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About The Author ............................................................................................... 5

Kettlebell Exercises .......................................................................................... 6

Swings ........................................................................................................... 7

1-Arm Swings & Alternate Arm Swings .................................................... 9

Goblet Squat ............................................................................................. 10

Lunge (Pass Through) ............................................................................... 11

1-Arm Squat (Front Squat) ....................................................................... 12

Clean .......................................................................................................... 13

Clean & Press ............................................................................................. 14

Towel Bentover Row ................................................................................. 15

Snatch ......................................................................................................... 16

Slingshot ...................................................................................................... 18

1-Arm Push Press ........................................................................................ 20

2-Arm Overhead Press ............................................................................. 21

Thruster ........................................................................................................ 22

Turkish Get Up ............................................................................................ 23

1-Leg Stiff Deadlift ..................................................................................... 24

1-Arm Row .................................................................................................. 25

Renegade Row ......................................................................................... 26

Tricep Extension ......................................................................................... 27

Windmill ...................................................................................................... 28

Upright Row ................................................................................................ 29

Bulgarian Squats ....................................................................................... 30

Pistol Squats ............................................................................................... 31

Step-ups ...................................................................................................... 32

Towel Bicep Curl ....................................................................................... 33

Swing Combo (Catch, Goblet Squat & Overhead Press) ................. 34

Bodyweight Exercises ................................................................................... 36

Burpees ....................................................................................................... 37

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Lunges ......................................................................................................... 40

Static Lunges.............................................................................................. 42

Squats ......................................................................................................... 43

Pulsing Squat .............................................................................................. 44

Squat Jumps .............................................................................................. 45

Jumping Jack ............................................................................................ 46

Lateral Slides .............................................................................................. 48

Seal Jacks ................................................................................................... 50

Mountain Climbers ................................................................................... 51

Squat Jacks ................................................................................................ 52

Warrior Jacks.............................................................................................. 53

Press Jacks .................................................................................................. 54

Russian Twists .............................................................................................. 55

High Knees ................................................................................................. 56

Heel Kicks ................................................................................................... 57

Bunny Hops ................................................................................................ 58

Oblique Plank ............................................................................................ 59

Ski Abs ......................................................................................................... 60

Dorsal Raises .............................................................................................. 61

Cross Body Mountain Climbers ............................................................... 62

Inch Worms ................................................................................................ 63

Side Burpees .............................................................................................. 65

Single Leg Burpees .................................................................................... 68

Stance Jacks ............................................................................................. 71

Low Plank ................................................................................................... 73

High Plank ................................................................................................... 74

Walking Plank ............................................................................................ 75

Plank Jacks ................................................................................................. 77

One Leg Deadlift ...................................................................................... 78

Push-ups ...................................................................................................... 79

T Push-ups ................................................................................................... 80

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Walking Push-Up ........................................................................................ 83

Push-Up Jacks ............................................................................................ 85

Full Body Extension .................................................................................... 86

Bridge .......................................................................................................... 87

Single Leg Bridge....................................................................................... 88

Bicycles ....................................................................................................... 89

Flutter Kicks ................................................................................................. 90

Squat Thrusts .............................................................................................. 91

Pogo Squats ............................................................................................... 92

Pike Press-ups ............................................................................................. 93

Step-ups ...................................................................................................... 94

Static Squat ................................................................................................ 95

Frog Hops ................................................................................................... 96

Table Makers .............................................................................................. 97

Tricep Dips .................................................................................................. 99

Punch Jacks ............................................................................................. 100

Pistol Squats ............................................................................................. 102

Additional Resources ..................................................................................... 103

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About The Author

First of all, let me say a big thank you

for being an action taker and investing

in this program. What a super star you


I’ve no idea how you find this program

or me for that matter, but I’ve gotta

say I’m super happy to be sharing this

information with you and I truly hope

that what you are about to read (and

follow) opens your eyes to the world of

accelerated fat loss with the magic of


Now in all honesty, you don’t need to read this bit about me…so, if you

wanna get stuck straight into the workouts, etc I totally understand

However, if you’d like to know a wee bit about ickly old me carry on…

I started in the fitness industry as a personal trainer after finishing my

degree in Sports Science at Staffordshire University in England. And of

course, as a personal trainer with lofty ambitions I packed up my bags

and went to straight to London.

