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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View Star Tutorial This tutorial provides a brief overview of the capabilities available in the Star module. Once you finish this tutorial, you will be familiar with the key features and capabilities of Star and the various options available for accessing, navigating, and coordinating curves. Each section in this tutorial is presented in an interactive format, allowing you to work through each step as it is explained. Note: Some of the paths shown in the figures below may differ if you have chosen a custom installation path. The tutorial is divided into the following sections: Section 17.5.1: Create a New Star TCC View Section 17.5.2: Add a Device Curve to the Star View Section 17.5.3: Star Example Section 17.5.4: Star View Navigation Tools Section 17.5.5: Star View (TCC) Toolbar Section 17.5.6: Normalized TCC mode Section 17.5.7: Short-Circuit Clipping, Minimum kA 1. Create a New Star TCC View This section shows you how to create a Star TCC View. 1. Start ETAP and, from the File menu, select New Project. Operation Technology, Inc Page 1 of 44

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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View

Star Tutorial This tutorial provides a brief overview of the capabilities available in the Star module. Once you finish this tutorial, you will be familiar with the key features and capabilities of Star and the various options available for accessing, navigating, and coordinating curves. Each section in this tutorial is presented in an interactive format, allowing you to work through each step as it is explained. Note: Some of the paths shown in the figures below may differ if you have chosen a custom installation path. The tutorial is divided into the following sections: Section 17.5.1: Create a New Star TCC View Section 17.5.2: Add a Device Curve to the Star View Section 17.5.3: Star Example Section 17.5.4: Star View Navigation Tools Section 17.5.5: Star View (TCC) Toolbar Section 17.5.6: Normalized TCC mode Section 17.5.7: Short-Circuit Clipping, Minimum kA

1. Create a New Star TCC View This section shows you how to create a Star TCC View.

1. Start ETAP and, from the File menu, select New Project.

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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View 2. Enter a name for the new project file (for example, StarView), and click OK.

3. ETAP prompts you for your user information. Enter the user name and access level information (if

required) and click OK to continue. To learn more about setting up user accounts and access levels, refer to User Access Management chapter of the User Guide or click the Help button.

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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View 4. By default, a one-line diagram view OLV1 opens in ETAP. The toolbars and menus you will be using

for this section of the tutorial are illustrated below.

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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View 5. Click the Edit button on the Mode toolbar.

6. Click the Overcurrent Relay button from Edit toolbar and drop it on the OLV1 presentation.

7. Double-click the overcurrent relay element to open the Relay Editor. The ‘Select a project library’

dialog to browse and load the library file for the project appears. Select the etaplib550.lib (default) file and click Open.

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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View

8. Click the OCR page, and then click the Library button. This brings up the Library Quickpick - Relay

dialog box as shown below.

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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View 9. Select manufacturer GE Multilin and model 735/737 and click OK. GE Multilin 735/737 relay data is

populated in the OCR page. Set the relay as shown in the figure below; ensure that ‘Link TOC + IOC for this level’ is checked for OC1. To learn more about relay settings, refer to the Relay section in Instrumentation Elements chapter of the User Guide or click the Help button.

10. Click the Input page. 11. Enter primary and secondary ratings for Phase CT (800:5) and Ground CT (50:5) as shown below. CT

ratios can be entered directly in the Relay Editor where no CT is connected to the relay. To learn more about Input page of Relay Editor, see the Relay section in the Instrumentation Elements Chapter of the User Guide or click the Help button.

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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View

12. From the Mode toolbar, click the Star – Protective Device Coordination button to switch to the Star mode.

13. To create the Star View, select the relay, and then click the Create Star View button on Star Mode toolbar on the right-hand side.

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Star Tutorial Create a New Star TCC View

14. This opens a new Star TCC View with the selected Relay1 curve. Star Views for other protective devices can be generated in a similar manner. Keep Star1 open for the next section of the tutorial.

