aave^trrk sslrs -wsfifte*,€¦ · 8t petfli-bara-rrsdii lyonaala.«_._ the londoa ofllcfl i»f...

2_tn titnnema. AJ-ERI'-AN TTtnATRE ROOF OARnEN-Vau'evIllfl CA81NO.M~*fhfl Teeprtoie Olri EDEN* -tU8*-*_.traa Work*. Orand Cone«rt and Cln»- matograph. K«ITH'R.Nnon te 11 p. m..Vaudflvlllfl. KOFTVB S, FIAt/8.fl.Vaudavllle. LBNOX LYCEl'M -*.Banda Ita»»e IdAlHBON PQVARE ROOF OARDEN.BilB-Conoert MANHATTAN m.ArTf.fltflo-* Vlctor Hflrbert'B Benfl a.pBtn'a Manlla ani Flreworks »-WaPg. FA**TOr.'8--l*:aO lo 11 p. m..Vaudevillfl._ Jnbcx lo 'XbtirrtiacmrntB. ~ ~P_£'cmV~ rageCol Amuflflinentfl .15 2 MarrlngeB and Peathfl T B Ann. unctmenu .14 r. M_.-ellaneeufl .>4 a-a BualnflBfl Notlcea.... fl 1 Orefln Pteamera.I» JJ Benkerr. flr>_ BrokenlO 0 Prepoaala .JJ 1 Boari ard Boemfl 12 4 T-hiMIr .V.-tlcee.1 i Puilneaa fhancea. ..12 4 Railroada .J' "* " DlTlflend Notieea.. H> 0 l<e»,: K-iate .J* « Ountry Board.11 4 Heal BatatB.11 > - Dorr.. Slta. Wflntld .12 BT Scho-.l Agenclea .Ii Frea-rraklng.12 4 Pp-eial Notlcea . T 6 Excural->ns .1.1 « Stearnboata. .la B-_ Flnanclal El-ctlona. .10 fl Sun.mer Reaorts.ll « * Flnnr.clai .10 (Ml Teachera .12 \ Hareea g Can-lagea.12 2TyTurf..-..1- f Inatncrlon .12 fl*Aork WMtefl. 12 6 Legal Notlcea 12 * MBfljaa Puhacrlptl >n Loflt aad Found...12 4 Ratea . . B l-tueinreo _\otura. TRIBFNF TF.BMS TO MAIL BIJ_B-*»iPfl-Ba- rally. 110 a year tl p*r BBtfl-tk _ Daily. without Buadajr, year, SO cent- per m-nth. Burdflv Trll.ur.e. fl a year. We-kly. 11. Sem. Weflk.y *.. T081AOK Kxtn pOBtB-fa 'a chargerl lo forfllgn ^'""'f'^* .xcept Mexlco r.n.I -BBflflB. flnd on the -...)' -* fl flUnUTTANCKa. lf aent In cash. unreglatered. .** ha -t thfl ownera rl»k *flU_t*4 OFFicn iB4 Kaaaaa »t TJPTOWN OFTK'E- 1-2)2 Broadwajr. AJfERICANB ABBOAP flrtt: fn.l Tne Trlb.in* ». T-indcn.Offlcfl of Tl>» Tribune. HI) Fleet-fll. Mcrton rhaplln A _... N". B rrlnr-ie-it. ¦reara f-eaM *. f*-.. M St** o«fcr.i »t- Thomaa Cook -V Bon. Ludaaif !'..>..¦ Parla-J. Munro.- fl I"¦ T Rttfl SrrlLe. HiMlnauer & I". SB r.ue d- l'rovence Mc.rgan iiari- i V. ll Bouleratd Haaaaauaa rredll Lyonrflla. Burcflu Ifl* Ktranaera Tbomafl Co..k Ar B n. 1 Place de 1 Oj»WB. Ceneva- Lonbar. Odler * Cb.. and l n.on Bank. Flfirencfl- Whltry * fo. Vlflnnn -Ang!-. Au'trlan Bank 8t Petfli-bara -rrsdii Lyonaala .«_._ The londoa ofllcfl i»f Tl.e TrBur.e la a convenlent ->.fl.» to leave. advert.:eme-.ta a-d BBbSerlatMBM) aaVe^trrk Dmls aMbmw WEDXESDAT, JULY 18, ri/f Jffifl ni/.s uorxixg. THE WAR After demonrtratlnf* on Moaday that he had Bantiago at his mercy C.eneral 8haftcr °ent a second demand for trfe unconai- tlonal BUirender of ihe clty; General Toral aent a replv reatarday morning, relteratlng hla detc-r- mlnation to realat; latf-r advloes lndlcate that the lenewal of the bombardment was poatpoaad until thla morning. =_-= The Navj Denartment ordered the auxlllary crulser Uuffalo to be sent to the New-V..rk Navy Yard. to be converted into a rolller. ___=_= Chlef ConatmctOT Hlchborn has reported to the Navy Department that three of the new torpedo-boata bftn*c bullt are nearly ready for aervke, and that work on the Ala- bama la r*-ing rushed. General Miles wlll command th.- P..rto Rlco expedltlon, whlch will be organlzed Immedlntely after the fall of San¬ tlago The old TennesBce Penltentlary. now des.-rt.-d. is belng tonsldered by the Qot« ernmcnt na a prlson for Spanish soldlers. The converted yacht Stranger put Into Newport News 'or repairs for damages recelved ln a col- lialon in Hamptoa Roada e=s: Accordlng to Madrid and London advicrs the Spanish Cablnet crlsls hangs fire bacflUMa of the Indecision of Hag.-.sta and the lack of some one else to take the Prcmiership FORB1GN. The Chinese robels have captured aareral taaraa, and have posted placards in oth.-rs warnlns the lnhabltantu to leave. Ar. Inquiry Into the Bourgogne dlsaster was be- gun n* Hallfax. =- The Italian Chamber of Deputlea approvcd 'he measure for the restora- tlon of order. In the Vienna chess tourna- ment boih Tarrasch and Plllabury won, the lat¬ ter retalnlng hle lea.l ol one polnt. DOMB8T1C.An important amerdment. whlch mav aid macbine government. has been made ln ihe i::«-. ti.-ii Supt-rvision blll. == Senator Hlg^ln:. Ir.troduced into the I.cglslatjure a bill provldlng for a Btate laaua of $1,500,000 of never.-vear bords to pay for the equlpment of volunteers The new Japanese crulser Kasagi bullt bv th>- t'ramps. had a succcssful trial trip at P rtsmouth. and dt-ve'.oped under advarae eondltlooa a rjimrter of a knot more than her rontract speed. .-A confllct la -agarded as probablfl between the strlkers at Haverairaw and the Sherlffs posse if an at- tempt to raaatna work la made to-day. A tract of eoal lands in Alabama was acqulred bv Northern rapltallata for $280,000. ===== Of- flcials of the Canadian Paciftc and the Weattrn American llnaa hald eonferences with the Inter- Btat>- Commarefl Comanlaa-flfli yesterday on the Western rate war; no result was reached. CITY. Four desperate bu.'glars. one of whom lt, accused of three murdera ln varloua parta of the country. wtre captured by the pollce. ____- Oscar Hammers'ein and his wlfe were nned *M)C\ Jolntly for canten.pt of court ln f>rclng an entrance to Olvmnla whllo it was In a recelvers hands - A rceolutlon was passed by the Rapld Translt Board sbowlng that negotlatlons wlth the Manhattan company. for the present at least. were ended. ______ In the Board of Al- dermen yesterday the resolution for an laaua of $_,'HBKif)r)0 of bonds for improvements ln New- Tork was not passed. =-**= Vhe reslgnatlon of Ellas B. Dunn local for*easter of the Weatner Bureau. was accepted by Professor Moore, Chief of the Bureau. THP" *vVE\THER..Tndlcatl-ra for to-day: Cloiidy. with raln. The temperature yesterday: Highest 75 degreea; lowest, G7 degreea; average, 70**. «_______________-___-_-- The Dailv and Sunday Tribune for out- Of-town readers, $1 a month. Changes of address grve no trouble. THE GOVERXOR'S PR0GRAMME Ono fonturr of th** brlof progrnmme presented tn the Leplslature by (iovernor Black weoinfl llkely to inako the cxtrn sesslon n llvely one. I_aavacra of both pariU's nre agreerl that the war mi'.-istires. glvlnp absc-nt soldiers n '.hance to vote In November and making an addltional ap- propriation for tliolr oqulpmenl, -a!!1 pass with¬ out opposltlou. Against any surh pJertions blll affeotlnff thla dty as tho Governor Is snkl to have pprsunded many Ttppubllcan nunibers to aupport tlie ncmocrats are apparently resolved to make as stlff a flfhl as posslble. The t;ov- rrnor's schenie of leglslatlon contains no sur- jirise. Tbere has never been a doubt that the '.aoaled verdk-t" whlch representatives of the local Reptiblicnn maohlne brought back from Albany a few weeks ago wns a# flrm refusal to approve thelr revengeful plan for n rrorganiza- tion of the Pollce Board. Nevertheless, the OuTa*f*ar has done well to put the verdlrt on record ln these expllrlt terma: "Leglslation af- "ferting any exlstlng pollce force, except as to "Its dntles ln _Ofl_flaBCtaO*_ wjth registration and "electlon, and offt-nces n-ralnst them, I dlstlnctly "docllnc to recommend." 8o ends h dlsreputable attempt to get square wlth Tammany for break- ing falih wlth Its allles la the electlon of last year. The Buppoaltlon that the Governor was wor- riwl over the prospect of electlon frauds thls year and dcslroua of prevcntlve legislatlon Ib also conflrmed by his niesrage and by the mcas- ure of whlch he Is supposed to be the author. To most of what be says on thls subject we beartlly aubscrlbe. Crlmea against the fran- cblse are abomlnable and fnll of menace to i.ur Institutlons. They are too llghtly regarded ln many quartera. and we fear that the tendoncy ao to regard them la Incrcaslng. It Ib a ten dency whlch needs to be eher-ked. and we should rejoice to have the ptnaltios for such erlOMfl flflflMtafl heavler aiid ii.exorably lafllctfljd. Bnl fl law to prevent electlon frauds may bfl -vorse than worthlcss, and we are lucllned to rwdlcve that the blll now proposed for onactnent ls <.f that character. lt mny rx- capable of nui'id- meut Into a credltablc and nseful measiii-.', but ln Hs origlnal fonu ns oiullr.ed In the <lls- patches, lt ls open to scrlous ofejci tions. Two of these obj»<tiot)s an- bauaad on refljatt- tutlonal groutxlr- lt !s propoaa-d i<> ei-eata fl metropolltan elec-tion rllstrlc-t. but ln order to ol> vlate th. neoeshi'y of flfljlat-llttiafl Haa bill to Mayor Van aTjrck li Ifl i«o*r_2-d Ibat llilfl dis- trlct ahall Include thfl rural purts of W<at__t-_- ter and Queena eounllen outslde the clly bu.'lrt. whlla at tha aame tlme lt la announced that the law wlll not be applled there. Iti short, those regiona nro embraoed in tho lnw only for the saUo of gettlng around thg Constltutlon. Mn- ri.rr.vres of thls sort aro fninlllnr ln leglRlntlon, bal thnt fact doea not mnko them reputabte. In this lii.ttince tho dovlre I* ronderod _ape> olally dlstast. fnl by tho elrminstanee thnt It Ib recoininori.led In f.irtheranee «-f ft plea bttRod on hlgb mornl nnd civil grour.ds. Our belief I* thnt the loynl. uprlght eitizens of thls BUttl. upon whose support the Bopuhlloan party nuist nlways roly for stn-ooss, nro offeiidod by any thlng which savoi-R nf poHttcal triokory. ami wlll think ill of tho monsnro under oonsldern- llon for thls rensoti Toi'hnl.'ally it ls pmb.i My not ¦ vlolatlon of tbe Conslittitioii. but we aro not so stiro that tho inain feature of tho blll. prOTkUag for tho nppolntment by tho »iov- ernor "f ¦ BupaCtlgOC Ot l.leotions for tho inot- ropolitnn dlstrlot. to havo full control of oloe- tlon mattors nnd authorlty over Inspoctors nainoil by hlm on iiominalion of tho polltlcgl organizations. would stand tlio scrtitiny of the Court of Apponls. Artlolo II, Sectlon ii. of tbe Constltntlon ls ns follows: All laws creatlng. regulntlnK or affectlnf. boards or ofllcers charged wlth the duty of rcg- iBteiing votem. or of dlatrlbutlng bniiots al tha poiis to votera, or of r eervlng, recordlng or countlng votca at electlona, bbmbII aecure equal repreaontatlon of the two politlcal pertios which, at ihe general electlon next preccdlng lhat for which such boards <>r otllcers are t.p serve. east the hlgbeet and the ne.