London was great, but Mrs W and I got fed up and wanted a better

work/life balance…so, we moved to London by the sea…also known as


I still train a few select clients each week, because I enjoy that part of

my work, but I now help way more people all over the World via the

ol’tinterweb, which I’ll admit is pretty cool!

And that’s exactly my focus: to help as many peeps as I can, no matter

where they live, to improve their health, fitness and vitality. Its brill, when

I get emails coming in from people all over the World telling me how

I’ve helped them lose weight or completely transform their health. I

love it!

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If you’re not the most athletically gifted person then you may struggle to get the

technique right first time when it comes to the kettlebell exercises.

Start off with a light weight until you have mastered the technique and then

increase the weight. Seriously, kettlebells are a fantastic way to exercise but they are

also responsible for a lot of injuries from those who try to perform the exercises

without the correct technique.

So take care! You have been warned!

Having said this, the swing is one of the most basic exercises you can do with the


It will work your hamstrings, your lower back and your core.

Oh, and of course it will raise your heart rate and increase your rate of breathing.

1. The starting position of the two arm kettlebell swing is with the kettlebell on the

ground in front of you.

2. Squat or deadlift the kettlebell so that you are then standing tall with shoulders

back and arms hanging with the bell positioned in front of you.

3. Start the movement by ‘hiking’ the kettlebell through your legs and then drive your

hips forward to propel the kettlebell through its arc.

4. Your arms are just hooks and the power comes from the movement of the hips

and your hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

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5. Swing the kettlebell to about chest height. At the top of the movement breathe

out whilst contracting your quads, glutes and your abs (by tilting your pelvis up).

6. Breathe in and hold your breath as you let the kettlebell free fall back between

your legs so that it passes through your legs above knee height.

7. Forcefully extend your hips to start the movement again.

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1-Arm Swings & Alternate Arm Swings

1. Stand tall with feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart.

2. Hold kettlebell with one hand, palm down and arms in front of body.

3. Bend knees slightly and thrust hips back, as you would do for a squat,

but don’t go down as far.

4. Maintaining a fluid motion, drive hips forward explosively while

swinging the kettlebell forwards with one hand to shoulder height,

engaging hips and glutes all the time. Swing the other arm out at the

same time to maintain your balance and help drive momentum. The

hips and glutes, rather than your arm, should be driving the kettlebell


5. Take kettlebell in your other hand after swinging it back between

your legs and swing it out again, focussing on the hip thrust to power it


6. Repeat swinging motion for the desired repetitions per side, or time.

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Goblet Squat

1. Hold a kettlebell by the handle close to your chest and assume a

comfortable stance.

2. Bring your knees out as you squat down to bring the kettlebell

between them.

3. Looking straight ahead at all times, squat as low as you can. Pause at

the bottom of the squat.

4. Keep your head and chest up, with your back in spine-neutral

position (straight).

5. Rise back up by driving through your heels.

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Lunge (Pass Through)

1. Stand upright holding a kettlebell in your right hand.

2. Step forward with your right foot and bring your torso (still held upright

in the neutral-spine position) down by flexing your knee and lowering

your body through your hips. Lower your back knee until it nearly

touches the ground.

3. As you lunge, pass the kettlebell under your right leg to your right


4. Pressing through the heel of your right foot, return back to the upright

starting position and repeat on the other side.

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1-Arm Squat (Front Squat)

1. Pick up a kettlebell with your right hand.

2. Bring the kettlebell into the rack position (as seen in pic). Keep your

right elbow by your side, your ‘bell in front of your right shoulder, and

your palm facing in.

3. Push your hips back and lower your body into a squat until your

thighs are parallel to the floor, and then stand back up, pushing up

through your heels.

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1. Start with the kettlebell between your feet.

2. Bend your knees to reach down and grip the handle of the kettlebell

with your right hand, your thumb pointing behind you.

3. Bring the kettlebell up with an upward thrust of your hips, letting the

momentum move your arm up to your shoulder.

4. The kettlebell should end in the “rack” position: resting on the

forearm, which is tucked close to the body, the fist at your chest.

5. Bring the kettlebell back down using the swing pattern and repeat

the entire movement again.

