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Page 1: स्नेहद - mmny.online · कारक डाइवा ्ेआमच या घराचया ाबीत येत असे. येका-या जाका-या
Page 2: स्नेहद - mmny.online · कारक डाइवा ्ेआमच या घराचया ाबीत येत असे. येका-या जाका-या

स नहद� स�ाहक मडळ स�ाहक: नीता नाबर

स�ाहक मडळ: डॉ. सो�नया शटय पराग मराठ मानसी करद�कर �वशनष सायय �नशात बागल समीर चौथाई अिशनी कलककण

माराष मडळ, नय यकक �वदमा काककाकर�र

अधयय� �दल�प शटय

उपाधयय� री गाककर

कायर ाा� आनद दळी कोषाधयय� अिशनी कलककण सदसय� जयद�प कोपपीकर �सधदाथर भगत सगाम भोसल चताल� कोताल Youth Coordinator: �शराज भोसल

सनहद�य ााराा हर सपकर पान� $70.00

अध� पान� $40.00

पा पान� $25.00

अषमाश पान� $15.00

�ाा�षयक� $10.00

वा�षकक ााराारस १० टककन सववा आ न.

अकमर�का मखपषठ - रतना दलाल अधययीय - �दल�प शटय २

सपादक�य - नीता नाबर ३

शजारधमर - डॉ. उषादी �जय कोलाकर ४

पनाा ाचन आ�क �चतप - अनघा �नगकर ८

ससकत सभा�षत १२

Steve Jobs� Hi-Tech Trimurti - रतना दलाल १३

१ ए�पल २०१३ त ३१ जल २०१३ मधील काा� मातताच �दस

(भारतीय �दस काल�नकरय भारतीय आततीपमाक)


February 26, 1993 - �नायक दामल १६

क�ता - डॉ. सो�नया शटय, स�चन कलककण, पीती दशपाड २४ पाककती - पीती बाकाल�कर २६

जानार� शबदकोड-कोडयाची उततर, ए�पल शबदकोड, कोड - �नायक दामल


MMNY on Facebook – Ila Nigam ३३

स नहद�य स�ाहकक धर� • सनाद�प दर षण जानार�, ए�पल, जल ऑकोबर/नोवाहबर म�ानयात पका�शत ाोईलई • सनाद�पसाठठ कथा, क�ता, पासकरन, लख इतर सा�ातयाच सागत आाई सा�ातय [email protected] या पततयार ई-मलन पाठाई सा�ातयाचा मोबदला �दला जात नाा�ई • सा�ातय मराठठ का इगजीत असाई मराठठ क�ल�खत सा�ातय कोकतयाा� य�नकोड ाामध असक आशयक आाई ासत�ल�खत सा�ातय सकक न ककन पाठाई सर सा�ातय ठरा�क तारखचया आत पाठा. • सा�ातय पका�शत कर याबाबतचा, तसच सा�ातयात करकोळ द सतया

कपात कर याचा अ�धकार सपादक मडळाकड आाई • सा�ातयाची �नड करताना नय यॉकर मााराषर मडळाचया आजी माजी

सभासदाचया सा�ातयाला पाधानय द यात यईलई • पका�शत सा�ातयातील मताशी सपादक मडळ सामत असलच अस नाा�ई • सनाद�पमधील जा�ारातीतील उतपादन सासाठठ मााराषर मडळ, नय

यॉकर कोकतयाा� पकार जबाबदार नसलई

Page 3: स्नेहद - mmny.online · कारक डाइवा ्ेआमच या घराचया ाबीत येत असे. येका-या जाका-या

अधयर �नळया �शाल आभाळी

शोभत उच गढ� नीन उतसाा� षर आल घऊन गळसाखरची गोडी

नमसकार मडळी,

सत ऋतचया आगमनान मन आनदान बाकन आल, आ�क तयातच नषारची चााल. आपलया गढ�पाडवयाचया शभमातार र ाा सनाद�प अक पका�शत करताना ाषर गगनात मानासा ाोतोय.

