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  • 8/11/2019 Abstract.jumali




    Jumali, Muhammad, 2014. Improving Students Writing Skill Through Guided

    Questions at the Second Year Students of MTs. Mambaul Ulum II

    Tlontoraja Pasean Pamekasan. Thesis, English Education Department,

    Advisor Slamet Riyanto M. Pd

    Key Words: Students, Writing skill, Guided questions

    Writing skill is one of the important competences that should be mastered

    by students, because this language is not only in spoken form, but also it can be

    used in written form. The writer found on the second semester, the students at the

    2ndyear class had unsatisfied average study result, especially in their writing skill.The researcher formulates the statement of the problem is as follows: How

    can the application of guided questions learning method improve students writing

    skill at the second year students of MTs Mansyaul Ulum Sana Daya Pasean

    Pamekasan in the Academic Year of 2013/2014?. The objectives of the study in

    the research are: To describe the way of the application of guided questions

    learning method improves students writing skill at the second year class ofMTs.

    Mambaul Ulum II Tlontoraja Pasean Pamekasan.

    This research was conducted based on Classroom Action Research (CAR)

    design. The data sources are the students at the second year of MTs. Mambaul

    Ulum II Tlontoraja Pasean Pamekasan. The number of the students is 36 students.

    It consisted of 22 female students and 14 male students. All of them are observed

    in this research.

    In preliminary study, students who were able to achieve successful of

    writing skill were only 5 students (16,66%), while the rest were unsuccessful as

    many as 25 students. In cycle 1, when the students were given guided questions

    learning method, students who were able to achieve successful of writing skill

    were increased becoming 12 students (40%). However, it had not reached the

    criteria of success, because it had not reached 75%. In cycle 2, it was showed that

    students who were able to achieve successful of writing skill were increased

    becoming 23 students (76,66%). Thus, it had reached the criteria of success,

    because students with score above 70 were more than 75%.The conclusion is the students writing skill can be improve by using guided

    question strategy. It can be proven that the students writing score is increased 60

    % after using the guided question strategy.