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Clean & Press

1. Place a kettlebell on the ground between your feet.

2. As you bend down to grab the kettlebell, push your butt back and

keep your eyes looking forward.

3. Swing the kettlebell between your legs as you would do with a 1-arm


4. Quickly reverse the direction and drive through forcefully with the


5. Bring the kettlebell straight up using the momentum created whilst

keeping it close the body. This part has to be done quickly otherwise it’ll

look more like a bicep curl. I don’t want the kettlebell to flip over your

wrist with a bang, so instead rotate your forearm and open your hand

slightly so that the kettlebell sits on the outside of your wrist.

6. As you catch the kettlebell on the outside of the arm descend into a

partial squat.

7. Explosively drive upward with legs, driving the kettlebell up off your

arm and overhead.

8. Lower the kettlebell to the front side of your body, catching it on the

side of your arm with your wrist straight while dropping into the partial

squat position again.

9. Stand tall and then allow the kettlebell to fall following the swing


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Towel Bentover Row

1. Take a towel and thread it through the handle of the kettlebells and

place it in front of you.

2. Bend knees slightly.

3. Bend over to pick up the kettlebells while maintaining a neutral spine


4. Pull kettlebells towards your stomach using the ends of the towel,

while maintaining neutral spine position (back straight, chest out) and

keeping your elbows tucked in.

5. Lower the kettlebell and repeat for reps or time.

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The snatch is an evolution of the swing, press and clean; a hybrid that is

a tricky one to master, but once you’ve got it, you’ll love it!

1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart and toes pointing out


2. Pick up the kettlebell with one hand with your thumb positioned

towards the inside of the bell.

3. Stand tall with your chest forward, shoulders back and abs slightly


4. Begin the movement with a powerful hip drive using the swing


5. Your explosive hip drive will allow the movement to continue up in a

swing like movement, but as the weight passes your waist pull the ‘bell

towards you slightly, which I call the ‘kink’.

7. There are two ways to do this next part. I find that rotating the

forearm so the kettlebell sits on the outside of the wrist prevents ‘wrist

bang’(where the kettlebell flips over the top of the hand and, if timed

incorrectly, bangs the wrist).

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This works well for newbies, but would be frowned upon by hard-core

kettlebell users and as soon as you start using heavier weights you are

really going to hurt yourself.

The ‘hard-core’ way is to let the kettlebell flip over with your arm slightly

bent (if it’s straight already, the weight is either too light, or your timing

isn’t right just yet). As the kettlebell is flipping over your hand to the

back of your forearm, think “PUNCH” and punch upwards. This will help

with the shock absorption, if you time it right that is.

8. Once in the top position with your arm extended directly to the sky

and almost touching your ear all that is left to do is reverse the


Common Mistakes:

Newbies often overuse their arms when attempting the swing, when in

actual fact most of the power should be coming from your hips.

Overuse of the arms might work with lighter weights, but it’s not going

to help when you try snatching heavier weights.

Another big mistake I often see newbies make with the snatch is trying

to ‘swing’ the bell overhead without a ‘kink’ (aka a pull). Notice the

image and the kink in my arm before driving the ‘bell overhead. but

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If you Google this exercise you will find a basic version whereby you

swing the kettlebell around your back passing between your hands.

This basic version is okay for a warm-up routine, but it won’t do much to

get your heart rate up. The outline below gives the slingshot a kick up

the backside and will be far better suited to our metabolic conditioning


1. If you’re not familiar with kettlebell exercises start this exercise by

passing the kettlebell backwards between your legs in a figure of 8

motion whilst holding a squat position and keeping your back neutral.

To help you progress the figure of 8 motion is best kept an imperfect

one. By this I mean that the kettlebell is better passed from hand to

hand whilst positioned closed to the leg. Otherwise you will have to

reach too far behind which will compromise your back position. Once

you can do this at speed (and without dropping the kettlebell) you can

move onto to the next step.

2. Now for the fun part. As you bring the kettlebell around your right leg

with your right hand stand up forcefully and ‘sling shot’ it up from the

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outside of your shin across the front of your body towards your left


3. Your left hand will catch the ball of the kettlebell and allow it to sit on

the left shoulder.

