aay't. ·advntts.n. t '·; - memorial university of...

< t aAY ' t. · aDvnTts . n. ; r . '. ,. ' HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND , SATURDAY, AUGUST .22, 1885 . VOLUME XXVI Adven. isements. ....... ...... -..,4- --- -- Advertisements. ,..,._,.... ........ - ..... . ...... - .... JO HN' S PHCEN IX M arble & Works ' Fire Assurance Company. ) 11'1'11, PHOPH!ETOn.j LOl1 llAil.n ouoss A 's to tl1.1nk tltote "bo luu ·e fl\vurctt 1ti u1 t 782. 1 '"'" <>r clcr s, nu ,l w.>ulol 1\L the ;IIIIC UIUU thBt hu hlU for perfo rm- I ll· lfOrl: iu lino \vilh unrqnlllllld tle- .• 1.:t<'h :.ull ntl\tn eu .Mod. pric..•cau- .,,.: IN with. l ho. e reqnlfllll-( :Manl.OI PHlCes, Monuments, T'omb s, Curbs, l:ioarl.ha and Co;?iDg3, "' II Ju ,•ull t il c.111 on h im. Thty oli- t .iu : ut i"'li o...' \horon1: h awl wor kmnu- 11, : •. , ,t pliC, ·..ti lu wc r t laau tl.\!. Itt" eat t:lsu - Cb••r cll W ork-F onts, Ah3rs, T ableLa, S uliscrihc r rnr •y in thi3 colouy _ id iu :1 1 ., ,tti•tU tu provide \\ hop lo.:ol C l\kulalCJ t u ..:uJuro.: LL., aeunttes of IJU r G0wc Slrcet, St. JoL{t's ,\ 1 ml 1 11. ---------------- N 0 l{'T liE lt.N Assurance C 'm pany -I ' Uit- C.\l'ITAJ,-.£J,UU0,000 Filii·: . .. . .. ....... .!:IIJ:l,IIIU clu .. ... .......... . J:,;.• w :;-. , I;; ltt-.::; l' .. ......... .. .. ..... ....... II U,\I'Jl •• FF I\ '1-:S: J. mw us-1 .\l••ur;;rno Street Au t.J:Ln..:t.:i-: h.• ••;: !'>lrc..:t. ·rn US TI-:ES Joaevh \\ ' 111. t. :&q. llri ot ow Uovill. E" 'J.· Tlte ll oo 1 ,Jaouea Utng. ,,.,ho Clo tton . l::aq. Uctl'via,4 E l:oopu. EM}. Arth ur (; hMI, -s l: ootl hart. t: aq. M. Hhodu ll n><kh••· ::.orJuhn l.ubhoclc, IIArt.., 1-'. lt.S. l.ucaa, J:;aq. CnAI'I•I M•unny, J,;•q Th.- ll ou. Eo lwu• II. l>u•ll<')' lloi.H!rt Smi th, 1 ·:u1 \\'111. J:\oud Tbompson. E. "' 110:\ . Oll:t:t'1"0U : J .. us J. JILuum tt.l.l•. E•q . Wtl.t . I.Ul C. Juiu l 11 . )1.\coos . \l.tJ ,) Scuc lnn'rl. ·n,o or this Office )111M• hy 1\ 1111111Cr0 1 l8 I' t'l\l tloy l'I O• prict. .ry in o.c hlition to a Captlnl ; ""1.1 the prontpt.itudo owc.l lil;crlll· ity with cloimo ha• •e 11lw11)'8 bcco •.11rl. uo "'ell - known ouoc.l ac lwowk•lce.J. ' J11u of thU lruul5l\Cti OII6 or t.ho PIHE;\IX FlltF. OFFICE may l;o estitul\ted from Lho f11ct thl\l s ince it• II t;SUUIW \' L \1•5 ·t he iu N\tiafoction of Cl•uonl fo r l.oa••·• exccedud Fut:t:T£fS )lll.l.IUSS SrLI:O.ISI1 lu ou ranc s o.::ntUfl l. o!<. ' hy Firo nnd l .l jlhtnioot.: uru c iT<•cll·•l hy t he CniiiP""Y IIJ>OII CVCt )' o lnc riJ'IIO II cl OU the ft ll Ot:llilu teruo..._ \\' . & li ltEX DJ:":f .L, :->t.Jnns·s. .1 :1'"'' J ur N c1r{ua"rlla"' .Jnn 17 . ......... _"'-._ ... __ ..._ ................... ___ , __ ,_,,_ "4KIJ4 JG POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th is powcler no1•cr Yllries. A of mar<el I'"' ity, treucth noul whol eBOoneneu . oro e conomica l thnn l.ho ordiuuy kinrls. raunol he oo ld iu competition with lhu multitncle of lllw tel l. e hnrL wt'iJ:M. Alum or pho"Jih"'C po wcl < ''"· Svhl t•ul!f ;,, rt iUI Hlll',\1. 1'()11'111 . 1: t:o., I Uli N.Y. ly Harbor Grace Stove Depot 'Glua, Tin & H nrdwnre Eatnbliebmoct. (Tv tht •n•l ". f . IJ. Rr:. Ju . l11 Co"•· tm Tt'fl11l ilr tui .1 rs) C . . JL. I\.. EN N ¥ l ••II PrOJICI"W i u !\ .·.\ hJUiualu.uJ olL \.\ll ll ht. uf PH· .. tlumkful for foHOrll ft 0111 the JteOt•lo o f Ll1is t own n1 tJ uut J>Ort.ll, to iuh•r111 loi11 l ri<'ml• ruocl 1:. ttttlrllllR Llutl. IIU hr18 UUI I' Ill SLO Ck u 11\fJ;ll IllS1ll'an-ce Ef'T 0 V E S 1111 till. r/ 1'1:"" ·1 ,, .. r·ni nt App .i .... -. aiun 1 vt J,;IJ• ,. uu rl nl! l ul• t •• •· d L 1.1 Uu ol,tni u cJ I ( · _, t' tTt\ L- . 1: 2,000. UOO Stct·l.ing. \I II.\ \'W .\I ! II , c cNERA Asauran.aeC · ampani F I R E .-\ D L l P E. .\.D . U:i 3 i Il l·;\ IJ 1J F F I!" : 1 \; v:o;:J .: .... ,·,a: ::l', Capital: £1,000 ,0 00 Stg l usur;tncc• I o u :.hno8 L 1111 l.: lllJ I C •t I•' U }h:rty zu .·tJ\ \f.,utHJiauJ c. t •. ":..::. A n!! II. J .. \L' :nrn :s t': .I F'I'. •JL. I..:l ' ''· ·· • • ._; ... 1 t i :Jra· j ';, r .Yr,rj uu ucl.'u .,J E. U. s, , ;; .. l:J'"'j<Jr llorlt "r Gran --o-- For One Month Only I TilE S C E R SEWING MACHINES Hand Machinu Jl jqkf,r:l Kl\itLing JlaoblnN .t:utck4 Clothe• A .l&D.a N'ashlql!' Xaohlnea EEN l:A L:UJ 1.1 IN<; LlV J::ItPOOL, - ASU- l "S SU llAS (.;E Dl' I LDJKuS, tiU ST UEET, .\:\:'\!;.\. HF.ronT flt o H•·poot ri o l-!hl ,\ ccon nlll t .. r th.- \'('R t' I ;;; . pn•RCII lc•l to · •L th" A'""'"' on TucMday,2itli lla y, lXi!l , aL whi .: h UctnnrJ Hu tl.i" .sq., .showe J, in the Dh •itlcl•U and Uunu'l al. lite 11\ltl t O!:I'Lhor of I b [ .A- w1111 J ,: clarcJ, .£11,035 being Ctl• : nc.l lvt wnnl. Fl m: DCA NC H, T lo al t l.e. r, c mi u noa fer ttf t(·r ,J ..... Ht· nnlounteol tu E.' 156.:! H, uei nll llll Ill.: reate o'f £1\,3!) 1 ., ,.,.r thPo cminm l11 cuo uo uf 1 877; omJ doo< [,.,1;3(!s to £'2j I ,t.iG I, ul'ihg 55. 16 per u:oL on tho P remlnm11 ol Lhe Y Hi 'l'llE LH'E Th"t Pulioica Lad been iasucd lor .£2'22, l 85 ; ami lhlll · the Lifo J:o\nH.I I!I 1,y nti\UO to il111 t he resu lt ot tl. e year'" upcruLionK now rt:pr caer .t. Gi ,!) per cent. of th o n"l Premium, on every policy in force. 1,16 surpln11 \ud .. uce in the Firo Ac, conn I. Wllllllhown to \..e.£ 107.599, out ol ;.-Licll £ :!0,001) ,.., ,11 Approprif' .t ecl to ::luKt.c:nllc \ ccon nt, miRing tlo"L A oconnl to £ 140,000 1111<1 111uking with 1.lto Ht · Aerve Fund anJ ilal .. nce cRCtied furwunl .£::!4;000. FUXDS C11pital P &id up . ....... . Ueo e ral Heaer vc FuiHl .. . .,( "" witlt nil ,;,o lulcJL itJi11g (.;QUK I :-.<; F:\1\t'Y FHAN KI.lN llt\ J.f. Ol to l HH tf'J!I'lltcr with ut.•l Fll"l'l uf ull siz•·•· A l"co, 11 llno assort of the n ewest of Cl>tbic GRATES IN THE SHOP ill n lnrsl' sl.Ock or th o following nrti.:ler. uul o tl. crs t oo nllllli!I'Ctll8 to HJil'Cily- c. l all eolonr. .. irit" or ;\lixeu l'ainta in I, :! ""'':Ill; t ou1 Oil-boiled ""'I raw, Whito Letod :t.ini W hite. Puny, l\cbro. Oluc Cop" an •. l Jo'urnitur& Vr.rniah, Mjcilasre Ker oteue Oil, W indow ,U I ..-al aiw.a 11nd llrua l'o li"h Ilrunawiclt Bla ck. t:buo'" LiquW Glue Glycer i11o Leatller Dr euiug. HARDWARE . .., of e\• cry On!· Roil era, · F.namelle.J not\ TinMd n oiltn .\mtrlcr. n 111111 nn.J :\l ortlso Locka 'Vindow f'urnltur c. 'a1h U11lnucu Uraaa l'olc Euds. Hrncketa 11utl IUus• Aml'rietin Axc a11nd llntc btta 111\tchet. · CnL anrl Finlahil'l! Nnila. Olu awMe - Lamp Chionniet and Uuruer& UaU anc.l Dil 1 in11 lloom Lamp'a t:bandelien-2 and ll ligbu. I• Miscellaneous. ___ _______ , . ..,.. __ DEATli OP CJEN'ERAL ORAliT. Tho Lut. Sad SeenM.-The Be.ro'e 8u11eri.ne- 0Ytll". Mo11nt .U cGrtfl"r, J,.l y 2i-H0011.-Dr. Dougl u II\)'& Gcnersl Unuot ail.ll wltb hra be:ld iocliue•l aod C)'l.. .. cloud the 11reater part of tb o time. 'l'be pul•e ia very we11k noJ Jl uttcring'\. Tht patient atu:mptcd to wrice. but succeeded Clnly in jtelttng tbo dnlo down. li e apoku at iuurvala but re ry f.cel>ly. tlto ro renoou food wr.a tl\keu nnd retatoed . Witb th c-dcclinit'll' day tiJ o pbysici.llo bolio"u t he Gentral will alao more r141ldl,. c.leclinc. . de .,cloproont of Gen. (;rant' s weaLueta during t h11 aJter.aooo .... not pMticularly nolieealllo lrow buur to hour, but betwee n tl11ee o'clock eix o'cl' ock there wu a deMIT if not -riolc ntl y marked increuo of -< weakoeea. .\t tb reo o' clock iL WI\JI p0611t'llu 1.0 mr uuro th o pula& OOl\ld, M six 041tl of the pby •icinna t hftt th o pnlso could nos bu countcl. the 11flc mooo tbu blood title h &a so qu1ekcotd t lot\t It mo ro wo re th:l eyst .•tn and uluuut.cd tb u Crail (if any l!Xisted) upoo wbicb be 11 bope thl\t tl. o General mi"h r aii J. A point wu re11ched at eix o'cloc k, when thero wnelittlo co be etpN:I· ed f row atlempl.o! to ftt!,•: iniater fo oc.l. 'J ho doctura stood nutl tllo lowilr "" IIC.H il.l fut aink1ng head, and thea, an h our u.us Jpent, dr ath rotmctl " little h•u rn pidly ou tl oo man il hao.l pur· j ust nine 1110 r.tb• to -day-f or it ia jnaL ui nu wontloa &j:O t o-day Lhat (;eoell>l Gr:Uil walkeri into llr. office to bis o.iJ fo r a C&IIOI!r t hal h•s do no "hat foe• auc.l war cou ld not. Thu doct o rs nnd clo·r;:ymau strolled on L nu tb o pi•J. <tO. nntl IU\t near t hll " perlor win- dow, aml joi ned them at tilll{'l', llut othe r· u1cmhcnt of t he fftmily re· 11 •1\tiiO\l in the WOIII .....:c bed 1\Dd " nile•' while I he l ieueral lllll wtn ,<l " Y ca·• no 11l .. :\o'' tn tc• ·en •l qn.sti o ne. ' llw tione ''""""" •I em ly nud 1\l t.: n;;th, nL Ur . ldt tlw cottn!:u. •· ll u•• ia i t, J ott or T' 11'111 of him. " li e i& dyiug,' a :uJ t ho G"'Y lol\irc.J phy IU\cll)' I •· \\' ill he lire an hour?'' ns;.ain. "{)h, yu, Mtc.l p o1111ibly l;ut he ie ray," "nw tho rc•pouu. AI. t ho auu weo\ ... ..,.eool blftH •n1l AJ:•iu laymeu on tha IIM)IID· t:Un to pt 1'11un<le therua.I'IJ I nntl ot h•rs L'lal the coo l uich t wouiJ bring rrnewcd Alren:: th to t he pAtient and help him to r111ly the night, \u!L such was uot the ol'iniou of Lto d octo re, 11 ·ho we re prtpar ed to 111tond the General'• c el\lh·lll'.! ot a mooucut'a notice. Al aeveu o'c lock u th!l th rco wero IlL Jlen iiOU Clltue tO the bote! anJ !fOil· cd Ur. Dougl111 who we nt Oli CO to tbc cou nvt. OOUD .. rtcrwud llnOLhcr lllU'k'D)(Cr lr Nu counqc su mmo ned Ure. ntu1 Sftuds, anti they r epaired thilloer, clotO· ly f.;>llowcd by Dr 'l1tey r ound the t; fM rtll evideutly ti uka ug. He ftc mcrl "\\'onld y ou like to lio down, bthcr ?'' ul:ed Colone l Frec.l. Grnut, who uoticcc.l bill pre fer jlOiDg uow. to encharinsr _, 1)jf tho ebolent, t hat those wbo .uiJcr 1noat •••lferiaJC for a lincle dar wit.b041t hope of fro m he aunke MC tile ill- bouectl.ill- ..Ae 1 hue atatcd, 1 ao:u tbaokrol l ed aad uncle.m, wbo are t hoao cot loocu- for tho pr orideatial ex toaeioo of my t ime latcd, tbo etatietica are deceitful mislrad - to enable mo to continue my work. 1 11m iug, aDd coaaeqneotly are be relied f urth er t. hankful, and in a much gl't&ter u poo. uoleaa 41 W. tu npport fa.IM .elaime th&Uklul. becaueo it ba• enabled me a:11o ng tho foo11ticall\nd terror,atriGitt a peo. to eee lor myalf tJwa i!Apflf banoony which plo. Ur. FuiTIID maku tl1e aaert.ioo so auddcoly 1pntng up betw"eu t hose eo- tbo ibocnlatod do not buo 11uy J-'11$:Cd btlhl few ebort yean ago C &l deadt .y UUICSI rY n!O:II TilE COOLERA conflict. It bu beetr au bleaing until lifo daya tbo inoculation. but to mo to he11r t ho kind upreuio011 toward does noLkoow ho" ml\ny dayult er that they 1110 in persnu from all put.ll or our a re prot ected. To eay the I cut t heae f!D.m ;>eoplu or all of all re- aut.e=l.l II.Ql ooscientl6o aud empiric, "" tod of no rclogton, of coufcdentto wellu the doiajl'a of 1'erran, and arc to be an•l or all troo1-s 11liko, or tAken for wbat !.bey are wortb. . . . Now Ofj!'llniutioos. of mechanical, ecfeotofic. r c- tb11t Dr. Ferran iea llowed to continue hia llgioua and otber aocietiu, ewol'l\ciug al· experimcol.l oo lbe humao 1 hope . most aitiU-1! in U.e l':"d· They h11vo ho may bo IRICCf'Mfal in diacovorioff, e\·eu brougllt Ja.Y to ruy be11rt, af they huo oot il agaioat 1111 ecientific lawd, something of el£ect cd a cu r e. So to you aod your cnl- real )"tlluo oot only to 11111iat· I noy inJebteduea_• for r.ota but to h .. at Jl\rgo. Novcrtloe· having lirought me t.bruugb tho niles- or le83, the do cot appoar 1.0 Btho et.ad?w of dc:1U1 to r:uablo mo to witueas qoiro much i mmuni ty, bcc11uso t hey 11.r c 1\L· thcao tblnJII. by tbc cholera, 1\Utl .Jio like tLOJ!o (SigocJ ) U.S. not ino c ulate.! . !lad Dr. F e rrao been cor- TH.E CHOL ERA. reel iu his theooiC.Il nod in tho supposi ti on tloat tl1o mictobo is the muse of th u choler.1, 1 do not k now wbel ber buUiaolty woull IDttroSLI.Dg "Report of the Progr cu of hnwe bt en bcueOtted or daml\lJ-Cd by the Deo.dly Plng-ue. hia prett .od ed propbylactio discovery . \\' ,, smsroms. Jt•l.'f 21.-t:ol. Jobu W. F oster, Uuiteol ::itnt ea minis ter to Spain, ltu tranaooitted to t be1 a l&to dopar tniODt a report 111ado to hho by E. De LaGranjs. J phyaician or Uoaton . on .. Tho cholera IU ::itlaio, prophylactic anti- choleifc _ioocu latioue ollJr. F«flln." Dr, La liCcvmpanied tho med\co\1 com- miiSiJ a which wu r ecently seut to Val encia by {bo Spanish govemruent to io.c--eatilrl't·e th o cond ition of :be cholera wbicb ia prerailinll io that prOYince aod to r eport upon the cffiCIIcy o f t he Dew IJ&letll Of ill· ocuhuiou by Vr. Furrau. Dr. Ln l;rauj11 .aya : Ou the worniog of lla y :!!> we eotcreJ tbo iufecte.J di1trict ud IICI a rri,·hig at A lcira. a to..-o of nliout 18, 000 inhAliita nll, tho en t hu•ium m11nifu t ed lor J)r. Ferran by the citizenB, who, be11ded by tho lllllyor, wero "aiton11 in t he rail- rDatl 8lll tion, wu iudracribable. They 111ked 1 h11t Ur. 1-'ernn Rhould re mnio amonif them 11nd tlo11t th e inocula· c.loo cof a u\i -cbolerio hrotll. aw- pende<l by order or tho aeorc tJ\ry o r tho onl<!rirll'. abooltl be eonriuued ro •thwitb to .._, .o J )O!Oplo from th& dffi\d acou r< e that wnr' ' dratroyin:;t t hem. \V Q \'irit ed tllc Slat of May,' luMl, · witt. oo t losa of tiett', began to aud cx11•ino tho patient• ... ho weM eulfr:r lug wi th the di•c"'e, tbu elollntctcr nr whi"h was atill undud.Je .J . • • • &tistiad t haL the epi- demic Will one of lr ne clto lera, the co m- miuion deciJetl to apcnc.l 1hu reat or tbo afte r noon in U.o u.au.(llatiou of tbo bAbit.uta who IIJ.P D££.'1 J SOOOI.t.T£D lf cnry inocu l;ltec.l pcMKln bn.i auf- fereJ from tile cxpc rimeotl\l or lkttonu· c bolnm or Uto >lianbooa consequent to iL hnd bceu loaded with lutor obea, each iooco.lated pcrvou would hue boca 1\scourcc of ior ectioo. for•tbo,rc•t or tnacklod Uo· der tl1eae l tlllolt tilat t bc aeoretary of tho lut.erior deac"ea grut praiao for for biddwg t ho iooculatiou. h ie my opinion lbaL Ferrau •p.-ophylacticor tbo obolem will bo r.a 1hort Uor"d and will fnll into ... mucb ... Ulo treatoneol. or caooer by t ho UJU of disco vc r- ec.l aoWio yurv •io br oz:o or -our oiTu physicW:ll. -- - -- - Cape Breton 8Jld. New! ou.ud· land. Tho Gf'or"'l notiJcd, aud 11t the Mme momenl. tUA_yec.l t o rilkl unaMiated. but t he .. w&S t oo nnd he 8:\nk lltlcl: into . 1ho chair, and the Colu oel nod nur!u aided J,i 1 (' to aria e, aod tbtu anpported bi1n to bed, •bi!"J'I) he wi\J carefully lowered to A "'i clioi n1: poeitioo, 11utl vartly on hia face . nr. then roll ed tho ch11i1"1 ilaek. T ho wero All at t hu aide Of l bC llt J.c I DI\0., 1\0J ll!llllD lJt. Ncwruan, al 1\bout th o anme hour u lMl utght, ami at Mrll. GntnL'a requclt, knoll '*ic.lu tho C:eucr11l 1111d pl'l\ye J. ll11.tn.-l,;eueo11i Grau t oa iu a somnolen t The r upirationa huo grown ahallow and tlotl (; dneral ia oo l onger Able to e1 pectorat0' bOCAueo of we3kneN whi uh Ia iucreuiog. There aeema little potsi- b!liLy thai. tbo patil ot will t be ni&ht. Ntw Graot ia dead GRANT'S LETTER. ON' DEATH. A Touching to Dr. made Public. r 25 -Tbe fin1t bom railroad WM In I SiG 7. . 1 Mother Gravoa' Worm KdenDinator hu no equal lor dutroyiog worm, in cbiWren aud adulta. A lady writn: 1 I ... u fnahlctl w "' movo tbe COI'Tlt, root and bnuroh, oy tht uso of Halloway•a Corn Cur e. Worms canso le•erishutta. m03ainc nod during alec p. Mo ther c;m.,ta' \V orUI t:xterruiuator is sure, a .. u dftc tuat. - For Spraina and Bruiacs. -lt uh l'orry(\ D..,ia• wull int o tl1u aou mt.tJ·. ) parU>, llto we.Jicioo iul.cru&lly at t bu ( L"\mu ttmo. A.Uonta L u. ng Ba.la&m.-la warrAnll•n to break up tho ruou. troulilesome cougb in 1\D iuc r ec.lillte short tim.:. ' l1oere is no rc· oocdy thttL can show mo re o•iduncc or reul lllCrit tbnn this Ual1:1:n lor curiog Co ul'II IIIti'>u, Couj( ha, Culdl, .Utbmll, Croup, &c. l\IJso AsD Jlooy 1\liko suffer from &i•h ol . wo illood thu_ r•••ll t of Uy - sr,erN=> Ui h?usneu. " Family lotio ·• Wtll ltl r up tho Lt.-er, exrito tbl'\ Stomach ond llowela to ac tivity, opon tlto• porea or t he syetem, IIDd iDIJilFO health of body, 'llbiob is ioc.liapcuaaille to w.:nl:ll -rigor. Tile 11140 ,..ho uot lbo wnrolo.g or pain or anlfering whicb 11lwa1' mal11c.liea, often lieco me11. through the victim of uJ,, W uriuee.s, SaJ oeu, Acll ioA' of t !oc Liui L& indicato nG rfODG diMrMID!;CinCnt, fure. runner of noaoy orgnnic nod f unctio n"\ .J ia- eur. Tho cmrly employment of Fe llow'ij Uy popho•pbltes 1rtJl etiectuttlly 1nrc.l off IUCU 01:1bdies. Do n't 1:11 th e sya em with quinino in tho cl o rL to prevent or cure Fu, ·cr nnc.l Al!u•·· J\yer'• Ague Curo is 11 far rnoru preveotivo anti rtmedv, with th o .. tllgtt in th e boJy no r oiaooa t'> pro olwce diaio.eM, duafooq, hentlscbo, :.ncl ot.hoc di&Ql<.Lau. ' .lbo pr.>prietor• 'll'arrant iL Y oung, eW, All exp eri - encea tho tleodicisl t:ITeoll of AJer &,..pmlra:- T011"1!f"ttmdn:o. •ufl"e r- iug ao ru eyu, sore eu1, &CAid-btad, or wltb au liCrofaloua or .a,rpltilltlc .tNnr, war 1111 made lleeltb7 &Dt! at.roug t>( He u.ee. A41d aid 1oldie r caono bomo in - • boo bie wifo lie.:nn ro scold biOI . I t ho use or IO n wbon he•s dr uuk "'ic.l tbo o ld evldicr l\nr! tua wife him abo ul. a!Jt' Mid oothin;.c moro to hiw uo tH a..•xt dny, wbcu b.o got oa at:ain by .ay ill" · ' 'J'here, tllere, my d enr, diuo.;a ral:c up nu'i.i oticoccs. 'l1o o grent. lung hcller is fonrd in tLnt cxcullcut mediei uo sold 1u llicklt! a .\ uti- l:ooaurupti\'0 Syrup lt eoothd auJ d uoiui.the4 tho lklllli bifity or t ho rncmbr.UH> of thr o11t auJ &ir J'l\UI\gea. a od it .. 5I vcrJjiU re medy for Ill I c oul!hs, coldK. paiu or eore ueas in th u .:hear, hroncbiti11, e to. It luu. cu.c•l m.'oy wh en IO be far IIUY!lUCc<l iu CUIISUt Ul>· ll,)l\, The rel11sing power of J olw10n'• . l nod!J!Ie i<1 alonolt ouiraoul uue. A gc olle. m.u1 whuilo.l le,r wu !>tool at the BUll Iliff fur IWCIILY 1CI\1'11 bl\1! it l;v itd •••c, au J ill uo" ws gvod as t hu otho:r. . Th o C\ •i l r uultin:r fr om nopuro bloud "' ", ucyouJ luJm3n cnlculi•- tioo, 10 are the vast sums iu wo rt hltM rcmetlie t. /'tJ rso, ,.• /'ilL• tllj\l:o uoo rich b lo1> ol. •tul emu fur thr.:c •uuntl•a will lite llloo"-. iu d .1u o uti ru ayetulll. Tho pr opnr ohnoocl fur tho esc.,po f ront t hu •yatctn or impurities which wonlll i( Lhcy re mai ned pu i•ou blood is thu bowel•. \\' hcu this Otlllet i1 nbJtruc t- eo l it bo with & Lyuuuo·,. ll iCOYdrJ and ti o Curu. 1\ ruuoedy wh iuh rdj:Uiat\'4 thp ayato111, iu vigurntu 1111•1 i' pure auJ anf., all well rH eiTcuti vu. lt curU6 all frou1 imv•tro lilou.J. Pl&itlllg ll(aohi.ne. U ach ioo Oil, 11nd A ttacfo>r 1\ll !\tAt: llll\'1\.--;, nil luced to price1, for oue monlb uoly. Tl•e !:Ji ugwCllr1ff¥1"Y· F. S. \1 YTU. AOI!..Vr, untl for uni!Arr ed l'rc miuma ...... .£1 80,030 I 70,( 1 ()9 1-tO,OOc; u,o!\ 0 SOO,ISI6 11,63() Unlnucu eArned .. . uro ,A,ccunou latiou Fuud .. . Auuuity t' uud .......... .. Sno ' .l:a::Oio Ltlmp!, Toilet SeJa Urit.nuia Metal aull q cl rreo t'ot. Sil•or- plaled aud r .,upoont SilYtr ·p,ated '.l'ablo and Forks by U r. wit.b hi• anti-choleric broth· Tho on111 ber of tlw&e examined w11a quite hu11e. and a. I of thcru enlbWiiOYtic 111 1 ho praial!ll l!i•eu lo Dr 'fbey bad l;ce n ina;culated on bo th uwe, but prcaented a or · aca,. other thao tl1010 raade by the t.ypoJer mic ay ri ose. anc.l DOW lllmost obliterated. Somo of t.ltew at11tecl th11t tb ry had a littl e hCIId· 1\cho anti 11ll paioa iu tboir arms, IMting aliouL :lot boun1 alter iooculatio u. Uoe of tho moat rtmarkalila t bings ia that no ne hnd eilloer Y omit.t or diarrh0!3 " hioe auti e ring from tbo effect or tloe iooco lati oo or from tbe attempted cbolera, ae Ur. Ferran a od his fri ends atylo it., excepting d.1.t cbildreu uoal;le to tpcftlc, wbo, accord- ibg to tho ovideuce of lJr. l-'ert11o'a aa- aietnute had both. . . . Duriog l11e Jut few d"Y' th o uumlier of orpoueuc. to Dr. Fcrr.ut'a p rophylactic iuocolatlbnl baa gr e11t ly iuc rcL.-cd, and I •incer ely lielieve tlo eru would be bo t very fe•" NJ. l!oreo11, wero it uoL tloQ oppoeition to t ho ptl!lent I!Overameot of SJ>Aiu bne made politica.l ou r or tho well ground - ed lotpeoaion of the inoculatiou e until afU!r t.be termination or the investigation and r eport of tcieoliflo COlDIUiaiOU U ordorod by the secretary of tho in t orior- anapensiou wbicb allowed Ur. aoJ biaaaaiat•nll anJ to poao a• martyl'll iu tloe cause or humanity, aelunce 1\nd projlreiJI. Ooe th inp, bo wever, ouuat oo aaid io ri\Vor of Ut .. f'erran'a ieoculmtiooo, and I am aorry it lbo only ono L aut 1hl\l ie, thoeo who bllv" undargooe th e oo mnch in t heir lpuuoa y u hi\Yo I oat Ill I fear of U1e c.lls- I!M8 t oat muJea so much terror in lbo genemlity Of doe populatiOD. fo pni'IIIIIIDCO or t heir atodioa, tlte ooemben1 or tbo com- lni•lou eramiuod 720 Pfi"'IIna. In ' "'w of lb e r etail produced liy l he o in. ooalationa, tbe coromilliou hu como to tbe 00110l naioo that t.bey are lnoffeo•iYe 11nd fl!tomrue nde 1.0 t bo gonromun t that · !>r. Ferran abould be allowwd to cootinuo with hi• experimtnt. a. "fbal Lbo aotl· cholerfo proeeaa of l.>r. Ferrao Ia MT. McCntoon, N.Y., J ul1 2G -Tho following e.narltabl11 document wu writ- teo by Ueu. Grant iu Ur. IJou'gl.u' pru eoeo on July:!. 1 a.ak Y.ou not to ahow tbia to uuleaa ,to tho pby- aiciaua :JOU eonsuh witb, until the end. Partic ularly, 1 It keptfrow mJIIllllilf· If k nowu to ooe wau tho papen1 Jt, . aod &Ley (the family) wiU get it. lt would ooly d iatrua tbew •hnO&t beyood eudur- anue to k)low it, anJ, by rellox. woultl dit- trtA me. 1 Ul\Yjl ooL chl'o(ted IDJ mio l'd IUIIt.eriaiiJiluee L wroto you before iu· tbe 1111mo aLratn. l!io"!, bowenr, lkuow thlt l gw.in etreogth aom_o dayN, but when 1 do r.:o bllck it ia beyood bere 1 •\Uted to ini pr o ve. ) tJlinlt tbo cbanllet are nry de- Cidedly in favor of yonr bciog a ble tO keep me ali YO 011tll the of weatt.er co- ward 1 wint er. Of coo.rae t,bero ue contio- . gencie.t lbd miabt r.rbel. a aoy lrtne me off auddeoly. Tbe moal probpblp ol 1beao ie Ohuklor. Under tho ,ciJroutn,..auet.;'; wo •• uot 'lfOtth' \be liYtDg'. f am w erj rfof ' tltukfoJ glad wy wriL U! Q, bul 111 1' tbanltful aubltl'1trl) to hll•• tboa loDi" "-11• baa eoabled liiO &b ltte •o 'rk In whlob J lake *' 1olert!lt. I r OIIGOOt fl( r U!) tt.rebgtb itw l(,,tt ·w•k'e •IIJjlel to m• li-e nlll ltlc•lf •uas!•f •1-. . URder abon circumtiiDCU 1 \be paio 1 ca'\ noid. Iflb 1e It to lle 11117 e,xtraordiQarY u eoaio peo- ple bellne Iller' ia , to bt, h will If. I would. ur , tlotftfore, to JOU •ud y our oto u CIOOI(ortable IIIIi .)I'D carL If It fa w-ltblo lha& l tho6kl' 'o JI\IW, J Ull to' .obq bla call a '1 atr.u!lld Uretoo'e Potitiou io tho Gulf rooct import.llllt in a ou mbor of wnya. h bu ooeo referred to io l'arliaweut as amons;: lhO atfOU!!U&t Of re1.110111 why 1\ raiJwny ahould b,. built tbco11gll tbo h laurl/ afford- ing aa it t.bo poaaiblo oeuo ro ute to a.ud froa1 t:u r ope. More t hau ooro tbo lluald br.a rorerr ec.l to ou ulal)(h poaiti. on ae prea.:oua( tho bellt and 111011 coliYenieoL aveuua loc trade C' e lat.lcoM with Weetero Nowf ouodlan•l by me3111 oh re- gul ar at eaw commuoicat iou. 'J'be l atter aubj•ct a.od tbe bopc tbAL it would noL bll mucb looger f'Oitpoued, wu dwelt wpgu by :\lonaigoor Scnra iu aoooe rem;uka mado t:, loim at t.ho cloaing exerci &ea io .ML St. Joll('pb'a Coovcot last Thi• m&tter bu long lw.la wuin apot iu :'ll on- aognor•a he11rt nod tb c feding manner io which ho alluded to IL wu ovidcnco of th is. \V caL N ia eo largD a diel'rict u to bo worthy almuat ol tJ.e namo of cou- tioent. It bu great wnhb or fo:est 1\Dd soil, resources aod fiih· eriea not inrorior to those of tho eutem part of the hl11nd. iL needs is com- wunicatiou with thu outaillo worlc.l !:ly mo11ua of the cootempla tod steam le"lco 10 NorLb Sydney. t:a}lltal will tben bo atlrllcted an.! lbia unde, · elopcd almo)at uu· known region brought wto t be COlD· merci11l carclc of our Xorth Atl&Jlic Jell board. 'l11H0 i1 ce rtaio ly n ity io t ho ott far di3taut future, aa Mgr. Senl'll enid, lor Nor:h ::iyduey t:> become t be m:.nnfac turi r.g and 11":\dd lor tbcl people of tbo W ut C.:Oil.llt. h wool.! be a gooJ.IlWng fu ua 1.0 tuou our eyee iu euch a direction Aud to for ller auc lo a hr pfi for th ia 1ecti uo of Capo l.lretou. Hero wo IIAvl.' beo:n much to de peud upoc the co&" l iodudry nnd th o trndu which iu coo&equcoco or it, to tbu txclu.siou or h!- muet everr other 'i hia icka dues UOt preva.iJ 10 OltCOiiYOiy M l\ f\lW )'CUtS 111!0, yet ia very 1\0d d.:op. scat.:c.l. Wit6 euch 11 now llelll lor comwurcinl eu - ter prito 1\8 W estl'rn 1'\ewfouudlan<l. what with the new 1\cti vitice would be into btling by it, tbero is no reMoo why in limo North Sydney cou lJ uot lie cona!Jor- ably mor e than nu "' iudeiH:Ih.hmL of th e quaotity or the JC Miy COM I output. Onr lnrmer11 would tiuc.l it a gooll ouo.rket. our lloc k r l\lKCI'l! 1\lao and th o rnll_y iu pod uct.ll\ nJ trade wo ulc.l IJtl I rom tho \\' Sbore could bo aout hero, "-" ;.; u rt h Sy•luey is tl lAu St. J ollu'a, auJ could bu •hi p- l•cd by &teamer to Montreal omll mllrk'\!ta. Tradu thus open,..t Ul) woultl Iaal e( io tbo peoplo of t ho \Ve•t Shoro a •trouj! d,t:alr o for a clotl(lr union pc- lltiCA!y tb4u oow I!Xlita tlie couat riu. 'l'bo wltolo ia " echcn"' wbich llbould loavo lbu united iou1ucuc" or our bu1iueu meu to btiog tt aliout, aud or our publio men to c mcourago it. Thou IL ,. ill uo bo the c.lream of eothuaiiUtio u.iod.a, buL will becowo tho rer.lity wbioh itll iluportAilco dem .. nc.lt. Sooour or later OYCDI.II will the ealllbliabwu•tt Of IICGOI Cl.llll· rouu icatiou eenice between t he W•tt Shore und Cape Uret ou. otloer"i•e this lal11ud willloao ita opvortunitJ, wlo ile oth,r i'la cct will j!IIIO d oe &c.IV1ullll.:IJ Knll UCCUI•Y tboae tnarltela. Capo llr•tou s hou ld 1111 up and dolug iu t!Ji1 n oatto>r nutl juin ba•1d• Wtlh thei r brothcro iu \\'u•leno Xewronnd· IMd to' lu 1n)l ftl:out wbat tuuH bel of tho beueOt, cowmcrci .. lly and poJltf, callyr to both placu.-Ne>rtll Utruhl :Ple asant to tho Tulo. CLiiJren 11nd JJOI'II<J IIS IYi tlo wMk coosti- hlt ioua l.owc ahvsys ro unJ dilficultr iu tAking CuJ L i• cr Oil. at hl rrnrn tina iL hu not o.:eu uuh ·ura .. Hy tuetl, but with 1'\urthroP. & Lyu• •\Wd ElllUlfilln of (;o.J Li,er Ull or Liote lluJ Sotlf\, tl ola prrjuJ•cll'hl rt·muvcd. It i. 10 ol i._:no sctl y ou canuut de. t eet tlou c ... t l) • ·er Uil. One vlty•loiau writes us it i• w lmos! M "buvcr- &!.:u in hia f"111ily i l\11\llhcr Jt i.'NOII us that :.te h...l t<> tLu lloctlu frvw to;. chi i,Jrou . 1\u.l l'uhLI. brokrn UU\> u oomtluotioua, nud allluu;: Hi.tc:IIC!ll, IL baa uu ci'}Ual , 17'J W ate r St. dt.. John •· !tiJG,42l! OUTLERY of ,l all Kinds. GUARDIAN FIRE & LU!'E UOil:OVAN, General Ageut for NRd Sus-AOj;NTII 1\ . T. ( irnce, R. \<:. t;u., SL, l 'ieru. •, ComWUy u ec.2 7. .• ..- 0)' LONDON. ___ __, R ,__-- d - 1- ., 1 $200. 00 ewar :&3T, \RL tsa:eD" 132L · • Will be pa id fo'r ho and - _ J." Uon of uy per10o aelllag or •nr SUUOil ll\ED CA'PJTAL ..... .... £!,f$0p,Q(:.() . bogo.e, counteTfeft ttr imi talloa HOP BtT· T ..tnt. Fcsos ur- 'tiJ.I8 1 Ditteraor preparat.iQD• WARDS 01' , . ... u .. .... ...... 2,760,000 u "'e " worJRotof.Hort lotbelroamt oreou 1\:fMUJ.t. LI!CQlll urwAa_D$01 S60,000, " a.ecte<1 t'bet-eYI&Ii, lqteudeci to' mlil , - -;::- ,. aod • 'l'be "CU!,ftO[AN" b tl ng a Ont-clbe 11pon j)Ut lq •111 fol'tll E(ngli.al\ lniD1'11ROIICilmp111)',olferaallih614! IDIJI[ Uc1P Jllh£11.11. Tbe' cnaloe ban aJnn&.lgeiiJ\.OILdHinbl& io i llltmlrt 1 m of tlala)p,t.Jted undoubfed •fabl llty, fatbrable lenu 011 t ,.lliUI I lt o ola ima ror!OAII bttt medicine q '"'rt'b, OIPecl:la.lf1 (or 'JUri J.bo been spnoio•elf' DtJt. llrer and N.kou Agenit or ia,Prfpared to"- ' 'all 6th.,. ud of ,JI pt'f'A!SCiod form" 1M ue J'uUeittagalaatloea n M r eoolpl& Hbr tp .• 8 WI"'..-., papen vr for J.. 1 t, art r" ,la111dl dll .. •.r.o ,, ... I•IIICII .. , Jp •ot ' ba& . /j)hcil. ' be ') 108EPII OIJDDEN', ' Foalae YIU p ' 1 ( ,. !tit.! "'p•t. Br. o- , .JJbr .BITlfJI .Mtd, Co., 1 . ., .. .... ..! •.• . .,.. •''J · ' ' . lC .,. ' " I hory- haodl e Table 1nd Dt-rl li.oifea h ory- handlo Pickle For lca. ' . TOO LS · OF ALf, DESCRIPTIONS GllOCERIE$.-Cofrce, • l:lOAfl. lttatehu . eto, eto. ' ·• To all o r. hich lnapertlon is &"for ulo t he l ow•lt rOMil;le p rice C. L. l<ENN'ED'I ' I • I D.M; d0 ,H' N$0N, .. NOTOI!/0 BITT A!( i• perfeetly t r::e, DOd l h11•o co heaitalioo iu t bat u an experi.oeut it ie n ry · erode, nuscieotillc aod anu-palho. lof!iO. uufortun{lt.ely 1t hr.a been ' 1111 ruerit, if It erer had llllJ, lint counrleJ in i ta radlmenlarf atllle Into an a ion al iodustry. Dr. La Granjlt, cootiou- 1usr. uri- 110me wero founj wh o lllfiereJ IOYOfO toflamanailou of lh" AtOll from tho looc ulat i."l · t hat ot hers were re- port.ed to b ue diW. blood poiaooUig. Ue addtl 1 : 'fbo are carei(Uly ma.de who Lhe br o'h tq be uatd lor t.bem tl ch . lo .. ha •fl)()lle\J to the aot.ion of I t.lte atwoaphere wbteb /lllllDOl bn' add lm. purltitl tq tboae, orlginally eout.alued at.dwithout tLo precaution of bun1iug tloo •yt1agc, au cect-& t oarold aeptio poiaoo- • • • 'l1tt! alatifliea ht J>r. Ferrau tp tobetantlate bit ch1lou in or l)ia brOtli bim llnpport, unhappily for lllUI , for •talittiu by ft!" froUI prr)11dic.. Tho fuq, rite UJ ft:rfi\Jl j.l t b1lt: or Ju c&la place Jinle oq .. half of tlte bljfV beeu IDcl maeJa lnDH thaD of I be draliat are amuolf iaoout.tcoel, taltea Jato c9oald cn\lon tllat tbe d<!all•• are COillllcJ frolb .lilt tl1t1 ot '"" h•ruiou of the towa J Oiu1JM11t aw l 'ilh..-Suro Re· Jluf.-'lll. W CIIIk lllllf CIICt!"MeJ llllll'otl .. f""'• Oau.ae u4 :&6elot.. ly from uenone wt.e.. 11- or '1111 maiu aaaM or uenuuantlt ta l ndl· dilturba-.. be attDOI· l!e&Lioa, lllll.dlbat Ia cauntl by w aku- or !)bcre. K11unolgfa, :zuaty N•Jlll. an ,l fty. lbo etomAcll, No une can MYo I h:11 ll"iue, •o:rj diau•·Mlu!l ' iv " ll!!llc.t.. uehel aud gooll witbout u•lull llf>IJ •Y•tuu, lie rva•lil1 re•uuc el by rul., ll i tltl'l iO ltrongibt•ll lht! al0111110h, purify ilinjl 0Hit .UU11l IIV'IU t he ali ' 1101 "d 1>''11 the Wlod , 1111d ke;>p :hu Ji,• er "nd k1l.lu<!ya 61ter il '"'' l "'"" fotu uc .. •l ofhb w&rbl ! tu: tirf.'t to all tho poi.wuuua w&tcr. ·n.. l'ilol, tak .... _ .. ,., .. ally loiJ wr.a\e toaller of t lio thu tlo...a IJy &lie lnNruutlouJI,. -- - """" til.! .JI)t""tiuu 111 a ft\l.t A. U. Utt ltocbel'll, A P. 1}- of h1111ltli)' brl .. , ""'-' tlou Q., i ' l\IIU I 'w•a lllu..-1 rido<!r wnh I attftck ctf ranldu11 fo1.111 """loullat•d lu 11je boead 1 lroiU wltiull lut•olv -..-:\ulillll •blch, rb11 "'"'"""'l lliU't 11 ltUII'.,tl!d, u•"ll Ur '!"bum••' not,t.ly a,()U •r"k ltno f t!lileio ... ""' ''' '• t:eltolrio Oil for biue IIAY•· l.atloiuu t h• Ur .. t it (<I l"""''•i•t •tif\- lleall, &<!., whell 1 W'lll ;reJ, J ""c" llvUuwl,-1 Ui iltU.tlll :&uJ l' il\t 11.11 .-J b.&•• ootr. uttd lo!llr hotaltilolv

