accenture delivery methods & offshore delivery

Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery Företagspresentation Uppsala 25 mars, 2009 2 Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Agenda 1st half (10.15-11.00) 1. Something about us 2. Facts about Accenture 3. Accenture Delivery Methods 2nd half (11.15-12.00) 1. Offshore experience 2. Consultant at Accenture 3. Questions

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Page 1: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture.

Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore deliveryFöretagspresentation Uppsala25 mars, 2009

2Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


1st half (10.15-11.00)

1. Something about us

2. Facts about Accenture

3. Accenture Delivery Methods

2nd half (11.15-12.00)

1. Offshore experience

2. Consultant at Accenture

3. Questions

Page 2: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

3Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

About myself

Name: Jerker SjögrenEducation: M Sc EE at LTH, SwedenPosition: Senior Manager,

System IntegrationYears with Accenture: 11 years (5 years in Brazil)Roles: Tester, Test lead,

Project / Program manager, Advisor, Account responsible

Industry/Specialty: Telecom, Billing, CRM, Outsourcing

Personal: Married; Two daughters:Carolina, 7 & Isabella, 5”Foodie”, Boats, Diving

4Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

About myself

Name: Henrik BoströmEducation: M Sc IT at UU, SwedenPosition: Senior Systems Analyst,

System IntegrationYears with Accenture: 5 yearsRoles: Developer, Designer,

Technical Team LeadIndustry/Specialty: Resources, Finance

OutsourcingPersonal: Living in Uppsala


Page 3: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

5Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


1st half (10.15-11.00)

1. Something about us

2. Facts about Accenture

3. Accenture Delivery Methods

2nd half (11.15-12.00)

1. Offshore experience

2. Consultant at Accenture

3. Questions

6Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Om Accenture

• Globalt tjänsteföretag inom management, IT och outsourcing

• Brett tjänsteutbud med utveckling av strategi, processer, organisation och teknologi

• Gemensamt varumärke och affärsmodell för konsekvent service till våra kunder världen över

• 1/3 av våra medarbetare anställda i offshorecenter, en del av vår globala leveransmodell

• Starkt erbjudande genom våra allianspartners• Mer än 178 000 medarbetare i 49 länder varav drygt

950 i Sverige • Olika karriärmodeller anpassade efter

arbetsuppgifter• Resultatorienterad företagskultur • Spännande arbetsuppgifter och balans i livet• Etik och Corporate Citizenship är viktigt

Page 4: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

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Vår tjänsteportfölj och strategiska leveransmodell

8Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


1st half (10.15-11.00)

1. Something about us

2. Facts about Accenture

3. Accenture Delivery Methods

2nd half (11.15-12.00)

1. Offshore experience

2. Consultant at Accenture

3. Questions

Page 5: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

9Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Varför behövs metoder?

• Struktur

• Dokumenterad, paketerad erfarenhet

• Gemensamt språk

• Gemensamma arbetsmetoder

• Fördefinierad dokumentation och mallar

• ”Checklista” => proaktivitet

• Fokus kan läggas på att lösa arbetsuppgiften, inte struktur, adminstration, planering

• Förutsägbarhet

• Trygghet

• Ökad möjlighet att leverera lyckade projekt

10Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Accenture Delivery Methods

Evolved over 25+ years, the Accenture Delivery Methods (ADM) reflect Accenture’s established reputation for delivery

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11Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Accenture Delivery Methodsfor Custom Development

Transition Points

12Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

ADM för olika tillfällenDevelopment cont.

Service Transition


Small Project Development - EA

Solution Realization - EA


Management Development

Program Management

Program & Project Management - EA

Service Termination - EA

Transformational Change Management

Strategy & Planning

Due Diligence

Enterprise Architecture Planning

Solution Planning - Outsourcing - EA

Solution Planning - SI&T


Application Management

Infrastructure Outsourcing – EA

EA = Early Adopter

DevelopmentAccenture Insurance SolutionAccenture Life Insurance Platform (ALIP) - EAAgile DevelopmentAlnova - EAApplication Renewal - EABusiness IntelligenceChange EnablementCustom Development Custom Development with SOA Extension - EA Custom Development - Portal (Accelerator) Enterprise Content Management - EA Enterprise Integration Infrastructure Joint Custom and Packaged Development - EA Oracle Packaged Development Packaged Development with SOA Extension - EA Packaged Development - Cùram (Accelerator) PeopleSoft RetekSAP - Core SAP Roll-Out SAP - Core Banking (Accelerator)

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13Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

ADM: the V-model

14Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Custom Development MethodsBuild

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15Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Custom Development MethodsBuild Application

16Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Custom Development MethodsBuild and Test Application Components

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Custom Development MethodsBuild and Test Application Components – CR Process

18Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Custom Development MethodsDevelopment Process

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Custom Development MethodsDevelopment Process - description

20Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Custom Development MethodsStatus Reports

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Varför ADM?