4. Pause for a moment.

5. Let the kettlebell drop in a downward arc so that the natural swing

takes the weight back through your legs over to the left side of your


6. As the kettlebell falls, position your body into a partial squat with a

neutral back and prepare your hands for the transition.

7. Pass the kettlebell to your left hand by reaching behind your left leg


8. From here bring the kettlebell around your left leg with your left hand,

stand up forcefully and ‘sling shot’ it up from shin height across the front

of your body towards your right shoulder.

9. Repeat.

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1-Arm Push Press

You might think that this exercise is all about the shoulders if you’re not

familiar with it, but in actual fact we want to get your legs working as


1. Position your feet shoulder-width or slightly wider and hold the bell at

shoulder height in the rack position.

2. Bend your knees slightly and push your hips backwards.

3. Forcefully drive your hips forward whilst standing tall and pressing the

weight overhead.

Think of fast snapping motion, rather than a slow and controlled


4. Finish with your arm straight and the weight locked out overhead.

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2-Arm Overhead Press

1. Hold the kettlebell at chest height with two hands.

3. Bring the palm of your left hand to the ball of the kettlebell with your

thumb placed through the handle and then slide your right hand into

the same position.

4. Press kettlebell vertically overhead while leaning forward from your

waist so the weight is positioned over the crown of your head with your

head through the ‘window’.

5. Bring the kettlebell down to your chest and repeat.

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1. Clean the kettlebell into the rack position.

2. From this starting position, drop into the squat by pushing your hips

backwards and bending your knees. Try to go down as low as possible

while avoiding the Hunchback of Notre Dame position.

3. As you drop into the squat you may need to raise your elbow on the

kettlebell arm and bring your other hand out for balance.

4. Once you hit the bottom of the squat, drive yourself up again by

extending your knees and hips and driving through your heels.

5. As you drive yourself up from the squat, press the kettlebell by

extending your arm straight up.

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Turkish Get Up

1. Take a kettlebell in your left hand and lie on the floor on your back.

2. Press the kettlebell straight up by extending your elbow.

3. Bend your left knee.

4. Lean over to your right side, keeping the kettlebell locked out, and

use your right arm to prop yourself up into a seated position.

5. Pushing your body up further with your right arm, lift your butt off the


6. From here slide your right leg backwards underneath your body, so

that you have it supporting a lunge position behind you.

7. Keep looking straight up at the locked out kettlebell, and slowly

stand up.

8. Reverse the motion back to the start position and repeat.

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1-Leg Stiff Deadlift

1. Hold a kettlebell in your right hand and let it hang at your side.

2. Bend your left knee slightly and push your right foot backwards.

3. Hinge your body from the hips and reach for the ground with the

weight, while lifting your right leg out straight behind you, keeping your

back flat.

4. When the kettlebell touches the floor reverse direction.

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1-Arm Row

1. Place a kettlebell next to your right foot.

2. Place your left foot behind your back and rest your right elbow on

your right leg.

3. Pull the kettlebell up to your stomach, keeping your back flat (neutral

spine) at all times.

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Renegade Row

1. Start in an elevated high plank position (either on a table or step),

but with one hand grasping the kettlebell by the handle.

2. Lift the kettlebell up off the ground and notice your core working


3. Prevent the body from twisting by pushing your hip down on the

lifting side.

4. Lower the kettlebell down to the start position and repeat.

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Tricep Extension

1. To begin, stand up with a kettlebell held by both hands (ball in palms

and thumbs through the handle).

2. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart from each other.

3. Slowly use both hands to grab the dumbbell and lift it over your

head until both arms are fully extended.

4. Keeping your upper arms close to your head with elbows in and

perpendicular to the floor, lower the kettlebell in a semi-circular motion

behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps.

5. Go back to the starting position by using the triceps to raise the bell

and repeat.

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1. Hold kettlebell in the ‘rack’ position in your right hand and angle your

feet 45˚ away from the right side of your body.

2. Raise the kettlebell directly overhead, lock your arm and keep your

gaze fixed on the weight in order to keep your shoulders aligned.

3. Shift your weight on to your right leg and begin bending forward at

the waist.

4. Keep your right arm extended upwards as your body bends forward,

pointing your left arm towards the ground.

