about dendrimers structure, physical properties, and applications

About Dendrimers: Structure, Physical Properties, and Applications A. W. Bosman, H. M. Janssen, and E. W. Meijer* Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Received September 29, 1998 (Revised Manuscript Received December 28, 1998) Contents I. Introduction 1665 II. The Purity of Dendrimers 1666 III. The Physical Behavior of Dendritic Molecules 1668 A. Localization of End Groups in Dendrimers 1668 B. Dendrimers versus Linear Macromolecules 1671 C. Lower versus Higher Generation Dendrimers 1672 D. The Behavior of Dendrimers on Surfaces and in Amphiphilic Materials 1673 IV. Functional Dendrimers 1676 A. Medicinal Applications 1676 B. Host-Guest Chemistry 143 1678 C. Dendritic Catalysts 1682 V. Conclusions 1685 VI. Acknowledgments 1685 VII. References 1685 I. Introduction Ideally, dendrimers are perfect monodisperse mac- romolecules with a regular and highly branched three-dimensional architecture. Dendrimers are pro- duced in an iterative sequence of reaction steps, in which each additional iteration leads to a higher generation material. The first example of an iterative synthetic procedure toward well-defined branched structures has been reported by Vo ¨gtle, 1 who named this procedure a “cascade synthesis”. A few years later, in the early 1980s, Denkewalter 2-4 patented the synthesis of L-lysine-based dendrimers. The patents describe structures up to high generations; however, except for size exclusion chromatography data, 5 no detailed characteristics of the materials are given. The first dendritic structures that have been thoroughly investigated and that have received wide- spread attention are Tomalia’s PAMAM dendrim- ers 6,7 and Newkome’s “arborol” systems. 8 Both den- drimers are constructed divergently, implying that the synthesis is started with a multifunctional core molecule and is elaborated to the periphery. At a later date and on the basis of the original work of Vo ¨gtle, 1 divergently produced poly(propylene imine) dendrimers have been reported by Mu ¨ lhaupt 9 and de Brabander. 10 In 1990, Fre ´chet introduced the con- vergent approach toward dendrimers. 11,12 In conver- gent procedures, the synthesis is started at the periphery and elaborated to the core. Fre ´chet’s aromatic polyether dendrimers are easily accessible and have been studied frequently, not only by the Fre ´ chet group but also by other researchers. Finally, Moore’s convergently produced phenylacetylene den- drimers 13-16 are the last of the five classes of den- drimers, reported up to high generations, that are most studied and most known. Additionally, many other types of interesting, valuable, and esthetically pleasing dendritic systems have been developed, 17 and thus, a variety of dendritic scaffolds have become Tonny Bosman (center) was born in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in 1970 and studied chemistry at the University of Nijmegen. His undergraduate research (1994) was done in the group of Roeland Nolte concerning chiral mesogenic phthalocyanines. He is currently completing his Ph.D. thesis research on dendritic molecules in functional materials. Henk Janssen (left) was born in 1967 in Meijel, The Netherlands, and studied Chemical Technology at the University in Eindhoven. He graduated in 1992 (research on the hydrolysis of c-AMP analogues) and then began Ph.D. work on chiral ethylene oxide derivatives in supramolecular systems in the group of Bert Meijer. Since obtaining his Ph.D. in 1997, he has been working on dendrimers and organic ion conducting materials. Bert Meijer (right) was born in Groningen, The Netherlands, (1955) and received his Ph.D. degree (1982) in Organic Chemistry at the University of Groningen under the guidance of Prof. Hans Wynberg. From 1982 to 1989, he was research scientist at the Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, and from 1989 to 1992 he was group leader at DSM Research in Geleen. In 1992 he was appointed full professor in Organic Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Since 1995, he is also a part- time professor of macromolecular chemistry at the University of Nijmegen. His major current interests are in supramolecular chemistry, dendrimers, π-conjugated systems, and stereochemistry. 1665 Chem. Rev. 1999, 99, 1665-1688 10.1021/cr970069y CCC: $35.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/01/1999

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Page 1: About Dendrimers Structure, Physical Properties, And Applications

About Dendrimers: Structure, Physical Properties, and Applications

A. W. Bosman, H. M. Janssen, and E. W. Meijer*

Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Received September 29, 1998 (Revised Manuscript Received December 28, 1998)

ContentsI. Introduction 1665II. The Purity of Dendrimers 1666III. The Physical Behavior of Dendritic Molecules 1668

A. Localization of End Groups in Dendrimers 1668B. Dendrimers versus Linear Macromolecules 1671C. Lower versus Higher Generation Dendrimers 1672D. The Behavior of Dendrimers on Surfaces and

in Amphiphilic Materials1673

IV. Functional Dendrimers 1676A. Medicinal Applications 1676B. Host−Guest Chemistry143 1678C. Dendritic Catalysts 1682

V. Conclusions 1685VI. Acknowledgments 1685VII. References 1685

I. Introduction

Ideally, dendrimers are perfect monodisperse mac-romolecules with a regular and highly branchedthree-dimensional architecture. Dendrimers are pro-duced in an iterative sequence of reaction steps, inwhich each additional iteration leads to a highergeneration material. The first example of an iterativesynthetic procedure toward well-defined branchedstructures has been reported by Vogtle,1 who namedthis procedure a “cascade synthesis”. A few yearslater, in the early 1980s, Denkewalter2-4 patentedthe synthesis of L-lysine-based dendrimers. Thepatents describe structures up to high generations;however, except for size exclusion chromatographydata,5 no detailed characteristics of the materials aregiven.

The first dendritic structures that have beenthoroughly investigated and that have received wide-spread attention are Tomalia’s PAMAM dendrim-ers6,7 and Newkome’s “arborol” systems.8 Both den-drimers are constructed divergently, implying thatthe synthesis is started with a multifunctional coremolecule and is elaborated to the periphery. At alater date and on the basis of the original work ofVogtle,1 divergently produced poly(propylene imine)dendrimers have been reported by Mulhaupt9 and deBrabander.10 In 1990, Frechet introduced the con-vergent approach toward dendrimers.11,12 In conver-gent procedures, the synthesis is started at theperiphery and elaborated to the core. Frechet’saromatic polyether dendrimers are easily accessible

and have been studied frequently, not only by theFrechet group but also by other researchers. Finally,Moore’s convergently produced phenylacetylene den-drimers13-16 are the last of the five classes of den-drimers, reported up to high generations, that aremost studied and most known. Additionally, manyother types of interesting, valuable, and estheticallypleasing dendritic systems have been developed,17

and thus, a variety of dendritic scaffolds have become

Tonny Bosman (center) was born in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in 1970and studied chemistry at the University of Nijmegen. His undergraduateresearch (1994) was done in the group of Roeland Nolte concerning chiralmesogenic phthalocyanines. He is currently completing his Ph.D. thesisresearch on dendritic molecules in functional materials.

Henk Janssen (left) was born in 1967 in Meijel, The Netherlands, andstudied Chemical Technology at the University in Eindhoven. He graduatedin 1992 (research on the hydrolysis of c-AMP analogues) and then beganPh.D. work on chiral ethylene oxide derivatives in supramolecular systemsin the group of Bert Meijer. Since obtaining his Ph.D. in 1997, he hasbeen working on dendrimers and organic ion conducting materials.

Bert Meijer (right) was born in Groningen, The Netherlands, (1955) andreceived his Ph.D. degree (1982) in Organic Chemistry at the Universityof Groningen under the guidance of Prof. Hans Wynberg. From 1982 to1989, he was research scientist at the Philips Research Laboratories inEindhoven, and from 1989 to 1992 he was group leader at DSM Researchin Geleen. In 1992 he was appointed full professor in Organic Chemistryat the Eindhoven University of Technology. Since 1995, he is also a part-time professor of macromolecular chemistry at the University of Nijmegen.His major current interests are in supramolecular chemistry, dendrimers,π-conjugated systems, and stereochemistry.

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10.1021/cr970069y CCC: $35.00 © 1999 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 05/01/1999

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accessible with defined nanoscopic dimensions anddiscrete numbers of functional end groups.

Many of the intriguing properties of dendrimers aswell as their syntheses and possible applications arediscussed in excellent books and reviews that havebeen published by various experts in the field.17-24

Here, we do not want to present a comprehensive orcomplete overview on reported dendrimers, but,instead, we have highlighted studies that contributeto a better understanding of the properties of den-drimers and studies that offer insight into the pos-sibilities for and the limitations of the use of dendriticmaterials. Some of these studies relate to threesomewhat controversial issues. First, one can ques-tion the perfection of higher generation dendrimers.In the divergent synthetic approach, for example,several hundred reaction steps have to be conductedon the same molecular fragment to obtain highergeneration species. Thus, statistical defects in thefinal product are a reality. Second, the conforma-tional behavior of dendrimers is an issue of debate,giving rise to the following questions: Are the endgroups in dendrimers pointing outward or are theyseverely backfolded? Do dendrimers always have aglobular shape or can this shape be highly distorted?Are cavities present inside the dendrimer? Is itpossible to obtain site isolation in the core? How dothe physical properties of dendrimers change athigher generations and how do these physical prop-erties relate to those of linear analogues? Third, itseems adequate to separate facts from fantasies,when possible applications for dendrimers in func-tional materials are considered: applications inmedicinal chemistry, host-guest chemistry, andcatalysis will be surveyed.

This review addresses some of the controversialissues in dendrimer research and, independent of theoutcome of current debates, we hope to show thatdendrimers are a unique class of macromoleculeswith a bright future ahead.

II. The Purity of Dendrimers

Two conceptually different synthetic approaches forthe construction of high-generation dendrimers ex-ist: the divergent approach and the convergentapproach. Both approaches consist of a repetition ofreaction steps, each repetition accounting for thecreation of an additional generation. The two meth-odologies have their own characteristics, and there-fore, the perfection of the final dendritic product isrelated to this synthetic approach.

In the divergent synthesis, the dendrimer is grownin a stepwise manner from a central core, implyingthat numerous reactions have to be performed on asingle molecule. Consequently, every reaction has tobe very selective to ensure the integrity of the finalproduct. For example, an average selectivity of 99.5%per reaction will, in the case of the synthesis of thefifth generation poly(propylene imine) dendrimer (64amine end groups; 248 reactions, see Figure 1), onlyresult in 0.995248 ) 29% of defect-free dendrimer.Since every new generation of divergently produceddendrimer can hardly be purified, the presence of a

small number of statistical defects cannot be avoided.Bearing this in mind, the divergent synthesis can beseen as the macromolecular approach toward den-drimers: the purity of the dendrimers is governedby statistics. The reality of statistical defect struc-tures is also recognized in the iterative synthesis ofpolypeptides or polynucleotides on a solid support(the Merrifield synthesis),25 so the knowledge gath-ered in this field should be considered when theperfection of dendritic structures is discussed.

In the convergent approach, the difficulty of manyreactions that have to be performed on one moleculehas been overcome by starting the synthesis of thesedendrimers from the periphery and ending it at thecore. In this fashion, a constant and low number ofreaction sites is warranted in every reaction stepthroughout the synthesis. As a consequence, only asmall number of side products can be formed in eachreaction, and therefore, every new generation can bepurified (although the purification of higher genera-tion materials becomes increasingly troublesome).Thus, convergently produced dendrimers, which canbe seen as dendrimers prepared in an “organic-chemistry approach”, can be defect-free.