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Star Tutorial Add a Device Curve to the Star View

2. Add a Device Curve to the Star View 1. Switch to Edit mode, and then drop a fuse in the one-line diagram view OLV1.

2. Double-click the fuse symbol to open Fuse Editor. 3. Go to the Rating page and click the Library button to display the Library Quick Pick – Fuse dialog

box. 4. Select manufacturer S&C, and model SMU-20, at 27 Max. kV, with Standard speed and size 13E.

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Star Tutorial Add a Device Curve to the Star View 5. Switch to Star Mode using the Mode toolbar. Select Fuse1 and click on Append to Star view button

open the Star View Selection editor.

6. Select Star1 in the Star View Selection editor to append Fuse1 to Star1 view and click OK.

7. Star1 view opens with the Fuse1 curve added. Element or group of elements on the one-line diagram

can be appended to one or more Star views in a similar manner. To learn more about Append to Star View feature, refer Chapter 16 – Star Device Coordination Analysis.

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Star Tutorial Add a Device Curve to the Star View

8. Another shortcut to add Fuse1 to Star1 view is to hold the Shift key down, and then select Fuse1 on the one-line and drag it to the active Star View (Star1).

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Star Tutorial Add a Device Curve to the Star View

9. A fuse curve is added to the existing Star TCC View (Star1) as shown below.

10. Go to File menu and select Close project. ETAP will ask if you want save the project data. Select ‘Yes’ if you want to save your changes. Keep ETAP window open for the next section of the tutorial.

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Star Tutorial Star Example

3. Star Example In the previous section, you learned how to create a Star View for a device and append elements to an existing Star view. In this section, you will learn how to create Star Views for existing ETAP one-line diagrams. 1. From the File menu, select Open Project.

2. Browse to the ETAP installation path for the Example-Other folder, select STARExample.OTI, and then click Open.

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Star Tutorial Star Example 3. When ETAP displays the Logon dialog box, click OK to continue. ETAP displays the Select Access

Level dialog box.

4. Select Project Editor, and then click OK to load the StarExample file.

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Star Tutorial Star Example 5. Open the OLV1 presentation by selecting it from the drop-down list for presentations or by double-

clicking the OLV1 presentation in Project Editor.

6. Using the Mode toolbar, click the Star – Protective Device Coordination button to switch to the Star


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Star Tutorial Star Example 7. Draw a bounding outline around the elements from Utility U1 to Transformer T1 as shown, for which

the Star TCC View is to be created. The protective device models have been already selected in STARExample file. You can also select a set of elements on the one-line diagram by holding the Ctrl key and clicking each element.

8. To create the Star View, click the Create Star View button on Star Mode toolbar on the right-hand side.

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Star Tutorial Star Example 9. The ‘Select a project library’ dialog to browse and load the library file for the project appears. Select

the etaplib550.lib (default) file and click Open.

10. The Star View generated for the selected one-line diagram is shown below. Keep this Star View

(Star4) open for the tutorial sections below.

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Star Tutorial Star View Navigation Tools

4. Star View Navigation Tools In this section, you will learn about the tools available to you for working with Star Views. Use the Star TCC View (Star4) that you created in the previous section for the one-line diagram selected in the STARExample file. 1. Star TCC Views are saved as presentations in ETAP in Project Editor. You can access the Star Views

you created from the drop-down list for Star View presentations or by double-clicking on the Star View name in Project Editor.

2. By default, the elements of the one-line diagram generated in a Star View are ungrouped. To group

the elements, draw a bounding outline around them, and then right-click and select Group. Note: The default setting for grouping and ungrouping one-line diagram elements in Star View can be defined in the Options (Preferences) editor (Tools Options menu), using the entry ‘Group One-line in Star TCC’. For more information, refer Chapter 4, Preferences.

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3. The right-click menu for the one-line diagram in Star View includes commands to cut, copy, change element size, symbols, and orientation, set default annotation position, and edit element properties (opens the element’s editor).