5. Lift back up with slow and controlled movement.

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Upright Row

1. Place feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, at 45˚ to each

other. Place kettlebell on ground between your feet.

2. Lower yourself with a neutral spine position into a squat with bent


3. Pick up kettlebell with both hands and push through your heels,

keeping your core engaged, to rise back to your original standing

position, pulling the kettlebell upwards to your hips.

4. From this start position, pull the kettlebell up so that the handle

comes to your chin, with your elbows pointing up.

5. Lower the kettlebell to your waist and repeat from the start position.

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Bulgarian Squats

1. Start by standing about 2 to 3 feet in front of a flat bench with your

back facing the bench.

2. Have a kettlebell in front of you on the floor. Tip: Your feet should be

shoulder width apart from each other.

3. Bend the knees and grab your kettlebell with your right hand on the


4. Move your left foot back so that your toe is resting on the flat bench.

Your other foot should be stationary in front of you. Keep your head up

at all times as looking down will get you off balance and also maintain

a straight back.

5. As you inhale, slowly lower your leg until your thigh is parallel to the

floor. At this point, your knee should be no further forward than your

shoe laces.

6. Return back to the starting position by pushing through the standing

leg and then repeat.

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Pistol Squats

1. Pick up a kettlebell with two hands and hold it to your chest, with

your thumbs inside the handle.

2. Extend one leg slightly off the floor and squat down on the other one,

flexing your knee and sitting back on your hips. Continue to hold the

kettlebell up in front of your chest.

3. Pause for a few seconds, then drive yourself through your heels back

up to the upright position, keeping your head and chest up.

4. Lower yourself again and repeat.

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1. Stand up straight while holding a kettlebell in your left hand.

2. Place the right foot on the elevated platform. Step on the platform

by extending the hip and the knee of your right leg.

3. Use the heel mainly to lift the rest of your body up and place the foot

of the left leg on the platform if you feel your balance is a little shakey.

Breathe out as you execute the force required to come up.

4. Step down with the left leg by flexing the hip and knee of the right

leg as you inhale.

5. Return to the original standing position by placing the right foot of to

next to the left foot on the initial position.

6. Repeat with the same leg or alternate legs.

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Towel Bicep Curl

This exercise breaks our rule of working several muscle groups, as it

primarily works just the biceps. However, I’ve put this in here for peeps

who like to work their guns

You can do a bicep curl holding the ‘ball’ or the handle of kettlebell,

but I find it’s more effective to use a towel and do the bicep curls in

‘hammer’ fashion.

1. Thread a towel through the handle of the kettlebell and hold the

ends of the towel with each hand with your palms facing each other.

Stand tall lifting the bell off the ground with your arms pointing to the


Keep your elbows close to your torso and rotate the palms of your

hands until they are facing forward.

This will be your start position.

2. Now, keeping the upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weight

up towards your shoulders while contracting your biceps.

Hold the contracted position for a brief pause as you squeeze your


3. Inhaling, slowly begin to lower the dumbbells back to the starting


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Swing Combo (Catch, Goblet Squat &

Overhead Press)

1. Before trying this exercise you should have already mastered the

swing, goblet squat and the overhead press.

2. The only part of the movement that you’ll need to deal with is the

‘catch’. This is the phase when the ‘bell moves from the swing to the


3. To catch the ‘bell during the swing wait for it to reach waist height

and then slide your hands from the handle to the ball of the ‘bell, so

that your thumbs are inside the handle and your palms are holding the

the ball of the ‘bell.

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4. From here you can either push the ‘bell back into the swing

movement or execute another exercise, such as the goblet squat or

the overhead press.

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1. Start by giving yourself a little fist bump.

2. Drop both hands down to the ground with your knees next to your


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3. Jump your legs back so that body is fully extended and your arms

are supporting your body weight.

4. Jump your legs back in towards your arms with your knees next to

your elbows.

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5. Jump up as high as you can and clap your hands together to finish.


a) Place your hands on a chair/coffee table to make is easier.

b) Instead of jumping your legs back and forward you can simply

walk them backwards and forwards one at a time.

c) Replace the exercise with full body extensions.

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1. Step forward with one foot making sure that you’re not walking on a

tight rope, so to speak.