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11 ~: .\l> •• FF I\ '1-:S:

J.mw us-1 .\l ••u r;;rn o Street Aut.J:Ln..:t.:i-:• h.• ••;: !'>lrc..:t.

·rnUSTI-:ES .~ Olr:P.CTOR~. Joaevh \\' 111. Uu~mb.le, t.:&q. llriotow Uovill. E"'J.· Tlte lloo1 ,Jaouea Utng. ,,.,ho Clotton . l::aq. Uctl'via,4 E l:oopu. EM}. ~l.r. t;O!or~:o Arth ur ~·ullo:r, ··~q. (;hMI,-s ~:. l:ootl hart. t:aq. M. Hhodu lln><kh••· ~:Sq. ::.orJuhn l.ubhoclc, IIArt.., ~1 . 1'. , 1-'. lt.S. Cluulc~ "l11otn~! l.ucaa, J:;aq. CnAI'I•I M•unny, J,;•q Th.- llou. Eolwu• II. l'ortm~u. l>u•ll<')' lloi.H!rt Smith, 1·:u1 \\'111. J:\oud Tbompson. E."'l ·

110:\. Oll:t:t'1"0U : J .. us J . JILuum tt.l.l•. E•q .

Wtl.t. I.Ul C. ~1.\CI>()SAI.O.) Juiu l Fn.\..SCI~ 11 . )1.\coos.\l.tJ,) Scuclnn'rl.

·n,o co~>a::cmtnts or this Office ~rc )111M•

~nf('Ctl hy 1\ 1111111Cr01l8 ~uol I' t'l\l tloy l'I O• prict . .ry in o.chlition to a lar~o iuv~~tccl Captlnl ; ""1.1 the prontpt.itudo owc.l lil;crlll· ity with whi~h cloimo ha••e 11lw11)'8 bcco •.11rl. uo "'ell-known ouoc.l aclwowk•lce.J.

'J11u iu1por11.11C~ of thU lruul5l\CtiOII6 or t.ho

PIHE;\IX FlltF. OFFICE may l;o estitul\ted from Lho f11ct thl\l since it• oat"blishn.~uL-now o<~!r Us~ II t;SUUIW \' L \1•5 · t he J'~YIIII" IIlS iu N\tiafoction of Cl•uonl fo r l .oa••·• lu•~u exccedud Fut:t:T£fS )lll.l.IUSS SrLI:O.ISI1

luouranco·s o.::ntUfl l.o!<.' hy Firo nnd l .ljlhtnioot.: uru c iT<•cll·•l hy t he C niiiP""Y IIJ>OII CVCt )' olnc riJ'IIOII cl l'rop~rty, OU the IIIP~l ftll Ot:llilu teruo..._

\\' . & li ltEX DJ:":f .L, :->t.Jnns·s.

.1:1'"'' J ur N c1r{ua"rlla"' .Jnn 17

Advert~ements. .......... _"'-._ ... __ ..._ ................... ___ , __ ,_,,_

"4KIJ4JG POWDER Absolutely Pure.

This powcler no1•cr Yllries. A of mar<el I'"' ity, • treuc th noul wholeBOoneneu . ~I o ro economica l thnn l.ho ordiuuy kinrls. ~tul raunol he oold iu competition with lhu multitncle o f l llw tel l. ehnrL wt'iJ:M. Alum or pho"Jih"'C po wcl<''"· Svhl t•ul!f ;,, rtiUI Hlll',\1. 11.\~tS•l 1'()11'111. 1: t:o., IUli Wall·~t.,

N.Y. Jnu!~ ly

Harbor Grace Stove Depot

'Glua, Tin & H nrdwnre Eatnbliebmoct.

(Tv tht •n•l ".f .IJ.Rr:. Ju.l11 .1/~"" 6· Co"•· tm Tt'fl11l ilr ,~,., tui.1rs)

C . . JL. I\.. EN N l~D ¥

l "~"'.,' ~~~~· ,- tT,·~ t •·•l ••II PrOJICI"W i u !\.·.\ hJUiualu.uJ olL \.\ll l l ht. l~o~ L•·:, uf PH· ..

tlumkful for pn~t foH Orll rt'Cl.'i\'f~cl ft 0111 the JteOt•lo o f Ll1is t own n1tJ uut J>Ort.ll,

Qu~EN wi~loc.H to iuh•r111 loi11 u::t~IY l ri<'ml• ruocl 1:. ttttlrllllR Llutl. IIU hr18 UUII' Ill SLOCk u 11\fJ;ll

IllS1ll'an-ce Com~"ny Ef'T 0 V E S 1111 till.

r/ 1'1:"" ·1 ~~rc~··-l ,, .. r·ni nt App.i .... -.aiun 1vt ~:.!'. J,;IJ• ,. ~UC"o ll l aUC,·, uurl nl!

l ul• t •••·d &v.~ L 1.1 Uu ol,tniu cJ '~ I ( · _, t ' tTt\ L- .1: 2,000.UOO Stct·l.ing.

\ I II.\ \'W .\I! II,

c cNERA Asauran.aeC·ampani F I R E .-\ ~; D L l P E.

J-:.-.!1'.\l~LI:-:.IIt:J) .\.D. U:i 3 i

Il l·;\ IJ 1J F F I!" 1·: 1 \; 1· v:o;:J .: .... ,·,a: ::l', L<>~ u.Js, 1~<.:

Capital: £1,000,0 00 Stg lusur;tncc• •fi~cl~ I o u :.hno8L 1111 l.: lllJ I

C•t I•' U}h:rty zu .·tJ\\f.,utHJiauJ c.t lu.~ "'' '

1~.,~1ut~ •. ":..::.

A n!! II.

J .. \L' :nrn:s t': .I F'I'. ~ •JL. I..: l ' ''··· • • ._; ... 1 • ..:·~

t i :Jra· j ';,r .Yr,rjuuucl.'u.,J E. U. nJU~JI'.:)U~.

s,,;; .. l:J'"'j<Jr llorlt"r Gran

IU~OU C'l'lU~! J~EDUt:TW.N! --o--

For One Month Only I TilE m::-:u1~a:

S I ~N C E R SEWING MACHINES Lo~kman Hand Machinu

Jljqkf,r:l Kl\itLing JlaoblnN .t:utck4 Clothe• W~naren

A .l&D.a N'ashlql!' Xaohlnea

t~l; EEN l~SU l:A :-;c~: L:UJ 1.1 IN<; LlV J::ItPOOL,

- ASU-

ll~~ l "SSU llAS(.;E Dl' I LDJKuS, tiU t;Jl~~lJHC~l STUEET,


1"\\'1~:-\TY - r' IR:::.T .\:\:'\!;.\. HF.ronT flto H•·poot ri ol-!h l ,\ cconnlll t .. r th.­

\'('R t' I ;;; . pn•RCII lc•l t o ~Lc Sloureltolll~a ·•L th" A'""'"' )Je,.~in~o:. o n TucMday,2itli llay, lXi!l, aL whi.:h UctnnrJ H utl.i".sq., ttt'e~ti,~ • .sho weJ, in the Dh•itlcl•U and Uunu'l al. lite 11\ltl tO!:I'Lhor of I b [.A­~·mt . w1111 J ,:clarcJ, .£11,035 being Ctl• : nc.l lv t wnnl.

Fl m: DCA N C H, T loal t l.e. r,c miu noa fer 1~78, ttf t(·r

,J ..... luc~im; Ht· ir\.,uml1c<~. nnlounteol tu E.' 156.:!H, ueinll llll Ill.: reate o'f £1\,3!) 1 .,,.,.r th<· Po cminm l11cuouo uf 1877; omJ doo< [,.,1;3(!s t o £'2j I ,t.iG I, ul'ihg 55.16 per u :oL o n tho P remlnm11 ol Lhe Y m~r.

Hi 'l'llE LH'E DEPAllT.ll~NT. Th"t ~ew Pulioica Lad been iasucd

lo r .£2'22, l 85 ; ami lhlll· the Lifo J:o\nH.II!I 1,y th~mlJition'l nti\UO to il111 t he result ot tl.e year'" upcruLionK now rt:prcaer.t. Gi ,!) per cent. of tho l!U~iro n" l Premium, n:~:.-t>ivoo on every policy in force.

1,16 surpln11 \ud .. uce in the Firo Ac, conn I. Wllllllhown to \..e.£ 107.599, out ol ;.-Licll £ :!0,001) ,..,,11 Approprif'.tecl to ::luKt.c:nllc \ cconnt, miRing tlo"L A oconnl to £ 140,000 1111<1 111uking with 1.lto H t · Aerve Fund anJ ilal .. nce cRCtied furwunl .£::!4;000.

FUXDS C11pital P &id up ........ . Ueoeral Heaer vc FuiHl .. .

.,( "" ,}f'~Cii plionK witlt nil ,;,o lulcJL \IUJ11"0\"C' It il•la'~-CO'.ll ll l itJi11g

(.;QUK I :-.<; F:\1\t'Y

FHAN KI.lN llt\ J.f. Olto l HH IP'~.

tf'J!I'lltcr with (;~{ ATE:) ut.•l Fll"l'l ~G:; uf ull si z•·•·

A l"co, 11 llno assort men~ of the newest ~tylcs of

Cl>tbic GRATES ~rican.)

IN THE SHOP ill n lnrsl' sl.Ock or tho following nrti.:ler. • u u l otl.crs too nllllli!I'Ctll8 to HJil'Cily­l'~intR c.l all eolonr. ~ .. irit" or Turp~ntinc ;\lixeu l'ainta in I , :! ""'':Ill; t ou1 l~iullecd Oil-boiled ""'I raw, Whito Letod :t.ini W hite. Puny, \\"l, itiu~:, l\cbro. Oluc Cop" an •. l Jo'urnitur& Vr.rniah, Mjcilasre Keroteue Oil, W indow ,U I..-al aiw.a Llaroet~~, E~ArniLure 11nd llrua l'oli"h Ilrunawiclt Black. t:buo'" LiquW Glue Glyceri11o Leatller D reuiug.

HARDWARE . .., of e\•cry de~eaiptioo.

On!· Roilera, · F.namelle.J not\ TinMd n oiltn ~~nglii!lr .~ .\mtrlcr.n 111111 nn.J :\lortlso Locka 'Vindo w f'urnlturc. 'a1h U11lnucu Uraaa l'olc Euds. Hrncketa 11utl IUus• Aml'rietin Axca11nd llntcbtta Eo~:liab 111\tchet. · Am~:riuo CnL ~aile anrl Finlahil'l! Nnila. OluawMe- Lamp Chionniet and Uuruer& UaU anc.l Dil1in11 lloom Lamp'a t:bandelien-2 and ll ligbu.

• I•

Miscellaneous. __________ , . ..,.. __ DEATli OP CJEN'ERAL ORAliT.

Tho Lut. Sad SeenM.-The Be.ro'e 8u11eri.ne- 0Ytll".

Mo11nt .UcGrtfl"r, J,.ly 2i-H0011.-Dr. Douglu II\)'& Gcnersl Unuot ail.ll wltb hra be:ld iocliue•l aod C)'l.. .. cloud the 11reater part of tbo time. 'l'be pul•e ia very we11k noJ Jluttcring'\. Tht patient atu:mptcd to wrice. but succeeded Clnly in jtelttng tbo dnlo down. lie apoku at iuurvala but rery f.cel>ly. J)urin~ tlto rorenoou food wr.a tl\keu nnd retatoed. Witb thc -dcclinit'll' day tiJo pbysici.llo bolio"u the Gentral will alao more r141ldl,. c.lecl inc. .

£n1•in~: ~Tbc d e .,cloproont of Gen. (;rant's weaLueta during th11 aJter.aooo .... not pMticularly nolieealllo lrow buur to hour, but between tl11ee o'clock an~l eix o'cl'ock there wu a deMIT if not -riolc ntly marked increuo of-<weakoeea. .\t tbreo o'clock iL WI\JI p0611t'llu 1.0 mr uuro tho pula& OOl\ld, bu~ M six o"cl~;~~k 041tl of the pby• icinna ~tatcd t hftt th o pnlso could nos bu countc•l. Dorin~: the 11flc mooo tbu blood title h&a so qu1ekcotd t lot\t It moro n~pitl ly wore th:l eyst.•tn and uluuut.cd tb u Crail l;~~iA (if any l!Xisted) upoo wbicb wi~tht be pl:~cud 11 bope thl\t tl. o General mi"h raiiJ. A point wu re11ched at eix o'clock, when thero wnelittlo co be etpN:I· ed f row atlempl.o! to ftt!,•:iniater fooc.l. 'J ho doctura stood •r~rt nutl tllo lowilr "" IIC.H il.l fut aink1ng head, and thea, Af~r an hour u.us Jpent, d r ath rotmctl " little h•u rnpidly ~;nining ou tloo man il hao.l pur· ~uc.L j ust nine 1110r.tb• to-day-for it ia jnaL uinu wontloa &j:O to-day Lhat (;eoell>l Gr:Uil walkeri into llr. J)ouj!I .~A'a office t o re~k bis prof~.Ainnal o.iJ fo r a C&IIOI!r thal h•s d ono "hat foe• auc.l war cou ld not. Thu doctors nnd clo·r;:ymau strolled on L nu tbo pi•J.<tO. nntl IU\t near t hll "perlor win­dow, aml .J~ui~ ~i11111 t joined them at tilll{'l', llut other· u1cmhcnt of the fftmily re· 11•1\tiiO\l in the I;~~J: WOIII ~nd ..... : cbed 1\Dd " nile•' while I he l ieueral lllllwtn,<l " Y ca·• no11l .. :\o'' tn t c •·en•l qn.stione. 'llw tione ''""""" •I em ly nud 1\l t.:n;;th, nL J,i~ Ur. l loliiJ! l•~ ldt tlw cottn!:u.

