lloyd, Richard E. ..........................................................Morgan State University

Locke, Richard ..................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-4912 [email protected]

Loggins, Charles .................. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Loh, Carolyn G. ...............................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-0541 [email protected]

Loh, Penn S. ................................................................................ Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Lomax, Timothy ............................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-9960 [email protected]

London, James b. ................................................................. Clemson University(864) 656-3927 [email protected]

Long, Jerrold A. .....................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7988 [email protected]

Long, Judith Grant ................................................................ Harvard University(617) 495 2521 [email protected]

Longo, Leo ............................................................................. Ryerson University [email protected]

Looye, Johanna W. ........................................................ University of Cincinnati(513) 556-0216 [email protected]

Lord, Ian ............................................................................... Ryerson University

Loubert, Linda .............................................................Morgan State University

Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia ..................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 206-9679 [email protected]

Lowe, Jeffrey S. .......................................................... Florida State University(850) 645-1352 [email protected]

Lowe, Jeffrey ...................................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-2161

Lowry, Kem .......................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-6868 [email protected]

Lowry, Michael ......................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-0139 [email protected]

Lucy, William H. ................................................................. University of Virignia(434) 924-4779 [email protected]

Ludwig, Sarah ..................................................................... New York University

Luka, Nik .................................................................................. McGill University(514) 398-5925 [email protected]

Lund, Hollie M. .................... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-2710 [email protected]

Lund, Tina .......................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340

Lusk, Paul E................................................................. University of New Mexico

Luton, Larry .....................................................Eastern Washington University(509) 358-2247 [email protected]

Lutzenhiser, Loren .................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-8743 [email protected]

Lynch, Alicia Doyle..................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Lynch, barbara .................................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-6884 [email protected]

Lynch, Matthew ..................................................................Columbia University


Macdonald, Elizabeth .................................... University of California berkeley(510) 643-3765 [email protected]

Macedo, Joseli .....................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Machemer, Patricia L. ............................................... Michigan State University(517) 353-9047 [email protected]

Madi, Harold ........................................................................ Ryerson University

Magee, Joseph .................................................................... New York University

Mahayni, Riad G. ............................................................... Iowa State University(515) 294-8524 [email protected]

Main, Kelly ............... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-2286 [email protected]

Maisel, Jordana ........................................................ University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Manford, Robert ................. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Mankiewicz, Paul ...........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Marcouiller, David W.(608) 262-2998 [email protected]

Marcucci, Daniel J. .......................................................East Carolina University(252) 328-5197 [email protected]

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Marcuse, Peter ....................................................................Columbia [email protected]

Margerum, Richard ............................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-2526 [email protected]

Markusen, Ann R. ..........................................................University of Minnestoa(612) 625-8092 [email protected]

Maron, Ariella Rosenberg .............................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Marshall, Alex ............................................ New Jersey Institute of Technology(212)-229-9392 [email protected]

Marshall, Julian D. ........................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-2397 [email protected]

Marshment, Richard ..................................................... University of Oklahoma(405) 325-2399 [email protected]

Mars, James ........................................................................... Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 6764 [email protected]

Martin, Jonathan ...........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4387 [email protected] 108

Martin, Judith A. ...........................................................University of Minnesota(612) 626-1626 [email protected]

Martin, Sheila .......................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-5137 [email protected]

Masilela, Calvin O....................................... Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Mason, Randy .......................................................... University of Pennsylvania(215) 898-3169 [email protected]

Mastran, Shelley ..................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University [email protected]

Mateo-babiano, Iderlina ........................................... University of Queensland(61) 7-33653916 [email protected]

Matsuo, Miwa ..........................................................................University of Iowa

Mazmanian, Daniel A. .................................. University of Southern California [email protected]

Maclaren, Virginia ............................................................. University of Toronto(416) 978-1594 [email protected]

Maingi, John ............................................................................. Miami University(513) 529-5024 [email protected]

Malone, William ................................................................ Iowa State University

Malpezzi, Stephen .........................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-6007 [email protected]

Mandarano, Lynn ....................................................................Temple University(267) 468-8304 [email protected]

Marcotullio, Peter ...............................................................Columbia University

Martin, Jonathan ................................................................Columbia University

Martinez-Cosio, Maria ........................................ University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3302 [email protected]

Mathur, Shishir ...........................................................San Jose State University(408) 924-5875 [email protected]

Matthew, Richard ................................................ University of California Irvine(949) 824-4852 [email protected]

May, Diane ...................................................................Missouri State University(417) 836-6900 [email protected]

Mayo, James ........................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-3350 [email protected]

Mazumdar, Sanjoy .............................................. University of California Irvine(949) 824-5046 [email protected]

McAfee, Ann ....................................................... University of british [email protected]

McCall, Raymond ...............................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 492-7042 [email protected]

McClure, Kirk .......................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-3888 [email protected]

McClure, Wendy ....................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-6473 [email protected]

McCord, Mark ................................................................. Ohio State University(614) 292-2388 [email protected]

McCoy, Michael .............................................................. University of Lousiville(502) 893-3550 [email protected]

McCoy, Walter ..........................................................Texas Southern University(713) 313-7312 [email protected]

McCray, Talia ......................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-2708 [email protected]

McDaniels, Timothy ........................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-9288 [email protected]

McDonald, Mary Grace ....................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-7016 [email protected]

McDowell, Ceasar .............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-7587 [email protected]

McGrath, Tod .....................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-4373

McGregor, Davianna P. ....................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-7068 [email protected]

McHugh, Kevin ............................................................. Arizona State University(480)965-7533 [email protected]

McIntyre, Lionel ..................................................................Columbia University

McKenzie, Meredith ............. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

McKibben, Sherry .................................................................University of Idaho(208) 364-4540 [email protected]

McLaren, Norma-Jean ....................................... University of british Columbia [email protected]

McMillan, Tracy .................................................... Northern Arizona University

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McMillen, Daniel ...........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-4741 [email protected]

McMullen, John ........................................................ Frostburg State University(301) 687-3162 [email protected]

McNally, Michael ................................................. University of California Irvine

McNeish, Gilbert ...............................................University of Colorado Denver

Meany, Judith ..............................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Meck, Stuart ........................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3640, ext. 640 [email protected]

Meenar, Md Mahbubur R. ......................................................Temple [email protected]

Megdal, Sharon ................................................................. University of Arizona(520) 792-9591 ext.21 [email protected]

Mehta, Vikas .............................................................University of South Florida

Melcher, John E. ....................................................... Michigan State University(517) 353-9555 [email protected]

Meltzer, Rachel ........................................................................... The New School(212) 229-5400 [email protected]

Mendenhall, Ruby ........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Mendes, Wendy .................................................. University of british Columbia [email protected]

Meng, Qingmin ................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 5491-8563 [email protected]

Menking, William ...........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4318 [email protected]

Merem, Edmund ..........................................................Jackson State University

Merrill, Sam ......................................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 228-8596 [email protected]

Mescher, Phil ..................................................................... Iowa State University

Messer, barry .......................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-5179 [email protected]

Metzger, Tina ........... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-1315 [email protected]

Meyer, David ....................................................... University of California Irvine

Meyer, Michael D. .............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-2246 [email protected]

