academy of civil service under the president of … · 2 table of contents page mr. alym...

Support for Public Administration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan Project financed by the European Union Project implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG Master’s-level Education Program - Master of Public Administration (MPA) ACADEMY OF CIVIL SERVICE UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF TURKMENISTAN

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Page 1: ACADEMY OF CIVIL SERVICE UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF … · 2 Table of Contents Page Mr. Alym Annamyradov, Rector of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan Mr


Support for Public AdministrationCapacity Building in Turkmenistan

Project financed by the European Union

Project implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG

Master’s-level Education Program -Master of Public Administration (MPA)



Page 2: ACADEMY OF CIVIL SERVICE UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF … · 2 Table of Contents Page Mr. Alym Annamyradov, Rector of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan Mr


Support for Public Administration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan

The project is funded bythe European Union

The project is implemented by a Consortiumled by Hulla and Co. Human Dynamics KG


Master’s-level Education Program - Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Ashgabat 2019

Page 3: ACADEMY OF CIVIL SERVICE UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF … · 2 Table of Contents Page Mr. Alym Annamyradov, Rector of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan Mr


Table of Contents Page

Mr. Alym Annamyradov, Rector of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan

Mr. Folkert Milch, Team Leader of the EU funded project ‘‘Support for Public Administration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan’’

Brief information about the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan

Brief Information about the Project

Description of the Master’s Program

Academic Calendar

Description of the Selected Subjects and Modules of the Master’s Program

1st Semester

1.1. Theory of Public Administration and Comparative Public Administration

1.2. Administrative Law

1.3. Introduction to the Theory of Economy, Microeconomics and Market Relations

1.4. Organizational Management













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2nd Semester

2.1. Macroeconomic Theory and Policy

2.2. Local Government/Local Self Government

2.3. Human Resources Management

2.4. Ethics of Civil Servants

3rd Semester

3.1. Strategic Planning

3.2. Public Finance

3.3. E-Government

3.4. Economic Law

4th Semester

Page 5: ACADEMY OF CIVIL SERVICE UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF … · 2 Table of Contents Page Mr. Alym Annamyradov, Rector of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan Mr


Introductory Speech of Mr. Annamyradov Alym, Rector of the Academy of Civil Service under the

President of Turkmenistan

The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov states: “Science and education are our invaluable wealth. This is what people have been accumulating for thousands of years and passed on from one generation to another”. Therefore, the successful implementation of the state programs in political, economic and socio-cultural areas requires continuous capacity building of scientific potential, expanding knowledge horizons of specialists, the ability to use advanced technologies, in the form of training of highly qualified personnel.

Today, the possibilities for improving the skills of our personnel and establishing cooperation with the world’s largest scientific and educational centers, international organizations and foundations have been considerably expanded. This is evidenced by the joint project of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan and the European Union “Support for Public Administration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan”, launched in 2016.

This project is aimed at improving the professional level of civil servants and the educational process in this area, in particular, at studying international experience, familiarizing with innovative methods of European educational institutions and scientific-research centers on training of students in the field of public and municipal administration.

Master’s degree is a part of higher education, its second level, which allows deepening specialization in a certain pro-fessional area. The aim of our Master’s Program is to train professionals, who will further work in public institutions, government corporations and foundations, budget institutions, scientific-research and analytical organizations, as well as in the companies that often interact with the government.

High quality of masters training conducted by leading specialists and civil servants in managerial positions make the program unique.

This publication is one of the key elements for the process of development of a Master’s Program. It presents the direction for training, specialty, based on which it is implemented, as well as the form and duration of the training.

The Master’s Program in Public Administration is the best choice for specialists who are ready to move to a new professional level and take a managerial position. This program envisages more theoretical and practical training of listeners for professional or scientific and research activities.

Education in the framework of this program is conducted by highly qualified teachers, and each listener will be able to choose the direction of his/her scientific-research and master’s thesis. In addition, in the educational process lis-teners attain skills and competencies that will enable graduates to teach at universities upon successful completion of the program.

Page 6: ACADEMY OF CIVIL SERVICE UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF … · 2 Table of Contents Page Mr. Alym Annamyradov, Rector of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan Mr


Introductory Speech of Mr. Folkert Milch, Team Leader of the EU Funded Project

„Support for Public Administration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan“

One of the key priorities of the EU development cooperation in Turkmenistan is to support the government’s reform agenda.

Taking this into account, the overall objective of this project is to modernize in line with European and international standards, the know-how and skills of the Turkmen Public Administration by building up the capacities of the institu-tions responsible for the training and professional development of civil servants.

The specific purpose of this project is to enhance the institutional and training capacities of the Academy of civil Serv-ants under the President of Turkmenistan (AoCS) and other relevant institutions through the development of modern training programs.

The Government of Turkmenistan has adopted a proactive Strategy towards reforms as indicated in its Strategic Doc-ument “National Program of the Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan for the period 2011 – 2030”.

It was acknowledged that the country is suffering from a shortage of well-educated and skilled civil servants to run the state bodies and to elaborate and implement new policies. The development of the human capital became an urgent area for action.

Capacity building needs are cross cutting, providing support to institutions, responsible for training and development of civil servants is of high importance.

