ability, intelligence & learning

Ability Intelligence & Learning

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& Learning

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Introduction Ability refers to an individuals capacity to perform the various tasks in a job

Intelligence is the cognitive ability of an individual to learn from experience, to reason well and to cope with the demand of daily living

Learning is a change in behavior being able to do something different from what you were able to do before

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Intellectual Ability

Intellectual abilities are those needed to perform mental activities such as thinking, reasoning and problem solving

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Dimensions of Intellectual Ability

Number AptitudeDescription: Ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic

Job ExampleAccountant: Computing the sales tax on a set of items

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Verbal ComprehensionDescription: Ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other

Job ExampleLinguistic: Anyone good at translating

Dimensions of Intellectual Ability

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Dimensions of Intellectual Ability

Perceptual SpeedDescription: Ability to identify visual similarities and differences quickly and accurately

Job ExampleInvestigator: Identifying clues to support a charge of arson

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Dimensions of Intellectual Ability

Inductive reasoningDescription: Ability to identify a logical sequence in a problem and then solve the problem

Job exampleMathematician

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Dimensions of Intellectual Ability

Deductive reasoningDescription: Ability to use logic and assess the implications of an argument

Job exampleLawyer

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Dimensions of Intellectual Ability

Spatial VisualizationDescription: Ability to imagine how an object would look if its position in space was changed

Job exampleInterior designers, craftsmen and architects

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Dimensions of Intellectual Ability


Description: Ability to retain and recall past experiences

Job ExampleSales person, Teachers and Students

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Physical Ability

It is the capacity to do task demanding stamina, dexterity , strength and similar characteristics

Physical Abilities gain importance for successfully doing less skilled and more standardized jobs

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Nine Basic Physical Abilities

Strength Factors

Dynamic strength Ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously overtime

Trunk Strength Ability to exert muscular strength using the trunk

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Nine Basic Physical Abilities

Strength Factors Static strength Ability to exert force against external objects

Explosive strength Ability to expend a maximum of energy in one or a series of explosive acts

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Nine Basic Physical Abilities

Flexibility Factors

Extent flexibility Ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible

Dynamic Flexibility Ability to make rapid and repeated flexing movements

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Nine Basic Physical Abilities

Other factors Body Coordination Ability to coordinate the simultaneous action of different parts of the body

Balance Ability to maintain equilibrium despite forces pulling off balance

Stamina Ability to continue maximum effort requiring prolonged effort overtime

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Biographical Characteristics



Martial Status


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There is a wide spread belief that job performance declines with increasing age

Evidence indicates that older workers bring positive qualities like experience, good judgment, and commitment

Age is inversely related to absenteeism. Older employees have lower rate of avoidable absence than do younger employees

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Gender Changes have taken place in terms of increasing female participation rate in the workforce & rethinking what constitutes male & female roles

Working mothers are more likely to prefer part-time work, flexible work schedules &telecommuting in order to accommodate their family responsibilities

According to research women have higher rates of absenteeism than men do

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Marital Status

Consistent research indicates that marries employees have fewer absence, i.e. they undergo less turnover with their jobs than their unmarried coworkers

Marriage imposes increased responsibilities that may make a steady job more valuable & important

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Tenure demonstrates a positive relationship between seniority & job productivity

It is expressed as work experience appears to be a good predictor of employee productivity

Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior; evidence indicates that tenure on an employee’s previous job is a powerful predictor of that employee’s future turnover.

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Intelligence Intelligence is one of the most researched areas in the field of psychology

Intelligence assumes an important position in the understanding of performance

Definition: According to Wechsler, intelligence is “The aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally & to deal effectively with the environment".

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Kinds of Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence

1. Emotional Intelligence

2. Social Intelligence

3. Cognitive Intelligence

4. Cultural Intelligence

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Multiple Intelligence

1. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to how well an individual handles himself and others

Individuals with high emotional intelligence are able to handle the set-backs and upsets of life better

These individuals excel in tasks that requires interaction with others

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2.Social Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence

It is the ability of an individual to deal with social situations in this environment

It can also be defined as the intelligence that lies behind group interactions & behaviors

E.g.: Diplomats politicians & social workers require this type of intelligence

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Multiple Intelligence

3. Cognitive Intelligence

Cognitive intelligence include intellectual abilities such as logic, reason, reading, writing, analyzing and prioritizing

These abilities do not require any social skills per se E.g.: you can solve a maths equation by yourself or write an essay or balance a business book by yourself

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Multiple Intelligence

4. Cultural Intelligence

Cultural intelligence is one’s capability to grow personally through a continuous learning and good understanding of diverse cultural heritage

It teaches one how to deal effectively with people from different cultural background and understanding

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Learning may be defined as any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about through experience

Three theories have been offered to explain the process by which we acquire patterns of behavior. They are as follows:

Classical Conditioning Theory

Operant Conditioning Theory

Social Learning Theory

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Classical Conditioning Theory