•· llu•• ia it, J ottor T' 11'111 As~c•l of him. " lie i& dyiug,' a:uJ tho G"'Y lol\irc.J phy •

~ioiiUt IU\cll)' • I

•· \\' ill he lire an hour?'' \Ya~ 11sk~d ns;.ain. "{)h, yu, Mtc.l p o1111ibly anor~. l;ut he ie

pM~~inlla ray," "nw tho rc•pouu. AI. tho auu weo\ dQ~r"" ... ..,.eool blftH

•rnot~~:up •n1l AJ:•iu laymeu on tha IIM)IID· t:Un eudel\vor~•l to pt 1'11un<le therua.I'IJI nntl oth•rs L'lal the cool uicht wouiJ bring rrnewcd Alren:: th to the pAtient and help him to r111ly tbron~tlt the night, \u!L such was uot the ol'iniou of Lto d octore, 11·ho we re prtpared to 111tond the General'• c el\lh·lll'.! ot a mooucut'a notice. Al aeveu o'clock u th!l thrco phytici•n~ wero IlL \Jinn~r Jlen iiOU Clltue tO the bote! anJ !fOil· cd Ur. Dougl111 who we nt a~ OliCO to tbc cou nvt. OOUD .. rtcrwud llnOLhcr lllU'k'D)(Cr lrN u t~o counqc summoned Ure. Shn~d_y ntu1 Sftuds, anti they r epaired thilloer, clotO· ly f.;>llowcd by Dr 1\~u·man. 'l1tey round the t;fM rtll ~ga.in evideutly tiukaug. H e ftcmcrl r~stle11.

"\\'onld you like t o lio down, bthcr ?'' ul:ed Colonel Frec.l. Grnut, who uoticcc.l bill rutlcun~.

pre fer jlOiDg uow. to encharinsr _, preaen~ 1)jf tho ebolent, t hat those wbo .uiJcr 1noat •••lferiaJC for a lincle dar wit.b041t hope of from he aunke M C tile ~. ill-bouectl.ill­reoo~ery. ..Ae 1 hue atatcd, 1 ao:u tbaokrol led aad uncle.m, wbo are thoao cot loocu ­for tho p rorideatial extoaeioo of my t ime latcd, tbo etatietica are deceitful mislrad­to enable mo to continue my work. 1 11m iug, aDd coaaeqneotly are ~IU ~ be relied furth er t.hankful, and in a much gl't&ter upoo. uoleaa 41 W. tu npport fa.IM .elaime d~o th&Uklul. becaueo it ba• enabled me a:11ong tho foo11ticall\nd terror,atriGitt a peo. to eee l o r myalf tJwa i!Apflf banoony which plo. Ur. FuiTIID maku tl1e aaert.ioo t~t so auddcoly 1pntng up betw"eu t hose eo- tbo ibocnlatod do not buo 11uy J-'11$:Cd btlhl few ebort yean ago C&l deadt.y UUICSI rY n!O:II TilE COOLERA conflict. It bu beetr au uoeoYi~.tble bleaing until lifo daya ~her tbo inoculation. but to mo to he11r t ho kind upreuio011 toward does noLk oow ho" ml\ny dayulte r that they 1110 in persnu fro m all put.ll or our ~unt.ry, a re prot ected. To eay the I cut t heae f!D.m ;>eoplu or all n~t.ion.~litica, of all re - aut.e=l.l II.Ql ooscientl6o aud empiric, "" h~e~ons tod of no rclogton, of coufcdentto wellu the doiajl'a of 1'erran, and arc to be an•l or all oation~~ol troo1-s 11liko, or soldien~' tAken for wbat !.bey are wortb. . . . Now Ofj!'llniutioos. of mechanical, ecfeotofic. rc- tb11t Dr. Ferran ieallowed to continue hia llgioua and otber aocietiu, ewol'l\ciug al· experimcol.l oo lbe humao subjec~. 1 hope. most ey~ aitiU-1! in U.e l':"d· They h11vo ho may bo IRICCf'Mfal in diacovorioff, e\·eu b rougllt Ja.Y to ruy be11rt, af they huo oot il agaioat 1111 ecientific lawd, something of el£ectcd a cur e. So to you aod your cnl - real )"tlluo oot only to birn~~<:lllluc.l 11111iat· 1..-~tuet I ackuowled~:e noy inJebteduea_• for r.ota but to h .. mani~ at Jl\rgo. Novcrtloe· having lirought me t.bruugb tho niles- or le83, the iuoeul~ted do cot appoar 1.0 BC·

tho et.ad?w of dc:1U1 to r:uablo mo to witueas qoiro much immunity, bcc11uso they 11.rc 1\L· thcao tblnJII. tacl:~d by tbc cholera, 1\Utl .Jio like tLOJ!o

(SigocJ ) U.S. G1:.\~l. not inoc ulate.! . !lad Dr. F errao been cor-

TH.E CHOL ERA . reel iu his theooiC.Il nod in tho supposition tloat tl1o mictobo is the muse of thu choler.1, 1 do not k now wbe lber buUiaolty woull

IDttroSLI.Dg "Report of the Progrcu of hnwe bt en bcueOtted or daml\lJ-Cd by the Deo.dly Plng-ue. hia prett.oded propbylactio discovery .

\\' ,, smsroms. Jt•l.'f 21.-t:ol. Jobu W. Foster, Uuiteol ::itnt ea minister to Spain, ltu tranaooitted to t be1 al&to dopartniODt a report 111ado to hho by E. De LaGranjs. J phyaician or Uoaton. on .. Tho cholera IU ::itlaio, ~"thtrpretrnded prophylactic anti­choleifc _iooculatioue ollJr. F«flln." Dr, La U~11uj~t liCcvmpanied tho med\co\1 com­miiSiJa which wu recently seut to Valencia by {bo Spanish govemruent to io.c--eatilrl't·e tho condition of :be cholera epid~I"Dio wbicb ia prerailinll io that prOYince aod to report upon the cffiCIIcy of the De w IJ&letll Of ill· ocuhuiou pr..C~iced by Vr. Furrau. Dr. Ln l;rauj11 .aya : Ou the worniog of llay :!!> we eotcreJ tbo iufecte.J di1trict ud IICI

a rri,·hig at A lcira. a to..-o of nliout 18,000 inhAlii tanll, tho enthu•ium m11nifu ted lor J)r. Ferran by the citizenB, who, be11ded by tho lllllyor, wero "aiton11 in t he rail­rDatl 8llltion, wu iudracribable. They ell\onorou~t1y 111ked 1h11t Ur. 1-'ernn Rhould remnio amonif them 11nd tlo11t th e inocula · c.loo cof ~·ei'Tiln's au\i-cbolerio hrotll. aw­pende<l by o rder or tho aeorc tJ\ry o r tho onl<!rirll'. abooltl be eonriuued ro•thwitb to .._,.o t.lo~ J)O!Oplo from th& dffi\d acou r< e that wnr' ' dratroyin:;t t hem. \V Q \' irited Alp~Deal tllc Slat of May,' luMl, · witt.oot losa of tiett', began to ~i•i~ aud cx11•ino tho patient• ... ho weM eulfr:rlug with the di•c"'e, tbu elollntctcr nr whi"h was atill undud.Je.J. • • • &tistiad t haL the epi­demic Will one of lrne cltolera, the com­miuion deciJetl to apcnc.l 1hu reat or tbo afternoon in U.o u.au.(llatiou of tbo i :~­bAbit.uta who


lf cnry inocul;ltec.l pcMKln bn.i auf­fereJ from tile cxpcrimeotl\l or lkttonu· ~ttcrl c bolnm or Uto >lianbooa consequent to iL hnd bceu loaded with lutorobea, each iooco.lated pcrvou would hue boca 1\scourcc of iorectioo. for•tbo,rc•t or tnacklod Uo· der tl1eae c1roumalao~, l t lllolt tilat tbc aeoretary of tho lut.erior deac"ea grut praiao for forbiddwg t ho iooculatiou. h ie my opinion lbaL Ferrau ••p.-ophylacticor tbo obolem will bo r.a 1hort Uor"d and will fnll into ... mucb WICl'Cdi~ ... Ulo treatoneol. or caooer by t ho UJU of condun~ugo, disco vcr­ec.l aoWio yurv •io br oz:o or -our oiTu physicW:ll. --- ---Cape Breton 8Jld. Wes~rn New!ou.ud·


Tho Gf'or"'l notiJcd, aud 11t the Mme momenl. tUA_yec.l to rilkl unaMiated. but the .. tror~ w&S too ~.:rut, nnd he 8:\nk lltlcl: into

. 1ho chair, and the Coluoel nod nur! u aided J,i1(' to a riae, aod tbtu anpported bi1n to bed, •bi!"J'I) he wi\J carefully lowered to A "'i clioi n1: poeitioo, 11utl vartly on hia face . nr. Dt~ualaa then rolled tho ch11i1"1 ilaek. T ho f~uoily wero All gntbercc.l .,to(:et~er at thu aide Of l bC llt J.c IDI\0., 1\0J ll!llllD lJt. Ncwruan, al 1\bout tho anme hour u lMl utght, ami at Mrll. GntnL'a requclt, knoll '*ic.lu tho C:eucr11l 1111d pl'l\yeJ.

ll11.tn.-l,;eueo11i Graut oa iu a somnolent ~odition. The r upirationa huo grown ahallow and tlotl (; dneral ia oo longer Able to e1pectorat0' bOCAueo o f we3kneN whiuh Ia iucreuiog. There aeema little potsi­b!liLy thai. tbo patil ot will auryin~ t be ni&ht.

Ntw }"urL-~.lui1"'~3.-Uoll. Graot ia dead


A Touching Commun.ie&t.io~ to Dr. Douet.u .Jua~ made Public. r

~Ul'ltBER 25

-Tbe fin1t bom railroad WM bull~ In ISiG 7. . 1

Mother Gravoa' Worm KdenDinator hu no equal lor dutroyiog worm, in cbiWren aud adulta.

A lady writn: 1 I ... u fnahlctl w "' movo tbe COI'Tlt, root and bnuroh, oy tht uso of Halloway•a Corn Cure.

Worms canso le•erishutta. m03ainc nod rtltlcune~«~ during alecp. Mother c;m.,ta' \V orUI t:xterruiuator is pl..:~nl, sure, a .. u dftctuat. -

For Spraina and Bruiacs.-ltuh l'orry(\ D..,ia• P11lu-~illcr wull into tl1u aoumt.tJ·. ) parU>, ~king llto we.Jicioo iul.cru&lly at tbu ( L"\mu ttmo. •

A.Uonta L u.ng Ba.la&m.-la warrAnll•n to break up tho ruou. troulilesome cougb in 1\D iucrec.lillte short tim.:. 'l1oere is no rc· oocdy thttL can show more o•iduncc or reul lllCrit tbnn this Ual1:1:n lor curiog Co ul'IIIIIP· ti'>u, C ouj(ha, Culdl, .Utbmll, Croup, &c.

l\IJso AsD Jlooy 1\liko suffer from slu~r­&i•h ~lion ol .wo illood thu_ r•••ll t of Uy­sr,erN=> o~ Uih?usneu. " ~l111ard •a Family lotio·• Wtll ltlr up tho L t.-er, exrito tbl'\ Stomach ond llowela to activity, o pon tlto• porea or t he syetem, IIDd iDIJilFO health of body, 'llbiob is ioc.liapcuaaille to w.:nl:ll -rigor.

Tile 11140 ,..ho h,~.Js uot lbo wnrolo.g or pain or anlfering whicb 11lwa1' pr~ccd~s mal11c.liea, often liecome11. through iod'lleu~e. the victim of lnctJn~!llc ditel~Sf•. !..:~nit uJ,, W uriuee.s, SaJ oeu, AcllioA' of t!oc Liui L& indicato nGrfODG diMrMID!;CinCnt, lit~ fure. runner of noaoy orgnnic nod function"\ .Jia­eur. Tho cmrly employment of Fellow'ij Uypopho•pbltes 1rtJl etiect uttlly 1nrc.l off IUCU 01:1bdies.

Don't 1:11 the sya em with quinino in tho cl o rL to prevent or cure Fu,·cr nnc.l Al!u•·· J\yer'• Ague Curo is 11 far rnoru pot~"~ preveotivo anti rtmedv, with tho .. d,~uo­tllgtt ollt.uin~r in the boJy no r oiaooa t'> p roolwce diaio.eM, duafooq, hentlscbo, :.ncl ot.hoc di&Ql<.Lau. '.lbo pr.>prietor• 'll'arrant iL

Young, eW, aud.u~ttl,~·l,l:ed, All experi­e ncea tho wo~er'"' tleodicisl t:ITeoll of AJer &,..pmlra:- T011"1!f"ttmdn:o. •ufl"er­iug f~ru ao ru eyu, sore eu1, &CAid-btad, o r wltb au liCrofaloua or .a,rpltilltlc .tNnr, war 1111 made lleeltb7 &Dt! at.roug t>( He u.ee.

A41d aid 1oldier caono bomo one~ in ­to~ic:~tetl, • boo b ie wifo lie.:nn ro scold biOI. I \\'lo~t·s t ho use or talldu~ IO n IU~II wbon he•s d ruuk ?· "'ic.l tbo o ld evldicr l\nr! tua wife thou~bt him abo ul. ri~l:r, .~ a!Jt' Mid oothin;.c moro to hiw uotH ~~~~~ a..•xt dny, wbcu b.o got oa at:ain by .ayill" · ' 'J'here , tllere, my d enr, diuo.;a ral:c up nu'i.i oticoccs. •

'l1oo grent. lung hclle r is fonrd in tLnt cxcullcut medieiuo sold 1u llicklt! a .\uti­l:ooaurupti\'0 Syrup lt eoothd auJ d l· uoiui.the4 tho lkllllibifity or t ho rncmbr.UH> of th~ thro11t auJ &ir J'l\UI\gea. a od it .. 5I vcrJjiU remedy for Ill I coul!hs, coldK. lloan~eoeu, paiu or eore ueas in thu .:hear, hroncbiti11, e to. It luu. cu.c•l m.'oy when l~ppo~cd IO be far IIUY!lUCc<l iu CUIISUtUl>· ll,)l\,

The rel11sing power of J olw10n'• . l nod!J!Ie /.;,;,.~,, i<1 alonolt ouiraouluue. A gc olle. m.u1 whuilo.l le,r wu !>tool at the l:u~·· BUll Iliff fur IWCIILY 1CI\1'11 bl\1! it Jlmbor~J l;v itd •••c, auJ tb~ l•·~r ill uo" ws gvod as thu otho:r. •

. Tho C\•il conll('qn~nct•S ruultin:r from nopuro bloud "'", ucyouJ luJm3n cnlculi•­tioo, 10 are the vast sums exp~u•luJ iu worthltM rcmetliet. /'tJrso,,.• /'urguli~d /'ilL• tllj\l:o uoo rich blo1>ol. •tul ~kun emu ni~ebt fur thr.:c •uuntl•a will cbnu~:o l ite llloo"-. iu d.1u outiru ayetulll.

• Tho propnr ohnoocl fur t ho esc.,po front thu •yatctn o r impurities which wo nlll i( Lhcy remained pu i•ou th~ blood is tl.trou~ l• thu bowel•. \\'hcu this Otlllet i1 nbJtruc t­eol it m~y bo ol i~~<:no.unhM·,.tl with ~orthrop & Lyuuuo·,. \'u11etalol~ ll iCOYdrJ and t>y•~p­tio Curu. 1\ ruuoedy whiuh rdj:Uiat\'4 thp ayato111, iuvigurntu c.li~:tuttiou, 1111•1 i' pure auJ anf., all well rH eiTcutivu. lt curU6 all diocl\.t~allrililuj; frou1 imv•tro lilou.J.

Ctnt.~.IUI\1 Pl&itlllg ll(aohi.ne.

l:es~ U ach ioo Oil , "!"l'eodl~s 11nd Attach· """'~~ fo>r 1\ll s~:WI~C !\tAt: llll\'1\.--;, nil r~ luced to boV.:~w price1, for oue monlb uoly.

Tl•e !:Jiugw.· ,1{a~ufn~turi11p Cllr1ff¥1"Y· ~t F. S .\1 YTU. AOI!..Vr,

tire ~ untl for uni!Arr ed l'rcmiuma

...... .£1 80,030 I 70,(1()9

1-tO,OOc; u,o!\0

SOO,ISI6 11,63()

Unlnucu eArned ror~tard .. . uro ,A,ccunou latiou Fuud .. . Auuuity t 'uud .......... ..

Sno ' .l:a::Oio Ltlmp!, Toilet SeJa Urit.nuia Metal T~a aull q clrreo t'ot. Sil•or-plaled 1'11bl~, Dea~rt aud r .,upoont SilYtr ·p,ated '.l'ablo and lJ~aaert Forks

by Ur. F~r"'o wit.b hi• anti-choleric broth· Tho on111ber of tlw&e examined w11a quite hu11e. and a. I of thcru w~ro . enlbWiiOYtic 111 1 ho praial!ll l!i•eu lo Dr 1-'~rrut. 'fbey bad l;cen ina;culated on both uwe, but prcaented mnr~ a or · aca,. other thao tl1010 raade by the t.ypoJer mic ayriose. anc.l DOW lllmost obliterated. Somo of t.ltew at11tecl th11t tbry had a little hCIId· 1\cho anti 11ll ae•ao.~ paioa iu tboir arms, IMting aliouL :lot boun1 alter iooculatiou. Uoe of tho moat rtmarkalila tbings ia that none hnd eilloer Yomit.t or diarrh0!3 " hioe autiering from tbo effect or tloe ioocolatioo or from tbe attempted cbolera, ae Ur. Ferran a od his fri ends atylo it., excepting d.1.t cbildreu uoal;le to tpcftlc, wbo, accord­ibg to tho ovideuce of lJr. l-'ert11o'a aa­aietnute had both. . . . Duriog l11e Jut few d"Y' th o uumlier of orpoueuc. to Dr. F c rr.ut'a p rophylactic iuocolatlbnl baa g re11tly iuc rcL.-cd, and I •incerely lielieve Utft~ tloeru would be bot very fe•" NJ. l!oreo11, wero it uoL bc~uao tloQ oppoeition to t ho ptl!lent I!Overameot of SJ>Aiu bne made politica.l capit~>l our or tho well ground­ed lotpeoaion of the inoculatioue until afU!r t.be termination o r the investigation and report o f l~ll tcieoliflo COlDIUiaiOU U

ordorod by the secretary of tho intorior­anapensiou wbicb h~• allowed Ur. F~rr11n aoJ biaaaaiat•nll anJ II~Wciate\. to poao a• martyl'll iu tloe cause or humanity, aelunce 1\nd projlreiJI. Ooe thinp, bowever, ouuat oo aaid io ri\Vor of Ut . . f'erran'a ieoculmtiooo, and I am aorry t ha~ it i¥ lbo only ono L aut s~y. 1hl\l ie, thoeo who bllv" undargooe the proceu~feel oo mnch confic.len~-e in t heir lpuuoa y u ~o hi\Yo I oat Ill I fear of U1e c.lls­I!M8 t oat muJea so much terror in lbo genemlity Of doe populatiOD. fo pni'IIIIIIDCO or their atodioa, tlte ooemben1 or tbo com­lni•lou eramiuod 720 Inocula~ Pfi"'IIna. In ' "'w o f lbe retail produced liy lhe o in. ooalationa, tbe coromilliou hu como to tbe 00110lnaioo that t.bey are lnoffeo•iYe 11nd fl!tomruende 1.0 t bo gonromunt that · !>r. Ferran abould be allowwd to cootinuo with hi• experimtnt.a. "fbal Lbo aotl· cholerfo proeeaa of l.>r. Ferrao Ia

MT. McCntoon, N.Y., J ul1 2G -Tho following e.narltabl11 document wu writ­teo by Ueu. Grant iu Ur. IJou'gl.u' pru eoeo on Thnr~d•y, July:!. 1 a.ak Y.ou not to ahow tbia to ~nyont, uuleaa ,to tho pby­aiciaua :JOU eonsuh witb, until the end. Particularly, 1 wan~ It keptfrow mJIIllllilf· If k nowu to ooe wau tho papen1 will .AO~ Jt, . aod &Ley (the family) wiU get it. lt would ooly d iatru a tbew •hnO&t beyood eudur­anue to k)low it, anJ, by rellox. woultl dit­trtA me. 1 Ul\Yjl ooL chl'o(ted IDJ miol'd IUIIt.eriaiiJiluee L wroto you before iu· tbe 1111mo aLratn. l!io"!, bowenr, lkuow thlt l gw.in etreogth aom_o dayN, but when 1 do r.:o bllck it ia beyood • bere 1 •\Uted to inipro ve. ) tJlinlt tbo cbanllet are nry de­Cidedly in favor of yonr bciog a ble tO keep me ali YO 011tll the cb&D~ of weatt.er co­ward 1 winter. Of coo.rae t,bero ue contio- . gencie.t lbd miabt r.rbel.a aoy lrtne tl~l wo_p.ld~ me off ''~rr auddeoly. Tbe moal probpblp ol 1beao ie Ohuklor. Under tho , ciJroutn,..auet.;'; wo •• uot 'lfOtth' \be liYtDg'. f am werj 'b~ukfa' rfof ' tltukfoJ glad wy wriLU!Q, bul •c:ra,c1~t.ll,.a~ 1111' tbanltful aubltl'1trl) to hll• • """~ tboa loDi" "-11• ~ baa eoabled liiO &b p~IJ ~ldaie'tf ltte •o'rk In whlob J lake *' ~0~ 1olert!lt. I r OIIGOOt fl(r U!)

tt.rebgtb ~Jiou~tb 'lo ~ itw l(,,tt ·w•k'e ~­<l.tjqoa~;tl~ au~u.acl.i~~~ tbti~w®l~ •IIJjlel l~edleelru., to m• ~' li-e nlll ltlc•lf ~ •uas!•f 'ht'IN~lyea toa"llloo~ •1-. . URder tbt~ abon circumtiiDCU 1 'flll'be' :bapp~' \be mOJ~ paio 1 ca'\ noid. Iflb 1e It to lle 11117 e,xtraordiQarY e.u~ ;t~eb . u eoaio peo­ple bellne Iller' ia, to bt, h will il•~•lqp I~ If. I would.ur, tlotftfore, to JOU •ud your cotl~~~te·to ,mJicp oto u CIOOI(ortable IIIIi .)I'D carL If It fa w-ltblo Gcul'a1 ~Jrovf­deo~ lha& l tho6kl' 'o JI\IW, J Ull r~d7 to ' .obq bla call w&Oto~l a JIU~U•tar, ' 1 atr.u!lld

C.~ Uretoo'e Potitiou io tho Gulf i~ rooct import.llllt in a oumbor of wnya. h bu ooeo re ferred to io l'arliaweut as amons;: lhO atfOU!!U&t Of re1.110111 why 1\ raiJwny ahould b,. built tbco11gll tbo h laurl/ afford­ing aa it wo~d t.bo aloor~ poaaiblo oeuo route to a.ud froa1 t:urope. More t hau ooro tbo lluald br.a rorerrec.l to ou ulal)(h poaiti.on ae prea.:oua( tho bellt and 111011 coliYenieoL aveuua loc trade C'e lat.lcoM with Weetero Nowfouodlan•l by me3111 oh re­

gular ateaw commuoicatiou. 'J'be latter aubj•ct a.od tbe bopc tbAL it would noL bll mucb looger f'Oitpoued, wu dwelt wpgu by :\lonaigoor Scnra iu aoooe rem;uka mado t:, loim at t.ho cloaing exerci&ea io .ML St. Joll('pb'a Coovcot last W~dncaday. Thi• m&tter bu long lw.la wuin apot iu :'ll on­aognor•a he11rt nod tbc feding manner io which h o alluded to IL wu ovidcnco of this. \V caL N ewfouo~l3nd ia eo largD a diel'rict u to bo worthy almuat ol tJ.e namo of cou­tioent. It bu great wnhb or fo:est 1\Dd soil, abnodao~ mioer~~l resources aod fiih· eriea not inrorior to those of tho eute m part of the hl11nd. \Vh11~ iL needs is com­wunicatiou with thu outaillo worlc.l !:ly mo11ua of the cootemplatod steam le"lco 10 NorLb Sydney. t:a}lltal will tben bo atlrllcted an.! lbia unde,·elopcd a~ll almo)at uu· known region brought wto t be COlD· merci11l carclc of our Xorth Atl&Jlic Jell board. 'l11H 0 i1 certaioly n gre.~topportuu· ity io t ho ott far di3taut future, aa Mg r. Senl'll enid, lor Nor:h ::iyduey t:> become tbe m:.nnfac turi r.g and 11":\dd c~ntro lor tbcl people of tbo W ut C.:Oil.llt. h wool.! be a gooJ.IlWng fu ua 1.0 tuou our eyee iu euch a direction Aud to forller auc lo a hr pfi fo r thia 1ectiuo of Capo l.lretou. Hero wo IIAvl.' beo:n ~,oo much iucli~d to d e peud upoc the co&"l iodudry nnd tho trndu which uisc~ iu coo&equcoco or it, to tbu txclu.siou or h!­muet everr other pursni~. 'i h i a icka d ues UOt preva.iJ 10 OltCOiiYOiy M l\ f\lW )'CUtS

111!0, yet ia very atron~r 1\0d d.:op. scat.:c.l. Wit6 euch 11 now llelll lor comwurcinl eu­te rprito 1\8 W estl'rn 1'\ewfouudlan<l. what with the new 1\ctivitice thll~ would be caii~J into btling by it, tbero is no reMoo why in l imo North Sydney cou lJ uot lie cona!Jor­ably more than nu"' iudeiH:Ih.hmL of the quaotity or the J CMiy COM I output. Onr lnrmer11 would tiuc.l it a gooll ouo.rket. our llock rl\lKCI'l! 1\lao and tho elch&uge~ene· rnll_y iu poduct.ll\nJ trade woulc.l IJtl h i~hly l>eu~lic1•1. F~tb I rom tho \\' ~•t Sbore could bo aout hero, "-" ;.;u rth Sy•luey is n~arer tllAu St. J ollu'a, auJ could bu •hip ­l•cd bene~ by &teamer to Montreal omll >\wer~cnu mllrk'\!ta. Tradu thus open,..t Ul) woultl Iaale( io tbo peoplo of t ho \Ve•t Shoro a •trouj! d,t:alro for a clotl(lr union pc­lltiCA!y tb4u oow I!Xlita bctw~ou tlie ~wo couatriu. 'l'bo wltolo ia " echcn"' wbich llbould loavo lbu united iou1ucuc" or our bu1iueu meu to btiog tt aliout, aud or our publio men to cmcourago it. Thou IL ,. ill uo lou~er bo the c.lream of eothuaiiUtio u.iod.a, buL will becowo tho pt~otiCA! rer.lity wbioh itll iluportAilco dem .. nc.lt. Sooour or later OYCDI.II will ~mpel the ealllbliabwu•tt Of IICGOI Cl.llll·

rouuicatiou eenice be tween the W•tt Shore und Cape Uretou. otloer"i•e this lal11ud willloao ita opvortunitJ, wlo ile oth,r i'lacct will j!IIIO d oe &c.IV1ullll.:IJ Knll UCCUI•Y tboae tnarltela. Capo llr•tou should 1111 up and dolug iu t!Ji1 noatto>r nutl juin ba•1d• Wtlh their brothcro iu \\'u• leno Xewronnd· IMd to' lu1n)l ftl:out wbat tuuH bel of tho loit~btlt beueOt, cowmcrci .. lly and poJltf, callyr to both placu.-Ne>rtll Sfl'l~!l Utruhl

:Pleasant to tho Tulo. CLiiJren 11nd JJOI'II<J IIS IYitlo wMk coosti­

hltioua l.owc ahvsys ro unJ crl'~t dilficultr iu tAking CuJ L i•cr O il. ath l rrnrn tina rae~ iL hu not o.:eu uuh·ura .. Hy tuetl, but with 1'\urthroP. & Lyu••\Wd ElllUlfilln of (;o.J Li,er Ull autiii1JllltlhOSJ>bit~l or Liote lluJ Sotlf\, tlola prrjuJ•cll'hl rt·muvcd. It i. 10 thor?u~hly ol i._:nosctl tb~t you canuut de. teet tlou c ... t l) •·er Uil. One vlty•loiau writes us tho~ it i• us~<l wlmos! M "buvcr­&!.:u in hia f"111ily i l\11\llhcr Jti.'NOII iuforu•~ us that :.te h ... l t<> l•i· l~ tLu lloctlu frvw to;. chii,Jrou . ~·ur <..:ou.;l~<~ 1\u.l l'uhLI. brokrn UU\> u oomtluotioua, nud allluu;: Hi.tc:IIC!ll, IL baa uu ci'}Ual ,

17'J W ater St. dt.. John • · S~WDI(; ~IA<:IIINES Ul'.l'Allt~U

!tiJG,42l! OUTLERY of,lall Kinds.