Thus, this technical assistance program is being provided for the Academy of Civil Service and other institutions of higher education preparing future civil servants.

The project reviewed at its initial stage the institutional capacities and training provision of the AoCS.

In order to fulfill its mandate and act as a central institution for training and professional development for civil service in line with international standards, the need for new training and education formats and modern training methodologies was identified.

Following an in depth assessment and for further improvement,following international standards in the education of civil servants, it was agreed to develop a Master’s Programme in public administration.

The Project organized an international conference in Avaza/Turkmenistan in order to present and discuss the structure and content of the program,drafted in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Process. During the Confer-ence, participants were able to identify subjects that are considered internationally as fundamental for understanding and implementation of the principles of good governance. In addition, a list of skills and knowledge, required for civil servants, considering the changes and challenges of modern society (including such topics and directions as E-gov-ernance)has been developed .

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International and local experts are working on the 14 different courses (modules) of the Master’s Program.

Considering the significant historical, social and economic similarities between the nations, cooperation with the Acad-emy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established (hereinafter referred to as APA). The APA is implementing Master’s Programs in Public Administration following the requirements of Bologna process for more than 10 years. Moreover, the APA and its leadership are open for modern and innovative approaches in the education and training of civil servants.

In order to develop the curricular of the Master’s Program, starting from September of 2018, two working visits of Turk-men lecturers to Nur-Sultan were conducted and working visits of experts from Kazakhstan to Ashgabat took place.. This cooperation turned out to be very effective since the Turkmen side could profit from the Kazakh experience.

At present the curricula of the core courses (modules) are being developed, but more work needs to be done assisted by the Project, such as the development of training material.

It needs to be taken into account that the contents of some courses (modules) are new in Turkmenistan and the proper future implementation requires training of the lecturers.

On the other hand, it is very positive that certain parts of the newly developed curricula are already used and applied in the framework of the existing AoCS’ courses.

The Project also supports the Academy in the application of modern training methodologies and formats in order to make the courses interactive, practice-oriented, interesting and useful for the listeners. These train the trainer courses are ongoing until the end of the project.

Additionally, in order to make the Project’s results in relation to the implementation of Master’s Program sustainable the Project is launching a junior professional program, by preparing a potential new generation of teachers, possessing the advanced knowledge and techniques required for training the next generation of civil servants of Turkmenistan.

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Brief information about the Academy Of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan


The Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan (AoCS) was established on 12 September 2008 under the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan. The AoCS is an educational institution, which provides advanced training after the higher

The main objective of the Academy is to train civil servants with higher education, who are working in different areas of our country under the efforts of the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov; enhance their professional skills, knowledge and competences, as well as to develop required documents and materials to improve the training of civil serv-ants.

Around 3000 civil servants of Turkmenistan had received advanced training and retraining in the Academy.

On 12 September 2018 a scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan was held. At the beginning of the Conference a Welcoming Statement of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, addressed to the Conference participants, has been read out. The President states in his message: “I would like to offer my congratulations to you on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan…” “The Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan enjoys growing prestige with every year as a major educational institution, training high-ly-skilled civil servants, who are able to worthily represent our country’s interests”, highlighted in the Address of the President.

The Conference was attended by the teaching staff and the listeners of the Academy, heads of government agencies and government officials, representatives of the United Nations in Turkmenistan, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), program manager for Turkmenistan and representatives of the EU Delegation in Kazakhstan, as well as other officials and representatives of local media.


The Academy widely presents the policy of the President of Turkmenistan, aimed at strengthening the country’s Independ-ence and Neutrality, as well as at increasing economic power of the country. Also, the Academy prepares highly qualified civil servants working in various ministries, industry structures, executive bodies of local government and who have deep knowledge, broad outlook and are able to worthily represent our country’s interests in international relations, taking into account national peculiarities, world standards, advanced techniques and modern resources that meet the requirements of market economy.


Teaching staff of the Academy has a huge contribution to the implementation of the tasks assigned to the educational sys-tem of our country. Lecturers have extensive experience in the economics, humanitarian and legal fields. Their educational backgrounds are among the most important areas in public administration. There are professors, associate professors, senior lecturers, doctors and candidates of science (of sociology, law, economics, pedagogy and philosophy). In addition,

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the Academy employs a large number of specialists in basic disciplines, teachers of English, economists and specialists of agricultural production, lawyers, experts in the field of practical mathematics and computer science, teachers of various pro-fessional levels and categories, who are responsible for the basic educational and training process. There are also specialists from other organizations, who are involved in teaching on the basis of hourly wages. In general, the professional experience of the faculty of the Academy is from five to forty-six years, and the majority of the lecturers have been working since the foundation of the Academy. Employees who have achieved great success in their work are awarded with honorary titles and state awards.

The professional level of the lecturers at the Academy is constantly improved in line with the modern demands. A library fund on public administration has been created; information is being exchanged between similar institutions. Scientific works and articles of the faculty members of the Academy are published in foreign journals.

Many specialists are involved to the scientific, pedagogical and practical activities of the Academy, on the bases of hourly wages, for coordination of relevant issues. In addition, lecturers and specialists from foreign countries are invited to train listeners and to exchange international experience. The Academy cooperates with international organizations, working in the field of public administration and foreign educational and research centers. International conferences, symposia and meetings are held in order to present the achieved results in the field of civil servants’ training in Turkmenistan, as well as to present foreign experience in this field.

