academy of healing nutrition student project paper · 2019-06-04 · counter remedies to neutralize...

Academy of Healing Nutrition Student Project Paper Leaky Gut June 1, 2016 Prepared by: Maria Ceron

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Page 1: Academy of Healing Nutrition Student Project Paper · 2019-06-04 · counter remedies to neutralize stomach acid (Rolaids, Tums, Maalox), and drugs that produce more mucus (Cytotex)


Academy of Healing Nutrition Student Project Paper

Leaky Gut



June 1, 2016

Prepared by: Maria Ceron

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I.- Introduction/ Why I chose this topic

II.-Description of leaky gut

III.-Causes of Leaky gut

IV-Holistic Nutritional Suggestions to heal leaky gut

V.-Nutritional Recipes

VI.-Alternative Therapy for leaky gut










Page 3: Academy of Healing Nutrition Student Project Paper · 2019-06-04 · counter remedies to neutralize stomach acid (Rolaids, Tums, Maalox), and drugs that produce more mucus (Cytotex)

I.- Introduction Leaky Gut Syndrome -What Is It?

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a condition where the bowel lining is damage in some way causing an increase in the ability of molecules larger than simple carbohydrates, fatty acids and vitamins to enter the bloodstream. It can be a result of having a poor diet, parasitic organisms, food that is undigested, bacteria or certain medications.

The pathology that explains leaky gut syndrome is an inflammation or irritation of the lining of the small intestines. This allows toxic agents from the food or from bacteria to enter the bloodstream rather than pass through to the colon in a process known as increased intestinal permeability.

The digestive system influences everything. From controlling digestion and protecting from hostile bacteria, to communicating with the brain- sending physicals signals such as gas or hunger, and emotional feelings such as anxiety, stress, and even love.

Because leaky gut is believed to play a role in the immune system, it is believed to cause several different conditions such as hives, eczema of the skin, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, food allergies, PMS, fibroids in the breast and uterus and chronic fatigue syndrome, food allergies, Autoimmune disorders, Thyroid issues, Adrenal fatigue, Mood disorders. All disease is connected to the Gut, everything in the body is connected and the Gut is the center of the body. In order to address all health problems, we should start by focusing on the Gut.

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II.- Description of Leaky Gut

Disease is a result of complex, interacting forces. The fact is that disease doesn’t just occur. Our genetic makeup, environmental stressors, emotional imbalance, diet and lifestyle degrades or enhances the ability to heal or fight off pathogenic insults.

Western medicine views the body as a machine: The heart is a pump, the bladder and kidneys are plumbing, the brain is a computer, the joints are the hinges that rust with age, and so on. Western doctors are trained to repair the “machines” so their thinking is mostly reactive. They wait for a problem to occur, and then they try to cure it.  Western doctors use blood tests to look for chemical imbalances and hormones fluctuations and powerful antibiotics are used to wipe out germs, or if the problem is a tumor, it’s surgically removed. Unfortunately, this puts less emphasis on general good health.

The term of Leaky Gut Syndrome is used to describe the condition of Intestinal Hyperpermeability, a fancy medical term that means the intestinal lining has become more porous, with more holes developing that are larger in size and the screening out process is no longer functioning properly. The fallout results in larger, undigested food molecules and other stuff like yeast, toxins, and all other forms of waste that the body normally doesn’t allow through, to flow freely into the bloodstream.

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If the people never heard about Leaky Gut, they might be spending years chasing down each symptom or condition seeking relieve from the allergist, cardiologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, neurologist or even psychologist, could the answer be that simple? Yes!!!! it’s in our hands and kitchens, farms and backyards.

Typical Symptoms of Leaky Gut can vary from person to person depending on the level of damage and the tissues being affected. Adults and Children alike may experience multiple food sensitivities can be sign that immune system is developing antibodies to everything that the person eats. Nutritional deficiencies are a sign of locking vitamins and minerals from the improper breakdown of food in the intestines. Chronic diarrhea and constipation are signs of inflammation of the intestinal walls from Leaky Gut. Skin rashes are the body’s way of trying to dump the toxins through the skin perforations. A poor immune system will result from the body trying to wage war on itself and ignoring all the virus and bacteria that people encounter on a daily basis, allowing to get sick more often. Headaches, brain fogs, memory loss, skin rashes, acne, eczema, asthma, allergies, adrenal exhaustion, lethargy, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, psychiatric disorders, autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, infertility and excessive fatigue are a result of the inflammation of tissue and toxins build up. Yeast overgrowth (Candida) will cause cravings for sugar and carbs, gas, bloating, and anxiety all these symptoms are the result of Leaky Gut.

To underscore the differences between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, we should look at the differences in treatment between the two systems. Gastrointestinal problems represent the largest block of complains from Americans. Yet western medicine offers only three methods of treatment other than surgery. There are antiulcer drugs (Tagamet, Zantac), over the counter remedies to neutralize stomach acid (Rolaids, Tums, Maalox), and drugs that produce more mucus (Cytotex). These products work by either blocking the production of stomach acid, or by producing more mucus in the GI tract to create a barrier. But this only masks the irritation and pain of hydrochloric acid on the stomach lining.

