academic careers workshop

Academic Careers 1 Academic Careers Clark Bonilla, Director Alumni and Career Services School of Public Policy 1 st Annual Public Policy Career Week

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Career Pathways within Academia


Page 1: Academic Careers Workshop

Academic Careers1

Academic Careers

Clark Bonilla, DirectorAlumni and Career Services

School of Public Policy

1st Annual Public Policy Career Week

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Academic Careers2

Learning Objectives

Define an “Academic Career.”

Differentiate between “Academic” and “Research” Careers.

Identify Alternative Career Pathways within Academia.

Recognize Steps in Career Management.

Improve Self-Assessment for Career Decisions.

Understand Academic Labor Market.

Understand Impact of Organizational Culture on Careers.

Understand Benefits of GRA, Grants and Fellowships for Career


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Academic Careers3



Career Services

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Academic Careers4


Learn the steps and resources for career

management to improve career opportunities,

advancement and satisfaction within a

realistic assessment of your place in the

academic labor market.

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Academic Careers5

Intended Audience

BS Students and Alumni

MS Students and Alumni

PhD Students and Alumni

Postdoctoral Scholars

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Academic Careers6

PP Career Services

Public Policy’s Career ServicesPublic Policy’s Career Services addresses

occupational markets, requirements,

professional development, and professional

identity for effective career management

(environmental exploration).(environmental exploration).

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Academic Careers7

Job Market



Optimal CareerOptions

PP Career Advisement:Market-Based Model

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Academic Careers8

Georgia Tech Career Services

Georgia Tech’s Career ServicesGeorgia Tech’s Career Services focuses on

self-assessment leading to clarified life

values and preferences in career decision

making (self-explorationself-exploration)

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Academic Careers9

GT Career Advisement:Sequential Model

2. Choose a Degree Program

3. Choose a Career

4. FindA Job

1. Self-Exploration

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Academic Careers10

1. An Academic Career

What is an Academic


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Academic Careers11

Career as Occupational Pathway

Barley (1989): “a structural

property of an occupation

or an organization.”

(Greenhaus & Callanan, 1994, p. 4),

i.e., a sequence of positions

held within an occupation.

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Graduate Research Assistant

Postdoctoral Scholar

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor

Director, Center/Program



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Academic Careers12

Career as Work Patterns over Life

Greenhaus & Callanan (1994): “the pattern of work-

related experiences that span the course of a person’s

life.” (p. 5)

– Objective: positions, duties, decisions

– Subjective: work aspirations, expectations, values

– Career Decision: reasons for position selection, changes in

type or level of occupation (lateral or vertical movement)

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Academic Careers13

“Career Pathways” Defined

The various career choices realistically open to an

individual with a given education, skill sets, experience,

interests, and values, that open up alternative career

paths, i.e., inter-occupational mobility, intra-occupational

mobility (vertical to management, or horizontal to non-

management positions). These pathways expand or

contract over time as the individual has effectively

managed her career, contingent also, in part, on whether

she prefers to be a generalist or a specialist.

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Academic Careers14

SamplePhD Pathways in Academia

The Ph.D. Scholar

Professorial Administrative Research (Only)


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Postdoctoral Scholar

Assistant to VP, Research

Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs

Director, CenterDirector, Faculty


Research Director

Chief Scientist

Research Associate

Laboratory Manager

Visiting ProfessorOr Lecturer

Associate Director, Governmental Affairs

Associate Director,Community Relations

Associate Director,Institutional Effectiveness

Director, TechnologyTransfer

Associate Director,Institutional Research

Director, IndustryRelations

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Academic Careers15

SampleMS Pathways in Academia

The MS Graduate

Instruction Administrative Research (Only)

Assistant Professor,Community College

Instructor,Community College

Adjunct Instructor &Online Instructor

CoordinatorCurriculum Dev.

Assistant Director, Governmental Affairs

Assistant Director, Community Affairs

Development OfficerCoordinator, Faculty


Lab Manager

Research Assistant,Survey Research

Survey Interviewer

Officer, Regulatory Compliance


Research Associate, Institutional Research

Associate, RegulatoryCompliance

Budget Analyst Policy Analyst

QA AnalystContracting Officer,

Sponsored Programs

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Academic Careers16

SampleBS Pathways in Academia

The MS Graduate

Instruction Administrative Research (Only)

SpecialistCurriculum Planner

Officer, Governmental Affairs

Coordinator, Community Affairs

Development OfficerAdmissions


Lab Manager

Research Assistant,Survey Research

Survey Interviewer

Lab Assistant


Academic AdvisorAdvisor, International


Specialist, Study Abroad


Contracting Officer,Sponsored Programs

Officer, Regulatory Compliance

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Academic Careers17

2. Student Decision Making in Choosing Faculty Careers

Rational Agents?