अ�भमानासपद गोष टाकज आपला सनाद�प अक आता नवया पकलपाला सकात करतोय.पढचया अकापासन आपक 'Youth Corner' र�सक ाचकासमोर सादर करकार आाोत. तवाा बाळगोपाळानो, आपल सा�ातय (मराठठ, इगजी का �ाद�) भाषमधय सनाद�पसाठठ जकर पाठा.

आपला गढ�पाडवयाचा सक सरजक र�ार २८ ए�पल २०१३ रोजी साजरा करकार आाोत. हया �दशी बॉसनचया ’कलाशी’त � �नोद� नाक आ�क लोकल कलह शो ठला आा. हया दोना� कायर माचा आनद लायला जकर उपिसथत राा.

सनाद�पचया माधयमातन सर प�तभाताना नीन उतसाााचा सरा �मळाला आा. आपल� भाषा, ससकती हयाची चागल� जोपासना ाोतय. सनाद�प आ�क नय यॉकर मााराष मडळ हयाचया पगतीपथाचया ाचाल�त आपलया सा च साकायर �मळाल, तयाबबल धनयाद! As all of you are aware that MMNY is on facebook now. Please do visit and like it.

सकात ककया नषारची उभाकन गढ� सखसमधद�ची

आ�वा सनाका, ाहवद� शनट न

(कावयपकती जालाकन साभार) अधय, माराष मडळ नययकक

Page 4: स्नेहद - mmny.online · कारक डाइवा ्ेआमच या घराचया ाबीत येत असे. येका-या जाका-या


गढ� पाडवया�न�मतत नतन षार�भनदन ! आगामी मााराषर �दना�न�मतता� ाा�दरक शभचछा !

गढ� पाडवयाला तटााला घर� गोड पदाथर करायाचा असलयास पीती बाकाल�कर याची ’मागो �शरा’ ा� पाककती जर पााी. जोडीला तयानी ’ता पला’ची चमचमीत पाककतीा� �दलल� आा. MMNY चया गढ� पाडा कायर म कलह शोची मा�ातीा� आपलयाला या अकात �मळलई

२६ बार� १९९३ रोजी लडर रड सहरचया खाल� बॉटबस ो साला ाोताई शीई �नायक दामल ा तया ळी लडर रड सहरमधयच नोकर�ला ाोतई हया घनला ीस ष पकर सालयाचया �न�मततान तयानी या �चततथरारक घनर एक लख �ल�ाला आा तो आपलयाला या अकात ाचायास �मळलई

तया�शाय डॉई उषादी कोलाकर याची कथा, अनघा �नगकर याचा, काा� पसतक �चतप यार�ल लख, रतना दलाल याच ॉलर आयसककसन �ल�खत स�वा जॉबसचया चचरताच पसतक पर�यक, पीती दशपाड, स�चन कलककण, डॉ. सो�नया शटय याचया क�ता, �नायक दामल याच कोड ’मराठयाचा इ�ताास’ या सताभोती ग लल शबदकोड, सभा�षत, आतापासन जल २०१३ पय तचया काा� मातताचया तारखा अस बरच ाचनीय सा�ातय आपलयाला या अकात �मळल.

आटााला आता ’सनाद�प’मधय बाळगोपाळाचाा� साभाग ाा आाई तयाचयासाठठ आटााला 'Kids/Youth Corner' सक करायचा आा. तयासाठठ मराठठ/�ाद�/English सा�ातय का �चत जकर पाठाी.

तसच MMNY आता सबकर आा. तर सबकर�ल MMNYच Page Like करायला �सक नका.

नामीपमाकच, ’सनाद�प’ तयार कर यात ‘मााराषर मडळ, नय यॉकर कायरकाचरकी’ ’सनाद�प’ सपादक मडळ याच बामोल साकायर साल. तयाच मी मन�परक आभार मानत ाा अक ाचक गोड मानन घतील अशी मी आशा बाळगत.

लोभ आाच, तो िधदगत वााा ा� �नती !

