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Confidential Business Vision Workbook Congratulations on being awarded an Achieve Systems Licensing program. Before you open or expand your business, it is most important that you go through this initial vision packet so we can help incorporate your vision directly into your business plan! 1

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Business Vision Workbook

Congratulations on being awarded an Achieve Systems Licensing program.

Before you open or expand your business, it is most important that you go through this initial vision packet so we can help incorporate your vision directly into your business


The award winning VGB Business Training Program


This workbook is for the following………Exclusive to the Achieve Systems Licensee or member

The VGB system is trademarked and copyrighted by Achieve Systems and can only be transmitted to the Achieve Systems Licensee or member. All rights are reserved!

Fitness Professionals & Business Owners

Fitness professionalsFitness Business ownersFacility ownersFitness Entrepreneurs Medial exercise professionalsWellness ProfessionalsEducators

Anyone in the fitness industry wishing to grow a business or personal client base! Nutrition Professionals & Business Owners

NutritionistsDieticiansWeight loss specialistsMedical Nutrition ProfessionalsNutrition Industry Entrepreneurs Educators

Anyone in the nutrition industry wishing to grow a business or personal practice!

Therapy Professionals & Business Owners

Physical TherapistsChiropractors Massage TherapistsHealth Care Practitioners Medical CommunityHolistic Health IndustryMental Health IndustryWellness ProfessionalsEducators

Anyone in the therapy industry wishing to grow a practice or personal patient base! The above communities and industries display this business plan system is important to the success of anyone!


General Information

This workbook is designed to organize your business thoughts and provide Achieve Systems with the initial information so we can help you progress through what we term “The VGB Business System” for your business! Once this workbook is complete it will provide all of us an understanding of your initial business vision. We will then develop your initial vision into your true business vision which will be turned into goals and then be incorporated into your complete business plan.

What happens if my vision changes (because it will!)?

Great business minds change their business vision many times as their business grows. This is simply adapting to success, failures and growth opportunities. Nevertheless, we must develop your initial business plan through The VGB System. We will then help you to continuously update it as your business grows. After you create your business plan and vision do not be shy about changing it. The only thing we recommend is that as you change it you document those changes in your business plan so you are organized at all times.

Example of internal vision changes

You might start your business as a mobile professional offering your services and then find out that working with groups and opening a facility is you’re thing. If this happens, more of your time and effort will go toward groups than will go to your mobile department. The goal is of course to keep each segment of your business growing, but initially you will have to determine where your strengths are and what you are going to focus on. As the business progresses so will your divisions within your company and your overall vision. We all need to do what we love and are enthusiastic about doing.

We have had a licensing owner in the fitness industry join our team who started 100% as a mobile in-home fitness trainer and then progressed to developing fitness camps and 2 years later he was earning over $120,000 a year profit in fitness camps as his vision and passion changed based upon learning what he loved. His passion even 10 years later right now is within fitness camps as he found his niche and incorporated it into his vision. He has added numerous revenue streams and has doubled his income or more!

About developing your VGB systemProgressing in developing your business plan

Company President and industry Icon Robert Raymond has developed a very sharp business system called “The VGB System” which stands for Vision, Goals and Business. It is a method to develop a plan which will become one of the backbones of what you do. The objective of this workbook is to develop a business starting point through this period of preparation prior to your attendance at Achieve University Program. This initial vision will be progressed and directed towards developing your complete business plan.


Step-by-Step equal’s success

As you are completing this workbook think about your business and how you see it!

By the time this workbook is done you should have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish professionally and financially leading to the next workbook which develops your goals.

The vision and goals workbooks lead to plugging the information into a strong business plan system.

No matter what industry you are in this workbook is very important! Once all is completed it organizes your systems, provides you an action and implementation plan and gives you solid structure! Do not proceed to business development until you take these steps.

Jumping ahead is one of the biggest failure modes in our industry! Concentrate on each page one at a time for best results while using your critical thought process. By the time you are on the last page all will come together.