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4. The one-line diagram can be moved anywhere in Star View, even placed outside the Star TCC frame

as shown in the figure below.

5. Add existing devices from the one-line diagram to an open Star View using the Append to Star view button or drag-and-drop operation.

6. The element connections in the one-line diagram are propagated in Star View. As an example, select

CB4 on the one-line diagram (Star mode) and click on Append to Star View on the Star mode toolbar. CB4 connects to T1 secondary in the Star View one-line diagram.

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Star Tutorial Star View Navigation Tools

7. Deleting the curve will delete the device from the Star View one-line diagram but not from the main one-line diagram.

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Star Tutorial Star View Navigation Tools 8. The Star TCC View allows you to graphically adjust, zoom in or out, customize the TCC view, print,

etc., using the tools described in the following steps:

Show Grid

Zoom Out One-Line Diagram

Zoom In One-Line Diagram

Zoom Fit One-Line Diagram



Zoom In (TCC View)

Zoom Out (TCC View)

Zoom Fit (TCC View)


2nd Axis

Show Grid

Show Legend

Show/Hide Range

Print Preview


a) Click the Zoom In One-Line Diagram button to zoom in on the one-line diagram in Star View. Similarly, use the Zoom Out One-Line Diagram button to zoom out from the one-line diagram.

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b) Click the Zoom Fit One-Line button to zoom fit the one-line diagram to the left bottom corner of Star View.

c) Use the Pan button (with the hand icon) to pan around a Star TCC View time-current grid. Hold the left mouse button to grab the Star View and move the mouse to pan around the Star View.

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Star Tutorial Star View Navigation Tools

d) To zoom in on the Star View, click the Zoom In button. Similarly, use the Zoom Out button to zoom out of a Star View.

e) To fit entire Star layout in the selected window size, click the Zoom Fit button.

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f) Click Auto-Scale in phase and ground views to automatically determine the best possible Star View scaling for all the plotted curves. Toggle the Auto-Scale button to OFF and append Mtr4 from OLV1 to Star4. Note how the Mtr1 curve is partly visible. Now toggle the Auto-Scale button to ON to see how the scale is adjusted to properly view all curves.

Star4 with Mtr1, Auto-Scale OFF Star4 with Mtr1, Auto-Scale ON

g) Click the 2nd Axis button to display a second axis with different current and voltage scales. Use

Show Grid button to display Log-Log Major/Minor Tics. The legend can be displayed by clicking the Show Legend button. All three buttons toggle their features on and off.

Star View with 2nd Axis and Grid ON

Star View with Legend ON

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h) You can graphically display device curves on Star TCC View. Handles are provided on the

device characteristic curves to identify adjustable regions. Use the Show/Hide Range button to toggle on and off the display of available ranges for a selected curve. The available ranges will be displayed in gray when an adjustable curve is selected.

9. Keep Star4 open for the next section of the tutorial.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar

5. Star View (TCC) Toolbar In this section of the tutorial, you will learn about the features of the Star View (TCC) toolbar. These features include options for viewing, coordinating, and customizing the device curves. The toolbar is shown below. Relay Test-Set interface features in this toolbar will be covered in the ARTTS tutorial.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 1. Click the Mode button to toggle between phase and ground display. Note that the X-axis scales for

Phase and Ground modes can be set independently.

Star View Shown in Phase Mode

Star View Shown in Ground Mode

2. To zoom into a region on the Star TCC View, click the Zoom to New Window button, and then draw

a bounding outline around the region. Star View opens a Zoomed TCC window to display the zoomed region. Time and current can also be read from the bottom of the zoom window.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 3. Click the Time Difference button to measure the time difference between any two curves in the Star

View. Click the Time Difference button, and then click any two points on the displayed curves between which you want to know the time difference. Once you have selected the second point, the time difference value is displayed.