The characterization of dendrimers is rather com-plex due to the size of and symmetry in thesemacromolecules. Various NMR techniques (1H, 13C,15N, 31P), elemental analyses, and chromatographytechniques (HPLC, SEC) are widely used, but thesetechniques cannot reveal small amounts of impuritiesin, especially, higher generation dendrimers.26 For-tunately, recent progress in ESI (electrospray ioniza-tion) and MALDI (matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization) mass spectrometry allows for an in-depthanalysis of dendrimers. ESI-MS has been used toidentify the imperfections in both poly(propyleneimine)27 and poly amido amine (PAMAM) dendri-mers.28-31 Both of these dendrimer types are madevia a divergent synthesis and are very suitable forelectrospray ionization due to their polar and basicnature.

All generations of poly(propylene imine) dendrim-ers with either amine or nitrile end groups have beenanalyzed with ESI-MS to quantitatively determinethe importance of various side reactions.27 In theapproach followed, all possible side reactions havebeen grouped in two different pathways that describethe formation of defect structures on going from oneamine generation to the next (see Figure 1). Onepathway accounts for incomplete cyanoethylationsand retro-Michael reactions, the other pathway ac-counts for intramolecular amine formations (cycliza-tions).32 With the ESI-MS spectra of all five genera-tion poly(propylene imine) dendrimers in hand, thesignificance of both pathways has been calculatedusing an iterative computing process. Thus, every MSspectrum has been simulated. The results of thesimulation are shown in Table 1 and in Figure 2. Thesimulation indicates a polydispersity (Mw/Mn) of 1.002and a dendritic purity of ca. 23% for the fifthgeneration poly(propylene imine) dendrimer. Sincethe perfect structure is the dominant species in thefinal product, it seems more appropriate to discussthe mixture in terms of dendritic purity than in terms

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of polydispersity (the dendritic purity is defined asthe percentage of dendritic material that is defect-free).

ESI-MS studies on PAMAM dendrimers indicatedefect structures arising from retro-Michael additionsand intramolecular lactam formations (see Figure3).28-31 For a fourth generation PAMAM dendrimer(48 end groups), a polydispersity of 1.0007 has beenreported.28 Interpretation of the published data re-veals, however, a dendritic purity of at most 8%.

MALDI-MS studies on other divergently producedhigher generation dendrimers (i.e., Newkome-typedendrimers33-35 and carbosilanes36-39) have also shownthe presence of small numbers of imperfect struc-tures. Metallodendrimers that have been studiedwith L-SIMS,40 MALDI-MS,41 and ESI-MS42 are oflower generations, and consequently, these materials

hardly contain defect structures, even though thesematerials have been produced in a divergent ap-proach. Reinhoudt et al. have synthesized a thirdgeneration Pd(II) dendrimer with no observabledefects in the mass spectrum.43,44

Dendrimers synthesized via the convergent ap-proach can be produced nearly pure, as confirmed byMS data. MALDI mass spectra of Frechet-type den-drimers display very limited amounts of impuri-ties.45,46 Moore’s phenylacetylene dendrimers havealso been investigated with MALDI mass spectrom-etry.47 For a dendrimer with a mass of 39 969 D,almost no impurities have been found.15 ESI-MS dataon carboxylate-terminated phenylacetylene dendrim-ers subscribe the high degree of purity that can beattained for these dendrimers.26

The detailed mass studies that have been devotedto the characterization of dendrimers indicate themost important difference between both syntheticmethodologies at hand. The “polymeric nature” of thedivergent approach results in an accumulating num-ber of statistical defect structures for every nextgeneration. The defects are the result of the manyreactions that have to be performed on the samemolecular fragment. Furthermore, almost no pos-sibilities exist for the purification of intermediategenerations. The exponential growth in the numberof reactions to be performed on higher generations,makes it virtually impossible to produce perfectdendrimers of generations beyond five or six. For

Figure 1. The synthesis of poly(propylene imine) dendrimers (reactions A and B) and alternative, unwanted reactionpaths C and D. Path C illustrates “missed” Michael additions (either by an incomplete cyanoethylation or by a retro-Michael reaction). Path D illustrates unwanted cyclization reactions. Paths C and D describe defect reactions on goingfrom one amine generation to the next.27

Table 1. Data of the DAB-dendr-(NH2)x SeriesCalculated from the Simulated Spectrum ofDAB-dendr-(NH2)64

percent per endgroupproduct path C path D

dendritic purity% of total

DAB-dendr-(NH2)4 1.0 0.0 96DAB-dendr-(NH2)8 1.0 0.55 86.7DAB-dendr-(NH2)16 1.65 0.50 63.8DAB-dendr-(NH2)32 0.97 0.77 41.3DAB-dendr-(NH2)64 0.58 0.65 23.1

Figure 2. The measured and deconvoluted (upper graph)and simulated (lower graph) ESI-MS spectrum of DAB-dendr-(NH2)64.27

Figure 3. Unwanted reactions in the PAMAM-synthesis:retro-Michael reactions (A) and lactam formations (B).28

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instance, using the average selectivity of 99.5% perreaction leads to a dendritic purity of 29% for a fifthgeneration poly(propylene imine) dendrimer andyields purities of 0.995504 ) 8.0% for the sixthgeneration and only 0.9951016 ) 0.6% for the seventhgeneration. Virtually no perfect structures will bepresent in even higher generation materials. The“organic nature” of the convergent approach resultsin defect-free dendrimers due to the limited numberof reactions performed on the same molecule on goingfrom one generation to the next. Additionally, it ispossible to purify intermediate generations.

Thesin the endssmall differences in structuralfeatures of the divergently produced structures onone hand and the convergently synthesized struc-tures on the other are not expressed in differencesin overall properties of these two classes of dendrim-ers (for example, all investigated dendrimers showa maximum in the intrinsic viscosity as a functionof their molecular weight). Therefore, dendrimers,regardless the way in which they have been prepared,can indeed be considered as the synthetic macromol-ecules with the most defined or most perfect primarystructure known today.

III. The Physical Behavior of Dendritic MoleculesOn paper, dendrimers are usually drawn in a

highly symmetrical fashion. The molecular structureis displayed with all tiersshaving the characteristicalgorithmic growth patternspointing outward, theend groups are invariably located at the surface, andthe overall picture suggests that the dendrimer is aspherical entity. Of course, the typical architectureof a dendrimer has consequences for its physicalbehavior and logically research in the past decadehas sought to reveal the true nature of dendrimers,not only regarding their appearance but also regard-ing their physical characteristics.

The first part (part A) in this section deals withthe studies on the localization of the end groups indendritic systems. Such studies are of relevance sincemany of the proposed uses of dendrimers rely on theavailability of the large amount of neighboring endgroups (for modification, as active ligands, etc.).Related topics concern the density profiles in den-drimers and the limits of perfect dendrimer growth,and these subjects are also addressed. Further keyissues in this section relate to the deviating proper-ties of dendrimers as compared to their linear mac-romolecular counterparts (part B) and encompass thetransition in physical properties when a sequence ofdendrimer generations is considered (part C). Finally,numerous studies have dealt with amphiphilic den-drimers and with the behavior of dendrimers on solidor fluid surfaces (part D). These studies have revealedunexpected conformational features of dendritic mol-ecules.

A. Localization of End Groups in Dendrimers1. Theoretical Calculations

One of the first reports in which the position of endgroups in dendrimers is considered has been pub-lished by de Gennes and Hervet.48 The authors have

used a self-consistent field model in which themonomers of each generation are assumed to be fullyelongated and in which the end groups of the den-drimer are grouped in concentric circles around thecore. The model indicates that dendrimers can freelygrow up to a certainspredictableslimiting genera-tion. It also shows that the core of the dendriticmolecule has the lowest density.

Numerical calculations using the kinetic growthmodel of Lescanec and Muthukumar predict a mono-tonic decrease in density on going from the center ofthe dendrimer to its periphery.49 As a consequence,the ends of the branches are not positioned at thesurface but are severely backfolded. Qualitativelysimilar results have been obtained from Monte Carlosimulations that have been performed by Mansfieldand Klushin.50 A molecular dynamics (MD) study ofMurat and Grest shows that the importance ofbackfolding of the chains increases with generation(moreover, this study has shown a strong correlationbetween the solvent polarity and the mean radius ofgyration).51 Finally, Boris and Rubinstein have useda self-consistent mean field model (SCMF) to describeflexible dendrimers. The model predicts that thedensity is the highest in the core and shows that theend groups are distributed throughout the volume ofthe dendrimer (Figure 4).52

Studies on specific dendrimers have first beenreported by Naylor et al., who have performed MDsimulations on PAMAM dendrimers.53 More detailedMD studies have been performed by Miklis et al.54

and by Cavallo and Fraternali,55 both on poly-(propylene imine) dendrimers functionalized withN-t-BOC-L-phenylalanine. The investigation of Cav-allo and Fraternali indicates that some backfoldingof the terminal amino acids occurs, but not to suchan extent that the dendrimer core is completely filled,resulting in a low-density region inside the highergeneration dendrimers. In addition, the authors havefound an increasing inter end group interaction ongoing from the first to the fifth generation. MDstudies on poly(propylene imine) dendrimers withamine end groups have recently been performed withtwo different force fields representing a good and abad solvent.56 Both force fields produce a certaindegree of backfolding, being more pronounced for the

Figure 4. Schematic representation of a backfolded tri-functional fifth generation dendrimer according to Borisand Rubinstein.52

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force field representing a bad solvent. Monte Carlosimulations on dendritic polyelectrolytes by Welchand Muthukumar show a dramatic change in den-drimer conformation depending on the ionic strengthof the solvent.57 The investigated polyelectrolytes aretopological analogues of poly(propylene imine) den-drimers. At high ionic strength, backfolding of theend groups takes place and a “dense core” dendriticstructure is formed. At low ionic strength, the mul-tiple charges in the dendrimer force the molecule tostretch out resulting in a “dense shell” structure(Figure 5).

Almost all aforementioned computational investi-gations predict backfolded branches in dendriticstructures (the only exceptions being the study by deGennes and Hervet and, to some extent, the work ofCavallo and Fraternali). Backfolding is an importantprocess in most models, because the conformation ofthe tiers is mainly determined by repulsive monomer-monomer excluded volume interactions and by theentropic energy penalty for the swelling of the den-drimer. In the next paragraph, experimental datawill show that the importance of backfolding isdependent on the actual dendritic structure. Attrac-tive secondary interactions between the end groups,for example, can effect the conformations of branchessignificantly, thereby notably reducing backfolding.

2. Experimental Studies

The polyether dendrimers synthesized by Frechetet al. (Figure 6) have been investigated in detail toestablish the possibilities for backfolding in thesemolecules. One of the first studies by Mourey et al.uses an experimental setup in which size exclusionchromatography (SEC) is coupled to differentialviscometry.58 The hydrodynamic radii, calculatedfrom the measured intrinsic viscosity, increase ap-proximately linearly with the dendrimer generation.Additionally, a maximum in the intrinsic viscosityas a function of molecular weight is found. Both ofthese trends are in qualitative agreement with themodel of Lescanec and Muthukumar,49 implying thatthe end groups can be found throughout the den-drimer volume.