Feel free to either write this booklet out or type in information. Whatever

works best for you.


What is my Personal Business Vision?

Achieve Systems has this incredible Vision:

We can do this through helping our network and they extend what they learn how too many!

Now let’s learn how to deliver your vision

Create Your Business Vision StatementOK, this is very important! Read this 3 times before you write your vision on the next page!

Your vision is a very important part of your business but it is also very important to your life. Your business vision should be written down and you should review it regularly and frequently. Your business vision is a description of where you foresee your business and it will not include any action steps or goals! This is very important because business vision is the happy part of what we do. It is the thing that motivates you every day. Your business vision should include things that are most important to you.

A typical business vision statement will include the following features;


It should be a statement of your passion and something that will motivate you! We are going to have you reviewing your business vision statement every day as it should excite you, give you confidence and provide you a direction towards what you are going to accomplish.

Your statement should encompass what you do and as you answer all in this packet you will come to that conclusion!

Your statement should display what you want to accomplish within your career, helping people, money/financials and business growth. What makes you passionate?

Here is an example of a business vision from one of our current licensing owners:

My vision includes me running a corporate wellness business and having a number of corporations that I manage and run. I want to help people who work in offices become less sedentary and more active, creating myself great income. I will also earn passive income by hiring other fitness professionals to work in the center that is under agreement with my business and by using all my AF Systems business assets.

Helping people is always my first priority and by helping people I will earn the income I deserve. I will also be able to spend more time with my family as the business grows and turn my business over to my children when I retire.

Feel free to get emotional because your vision is an important part of you!

Your vision should be something you are very passionate about and if you are you are on the right track to success. A lot of people cry when they think about their vision and really come to terms with where they want to be in the world and what they want to do!


The example provided above is a great business vision because it is a vision and not a goal that shows that I do this because I love it and want to make a difference. You will prospect at a

higher level always doing something you love.

The above statement represents everything this person wants and if you think of your vision it makes you think of all the good things that will be coming to you. Some people have a 1 page vision and others have 5. You need to determine but you need to make sure it has nothing to do with goals. You do not want to say “My goal is to earn 100k a year”. That will come in the goals packet you will do next. Your goals are what drive you to work every day.

Your vision is your happy statement and your goals are what are going to allow you to reach your vision. I have even had people put I want to get married in my vision and a successful career will bring that for me and my boyfriend. You want statements that have meaning to you!

Please write your entry vision on the next page. Then go through the questions in this workshop packet and at the end insert your final vision statement.


And create!Prior to going any further please take a moment and provide a written description of your current business vision but please make sure you read the………….

What is my vision Statement?

This is one of the most important parts of this workbook so answer it to the best of your ability and spend some time thinking about it! A strong vision equals focused success!

My Vision Statement is:





Business Organization System and your initial vision set-up process

As a Systems Member you have many opportunities to grow and expand your business with numerous assets you will learn to plug in to increase your revenue greatly.

We have successful business plans for each of the following systems right in your exclusive back office.

Mobile Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness and Therapy Business Corporate Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness and Therapy Business Corporate Fitness, Nutrition, Therapy and Wellness Programs Residential Fitness, Nutrition, Therapy and Wellness Business Fitness Camps, Classes and Groups Existing and New Gym Owners Online Fitness Business Systems Client Base Development for all industries Sales Programs Numerous Master Trainer Programs & Educator Opportunities Numerous Business Revenue Streams to grow your business Individual Needs National Presenter Business Retreat Program Business Other:________________________________

To begin the process of organizing your business you need to develop an understanding of:

Where are you going to start? Where do you want to be? How are you going to get there?

These are 3 of the key factors for starting or growing your business. Once these factors are determined we will be able to incorporate them into what we call The VGB System which is the development of your vision which is then incorporated into your goals and finally sculpted into your business plan.