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Yin and Yang and the Five Elements

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) when the body is in balance between Yin and yang health is predominant. When the Yin and Yang are imbalance, disease occurs. TCM believes the human body has an organic unity. The body organs and tissues can be classified according to Yin and Yang theory based on their functions and locations. The upper body belongs to yang while the lower body belongs to yin. If there is a yin and yang imbalance it could be the cause of a disease and physiological disorders. Besides Yin and Yang, Five Elements also play a significant role in diet. According to ancient Chinese traditional medicine theory yin-yang and five elements can never be separated. Them both make the entire body system as whole. In order to keep the body in balance and healthy. Each individual element is represented to a specific organ in the body, Five Elements are also representing five different flavors and five different seasons such as:

Metal represents Lungs /Large Intestines Autumn Pungent

Wood represents Liver/Gallbladder Spring Sour

Water represents Kidney/Bladder Winter Salty

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Fire represents Heart/Small Intestines Summer Bitter

Earth represents Stomach, Spleen and Pancreas Late Summer Sweet

If a person has too much yin energy they might feel cold, depressed and lethargy, they are more likely to suffer with diarrhea and be susceptible to illness. Attracting more yang energy to balance excess of yin can be achieved by eating more root vegetables, grains, warm-blooded animal meat (beef, pork, fowl, eggs)

When too much yang energy is present in a person they may feel a lot of anger or stress and need to be in control of people and situations around them, physically they suffer from dry skin, constipation and feeling stiff. Yin energy can be increased by eating fresh foods such a salads and fruits and the consumption of meat (cold-blooded, Fish, shellfish etc.) and spending time outdoors will also increase a person yin energy.

The ultimate goal of all the Oriental healing is to cultivate balance and expand the Three Treasures, harmonize all aspects of a person and not only treat a person by medical issues, but helping the person the cure their problems starting from the emotions. There are Three Treasures in the human body. This are known as Jing, Qi and Shen. Of these three only Qi has received some recognition in the Western Medicine.

Jing (Essence): is the first Treasure and is translated as Regenerative Essence, Jing is the refined energy of the body. It provides the foundation for all activity and also its called the “root of our vitality. Jing is also said to control a number of primary human functions; the reproductive organs, the power of clarity of the mind; and the integrity of one’s physical structure. Jing is Yin and Yang condition and its store in the Kidney and also Jing is generally associated with hormones of the reproductive and adrenal glands and Jing is the vital essence concentrated in the sperm and ova.

Qi (Vitality), the second Treasure, is the energy that creates the vitality. Through the constant interaction of in and Yang, Qi is said to be produced as a result of the functions of the Lungs and Spleen. Therefore, Qi travels the 12 meridians (channels) very much like blood trough vessels. And Qi tonics strengthen the digestive, assimilative and respiratory functions.

Shen (Spirit), is the third Treasure and is the vitality behind Jing and Qi. Also represents the forces that shapes our personality including mental and spiritual aspects. The heart houses Shen. Shen is often referred to as the spirit, it is more about person’s inner light. Shen is expressed as love, compassion, kindness, generosity, acceptance, forgiveness and tolerance.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), views sickness from another perspective it looks at specific conditions in terms of pattern diagnostics as well as symptomatology. TCM is a system of treating the whole body, which includes the body, mind and spirit. Chinese medicine addresses problems by seeking to heal the root cause of the symptom which are manifestations of a deeper imbalance Qi. This means from the Western diagnostic of intestinal permeability or “leaky gut” one step further to create a more personalized treatment plan for each patient. Every person experiences the syndrome of leaky gut in a different way in their body.

For instance, we can say that a person who has been on repeated rounds of antibiotics either as a child or as an adult. This tends to create a very “cold” environment in the digestive system. The

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ability to digest and absorb nutrients can become compromised, yeast overgrowth can occur as a result of killing beneficial bacteria, and pathogenic microorganisms may begin to harvest more energy from food. This can result in various symptoms such a weight gain, muscle loss, bloating, fatigue, sinus congestion, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome. These symptoms usually begin to occur slowly over time after taking antibiotics, making it difficult to determine exactly when they will start to feel unwell. In Chinese Medicine, it usually identifies these symptoms as a Spleen Qi and Yang deficiency, which basically means the digestive and immune systems have become weakened.

If the condition of leaky gut with Spleen Qi and Yang deficiency persists for a long time without appropriate treatment, metabolic toxins can begin to accumulate in the body to produce new symptoms. This is when such as brain fog, anxiety, poor sleep, attention deficit, food cravings, mood swings, and hormonal dysregulation can occur such as elevated levels as estrogen or testosterone and high cortisol (a stress hormone) or elevated liver enzymes. In Chinese Medicine, this is seen as Spleen Insulting Liver, or Stagnation of Liver Qi and Blood. This basically means energy is not flowing freely throughout the body, and intermediate metabolites are not being detoxified and excreted completely. At this stage, proper nutrition and adequate rest are essential in getting well and healing the gut.

Chinese Medicine is very pro saturated fat because it feeds the Jing, and also is based on stomach and spleen. Chinese Medicine offers dozens of herbal formulas to enhance the digestive system’s normal function. Instead of blocking symptoms, it concentrates on the root cause so that the symptoms will not reappear. Chinese herbal medicine also avoids many of the side effects produced by western pharmaceuticals like antibiotics, Herbal formulas are gentle and offers a slow but steady rate of improvement. Herbal formulations meant to strength the spleen and dry dampness, that it helps to have gut healing properties as well as a very good nutrition based on great sources of organic vegetables, good quality of meat and Chinese Herbs.