(या अकातील काा� �चत जालाकन साभार) - राा ाबर

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शन ार मक

नययॉकर चा उनााळा ाा �ततकासा ससहय ऋत नाा�; ाामान अगद� मबईसारख असत. सतत घामाघम करकारा ाा उनााळा परडला परत घराला लागन असललया कॉमन डाइवा मधय �दसभर धडगस घाल�त खळकारया, शजारपाजारचया लाान मलाचा आरडाओरडा नको, अस उनााळा सपपय त सतत ात असत. या मलाना उनााळयाची पकर तीन म�ानयाची सटी अिजबात नसाी असा दष �चारा� मनात डोका. डाइवा मधय खळ नका अस या मलामल�ना सारख सागा लाग. कारक डाइवा आमचया घराचया ाबीत यत अस. यका-या जाका-या एखादया कारमळ ककाला दखापत साल� तर तया मलाच आई-डील आटााला कोारत खचकार, हया दडपकामळ �जय कामाकन परतपय त मासा ळ या मलाकड लय ठ यातच जाई. आज तर कार साला. िजमन जोरात कलला चहड माझया अभया�सकचया �खडक�ची काच ोडन सरळ आत आला. सगळी मल धात आपापलया घर� गल�. शजारचया स�वान यऊन सा�गतल क�, िजमन काच ोडल� माझयाकडन ‘ कसस’ चॉकल सल कल. कसस नााच चॉकल काढका-या ाशण कपनीच, अशा �चडललया िसथतीता� मला कौतकच ाल. आता कामान आलयार �जय िजमचया �डलाकड जाकार, तयाची ादााद� ाोकार, मग तड डत दकानात जाऊन काच आकाी लागकार अधार पडायचया आत ती �खडक�ला बसाी लागकार, कारक नययॉकर मधय सर�यतता ाा ादाचा पशन. शजा-याबबल, तयाचया सतबबल ा ासतबबल आदर बाळगाा अस या लाान मलामल�ना का �शकीत नाा�त? या पशनार मन �चार कक लागल. �जय घर� आलयार, आटा� दोघ शजारचया पधरा मजल� अपा रमह �बलडीगपय त गलो. �जय िजमच अपा रमह शोधायला आत गला. मी �बलडीगचया मखय दारापढचया छोटयाशा चौकात खचयार ाकन गपपा मार�त बसललया पाच, साा द सती-पषाकड पाात उभी रा�ाल. तयातील एका आजोबाना तर मी रोजच पाात अस. अगात असलल�, उरल�-सरल� शकती गोळा ककन, अतयत ाळाळ पाल ाक�त, आजोबाना पोसाचया प�पयरत ा गोसर� सोअरपय त जाताना, मी अनक ळा प�ाल ाोत. एकदा गोसर� सोअरमधय मी सामान घतल पस द यासाठठ कक श-काऊरजळ आल. माझयासमोर आजोबा ाोत, तयानी घतललया सामानाकड नजर गल� गलबलन आल. दोन तीन बा, दोन मा, सलर असललया सप कक नसपक� एक लाानसा सपचा डबा लाान आकारची बड. ९७ सहसच �बल तयानी वयिसथत मोजन �दल ाळाळ पाल ाक�त त तया अपा रमह �बलडीगचया �दशन चाल लागल. सरकारकडन �मळका-या सोशल

Page 6: स्नेहद - mmny.online · कारक डाइवा ्ेआमच या घराचया ाबीत येत असे. येका-या जाका-या