This seems to be overwhelming?


Overwhelming is OK as long as you take this step-by-step! The results come as the pieces all come together when we are done.

Even for the industry veteran this system can seem extremely overwhelming!

When you are going through this workbook remember that you do not have to operating in all the areas mentioned in this booklet and you cannot. We are working to develop your initial business vision and we must go through every possible division within your business to do so we can help you determine and lay out the financial and professional success available within each!

Developing your personal client base/customer vision


“Working in your business”

Working on your business and not in it is always the goal but it takes dedication and effort to get to that

point! Work to get there!


A Key to success!

When you open or start growing your business you will have to wear many hats and some include working in your business. The difference between working in and working on your business is substantial and a very important concept for you to understand.

Working in your business is doing things where you exchange dollars for hours worked such as training clients, selling systems etc.… which with many business owners is necessary when you open your doors (wearing many hats). As the business progresses and grows, one of your goals might be to work exclusively on the business, which would be performing tasks that involve business growth and expansion.

An example of working in your business would be going from having an in-home division to expanding to camps etc. It is your job as the business owner to make transitions such as this successful to expand your business.

In Section IV you will develop your company flow chart and as you go through it understand that you will be working both on and in the business in most situations but the goal in the future is to work predominantly on your business and not in it.

Notes for your coach leader:

Developing your initial


Company vision questions

So many possibilities for my business! Let’s structure them!

One of the first things we do is, we start with you (yes YOU) the business owner. When we start a business we sometimes have to work in our business which means we have to perform the services, client development, marketing and everything else that a business needs to be successful.

As our business grows and we have sufficient revenue we can transition to having others doing much of the work for us (business growth goal). Let’s start by having you answer some very important questions that will help develop your vision, turn it into goals and then turn it into $$.

Development of your personal or business client base


Is one of your main initial goals to develop a client base for yourself? Explain:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

NOTE: If you’re past this point awesome! Move in to working on your business! If this is the case it means you’re financially in a good position within your business.

Within each entity of your business will you be doing the majority of the training/or/service work? Explain:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How many client/customer hours do you need to make yourself financially ok? Financially ok is defined as you have enough income to pay your bills and support yourself so you can adequately grow the business. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When you start a company you sometimes have to wear many hats until you can progressively grow the business to where you can hire contractors or employees. Do you plan to immediately hire staff to do the training for you or do you plan to do the training yourself? Explain:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


When would you like to start hiring to grow your business? Is this a goal of yours?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any resources you can currently use to develop clients/business and what are they?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Achieve University Note:

At Achieve Fitness University you will go through a client development day to train you on how and where to pick up clients based upon company president Robert Raymond’s 90 days to a full client base program. This program can be tied to any business whether it is internet based, mobile fitness, gym owners, fitness camps or whatever you are looking to accomplish.

Industry leading published book by your University instructor. Available in your back office FREE!


Developing your divisions within your Business

“Working on your business”

How many divisions will you have?

Let’s get started!

Initial Business Vision Workbook


Make sure Section I (above) is completed before moving forward!

In the previous section you have developed your personal goals for development of a client base. Now it is time to begin structuring your initial vision based upon your business rather than your own personal goals for yourself.

Work on your business and not in it?

Notice each workbook section has a quote that states “working on your business” or “working in your business”.

One very important factor we will be training on extensively is working on your business, and not in it, as it grows. This simply means you are the president of your business and you have other people working on different aspects of your business.

Now that we have developed your personal basic vision, let’s next develop the divisions which you will have in your business. Do not be overwhelmed by the many divisions that can be offered by you becoming an Achieve Fitness Systems licensing owner. When filling out the following pages make sure to see which aspect of the business strikes you and makes you most excited and classify that as your priority.

Do all business owners work in every division within their business?

It is impossible to work in every division available within a business and this workbook will provide the starting point of your direction. Spreading yourself too thin within the business will limit your success BUT the development of your VGB system will not allow that to happen. Initially if you see divisions below you don’t feel you can be successful in immediately explain that.