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III.- Causes of Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome can affect many areas of the body. When the gut is leaky, food molecules, hormones and toxins can enter the body and can overload the immune system that is attempting to fight off the offending particles. This leads to a number of conditions and diseases.

The cause of Leaky Gut is widely debated in the medical community. Our gut is home to approximately 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion), the human gut contains 10 times more bacteria than all human cells in the entire body, with 400 known bacterial species. In fact, it could be say that we are more bacterial than we are human However, there is some level of consensus that the following are basic contributors:

* Diet: consuming high amounts of refined sugars, processed foods, preservatives, refined flours, and flavorings introduces massive amounts of chemicals into the body that is seen as toxic. There is also some contention that genetically modified foods (GMO) may lead in leaky gut.

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* Chronic Stress: always results in a suppressed immune system. A weakened immune system cannot handle doing its normal job and gets overrun with pathogens very quickly. This increases overall gut inflammation leading to increased permeability of the intestinal lining.

* Inflammation: Any type of inflammation in the gut can lead on leaky gut. This can be brought on by low stomach acid (which passes undigested food into the small intestine irritating everything it passes by).

* Medications: Any medication prescriptions or even over the counter pain relievers with Aspirin, Motrin, Aleve, Ibuprofen Naproxen, Advil or Acetaminophen irritate the intestinal lining and decrease the mucosal levels and can start or help to continue the inflammation cycle (more bacteria, yeast, and digestion issues) and promotes an increase in permeability. Over use of antibiotics can change gut bacteria and make leaky gut more likely.

* Yeast: Yeast is found in normal gut flora but as soon as it begins to get out of hand it mutates into a multi-celled fungus (usually Candida) that grows tentacles to grab onto the intestinal lining and stay put, consequently making its own holes in the lining.

* Lack of Zinc: Zinc is an important piece of maintaining a strong intestinal lining. A deficiency of the vitamin can lead to the mucosal lining losing strength and becoming more permeable.

* Emotions: Digestion and emotions are directly linked; Digestion is controlled by the enteric nervous system. Stress can cause the esophagus to go into spams. It can increase the acid in the stomach causing indigestion.

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IV.- Holistic Nutritional Suggestions to heal Leaky Gut

Having a doctor test all the hidden food allergies, this will allow to eliminate potential sources of food based inflammation and persistent gut damage. A nice way to start a treatment in order to heal Leaky Gut has to be at least a period of four weeks or about 30 days of certain food elimination , it usually takes a good amount of time to allow a large number of those bacteria’s to slow die off, removing substances that are causing inflammation and damage to the gut, this substance include : common food allergies such as corn, soy, wheat, dairy, gluten, tree nuts, eggs, nightshades, and seeds , it’s important to remember that this foods can be reintroduce after that gut has been healed and sealed . Also food that triggers inflammation in the body such as cereal products, highly processed foods, sugars, fructose, agave nectar, fruit juice, sweetened beverages, factory farmed meat that tend to be high in environmental toxins and pro-inflammatory facts, non-organic butter, and dairy products that have been tainted with genetically modified bovine growth hormone.

After the pro- inflammatory food is being removed, there is few steps to follow to heal the gut; replaced hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, a high quality probiotic. They will need at least 50 billion CUF’s per day, essential and conditional amino acids, and reinforce de gut with fermented food “in moderation”. Also including apple cider vinegar, and Chinese herbs in the daily supplementation regimen. All of these things have been shown to improve the integrity of the gut lining. People who suffers from leaky gut may have to cease indulging in their “comfort foods” and harmful lifestyle choices for a while. This would include avoiding alcohol consumption, sugar intake and leaving dairy products alone. Caffeine has also been known to trigger inflammatory bowel movements since this stimulant can lead to fatigue, birth defects and deterioration of the arteries. taking a homemade organic bone broth to nourish the body, this is a traditional food hat has many benefits like improving digestion, allergies, immune system health, brain health, supports the joints, hair, skin, nails, due to its high collagen content. Bone broth is very high in the amino acids proline and glycine which are vital healthy connective tissues (ligaments, joints, around organs, etc.)

Most people find that their diet becomes more varied and flavorful when they toss out processed food in favor of fresh foods that nourish and heal the body. These includes: grass fed beef, wild-caught fish, grass fed ghee (clarified butter), coconut oil, leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, culture vegetables such as kimchi and sauerkraut, pickles miso, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, sweet potatoes, organic berries, and other foods that people can get directly from local farmers. Fresh food that have not traveled a long distance are higher in micronutrients that the body requires for optimal functioning. Buying the grocery in small amounts for the daily consumption is better to keep the freshness and avoiding to have it for a long time in the refrigerator.

Consider intermittent fasting or a liquid diet. Fasting can be done in 12 hour or 24 hour times frames, consider fasting twice per week as it gives the GI tract needed rest from the burden of

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digestion and food processing. If a liquid diet is chosen, stick to bone broth and vegetables stocks, or fresh vegetables juices. These liquids can be nutrients dense and are gentle on the damage gut. Changing diet and detoxing liver will restore liver chi and could relieve allergies.