Ivan Pavlov, a Russian Physiologist is credited for the discovery of learning by Classical Conditioning. Hence Classical Conditioning is also referred to as Pavlovian Conditioning

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Pavlov believed that Classical Conditioning was actually learning through association .To study this, Pavlov conducted the following experiment:1. A dog was placed in an apparatus that could measure the amount of salivation 2. At the beginning of the experiment Pavlov rang a bell but there was no response from the dog 3. Next, Pavlov would ring a bell & after a fixed interval of time a small quantity of meat powder was presented to elicit salivation4. This procedure was repeated every fifteen minutes5. Later when the bell alone was presented, the dog responded by salivating

Classical Conditioning Theory

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Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning is defined by Skinner as “that form of learning in which the consequences of behavior lead to changes in the probability of its occurrence”

There are 4 important ways in which desirable & undesirable consequences influence our behavior which are as follows:1. Positive Reinforcement

2. Negative Reinforcement

3. Punishment

4. Extinction

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1. Positive Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement is a favorable consequence that encourages repetition of a behavior

It is a process by which people learn to perform behaviors that lead to desired outcomes

It depends on 3 important factors:1. Timing

2. Consistency

3. Rewarding

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2. Negative Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement occurs when a response is followed by an end to discomfort or by removal of an unpleasant event.

Negative Reinforcement increases the likelihood that the response will be made again

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3. Punishment

Punishment is any event that follows a response and decreases the likelihood of the response occurring again

Through punishment we learn what actions “not” to perform E.g.: when the boss shouts or cuts the pay of an employee for coming late, the employee learns not to repeat the behavior

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4. Extinction

It is the withholding of significant positive consequence that previously followed desirable behavior

When a response that was once rewarded is no longer rewarded, it tends to weaken and eventually die out

E.g.: If the manager stops rewarding employees for their suggestions then the employees will stop giving suggestions

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Social Learning Theory

According to Albert Bandura, people learn through observation and direct experience

Social Learning theory recognizes the mental ability and skills of human beings

For learning to take place by observation following process must occur:1. Attention process2. Retention process3. Reproduction process 4. Reinforcement process

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Schedules Of Reinforcement What is “Reinforcement”?

Reinforcement is a systematic process used by the organization to change the behavior of the employees

Reinforcement differs from person to person. What is reinforcing to one person may not be reinforcing to another

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Schedules Of Reinforcement

Continuous Reinforcement

It occurs when a reinforcer accompanies each correct behavior by an employer

This level of reinforcement may be desirable to encourage quick learning

E.g.: payment of employees for each acceptable item that they produce

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Intermittent reinforcement

Schedules Of Reinforcement

It occurs when only some of the correct behaviors are reinforced

A unique feature of intermittent reinforcement is that learning comes to retain longer when it is secured under conditions

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Schedules Of ReinforcementIntermittent reinforcement

The four types of intermittent reinforcement are as follows:

1.Fixed interval

2. Variable interval

3. Variable ratio schedule

4. Fixed ratio

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Shaping Behavior Shaping is a behavior that managers frequently use to teach employees that are beneficial to the organization

In shaping each successive step that moves the individual closer to the desired response

The individual receives a reward for each small step towards the final goal

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Organizational Applications Behavior Modification involves specific

behavior occur more or less often by systematically managing its uses and consequences

The four specific application of learning are as follows:

1. Reducing absenteeism through lotteries

2. Substituting Well pay for sick pay

3. Indiscipline problem of employees

4. Developing effective employee training programmes

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1.Reducing Absenteeism through lotteries The management embarked on an

innovative programme to tackle the problem of absenteeism which consisted of lotteries with attractive prizes

The uniqueness about the lottery was its eligibility requirement where only employees with perfect attendance and no tardiness were eligible to contest

Attendance improved so much that even a storm could not deter the employees from being present at work

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2. Substituting Well pay for Sick pay Most organization provide their employee

with paid sick leave as part of their employees fringe benefit programme

Organization should have programme designed to encourage good attendance at work

An attendance which is practiced in most organization is designed to encourage good attendance

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3. Employee Indiscipline Employee indiscipline is exhibited in acts such as drunkenness to job, late arrivals to work, stealing company properties etc

Manager response to such things with disciplinary action such as verbal warnings oral reprimands or temporary suspensions

Managers are reinforced to use discipline because it reduces an immediate change in the employee behavior

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4.Developing Training Programmes Most organizations have some type of systematic training programmes

Billions of rupees are being spent on training in a single year by organizations the world over

Social learning theory in particular tells the organizers that training should provide a model as it needs to grab the trainees attention

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Conclusion An ability represents a broad and stable characteristic which is responsible for a person’s performance

The abilities which arouse the greatest interest in people go by the name of intelligence

Intelligence is closely linked to learning

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This presentation was put together by the efforts of

Steffi D’costa

Meera Mathew

Judaline D’souza

Nikita Albert

Brian D’souza

Premilla Serrao

Melissa D’souza