Teaching staff and listeners of the Academy are constantly enhancing their knowledge and experience by participating in working meetings, discussions, seminars, as well as in the working visits to foreign countries, with regards to public adminis-tration topic. Thus, faculty members of the Academy had several working visits to the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Belgium, France, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey and the Republic of Moldova, as well as to People’s Republic of China, Japan, Malay-sia and other countries. During visits to the above countries, lecturers participated in the international conferences, working group meetings. They also attended training sessions and seminars on various topical issues. Participants of such visits got acquainted with issues of public administration and other important topics, such as: world culture, conflict resolution, legal system, ecology, sustainable development and natural resources, rational use of electricity.


Currently, the Academy conducts training in the following four areas:

1. Retraining for civil servants of the State Apparatus (the duration of training is 2 years)2. Advanced training for civil servants of the State Apparatus (the duration of training is five month). 3. Advanced training for civil servants in the field of commercial arbitration (the duration of training is four

months).4. Advanced training for civil servants, working in the executive structures of local government and self-govern-

ment (the duration of training is two months)


The Academy gives great importance to international experience in order to meet the modern requirements in the training of civil servants. In this direction, memorandums and cooperation agreements were signed with a number of international organizations and foreign institutions of a similar profile. Within the framework of these agreements, work is underway in the field of public administration, civil service and other relevant areas.

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Since its establishment, the Academy cooperates with academies of public administration of foreign countries, as well as with a number of international organizations that deal with topical issues of public administration.


Cooperation had been established between the Turkmen Academy and the Academy of Public Administration Under the President of the Republic of Belarus, as well as a number of important meetings and events for the state has been held.

Moreover, for many years, the Academy has maintained close cooperation with one of the oldest scientific and educational institutions in Europe, which is the Gustav Stresemann Institute of Germany.


Within the framework of the established cooperation between the Academy and the European Union (EU), a number of activ-ities are being implemented. The close cooperation of the Academy with the EU began in November 2016, in the framework of the project “Support for Public Administration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan”. This project is funded by the European Union and is implemented by a consortium led by Hulla & Co Human Dynamics KG. The main objective of this project is to develop and enhance the institutional capacity and training cycle of the Academy and other state institutions related to the civil service, through the development of modern curricula, with the assistance of international and national experts. .


The Academy, together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Turkmenistan, implements a num-ber of projects in the interests of the country. Currently, within the framework of the joint project of the Academy and the UNDP “Support to the Academy of Civil Serviceunder the President of Turkmenistan” for the years 2017-2019,

assistance is being provided in such areas as strategy development, development plans for the Academy of Civil Service, updating existing training programs and development of new curricula, extension of cooperation with similar and leading schools of public administration, and assistance in strengthening education and information systems.


The Academy works closely with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) office in Turkmenistan.

Currently, “Use of population data for the development of national strategies and plans of sustainable development”, a joint project of the Academy and UNFPA for the years 2016-2020 is being implemented. The aim of the project is to provide technical assistance to the Academy, based on the achieved milestones over the past years. Such assistance consists of improving the institutional capacity of the Academy in analyzing demographic data and promoting gender equality princi-ples, developing a master’s program that will allow civil servants of Turkmenistan to deepen their professional knowledge and get the higher level of education.


Since its establishment, the Academy has maintained close relations with the International Committee of the Red Cross. This is evidenced by the fact that over the years, faculty members and listeners of the Academy have been actively involved in various meetings and conferences on humanitarian and legal issues, organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross and dealing with.

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Brief information about the Project



Project SummaryThe project is implemented in the framework of EU bilateral cooperation with Turkmenistan. The Project starting date is 17 October 2016 and the implementation will last until 16 October 2020.

The overall objective of the project:

The overall objective of the project is to modernize, in line with international and European standards, the know-how and skills of the Turkmen Public Administration by building up the capacity of the institutions responsible for the training and professional development of civil servants.

The specific project objective:

To enhance the institutional and training capacities of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan and of relevant state bodies through the development of modern training programs.

Key Project Partners: The Academy of Civil Service under the President of TurkmenistanOther Stakeholders:

• The Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan• The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan• Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly• International University for the Humanities and Development

Project components and expected results:Component 1: Enhance institutional and coordination capacities of the Academy of Civil Service (AoCS)Result 1. Institutional development: enhanced institutional and coordination capacities of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan

• Result 1.1. Training cycle management procedures improved and implemented• Result 1.2. Website, e-learning and e-resource centre developed and functional• Result 1.3. Enhanced professional capacities of the Academy’s staff and other training institutions

Component 2: Strengthen capacities of the AoCS, other training institutions and state bodies to provide demand-driven training.Result 2. Capacity building: strengthened capacities of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan, other training institutions and state bodies to provide demand-driven training

• Result 2.1. Curricula for needs-oriented training programs and modules developed and piloted• Result 2.2. Training and resource materials developed, translated and published for all developed training

programs and modules• Result 2.3. Pool of trainers trained for each training program and module.

