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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter Academic Tweeting! Surprising benefits!

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Page 1: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Academic Tweeting! Surprising benefits!

Page 2: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

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Page 3: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

These WILL make sense … • 1 in 4 • @ vs .@ • re-tweet / mention / reply / message / like • <120 • short links

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Page 4: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Why Twitter?

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“Twitter is what you make of it, and its flexibility is one of its greatest strengths.”

Katrina Gulliver in the Chronicle of Higher Education (2012) : 10 Commandments of Twitter for Academics.

• New networking opportunities • Direct communication lines • Article copies • Hashtags and keywords enhance visibility • First build audience; then promote • The sky is the limit • Everyone uses Twitter differently. • Twitter is for virtual "water cooler chats".

Presentation Notes
The second is older (2012) by Katrina Gulliver in the Chronicle of Higher Education: 10 Commandments of Twitter for Academics It helps you get to know a lot of great people whom you probably wouldn't have met otherwise. You can engage directly with scholars whose work you admire. You can get copies of obscure articles much faster than you would have received them from an interlibrary loan. It's important to have a keyword, or hashtag, that others can search for when you want to communicate with networks beyond your own followers. Whatever your discipline, there's probably a hashtag in use, but if there isn't, create one. DON’T make an account solely to promote a new book or project. Build an audience first. You can ask for or about anything on Twitter. It is amazing how knowledgeable your Twitter friends can be. AND you are allowed on Twitter to admit to having a life outside of academia. Not everyone has to use Twitter the same way. Twitter is a kind of "water cooler chat". The weird and wonderful world of academic Twitter, Glen Wright, 2015 Times Higher Education about 1 in 40 academics Hashtags are great for community building
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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Social Media Studies • A study of Social Media Usage: 2005-2015,

published July 2015 by the Pew Research Centre

• More People Get Their News From Facebook and Twitter

• Twitter Is the Go-to Platform for Breaking News

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Some academics still don’t get it! Feb. 2015 Kirk Englehard Nature associated SciLog: Science and Social Media • You’re in the Driver’s Seat • It’s About the Network • It’s Newsy and Trendy • Promotion (may) = Citations and Downloads • Spreading Your Love of Science • Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

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Presentation Notes
Feb. 2015 Kirk Englehard wrote in a Nature associated SciLog: Science and Social Media: Some Academics Still Don’t ‘Get It’ where he listed 10 reasons for academic researchers to use social media, including:
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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

PLOS Biology: an introducation Public visibility and engaging in constructive conversation on social media can benefit scientists and impact their research profile. • powerful way to boost profile and be a public voice • sharing journal articles and scientific opinions • post updates from conferences and meetings • circulate information about opportunities and events “An Introduction to Social Media for Scientists”

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Presentation Notes
In 2013, PLOS Biology published “An Introduction to Social Media for Scientists” where authors Bik and Goldstein state: using social media tools offer a powerful way for scientists to boost their professional profile and act as a public voice for science. using social media to share journal articles, advertise their thoughts and scientific opinions, post updates from conferences and meetings, and circulate information about professional opportunities and upcoming events. lacking of an online presence can severely limit a researcher’s visibility, having public visibility and constructive conversation on social media networks can be beneficial for scientists, and impact their research profile in a number of key ways.
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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Institutional advice • Australian Science Media Centre • Newcastle University

o tips for Twitter in particular • University of York • UiB

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Presentation Notes
The Australian Science Media Centre states that: “Social media can add a new dimension to how scientists communicate with colleagues and the wider community.” They provide information about using social media. Newcastle University – Social media for research[ers]�and its tips for Twitter in particular University of York – Become a networked researcher
Page 9: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Good starting point …

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

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Page 11: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Worksheet #4 - • Why am I tweeting this content? • Do I want debate friendly conversation or just to

inform? • Am I using the best and most appropriate

hashtags? • Do I have one message to convey in my tweet? • Twitter for Academics

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Worksheet #4 - Quick tips: • Add photo or link first before writing your message

to avoid running out of space. • Use positive language to engage more readers

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Worksheet #4 - Checklist before publishing a tweet • Re-read once for spelling, • again for grammar, • and another for context. • Are the hashtags appropriate? • Is my retweet from a trustworthy source? • I read the content before retweeting. • I understand what I’m tweeting about.