Smart food preparation starts with high quality foods, over the past century, the quality of fresh food has declined due to soil depletion, unsustainable farming practices, overproduction of crops and the use of pesticides and herbicides, so we can no longer assume we are getting all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Three recent studies of historical food composition have shown 5 to 40 percent declines in some of the minerals in fresh produce, and another study found similar decline in the protein sources. It is very important to know how foods are grown or raised can impact both health and environment.

Microwaves heat food by causing water molecules in it to resonate at very high frequencies and eventually turn to steam which heats the food, but not evenly and is the cause of a change in the food’s chemical structure into dangerous carcinogenic substances.

The following recommendations are beneficial for any level of digestive issues, whether people have excellent digestion and want to make most of a healthy system or having a chronic digestive problem.

• Chew your food: The physical act of chew also triggers mass peristalsis in the colon, meaning people will move the bowels more regularly. Ideally they should chew the food about 30 times, so put the fork down between each bite and savor the food.

• Have a seat: Li proceeds Qi literally where the intention (Li) goes the Qi (energy and manifestation) will follow. So if the intention is to eat a meal, we should assist the body by sitting down, relaxing and enjoy the food. Turning off TV, phones and trying to simple eat and allow the body to transform food into Qi will help the digestive organs and prevent the stomach to have acid, gas or bloating.

• Eat with Joy; Eating in a good company is a joy and a pleasure and we can digest better. Sometimes we don’t always have the option to only eat with people that we like or get alone with and we let the emotions run the show. When we get emotional the liver Qi stagnates and doesn’t supply Qi to Spleen, Stomach and Intestines for digestion, If the emotions try to get over you put the fork down and calm yourself.

• Know the Body: Are you satisfied? Pleasantly fully? Knowing the body also means that they have to recognize when you are overeating. If the situation is dealing with food in a party or food that has gluten or dining at odd times can cause blood sugar swings, so if that is the case consider taking enzymes to aid the meal.

• Do not flood the Stomach: drinking wine, beer or tea during meals is fine if is about 8oz. Excess fluids at the time of eating foods will flood the stomach and dilute the mix.

• How can I make my food more digestible? • Is a question that make a tremendous difference in the digestion, here are some ideas: • Have some tea: Carminative teas aid digestion like ginger, chamomile, fennel, dandelion,

citrus peel teas, licorice root, peppermint, rosemary.

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Since cookware can retain traces of gluten and other food allergens, it’s a good idea to invest in some new cookware that has never contained pasta, bread, corn, etc. Choose stainless steel and avoid non- stick, plastic or aluminum equipment. An ordinary slow cooker, a clay pot, or a crock pot to make bone broths are well recommended to use.

The best water to drink is naturally clean, pure and full of naturally occurring minerals:

• Well water comes from a hole drilled in the ground that taps into a water source. A pump brings it to the surface.

• Natural spring water flows up from a natural spring and is bottled at the source • Artesian or spring waters come from a natural source but are bottle off-site and are

processed and purified. • Mineral water could be natural spring water or artesian water, comes from an

underground source, and contains at least 250 parts per millions of dissolved solids, including mineral and trace elements.

All of the types of water mentioned above have essential minerals and nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Minerals are important for nearly function in the body.

It is difficult to find these types of waters, there is some types of filters that can be used;

*Absolute 1-micron filtration removes any particles that are large that 1 micron in size.

* Ozonation is used by bottle water companies instead of chlorine to eliminate bacteria. Ozonation does not change the mineral content of the water

The Dangers of Bottled Water

Bottled waters deserve some special attention because they are not always as pure as they might expect them to be, dangerous toxins from some plastic water bottles can leach into the water.

Bottle water is often just purified municipal water and lacks essential minerals. (brands like Dasani and Aquafina are cleaned- up city water.

Purifying, bottling and shipping water requires vast resources and uses more water than when people get water from a pure source in the first place.

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V.- Nutritional Recipes

How to make a Healthy Bone

• 2 pounds (or more) of bones from a healthy organic meat animal (pastured, antibiotic free)

• 2 or more chicken feet for extra gelatin

• 1 onion

• 2 carrots

• 2 stalks of celery

• 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar

• 1 round Tbsp. butter

• 2 Tbsp. olive oil

• 3-4 fresh or thyme springs

• 3-4 fresh parsley springs

• 1 bay leaf

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• ½ tsp black peppercorns

• 3-5 quarts spring water


Place the bones in a large stock pot or stainless steel pot, melt butter and olive oil over medium heat, add onion carrots and celery and meat parts If you are using raw bones specially beef bones, it improves flavor to roast then in the oven first for 30 minutes at 350. sweat over medium low heat uncovered for 20 minutes,

Pour spring water over the bones and vinegar and bring to a boil.

Place Parsley, thyme and bay leaf inside 2 celery stalks; bind tightly with a white string or twine and also add peppercorns to stock.

After mixture has come to a boil, lower heat and simmer uncovered for 1 to 4 hours, during the first few hours of simmering, you will need to remove the impurities that float to the surface.

Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Strain stock through a strainer with cheesecloth, when cool enough, store in a gallon size glass jar in the fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze for later use.