4. Click on the crosshair button to drop a crosshair at any point on the TCC and view the current/time at

that point. Crosshair can also be dedicated to a curve by selecting that curve.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 5. Click on the User Curve button to enter a customized curve in Star TCC view. You can enter current

and time points, tolerances, and specify fault arrows. The User Curve parameters once defined and plotted are saved with the Star View presentation. The User Curve can also be added and saved to the ETAP library.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 6. Click the Plot Options button to customize plot attributes such as device appearance/label and TCC

axis, grid and legend settings. You can also access Plot Options for a specific device by right-clicking the device curve or label, and then selecting Plot Options.

7. Customize general attributes such as extended tooltips or extend relay curve to pickup using the

General page in Plot Options editor.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 8. Customize the X and Y axes settings for Star View on the Axis page of Plot Options editor. For

example, display a secondary X-axis on Star View by selecting Display and then entering the current and voltage multiplier in the Secondary boxes.

9. Customize the grid settings for Star View on the Grid page of Plot Options editor. For example, you

can change the number of tics per decade for the minor grid, the line style for the major grid, or the background transparency.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 10. Customize the legend settings for Star View on the Legend page of Plot Options editor. For example,

add a logo to the legend or change the name of the Star View.

11. Customize the appearance, adjustments, and label settings for a selected device or all devices in the Star View, using the Devices page of Plot Options editor. For example, you can choose a different color sequence for Fuse1 from the pre-defined color sequence list or use custom color settings on the Appearance Tab of Devices page.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 12. You can choose not to display the short-time of the transformer damage curve by unchecking the

Show Overload option for transformer T1 on the Preferences tab of the Devices page.

13. Display the detail settings, label border and Base kV value for relay OCR2 by changing settings on the Label tab of the Devices page. Check label setting and border checkboxes. Click on Edit button and add Base kV property to Relay OCR2 Phase OC1 label.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 14. Close Star4 TCC View. Go to OLV1 (Star Mode) and rubber band the section of one-line diagram

containing Fuse1, T1, CB4, CB5 and Mtr1. Click on Create Star view button on Star mode toolbar.

15. The Star View generated for the selected one-line diagram (Star5) is shown below. Note that Label setting and grid display are turned on.

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar 16. This step describes the right click options available for device curves/labels. You can perform the

following tasks:

(a) Select CB4 curve, right click and choose ‘Bring Curve to Front’. CB4 is now placed on top of CB5 (bottom portion).

(b) Select Fuse1 label, right click and uncheck ‘Arrow’. Label arrow for fuse1 is now hidden

(c) Select CB5 label, right click and check ‘Border’. The label now has a border with white background.

(d) Select T1, right click and uncheck ‘Setting’. T1 label shows only the transformer ID.

(e) Select Fuse1-3P fault arrow, right click and check ‘Show Label in Front’ and ‘Border’. Notice how the fault arrow label is now visible on top of the fuse curve.

17. To customize the display annotations for one-line diagram elements in Star TCC View, click the

Display Options button. For example, the transformer T1 rating / %Z and the breaker rating/kV can be displayed on the one-line diagram in Star View by checking the applicable boxes in Display Options. (See the figure below.)

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Star Tutorial Star View (TCC) Toolbar

18. With ETAP Star, you can troubleshoot your device coordination studies for any Star View TCC. The Alert View button on the Star View (TCC) toolbar brings up a summary of alerts or messages (low priority alerts) that provides hints as to how and why a particular device curve is not being displayed or missing information regarding a device. The Alert View button is active if ETAP Star has detected errors; otherwise, the button is grayed out.

19. Keep Star5 open for the next section of the tutorial.

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Star Tutorial Normalized TCC Mode

6. Normalized TCC Mode In this section of the tutorial, you will learn about the features of the Normalized TCC mode in Star View. Normalized TCC mode provides a graphical view (TCC plot) of the operation times of protective devices, based on their corresponding settings and characteristics, for specified fault location and type. For more information on this feature, refer section 17.3.11 1. Go to OLV1 in Star mode. Select the StarMode1 study case and set the output report to ‘Prompt’.