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Project activities and achievements up to now /April 2019/:• Functional Analyses of AoCS done and proposal on Organizational Structure of the future AoCS submitted • Analysis of the curricula and training courses of AoCS done followed by made recommendation for new

training programs• Training Needs Analyses (TNA) in the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan and three

pilot institutions: the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the population of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan and the Institute of Strategic and Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan undertaken

• Four workshops on the results of the conducted analyses, TNA methodology, Training Cycle management held and TNA manual developed

• Three workshops on Training Quality Assurance System organized, which aim at improvement of the Training Quality Management Model, based on the best European practices

• Development of a design of the AoCS website• Analysis of a potential for e-resource center and elaboration and discussion of recommendations for further

development of the e-resource center• Report on classificatory of civil servants’ positions and preparation of the Register of Civil Servants of

Turkmenistan, which will be further used by the AoSC• Five Study/Working visits to European and CIS countries to learn about development of MPA programs and for

establishing of future partnerships • International Conference on the development of the future Master’s Program in public administration

organized in Awaza in 2018• Working Group on MPA programs established and regular meetings held• Training of Trainers (ToT) program designed and sessions on new approached of conducting of trainings and

making presentation, three rounds of interactive trainings methods (first round on introduction, second round on exercises, and third round on feedback) delivered

• Intensive work on the development of MPA program and series of meetings related to development of curricula on MPA programs held

• Horizontal training sessions on Environmental Management Tools for Public Administration, Public-Private Partnership, Environmental Auditing in the Public Sector as part of the Administrative Management and Control, Economic instruments for environmental management organized.

On-going and planned activities:• Working/Study Visits to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Estonia, Germany, Netherlands, Finland and Czech Repub-

lic for presentation and discussion of the draft MPA program; for learning about development and implemen-tation of MPA Programs; for learning the best practices in the field of E-government and for participation in the NISPAcee Annual Conference

• Series of ToT workshops Series of workshops and the second conference on development and implementa-tion of MPA programs

• Subsequent meetings of the WG on MPA Programs for AoCS• Pilot project on junior professionals program/recruitment of assistant teachers to support AoCS teachers in

preparation of MPA programs • Workshop on best European Practices in Public administration reform• Piloting developed MPA programs in the autumn 2019 • Support the AoCS in development of an action plan of the e-resource center and elaboration of concepts for dis-

tance learning and e-learning programs.

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Description of the Master’s Program

Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan

1. Title of the program: Educational Master’s Degree Program “Public Administration” (Master of Public Administration)

2. Term of study: 2 years

3. Overall credits (ECTS):120

4. Description of the program: The program is designed for civil servants, seeking comprehensive education and in-depth knowledge in the area of public administration. The program provides basis for obtaining integral and necessary organizational skills and abilities in the field of public administration. The program is designed for Master’s degree students for development of skills, required to perform the tasks, focused on:

• development of managerial approaches in the implementation of unified state policy;

• ability to carry out organizational and methodological guidance of subordinate structural units of the state body;

• application of innovative technologies for development and implementation of the state programs;

• monitoring of the condition of public administration and evaluation of the effectiveness of the state pro-grams.

Benefits of the program:

• an integrated approach to practice-oriented form of study through solution of specific situations, arising from national plans for socio-economic and cultural development;

• extensive use of interactive methods and distance mode learning;

• territorial and sectoral approach, that provides opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in various areas of public administration and planning;

• practice and internships in public administration and government bodies of Turkmenistan and abroad;

• carrying out scientific work, focused on solving the relevant issues of public administration and planning. Partners in the implementation of this program are governmental institutions, political parties, public associations, business structures, foreign academic schools, scientific centers and international organi-zations.

5. Program goals and objectives: Goal: to train the Masters in public administration, possessing the skills and abilities, required in the develop-

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ment and implementation of national plans for socio-economic development. Tasks of the program:

• to develop organizational skills for coordinating the activities of structural units of state authorities;

• to develop personal and leadership skills of civil servants;

• to develop managerial skills for integrated economic and social development of industries and territories

6. Expected learning outcomes: Analyses: analyzes the activities of structural and territorial units of central and local state authorities in the implementation of socio-economic development plans. Synthesis: plans the process of preparing and decision making on the elaboration of plans and programs for socio-economic development at the level of structural and territorial units of central and local state authori-ties. Application: applies managerial and organizational skills in the process of implementation, monitoring and control of strategic and current development plans. Assessment: identifies, specifies and assesses the impact of state plans on the socially-oriented model of development of the country. Skills:

• guides and controls the activities of structural and territorial state body in the fulfillment of the assigned tasks in the exercise of its functions; summarizes work experience; takes measures to improve the style and methods of their activities;

• develops and submits draft socio-economic development programs to a higher state body for considera-tion; takes part in their discussion, organizes their execution;

• participates in the organization of professional training, retraining and advanced training for specialists of the state body;

Ethical standards:

• to observe the standards of official and professional ethics and rules of business conduct, prevent their violations by other civil servants;

• to be honest, fair, modest, comply with generally accepted moral and ethical standards, to be polite and attentive in dealing with citizens, officials and colleagues.

Methods, forms, technologies of education (training) and assessment: group presentations, discussions; in-terviews with case studies; project or scientific work defense; solving the cases; content analyses of the state programs and national development programs; interviews; presentations; project work; case studies and situa-tional tasks; analytical note; situation modeling.