How to use Bone Broth

Homemade Broth/Stock can be used as the liquid in making soups, stews, gravies, sauces, and reductions. It also can be used to sauté or roast vegetables.

Especially in the fall or winter or in times of illness is the best time to drink broth until the person starts to feel better as it supports the body.

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VI.- Alternatives Therapies

Treating deficiencies holistically is more challenging because we have to add in elements to the diet and activities. One of the alternative therapies is to have a shiatsu massage to strength the Hara and relax the tension of the body.

Practice deep breathing exercises before eating. The act of deep breathing slows down the part of the nervous system that inhibits digestion, and activated the hormones that aid digestion. Digestion takes energy, when the energy is scattered, it is difficult to accomplish any task. The spleen is the center of energy that drives digestion from the Chinese medical perspective. The Spleen appreciates a little peace and quiet in order to properly manage digestion.

Moving the body. The act to moderate walking (3-4 miles daily) stimulates the nerves that help maintain gut motility. Most people sit at the desk all day working. These sedentary lifestyles can actually contribute to a neurological slowdown of the gut function.

Yoga is a profound integrative practice to heal body, mind, and spirit with so many benefits: stress relief, grater immune function, flexibility and balance, strength, improved mood. Yoga gives a way to enter the timeless, space less world of spirit… connect with our Divine inner being.

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Baking soda, otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate, is a natural substance that helps to regulate PH. This regulation keeps a substance from becoming too acid or too alkaline, which is important in maintaining health. As baking soda contacts another substance, it naturally neutralized the PH of the substance and prevents further imbalance or buffers the PH. As well as the Benetonite Clay that has become a popular ingredient in a number of detoxification programs.

L-Glutamine is an important amino acid for health. It is important for normal body function as well as it can help to repair the gut lining. It also plays a critical role in health digestion by enhancing gastric acid secretion. Glutamine has a protective effect on intestinal mucosa by decreasing bacteremia and epithelial cell apoptosis, enhancing gut barrier function and influencing gut immune response. It’s saying that glutamine can fight against bad gut flora.

Glycine might also be considered a “conditionally amino acid” that it has a vital function of detoxifying the body after exposure to chemicals.

Apple Cider Vinegar: one teaspoon of organic raw ACV mixed in 4oz. of purified water after a meal has been used as a natural remedy for heartburn, improves bowel irregularity, also removes toxins from the body at a faster rate, it has so many beneficial facts that people should consume on a daily basis.

A detox bat is one of the easiest healing therapies we can do to facilitate the body’s natural detoxification system, a detox bath encourages the body to efficiently flush out toxins and boosts health and well-being, but also strengthens the immune system and prevent disease. Using sea salt some aroma therapies oils and some seaweeds will be beneficial for every part of the body.

Another healing therapy to help to maintain physical and mental well-being that also treats disease or alleviate discomfort is “SHIATSU MASSAGE” which involves applying pressure to special points or areas on the body. This therapy is considered holistic because it attempts to treat the whole person instead of a specific medical complain.

Chinese Medicine offers dozens of herbal formulas to enhance the digestive system’s normal function. Instead of blocking symptoms, it concentrates on the root cause so that the symptoms will not reappear. Chinese herbal medicine also avoids many of the side effects produced by western pharmaceuticals like antibiotics, Herbal formulas are gentle and offers a slow but steady rate of improvement. Herbal formulations meant to strength the spleen and dry dampness, that it helps to have gut healing properties. Along with acupuncture, Chinese herbs are powerful and also work to rebalance the body. While acupuncture works on an energetic level to rebalance the body. Chinese herbs work more on a blood level. They have been shown to kill bacteria, lower cholesterol, balance hormones. So if you are suffering from leaky gut syndrome, you know some of the triggers that could be making that condition worse. By making a few lifestyle choices and possibly incorporating acupuncture, finding a way to distress and relax the mind for a moment every day is a good way of treat naturally your body and spirit and it can be extremely powerful in treating leaky gut symptoms.

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VII.- References (Food is Medicine)

Michio Kushi , “Natural healing trough Macrobiotics” First edition September 1979

Sally Fallon “Nourishing Traditions

Mishio Kushi with Philip Jannetta, “Macrobiotics and Oriental Medicine “First Edition June 1991

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Client Report

When I started to look for a person to use as a guinea pig client I felt very excited because right away I thought about my sister who has been having so many health issues and for me she was the perfect person, then I started to tell her how she can change her way of thinking which has been a challenge for her since my Mom passed away, her emotions had to do so much with her well-being, she started to see a difference within herself physically and also spiritually which it made me happy. After a long time she finally found the way of feeling better, then after a few months ago we lost my Father who was dealing with bladder cancer, that was the end of all the work that my sister and I have been trying to accomplish still , she got into depression and anxiety and went back to her “normal habits of eating “ I felt frustrated that besides to help myself and getting strong from the pain of losing my Father I had also to tried to help my sister , with not that much results I decided to give her time and respect her feelings.

Then One day at work I was drinking my schizandra tea and one of my Co-workers Esmy Sepulveda who is 33 years old and is from Honduras asked me what I was drinking? And I explained to her, she knew that I was in the Academy and she told me if I can help her with some health problems that she has, that she is willing to do anything to get better because every time that she goes to the conventional doctors she comes out depressed and angry to hear that she is sick but nobody tells her what to do,” they just say eat better “mean while she has no idea what is better and what is healthy.