2. Once your front foot is in place, drop your back knee down to the

ground so that your back is straight and you’ve got a 90 degree bend

in each leg.

It’s also important that your front knee doesn’t lean forward over your


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3. Push off the heel of your front foot and travel back to the start


4. Repeat the movement again on the other leg.


a) Perform static lunges instead.

b) Use a chair/kitchen side/random person to maintain your


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Static Lunges

1. Start by taking a stride forward and making sure that your feet aren’t

on the same line (this will help balance).

2. Drop your back knee down, whilst keeping your back straight, so that

you have a 90 degree bend in each leg.

Make sure you don’t lean forward over the front knee.

Alterations: Hold on to a chair if you’re balance is all over the shop.

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1. Start by standing with your feet a little wider than shoulder width

apart and push your butt back as if you’re about to sit into a chair.

2. Lower your butt until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground,

whilst making sure the weight of your body is over your heels and your

back is straight.

Alterations: Stand in front of a wall to make sure your back is in the

correction position.

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Pulsing Squat

1. Lower your body into the squat position and bounce.

Yep, that’s all you have to do.

Oh and sing ‘Burn, baby, burn’ as loud as you can

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Squat Jumps

1. Start in the squat position and prepare to jump as high as your little

legs will allow.

2. Smile as you jump for the stars and make sure you land with your

back straight, avoiding the dreaded Hunchback of Notre Dame.

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Jumping Jack

1. Start with your feet together and your hands by your side.

2. Jump your feet to the sides, just wider than shoulder width apart

whilst throwing your arms up to the sides of your body and above your


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Alterations: To make these easier, rather than jumping step your left

foot to the side and raise your hands and step back into the middle.

Repeat this movement with your right foot.

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Lateral Slides

1. Use a space 6-7ft wide and start at one side of this space by

reaching down to the floor.

2. Once you’ve touched the floor take a couple of short steps as

quickly as you can over to the other side.

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3. Reach down to the floor once again with your other hand and

repeat the entire movement as quick as you can.


a) Speed it what makes this exercise hard, so simply slow down if you

need to and use footwear so you don’t slip on your ass.

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Seal Jacks

1. Start with your feet together and your hands together at your

shoulder height in front of your chest.

2. Jump your feet to the sides and swing your arms as wide as you can

whilst keeping them at shoulder height and then return to the


Alterations: Same as jumping jacks alteration.

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Mountain Climbers

1. Start in a full push-up position and then bring one knee forward

towards your elbow.

2. Switch legs and repeat until your legs burn like a mofo.

Alterations: Place your hands on a chair/coffee/kitchen worktop to

make this exercise dramatically easier.

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Squat Jacks

1. Stand with your feet together and hands by your side.

2. Jump your feet to the sides and drop into a squat position, making

sure the weight of your body is through your heels and your back is


Alterations: Do regular squats instead.

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Warrior Jacks

1. Stand with your feet together and your hands over head.

2. Jump your feet to the sides and lower your body into a squat position

before jumping back into the start position once again with your hands

over head.

Alterations: Regular squats.

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Press Jacks

1. Start with your feet together and hands just above your shoulders.

2. Jump your feet to the sides and push your hands overhead.

Alterations: To make these easier, rather than jumping step your left

foot to the side and raise your hands and step back into the middle.

Repeat this movement with your right foot.

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Russian Twists

1. Sit on your butt and lean back slightly.

2. Rotate from side to side whilst maintaining the same angle through

your back.

Alterations: Lean forward more to make this one a wee bit easier.

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High Knees

1. Kinda like running on the spot, but bring your knees up higher.

2. Pump your arms for maximum fun.

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Heel Kicks

1. Pretend you’ve got dog poo on your feet.

2. Wipe it the bottom of your feet by throwing your heels back towards

your butt.

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Bunny Hops

1. Set up in a full push-up position.

2. Hop from one side of your body to the other.

Alterations: Place your hands on a chair/coffee table to make this

much, much easier.

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Oblique Plank

1. Start by throwing yourself into a low plank (with butt slightly higher

than normal).

2. Bring your left knee up and out to the side in the direction of your left

elbow, whilst rocking your body forward slightly (shoulders move

forwards) and return to the start position. Repeat on the other side.

Alterations: Place your arms on a chair/coffee table.