Of course the goal of a business is to have managers, trainers and staff working for you growing each division of the business but it is most important we develop the starting point. The starting point may be you as an independent trainer or even jumping in and hiring staff based upon your vision statement. We will help you with this entire process.

I already own a business and have clients?

That is great and this gives you a great head start. Even though you have this head start you are here for a reason and we must develop your VGB system to better your business. The weakest link in an unsuccessful business is usually the business plan and the development process of the plan. We will now develop a very strong business plan for your business.

I am starting from scratch and am ready to own my own business and become an entrepreneur?


If this is the case we will develop your VGB system together and by the time you complete your Achieve University training program you will have a golden business plan in place and ready to implement with many success strategies and systems in place to support you forever!

Notes: Write any items or questions here that you wish to have addressed


Business Division DevelopmentWhat do you really want to do or are you doing it?

You will now begin developing your initial vision of each division in your business. We will at a later time strengthen your vision together and turn it into goals which will then allow us to develop your business plan. Right now concentrate on putting in what is your business which has previously been defined in your business development workbook.

SYSTEM 1Fitness, Nutrition wellness or Therapy Business Owners- Client Development

It does not matter if you are in the fitness, nutrition, and therapy or wellness industry. Most professionals work on the go and provide a ‘we come to you service’. If this is you let’s get started!

HistoryAre you an on-the-go professional? Fitness, Nutrition, Therapy, Wellness or Business Services!Client development is one of the most important aspects of your business. Where do you plan on finding your clients? Where do you plan on working with them? What services do you plan on providing them? We have defined the services you will provide above. Now it’s time to classify our locations and business systems.


Most people in our service industry provide a mobile service (we come to you). If you plan to provide this service fill out this section. Mobile defined simply means you are traveling to provide a service to someone at a location that is not our own!

I am not interested in having an in home/mobile division in my business ________ (if this is true, check here).

Are you interested in opening an in-home/mobile service immediately or you have one currently? Explain:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Out of the list above, please rank this department within your business on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being ‘not interested in it’ and 5 being ‘yes I am ready to open this division ASAP’? ______________. Explain:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any prospective partners in the region for mobile services? Please list: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you view your mobile services division? Give an explanation on your views of how you see this division working in your territory? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



What are your marketing objectives?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Corporate Wellness Training Business Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness or Therapy Pro’sCorporate accounts are a great way to get business!

History: Corporate Wellness is a multi-billion dollar business opportunity right in your region. You can work with clients in gyms, their office and provide many profitable scenarios for your business (use our revenue streams). Please fill-out below to start sculpting your vision of your possible corporate fitness department.

I am not interested in having a corporate division _______. (If this is true, check here).

In developing your company are you interested in immediately opening your corporate division and what level of concentration are you going to be able to give it? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you interested in opening a division immediately developing relationships with businesses to train their employees on site? Explain:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Out of the list above please rank this department within your business on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being ‘not interested in it’ and 5 being ‘yes I am ready to open this division

ASAP’? ______________. Explain:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Do you have any prospective corporate partners in the region? Please list: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you view your corporate division? Give an explanation on your views of how you see this division? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Corporate Business Plan Questions

Do you want to learn how to open corporate facilities? ____________Do you want to learn how to offer your services and develop proposals for corporate facilities to offer your services? ______________Do you want to learn how to staff corporate facilities? __________Do you want to learn how to provide services to the corporation that does not have a facility? ___________.Do you want to learn how to do corporate health fairs? ________Do you want to learn how to sell equipment to corporate facilities? ___________Do you want to learn how to sell promotional exercise, nutrition or therapy products to companies? ________Do you want to learn how to present yourself to corporations? _________Do you want to learn how to promote your business through corporations? ____________Do you want to learn how to develop your corporate business plan now or later? ________ Explain? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Please describe your definition of your corporate business system? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Residential CentersCommunity Outreach Programs

Residential communities provide you the opportunity to reach numerous clients to offer your services in a structured environment.