Her Health issues are: Pre-diabetic, severe acid reflex, asthma, anemic, migraines, and overweight. So I have to say that at the beginning I was scared and unsure because seeing all those health problems I didn’t know where to start from so I said to her that I will happily help her if she can commit to all that I will suggest and she said YES I need the help to recover my health and to see my family happier and healthy, she also told me that her two daughters 13 and 8 years old have problems and she feels guilty because she doesn’t know how to cook healthy meals for them.

The first thing I did was I told her to go home and make a list of all that she has in her fridge and in the kitchen cabinets as well as the cleaning supplies, The next morning she comes and the first thing she said was “you are going to get scare of what I have at home “ everything was processed food, she was doing her grocery shopping at Costco and BJs, spending more than $600.00 every 15 days , when I saw that list right away I saw where the main problem was and

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Gave her the reason as to why she has so many health issues. I explained to her that it will be necessary to change stores where she can get better quality of produce and meats.

So we arranged time and day that was convenient for both of us, the next day we go to whole foods store that she never knew existed, when we got there It was amazing to see her face, she looked like a kid admiring every aisle and all the products that they had, that day I just showed her the store and I told her that once she finishes what she has at home she can come there and I will tell her what to get.

The following day at work I saw her happy and curious of what the next step was , So there is a small lounge area which was a very comfortable place, we sat there remembering what Roberts Sachs said about a person who suffers from overweight and has a big stomach, that we have to see the emotional aspect because it has to do a lot with emotional disorders and bad eating habits I asked her how she feels about her life, if she is happy and if she has something that she wants to share with me so this way she can unburden her feelings. She started to tell me things that she kept to herself for a long time and as soon as she started to talk she couldn’t stop crying, which by the end of the conversation she felt relieved at that fact that it helped her so much, she felt much better that she started to notice she had some more space to breath.

I felt grateful to have that moment with her to listen and help to make her that there are many ways to change our life without hurting ourselves. I felt that it’s very important just to listen to the people without judging and criticizing, we all have bad situations in our life and we need someone to be with us.

After the talk that we had, I gave her the food journal paper, when she gave me back all I saw in the chart was fast food, not even one vegetable, no water at all, only Pepsi, no fruits only juices and about the cleaning supplies all the stronger chemicals like Clorox, Lysol, Tilex,, Pinesol.

She told me that most of her childhood she spent it with her grandmother in Honduras where she had lived in the farm that her grandmother had, she never ate nothing that wasn’t homemade. At the age of 12 she came to America and since she went to school she ate different all fast and processed food, never soups or something homemade and that’s how she started to gained weight, and basically she was suffering from being a victim of bullying in school due to how overweight she was.

After looking at that chart I was afraid that she won’t change her habits ,but she really surprised me the first week from 6 cups of coffee that she was normally drinking she went to 0 , she cut all the juices and she was drinking water , I wanted to go slowly with the caffeine because I thought that she will have reactions and she did, she was shaking, very anxious ,and also her mood changed so I suggested that she can drink green tea instead, and she didn’t want to drink not even one cup of coffee or anything that contains caffeine, so we started with the protocol the next day.

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Holistic Health and Counseling Practitioner

Maria Ceron

245-30 Grand Central Parkway

Bellerose NY 11426


Personal History and Consultation Form

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your visit. We wish to make it clear that our advice in not professional medical advice, but rather recommendations on a way of life in accordance with natural order. If you are seeking medical advice, please see an appropriate practitioner. If, however, you are seeking a way of life for the improvement of personal health and happiness, we hope to be of assistance to you.

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The above is understood.


Esmy Sepulveda 03/18/16

___________________ ____________________

Client Signature Date

Maria Ceron 03/18/16

____________________ _______________________

Consultant’s Signature Date

Personal Information:

Name: Esmy L. Sepulveda Age: 33

Adresss: 1106 Van buren St DOB: 09/12/83

City: Uniondale Birthplace: Honduras

State: NY Ancestry: Hispanic

Phone: home (516) 414-1000 Cell ( 516) 782-8320

Email: [email protected]

Marital Status: Married Age of Children: 13y and 9y

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What made you come to consultation?

My health problems

How are you feeling?

I feel tired, with low energy, and I feel since a year ago with some anxiety and very emotional.

How would you describe your current state of health?

I have a few complains of anemia, acid reflux, headaches, legs pain and asthma and digestive issues, and pre-diabetic

What are your goals?

I would like to lose weight, improve my digestion, eat healthier and eliminate the pain in my body.

Please list all the prescribed medication and the condition you are taken them for:

Advair ( asthma) , Moloxican ( anti-inflamtory) , Cyclobenzaprine ( muscle relaxor)

Please include all the supplements (including herbs, homeopathic remedies etc.


Where you breast fed? Yes * NO

Have you seen a natural therapist before? Yes No*

If Yes, please describe treatment.

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Diet Related Questions

What foods upset digestion?

Snacks, processed, fried, citric fruits, commercial dairy, coffee, all this foods causes on me extreme acid reflux, stomach ache and boating.

