abraham flexner six criteria of a profession

Re: Abraham Flexner's criteria of a profession http://www.nursing.twsu.edu/bridge/lessons/class2.asp In 1915 Dr. Abraham Flexner described criteria of a profession. Criteria includes: 1) Professional activity is based on intellectual action along with personal responsibility 2) The practice of a profession is based on knowledge, not routine activities 3) There is practical application rather than just theorizing 4) There are techniques that can be taught 5) A profession is organized internally 6) A profession is motivated by altruism, with members working in some sense for the good of society.

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Page 1: Abraham Flexner Six Criteria of a Profession

Re: Abraham Flexner's criteria of a profession


In 1915 Dr. Abraham Flexner described criteria of a profession. 

Criteria includes:

1) Professional activity is based on intellectual action along with personal responsibility

2) The practice of a profession is based on knowledge, not routine activities3) There is practical application rather than just theorizing4) There are techniques that can be taught5) A profession is organized internally6) A profession is motivated by altruism, with members working in some

sense for the good of society.