�सकयचर�चया अलप पशात या एकाक� दाना सत�च भागा लागत. तयाची सत�ची मल,मल� तयाना जळ ठऊन घयायला राजी नसतात. जीन उताराला लागलल असताना ा� भयानक ासतता सीकार�त, अनक थकलल� पाल नययॉकर सारखया सपनन शाराचया साईडॉककन चालताना �दसतात. एकदा, रसतयाचया कोप-यार ठललया कच-याचया डबयात ाकन �दलल कोकाकोलाच चरकाम कक नस शोधन तयातील उरलल घो �पकार द गासथ मी पा�ाल ाोत �जयला �चारल ाोत क�, या दशाला Land of Plenty का टाकायच? या �चारात असतानाच �जय परतला. िजमच डील कामाकन परतल नवात. �जय टाकत ाोता, ‘जाऊ दत, भल असत तर िजमला रागाल असत िजमन �चडन उरललया �खडकयाचया काचाची ा लाल� असती.’ घर� आलो तर� तया �दशी आजोबानी घतलल ९७ सहच सामान डोळयापढन ालत नवात. घर� आलयार जवाा �जय टाकाला, ‘ा बघ, चारचया चााबरोबर साबदा याची �खचडी कर, मग �.वा�. बघताना खायला शहगा भाजन द राती जक सालयार क�लगड खाऊ.’ तवाा उगीचच सत�च जक राध याची आजोबाची क�लाकी धडपड नजरसमोर यऊ लागल�. डाइवा मधय खळका-या या मलामधय ‘ढालगज भानया’ ा शबद साथर करका-या नऊ-दाा षा चया दोन मल�ा� ाोतया. या �मशाल आ�क जन आलया क� ामखास सर मलाची भाडक वाायची, रडारडी वाायची, बोबडया ाकर�चया बाळसदार शर�राची चषा वाायची श � ककाच तर� आई-डील यायच �न पोराचा ाा लाजमा पागायचा. चालायचच, मलानी मसती भाडक नाा� करायची तर मग ककी? अशी सत�चया मनाची समजन घाल�त मीा� माझया कामाकड ळत अस. आज मात जवाा सायरनचा आाज ऐकला तवाा मला भयकर चीड आल�. यथील लाान मलमल� तयाना ळक न लाका-या आई-बापाचा साितक सताप आला. अगार भीतीची �शर�शर� पसर�कारा सायरन ाजीत, एक a|टबयलनस डाइवा मधय यऊन उभी रा�ाल�. मी धातच दराजा उघडन बाार गल, तो तया �दशी शजारचया �बलडीगसमोर खचयार ाकन बसललया द वयकतीपक� एका आजीना जखमी िसथतीत वा�ल चअर र बसन a|टबयलनसकड आकल जात ाोत. मी जळ जाऊन आजीचा ाात पमभरान ाातात घऊन टाकाल, ‘काळजी क नका, लकरच तटा� ब-या वााल, परमशरार �शास ठा.’ आजीचया वय�थत डोळयात अश दान आल तयाच मनापासनच थ�कय, a|टबयलनस ाॉिसपलमधय गल�. चौकशी करता समजल क�, आजी खचण ाकन ऊन खात बसलया ाोतया. जन �मशालन खाऊसाठठ तयाचयाकड पस मा�गतल. आजीनी �दल नाा�त टाकन या मल�नी तयाना �नदरयपक जखमी ाोईपयरत मारााक

Page 7: स्नेहद - mmny.online · कारक डाइवा ्ेआमच या घराचया ाबीत येत असे. येका-या जाका-या

