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  • 8/10/2019 ABDALLAH PROJECT 4.docx




    I declare that to the best of my knowledge that this project has been done by myself and has notbeen copied from anywhere else.

    Prepared by:

    Abdallah Yahaya Hussein



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    The purpose of this project is to reduce theft incidence by providing an automatic detection of

    burglars for the building at Kibamba residential house. The detection will be provided byinfrared sensors to detect the presence of burglars near the building at the required time. The

    signal will be sent to initiate the buzzer at the security Control room after the burglar being

    detected. Then the Camera will continuously store the video events.

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    I would like to thank all lectures and colleagues of Electrical Engineering Department of Dar es

    salaam Institute of Technology for their assistance, advices and cooperation, which made this job

    to be the fulfilled. My special thanks are given to my supervisor Mr. Phillymon .l. Yacobo who

    gave me great cooperation from the beginning to the end of this project, also a project

    coordinator who gave the time table of the project in the right time from the beginning to the end

    of this project.

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    DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i

    ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... ii

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii

    TABLE OF COTENTS.................................................................................................................. iv

    LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... viii

    LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... ix

    ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................ x

    CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1

    INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1

    1.0 Background Information ....................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 Problem Definition. ............................................................................................................... 2

    1.2 Project Objectives. ................................................................................................................ 3

    1.2.1 Main Objectives. ............................................................................................................. 3

    1.2.2 Specific Objectives ......................................................................................................... 3

    1.3 Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 4

    CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 5

    LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 5

    2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5

    2.2 Hardwire Security System ..................................................................................................... 5

    2.3 Operation of Existing System ............................................................................................... 6

    2.3.1 Existing System .............................................................................................................. 7

    2.3.2 Photocells........................................................................................................................ 7

    2.3.3 Relay ............................................................................................................................... 8

    2.3.4 Choosing a relay ............................................................................................................. 9

    2.4 Alert Systems ...................................................................................................................... 10

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    2.4.1The Alarm System Process ............................................................................................ 10

    2.4.2 Previous Work Carried Out On Alert Systems ............................................................. 10

    2.4.3 Using Telephones for Alert Systems ............................................................................ 11

    2.5 Proposed System. ................................................................................................................ 11

    2.5.1. Significance of the Proposed System. ......................................................................... 11

    2.5.2 Project Design............................................................................................................... 12

    2.5.3 Microcontroller ............................................................................................................. 12

    2.5.4 Central Processing Unit ................................................................................................ 13

    2.5.5. Microcontroller Memories ........................................................................................... 13

    2.5.6 Input Lines. ................................................................................................................... 13

    2.5.7 Control Unit. ................................................................................................................. 13

    2.5.8 Output Lines. ................................................................................................................ 13

    2.5.9 Analogue to Digital Converter. ........................................................................................ 14

    2.6. Factors to Consider In the Choice of a Microcontroller..................................................... 14

    2.7. Current to Voltage Converter and Control System ............................................................ 14

    2.8. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) .................................................................................... 14

    2.8.1 Alarm System ............................................................................................................... 16

    2.8.2 False Alarm................................................................................................................... 16

    2.8.3 Power Supply ................................................................................................................ 16

    2.9. Sensors. .............................................................................................................................. 16

    2.9.1 Passive Infra-Red Sensor .............................................................................................. 17

    2.9.2 Pir-Based Motion Detector (PID). ................................................................................ 17

    2.9.3 Operating Principles of Pir ........................................................................................... 17

    2.9.4 Active Infra-Red Beam ................................................................................................. 18

    2.10 Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 19

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    2.11 Sensitivity .......................................................................................................................... 19

    CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 20

    METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 20

    3.1 Introduction: ........................................................................................................................ 20

    3.2 Literature review: ................................................................................................................ 20

    3.3 Circuit design: ..................................................................................................................... 21

    3.4 Simulation: .......................................................................................................................... 21

    3.5 Implementation and testing: ................................................................................................ 21

    CHARTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................ 22

    DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................................. 22

    4. I. Tables of Summary of Collected Data ............................................................................... 22

    4.2. Data Specification of PIR sensors ...................................................................................... 23

    4.3. Data Specification of Security Camera .............................................................................. 23

    4.4. Specifications Data of Alarm ............................................................................................. 23

    4.5. Specifications of Microcontroller....................................................................................... 24

    CHARTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 26

    DATA ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 26

    5.1 INTRODUCTION:.............................................................................................................. 26

    5.2 Basic equations on power supply circuit: ............................................................................ 26

    5.3 Power supply ....................................................................................................................... 27

    5.4 The area to be protected ...................................................................................................... 28

    5.4.1 Sensors coverage area:................................................................................................ 29

    5.4.2 Passive Infrared Detector PIR Data .............................................................................. 29

    5.5. Switching circuit ................................................................................................................ 30

    5.6 Camera circuit ..................................................................................................................... 31

    5.6.1 Relay ............................................................................................................................. 31

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    5.6.2 Transistor Specifications .............................................................................................. 32

    5.6.3 The Value of the Biasing Resistors .................................................................... 325.7 proposed circuit diagram ..................................................................................................... 33

    5.8 Circuit operation .................................................................................................................. 34

    CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 35

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................... 35

    6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 35

    6.2 Simulation results ................................................................................................................ 35

    6.3 when the system is activated ............................................................................................... 36

    6.4 The sensor on side A ........................................................................................................... 37

    6.5 The sensor on side C ........................................................................................................... 38

    6.6 The sensor on all side A,B,C and D .................................................................................... 39

    6.7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 39

    Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 40

    6.8 Cost estimation .................................................................................................................... 41