Rotational-echo double-resonance (REDOR) NMRstudies on Frechet-type dendrimers by Wooley et al.

have shown that backfolding also takes place in thesolid state.59 The authors have found that the radialdensity for a fifth generation polyether dendrimerdecreases monotonically with increasing distancefrom the center of mass. In addition, Gorman et al.have measured the spin lattice relaxation (T1) inpolyaryl ether dendrimers with a paramagneticcore.60 The data reveal that the end groups are closeto the core of the molecule. Recently, the hydrody-namic volumes of Frechet-type dendrimers withrubicene cores have been determined by fluorescencedepolarization measurements.61 Qualitatively, thisstudy has given the same results as those obtainedby Mourey et al. (i.e., the end groups are back-folded).58 In addition, the study has indicated thatthe hydrodynamic volume of the investigated den-drimers appears to be temperature independent,whereas this volume is strongly influenced by thesolvent. The dendrimers are collapsed in poor sol-vents, while in a θ-solvent a more open dendriticstructure exists.61

The previous examples of polyaryl ether dendrim-ers are built up from flexible noninteracting units.Percec et al. have produced polyaryl ether dendrimerswith pendant perfluorinated62 or perhydrogenated63

aliphatic chains. The dendrimers assemble in thesolid state in such a way that segregation betweenthe dendritic wedge and the end groups takes place.The segregation is apparent from X-ray diffractiondata and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)measurements.64 Recently, Stuhn et al. have ob-served similar phase separation phenomena in car-bosilane dendrimers with perfluorohexyl groups onthe periphery.65 In contrast to the dendrimers withthe noninteracting units discussed before, all thesesegregated systems do not exhibit backfolding.

The conformational behavior of PAMAM dendrim-ers has been studied with several techniques. SECin combination with intrinsic viscosity measurementshas been used to obtain the hydrodynamic radii ofthe PAMAM dendrimers.18,66,67 The authors concludethat the acquired data are in agreement with the deGennes model, i.e., the PAMAM dendrimers have ahollow core and a densely packed outer layer. 13CNMR relaxation studies on PAMAM dendrimers by

Figure 5. The occurrence of a dense shell (left) or a densecore conformation (right) of poly(propylene imine)dendrim-ers is dependent on the ionic strength of the solution(picture kindly provided by B. Coussens, DSM, The Neth-erlands).

Figure 6. Structure of a Frechet-type polyaryl etherdendritic wedge.

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Meltzer et al. have indicated no dramatic change inchain dynamics up to the tenth generation.68 Themeasurements show that chain motion is most rapidnear the termini of the molecule and is slower in theinterior. It has been concluded that the branches arebackfolded to some extent to relieve the steric crowd-ing on the dendritic surface. These conclusions havebeen confirmed in a subsequent 2H NMR study bythe same authors on various generation PAMAMslabeled with deuterium.69 Small-angle X-ray scatter-ing (SAXS) measurements on PAMAM dendrimershave not given clear-cut results.70 For the highergenerations (Mw > 50 000), the overall density ap-pears to be independent of the generation. These datado not exclude any postulate: the terminal groupscan reside on the dendrimer surface, but backfoldedarrangements are also possible. Additional resultsfrom a small-angle neutron-scattering (SANS) studyon a deuterium-labeled seventh generation PAMAMdendrimer indicate that the end groups are prefer-ably positioned at the exterior of the molecule.71

End group modification of PAMAMs with naph-thalenediimide anion radicals affords molecules thatshow strong π-π stacking interactions between themodified end groups.72,73 The stacking is apparentfrom near-infrared spectroscopy measurements. Com-parable results have recently been obtained withamido-ether dendrimers functionalized with oligo-thiophenes on the periphery.74 In the case of thesedendrimers, backfolding is presumably prohibited byinter end group interactions.

Various studies have been devoted to the hydro-lyzed “half-generation” PAMAM dendrimers. Thesemolecules have a poly(amido amine) dendritic corethat is surrounded by a shell of carboxylate endgroups (Figure 7A). The picture of a unimolecularanionic micelle is supported by various photophysicalmeasurements (data on pyrene fluorescence,75 steady-state Ru(bpy)3

2+ quenching,76 and dynamicRu(phen)3

2+ quenching77 have been disclosed) and byESR measurements (Cu(II),78 nitroxides79 and

Mn(II)80 have been used as probe molecules). Uni-molecular micellar systems based on dendrimershave also been reported by Newkome et al. Alkane81

or polyamide82,83 cores and carboxylate or amine endgroups have been employed (Figure 7B). Both SECand two-dimensional diffusion-ordered NMR-spec-troscopy (DOSY) have shown that the hydrodynamicradii of the polyamide dendrimers strongly dependon the pH of the solvent.

Scherrenberg et al. have recently investigated poly-(propylene imine) dendrimers with both nitrile andamine end groups using viscosimetry and SANSmeasurements.56 Independent of the nature of theend group or the solvent used, the authors have founda linear relationship between the radius of thedendrimer and its generation number. This lineardependency correlates with the results of the molec-ular dynamics study by Murat and Grest.51 Hence,poly(propylene imine) dendrimers are flexible mol-ecules with a relatively homogeneous density distri-bution, implying that the end groups must be back-folded to some degree. Another SANS study on amineterminated poly(propylene imine) dendrimers hasshown that the molecules tend to stretch when theamines are protonated.84 These data reflect andconfirm the flexible character of poly(propylene imi-ne) dendrimers.

Various studies have been performed on poly-(propylene imine) dendrimers that have been ami-dated (these materials are abbreviated by the for-mula85 DAB-dendr-(NH-R)n, see Figure 8). The fifthgeneration poly(propylene imine) dendrimer modifiedwith N-t-BOC protected phenylalanine, the so-called“dendritic box” (DAB-dendr-(NH-t-BOC-L-Phe)64), hasbeen shown to have a rigid shell consisting of t-BOC-protected amino acids.86 The soft-interior hard-exterior configuration is confirmed by spin lattice (T1)and spin-spin (T2) carbon relaxation measure-ments86 and by the absence of optical rotation in thissystem.87,88 The rigidity of the shell is thought tooriginate from the many possibilities for intra-

Figure 7. Examples of unimolecular anionic micelles reported by Tomalia75 (A) and Newkome81 (B), n denotes thegeneration number.

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molecular hydrogen bonding between the amides orthe carbamates in the end groups. The first genera-tion N-t-BOC-glycine-functionalized dendrimer alsodisplays intramolecular H-bonding as confirmed byits X-ray structure (Figure 9).89 The crystal structureclearly shows that secondary interactions betweenthe end groups force the dendritic termini to associ-ate. In solution, the importance of intramolecularH-bonding in amide-functionalized poly(propyleneimine) dendrimers gradually grows with generation,as proven by NMR89-91 and IR studies.89,92 The inter-actions between end groups can also be derived fromthe ESR spectra of poly(propylene imine) dendrimersthat have been functionalized with PROXYL radi-cals.86

Reviewing the cited reports, the localization of theend groups of dendrimers depends critically on thestructure of the dendrimer in question. The flexiblenature of most known dendrimers usually impliesthat the end groups are found throughout the den-drimer volume. Thus, the voids inside the dendrimerare filled up to a certain extent. However, when theend groups can communicate with each other viasecondary interactions such as π-π interactions,electrostatic repulsions, hydrogen-bonding interac-tions or hydrophobic effects, the dendritic terminalunits will assemble at the periphery, thereby pre-cluding backfolding.

B. Dendrimers versus Linear MacromoleculesWhen dendrimers in solution are considered, the

occupied volume of a single molecule increases cubi-cally with generation, whereas its mass increasesexponentially. This typical “growth” pattern of den-dritic molecules determines their solution propertiesand makes these properties deviate from those oflinear molecules, especially at higher molecular

weights. The intrinsic viscosity is a physical param-eter for which such a deviation has been measured.In contrast to linear polymers (that obey the Mark-Houwink-Sakurada equation), the intrinsic viscosityof dendrimers is not increasing with molecular massbut reaches a maximum at a certain dendrimergeneration (for polyaryl ether,58 poly(propylene imi-ne),10 and PAMAM dendrimers,18 these maxima havebeen reported).93 Also in the solid state, the growthpattern of dendrimers determines their physicalcharacteristics. In general, it is believed that agradual transition in overall shape, from a moreextended arrangement for lower generation dendrim-ers to a compact and approximate globular shape forhigher generation dendrimers, causes the deviationin physical behavior of dendrimers from those oflinear macromolecules.

In the next paragraphs, various studies are sur-veyed in which the behavior of dendritic moleculesis compared to the behavior of linear polymers oroligomers that are compositionally related. Until now,one study has dealt with the comparison of dendrim-ers with their linear isomers, having exactly the samenumber of repeat units and end group functional-ities.94 This study by Hawker et al. is the onlyinvestigation in which the influence of moleculararchitecture on physical properties is addressedabsolutely. The reason for the absence of more of suchstudies can be found in the synthetic inaccessibilityof the linear isomers (usually, the dendritic isomerscan be produced far more easily).

Figure 8. Poly(propylene imine) dendrimers functional-ized to several polyamide structures. Figure 9. PLUTON representation of the crystal structure

of the first generation N-t-BOC-glycine-functionalized den-drimer. Hydrogen bonds are shown by dotted lines; onlyprotons involved in hydrogen bonding are shown for clarity.The acceptor oxygen atom as well as the donating hydrogenatoms of other neighboring molecules have been includedto provide a complete scheme of all hydrogen bondinginteractions: (a) side view; (b) top view.89

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Frechet et al. have studied several physical proper-ties of polyether and polyester dendrimers.95 Theincrease in glass transition temperature (Tg) of thedendrimers levels off at higher molecular weights, aphenomenon that is also observed for the linearanalogues. For linear polymers in general, a levelingoff of the Tg increase has been known for a long time,and this effect is explained by the declining influenceof the end groups and the role of the entanglementmolecular weight. Dendrimers have more end groupsat higher masses, but, as opposed to linear macro-molecules, dendrimers are not significantly en-tangled. The absence of entanglements in the highergeneration materials is subscribed in a study on themelt viscosities of polyether dendrimers.96 In anotherstudy by the same authors, it appears that the meltviscosity is a physical parameter that is very depend-ent on the type of end group in the dendrimer.97

Miller et al. have compared the solubilities of 1,3,5-phenylene-based dendrimers with those of oligo-p-phenylenes.98 Although m-phenylenes would havebeen more appropriate linear analogues, the studyshows that the dendrimers have an enhanced solu-bility. Similar results have been obtained by Frechetet al. who have compared dendritic polyesters withtheir linear counterparts.99 In contrast to the linearpolyesters, the dendrimers are soluble in a vast rangeof organic solvents. The authors also note a markeddifference in reactivity: the debenzylation of thepolyesters via catalytic hydrogenation on Pd/C is onlypossible for the dendritic structures. Differences insolubility and reactivity have also been found be-tween poly(propylene imine) dendrimers with nitrileend groups and poly(acrylonitrile). The nitrile den-drimers are soluble in various organic solvents,whereas their linear analogues are crystalline andonly soluble in very polar solutes such as dimethyl-formamide and concentrated sulfuric acid. Due to thislimited solubility, the catalytic hydrogenation of poly-(acrylonitrile) is not possible, while dendritic polyni-triles are easily hydrogenated.10,100 For all thesecases, the observed differences in solubility andreactivity have been attributed to the globular ar-chitecture of the dendrimers and the accessibility ofthe end groups of the dendrimer.

The uniqueness of dendritic architectures has beenshown in an elegant study by Hawker et al. in whichpolyether dendrimers are compared with their linearisomers (Figure 10).94 Especially the fifth and sixthgeneration dendrimers display differing featureswhen compared to their structural isomers. Thehydrodynamic volume of the fifth generation poly-ether dendrimer is approximately 30% smaller thanthat of its linear analogue. The difference is ascribedto a more compactsbackfoldedsglobular structure ofthe dendrimer. In addition, the fifth generationdendrimer is completely amorphous (a Tg of 42 °C isrecorded) and is soluble in a variety of organicsolvents, whereas the linear analogue is highlycrystalline and poorly soluble in THF, acetone, andchloroform. The Hawker investigation solidly con-firms that the physical behavior of dendrimers isdifferent from that of linear polymers, and equallyimportant, it shows that dendrimers need to have a

certain size to display significantly different physicalbehavior. The next section concentrates on additionalstudies in which dendrimers of various generationshave been compared.