\t htgheat number of votea, et< It is true thnt thls provlsion is badly worded, tbal many lateUlgeat men frankly oonfeaa that they don't kaow what it maaaa nnd ihat no- body oan safely predlct how tho oourt would In- terptet lt. But it li roma.K-.bly eomprehonsiv.'. .nd it gppeara to r.s tbal the s'.irit, lf not tho letter, of tbe Conatltutlon would be vlolated by a atatatc glviag to a aiafte Indlrldual such powera ns it is prrrpcawd to real ln .¦» Bnperrtoor of Btectlona. it« ralldity tertalaly cauhl not ho logtcalljr oonoodod by iboae who bold tbal . pollce board oxorolsing similar powers must bo a blpartlaan body. Thoro is nnothor point wlilr-h ooneorn tho op- eratloii lhough not tbe ralldity, of tbe blll. Tho Intention is. it ls s.iid, tl BWttd subordlnatos of tho Supervisoi ln considerablc nurubers to vari- OUa suspected polling-plaees and to oxolude tho polieo tliei-efrotn. thus avoidlng eontrovorslos and conlliris. But ta lt supjoscd that tho Cblef of Polieo wlll acquleace In tbla arrangement? And If ho ohooso. to disrogard lt, who ls to eoeree him? It ll the duty of the polioe to pre- sorvo llfe. property nnd ordor in all parta of the rlty, nnd we fnll to soo how they enn bo de sired or expected to avoid that duty around the polls. Assuredly Cblef l>every, whom Oov¬ ernor Bla. k. wlth doubtfnl proprloty. however lustly. has held up to pubttc exeoratlon as a seoiindrol In a formal mossago to tbe Legislat- uro. ls not Ilkely to yleld his lawful authorlty to an ele.-tion offl.or appolnted by tho (Jovornor. Such nn attempt to transfer polieo powers would he more Ilkely to produoe a riot than an honost eleetlon. These aro some of tho objeet lons to tho pro- posod blll which ¦ tirst eonsiderntlon of lt sng- gests. They may posslbly be removed before it Is ready for prosentatlon io tho Legtalature; but. as we havo sald repeaie.lly, we havo llttle faith in any artilleial acbeme to Intorfere with tbe natur.'il operatlOD <>f nmnl.'lpnl maehlnery whlcb tho people havo deliberately set ln mo¬ tion. The voters of New-Tork knew well di.pr.j_h what tho roturn of Tannnniiy to power would mean. nnd wo doubt if thelr eondltlon or prospects would bo much lniproved by tho pas sage of ft speclal olection law ln their noininul lntorost. It ls moro p-oliable. in enHC tho at- lenipt ls made, lhat tho Ropubllcan majorlty at Albany will brlng odium on themsolvos nnd iho party by thelr support of some cuide, oostly, in- efticient and ln.-quitablo acbeme of rollof. SOME TBOUGBTB ABOUT XEW PROPERTY. The Hawaiian Islauds have beeome part of tho property of tho I'nited Stato_, and ao sueh will be governed undor such regulatio-.s as Con- gress may prosoribe. Since. tho rosolutlons of annoxation einbraee some most Important pro- vislons for the future government of thla prop¬ erty, and also provlde for eontlnuanre of ex- lsting laws untll tho Unlted States ls prepared to aubstltute otliera, tho translt'.on will be much less troublesome than tho elnnge of authorlty Iu some of tho lslands formerly poverned by Spain. But tho problem ls not one from which Amerlcan coustructlvo genlus has occaslon to shrlnk. Does anybody BUppoae that tho peo¬ ple of thls eountry have less of the natlon- building faoulty than their ancestors possessed a century ago? No problem ean now be of¬ fered to them as difilenlt as r.ome o, those which our ancestors met wlth rare Rticeofes. nnd we should be degenerate sons of such sires lf we eould not frame a wlse mode of governniont for property far smaller ln area and Incom- p.irably less dlffloult to exploro, oolonlze and reduce to ciilllzation than the contlnent upon which our ancestors landed. Annoxation does not mean Statehood, but merely territorial soverelgnty. and under the lat¬ ter tho T'nlon can well afford to exerise Its iin- quostloned right to .xohido from the lslands those whose .etrlement tends to delay that d- volopinent on Amerlcan llnes, and to malntain rlfOrO-M. discrimlnation between those foreign resldcnts who Heek naturalizntlon and those wlio prefer to remain subjeota of a foreign Govern- mont. It Ib a questlon worth oonslderlng whether such discrimlnation should not extend to tho arqulsitlon of title to land. Whatever tltles the foreign resldents now hold wlll no doubt bo recognlzed. Whether It ls wise to givo them equal facilltlos wlth Amorioan cltlzens in futuro neeupatlnn or acqulroment of land ls not rilt.. gether elear. Above all else, tho l'nion wants theso lslands BCttled by people who wlll bo eager nnd able to defead them agalnat nll other Powers as an outpost of tho I'nited States fnr Its military nnd naval proiectlon. Tho rest of tho questions which arlso wlll probably eause compgratlrelf llttle trouUe. Tiie Anglo-Saxon genloa for admlnlstratlon and government. liltlo as our nowspapers of Am.ii can loeality but foreign sympathy may think of It, ls Riiro to nhow itsolf In logal methods adapted to the o.easlon. and perbapa nltogether uovel. It Is to bo antlclpnted thai some of the Amerleans ln Hawaii wlll be dlsappolnted If they are not apagdlly llfted Into Statehood. But nolther Alaska nor Hawaii. nor any other ferrltor.v which may boeome the property of the I'nited States not ronllguous to and dlroct ly eonnected wlth its States. can wlth proprloty be treated on the same terms wlth the lnnds soparated only by Itnnglnary boundnrles from jpowerful States, sottled malnly by Amerhan^, and prepared from the start to defend them aelvcs rnlnstany fordgn foo. TALK AltOCT FBACB. Storles of negotlatlon for peace grow moro frequetit, but they probably mean llttle. BpglB haa no Uovernnient strong moogb to make jieaco, and apparently not one lender nble to renllze what duty to manklnd wlll eompel Ameriea to demand. Having cheated the Ig- riorant people for months, the present Uovern menl In Spain eould not IIve nn hoiir If 1t should lei tho wbola truth be known. and ho foreea at Banttago aro ordered tu contJnue com mltilng suleide lu order to help aome banknijit nnd selllsh i.Ilh'l.ils in Bpaln lo k. op ot'l..<. a llttle |__B_B.r. The notlon that tlie iiifliiii.-n.iii. >. of the dynasty nieniis aometblng MCred la S|.anlsh peojl. ls pnoille. in view of tho fgrl that nothlag Hke n mnjorlty of Ibem has at nr>y Ume siisialned it in it-- power. aad its rultra know peifcetly well the wholesule conuptlon and plunderlng by whlch men like Weyler\wn¦** rtche.l themselvea whllo eat.ng out he llfe of th. Mtrlflflj. Spain ls > dylne nailon. In thi*lan- gaata of I.ord Salisbnry, hecause. Ibfl luonnrrhy baa been dovourlng lt. and there II not ho slightest evldencc that the rnrllsts or the M* publicans wonld do any better. SpnnlMl. smrgestlons rnntemplate retentlon of ,ome emp.v nnd nomlml power ln Cuba nnd tba Plillippli.es. so tbal Spanlsh pride mny M befo.d . Ht.lc. But lb« rnl.ed States wlll DO| riv.nl Spanish foollshness, and wlll not kocp up flfbtlni for any empty and meantngloss .hadow All that the d.i.y of thls Nntloti de- mand. It wlll bare. It wlll have .ll that it.fc- matld-d when the struzglo _a?*_tll " «m bJTi Hberiil .ompensalion fnr tbfl cos. of the Btnig- -1p Tho fln.'.nclers who found money for Spain to Oaa in be.lnnlng the war wlll elther put up I vcrv much larger sum or olse f* out of Span¬ ish bcmda nliogether wlth a orushlng loaa. nnd perbapa ihey win tblnb hrtcfl bt-fuw they wfD help any other n«tion to hegln war wlth the Unlted Btatai. _ . lb, it is abnoal lanajbabto to bear >panlsh taik of retentlon af this colony or that. as if the ari.hefl o- spain bad anythlm to do witl. tbfl matter. For all practleal patroaea, the Bpanlab \,vv bta been nnnll.llated. Tba IVlayo. whi.'h Cf|g toto traoMfl wlth her maohinory ln belng iowed twenty mlles in B plfldd canal. will got wlthln rangfl of such fl flblp ns the Oregon or tbe lowa onlv when she wisl.es to vanHh from tl.e earth The Moditerraiienn will become a ,-ork.il bOttlfl for the Spanish vessels that are vet alloat as soon ns f'o.umodoro Watson rroaaea Whatover outlylng trrrltory. aces- B|ble by "ca. the Cnlted States wishos to take nnd 10 hold. .-nywhero outsltle tlie Sptnlsb peninsnla. thls country can OCCtipy wltbou! donbl or rlsk. even the Afrlcan fortlflcntions oppoalte Glbralt.tr. If there W-W any use in taklng them. Spain cannot preveiit it. and we have vet to leara that any F.uropean Power has for Spain such a sentlmental attachment that lt desircs to dlctate to the Unlted States the leiins of peace It wlll flCCOrd. Enrope will not attempt dlctation. apparent- lv. bnt wlll appcal to sympathy. Spain ls weak nnd helpless. it wlll bc urged. nnd the I'nlted States can afford tr be magnanlmoufl. Certaln- ly, as to any Interests of our own. But we .atinjt be magnnnt-ioiis nt the cost of por- petnatl-tg Intolerable crueiry and tyrrutny for people anywbere who deslre to be free. Our duty is always measured by ou_ opportunlty. What we ran set free from Spanlsh despotlsm ~o wlll: let nobody make any mistnke about that. Tl.e people who cannot yet rlse lo the level of freclom may at leas: hope for tl.e benefl-Cnt rulo of Just nnd impartlal American btwe. We cannot unilertake to prop up Spanish tyranny ont-rlde of Spain. The Cnlted States began by aaklng the removal of that tyranny from Cuba. When Spain stupidly refuscd and began war, that act made the Unlted States reapontdbli for the eniancipa'.ion of other lands nnd lalanda besides Cuba. if they came under its Control in tlie progress of the wnr When Spain entlrely comprehends that sense of conscientliuis duty wblcb assurcdly will Influencc American minds it mny be prepnred tr. snggest terms of pence whlch will hnvr some chance of IO eeptance. MR. BBA88BT OX M1X1MDU SPEED. ln "Tho rortnightly Keview" for July the Hon. T. A. Brassey. tbe Bngllflb naval author¬ lty, throwa ou: a hint about ihe desiral.lc speed for battle-ablpfl wblcb should not a-acapc the attentton of people in this country who thlnk that vessels good for 18, or by chance 1*1. knota are all that we reiiulre. Oomparlng the Brit lsh wlth the comblned French. Russian and QermflJI navles. Mr. Brassey poinls out where the Brltlsh force needs strongthonlng In order t.» meel a Continental Alllance. He notes par- tlcularly the inferktrrty In nnmben of the Brit- Ish fleet In the waters of Northern Europe. The f'hnnnel fleel mlght bc needed in the Mediter- ranean, .'ind tbe i-flerre aquadron, with its base at DoTCT, would not be strong enough to blockade tho Balflc and Gcrtnnn as well ns tho northern l'renoh jiorts. Therefore he suggests more vessels designed for operations ln the wa*ers of Northern Kurope and for home de¬ fence, and says that for such uses "vessels of "Ihe sea-kceplng qntUltlefl of the Majestlc or "th« Canoptn elaaa are nnnecessary. For these "piir.noses we need fl flblp wlth as powerful nn "artnament and ns good prolection as our pres- "ent flnt-claaa bnttle-flblp-i and wlth a speed "of not less than IT1-. knnts." Thns It wlll be s.