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Page 1: ACADEMY NEWS 7th OCTOBER 2016 E X P L O R · 7th OCTOBER 2016 Photo by Miss Green. BE YOUR BEST Best wishes Principal’s










7th OCTOBER 2016

Photo by Miss Green

Page 2: ACADEMY NEWS 7th OCTOBER 2016 E X P L O R · 7th OCTOBER 2016 Photo by Miss Green. BE YOUR BEST Best wishes Principal’s


Best wishes

Principal’s Report

Sara Davey - Academy Principal

The main event this week has been our annual Open Day and Evening. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing staff for organising a wonderful set of activities for the Year 6 students in Penwith during Thursday’s Open Day. The staff were ably assisted by over 100 students who acted as Student Ambassadors and Leaders. The day was very well organised and provided an insight into our exciting secondary Adventure Learning curriculum. The Year 6 students had the chance to bake cookies, make torches, perform in a pirate drama production, complete scientific experiments, learn another language and make beautiful art. They also used our specialist facilities in our new Sports Hall and our new Music suite. A very popular addition to the staff team for the day was a parent who brought in his ‘Kurious Kritters’ for students to appreciate and understand. The racoon was a big hit!

The evening was an opportunity for all of our amazing departments to open their doors and welcome guests from far and wide. We had nearly 700 people join us for short talks from the Principal and wonderful presentations from our Junior Leadership Team in the Hall. The classrooms were a-buzz with creative and inspired activities ranging from Japanese Fish painting to drinking Trench Soup in History and many more besides. A particular popular feature was the outdoor rock climbing challenge on our North Face climbing wall. We were also particularly happy to open our new stunning Science laboratories and corridor for the first time delighting the audiences with Physics, Chemistry and Biology demonstrations and hands-on activities. We have received many thanks and email messages of congratulations from parents and students so we hope that we have encouraged a new generation of Mounts Bay students to join us in September. The final results for the Cornwall School Games have been counted and the summer and winter competitions have been added together and there will be a winner announced next week. We are proud that our former alumni, Jack Nowell, has agreed to have the winning trophy named after him to present to the victorious school. Watch this space!

I would also like to thank our diligent and responsible Year 11 students who attended intensive Maths and revision workshops on Thursday. They worked with focus and determination and a great deal of progress was made. Staff have commented that the Year 11 were a pleasure to work with during the day and we look forward to improved English and Maths results in the upcoming Mock exams.

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Bermuda AdventureOn Saturday 1st October hundreds of Years 5 and 6 students from all over Penwith spent an adventurous morning at Mounts Bay Academy. The students were taken on an adventure in the Bermuda Triangle, travelling on a state-of-the-art underwater cruise ship on its maiden voyage in the infamous waters. What could possibly go wrong?


Having, surprisingly, become shipwrecked and stranded on a desert island the students spent their time making distress flares in Science, developing musical communications systems in Music, solving problems to earn food in Maths and physically conquering the ‘jungle’ in PE. The morning culminated in the children forming a human SOS signal on the field before being rescued and returned to the Hall to watch a film of their morning activities.

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Year 6 Day and Evening

On Thursday 6th October we welcomed Year 6 students to Mounts Bay Academy for the day. They took part in a number of lessons to experience what learning is like at Mounts Bay.


In the evening the Year 6 students, their parents and other members of the community enjoyed touring the MBA site to have a look at our stunning facilities and the activities taking place in all departments.

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To explore how technology can be used in even more creative ways, the Year 10 students will then complete further units in the course on:


ICT Level 2 Year 10

Report by Mr Lane

- Digital presentation techniques

- Print-based editing

- Imaging software

- Using mobile devices

- Multimedia software

This term, as part of the ITQ course, Year 10 students have been exploring the different aspects of personal safety with regards to devices and data. Each class member has been given the task to create a script for a podcast which will be used to inform younger MBA students on how to keep their information safe when using digital devices. Once the script has been created, students will then commence the process of audio editing using GarageBand in one of the Academy’s Mac suites. The final product will be published as an audio file for students to listen to from the Year 10 students’ website e-portfolio that they created at the beginning of the year.