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Ski Abs

1. Prepare yourself mentally and begin by setting up in a high plank


2. Hop both feet to the right hand side of your body, whilst bending

your knees so that they are also on the outside of your body. Return to

the start and repeat on the other side.

Alterations: Place your arms on a chair/coffee table.

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Dorsal Raises

1. Lay down on your tum with your hands touching your head for some

much needed rest.

2. Raise your chest slowly off the ground and down again.

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Cross Body Mountain Climbers

1. Start in a full push-up position and then bring your left knee forward

towards your right elbow.

2. Switch legs and repeat until your legs burn like a mofo.

Alterations: Place your hands on a chair/coffee/kitchen worktop to

make this exercise dramatically easier.

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Inch Worms

1. Stare at the floor.

2. Reach down to the ground (take feet wider if needed).

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3. Slower walk your hands forward until in a high plank position.

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Side Burpees

1. Place your hands down on the floor to your right hand side just to the

side of your body.

2. Bend your knees, so that your right knee is in the middle of your arms

and your left knee on the left of your left elbow.

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3. Jump your feet backwards and slightly to the side.

4. Jump back, so that your knees are next to your elbows.

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5. Begin to stand and get ready to jump as high as you can.

6. Jump for joy and clap your hands in total glee.


a) Place your hands on a chair/coffee table.

b) Replace the exercise with full body extensions.

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Single Leg Burpees

1. Stand on your left leg.

2. Bring your hands down to the ground, whilst keeping your right foot

off the ground.

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3. Hop your left back and take the weight of your body with your arms.

4. Hop your left leg back in and prepare to jump.

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5. Stand and jump up, still using one foot, and clap with your hands

over head.


a) Do regular burpees/walk out burpees instead.

b) Replace with full body extensions.

c) Run away.

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Stance Jacks

1. Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart and reach

down to the ground, whilst keeping your back straight and your head


2. Hop your feet back to the middle and stand tall.

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3. Hop your feet to the side again and reach down with your other


Alterations: To make these easier, rather than jumping step your left

foot to the side and reach with your hand and step back into the

middle. Repeat this movement with your right foot and reach with your

other hand.

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Low Plank

1. Hit the deck and then hold your weight on your forearms.

2. Keep your body rigid, whilst pulling your tummy in and squeezing your

butt cheeks for all their worth.

3. Don’t forget to breath!


a) Do it on your knees (which I hate).

b) Place your arms on a chair/coffee table.

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High Plank

1. Set yourself up in a full push-up position, except with your hands at

shoulder width apart.

2. Pull your tummy in and squeeze your butt for all it’s worth.

3. Don’t forget to breath.

Alterations: Place your hands on a chair/coffee table.

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Walking Plank

1. Start in a high plank position.

2. Lower one arm at a time slowly to the ground so that you’re in a low

plank position.

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3. Raise one hand up at a time, so that you return to a high plank


Alterations: Hands on a chair/coffee table.

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Plank Jacks

1. Set yourself in a low plank (tummy tight, butt squeezed).

2. Hop your feet out to the sides and back again, whilst keeping your

body super rigid and once again, don’t forget to breath!

Alterations: place your forearms on a chair/coffee table.

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One Leg Deadlift

1. Stand on one your left leg.

2. Reach down with your right hand, whilst keeping your back straight

and pushing your right leg out as far as you can to form the shape of a


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1. Start with your hands wider than shoulder width apart and a straight

line running from your ankles, through your hips to your shoulders.

2. Lower your body, whilst keeping that line through your ankles, hips

and shoulders, so that your shoulders are level your elbows and push

down hard to raise your body back to the start position.

Alterations: use a chair or a coffee table so that your core muscles

actually learn how to do the push-up properly.

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T Push-ups

1. Start in a full push-up position with your feet wider than usual.

2. Bang out your push-up as normal, but as you come up start to twist to

your left.

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3. Roll your body to the side so that your feet are on their sides and your

body forms the shape of a ‘T’.

4. Roll back to the middle and repeat the same process, whilst rolling to

the other side.

Alterations: hands on a chair/coffee table (surprise, surprise!).

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Walking Push-Up

1. Start by knocking out a normal push-up.

2. As you come up from your push-up step your right foot across.

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3. Move your left hand towards the middle.