    CODE FOR INTELLIGENT SECURITY SYSTEM ............................................................... 42

    Project Title:Intelligent Security System .................................................................................. 42

    REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 46

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    Table: 1 Schedule of work

    Table: 4.1 Shows dimensions of the face and house

    Table: 4.2 Shows the dimension from the house to the fence

    Table: 4.3 Specification of PIR sensors

    Table: 4.4 Specification of Camera

    Table: 4.5 Specification of alarm

    Table: 4.6 Specifications for Microcontroller PIC18F4550

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    Figure: 2. Home security system

    Figure: 2.1. Block diagram of the existing system

    Figure: 2.2 typical construction of a plastic photocell

    Figure: 2.3 a simple design of the alarm system

    Figure: 2.4 Shows the block diagram of the designed system

    Figure: 2.5 Active infrared motion detectors

    Figure: 4 Diagram showing circuit for Microcontroller PIC18F4550

    Figure: 5 Diagram showing the power supply circuit

    Figure: 5.1 Diagram showing coverage area of the sensor to be used

    Figure: 5.2 Diagram showing Switching circuit

    Figure: 5.3 showing Camera circuit diagram

    Figure: 5.4 showing proposed circuit diagram

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    CCTV Closed Circuit Television

    CPU Central Processing Unit

    PIR Passive Infrared Detector

    IDS Intrusion detection system

    RAM Random Access Memory

    EPROM Electrically Programmable Read only Memory

    DAC Digital-to Analog converter

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    1.0 Background Information

    Security is the protection of a person, organization or country against threats such as

    crime/attacks or is the group of people responsible for protecting a building or is a combination

    of measure human and material resource intended to safeguard acts of unlawful interference.

    Therefore with well-organized security system people lives comfortable and safely peace minded

    the situation which makes them to be able to perform their responsibilities nicely and so raising

    their personal developments and then contributing to the country economics Security is a

    measure taken to guarantee the safety of a person, property or organization. The types of

    protection include prevention, response and pre-emptive attacks. There are three areas that can

    be attacked by criminally minded people; these are people, property or organizations, Protection

    against an attack and sometimes making a preemptive attack on suspected threats. Prevention

    against an attack includes making it difficult for someone to attack and displaying the

    willingness to counter-attack. Reasons for such an attack may be for revenge, financial gain,

    political or religious motives, for thrills, or to avoid getting caught, security is a protection. A

    person, property or organization may be vulnerable to an attack. Motivation to attack includes

    revenge, money, a cause or even thrills Security in these days of rising crime rates, more and

    more people are becoming security minded. Electronic security devices can be installed to give a

    view of areas that are vulnerable to attack. (Brookes, 2001).

    Sensor is a virtual part of any alarm system, these is the guardian that responds to any

    disturbance caused by an intruder and trigger the main alarm circuit. Having done this, they play

    further part in operation as the latching circuit in the control unit take over to keep the alarm

    sounding, hence any attack on the sensor or its wiring, after the alarm has sounded is of no avail

    in silencing the system, (Vivian 1999)

    We live in a much unsecured world, dominated by robbery and crime. Due to the pronounced

    differences between the classes of a society, culture conflicts and various other factors,

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    worldwide crime rates have known an exacerbated increase in the last decades, rendering modern

    society a very unstable and unsafe environment. Every day we hear about all sorts of crime,

    robberies and theft, making us doubts the safety of our homes, possessions and even our lives.

    Due to all this security system are needed.

    People are feeling and more insecure inside their homes these days and they reinforce their doors

    and windows, install extra door locks, and even buy guard dogs to provide them protection.

    However, it is very important to note that experienced robbers can easily break through to a wide

    range of home defenses, also it seems that most of robberies and burglaries take place while the

    owner are at home, exposing the home owner and families to a serious risk. To minimize these

    problems, electronic security system is very important. In present, the only effective means to

    protect your homes against robbers is to install a reliable home security system. Only after you

    have equipped your home with an efficient alarm system you can actually feel more than 80

    percent safe inside your home.

    1.1 Problem Definition.

    Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as

    possible. Knowing your home is protected provides peace of mind both when you are away and

    when you are home.

    Most houses use poor system of security to protect themselves, property and the whole of the

    family against attacks. Nowadays there are some cases where by gangs utilize this chance of

    having poor security to do what they want. They use chemicals and sometimes use bush knives

    and other equipment to harm people depending on their intention. It might be either a revenge,

    misunderstanding between them or political issues. Due to the poor security people lose their

    life, properties and money if it happens needed to be treated abroad according to the serious

    wound obtained during attacks.

    Using the system that cannot detect the presence of an intruder is dangerous to your life and

    property. Employ a Masai as a guard to secure your property and your family it is not a real

    security to ensure safety at all, though the system is cheaper, it has a lot of weaknesses in their

    efficiencies since the system use poor weapons for control operation. The operating system is so

    difficult to provide enough security since the security guard can only see on the front without

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    having any information of the remaining parts of the house. Due to human (security guard)

    weakness (thus, frustration, physiological or fall asleep), thieves may enter the building without

    being identified or even known. As a result the intruder may utilize these chances to steel in

    comfortable, causes a lot of damage or sometimes may kill them. Having a photo sensor as a

    helping tools in security, also is not a guarantee of total security since it senses the intruder who

    is already close to the protected area so if he/she is well equipped can do what he/she desire.

    1.2 Project Objectives.

    1.2.1 Main Objectives.

    The main objective of the project is to have the system that will improve protection of the

    building by alerting the security Guard and activating the CCTV system.

    1.2.2 Specific Objectives

    To design a circuit that will detect the presence of a person during the night

    To design a circuit that will sound a buzzer at the security room.