कल�. �बिलडगमधलया एका दान a|टबयलनसला ोन कला तयामळ आजीना तचरत उपचारासाठठ ाॉिसपलमधय तर� जाता आल. तयाचयापक� एक द गासथ मला सागत ाोत, ‘ककीा� या मल��द तार करकार नाा� कारक पतयकजक सत�चया जीाचया भीतीन शात बसतो. या �बलडीगमधल� मलमल� नामीच आटााला तास दतात आमच जीन �मसरबल कर याच सार पयतन करतात, आमच एखाद काम ककन दयायच तर दरच, आटा� द वयकती तयाचया आजी आजोबासारख, पक तयाना आपलयापया यान मोठया वयकतीबबल, शजा-या पाजा-याबबल आदरभा नाा�च. आज �मशाल–जनन एका आजीना मारााक कल�, उदया दस-या ककालातर� करतील. तार करका-या वयकतीला यथ ककी सखान जग दकार नाा�. काय साग मल�? �क –एड आला क�, तक मल-मल� स�र�ओचया शकयतो मोठया आाजात रातभर नाचत, ओरडत असतात. आपक ककाचया सोपत वयतयय आकतोय, ककाला तास दतोय ा� भानाा� तयाचया मनाला �शत नाा�. या �बिलडगला कधीा� न उतरका-या अमल� पदाथा ची नशा चढल�य जक. इतकयात ‘ााय? ओलड मकन’ अस टाकत �बलडीगमधला, �सप-या ाढ�लला एक �नएजर तारललया डोळयानी आमचयाकड पाात, आटााला ओलाडन पढ गला. तया मगर तकाचा रागा� आला, पक काय उपयोग? मी सत�च, या परकया दशात ाोत. आजोबाचा �नरोप घऊन यथील दाचया दयनीय असथचा �चार कर�तच मी घर� परतल. तयानतर माझया आगाामळ, मारााक साललया आजीना भायला, तयाचया द �मत-म�तकीना घऊन �जय मी ाॉिसपलमधय गलो. माझया सोशल-कर चया डाची �जयला चागल�च सय साल� असलयान, मी सत�ान अगार घतलल�, मासी अशी काम कर यात तो नामीच मला मदत कर�त अस. आजीची ती सधयाकाळ मजत गल� असाी अस तयाचया समाधानी चा-याकन ाल. या पाचसाा द वयकतीसाठठ आटाा दोघाचया आयषयाचया अनक षारतल कत द�ड दोन तास खचर साल ाोत, पक तया दोन तासानी या द वयकतीना एका अनाम आतमीयतच समाधानाच अनमोल अस असखय यक लयात राा�ल अशी समती बााल कल� ाोती. उनााळा सपला, थडी पड लागल�. यता-जाता बाार खचयार ाकन बसललया तया द वयकती क�चत �दस लागलया. शजारचया मलाचया शाळा स सालयान डाइवा मधील गडबड गजबजा� थडाल�. रोजचया वयाारात काळ पळत ाोता, कधी ारकाचया गतीन तर कधी मगीचया पालानी. सधयाकाळी �खडक�तन रसतयारची रादार� नयाााळ याचा मासा आडता उदयोगा� काळाका ा लागला. यथ थडीबरोबर ब र पडायला लागल क�, ातारक असच

Page 8: स्नेहद - mmny.online · कारक डाइवा ्ेआमच या घराचया ाबीत येत असे. येका-या जाका-या

बजान भासायच. अशाच एका गोठललया उदास सधयाकाळी डाइवा मधय काळया रगाची मोठठ कार थाबल�. तयातन एक कॉ न बाार काढल� गल� कॉ नसा काा� वयकती शजारचया इमारतीचया मखय दराजातन आत गलया. अधयार-पाऊक तासान खादयार कॉ न घऊन तया वयकती चालत आलया. तया सा च काळ पोशाख पाान ातारक अ�धकच उदास ा लागल. शजारधमर टाकन आटा� बाार गलो. �चारपस कलयार कळल क�, काा� �दसापण लाान मल�नी मारााक कललया आजी मरक पालया ाोतया. मोठया कारमधय कॉ न ठ यात आल�. काा� द तया कारमधय बसल. उरललयाना आमचया कारमधय घऊन मी �जय कबरसथानापय त गलो. मोठया काळया कारमधय आलल आजीच मलगा-सन, मलगी-जाई ाोत. पीसन सा�गतलयापमाक तया चौघानी यतत सार �धी पकर कल. आजीचया सहदाबरोबर आटा� दोघानीा� आजीचया मत शर�रार मठ, मठ माती ाकल�. माती, मातीला �मळाल�. घर� परतताना आजीच स�द आमचयाबरोबर परतल. परतीचया ार ती, काळया रगाची कार एका क नसी बारसमोर उभी रा�ाल�. आजीच लौ कक नाताईक, सालल ा न सालल द�ख, दाकचया पलयात बडायला बारमधय �शरलल पा�ाल. घरापय त पोाोचपय त, आजीना काय साल ाोत ती मा�ाती तया द वयकतीनी आटााला सा�गतल� मासा महद बधीर ाोतो आा, अस मला ाल. तयाचया �बलडीगमधय, आजी तरावया मजलयार राात ाोतया. गल आठ �दस �बलडीगमधल� �लफ बद ाोती. आजीचया घरातल खा या�प याच पदाथर तयाच औषध सपल ाोत. शजा-यानी, ककीा� आजीना काा� ा-नको याची चौकशी कल� नवाती गल� कतयक षर भाना, आतमीयता, पम, आपलक�ची भकल� आजी, श � शार�चरक भकन सपल� ाोती. घर आल, ’तटा� खरोखर चागल शजार� आाात, थ�कय.’ गाडीतन उतरताना आजीचया सहदानी आटााला सा�गतल त �नघन गल. आ�क शजारधमारला जागकार आटा� दोघ, शजारधमर नसललया आमचया घराशजारचया इमारतीकड जाका-या तया थकललया पालाकड पाात रा�ालो.