History: A residential center is defined as providing your services, or product to a location that has a facility at an area where people live. This could be in an apartment complex, loft, or town home community etc.

We have created a turn-key residential program that has been very successful over many years of existence and allows you to plug your services and products into these locations to profit.

We have had great success in having the opportunity to train clients out of these locations. It provides us with a FREE location to train clients and a great revenue stream for all entities.

I am not interested in having a residential division _______. (If this is true check here)

In developing your business are you interested in immediately opening your Residential division and what level of concentration are you going to be able to give to it? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you interested in training clients and developing on-site residential centers? Explain:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Out of the list above please rank this department within your business on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being ‘not interested in it’ and 5 being ‘yes I am ready to open this division


ASAP’? ______________. Explain:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any prospective residential centers in the region that you know about? Please list: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you view your Residential Division? Give an explanation on your views of how you see this division working in your territory? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Residential Business Plan Questions

Do you want to learn how to open residential gyms? ____________Do you want to learn how to staff residential gyms? __________Do you want to learn how to offer your services and develop proposals for residential facilities? ______________Do you want to learn how to provide services to these locations that do not have a gym? ___________Do you want to learn how to promote your company in these locations? ________Do you want to learn how to sell equipment to the residential community? ___________


Do you want to learn how to do interior and exterior marketing programs? ___________Do you want to learn how to present yourself to these centers and develop your marketing materials - residential fitness packets you will provide? _________Do you want to learn how to promote your trainers through these locations? ____________Do you want to learn how to develop your residential business plan now or later? ________ explain? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please describe your definition of residential accounts here? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Classes or Fitness Camp System Work with groups to maximize profits

“Groups provide a much higher ROI. When you work with people in numbers you can charge less and earn more due to bigger numbers while providing you the opportunity to get numerous referrals.”

First of all, let’s define what a fitness camp, boot camp or class is? This is providing a structured group setting for a specific or non-specific population in an environment such as a park or rented space. We provide and train you in systems for successful business around camps. Camps and classes can be held in the fitness, nutrition or therapy industry!

I am not interested in having camps/classes in my business _____________. (Please check here if you are not going to incorporate camps/classes into your business system.)

You must now define which camps/classes you would be interested in incorporating in your business?

Please circle any camps you would be interested in developing a business plan for?

Co-ed circuit training camps Sport specific camps Kids camps (speed camps, obesity etc...) Women only camps Men only camps Boot camps Other Industry _______________________________________ Other Industry _______________________________________ Other Industry _______________________________________ Other Industry _______________________________________

How many camps/classes would you have per week and how many hours per week per camp?



Where would you have these camps/classes? _________________________________________

How many people would you allow per camp/classes? _________________________________

Would you have to pay rent to hold this camp/classes? ______________________________

How would you market your camp/classes? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes you want us to review:


Become an industry presenter

Are you interested in doing public speaking engagements to profit or generate business? This is a great way to get in front of numbers and create huge success!

If so, we have a great system to help you accomplish your goals. Let’s develop your vision!

What is your Industry you wish to present on?

List your topics ________________________





Explain how you will profit from a presentation?


Explain where you will hold these presentations?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Explain your target market?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain what (if anything) you will sell at your presentations? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain any products or materials you will need to create or have created for these?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain your pricing structure?


Explain how you see yourself marketing?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Retreat Program Business

Retreats have become highly successful for wellness, Fitness, Nutrition and Therapy professionals. We have a great retreat systemDo you plan on holding retreats? Y/N

If so,

How many per year? ___________What locations? ________________________________________Do you have a price plan? ________________________________

What do you envision as your start date? ____________________

How do you plan to market? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are you going to sell in addition to the retreat?