Meyers, Jonathan ..........................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532

Michaels, Harvey ..............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-2084 [email protected]

Mikelbank, brian ..................................................... Cleveland State University [email protected]

Miles, Rebecca ........................................................... Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Miller, Anita ................................................................ University of New Mexico

Miller, Charles .....................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-4184 [email protected]

Miller, Donald .......................................................... University of Washington(206) 543-7355 [email protected]

Miller, Frank ................................................................Missouri State University

Miller, Lee ...........................................................................Columbia University

Mills, Allan ................................................Virginia Commonwealth University [email protected]

Milroy, beth Moore ............................................................... Ryerson University [email protected]

Minerbi, Luciano ................................................................. University of Hawaii(808) 956-6869 [email protected]

Minnery, John ............................................................ University of Queensland(61) 7-3365-3880 [email protected]

Mintz, Norman ...............................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532 [email protected]

Miraftab, Faranak .........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (217) 265-8238 [email protected]

Mirr, Ronald .............................................................................University of Iowa(319) 430-4315 [email protected]

Mishalani, Ravi .................................................................. Ohio State University

Mitchell, bruce ................................................................ University of Waterloo [email protected]

Mitchell, Clare ................................................................. University of Waterloo [email protected]

Mitchell, Jerry V.................... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-4656 [email protected]

Mitchell, Leonard .......................................... University of Southern Calirfonia(213) 740-1487 [email protected]

Mitchell, Robert P. .................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Mitchell-Weaver, Clyde ................................................. Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Mitsova, Diana ..........................................................Florida Atlantic University(954) 762-5674 [email protected]

Mobarak, barabara .....................................................Morgan State University

Mohamed, Rayman........................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-3356 [email protected]

Monchaux, John de ..........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-8299 [email protected]

Monroe, Charles ................................................................... University of Akron(330) 972-8033 [email protected]

Monti, Dan ........................................................................ Saint Louis University(314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Moody, Mitchell L. ...........................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-2350 [email protected]

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Moomaw, Suzanne Morse ................................................ University of Virginia(434) 924-1339 [email protected]

Moore, Jon ............................................................................ University of Akron(330) 972-6757 [email protected]

Moore, Justin Garrett .........................................................Columbia University

Moore, Steven A. ................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-0184 [email protected]

Moos, Markus .................................................................. University of Waterloo [email protected]

Morales, Alfonso ............................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 263-4848 [email protected]

Morgan, Cheryl ..................................................................... Auburn University(205) 323-3592 [email protected]

Morgan State University

Morrell, James .......................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485

Morris, Lisa .......................................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 788-5876 [email protected]

Morrison, Tiffany........................................................ University of Queensland(61) 7-3365-6535 [email protected]

Morrow-Jones, Hazel ..................................................... Ohio State University(614) 292-1027 [email protected]

Morton, Elizabeth .................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540)706-8111 [email protected]

Moss, Mitchell ..................................................................... New York University(212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Moudon, Anne Vernez ............................................ University of Washington(206) 685-4057 [email protected]

Mower, James E. .................................. State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4779 [email protected]

Mueller, Elizabeth ................................................. University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-1151 [email protected]

Mugerauer, Robert .................................................. University of Washington(206) 221-4415 [email protected]

Mukherji, Anuradha ....................................................East Carolina University(252) 328-5357 [email protected]

Mukhija, Vinit ...........................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 794-4478 [email protected]

Muller, brian .......................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 556-5967 [email protected]

Mullin, John R., .....................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Multari, Michael ..... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-1315 [email protected]

Multari, R. J. .............................................................. University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Murphy, Stephen ............................................................ University of Waterloo [email protected]

Murray, Alan ................................................................. Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Murray, William ........................................................ University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Musso, Juliet ................................................. University of Southern California(213) 740-7095 [email protected]

Muthukumar, Subrahmanyam .......................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-0128 [email protected]

Myers, Dowell ................................................ University of Southern California(213) 740-7095 [email protected]


Nalbandian, M. Richard ..........................................................Temple University(267) 468-8302 [email protected]

Nam, Yunwoo ....................................................University of Nebraska-Lincoln(402) 472-9279 [email protected]

Nance, Earthea .......................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-4017 [email protected]

Nandan, Gita ..................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Naphtali, Zvia S. .................................................................. New York University

Narciso, Mercedes ..........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Nasar, Jack L. ...................................................................... Ohio State Universty(614) 292-1457 [email protected]

Nassar, Hala .......................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-2499 [email protected]

Naughton, Lisa ...............................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-4846 [email protected]

Ndubisi, Forster ............................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-1019 [email protected]

Nelessen, Anton E. ................................................................................. Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 726 ..................................... [email protected]

Nelis, Robert ..................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Nelson, Arthur C. ................................................................... University of Utah(801) 581-8253 [email protected]

Nelson, Marla ............................................................ University of New Orleans(504) 280-3110 [email protected]

Nemeth, David J. ................................................................. University of Toledo(419) 530-4049 [email protected]

Németh, Jeremy ................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 556-3688 [email protected]

Neuman, Michael C. ......................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 345-7062 [email protected]

Neville, Christopher .....................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532 [email protected]

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Newman, Kathe ...................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 556 [email protected]

Nguyen, Phuong H..................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Nicholas, James...................................................................University of Florida [email protected]

Niehaus, John ................................................................ University of Cincinnati

Nigam, Amit ........................................................................ New York University

Nimz, Dale .......................................................................... University of Kanaas(785) 864-4184 [email protected]

Ninova, Minna .....................................................................Columbia University

Nitz, Lawrence..................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-8665 [email protected]

Nixon, David ........................................................................ University of Hawaii(808) 956-7718 [email protected]

Nixon, Hilary ...............................................................San Jose State University(408) 924-5852 [email protected]

Njoh, Ambe ..............................................................University of South Florida

Nocks, barry C. ................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-4094 [email protected]

Noland, Robert b. .................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-6812 ext. 606 [email protected]

Norton, Richard ..............................................................University of Michigan(734) 936-0197 [email protected]

Nottingham, Emily ........................................................... University of Arizona

Novak, Alice ..................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Nuworsoo, Cornelius K. .................... California Polytechnic State University, ..................................................................................................... San Luis Obispo

(805) 756-2496 [email protected]


O'brien, William Patrick .................................................... University of Arizona(520) 621-9922 [email protected]

O'Connor, Christopher J. .................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4770 [email protected]

O'Connor, Kathleen ............................. State University of New York at Albany

Oden, Michael ..................................................... University of Texas at Austion(512) 471-0121 [email protected]

O’Donnell, Edward .........................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-4928 [email protected]

Ofori-Amoah, benjamin ...................................... Western Michigan University(269) 387-3415 [email protected]

Ohm, brian W..................................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-2098 [email protected]

Okamura, Norman H........................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-2909 [email protected]

Okey, brian W. ............................................ Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Oliveira, Euripedes De ......................... California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2904 [email protected]

Olpadwala, Porus ....................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-2957 [email protected]

Olpadwala, Porus ....................................................... University of New Mexico

Olshansky, Robert ........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-8703 [email protected]

Olson, C. brad ..........................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-1114 [email protected]

Olson, Jeffrey S. ................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4778 [email protected]