In Creative iMedia we look at a variety of ways to present information in a creative and imaginative way. This includes posters, videos and comics. The students look at the whole process from planning the product through skeleton and visualisation diagrams, work plans, deciding on the assets and resources needed etc. They then move on to creating their products using professional software such as Fireworks, Photoshop, Comic Life and iMovie. The assignment is then finished by evaluating their final piece against set objectives. The Year 9 students are currently working hard on planning their products for the first assignment.

Creative iMedia

Report by Mr Jenkin

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In light of last week's trip to St Ives, 7 Orange are beginning to develop ideas linked to their response to our local landscape. They have been analysing and processing their beautiful photos and observational drawings. This will refine their ideas for their final illustrations. These will be edited and entered in the finished REAL Project printed books!

REAL Project Update

They thoroughly enjoyed their trip to St Ives; walking through the town, meeting the lovely Mayor, Linda Taylor, and even trying on her very special Mayor's hat! The students are now eager and ready to get on with some practical to lead into their very own REAL and authentic outcomes to be presented at the exhibition and book launch!

Report by Miss Green


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On Monday the students who were our first cohort on The Scholars Programme received their marks for their assignments. These assignments were 2000 word essays that were written during the first two weeks of the summer holidays after the students had attended five lectures with their PhD tutor Deborah Johnson who lectures Politics at Exeter University. The students were able to choose their own titles for their essays but the theme was the structural impacts of armed conflict and the challenges countries face reintegrating children in the peace that follows.

The work was assessed at ‘A’ level standard using the degree grading system with a first being the top grade. Seven students were awarded first class passes, two were awarded 2:1 and two 2:2. A first represented work that is considered as exceptional for an A level student. A 2:2 represented work that is considered as exceptional for a GCSE student. Hudson and Lamorna’s assignments have been nominated for The Brilliant Club magazine which contains the best essays from all the students on The Scholars Programme from across the county.

In November the students have their graduation event at Southampton University. This will give them the chance to visit another top university, meet with more students with high aspirations and learn more about how to successfully apply for a place at one of the country’s most selective universities.

Scholars Programme

Report by Mr Jack

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On Wednesday, our Year 10 Young Enterprise students attended the launch event at Kingsley Village. There were schools present from all over Cornwall. The students were formally introduced to the YE process and started to work with their Business Advisor, John Chapple Marketing Manager at Imprimus, a communication solutions company.


Young Enterprise

The group pitched a new brand of chocolate bar.

The students are already showing many entrepreneurial skills and are very excited about starting up and developing their enterprise over the coming months.

Report by Miss Walters and Mr Jenkin

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Human Rights in Religious Studies and Ethics


The Year 9 RE groups have been studying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We have been looking at when it was issued and asking the students ‘have we learnt from previous mistakes?’

The Year 9 classes had to research selected case studies of genocide since the Second World War. They worked in groups and separated the roles of what they were researching between them. After they researched their information they showcased their knowledge to the rest of the class.

Each spoke with confidence and empathy for the case study they researched.

Report by Miss Drew

The Year 10 Citizenship class have been working on the new GCSE specification since September. We have been studying how the UK is diverse and how people of all ethnicities live together within communities. Students have been making moral decisions on how others have been affected by war and persecution and have empathised with the life changing decisions some people have had to make. Last week we played a decision-making game from the Amnesty International organisation to show some of these challenges. The students were focused and held a mature debate on the outcomes they could have chosen and how people differed in their opinion.

Report by Miss Drew


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Muscle Inspection

GCSE PE students looked at how muscle and bones work together in their theory lesson this week. They had to dissect a chicken wing looking for the tendons, ligaments and cartilage. They enjoyed the opportunity to see how pairs of muscles worked.

One student said, "This is sick, I can really see what’s going on!"

Report by Mr Veal

This week all Year 11 students began using Tassomai for Science. An online learning program, Tassomai tailors itself to each user. As students learn, the system adapts and targets areas where they are weakest, reinforcing their understanding of the subject. Students complete 10 minutes of quizzes each day, contributing to their progress targets. This enables them to complete the course in March, just before their GCSE exams.