Click on the Fault Insertion (PD Sequence-of-Operation) button on the Star Mode toolbar. Place the fault on Bus2 as shown below.

2. The calculation asks for an Output report filename. Enter SQOP-Bus2 as the name and click OK.

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Star Tutorial Normalized TCC Mode 3. The Sequence-of-Operation calculation displays the through fault current of the devices including

braches, loads, and buses. It also displays a graphical animation of the sequence of PDs that trip for the fault.

4. Select Star5 TCC View. Choose the output report ‘SQOP-Bus2’ from the report list above Star5 TCC View.

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Star Tutorial Normalized TCC Mode 5. Click on the Normalized TCC button to view Star5 in normalized (shifted) mode. The parameters and

description of the Sequence-of-Operation study is shown for a Normalized fault arrow. For each displayed curve, the shift factor is calculated and displayed in the label. The label also shows the actual operation times for the device. Also note that the Normalized TCC is displayed in per unit scale (multiples of through fault current in amps as seen by the device). Note: Fixed curves/points (equipment damage curve, motor starting curve, FLA Marker, Fault Arrow) are not displayed in the Normalized TCC view as they are not applicable to this mode.

6. Toggle the Normalized TCC button to view Star5 TCC in normal mode. 7. Close Star5 TCC and proceed to next section of the tutorial. 8. Alternatively, while Sequence-of-Operation result is active in the OLV, you can create a new Star

View which will be automatically placed in Normalized TCC view.

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Star View Short-Circuit Clipping Minimum kA

7. Short-Circuit Clipping, Minimum kA The Run/Update Short-Circuit kA button on the Star mode toolbar allows you to perform a short-circuit study to update the time-characteristics curve Clipping kA and Minimum kA for the applicable elements. The Clipping kA can be used for clipping the TCC curves and are specified on the Short-Circuit page of element editors. The clipping or minimum currents in kA can be set to Calculated or User-Defined. 1. Calculated option updates the short-circuit kA values for both 3-phase and Line-to-Ground fault fields

based on the Star Mode Short-Circuit study. 2. To manually enter the clipping/minimum kA, double-click a device to open the device editor, and

then select the TCC kA page. For example, open Fuse1 editor and select User-Defined option from the TCC kA page to enter the 3-Phase Fault and Line-Ground Fault clipping/minimum kA values.

3. To run/update short-circuit clipping for various protective devices in the one-line, open the OLV1 presentation in StarExample. Switch to Protective Device Coordination (Star) mode using the Mode toolbar.

4. . Select the StarMode1 study case and set the output report to ‘Prompt’.

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Star View Short-Circuit Clipping Minimum kA 5. To update short-circuit clipping kA values; click the Run / Update Short-Circuit Clipping kA button

to perform 3-Phase and Line-to-Ground fault calculations.

6. ETAP will prompt you to enter an output report name for this study. Enter any suitable name (up to 64 characters) for this short-circuit study.

7. Short-circuit calculation results are displayed directly on the one-line diagram. The results obtained after running short-circuit study for StarExample are shown below.

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Star View Short-Circuit Clipping Minimum kA

The ½ cycle symmetrical and asymmetrical fault clipping kA currents for 3-phase and line-ground are updated for the protective devices. The minimum kA currents can be updated by choosing the 30 cycle kA (or Min kA for IEC) option in the Star mode study case.

8. To view the updated current values, double-click a device adjacent to any faulted bus and go to the TCC kA page of the device’s editor. The updated 3-phase and line-ground short-circuit clipping/minimum currents for Fuse1 are shown in the figure below.

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Star View Short-Circuit Clipping Minimum kA 9. Select the Show on TCC option to display the fault arrows in Star View. The examples below show

Fuse1 and circuit breaker CB4 curves with and without short-circuit clipping/minimum fault arrows.

This concludes the tutorial for Star View. To learn more about the features and capabilities of the Star View module, refer to the preceding sections in this Chapter.

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