Oluwoye, Jacob ...........................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372-4994 [email protected]

Onaran, Korkut ..................................................University of Colorado Denver

Oner, Asli Ceylan .......................................................Florida Atlantic University(954) 762-5357 [email protected]

Ong, Paul ..................................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 206-2193 [email protected]

Orcutt, Jonathan ................................................................. New York University

O'Regan, Katherine............................................................. New York University(212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Okerlund, Gary ................................................................. University of Virginia(434) 924-1339 [email protected]

Olds, Kristopher .............................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-5685 [email protected]

Oretsky, Nicole ....................................................... Savannnah State University(912) 303-1886 [email protected]

Orfield, Gary .............................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 267-4877 [email protected]

Orfield, Jr., Myron W. ....................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-7976 [email protected]

O'Riordan, Jon .................................................... University of british Columbia [email protected]

O’Rorke, John ........................................................... Frostburg State University(301) 687-4277 [email protected]

Orton, barry M. ..............................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-2394 [email protected]

Osorio, Juan Camilo .......................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Osterman, Paul ...................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-2667 [email protected]

Outland, Donald .........................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372-4993 [email protected]

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Owusu, Francis Y. .............................................................. Iowa State University(515) 294-7769 [email protected]

Ozawa, Connie P. ..................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-5126 [email protected]

Ozdenerol, Esra ...............................................................University of Memphis


Pader, Ellen-J. ........................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Page, G. William ....................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Pallathucheril, Varkki George ......University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Palmlund, Ingar ......................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Pamuk, Ayse ....................................................... San Francisco State University(415) 338-7045 [email protected]

Panakkal, Meenaxi .............. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Pandey, Anita .............................................................Morgan State University

Pan, Qisheng .............................................................Texas Southern University(713) 313-7221 [email protected]

Papacostas, C.S. .................................................................. University of Hawaii(808) 956-6538 [email protected]

Papsidero, Vincent ............................................................. Ohio State Universty(614) 292-1012

Paradis, Thomas W. ............................................... Northern Arizona University

Parker, brenda ................................................. University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-2167 [email protected]

Parker, Dawn ................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Parker, Robert ....................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-3801 [email protected]

Park, JiYoung............................................................ University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Parker, Francis H. .............................................................ball State University(765) 285-5870 [email protected]

Park, Peter ..........................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 556-3479 [email protected]

Park, Sungjin ............................................................Texas Southern University(713) 313-7304 [email protected]

Parmenter, barbara ................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Pascal, Erica ...................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Paternoster, Robert ............. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Paterson, Robert G. .............................................. University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-0734 [email protected]

Patrick, Kevin J. .......................................... Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Patten, Iris ......................................................................... University of Arizona(520) 621-1004

Paul, David ............................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7921 [email protected]

Paulsen, Kurt G. .............................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-8990 [email protected]

Paulson, Darla Flint ............................................ University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3071

Peacock, Walter G. ........................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-7853 [email protected]

Peak, Dana A. ..............................................................San Jose State University(408) 299-5798 [email protected]

Pearlman, Kenneth ........................................................ Ohio State University(614) 292-1457 [email protected]

Pearson, Gene .................................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-2161 [email protected]

Peiser, Richard b. .................................................................. Harvard University(617) 495-9558 [email protected]

Pelletier, Pamela J. ............................................................ University of Arizona

Pendall, Rolf ............................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-5561 [email protected]

Peng, Zhong-Ren ................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Perckl, Ryan ....................................................................... University of Arizona

Perera, M.C. Nihal ............................................................ball State University(765) 285-8606 [email protected]

Perez, Katherine ........................................... University of Southern California [email protected]

Perkinson, Dennis ........................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 862-4936 [email protected]

Perkins, Sean ...............................................................Jackson State University

Perlas, Marta ........................ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Perlich, Pam............................................................................ University of Utah(801) 581-3358 [email protected]

Perry, David ...................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-8700 [email protected]

Pertz, Stuart ..................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Peters, Deike ................................................. University of Southern California [email protected]

Peterson, Ann ............................................................. University of Queensland(61) 7-3365-3979 [email protected]

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Petracca, Mark .................................................... University of California Irvine

Peuquet, Steven ..............................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1689 [email protected]

Phillips, David L. ............................................................... University of Virginia(434) 982-2196 [email protected]

Pijawka, David ............................................................ Arizona State University(480) 965-7167 [email protected]

Pinderhughes, Raquel Rivera ........................... San Francisco State University(415) 338-7520 [email protected]

Pinel, Sandra .........................................................................University of Idaho(785) 885-7792 [email protected]

Piore, Michael ...................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-3377 [email protected]

Piper, Thomas ...................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-8950 [email protected]

Pipkin, John S. ..................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4777 [email protected]

Pittari, John J., Jr. ................................................................. Auburn University(334) 844-5424 [email protected]

Pitt, Damian ..........................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-4042 [email protected]

Pitt, David G. .................................................................University of Minnesota(612) 625-7370 [email protected]

Pivo, Gary .......................................................................... University of Arizona(520) 621-9597 [email protected]

Platt, Rutherford H. ..............................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Plazak, David J. ................................................................. Iowa State University

Pogodzinski, Mike .....................................................San Jose State University(408) 924-5421 [email protected]

Polakit, Kasama ........................................................Florida Atlantic University(954) 762-5655 [email protected]

Polenske, Karen R. ............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-6881 [email protected]

Polese, Mario ........................................................................... McGill University(514) 499-4070 [email protected]

Popper, Frank J. ...................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-4101 ext. 689 [email protected]

Porter, Miriam ...................................... Minnesota State University, Mankato(507) 389-5032 [email protected]

Poteet, Phillip ..................................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-2161 [email protected]

Pothukuchi, Kameshwari ..............................................Wayne State University(313) 577-4296 [email protected]

Poulakidas, Dimitris ............ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-4645 [email protected]

Powell, Gary .................................................................. University of Cincinnati

Powers, Erica L. .................................... State University of New York at Albany

Powers, Laura Wolf .................................................. University of Pennsylvania(215) 746-4263 [email protected]

Prater, Carla ...................................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 862-3970 [email protected]

Precht, Francis .......................................................... Frostburg State University(301) 687-4440 [email protected]

Pressley, Joyce Ann ......................................................Morgan State University(443) 885-1860 [email protected]

Preston, Steve ...................... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Prevetti, Laurel R. .......................................................San Jose State University(408) 535-7901 [email protected]

Price, Alfred D. ......................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Price, V. b. ................................................................... University of New Mexico

Prosperi, David ........................................................Florida Atlantic University(954) 762 5642 [email protected]

Prudon, Theodore ..........................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532

Prytherch, David ...................................................................... Miami University(513) 529-9284 [email protected]

Puccio, Kevin ......................................................University of Colorado Denver

Pucher, John R. ....................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 722 ............................................... [email protected]

Pugh, David L. ................................................................. Texas A&M University(979) 845-1019 [email protected]

Pullman, Lori ........................ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Purcell, Mark ............................................................ University of Washington(206) 543-8754 [email protected]

Pushchak, Ronald ................................................................. Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 7049 [email protected]

Pynoos, Jon ..................................................University of saouthern Calfironia(213) 740-5156 [email protected]