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Education / Training

Winter Session

Winter Holidays


Education / Training

Summer Session

Summer Holidays

20.01.2020 - 9.05.2020

1.09.2020 - 20.12.2020

11.05.2020 - 9.05.2020

25.05.2020 - 4.07.2020

19.07.2020 - 28.08.2020

23.12.2019 - 4.01.2020

6.01.2020 - 18.01.2020

20.12.2020 - 1.01.2021

3.01.2021 - 15.01.2021

15.01.2021 - 27.01.2021

20.01.2020 - 29.05.2021

2.09.2019 - 21.12.2019

14 days

14 days

14 days

14 days

497 days

42 days

42 days

27.01.2021 - 8.03.2021

29.05.2021 - 24.06.2021

14 days

42 days

28 days

14 days

112 days

112 days

112 days

First semester

Second semester

Third semester

Fourth semester

Preparation of a Master's Thesis



Defence of a Master's Thesis

Education / Training

Winter Session

Winter Holidays

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Semester Name of the disciplineThe amount of training work

ECTS credits


Core courses 18Theory of Public Administration and Compara-tive Public Administration


Administrative Law 5Introduction to the Theory of Economy, Micro-economicsand Market Relations


Organizational Management 3Research Methods in Social Science 3Elective course 2Total in the 1st semester 20


Core courses 18Macroeconomic Theory and Policy 4

Local Government/Local Self Government 4Human Resources Management 3Ethics of Civil Servants 3Impact Assessment of Governmental Programs / Analyses of State Policy


Elective courses 2Total in the 2nd semester 20


Core courses 16

Strategic Planning 4Public Finance 4E-Government 4English language 4

Structure of the program and academic content*

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Elective courses (any 2 of the following) 4

Economic Law 2

Management Psychology 2

Environmental Management in Public Administration


Special Economic Policies• Farming / Agriculture sector• Oil and gas sector• Non-oil and gas sectors• Social sector (health, education)


Total in the 3rd semester 20Total of theoretical study 60


Practice after the 2nd semester (16 weeks) 17.7Experimental-research work, including master’s thesis


Complex examination (1 week) 1.1

Registration and defense of master’s thesis (6 weeks)


Total additional types of studies: 60

Total credits for compulsory studies 120

* Disclaimer: Some of the courses for the master’s programme are still under development, and the curricula for these modules are not included into this booklet. The courses are listed for planning purposes, the content for the modules will be made available in following editions of the publication

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Core courses 18

PA 1. Theory of Public Administration and Comparative Public Administration 5

AL 1. Administrative Law 5

MIE 1. Introduction to the Theory of Economy, Microeconomics and Market Relations 2

ОМ 1. Organizational Management 3

Research Methods in Social Science 3

Elective course 2

Total in the 1st semester 20

1 140 days20 credits of course

Education / Training Winter Session Winter Holidays2.9.2019 – 21.12.2019

112 days23.12.2019 – 4.1.2020

14 days6.1.2020 – 18.1.2020

14 days

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Short description This subject is one of the basic disciplines and consists of four parts:The first part – the historical – is aimed at familiarization with the stages of develop-ment of public administration, as a scientific discipline. The main stages of develop-ment will be analyzed in the regional and chronological framework.The second part – the theoretical one – is aimed at familiarization with the main the-oretical components of the discipline. Therefore, classical works in the field of state and public administration will be presented.The third part – comparative public administration – is aimed at discussing the expe-rience of developed countries of the world, which represent different approaches to solving problems of public administration.The fourth part – the national experience of public administration of Turkmenistan – is aimed at studying the main stages of development, formation of the traditions of the Turkmen public administration, studying administrative thought. The application of theoretical concepts to the national context of Turkmenistan will be considered as well.

The aim of the course

This course is designed for:• studying the stages of the development of public administration as a scientific discipline,• comparison of the systems of public administration of foreign countries,• building a comparative system for analyzing certain problems in the field of public administration, • analyzing the history and features of the development of the national system of public administration of Turkmenistan

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• analyze the system of public administration, • identify and evaluate the factors of the effectiveness of public administration sys-tems of foreign countries with retransmission to the national system of Turkmeni-stan,• plan directions for public administration reform at the level of central and local governments,• apply managerial and organizational skills in the development and implementation of strategic and program documents

Teacher/Lecturer Mammedov Nazar Annamuhammedovich, PhD

Number of credits and hours 5 credits (135 hours)

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Short description This subject is aimed at the formation of a systematic view of the problems of admin-istrative management, in combination with the development of applied knowledge in a particular area of jurisprudence. Master’s training will allow the listeners to conduct independent research and practical activities in the future, to develop their professional competencies in a variety of ways. Based on this, the master’s program is designed in such a way as to ensure the solu-tion of key tasks, without realization of which it is impossible to correctly navigate pro-fessional legal activity, innovations and trends. Forms of study in the magistracy are diverse.

The aim of the course

The aim of this course is to master practical skills of decision making in different situ-ations of management, as well as to master effective forms and methods (technolo-gies) of administrative law.In addition, listeners will become familiar with and learn the norms of the legislation of Turkmenistan on civil service and legal status of civil servants, ethics and official be-havior of civil servants, as well as other norms of administrative law, regulating the legal relations between the subjects of public administration, their roles and competences in order to apply them in their work.