Maybe Not …

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Academic Careers18

Exercise 1: Your Decision Criteria

Identify the top 10 factors influencing your

decision to pursue a faculty career.

Rank them (1: greatest, 10: least).

Classify them as (A) wholly within your control,

(B) partially in your control, (C) mostly out of

your control.

Reflect on risk and probability. Discuss.

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Academic Careers19

Career Attractors

Factors Affecting Pursuit of Faculty Career

More Interested



Less Interested

Enjoyment of Teaching 83.2% 12.4% 4.4%

Working on College Campus 79.9% 19.2% 0.9%

Enjoyment of Research 72.1% 19.6% 8.3%

Lifestyles of Faculty 59.5% 30.1% 10.4%

Enjoyment Received from Faculty 47.3% 44.2% 8.4%

Enjoyment of Service 40.6% 54.6% 4.7%

Exposure to Other Careers 31.9% 51.8% 16.3%

(Source: Golde and Dore, 2001)

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Career Detractors

Factors Affecting Pursuit of Faculty Career

More Interested



Less Interested

Tenure and Promotion Process 3.5% 47.8% 48.6%

Academic Job Market in Field 8.5% 48.9% 42.5%

Work Load Expectations 9.6% 58.5% 31.9%

Obtaining Research Funding 14.7% 58.1% 27.2%

Salary Levels 6.1% 69.9% 23.9%

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Academic Careers21

3. S&E Career Exits as Indicators of Decision Efficacy

Why They Leave …

Are They More Rational Agents?

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Academic Careers22

Survey of S&E Career Exits

Percentage Who Cited Men Women

Better Pay in Non-S&E Positions 68.0% 33.0%

Career Opportunities Lacking 64.0% 34.0%

Other Fields More Interesting 36.0% 30.0%

S&E Positions Not Available 34.0% 21.4%

Preferred Other Positions 23.0% 35.0%

Promoted Out of Science 18.0% 2.9%

Impossible to Have Family and S&E Work 4.5% 21.4%

Demands of Career Too Severe 4.5% 2.9%

Hours Required Too Long 0% 20.0%

S&E Unfriendly to Women 0% 19.0%

(Source: Preston, 2004: 30)

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Academic Careers23

The Student v. Worker:Comparison of Perspectives

Idealized Expectations Experience-Oriented Type-of-Work Oriented Individual-Centered Preference for Ideal

Work Quality of Work Expectation of Full


Real-World Expectations Income-Oriented Advancement-Oriented Family-Oriented Non-Preference for

Actual Work Quality of Life Expectation of Limited

Employment Options

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Academic Careers24

4. Academic Labor Market

Good News and

Bad News

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Academic Careers25

Nationwide Trends

More PhD graduates entering non-tenured positions and Postdoc

Difficult to transition from visiting faculty/Postdoc to tenured faculty

PhD students take longer to complete degrees

Grants and fellowships are more competitive

Increased use of adjunct faculty

Difficult to transition from adjunct to full-time faculty

Difficult to transition to a higher level institution

Low and stagnate salaries, particularly for postdoctoral scholars

Overly narrow specializations may hurt employment options

(Source: Monastersky, 2007)

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Academic Careers26

BS/BA Degrees Earned (2006)

All Graduates

Full-Time Employed

Part-Time Employed

All Social Sciences 413,500 287,100 64,100

Political + Related Sciences

133,400 85,200 21,400

Sociology/Anthropology 123,000 85,700 23,400

Other Social Sciences 80,000 56,200 13,500

Economics 77,100 60,100 5,900


Employment & Under-Employment

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Academic Careers27

BS/BA Degrees Earned Graduates

April 2006





All Social Sciences 413,500 212,700 51.4%

Political + Related Sciences

133,400 106,500 79.8%

Sociology + Anthropology

123,000 109,100 88.7%

Other Social Sciences

80,000 69,600 87%

Economics 77,100 65,900 85.5%

Unemployment (pre-Great Recession)

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Academic Careers28

Statistics Not Revealed

Average period of job hunting (unemployment)

