absorbed taken in when light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected you...

Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

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Post on 11-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


Taken in When light hits an object, some colors

are absorbed and others are reflectedYou only see reflected colors

Page 2: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The smallest particle of a substance that has all the properties of that substance.

Page 3: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Balanced Forces

Forces that act against each other and do not cause a change in motion.

Object is not moving

Page 4: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A device that changes chemical energy into electrical energy.

Considered Potential energy. Also called a dry cell

Page 5: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Boiling Point

Temperature at which liquid boils and changes from a liquid to a gas.

Boiling point of water is 100° Celsius.

Page 6: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


Ability to float

Page 7: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Buoyant Force

The upward push of a liquid or gas on an object.

Page 8: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


Metric unit used for temperature 0° Celsius is the freezing/melting point of

water100° Celsius is the boiling point of water

Page 9: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A feature of a person, plant, animal or object that helps identify it.

Use your 5 senses.

Page 10: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Chemical Change

A change that produces a new substance Examples-- burning paper changes it from

paper to ashes.

Page 11: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Chemical Energy

Stored EnergyBatteriesFood

Page 12: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Chemical Symbol

A one or two letter abbreviation for an elements name

O OxygenC CarbonCO2 Carbon Dioxide

Page 13: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A compete path of conductors that an electric current can flow through

Page 14: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Circuit Breaker

A switch that automatically opens a circuit when too much electricity flows through it

“Blew a breaker”

Page 15: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


To group by like characteristics.

Page 16: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A substance whose molecules contain atoms of different elements

Page 17: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Concave Lens

A lens that is thinner in the center and thicker at the edges

Bends the light outwardMakes things appear smaller

Page 18: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The process in which a gas changes into a liquid.

Page 19: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Condensation Point

The temperature at which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid

Page 20: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Conduct / Conductor

To allow to pass throughMatter that allows energy to pass

through itMetal is a conductor of heat, electricity

and magnetism.Cloth is not a conductor of heat or


Page 21: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The movement of heat between two objects that touch each other

Page 22: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The movement of heat energy through liquids and gases in currents

Page 23: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Convex Lens

A lens that is thicker in the center and thinner at the edges

Bend light inwardMakes things larger

Page 24: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The highest part of a wave

Page 25: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Current (electric)

A constant flow of electrons through a conductor

Page 26: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


How thick something is.

Page 27: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


To mix and form a solution with another substance.

Ability to dissolve is called solubility.

Page 28: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Electric Charge

A property of matterCharge can be positive or negative

Page 29: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Electric Circuit

A complete pathway of conductors that electrons flow through

Page 30: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Electric Current

A complete loop through which electricity can flow.

Called a complete circuit.Called a closed circuit.

Page 31: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A form of energy that can move through wires, making it possible to do work.

Page 32: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A temporary magnet created by a flow of electric current around an iron bar

Page 33: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A pure substance made of only one kind of atom

Page 34: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The ability to do work.Causes changes to matter.Examples: mechanical, chemical,

kinetic, potential.

Page 35: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The process in which liquid changes to a gas.

Page 36: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

First Law of Motion

An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue moving in a straight line at a constant speed until an outside force acts on it.

Page 37: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Food Energy

A form of energy that is stored in plants and when consumed is converted to energy for animals and humans.

Page 38: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Forms of Energy





Page 39: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A push or pull that causes a change in motion.

Page 40: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Freezing Point

The temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid.

Freezing Point of water is 0° Celsius.

Page 41: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A force that acts against motion when two surfaces rub against each other.


Page 42: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The state of matter that spreads out evenly to fill a container.

Particles move about freely.Has no volume?

Page 43: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


Metric unit used for measuring weight.

Page 44: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Gravitation - Gravity

The force that pulls all objects in the universe towards one another.

Makes things fall.Causes weight

Page 45: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A form of energy that makes something feel warm.


Page 46: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The property of matter that keeps it moving in a straight line or keeps it at rest.

Newton’s First Law of Motion

Page 47: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Insulate, Insulator

To block the flow of energy.Cloth is an insulator of heat. (hot pad)Rubber is an insulator of electricity. ( an

electrician will use rubber gloves or rubber handles)

Page 48: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Kinetic Energy

Energy of MotionJumping Jacks

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A form of energy that makes it possible to see.

If you can see something, it either produces light or reflects light.

Page 50: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


The state of matter that takes the shape of its container.

Particles flow past one another.Has volume.

Page 51: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


A force that attracts or pushes away matter.

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Amount of matter in an object.Measured in grams.Stays the same everywhere.On Earth, mass and weight are the

same.My Average Size Spacesuit.

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Anything that has mass and takes up space.

Page 54: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Melting Point

Temperature at which a solid melts.Temperature at which a solid becomes a

liquid.Melting Point and Freezing Point are the

same temperature.Water is 0° Celsius.

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A combination of two or more substances in which each substance keeps its original characteristics.

Can be easily separated.Examples: Salad, Chex Mix

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A grouping of two or more atoms joined together

Example: H2O = water

Non-living things are made of atoms

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The act of changing place or position.

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Does not allow light to go through.Cast a shadow.

Page 59: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Physical Change

Changes to appearance.Does not change what the substance is.Examples: melted chocolate

Page 60: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Physical Science

The study of matter and energy.Objective 2 on the TAKS Test.9 questions

Page 61: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Physical States of Matter

3 states of matterSolid, Liquid, Gas

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Pitch vs. Volume

Pitch is the highness or lowness of sound.

Depends on the frequency of sound waves

Volume is soft or loud

Page 63: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Potential Energy

Energy of PositionStanding stillStored energyGravity

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Similar to characteristicsA characteristic you can see, feel, smell,

hear or taste. (5 senses)Examples: color, size, shape, odor, or


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A wave that bounces back off an object.Mirror

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The act of bending light as it passes through something.

Changes direction and speed.Slows the light.Appears broken.

Page 67: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Second Law of Motion

An object’s acceleration (speeding up) depends on the size and direction of the force acting on it and on the mass of the object.

Page 68: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors

Solar Energy

A form of energy from the Sun.Produces, heat and light energy

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The state of matter that has a definite shape.

Keeps it shape no matter what the container.

Particles packed tightly together.Has Mass and Volume.

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The ability to dissolve.Salt is soluble in water.Sand is not soluble in water.

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Special type of mixture.One substance dissolves into another.Examples: Sugar in tea, lemonade

Page 72: Absorbed Taken in When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected You only see reflected colors


Caused by vibration.Travels in waves.Pitch vs. Volume

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A mixture where one substance floats in another.

Examples: cereal floating in milk

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The average kinetic energy of all the molecules in an object.

The higher the average the kinetic energy, or the faster the molecules move, the higher the temperature.

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Thermal Energy

Energy from heat.HEAT MOVES!!

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Third Law of Motion

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

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Transmit - Transmission

Allows energy to pass through.Similar to Conduction.Metal transmits heat.

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Clear.Allows light to pass through.Transparencies

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Allows some light to pass throughWax Paper

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How much space something takes up.L x W x H

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Measure of the force of gravity on an object.

Measured in newtons.Not the same everywhere.