-rn that Mr. Brassey, when making his utmost concesslon for home defence nn.l allgbt steamlng reqnirenienls, puts the niiniiniin. speed for battle-shlps at 17'. knots. Ho does not ask for the 18*4 knots of the lanopns or the great .'oal-carrying capaclty of tlie Majestlc He would not be extravagant In his recommendarlons, only he could not think ut thls stnge of navnl progress of bulldlng even a slow battle flblp. to be employed wlthln a liiulted radlus. havlng a speed a blt less than 17K knots an hour. We, on the other hand, without a Teeae] 111 our Navy wlth a bnnker capaclty of 1,880 tons. liko Mr. Braaaey*a ex- amplea of ships with son-koeplng qunlltles, and without a hatlle-ship that can come near to tbe 1*^4 knots of tbe Canopna elaaa, nre plan- ning to bulld sea golng baltle-shlps of n ininl- mum speed of 18 knots. nnd dellberately rejed- lng the proposltlon of the head of tl.e Kncl- neers' department of our own Navy to eonip tbeae ships wlth lmproved englnes and bollers ..f |e<t(..l eftVleiiey. so that tl.e ships enn make IS knots and carry enough nddlrini.nl eoal to Increnso thelr radius of actlon. To do thls wonld. nccordlng to the statcments glven ont ln the Navy Department whlle the tubjecl waa under advisenient. re<pilre some rodistributlon of Interlor spnee, nnd It was then snld tliat the naval flirbitectl did not wlsh fo delny tlie work. nnd preferred to use old plnns ratber than rt> draw them for Improvements. however dcslr- able. It was perbapa nntitrnl that thls view should be taken. as The Tribune has already said. bnl ln view of the facts that the battle ships wonld not be flnlshed for two yeara or more. thnt we have flve others already nenrly eompleted, and tbal we are nlso to build monitors for roaat defenee nnd hnve the-m ln commisslon lone be¬ fore the three proposed battle flblna, we have h.-ld tbal it wonld bo folly to gnln tlme nf the expenae of **ffl**leney in tbe caae of these three reaaela Appnrently Ibe fldToeatefl of tl.e old plan regard their baate arfument as insnm- cient. bnl Inatead of acknowl*^gtitfl lt fntnkly they make some wonderfiil and confused state- nients to ihe > ffe.-t ihat they wnnt battle-shlps of only _.*. fcel draugbt, beeanae our harbora forbld ships of more than 24 feet draught. They any no vessel ever fought nt 16 knots speed, nnd r.'iptaln Clark reporta that he fongbl the fire_on nt thnt sp<o.i Tbey nraw abont the evlls of dlfferrnt dlm**nalonfl from those of the Illlnola type, ns if aomebody tranted different (linunsloiis or nnytliiiig but the rearnimtciiHiit nf the englne riioin flpaee to sult the lmproved macblnary wbleb ls belng noed ln [iroi*r»>ssive nurope.nn navles We have no dlsposltlon to be eaptlously crlt- Icnl, and lf a iinsfake In Jndgment with regard t tbfl need Of bflflte w.is made In the llrst place It nai no dmibt made lmnestly But tlie Btranga dafeneei of tne 18 t.ominnlly 16 knot vhiii put forth ." take Ibe ptaee >.f n.o ortfljinal nrgument ngnli.st I'.uniii.idore Melville's plan ¦oggeata a preaeni r**nlb_ataoo of ibfl Oaafltake, cnipl'-d nrltb .in iinwllliiigness to correct It. Tbat la tbe dbaquBttlng featnre of tbe altoatlan. The buidtn of ffll mlght eafl'.ly brmg error into a devlalon affectlng ahlpa of the futur* when naval experts were most eoncort.ed wl lmmod|ato neeessitles. But wllful blindiiess to the tonehlngs of the Santiago light and tho OO- !,,*« .f foreign navlea was noi to bo oxpe-ted. BBMBMBBB THE MAISE. Wfllnwright aald truly nt Snntlngo that tho Mnlno was there arenged. She was amply avenged-n. tho ratc of »lx ahlps for one flnd two llvos for one. She wna avonged in illffer- ent faahlon from her wrong. for. whlle she was dos.roved ln treachory. stenlth and darkness, Bho was avengod ln open. stralghtforward. hnn- orable battle. She was avonged. n.oreovor. not for mere snke of vongHiuoe nor ln ...ore Uist for rctallatlon, motlvoa unworthy of thla Natlon nnd never ohorlshod by lt. but aa a grimly ne- eevsitoiia part of a great work of righteous re- forni. whloh should end, so far as thls COntl- nent ls ouocrnoil. the wlokrd rule that led to that troaeherv. and should mako a repotitlon of tho eri.ne impoBsible. Vengennce It seemed. Bevere eno.igh to aatlflte Ihe flercest passlon but It was also vaBtly moro oorroctlon and prevontion nnd all else that enter or should ,.ter in domlnant degree Into nll human admin- lstrationR of JitBtlee upon ovII-doo.H. The Malne is stlll to bo reinombered. then, not for rerenge. but for a inor.il rondemn..tl..n "f her destrovers and for a mornl vlndirntion of her avengers. By one of those doorcoH of I'n.videnoe or turn. of rhanee, or what you wlll-whose tltness makos nmn stand In awe. these onds are belng attained In most impres- slve measinv. We nll romonit.er WeyWs bru- tal sneor. that the Mnlno was lost through tho lach of diselpllno. nogligenre and drunken worthlessnesB of her ofllcers and crew; and we hnve all soon tho prompt and stern repodlatlon of the llhel in mngniticent vlctories won by Amerleans through thelr perfect dls. ipllne and Bobriotv, and In erushing dofeats sufforod by tho Spanlards beoause of thelr BndledpUned and demoralizod conditlon. We shall now seo moro than that. We shall see lf tho Spanlsh shlpfl. Indiibitably blown up from wlthin, pre¬ sent such an nppearance as tho wreck of tho Malne Tbe Vlacaja waa wrecked by the ox- ploslon of one of her own torpedoes withln her hold-exactly what Spanlards pretend happened to the Malne. We shall soo If her kool is foreod upward to her deck llke an luverted V, and If the Jagged ed'ges of her broken platos aro all tumed inward. It will be an exqulsite turn of Justlce for a Spanlsh rhlp. ln her own de- Rtruetlon, to glre oonvlneing proof that Spanlsh vlllany dostroyed the Malne. Mr. H. W. WIlBon. tho author of "Ironelads ln Aetlon." conslders in "The Natlonal Uovlew" the wholo ease, In dlspassionato dellhoratlon and detail. and with a eortain expert authorlty ln splte of hla moflost diBoI.ilmer. By an Inex- orablo procoss of ellmination he sweops away, one after another. the varlous thoorles of inter¬ nal oxpl... I..n. and. though he thiuks "tho Wbofa "truth wlll never be known untii the Judgment "Day," he declnres there can be llttle doubt, flt le.'tst ln hls mlnd, that the v.-ssol was tronoh- eronslv de.troyed wlth a Spanlsh mine. In that latter deelaration. we bolieve tho sobor Judg- mont of the maj.»rlty of mankind ggrejei with him. Theoretlcnlb, too. we may agr.o with tho former statomont. Yet practleally we shall not have to walf for the JudRinent Day. If the revelatlons innde ln tlie wreck of the Malne and th? ei.otimstanees of th" explos'on were enough to convlnco Mr. Wibon that the deod was done from oufsido, tho furtlnr revela¬ tlons made, more than once or twlee, |n this war must brlng convletlon even to the most sceptleal. THE GREAT FARM EXPORTS. There are some Important lessons for f.irmers of the I'nited States In the tiooonnt of exports for the year Just closed. Whlle the roturns are not yet oompleto, they brlng out eertaln of theso lessons very clenrly. Although tl - year has been by far tho most (.iiceessful yet known ln respoot to tho marketlng of farm produots as a whole, lt does not appear that ns good prlees were nbtalned as In other years, when large pro- duetlon met extraordinary foreign demand. The f.irmers know that Ruch eolneldonces are rare, and or.nnot afTord to regulato their outpot year after year In the hope of the excoptlonal demand which comes only once or twlce ln a deeade. It Is not beoause such a hope ls serlously and$ wldely eherished that the farmers so often raiso a erop exeoedlng the world's demand. but main- |y beoause the farmers themselves do not know how much they are plantlng or how much they have ralsrd In previous years. The wheat outcome was In all rospocts ex¬ cept lonal. owlne In ronsldernblo moasure to the great spooiilatlon which Mr. I.elter prolongod for months wlth bo much suceess. Before the broakdown came, whleh seetns to follow almost inevltably the attninmont of conselotis power to control for a limo the world's markot, thls spoo¬ iilatlon had socired fnr the wheat exports of tho erop year nlmost ns good a prloe as wna reallzod In lWl/BB, when 22-...--..H12 bushels, flour includod, lirousht ln 8288.761,411-. Thls year the slightly smallor quantlty shown by pro- limlnary reports, 21...171..M51 bushel., brmiKht ln $212.MU .?_.!.. only ft shado loss than ?1 a bushel. in splte of the fget that nn onormous luerease ln exports of com was made tho samo year. Tho prellmlnary report shows exports of 20O.B5O.lfB bushels eoin nnd moal, for Whlcb *.^.L'i-VM.7 was rereired. not M cents a bushel, and a llftlo larger price was ibtained In IH!*.'