Sll\10~ UOil:OVAN, General Ageut for NRd

Sus-AOj;NTII • 1\ . T. J)lt YSl>AL~~

ll~rbur (irnce, R. O'SUE~IIAN \<:. t;u.,

SL, l 'ieru.


~S'\U'a.llCG ComWUy u ec.27.

.• ..- 0)' LONDON. ___ __,R,__--d- 1 -., • 1 $200.00 ewar

:&3T,\RLtsa:eD" 132L · • ~ Will be paid fo'r ho dc\~ctl~o and eoo•ic~ - • _ J." Uon o f uy per10o aelllag or d~lh1gio •nr

S UUOill l\ED CA'PJTAL ..... .... £!,f$0p,Q(:.() .,~ . bogo.e, counteTfeft ttr imitalloa HOP BtT· T ..tnt. l llfi'.~TID Fcsos ur- 'tiJ.I81 e~peejally Ditteraor preparat.iQD• 11~lb

WARDS 01' , . ... u .. .......... 2,760,000 u "'e "worJRotof.Hort lotbelroamt oreou 1\:fMUJ.t. LI!CQlll urwAa_D$01 S60,000, " a.ecte<1 t'bet-eYI&Ii, ~u. lqteudeci to' mlil ,

- -;::- ,. lu~ aod ehuttllepublio~orfou'of}'rwpat• • 'l'be "CU!,ftO[AN" btlng a Ont-clbe 11pon j)Ut lq •111 fol'tll pre~odtnauHi4i\bt' E(ngli.al\ lniD1'11ROIICilmp111)',olferaallih614! IDIJI[ Uc1P Jllh£11.11. Tbe' cnaloe ban aJnn&.lgeiiJ\.OILdHinbl& io i llltmlrt1m ola~t of Qll~ ~01'! (oo~ tlala)p,t.Jted undoubfed •fablllty, fatbrable lenu ~ 011 t ,.lliUI I lt an~.u~'lbi i.'lt~\ ~~pll promp&~C~Utelll•ot o olaima ror!OAII • bttt medicine q '"'rt'b, OIPecl:la.lf1 (or 'JUri

J.bo andeNltrD.Oba'tia~ been spnoio•elf' DtJt. llrer and N.kou ~ BJ~ Agenitor ~01ffouudlied ia ,Prfpared to"- ' 'all 6th.,. ud of ,JI pt'f'A!SCiod form" 1M ue J'uUeittagalaatloea n t't~. • M r eoolpl& 0~ Hbr Bn'rn~. p'al)lf"fll, tp

.• A.w~oata 8 WI"'..-., papen vr for J..1t, ~ c~~~ art r",la111dl dll .. •.r.o ,, ... ~._,, I•IIICII .. , l \\•11;..,.,1~ Jp •ot'ba& &~~• . 8~. /j)hcil. 'be ~ ')

108EPII OIJDDEN', ' Foalae YIU p ' 1 ( ,. !tit.! "'p•t. Br. o- , .JJbr .BITlfJI .Mtd, Co., • 1 . ., .. .... .. ! •.• . .,.. •''J· ' ' . ~-~~ lC • .,. '

" I hory-haodle Table 1nd Dt-rl li.oifea h ory- handlo Pickle Forlca. ' . TOO LS · OF ALf, DESCRIPTIONS G llOCERIE$.-Cofrce,• l:lOAfl. lttatehu

. eto, eto. • ' ·• To all or. hich lnapertlon is inYH~I.

&"for ulo a~ the low•lt rOMil;le p rice• C. L. l<ENN'ED'I

' I

• I

D.M;d0,H'N$0N, ..

NOTOI!/0 BITT A!( EXrEnt:llt:~"r i• perfeetly t r::e, DOd l h11•o co heaitalioo iu ~orting tbat e~eu u an experi.oeut i t ie n ry ·erode, nuscieotillc aod anu-palho. lof!iO. uufortun{lt.ely 1t hr.a been di~eated t~ f '1111 ruerit, if It erer had llllJ, lint counrleJ in ita radlmenlarf atllle Into an uo~rofu­aional iodustry. Dr. La Granjlt, cootiou-1usr. uri- 110me pen~one wero founj who lllfiereJ IOYOfO toflamanailou of lh" AtOll from tho looculati."l· that others were re­port.ed t o bue diW. f~om blood poiaooUig. Ue addtl1: 'fbo iuoc~aliooa are carei(Uly ma.de who Lhe bro'h tq be uatd lor t.bem

tlch. lo • .. ha cu~ •fl)()lle\J to the aot.ion of I t.lte atwoaphere wbteb /lllllDOl bn' add lm. purltitl tq tboae,orlginally eout.alued at.d• without tLo precaution of bun1iug tloo •yt1agc, au cect-& toarold aeptio poiaoo­iuj~. • • • • • 'l1tt! alatifliea po e~ted ht J>r. Ferrau tp tobetantlate bit ch1lou in f~ror or l)ia brOtli ..,~111 to~'" bim llnpport, b~~. unhappily for lllUI, ~Pill blllak~o for •talittiu by at>ybu<l~ ft!" froUI prr)11dic.. Tho fuq,rite etallt~lc UJ ft:rfi\Jl j.l tb1lt: o r ~l•ira. Ju c&la place • Jinle I~ that;~ oq .. half of tlte pc~toalatloa bljfV beeu ioooula~ IDcl maeJa lnDH thaD O~·llal( of I be draliat are amuolf ~~~ iaoout.tcoel, llu~ taltea Jato c9oaldcn\lon tllat tbe d<!all•• are COillllcJ frolb .lilt tl1t1 ot '"" h•ruiou of the towa


1/uli~»N!J'• Oiu1JM11t aw l 'ilh..-Suro Re· Jluf.-'lll. WCIIIk lllllf CIICt!"MeJ llllll'otl .. f""'•

Oau.ae u4 :&6elot.. ly from uenone al~cduiM wt.e.. 11-or '1111 maiu aaaM or uenuuantlt ta lndl· ele~olrio dilturba-.. aj~ltii&ct •be attDOI·

l!e&Lioa, lllll.dlbat Ia cauntl by w aku- or !)bcre. K11unolgfa, :zuaty N•Jlll. an,l fty. lbo etomAcll, No une can MYo ~uud I h:11 ll"iue, ••o:rj diau•·Mlu!l ' iv " ll!!llc.t .. uehel aud gooll he:~ltb witbout u•lull llf>IJ •Y•tuu, m~" lie rva•lil1 re •uucel by rul., ll itltl'l iO ltrongibt•ll lht! al0111110h, purify ilinjl tt.i~ 0Hit.UU11l IIV'IU the ali'1101"d 1>''11 the Wlod, 1111d ke;>p :hu Ji,•er "nd k1l.lu<!ya 61ter il '"'' l"'"" fotu uc .. •l ofhb w&rbl! tu:tirf.'t to ca~ry q£ all tho poi.wuuua '"~\ w&tcr. ·n.. l'ilol, tak .... _ .. ,., .. ally loiJ wr.a\e toaller of t lio tyaiem.-.td~nllt'C" thu tlo...a pt~lb~ IJy &lie lnNruutlouJI,.

-- - """" til.! .JI)t""tiuu 111 ol'\l~r. ~~diu a ft\l.t A. U. Utt ltocbel'll, A rtb~blt•lut•ill•, P. 1}- of h1111ltli)' brl .. , ""'-' rco-.:cu~<mlo tlou

Q., 'Hit~ i ' •t1•irt ~e,. "~"'• l\IIU I 'w• a illlliO~ri•lor:U lllu..-1 ~itt1 rido<!r 11\llt l!rl;.>l~ ...~ wnh I aev~ru attftck ctf •b•uwat~lu ranldu11 fo1.111 thut\llla~hly """loullat•d lc~<><l lu 11je boead1 lroiU wltiull lut•olv CAI~oll(loootly -..-:\u lillll •blch, rb11 "'"'"""'l lliU't 11 • ltUII'.,tl!d, ~utillllior b~a• iua.: u•"ll Ur '!"bum••' not,t.ly a,()U •r"k ltno f t!lileio ... ~ ""''''' • t:eltolrio Oil for biue IIAY•· l.atloiuu th• .JvH~:at;, Ur .. t it tlilll•ll'l~ (<I l"""''•i•t •tif\­lleall, &<!., whell 1 W'lll cvn:t•l•t~ly ~ ;reJ, J ""c" llvUuwl,-1 UiiltU.tlll :&uJ l'il\t 11.11 .-J b.&•• ootr.uttd lo!llr • lioul~::o' hotaltilolv 1wu.c~io:a. •



... , ... __.,.._. __ ,_ _______ .._...,_

It I• ru M re I 10 fii) , U0\111 oln:lea In Lon th .. u .. ~a u•• Atlant iC cable 11 prvJOc lei

- Tutt ld ~ cumet o f tS.~ bu heen d oa


~~e ~t11nba:rb I -AifD-

cn CR.f'1/0N LJA Y APVl}nTJSI~n

the Prot.ettant peoflle •nd or eoabll~og ., poelpOu thll ntal ma~ n• 'he p&rl)' which t~ WakA1H4" ropre action oa &be pan ol &be Premier, Su eootai.O ndolnw pl.oe aod power~ W V Whl~ewaJ, wOI lllteC wl&h a -wh0110 eXf18llM 'and to JWIIOM bur t rMpoDM from Uat OQapc>~ &be .,.opft 0! The rty'a O'fD t N o liu' we nn 1 wbloh will wlab b lm a 'heart7 .. God.-peed beho~ at t.he I!X~ ahd to \be lo bla pa&nouc endftYOr

be II 10 •rapped 11p io 6D'lillf aal&able • ._.., for hll owo cooea&uentt, &ba& be eelclom II enr, bothara hll bead eboa& UJ oa~ peraoa, 110 -a&.er bow •ell quh­lltd Now, we hope &here Ia ao eod w t bla a.blr

It moa' be "''1 amu11ng Co Ulo readera of the M""'J aod IVatclaaa Lo peru .. tho auacll:a 111ade b7 tbo edhora of t beae dlatlraceful nc- oo Utla fiP" Each ~rty aoou111 &he otber of hanoe AD uodera\aod tog wi&h tbe Coolle .Party Wo C&O wel7 117 that eo far u tbat l'art1 11 cooceroed oo eucb uoderataodl'li es11t.a. luo <.:eotre PutT are prepered ' to tAe tb11r placa Ia tbe Oppoe&Wio-lr u--..y-for tbe next four Jllrl. N~ltber S1r W1lllam Wb1te way nor bta oppouen~ lloo J S W1oter cao oouot upoo t ho aupport o r tbo LiberAl PartJ

Local and other Items. -ne s.s JwOIId, Capt. Joebua P•U.

ret• th~ alttruooo rortbe lAbrador

-Donor the peal week or teo da,11 &be (teller portton of t he flab •-1• we .lefl for the Labrador W o wlah t bem foil ear go11 a we a ud apoedy~ ~ market., ud, oeed we acid, rMd7 aalte for tlal contod ba«alao

-A late aomber l'f t be P icha (N.S.) Studarcl•,- Blabop Ueodooald of Uar­bottGraoe, llllcl., IITI'I'ed ao towo o, &tor­da:r llo weH &o Cherlo\&etowa )'ft*da1 (UocdaT) to aU.Od th11 eelebraUoo of &be U ti. uDiflrMfJ of Blebop N olo&yre • coo-ateft~Joo l'btr e will be a large a tteo<t

ro•cre<l at ~Ia 8 ttn l( pertod o\1 ltl to t o ru baa b"tht 1Upeo1ed for tbo palt year

The Pori~ pros• anrt pollucoant &re tern 11, lnc.:n<ed ovor 111 artlol~ 1 1 tho N orfA f, rm•~ Go~~tte acau•inl( f n~nco of try10g

S \L Uill>AY A UG U:, I 2:t \ 885 • -------- ... ~-----... ----------Sll \LLP:>X li no w Jln!~eut a~ M on-

lreal au I bu 1111 LO dato 1-o.~nlted m tbo tli!., th o& no fowor Uuut 100 pcraona, nruOngft the cn tho well known Cotu~&dutn AII\Wll n~t.u, :Sir Ft"tncta llmclc" o f thn 1\bovc ctt v A. despatch from :\IontteRI o n t bo U th m~t.. aw.Lcd ~hat tho small l>"'X Will\ apreaumg • t an a larunng rat.e r 110 CUtllrman or Jho health COffiiUlLt.oo CAiloJ a apectttl IUCCLing for tho J'Urpoao o f nppomtm~ fnnr 1 tthhc v11ce1n tLOnl Cor t.hrcc month~ T here It od l.cen 17 do.ttb• from sm H11ox dunng two d"~s and t here nro 38'-pa twnts 111 \be CIVIC hos Ill tal, 3.! If "horn llrCI Jl -ogreumo fa. ~orablf'nnd 11lx nro oonaut orc.l ba I~ ~oorl) nil 1f no~ all, or the o.tsea arc m t ho l.":lliL end ol t ho c ty Amon~: the no., c.uleil • rc1•:>rteJ l\ro those ol Rev Fathenl Lmgo\"111 nnd L:mzon, of the Obh1hl fl\t hers, who ' ' IH though~ oou tmcteJ tho dn~t!,.sO "' tle nttondiug Jn

gno•oua hurt '"Of• &be OOUDQ")' •' largo, 1 with 110., Mr Ed tor 'i'o 1111h a thor& w h010 best mt.ereeta would thereby be ci1.,1 fRenoe lo order ,to met& a rro-Jy uo­eacnlied, whoae wat.enal prospcraty u 11tbfal elatemeot.-& ~·~ t+log of would bo aonoualy llllponllocl, wboec. Ule &ru&h-ooialotd lo llit Sllllardaya p fogree• wout..l b.s cooaulent.bly retardttl, JYalc:blo• h Ia IAereu:r, wltb -''" ,_

I DOt or <.:anachao aocl U•h«< Stew.. ~uhope oD &he ~oa From Ch~trlnttetowo Blebop Maxlooald w1ll go to Mootroal aud will ap1D re&oru t.c t'1ct.eu

~ 1.1r up war wl\b (humauy (

- Tbor~ I• " Oourt~lnno echo~l nt S•eot wood l 1t11 teachur 11 \'t A Ho~;ora the I IU L:olln;tor A re oark~hle th on).' 11 ths t lrt a ec:bo•l of 71 pup1l~ each sn I every one i• rela~ 1.0 t ho t.,a.,ber a d each other O nly one n( Li e ..cl),larA Ia ov~r 1., yoara uf .,1 -Suro""aA (f.,.n ) flttn

.. r.d tbo roaton~y of wboae people w<~uld f:: wu:.~~;j!1{b:'::::! '~'~'.~ 10 consequenco be compelled tl) CAL the 00 Uao Jury UOI, dehYtred io &be Uo- of bltt.crCrut taoCtbOirown unwildom lnhu .U.embly 00 &be 4tb of Maylaet 111ade aee 1ng a llo•ed tbemael • os 1.0 Uo loci ut.rny of laolfllaae wblcb a eomparlaoo of &he 111b atHl forced mto a hno of p ohttool actto n JOioed ueerpt.a will pro" eveo Lo the wh1ch weto thoy lett to tho1r own wayfanog mao that be (S1r \V1Iham) oner

- A.sllOnt: AT ST SuOTTS - The Allao lklmar t:•I01'11V1 from Montreal to Loodoo wltb a o o( Cl\ltle got atbore io the •al:ahbor ood of l:lt. Shot& a oo Tborada7 lu'- She wu ftoatod o f •1thout eoat.a1o iolf muob damage alter laodiog thtrtJ llll bMd of cattle, and proceeded oo ber vo1 age

- R M.S TttrtdiW Capt Uromooond ar riYod bertt oo lu' Mooday alteroooo a nd 00 !be (OIJOI'I'IDf day took her dtperturo for St. J obo a H M.l:l PaA/4- aod fl,.JlffOIJ alao liriYed at St. Jobo 1 dunoe 'tho pet' week.

A r~~nliDtmoroal by Lt lions: C hao:: 1 nme M1n181er o f '- h1o11. ~ t iltS l::m11Ten r !pecttull 1ho trealy of po)Ob concl uded ""''"<!<:" 1- renCII aud 1Jh1a" t bowa that tbe ''""" t•reuuer evodontly (li!$1rt'l to ro

10\111 Ill pe.-.:c and t O profit by It ln OJ>t'Oinlj up tho ~~t.tuth•ro fro 11era of tbo ewplr11 to

ood 'aouud ll6llie and judgment, they made liM or Pa4aw I a11cb cood11ot oo the 1: k I"•' of the.e iodl'l'rdaata who praarne Lo \liunld never ha\Cl ta en wnta for lbll reu 1• utterly coolempuble

rho Cll\Wl or tho party wh1ch hu to -(lp t ruth, J. degradlog for one lO hue resnrt to such a cont.e njtllbln exped10nt to notice lt}-aod abowa 1.0 whAt deptha as tho o ne n:forrec.l Lo tn order Lo pro \ e 01en w111 de~~eeod 10 order that they m"y 1ta.-worLhtoeas, or att:un ILl purposes, u vea• &bell' pereoaal epleeo a111l nud10t1ve 11; dcod a deplorably wuk one , and tho oeaa. Dut eo 11 11 ' And dtaaBreuble u 1 lOTCI facL of Ita ~&d\"ocates !Jetn0 dn\ln tho1t111lt II, It hu to be f&eed 10 &hAL our t.o c roi'IO} auch mtsomhln llhtlta 11 proof uoeuapectansc boo .. t-rotnded oot port pe~

By Telegraph ~-

JIALir.U Aug 17 - 1'be l\hrqo11 of Saliabury b111 poatpooed b11 Y~tlt 1.0 tbo L:ooll~ot oo accouat of tbe Zul6car Pau quuuou

- Tuz PuRJ.ESS Pt:ARLlNt:.-Mr B l,l nardwloke the tra•elhug • ieDt lor Meaara Jamt• Pyle & oooa New York wu 1a town for a few tlaya danog t be put weelt. Donog bu etay bo d l.atrlbulod bet ween tbll aod Carbonear oo fe we r t lu.a 3000 D&tople pac ka11ee of tbla celebrated p~para hOD wb1ch 11 au !!Plied to tho trade by Meaara. J & H Maddock o t.tbll place

No CUM or d .. pot.. between tbo Freocb and F.al(liab flabentlen C&rno UDd011' DOIICO d unug tbe lut cru .. e of tbe Tuudt» Sbo weat a roo ad the 11land toucblnfl at nnou8 no rthe ro p.lrl.a on \be '"'Y lJ) <.:baonel, aad c:roaod OYer \0 Sydoey for 00:\1• whence ehe re turned to Cudroy pro­eaedlog tbooco aloolf tbo W <114 cout of Cb.toau, anti then htlberlfllrd&

Ch1cf Jua:lce ( olondae 11 marned

oo • tl~ traJ" ----... h b l 1 pie may not bo led utray by t bo gro11 y anflic1cnt t.o aenublo ml'n l 11t ot l l lO uotrutbful etatemonta (of whtcb the one

Mr Carm~a1o ba• UfRo.'ll l\lr Gl~aJat.eao to ~111t t\lllorll!l Mr Gladttou d e11rca to .to 110 &yL ltiJ doctora protetted on t he gr ound lhRt the 'l'llll III'Ould m , oh o much • XCllt:meu t aod elnuo lllr Gl1111$tooe

e.Jotalu 11 JOIItres 1u tbo ljlnn~ ho~ovcr lh~t he:tlth Ia restored, 1Uld tljo poaotloo public a fT:ura perm11.1

l\1 &;ton til a we ll ltoowo oogmet'r who nop~•ra to bMe aecurcd tho m1u tuc: huk 111 p r .. cucal elcctnc•ty that of makmg It ~ cl e~r. c.-ruun and eoouorntcal h~l tm~:

ue 1:.s .. m ,ded .,..,th 1t I t IS ulso 11t.11tcd t h:t.t tho d1110Mo h u

mttdo 1l8 u nwolco;no llfiJtC tr tnco n t St J olon N B and nt Syd nl"y C B h i\ \ lD" been h1ought t.o tbo lnt t.cr pltc:o h) T~l-c en:;•gPd m t ho coni t nulo l.lo· ~\\1'1'11 tl n~ tk>rt ond ~lontro tl

h 18 o.nlenLl) 10 bo ltopt>J thnt no ef fort. "til bo apar..'tl o n t he V'*rt of nur t&lltho•HIIl4 t \1 Jlrn•eot tho llltrJduCtiOn or thfl d\ti!Ornver l 0 th !l C:0 Qll) 1 nnd ~~~~~ l'll)IU qn.,rnntmu rcl:iul rtttons w til bo p roml't ly cstabh abcu uml l111tlofulh C4r neJ on t 'Iho ruattc1 111 too aonous tu bo t ro Q '() W 1th P 1 UVOOllOII I S !Jette r 1h11n curo

C'JUIO :t.nJ lh<t J"' 1.J aro IIL A-rJy worth uuder rOYIOW II bu l ODO of m&Dy) DOW a p ICI!I, and tbcrefor u uudcsenms of tbo 1 .eann~t lo tbe ltt(or~Dt(t ~ly 1 organ tbo su pport of nil rtjtb&-thiJlkm:; ponona IVotcAman. But Co l\lf uttacLI. Hero

Let onr PrutcstaoL poovte tbon, they are - " ., ~ t.e warood , let thom rocet vo wtth tho (F,_ ~· "Wpt~) "reAI.oa~ulton and ro~~~nc tho many u Not lorl•o•l1 AttJno.,. tl•nor•l•hlpa ,.., ld "' 1 1- -' I alto,., lh!• J ..,.,. Olllto.,.... &n lu111r ID1 fellow Ullijlea lOS' purpose y garb "u st.ato eount.r1n 00 ~ Mid S!r w. Y \\ l ltoW!t}' In the rnont.a thtlt nre from tuuo to h m e np llooao of ANe.ably on lllout._., th• 41b Way lo IIOtlnng 10 tho columns of tbc Wntch h!~ opoocll oo Lbo ~&oon.t ru.tiog of tbo JoJ.ry man as " oll as the eqn 1lly muloathng O!IL un u untruthful ~&onus 111 rc•l'cct w Str (F,_. tAo oflic&ll rtporf nfS r Will..,... WA;t"""'' W ilham \ VIut.cway 11 ''-"~t prt'ICnt o r SJJU(}t"" U. Jwr~ Bill dcl .. ,,..d"' lAc 11- oj

There Ia c1Yil war Ill .Kbar&.onm Tho :\lahdl a treuury b"" beeo MCkerl aod hie( e:~eceuor and o ther o llc llll killed

G ladatooo 11 erulain~: ou t be weatoro cout of 1\ o rway

!'be c holern pamo 11t 1\ladnd 11 anba1 long f ho deaths from cholera 10 a ll Spa1o

l\lllOODted 1.0 1800 OD Sat trdAy S l:t bun lrocl ~ ~rtcb aold1era M'rO dtod a.t

F~rouou of cholera. Auo 18 - l'tto a rope 1n Earlaad are ear

ferl1 g of d rouah L l1oe cholera dealb. to Spa~a ag"eeato

toooo f be Iutero~lloaal Arb1trat1on Soc1oty

~ppella to l .ord Lllnllllowoo Gonruor (,cneral of Caoacb to comtnutc H1ol a 100

EDUCATlOSAt.-l'ho ll11rbor G ralo G ram war V1cton'& ::ltrect aod U111b Scltool1 111

well u t be II earL 1 (.;ooteol t\orma l School re opeo on M oaday ocxt after I he eumme r 'l'ncahoo wb1cb bM &Il ia year been more t han ord1oaroly • oJoyablo by rc1o10n of tho 6uo weathe r obL&lolo~r dunag tl e whole eonrao of tbo terto Tho t 1111cbcr of tl1o Jut named aemtnary M1a Qu1olao wu lately preaoot 10 1owu on a ahort v11ot to a fr1oad S ho retaroed to lloart a <.:oowot oo JOileruay morn10sc

"II~"' and mauve power II~ cxperuueats 1111d Clllculatlooa ltu o been axauuned a ud c atrollt!d by emmcut au1bont1C1 and pro oouoccd oucceasful In abou t t breo weeks hu e:tpenmenla " Ill take place on 11 large •~:Uo for All vbo wab &o I&Ot b" dilcotery

-A \\ CJtern ed1tor bill recently d11 cbat~:ed all b11 eomposi&.ora becauu be t l 1ak1 tbo wages de1naad~od sn 1Wpo81lloa aod tbereforo lDteoda do1og btl own t) pc .ettiDS In tho oest tuuo ot ha p~aper be II&) a oWinG Tu Tilt cX oR'>rnm W~"l:CI dJ::mA~ded b1 pnao1era wE b \ \I! eouCiu dcp TO do oUr oW>~ trp~ntoao 1s !.be fu Tlfnt. 11ad a LTho uob we oEvor lo \rs cd t qo nue!SCII wE dO NOt au yor i RenT m.1~or& Y lu LUll a.R.L.