Percentage of chronic long-term unemployment

Employment within preferred field

Employment within preferred occupation

Persistence of part-time employment

Employment by type of university attended

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Academic Careers29

National Employment Rates forPh.D. Social Scientists

Employment Trends 2004 2009

PhD: Employment at Graduation

71.6% 73.1%

PhD: Postdoctoral Appointments

31.9% 35.3%

Source: InfoBrief, 11-305, National Science Foundation

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Academic Careers30

Statistics Not Revealed

Doctoral Program Dropout Rate

Academic, Industry & Government Employment Rates

Type of Academic Institutions Hiring Most

Long-Term Unemployment Rate

Out-of-Field Employment Rate

Regional Variations in Employment Rates

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Academic Careers31

National Projections forTeaching Occupations

Political Science Professors: +15% (2008-18)

Sociology Professors: +15%

Social Sciences Professors/All Others: +15%

Area/Ethnic/Cultural Studies Professors: +15%

Source: Career InfoNet: US Dept. of Labor, BLS

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Academic Careers32

Where Sociologists Work

Industry %

Educational services, public and private 36.9

R&D in social sciences and humanities 36.0

Social advocacy organizations 8.7

R&D in physical, engineering and life sciences 6.1

Local government (excl. education/hospitals) 5.7

State government (excl. education/hospitals) 2.2

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Academic Careers33

Where Political Scientists Work

Industry %

Federal government 62.8

R&D in social sciences and humanities 10.4

Educational services, public and private 7.7

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Academic Careers34

Income Comparisons

Education 1990 2000 % Change

Engineering PhD $64.6 $91.1 41.0

Mathematics PhD $58.3 $86.6 48.5

Natural Sciences PhD $56.3 $73.0 29.7

Social Sciences PhD $54.2 $74.6 37.6

Life Sciences PhD $45.6 $62.7 37.5

MD $98.8 $156.4 58.3

Lawyer $76.9 $114.7 49.2

Managers, College+ 2 yrs. $61.3 $84.9 38.5

College Grads, 4 yrs. Only $30.8 $46.9 52.2

Note: Mean Income in the thousands

Source: US Census Bureau, IPUMS Data, 1990, 2000

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Academic Careers35

4: Choosing an Institution

The Proper Institutions

for Your Career


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Academic Careers36

Professorial Career

Do you wish research to be your focus?

Would you work in federal or industry labs?

Do you prefer a balance of research and teaching?

Do you want to teach primarily?

Would you consider federal agency work?

Would you consider academic and industry employment

alternating over your career?

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Academic Careers37

Types of Faculty Careers

Elites Pluralists LocalsHigh ambition Moderate ambition Less ambition

“uniform moral career”: strong career identity

Career “nebulously conceived,” flexible

Teaching career identity

Strong hierarchy of ascent No hierarchy of ascent Horizontal mobility

Strongly R&D oriented Somewhat R&D oriented Little to no R&D

Community of scholars Mixed communities Local community

Low institutional commitment

Mixed institutional commitments

Strong institutional commitments

Strong social stratification Moderate social stratification Low social stratification

Academic only career Mixed sector career Highly mixed career

(Source: J.C. Hermanowicz, 1998; Merton, 1957; Dannefer, 1984a)

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Academic Careers38

Research Universities

State Universities

Comprehensive Universities

Mostly Elites, Some Pluralists

Mostly Pluralists, Some Elites

Mostly Communitarians, Some Pluralists








(Source: J.C. Hermanowicz, 1998)

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Academic Careers39

Job Search and Hiring

Startup Job Search Prepare career plan Search online job

postings Post CV online Attend annual

conferences Post social media

(LinkedIn, Mendeley, etc.)

Notify referees

Applying For Positions Submit online

application Request transcripts Request reference

letters Prepare for interviews Interviews Review/respond to offer

(Source: Dantzig, 2011)

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Academic Careers40

The Academic Interview

The Institution Understand institutional

priorities Faculty policies/benefits How your expertise

contributes to school:– Complementary– Novel– Potential Collaborations– Potential Grant Funding

Your Faculty Career Relate your career goals to:

– Position Opening– Priorities of School– Type of University

Research abstracts Biographical sketch Sample Lecture Dissertation Presentation Research Agenda

(Source: Dantzig, 2011)

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Academic Careers41

Negotiating Startup Package

Salary Reduced teaching load in years 1-2 GRA for at least 1 year Travel costs to annual conferences Summer salary for first summer Proper office and office technology Paid return trip to locate housing School grant support

(Source: Dantzig, 2011)

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Academic Careers42

Weighing Offers

Increasing/Decreasing Institutional Reputation

School Commitment to Your Expertise Area

Collaboration Opportunities Quality of Students Teaching Loads TA Support Interdisciplinary Research