., BBIJBBBMi for 101.0(N.,f)O0 bushels, and stlll larger ln 1800, N2,.B8,01B for 10M00,000 bush¬ els. In the erop year 1S07 tho valuo was only |8I.0V..21 2 for 17S.S17.417 bushels exportod, loss than 31 cents. It ls ovidont that long eontinue.l effort has nt last opened a permanontly Inereas- ing foreign markot for thls American product, of which exports thlrty yeara ngo were lnslg- nlftrant, nnd nft.-r rising nearly to one hun- dred inllllon bushels In each of tho four years 1H7S 1KS1 luclusive, then about 8 per cent of the erop, droppod off to less than 2 per ecnt of tho -mail erop of isss and about 8.3 per eont of the large erop of lssjl. Tho propor- tlon was lnlsed to 4.Sfi per cent of the good rrop of 1800, fell to .1.72 per eont of the rrop of 1802, but for the last three years the propoitlon has lieen 4.7 por cent In lSlHi, 7-88 por eent iu 1S!"7 and not far from 10 per eent in tho year Just i-losod. Ihe cotton rrop durlng tho last year brought ln BBBBJB 17.477 for _U-4l400,000 pound, ex- portcd, nlM.uf 8.7 cents a pound. but more money. $2.'.< .KP_i..i71. Wtl obt.iined the pfevlous year from 8|10B,00-.000 ponnds exported, and more In 1888, I___4b.4--1.M1 f«>r 24105,000.000 ponnfls exported, and more stlll ln 1801, $2!»>.- |!12,Sl»i for 2.907.(XH).1X)0 ponnds exporle.l. In- deed, If we go liack to 1SS1 It appenrs thnt f247.»H«.74»l wafl received for 2,191,000,000 l>ouiids sont Bhroad, nnd nbout ns much In valuo for 2.2KS.O-UMIOO potinds ln 1MR1. In effect, tho Soiithoin farmers have been sellliiK about one- half more cotton for less money than they for merly received for a smnller proportlonof thelr (rop. The ileld has oxpanded moro ihan ihe world's eonMimptlon, and for tho lnst ten or twenty yenrs a litilo more than the eunsumptlon ln nnniif ."turo ln this eountry. greaily ns thnt bag iiicreii .ed. Nor enn It bo expected that tho oost of prixluetlon can be rednoed |_ aajeh pr.i- poriion na lt has ben ln potroleum. of which 808,000,000 g-illons oxportod ln 1H77 hrmiglit |Ol,T80,4S8, or nbout 20 cents n gnllon, whlla 073,000,000 gnlrfffr* egported h»*t year brought f02,t-854hT7, or M centB. ffhea such reductloa ln aelllng prica api>enrs in f.iiiu prodocti it U Tt*' Honablo to Infer that .orrosponding deereaso In eari haa not heen offe.ied. and thnt the oatpttt bas beea unwlaely increaaed, ao tbat tha faiuier pta leaa money for a grentor quantlty rataed aud shlpped. Tho moro detalla are learned about lt. tha more thoroughly f'ommodoro Hchley appeara to have done htfl work at Pantlago. _._a- The most omlnous nnnouneemont of the day. for Spain. ls that Martlnei d* Campoa la 0f> pnsed to seoklng penco That ln">rru;,tlhle BOl- dler-statesman ls looked to as th* hope of Spain. Put If he perslsts In so fatuous a course aa con- tlnnlng tho war. thal hope Is vnln Indeod. -? Von Holat. profeaaor of lnterr.ntlonal law at the rnlversltv of .'hloago. flnds Hawaii an- noxed, not.vithsf.-in.linghls Infurlate brandlshlng of the scrolls of the law nrralnst It Ho will have to possess hls aoul ln pnt!*nce over the vent. l.ut to a phllosophlcal (.erman. fleasoned hy importatlon and tolernbly W8ll acllmnted. that oiiKht not to be partloularly dlfflcult. Bventa read new meanlngs Into the Pandeo.s Of which ba ls nn cxposltor. and have dOM so ,lnce the eode was instituted. He aill no doubt beeoma rocon.iled to the Hawnlian incldent In Ume, bUl if not we must WOfTg along as M*l we can wlth V©a HOWt rampnnt ln or,posltlon to tho gccompliahed. ? Ooodby, rarranza- Ooadhy. Baac! Canada preferB your room to your company, and Cana(_a has rrocd 188.8. PER80NAL. .Th* Phllade-phla no-ord" says. Th« appolnt. ment of H*..r-A.lmiral rredericll Valette 1-CNalr ..SuperintendentoftlMiDnlt^ltateaNaralA^d. omv to i ... Captaln Phlllp H. Coopar (who is ,o eommand -ho moderntaed erulaer CWcaiio) la an honor to a Bon of pennayiranla. Admlral l_ta/rair wai appolnted ai aetlng mldahlpman from tnifl Btata nearly forty-flve years ago. Durlng th* r-ivii Wer h* saw aea-flgntlng un.^r rarragut or tho M'Briaalppi and waa ln the."f_f_-^r*x?w1 paaaage of all th* forta up to tha c I >tnre ot in. «. ssLrs -WSfiftE*, ;> ;- tendenl of th* Naval Obaervatpry. HN rr',s''-; transfer wlll! leave racani the chalrmnnship of the Ltghthouaa Board " coionei Brneat Orattan. who has just ne*n re- tlred from the Rngttsh Army on aecount of Bge, eniisted m nn infantry battallon thtrty-elght yars nen as a tirlvate under thi nam" of John Smlth. and ltwas not unMI he had won hls commisslon lhat he aaaumed his real nam*. M. HrlKSon. the n"W Frenoh rremler. llves tn a tlat In a hOUM of hls own ln th* Ru. Mazarln. His home is Bnugly bourgeola ard not very roomy. The alaiM of Mm*. I.rlssnn. who ls muslcal. takee ui. a good deal of apara Between it and ihe bookoaaes tru-re ls no. much room. Commodore Schley was a mldshlpman on the NMr.ff.ira at the tlrr* F'crt Sumter was flre! on. When the vessel rea^he.l I.osron the captaln aald to th* ofllcers: "Ocntl. n-.cn, we have mme to the partlng af tho ways. Some or us wi;i never raeet again. «n.l some of us wlll .11" Ul dolng what we bclleve to ne rlght. No oath rnn Mnd a man ho- road the strength of his eonac-ence, but en that table. iylng upon the flag. I havo anittea out the <ild onth of allegtanee nnd slgned. The onth Is hlndlrg ro me rt-nth on me, and I hope lt ta aa you I *t each of you go tn h.s cabln and think t over- Hkmi |#t him -oine haek here and algn low me. nr lei hlm ro" When tha W_*toJ0$r* at the nam.? he aaw among thfm.t_.fv° T shipman Bchley. "Ton aigned..Wtaptar**aaked. -av. ave. Blr." waa tha reply. Bnme flag and .,..!.- end* Sam in Mary land as in M aaaai fcujet i. you know." "Ood hleaa you. boy. .Bafwlmed the Did man. "Tour fa'h^r and I foUffhl slde .,.. - le aa inrN ir. i<02. and whlla there ara somei of ns -he aro now rolng away. I prayed (_od your father's son would stlclt to u_." IftoB l.uelle Walroud, of Miiskojee, Ind. T.. was rerently graduated from a eoll.ge of Muskogee and ha* the dlstlnetlon of beirg the flral peri »n to recrlve rhe degree of hachel-r of «rta from any InatltUtlon ln the Ind'.an Terrltory. THI. TALK OF TBE DAY. "The New-Orleana States" s»ems to think that the North has been aendlnf. ita tramps to the war. for It remarka: "Certalnly there Is tmth In the homely adnKa that there la no sweet wlthout Its Mtter nnd the reverse. Thls war ll'.ustrates the latter, as lt has Rone a long way toward the re- moval of the tramp nulsance from the Northern riUaa at least. There the better class have always heen a ilttle Bhy of bullets. and now they Wteelg Conalder that the tramp and hobo will make .x I- lent food for gunnowder." Such a statement Bhowa either Ignoranca or mallce. Tho North has sent tha very flowc- of Its manhood to the front, aa, Indeed, the South has alao. Toor Camarn -Judglng- from Admlral Camara's movemrnts his Inatructlonfl must have rearneo: hlm ln aomethlng llke thi- order: "Start for the Philippines by way of Suer at once." , ,, "Wall for further Instructions. "U'alt for nothlng." ._,,.. "Upon reachlng cnnal proceed wlthout rteiay. "Don't pror, ed." ,, "Proceed wlth the utmost haste. ¦"I i- up untll further ordere," "Oo ahead at full Bpeed." ._ ._r "Come hom« at oncer*.(dereland Platn Dealer. The alrl students of a school tn Mlssourl rec. nt!y sent the followini? llnes to some of the hoy stu¬ dents amnnK the troops at CMckamauaa: Fare f* well, Intrepld heroes. H.nste to war wltn its alarms; Yon'.l return to flnd us aheroea, Waltlng here wlth yawnlng arms; Tf the Spiit'lirds do not plua you In the sanuulnary light; Hast.'ii back and we artll hug you, in wfld Bpaama of dellght. Maude.Why have you thrown Clarence over- Madge.1 couldn't marry a man wlth a broken neae. ^ , » Maude How dl.l hls nose aet hroken? Madge.I struck him ptaylng «oif: rnt-nits. Iflnnla CorneHua, an Ondda indi.m \t\r\ and a direct desrendant of a lontr llne of chieN. Is a re- eent jrr.idiiate from Grafton HalL a pirls' school ln Fond du T c, WIs She ls » R-ood l.atln an,l rire.k Kholar, an.l has rompiled a grammar of the Onelda language. When (.eoiae R. Teek flrat became an attorney for tha Santa K. he went to a amall town in \Veatern Kansaa ti argue a .«je that had been brought Bgalnal the rnnd for damaues to several head of cattle thal ha.l heen killed. The 8888 v, trlcd hefore a Judae who was decidedly Oerman. T'i^ wltneaBea were eaamlned. tha eaae was «one through with. and the attorney for the proaecutlon fltos. and ma.l" a Btrong plea for eonvlctlon. He wnx.il eloqueni. and th- |Udg8 pald elosn aften- "Ara you troo?" asked the Judge whon the law- y<r atopped, "Tea, S'.mr Honor. "You vins d.' caee." sald the .tndRe. "But i w.mt a chance to argua my si.ie of tho on-e," sald Peck. "No he vlns." sfoutly nssprted the .ludae nut iv,-k 'commanced to talk, nnd aradually hls talk led up io the eaae, and before tha .iu.i_:e knew it Peok w.is argulng the defence. The Judge listened eloaely, nnd when |V.-k had flnlshed he said: "You vlns de eaae." "Bul you have already declded ln my favor," aald th- other lawirer. . "Dat'a sll rleht. I reverse my flrst deolalon. Ii|« man vln«." and the Jiidpre stu.-k to Mn last derlsion nnd IV'-k won his rallroad case.-1.T04._ka state journaL The se ond annual Hampton Summer Confer-'n." wlll be held nt Hampton Itatitute. Vlrainla. .luly 20-22. The BUbJeCtfl for dlscu.slon wlll relate to the Improvement of the negro raee tn matlers ..f Bdueatlon, home-gettlnK an.l home-tratnlnp. farm- Ing, tradea, bua'nma baMta, nealth, lanparaaea aad rellitton AmonK the papera announred are those on "Induatrtal Educatlon la ihe Publl s.'iioois," "The Daagera Bneountered by Bouthern t.iris m Northern Cltlea" and "How to Hol.l the Youni. People ln the churchea." A large number of the lea.llnK men and women of the raee have slg- nlflad thelr lntentlon of belng present and thelr wHllngnaaa to assist in earrying oul the progrnmme. Among them may be mentloned Dr. and Mia F. J. (irlnik", Miss Syphax, Dr T Bhadd and Pro- fessor Hugh M lirown, of Washlngton, Profeaaor Kelly atlller, of Heward Unlveralty; Profeaaor Bookar T Washlngton. of Tuake^ee; Prof.