    To program microcontroller to control the camera when intruder interring a protected


    To build a prototype

    To test a prototype.

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    1.3 Methodology

    In order to accomplish this project the following methods will be used

    Literature reviews

    Data collection

    Data analysis

    Design the proposed system

    Building the prototype

    Testing the proposed system

    Report writing

    Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

    Selection of project title

    Title defending

    Literature review

    Data collection

    Data analysis

    Report writing

    Submission of the report

    Table: 1. Schedule of work

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    2.1 Introduction

    This chapter gives the review on the concept of existing system and the other researchers on

    security system.

    A lot of study and research has been involved in creating security systems over time including

    alert systems, alarms systems, surveillance systems, and GSM tracking systems etc. This chapter

    aims to critically review a few of these works.

    2.2 Hardwire Security System

    A security system starts with a control panel. Usually located in a closet or a basement, the

    control panel contains the Brain of the security system, and essentially operates as control

    computer. Various sensors connect to the control panel from location throughout your home. If

    your security is aimed and the person detects a problem, they send signals to the control panel.

    The control panel automatically dials the control monitoring station, where the proper authorities

    are notified.

    Hardwire security systems are still possibly the most common type of security typically

    recommended for new construction. Hardwired systems typically cost less than wireless systems,

    but take more time to install. However, if installed during the construction phase the installation

    time is very little, making wired systems the preferred choice.

    The advancement of home security system and the reduction of price over the years have led to it

    becoming almost in common homes in home as Cable TV. Many new home owners realize that

    their home is their largest investment, and the best way to protect it is to install a security system

    at the time of construction.

    Adding Sensors after a construction is a common decision. Some things may be over looked at

    the time of the original installation, or possibly something changed. All of our wired security

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    systems can be updated to work with wireless sensors- making it a Hybrid wired/Wireless system

    as describe below

    There are many hardwired security kits, pre-configured to meet anyones needs a home security

    system consists of many different sensors typeEach accomplishing a difference in price, overall


    Figure: 2 Home security systems.

    2.3 Operation of Existing System

    This system use light as a security, the photocell which is light dependent is used to switch on

    the light during the night, i.e. it closes when sun lights goes off during the evening and open

    during the day light. The function of light in security activities is to facilitate the security process

    during the night by providing light which enable security Guard to see anything passing a certain

    area covered by that light. The lamps with high power are commonly used for security purposes

    so as to get adequate illumination. The security Guard stays in a special hut and makes a patrol

    for some time around the house. Due to human (security guard) weakness (thus, frustration,

    physiological or fall asleep), thieves may enter the building without being identified or even

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    known. As a result the intruder may utilize these chances to steel in comfortable, causes a lot of

    damage or sometimes may kill them.

    2.3.1 Existing System

    Figure: 2.1. Block diagram of the existing system

    2.3.2 Photocells

    Photocells are simply resistors that have a light-dependent resistance. Photo-sensitive plates are

    mounted on the front of the resistor, and as more or less light hits these plates, the resistance

    value of the photocell changes.

    Photocells are commonly used in dusk-to-dawn lights. These lights turn on when the surrounding

    environment is dark and turn off when it becomes bright again. The photocells in the lights tell

    the circuit when to provide more or less current, thus turning the light on or off as needed.

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    Figure: 2.3.Typical construction of a plastic photocell

    2.3.3 Relay

    Relays are components which allow a low-power circuit to switch a relatively high current on

    and off, or to control signals that must be electrically isolated from the controlling circuit itself.Newcomers to electronics sometimes want to use a relay for this type of application, but are

    unsure about the details of doing so. Heres a quick rundown. To make a relay operate, you have

    to pass a suitable .pull-in a holding Current (DC) through its energizing coil. And generally relay

    coils are designed to operate from a particular supply voltage, Often 12V or 5V, in the case of

    many of the small relays used for electronics work. In each case the coil has a resistance which

    will draw the right pull-in and holding currents when its connected to that supply voltage. So the

    basic idea is to choose a relay with a coil designed to operate from the supply voltage youre

    using for your control circuit (and with contacts capable of switching the currents you want to

    control), and then provide a suitable .relay driver. Circuit so that your low-power circuitry can

    control the current through the relays coil. Typically this will be somewhere between 25mA and

    70mA. Often your relay driver can be very simple, using little more than an NPN or PNP

    transistor to control the coil current. All your low-power circuitry has to do is provide enough

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    base current to turn the transistor on and off, as you can see from diagrams A and B. In A, NPN

    transistor Q1 (say a BC337 or BC338) is being used to control a relay (RLY1) with a 12V coil,

    operating from a +12V supply. Series base resistor R1 is used to set the base current for Q1, so

    that the transistor is driven into saturation (fully turned on) when the relay is to be energized.

    That way, the transistor will have minimal voltage drop, and hence dissipate very little power, as

    well as delivering most of the 12V to the relay coil. [3]

    Circuit symbol of relay

    Relays switch connections are usually labeled COM, NC and NO;


    COM = Commons always connect to this; it is the moving part of the switch.

    NC = Normally Closed, COM is connected to this when the relay coil is off.

    NO = Normally Open, COM is connected to this when the relay is on.

    Connect to COM and NO if you want the switched circuit to be on when the relay coil is on.

    Connect to COM and NC if you want the switched circuit to be on when relay coil is off.

    2.3.4 Choosing a relayDuring choosing a relay for a certain circuit several factors should be considered and the

    following some of them;

    I. Coil voltage; the relays coil voltage rating and resistance must suit the circuit powering

    the relay coil. Many relays have a coil rated for a 12V supply but 5V and

    II. 24V relays are also readily available. Some relays operate perfectly well with a supply

    voltage which is a little lower than their rated value.

