accessory - dark sun - dark sun conspectus

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus



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    .;.and 1M design~te T\aaiimarRs oWQed by TSR, Inc. 1995 (SR, Ino. All RIghts Reserved_

  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus



    A DECADE OFr liveina world whereblistering heat isthecompanion at da~slongand cold, where tear-tilleddarkness rules the night_Iamthe wanderer) travelingtar and wide to learn thesecrets at Athas so that rma~write them down andshare them with the wOl-ld.

    I have much to tell torchange is brewing inthisharsh wasteland. Butbefore one can understandthe here and now)one mustlearn wellat the past. For itis from the past thatAthas's dark secrets werefirst born ....

    Ten~ears have come andgone since the start at thegreat change._.ten ~earssince KingKalak attemptedto cheat nature much likeBorys had done twomillenniapast. Hisplan wastapertorm theentire ten-stage

    metamorphosis process tobecome a full dragon inonegrand ritual. Tostop hisruthless design, a newdecade was born. Icall itthe Decade at Heroism,because heroes steppedtorward to save our-cit:!atT~r. Led b~ Rikus, thegladiator, these heroeswere able to killKalak andsave the livesof thousands.There was anothersignificant and hopetull_ljtar-reaching result at thei,-great feat: T~rbecamethe first dt0-state to

    tree its slaves.CjueentellAncientRajaatjthe

  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


    FDARK SUNAs the decade progressed, lirst Sorcerer, the Cerulean Storm, a hugeothers tried to gain the warbringer, escaped trom rainstorm that continues tomantle at sorcerer-king or prison. Yet that was but a rage over the Sea of Silt.sought power trom othe,- short-lived victor~ tor evil. About the same time asvenues. The Dark Lens was Soon torced back into the Rajaat was confined, arecovered. Sadira at T_yr Hollowthat had contained great earthquaketound the powel-to oppose himtor two thousand 'years, thundered trom the west.the Dragon in the Pristine Rajaat livesthere still, and, Attershocks still threatenTower. Tithian, who took hopefull.Ylfor alleternit_y. the T_yrRegion, and aKalak'Splace as king at ~yrJ gaping ritt was opened 6:;looked to ancient Rajaat as The results ot this decade the quake that leads toa source at irnrnortalitq. al-eal[around us. The T_yr parts at Athas that wereThe Dragon was Region is in turmoil as the once sealed trom the landsdestroqed l and two power-hungr,SJand ot the sorcerer-kings.sorcerer-kings ambitious vieto filltheand a sorcerer- vacuum left b!:.Jhe deaths Willthis age at heroes9ueen tell. at the sorcerer-kings. continue? I Ferventl_:!hopeAncient R~jaat'5 deteat 50, tor Athas needs heroesRajaat, tormed the if it isgoing to survive.the

  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus



  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


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  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


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  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus



  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


    ~." I~ oc J-ill I ;1 \ - 3t 4~I.,I ,

  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


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  • 8/2/2019 Accessory - Dark Sun - Dark Sun Conspectus


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