-ssor Bcarboreugh, of WTllberforoe! Dr. Duniei wniluins. of Chleage Mrs. VtCtorta l.arle Matthewa. of Brooklyn; T. TliimiaB Fertune, of 'The New-Teek Age"; the Kev l»r J. K. .Ionea, of Klchmotn! Theo- logl_eJ Semlnary. «nd the Itev. II. O. I.lshop. of thls city. I'.imoiis The New Tlutler And when do you get up iii tne mornlng, alr? Ti.e ProfBBBOr.TOU can flnd that hy looking In 'FamOUa Men of the Tlme.' "- (Fllegeiide llUtler. The Fren, h Minlster of Agrleulture haa Issue.l a notl.-e that all Importnllona into Kran.-e of oteats contalnlng to-nx or l.om.Mc ncld wlll t.e prohll.lte.l. "They tcll me your wlfe Is a partlcularly flne housekeeper." "Kxcruclatlngty so. I ve aeen that woman Bprtnk'a the rloek wlth inse.-t powder to tfat rta of tlckfl.' iD.trolt Free I'reia. aprl tha FIVE FREHIIAIR PARTIEB. BKN'T Ot-'T IN I-lflTKHENT DIBK'.TIONfl FRO-g Tllia I'lTV YKHTf-RDAr. It waa nn InlereBttn* a-BBfl Idence that yaet*raay niornlna them w»r.i fl\« dlfT'-r. r.t partlafl af Trtb. unn Fr-flh Air Plind < Mld ran all trasfllitna; ar tha lajae tlme. it was a i/ieaeing aalnaMflnaa that th«y 7/erc all Journ<->li:g away from the clty. in «.f. f.-r<nt <".lr->ctloris they went. and rhe'r roufe*. %\-\ N'cw-York ->. a ..utre. branched aat evat a _4a *BbM Hut all were aolna io tne .omtry Tj.ii ajajj the chlef polnt. and th< .«. were flv- .inli of happ- chlldrcn In rnoflon yeaterday rnornlr.r Two af these parll-fl starf'-I Moa l| r.'gh'. wh-a II wns dark. and fell Bfll».'p. arlth Ih-lr in«- Impri*. ¦tOtM thoeai of ,h* cl(>- ,:" T"ltT :'"' r,T"'i» fltlll BOttndlOfl In tbflfff eara. Th'-y mlls. ha -.. ,,.», g autrartaad nnd wonderin* lot whc-i tbey BWebflflj Und IkaflflaBfllraa rushlng r.y areen flataa, *.'*>*;,,. i.rooks aarfl nn 'ho o'hcr baautlfa . .n country. To many ot them hricic aralla b4 a'oae pavaaaaata aad ^'"r. itr-ir only «¦ -nra ,-i t< m rqunrc feet of Maa nky to «.n<1 for \4.ar». The reveiatlon rn'iat have rr.* le BMay i iit-j, .¦fr«-sh air Increduloua bb to th<» accura^y of »., or h«r »->eal*'ht. Three more partl*a ararteil »arly thla rr.-irflina They went at nearly 'he sarr.e tlm<- bul fr'.m eJif. ferent parta of ihe city. and r.o.)n<l for !.ff-r»at r<-Kl..n» One n-en. ro Maa icbUSCItl T ¦ »,, tho aacoiBtl r-ariy th.it ihe It< rk-r.ir rreafl Ab Fund, of PlttaflaM, has antertaim thu imatar, Tba otbaf two wn. on tamajat trtpa, and flrtfl -** allfbl untll ihe;- r'-acii 'il»un' paria of ita Htaie. Th<- flrst ef ih'se was lnvlt»*l to Veatal, N. y, Thera were twelve af them-no* a larffl party, bat th.- popular eollocjalalhaa mlght be applli Sm«| bul oh, my"' Th»y were happy ** well as r.»«a and daaarrfnn chlldren. ar.rl th" ' V-.li, uh-i he\e ho kmdlv throwa '.[.en thelr ii >m-fl ii them are fjaorga Dntm, Herbatl Raeae I ft«. thoif. I'recjprick Ptarea, Mr« Mulvehlll, Mra f_*. rlell, I.eroy I.illy. Mrs. A. ITflB_fljb an.l A A _* warda W.nklns, N. V., waa the re< iplent of a rary «-f thirty-aeven chlldren, wblcb Brrlved ¦.. <./*_- terday aftaraooa, .'¦ ra at ¦ .'¦ > i ".»«*. ar-- many .hr.r.k-. .: ia ... tk baai ta - r.pia at thls town. alao. for t).* »;»>od thfl)"" hatra <\, ..» Kr.-m th* polni af rteta of rhe -*ett-****>ua roitniry boal or eontributor af aiooay It bi hard te Bfflao eaata what a freab-alr racaUon aaaana l tba poor ..il of tha clty. It ls only tho- a r*,^ work amoa** th. ehlklran who can knoa .-« n il ti of tha f-pn ¦. mlaery of th« "itaar hHif." It la Incredlble ln many car /".f-lk Ita mildeet form A boy ol i. . fl eountrj ihort tlme .._.. ahose life ..: ij- ro indlnga w< iciei .'.*» ln the r.imi.y weri iwo aromen end ..-._ Tho fattter \- i- dead una ot lha v. .n.-i. ¦*.<._)-. tlnually Ini alcai ....... 1 life .i canataat tarror. Tne ..;r.»-r *..n. 11 ra moilier, and to 'her f-l! the task ¦< ¦¦. r:in| tha anola famlly. Bhe waa a r-.r^-r. :..r '__i( woman and .. aood muther. l.ut with .._ ro f>- d it waa bar I to keep the aa .if fr >m iha i->_ Whir. ihe bad w ik they llved on -1 m.i«r_t| acanty nupplr of food. When Bhe . »». woik they cither al irved or llred ¦..r t** anta, wltn a i-t of 'ha former, -1 i_» nelanbora were moatly aa poor aa themi .-. Ai 10 rooma. these aeven p--opi'r iivni ir. * aingtfl >ma_ room r.Hht under tba rcol ... botlaa; rlo5e«t tenemenu of th<- Eaal l aucfl aurroundlnaa and Influeneea waa thla little bt- belni brought up Th- lurroundlngfl ha»« .i«« their work, and na la weak, i---.- and ir.a-iatet T 1- Influeneea have r.or yet hurt him. M.i ':_¦_. air racation waa well i.iaced. Th- trouble 11 that ba I.---1 bad to rmirn to tn- .-_m- 0 llfa anfl condltlona, ln wblcb there la plentj ol - rr w »n4 actual Buffi r.ng, bul llt) . :*'-w hHid for one ao yoi.nx to be Wllh KMB t ir-f< ,-. oi wie worta'a pata aad mbwry aafl Bb ia by no in^aim n:i . atremi ¦'-.., -______. .,. iterday wus .1 day ut lat fresb- air chlldten. lf happer.e.i that 01 amall km BBfl recelved a so.--lal invit_ti<ti fron. fr 1 ef f rmer >.arh in Cuba, N V. Vf.ii jrouthful la-rijt had been ther« before bul Cuba, N, . aad tba ni»n4 of Cuba wer- all on« to ;-.:m They botn meani "Cuba Llbra".freedom and happlne_a f..r th« o»» tr-.x.-.l That w-is hla ..i«- eia ,' tlut th- heated walls of ' etoeni bouaa <k tr-.i pb.ee of BpanUti oppresalon r*o he waa .,;>;_ ¦olng to the front, anj inarria. zea. "__afl BU ..8av m..~i. r. la dal when '.. iboatln' krr ha aarnaatly aakad of lha attend .... lt#wera^a.akaaai to dampen auch aobla ardor, and tbfl .»-... *a- Bweri .1 "V*-S " -111. dld rer kaair dat. tf.U'ta. ahouted t_a .loiuthty knifl lt "l'a . ¦y,rla S«: 1 Viir-t r.:n' to no common, ord'nary -aaaa*f n.. alrea! battflT! Bangl' , And he diacbaJaTad Stfl im.._;:iary BT_*aa;*Jlllfl>aflBJ tt'mma a trcat to n'te the npcr.-mouthed a-lmlr*- ttao*"hla c-mradea. PatrtoTtam andjhfl flpRtl Of war run r.l«h .r. ih.se t£0fljb_*-Ba_afl Umta a<kno\vl.ei->omi:nts ( Mra. Oaorira BiumenthaK. *J','"JI Mra. John Cepcutt, roakara.... -,., .-. f Clflghoni, llancheatflr, m . _ ( sir«. J. Crowall, Broeklya..... ,,,. A mlte for the ItitU onea". Jf) H. W. II . _., Dr. 11. ar. s. a_,.i t h. iv t.;;; 18 il^KMhl. AvarnirV'iiflV'wisi.iUBhbJ-' Avflnua Cbapel. Brooblya .V'All* *__.___i"'_____! y j..',-. A f Cbarek "f Our l*ather. Hr~.B- >w Caflh ii ;'a-»»'n Avaaraa hBaaajraartaa i*riure_. ^ *_r|al xv'eVk**!1-. ef Ta_.ra*a'fllfl' Hapti.t fAraaab |# Chlldr-n'of Inaiiatrl-i'school. No. ist) Van Brunt- st.. nr.»ikivn ..¦-.¦.;. 8d> Mta K. <; M Ixre-i. '>rana<-. .N J. .,.,« PrerkMioty act-aowladaBBl _ Total Julv Ifl. 1*)8.._.,'"mJ' YAXDEBBILTB WILL STAY IS ABBBKk There has been -om- fnlk of late nhout the m«m- bers of the Vanderhllt fnmlly ri-nounclng thla coun¬ try and making their home ln Kurope Taa*fl ¦ pronounccd bv frlenls of the fnmi y to be *aflfl* nonscn=e. The fact is cltel that M- aad afffl l <*. nellua Vanderbllt have taken a cbateau in F>»nc* ThN tnie, t ut lt does not mean that they h*M llve there. On the other hanl. Mr. VanderMlt fl return to thls country early ln August aad flO' New port. He wlll rrmaln there just as flteaflj ".» ¦ health wlll perm.t. and he wlll return only waaflin la latperatlve. The Btatement has al?o been made tbal «'*orn W. Vanderbllt. who r-cently niarr'ed >lt*s Pre-M* In Parta, wlll naka btB home ln Tarls Thla ls fl>*» dcr.le.l. Mr. Vanderbllt and hlfl wlfe are spendir.l thelr honeyaaooa abroad, bnt they win soon returs ta Mr Vanderbtlt'B baa-ttfal home at mitrcora and arlll entertala 00 « lavtoh aeala. Afl f?rj___r erick W. Vanderblll Mr« Slo. r.-. Mi- -;'.;, Mra. Twombly and M-s. Webb. ihey Bre da*-*«J ta thN .ountry and _0 not aaptat to id** »l »" aome tlma .. c-oaae. h.t&m WlllUm K. Vanderbllt ls now ar.rc.ad. but co- not thlnk of ataylna there l"n«. He wlll Jbaibwj to ;o.k after the vaal buatneaa latereata un;*" ".» rontrol. He has teken ati Intereat ln J^*BJ2l Ina and h.a eotore may be aeen on the turt tn«* but he hns no Idea of evor f-olna; there to llve. I \s6at. II |f Yr.'HN THAT WA8X*T BRBW A \Nlt of M Cambon. the F*Tench Arnl>«*«* to tba ri'fsldcnt guve rlse to reporta that paaala for paaoa on the part of Spain were cuaaad nt tba eoafaraaea. The laparta »*«". fownded. ^ A dlspntch from Havana to Madrid «rinou.nh<^ thnt the Amerl-an troops had _h_noon*- poalttoaj before Santi_a;o. Th- rep-.rt iIim. r.-rmany had proteated ****n* Amcrlcin o-.-iipatlon of th« 1'hlllpplnes wa» M flaatad hy onictal* of the State Department r.NVi.NKlltMKI) WAR RIMOR ^ Accordlna to a dlspatch from Ronie. P*int ¦ . "Th- Eveutnfl -louinal." ItM PflflBl ******* ("uba's anncxaiion to the t'nited 8tatea A XAYAI. R1AXDER. THK TKIH1 Nll's l-JM POP TASTKR e.lTT*-»> hHIPS Stl'l'. .RTKH Prnaa Tba L-twilaat-lB r.»uri-r-journai oUt "Tn.- Courler-Jouraal" baa alr-ady i';'1'l.-part what Bcwma la ba a very aerloua error on tju Of .... Naval Conatruclion HurMi. ln aaai"* j for tha new shlp* nuthor.ied by the re.em [f Concr-sa. Allva io iba l"P<>^nel_E S un* Btrenatri.-r.il>.; our Na\>. i ongrcss W**a "^.^ ureceileniedly lerae approprlatlon for 1 ^ I..H tha Conatructloa ».'*M »PJ*ara bent ^'m^*y iy nulllfytnfl lhal food actlon by r*«.J»f^5 m into Blow ablpe, whlla tha oaa aaral l-aaaa in || preaeni wai baa uuaht ls that » neaa agr ., ;P...,i ,,s arell bb rtghMna power- ahlpa tii ara ua .ie almoal entlrely la.-klna. It ia "WJFuauaA ir.-H -uthorlBfld l-.ittl«-»hlpa an.l n^ni-.;!» l*'*..-,[ _ ,p-iBeVa »-..t the ronstrucilon RoarJ doea a^ even, prapeaa ... bulld faflt battle-ahbfl. « ^0. r,-j. 1 ¦..mm.Klore MalvUle'a PlM.fMfa ta* knot battle-flhlpa -eeauaa lt would "^i"'* _.d r^ ' iCl ctanae- la tbe Board s deaiana **£&* aulrB m llltie .fler ln buildlaa. aad ib pr wlth bkla for Hixtcn-knot ahlps hlundfltT If ,... Mtbinfl be done ... pravaol the hi.>n ^oi ItM Bxacutlva Huth.»rltles w.l not d<> «¦ ,Mt Con-rr__a, whlch approprtated *h»ja*«aj, tt anall not be spent In ot-aolete ahipaT _