• Ett konsekvent ramverk för metoder gör det enklare att navigera mellan metoderna; du kan fokusera på projektarbetet utan att lära dig nya metoder på varje projekt

• Samma erfarenhet och förväntningar mellan projekt skapar möjliggör tätt samarbete med teamet och din teamledare från första dagen; du vet vad du skall göra

• Ett gemensamt metodspråk betyder att du kan ta hjälp av kollegor från hela världen, och du kan snabbt bli varm i kläderna i nya projekt

• Korrekt estimerade projektuppgifter gör att du kan driva arbetet framåt med övertygelse och mot ett gemensamt mål

22Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Accenture Delivery Methodsfor Custom Development - DEMO

Transition Points

Link ADM:

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24Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


1st half (10.15-11.00)

1. Something about us

2. Facts about Accenture

3. Accenture Delivery Methods

2nd half (11.15-12.00)

1. Offshore experience

2. Consultant at Accenture

3. Questions

Page 13: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

25Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Why go off-shore?

RisksEffort TimeframesProject cost

Support cost

• Lower cost of sourcing

• Experts do it more accurateand faster

• Repeatedlydone

• Advantage of scaleand access of skills and resources

26Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Dalian (1)

Manila (7)

Shanghai (1)

Mauritius (1)

Chennai (1)

Hyderabad (1)

Toronto (1)

Spain (2)

Mumbai (3)

Wilmington (1)

Atlanta (1)


Bratislava (1)

London (2)

Chicago (1)

Sao Paulo (1)

Riga (1)

Bangalore (3)

Figures in parenthesis represents the number of physical sites

Accenture is meeting a changed IT market with a global network ofdelivery centers; 71.000 employees, including 1,500 Nordic and Baltic staff.

How does Accenture go off-shore?

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27Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Offshoring is a success factor for Accenture in Sweden and continues to increase

• Approx 1000 employed in India per month

• Approximately 250-300 Indians in Swedish projects

• All larger IT project have offshore components today

• Increased turnover with 50% with good profitability

• “Sanity factor” rather than competitive advantage when competing in today’s market

• Few of our competitors can compete with our organic growth at the off-shore locations, utilizing the same methodology for delivery across the globe

28Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Two different approaches adopted by the Onshore Delivery Leadership heavily influenced their respective offshore “experiences”.

Project A Project B

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29Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Project A -Comments on working with the DC


"….my first impression is very positive. We have created a good starting point for the project – all is left is to deliver". [Onshore Development Team Lead]

Post Implementation

"the work with the IDC was very good and we were able to expand the scope from core ABAP development into functional testing, conversion and BW as well. [Onshore Development Team Lead]

"the project can be seen as a triumph and has in a way broken new ground in delivering a truly collaborative solution with our Offshore colleagues. With this in mind a special mention should go to our dedicated team at the India Delivery Centre, who delivered not only 2/3 of all development but also provided much needed on-site functional expertise in SAP Plant Maintenance, Materials Management, Project systems and BW. [Overall Delivery Lead]

30Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Project B -Not so good.

• Many Delivery & Quality problems

• Frustration & excessive unplanned overtime, both onshore and offshore

• Witch hunts & finger pointing

• Time consuming escalation and intervention from DC and OG management

• Cost overruns

• Delivered, but with much pain

• Soured experience for all concerned, including the client.

Page 16: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

31Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

LowHighSystem Complexity









On shoreTeam (with

some off-shore)


Project/Client Maturity• Interaction process• Development process• Requirements / specifications• Platforms & technologies• Tools

System Complexity• Data model• Functionality• Types / number of interfaces

The offshore ratio depends on the project and client maturity as well as the complexity of the system portfolio

32Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

On site




R e q u ire m e n ts D e f in it io n

F u n c tio n a l D e s ig n

A p p lic a t io n A r c h ite c tu r e

D e ta i le d D e s ig n

C o d e C o n s tru c t io n

U n it T e s t

A s s e m b ly T e s t M o d e l & P r e p

C o n c e p tu a l S o lu t io n

P ro d u c t T e s t M o d e l & P re p

B u s in e s s P r o c e s s T e s t

T e c h n ic a l T e s t

D a ta T e s t

P ro d u c t T e s t M o d e l & P re p

B u s in e s s P r o c e s s T e s t

T e c h n ic a l T e s t

D a ta T e s t

P ro d u c t T e s t E x e c u tio n

B u s in e s s P ro c e s s T e s t

T e c h n ic a l T e s t

D a ta T e s t

P ro d u c t T e s t E x e c u tio n

B u s in e s s P ro c e s s T e s t

T e c h n ic a l T e s t

D a ta T e s t

A s s e m b ly T e s t E x e c u tio n

A rc h ite c tu re T e a m : F u n c t io n a l, T e c h n ic a l, D a ta

C o n fig u r a t io n M a n a g e m e n t

P r o je c t M a n a g e m e n t O ff ic e

P ro d u c tio n S e r v ic e s

P ro je c t M a n a g e m e n t O ff ic eC o n fig u ra t io n M a n a g e m e n t

