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AASHTO STANDING COMMITTEE ON RAIL TRANSPORTATION September 16–19, 2012 Portland Regency Hotel & Spa Portland, Maine 2012 ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA Standing Committee on Rail Transportation

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September 16–19, 2012Portland Regency Hotel & Spa Portland, Maine

2012 AnnuAl meeTing AgendA

Standing Committee onRail Transportation

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Eugene A. “Gene” Conti, Jr., ChairSecretary of Transportation, North Carolina

Gene Conti has over 30 years of public service and private business management experience. From 2001–2003, Conti served as Chief Deputy Secretary for the North Carolina Department

of Transportation. He was responsible for cash management, safety initiatives, transportation planning and programming, and technology. Before his appointment to Chief Deputy Secretary in 2001, Conti served three years as Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy at the United States Department of Transportation. He was a principal advisor to U.S. DOT Secretary Rodney Slater on infrastructure finance, transportation safety, environmental impacts, economic growth, technology and mobility, and strategic planning. Conti worked as District Director for PBS&J’s mid-South district, overseeing all business development efforts and community relations. Given his background and expertise, he consults nationally on transportation finance, programming, and management issues.

This is Conti’s second cabinet level appointment. From 1995–1998, he served as Secretary of the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation.

Education• Ph.D., Anthropology, Duke University, 1978• M.A., Policy Sciences and Public Affairs, Duke University, 1978• B.A., Sociology/Anthropology, Eastern Michigan University, 1971

Civic Involvement• Chairman, AASHTO’s Standing Committee on Rail Transportation• Member, AASHTO’s Climate Change Steering Committee• Chair, N.C. Global Transpark Authority (2002–Present)• Executive Committee Member, Transportation Research

Board of the National Academies (1998–2000; 2004–Present)• Advisory Council Member, North Carolina State Institute for

Transportation Research and Education (2001–Present)• Past-Chair, U.S. DOT Safety Council (1998–2001)• Past-Chair, U.S. DOT Task Force on Rural America (1999–2001)

William D. “Bill” Bronte, Vice-ChairChief—Division of Rail, CalTrans

William D. (Bill) Bronte serves as chief of the California Department of Transportation’s (CalTrans) Division of Rail. In this capacity, he is responsible for the program management, administration, and marketing of two the three

state-supported Amtrak services in California and providing program oversight of the third service. These state–supported services are the Pacific Surfliner operating between San Diego and Santa Barbara and the San Joaquin service operating between Bakersfield and Oakland/Sacramento. The third state supported service is the Capitol Corridor connecting Sacramento and San Jose which is funded by the state but managed by the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority. The Pacific Surfliner, Capitol Corridor, and the San Joaquin corridor services are the 2nd, 3rd, and 6th busiest intercity rail corridors in the nation.

In addition to the management and administration of the state’s contracts with Amtrak, CalTrans’ Division of Rail is responsible for the evaluation and development of potential intercity rail services, management of intercity rail capital projects on the BNSF and Union Pacific railroads, acquisition of new rail rolling stock, rehabilitation and re-building of the state-owned rail equipment, and implementation of the department’s grade crossing safety programs.

A 30-year CalTrans veteran, Bronte has served in a variety of other positions within the department, most related to the programming and financing of rail capital projects and operations.

Bronte holds a B.A. in Economics from California State University, Sacramento.

AASHTO Standing Committee on Rail Transportation


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2012 AnnuAl meeTing AgendA

Sunday, September 16th

Noon RegistrationLongfellow

8:00 a.m.–Noon Downeaster Expansion Train ExcursionDepart the Portland Regency Hotel via motorcoach at 8:00 a.m. and travel to the Portland Transportation Center (PTC). Then it’s all aboard a special Downeaster train for a SCORT exclusive sneak peak of the Portland to Brunswick line.

We’ll begin with an overview of the $100 million private development pending adjacent to the PTC. NNEPRA Project Manager, Jim Russell, will provide an overview of the $38 million in improvements which have been made in preparation for Downeaster service scheduled to begin in November.

We’ll make a whistle stop for a hearty Maine buffet breakfast and some exploring time in Freeport, then head to Brunswick for a tour of the new privately developed train station, office park, and hotel. We’ll motorcoach back to Portland, returning at noon.

Space is limited—so register soon!

1:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. States for Passenger Rail CoalitionMembers and Invited GuestsAtlantic

6:00 p.m. Welcome ReceptionSponsored by AmtrakDiMillo’s on the Water–25 Long Wharf

Monday, September 17th

7:00 a.m. RegistrationLongfellow

8:00 a.m. BreakfastRegency/Armory

9:00 a.m. Chair’s Opening RemarksAtlanticPaul Morris, Deputy Secretary for Transit, North Carolina DOT

Bill Bronte, Chief—Division of Rail, CalTrans

Welcome to MaineAtlanticDavid Bernhardt, P.E., Commissioner Maine DOT

9:30 a.m. BreakAtlanticSponsored by VHB

9:45 a.m. Keynote AddressAtlanticJoseph Szabo, Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration

USDOT and FRA UpdatesAtlanticPaul Nissenbaum, Associate Administrator, Office of Railroad Policy and Development

Mitchell Behm, Assistant Inspector General, US Department of Transportation

Corey Hill, Director, Office of Passenger and Freight Programs

Linda Martin, Senior Attorney Advisor, Office of Railroad Chief Counsel

Scott Greene, Senior Industry Economist, Office of Policy•  ARRA Retrospective•  HSIPR Program•  Rail Safety Partnerships•  State Rail Planning Successes•  TIGER IV•  Looking to the Future