C. Lower versus Higher Generation Dendrimers

The differences in physical behavior between lowand high generation materials within a homologoussequence of dendrimers have been investigated innumerous studies. Usually, photoactive probes havebeen used in these studies. Consequences of genera-tion dependent characteristics for possible applica-tions are reviewed in paragraph IV.B.1.

Frechet et al. have attached the solvatochromicprobe 4-(N,N-dimethyl)-1-nitrobenzene to the focalpoint of various generations of polyether wedges.101

On the basis of measured chromophoric shifts in low-polarity solvents, a distinct transition in the polarityof the dendritic interior is observed on going from thethird to the fourth generation. For the higher genera-tions, the micro-environment of the chromophore ishighly polar (comparable to the polarity of DMF asdetermined with the π* scale102). The study indicatesthat the higher generation Frechet dendrimers musthave a closed and compact structure in order toseverely limit the influence of the solvent on theprobe (i.e., the core environment). In contrast withthe study by Frechet, Zimmerman et al. have con-cluded that the polarity of the interior of a polyetherdendrimer is either apolar or controlled by thesolvent.103 The authors have based this conclusion onhydrogen-bonding studies using a naphthyridinecore. The discrepancy between both studies can beexplained by the different physical parameters thathave been considered (solvent polarizability versusH-bonding), by the different immediate surroundingsof the probes and by the fact that Zimmermann etal. have investigated four generations, whereas Fre-chet has considered two additional bulkier genera-tions.

Figure 10. The fourth generation polyaryl ether den-drimer and its linear isomer.94

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Phenylacetylene dendrimers with a p-dimethoxy-benzene moiety at the focal point have been madeby Moore et al.104 The maximum in fluorescence of acharge-transfer state in the dendrimer shows ananomalous shift for the fifth and sixth generation.Remarkably, a substantial shift in the fluorescencemaximum can also be induced when pentane insteadof hexane is used. Apparently, not only the solventpolarity but also the size and shape of solventmolecules are important factors in these kind of probestudies.

PAMAMs and poly(propylene imine) dendrimersalso display transitions in their physical behaviorwhen a sequence of generations is considered. Inves-tigations on saponificated half-generation PAMAMdendrimers using various photophysical probes in-dicate a transition in dendrimer appearance on goingfrom generation 3.5 to 4.5.75,76 Spin relaxation data(T1 and T2 measurements) on a series of N-t-BOC-L-Phe-terminated poly(propylene imine) dendrimers86

and hyper-Raleigh scattering (HRS) measurementson such dendrimers with 4-(dimethylamino)phenylcarboxamide end groups91,105 show, in both cases, atransition in physical behavior around the fourthgeneration.

Spin relaxation data (T1) of Frechet-type dendrim-ers with porphyrin106,107 or azobenzene cores108 showa distinct transition between generation three andfour, resulting in unique photophysical behavior forthe higher generation materials. In the azobenzenesystems, photoisomerization can be affected by usinglow energy photons (i.e., infrared irradiation), whereasin the porphyrin system a very efficient energytransfer from the dendron subunits to the porphyrincore takes place.

Poly(propylene imine) dendrimers of various gen-erations have been grown from amine terminatedpolystyrene chains (PS-NH2) with narrow molecularweight distributions.109,110 Aggregation of these PS-dendr-(NH2)x amphiphiles in water has been studiedby various characterization techniques (monolayerexperiments, pyrene probe fluorescence experiments,dynamic light scattering (DLS), conductivity andTEM measurements), showing that the morphologyof the aggregates is determined by the size (genera-tion) of the dendritic headgroup. As the headgroupbecomes more bulky, the aggregates change theirshape from inverted micelles, to vesicles and rodlikestructures, and finally to spherical micelles. Theseobservations are in line with Israelachvili’s theoryon the assembly of surfactant molecules.111 The nextsection focuses on other amphiphilic dendrimers thathave been investigated. Additionally, the behavior ofdendrimers on surfaces will be discussed.

D. The Behavior of Dendrimers on Surfaces andin Amphiphilic Materials

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studieshave been performed on unimolecular carboxylate-terminated micelles with either PAMAM18,66 or al-kane frameworks81 (Figure 7). The PAMAMs ofTomalia have been studied with cryo-TEM using thesodium cations as contrast agents. For a 4.5 genera-tion PAMAM dendrimer, spherical structures are

visible with diameters varying from 80 to 100 Å. Thestructures have been assigned to individual mol-ecules. Newkome et al. have visualized alkane den-drimers with 36 carboxylate end groups. Whentetramethylammonium counterions are used, spheri-cal monomolecular structures are visible with sizesof around 30 Å. When the carboxylic acids are usedas end group, aggregated structures are observedthat probably are caused by intermolecular H-bond-ing. Using TEM, Newkome et al. have also observedaggregates formed by second generation polyols.112

Recently, amine-terminated PAMAMs (of generationsfive to ten) stained with sodium phosphotunstatehave been investigated with TEM.113 The dendrimersare spherical with radii that are consistent withSAXS-data (from 4 nm for generation five up to 15nm for generation ten). The tenth generation den-drimer has also been investigated with cryo-TEM invitrified water, revealing a polyhedral shape for thesemolecules. Noninterpenetrating ordered aggregateshave been observed, the formation of which can besuppressed to some extent by adding HCl. This isprobably due to protonation of the termini resultingin electrostatic repulsions between separate mol-ecules. Accordingly, close-packed aggregates can beobtained in dilute NaCl solutions in which chargesare shielded efficiently.

Various types of metallodendrimers form mono-molecular spherical structures on solid surfaces.Majoral et al. have used high-resolution TEM tovisualize different generations of gold-containingpolyphosphine dendrimers.114 Dendrimers of genera-tion three, four, five, and ten (theoretical number ofAu sites: 24, 48, 96, and 3072, respectively) giveisolated spheres with diameters of 60 ( 5, 75 ( 5,90 ( 5, and 150 ( 5 Å, respectively. Single isolatedmolecules of the fifth generation poly(propyleneimine) dendrimer loaded with 32 Cu(II) ions are alsovisible with TEM (Figure 11).115 The diameters of thespherical structures are ca. 60 Å, a result that is in

Figure 11. TEM micrograph of [Cu32DAB-dendr-(NH2)64]-Cl64 as developed from an 10-4 M aqueous solution.115

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line with SANS data on amine terminated poly-(propylene imine) dendrimers.56 Van Veggel et al.have reported on spherical aggregates of palladium-containing dendrimers that have been studied usingAFM.116 The second generation metallodendrimershave a radius of 15-20 nm and a height of 4.2 nm.

Carbosiloxane dendrimers with trimethylsilyl endgroups have been visualized with scanning forcemicroscopy (SFM).36 On a glass substrate, singledendritic molecules are observed with globular shapesand diameters in the order of 3 nm (Figure 12a). Thematerials have a strong tendency to coagulate; there-fore, in addition to monomolecular structures, clus-ters and even droplets are also visible. Completewetting of a mica surface has been observed forcarbosilane dendrimers modified with hydroxyl endgroups.117 The wetting is attributed to the preferen-tial adsorption of the hydroxyl groups to the micasurface. Modification of the substrate with a semi-fluorinated coating results in dendrimer droplets onthe surface.

The assembly of dendrimers in monolayers ormultilayers on solid surfaces has been discussed inseveral studies. The previously mentioned hydroxyl-terminated carbosilanes organize in monolayers withthicknesses of approximately half the expected (theo-retical) values.117 Apparently, strong deformation ofthe surface-bound dendrimers takes place (Figure12b). Tsukruk et al. have observed the deformationof PAMAMs in monolayers on silicon surfaces.118,119

The PAMAMs are collapsed and highly compressedalong the surface normal, resulting in flattened,disklike structures (Figure 12b). To explain theobserved deformation, electrostatic interactions be-tween the terminal cationic functional groups and theactivated (negatively charged) substrate are as-sumed. Monolayers of carboxylated PAMAMs onpositively charged surfaces also give flattened struc-tures.120,121 Compression of dendrimers is also ob-

served in multilayer films of oppositely chargedPAMAMs (-NH3

+ and -CO2- termini).118 In this

case, electrostatic interactions between the layerscause the compression (Figure 12c). Watanabe andRegen have illustrated that deformation resultingfrom electrostatic interactions can be prevented byusing a low molecular weight shielding agent. Theauthors have used Pt(II) salts that are locatedbetween adjacent dendrimer layers, thereby shieldingthe electrostatic interactions (Figure 12d).122

Interestingly, the deformation of dendrimers onsurfaces has been predicted by Mansfield in a MonteCarlo study.123 The investigation considers the ad-sorption of dendrimers on a surface at differentinteraction strengths. The calculations show a flat-tening of the dendrimer shape with increasing ad-sorption strengths. As reflected in the “phase dia-gram” (Figure 13), the mode of adsorption of thedendrimers is dependent on adsorption strength andon the generation number (higher generation den-drimers have more interaction sites per molecule. andtherefore, these dendrimers have a better chance tobe adsorbed).

An interesting type of deformation has been foundby Crooks et al.124,125 Monolayers of PAMAMs ad-sorbed on a gold surface flatten due to multiple Au-amine interactions, but subsequent submission ofalkanethiols to the surface results in a mixed mono-layer in which the PAMAMs acquire a prolate con-figuration due to the shear exerted by the thiols(Figure 12e). The shear originates from the strongerthiol-Au interaction as compared to the amine-Auinteraction. If the adsorption time of the dendrimermonolayer is rather short (45 s in stead of 20 h),exposure to hexadecanethiol results in piling up ofthe dendrimers to vacate the surface in favor of thethiols.126 Eventually, this leads to complete desorp-tion of the dendrimers from the surface.

The assembly of dendritic molecules on the air-water interface has been investigated by severalauthors. White et al. have investigated polyetherwedges with a benzylic alcohol function at thecore.127,128 For generations one to four, the dendrimersbehave as classical surfactant molecules in a Lang-muir trough. The isotherms of generations five andsix, however, indicate nonsurfactant behavior, once

Figure 12. Schematic representation of the differentmodes of adsorption of dendrimers on surfaces: (a) ad-sorbed noninteracting dendrimers;36 (b) adsorbed dendrim-ers with surface-interacting end groups;117-121 (c) interact-ing multilayer dendrimer films;118 (d) multilayer dendrimerfilms with ionic shielding;122 (e) mixed monolayer;124,125 (f)compressed dendrimer Langmuir bilayer;127,128 (g) den-drimer Langmuir monolayer.129

Figure 13. A “phase diagram” that shows how the shapeof dendrimers in adsorbed monolayers depends on thestrength of the adsorption interaction and the dendrimergeneration. The data are based on calculations by Mans-field.123

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more reflecting the deviating properties of highergeneration dendrimers. Compression of the fourthgeneration polyether dendrimer results in the forma-tion of a stable bilayer. In this bilayer, the dendrim-ers are compressed laterally with respect to thesurface normal, producing an ellipsoid shape whichis twice as high as broad (Figure 12f). Neutronreflectivity studies on analogues with perdeuteratedend groups indicate that the terminal benzyl groupsare located at the top of the lower layer.128

Poly(propylene imine) dendrimers functionalizedwith hydrophobic alkyl chains (palmitoyl chains oralkyloxyazobenzene chains) assemble in stable mono-layers at the air-water interface.129 In the as-semblies, the dendrimers adopt a cylindrical, am-photeric shape, in which the ellipsoid dendriticmoiety acts as a polar headgroup and the alkyl chainsarrange in a parallel fashion to form an apolar tail(Figure 12g). This representation is based on theobservation that the molecular area of a dendriticmolecule increases linearly with the number of endgroups in this molecule. Additionally, the observedmolecular area corresponds to the area occupied byone hydrophobic chain, in an all-trans arrangement,times the number of hydrophobic chains in onemolecule. UV/vis measurements on the azo-chro-mophore-containing dendrimers indicate H-type ag-gregates. When poly(propylene imine) dendrimerswith pendant adamantyl or N-t-BOC-L-Phe end groupsare spread on the air-water interface, a nonlineardependency of the molecular area with generation isfound and stable monolayers are not formed.