" ' AllLTX& I'DIPABA'MOSS - J'Anrfon Aug 10 -Peu1a11 togalltDit Ger mao oflicent to OrltaLI.te bcr army Jtu111a II b UI!diDi a etnwg1c railway to the A ultnao frouner

St Pdt rlbJlrg ~ug 10 - I bo !iUIIlt.U lDIUI&!er of ,....., hill o rdered t.hat oo rnorc troo~ be dcapatchod to aoulbera ltolll:t. or tbo tnoa Calpi.ID torntory owtng to t bo 1ntcoao but 111 (.;eatral AA1a. f bo Km t An at r a1 wily 11 pro~;reaaooli ao rapHIIy tbat 1t wtll re h Aakabad 1u :>eptember }' Q(Ced labor 11 employeJ on tho h oc ~umercUJ dcallu occur a uoos tbo labore ra

\Yo n ollco from tho :\lonlrt'ttl n rt11u.r that ' accm<&tlOI\ Ill n •t1nolly IJ~ong loolc cd upon IL!I •he' grc11t pro• onL.&tno fo r t be sprc.'l I of Lho .!lStll\10 Nlng res lrd cJ ll.S Of pnnmr) llll llOrLRI CO 1 hu people abould bo \ UCCinlltCU thOillftel Votl

a ud aoo tla:t.t thl'lr clnld ren oaro vacemnt •I We bopo (IIIIo)'& our contcmvor­an) • to IJo nblo shortly to e:stnb­ll'lb p11bh c VIICOilllll\On !Jut lba t \~ 11J t.akc tunt' ns tho prOJit'r ~ lHIOiu~ mat.. tel m ust IJe obt.atneJ o llbor from Eng lllnd Fmnco o r1 Helgmm M cnnttmo the H ealth D e partment " '•ould urgo upoo ullpbys1~1nn! t ho dutv of \ncem­ntmg tbc tr claontll Cle.1nhneas no doubt 1s a gooJ thto:; Tho ,~:reotrst danger of nil I.S the 1\S&eruiJhng o f c b1l dren tog<>thl'r l n tl1~ '""~ tho disc:use

T oe ODIGIS 01 LA\\ s TtsstS.- Uow lc• lawn t.enots players kn'l• wbo o nt;IDatcJ t bc game a ad wt.oro tbo firet !!1lWO wt~o~~ play Od? Tb11 e:lC4!11ent put1mo b.u uow bcca 10 cxlllc nco for t<ln ye.u11, a ud 1L bu prob ably been a greater ao urco of auluaetncnt tho noyoL1og of t ho ltond her tnr,nwll ru, OMI{111MOr aud ltiVeotor Will M~J'" \\ W1Dgflcld of Ite r :llaje&ty s Body liu3rd w ho 10 I il wro1o a h ttle lt ok compli ed " eel o f rult:ll. and ao10cd tbo outlllaolleb. Dllmo Spb~tlmltlco Tho Ural ~o:atno eve r play

l'l 1 ropsgtlteJ A grea ~ tic d 1s nl!IO to be s:u,l m fn .-or

<.f re-v ICCIIIC~!IOn It IS II Sl!jlllhetnL ftct tb t Mnw I • .> not a•ac.I,IJur m t ho Ptus~utn a rm} hnd uu:J of sm.t lpox u fact winc h shows clearly th 1t " 1wn ro \OCCIDI\ll~D Ill r1~1Jiy Cl r TJrd OUL >10\-<JI po x Ill llllsolutclv lllnOCIIO•I& C ouiJ a ccmnt1nn be cart wei nut so ~tnctly "1Llt tl10 wholo popul~tlon of Eu•ope ~ ll Ill Ill tho Pru!!MI 111 nrlll) 10 livo > u:tni 11ro.allpo.x woull bllve ubsolutely ,hKRI'JX'III oU

Tim 8U bject I.S \\ ell do:tc rv mg or tbo tho oglotfuJ COOStJOnlllOI\ of OUt pi10l>Je w h1 b " 0 t rust ot 11 11l r..cutvc


od wu lo 1874 at Col :Snylor ~ylnnd 1 boueo 10 Deoblgbahu o l bo I! ret pub! c f.'=' 110 eJtr played In thl8 cn~tntry ,.M ~~ 1 n nce 1 grou11d on li:e 1 mm<r of Ill 5 t l e playel"'l 001n1: :\laJur \\ w~,:lieiJ :\tr c.;lement ~ott. Capt. \ lfrvtl fbom psoa no I ~lr Albauy ~r.lnac It will openly

ered at by a cro"'d of t11okel And cn ckct Gont arc t il( lol fum•l ar facn co ca. who d1.J the1r utmo~l to n J1culc Thcl"l' 1 3 Med llWnr from our mtds l tho game r way Hut on leu lh:>n on IMt s .. bbutb om "ho b II( lo ng beoo ooo a>ooLb two co:UufirtTI~"IMmr~,....~-:a:.ll. fo r c• ery bour In tb~ d 3 y nud tLo m cket f,.tuil_lnr to RlllllJ uv1ro eapeclally lho p layera 3nd cn ckot<rll ba.d to 610g 11111111 o iJ e r mhMiitmlts of tins t.own und ll•y - Lon dun 1 ruth -ono "boso 'ln.~ h.u been cloll('l)

llSS~ll\tcJ Wltb the OU!IIl!'ltS hfu or t h iS col ) fo r nc.'lrly hnlf 1 ccnlUr) \Vc t o­fer LO the sO IIQC p tr t ner of the Oltlt'!lt fi rm 111 H arbor Clraco-){r N AT~IEL J U.L \ RO, of tho present firm Of ~!Cl!Sha. J tll:ud Bro t1Jo1'S &; Co

Tnt Sr.<.sOABO S .aTT1cr.; o>~ Cm r.cmLL. - fho :)tandttrd wb1ch 11 IICCtple I u tbo lory paper nae• tho fellowoo" I" ~oa~;e to an alt.aclc opou L'lrd ]bndolph Churcb1ll u lo:ader of t be Coaaorval vo p>rty 1 o epcalt lneudly Lord R4ndolpb Cburch11l hu beoa puffed 10 tho preu w11b adaurablo M&iduuy by a wull or~;•o•ud chquo wh1cb n alway• reAdy 1.0 e y prodt[ZIOutl y wbt:o e~er bo opeua h11 wouth but 1n u1o T ho Lt•erpool 1Uc1uon t abowa tl o extent o r t he alarm wh1c h c.;bureLIII I bluutle nng and bluaterlog bu lDaptrod w11bm tbo boaoru of bta party h were a t bonuod Umfl bouer tbt lbo Conaenao •es thoold be a~o w oppoelltoo tbao tbat they abo old be e:tpoud 1.0 l bo bumolrlltou of aucb tLIDI;I"" C burcbilla Attackl oo Esrl Spencer 1 go• eroroent of Lrelaod U aloaa tbe JlO~eru m oot dl •owe theee att.acka 1t w11l I eel tbo 1:Ad offectl In the futu ro more aenoaaly tbao 1~h,.. yet cont<lmplatod T be tr uth 11

J;,GrJ Randolph Cborch1ll bu beeo m 11cl.t o verrated II hi• pranka b.J eodured l?nge r b o w1ll erouh tho g,neroroaot anJ tbo (;oa &etTIIltYO party W o w1ll follow the :\br qu11 of Sahabury bno w11l oot follow IbiS o n r grown eebool boy wultoot ltoowledgo aull!aeo& lo fathom h• o•nlaooranee of a\aloamaoabip It 11 a cum li<>D aay1og t hat Lord llAado!Ph Chorcblll Ia equally radoc::tl w1tll Joe C'IJ,.n bor lalo IIJld tbo popolar tsUtDIIte ta no~ fl\r wrong •

lAHWIJI fkly s I - rhe TtiiiU deolara that If J,.ord R...odulpb < llln'cboll auccoeda to dra~J(Iog tb e Cabinet loLO dlacredllable 111 ~nguee the Oj1poa!ttOu will ba relll'l'ed of a ll foara io tba oowoa11 ge neral eleeuoo

- The BC'IIt.cn F•lh Boreao wb1ob ac

JII1 J ILLARD Ill t ho m on th of Apnl IMt wns se1t cd w1th a <llltrcuang 1ll ncSM f1 0111 t ho b:~ncful ofTuclll of wh1ch "" ncv.. r r ccoveretl UCllplt.e oil tho cxor t 1o ns nf Ins ntC<llcul attendant& Al~r m uoh auU'orwg Kt I o'olook: uo last Sun day mornmg 1ho fbll peacefully 1\Sil'ep

JJu rmg tbo OntlrC COIIMIO of Lho 110\fl!rO do roQ!Itoc .. mlctton :\Ira. J1llnrd .u well M l[r J obu J11lard an I the othor m om bt!ra o f ~be lawtly, had tho warmest aau amccrcat aympnthy o f the1r nume roua rra~nds both boro and olsowbcr c all ol "'hom wtll hear wtLb deep regrut o f the taJ CT80l

T ho funeral took plnco oo laat T uea day a ft.emoon from tho PresLy10n1111 Church, tho R ov H Logan, tho p~Lor, conductmg the roournlul 10n 1co, ustst ll<l by tho Rov T W A tltmaon Many o£ our ctt lzona la llfied t bo1r sympathy by takmg part 10 tho laat sad r1 t.e8

..- ,{,uaJH,.,. J/~1 J/1114 1&1.)) 1., o•pect n o actto ns -a &ones w h10ll eeem 1 •olod l•r th!o DIU on Ito llNt ,.,..rlnc • •d 1 Lo form tho si.Ock: In trade of those un totenll t<t 9 ce0 for 111 oeo'll>d readong w a!Hnn ll" t~t:rupu lous 10divulnal.a who nro n ow 110 principle thAI tho jurr • t ll•m of U t. or oatry re-ln.' ltSl rlcusly ICILttna ! hom nO out In lu!r•• altoralloo F url •• tluo th•l I will n<>t g.> 11

.,. for ro•to•• tb•l Mllof1 •1 co,......_ On!o~; many of t ho t.l8lrtct3 of t~O hlund oponl lour f'lkiDIU aod a lull lo lryio~; corta!u D ennn 1 u pon 1t not fo r .ho pooplu & ooou tu tho Sup,..m~ Coon 1com!og oul of th•t

r·- f ('..,urt whb "'1 rulr>d at roo~ 1 Imbued Jor th Lite coon ltut for t ho nlt:unment o tbc tr o" n roMI<llnn lh•l t.W _ aoplltul aro yaill1 oftu 11olfi b co~ .,..,..,..itA ..,\ie.\ IA•J"""' cAaTgoorl aod bnlog oo

\ Yo tfo nut WISh tO ad tho part Of an l&ll..J UJIOD me ciUDoK lbe pr•onl uu!oo OD omounl ollabor and onte11 1bat oaldom duol .. a

t~llnmst-fu from H \Vo honestly , poo lhft oboul Jero of ooo man "'1 rula.t!. """~ f~-cJ hO\Ii C\"Or1 that, lil ~lOW OJ tho I Crl llut calm alld cltllbGrato •C.te wblc:h u roqulroJ

k d bGio,.. 1 altocnpt 10 roooaotruet o trlboual wbkb ons consequences nt ala 0 It Ill " liLY I• 10 1M lbo • rbi!A!r of tLo lhoo of .,.1 follow • ob m oumbcnt U!JOn us &II " ell wtahe nl of Jeela. I t h!nl< lhet oT•f1oo• before a odorult!ng tho country 1.0 acund t bltl not.c o( .,..,un tba reorpulu ll n of ••ell • court thoul.l arrho

I ot 1 oolru • •d dlopoootoo.o.t. • Ill to of rn!ool Are mg to tbo Prot.oetauL c ectora, t.o it''" boo m-btra tu aueh • ciliodltloo •t Ute pruoot whoso aoffr&gcs, wo bebo vo uo moans, no - mont •• to be •blo w hnputiall1 •nd cllopoa m ttwr bow unworthy 1 w1ll be le t t un •loDOtol11•;;!•lalo oo tblo •oblec:ll I I u • hearl

~ hoa mombera outalclo of U.!a Uouoe u pf#u tr1cd b) 80n\O a~ all 0\"0ntll of tho ho- thom•oiY• lo U.o •tron[;WI tam>~ u" tho mit for m l:'nrty a ad\ ocal.ell \ Vo ro1gh L aurl•g• of j '"' oo • od 1 oow aomo of tho .. moru l.lo rooro cxnhctt , but wo r efnun toe .. ooruo lu hrr'\ oad ufou 10 put that opiulon

on reconl ObG~rnl!ono 1n11do t<t me h7 hoa -snffic:o It Ill present m e rely t.o taerub<lra lave clurly ""ldeoced lo m1 oo!nl\ tl •t lu nt t ho malt.er, tho t uno Ill IIOL thMel oa ~tootlomon aro ootlo • proper eoadillon fur off when tu tbo pn1JI1o m ter oat lo a10ah1o onbooal of U.o Important W.raeter I

bno Jan relorroJ 1o S ad I ol lho corn It w1ll perhaps Le De<leSSIIry 1.0 I)Jl!Uic --ant of tho oou!no l•ltlbal we wore In o more plamly and t.o lndlc.tt~ mo ro c lear Moclh.loo 10 d6A! ,.(tb tbl• •ubleot t •h~tuld • ol

r I b\n h .. (lotod to lntr<><lu"" o Ifill Lalor Ia II e ly •he roprohcns1blo methods o pohllca _.10 , 11 ••• 1.,1_.tb 0 tnr moiO ct ... r with u.. wn1fllre LO whtcb wo now olludo raollor In U.o comprehtDOho ••1 I wub•l ow

in~ 1o bo utraunlu .. r1 poo!lloo 111 "bt<b I ••• 1 t.....t A nd wloaltt.. loci 10 the lnt¥n.lact!oo of tb!• Ulll al lbo pruettl limo? rbo Uuuro mool hnlnlf reiYoN to lotn.laee •••I o m .. ouro II wn brouf!ll I • bero bf lk~ b on. mom b.r oppooh o (M r U001lrld~;o) aLtho eo I nl tbo •~~t•lo a nd • n anduvor w.u mAde to .,. • .n of o uot!"" fnr 11 • •••1~eoo!ou of tbo r ul .. lor II o purpoto of ruablng th,..~b II~ llnllfO • m .. IUf'O i J'f'O •in~ tho h•u An I hberliM o f oar follow-c:>liao 1 I ... ,. Lloal tbo bnn noorubGr I • lnl ru.lucio~; tl 11 !till fo alwplr pi•) 1n1C • c:anl fur pupolar1ty • •ll ~••l in dMii g wub tit !o all lot ll<'t lant ra• tlor ho I• •cl oalt..l b) rt0 hl!;bor mo 1!vo Lot ut ... 1c oorool .. • lo what poolllou wo wfttd be !I tho 1 rece ll pr'o1-1 •••• c:arrl.d o 11 A.• thlo t!mo lhoru uo flu ( tdlctrtoonlo agafull It aloOn ~r""no undH lho jur1 law • • It no• •zl4ts Tl ... I tho .. lnlll.lsme lA re m•!n und •po~<>~l of In lho olhor l ro •or lieu of acq 1( c.f l ... ve bo<'n roturnool WhAt • m I aakod w d-> 1 I o .:••o my ••~<tRI to tho ahor• tloa of 11 t tril>unol h1 •ltldt tho partlu 1 udur 1buo romol lng Ia Uctmonto oro to be trio.J I tlo Alwruo1 Gooeral wb<t hu o proo« h•i lloH rr!oo on to two h !.lo bt>ION lh(o tribunal a J f•!l..J to l .. ve lbNn mo\'k~1 ant now 1Ulo:od w comalolo lbolel;lolaturo and P"AI • lAw b1 wb(ch

( Frn"' the lftrcttry)

• Royal Oak a lValcAman corro.pond ont. 111k6 Wtll S1r \\ 1lh&ID d t U) th:.t ·~ 111 hoe 1elermto:t.uoa to amAittl\mato w1Lb t ba Hom11u CatbohiJ!I 1f ho oanu .K I:CL a euffi o1eot uumber ol I rol.cataot t uprcaootlltiV" rotnrn~ I w1tb I nn to carry on tho Goo cru waot ? II ,. e know Str \\ 1lha1U 1\1 well u we t honlc •o do be w1ll no~ 14ko Lite troob o ~ deny 1\nython~ tbl\~ 11 co• urJ iy correspondent uu 11111 we wtll an•wer tho qucauoo !Wyal Oak uka and thnt conc11ely 1:)1r Wtl luuu ADd lue pftrly ban DO IUCh determiDIItiOU Ill II IIICrt lied ~ lum Eq1L~l n ghll bo 11 prepttred to l(tYO to all denom Dl\llone but beyond tb11 I c Will not 1!0 ODD lOCh lO III:UUI.IIU hiS leAder eb1p o f tho Go,.ernmenl

llut w1ll 1\lr \\ Inter prom110 not lo 1\tolllgamllle w11b tbo ltomlln c..: .. thohca to ~~ecure the contro l of tho cu lnlt) ' \\ e 1 ave been t.>ld t hat be wu uked by n I urbor Gn~co Orau~tcman to 1111'0 tb:a proru1&e 011tl rtfH#JI to do 10 W o chal­leogo h1m to elAte O\ cr b11 o wo lll;n&turo tha~ tf bo baa oo t enough P rotu tanl mem bera 1.0 eooduct tho Govoromonl be w1ll oot coalesce w1tb tbe Homan Catboha

It 11 now " well know a fact tbat M r W m te r bu abandoaod tbt ldtm or rUDDIDg an elecloon 111 li\rbor Grace whore hill de eM II cerlaia and U I:Olag back 1.0 LI UTID

wbett be hope• be IDtll rtctoN lite rmart Catl&olit ~e A n ry few c!a.ya ago we pubhahed c ~7 oxcelleot l etter fron; Buno the wntor o!-wllicb pnntelyat~~ored s that M .. WooU!r woUld be... d efeated iu uran bu& would recel'I'O tho ootffb Rom"ll

Catboho YOLO tber~

~orrtspanbtnct. (FOR mB 11.\llllOR O!tAC& JTA.'IDARD)

1 uu1 be obla to nbta!o • coodetloa •od ~~tndow6 Into tho coart aad lu\'f them b•oJo.J 'l wouty AU<>r•~1 Ooneralab!pt or ••r other ot!IO<a will be 1l•l~t.I "I' b1 mo before wl!l allow • blnt of ''""t d~lettpllno lo re.ot opoo mo. I U)' tb<ot lh!a II! lila o pi- of lo~latloo 10 • lloh l couiJ oo•rr conunL It u loglalaUou lllAII• aot ral1 looscuoablo but b!ghly culPAble \\I lo I •dmh tbe noc«oo!ty lot o ,...(aooo of tho wl ol• jur1 •fllam lu th!t coualry 1 caaooL a<:oepl • pro pooal 10 pia .... triAl• fur ertm!a•l olhocoo uocler our pro .. nt •pecl.al JUTY law I ... y tbat lbo I J I IoiD now appU .. t to cl•ll OftiM and ru!adOIIIt!IDON !a loru and roqu! • al­torallon but IYboa II I• w be appllod w o ... wborrt tho Ye.f1 11•1!<1 ol poop! .. are la•olvoJ r •br!olc !rom Ito oool«mplatlon I bno no doubt fo n17 OW11 ru!od lbal allhooltlt tbo per­polrolott of that crime which baa ltd up \It the (olroductloa of th" na...,ure 011,1 ' '" tbo prNool p uopuolebod I her ...Uiyot ouf er lor tbalr ~. •oil Ut&l tb..., •Ito hno t~lowt • ucl ••boroW the ptrfatod wito-tor lha dtJeaee will io duo lltQo routTe wllat lh&1 d~o Whlto I am not pNoued to moke U..lo 4c:tla• 1 om proporod 10 vole 101' lto"'Ncoud reodlog lhortb1 oooflrmlott tho prladplo thAI lhe Jury 1111em reqolroo amud111oa1 J bel!ne lbsl oar fary •1•1M1 r o-

"' p qalroe ...orpalulloa oad U I = honored wllh " LOY ~'l'Y" .AOAIN TO .o.HB ORE a -t In thlt HouH •t Ito out eualoa whoa

H e rebut. Ulo Unt.ruthful Stat&-mont.l of tho " Retormed .Party'•" Organ What tho Premier Sir WU liam White-y, really di4 Ny about tho Jury B W. A caut.ioni.O Ulo Pro teat.an~ E!oet.ora


tbe ouJt..r loa! lap whlcb aow ubt ba•e calmed dowa •od •hen we aball bo •hi~ 10 glu It that clollborallOD which WO aro unable lo IJIO'O • I tho pr....,t mom0111 t plodgo 1111••IIID ll~ my bon .rfo.W tu •meocl • od lmpro•e tho e,..t.am Bat II t llan not tb• booor of O<X.Ilporlolt • HAl Ia lhlt Uoull • t h• ant .. .,Joa J traotlhat lhoto w•o do wllHolrodu .. •uch • "'""",.. u willlu•plra ooolldoooa lo~h ...U ol our people Ia tho lid mlo!JtraUoo ae bavla.g • • tbo oaroo uroa • doe regan! lor 1 olatontla of oU HCII aad 4laa•oo Ia tiW comma 111

to ace Loru CarniiTYOn ·~·d I.leuten:~nl or lro­

lan rl hill otart.ed ou a ~IU of lrclaud Auo 19 -Sm11llpox tluths to Monheal

reach t OO Oa o bundred aud 0111b~ bouMI ar.t q uaraolluod S1r FranCll :huclte. O:l FIOIDOO MtDII!er or (;aaada II lllct Wltb the amallpo:t

l.o t\1 <.:arDMYon a reception hn1 been cord11l aod reapeotlul 10 all parta of Ire laotl y11t 'l'lalted '

Geaeral ~1tddloton and M1n1eter of ~Uh tla Caroo b:no been kmgbled

There wero O\'er 1 i OO cbolera dutn~ 1n

Spe1o ycatc rday Cbolora ta •pr~d1ag 10 tl o aubar be of

:\laraeollee rrofeaor C urUUI or l.olp~IC a cclobrat

od German born 01 Lubeck 11 aud 1\ UO :!0 -S1r Ji raucta lllaclca Montreal

d1ed o( amallpox yoatorday lle WM

aeYel}t.~tlt"yettra old h"u roporlod that a r npturo bu t11kco

place 1n tho rolattoM betwuoo G~rm•ny au~ Sps10 10 corucqueoce o f tho •o~urc ol tt{e Carohao h laod• bJ Gennaa y

Ucrho paJ>t'ra doo; tb.t Gcrmaoy made a t reAty w11.b Corea F1f~y eoght per cent of tho European

omploycu n11td1og at &bo <.:ongo r el.'lOD luve docd

J he con,tltuonta of U1lko accopt b11 Jco1al of t ho tc:ualat char~;eJ aad ruol• o t.c enpporl ! 111 next election

Aun 2 1-:fho Qu.,eu 11nd f'nnco o f Wlllell les•o to Jay for ~or""Y 10 U.c roy~l yacht.

( h1noao lroop~ refuao to re toro fro n I onquuo an tl 11ro p ropanua; \o Muck tbc Fr o h.

1 AtnOII IIIIDIOOOI I IDOOhnj! of IJt$ fol lotore on 2;,th Au.:ult at Dublin

fh tt Ktng of Spa111 ahowa lua dU~pl~uaro al(aln, t Gormaoy for tho 1101111re o l tho Ca rolooe tala 1 Ia by ro.OJ~amg tho colontlcy o l t~o Uhlana roceo•cll from t he l::mperor

1 ho Sult:m 11nd t ho Gnud \'mer oppo!IO tho alhl\nco of J urkey aod F.n~:laud.

Se'l'eu deaths from vtrulonl Eu~otheh cholt'TI\ too:. pi ~~eo at the Men~ey yeu ... rW.y

I I ere 11 " •~• oua ooc reuc <>f del\th• lroru cboloN\ 11t ~lartiCIIIcL 1 hero wn~ on r fifteen hundrud cholera d u tbe 1n Sp."n yutcrd"y

Auo il- fhe brnch bet•een Germ:1oy and S ptt111 11 wttlonmg S(l:llo w11l prob:t. b ly .ap~al lo lh~ (;rut f'o • eu Th~ ahlr nnti.UJ .SiatullllJR hM foaorlcred

10 tho l ud an 1011 Ibo cap1a1u aad lwoo ty to4'u o f l ite crow wore lost.

Tho K~~~Sala garn110n hu made a a a~r~1ca blo anauiemoot wttb tbo rebcla Oa nao D11rD11 beoa10e an~:ry and etartod for " '"'""'"

l'bo GurmAD ~tect.orato llllckoowledged by t bo Suha o of Za 111bar o•or llro uuun llWd lflbot

C!ONIOI( 10 tbc T. OIUU!Jil ll II Yery large IIUJ IIJIIIIIIUII'I 0fl!"rt1Z4UOD ioclud1ag I I 1'- IU~wbo-.. hlp 111 1ny of otar oned i9tulli II""' aud p •bloc 1p1n1etl merebaote , who und uretand t b11 qlliiAll n tborou::blf 10 all 1W h.Arlug.. a n I who rapre1aot oot uot only wolhona of ~114ineat CAplt.al bot alvt ooo of lbc ootllt I yperll~ bn.nohea of ~tl"u 0010 n•fCtf p•ated the follow

lnoc re-'lla lou 11t a l!'"ial metlini the nthes \Y K..nl•e.l - l 'hllt tlte Uotto u

Mr J 1llllrd WIIS a n tl 1vo o f Dart mouth, D ovon, England, and wM m hte 73rd year Ho had roa1ded for OYer baiC 14 p ntury 1n tb11 town, and w.,. unl­• onrally rupeot.eJ for h 11 p rob1ty h u gema1tty of t.emperaroen~ anti tho other good quah t1ea wlneh those "ho lcoew b1m moat mllm11t.cly 'W'Cro tl1P m0<1L ao.­qnamt.ed Wlth, end oonld t.ho Lcat ap­IJI'OCiltte H o WILli lold to reat 1n t ha P ro.thyterum Cen1etery, amtl tbo regN"ta of many 1n t b111 t.own wbo are t hus Corc1bly remm dod that there 11 a n e nd t.o the longest. hf&, and that a fter a tert.am pe.nod tbe ranks of tho olllor tnhahl• t.'\nt. of a plot~ nro "PPrtclllltly th10ned ond lease ned l y eac h auceeedlnjt yeAr

A• you will retnember lo my laat week a lctl<lr 1 bnefly drew t be &UeuiJOD of your rudera ~ the lolloWtog COD!llderallona­( 1) tbe prodoooratmg amoout of t he poblio ruode tbat Ia annually aiJaorbed bJ tha people of tbf Capolal (2) the llllD18oant c~rcomataoce lbat t be oa tpor\JI donYI nry little 1f aay adY&Diaie from thla 1mrueoeo c.ullay of &be pul>ho roo ne,11 (S) t.re lo polol or (acl taxed for the •peclll beoo6t o f t ho property boldera of St Jo~bo 1, <•> that lla.rbor Grace noli~o ber opoleot 111ter towa of the Metropol11 bu built ber own eewera aod baa pe1d for tb•m by ad ... acing tbe omooot roqu1red for tbeJr ooo­atrucltoo froan ont lour 'IIIFllter rate p ... n11ama and (6) tbat durlag the lut lellioo of &bo Ae~t~oobly &be Attorney Geooral S ir W V W h1teway had pat forth ao booeat well lDUotJooed elrort t.o cure thta aoot;1a loo.a alate o f lhlotp by maklog &ht people of St. J ohn • atlnd the co" of tl e ll' owo lo cal lmpru'l'emeota. I wiab 1.0 add j111t here lbat In my lut letter I omitud to qoow thllt port1oo o r tho political maoifii&O of the l'~m1er ha-riotc apeoial reforenoe to tbls matter Tberelo Sir W illiam re­markud tbat I tbe exro•e atteoCIIoe the

I feel Mr Editor 1hat there Ia oo nt t d for 7oor oo~.ridO\it " Loyalty ' to dlreot further at~eatlo~'1o the pitiable eshtblUOO of mallcloo,oeti ob tbt' part o f certa1o ne,.apaper writera- le• the one now u nder rnle• •dice 'l'b.}\ t_.l\e .,.o,lo •Ill be de­cel•ed !y •a•~ <li>ilwn~ble taohaa u &hoM oow betoe raorted iO by the Re formed party a orgao ta oot to be lmag10ed for ooe morno&- alld-the l'odlridUAta,.ho at t60lpt to mlalead th, Protetcaot eleQ;.ont by their falaeboodl aod lllkrlprteaot.tlooa Will 6od that tboee wlll prolh tbeut a otbiog a ad tho aoooer they abudoo tbem tbo be' t r wtll h be for tbea eoln• end tbe t.ctterlug cauae wblob t heyaeell: to prop up bJ meao• at oa oo 10 deep1eable aod abhorrent Ill the e701 or all n~~:bt tlolokiog meo.

' l'baolt:log you for JOUr~ I 11111 J OUrl fal&hfo lly, WYAL1 Y

-EXr£DinOM TO Lun,\LIOII ron TUE T RU SURI 01' CAPT K10o - W o ootlco froru a IIIIo Atnerloan paper that ao OltpedtUon wu to leave Lbo Statoe oo 1bo 12tb of tho pruto t montb to aearch for tho fabled treasure or Oapt. Kidd aatd to be buned by t ho pirate Kla a on t bo coast or Labrador The ong~oat.er of \be mo'l'llmeo& Dr Major D l\lac.Rao 'Ill i t 11 a lJ 10 poiMUIOn of (IOIIll\'1 lnformaUOQ lD IOgttrd Lo tho large amouot or moooy behond to bn o beeo bur1.xl oo tho abo•e coa.at. MaJo r Mac Rae etatea !.bat tho Ql.i capwo u bo ••tied " ailed u t be dnly aotbonzed agent of a cor jiOrlltlou 111 wbtcll oo ICM a poraofl thaD GtOfl!O tbo Third of EogiADd wu tbo pr1D01pal e•.ockboldor I t-ma tl at Geo~e orgao1&ed a ai.Oclt oompeny taltw~ t•eoty aharea lor bun10tr aod k1ndly glf\Df eacb or 160 ooblamou teo ebaree upon paymool of £20 per abare 1'be corpor:ltloo om played Captain K1dd aod all wen t amootb ly until tbe bold commander iOL lato a qoAn ol wltb one of &he noble elooltholdent who wu oo board t.bo abip l'ho captam lo bitfwratb, picked up an troo bucket aod tber.Wilh atooto tbo noble\L&II wbo retail ~~ by promptly l ictlor &be bucket aod gei!UII tbe llfODl or t ho eompenJ Into 110 eorl of a dilllcltlty Caphto Kirld llemg afraid t.c appe~>r before the rhreot.cra after tbla 'iaJD wu falo t.o bory bla u eaeuro aod for a put of &t Mleeted a apot io LA bnldor Of &h11 ·~ Dr MaoRat clal1111 t.c buo pGIIU'I'e knc wl~e aud &leo poeaeaor. a oban drawu ~Y Kidd bl01 Mlf The docto r • laltecl tbe pi- Jut fall and lladlae tbo laodmarkt u aet down on lobo chan, doe uaul be eame to a big ltfene nult 01oe fefLID leagt.b. h a tb11 nult wblcb ooolallll the trouare tho re­matoder betog aapll Ia &be - at a abort dlatanoo froiD t be ~t.