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• conduct analyses, assessment and monitoring of regulatory legal acts, legal rela-tions in the field of public administration, • analyze the trend of development of legal relations in the field of public administra-tion, assesses the quality in the preparation and adoption of legal acts,• gain the skills to manage and lead an organization on a legal basis,• apply the norms of legislation of Turkmenistan in the field of public administration,• identify the level of legal awareness and legal culture of civil servants

Teacher/Lecturer Kulayev Yazmyrat KovusovichIshankuliyeva Guncha Maksudovna

Number of credits and hours 5 credits (135 hours)

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Short description This subject is one of the basic disciplines and is aimed at shaping a systematic view of the needs of society and economy, taking into account the basic provisions of eco-nomic doctrines.

The aim of the course

This subject is designed to obtain a complete picture of the main directions and schools of economic theory. Special attention will be paid to the issues of microeco-nomics (supply and demand, production volume and price, competition, investment), as well as to the study of basic elements of market economy, the principles of func-tioning of its component parts.

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• know and understand basic economic doctrines and have a complete understand-ing of the main directions and schools of economic theory,• master the general theoretical foundations of economics and commodity econ-omy, familiarize with the theory of microeconomics, with such concepts as supply and demand, production and price, competition, investment, etc.,• apply the main provisions and principles of economic theories and doctrines in practical work, while monitoring the development of various sectors of the economy and carrying out analysis, • identify existing problems, assess the impact of the results of the activities of par-ticular sectors of the economy on the implementation of the socially-oriented model of country development

Teacher/Lecturer Soyunova Ogultach Allamuradovna, Candidate of economic sciences

Number of credits and hours 4 credits (108 hours)

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Short description This subject is one of the core courses, which studies the organization of effective interaction in state authorities. Moreover, this course examines in detail the process of social management at the level of state bodies, that ensure organization of joint coordinated activities (political, so-cio-economic, industrial, technological, research, creative). It also studies the manage-ment of the activities through the relevant bodies of the state apparatus and through civil servants in the performance of certain functions: collecting and processing in-formation; planning and scientific forecasting; formation of the policy of government entities and organization of their activities; control and accounting, including statistics.

The aim of the course

In this course, you will be able to develop skills of effective behavior in the organization when developing and analyzing policies, evaluating strategic programs and manage-ment, and will also have an opportunity to develop management skills and teamwork.

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• analyze and summarizes the joint participation of departments and units of the organi-zational structure in the implementation of the development strategy, • plan the process of developing and decision making on the elaboration of an organiza-tion’s development strategy,• apply management decisions, based on strategic and current plans, regarding devel-opment priorities, which take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the organ-ization,• identify, specify and assess the impact of plans on the implementation of an organi-zation’s development strategy, based on the impact of the internal and external environ-ment.In addition, each listener, will be able to:• analyze and diagnose problems in the management and planning of the organization,• summarize and synthesize alternative solutions, using SWOT analysis,• use statistical database and other alternative information sources for elaboration of organization’s development plans,• assess the results of the implementation of decisions, taking into account the experi-ence and shortcomings in the subsequent work

Teacher/Lecturer Pirmuhammedov Hajymurat Chariyevich

Number of credits and hours 2 credits (54 hours)

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Core courses 18

MAE. Macroeconomic Theory and Policy 4

LSG. Local Government/Local Self Government 4

HRM. Human Resources Management 3

ECS. Ethics of Civil Servants 3

Impact Assessment of Governmental Programs / Analyses of State Policy 4

Elective course 2

Total in the 2nd semester 20

2 210 days20 credits of course

Education / Training Summer Session

Summer HolidaysPractice

20.1.2020 – 9.5.2020112 days

11.5.2020 – 23.5.202014 days

19.7.2020 – 28.8.202042 days

25.5.2020 – 4.7.202042 days

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Short description This subject is one of the basic disciplines focused on making management deci-sions in the field of public policy and understanding the basics of socio-economic processes at the macro level in a market economy.

The aim of the course

This subject is designed for listeners to master the skills of analyzing modern mar-ket economy and applying theories of macroeconomic science in the implementa-tion of state plans for the social and economic development of Turkmenistan.Within the framework of the set goals, the following tasks are highlighted for listen-ers of the course:• to have an understanding of basic schools and theories in macroeconomics;• to study methods of calculation of the system of national accounts;• to develop knowledge and skills for analyzing the labor market and employment;• to explore basic macroeconomic models;• to study monetary theory and fiscal policy; • to master the skills of macroeconomic thinking;• to examine macroeconomic policy performance indicators;• to learn how to perform basic macroeconomic analysis in problem solving;•to develop skills for graphical analysis of macroeconomic situations.