Amphiphilic PAMAM dendrimers comparable indesign to those reported for the poly(propylene imine)dendrimers129 have been studied on the air-watersurface by Tomalia et al.130 The PAMAMs withaliphatic end groups of varying lengths (6, 8, 10, and12 carbon atoms) also display the linear behaviorbetween the molecular area at the compressed stateand the number of end groups per molecule. Tomaliaet al. explain their findings in a model in which thelower generations are asymmetric like the poly-(propylene imine) dendrimers, while the higher gen-erations act as hydrophobic spheroids floating on theair-water interface. Since no indication for the latterbehavior is found, it is proposed here that also theamphiphilic PAMAM dendrimers of high generations,when disposed on air-water interfaces, are highlydistorted with all aliphatic end groups pointingupward.

In addition to the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) studies,the aggregation in water of the palmitoyl and alkoxy-azobenzene-functionalized poly(propylene imine) den-drimers has been studied.129 At a pH of 1, vesicle-type structures are observed as evidenced by (cryo)TEM micrographs (Figure 14), dynamic light scat-tering (DLS) data, X-ray diffraction results andosmometry measurements. In the aggregates, thedendrimers are thought to have similar conforma-tions as those observed at the air-water surface. Thehydrophilic protonated dendritic component faces thewater, while the aliphatic chains are packed in aparallel fashion to form an apolar bilayer. Within thisassumption, the axial ratio is calculated at 8:1 for

the highest dendrimer generation (the axial ratio isdefined as the ratio between both characteristicdistances in an ellipse). Thus, the dendritic head-group has a flattened, far from globular, ellipsoidshape.

Dendrimers containing mesogenic functionalitiescan behave as liquid crystalline (LC) materials.Percec et al. have constructed dendrimers withmesogenic units in the branches.131 The dendrimerscan adopt sheetlike conformations and are able toform nematic or smectic LC phases due to theirflexibility. A second generation carbosilane den-drimer has been modified with cyanobiphenyl unitson the periphery by Frey et al.132 The material formsa smectic A (SA) phase, and therefore, the rodlikemesogenic units are thought to deform the dendrimerto allow the formation of the layered LC structure.Latterman et al. have modified poly(propylene imine)dendrimers with mesogenic end groups (i.e., 3,4-bis-(decyloxy)benzoyl groups).133 The resulting moleculesform a hexagonal columnar mesophase, that is builtup from cylindrical dendritic cores that are sur-rounded by apolar shells of alkyl chains (Figure 15a).The highestsfifthsgeneration dendrimer does notdisplay mesomorphism, which has been attributedto the lack of conformational flexibility in thisparticular dendritic structure. In contrast, a studyby Baars et al. shows thatsregardless of the genera-tionspoly(propylene imine) dendrimers modified withalkoxy-cyanobiphenyl moieties form SA phases.134

Since the calculated SA layer spacings are indepen-dent of generation, a completely distorted dendrimerconformation is proposed (Figure 15b). Thus, Meijer

Figure 14. TEM micrograph of the fifth generationpalmitoyl functionalized poly(propylene imine) dendrimer.An aqueous 10-4 M dispersion has been used and contrastis achieved by using uranyl acetate staining. On the righta schematic presentation of the bilayer is drawn.129

Figure 15. Proposed models for the conformation of poly-(propylene imine) dendrimers bearing mesogenic groups in(a) hexagonal columnar phases133 and (b) smectic-layeredphases.134

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et al. have observed severely flattened, ellipsoidshapes for modified poly(propylene imine) dendrim-ers in LB layers,129 in vesicle-type structures129 andin LC materials.131 Flattened dendrimers have alsobeen observed for the first and second generationcarbosilane dendrimers bearing perfluorinated endgroups.65 The distortion is the result of microphaseseparation. The third generation dendrimer producesa columnar superstructure, one that is comparableto those observed by Latterman.

The phenylacetylene dendrimers prepared by Mooreet al. are distinguished from other dendrimers bytheir rigidity. The authors describe them as “shapepersistent” and “dimension persistent”.16 The shapepersistency has been confirmed by electron micros-copy and diffraction measurements on the first andsecond generation phenylacetylene dendrimers.135

However, even these rigid dendrimers can be de-formed to “pancake”-shaped structures, when LCbehavior is induced by modifying the outer function-alities with oligoethylene glycol chains.136 Columnardiscotic liquid crystalline phases are observed forthese materials. Similar molecular organizationshave been found for stilbenoid dendrimers.137 Anothertype of shape persistency is found in polyphenylenedendrimers made by Mullen et al.138-140 In thesedendrimers, shape persistency originates from thevery dense packing of benzene rings, as has beenconfirmed by molecular dynamics simulations.

In reality, dendrimers do not necessarily behaveas might be expected from a simple representationon paper. Most dendrimers possess flexible branchesthat can adopt different conformations, implying thatthe end groups can fold back into the interior of themolecule. More surprisingly, the flexibility in den-dritic moleculesseven in bulky higher generationdendrimerssallows that these molecules can adoptshapes that are far from globular. Such shapes areonly observed when dendrimers are exposed to “ex-ternal stimuli”, i.e., secondary interactions that forcethe dendrimers into specific supramolecular arrays.Flattened dendritic structures have for example beenfound in monolayers and in LC materials.

It has firmly been established that specific proper-ties can only be expected from higher generationdendrimers. In this respect, the drop in intrinsicviscosity for higher molecular weight dendrimers hasfrequently been mentioned, although other propertiesalso change for higher generation dendrimers (see forexample the simple and elegant study by Hawker etal.94). This reality does not imply that lower genera-tion dendrimers cannot be useful for certain func-tions, as some of the examples in the next sectionillustrate.

IV. Functional DendrimersSince the Tomalia and Newkome reports on den-

drimers,6,8 research on these branched molecules hasmainly focused on the preparation and molecularcharacterization of a wide variety of dendritic mac-romolecules. Gradually, the interest in this field ofchemistry has shifted to research in which specificfunctions of and particular applications for dendrim-ers are addressed. From the beginning, applications

in the fields of medicinal chemistry (e.g., in drugdelivery systems), host-guest chemistry, and cataly-sis have been foreseen. The next section reviews theprogress in these specific areas of interest. The readeris also referred to other review articles dealing withthese subjects.141-148

A. Medicinal Applications

The combination of discrete numbers of function-alities in one molecule and high local densities ofactive groups, typical for dendritic molecules, hasattracted a lot of attention from those active inmedicinal chemistry. Dendrimers with multiple iden-tical ligands are very attractive for pharmacochem-ists, since these structures can exhibit amplifiedsubstrate binding.149 Enhanced substrate bindingoriginates from either statistical effects or fromcooperativity effects. An example of the latter can befound in carbohydrate-protein interactions (thisspecific cooperativity effect is known as the glycosidecluster effect).150 Many research groups have beeninspired to prepare carbohydrate containing den-drimers (glycodendrimers151),152-172 although only afew of the newly prepared glycoconjugates have beeninvestigated by in vitro techniques. The next fewparagraphs summarize the results on the actuallytested glycodendrimers.

Roy et al. have investigated glycodendrimers withan L-lysine core and with various carbohydratessubstituted at the exterior.152-155 Compared to amonofunctional residue, L-lysine dendrimers with 8or 16 terminal sialic acid units (see Figure 16) showenhanced binding properties in a direct enzyme-linked lectin assay (ELLA) using horseradish per-oxidase labeled wheat germ agglutinin (WGA).152,153

The binding affinities are comparable to those foundfor a homologous sialylated polymer. The preparedsialylated dendrimers can efficiently be used tosuppress the heamagglutination of erythrocytes, asevidenced by a test using the influenza A virus.L-Lysine dendrimers with N-acetylglucosamine(GlcNAc) or N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) terminalresidues show enhanced inhibition of lectin bindingto porcine stomach mucin.154 The inhibition of bindingof yeast mannan to concanavalin A (Con A) and topea lectins by mannosylated L-lysine dendrimersdisplays maxima for the tetra- and octameric den-drimers, respectively.155 The maxima have beenattributed both to the limited number of binding sitesin the lectins and to the possibly restricted acces-sibility of the dendritic mannose end groups. Optimain the inhibition potencies have also been found forother glycodendrimer systems (see Roy et al.156 andStoddart et al.166 who have reported on R-thiosialo

Figure 16. A glycodendrimer consisting of an L-lysine coreand 16 sialic acid residues, as synthesized by Roy et al.152

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PAMAM dendrimers and on R-D-mannopyranoside-containing polyamide dendrimers, respectively).

Okada et al. have functionalized PAMAM den-drimers with both a maltose and a lactose periph-ery.168 These “sugar balls” interact with Con A andwith peanut agglutinin (PNA), as demonstrated byquantitative precipitations. Only when a 1200-foldmolar excess of D-glucose is added to the aggregateof maltose dendrimer and Con A, this aggregatedissociates.

The idea of using a dendritic multifunctionalplatform for the amplification of substrate bindinghas also been employed to generate antibodies.Already in 1988 Tam et al. have used dendriticpeptides (peptides coupled to a dendritic lysine core)as multiple antigen peptides (MAPs).173,174 Wheninjected in mice or rabbits, these MAPs give highantibody responses. The enhanced immunoresponseof these particular MAPs is attributed to their highantigen content (82 mass percent); conventionalpeptide carrier conjugates have a low density ofpeptide antigens that are randomly distributed in thelarge protein carrier. An additional advantage ofdendritic MAPs is connected to the use of lysine cores.The lysine carrier is nonimmunogenic,174 whereastraditionally used carrier proteins may cause unde-sired immunological responses. Several other pep-tide-containing dendrimers have been prepared byTam et al.175-178 and others,179 but the bioactivitiesof these compounds have not been reported yet.

