achievement orientation shell cure

8/17/2019 Achievement Orientation Shell Cure 1/15 Know thyself 

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Know thyself 

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One defnition states that “ NLP is the study o the structure o subjectiveexperience.”

So what isNLP…..

!i"ht# So $et %e repeat%y &uestion' (hat is









!eers to the %ind and how we or"anise ourthou"hts and %enta$ $ie.

)s about $an"ua"e* how we use it and how it a+ectsus. ,hat is the $an"ua"e we use to describe andcate"orise our wor$d* and %a-e sense o ourexperiences.)s about our se&uences o repetitive behaviour*patterns o thou"ht and how they he$p or hinder us.

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NLP and You 

ow do we do what wedo

ow do wethin-

ow do we $earn

ow do we "etan"ry

ow do we "ethappy

ow do successu$ peop$edo it

(hat do )want


ow do you dothat

(hat is the di+erencethat %a-es the


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NLP and Beliefs 

(hat we be$ieve deep$y a+ects what we thin-* how we act and react.

/any an ar"u%ent can be on whether a be$ie is ri"ht or wron"* however NLPsees be$ies in ter%s o he$pu$ and not he$pu$.

0s a resu$t o your be$ies1

(hat do you doow do you actow do you trans$ate what you seeow do you trans$ate what you hear

0s we can2t possib$y -now everythin" about everythin"……rea$$y……%any o ourbe$ies are our best "uess at the ti%e.

Get curious……..what are your beliefs and how do they serveyou?

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Roots of NLP

“The Structure of Magic” volume 1, Richar !anler " #ohn


[NLP is a  Synthesis]

Virginia Satir 

Fritz Perls

Frank Farrelly

Milton Erickson




Roots of NLP

Family Therapy




Gestalt Therapy


Proocatie Therapy



ChallengeExplore limits





George Miller 

Gregory Bates

 Alfred Korzybs

Ed!ard "apir 

Mathematical #

$eep structure

"urface "tructure




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The our Le!s of NLP 






"lic# each bo$ to %nd out &ore……..

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The our Le!s of NLP 


5enera$$y bein" in rapport with so%eone* isabout "ettin" on with the%.

3ut in NLP it is %uch %ore than this.!apport1

)s the frst step to "ood co%%unication

)s %eetin" others in their %ode$ o the wor$d

)s %atchin" the way you co%%unicate to theway the other person ta-es in inor%ation

)ncreases the $i-e$ihood that the %essa"e yousend wi$$ be the one they receive

Pro%otes trust and co%ort between peop$e

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The our Le!s of NLP 

 ,he second $e" is to -now what you want.(ithout -nowin" what you want you cannot

defne success* ce$ebrate when you achieve* or

%ap your journey towards your "oa$s.

 6ou need to as- yourse$ the o$$owin"


'hat do ) want

(hat do ) want

(hat do I want

(hat do ) want


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The our Le!s of NLP 

 ,he third $e" is to notice what is happenin" to you and tothers around you. 3eco%e %ore curious and aware o

the e+ects and i%pact o what you do. On$y then wi$$ yo

tru$y -now i you are on course to achieve your "oa$. 6o

can then use this eedbac- to adjust what you are doin"

 6ou need to as- yourse$ the o$$owin" &uestions1

ow wi$$ ) -now when ) have "ot it(hat wi$$ ) be seein" when ) have "ot it

(hat wi$$ ) be hearin" when ) have "ot it(hat wi$$ ) be ee$in" when ) have "ot it(hat wi$$ you see %e doin"* when ) have "ot it(hat wi$$ you hear %e sayin" when ) have "ot it


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The our Le!s of NLP 

) what you are doin" isn2t wor-in" doso%ethin" di+erent.

If you always do what you(ve always done)

you will always !et what you(ve always !ot

!e%e%ber* you a$ways have a choice o what

action you ta-e and how you act and react to

situations. )t is useu$ to $oo- at the wor$d ro%

di+erent perspectives and points o view. ,he

%ore behavioura$ 7exibi$ity you have the %ore

choices you wi$$ discover.

*ee+ chan!in! what you do until you !etwhat you want


%ction ahea

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Thin& of something you really want'not something you

on(t want or want less of or feel you shoul have)

*S *T +*T*N -./R 0.NTR.L2 3*N4 T5 P%RT .3 T5 ./T0.M5 T%T *S +*T*N -./R 0.NTR.L)


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*magine yourself having achieve what

you really want) Let your unconscious o this for you ' allow yourself to ream) /sing your uncon

&ey 6art of the 6rocess) !e aware of what you are seeing, hearing, feeling 6hyssmelling, tasting, an feeling emotionally) !e sure to o this “from your own sh

*N +*0 0.NT57TS %R5 -./ *M%$*N*N$-./RS5L3 +*T T*S ./T0.M5% *n which ones o you want to have this

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*magine how this can 8e or is a real 8enefit to

the significant 6eo6le in your life)

*t is vital that it is win9win) *f there is anything you nee to o in your thin&ing to ma&e it win9win, o that

+%T S.RT .3 0.ST +*LL -./ %:5 T. P%

%0*5:5 T*S% %re you willing to 6ay this 6rice

% *f not, let go of the outcome an 6ut your energies into somet


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+hat oes maintaining your 6resent state o for you

%ssuming you coul have achieve this outcome 8efore an evaluate)

ow can you 8uil the 8enefits of the 6resent state into the achievement of thestate

% ow oes achieving this outcome contri8ute to a higher goal

or an overall 6ur6ose that you have in your life

% *n what way oes achieving this outcome fit with who you ar

who you are 8ecoming

% +hat s6ecifically are you going to o that emonstrates yourcommitment to achieving this outcome +hen s6ecifically wi

o that !e very 6recise here a8out your action 6lan)

% *t nee only 8e the first ste6, 8ut it oes nee to 8e 6recise

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+ell forme outcome 1 State in the 6ositive ;what you o want rather than what you on(t<)

= 5>6resse in the 6resent tense ;imagining it as if you have it right now<)

? 5>6resse in all senses) -ou can escri8e what you are seeing, hearing, feeling 8y tou

smelling an feeling emotionally)

@ *t is self2maintaine ;it is a8out your 6art of the system, not e>6resse in terms of oth

A *t is a win9winB it is a win for the significant others in your life as well as for you)

C *t is an en result not Dust a ste6 en route)

E *t has a higher 6ur6ose ;it is ultimately a8out ma&ing a ifference in the worl for oth


F *t fits with who you are) *f you are an e>6lorer at heart, there(s no 6oint having a goa

security) G *t satisfies the 6ayoff that you get from your 6resent state)

1H -ou are 6re6are to 6ay the 6rice to achieve it an this is emonstrate 8y your ans

following Iuestion)

11 -ou are committe to ta&ing the s6ecific ne>t ste6)

1= -ou are willing to act an o so)

1? -ou hol the 8elief throughout that whatever ha66ens is fee8ac& ' there is no rawlearning)