How do you see this fitting into your business and is it your entire business or just part of it?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Open an Online Fitness, Nutrition, Therapy or Wellness Business

Are you interested in opening an online fitness, therapy or nutrition business?

Have you used any online fitness training or nutrition program?

What is your vision of how you plan to use this system?

What are your obstacles?



Open a Networking Business

Coaching leader Shari Mitteco provides Turn-key networking business opportunities for our members!

Achieve Systems offers our own turn-key networking businesses that you can use to profit from as a business entity or simply use to attract leads.

Are you interested in opening your own networking business? Yes/NoHave you done lots of networking in your career? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Will this be your business or one entity of it?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have locations to hold events yet? Yes/ No

Achieve systems provides a turn-key business system provided by our head coach Shari Mitteco. Both events are social and attract great prospects. Both are exclusive for use to the Achieve Systems Licensees. If interested let your head business coach know and we will get you started!


Your business revenue streams

A business cannot grow off from a single service. Now it’s time to pick out what revenue streams you will add to

your business.

How to make additional money flow through your business and use it to increase your business

The average million dollar profitable business has 7 revenue streams feeding into the core business. The above is considerred your core business

(congratulations)! Now lets find some revenue streams that will fit into your business.

You will go through extensive revenue stream training at Achieve University!


Checklist of available Revenue Streams For your business!

Create your revenue stream vision NOW!About this revenue stream section: Now that you have provided your business coach leader with necessary answers directed towards developing your business vision it is important you develop a list of the additional revenue streams you wish to incorporate within your business.

Definition of a revenue stream: A revenue stream can be and is one of the most important things available to a business owner. It is an additional way you can make money within your business by adding a new function to your business.

Achieve Fitness Systems Provides: AFS provides our licensing partners many additional revenue streams to incorporate into their business and help make them much more successful.

Develop your vision: Your business coach will provide complete training on many of the additional revenue streams that we offer you as an AFS licensing owner. In order to streamline this we need you to answer the following questions within developing your business vision.

Please check any of the following you wish to incorporate in your business and answer the one question under it.

Hiring independent contractors and staff

How do you envision hiring staff or partnerships? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Achieve Academy

Do you envision becoming a master trainer in fitness, nutrition or therapy & working with our team to fill your schedule with that specific niche?

How do you envision working as a master trainer? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which program(s) are you interested in?1)2)3)4)5)

How do you view your branding process as a master trainer?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Selling Fitness or therapy Equipment through Achieve Equipment

How do you envision selling fitness accessories and do you see yourself as a sales person who could represent our product line in your region to gyms and the broader market?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

National Tradeshows, conferences and expos Local Tradeshows, conferences and expos

Do you plan on working AS Sponsored Shows in your area? ___________Do you plan on working non sponsored shows you run in your area? _______.Do you plan on working local shows and using AS products to promote sales and training? _____________

Explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Incorporating commercial and home equipment sales into your business or simply using as a tool of business comes up?


How do you envision incorporating equipment sales into your business? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Product and Education Creation Program

How do you envision you or your staff creating products and education materials that AF Systems can take to market and sell for you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Selling the Achieve Systems Licensing Program for license owners, working with us nationally

Our licensing owners have an exclusive opportunity to sell and recommend the AFS licensing program. Do you plan to promote and sell the program for profit or have someone in your organization doing it for you?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Do you envision selling supplements or using Achieve Nutrition Systems? You can use our supplement lines that are preferred or your own at any time. We do not recommend any specific line but do provide lines for you to use.

List: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Are you interested in having a nutritionist on staff that you can use to earn outstanding income in your business?

Yes/ No

Explain: AFS offers you your own nutritionist on staff that charges that charges your clients their full market rate for their services and you receive a percentage of that. The amount will depend on the program your client is working with.

Explain your goals: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



What other revenue producing systems are you interested in adding to your business?