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Worksheet #4 - • Don’t ever feel obliged to tweet.

• Tweeting should be fun and informative.

• But beware before you share because not

everyone will be so careful with their tweets.

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter


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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

• CX • DM/PM • FTF • FB • FF • HT • PLMK • RT • TYIA • TYT • LOL • ICYMI

• customer experience • direct message / personal message • something with business!! • Facebook • Follow Friday • hat tip = head nod: HT -

@BMpayments • please let me know • re-tweet • thank you in advance • take your time • laughing out load / lots of laughs / lots

of love • in case you missed it


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Presentation Notes
What do all the acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations mean? This quiz is to help you get used to some alternative forms of Twitter-speak.
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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Social Media Management • Twitterdeck • Hootsuite • Buffer

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Presentation Notes
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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Analytics • Twitonomy • Twitter analytics • … • Twitter analytics & visualization tools

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Page 19: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

These WILL make sense … • 1 in 4 • @ vs .@ • re-tweet / mention / reply / message / like • <120 • short links

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Page 20: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

1 in 4 • 1 tweet in 4 about you • Others: links, replies, re-tweets

• Conferences: notebook, prepare, laptop

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Page 21: Academic Tweeting! -• Setting the Record Straight • Sharing Interesting Things

Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

@ vs .@ • @ part of username / handle • Placement in message important • Placed first = DM • .@ placed first public tweet • (more from a presentation by Ned Potter at the University of York SlideShare) • (more from The #1 Twitter Mistake: @reply versus @mention in Twitter for Dummies)

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Presentation Notes
@username and .@username A Twitter username (Twitter handle) begins with “@”. Where you place this @username in your tweet is important. How things are parced Begin with @username and the tweet is “personal”. It is a message (or direct message DM). It will be visible only to you and the person you are tweeting (and any people who follow both of you). This might also be a reply. You can only message someone you are following. Embed the @username somewhere in your tweet but not at the beginning and you have mentioned the person in a tweet that is open to everyone – it appears in the feeds of everyone who follows you. (This user is notified in their Mentions section.) If you want to begin a tweet with the person’s Twitter username, but send it to everyone use the .@username protocol. (more from a presentation by Ned Potter at the University of York SlideShare) (from The #1 Twitter Mistake: @reply versus @mention in Twitter for Dummies)
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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

re-tweet / mention / reply / message / like

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• Tweet: may contain photos, videos, links and up to 140 characters of text.

• Re-tweet: Tweet forwarded to followers (RT)

• Reply: response to another user's Tweet, begins with the @username. Click "reply" button

• Like

• Mention @username (*.@)

• Message /Direct Message (DM) : private messages *begin with @username

Presentation Notes
Tweet A Tweet may contain photos, videos, links and up to 140 characters of text. Re-tweet A Tweet that you forward to your followers is known as a Retweet. Often used to pass along news or other valuable discoveries on Twitter, Retweets always retain original attribution.   Reply A response to another user's Tweet that begins with the @username of the person you're replying to is known as a reply. Reply by clicking the "reply" button next to the Tweet you'd like to respond to. Like   Mention Mentioning other users in your Tweet by including the @ sign followed directly by their username is called a “mention.” Also refers to Tweets in which your @username was included. (see examples)   Message /Direct Message Direct Messages are private messages sent from one Twitter user to another Twitter users. You can use Direct Messages for one-on-one private conversations, or between groups of users. *begin with @username (see examples)
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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter


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Presentation Notes
A tweet with a mention and a link (that has been “liked” 4 times. A re-tweet about a link that has been re-tweeted 7 times and “liked” 9 times.
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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

<120 • 140 characters • Leave place for comments

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

Shortening links •

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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter

WHAT MAKE S A GOOD TWEET? • Easy to read

• Understand the context • Clear intention • Well composed and formatted • Nice use of pictures • Nice use of hashtags (not too


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Tweeting for Academics #academictwitter