A rc h ite c tu re T e a m : F u n c t io n a l , T e c h n ic a l, D a ta

B u s in e s s A c c e p ta n c e T e s t

T e c h n ic a l A c c e p ta n c e T e s t

P ro d u c t T e s t E x e c u tio n

B u s in e s s P ro c e s s T e s t

T e c h n ic a l T e s t

D a ta T e s t

P ro d u c t T e s t E x e c u tio n

B u s in e s s P ro c e s s T e s t

T e c h n ic a l T e s t

D a ta T e s t

A s s e m b ly T e s t E x e c u tio n

A rc h ite c tu re T e a m : F u n c t io n a l, T e c h n ic a l, D a ta

C o n fig u r a t io n M a n a g e m e n t

P r o je c t M a n a g e m e n t O ff ic e

P ro d u c tio n S e r v ic e s

P ro je c t M a n a g e m e n t O ff ic eC o n fig u ra t io n M a n a g e m e n t

A rc h ite c tu re T e a m : F u n c t io n a l , T e c h n ic a l, D a ta

B u s in e s s A c c e p ta n c e T e s t

T e c h n ic a l A c c e p ta n c e T e s t

Accenture Delivery Methods is adopted for multiple geographies

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33Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

My offshore experience

Project with resources from Toronto, Bangalore, Riga, Madrid and Galway for almost 2 years

200 resource team for a custom development project rolled out across a large number of sites across the globe. Approx 140 FTEs located in India.

Main responsibilities for local resources• Client contact• Requirements and Scope definitions• Functional and High Level Design• Integration Testing• Implementation and Deployment

Main responsibilities for offshore resources• Detailed design• Coding• Unit testing• System Testing• Bug fixing• Technical support• Data Migration• Application Maintenance

34Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

“The three key lessons learnt are communication, communication and communication…”

…and additional lessons learnt includes:

•Follow and respect the established methodology and working process

•Clearly define handover points, entry/exit criteria, deliverables

•Plan technical connectivity early in the process

•Plan well ahead, involving the off-shore team as early as possible

•One Team, not “us and them”

•For larger, more complex engagements, embed onshore solution skills and management strength into the offshore location

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35Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Off-shoring impacts

Offshoring will affect roles but not replace them• Technical skills locally will be vital in the future as well• Lead roles will need to be positioned locally

Offshoring is positive for business and personal development• We have far greater possibilities to match resources with specific

competence and experience to open roles in projects• Having experts of the specific area within a team gives opportunities

to learn and minimizes project risk

36Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


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37Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


1st half (10.15-11.00)

1. Something about us

2. Facts about Accenture

3. Accenture Delivery Methods

2nd half (11.15-12.00)

1. Offshore experience

2. Consultant at Accenture

3. Questions

38Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Varför Accenture?

• Spännande projekt i global miljö• Ständiga utvecklingsmöjligheter och coaching• God kamratskap i en resultatorienterad företagskultur• Marknadskraftig lön och bra förmåner• Gedigna karriärmodeller• Nytänkande kompetensutvecklingsprogram

Hos oss ökar du ditt marknadsvärde snabbare än någon annanstans!

Page 20: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

39Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

En gedigen karriärmodell

Kontinuerlig personlig utveckling

• Personlig utbildningsbudget

• Obligatoriska och valfria kurser

• Framför allt –utmanande arbetsuppgifter

• Informell feedback under projekten

• Formell utvärdering vid projektslut

• Sammanfattande utvärdering vid årets slut

Utbildning Feedback Mentorskap

• Hjälp med karriärplanering

• Stöd vid befordranstillfällen

• Allmän rådgivare och bollplank

40Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Vilka söker vi – krav och meriter

Formella krav• Civilekonom, Civilingenjör, Systemvetare, Datavetare,

Högskoleingenjör med IT-inriktning• Funktionella krav anpassade efter karriärmodell

Önskvärda meriter• Engagemang vid sidan av studier • Någon form av utlandserfarenhet

Page 21: Accenture Delivery Methods & offshore delivery

41Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Hur söker du – Rekryteringsprocessen

• Du ansöker via vår hemsida Bifoga personligt brev, CV och betyg från högskola och gymnasium

• Rekryteringsavdelningen läser igenom din ansökan. Har du en intressant profil kallas du till en intervjudag i Stockholm

• Intervjudagen består av en presentation av Accenture och tre intervjuer

• Vi återkommer med vårt beslut inom en vecka

42Copyright © 2007 Accenture All Rights Reserved.


1st half (10.15-11.00)

1. Something about us

2. Facts about Accenture

3. Accenture Delivery Methods

2nd half (11.15-12.00)

1. Offshore experience

2. Consultant at Accenture

3. Questions