    III. Coil resistance; the circuit must be able to supply the current required by the relay coil.

    You can use Ohms law to calculate the current.

    Relay coil current = Supply Voltage

    Coil resistance

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    For example: A 12V supply relay with coil resistance of 400 passes a current of 30mA. This is

    okay for 555 timers IC. This almost is going to be used in the fire alarm system using GSM

    cellular phone.

    IV. Switch rating (voltage and current)

    The relays switch contacts must be suitable for the circuit they are to control. Voltage and

    current rating should be checked regularly, usually the voltage rating is high for AC, for

    example 5A at 24V DC or 125V AC. [4]

    2.4 Alert Systems

    An alert system is a system that sends an alert to the user when a condition is met. It is used to

    monitor events and send signals that would alert a user who is not physically present at the scene

    of the occurrence. Alert systems are often incorporated with surveillance systems to give acomplete alert and surveillance system.

    2.4.1The Alarm System Process


    Figure: 2.3 Simple Design of the Alarm System Process

    2.4.2 Previous Work Carried Out On Alert Systems

    There is a 2-way Intrusion detection system (IDS) that detects an intruders presence in a car.

    The two-way intrusion detection security (IDS) system enables a car owner to detect any

    unauthorized access to ones own car.

    The disturbances created enable the Mops system to send an instant message on the mobile/E-

    mail to the authorized user about the unauthorized access to warn the customer of the possible

    intrusion or theft in his/her vehicle. Once the user detects unauthorized presence in his/her car,

    the user can send a text message for immobilization of the car. The immobilization is based on a








    nt system




    of asset

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    simple SMS command that shuts off the engine of the car. The system, which is easy to install,

    can be operated through use of mobile (SMS)/E-mail/telephone. In case of multiple authorized

    users, all such users will receive information. The system response is immediate and the

    authentic user will immediately receive the message, even if he is located anywhere in the world.

    This system efficiently alerts the user of an intruder in his car and the user can immobilize the

    car. This project would apply a similar technology to security and surveillance of a building.

    2.4.3 Using Telephones for Alert Systems

    The telecopy project uses a telephone system for an audio surveillance system. The telephone

    system makes a call and gives virtual ears to the users so that they can hear what is going on in

    their homes. The system uses a motion sensor and a microphone. The Motion Sensor: The

    Telecopys motion sensor is PIR or Passive Infrared Technology. The passive infrared sensor

    detects changes in the room's heat signature due to occupant motion. The range is in excess of

    9m at which point the width is about 6m, creating about a 45 degree wedge beyond the sensor


    2.5 Proposed System.

    This project is intended to come up with a system which will identify the person once he enters

    the controlled zone a certain distance before coming close to the house. As signals detected by a

    sensor will be sent to the control circuit so as to operate an alarm which will alert the homeowner

    that there is someone entering the protected zone.

    After a certain delayed time, the alarm will operate which will be heard only inside the house so

    as to inform the house owner that, a particular person is still around the protected zone without

    him/herself to know.

    2.5.1. Significance of the Proposed System.

    It will improve security system in residential premises It will be used at any area where the security system is not reliable.

    The system will operate automatically

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    2.5.2 Project Design.

    Figure: 2.4 Shows the block diagram of the designed system

    2.5.3 Microcontroller

    A microcontroller is essentially an inexpensive single chip computer. Single chip means the

    Entire computer system lies within the confines of a sliver of silicon encapsulated inside the

    Plastic housing of an integrated circuit. The microcontroller has features similar to those of a

    Standard personal computer. The microcontroller contains a CPU (central processing unit), RAM

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    (Random access memory), ROM (read-only memory), I/O (input/output) lines, control unit,

    serial and parallel ports, timers, and sometimes other built-in peripherals such as analog to digital

    (A/D) analogue comparator and digital to analog (D/A) converters (John Iovine, 2000)

    The features of a microcontroller are described in detail as follow;

    2.5.4 Central Processing Unit

    The central processing unit (CPU) is the part of a microcontroller that is used to run a program

    (Executes program instructions) it consists of control unit and arithmetic unit (Timoth J. Leary

    and Linda I. oLeary, 2008).

    2.5.5. Microcontroller Memories

    The microcontroller has two types of memory that are EPROM (Electrically Programmable Read

    only Memory) and Random Access Memory (RAM). EPROM is where we store written

    program. This kind of memory is non-volatile and is not affected with the absence of power.

    During execution of the instructions all the manipulation of data is done in the registers, this kind

    of memory is known as Random Access Memory (RAM) and is volatile memory, meaning that

    data are lost with the absence of power (www.wikipedia.org).

    2.5.6 Input Lines.

    The input lines to a microcontroller are used to receive signal from input components. The input

    components consists of digital devices such as switches, push buttons and analogue sensors such

    as light dependent resistors, thermistor, gas sensors, pressure sensors and any type of sensor or

    Input from any source.

    2.5.7 Control Unit.

    The microcontroller will monitor the inputs and as a result the program would turn output ON

    and OFF. The microcontroller stores the program in its memory, and executes the instructions

    under the Control of the clock circuit.

    2.5.8 Output Lines.

    The output lines are used to send the executed output to the output devices. In my project, the

    output will be sent from a microcontroller to a CCTV.

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    2.5.9 Analogue to Digital Converter.

    An analog-to-digital converter (abbreviated ADC, A/D or A to D) is a device which converts

    continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. The reverse operation is performed by a digital-to

    analog converter (DAC).Typically, an ADC is an electronic device that converts an input analog

    voltage (or current) to a digital number. The digital output may use different coding schemes,

    such as binary, Gray code or two's complement binary. The A/D and D/C will be either inside a

    microcontroller or outside, this is due to the availability of a microcontroller.