Last year, of the Year 11 students who completed at least 80% of the Tassomai course, 54% achieved an A-A* grade and 97% achieved an A*-C grade.

Tassomai Success in Science

Report by Mr Troup

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The Year 9 Child Development GCSE class have got off to a flying start since September. Having already completed one topic on the Development of the Child, all students have also completed their introductory visit as part of their Child Study. Within the topic students have learnt about the ways children learn and develop, through different types of play and experimenting. Whilst also analysing how toys and books can play such a huge part in development, students have come to learn of the different theories behind learning and how we learn.

Emily said it is “fun and amazing”.

Tegan and Jess said “it is useful and different, and even if we weren’t to go into the childcare industry we will still have a positive use for what we have learnt”.

Robyn said “I’m so pleased I chose Child Development it is really interesting and Miss Walters makes it fun and has loads of interesting information to tell us”.

Poppy said “I like learning through different activities and research and we have been lucky to do this throughout the topic”.

We still have four more topics to cover and all the students are motivated to do well. Students are also completing a research task which they will complete in the Spring. Many have voiced an interest in midwifery or paediatrics and some career choices none had thought of before.

Child Development

Report by Miss Walters

Physical LiteracyIt was a great first Year 7 session this week. The Year 8s started three weeks ago and now it was the Year 7s chance to start their physical literacy programme. The students will take part in physical activities once a week during tutor time. The activities are are designed to raise students’ heart rates and develop fundamental movement skills. This is the second year group to have these extra sessions. The sessions were originally introduced with last year's Year 7 and proved to be very successful in increasing the physical activity levels of students, improving focus and attitude for learning.

Report by Mr Strong

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Top effort from Madison Spurgeon in Year 9 Catering, who worked thoroughly hard during a egg-themed practical session to create a superb chocolate meringue pie.

Her chocolate flavoured short-crust pastry was blind-baked to perfection, creating a deliciously crumbly, yet integral pastry case. The case was then filled with a set chocolate custard, with beautifully light French meringue piped on top.

An effort like this involves careful planning and meticulous execution, fully justifying a Di Vinci award. Well done Madison!

Report by Mr Bromfield

In Science we have been learning about DNA extraction and on Tuesday 4th we did a practical where we extracted DNA from strawberries.

Report by Sian Birch and Olivia Blake, 11 Green

DNA Extraction

This Wednesday ,Year 10 HPI Psychology students were lucky enough to experience a lecture held by Alan Jones ‘The Enigmatist’ at Penwith College.

Alan Jones is renowned to amaze audiences with his unique blend of magic, mind reading, rational-mysticism and thought provoking presentations. Alan’s blend of magic, mind manipulation and motivational messages have been praised by audiences, all over the country. What makes him unique in this area is that he has an academic background in education, coaching and psychology so is able to marry the magic with the message and the exposition with the entertainment.

It was a fantastic opportunity for our students, to explore the intricacies of the human mind and experience these psychological illusion first hand.

YEAR 10 HPI Psychology

Report by Miss Westren and Miss Walters


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Royal Navy steer their way to Mounts Bay

Colour Sergeant Tony Hands delivered an informative lunchtime session to students considering this pathway after Year 11, and for students from Year 7 upwards wanting to learn more about the opportunities within this profession. He explained that as a Penzance teenager he joined because he wanted to travel the world and meet fantastic people. The job is certainly varied with no one day being the same, from protecting the UK's waters, to anti-piracy measures in Somalia, control and prevention of drug traffickers to humanitarian work with the migrant crisis. Certainly not a mundane 9-5 job!

Within the last two months the Royal Navy and Royal Marines have opened all their recruitment posts to both male and female candidates which evens any perceived gender inequalities within the armed forces, the Royal Marines being previously only open to male applicants and the Royal Navy having their first female "Mine Clearance Diver" successfully appointed.

There is strong demand for engineering roles especially aeronautical engineering with the Merlin helicopters and F35 Fighters coming into commission at Culdrose. They also offer opportunities for progression onto engineering degrees whilst being paid and fast tracked onto promotion. The better your academic grades the more doors that will open.