Other medicinal applications for dendrimers lie inthe field of imaging. Dendritic gadolinium polyche-lates have been used as magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) contrast agents. One set of employed dendrim-ers are PAMAMs that have been modified on theperiphery with a diethylenetriaminepentaacetate(DTPA) derivative that serves as a Gd(III) chelator.180

The sixth generation gadolinium dendrimer displaysan enhanced performance when compared to a mono-meric chelate or to linear polychelates. The highermolecular relaxivity is ascribed to the large numberof metal ions attached to one molecule and to a higherion relaxivity.180,181 The increased ion relaxivity isthought to be related to a diminished flexibility inhigher generation PAMAM dendrimers, as probed byan increased rotational correlation time for thesespecies. In vivo experiments have shown that theGd(III) dendrimers have much higher enhancementlifetimes in rats than monofunctional analogues (upto 10 times as high for generation six).180 Qualita-tively similar results concerning relaxivity have beenfound for PAMAMs modified with a macrocyclictetraazatriacetate (DO3A) chelator.182 A contradictingstudy has shown that no significant differences existbetween PAMAM and linear polylysine based mul-tigadolinium complexes, when these components areused as MRI contrast agents for the blood pool.183

Finally, Bourne et al. have demonstrated the ef-ficiency of Gd(III) dendrimers as intravasculair con-trast media for 3D time-of-flight magnetic resonanceangiography (3D-TOF MRA).184

A recent methodology in cancer treatment is theboron neutron capture therapy (BNCT).185 In thistherapy, the generation of cytotoxic and energetic

products from nuclear fission reactions of low-energyneutrons and 10B nuclei is used to destroy malignantcells. An efficient agent for the therapy is watersoluble and has a high local density of boron clusters,requirements that are met for several synthesizedboron-containing and water soluble dendrimers.186-189

Qualmann et al. have, in addition, introduced antigenselectivity by coupling a lysine-based boronated den-drimer to antibody fragments (Fab′).189,190 In theseagents, the attachment of a poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG) moiety is necessary to keep the conjugateswater soluble (Figure 17). The covalent nature of theboronated Fab′ fragments leads to a better stabilityof these conjugates as compared to, for example,borate coated polystyrene beads. The targeting ef-ficiency of the dendrimer-Fab′ conjugates has beeninvestigated with electron spectroscopic imaging(ESI).190 The combination of the small size of theconjugates and their high local 10B density makesthese components superior for ESI applications whencompared to the conventionally used “immunogold”technique, in which a larger colloidal component isused that has poorer penetration properties and thatimposes higher steric hindrances. Studies on bor-onated PAMAMs attached to a monoclonal antibodyhave been reported by Barth et al.191

PAMAM dendrimers have been investigated ontheir ability to transfer biomolecules into severalmammalian cell lines.192,193 PAMAMs are particularlysuited for such a purpose, since these dendrimers arepositively charged at physiological pH and can thusinteract with biologically relevant anions such asnucleic acids. In vitro experiments indicate high-efficiency transfection in a variety of cell lines,193

although transfection is strongly dependent on den-drimer generation, cell line and the presence of otherreagents such as the DEAE dextran agent (which initself is a transfection agent as well). In other in vitrostudies, PAMAM dendrimers have been utilized asdelivery vehicles for oligonucleotides to the cell,194 ascarriers for antisense oligonucleotides,195 as probesfor oligonucleotide arrays,196 and as primers in poly-

Figure 17. A boronated lysine-based dendrimer as usedby Qualmann et al. The antibody is coupled to the thiolfunction of a cysteine residue by a bismaleimidohexanelinker.189

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merase chain reactions (PCR).196 PAMAMs have alsobeen coupled to antibodies to obtain an immunoassaythat combines the advantages of hetero- and homo-geneous immunoassays.197 Recently, efficient genetransfer with PAMAMs has been accomplished invivo.198

The biocompatibility and pharmacokinetics of den-drimers are important factors when in vivo applica-tions are considered. Still, only a very limited amountof papers dealing with these subjects have appeared.The biological behavior of PAMAMs of the third, fifth,and seventh generations has been investigated byRoberts et al.199 In vivo toxicity has only beenobserved for the seventh generation, while the invitro toxicity of PAMAMs is concentration and gen-eration dependent, with the seventh generation beingmore toxic than the third or the fifth. None of theinvestigated generations displays immunogenicity.Methylated PAMAMs are characterized by a highpancreas uptake, and in the case of the seventhgeneration, an unexplained high urinary output isobserved. The authors hold the polycationic natureof the dendrimers responsible for the observed toxic-ity, a hypothesis that is subscribed by a study ofDuncan et al., in which haemolysis and cytotoxicityhave been observed for amine terminated PAMAMs,but not for their carboxylate terminated counter-parts.200

B. Host−Guest Chemistry143

1. Site Isolation

The dendritic core issat least to some extentsshielded from the medium, implying a typical micro-environment inside the dendrimer. This knowledgehas inspired several research groups to preparedendrimers with specific functionalities at the core.Thus, molecular systems are created in which acertain functionality is surrounded by a particular,sterically congested structure: the functionality isisolated at a specific site. Especially porphyrin baseddendrimers have attracted a lot of attention in thisresearch field. Porphyrins are found in many naturalsystems, where they play an essential role as pho-toactive, redox, guest-binding, and catalytic entities.

In different quenching studies, Aida et al. havedemonstrated the site isolation of zinc porphyrinsthat are surrounded by Frechet-type polyether den-drimers.106,201,202 The authors have found that quench-ing of the porphyrin fluorescence is significantly moredifficult for the higher generation dendrimers. Quench-ing also depends on the size106 and charge202 of thequencher.

Diederich et al. have extrapolated the concept of asite-isolated functionality by preparing mimics forcytochrome c, an electron-transferring protein.33,34,203

The first reported model compounds consist of a zincporphyrin core surrounded by Newkome-type den-drimers.33 The redox couple characteristics of thesedendrimers are strongly generation dependent, sincethe reduction in dichloromethane occurs at morenegative potentials when the porphyrin has anelectron-rich dendritic environment (shifts up to-300 mV are recorded). Diederich et al. have ac-

quired water-soluble dendritic iron porphyrins byusing peripheral triethyleneglycolmonomethyl ether(PEG-like) moieties (Figure 18).34,203 Compared to thefirst generation, the second generation iron porphyrinhas a 420 mV more positive reduction potential inaqueous solution. This result has been assigned to areduced interaction between the porphyrin and thesolvent in the second generation dendrimer. Thus,the dendritic micro-environment destabilizes themore charged Fe(III) state relative to the Fe(II) state.A comparable redox shift to more positive potentialshas been found in cytochrome c, a result that hasbeen ascribed to the hydrophobic protein shell sur-rounding the porphyrin moiety.204

A zinc porphyrin surrounded by four polyetherwedges has been studied by Frechet et al.205 Incontrast to Diederich et al., there is no shift in redoxpotential of the dendritic core, only irreversibility hasbeen observed for the third and fourth generationdendrimer. However, the core remains accessible tosmall molecules, as quenching studies with viologenhave revealed.

Dendrimers with phthalocyanine (Pc) cores alsodisplay characteristics that are indicative for siteisolation. Zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) with four pen-dant first generation amido ether wedges aggregatesin water, whereas its second generation counterpartdoes not associate (as concluded from UV/vis andfluorescence measurements).206 Interestingly, aphthalocyanine similarly substituted with four Fre-chet wedges does not show any site isolation inchloroform, even when third generation wedges areused.207 In another report, a silicon phthalocyanine(SiPc) core is sterically isolated by axial Frechet-typedendritic ligands.208 The isolation is directly visiblein the X-ray structure of the SiPc with two secondgeneration wedges as axial ligands (Figure 19).

Figure 18. A dendritic water-soluble heme analogue thathas been reported by Diederich et al.34

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Another example of a redox-active core with den-dritic ligands consists of an iron-sulfur clustersurrounded by poly(aromatic ether) wedges (Figure20).60,209 Bulkier wedges result in a more negativereduction potential of the Fe4S4 cluster in DMF.Furthermore, the peak splitting in the cyclic volta-mmogram increases with generation. These effectsindicate that the dendrimer hamperssboth kineti-cally and thermodynamicallysthe reduction of theiron-sulfur cluster. The encapsulated electroactivemolecules are thought to be applicable in molecularswitches.210

Frechet et al. have used polyether wedges to createa dendritic shell around various lanthanide cations(Er3+, Tb3+, and Eu3+).211 Three wedges with singlecarboxylate functions at the focal point form a saltwith one Ln3+ cation. The acquired Ln3+ speciesdisplay unique luminescence characteristics for thehigher generation dendrimers due to hampered selfquenching on one hand and the occurrence of anantenna effect on the other (the dendritic frameworkcan transfer harvested light energy to the lanthanidecenter). The beneficial characteristics are not only

displayed in solution, but also in the solid state and,thereby, these structures can potentially be used asfluorescers in devices for signal amplification (opticalfibers).

2. Complexation of Guest Molecules in Dendrimers

Since their introduction, dendrimers have alwaysbeen regarded as interesting candidates for applica-tions in host-guest chemistry.18,20 Speculations onthe ultimate use of dendritic host-guest systems incomplex drug delivery agents have often been made,although such or similar systems have not often beendescribed (see also section IV.A). This section de-scribes several host-guest systems, in which den-dritic host have been used.

Tomalia et al. have shown that PAMAMs can bindguests such as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid andacetylsalicylic acid in chloroform.53 The presence ofguest-dendrimer interactions are reflected in the 13Cspin-lattice relaxation times (T1) of the guest mol-ecules. The T1 values decrease with increasing den-drimer generation and eventually reach a plateau.The plateau coincides with the region where molec-ular simulations predict a globular structure.

Unimolecular micelles have frequently been em-ployed as host systems for guest molecules. Newkomeet al. have used an alkane dendrimer with 36terminal carboxylates to bind several lipophilic probessuch as phenol blue, 7-chlorotetracycline and diphen-ylhexatriene.81 The dendrimer-guest interactions areapparent from UV/vis and fluorescence spectroscopy.Frechet et al. have constructed an unimolecularmicelle from a polyaromatic ether dendrimer with 32carboxylate end groups and a 4,4′-dihydroxybiphenylcore.212 The amphiphilic dendrimer greatly enhancesthe solubility of pyrene in water. Various otheraromatic compounds are also captured by the micelle,such as for example 2,3,6,7-tetranitrofluorenone. Thiselectron-deficient guest is solubilized to a muchgreater extent than pyrene, indicating that π-πinteractions between aromatic guests and the den-drimer play an important role in the encapsulationprocess. The unimolecular micelle can be used in arecyclable extraction system: precipitation of a pyrene-loaded dendrimer in water by adding acetic acid,followed by resolvation in THF and subsequentremoval of the dendrimer by washing with basicwater, results in a complete transfer of the pyrenefrom the water layer to the THF phase.