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  • 2_tntitnnema.AJ-ERI'-AN TTtnATRE ROOF OARnEN-Vau'evIllflCA81NO.M~*fhfl Teeprtoie OlriEDEN* -tU8*-*_.traa Work*. Orand Cone«rt and Cln»-

    matograph.K«ITH'R.Nnon te 11 p. m..Vaudflvlllfl.KOFTVB S, FIAt/8.fl.Vaudavllle.LBNOX LYCEl'M -*.Banda Ita»»eIdAlHBON PQVARE ROOF OARDEN.BilB-ConoertMANHATTAN m.ArTf.fltflo-* Vlctor Hflrbert'B Benfl

    a.pBtn'a Manlla ani Flreworks »-WaPg.FA**TOr.'8--l*:aO lo 11 p. m..Vaudevillfl._

    Jnbcx lo 'XbtirrtiacmrntB.~ ~P_£'cmV~ rageCol

    Amuflflinentfl .15 2 MarrlngeB and Peathfl T BAnn. unctmenu .14 r. M_.-ellaneeufl .>4 a-aBualnflBfl Notlcea.... fl 1 Orefln Pteamera.I» JJBenkerr. flr>_ BrokenlO 0 Prepoaala .JJ 1Boari ard Boemfl 12 4 T-hiMIr .V.-tlcee.1 iPuilneaa fhancea. ..12 4 Railroada .J' "* "DlTlflend Notieea.. H> 0 l -Dorr.. Slta. Wflntld .12 BT Scho-.l Agenclea .IiFrea-rraklng.12 4 Pp-eial Notlcea. T 6Excural->ns .1.1 « Stearnboata. .la B-_Flnanclal El-ctlona. .10 fl Sun.mer Reaorts.ll « *Flnnr.clai .10 (Ml Teachera .12\Hareea g Can-lagea.12 2TyTurf..-..1- fInatncrlon .12 fl*Aork WMtefl. 12 6Legal Notlcea 12 * MBfljaa Puhacrlptl >nLoflt aad Found...12 4 Ratea . . B

    l-tueinreo _\otura.