Pynoos, Jon ................................................... University of Southern California(213) 740-5156 [email protected]


Qadeer, Mohammad ............................................................. Ryerson University [email protected]

Qassoum, Mufid ............................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Qian, Zhu ......................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Qiu, Xiaomin ...............................................................Missouri State University

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Qi, Yi .........................................................................Texas Southern University

Quart, David ........................................................................ New York University

Quinn, Robert ..................................................Eastern Washington University(509) 359-7050 [email protected]


Rabe, James................................................... University of Southern California [email protected]

Rabenau, burkhard von ................................................ Ohio State University(614) 292-1457 [email protected]

Racca, David ....................................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1698 [email protected]

Radke, John .................................................... University of California berkeley(510) 643-5995 [email protected]

Raffel, Jeffrey ..................................................................University of Delaware

Ragonetti, Thomas ............................................University of Colorado Denver

Raitt, Jennifer M. .................................................................... boston University

Rajagopal, balakrishnan ..................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 258-7721 [email protected]

Raja, Samina ............................................................ University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Ramspott, Matthew E. ............................................. Frostburg State University(301) 687-4412 [email protected]

Randolph, John .....................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-7714 [email protected]

Rankin, Katharine ............................................................. University of Toronto(416) 978-1592 [email protected]

Rappaport, Ann ......................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Rask, Walter ................................................................San Jose State University(408) 795-1878 [email protected]

Ratledge, Edward ...........................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1684 [email protected]

Ratti, Carlo ........................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-7926 [email protected]

Rawlins, Rachael ................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-1922 [email protected]

Reader, Steven .........................................................University of South Florida

Ready, Keith ..............................................Virginia Commonwealth University [email protected]

Reardon, Ken ...................................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-2610 [email protected]

Rechie, Nancy ..................................................................... Ohio State Universty

Redding, T. Steve ............................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-4558 [email protected]

Reece, Jason ................................................................... Ohio State University [email protected]

Reed-Morris, Herschelle .............................................Morgan State University

Rees, William ...................................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-2937 [email protected]

Reid, Neil ............................................................................. University of Toledo(419) 530-3591 [email protected]

Reilly, Joseph ...................................................................... New York University

Reiners, Gary ..................................................................... Iowa State University

Reiss, David ....................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Renne, John L. ........................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-6592 [email protected]

Renski, Henry ........................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Reppert, James E. ................................ State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4770 [email protected]

Reps, John ...............................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-5391 [email protected]

Restrepo, Carlos E. .............................................................. New York University

Retsinas, Nicolas ................................................................... Harvard University(617) 496-3676 [email protected]

Retzlaff, Rebecca .................................................................. Auburn University(334) 844-5429 [email protected]

Rex, K.D. ......................................................................... University of Cincinnati

Rey, Serge ..................................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Richardson, Harry W. .................................... University of Southern California(213) 740-3954 [email protected]

Richardson, James R. ................................................. University of New Mexico(505) 277-6460 [email protected]

Richardson, Jesse..................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-7508 [email protected]

Richart, Monica Luecking ............................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Rich, Damon ...................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Richert, Evan ....................................................... University of Southern Maine(207) 780-4824 [email protected]

Ring, William ......................................................... Northern Arizona University

Rio, Vicente del ...... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-2572 [email protected]

Rivasplata, Charles R. ................................................San Jose State University(415) 897-6929 [email protected]

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Rivera, José A. ............................................................ University of New Mexico(505) 277-0599 [email protected]

Rivers, Robert ........................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-6277

Roakes, Susan .................................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-4560 [email protected]

Robins, Martin E. ..................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-6812 ext. 697 [email protected]

Robinson, Pamela ................................................................. Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 6762 [email protected]

Rodeh, Yifat ................................................................San Jose State University(408) 264-3432 [email protected]

Rodriguez, Alejandro ......................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3357 [email protected]

Rogers, George O. ............................................................ Texas A&M University(979) 845-7284 [email protected]

Rolfe, George ........................................................... University of Washington(206) 543-6918 [email protected]

Rolland, Richard ...............................................Eastern Washington University

Rolley, Stephanie ......................................................... Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Rollinson, Paul ............................................................Missouri State University(417) 836-5688 [email protected]

Rom, Alan Jay ............................................................................. Tufts University

Romalewski, Steven ................................................................... Pratt Insitutute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Romanos, Michael C. .................................................... University of Cincinnati(513) 293-8156 [email protected]

Romeo, Leonardo ............................................................... New York University

Ronderos, Nicolas ...................................... New Jersey Institute of Technology(212) 253-2727 Ext. 318 [email protected]

Rongerude, Jane ............................................................... Iowa State University(515) 294-8958

Rosbach, Derren ...................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Rosenbloom, Sandra ........................................................ University of Arizona(520) 626-2821 [email protected]

Rosenthal, Joyce Klein .......................................................... Harvard University(617) 495-2521

Rose, Shanna ....................................................................... New York University

Rosener, Judith ................................................... University of California Irvine

Ross, Catherine L. ............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-5133 [email protected]

Rost, Craig .....................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Roth, Peter ........................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-4373

Rottle, Nancy ........................................................... University of Washington(206)543-7897 [email protected]

Rowe, Peter G. ....................................................................... Harvard University(617) 495-4237 [email protected]

Roy, Ananya ................................................... University of California berkeley(510) 642-4938 [email protected]

Ruane, Michael .................................................... University of California Irvine

Rubenstein, James M. ............................................................. Miami University(513) 529-5025 [email protected]

Rubin, Jasper ...................................................... San Francisco State University(415) 405-3495 [email protected]

Rubin, Julia Sass ...................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3133 ext. 546 [email protected]

Rubin, Roberta ......................................................................... Tufts University

Ruddick, Susan.................................................................. University of Toronto(416) 978-1589 [email protected]

Rufolo, Anthony ...................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-4049 [email protected]

Ruopp, Rebecca ................................................................ University of Arizona [email protected]

Russell, Robert ........................................................................... Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Rutherford, G. Scott ............................................... University of Washington(206) 685-2481 [email protected]

Ryan, brent .........................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology

Ryan, Dennis ............................................................ University of Washington(206) 543-8293 [email protected]

Ryan, Robert L. ......................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Ryberg, Stephanie R. ............................................... Cleveland State University(216) 802-3386


Saija, Laura ......................................................................University of Memphis

Saku, James C. .......................................................... Frostburg State University(301) 687-4724 [email protected]

Salazar, David ...................... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

Salazar, Dayana M. .....................................................San Jose State University(408) 924-5854 [email protected]

Salkin, Patricia E. ................................. State University of New York at Albany(518) 445-2351 [email protected]

Salling, Mark ........................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-3716 [email protected]

Salo, Ken ........................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 244-0285 [email protected]

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Salsich, Jr., Peter W. ......................................................... Saint Louis University(314) 977-2770 [email protected]

Saltzman, Sidney ...................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-4271 [email protected]

Salvucci, Frederick ...........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-5378 [email protected]

Samery, Eva ......................................................................... Ryerson University

Sancar, Fahriye ..................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 492-7497 [email protected]

Sanchez, Arturo ......................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-6226 [email protected]

Sanchez, Thomas W. .............Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-5425 [email protected]