Topological trapping of guests by core-shell mol-ecules has been shown by Jansen et al.86,213 (topologi-cal trapping, a term that has been introduced byMaciejewski as early as 1982,214 refers to the bindingof guest molecules in internal and confined cavitiesof a host system). Modification of the outer aminefunctionalities of a fifth generation poly(propyleneimine) dendrimer (DAB-dendr-(NH2)64) with bulkysubstituentsstypically, N-t-BOC-protected L-phenyl-alanine (t-BOC-L-Phe) substituents are usedsresultsin the formation of a structure with a solid shell anda flexible core (see also section III.A.2). The soft-core,hard-shell framework of modified DAB dendrimershas also been named the “dendritic box” structure,since it can trap small molecules in its interior

Figure 19. PLUTON representation of the crystal struc-ture of a silicon phthalocyanine (SiPc) with dendritic axialligands. The chemical structure in question is depicted onthe right.208

Figure 20. A schematic representation of a dendrimer-encapsulated electroactive site as reported by Gorman etal. The pie-shaped wedges represent aromatic ether den-dritic units.209

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cavities.86 The encapsulation of molecules is per-formed by reaction of DAB-dendr-(NH2)64 with anactivated ester of N-t-BOC-L-Phe in the presence ofguest molecules with some affinity for the tertiaryamine functions in the interior of the dendrimer.Excess guest molecules and molecules adhered to thesurface of the box can conveniently be removed by adialysis procedure. Liberation of guests in the den-dritic box is only possible after destruction, i.e.,hydrolysis, of the shell.215 Lower generation poly-(propylene imine) dendrimers cannot be used asboxes, since the shells in these systems are not denseenough to trap guest molecules: aqueous workup willrelease all adhered molecules. The encapsulation ofdye molecules in general, and of Rose Bengal inparticular, has been studied in detail.216 The featuresof the guest molecules can change upon capturing,obviously as a result of the changed micro-environ-ment. For example, Rose Bengal@DAB-dendr-(NH-t-BOC-L-Phe)64

217 displays strong fluorescence at λmax) 600 nm, whereas the fluorescence of free RoseBengal is quenched in this wavelength region. In-duced chirality upon encapsulation has also beenfound for Rose Bengal. When one molecule of RoseBengalsan achiral compoundsis trapped, a CDspectrum similar to the UV spectrum is found.218

When four molecules are trapped, an exciton-coupledCotton effect is observed, indicating the close proxim-ity of chromophores with a certain fixed orientation.The CD experiments suggest that the cavities in thedendritic box must have retained some chiral fea-tures, although the shells of the box do not displayany optical activity. The close proximity of trappedguest molecules has been confirmed in ESR spectros-copy measurements on dendritic boxes containing3-carboxy-PROXYL radical guests. Ferromagneticinteractions are observed between the radical speciespresent in one dendritic host molecule (Figure 21).219

Other hosts based on poly(propylene imine) den-drimers have been prepared by functionalizing thehydrophilic dendrimer with hydrophobic palmitoylchains on the periphery.90 The resulting structurebehaves as an inverted unimolecular micelle inorganic solvents (Figure 22). The dendrimers canextract several anionic xanthene dyes220 from thewater layer to the organic phase.90,221 The amount ofguests per dendrimer is directly related to thenumber of tertiary amines in the interior. For thefifth generation palmitoyl functionalized dendrimer,the load can be as high as 50 molecules. The ef-ficiency of the extraction is related to the pKa andthe hydrophobicity of the guest, and the pH of thewater layer. In contrast to classical extractants, suchas for example tri-n-octylamine, the extraction ef-ficiency of the dendritic micelles shows almost nosolvent dependency for the organic phase. Appar-ently, the interior of the dendrimer is shielded fromthe solvent by the apolar palmitoyl barrier. Asopposed to simple extractants, the dendritic extrac-tants show a unique guest selectivity as a functionof pH.

DeSimone et al. and Tomalia et al. have alsoreported on inverted unimolecular micelles. De-Simone et al. have prepared poly(propylene imine)

dendrimers with hexafluoropropylene oxide chains toobtain dendritic surfactants that are soluble in su-percritical CO2.222 Indeed, the CO2-philic amphiphilesare able to extract methyl orange, a CO2-insolubleguest, from water to supercritical CO2. Tomalia etal. have reported on hydrophobically modified PAM-AMs that are used as container molecules for copper-

Figure 21. A two-dimensional representation of thedendritic box containing two 3-carboxy-PROXYL radicals,together with the half-field ESR spectrum of a solid sampleat 4.2 K.219

Figure 22. The inverted unimolecular micelle used byBaars et al. for the extraction of xanthene dyes.221

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(II) sulfate in organic solvents such as toluene andchloroform.130

Dendrimers with specific receptors in the interiorhave been reported by Diederich et al. The authorshave coined these molecules “dendrophanes”, sincethe structures are composed of a cyclophane coremodified with pendant poly(ether amide) den-drimers.35,223-225 The structures can serve as modelsfor globular proteins that have apolar binding sites.The employed cyclophane cores bind flat aromaticsubstrates or steroids (Figure 23). 1H NMR andfluorescence studies in water and aqueous methanolmixtures show that the guests are exclusively boundin the receptor, and that the presence of the dendriticbranches has little effect on the selectivity of binding.The only differences with nondendritic cyclophanesare the somewhat reduced exchange rate and thereduced polarity around the binding cavity, especiallyin the case of higher generation dendrimers.

Dendritic iron porphyrins have been employed asmyoglobin models by both Aida226,227 and by Collmanand Diederich.228 The studies show a reversibledioxygen binding and a diminished affinity for carbonmonoxide in toluene due to the steric protection ofthe active site. In the system reported by Aida, thehydrophobic Frechet-type dendrimers prevent thereceptor from autoxidation. The polar poly(etheramide) dendrimer in the Diederich-system (Figure18) causes the O2-affinity to be very high. Theelevated affinity is assigned to favorable hydrogen

bonding between the terminal O-atom of the boundO2 molecule and amide functions in the dendriticsurroundings.

Klein Gebbink et al. have modified poly(propyleneimine) dendrimers with bis[2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl]amineligands (also named PY2 ligands) for Cu(I) complex-ation.229 A fourth generation PY2 dendrimer has beenloaded with [CuI(CH3CN)4]ClO4, resulting in a den-drimer with 32 Cu(I) sites. The multi Cu(I) systemis related to the natural copper protein hemocyanin(Hc), a protein that is capable of efficiently bindingO2 (Hc molecules are known to assemble into largeaggregates to form a multimetal complex, whichbinds many molecules of O2

230). The presented den-dritic Cu(I) complex can bind dioxygen in dichlo-romethane at low temperatures (-85 °C). UV/visspectroscopy in the presence of dioxygen shows thatca. 60-70% of the copper centers are involved inbinding, corresponding to 10-11 bound molecules ofdioxygen per dendritic molecule (Figure 24). At roomtemperature, green Cu(II) complexes are formed.Therefore, it is concluded that the dendritic dioxygencomplex is not stabilized in any way and that thecomplex may be regarded as a “hot” species, contain-ing a large number of activated O2 molecules.

Shinkai et al. have synthesized dendrimers withmultiple aza crown ethers in the dendritic branches(Figure 25).231,232 The crowned dendrimers can ef-ficiently transfer alkali metal cations from water todichloromethane phases. However, no interactionbetween the different aza crowns takes place, sinceadequate extraction of Cs+ cationssthat preferablyrequire a sandwich complexsdoes not occur. Solubi-lization of myoglobin in DMF through interactionsof multiple aza crown ethers with ammonium orcarboxylate functions on the peptide is only possiblewhen the lowest generation dendritic crown is used.Apparently, many dendrimers are required to solu-bilize one myoglobin molecule, and presumably, thehigher generations are closed structures that do notallow adequate interactions with the protein.

Dendritic hosts with hydrogen bonding receptorshave been made by Newkome et al.233 The poly(amidoether) dendrimers contain (2,6-diacylamino)pyridinemoieties that serve as donor-acceptor-donor (DAD)H-bonding units. Barbituric acid, a guest that con-tains two ADA arrays, is bound to the dendrimer, asevidenced by 1H NMR measurements. For the highergeneration dendrimers, intramolecular self-associa-tion competes with guest binding.

Cooperativity in guest binding has been reportedfor several modified dendrimers. A second generation

Figure 23. Cyclophane cores for dendrimers as used byDiederich et al. The structure at the top is a receptor forarenes, whereas the structure on the bottom is a receptorfor steroids.225 Pie-shaped wedges represent polyamidedendrons.

Figure 24. Proposed O2 binding in a fourth generationpoly(propylene imine) dendrimer with PY2 ligands.229

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PAMAM dendrimer functionalized with boronic acidreceptors and anthracene units acts as a fluorescentsensor for saccharides.234 Saccharide complexes witha dendrimer host are more stable than those with amonofunctional host. The binding of saccharide in-volves two boronic acid moieties, and therefore, theobserved effect can be assigned to a higher localconcentration of acceptor sites in the dendrimer.Cooperativity has also been found in anion sensorsusing ferrocene functionalized dendritic hosts.235

C. Dendritic Catalysts

Catalysis seems to be a research area in whichpromising applications for dendrimers may be devel-oped. Dendrimers have nanoscopic dimensions andcan be molecularly dissolved. This combination offeatures makes dendrimers suited to close the gapbetween homo- and heterogeneous catalysis, or, inother words, dendrimers will combine the advantagesof homo- and heterogeneous catalysts, if solubledendrimers with defined catalytical sites are devel-oped that can be removed from homogeneous reactionmixtures by simple separation techniques (i.e., ul-trafiltration or dialysis).236

The previously mentioned concept of site isolationcan be used to prepare catalysts with improvedcharacteristics. The placement of the catalytic activesite at a particular, isolated positionsfrequently, thecore is usedscan result in beneficial interactionsbetween the substrate and the catalyst. The first partof this section deals with catalytic dendrimer systems

in which the active center is located at the core. Theexterior functionalities of dendrimers can be used toaccommodate many catalytic sites on one molecule,possibly resulting in anomalous and favorable cata-lytic behavior. The second part of this section reviewsdendrimers with catalytic functions positioned at theperiphery.

1. Dendrimers with Catalytic Core FunctionalitiesBrunner has been one of the first authors to report

on branched molecules containing internal catalyticsites. The resemblance of the produced structures toprosthetic groups in enzymes has prompted Brunnerto introduce the word “dendrizymes” for the pre-sented molecules.237 The synthesized structures in-clude a pyridine-containing Schiff-base as a Cu(I)-binding core, that is surrounded by (1S,2S)-2-amino-1-phenyl-1,3-propanediol, (1R,2S)-ephedrine, or L-aspartic acid units.238 The reported first generationdendrizymes are formed in situ by adding copper(I)triflate to the chiral compounds. For the investigatedreaction, the cyclopropanation of styrene with ethyldiazoacetate, almost no asymmetric induction takesplace (maximum recorded ee; 10% for the L-Asp-surrounded system). Another structure published byBrunner et al. is built up from a diphosphine corethat is functionalized with menthyl-containing den-dritic branches.237 The molecules serve as chiralrhodium ligands. Unfortunately, the application ofthe Rh(I) catalysts in the hydrogenation of acetami-docinnamic acid does not lead to considerable enan-tioselectivities.239

Frechet-type wedges with a chiral pyridyl alcoholat the focal point have been used by Bolm et al.240 ascatalysts in the enantioselective diethylzinc additionto benzaldehyde (Figure 26). All three generationsinvestigated induce similar enantiomeric excesses(∼85%) and yields. Evidently, the dendritic substit-uents have a negligible effect on the catalytic site inthis example.

Figure 25. A dendritic azacrown ether produced byShinkai et al.232

Figure 26. A third generation chiral catalyst (top) as usedby Bolm et al. in the diethylzinc addition to benzaldehyde(bottom).240

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Suslick et al. have functionalized porphyrinato-manganese(III) chloride with first and second gen-eration aromatic polyesters.241 The dendritic wedgesprovide a certain confined environment around themetal center and, therefore, the catalyst may induceregio and shape selectivity. Indeed, the epoxidationof alkenes with iodosylbenzene displays both in-tramolecular and intermolecular regioselectivity. How-ever, the selectivity of a classical picket-fence por-phyrin, i.e. 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2′,4′,6′-triphenylphen-ylporphyrin)), is much greater than that of thedendrimers investigated.

A dendrimer consisting of Frechet wedges attachedto triethanolamine has been used to catalyze thenitroaldol reaction (or Henry reaction).242 In thisreaction, an aldehyde is coupled to a primary nitro-alkane to afford a nitro alcohol. The reaction isconducted in the presence of a base, typically atertiary amine. The ethanolamine-based dendrimersare basic enough to catalyze the Henry reaction,although the activity of the catalyst decreases as thewedges become bulkier. Furthermore, the dendriticframework does not impose a stereoselective reactioncourse.