Quality of Facilities

Research/Grants Support


Quality of Life in Area

Organizational Culture

Level of Grant Funding

Level of Seed Grants

Spouse Support

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Academic Careers43

Chief Online Sources

Higher Ed Jobs:

Chronicle of Higher Education:



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Academic Careers44

Other Sources

Web sites of academic associations

Annual conferences of academic associations

Academic and professional journals

Web sites of professional associations

PPGSA T-Square Site/Career Planning

Your Graduate Studies Director/Adviser

Your Mentor

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Academic Careers45

5: Special Case:Technology Transfer

An Illustrated

Career Pathway

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Academic Careers46

Technology Transfer

Definition of the Field

Key Stakeholders

Occupations Supporting Technology Transfer

Case: University Tech Transfer Manager

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Academic Careers47

Technology Transfer Defined

Technology transfer is the process of sharing of skills, knowledge,

technologies, methods of manufacturing, samples of manufacturing

and facilities among governments and other institutions to ensure

that scientific and technological developments are accessible to a

wider range of users who can then further develop and exploit the

technology into new products, processes, applications, materials or

services. It is closely related to (and may arguably be considered a

subset of) knowledge transfer.

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Academic Careers48

Knowledge Transfer Defined

Knowledge transfer in the fields of organizational development and

organizational learning is the practical problem of transferring

knowledge from one part of the organization to another (or all other)

part(s) of the organization. Like Knowledge Management, Knowledge

transfer seeks to organize, create, capture or distribute knowledge

and ensure its availability for future users. Knowledge transfer

recognizes that (1) knowledge resides in organizational members,

tools, tasks, and their subnetworks and (2) much knowledge in

organizations is tacit or hard to articulate.

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Academic Careers49

Knowledge Management

Knowledge management (KM) comprises a range of strategies

and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent,

distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such

insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in

individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice.

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Academic Careers50

Key Players in Technology Transfer


US PatentOffice

Entrepreneurs Corporations






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Academic Careers51

Tech TransferCareer Pathways

Government Universities R&D Corporations Econ. Dev. Agencies TT Consulting Firms

TT: Industrial LiaisonAssociate/Officer

OSP: Contracting Officer

Dept: ResearchAdministrator

Research Dev.Director

GovernmentalRelations Liaison

Investment Analyst& Relations Officer

US Grants &Contracts Specialist

Business Plan/Startup Coach

Business Dev.Manager

Marketing Associate

University RelationsAssociate

Investor RelationsLiaison

Marketing ResearchAssociate

Chamber Liaison

EDC Bus. Dev.Associate

Municipal EDOfficers

Regional EDAOfficers

Commercial REAnalyst

US: SBIROfficers

US: NSFOfficers

US: SBAOfficers

US: Patent Officer

Intellectual PropertyManager

Tech AssessmentAnalyst


Licensing Associate

IncubatorManagerTechnology Scout

Foundations Director,Corporate Relations

Federal RelationsOfficer

Project Manager

Technology Scout

Patent Attorney

State CommerceOfficer

State TechnologyOfficer

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Academic Careers52

University TT Office

Educates researchers about IP processes.

Assists researchers with IP and patenting.

Assesses market potential of inventions/IP.

Identifies potential industry partners.

Negotiates license agreements.

Forms start-up companies.

Identifies investors.

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Academic Careers53

TT Manager’s Responsibilities

Develop university policy. Develop grant proposals. Manage post-doctoral researchers and research assistants. Draft contracts for research. Manage consulting activities. Train researchers in research ethics. Surveying campus-wide ongoing research projects. Identify IP and patenting opportunities. Process patenting. Market IP and patents to markets, investors, entrepreneurs. Process license agreements. Support university spinoffs and incubators.

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Academic Careers54


Dantzig, Jonathan A. (2011) Landing an Academic Job: The Process and the Pitfalls. University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign

Freeman, Richard B. (2006) “Does Globalization of the Scientific/Engineering Workforce Threaten U.S. Economic Leadership?” Innovation Policy and the Economy 6

Golde, Chris M. and Timothy M. Dore. (2001) At Cross Purposes: What the Experiences of Today’s Doctoral Students Reveal about Doctoral Education.

Preston, Anne E. (2004) Leaving Science: Occupational Exit from Scientific Careers. NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

Hermanowicz, Joseph C. The Stars are Not Enough: Scientists—Their Passions and Professions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.