There are over 100 different jobs within the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. Their apprenticeships are one of their best kept secrets as applicants can apply for apprenticeships in Engineering, Business and Law, Catering, ICT, Warehousing and Storage, Health & Social Care and Public Services. Students can start their application aged 15 and 9 months and this has to be done on-line through the Role Finder on:

On an apprenticeship applicants will be paid £18,125 after their first 26 weeks of training. If they are under 18 they can leave at any time - which is why it is an amazing opportunity to get nationally recognised qualifications, an excellent apprenticeship salary and the opportunity to travel the world.

Sport is well respected within this profession with opportunities to take your love of sport further afield from boxing in America to playing rugby in Sharm-el-Sheikh. Students who take part in extra curricular sporting activities whilst at school or college are giving extra weight to their potential applications as they can evidence their leaderships skills, team work and physical fitness.

We are very fortunate to have such a supportive team of Armed Forces Personnel within our local Careers office in Redruth and they welcome any enquiries direct to them. Sgt Tony Hands is arranging further support for our Year 11 students applying to Wellbeck College and we also have the RAF visiting on 11th October.


Report by Mrs Masters

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Spanish Language Trip 2017

We are excited to announce that we are launching a Spanish Language trip in 2017. We will be travelling to the area of Spain called Cantabria and will be staying in a town called Santillana del Mar.

The trip will give you the opportunity to use your Spanish language in real life situations whilst soaking up the atmosphere and excitement of a Spanish town.

The trip will be taking place over the May half term and the total cost will be £550. This cost covers: • Return coach journey• Return flights• Full board accommodation• Day trips to Santander and surrounding towns• An excursion to the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao.

We are travelling with a company called NST who are very experienced at running these trips and will be on hand if we need them. There are only 32 places available and this trip will be open to Years 8, 9 and 10 in the first instance. If we do not fill the places we will open the trip up to Year 7.

If you are interested in this amazing opportunity you need to see Miss Tripp in the MFL office for a letter ASAP. An £80 deposit will need to be paid by Monday 17th October. If you have any questions please email Miss Tripp, find her in the MFL office or speak to your MFL teacher.

Report by Miss Tripp

This year is set to be an exciting year for German and all those students interested in the language and culture of German-speaking countries!

Having hosted students and teachers from our partner school, Rudolph-Diesel Gymnasium in Augsburg, dates have been fixed for MBA’s visit to the Bavarian city. We will be spending a week, from 1st – 7th April, immersing ourselves in everything German. Among the activities planned, there is a visit to the Bavarian capital, Munich, a day-trip to Dachau and a tour of the Augsburg synagogue. Easter is a wonderful time to visit Germany and is a prime opportunity to experience life in one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in Europe. If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with your MFL teacher.

Report by Mr Neal-Smith

German Exchange Opportunity

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Young Entrepreneurs Needed

Attention any Budding Entrepreneurs - Pop up Penzance Youth Markets

A new pilot project funded by the Big Lottery is being launched for young people age 12-25 organised by Pop Up Penzance. Aiming for the first Penzance Youth Market on 21st December, they are looking for young people who would like to try out a business idea on a market stall. If you have an idea, or need help coming up with one, they are aiming to support young people in developing their ideas into a business venture. There will be four sessions young people can attend to support and progress their ideas, starting on Wednesday 19th October 4.30pm - 6.30pm at Penwith College.

If you're interested please email Rachel Martin at [email protected] for more info. No cost to be involved, just a small charge to book your market stall. The team involved are Jo Lewis who is a qualified teacher and Emma Wilson a qualified youth worker. Students will require parental consent to attend. All staff involved are DBS approved.

Report by Mrs Masters

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This week Artist of the Week is awarded to Iris Rainbow in 9 Green. Iris has started her fast track GCSE course with focus and dedication, developing her ideas linked to her interest in animals.

Iris enjoys working in a figurative style, and has recently been exploring different ways she can manipulate ink, watercolours and acrylics to achieve effects. Her use of colour and mark making has made excellent progress, and she has started working on a larger scale.