Sandercock, Leonie ........................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-0225 [email protected]

Sanders, Welford........................................University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(414) 229-2992 [email protected]

Sandoval, Gerardo .............................................................University of Oregon [email protected]

Sanger, M. bryna ........................................................................ The New School(212) 229-5400 x1411 [email protected]

Santo, Charles .................................................................University of Memphis(901) 678-3566 [email protected]

Santos, Adèle Naudé ........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-4402 [email protected]

Santos, Evandro ..........................................................Jackson State University

Sanyal, Nick ...........................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7528 [email protected]

Saphores, Jean-Daniel........................................ University of California Irvine

Sarkis, A. Hashim .................................................................. Harvard University(617) 496-0330 [email protected]

Saunders, Melissa ....................................................... Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Savar, Nina ....................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 413-9612

Savitch, H. V. ................................................................... University of Louisville(502) 852-7929 [email protected]

Sawicki, David S. ..............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-0569 [email protected]

Saxenian, AnnaLee ........................................ University of California berkeley(510) 642-3256 [email protected]

Scally, Corianne P. ................................ State University of New York at Albany(518) 591-8561 [email protected]

Scheer, brenda Case .............................................................. University of Utah(801) 581-8254 [email protected]

Schell, Kent .................................................................... University of Oklahoma

Scherer, Andrew .................................................................Columbia University

Schilling, Joe .........................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(703)706-8111 [email protected]

Schinn, Laura ..................................................................... Ohio State Universty

Schirmer, Paul ............................................................... University of Cincinnati

Schively, Carissa ............................................................University of Minnesota(612) 626-3193 [email protected]

Schlemper, Mary beth ........................................................ University of Toledo(419) 530-5492 [email protected]

Schlickman, Stephen ....................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Schlossberg, Marc ..............................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-2046 [email protected]

Schmidt, Stephen ...................................................................Cornell University(607) 254-4846 [email protected]

Schneemann, Margaret ................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Schneider, Alison ...........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Schneider, Daniel ..........................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 244-7681 [email protected]

Schneider, Richard ..............................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Schoen, David A. ..............................................................ball State University(765) 285-5871 [email protected]

Scholz, Gordon..................................................University of Nebraska-Lincoln(402) 472-9284 [email protected]

Schott, Jeffrey .........................................................................University of iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Schrock, Greg .......................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-8312 [email protected]

Schroeppel, Ken .................................................University of Colorado Denver

Schurch, Thomas .................................................................. Clemson University(864) 656-3926 [email protected]

Schurch, Tom ................................................................. University of Oklahoma(405) 325-0358 [email protected]

Schwab, Jim .............................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Schwartz, Alex............................................................................ The New School(212) 229-5400, x1415 [email protected]

Schweitzer, John ....................................................... Michigan State University(517) 353-9144 [email protected]

Schweitzer, Lisa ............................................. University of Southern California(213) 740-3866 [email protected]

Sclar, Elliott .........................................................................Columbia University [email protected]

Scott, Steffanie .................................................................University ofWaterloo [email protected]

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Searle, Glen ................................................................ University of Queensland

Seasons, Mark ................................................................ University of Waterloo [email protected]

Sechrist, Robert P. ...................................... Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Seewald, Alan........................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Seidel, Andrew ................................................................. Texas A&M University(979) 845-6584 [email protected]

Seidman, Karl ...................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-3964 [email protected]

Seligson, Ted ............................................... University of Missouri-Kansas City

Sell, James L. ......................................................... Northern Arizona University

Seltzer, Ethan P. ....................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-5169 [email protected]

Semple, Hugh ........................................................ Eastern Michigan University(734) 487-8169 [email protected]

Senbel, Maged ................................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-9158 [email protected]

Sender, Darin ............................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7533

Sen, Lalita ..................................................................Texas Southern University(713) 313-7448 [email protected]

Sen, Siddhartha ..........................................................Morgan State University(443) 885-1864 [email protected]

Seneca, Joseph J. .................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-5475 ext. 757 [email protected]

Serda, Daniel .......................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-3178 [email protected]

Servon, Lisa J. ............................................................................. The New School(212) 229-5400 x1618 [email protected]

Shandas, Vivek ........................................................ Portland State University(503) 725-5222 [email protected]

Shapiro, John .................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4391 [email protected]

Sharp, John ................................................................... University of Oklahoma

Shatkin, Gavin .................................................................University of Michigan(734) 763-2075 [email protected]

Shaw, George ......................................................................... University of Utah(801) 568-7261 [email protected]

Shearer, Allan W. ................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 232-5286 [email protected]

Sheffer, Ethel .......................................................................Columbia University

Shen, Guoqiang ............................................................ University of Oklahoma(405) 325-1698 [email protected]

Shen, Qing ................................................................ University of Washington(206) 685-3937 [email protected]

Sheppard, Rebecca .........................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-3625 [email protected]

Sherman, Sideya ........................................................................ Pratt Instiutute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Shetty, Sujata ...................................................................... University of Toledo(419) 530-2567 [email protected]

Shibley, Robert G. .................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Shiffer, Michael .................................................. University of british Columbia [email protected]

Shiffman, Ronald ...........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4314 [email protected]

Shipley, Robert ............................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Shorris, Anthony ................................................................. New York University

Shoup, Donald .........................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-5705 [email protected]

Shrestha, Manoj ....................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-0530 [email protected]

Shriar, Avrum J. .........................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 827-0788 [email protected]

Siebert, Loren ...................................................................... University of Akron

Siembieda, William J. ........................ California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

(805) 756-5805 [email protected]

Siembieda, William J.................................................. University of New Mexico

Siemiatycki, Matti ............................................................. University of Toronto(416) 946-5145 [email protected]

Siksna, Arnis ............................................................... University of Queensland(61)-7-3365-6455 [email protected]

Silberberg-Robinson, Susan ............Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-2027 [email protected]

Silbey, Susan .....................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-6952 [email protected]

Silva, Enrique R. ..................................................................... boston University(617) 358-3264 [email protected]

Silver, Christopher ..............................................................University of Florida(352) 392-4836 [email protected]

Silverman, Carol ............................................... San Franciscio State University [email protected]

Silverman, Robert M. ............................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Silvis, Anne ....................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-5126 [email protected]

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Simons, Robert ........................................................ Cleveland State University(216) 687-5258 [email protected]

Simpson, David M. ......................................................... University of Louisville(502) 852-8019 [email protected]

Simpson, Ed ............................................Virginia Commonwealth University [email protected]

Sinclair, Robert...............................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-0542 [email protected]

Siry, Jack ............................................................................ University of Arizona

Sizemore, Steve ............................................................. University of Louisville [email protected]

Sleegers, Frank .....................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Sletto, bjorn .......................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-5153 [email protected]

Sloane, David ................................................ University of Southern California(213) 740-5768 [email protected]

Sloniowski, Krista ......................................... University of Southern California [email protected]

Smalley, Marcy ....................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-4184 [email protected]

Smith, Christopher J. ........................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-3249 [email protected]

Smith, Daniel ....................................................................... New York University

Smith, David ........................................................ University of California Irvine

Smith, Glenn ................................................................Morgan State University