    TRIBFNF TF.BMS TO MAIL BIJ_B-*»iPfl-Ba-rally. 110 a year tl p*r BBtfl-tk _Daily. without Buadajr, i» year, SO cent- per m-nth.Burdflv Trll.ur.e. fl a year. We-kly. 11. Sem. Weflk.y *..

    T081AOK Kxtn pOBtB-fa 'a chargerl lo forfllgn ^'""'f'^*.xcept Mexlco r.n.I -BBflflB. flnd on the -...)' -* fl

    flUnUTTANCKa. lf aent In cash. unreglatered. .** ha -tthfl ownera rl»k

    *flU_t*4 OFFicn iB4 Kaaaaa »tTJPTOWN OFTK'E- 1-2)2 Broadwajr.AJfERICANB ABBOAP flrtt: fn.l Tne Trlb.in* ».T-indcn.Offlcfl of Tl>» Tribune. HI) Fleet-fll.Mcrton rhaplln A _... N". B rrlnr-ie-it.¦reara f-eaM *. f*-.. M St** o«fcr.i »t-Thomaa Cook -V Bon. Ludaaif !'..>..¦

    Parla-J. Munro.- fl I"¦ T Rttfl SrrlLe.HiMlnauer & I". SB r.ue d- l'rovenceMc.rgan iiari- i V. ll Bouleratd Haaaaauaarredll Lyonrflla. Burcflu Ifl* KtranaeraTbomafl Co..k Ar B n. 1 Place de 1 Oj»WB.

    Ceneva- Lonbar. Odler * Cb.. and l n.on Bank.Flfirencfl- Whltry * fo.Vlflnnn -Ang!-. Au'trlan Bank8t Petfli-bara -rrsdii Lyonaala .«_._The londoa ofllcfl i»f Tl.e TrBur.e la a convenlent ->.fl.»

    to leave. advert.:eme-.ta a-d BBbSerlatMBM)

    aaVe^trrkDmls aMbmwWEDXESDAT, JULY 18, W»

    ri/f Jffifl ni/.s uorxixg.

    THE WAR After demonrtratlnf* on Moadaythat he had Bantiago at his mercy C.eneral8haftcr °ent a second demand for trfe unconai-tlonal BUirender of ihe clty; General Toral aenta replv reatarday morning, relteratlng hla detc-r-mlnation to realat; latf-r advloes lndlcate thatthe lenewal of the bombardment was poatpoaaduntil thla morning. =_-= The Navj Denartmentordered the auxlllary crulser Uuffalo to be sentto the New-V..rk Navy Yard. to be convertedinto a rolller. ___=_= Chlef ConatmctOT Hlchbornhas reported to the Navy Department that threeof the new torpedo-boata bftn*c bullt are nearlyready for aervke, and that work on the Ala-bama la r*-ing rushed. General Miles wlllcommand th.- P..rto Rlco expedltlon, whlch willbe organlzed Immedlntely after the fall of San¬tlago The old TennesBce Penltentlary.now des.-rt.-d. is belng tonsldered by the Qot«ernmcnt na a prlson for Spanish soldlers.The converted yacht Stranger put Into NewportNews 'or repairs for damages recelved ln a col-lialon in Hamptoa Roada e=s: Accordlng toMadrid and London advicrs the Spanish Cablnetcrlsls hangs fire bacflUMa of the Indecision ofHag.-.sta and the lack of some one else to takethe PrcmiershipFORB1GN. The Chinese robels have captured

    aareral taaraa, and have posted placards inoth.-rs warnlns the lnhabltantu to leave.Ar. Inquiry Into the Bourgogne dlsaster was be-gun n* Hallfax. =- The Italian Chamber ofDeputlea approvcd 'he measure for the restora-tlon of order. In the Vienna chess tourna-ment boih Tarrasch and Plllabury won, the lat¬ter retalnlng hle lea.l ol one polnt.DOMB8T1C.An important amerdment. whlch

    mav aid macbine government. has been madeln ihe i::«-. ti.-ii Supt-rvision blll. == SenatorHlg^ln:. Ir.troduced into the I.cglslatjure a billprovldlng for a Btate laaua of $1,500,000 ofnever.-vear bords to pay for the equlpment ofvolunteers The new Japanese crulserKasagi bullt bv th>- t'ramps. had a succcssfultrial trip at P rtsmouth. and dt-ve'.oped underadvarae eondltlooa a rjimrter of a knot morethan her rontract speed. .-A confllct la-agarded as probablfl between the strlkers atHaverairaw and the Sherlffs posse if an at-tempt to raaatna work la made to-day.A tract of eoal lands in Alabama was acqulredbv Northern rapltallata for $280,000. ===== Of-flcials of the Canadian Paciftc and the WeattrnAmerican llnaa hald eonferences with the Inter-Btat>- Commarefl Comanlaa-flfli yesterday on theWestern rate war; no result was reached.CITY. Four desperate bu.'glars. one of whom

    lt, accused of three murdera ln varloua parta ofthe country. wtre captured by the pollce. ____-Oscar Hammers'ein and his wlfe were nned*M)C\ Jolntly for canten.pt of court ln f>rclng anentrance to Olvmnla whllo it was In a recelvershands - A rceolutlon was passed by theRapld Translt Board sbowlng that negotlatlonswlth the Manhattan company. for the presentat least. were ended. ______ In the Board of Al-dermen yesterday the resolution for an laaua of$_,'HBKif)r)0 of bonds for improvements ln New-Tork was not passed. =-**= Vhe reslgnatlon ofEllas B. Dunn local for*easter of the WeatnerBureau. was accepted by Professor Moore, Chiefof the Bureau.THP" *vVE\THER..Tndlcatl-ra for to-day:

    Cloiidy. with raln. The temperature yesterday:Highest 75 degreea; lowest, G7 degreea; average,70**. «_______________-___-_--

    The Dailv and Sunday Tribune for out-Of-town readers, $1 a month. Changes ofaddress grve no trouble.

    THE GOVERXOR'S PR0GRAMMEOno fonturr of th** brlof progrnmme presented

    tn the Leplslature by (iovernor Black weoinflllkely to inako the cxtrn sesslon n llvely one.I_aavacra of both pariU's nre agreerl that the warmi'.-istires. glvlnp absc-nt soldiers n '.hance tovote In November and making an addltional ap-propriation for tliolr oqulpmenl, -a!!1 pass with¬out opposltlou. Against any surh pJertions blllaffeotlnff thla dty as tho Governor Is snkl tohave pprsunded many Ttppubllcan nunibers toaupport tlie ncmocrats are apparently resolvedto make as stlff a flfhl as posslble. The t;ov-rrnor's schenie of leglslatlon contains no sur-jirise. Tbere has never been a doubt that the'.aoaled verdk-t" whlch representatives of thelocal Reptiblicnn maohlne brought back fromAlbany a few weeks ago wns a# flrm refusal toapprove thelr revengeful plan for n rrorganiza-tion of the Pollce Board. Nevertheless, theOuTa*f*ar has done well to put the verdlrt onrecord ln these expllrlt terma: "Leglslation af-"ferting any exlstlng pollce force, except as to"Its dntles ln _Ofl_flaBCtaO*_ wjth registration and"electlon, and offt-nces n-ralnst them, I dlstlnctly"docllnc to recommend." 8o ends h dlsreputableattempt to get square wlth Tammany for break-ing falih wlth Its allles la the electlon of lastyear.The Buppoaltlon that the Governor was wor-

    riwl over the prospect of electlon frauds thlsyear and dcslroua of prevcntlve legislatlon Ibalso conflrmed by his niesrage and by the mcas-ure of whlch he Is supposed to be the author.To most of what be says on thls subject webeartlly aubscrlbe. Crlmea against the fran-cblse are abomlnable and fnll of menace to i.urInstitutlons. They are too llghtly regarded lnmany quartera. and we fear that the tendoncyao to regard them la Incrcaslng. It Ib a tendency whlch needs to be eher-ked. and we shouldrejoice to have the ptnaltios for such erlOMflflflflMtafl heavler aiid ii.exorably lafllctfljd. Bnl fllaw to prevent electlon frauds may bfl -vorsethan worthlcss, and we are lucllned to rwdlcvethat the blll now proposed for onactnent ls r 24105,000.000ponnfls exported, and more stlll ln 1801, $2!»>.-|!12,Sl»i for 2.907.(XH).1X)0 ponnds exporle.l. In-deed, If we go liack to 1SS1 It appenrs thntf247.»H«.74»l wafl received for 2,191,000,000l>ouiids sont Bhroad, nnd nbout ns much In valuofor 2.2KS.O-UMIOO potinds ln 1MR1. In effect, thoSoiithoin farmers have been sellliiK about one-half more cotton for less money than they formerly received for a smnller proportlonof thelr(rop. The ileld has oxpanded moro ihan iheworld's eonMimptlon, and for tho lnst ten ortwenty yenrs a litilo more than the eunsumptlonln nnniif ."turo ln this eountry. greaily ns thntbag iiicreii .ed. Nor enn It bo expected that thooost of prixluetlon can be rednoed |_ aajeh pr.i-poriion na lt has ben ln potroleum. of which808,000,000 g-illons oxportod ln 1H77 hrmiglit|Ol,T80,4S8, or nbout 20 cents n gnllon, whlla073,000,000 gnlrfffr* egported h»*t year broughtf02,t-854hT7, orM centB. ffhea such reductloa lnaelllng prica api>enrs in f.iiiu prodocti it U Tt*'Honablo to Infer that .orrosponding deereaso Ineari haa not heen offe.ied. and thnt the oatptttbas beea unwlaely increaaed, ao tbat tha faiuier

    pta leaa money for a grentor quantltyrataed

    aud shlpped.