Do you crave certain food?

When I eat any grains or salty food I crave for something sweet.

How do you feel after eating?

Bloated, with indigestion and with acid reflux

Do you think you have negative habits?

Yes, I constantly after eating a big meal I still want to eat a snack or sometimes overeat.

Emotions and Relationships

How do you feel about your Emotions and Relationship?

In my Home life I feel Happy

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In my Family relationship I feel Pleasant

At work & Job Environment Not so happy

In my Social Life in an Average

Sometimes I feel anger and frustration also.


Are your menstrual cycles regular? No

Do you have a vaginal discharge? No

What type of birth control do you use? None


Describe your lifestyle:

Sedentary work a lot on my feet, I don’t exercise at all

What time do you work?

5-6 days a week 50 to 60 hours

What is your sleep pattern?

I have problems to go to sleep 11:30 pm to 8;00am

Tell me about more your passions, interests:

Health and wellbeing for my Family, learn how to cook healthy food and improve my health

What are the energy levels like?

In the morning very hard to wake up and in the afternoon after eating any carbs o heavy meal very sleepy.

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Do you cook at home?

Yes, but I need to learn how to prepare healthy recipes

How often do you eat out?

Mostly every day

Do you follow any special diet?


Do you have any allergies?

Yes: Ginger after I eat I have itchiness in my body

List a typical menu for a day. Please describe quality, quantity and method of preparation on an average day:

Most of the time I eat at work or outside


1 cup of coffee with 1 teaspoon of white sugar and half and half

2 slices or white bread

2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon


Sandwich or cheese burger with fries


Yogurt, chips, chocolate kisses and pepsi cola

Are there any particular foods or tastes that you crave?

Coffee or chocolate

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Do you practice any exercises for relaxation?


Diagnostic Medical:

Sleep patterns:

Esmy has a difficulty falling sleep unless she is very tired

Stools and Urine:

Constipation and yellowish urine not so frequent

Thirst and drink:

Esmy doesn’t not drink water at all, she drinks a lot a coffee and soda

Pregnancy and childbirth:

2 children by vaginal birth

Gynecological problems:

PMS pain with some cravings, headaches and anxiety

Sweating :

At night when she sleeps

Pains :

Legs pain, knee pain, headache, body ache

Do you have any diarrhea or constipation?

Yes, I suffer from constipation

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Visual Diagnosis:

Esmy’s Complexion: Observing the color of her face I can say that she has a pale complexion, that indicates a yin excess yang deficiency it can also indicates blood deficiency.

Nails: they are pale, dry with a warped surface and they peel off in layers which indicates anemia meaning Qi and Blood deficiency.

Eyes: She has dark circles under the eyes meaning Kidney energy imbalance due to lack of sleep, stress and poor diet can result in Kidney Qi Deficiency and related to (Water Element).

Face: a combination of a yellowish and darkened facial hue; it is indicating low function of the spleen and stomach and low kidney function.


- The tongue’s color pink to pale which indicates cold; meaning could be anemia, pathogenic cold factors or low energy and function of the corresponding organ network.

- The tongue’s coating is thick and white; it is frequently a sign of imbalance in the digestive system.

- The sides of the tongue show some teeth markings and that usually mean stagnant energy in the liver. (Wood Element)

- In the center of the tongue there is redness and yellowish coat, it is represented by stomach, spleen, pancreas (Earth Element) indicating that is some problems with digestive system, acid reflux, that keeps many people awake at night.


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Recommendations to Improve Esmy’s Health: I Treat Esmy according her issues but seeing that many ones I started from digestion which correspond to the Earth Element (Stomach,Spleen,Pancreas) suggesting to her ‘sweet foods” like roots or ground vegetables and all other typesof food that comes from the earth like : sweet corn, all squash (acorn, butternut, Hokkaido, pumpkin) shiitake mushrooms, beets (not too much due to the pre-diabetic condition), parsnips, collards, artichoke, sweet peas, and string beans, to name some of all the great variety vegetables that grows under the earth , no fruit for some period of time until she feels better with the acid reflux,

Since Esmy has been experiencing acid reflux and allergies and digestive issues I suggested to start basically from CERO, avoiding all the fried food, sodas and foods that make her feel uncomfortable, she started to take probiotics, I recommended the brand “Garden of Life” 50 billion, as well as the coconut kefir, using the culture from Donna Gates, also I introduced her to sauerkraut, and homemade kombucha and the organic unrefined apple cider vinegar (Bragg), and enzymes that helps digestion.

I will suggest in order to control the emotional imbalance and strength the Shen and Liver Qi, in TCM meaning the Fire and Wood Element have depleted, indicating digestive issues and stomach problems. To improve indigestion, I suggested to start eating in small amount, practicing gratitude and breathing, before eating, also avoiding to eat late (3hours before going to bed). Stop drinking soda instead drink a minimum of 2 litters of spring water or water with PH to help with the oxygen in the blood.

To balance the Fire Element, I suggested to her to eat Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, chives, endives, okra or scallion, and for the Wood Element broccoli, parsley, lettuce, kale, collar, greens, alfalfa, leeks, zucchini, shitake mushroom and artichokes.