• to' fl lfo~l1 earuootly fa YOCI aneh an ar c:o:ru,nt b..t• e-tn t bo I a iled Sta es. tl- D • Ulntoo of <.:a oM! a a n I tt(e Pro TIUOI O( ~ewfoundfaod U aha9 iocl11d0 du1 rtc~prooal atluw wn lree~f dullee o t tbo pr31no:.. uf tie 1Wlt!ne1 of both oountr1tN ' It 11 to ~ l)op.d tbn tbe

W o extend our d oope6L eym(l&C.by to we rel•u' 01 anJ Crtenda of tho dOCIUC'd c;ontle naao w c:lud1ng Mr ThoiJWI Oil t.n l, tbe j ttn1or J&rtner m tl1e bu•1n11111, who t8 41t ,vresent alteent ftOm tho bland

T b h h iotern&J malnt.oance o tbo l)ultllo worka nnE .U

1 J' 11 ~oct on • 10 1 groAt o f tlae elty or S& J obo'••boold be borne by

Aug lt2

( F,_ rAt Ttrn~ N- ;4dDOCXJ it ) fioy will take wttb them completa ootlh of LOola aod espoct 1e M rooe abou~ alx weokL MacRae II poa!U'I'O 'bat tbere II 110ld Ia &bo nult bo& o o bla lut upedl ttoo be got not.hlor bo' ft.luble Worma uoo a nd a broken ltf

-Pncr.t.nAnoss FOR Til£ LJ.ORADon li En a~o Vouo£ 1tcro 10 achvo progre;u dur lDif &bo week Onr coopera have au~d od 10 gett1og cl~11r of tbo onoet of th~~r ben 1og barr els a o I arc ta ~tood form onr tho pr oapec t n f tbe 6thery turnong out at l911t mo<l~raholy fa~r lnP • teamer Jctland Cap\. Joabua t'1lto IPft lor t he cout th1111lte rnooo She w1 ll be follo• ed e..rly dunng the ectoon~: W'eelt by t he S S Jla•guartl \\ ~ trntl 11 al both thus HI

aole aa well u otl ore beaulea w1ll IIUcorc full augoeL

- Tho follow111g II a hat of Arr.enCI\n Colou1RI K I ht.a -Q ub«-:, (I order o f reception of f, ntgbt

bood) Uelleau U ooclr.• Roao U qn o n Langevm

Ontarro- 1 llhoDooald Galt R tch11rds H ow ao<i <.:arl wngLt Campbell Mac P bcraoa

l\ oo'O & ot a~ Yoao~: Keoay T u ppor D"•aon Arch1b&ld

Jl rult Co/ tml.lfl-1 Ocgb1~ /\ere llrunlwtck-2 ftll cy R1cb1e - <..u"'

lm: IIJ.r.llo]l G It ACe Ro .u> Oo ' no uoder tho rnouuagcmen~ of tho eoer~teuc <.:bam o l\n M r Mark \\ ahh b:t• e not beeu 1dlo 11ace t ho acMon commlaced l o tbta [,oct tho many lmprovomcoto nod rep11ra &hat bare been eff~cted In tho aumoro 11 road<L, brtdgu and wban03 (rom ~IOI<{UilO lhll to Itt• crbeau bur full l<1111nony \\ o bne no t llrno to da) 10 aptCJfy thcae but ah~>ll t11ko occaaloo 1.0 do ao non " eok 1rben our re~dcra w1ll bo able to s.•y tl ftl t he pubhc tno nuya p laced at tho dllj>OMI of t bo llarb\lr (;ractl lto'o.l Uoaru aro bdi" S: .nil 11ud faithfully oxpuodod for U!o pubhc good

-Tnt: perp~tratora nf t ho &otway out rl\t(O re fer red to 1 • our Jut luue have b teo dtocnvercd th rou~:h tbc u erhont of tbo l:>er geanl of l'o loe Serco3n l Jackaon Co n trary to c:• neral orun1on tho partlu gutlty of t l e rcprehcnathle offence were llads aa:ed rl!l!poct\\ llly ') 11ud 1:1 yean of •Me I be1r namea a r" \\ olluun ll •s~1nA and I' uu II utlaoo 11ooy oelong to l 1ltou 1 be or lathcra areal/Hut at Labrador J he lads s 1rely coul1 uo t havo reahzed the full t:nnrmoty of tbt ll' 1\AI and the cooacqoonces .. !ncb muat buo easued lnd tho tro.ln been 1hrowo of tbc track fbc lad• aro now 10 lb" baud• o f tllo law

-AsoTntn Fmmcu 011T1Uor. 11 ro P"rt.e I by tho £Wllhogato .Sun - Tho I!Chooner \loud Xalt Thom111 Look m&~tcr r~~eootly returned 1.0 1'izzarda Harbor bll'l' u•g beoo Norlh on a fith1ag YOya,::c Sho ,.,.II pros..cotla~: t ho fishoroeM oo that pnrt or tbe cout wbero t be French and Enghah arc auppoeed to hnll oqual ftahery pnYII egc8 and wb1lo a t lAnce au P IJCeoo (nCAr Qu11po u) e&IDII In coota.Jt w1th French flabermen, who t~tt.ted Lock 1 cro'w moat lawle .. ly They bad two net, In tho wate r aod no• only rhd t he Frraeb fiabermco force tbem 1.0 lake tbo notl up b11t tbey actually coollacated tbom aod ""eel oua h bermeo ao badly that they bad Lo lea•o tbe b~~rber mioua &bell' oete wb1ob Lo t bem wu a n ry Mriooa 1011 at tb11 ...,oo of tbe year Sucb Oagnot outrJaau oo oor 6aborroeo abould oot be <\metly ~ oYer bJ t bq nnwb aulbonuee u Je&r alter year they are becoming or more rrequeot occurrence Cannot our go,.eromcut 111 tcrcede aod enden or Lo bne a at.ep pot w tho perpctrat1oo of tbeae ou traaoa? II not wo 1111 afraid that our fiahermen W\11 bocooatraloedt.e etanduplDICI f dofeooe for the1r own rl~tbLa a od flabery pnYIIegea oo tbat port or tbe cout.,aod deplorable coo.ee queocea tuay be tllo reaulta.

-CnRIJT CnuRcn Su>~oA r ScnooL Tu \ T -Oo 1 ueadtty lut tbo cb1 ld~o 11nd teach

- 0ME or OUR TWO LOCAt. 8AiflltM t ho eehoonor IV l tod!JCn C11pt ~smu nf II ellrt ,. Content r elnrne.J I rom tbo 1\a.t It F11b~ry LO Now Por)tcan I muty Uay tlurtng tl 11 put week wuh betwcun 4:,0 a ud b(l) q tlw hab (dry) 11u• achoonor h'\~ u p Lo date l11nd~: I MO ne 1:100 qtl11 luh \\ o con~:mtu !Jote t: .. pL Loug11 on b11 uood fortoue W h111 n ptty U11t tho ftuot of &ultertl a.oul on~r out nl tlus porL do not n ntnbf.r IIMrt.•t taat.ead of o nly t•o-lho IV R"d!Jen 11ntl the F I!J"'9 A rrow/ J bere a ooJouy tu 1! '

-l'o LmcAt. Nons - It 11 tatd that Mr Ft11nc11 \\ 1oton will eoutMt & nu111a llay oo t bo 1adepoodeot t ickeL

It 11 a:ud that Meara. Monroo a nd Brahop_ aro to con lett t!uno 1>111rlct 1u lb~ Gov- \ oromeot m le rnt 1n oppouuoo to lion J J ltosceraoo Anrt M r l 'etent Ui tho

Ctefono l'artJ 1ntcreat. h IS ~1<f' tbl\l t lte eJecUon of

Me&Snt :\1 tnroe a nti U11hop u nil hut certAm lloth are u.:eeJ~r~~:ly pop 1 t~r-ao populnr lnrleoJ u 1.0 b.. altle to co u uanJ a! moat " aulliclcnt numhcr o f peroou~l lncnda to r~ntlcr drCu., t unpOtl aoble

It 18 Mod lhl\t Mr F lwar.l ~lorrta w1ll otr~r lunPclf fo r t. J ol n 1 \\ e•t

It "cud tltat four of t ho caoJoll:ttu for P ll\coo t1a Dnd ~t. Marya wrll be Meu., \\ I S Donnelly ar d G II ~manson of

L J ob a 11 - ~lc(;rath of () le ron no I J J U Roelly a DIIIIVo of I iocctllo:\ bu t for w"ay ycare r uod1og In St J uhu a.

- Tn£ FLOnAr F "'"• m 111d of Lho Com plot ooo Fuud of t ho Cburcb of I n~o;l l\n I CathedDI opened 10 lite Athonron u :::;t Jobu • oo IMt W eda oachy nftornou 1 nu t OYOUIU!f JL wU, D'O learn froou lb~ 7 cfr grtJm ID OYO!J way brtlhantly I ICCi!!Uflll but lfpCCII\lty lD t bll t I4D@Iblo form wJ ICh ts regar<le<l as tho tluut teat uf aucceu, tor tho hl\odeoruo aum of £ 1J3 Ill• 2tl. wM rtl\hxed Uuule tho atl.nlct1oru ol pott~ 1 and cut llo wont frcah rru1t, a nd vo~ell\bl!>!! there was ~~olao a r~fresbmcut counl{lr 1\t whocb r:ll!pbem ea aud crM u 1\utl ol her duhcacou woro aoltl \\arm tu' cofh:c cold mel\ls nnd other conco m ll\ntA ol tho ace l!lomed oveutng rcpMt w1 rt aorood 1\L rabl.a anti 11 lllr ~o nu nhor of ~ontl~ no ' • tnat."i o f !;0111!: home to te:> Onj<)ye I 11 u tho F~1r Ul tho rn dat of • lrtouou.hnJ:fl lh•~ a pnuco uu~:h t envy fho ll\J~ 1\tO lo lt..t w~rmly cont;nltii!IIIC I o 1 t hotr &UC<"<S• I lis l..ord&l op U~ahop J ut<l utau~:urnle I tho evont 1n n fe lrc11IOU3 apecuh lfltlub rccen ed wtum RpplauiMI

T ho H arbor Ont.co Voluntror Flro Bn­gadc a Rogatt.n..

T ho n s: •lln wluclt .... , nl' otT nccorrlou,. ,., announcetuoot nn \\ 11dnuday lMI at I "'ly J...,kc w.u t he most auccel!.!ful tbl\ t h"" t.akeu pll\co lor aomo Y<Artl pa..<t 11uo:e thu uruo of I he lwo <hya n~coa. 11oo L:outmtt teo aro to be w>moly conJ:ralulnted on thn commentlnbfo Wll)" 111 which e vorytbongcon ncctea w11b the d11ya I?Orl wu :uran~od and ear ned 10 a 13llefllclu ry 18Suo. Ourou~ tho ~nttrc d11y t bero w:.s not tl e ah~::bt~'tt lutcb to m11r the plo\83nt" cu of lloo oetm 11oa • tho clock•o rk regul:lnty altho racca ,bowed plaonly th11t oothmg WM left uu­dooo to enanro co uplet1l a tCC<IIj

Tioo me~• aoJrn to loaYo lle~n bM•t-en threo bo.'ta-tloo 7 c•t llyrtlt a nti Hr/1 \/ 1/l, the ll'ar" J,/y tbo out boat • on but tbreo tb1rd clilll pnll!s. 1 1 o best cruw for tho day w111 no doubl tho n , bormeo crow ill Ute Tut ~ond that boat • gooll fortnno may bn doreotly attrobutod lo tho r~ct th11t for t ho lour race• 10 wh1oh abo C:\ono ou lon1t abo had bul two crcw~be aot orew row­mg ll,''lllll 111 labor~nt aad tbe fillbormen ae aJj COIIlDrl

f bo ahortoat h mo m11d11 fo r the day waa by the t radearoen of tbo 4l!Jrtk, wbo row ed tht coo rae In U.SO m1o Some d-tll facuoo was uproaaed about t ho dcc.a1oa , bac 1t 10111t be borao io m1nd t hat whon tb11 nco wu rowed &ho water Wl\l aroootlJe l:' &han i~ wu for aoy elmo d unog tbo rema1o der of &be day

1'bo J u•eotlo raco wu one of the fioMt for tbe day Tbo crew of th~ Jfyrt~ wu compoeod of 6ahcr boya of flarbur Grl\ct l81aoil aod the1r atyle of ro wuag was 1oncu admired aod freely cotomaoled upon

Tho ecull race wu &Ilia y111r far mo .. 1nttreaung tbao evor It wu before For bot a abort time before tho race Cl\lllo off w111 1t geaerally known who Cbe eontOJIIInto were l'be Liu t wu ro w ell by Snnd N1elsto of tbo I!Cboooor Jollh McLAgga, the Mary by Mr Joho lapp tho IJrJU by Mr J obn Freoob aod the IVta~tl b7 Mr •v Car 1100 l be wmaer of tbe ra011 a ppeared te be a euponoroaraman lotboreatoflbo conteat­antl eud tho Iormor champ10n (Mr fapt~.> mua tlraat Lo aaother year lo regato b11 old ,.tl\c.. J'he day !»~log obaerTed u a general bohday t he tJrlater pert of t bo LOwnapeoplo aod o lhere from ooisthbonolf locallt1ot were prueot, ud doobilou e'nJoyod to t bo ullra~ ext.eaL lbo Rtgatla Oa, or 1885

Tbo Ftfe 1111d Drum Bat~d of t be C D r Society wert eopfed for t ho day aod add­ed mooh b7 UM1r muJio to tbo plcaaaot­o- of tbo oocaaloo

fbe rottowiDg Ill~ abowa tl 0 order Ill

wbteh &ht boall came lo acd tho tltoo made by each

hi & ce-Tf'Olk6JWn. Myrtle T f1&, Pall Mall Mabdl, Water

Llly Mary firoe lt.SO rolo

hi Roo. -&t ( mN

Till, M,n&.'1'all Mall, WaterLi17, 1.4a~~. ( Mary' 'J~·· 16 20 ltuetOu fttlb roerohauta and d uhtra, u well

IW tb• Aru•riC&U OOIAIIIIDCra J •tntrally will iaalot up..n IUoa & MD~bhl f e iA\f'"ttJl Of Ll.. ..,ahery qullltlfe 'l1 II Ia IOIJ!fOited ID l b•• r.,.ah.d o n C~UJ'Ida baa IIU'Je llah1all tttuu•d.o, ~t~d t he Uultad l:ltatet .Oaa lr.rge d.to auarhll Yor CAnada 1.0 ciON ber I(COUadl Lo r\tDOMCjlo ~tenoe1 rulth t eaaae trouu ltl wlual.i lti>W•,e~ h 'II'OPld be wonb wb1lt! • -tltttl)( I• ••rtalo oout iiiPGClll. a uJ f•r "'" U 11t.rl l:it&ld 10 •all• he pt()o , ... p.y d•r tvr lh"'r fleb fOO<I It ro .. tillt VJter. ' •• Uti# .... ol 11'0 •·tl~ 111'1! fO rtrerty llenrd by al fiJ>It reelprooltJ ,I t ~ D J>; l1 tioal ,,.,.,,.,.. 111 ,,..., •h~uld btl allo tr • I .,,,. uttiJ 1 • lnl•frf• ••1.11 tb(lj!l iulerwtl IHr wid! t loe 11oud ffthlltt wiJell •Meld .aU& .,_..,.,... ...,_,, .. Jv ciiiNiy ooned tit _,..,. WoO\J ud laaauep.- llo'ltrtyl u,..,

e.tl Ql OJ1.5CI'lJCOPtiO:l appears to nut, Ita luhabtlllntl, and oot bytbo 11eoeral te• moro o r ~. m lbe m mde or" oertain eoue t.c tho diaad'l'&lltago of lbe oni.P9ri• eoo: lou or Qvr poorte not only m thlt bu• l1r ! he colou7. Whh Ull.t obltl:•lo Yli.J bl wo behnve 19 oLIJer l,liatricu or tb11 Ia- I "fJ lnkoCinc!ed a bill loto tlae Letfalablre l•nb 411 'll'ell-that ie the ono re(llrrod to lut aeetfon end be uoated dlat era loor 10 tbo • a bjo•ooc! ,l!'tnt.d, tbe 001, YIS., tbe muo1clpal bill will bfooome laY ]Ill t bllt !!tr W dhfm \Vblt.away " 11 detn ~~ to tlw o•tportMAat iM praut IIOU o/ n __ , I I R tJJfain lltollld codillu: "

m 1ncu to &"a PtO•t.e II &.b tbe Otaan DOH oot lbla add add1tlooal aod ltroor ' d.thollos. II be Oolflt;IO&pt a luftioteo• corroiJoratloo (if eucb were ooeded) to til a ' Ul tQI"-r of fro~Aetaa& repcweot;atiYM fact tb.t Sir William WbiC.'IIIFliT baa f1tl17 ' rwtumfd wub ~IDI to oarry ou \be 1 made o_p_ ill•lad to deal wftb the lmpor

" Ouvemmeot." t.tul nb)ld flf l~ratloo {10 ra• at all Tb•• etau-roen & •• faarlftt11 oro. e~tl • tJ• JohD • h 0011eet'1Md>-Uae

nouuoe to ba lUI ~lJ)"'It•-&ed faiMboo t, prtoolplt *' Ia, of lllllltlag apoa ft tbat ~~ •- _. 1M peopt. of k Jolla'• llloalder &!le 0011

deh~rek'ly maoufacturwrl an,. delt~r- of tbefr owa JC*II ieproftiMIIIa? ne atel1 ac.& a& .. t for cu eole parp..e ol "Prt~~~lw feebr tlaat lte -oot, Jo jutlee to tatai.Wios tLe lea.ualoii&Jied t,qrtioo of the oatpon people of &ba oolou1, loo~

The WalcAIMJt with recklOIIOIII wblcb .,.,., obaraotan&ea ite wnunaa, 11111 oooUo oM lho eter lloauag ID~Iooarloo t hat W~l'1 appointed Roohfon u the Maitla&ra~ of !'errylud, aod tbl.a time be pula a • tall liJ lt..' tiT .-e~to. &bat M, Epfllah,

1 U\1 J:>ropn.tor of .t!'- paper, will

taar4 &he ~lit ~ 'fi&h tb-e [alter we h&Yt ~»Gdtt., Joa« obtr to do, bo& u to the al)l)61o .. edt Qfll\~ Roobfon. Sir William Whl~e••1 fru ~l ~acta i'a the II&Dller, and Kr R 'Ohfon ru:t &hulk Hr J 8 Wloler for the potl&loa lle lloldl to-da7 118 •rz Wiater .,,.. enr a warm frleod aocl ai'IIIFliJI adYOO&ltd the elalma of Boo.Con wtilll& be (Mr W iater) .,.. to tbe Execa tift and wu therefore IDitrumnial lo brlort•l I& to a oUmax. Tile W~ man lodted be Jo ury bad odoar WIUa bla OWD peny, If be Yll DOt .,.,. of t.ble rae. Joar ap Yor oar pan we lllr:e to rt" J!oaor to whom llooor fa dao U Wblk"f dltt ao, we alaoahl OD!f bil too rttJCI to pub llab n oh to &he publlo, bel' ID oar cpfaioo

A FATAL " Acoi'DINT -Oo Friday nip~ ~ut, Kenae&b MpRitehlo~IMlonrtur to &he 10br 1Ju11twlna tbeo IJI '-t tbe wbarf of Abean. Chh, Wood & •o., met hla dor.tb by drowolor Jt appear~ thU about lO p. m tbe poor fellow Y&l to'-<! tro111 the ~lp aod eearoh waa made for h im b u& wttb oal a nll Alan earl7 bov tJae toUoYiog morelor the Lod7 of t be aofonuuat. 111&0

,.. Jouild lloa&Joa Dear Gbalo Bock b1 two fteb-•• who bnl.,., &be bodr lo ~. S&t.tion bo\181 n. oofon oaa&e 111&0 ....

about i 6 7eare old, a Md•e of C.,. HNtoo, ud lt~YM a • lfe and ra.u, Ull bod7 left for b'- la&e Ito .. per .Dat.L. ,ou a.. .. daf Ml n!l'fetaJ OCCUrrftet !Iowa tbt YeiJ lftU a.-It} for uYID( die it.r­oaotllt plan btl.kr Uihted.-li•u

era of <.:brllt Churoh S ooday School beld tbolr lreat n Hawlbo ro Cotlal!e wl Lob wtlh tbe ai jololog gronoda bad been ~IDd ly placed at their dtapoaal by Mr J obn tlijll(lU8. Hul og a.~embled at 12 SO at thttr aohoolroom which bad boon t.utefally decoDlld for . be oc.:aaloo t hey were con u yed ~ tbe erouoJa 1u carriagu loot by (nenda Tbeo after a fe w worda of 1:311

tloo anrt well wilbloe from &heir pu~r t heJ acallered o"r tbe rreeo fletch t.o en JOY tbu'OIOI'I'ea to the full oatil each Utno aa &he tea provided for lbe10 by tbe lad1e1 of t.M con11regatlon ebould be ready A boot t o oloek 1 0111 from lobe ~ac:hera brontbl tbe oblldron to lh• tablea eroctecl oo tbe Held, wbt... &111 abuod11001 o f ealte a nd other &ood t bloa- pro•ed more tban aolllae&t t o aupply the wanta of the 1 :W wbo at dowo to partake 'beroof 1oa wu followed by another hour o r ao of ,M~-eot.. and &l ,.. DOt 'ill 7 80 that tbe at.cre of priMa falltjl ud 1t wu deemed adY~able to a.~~ml!le &be ebUdno for \heir bOIDII'I'IR'd aaaroJa

Wul ad¥d oooald~lf to &be cla.7.._ eoJOfDiea• YM &he pNMoee of ao old aad ~~&eeroed friend tbe lie• T P QalnUo of Clwaael, a~,..., •• Wt.l'ID 1Upporter or Scao dar aoboola 'rl.'d wboee aeelataoee to tbe ladl• lo atte.clia1 to &be delll&Oda of &be ebl1droo uc1 tbtm..JYII abow~ tJaa& hia !wad bad oo' lorpttell l te 011oalo1 • a read.T helper al &aia Ja,:r acbool ~

ne Brltlab &Del, wblt4' nrrioee ~~~ beto klqdiJ &eoderecl ud aoeepted, added atill fartbv to Uta piMIQI'I of bodl oblldroD aod fri•Dd• b1 plarlar •' la&erftll -• luorlte o.erql'ta &lid pof!Dlar aln

Tbt khtda .. aad ...-..oee of lrlr ud Hn BlaiN dMiud tJpecial ootiee, ud &be oomiialt"' of....,_., f"llaz &beir lodebWdD ... &Iader thtlt llw&t thub..

fi)rl Roee-~,._ Teet, Pall _...I, Alyrtle, Mabdl l'ime.

1U6 1 ttA R.aot-tobortn

Tte\. Pall Mall, Waur LiiJ, Alabdl, Mary 1,_, 17

6«1 lllu:c-AU c_,., T-. Mptle Wa~er UIJ Pall Maii,Aiabdl.

:J.U.e, 16 SO w Ract-J~·/(1.

Arpi.le, Pall Mall, Waur LilT, Tte'-~' Maladl. 1'hae, lUO

'1 ... ~gle &:tall. Liaic, Nleleea , M•,.,, Tapp , Brill, Frtaeh, w-l,c.-Tbe ~ ore• of tbe Jlfl'dc ,.,,.

awtded tbt Boau of t6 for the abort..\ t.iiQe,

-Till BiliOUS FuntNO Fl.uT tble IIMIOn 11 conlp(.Md of 87 •-Ia. or 4766 tona, aod cWling ere•• to c.bo number of 7~, r.od pasaeogcre to lbe oumbet,of m7. ---

-1lt Rtpttrl ~ftM 1'WilU: &:NJoluf Ntw~· (.,.11/a•d fiN' l4e JlOTbttUd Sl.t ~. 1.~.-Wo bue to lbuk a friud for a copy of tho abon doc:ument. We learn fr<>nt tho Repo~ the following fael.l with rrf<rcoeo to two of tho ecboola of lbia' w.-n :

-We noLle. recen~ aalea of mackerel u follow• : Gloaoea&er, t8 aoiJ tsi 11ft bl ouL of pick It, moetly at tbe l~er tiro• e. llottoa. ooe trip of 400 bit. wblob would ••ena• .~ aad as wilboat bar el, QI01\lJ from Bloolt Ialud ; mMkel-boa' caleh of mtdlacn riaua~ Pt without bantl Por\­lud, 6,000 bla. ai t2i &o pt r.od ~ ~ S5-l pack& Pre•looetowo. ~~~. f6 r.o.J 8 !0 packed.- Cope Ji1111 Ad•'t:rliau.


At St.. J ob.o"e oo tlat 13th lui ., tho wUo of OapL. Edward Whl~. lr, ot a dougblor.

At St. Jobn't no tlio 18th loll., at !Unrtlde, tlao wiJo ot Oeorare Lell-urlor, Etq, ot • daatb~r.


' A ·- ...... Sorprbo .. · :. Mary E. Smlc.b Ztpbo .,. ~ E. -Teel Kate ... ... sue A.... ... , H. ll. Curti•··· Lady Hill • Cbulottt ...... Oceao Quooo-Dora ......

Jlori>Or r:rort, l'tortl-Tiaere were f 12 tfl:istered lo r c.bo quarter. a nd ()G prcaent 00 dAy of examloal.ion, balf tbe oamber p~ut a t time of aoy former eu.mioatioo. file aebool ,.aa io a traoailion al.lte, c!uldren wloo I:Ad gono to Labrador. aod to !lie fhbtr) elaowhere •tre jaat • retm11ing. Watb thiaj1frawb&clt resolta wero not ao 11utfacto~ M fomaorly, tbougb tho re~tular 1u~n.taota wore f&irly up in all aubjccls. Tb~ aoono i& fut becomin~: ruined 11otl un. h riUII!\Iely tho circuuafti&JICO• or the . Ooard wall not l' erwil yet ol a ucw erection being uu l~ttllken.

---~-~·~•:!R~Rt~~A~O::E.:-:_ _____ . Anleeed~... .. . - - Balclutba •.• • ..

AI Boooe •:..,......-, on tbe 6tb loot., by tbe Anoie D .... ft.lv. Oeotgo Rocer, Uiram J . IIOO.rL&on, f'.-q. of ~rab -\ l:lawronllle, Qu ... , \ Itt ••raoca• Emily, MCOnol gnea ~ daughter ot w. 11. \\lbllole1, &q. \':_/ Keraarro .. .

l 'iooeer . .. . .

1/<Jrbto; r;mc~. 1/igla SchOIII.-Tbit eehool 1, ~ ct"ftht to the Towu, au.J r~tlecla gre.at tn"•lit U('Oil all concerned. Forty·fi•o on the d~y of eumldation did aulaoirably well in •II the 111bj,<'ta bf .c:hool wurll:. Slxt)­oo~ ~hildren h,ue eojolyc<l tb11 bcne6ta of tl,a;..achool <i<~riog tl.tc year.

Mr. W illiRm lloltlcn o f l br'bor Main. 11e•ir~ n• to conlradicL thu report I hilt be 0 wnNI ILia~ huttA<> 1\l llol) rood bntned on th~ lith inat., and •hoae .teelruction wu t<J.Orlcd lu this jon mal on t he date mcution· e 1. Mr. II olden a.•ys ltutC. b,• hu hi\.J tao­thin!: to dn with tho houee aiue .. the tlmo 9 beu ita late teo11nL, .ltr. (;j,.IJ, commeoced u ~<ado in it. :\lr. 11oldeo eeems to thank ,~ ,, o<~r eo•r""po11dt11t • iohtd to ioainnate o.~oue wroul(·•loiu~ on his part, but we did 1.ot ao uu,leratauJ tbo corrcepomlcol'e ,.Jrd -.lltrcurf.


Oo ~liodoJ. tho 16tb I not., N.&nu.:ctu.Jtu.r.an, t:..q., of I be old 1od woll·knrtwn ftrm n( lleure. Jlllatd Brotboro, oo,.. lluora. Jllt.f\1. Drothrra It Co. 'l' be dee~•lhld ~tentltmAD ..,.. a nallu nf DuttDOoth. Dorna. En111And. llo waa It b!. ';31'1 year. I tie ood ,.., '*'""'

At IlL. John'o, no lbu 17th ftUl , TUlle. ~~ 1 ,. .. , and 4 montbo, dauf!hl.r nf J . a~~d W. PatTin. • llo au .. tho Lambe In blo ornu.'

,)., tbt IStb luL at Uotif .x. Allee Rooe. lo­lanl d .. gb~r ot Rlc:baf\1 ud Oeorgena Dovaoo:., ogeol 4 mo111 he. .


W!CTWa80. Au~r. 10-v .,J,.ot. Muaon, Aloolreal. pro•i·

&ions- .Joho Mono~ Co. II~'\. Iceland. Pike, ,J:>ictou. cot.l-.lo 1:! -lluy~tta. Meroer, Nor~bpor~, luwbcr

-do. AlltUatl\, Dllwo. Sydne;r, cOl\1•--do. 1 ~-Pioneer, Simmoolb, llridge•ater,la!D•

ber-J .• ~ R. fobddock. li-Jobu McLaspo, lleatcr, llridg.towo,

N. B., lumber-C. W. ltoas & Co.

Fleetwlog ..... . I Am Awa1 ... J W avu ...... 1 Kale \Vilaoo ... . C. c. Unit .. .' Caleb CO!'kum .. Tritoo Editb J ane . Mor~~ing Stu ... S.S. l 'ant.ber ...

do Thruber .. . Zctir~~ ... /.· N'wfoondll\ode l\laull\nillo J . • 1. Grine ... Oaote Leader ... ... Gcuenl t ; ordon Gaoenl Grant.. Oli•ia F lorence Sil•t Jane ..... . llope ..... . Mary Ellen J aot . .. .. . Dolpbln .. . Louaaa ••• llertba Voluot.eor .. . Ro11ooa .. .

One of the beet Gmnd I\A11k f&rH t>ur ,..·.a-e<l 1\t thia port wu brOuJ!ht iu IM I ... ~k by the vbr. Henry \V alaou. CApt. 1. 1\eon~y. Sbo weil:h~ol ofT :! i :100 llat c-•lfi•h, atocldng at tile l''~•~nt lo.., pri~ea S 1~1:11 iii. The crew aharw $1 f>•J. 70, the ••. ~·· ~!taro bcio~: $1~5. or tl.a~ faro ; .• •i.t~~ ~ were L\fi!O cod l\.b of cst·tllrllt flU.' I~ if) ~n•l lioely cure<!. '11ac car~:o '""'" bon~thl 1, ~no wood ,t; Co., e.nd wall 10011 bo W311ll•

r :..·tu~J int9 their popuiar brandJa of bonc­le-.1 atnol coaoprelll!d cotlliah.·· C:npc .h11 J ·!r"t• li~r.

CLEAIIED Au~:. 10 - Tona. Paranit.:r, e~e..-C. \\'. Roa• & Co.

~brlldor. ull, Goodwill ... Mafl!aretAoo .. .

Aunic Llyod, Hot.orta, do, do.-.,JobD lluon &Co.