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• analyze the basic principles of functioning of modern economy at the macro level,• summarize the basic concepts, categories and tools of macroeconomic analysis,• apply management decisions, based on the development, calculation and analysis of a modern system of indicators, characterizing the activity of economic sectors at the macro level,• identify, concretize and assess the impact of macroeconomic indicators on the coun-try’s economy, household behavior, functioning of the production and financial sectors, on the state economic policy

Teacher/Lecturer Pirmuhammedov Hajymurat Chariyevich

Number of credits and hours 4 credits (108 hours)

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Short description This subject is one of the basic disciplines, focused on the development of understanding that local government and self-government are parts of the governance system of any modern democratic society. There are different models of organization of local self-gov-ernment. Particularities of building local self-government systems depend on many fac-tors: the political regime, the organization of power, the state structure and the adminis-trative-territorial division of the state, national traditions, etc.Special attention is paid to identification of local problems, to management of various types of local governments, system of financing the activities of local governments and the role of regional departments in the management system.Theoretical aspects are complemented by analysis of international practical experience of local governments and such international legal documents, as the European Charter of Local Self-Government and others

The aim of the course

This subject is designed for listeners to acquire knowledge and skills about the nature, structure and functions of local self-government, the basic concepts of local government and local self-government (including decentralization and deconcentration), local author-ities, the relationship between politicians and administrators at the local level, the role of local authorities in formulation of local policies, the relationship between local, regional and central government and others.

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of the course, students will have basic theoretical and practical knowledge about the followings:• The nature and functions of local government;• Municipal financing system;• Relationship between local and central government; Acquired knowledge and practical skills will be sufficient to ensure effective profession-al work in structural subdivisions of self-governing bodies or in structural subdivisions of central authorities, interacting with local self-governing bodies.

Teacher/Lecturer Hanmedov Ilmat Orayevich

Number of credits and hours 4 credits (108 hours)

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Short description This subject is one of the core courses and is designed for listeners, specializing in the field of management, but who are not employees of personnel departments.Human resource management is a special type of activity aimed at coordinating the actions of participants in joint work activities. The most important factors for success and ensuring the effectiveness of modern public institutions are the personnel and personnel management system. The system of personnel management should be aimed at the implementation of the developed personnel strategy, focused on each individual in such a way, as to obtain the maximum positive effect at the level of the whole team and work of the institution/organization. In the process of studying this discipline, listeners will acquire theoretical foundations and practical skills for implementing personnel management in the public service.

The aim of the course

This subject is designed for listeners to acquire and master the basic theories of per-sonnel management, ways and methods of planning and organizing personnel man-agement, and developing the necessary skills for the effective performance of the functional duties of a civil servant. The purpose of teaching this discipline is to study the methods of technology and personnel management procedures, the development of methods for the formation of personnel, the methods of efficient performance of personnel and the method of optimizing personnel potential.

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• organize and carry out work on recruitment issues, placement of personnel, enhance their skills, career promotion, formation of personnel reserve; • search for candidates to fill vacancies, to work with personnel;• carry out administrative and coordination work of the organization and structural units to promote personnel; • develop proposals and recommendations for promotion and training of personnel, their continuing professional education; • advise management and staff on professional orientation, training and professional and personal growth .

Teacher/Lecturer Berdiyev Babahan Aganazarovich

Number of credits and hours 3 credits (81 hours)

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Short description In this course, listeners will become familiar with ethical standards of behavior of civil servants, with skills and competencies of effective behavior which are required in public administration system. Also, there will be an opportunity to learn the technology of conflict management and develop generally accepted principles of morality and culture of organizational behavior. As part of this course, listeners will have a possibility to effectively apply in practice the law “On ethics and official behavior of a civil servant”, to analyze practical cases on the ethical standards of behavior of civil servants and propose the best solutions.

The aim of the course

This subject is designed for listeners to acquire and develop the moral basis of official behavior of a civil servant. It is aimed at the mastering and recognition of the deformation of the values of professional ethics of civil servants, mastering the skills of conflict resolu-tion in the civil service and techniquesof behavior management ofcivil servants, the ability to assess the skills of interaction..

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• analyze working situations and possible conflict situations, cultural and moral norms and standards of conduct,• identify the best norms of behavior and culture of civil servants, • use the skills to improve the moral and ethical standards of employee behavior in order to effectively implement the norms and provisions of the Law of Turkmenistan “On ethics and official behavior of a civil servant”, to prevent and resolve conflict situa-tions improving the image of civil service, improving public confidence and developing communication skills.

Teacher/Lecturer Hudayberdiyeva Lachyn

Number of credits and hours 3 credits (81 hours)

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Core courses 16

SP. Strategic Planning 4

PF. Public Finance 4

EG. E-Government 4

English language 4

Elective courses 4

EL. Economic Law 2

Management Psychology 2

Environmental Management in Public Administration 2

Special Economic Policies 2

Total in the 3rd semester 20

3 140 days20 credits of course

Education / Training Winter Session Winter Holidays1.9.2020 – 20.12.2020

112 days20.12.2020 – 1.1.2021

14 days3.1.2021 – 15.1.2021

14 days

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Short description This subject aims to build an understanding of the importance of the strategic planning process, as an integral element of strategic leadership in the public sector. The transfor-mation of the economy and the public sector, caused by the rapidly developing political, economic and social dynamics of Turkmenistan, from government officials the flexibil-ity and knowledge of modern strategic planning skills. Thus, listeners will improve their knowledge and skills in the area of creating strategic documents and guiding the process of implementing strategic documents in state institutions.In the framework of this course, the principles of strategic planning will also be studied through using real tasks of strategic planning. In addition to the large amount of literature that will have to be introduced in this subject, listeners will work on structured strategic planning exercises to strengthen their personal strategic planning skills