    2.6. Factors to Consider In the Choice of a Microcontroller

    The most obvious consideration is how many digital inputs, analogue inputs and outputs

    does the system require. This specifies the minimum number of I/O the microcontroller

    must have.

    The next consideration is the size of the program memory we need. This is very

    important feature as one would find discarding a microcontroller for the reason that it

    does not suite the capacity required.

    Clock frequency, this determines the speed at which the instructions are executed. This is

    important for any long execution of a program. With the higher frequency the

    microcontroller will finish one task and start another.

    Number of interrupts and timer circuits required, for instance, how many number of data

    EEPROM is needed.

    2.7. Current to Voltage Converter and Control System

    This is circuit which will be used to change current from a current transformer to voltage that can

    be compared by a comparator which will be either inside a micro controller or outside a

    microcontroller. This will be determined by availability of a microcontroller.

    2.8. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)CCTV is a contributor to the development of the raw surveillance picture and is a particularly

    important sensor in that at shorter ranges a CCTV sensor is able to recognize target type and in

    some cases target identity.

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    Modern cameras can provide high definition coverage in all types of visibility during both day

    and night. Infrared and thermal imaging improves target detection and recognition. When

    coupled with image becomes a very effective sensor in its own right and a supplier of essential

    identifies information.

    CCTV sensors can be remotely controlled in three axes, pant, tilt and zoom and they can accept

    designation from other sensor information such as Radar, RDF and AIS and continue to track the

    designated target. CCTV (Closed Circuit television) system can protect our property in case an

    intruder picks your house. Close Circuit means only you have to access to footage your camera

    system. Operating with CCTV system at any area store understands convenience of owning a

    powerful camera system and thats why we carry the numerous options of camera systems. 2-

    camera systems, 16-camera systems, Digital Video Recorders that store footage for weeks,

    wireless cameras, and camera built with infrared, dome and bullet styled camera system, smart

    phone monitoring, and touch screen television monitoring- our selection of kits will suit any

    circumstances of your protection and needs. Surveillance camera system can be simple or

    elaborate, but ultimately they all save the same purpose. Security camera Store has many

    surveillance accessories to choose from. Accessories housed in our warehouses include camera

    cable & bracket, CCTV warning signs, connectors& adapters, DVR lock boxes & brackets,

    monitor brackets & accessories, and tools.

    Although many surveillance kits come with accessories it will likely be necessary to make

    addition purchases. Thats because installing a surveillance system will take special tools and

    equipment and if you dont have already these items in advance you will need to get them before

    you can complete installation.

    One of the most time consuming steps of setting up and installing your security system will be

    dealing with wire and cables. Thats why you should first make sure that you buy the right cable

    and next make sure that you have the proper tools to cut cable and tuck it away. Such toolsinclude a wire stripper and staple gun.

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    2.8.1 Alarm System

    The principle function of an alarm system is usual considered to;

    Alert the people that someone is the intrusion area

    Drive the intruder away

    Give signal to the owners

    Provide a loud alarm noise

    2.8.2 False Alarm

    False alarm could be generated by movement on the other side. False alarms due to inanimate

    moving object are not possible unless the object is worm, because the device is actuated only by

    objects that are warm and moving. The detector is not affected by heating system with the

    possible exception forced air heating.

    2.8.3 Power Supply

    The power supply for running the system is taken from the main supply with backup battery

    which switches in automatically if the supply fails. The control box must be permanently wired

    to a suitable mains connection box should never be supplied from a plug socket as the socket

    could be switched off or the plug be pulled out.

    2.9. Sensors.A sensor is a type of transducer which uses one type of energy, a signal of some sort, and

    converts it into a reading for the purpose of information transfer. A mercury thermometer is an

    example of a sensor that convert the expansion and contraction of volume of mercury in response

    to change in temperature (the signal), to a reading on a calibrated glass tube giving information

    about ambient temperature. Other sensors such as a thermocouple produce an output voltage or

    other electrical output which may be attached to ammeter for reading a change or interpreted by

    another device (such as a computer).for accuracy in the application a calibration of the sensor

    and its output information is necessary.

    Sensors are used in everyday objects such as touch-sensitive elevator buttons and lamps which

    dim or brighten by touching the base. There are also innumerable applications for sensors of

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    which most people are never aware. Applications include automobile, machines, aerospace,

    medicine, industry, and robotics.

    Sensor's sensitivity indicates how much the sensor's output changes when the measured quantity

    changes. Sensors that measure very small changes must have very high sensitivities.

    Technological progress allows more and more sensors to be manufactured on microscopic scale

    as micro sensors using MEMS technology. In most cases, a micro sensor reaches a significantly

    higher speed and sensitivity compared with macroscopic approaches.

    Because sensor is a type of transducer they change one form of energy into another. For this

    reason, sensors can be classified according to the type of energy transfer that they detect.

    2.9.1 Passive Infra-Red Sensor

    The PIR Sensor detects motion up to 6m away by using a Fresnel lens and infrared-sensitive

    element to detect changing patterns of passive infrared emitted by objects in its vicinity.

    Inexpensive and easy to use, it's ideal for alarm systems, motion-activated lighting, and holiday

    props. The PIR Sensor is compatible with all Parallax microcontrollers.

    2.9.2 Pir-Based Motion Detector (PID).

    A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light

    radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often used in PIR-based motion


    2.9.3 Operating Principles of Pir

    All objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit heat energy in the form of radiation.