4. Then your right across to the right slightly and perform another push-

up before moving back in the other direction.

Alterations: Hands on a table/coffee table.

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Push-Up Jacks

1. Start in a regular push-up position.

2. As you lower your chest down to the ground hop your feet to the

sides and return them as you push-up.

Alterations: Hmmm, let me think…a table or something like a chair

might do the job.

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Full Body Extension

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, push your butt out and

throw your hands backwards (kinda like a ski jump position).

2. Throw your hands forward and up over your head whilst standing

on your toes and return to the start position.

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1. Lay on your back with your feet in towards your butt and toes off

the ground.

2. Raise your butt off the ground nice and slowly and squeeze your

butt for all it’s worth, before lowering to the ground.

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Single Leg Bridge

1. Lay on your back with one leg out straight and the other leg bent

with your foot in towards your butt with the toes off the ground.

2. Raise your butt off the ground by raising the straight leg and lowering

down again.

Alterations: Stick with the regular bridge, where you don’t have to use

just one leg at a time.

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1. Lay on the floor with your hands on your head, your left leg

straight and the right knee bent towards your chest.

2. Bring your left knee in whilst pushing your right leg out as if you’re

pedalling on a bike. At the same time bring your right elbow

towards the left knee and repeat on the other side.

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Flutter Kicks

1. Lay on your back with your feet and shoulders off the ground.

2. Alternate your legs up and down in ‘flutter fashion’ whilst keeping

your lower back firmly routed to the ground.


a) Keep your head on the ground.

b) Lift your legs higher.

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Squat Thrusts

1. Start with your hands on the floor and your knees next to your


2. Hop your legs back, so that you are supporting your bodyweight

with your arms and then hop back to the beginning (easy-peasy).

Alterations: If you’re struggling bring out the chair or coffee table and

put your hands on top.

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Pogo Squats

1. Stand on your leg leg and reach down to the ground with both

hands whilst keeping your back straight.

2. Still using your left leg, stand tall and jump for joy with a good ol’

hand clap above your head.

Alterations: replace this exercise with the pistol squat.

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Pike Press-ups

1. Place your hands on the ground and your butt sky high.

2. Look towards your feet and lower your head towards the ground and

push back up (don’t forget to breath!).

Alterations: same exercise with your hands on a chair/table or lift

something heavy-ish above your head several times.

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1. Place your left foot on a chair/table.

2. Stand up on to the table/chair making sure that it’s your left leg that

does most of the work and return to the beginning.

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Static Squat

1. Sit your ass down in a squat position with your butt level with your

knees or thereabouts.

Alterations: take your feet wider to improve the range of motion (get

your butt lower).

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Frog Hops

1. Start in a quarter squat position.

2. Spring out of your quarter squat position and jump as high as you

can and then return to the start and repeat in quick succession.

Alternative: replace this exercise with full body extensions.

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Table Makers

1. Sit on your butt with your hands by your thighs.

2. Raise your butt off the ground whilst moving your knees forward over

your ankles.

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3. Finish in a ‘table’ like position and then return to the start position.

Alterations: replace this exercise with the bridge.

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Tricep Dips

1. Sit down on your table/chair, place your hands to the sides of your

body on the table/chair and then slide your butt off the table.

2. Lower your body by bending your elbows to 90 degrees and push

back upwards, whilst making sure your butt and lower back stay close

to the edge of the table/chair.

Alterations: leg straight makes it harder and knees bent (like in the

photo) makes it easier.

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Punch Jacks

1. Stand with your feet together and your hands at chest height.

2. Hop your feet out to the sides and punch the air with your right hand.

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3. Return to the start position.

4. Hop your feet out again and punch the air with your left hand.

Alterations: same as the jumping jack alternative.

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Pistol Squats

1. Sit your butt down on a chair/table and lift one leg off the ground.

2. Stand up just using one leg by rocking your body forward and

pushing down with your standing heel as hard as you can. Sit down just

using the standing leg and repeat.

Alterations: use your hands to help you up if you need to or use a taller


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Additional Resources

If you enjoyed these workouts and the manner at which I deliver them,

you might like to try a few of my other workouts programs…crazy

thought, I know?!