Chow et al. have synthesized a dendritic bis-(oxazoline)copper(II) catalyst for the Diels-Alderreaction between cyclopentadiene and cronotyl imi-des.243,244 The reaction consists of two consecutivesteps. The reversible binding of the dienophile to thecopper complex is followed by the rate-determiningreaction between the dienophile-copper complex andthe diene. The formation constant of the catalyst-dienophile complex decreases gradually with den-drimer generation. The rate of the Diels-Alderreaction, however, remains virtually constant for thefirst and the second generation, and displays asudden drop for the third generation. The drop isexplained by assuming backfolding of the aromaticether containing dendritic branches, resulting in amore sterically hindered catalytic site.

Heterogeneous polymeric catalysts can elegantly beprepared by using dendritic cross-linkers. This ap-proach combines the superior performance of open-structured low-generation dendrimers with the com-fort of easily separable polymer beads. Seebach et al.have made dendrimers with TADDOL cores (TAD-DOL stands for R,R,R′,R′-tetraaryl-1,3-dioxolane-4,5-dimethanol) bearing Frechet-type branches that havestyryl end groups (Figure 27).245 The C2-symmetricTADDOL core is a ligand for Ti(IV) and can thereforebe used for the catalysis of enantioselective nucleo-philic additions to aldehydes.246 Even after the co-polymerization with styrene, high enantioselectivitiesfor the diethylzinc addition to benzaldehyde arefound. Furthermore, the Ti(IV)-TADDOL site in thedendritic polymer has a much higher turnover ratethan a similar site in a linear polystyrene analogue.

The introduction of regio- or stereocontrol in achemical reaction by using dendrimers with aninterior isolated catalytic site is far from straight-forward. Apparently, dendrimers are too flexible toimpose consequential spatial constraints on thecourse of the reaction. Additionally, most publishedreports indicate that the use of bulky dendritic

branches around a catalytic site lowers its turnoverrate significantly. Progress in this field seems torequire specific combinations of dendrimers andencapsulated catalytic sites, such that favorableinteractions between these components and thereactants can be expected. In this fashion, moredefined catalytic sites are created.

2. Dendrimers with Peripheral Catalytic Sites

The first dendritic catalyst with multiple catalyticsites at the periphery has been reported by Ford etal.247 A polyether dendrimer with 36 pendant qua-ternary ammonium ions accelerates both the decar-boxylation of 6-nitrobenzoisoxazole-3-carboxylate andthe hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl diphenyl phosphatein water (the latter reaction is catalyzed by o-iodosobenzoate). The third generation polycationicdendrimer displays an increase in catalytic activityas compared to a lower generation dendrimer with12 pendant ammonium cations. The rate enhance-ment is attributed to high local concentrations ofreactants that are bound to the dendritic micelles byhydrogen bonding interactions and hydrophobic in-teractions. Similar catalytic activities have previouslybeen reported for other micellar catalysts248 and forlattices249 that have multiple quaternary ammoniumsites. In relation to the lattices, the catalytic activityof the polycationic dendrimer is lower, probably dueto the more hydrophobic nature of the lattices andtheir lower degree of hydration.

Van Koten et al. have synthesized a first genera-tion silane dendrimer with pendant arylnickel(II)complexes.250 Inspired by the idea of anchoringcatalytic sites to soluble polymer supports, the au-thors have used the Ni(II)-containing dendrimer ascatalyst for the Kharasch addition of tetrachlo-romethane to methyl methacrylate. These first or-ganometallic modified dendritic catalysts have turn-over frequencies (as observed for the first generationdendritic species), that are 30% lower than thoseobserved for monomeric or polymer bound ana-

Figure 27. Catalytically active diisopropoxy-Ti-TADDOL-dendrimer embedded in cross-linked polystyrene.245

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logues.251 However, challenging possibilities for ul-trafiltration have been foreseen.

In a preliminary study on organophosphine den-drimers, dendritic wedges are described that containfive square planar Pd(II) sites, each site bearing atriphosphine ligand and an acetonitrile ligand.252 Thepresented compounds catalyze the electrochemicalreduction of CO2 to CO.

Poly(propylene imine) dendrimers contain bis(3-aminopropyl)amine tridentate coordination sites thathave a strong affinity for various transition metals,such as Cu(II), Zn(II), Co(II), and Ni(II), see Figure28.115 Indeed, UV/vis titration data show that DAB-dendr-(NH2)x dendrimers bind to exactly x/2 units ofCuCl2 or ZnCl2 in methanol. TEM data reveal spheri-cal structures with the anticipated dimensions, in-dicating that unimolecular nanoscopic structures areformed (see Figure 11). Ford et al. have used theCu(II)-, Co(II)-, and Zn(II)-loaded dendrimers ascatalysts for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl diphenylphosphate in water.253 The hydrolysis rates arehighest for the copper-containing dendrimers, and forthese catalysts, lower generations give higher activi-ties at all investigated pH values. Only the fifthgeneration dendrimersthat contains 32 Cu(II)centerssgives a somewhat lower activity than theCu(II)Cl2 reference salt.

Following van Koten’s initial approach, Reetz et al.have produced third generation poly(propylene imine)dendrimers with peripheral biphenylphosphineligands.254 The materials form catalysts with com-plexated Pd(CH3)2 or Rh(cod)BF4.255 The Pd(II)-containing dendrimer catalyzes the Heck reaction(Figure 29). A 4-fold increase in turnover number hasbeen observed for the Pd(II)-dendrimer as comparedto a mono-palladium analogue. The result has beenascribed to the higher thermal stability of the den-dritic catalyst. Hydroformylation of 1-octene (Figure29) is possible with the Rh(I) dendrimer, although amonomeric analogue shows a comparable turnoverfrequency. The introduced systems are promising,since the poly(propylene imine) dendrimers, theparent compounds in Reetz’s syntheses, are com-mercially available up to the fifth generation. Thebulkier nanosized catalysts derived from the highergeneration poly(propylene imine) dendrimers should

be large enough to be separable via membraneseparation techniques.92,213

Marquardt and Luning have prepared a secondgeneration aromatic ether dendrimer with six pen-dant concave pyridine moieties that are able tocatalyze the acylation of alcohols with diphen-ylketene.256 In contrast to analogues coupled to alinear polymer or to a Merrifield resin, the dendriticsystems do not show a decrease in selectivity towardprimary, secondary, or tertiairy alcohols. Recoveryof the catalyst by nanofiltration is possible in fairyields (70-90%).

Up to date, enantioselective catalysis using den-drimers functionalized at the exterior with catalyticsites has only received limited attention. The firstand second generation PAMAM dendrimers havebeen modified with (1R,2S)-ephedrine moieties, thuscreating a dendritic catalyst for the addition ofdiethylzinc to N-diphenylphosphinylimines.257 Theuse of a bifunctional ephedrine ligand results in anaddition with a high enantiomeric excess (ee ) 92%),whereas the use of dendritic ligands induces sub-stantially lower stereoselectivities (ee ) 43% and 39%for the first and the second generation, respectively).

The addition of diethylzinc to benzaldehyde hasbeen investigated with poly(propylene imine) den-drimers modified with (R)-phenyloxirane and theircorresponding N-methylated derivatives (Figure30).88,258 When higher dendrimer generations areused, the chemical yields and the enantiomericexcesses decrease (e.g., the ee drops from 36% for thenonmethylated monofunctional compound to 7% forthe nonmethylated fifth generation dendrimer). Inboth these examples of asymmetric catalysis, thebulkier dendrimers perform weaker. Possibly, thepacked end groups at the periphery of higher genera-tion dendrimers do not allow proper three-pointinteractions.

Recently Togni et al. have synthesized dendrimerscontaining up to eight ferrocenyl diphosphine ligands(see Figure 31).259 The corresponding Rh complexescatalyze the hydrogenation of dimethyl itaconate inmethanol in only a slightly lower enantiomeric excessthan the mononuclear analogue, i.e., ee values of 98.0

Figure 28. Tridentate complexation of the bis(3-amino-propyl)amine moiety with transition-metal chlorides. As anexample, a metal complex with DAB-dendr-(NH2)8 isshown.115

Figure 29. Catalytic dendritic diphosphane metal com-plexes used by Reetz et al. in the shown reactions.254

Figure 30. (R)-Phenyloxirane-modified poly(propyleneimine) dendrimers.88

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and 99.0% are recorded for the octamer and theanalogue (the Josiphos catalyst), respectively. Theinvestigated dendrimers are all of low generation butcan be separated from the reaction mixtures byapplying a nanofiltration membrane.

Studies on catalytic dendritic systems, with the(chiral) catalytic sites positioned either in the interioror at the exterior, seem to indicate that most highergeneration catalysts are less active and less enantio-selective than their lower generation analogues.Beneficial properties of bulkier systems that havemany peripheral catalytic sites may be found in thoseunique cases in which multiple interactions favor thereaction under investigation. In these cases, cooper-ativity effects are possible.

This field of research can be regarded as a revisi-tation of the research on polymer-supported catalysts,and the results found for dendrimers should thereforebe compared to those found for modified linearmacromolecules (in some of the studies surveyedabove this is actually done). Ultimately, we expectthat a more tailored design of dendritic catalysts canhave a great future, especially since the scope andlimitations in this field of research are sketched.

V. ConclusionsMore than 10 years after the initial reports on the

syntheses of dendritic macromolecules, many char-acteristics of these macromolecules have been re-vealed. The development of advanced mass spectrom-etry techniques (ESI-MS, MALDI-TOF MS) hasenabled researchers to exactly determine the purityof dendrimers. Thus, it has been confirmed thatdendrimers are synthetic macromolecules that arealmost monodisperse (previously unattainable poly-dispersities well below 1.01 are common for dendrim-ers). Theoretical and experimental data have clearlyshown that dendrimers are highly flexible molecules.The conformational flexibility brings about manyinitially unexpected properties, e.g., the end groups

can be severely backfolded, the interior of a den-drimer is able to expose itself to the environment andhuge distortions of the overall dendritic shape arepossible under specific experimental circumstances.Finally, it has been established that higher genera-tion dendrimers show deviating properties, not onlyin relation to their lower generation analogues butalso when compared to linear and compositionallysimilar oligomers or polymers.

Today, research on dendrimers is not only focusedon disclosing aberrant or special features of dendrim-ers but considerable effort is also invested in thedevelopment of applications for dendrimers. Den-dritic molecules have been tested in supramolecularpolymer chemistry, in medicinal chemistry, and incatalysis. Some studies in these fields have definitelyshown that dendrimers have beneficial or evensuperior characteristics, although it should be notedthat frequently more simple monomeric or polymericsystems are equally effective with respect to theinvestigated application. Nevertheless, soon den-drimers might be used in new devices, since it canbe expected that highly defined molecules withprecise submicron dimensions will be of relevance forthose active in the emerging fields of bio- andnanotechnology. Additionally, research on dendriticmaterials is facilitated by the circumstance that,nowadays, a few types of thoroughly studied den-drimers are either commercially available or easilyaccessible. Thus, it has become possible to broadenthe potential of these materials even further.

VI. AcknowledgmentsWe thank our colleagues at the Eindhoven Uni-

versity of Technology and DSM Research for themany valuable discussions on the different topics ofdendrimer synthesis and characterization. Theirnames are given in the original publications cited inthis review. Without their contributions it would havebeen impossible to contribute to the field and writethis review. DSM Research and The NetherlandsFoundation for Chemical Research (CW) are acknowl-edged for an unrestricted research grant.

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1688 Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 Bosman et al.