    Usually this radiation is invisible to the human eye because it radiates at infrared wavelengths,

    but it can be detected by electronic devices designed for such a purpose.

    The term passive in this instance refers to the fact that PIR devices do not generate or radiate any

    energy for detection purposes. They work entirely by detecting the energy given off by other

    objects. It is important to note that PIR sensors don't detect or measure "heat" per se; instead they

    detect the Infrared radiation emitted from an object which is different from but often

    associated/correlated with the object's temperature (e.g., a detector of X-rays or gamma rays

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    would not be considered a heat detector, though high temperatures may cause the emission of X

    or gamma radiation).

    The concept of motion detector for security system

    Figure: 2.5 Active infrared motion detectors

    2.9.4 Active Infra-Red Beam

    Infra-red radiation lies just below visible light in the spectrum, it is fixed frequency but actually

    has a wider frequency band than visible light ranging from to Hz or 1000 to100,000GHz which is wave length of 300m to 3m.

    It can be generated by a variety of source including a low temperature blackened filament lamp,

    but usual generator is gallium arsenide crystals. Unlike microwave, infra-red radiation is affected

    by snow rain and ice and so much be operated well within the specified range if used outdoors.

    Table 2.1

    Number Refraction Penetration1 75 84

    2 56 70

    3 42 60

    4 - 50

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    For indoor application these problem do not apply but losses are incurred at each refraction or

    glass penetration. These reduce the range as shown in table 2.1 above. More than three

    reflections reduce the range to 30% and are not recommended.

    2.10 CalibrationThe PIR Sensor requires a warm-up time in order to function properly. This is due to the

    settling time involved in learning its environment. This could be anywhere from 10-60 seconds.

    During this time there should be as little motion as possible in the sensors field of view. There is

    a variable resistor (Delay Time) on the PIR sensor to control the ON delay time for the sensor.

    Turning the variable resistor clockwise will give longer ON delay time while turning

    anticlockwise with reduce the ON delay time.

    2.11 SensitivityThe PIR Sensor has a range of approximately 5 meters. The PIR sensor can sense object up to

    120 within 1 meter range. The sensitivity can vary with environmental conditions. The sensor is

    designed to adjust to slowly changing conditions that would happen normally as the day

    progresses and the environmental conditions change, but responds by making its output high

    when sudden changes occur, such as when there is motion.

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    3.1 Introduction:

    To achieve the objectives of this project the PROTOTYPING method is used as a framework to

    structure the plan and development of the system.

    The following are procedures in which some of them have already been used and others have to

    be taken in order to accomplish the project:

    a. .Literature review.

    Consultation from project supervisor and other professionals from the relevant


    site visit

    study existing system

    internet surfing to study relevant theories

    technical data collection and analysis

    b. Design circuit.

    c. Simulation of circuit.


    Implementing and testing the circuit.

    3.2 Literature review:

    The review of books and other sources relevant to a particular project, providing a description,

    summary, and critical evaluation of each work, the purpose is to offer an overview of significant

    literature published on a topic.

    As a part of methods to the accomplishment of the work, this part involves consultation of the

    project supervisor as well as those who were in the position to give any assistance, support and

    encouragement to the success of the work as well as the study of existing system.

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    3.3 Circuit design:

    The circuit design based on the information collected in order to meet the objectives of the


    As it is very important part, the circuit design involves the following parts:

    Power supply.


    Switching mechanism.

    PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) microcontroller.


    The data collected will determine the proper selection of the components to be used in the


    3.4 Simulation:

    Different parts of this system after design were simulated in order to observe results of each part

    before implementing the complete circuit.

    The simulation of the circuit and the analysis of the result have been done in this part of the

    project and the available software used to fulfill the requirements.

    3.5 Implementation and testing:

    The results obtained from the simulation compared with the result obtained in this part, in which

    the prototype realized from the circuit diagram and have been implemented on the breadboard.

    The corrective procedures will be taken if the results will not meet the project requirements.

    However, if the results obtained will be correct then the circuit will further be taken to the test


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    The data collected are information about proposed project for use in evaluation, which will

    determine project effectiveness. It describes some situation from which conclusion can be drawn.

    The following are data which were collected from House no 223

    Total length of the fence to be secured is 80 m, width is 50 m

    Height of the fence 3m, 1.5m is solid wall and 1.5m square frame attached on top of that

    solid wall and supported by concrete beams

    4. I. Tables of Summary of Collected Data

    Table: 4.1Shows dimension of fence and house no 223

    Table: 4.2 Show dimensions from the house to the fence


    Length m 80 16

    Width m 50 12

    Height m 3 3

    Front 5m

    Rear 3m

    Side 1 right 4m

    Side 2 left 5m

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    4.2. Data Specification of PIR sensors

    Model Operating


    Current Detecting




    D203B 3-15 Volts

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    4.5. Specifications of Microcontroller

    Name Value

    Program memory type FlashNumber of pins : 40

    Clock speed : 48 MHz

    Program memory



    CPU speed (MIPS) : 12

    RAM Bytes : 2048

    EEPROM Data memory : 256

    Mounting type : Through hole

    Operating voltage range (v) : (2.005.50)V

    Table: 4.6. Specifications for Microcontroller PIC18F4550

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    Figure: 4.7 Diagram showing circuit for Microcontroller PIC18F4550

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    In this design the necessary technical data were collected and will be used in the design stage,

    from the fact that any design process there must be some data which are supposed to be collected

    in order to achieve the design requirement. The analysis of the collected data has to be done in

    this second part of the project. During the process of data collection, data were obtained through

    the following methods:

    From the project site.

    Through literature review.