Artist of the Week

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Iris said, “I have always been fond of animals and that's why I enjoy looking at them as a theme. Also, I enjoy working with inks because they are unpredictable and I like bright colours; this is the effect the inks produce. Now I am looking forward to working bigger and exploring some different techniques. I am enjoying Art as an option because it is free and creative and we are given independence to make our own choices.”

Iris has also strengthened her project through attending Art clubs throughout the semester. Well done for all your hard work Iris!

Report by Miss Green

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Photographer(s) of the Week

Years 9 and 10 have started the year fantastically, demonstrating excellent independent learning skills as they explore some of the key technical features in Photography. Some students have already used their skills to develop personal outcomes:

Ella Newing

Iris Rainbow

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Mia Walsh

Matt Thatcher

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Year 8 Victorian Portraits

Last year there was a distinct lack of Victorian style portraiture at MBA so this year the Year 8s are taking up the challenge - researching by looking and making notes, setting up their cameras and then standing very, very still. There is some fabulous work by students showing outstanding study skills and independence to co-construct their histories of Photography.

Report by Mr Cross, photographs by Marlene Favata and Jacob Pengelly

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Graphic Design, Year 8

The Year 8 Graphic Design groups have been working through a ‘live’ project brief during Semester 1.

Students have been exploring and analysing the amazing and diverse international range of packaging design before moving on to creating draft packaging design concepts of their own. Each student has selected a healthy eating product ranging from smoothies to dried fruits and then worked logically through the design process to create a range of imaginative packaging concepts.

Still a project in the making, students have created draft illustrations and they are now moving on to consider the balance of image and text and importantly, the selection of typographic styles that would appeal to their target audience. The Art and Design Department are looking forward to the outcomes during the next few weeks. Some of our students have shown great initiative and have contacted Design companies too and are hoping to get really constructive feedback on how to improve their designs.

Report by Mrs Dale

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Go and See Opportunity

Twelfth Night by Fathom Theatre. Three women, one puppet, a host of characters and a little help from you…Fathom Theatre pushes Shakespeare’s identity swapping comedy to its hilarious limits with intense hat swapping, plenty of laughs and at least one rocking pair of yellow stockings. It’s the age old tale, you know the one, women become men, men become puppets, puppets have identity crises and accidentally get into duels. Some are born great, some achieve greatness but this fast paced reimagining will thrust greatness upon you, whether you be a witty fool or a foolish wit.

Tickets in advance: Adult:£8:00 Child, Unwaged :£6:00 Family £22:00 (2 Adult, 2 Child)- See more at:

Report By Ms Claxton

Event Date 9th October 2016Venue The Centre, NewlynDoors open 19:00 Starts 19:30

Theatre on your doorstep this weekend! If you like your Shakespeare served with a big dollop of humour, check out this production of ‘Twelfth Night’. We also have two free student ‘Go and See’ opportunity tickets available for this performance, funded by the Arts Award. Email Shelley on [email protected] for more details.

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Girls Rugby

Congratulations to five Mounts Bay girls who have been selected to represent Cornwall for girls rugby this year. Chloe Shrosbree, Kiah Richards, Heather Searle and Lucy Rendle will be representing the Under 15s whilst Kiera Goddard will be representing the U18s. All of these girls have played a massive part in the success of the MBA girls rugby club over the past two years.

If you are interested in playing rugby, MBA girls rugby club runs on Thursdays 3.30 - 4.15. We have lots of new girls this year which is fantastic. Everybody is welcome.

The Cornish Pirates also have a girls division who train down at the Nursery pitch every Wednesday 6.30pm - 8pm.

Well done to the girls and we look forward to hearing about your successes!


Report by Miss Tripp

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Year 7 Rugby

Report by Matthew Randall

On Wednesday 5th October the Year 7 rugby team took on rivals Hayle. After a slow start MBA were down two tries to one. The pressure was on at the start of the second half but MBA started to recover with a good team try quickly followed by another putting us in the lead three tries to two. The rest of the game was very even with two tries to MBA and one to Hayle. MBA came out eventual winners five tries to three.

Mr Strong said, “There was a great atmosphere down on the pitch with a capacity crowd watching. There were some strong tackles, powerful runs and trys to get both the home and away supporters cheering! Mounts Bay held off a lot of Hayle attacking play before extending their lead late in the second half.”