    Tho moro detalla are learned about lt.tha

    more thoroughly f'ommodoro Hchley appearato

    have done htfl work at Pantlago._._a-

    The most omlnous nnnouneemont of the day.

    for Spain. ls that Martlnei d* Campoala 0f>

    pnsed to seoklng penco That ln">rru;,tlhleBOl-

    dler-statesman ls looked to as th* hope of Spain.

    Put If he perslsts In so fatuous a course aacon-

    tlnnlng tho war. thal hope Is vnln Indeod.-?

    Von Holat. profeaaor of lnterr.ntlonal law at

    the rnlversltv of .'hloago. flnds Hawaii an-

    noxed, not.vithsf.-in.linghls Infurlate brandlshlngof the scrolls of the law nrralnst It Ho will

    have to possess hls aoul ln pnt!*nce over thevent. l.ut to a phllosophlcal (.erman. fleasonedhy importatlon and tolernbly W8ll acllmnted.that oiiKht not to be partloularly dlfflcult.Bventa read new meanlngs Into the Pandeo.s

    Of which ba ls nn cxposltor. and have dOMso

    ,lnce the eode was instituted. He aill nodoubt

    beeoma rocon.iled to the Hawnlian incldentIn

    Ume, bUl if not we must WOfTg along as M*l

    we can wlth V©a HOWt rampnnt ln or,posltlonto tho gccompliahed.


    Ooodby, rarranza- Ooadhy. n« Baac! Canada

    preferB your room to your company, and Cana(_ahas rrocd 188.8.


    .Th* Phllade-phla no-ord" says. Th« appolnt.ment of H*..r-A.lmiral rredericll Valette 1-CNalr..SuperintendentoftlMiDnlt^ltateaNaralA^d.omv to i ... Captaln Phlllp H. Coopar (who is,o eommand -ho moderntaed erulaer CWcaiio) la anhonor to a Bon of pennayiranla. Admlral l_ta/rairwai appolnted ai aetlng mldahlpman from tniflBtata nearly forty-flve years ago. Durlng th*r-ivii Wer h* saw aea-flgntlng un.^r rarragut ortho M'Briaalppi and waa ln the."f_f_-^r*x?w1paaaage of all th* forta up to tha c I >tnre ot in. «.

    ssLrs -WSfiftE*, ;> ;-tendenl of th* Naval Obaervatpry. HN rr',s''-;transfer wlll! leave racani the chalrmnnship of theLtghthouaa Board "

    coionei Brneat Orattan. who has just ne*n re-tlred from the Rngttsh Army on aecount of Bge,eniisted m nn infantry battallon thtrty-elght yarsnen as a tirlvate under thi nam" of John Smlth.and ltwas not unMI he had won hls commisslonlhat he aaaumed his real nam*.M. HrlKSon. the n"W Frenoh rremler. llves tn a

    tlat In a hOUM of hls own ln th* Ru. Mazarln.His home is Bnugly bourgeola ard not very roomy.The alaiM of Mm*. I.rlssnn. who ls muslcal. takeeui. a good deal of apara Between it and ihebookoaaes tru-re ls no. much room.Commodore Schley was a mldshlpman on the

    NMr.ff.ira at the tlrr* F'crt Sumter was flre! on.When the vessel rea^he.l I.osron the captaln aaldto th* ofllcers: "Ocntl. n-.cn, we have mme to the

    partlng af tho ways. Some or us wi;i never raeetagain. «n.l some of us wlll .11" Ul dolng what webclleve to ne rlght. No oath rnn Mnd a man ho-

    road the strength of his eonac-ence, but en thattable. iylng upon the flag. I havo anittea out thectloris they went. and rhe'r roufe*. %\-\N'cw-York ->. a ..utre. branched aat evat a _4a*BbM Hut all were aolna io tne .omtry Tj.ii ajajjthe chlef polnt. and th< .«. were flv- .inli of happ-chlldrcn In rnoflon yeaterday rnornlr.rTwo af these parll-fl starf'-I Moa l| r.'gh'. wh-a

    II wns dark. and fell Bfll».'p. arlth Ih-lr in«- Impri*.¦tOtM thoeai of ,h* cl(>- ,:" T"ltT :'"' r,T"'i» fltlllBOttndlOfl In tbflfff eara. Th'-y mlls. ha -.. ,,.», gautrartaad nnd wonderin* lot whc-i tbey BWebflfljUnd IkaflflaBfllraa rushlng r.y areen flataa, *.'*>*;,,.i.rooks aarfl nn 'ho o'hcr baautlfa . .ncountry. To many ot them hricic aralla b4 a'oaepavaaaaata aad ^'"r. itr-ir only «¦ -nra,-i tm iha i->_Whir. ihe bad w ik they llved on -1 m.i«r_t|acanty nupplr of food. When Bhe . »».woik they cither al irved or llred ¦..r t**anta, wltn a i-t of 'ha former, -1 i_»nelanbora were moatly aa poor aa themi .-. Ai10 rooma. these aeven p--opi'r iivni ir. * aingtfl >ma_room r.Hht under tba rcol ... botlaa;rlo5e«t tenemenu of thaflBJtt'mma a trcat to n'te the npcr.-mouthed a-lmlr*-ttao*"hla c-mradea. PatrtoTtam andjhfl flpRtl

    Of war run r.l«h .r. ih.se t£0fljb_*-Ba_afl Umtaaomi:nts (

    Mra. Oaorira BiumenthaK.*J','"JIMra. John Cepcutt, roakara.... -,.,.-. f Clflghoni, llancheatflr, m . _ (sir«. J. Crowall, Broeklya..... ,,,.A mlte for the ItitU onea". Jf)

    H. W. II . _.,Dr. 11. ar. s. a_,.it h. iv t.;;; 18il^KMhl. AvarnirV'iiflV'wisi.iUBhbJ-' Avflnua

    Cbapel. Brooblya .V'All* *__.___i"'_____!y j..',-. A f Cbarek "f Our l*ather. Hr~.B- >wCaflh ii ;'a-»»'n Avaaraa hBaaajraartaa i*riure_. ^*_r|al xv'eVk**!1-. ef Ta_.ra*a'fllfl' Hapti.t fAraaab |#Chlldr-n'of Inaiiatrl-i'school. No. ist) Van Brunt-

    st.. nr.»ikivn ..¦-.¦.;. 8d>Mta K. lt*s Pre-M*In Parta, wlll naka btB home ln Tarls Thla ls fl>*»dcr.le.l. Mr. Vanderbllt and hlfl wlfe are spendir.lthelr honeyaaooa abroad, bnt they win soon retursta Mr Vanderbtlt'B baa-ttfal home at mitrcoraand arlll entertala 00 « lavtoh aeala. Afl f?rj___rerick W. Vanderblll Mr« Slo. r.-. Mi- -;'.;,Mra. Twombly and M-s. Webb. ihey Bre da*-*«Jta thN .ountry and _0 not aaptat to id** »l »"aome tlma .. c-oaae. h.t&mWlllUm K. Vanderbllt ls now ar.rc.ad. but h« co-

    not thlnk of ataylna there l"n«. He wlll Jbaibwjto ;o.k after the vaal buatneaa latereata un;*" ".»rontrol. He has teken ati Intereat ln J^*BJ2lIna and h.a eotore may be aeen on the turt tn«*but he hns no Idea of evor f-olna; there to llve.


    \s6at.II |f Yr.'HN THAT WA8X*T BRBW

    A \Nlt of M Cambon. the F*Tench Arnl>«*«*to tba ri'fsldcnt guve rlse to reporta that

    paaala for paaoa on the part of Spain werecuaaad nt tba eoafaraaea. The laparta »*«".fownded. ^A dlspntch from Havana to Madrid «rinou.nhhHIPS Stl'l'. .RTKH

    Prnaa Tba L-twilaat-lB r.»uri-r-journai oUt"Tn.- Courler-Jouraal" baa alr-ady i';'1'l.-part

    what Bcwma la ba a very aerloua error on tjuOf .... Naval Conatruclion HurMi. ln aaai"* jfor tha new shlp* nuthor.ied by the re.em [fConcr-sa. Allva io iba l"P^nel_E S un*Btrenatri.-r.il>.; our Na\>. i ongrcss W**a "^.^ureceileniedly lerae approprlatlon for 1 e» ^I..H tha Conatructloa ».'*M »PJ*ara bent ^'m^*yiy nulllfytnfl lhal food actlon by r*«.J»f^5 minto Blow ablpe, whlla tha oaa aaral l-aaaa

    in ||preaeni wai baa uuaht ls that » neaa agr .,;P...,i ,,s arell bb rtghMna power- ahlpa tii araua.ie almoal entlrely la.-klna. It ia "WJFuauaAir.-H -uthorlBfld l-.ittl«-»hlpa an.l n^ni-.;!» l*'*..-,[_ ,p-iBeVa »-..t the ronstrucilon RoarJ doea a^even, prapeaa ... bulld faflt battle-ahbfl.

    « ^0.r,-j. 1 ¦..mm.Klore MalvUle'a PlM.fMfa ta*knot battle-flhlpa -eeauaa lt would "^i"'* _.d r^ 'iCl ctanae- la tbe Board s deaiana **£&*aulrB m llltie .fler ln buildlaa. aad ib prwlth bkla for Hixtcn-knot ahlps hlundfltT If,... Mtbinfl be done ... pravaol the hi.>n ^oiItM Bxacutlva Huth.»rltles w.l not d «¦ ,Mt

    Con-rr__a, whlch approprtated *h»ja*«aj,tt anall not be spent In ot-aolete ahipaT