    5.2 Basic equations on power supply circuit:

    Peak secondary voltage of transformer (V p);


    Output voltage (V p out) of the power supply is;

    (i.e. 1.4V is the voltage drop of bridge rectifier). (ii)

    For the filter circuit;

    Peak inverse voltage (PIV) of each diode is given by;

    PIV 0.7V; (i.e. 0.7V is the voltage drop across each diode) (iii)

    The capacitor (C) for filter circuit is given by;

    C =

    () (iv)


    = ripple factor which is about 3.9% for the bridge rectifier.

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    R= is the resistance and

    f = is the frequency of the supply

    The pure dc voltage (Vdc) is given by;

    Vdc * * ++ (v)

    Note that

    5.3 Power supply

    The requirement of power supply is to produce the output voltage of about 12Vdc. Recall

    the equations used to calculate the parameters of power supply as mentioned above from

    equation (i)(v) based on power supply.

    Let Vp be rectifier output voltage, Vs = transformer secondary voltage, so;

    Vs = 1.414 12V=16.96V

    Vp = Vs1.4 = 16.96 -1.4 = 15.55 (pulsating)

    PIV for @ diode = Vp + 0.7 = 16.25V. (Unfiltered dc)

    By taking ripple factor = 3.97%,

    V p (rect) = Vp1.4 = 15.551.4 = 14.15V: then for proper value of capacitor (C) we have;

    C = 1/ (4 0.0397 f R 1.732), let R = 3.6K and f = 50Hz; then C = 20F.

    For pure Vdc = (1- (1/ (2fRC)) 14.15V

    Vdc = 12.18V. (After putting the values above)

    With this voltage the regulator LM 7812 will be useful since it has the characteristics of

    producing Vdc of 12.5V25V at 0c125c and LM 7805 will be useful since it has the

    characteristics of producing Vdc of 5.5V10.5V

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    Figure: 5. Diagram showing the power supply circuit

    5.4 The area to be protected

    Length 80m width 50m Fence

    Length 16m width 12m House

    Length from the house to the fence

    80-16 = 64m

    Width from the house to the House

    50-12 = 38m

    Protected zone

    Length 12m Width 12m

    Area =12 12 = 144m2

    Setting and allocation of the sensors

    The sensor detects motion of object up to 6m

    Length to be protected is 12m that needs 2 sensors to cover the distance

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    We have four (4) sides that we should have to have

    24 = 8 PIR sensors

    5.4.1 Sensors coverage area:

    The type of sensor to be used is capable to cover about the angle of 140degree from where it is

    planted. On top the type of that device is capable of detecting radiations which are about 6 to 8

    meters perpendicular from where it is planted, and the distance which the device can sense

    decreases as you go away (left or right) from the perpendicular line.

    The diagram below shows the above explanations in details.

    Figure: 5.1. Diagram showing coverage area of the sensor to be used

    5.4.2 Passive Infrared Detector PIR Data

    The PIR Sensor detects motion up to 6m away by using a Fresnel lens and infrared-sensitive

    element to detect changing patterns of passive infrared emitted by objects in its vicinity.

    Inexpensive and easy to use it's ideal for alarm systems, motion-activated lighting, and holiday

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    props. The PIR Sensor is compatible with all Parallax microcontrollers. Passive infrared sensor is

    a good because it detects heat from a body of a person.

    5.5. Switching circuit

    Figure: 5.2. Diagram showing Switching circuit

    From data sheet of relay (www.futurlec.com/RelDip.shtml)

    Current=1A and Voltage=12V, type of relay SPDT Pc Mount Relay.

    Voltage output from PIC terminal



    Find for R7

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    From Data sheet (https://www.google.co.tz/)

    NPN Transistor datasheet Type=Zetex 115 which draw 3A and has >300


    But standard resistance which is available=1k

    Let R7=1k.

    5.6 Camera circuit

    Figure: 5.3 Showing Camera circuit diagram

    5.6.1 Relay

    Relay coil resistance (Rc) = 240

    Supply voltage (Vcc) = 12V

    The relay contacts can withstand the current up to 30A

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    The current through the relay is given by:

    But, when the transistor is biased,

    , therefore

    5.6.2 Transistor Specifications

    The data obtained from the transistor data sheet are shown below,

    The selected transistor is BC 107, silicone transistor.

    From the transistor data sheet,

    Maximum collector emitter voltage

    Maximum base emitter voltage

    Maximum collector power

    Maximum collector current

    Forward current transfer ratio (hfe)


    5.6.3 The Value of the Biasing Resistors Now from,

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    For silicon transistor VBE = 0.7V

    But standard resistance which is available = 10k

    5.7 proposed circuit diagram

    Figure: 5.4 Showing proposed circuit diagram

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    5.8 Circuit operation

    This circuit is the improvement of the existing system that was using the light as a security .This

    circuit is improved by adding PIR sensors, Buzzer and Cameras that stores the invents.

    This circuit uses LDR to switch ON the light during the night and to switch OFF the light during

    day time. LDR when senses the light the resistance drops dramatically that allow the current to

    flow and hence cause the low voltage at the input of the PIC. When there is dark LDR

    experiences high resistance about 1M that causes high voltage at the input of the PIC.PIC is

    programmed that when there is low voltage at the input, indicates that there is light ie it is day

    time, hence send signal which is items of voltage to switch OFF the light and verse versa.

    There are four sensors in which each sensor is planted with respect to its side, as all objects with

    a temperature above absolute zero emit heat energy in the form of radiation. So the PIR

    sensorsare tuned to detect this IR wavelength which only emanates when a human being arrives

    in their proximity. When the sensor on side A or B or C or D senses an intruder it send the

    signal to PIC, then PIC activate the Camera to capture that event and store it for further

    investigation, at the same time send the signal to activate the buzzer at security room to alert the

    security guard to watch on the display what happens and in which side of the house.