John Smith. Utndry. do. do-do. 11-Culr.ean C.utlt, l.Awaon. do. do-do 1:!- E.dith Ekaoor, Jouea, do. do-do Volant., ~'""on, do. do-do. H-Maudc. Fowler , do. do-do, 15-l'itbo, TtaomaJ. do. do-do. 18-f'rau ~linna J:>etcraou,EUit,do. do-do ,J,.oeta & Ms~arct. Uroford, do. do-do 'i oten~. ~l c(.;rooc. do. do-do

:!1--Ss. Iceland. Pike. d~. <lo-do. .\lary J obuaoo, du d<~ -do.


J . C. Mllllock .. . Mary ....... .. Sea Ui rd... .. . An ni t Toorotoo Ulua Gideon Victor Sci lit. ATiol... ·­ltiu Grauel Uwo Soowdrop Nati•e Brialt... -· TiJ.rer •.••.• Colomltino Vill"+le Welle ...

L• ••do11. A•J· 11.-Tho l.an~tl hu an ar. t:de c:.\lli"~t 11tt.:otion to tho iocrruing noaubtr of flltal caaca of di.urlaa!A as a ('re· r .artor of cholt~ra. T:\kirog l..ondon ~nd ono lo andrcd and t weuty·tight larl':e ~:u,;lisl.t •·••n~. with ~n a~;g~gate popnll\lion of •••IOCt_IIOO, t.hrre were ~7 deatha from d·"rl"\'"1 di&CAH in the last week of July &.{>in'~ :11 in the IML week in May; alao • t013l of 41)!1 CM<.'I from then ur to tlao tnt! of tile third week in J uly. ~e.,ertlae· I~•· hy comrarioou witb 1iani1Ar f>oriod& of rrtttdiUil yc&rft, tho fAnt:Yl roncJutlel thiw durr~lu.ortali ty, con,iJerin~t tho drought r.atl bagb teutperature, is uliofnctorily low.

· -Cmcu•-A Cracket )htc'l "'"' pl,.ycd liD tbc lt>cccounc here on SAtttr<lft)' lut l~t<tt•en the Yactora:\ Club or til ill Iowa l\Dtl tho Jn•iucable Cluh of Cubonc11r. ' l llo t .. na of tl c foru oer 'lub e:uoe otf Yic toriou, Lr one inuiu~; :\nd :!~ ruiUI..

JIIWTtnrn. .\ua::. tt - FI<~r~lt• Oonuoll1. Sydo•J,

Tole~;ravt. Cn. \,l.,.rt. (:.,nl<tnt. 13-Sl. Anoo. Tremblay, Sa. Juh~•. 11lt .tc-J . .t

lt lladdock.

C'lal- !!:moline ... l'ia.otnl C lotutia ... FlyiOj! l lial Lady Jaoo Siaten1

l o -8 II llor ... , l'ih. Oriolgowol<r,lutnMr-Dutr It u~tmer

l.luio, ~Agg, St. Fl• rr•. Lellut-J. Coupon!,

l toe folio wang are the scores : \ ' ICTOHI.\.

. 1 J W ickh11m. La W . Finn ............... II II 1\ cnnt·<l~· . b T . F inn... ... . ..... ... ...... (j

I llau"b""· c lln~a11 . b \\'. Faun .... ... 2~ .lJ.• fbrry. b lll\lnt hun .... .... ...... ...... ~~~ .I . ) I r; ral'·''"· h IV ~in n .. ..... .. ... ... 4 .J hn FArr,•ll, run nut. ................. .. ... f,

I CL&AR&n Jnlr 2.;- s. II . lr •• .., ... P•k<, Orldge•ule.r. btl!ut

- Oufl It &ln1""r Aug. 3-l'orl .t IA•ulu . Joooo, l.•bn.dor, &>It .t<

-Julan n.,,k,., .. _ f\At~t, Onnn~IIJ. ,Jo dn- •1n, r -Jr~slt'. ff f•mtr. tlo ct~- Sunr-1't" 1c TU"rk 14. - \ nuatv.il • . T • }'lur. ttn .1 .. --J . .k ll. lh.JJoilC:k. ""''· Aunll't, TrtnlbiAJ, I·• ln - ftu • 1.)-:-ilamr•.,.k. \\',.,.,, .,,tt, 1,, 1ln - J ••lltl n:.,r\a P 1on•lh., t '•lnll,,ll\", ~> 1n.-,. h• llut - 0 J. Or"• " · 1:1- olu...,.rd. l'ako. bL .\ nlhuny. goodo-J . It It

lladdodc ~ 1-:; II llnrll#, r .L • . r •• l•rodnr . .. !1, Ot<>-Out!

. k Ualmar •

n 1 It l.ll-'<)'. h \\' Fanu ... ...... .. .. ... .. ~

\\ ' c.Joly. b I r inn . .. ... .. . . ...... :1 Pu.oo.:era. .ha.:a I~ • c: I! ll"ry. b lt.uwllon ..... I I) r-r S$ C-vr•~• frnon nolll..,.ro- Vr. n . T I : ... C"nunort~ , ot· . .. ...... ····· · ... 1 P lh'n • nrl Cf'I'Y•nL 1-'rnOI IIAiifiU.-\IA•t u ... ·.s \ \ "' :-.hHJ.I~, b ,.. .......... ~.:": . . -:-: •• -... , ... ~~-..b...g~'!!:•_::cl'uw•r M•u ro A ll,.oroh. I 3 Ow~•r. Tlooo.

H\ll i· I c" Byl•.S ., \\" aJt'J ·, 11 tt • N~nl, lt'N.,. F J . l'owc_or, A n: f;1m11•on, · ' ' • -, · ··· ······ ··· llr•. """'"~'. U.U. li on no and tofout : : ioltt·

11\('lllli.Ah "'. to in ~t4'f'hr~ T oL,I . . .... . ....... ll!l For l.i• erpool - lt ro o . onrl ehflol. Mro.

1:-\\'I~ (.; I III.E-I<t [,111; ,,9, l.na~hn,n. llh • <'Ioney. Ro• or t;lancy, H H J U&Y. JamH Hr\lwne. )teJ•ra. Edwa.r A. l .. r .

1rry. c , . Barry, It llllnrllb.\u . ....... . 0 •loall. Loot:bnan ~tul•ro J I' C• rtY. ~wae. I llaanllloo, b W icll:h:un ............ . ..... 4 T . ~t tacboll, 11. C. JV>blnsqa, llarwb.oll ; ~ lutu-'J ranD e W ickhllm. b llllnrl\bl\n ......... ~ ....... Ia~. 7 In OlterAjl1'.

:0.1 1\uruey, b \\' irkla:un ................... :! l'•r M.S. BoN:ri.rA I rom llout .... l-)(r John \\' Fanu. b W ickbMn .... ... .................. 0 Uoif\J,Or Gleuoo. ll lu !Iorgn. Allu llllorg.o. J 1• 1 ' '- • 1 \\'' kb u • ..,. U llnher. llr Ororlo, llr Auolln. Fro<11

•1 •Y· C ..,.e,. 1 IC: am ............. 3 l'lrton - ll lu .. DniM, Aoolo Dnf•• · Dionock. :-1. 1 ol in,IJ l hurah~n .............•.... . ..... 0 Thone, Uarpe.r, Dlaudl<>rd, ltr. Fruor, 8 lo 1'. Fuz>:eMIIcl. b Wtekham .................. 0 " .. '"ll"· I' Hiley, b HIUlrahao ... _ . ... . .......... . !l l.'or P!cloo- lteure J L Watn~oll. U BoJwonl. )1. Carl,J, b Wickham ..... ... . ...... ... . .... 0 For llaiU•• - Il J l'uruNu• . For ltnnlr.,.l-T 11 8 MtiiH Ctih, rt.>udell , Loll ... arler, O'Neil, lin

· ogaa, oot out ....... .. . ...... ···· ·•······· ·rohln. ll .. • n. I' Nowlan, JouH, E Renoul, llyea 2, Lfg Bye. 2 ··•··• ......... ... .... .. 4 lld tar A 0 Dud or.

Po• Sn .. v;..,.,tltJ fr<>p New \'ork end Oallfu: ToW ....... ...... .. S3 - lleur• Wloolowt~VOllama, 81omlor. \Vellejr.,

211d f>'"i •g.r W V Corrington, lll J Tw..-dio, A Tbo;rer. u (' 1'• lito ~ b D 1 2'> Carey.J oo Flroa, Oeo W Jlrowo, Tro1111dall, W

· .,.to n, c '"' 10"' aa.o ............ ... ~ T ~rcetato, Lan,r, Jle• 0 n Bwupbrl .. , Bou D '1'. i'inn, C .t b \\'ickbaat . .. ..• ... . ... - ...... !I Wollo. 0 L For<! ot><l ooo. Mlu A Borb. lllu T llo:p.o, b llt.Drahau ..................... ... 3 A liDo Barb, Dr. Doa~tao, M ... ra. Joo llicltey, 1'. Fatz~;erald. c Wickbano, b lla.onhan . . . 0 Jot Byao lllu lh;ulre. ADd lira 8hlrk•J'· )' 1" 1 y K d b \V' •Jwn .. p,... :LB. Plaftr or O.Uio Uarl>or aod Inter· . ' ' e , c eooe y, 1ca ......... ., n.. J \ R. II C b n b 0 modloto pnrto..- • V Vleara, ne., H llnoper,

arry, C uey. aora a.o . ...... •···· Jley C W ood. Jley W J.oclryor a1>1l w llo, Joh .. ,. !II . Kearney, oot out ........................ ··· 2 CalnH, Sotldlnston. J Arro. 0 Emenon. Jatnoo J . ltileJ, b Wic:khaDl ... . .... ....... . . ........ 0 llno .... n r..,,.,,, J w l'blllp~ Jomeo R<>;renou. \V. Fiou, at C~.~oey .. .............. . .......... ti Jo, Goo Thomr-oo, Do~to. oyce, n n1.rue. J: l\1. Tobia, c & b tl.aurabao ...... ............ o Mn e•n, J JGJ. Plp"f· \ Woo• and Wlfo, M" :.1 C b \Vi kb 0 nit&, ltr .. l'ott.on, ) n WoDonlld. llno r.onnora, • arty, c 11m........................ 111"11 ~14"•· 'MI .. Pynn, lllu Dromo•r. ~Tlu

llyea G, Lf~t llro 1, Witlee 7 ............ H Rnuoe, ll iN Pll~p;~rald. )lfu A Wloter, MIN

Total ... .............. 61

h there anything more an noying tban huing your coro atepp«"ol t:ron ·; }, tbere a\loythaull more dtlil(hlfttl tlt .u s:euiulf rid d 11? llollo•ftYa Corn c ·uro wall do iL

lltucb dialroaa and ~ickn~M in clt ildreo aro ca~"d by worn11. Mother Ura•ea' Wcnn Ext~rmioator gina relief by re10o•· iog tbe oaa14. ·

Ed•ard Uolef, of Sr.. Pe~ra, O.B , • ritta :-"l"bat hla bor110 wu badly toro by a pitchfork. One bottle of M inard'• Uol· meat cnred him."

Mr. George Toleo, Druggiat, Grano· It ora~ Oat , wrltee : ' My euetomor11 •ho buo aaed Northrop & LJmao·a Veget.ble Uiaeo•Of1 ead Vy~peplic core ay that It baa dono ~hem more good tbeu aoytblog t bey ba•e • •or oatd.' lt baa lodMd a wonderful ioftucoce io purifJing the blood and coria& doata~ta or c.bo Ditreeti•e Org.)la, tho Unr, Kidueya. ao<cJ•all dilordore of \he ayaLem. ----

Guilty ot Wrong. Some people bau aJ~1oo.of coofoaiog

cxnelleol romediea wilb Qte hugo toMI of "pateol mQdiciau." aod In dal. tlady ~ guilty of a wroo~. There •re 110oao atJ. • -rtiaecl rcmeda011 full1 worlll All ti.A~ la 'l•k~ol fur lbNn, aod oue at leuc we l.oow • !-Hop Uluere 'fhe wriiU liu htul OC· ~"on to u.ee t he Biuere in j1111 oruch a oiituale u we Laye ID!fll oi.Lbaye.r rouod 10 U.7 Citr. t.Dd bM ~ . ... ,. fouod them to !.., lin~t clr. :111d re.liable , doioa t.llcbu ua claltllll'd for WC'm.- Triboc.

l'~ter!IOD. ot.J U lot lletr .. e.

Pearline Pearline ---J. & R. MADDOCK AIU: SELLING

PE.B.R.LXN"E by tho Uox as

Wholesale Prices.

g-Tho only Stock in town at pr010nl­

Aog.22. 1 i.m.t .d.


ARTISTIC WALL PAPER will be held ie tbe !.ITERARY I NSTl· TUTE oo and alter MO~UA.Y u~t, al 3

p.m. • I):Ibteribtra 1-~ree.

Harbor Gralle, Aug. {Ill


Freehold Property,

Con•o1 ... Ahce M ...• 111\ligoniau · nap ... llarriel ... \'eniaot ... StArt ,<, Strirea. Voyager ... 1>. A. llunllvy .. ~l~try Calplo ~lary ..... . lleuie

A. U. Noye., Ne~ntrk, Miebljcan, wri~e : • 1 hue emauired a~ the drnr etorM for Dr. '1~· Y.deoWic 011, boa. ben faUed to lln4 it. W • broOf.h' a bo&tle willa 01 loto ~. ba& Ia II DtA111SOM• aad wo do liD' ... , to be wilbonl II, .. •1 w1f1 II troobltd.wilb • pUll ._ ... altoaldtr, ud DOlb- tiii~HI nflef. C..JOaMDd ...

&itualed .Alear l:iblp'• u .. d aboo& ...... ll!olnatea' walk Crom lbe Jlall-f •ttooi oOmprillo~ aboa& oae ud a IWf acrM o eol~luted luad l&ntchifW froiD tbe .-de aor~b watd to lbe rDt.ia •&rea• ; a eoa~for~ ..,. dwelliDI bOOM, oa• boa~~~ r.od oollu. '

For farthtr putloolan applf to lbt pro­

10 .. 1" '

pr!IICor, S.AllUEL STOW&

Aq. 4.-lrD.

tj \

. I


do do do do

Job Drotbora. do do do do do do

4 do 13S J. C. J errell.

do 49 l'atenoo & Foe~ 44 do 60 do 42 do 20 do 2S do 86 Baio,J oboaoo& Cc 61 do ~I do

do do do do do •lo do do do do do do do

89 do 4 Goodfellow & Co. ti9 d o 7 de 28 Jamu llaird. 43 Dowrlog llroa) 49 do G2 cio 67 do S7 do 4-4 Wm. Paroell. 65 \V. Griel'o c.t Co.

do do do do do do do do do do

b:?1GoodridJ1u & Soo• .,.. do

E . Ooder. J . S teer.

P. &: L. Teaier. do do do do do do do

ti7[J. &: w. s~e ... art H do 46 do 4:, do 7:! J . ~loore. S

1 do

:!4 1Cogon10o & 40 do

do do tfo

AI. Tobia. M. :lloorol!.

Si l'. Uutler. 4 C. F. Ucooott & C

. ..


t :l5 1S34;763

GEO. GUSHUE, lt•b·Collutor.

New Advertisements. ~---------------------~--· Im~rove\your Sight


F. T .aZAR.'US' London Cel~tecl Perfect



They never tire tho :Eye, and lut !or many yoara without ~·

For 11le by

W. II. TIIO:UPSO)'i, Mtdkal /loU, l/orl>or Groa, Njfd.


Government Notice. EXTENSION OF TIJIE.

TE.'JDERS will be r~i•ed at t hie Offico until ~ooo, oo WEI)NESVAY, the


Two Suitable STEAMERS, corD pot ito bail.t, filled •to coo lead with ice for U.o l'oatar So moe, N o rc.b, South a ad Weat of S t. Jobn'a, aod to be employed oo any otbor Public Sen ice that tbo Go•ernor Ia Council may from time to tlme direct.

Tbo Sonic:c to begin e.bout tbo l Olb 1\l.u, 188G. Such S~amora to bo of tho burtbon of obool 600 too• each. lp'OII meaaure ment, and-to bo require.! to g1ve a 11peed ol M lout 1'co koota ao bour. Draft of wnlcr not to exceed Fifteen !feet wbeo loaded. Ea~b ateamer to bo provid­od with suitable accommodation for out loll tllao Snooty Cabio and Niuc~y S toor· ago PaMCogen~. Aocommodatioo to be aub­jtet to appronl of I be G.>YeroD)co t .

Steamers to claa A 1 at Lloyda io Eag ~~ .

f'reigbt aod Paaaage Money to belong t o ' the Ownera of ~be S teamers, n\let beiog aobjcct to approval of tho Go•crnmoot.

One of tbo Stet.D•enl to ruo North, malt· ing throe rouod trip& A Month, f rom about tho l Oth May to tbe 16th Jl\oaary in each year. Tbo olhor St.eamer to run c•ery fortuigbL throughout t he year, South aud Welt, M far u pra~ticable.

' lbe ContracL to be fo r a term of Twel•e Yean.. to bo comput.ed fro Ill tbe limo of lbe commeocctuoot of t he Scrvi.:a.

Teadera to epeeify the rate ('t r rouod trip at wbich tacb aenico will be (ICr­formed •

ALTERNATIVE· TENDERS Will bo ~ecoiud at tb~ Office fo r tbe Conitruction of TWO STEAMEHS, u abo\·o d~llCribed. for tlae 11me Servieo.

Al"o, for the \forl& in~r and ~boagomeot for Fal'o Yean~ of Two Steamera, to bt employed M abcne atattd, iu cue t beJ a re furnithed, u In tbe laat (lrecedioa pam~:raph.

f"ur lbor pnticulare mado knowo oo ap· vlieation at tbi& office.

E D. S II EA, Colo"ial Stcrtfnry. Socretary'a Office, lit. Jobo"a, NflJ. t

Srd J uoe, 1885. J


LABRADOR Mail Steamer 1885.

L ABRADOR STEAMER Larly Gl?Nr to l~vc St. Jobo'a oo 9th .Ju ly, ea.JI .

iog at Harbor Grtce, tbeoce to Co~~ehmao 'e Cu• o, Coucbe. St.. AoLbouy, Grlguot, Sal· moo Rl•er, aod to oau.al porta of call iu Straitl; to llatlle lbrbor .

PIIOCUDn10 NORTII.- Froro Dallle \Har­bor to Spear IArbor, Sl.tip Uarber, t'nncit Uubor .Uigbt, Scrammy, Square lalaude, Dead leland, Vea&ioo lalaod. Bolllera Koclt, Puocb Do..,l, Ut.tteaax. Domino, ln· diaa 'I'ieklo, Gradr, and tbeo direct to Wbito JJean~, Iodin Harbor, ll4ke Apple B!Ahl, S10oky 'lickle, Brig Harbor, Uohoo aud Cape Uarri110o, Ragjted Jalaod, ~•o· oock'• I1laoda. '!'uroavick lalaoda. W ioaor·a llubor a.od N&io, [to t bi.o laaL Port only Lwo tripi will be made.)

RETU&NINO SoUT-n.-Calliog t.t Capo llarrigr.o, Hopedale, W ioeor'a llarbor, 1'uoo~tick ltlaoda, llack, StrawboiTJ, IJa.o­ooclt'a Ia1aDltl, Loog Tickle, ltoQer·a llu· bor, Adou iek, Jtagged lalaoda, Jll'lfcr Tickle, Capo Uarriaoo, Sloop Co•e, Sleigb Tickle, Holtoo, E10Uy llarbor, WbiLe Beare, Smoky J.'Jcltle, Uake Apple Biglll, toJiua Ht.rbor, ~olette, Tub hlaod, I odiao Ialaoda, PactA Harbor aod I ndo· poodeot, tho t•o ~ prf!Ce• alt.eroately.

Looi hl+od and SOo'lb-Eut Con, aJ. terualtlr. • •

Grad7. . , Carltrrirbl ~r (Sandwich Bay.) BlaCk lttalld, o6cb a1teroaUI trip. Iodiao nc:&Je. lJomlno. BaUeaox, each alt.roate trip. P•och Bowl. Seal Ialan41 r.od Com!trt Di&bl, altu·

aa telJ. · &h~r'e Rock. Veoiaon Jala11~ 'fob llarbor r.od &oa Bubor, alter·

oatol7. lJoad Ialaud. Triangle. SaammJ Bar.

New Advertisements.



on application to persons living in the Outports.

This is a splendid opportunity to those who

want to 'buy and cannot g~t .to St. John's to


Nfld. Furnitur~ & Moulding Co., G H . & C. E. A..RCRIBALD, Managers,

Show Rooms, Duckworth St. ; Fnctory, Forest Road, St. John's.

FISHERIES FOR 1885. ---o---

Ain~ri~rut Nm & Twin~ c~m~rutJ. --------0-------. .


Capital (paid in)_- _:_: - $350,000. Hoaton Offioo-43 Commercial S t reet, (Old Slaod.) New Yorlc Offiee-- 172 Fult.nu Stroot. N otting Factory-Boston, MilliS. Twino l-'actory-011nlon, MII.SII. O illiog Fnctory- E 118t H addam, Ct.

Sole Agents and Manufacturers of the Gold Medal Shepard & Hall


fl ETTIIG Cotton i3 n ow universally in usc in AME~ICAN WATERS witb

Ameriean fishermen. Cctnparcd witJJ H emp, Cotto n c:atchea moro fish, i.e much li11hter, 11od moro ousily bandk.U, i3 oquslly durable, and coats no more.

}L is OUr alet.crwinnUOD to meet tbo WAnta or tbo fishermen or tbo_L!Jand in o ,·ery posaiblo way. Wo wero oover bettor ablo to do ao.

Order American HeiTi.ng Nets. , Order American Cod Traps.

Order American Caplin Seines. Order American Cod Seines

Order American Netting in the Web . MOUNTED OR UNMOUNTED

Fishermen will find our goods .,..ilh tho H ome M erchant. Ur<l~rs .:areft:l ly and prompLiy tilltod.


JOHN W . F AI &BANKS, O\'Or 30 yeAn bead of Manufa~oring D epartment J. B. SHEPARD, o•er 30 yean Manu!t.eturer of TwinCL

Jan. 1.

For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera In­fantum, as well as all Summer Complaints of a similar nature, t he PAIN-KILLER o.cts with wonderful rapidity, and never fail s, when taken ot the commencement of no attack, and often cUres af· tcr evl'ry other remedy hos failed.


I havo used tho Pain-Killor in Dyspepsia IIIOC88bfully and Alao in ca.IIOI or C11nu lian Cbolefl\. With 'be latLer di.lleiUIO I ~·aa ntt..cked violently, anti niter lltlriog one or ~wo dl*lf! fou nt! alwcat instant rolie l, ana.l hnto einco recommended the P11in-Killor to lriendJ w.nd n eighllon for tho Cbolonl. l u evory cue i~ baa proved A IUCOI!IIL

PATRICK KEr,LY, Renfrew, Ont. Junfl13

Government Notice. Colonial Stcffit~ry'• Office, }

1 Sl. JoAn'•, NttDfo•lldJ.and, hu 22•uJ, 111&

r ENDERS will bo receind • ' lbla Office oatil oooo on WEDNESDAY

tb~ SOtb day of SEPTEMBER oext, for

SUITABLE STEAMERS Ply!DCL botwteo a l'on lo the Uoited King. dam and a Pon In Norc.b America, Nortb or Capo HenrJ. to call at St.. Jobo'•, New· foaodlaod, forttllgbUy, •lib and for l\lall• and l'.....,ogen~ ; to make Tweoty rouod triP" per aooom Detweto April aod tho tud of Jauoary Ia tacb ,ear. Tbe eemoe to btglo in April, 1886, aod to 'coot loee for Fi"o Year~.


TRA VELI,ERS by lbe Pail way wheo atoppiog at P iddlotoo, at t bo New

Harbor IW.d. may be accoDlmodated • ilb Board aod Lodgio1111; alao willa horee aod eanla~:o ; baqllgt~ takeo earo of aod deli•· ored accordlo" to order~~.

Tbe l)obferiber keep& II booeo or geoaral eotertaiomeot for ~ra•ellt~ra

Aag. 8. 1<'. PlDIJLF ..

To be L e1;. 'Daat Fioe, C~modlooa


Sblp IJerbor, ea~b al~ruat.e trip. Fiabiog Sblp'l Harbor.

P~e aod Freight Rates, aod A.c. com111odaUoo for Paaaeoven~ to be aabject to tbe approftl of &be Go•er~~meol.

, T eoder1t0 apecil1 tbe rate for eaeb ro:~od trip, £an pd Welt, at wltlcb tbe aenice will be perfonlled,

(KIIolt'n 01 "FRU/TF/ELD") togolber with 1:-'mit and Cabbage Garito, aad uuru. The Uou•e Ia nuw oocupied by lolr. W. 0 . Woco. Poaaeaioo gino laL of NoYcmbn. Applytn


llllrLnr Grace. Jooe 27.tf. Fftocia Uarbor Hiabt.

- Little Harbor. 'lurriiJUd Spear Harborw, altoroalel!,

111d c.beoce to Ba&Ue IJubor. The follow!ng tript •ill be tbe am~. ex·

cept efter the ll.rat. roood trip Ia September tho l:itearoer 1rlll uot be reqolrod to ~ro North of Uopedal4 i ~' oa r.ocl after the Jut trip itl ~~~p~l, moat ealr u all Hu­bora. betweea &tteau and &Ule H,arbor {or H ar:ritlg Fialleq aewa.

'rbt Steaaer Pltlc., willlnu St. Joba'a oa tlat JIM J•lf, aDCI fortaJtb&IJ d•rlaf &be ptrfo~~ of U.. Lablldor Mrriee, ud wlll rD&U abe Olllal .U. ID tbe Straito u foUowe, oouectitla wllb Ltulr Qt.ar a t .&&de Harbor :-

llalmou Jllnr, Blaao Sabloa, Fo~u. I..uee-a-Loop, Rtcl &7, Chau .. o, Hnle1 • OblrDDt!l1aklt, Cape Chari-, eud.U.Un Uarbor.

Geoeral Poet ome., ~ St. Jobu'e1 lltla Jur1 1886. S 20

1 ALTERN A fiVE TENI)ERS :Will aleo be recei•ed for tae abo•e Str­•lee, toaetber '!filii a Som~ between St. ~obo'a,N.f':1aod Halifax, t o be ptrfllrmed by • auitable l;ltamer, lltt~d to cootend •hh lc., to run forttlil{latlf between tbe middle of JauoarJ ud mtddlo of April in each ftllr -1 Six round lrlpa. feoden~ to epeelf! nte per eaeb trip to a ad from; or L ' S ta 1

The (ronroll)eo' will rtcei•o 'l'oodere for aura.nce 8 pee C t:=S. the lt.ller Se"lce Hpatately. • Furlber partleolare made itooW11 oa ap- A :Full A.uortmtot o! Lbe abon ce1e-

plieatioo at tbll Olllce. bnated

Jon• 2•. cl:O;~~"a'r,. SPECTACLES, ' I botb Copca•e aut! C!IUY<jlt.. lo•l:;teel, Goh.l :&1an k Forma and su.,er.Fra•uea.

ol all kin•ls for sale nt the ofli"< \ OilMAN A LJNI)s:t'RO~I. tb

. • A!J"ffll for 1\ttrfvndla•d. lA pnper SL J obo•a, Aog SO.


'\. . ·Advertieemen~. ~

AYER'S Vherry PectoraL

No nth« -plalaote .,... t..wooa 111 t~' eU&cllfol~ .. ~u...._ ..,.1.....,. --triW . , ... ..,&1M~ ai ....... era. 'J'U ~ ~ 01' DOI<I, -IU. pe.rlaape f rom a utau. or ~ n­poe•r., la ~- - the ~ ot .. , ..... •k:"- Ana•• CllnaY l'~~Croa.u • ....,

1 well prot.a Ia. tAcae7 Ia a~,,...,. .• ,. wttb tb~ alld lonr 4.-, &IMI elootal4;. lakuo lu a.ll - wttlloeUelaJ.

A Terrible Ooo&la Co,.., "In IUJ I t.ook • ...,.,..cold, wbtclo alr~f!t

mr lunp. J load a ...-rtl>le -.ll. IUt<l-.& nt•bl alw tolfbl wttlloa\ alaep:" 'rile~ JA<ewe up. 1 tried AT .... CaiDli&Y I' JtC'o ToU a., wltleb nolleYid • r 1..,... llldMO<l

:!~~~.~....:~~ ':: ~~~~~ conUuued ""' of U.e ~erour. a pent~a .. aeut cure wu etrecl4d. I am DoW crt y.a~ ohl, t.Ale and 11¥n7,and aaa .. u.a.cs rov 01UtU&V ~IIAL MYIIl-

HOaAC& f'AiaaiiOT1QtL,. RockJIIC.._, ,.~ Jwr u, ~

c .... p .-A ......_.. Tttblde. "'lntlt.IA.U..~ lutwllllu IDJIIIU.

boJ, three ,....,.oiJ, w• taUt> lllwhb crnop; ll _,od • II Ito WOlll4 dt. rr- otrwnp· latloo. OM of tbo fuaQ:r _.ed t b• ....