Please add any other ways you believe you can add income potential to your business?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you envision working with Achieve Therapy Systems?


Do you envision doing our networking group system for profit?



Do you envision using our website development and SEO system?




Do you envision using your resource center for coaching services?



Do you envision using your business in a box system to set-up companies to help you such as credit card processors, payroll, printers etc.?


Notes on who? Visit and click on business in a box

List here:

What other revenue streams do you plan on putting into your business?view the revenue stream manual for all revenue streams and input here!






The above revenue streams will provide your business multiple revenue streams flowing into your business to profit. Adding revenue streams consistently is important to your success as long as the revenue stream supports your overall vision!


Final Vision Statement

Now go back to your vision statement you created in the beginning of this workbook and make any changes to it that are needed after you filled out this packet.

If there are no changes copy and paste your Vision Statement here!

Insert Here

This statement will go right into your business plan! The goal of this workbook is to bring together a strong vision statement leading to the creation of your goals in the next workbook.

Final Vision Statement (insert here)


Develop your Business flow chart

“Every successful business has a business structure that it is moving toward.”


Develop Your Business Flow Chart

NOWAbout your business flow chart

Every business needs a detailed business flow chart (even if you’re an independent). We have provided in this section a growth chart for you to fill-in your start-up business system. Remember, as we have discussed, this chart will change and you will record that as the detail changes.

What should be in your business flow chart?

Your business flow chart should consist of each position and division that will be available in your business. Initially you may be the president, vice president, manager and service provider within a corporate and mobile division. Over time you will have the opportunity to pass on positions to qualified individuals, but at first as a business owner we in most cases have to wear a lot of hats.

Wearing all the hats?

When you begin your business it is a fact that you must wear many hats. Understand that as your business grows you will take off one hat and hand it off to an employee or contractor who will run that piece of the business for you. This is essentially you passing on that responsibility to someone else in exchange for higher compensation, opportunity, profit sharing etc. which we will train you on during your Achieve University section.

Adding lines to your flow chart?

At any time you can add positions to your business flow chart. If you decide to hire a sales coordinator for corporate wellness simply add a line under the manager and install sales coordinator in that position. This business flow chart is a simple flow chart that will be added to over the years. We expect in 3 years it will look completely different than it looks today. This is true for establish business owners and new ones.

How do I progress my business flow chart?

This will be included in your training programs that you will receive from Achieve Systems. Initially your goal is to just look at your flow chart and develop your initial vision of what your business will look like. As the business grows the chart will change and be expanded upon.



Marketing Manager

Program Coordinator



Highlight each box and fill in the name or make changes as necessary!


Residential Manager

Corporate Manager

In-Home Manager

EquipmentSales Rep.

1st Contractor 1st Corporate Trainer

1st Residential Trainer

1st Equipment Rep

2nd Contractor 2nd Corporate Trainer

2nd Residential Trainer

This is a sample flow chart of a business. Insert your name as the owner in to all positions. As you grow your business you will replace your name with those individuals you have hired. If you’re just a solo business owner put your name in all.

Business Position Flow Chart

Fitness Camps

Fitness Camps or class instructor


Are you frustrated after completing this workbook?

Don’t be!

If you feel you did not fill this workbook out perfectly do not worry about it!

As long as you gave it your best and answered everything you did your job! We will help with the rest!

Your business coaching leaders will help you put this into your business plan, make it successful and give it the final touches you are looking for at Achieve University.


Achieve University


You have just completed the necessary information that your business coach needs to start helping you develop your VGB business system and business plan.

This information packet will lay out the direction of training you will receive within your next steps and attending, Achieve University.

In your next step you will complete your goals workbook which will help deliver your final business plan before attending University.

Remember your vision is based upon your beliefs and objectives. We will set goals in the goals packet next leading to well over $10,000.00 worth of business training at Achieve University!

Yours in Success,

The Achieve Systems Business Coaching TeamSend to [email protected] and confirm it was received.