Smith-Heimer, Michael .................................. University of California berkeley(510) 642-3256 [email protected]

Smith, Janet ..................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-5083 [email protected]

Smith Jr, Frank C. .................................................................... boston University

Smith, Megan E. .................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-3881 [email protected]

Smith, Sheri ................................................................... Kansas State University

Smith, Sheri ...............................................................Texas Southern University(713) 313-4807 [email protected]

Smith, Thomas ................................................. University of Illinois at Chicago

Smoke, Paul ......................................................................... New York University(212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Snyder, Toby ...................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Snyder, Tom ...................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Soja, Edward ............................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-4335 [email protected]

Sokol, Adam ............................................................. University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485

Sokoloff, Harris ........................................................ University of Pennsylvania

Sokolowsky, Heidi ......................................................San Jose State University(415) 864-2954 [email protected]

Solitare, Laura ...........................................................Texas Southern University(713) 313-7772 [email protected]

Sollohub, Darius ........................................ New Jersey Institute of Technology(973) 596-5574 [email protected]

Southard, Michael ........................................................ University of Oklahoma

Southworth, Michael ..................................... University of California berkeley(480) 965-7167 [email protected]

Spain, Daphne................................................................... University of Virignia(434) 924-6430 [email protected]

Spencer, James .................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-8928 [email protected]

Spensley, James .................................................University of Colorado Denver

Sperry, Stephen L. .............................................................. Clemson University(864) 656-3635 [email protected]

Spicer, Michael ....................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-3571 [email protected]

Spinella, Susan .......................................................................Temple University

Spirn, Anne Whiston ........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 452-2602 [email protected]

Springer, Joseph H. ............................................................... Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 6766 [email protected]

Srinivas, Smita ....................................................................Columbia University [email protected]

Stainbrook, Steven ............................................................. New York University

Starnes, Earl ........................................................................University of Florida [email protected]

Steinberg, Harris ...................................................... University of Pennsylvania

Steiner, bethany ................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-3615 [email protected]

Steiner, Frederick .................................................. University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-1922 [email protected]

Steiner, Ruth ........................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

Stein, Jaime ....................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4323 [email protected]

Stein, Jay ...................................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Steins, Chris ................................................... University of Southern California [email protected]

Stein, Stuart W. .......................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-4331 [email protected]

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Stephenson, Max O. .............Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-6775 [email protected]

Sternberg, Ernest ..................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Stern, Ira .........................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Stevens, Mark ..................................................... University of british Columbia(604) 822-1602 [email protected]

Stevenson, Gelvin ..........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4314 [email protected]

Stewart, Ruth Ann .............................................................. New York University

Stiftel, bruce ............................................................... Florida State University(850) 644-4510 [email protected]

Stiftel, bruce .....................................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-2350 [email protected]

Stimson, Robert ......................................................... University of Queensland(61) 7-3365-6307 [email protected]

Stockard, James .................................................................... Harvard University (617) 495-5988 [email protected]

Stoecker, Randy .............................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 890-0764 [email protected]

Stokes, Robert .............................................................. Kansas State University(785) 532-1595 [email protected]

Stokols, Daniel .................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-5294 [email protected]

Stoll, Michael ............................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 206-4774 [email protected]

Stone Jr., brian ................................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-6488 [email protected]

Stone, Mike ..................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Stoner, James ..........................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-5664 [email protected]

Storey, Donovan ........................................................ University of Queensland(61) 7-3365-6707 [email protected]

Storper, Michael .......................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-2718 [email protected]

Strammiello, Daniel ...........................................University of Colorado Denver

Strathman, James ................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-4069 [email protected]

Strauss, Eric J. ............................................................ Michigan State University(517) 353-8715 [email protected]

Streatfield, David .................................................... University of Washington(206) 543-1157 [email protected]

Stroh, brady ............................................................................Temple University

Strom, Elizabeth ......................................................University of South Florida

Strong, Aaron ..........................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Stuckey, James .................................................................... New York University

Studer, Raymond G. ...........................................University of Colorado Denver

Suarez-Villa, Luis ................................................. University of California Irvine(949) 824-6323 [email protected]

Sudy, Jason ......................................................................... Ohio State Universty

Suen, I-Shian (Ivan) ................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 828-2721 [email protected]

Suffling, Roger ................................................................ University of Waterloo [email protected]

Sugar, Keith A. ............................................................San Jose State University(831) 336-9566 [email protected]

Suryanata, Krisna ............................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-7384 [email protected]

Susskind, Lawrence ..........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-2026 [email protected]

Sussman, Gerald ..................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-5176 [email protected]

Sussman, Joseph ..............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-4430 [email protected]

Sutton, Sharon ......................................................... University of Washington(206) 685-3361 [email protected]

Sutton, Stacey .....................................................................Columbia University [email protected]

Swallow, Joy ................................................ University of Missouri-Kansas City(816) 235-2998 [email protected]

Swanekamp, Kenneth ............................................. University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485

Swanston, Samara .........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Swartzendruber, Dan .............................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Swatuk, Larry .................................................................. University of [email protected]

Sweeney, Donald A. ......................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-7888 [email protected]

Swenson, David ................................................................ Iowa State University(515) 294-7458 [email protected]

Swenson, David ......................................................................University of Iowa(319) 335-0032 [email protected]

Szold, Terry .......................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-7419 [email protected]

Szuster, brian ...................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-7345 [email protected]

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Taebel, Delbert A. ............................................... University of Texas, Arlington

Takahashi, Lois .........................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 429-8641 [email protected]

Talen, Emily .................................................................. Arizona State University

Tallerico, benjamin ........................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-2701 [email protected]

Tang, Zhenghong .............................................University of Nebraska-Lincoln(402) 472-9281 [email protected]

Tassonyi, Almos Thomas ...................................................... Ryerson University [email protected]

Tauber, Lacey .................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Taupier, Richard ....................................University of Massachussetts Amherst

Taylor, brian .............................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 903-3228 [email protected]

Taylor, Gary D. ................................................................... Iowa State University(515) 294-2973 [email protected]

Taylor, Jr., Henry Louis............................................. University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Taylor, Tom .................................................................... Florida State University

Teelucksingh, Cheryl ............................................................ Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 Ext. 6213 [email protected]

Tendler, Judith ..................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-0249 [email protected]

Thacher, David ................................................................University of Michigan(734) 615-4074 [email protected]

Thakuriah, Piyushimita ................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 355-0447 [email protected]

Theken, Patrice .................................................................... University of Akron(330) 972-2490 [email protected]

Theodore, Georgeen ................................. New Jersey Institute of Technology(973) 596-3095 [email protected]

Theodore, Nik .................................................. University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 355-1340 [email protected]

Thering, Susan A. ...........................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 263-6506 [email protected]

Thomas, June Manning ..................................................University of Michigan(734) 936-0201 [email protected]

Thomas, Ward ...................................... California State University, Northridge(818) 677-7247 [email protected]

Thompson, Allen .................................................................. Clemson University(864) 656-2380 [email protected]

Thompson, J. Philip ..........................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 452-2813 [email protected]

Thompson, Michelle M. ............................................ University of New Orleans

Thyagarajan, S. .................................... State University of New York at Albany(518) 442-4770 [email protected]