~~b~~:!'~'!!';!~~\!~U';,.~ '"" tried In uull and tn<q.m .s.-, aDd 10 our ~UJI" 1.ta ,_ .._ IIAit aa ltt>•r llle l!n !e pe.lloal wu.a.r-t~~boc ...Ur. ne doe­l ot" aald llat tlte o{;JUUIAY F&<:'tO ... L 11104 .. ... , "'~ d.trlh•£ lila. ea .. :JC* • ....- '" ourara tude? .· ~7~0n:ntY.'" 1~ W•l!ab .... , Now l'ortr,lloJ IC, lliiS.

" I ba•o tiMd AYD"a Cnr.tta., Pr.c-roiiAL In ••r r .. nllr lor-" ral 1't"n . n4 olo ...,. ll•llalo 14 p-.oee 11 tbe - dl'od.al rell*ly tor C:O"'bo &Dd coldl •• ba" ntr trl...t. A . d. CaA•L'"

LUe Cr,stt.l, ~March~~ "laoll'ond r...- alab• yean rr-Dnmdoltlo,

and ..tt.or lrJIItl wa.n..I.,'ea...U.. wtlb 1>0 ,...,..

::'!>!:::.::~..,. 1::J.,."W!!c;;.~· DJII&I~ll&l&, April J, 1m. . J

c~·~~~·~~~h~lr.~~ta:. ~ t.. ~~ ~~~~~ :ob~:-· .... ~ ;:..'::!.~~e4

Pat .. tiue, Touo, A prO 22. 1m.

:So eue of u alfectkoa ·ol \he lb,.. w lllJllll uta'-wbleh....-<bo~nllft~ by &1M a. or A nt::rf' CB'1an rttcre....._ &Dd tt wm oJ-r• .-. wl>eD \be <1loaue • DOt alr...Sr beyoDd u. -tzol ot ~.


Or.J. C.Ayer&C.,.LewoU, Ma .. Sold b7 all .Jntalota.

TUOS. M'MURDO & Co., Wbolea:~.lo Actnl, St. J obo'1.

500,000 White Sewing Machines


The mecbaoical couatrootion ol tho WHITE embodio. · more impro•emODte lbau ,ny ot bor wake, aod from ~be time oi Ita introduction t bero h111 bee a uo oheclt•to ite prognea.



It po•eaaea the following adnntl'.~ oYer all o ther Se•ing hb.cbioea-belog ad­jualablc in "U ita parta aud buiog enrJ patt filled with tempered et.eel boabl•g, 10

tbaL t.ll I oat motion, ioeident to loog a ad coolioued wear, CAD llfl takeo up agalo b7 lbe llimplo turn or a aerew.

Baa tho beet. Shuttle, beet. AuW­maUo Bobbin Winder, beet. Food D._ vice, 6lmp1oet. in Thredi.ng, Pa~t Ply Wheel Clutch, Bel~ Sb.lfti.ng Devico, bo8~ Set or At\aohmout., eto. , e tc. .

'fie lat.ott lmpro•emoota ore lbe" New smell" regulator and • ibratc r oaed ror Braidins:. <'.all and cumioo.

CA U1/0N.-BnMre of cAMp illfiJalioru oJ 1M " Old Slfk IYitioe' IIIJid to bt c• imilv· titM of tlt.e " /MpmfJt(/ 1Vlitt.''

UauJ Maebloea, W rioren.. Wuhio' M~~ellioea, Pleat~n.. Oil, Ntedlea, Sbottlta, tt.e., kepL co~»taotly oo bud. Bepalrloa attooded to. ·

J. D. FULLERTON, Ageot for ~bo W bit6 Sewint Nacbioo Co,

for Newfoaodlaod. Duckworth 61, cor. Bock'• Oove, St..Joho'•

June IS

Fost Office Notice. HARBOR GRACE. Til~ Mo\JL.S •ill be etoaed at t bla Ofllce

until tho liOtb of Septtmbar, ylz. : For !:it. Jobo'a, Brigoa, Uay Robt.ru,

llarbor Maio. Hol yrood and Spaotaro·a lla)'-e•ery day 11t =t 1.1)() a .m.

1-'or Carbouear-everJ AFTERNOU~ a t S o'clock.

For lleart'a Coo~oL, SQntb SboreTrlo· ity flay and !'Jorth Sboro Conceptioo Bay­TUI".S I>A YS and 'l'II UitsDA YS at II r m.

•·or Jaland Co• e and Bi4bop'a Co•e (CooCX'ptloo Dey), New Jlarhor, ))lltio, l;aeen'a llerbnr, Normao'a Co~e au-! t :ol­lier'a Kay Cou ( TrioltyBay)-MONU.\ YS eodTIIUitSUA'\:S at li.Ml a.at.

For the \\'eetward ri4 SL • Jobn'a l'f'' Coutl\l SteiiD'ICY -at 11.50 a.m. on th~ • iSrd t.lay, Gtb end "iOtb J ono ( th aod ' 18t h :July, lttl-' " 16th a nol 2!•t lt Ati~:otL, •J21h and 2tltb Seplemhl-r. •ttltlf an<l 24th Oclobtr,• 7tb aud !!bt :\ D"t DII,c,., •6th and I !lila Ueoon:ber.

[ •On these dalea lht atumer wall ~ tn &nne llay.l

}'or tho ~orthWIInl t'lll St •• Job.,'• r-r Olutal Stumtr- at 11 SO t..m. "" J be 25th MaJ. 8th aod H.ad .luu. Gtb and ?Oth luly. Srd; 17tb aod 3lat Ao,.Opt, 1 hb a nd 28th ~('tcm~r. 1lltb nd 26th Octohu, !llh aud 2:lrd N01'tDlber, 7lb a ud 2ht IJcrem~r. I

t'or UniLed Sh•tta, Dominion of C,n­"'"· aod Wut Judi&~~-at 11,1)() am •oo the 2uti, \ 61b aod liOtb .lone, Nth aod !8th hly, lltb attd Hth AllJ:U•t. 8th nd 2ittd Serfwa~. 6th 11nd 21lth o,•to~r. Srd tuHt 17tb No"""' btr. l •t. 16tb ftDd l'91b Dtcember, I'd lJtb Janu,ry. I 'l6.

For •;groro-•t 11.60 o'ciN'It ,_ m. on tbt :!Htb ~~~"· !Jth and- i'l!rd Jon~ 711a Mtd 2ltt J11ly. ~lb aod _1'1b o\ltJ:Utt, l t1. I C.th •ad ~th Sept~, ISth 11ntt 27th Q.\lllhtr. 1(\Ch tuod 2 1th !\o•tnalll'r. 8•1• JJid l.'~nd l>eormb~r. eod li•b attd l!lth .lttnMtf. 1~

GT" M11n~1 orde~ haiut'd ll""J daJ f'1!D !l a. an. Ill 4 r til l'oa~ ville~. ilat\Jer (·rt· .. "'' t


,... Mtsoellany. ,..,.,._,..,.,, _ ___ ... ______ ~-5:--

W<)man'• Blgbto

'\ t .. , w~~t. '"> 1"""'' rt• lu•l t.,I"W'Jro;. \, , , .... , \If' ... H ...... tit~ •• ,...1 .. I Ujt t ttt~ttl, , h.- • oftn ~ t ~ •r1 In • fl• ... , tuft •~"''• ~ It•' 1> ''"' 'P• hrolu~t l't u•• '\IIIIo t ... lno.

,.,,i' Uul"' i't.l l••,.. ,,....,., l•ar 1t•tt 1..-r, ")' .. . ~ • ., t.,. thtu ••• ~t l .... n .t,. t h I'' "' '"'• 1•• L.~ l h.. ~\ ht- Jt u t Uhlf•t -' '"! ~ bt. i• -... ........... tt~t •' rl,. t.r.

.\I •• tUJ\ lht tlu thlt ~ wnr''' h t l• r, .. I ~. '' '"" ,.u "'''" 1 n .. •lljt:r .rJ1r '' \\ t ,, .. u net .. l ••• r • "'"L h· r •l .. r lu ,.. .. d lo;, \t. \W ,.., I .-r- , rur l ~ n ilb• ht~u u t )(' 1

l r. w.v. • "• ... t ,....,. . ..... "" ftt"&r ll •I f~t r1 \ .. ,. " r •• t · -- '''" lu .. ····~ . .. , r : J n • U• '1uhl , "' rt.l to• ..-~~ h•t...-. h:

h ·· t tii"P tt.-l p It " ' I I• f'Ui l' .4 ., U.t. II

' ,.,. I• I h• !'r-1 fuiHlt tt r •uul nl .. t>. I Vt'• tll' e n . 1l1 fu Yt .. r ,...,f,.tl ~ Mt'\

\ \ Jet ,.. •t u-., U A lUI "' tl Jt I 1~1 til 1ll" .. 1 t h J !.

11.) l tHU Viohtt ..... t4~ Wll"'ll W••Uu.L.~.t

:-t.- r L *'"' h• wh In t IHf>t tl..ht \ \ ft 'lo1 Ill l t l t .. •l )h1 • • • ta~ •\H '\, t 1 11'1\,t , t .,. tt• ,., ..... u ,., ''' '" '"ul &.~· '•n ,. hr,..,, • Uti L. .. t, •unl ..... , to t lat..ll.

A '• • ~ h! 1c. ·~n ,c•~·~• • 1•~•• •• \\ h ... ~ ~~~ U f t ltr.f t it 'ti J 1 """' t l.h' ..,;~ I ~ •• r,..~lttJ t a: • ttlll: tu h r II , • h. •• au d~tiJ tdWI '"'" • •• , h "t• :ill! I II \" t\t.ll ..

Tte Af\.cMHo;v q! L~fo.

\ \ l1•"' 11.~ ,.., fl'l ft v .u .. tl •r1n .. tit, \\ 1.-u tiU"' 1 f\t•tut,, bf\tt • u q 1

! '' ... 1•• r • , tr .. ~hh 'hu1• th I t ~~~~ \~ I b • lw41 tt.,H ... t t.;U t\ 1


Jl 1fn !E. r " "'''"'' -rl,•u•1• • "' ' i ,,.1h .. u " ' \ t .. l t of I • .. r • • I • t: Ill"· I• r, I

) l,J ' ' ' "" '" t f t '"" t tl• •' -.J., .. •,tu .; :,'- .. --t I t rt"~·····. r u u lul fl ... ""'"··

J',......tt,,. nf l•• .r1, ,~,. , 4 .. ,., ,,..,, ,. t I tl\ I ~· l'i '"''"I .. , t r.·hr ,., , -

' , .. ., t !' f ,Ju I .. ,,'"' ' ' '" lr&,;;o~l rt t l \ b• .: I ll'l: • tftilt~lu. t"lu..Ju:lf •" !t.r

Y ,. ... 1 ... \\ h.-n .1,..-..r f• mll'ar f•Qr'' J .. , 1..,..,..,.. ~ , .... \\ ...,.,, r11 ~ %•r le,

•)•lo1 •I "' •I•• r-~J, ~ ""c> , ,.,._ • • Ll~tr"''J; '-"'' •II" I ..-l•h"'" f>,L• -----~ .. - ---CQE8C~D t:;tocping

--o-,-(.; 11 ,\1 Tf.lt 11 - l'-'N IIIIIr/ )


Ill T~~~IOUT, ~- -W'orll"'i~ _Bcl;oot. ~ -

~~ lwo c(ll .. or tbJ. ColliiiiODIIdllb tJa(a Jtar &he _... new fHturt in Mllool ••· bibltiNta bu beeo latroduoed whb n~ deoldo.l •11-. Tho piACte we,. Sprin~t­fteld aod Sale•••, 11rti,l the l•tttr, ••peoialtr , oarrieJ 011~ tbo ldu io the g ... ~ Cltdh or the pu••tlt. In !loti~ loatauo• tho boya aud ylda ware "Ito wed co ~~~u1bil artlcl~ of 111e or adotaweot. m~ b1 tbemMlYe.a a~. tbetr 00 t or ac:hOi)l hourt. Tho roportl ID· dioato tbl~ lo Sprioglltld the ulllb1tlon ·~ n(lt U..oua~L of uotll ut~~r tho time it .,.. "''I'· ood tftereforo the, chlldreu broaab~ 01111 auob things u they bappeoed to • b11t11 ou band.' Jlu t It .... ao laterut. Ina that IDIW) or 1ho Yilitors npr-d the hope"'"' u ouhrht be" pem\&'Mn~>featn" of tl:e ro;;ulu exhiblttons " ' future In Salem there w111 dellbenco prep\M\IIcn. &me mouth• "go tlto pupil a wore a1tod t.o inter­eat lhet III!IYU in IUUIIII( lillY nrtlcloHlley­oboau !or ll•e ecloool txluhuinu 'l'he achool COIIllllllt~C IIUthOn&t U lftU o ff ann)( Of 10010

IIOip l prlz.ll, "'"I • rew da)l •~to th O$t uuobtttou waa lttld ~•or) b>dy wu .ur­vm~d .\lan) aniel" were ahow o, And 1o0mo of tbero were Yt!ry • ell mild• Ooe !Joy 11lto•ed 11 at.lu o' lip l t!.~ther which he h"d H'"'"~'l ln rhree wt"t-118 work. Another lo~d 1\ IOUI I~I or 1\ 111\tiOIIM.)' 1101\m eogino. ftuother thn roodol of " a·oo11 yacht. an•l ellll n11other tnouu excd lo:nt apccln&cna o r rope apht tug ' ntl!ro were m•ny ntechaul· cal rlrawiu~:a aud plans The crorla were ere htAbly re1orcaeutt tl hl ncedlc .. ork. And there '"1111" .:ood eslubtiiUII ol tbctr akllltu Clhtk~ry. ~~~blllCD (ln1e• -~ru &wllrdetJ, and " VIAIIOr added SI U 10 be ~iveu 111

pro&o.•a 1! the IChOol C'>ftt tnhtee f ~lid pro• 011 ooad, qn<~l~ \Vc ltu11 aceu aouoetbmc of t it~ ~o-oo I , fT•cU ol ann1hu ulut11tioot m thos Cll) 1 111 1hu ,,..,,,;.! .,~I.:Lt tion•, aod cbu oh•pl•y• uf d r:l\ltlll.t •ltlcb l11!oVO now aurl chen hcc11 """ llut tho 11lea "'b1cb hat 1><-t:u ntlnpu•t! tn che !'i•lllfll 1111d Sprw,;: fieiJ AChooh ~tCIItl to fll(l jll ) IIOIOC I [IIUI: that bna l>.en lne~111 11 111 the rx lllbmuua wh1cb bavo b~on ~;iveu Lcrc lit~) pro . u)Ufl for ahow­'"1! LIIC H.,.llllll or ,(.flu<tll Ill il Wldu rAII)IO ol ltanlll"'urk lt •• not every boy t~at ccu1 clrl\w. uor u~ryf:trltbat CI\D aow. Lint tl o bo~l and s:~rls nro ' t" who c.\DOOl excel 111 Aotnetlnn0 .,.hicJ.I. tlll~tb l bO part Of AD eX•

lublltuu ~otfiiu~r w1ll ao adnooe c.bo day n£ tll' lllllri..l eduwhon aa aotuo dtapl11y. whe re t hu pobllo cnu ero II, Of tho rfllulta of tbo tu~:aonuy enol paueu L worlt o( tb~ cb&ldrco or tl.te achoola,

Hlllr Jewellery

Cnl lh•AIII •ln~:ing 111 !lor f~mllJ llc!rlo wh en tho cllllcl 18 not Y•L thrcC) rean oi,J. •tllo annll\ no I h) •no~ your child boO\! &aOIC -brlu,: cltcrn u1ct tq yu tr •no1nury and ceaclo them yo11r little ooeJ ; ruir tbetn al­togclh~r. to lllC~t th~ anntlar• moof14, ~ In lifter ltf~ thty coma o~cr 111 ao IIIJ41erlooa. ly &Om~ lillie.. ~lanf 1\ IIIIIQ 111HI Olt, il\ tbo Ycry whit\ of tn1tneu 1 lu ~~· aqnebioo 111111 uaiucy ol F1hh nvenqe, amid tlta w lentlor of~·~~ d rl•o In <..:ontnll Parlt, aome llltr.nt'ilo~ wa~c n ~ In tho memorloa of rl\oly ) oullo-lb., oltl ut ili, I be cool aoril)'l. tho sluv'o •rei) bt ll.u llulo IIO!tool· hou~•td tho ue~t nuallt wultlt116at ee• •¥""" the ru•IJy c~ecltro, the '''lillq~t f•~• oln\1 the llt rry eye or lito ~11001'11""'· aomo ll'ftY!It,,IIOC"I ll?W, 1nMt • Ito 1uoq\d. crinli in lhu gra'4 • n•l •uo• 11bo aonjf cloy motl!er a.•n~r•.' l(•r lhlf nllllld~pll 1~ the Iii''• 11n'ft l()l)lhe• ~nd • •e~1oua •II t/•~ mecnori.. M 01h~r tl'"'rf nr,ml\1 : tl1 crulhlnjf ':'jl•lo•prol-tmflle f'TiJTCt of tho older tltue pop!~ out l1e l jfllo ~n 1

breake In upon tho ugly 1\r~ln llf l~o~~~~t, thro•• '"• . Jt•hvl J•1r.a ano1h r ~~~~~~~~11 ll11h~ IJrOAh from \)ul ulb11•1 II} -~1r ~~~· I i OtW COIHIIft Jt lillrtn IO Ul, 4'l\e fttilltl. •nan 111101 tlnllllllt to btl lforlc I l~nd whp'l lhtt clay·- labor I• done, hw cool• "Ide, 11nt1 he I• on hi• w~y hoU11 . •II••' wit, ood titiJ: table au4 o~my 1\ruidt ""41t "'"' ••!4 h• CIIIIOO~ bolp Whllllo ·or tiri~ 'lit~ biiiJf&t 11.,., thlll.. Moody all1n0t IJQ•t.bo '""' eoos. wl'i"h' do ''' ~~~~ dl1hoh~al, trf'le•~ '"•"• t11e artrtldlntu olt rll. 'U' lll!t~IIJift~ toryanto,., ' hq porJt~r«~•l tii\UIItr.

:liow: in Stock an the le ading ' .

FROM THE FATHER: ;:!.':u..~ a clulr lor noe to ala'- to 7011 the bcndlt 1..) baft OerlM from a,, \YO of ,

Ayer's Sarsaparilla.

:Or.• W tlaon's H crbine 1:Jctlf'MI BurdQek Bl 1od Bittenr Johnson's Anodyne Lmituent Kcvpler'e Cod J.iver Oil and Malt Tamar Indien (fur coolh•eocu) Euc>ncc of Sprnce, Alloo'a Lun~ Balnm ~no'1 Metlu:o~ tct.l Su~ar (for Worma) Juo.lton'a Celd Paint-, Judaon',. Oold Ink Ooard'e H 111r Ds(•, TrccOJ•lteroue S!terWun'e <A&~ airy Powdonr ;rcabc:rry 'food. r owder, C'llmlc o r Mugetia, Cayenne LozeagH .P.no'e ~'rtut Snit Pcppon:ulot Lounge.a. UJ,Dger iOUDgao Murmy'11 l'"luld Mft&nOIIR Sa•·oty ant.llloore',. Food ,Wyetlt 'll llcof l 1011 nnd Wmo Scbep1.•s PNtpared ~nut Northrop&~)lllOu's Ye:;ot.alllo DiaooTcry ~Ira l'oot.lelly, :Nrave'a Food

t.l<) do Qnunno Wmc Ct~nnccl PinCAJlple, Liruo Juioo ;Kellogg'• AJJtltmn R emedy Conned Oy11let11, C"..aooed Poacbet

d o. Oatnrrlt • nnfT Woedill'~ Daking P owder Put11ona' Pnrg,l•vo Pcih• Y otl:ah•ro llcliah o .. fTy'll Rhx&r. llnJl nlttCrll Worcetlfl'alura Sauce l>r. \V,.I k(•r" V~nt-~r Btttcrs Vriec.l f:!4vury , Dried Sa~ llollo\Vfl) 'ft V..r 11 Cute OrieJ ~lmt, Dned Thynoo Puwn 111 '11 IJ<it 11 Eurttcloclr V&negar 111 Bottles Gutt.n P .:rch•• J ootlt SlOppin:; P11:kat.m'11 Wualt111g Cry•t.1l l~•ll'III:('M " ·SC'Ct Powt.lct• eun.o nnJ Milk P IISW <:nt•• )'ctclon 'l't~~&nc, t) t l~cl ~ilk Cocolnml Milk tlu

•· I

Nortl11op .t l.ymnn'r~ Emols1011 Roth & C0t1 ltut PuMIO

lb m•ntho a;o I wu COIDpletel:r eoonn4 wHb a turible humor aDd ocrot.UO~~a...,..,. Tho a.-o~ cauted an t....-n' alld IIIIOier-.lllo llclllnr. ru11l \l>e oklo encl<e<loo u to caatO tho blr<>d 10 Go• tn maa:r pl&OOI wbentYOr J ..onrcl. ll:r ollll'on nro ,...,.. c-t. -s mr U!o a bunion. 1 oom..-cod U.• UM of U.~ 8AUA,.AtJLt.l. Ill April lui, alld ba .. ..-1 II nt11>t&rl:r II,_ that \!mo. •tr .....UUon IIepa 10 lmpro~• a1 oooe. Tb• _.. baYO tJt b•IC!4, alld 1 tod perfcoetlynll fa 8ftt7 rtt~-beiDC DOW alii•IO do a cood cia,.• • orlr.atlloOQib TS run ot 1110- M&D:r I.Dqul,.. •hal baa '"..,cb\ nell a ev.lo •1-. """' 1 t4U U.tm, 1t1 I bit" ~ t.J1e4 10 tall :rou, .A.T'DI'I 8AJLLU'.A&ILLA. Olonr, V&., Oct.

Ayc-r'11 ~~~~"l""lln, rutuct'b F.mul1ion Hnrrop~ Lmcn Oluze, S1•iriL "FlnK\:11 clu Viu•t ry P~-aco~rll Infunt11 1ln1r ntusltc'11, Clotltt'S Un&Khra

P tetOC'II Gulu!'n ~INI1cul Du;co1c oy N"u1l nmiToolh clo Sltru m;: do.

:u, l:)G. y OQn Cf"'aallll:r.

do P urJ:••U• e l'llllet.s l ll.olr llru~ltc .. , co~mrll•t!IO do Nn~tl l11jretors Drc-•wr.: (;.uuhs, F T ClJmlrs

Wateq •roofNn,.,nug i\pron11 Wax 'l •pl'l'~<. S•n•llm.; J~,,lllds (\ do Spon"o I~JS Ruurncll'• Lunl' JIll CO d.: ulj Ci!rtO' )

Follow a' Cow poundS) n1p do 'J'o&lc~ Vmr gnt :.__....;' {

~PmUJl'L" l'tuTJsl,'a do do Adthcnn~ l 'ho•o Pu\loh•r to Stcrdwt~n'll To•ellom!:; Po ... lroa Conccnlruied L)P, ·.-rulra Soars llnl•bcr '!'uLm:: fo1 1-"r .. ~lrr:i ~I u.P,I P.unts- 111 I Q, ·r"'" Ana'a IUUU.AanLA cnue~ ~

.,4 all lcrotaloaa O..plal-, ~ <>IJI.t, ~- ~o ... , m.cc~Me, Soc-. Jlolla, Tamo...., aDd BrupUou .or t.ha llldA. It cloan Ule bloo4 • f tJI !Jiq>e­nu-. tJdr! ~ atlal~tl&\el .a.. actlott 0t tbe bo•N. alld u.'Gt - ..utJUJ all4 ltt~..,U.w Ill• wbo&. ~

-=~ n.r.r.u&.&:D aY

Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., l owell, M1n . Bold., b :r tJI Dnaa;tota, II, alx bot.tlel for ...

'fiiO. ,\1'~1 UHIHl & <h.. \\ ltulu&"ll~ A~.-u•s. St .lohn·s

, Just Hc<:t iH'U at

The F~ncy'Bnd Toy Bazaat l·u /UIUJ ~/r(tf,

W1ro :Flower BMkoLI, .Flower PoL Ezpll.!ldons - nll colon

Boao Shicld.u, •• Gordon" St.nr SIUolc!

Oold &'ld Silke-:1 Sbav&nge,

and n lnr:;e M ortmr ul of

-FANCY ARTICLE S -~t ... ::u

BIEUiiTISM, ltt ul'tllgia, Sciaticti1).um6ago,

l acl:aollo, Sarenur of, the,f()huf, Gout, Quinr!J Sort T/Jroat, Swell­

ing• and SpraiM, IS'urM atJd 8caldr, fitMNII Bodilf

Pa;,,., Toot,, E•,. ani Hta~'"'· Trotted

Fttt and Eal'l , 11 all otlltl' f ain• •nd 11. ' •• ...,.,.lloa - ...u. ........ 1•-- Qn.

u • ... ,.. ,.,"' ,. ......... -- .... ,ru~, .. _, " lllol .. ..n. .... .... .. ,.,. ... . "'"·~ .. Ill, fit 10 C:O.te..... _, ....... " "' ... ~ .. -.... .-. ... ,..., ., , .. ~---Ia- ._.....: BOLD •BJ .llJ, DaUOGE Dt.U.t:ll

• 11 Jr&'l)l ,. A. voo 11. oo.L

..IIIMfjlt .. IIC.. U, a. A.

rrz?:;t ATN -TO~

liA.RBOR ~H.ACE. --_,.-1

l .)!';lt!)ONS .. tlllDJr •loft alooa the llail­wty '{reck _,.u tl"'l'l'll4ro woultl do

we ll lt oatl a& A • • ~ 1-:0 \ J'antou• J-'U ltN 1-TIJ ntt 1:1 rt)ltl': aod lne~l thtlr I!XItneiYII l:ltoet before pnrohulo tlaawhtro

We keep Ia 11ock ,,., thlnl( In • thu boun4oral•hlotr llna tla4t would ntako o hom11 ~mfortablt 1 ~-~ Oham~tr 8olt111/rom 00/ to £110 l lt<Ja~a•l• h om l iljO to f<iJ l~lt•utlon Table rom W to 70/ Kltt~h•n 'l'r~biH froM Ill/ to 1•/G •

' IJof.lrootliTalllN from d~Jo 10/ Work •ralll .. ItO• 10/ to:r.)/ WalmH 11nd •1..-blo 'C'op l,_bltl liJ loGO/ (}wal and lt.ooud '"-bit~ l~/ to •Of· Olu•t,._Perlorec.~l anll, c!,;.,,soat. G/0 to 8/ Wood Sea' & Oa••• St~l 1\(lokln~r 10/ lo ll lf Uoiabl• aad l:lla1l• lt.ok $'ploclle Ot.alrt1 3/

tq4/ao<t It/ I Arm ,.od F.l\ty Cb•lrs tt7o to 60( Chllur.n·• Coli aud C radt ... Coact~ aad ijofa~, Fob• , toole. Wha&.Noll. Pllltclnte. lriohta, PI .no Swot• 11nd Caal~•'1'· ~louldlo,., }'loturoa hamtd to 11rdtr ~.lJ-l'artl•• arr1Yin11 fa towo by """'·

"«a~ ., .. ,..0011 '"'"• who ,,. dttlroue of llarlDI tbrr plotaret tall:n •" .,. ac· Ma~fli4Ciated hy etttplaa ln&o PAR.80No• l"II0100KAPHIO IWOM!t,onr 11\Jrel· tart tJtort. o~le lilt -reaalilo pfltiDt... or Wttm~ Joaia U1111n It Co.

},, & Iq. p ~JlSO~~

Aycr'a llmr V •;;llr, B.1J Hum I U oultet, • '"•'""• l1111h Pipe Allt~n·s llnir ltL'HUJrcr,Ciul.l'll TruPMI'fl J : .. ,l ""'I Ydlow Ochrl', D.uuur Vnmitl\ A dull!<' 'l'onllllell, i\ l m ur.:•a LnlllliUII~ li•••L ~:u:;hsl o Copul Vallllhh - I Ct.l 1\u.f Cu•cn'w C"rlooho SMp Fnl:cr11 Ktrllt l\ S,oL11111uoJ !:ita111, "."'""~ St.11111 ~ .. \Yn!;hl's Uuh:r.neuc.eJ \Vmu 1lnltoguny <lu Ottk c.lo.

Alway:! 011 hnnd n large f:;tolk of

Toilet Req uisites, Perfumes. Dyes, Cigar s and Cigarettes.

@"l'crsounl nltcntion giHm to Prescr~ptions nnd accur-ately pu.'JMrcd \\ ith pure drug" '


s _


.GJ&!lim+m Pills & Ointment

----o--Purity or Blood euoot.1al to BealUI

SLroogc.ll, IUld Long Lire.

If. 1'IfO~IPSON.

E (/) ·-1U E :::l <D

I .S::: c: (/)

<D s... ::;

(.) A I.SU l ; v t{ I".S

RtlfthU Ne•traljttll. lle~tbch~ . r.IIM\Oltc. 'I oothact... t:'""'l'"· llrnlau, Spr~n,._ Ooh11h~. t.: nl•l• lln11114'V r:r) •riJt I"'· CoiiU CrttH(• ur hall I ~• """'''"~U. lluru1 llrou dtitl•.'="•""""t" .. 1 thu IJ111L.o, rTm~·~~·~ llandrnlf 11nol prc.tudoll tit• v• o w&h of tl o fl air, AUU a• 1\ llalr lh~UIUII "UUI!qno.JJI:\1