Standing Committee onRail Transportation

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Workshop AArmoryRail SafetyModerator: Paul Worley, North Carolina DOT

Scott Overby, Alabama DOT

Frank Frey, FRA

Cliff Stayton, CSX

Workshop BRegencyBest Practices for Developing State Rail Plans and MAP-21 State Freight PlansModerator: Nicole Katsikides, Maryland DOT

Eric Glick, Nevada DOT

Johnson Bridgwater, Oklahoma DOT

Mark Imhoff, Colorado DOT

5:30 p.m. Recess

6:00 p.m. Host State EventSponsored by Parsons BrinckerhoffPeak’s Island Lobster Bake

Tuesday, September 18th

7:00 a.m. RegistrationLongfellow

8:00 a.m. BreakfastRegency/Armory

9:00 a.m. Amtrak UpdateAtlanticAmtrak will provide an overview of issues concerning its State, Long Distance, and Northeast Corridor business linesModerator: David Kutrosky, Capitol Corridor JPA

Joe McHugh, Amtrak

Drew Galloway, Amtrak

Noon LuncheonSponsored by HDRMariner’s Church–368 Fore StreetAASHTO Rail Bottom Line Report–10th AnniversaryJohn Gray, Senior Vice President, Association of American Railroads

Lance Grenzeback, Principal, Cambridge Systematics

1:00 p.m. Networking TransitionAtlantic

1:30 p.m. Rail—The Intermodal ConnectionAtlanticState rail officials will discuss challenges, successes and future opportunities for developing freight and passenger rail intermodal connections to airports, seaports, and public transit hubsModerator: Jennifer Moczygemba, Texas DOT

Mike Kies, Arizona DOT

Drew Glassman, CSX

Greg Edwards, Port of Virginia

3:00 p.m. Break/Networking TransitionSponsored by GEAtlantic

3:30 p.m. Concurrent Track WorkshopsParticipants will have the opportunity to attend each concurrent workshop. Each workshop will last approximately one hour. Participants will have a 30-minute networking transition period before moving to the other sessions.


2012 AnnuAl meeTing AgendA

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10:30 a.m. BreakSponsored by VHBAtlantic

10:45 a.m. Short Line Railroads and Economic DevelopmentAtlanticRail connection is a key component in state economic development activities. Short line and Regional Railroads provide customers and communities fuel efficient and environmentally friendly shipping options. Panel participants will discuss examples and best practices for developing strong rail connections.Moderator: John Rosacker, Kansas DOT

David Fink, PanAm Railways

Lou Jannazo, Ohio RDC

Tim Hoeffner, Michigan DOT

Nate Moulton, Maine DOT

11:45 a.m. Networking TransitionAtlantic

Noon LuncheonMariner’s Church–368 Fore StreetFor the Good of the OrderModerator: Bill Bronte, CalTransAn open microphone will give all meeting attendees an opportunity (3 minutes or less) to mention an issue, achievement, event, or idea that they think is of importance to the rail community.

1:00 p.m. Networking TransitionAtlantic

1:30 p.m. Concurrent Track SessionsParticipants will have the opportunity to attend each concurrent workshop. Each workshop will last approximately one hour. Participants will have a 30-minute networking transition period before moving to the other sessions.

Workshop AArmoryRail Research—R-16 SHRP II Project Selections and NCRRP UpdateModerator: Ron Adams, Wisconsin DOT

Larry Goldstein, TRB

David Simpson, David Simpson & Associates

Frank Frey, FRA

Kathleen Penney, CH2MHill

Workshop BRegencyFRA Speed DatingSCORT members will have the unique opportunity to meet face-to-face, exchange cards and network with FRA officials to discuss state rail issues.

Workshop CRoom TBDRail Station DevelopmentArt Guzzetti, American Public Transit Association

Joe Rago, Senior Program Director—ADA Construction, Amtrak

2:30 p.m. BreakSponsored by GEAtlantic

5:30 p.m. Recess

6:00 p.m. Evening on Your Own

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Wednesday, September 19th

7:00 a.m. RegistrationLongfellow

8:00 a.m. Chairman’s BreakfastRegencyMembers Only

9:00 a.m. Regional Caucuses

Region IAtlanticNASTOCT, DE, DC, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT

Region IIAtlanticSASHTOAL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, PR, SC, TN, VA, WV



10:30 a.m. BreakSponsored by VHBArmory

10:45 a.m. SCORT Business MeetingArmory•  Railroading 101•  2013 Annual Meeting•  2013 Washington Meeting•  AASHTO Rail Resource Center•  PRIIA Reauthorization•  SCORT 2013 Ohio


2012 AnnuAl meeTing AgendA

Noon AdjournLunch Boxes AvailableSponsored by Gannett Fleming

1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. 305 Structure and Finance TaskforceRegencyEquipment Ownership, Maintenance, and Management Workshop

Thursday, September 20th

All Day SECTION 305—Next Generation Equipment Executive CommitteeAtlantic

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Platinum Level

Gold Level

Bronze Level


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Save the Date2013 SCORT Annual MeetingSeptember 22–25 Columbus, Ohio

American Association of StateHighway and Transportation Officials444 North Capitol Street, N.W.Suite 249Washington, DC 20001