Till, Karen...............................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-1109 [email protected]

Tilly, Chris .................................................University of California, Los Angeles [email protected]

Tiwari, Abhishek .................................. California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2904 [email protected] [email protected]

Tiwari, Abishek .................... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Tobin, Graham .........................................................University of South Florida

Todorovich, Petra...........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Toker, Umut ........... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-1592 [email protected]

Toker, Zeynep ....................................... California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2872 [email protected]

Tomalty, Ray ............................................................................. McGill University(514) 847-9259 [email protected]

Tomey, E. Allan ................................................................. Saint Louis University(314) 977-3934 [email protected]

Tomlan, Michael ......................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-7261 [email protected]

Tomlin, Dana ............................................................ University of Pennsylvania

Toor, Will .............................................................University of Colorado Denver

Topping, Kenneth .. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 927-7773 [email protected]

Torres, Deborah ............................................ University of Southern California [email protected]

Torres, Rodolfo .................................................... University of California Irvine(949) 824-7680 [email protected]

Toulan, Nohad A. .................................................... Portland State University(503) 725-5141 [email protected]

Trancik, Roger .........................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-6229 [email protected]

Trawick, John I. .............................................................. University of Lousiville(502) 589-0343 [email protected]

Traynor, Kerry .......................................................... University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485

Trelstad, Graham ................................................................Columbia University

Triantafillou, Menelaos ................................................ University of Cincinnati(513) 556-4212 [email protected]

Trousdale, William ............................................. University of british Columbia [email protected]

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Truex, Scott I. ....................................................................ball State University(765) 285-5188 [email protected]

Tulloch, David .......................... Rutgers University, School of Environmental .............................................................................................& biological Sciences

(732) 932-1581 [email protected]

Turbeville, Daniel ............................................Eastern Washington University(509) 359-2270 [email protected]

Turnbull, Katherine ......................................................... Texas A&M University(979) 845-6005 [email protected]

Turshen, Meredeth .................................................................................. Rutgers(732) 932-4101 ext. 681 [email protected]

Tyler, Elizabeth..............................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Tyler, Norman ...................................................... Eastern Michgian Unviersity(734) 457-8656 [email protected]


Umemoto, Karen ................................................................. University of Hawaii(808) 956-7383 [email protected]

Urban, beth ........................................................................ Ohio State Universty

Urey, Gwendolyn H. ............. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-2725 [email protected]


Vale, Lawrence J. ..............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-0561 [email protected]

Valenzuela, Abel ......................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 206-8224 [email protected]

Vance, Eric .......................................................... University of british Columbia [email protected]

Varady, David P. ............................................................ University of Cincinnati(513) 405-3602 [email protected]

Varandani, Meenakshi ..................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Varni, James W. ................................................................ Texas A&M University(979) 862-1095 [email protected]

Vasquez, David A. ......................................................San Jose State University(415) 722-7167 [email protected]

Ventura, Stephen J. .......................................University of Wisconsin-Madison(608) 262-6416 [email protected]

Verbanac, Don....................................................................... Ryerson University

Verderber, Stephen ............................................................. Clemson University(864) 656-3902 [email protected]

Verma, Niraj ............................................................. University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Vidal, Avis C. ...................................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-8842 [email protected]

Vidyarthi, Sanjeev ........................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 355-0447 [email protected]

Vietorisz, Thomas ..................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-2333 [email protected]

Vigar, Sandra .............................................................. University of Queensland

Vigeant, Paul ..................................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-0539 [email protected]

Villavaso, Steve ......................................................... University of New Orleans(504) 280-6029 [email protected]

Vitiello, Domenic ..................................................... University of Pennsylvania

Viton, Phillip A. ................................................................. Ohio State University(614) 292-5427 [email protected]

Vliet, Willem Van ................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 492-5015 [email protected]

Vojnovic, Igor Z. ....................................................... Michigan State University [email protected]

Voos, Paul ....................................................................Morgan State University

Vos, Jaap ...................................................................Florida Atlantic University(954) 762-5653 [email protected]

Vrat, Dev ............................................... California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2904 [email protected] [email protected]


Wachter, Susan ......................................................... University of Pennsylvania

Wack, Paul .............. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 756-6331 [email protected]

Waddell, Paul ................................................. University of California berkeley(510) 643-6622 [email protected]

Wadley, David ............................................................ University of Queensland(61) 7-3365-6535 [email protected]

Wagner, Frederick ................................................... University of Washington(206) 543-7459 [email protected]

Wagner, Jacob ............................................. University of Missouri-Kansas City(816) 235-6053 [email protected]

Walker, Joanne .....................................................................Temple University

Wallace, Terry ..............................................................Jackson State University

Wall, Geoff ....................................................................... University of Waterloo [email protected]

Wang, Rui .................................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 367-3738 [email protected]

Wang, Xinhao ................................................................ University of Cincinnati(513) 556-0497 [email protected]

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Wang, Young-Doo ...........................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1706 [email protected]

Wang, Zhifang ................................................................. Texas A&M University(979) 458-4121 [email protected]

Ward, Robert ......................................................... Eastern Michigan University(734) 487-0218 [email protected]

Warfield, Marjorie Erickson ...................................................... Tufts University

Warner, Mildred ......................................................................Cornell University(607) 255-6816 [email protected]

Warner, Sam bass .............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-5115 [email protected]

Warnken, Charles .......................................................... University of Oklahoma(405) 325-3871 [email protected]

Warren, Robert................................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1686 [email protected]

Warren, Stacy ....................................................Eastern Washington University(509) 359-7962 [email protected]

Warrick, Dawn ................................................................ University of Lousiville(502) 574-5178 [email protected]

Warriner, G.K. .................................................................. University of Waterloo [email protected]

Watson, Philip .......................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-6934 [email protected]

Watts, D. Whit ............................................. Indiana University of Pennsylvania(724) 357 2250 [email protected]

Ways, Howard .............................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-5188 [email protected]

Webber, Steven ..................................................................... Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 6772 [email protected]

Weber, Matthew D. ........................................................Wayne State University(313) 577-2701 [email protected]

Weber, Rachel................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 355-0307 [email protected]

Webster, Douglas ........................................................ Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Wegrzyn, Dory ........................................................... University of New Mexico

Weiler, Ernest D.