Oscar BeckerlegMatthew RandallLewis StephensHarvey GwennapThomas RogersJack BassettTom TregarthenMackenzie KeskeysAlex Williams

Alex RoeWill ParsleyKaiyan WilsonHarry NealHanul McCowanConnor CaesarJago HillsKylo Mayes

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MBA Year 9s proved too strong for Redruth in the County Cup tonight. Winning by 36-14 the boys played scintillating rugby in the opening 10 minutes, driving hard and moving the ball at speed. When under the cosh, Frankie Nowell ran, kicked and followed up a length of the field try which knocked the stuffing out of the Redruth side. All played well but Dan Toms was deemed Man of the Match for his barn storming runs!


Year 9 Rugby Cup Victory

Report by Mr Veal

It was a cracking tough fought game between the U13 boys from MBA and Hayle this evening. After a tough fought opening 10 minutes both teams looked like they might come out on top, but MBA eventually found themselves the victors in a close game with local rivals Hayle, 20-15 was the score.

The first score came through some good interplay amid backs and forwards leading to an MBA score with Jacob Pengelly finishing off things. With some strong running from Danny Fyffe coupled with a massive hit on their captain and strong counter rucking, spirits were lifted and the team as a whole performed really well. Max Sindell carried well, while Harvey Stone and Harvey Baker made yards from deep to help the boys coast out to a 15-0 advantage. Hayle came back scoring some good tries in succession, but through some good running and pace across the team MBA worked their way to victory. Once again Wes Eddy was a menace in the tight and with strong rucking from Ciaran Durrant the boys outside were able to take their chances.

Well done lads!Report by Mr Hopper

Year 8 Rugby

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Year 7 played Hayle tonight and won 16-0. Once again they worked hard and were very dynamic in their movement. Well done girls, unbeaten so far this season. Hayle nominated Tia Smart as Player of the Match. Well done girls, you are all awesome!


Year 7 Netball


Polly George Tia Smart Isla Harvey Freya Prodger Sophia Hosking Rebecca Storey Suzanna Archer Scott Esther Baker Crystal Sedgeman

Report by Mrs Crowle

Year 8 played Hayle today and won 14-1. Excellent play by all with Daisy Leiworthy nominated by Hayle as Player of the Match. A huge thanks to Megan Byrne and Ella Leiworthy for officiating and Lilly Hardy for scoring.

Year 8 Netball


Daisy Leiworthy (c)Ismay Cornish-MurphyLois Willett-GreenTommi-Leigh LobbIzzy GrahamTilly SandersBeau Cowan-DickieMollie MaycockEllie DashEdith Willett-GreenCaitlin Rendle

Report by Mrs Trevail

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Maths Quiz

This Week’s Puzzle:

Bill and Ben's combined age is 91. Bill is now twice as old as Ben was when Bill was as old as Ben is now. How old are they?

Last week’s solution: 22 SWEETS

15p buys 15 sweets15 wrappers gets 5 sweets3 wrappers gets 1 sweet (2 wrappers left over)1 wrapper plus 2 left over gets 1 sweet


Could you write next week’s puzzle?If you would like to set the numeracy puzzle for a future week click here. You will win house points.

Win an iTunes voucher

Whoever submits the most correct answers over a semester will win an iTunes voucher – prizes are also awarded to the top scoring parent/carer/staff.

House Competition

Blue: 65 PointsOrange: 39 PointsGreen: 36 PointsRed: 33 Points

Purple: 29 PointsYellow: 28 Points

Click here to submit your answer

Closing date for Entries: 12:00

Puzzle provided by Faye Louan Jacka


This Week’s House Totals




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To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word nightmare. Send in your sentence using the link below.


Congratulations to Isobel Hoyes who wins 10 VIVOs.

Click here to enter the competition

This week’s word is: Nightmare

Definition: 1. a frightening or unpleasant dream. 2. a very unpleasant or frightening experience or prospect.

Etymology: from the Old English "mare", a mythological demon or goblin who torments others with frightening dreams. The prefix "night-" was added to stress the dream aspect.