The aim of the course

This subject aims to ensure that each listener can effectively perform tasks in the field of strategic planning with the help of modern and most effective planning methods in a market economy (including methods of analyzing strategic risks and developing stra-tegic plans), as well as skills in setting target indicators of strategic documents and methods of their use in the practice of civil servants

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• have skills of analysis, SWOT, PEST analysis and analysis of the implementation of state policy,• identify strategic problems and set target indicators of strategic documents, strategic risks in the development of plans and programs for socio-economic development at the level of the country, territories and enterprises,• apply managerial and organizational skills in the process of implementation, monitoring, control of the realization of strategic plans and development programs,• identify existing problems, assess the impact of the results of activities on the implemen-tation of a socially oriented model of development of the country.

Teacher/Lecturer Soyunova Ogultach Allamuradovna, Candidate of economic sciences

Number of credits and hours 4 credits (108 hours)

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Short description The state can influence the economic activities and the welfare of the society in many ways and pursue different goals. For future senior officials in ministries, state organiza-tions and public firms the knowledge of the instruments and effects of state activities is of high importance. Also, all senior officials should be aware of the management of the budget in their institutions. The course will give an overview on effects and instruments in the areas of revenues, expenditures, debts, the management of the state budget and the specific questions of state funds and public enterprises.The course addresses mainly practitioners and limits in so fare mathematical discus-sions for example in welfare economics and public choice theory.

The aim of the course

Expected course results

• Analysis: analyzes the financial policy of the state and it’s institutions in particular with regard to expenditures, revenues, debts and the effect on the national utility• Synthesis: plans the process of developing and making decisions expenditures, reve-nues, debts• Application: applies the relates instruments, for example related to budget planning, budget implementation, and reporting / auditing / monitoring • Assessment: identifies, specifies and assesses the welfare effects of public goods and the form of their Financing

Teacher/LecturerNumber of credits and hours 4 ECTS (108 hours)

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Short description In this course, you will learn issues, related to ICT (Information Communication Technolo-gies) in the State and ICT in public organizations. You will gain competence in information communication technologies management, information analysis, in the field of cyber security and acquire skills of business process optimization

The aim of the course

To develop listener’s ability to identify, analyze, develop and implement decision-making skills, as well as to understand and be able to use information technologies

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:- Analyze the structure and quality of the state data bases, information resources, tech-nologies in the field of public administration in the world. - To master the skills in the field of information technology management, decision-mak-ing, development of information technology in government organizations and at the level of structural units.- To be able to develop client-oriented services.- To apply managerial and technological skills in the process of analyzing information and implementing technologies in the organization.- Assess the level of technological development, levels of competence of personnel in the field of IT

Teacher/Lecturer Berdiyev Nazar Babahan Ogly

Number of credits and hours 4 credits (108 hours)

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Short description As part of this course, you will be able to master knowledge of the laws and regulations of economic law.

The aim of the course

The purpose of the training course is to disclose the content of economic law, its fea-tures on the basis of the latest legislation. A detailed description of the economic law of Turkmenistan will be considered; the subject and methodology of economic law science, the subject and method of legal regulation of economic law as a branch of law as well as the mechanism of legal regulation of economic relations will be studied.

Expected course results

Upon successful completion of this course, listeners will be able to:• to analyze the tendency of legal relations development in the field of economic devel-opment. • to apply economic management skills in the legal field.• to apply legislation in the preparation of projects for the economic development of the country.• to identify, assess, forecast and develop legal acts in the field of economic law

Teacher/Lecturer Hommaeva Jemile Millishaymullaevna

Number of credits and hours 2 credits (54 hours)


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Semester4 86 days

60 credits for additionaltypes of training

InternshipPreparation of a Master’s Thesis

15.1.2021 – 27.1.202114 days

20.1.2021 – 29.5.2021497 days

Defence of a Master’s ThesisPractice

29.5.2021 – 26.6.202128 days

27.1.2021 – 8.3.202142 days

Within this semester, the main activities of the master’s programme students are aimed at successful completion of internships, practice, as well as the preparation and defence of a master’s thesis.

Internship and practice are integral parts of the master’s programme. They ensure consolidation of the knowledge and skills gained by students during the training. Prior to the internship / practice, assignment and schedule of the intern-ship / practice are to be developed by each student. In the assignment there should be clearly indicated the following:

• purpose of the internship / practice;• internship / practice tasks;• list of issues to be studied;• expected results of the internship / practice.

The assignment and schedule of internships / practice must be approved by the Academy and the specialised organi-sation in which the student will undergo an internship / practice.

At the end of the internship / practice each student submits to the Academy the following documents:• written report;• performance appraisal report - reference with the assessment of the head of the receiving party, certified

by the seal of this institution, and• diary of the internship / practice.

An important part of the master’s educational programme is the preparation of scientific publications based on the results of the research.

With regard to the requirements for writing, design and order of defence of the master’s thesis, they are listed in the relevant Guidelines for the preparation and defence of the master’s thesis

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Disclaimer: This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the project “Support for PublicAdministration Capacity Building in Turkmenistan” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.