Weimar, Cameron .......................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-6682 [email protected]

Weinberger, Rachel ................................................. University of Pennsylvania(215) 746-4263 [email protected]

Weiner, Vicki ..................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 636-3486 ext 6464 [email protected]

Wein, Frank b. ............................................... University of Southern California(213) 996-2413 [email protected]

Weinstein, Alan ...................................................... Cleveland State University(216) 687-3758 [email protected]

Weintraub, David ................................. California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2904 [email protected] [email protected]

Weisbord, Joseph ..........................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Weisenburger, Ray ....................................................... Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

Weissman, Seth ................................................Georgia Institute of Technology [email protected]

Weisz, Claire ........................................................................ New York University

Weitz, Jerry ...................................................................East Carolina University(252) 328-6579 [email protected]

Welch, Joan M. ..............................................................West Chester University(610) 436-2940 [email protected]

Welsh, William ...................................................... Eastern Michigan University(734) 487-0218 [email protected]

Wentz, Elizabeth ......................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7533 [email protected]

Wernstedt, Kris .....................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(703) 706-8132 [email protected]

Wescoat, James Jr. ..............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-1400 [email protected]

Wesley, Joan ................................................................Jackson State University

Westendorff, David G. ....................................................University of Memphis

Westerlund, Frank ................................................... University of Washington(206) 543-4912 [email protected]

Wetterqvist, Orjan ..............................................................University of Florida

Wetzel, Richard ........................................... University of Missouri-Kansas City

Wheaton, William .............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-1723 [email protected]

Whitaker, Ana Maria ............ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona [email protected]

White, Sammis ...........................................University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(414) 229-6086 [email protected]

White, Stacey S. ...................................................................University of Kansas(785) 864-3530 [email protected]

Whittemore, Andrew .......................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-0458

Whittington, Jan ...................................................... University of Washington(206) 221-9629 [email protected]

Wieters, Meghan ........................................................... University of Oklahoma(405) 325-3851 [email protected]

Wigfall, La barbara ....................................................... Kansas State University(785) 532-5961 [email protected]

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Wiggins, Lyna ........................................................................................... Rutgers(732) 932-3822 ext. 568 [email protected]

Wikstrom, Nelson ....................................Virginia Commonwealth [email protected]

Wilder, Margaret .............................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-6294 [email protected]

Wiley-Schwartz, Andrew ..............................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4340 [email protected]

Wilhm, John .................................................................. Kansas State University

Willey, Claude....................................... California State University, Northridge(818) 677-2904 [email protected] [email protected]

Williams, Clarence ............................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-5446 [email protected]

Williams, Sarah ...................................................................Columbia University

Williams, Terrance .......................................The Catholic University of America(202) 319-5565 [email protected]

Willis, Mark .......................................................................... New York University

Willson, Richard W. .............. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-2701 [email protected]

Wilson, bev ....................................University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(217) 333-3890 [email protected]

Wilson, Constance ......................................................Alabama A&M University(256) 372-4992 [email protected]

Wilson, Mark I............................................................ Michigan State University(517) 353-9056 [email protected]

Wilson, Nigel .....................................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 253-5046 [email protected]

Wilson, Patricia ..................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-0130 [email protected]

Wilson, Patrick ......................................................................University of Idaho(208) 885-7911 [email protected]

Winchell, Dick ...................................................Eastern Washington University(509) 358-2214 [email protected]

Winder, David ...................................................................... New York University

Winkle, Curtis ................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-2155 [email protected]

Winston, Edward Perry ..................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4314 [email protected]

Wirick, David ..................................................................... Ohio State University

Wise, Lisa ................ California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo(805) 595-1345 [email protected]

Wismer, S. K. .................................................................... University of Waterloo skwismer@

Witten, Jon ................................................................................. Tufts University(617) 627-3394 [email protected]

Wolch, Jennifer .............................................. University of California berkeley [email protected]

Wolfe, Kevin ...................................................................................Pratt Institute(212) 647-7532

Wolff, Goetz ..............................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 369-0900 [email protected]

Wollenberg, Jay ................................................. University of british Columbia [email protected]

Wong, Hing .................................................................San Jose State University(925) 549-2000 [email protected]

Wong, Jack L. ................................................. University of Southern California(310) 347-6310 [email protected]

Wong, Sidney ...............................................................Morgan State University(443) 885-3208 [email protected]

Woodside, James Clare ................................................. University of Oklahoma

Worzala, Elaine .................................................................... Clemson University(864) 656-3925 [email protected]

Woudsma, Clarence ........................................................ University of Waterloo [email protected]

Wridt, Pamela .....................................................University of Colorado Denver(303) 556-3472 [email protected]

Wubneh, Mulatu ..........................................................East Carolina University(252) 328-1272 [email protected]

Wu, Weiping ............................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 827-3413 [email protected]

Wunneburger, Douglas F. ................................................ Texas A&M University

Wyman, Sherman M. .......................................... University of Texas, Arlington(817) 272-3359 [email protected]


Xiao, Yu ............................................................................. Texas A&M University

Xie, Yichun ........................................................... Eastern Michigan University(734) 487-7588 [email protected]


Yabes, Ruth ................................................................... Arizona State University(480) 965-7167 [email protected]

Yamada, Seiji ....................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 692-1069 [email protected]

Yang, Jiawen .....................................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 385-7215 [email protected]

Yang, Li ................................................................. Western Michigan University(269) 387-3415 [email protected]

Yang, Perry Pei-Ju ............................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-2076 [email protected]

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Yang, Yizhao .......................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-0833 [email protected]

Yanich, Danilo .................................................................University of Delaware(302) 831-1710 [email protected]

Yaro, Robert ............................................................. University of Pennsylvania [email protected]

Yeboah, Ian, .............................................................................. Miami University(513) 529-5013 [email protected]

Yeh, Raymond ..................................................................... University of Hawaii(808) 956-3469 [email protected]

Yin, Jordan ........................................................... Western Michigan University(269) 387-3484 [email protected]

Yin, Li ........................................................................ University at buffalo SUNY(716) 829-3485 [email protected]

Yonder, Ayse ...................................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4323 [email protected]

Yool, Stephen R. ................................................................ University of Arizona

Young, Raymond ................................................ University of british Columbia [email protected]

Young, Robert F. .................................................................University of Oregon(541) 346-1950 [email protected]

Youtie, Jan ........................................................Georgia Institute of Technology(404) 894-6111 [email protected]

Yu, Lei .......................................................................Texas Southern University


Zahm, Diane L. ......................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-7503 [email protected]

Zandt, Shannon Van ........................................................ Texas A&M University

Zapata, Marisa .............................................................. University of Cincinnati [email protected]

Zegras, P. Christopher ......................Massachussetts Institute of Technology(617) 452-2433 [email protected]

Zellner, Moira ................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 996-2149 [email protected]

Zerin, Ferhat ..................................................... University of Illinois at Chicago

Zerkin, Allen ........................................................................ New York University

Zhang, Ming .......................................................... University of Texas at Austin(512) 471-0139 [email protected]

Zhang, Sumei ................................................................. University of Louisville(502) 852-7915 [email protected]

Zhang, Ting Wei ............................................... University of Illinois at Chicago(312) 355-0303 [email protected]

Zhang, Yang ..........................Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University(540) 231-1128 [email protected]

Zhou, Min .................................................University of California, Los Angeles(310) 825-3532 [email protected]

Zhuang, Zhixi Cecilia ............................................................ Ryerson University(416) 979-5000 ext. 6806

Zidar, Catherine .............................................................................Pratt Institute(718) 399-4314 [email protected]

Zimmer, Richard J. ............... California State Polytechnic University, Pomona(909) 869-4943 [email protected]

Zizzi, Donald ........................................................................... boston University

Zimmerman, Rae ................................................................ New York University(212) 998-7400 [email protected]

Zinke, Robert ...................................................Eastern Washington University

Zonta, Michela ........................................Virginia Commonwealth University(804) 827-0787 [email protected]

Zovanyi, Gabor .................................................Eastern Washington University(509) 358-2228 [email protected]

Zwick, Paul ..........................................................................University of Florida(352) 392-0997 [email protected]

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