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    6.1 Introduction

    This chapter describes how the testing was carried out and what found from the test. Both

    simulation and implementation have been done. Simulation has been done in PROTEUS 7

    Professional while the program was written in Micro Basic language in the Micro Basic compiler

    for PIC.

    6.2 Simulation results

    Simulations were done through different conditions of the circuit with different sides of thehouse, when somebody comes closer to the protected zone and when temperature detection

    meets the requirement.

    The purpose of making circuit simulation is to check the performance of the designed circuit

    before the physical implementation

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    6.3 when the system is activated

    The system is activated,the Camera is OFF and all sensors detect nothin but LDR senses the

    presence of dark the relay is on and the lighting system is ON

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    6.4 The sensor on side AThe sensor on side Asenses the presence of an intruder the camera is activated to capture the event

    and the alarm is ON,at the same time lighting system is ON

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    6.5 The sensor on side CThe sensor on side Csenses the presence of an intruder the camera is activated to capture the event

    and the alarm is ON,at the same time the lighting system is ON

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    6.6 The sensor on all side A,B,C and DAll the sensors on all sides A,B,Cand Dsenses the presence of an intruder the camera is activated to

    capture the event and the alarm is ON,at the same time the lighting system is ON

    6.7 Conclusion

    The result of simulation shows the successfulness of the design, and prototype built will reveal

    and satisfies the security of the house and by how much the optimal performance of the security

    system has been achieved.

    It is not easy by now to state for how much the reliability of the system is, since all what

    happened have been carried out virtual. But during the real implementation of the system I think

    the result will be the same since the modelling, simulation, and prototyping are the key and

    fundamental procedures in designing of any system in the field of engineering.

    Shortly, we can conclude that the main objective as well the stated specific objectives have been

    achieved and the system is suitable to be installed in the particular area as prescribed in the first

    presentation of the title of this project.

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    This system cannot only benefit that particular house, but also the other houses, companies,

    where security is not reliable


    This circuit should be taken into consideration so as to reduce if not to eliminate the problem of

    theft that will help the society to stay safely within their place.

    It is recommended that there should be the regular corrective maintenance and preventive

    maintenance to ensure the required system performance; this is because the system is operating

    automatically so it does not require the existing of the operator most of the time.

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    6.8 Cost estimation


    1. Printed circuit board 1pc 5000/- 5000/-

    2. Relay 2pc 3000/- 6000/-

    3. Variable Resistor 2pc 1000/- 2000/-

    4. Resistor 1/4W 10pcs 800/- 8000/-

    5. Polarized Capacitor 4pcs 500/- 2000/-

    6. Soldering wire 1reel 3500/- 3500/-

    7. Jumper 2m 1000/- 2000/-8. Soldering gun 1pc 10000/- 10000/-

    9. Soldering pump 1pc 5000/- 5000/-

    10 Transistor (NPN) 2pc 1500/- 3000/-

    11. Transformer (12V) 1pc 5000/- 5000/-

    12. Infrared sensor 1pc 39000/- 39000/-

    13. Printing and binding/book 7 copies 6000- 42000/-

    14. Bridge rectifier 1pc 3000/- 3000/-

    15. Regulator LM7812 1pc 4500/- 4500/-

    16 Regulator LM7805 1pc 4500/- 4500/-

    17 PIC 1pc 40000/- 40000/-

    18 Display 1Pc 30000/- 30000/-

    Subtotal costs 260600/-

    Contingency 20% of total cost 52120/-

    Grand total 312720

    Table 6: cost estimation

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    Project Title:Intelligent Security System



    Date:March 22th, 2014


    #include "lcd_connections.hbl"

    #include "Global_variables.hbl"

    void lcdout(char Qw){






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    if(portD.F0 || portD.F1 || portD.F2 || portD.F3){

    strncpy(txt0,"Sector ",7);


    strcat(txt0," A");



    strcat(txt0," B");}


    strcat(txt0," C ");} if(portD.F3){

    strcat(txt0," D ");}









    Lcd_out(1,1,"SECURITY SYSTEM");

    Lcd_out(2,1," ACTIVATED");





  • 8/10/2019 ABDALLAH PROJECT 4.docx





    void main() {








    CMCON = 0x07; // Disable comparators

    TRISa0_bit = 1; // Configure RE1 pin as input





    Lcd_out(1,1,"SECURITY SYSTEM");

    Lcd_out(2,1," ACTIVATED");



    temp_res = ADC_Read(0); // Get 10-bit results of AD conversion

    temp = (temp_res * VREF)/1024; // Calculate temperature in Celsuis

    // change Vref constant according

  • 8/10/2019 ABDALLAH PROJECT 4.docx



    // to the power supply voltage


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    Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology, John Bird, BSc(Hons), CEng, MIEE,FIEIE,

    CMath, FIMA, FCollP, Revised second edition, Oxford OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Rd,

    Burlington, MA 01803


    New York (1987); pg. 488.

    Engineer's Reference Book, Sixteenth edition, M. A. Laughton CEng., FIEE, D. J. Warne


    .Timoth J. Leary and

    Linda I. oLeary, Computing Essentials, McGraw-Hill Companies, 1998.

    Vivian Capel. (1999), Security systems & Intruder Alarms, Second Edition.

    Mike Tooley (2006), Electronic circuit Fundamental and Application Newes sterdam. pg.


    Introduction to ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS, RICHARD C. DORF, 2nd Edition, JOHN

    WILEY & SONS, Inc.; New York (1993); pp 9.