During the winter months I showed her how to make oatmeal porridge adding goji berries letting her know that she will nourish the liver and kidney and moist the lungs , and antioxidant berry good for blood deficiency , also to add organic cinnamon powder this spice helps to reduce the blood sugar levels besides giving a great taste to the porridge, also recommended to add flaxseeds because they are useful for the colon, rich fiber source relieving constipation, the omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseeds lower bad cholesterol, and decrease inflammation . Chia is another good ingredient to add to this porridge. As well as the extra virgin organic Coconut Oil (Nutiva) because is an excellent antioxidant that helps with the absorption of other minerals, improves digestion and has a multitude of health benefits.

Due to her kidney yin deficiency (related to Water Element) I suggested to replenish the kidney with amino acids, carotenes, flavonoids, minerals, and foods that are moistening and mildly cooling, she has to drink plenty of water. About food she can have adzuki beans, black lentils, beets, burdock, asparagus, using tamari, shoyu , miso , gomasio, umeboshi, salt cured pickles with all this types of foods and condiments she will decrease the stagnation in the kidney.

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Recommended to her a recipe of a Watercress Soup: 1 bunch watercress- chopped

1 bunch bok choy-chopped

2 pieces wakame

Celtic sea salt

¼ soy mil

1 ½ little water

Bring water to a boil. Add watercress and bock choy to water, after a few minutes, add salt and wakame. Simmer for 8 minutes, add soy milk. Puree mixture, adjust seasoning and serve.

I also taught her how to prepare bone broth because it has been popular for being bigtime Qi & Blood builders due to calcium, potassium, magnesium, and incorporating marrow of the animal will help the Jing essence (essence from kidney). using a good quality of meat (pasture-raised meat) will help also to increase vitamin B12.

Making a commitment to healthy eating is a great start towards a healthier life. That’s why I make emphasis in Organic Food.

Knowing that whole grains have an acid effect in the stomach if they are not soak in an appropriate way I suggested to not consume for at least a period of 3-4 weeks and in order to decrease dampness and help her to lose weight, after that period can be add slowly her new way of eating and cooking, also eliminating starchy and food high in sugar will help her to control her weight.

There are many factor that may trigger Asthma such as diet for instance raw and cold food may injure the Spleen and tent to contribute to the stagnation of fluid circulation and the increase in the production of the phlegm, greasy food tend to create phlegm and heat in the body , emotional disturbances, and so on and so for , but she can relieve asthma symptoms changing her eating habits and making sure all the cleaning supplies are free of dangerous chemicals that can make it worse without her realizing what is the cause.

To Help her with the fatigue I told her to stop all caffeinated drinks because they cause an overproduction of cortisol and eliminating that will manage the sleeping problems that she has. I suggested the intake of Tonic Alchemy to increasing balanced energy and vitality, it also detox and boots immune system, a blood builder which increase activity and quantity of antioxidants and enzymes.

I also advised her to take omega 3 in caps for a good reason. They are essential fatty acids they reduce inflammation which plays a part of the condition like asthma, allergies, they also clear heat, calm the Shen (Spirit), open the orifices and Moisten Dryness.

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I recommended to drink licorice root tea to improve digestion and to rebalance the stuck Liver Qi, also the longevity tea due to the anti- fatigue effect, and she can use it as a coffee replacement, Ashwaganda and Tulsi tea to revitalize adrenals and balance cortisol. She can also take Astragulus the help her to reduce the night’s sweating and restore liver. Taking a decoction of Schizandra berries can nourish the 5 Elements, (are the five energy states of nature) Tonifies 3 Treasures (3 fundamental energies that make up life) and enters all 12 Meridians (are the energy channels that flow throughout the body). Wild Reishi Mushroom can be taken in order to improve sleep, relieve stress, improves immune system whether is deficient or excessive.

I included some supplements to be taken such as L-Glutamine because improves gastrointestinal health and helps to balance blood sugar levels.

Magnesium can be taken to relieve constipation, as well as Aloe Vera it can be drunk in the mornings to soothe digestive tract and helps with constipation.

Clorophyll should be taken to increase oxygen in the blood, cleansing liver and bowel, removing toxins from blood tissues.

Milk Thistle is a great supplement to restore the Liver during Spring time.

After 3 Months of Treatment After the 3 months of treatment Esmy Sepulveda had improved tremendously her health, she stopped using her Asthma Medication, she has at least 3 bowel movements daily, her acid reflux has decreased more than 70 %, blood sugar levels are normal, allergies are almost gone, she sleeps through the whole night without waking up every hour, no more sweating at night, cravings and anxiety has decreased and she lost 15 lbs. She fells energetic, motivated, her complexion is back to normal, she has a smile all the time and she feels grateful for all the effort that she puts during this period. Her emotional disturbances, stress and anger are under controlled and has been practicing breathing exercises and walking 40 minutes every day. She learned that the best food is found at home and the best way of keeping herself healthy is investing in good quality of food, and making time to cook it at home.

I have to say that I feel so blessed and thankful that I had the opportunity of helping Esmy , she was my inspiration seeing her day by day reaching her goal it truly was a great experience for me , It was the first time that someone gave me the confidence and trust and to do all that I said, with astonishing results , I feel very honored to have knowledge and be able to help people to improve their health and their lives. I hope she continues and enjoys this beautiful journey of discovering a way to live without medication.

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