- डय. उषाहनवर �व कधलटकर

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�ना वाा आर� ाच�ट

मनाशी काा� �नशचय ककन नवा परत, बरयाचदा ाचलल� पसतक पा�ालल �चतप हयात,

जगभरातील िसतया, तयाचयार�ल अनयाय अतयाचार, तयाचया सतीता�षयी भ�मका, हया सदभारत

ाचल जात त मनात कठ ना कठतर� कोरल जात. तयात कधी सत:ला ग ल जात. आपलयार कळत

नकळत साललया अनयाया�षयी �चतन कल जात.

सारत पथम आठक ाोत ती �चमकलया 'ाडर'ची.

आलपससारखया ब ारळ पदशात, आपलया आजोबासमत रााकार� �चमरडी ाायडी. माझयाकड ा पसतक

आा. �वा�र ारा षा पण दाखल� गलल� अक�नमशन �सर�ज दखील मी मोठया पमान ब�घतल� ाोती. ती बागडकार�, सन बसकार� ाायडी, आजोबापासन दर पाठल� गलयाकारकान सतत आजार� पड

लागलल� ाायडी माझया लक�इतक�च मासी लाडक� ाोती. आ�क जयाळी ा� �सर�ज �वा�र दाखल� गल� तयाळी मासी लका� तयाच याची असलयाकारकान तर मासा जी ाायडीर�ल सक बघन

तीळतीळ त. पसतक आ�क �चतप हयाची जर तलना कल� तर मास सकत माप नामी पसतकाकड

जात. परत, ाायडीचया बाबतीत मात मास तस ाोत नाा�. छोटया पडदयार बागडकार� ाायडी ा� मासी दसर� लक ाोती, जी रोज अगद� दपार� ठरललया ळी माझया पढयात यई. �तचया दना माझया ाोत. �तच

डोळ मास ाोत...आटाा दोघीच अश, एकाच ळी आमचया गालार ओघळ लागत.

'मनमयसक ऑफ गनशा'.

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ा पसतक मी आधी ाचल. नतर �चतप ब�घतला गला. �चतपान खोल आतर जपानमधील �चत नकक� नजरसमोर �दल. परत, पसतकात �चयोबरोबर �तचया बालपकापासन मी मोठठ साल. तो अनभ मला तया �चतपान नाा� �दला. �तथ मी तयसथच रा�ाल. �चयो माझयासमोर �तचया आठकी कत �चतपान

दाख�त गल�. पसतकान मात मला भरपर �दल. जपानमधील एक सती, �तच अगद� लाान यापासन

गशा टाकन तयार ाोत जाक, तयासाठठ �तन घतलल कष, तयातील वयासा�यक चढाओढ, साथर, सड

हया सर भाना मला आतम�चतन करायास भाग पाड लागलया. आमच दश, तयातील सकलपना गळया, परत, काय �चयो कत जपानी ाोती ? मला अस नाा� ाल. ती एक सती ाोती, �तचया दशातील,

बालपकी �तचयार लादल गलल� �नड, समज आलयार आयषयातील काा� चक�च तर काा� बरोबर

घतलल गलल �नकरय, तयासाठठ �तन कलल �चार ा पनाा आटा� दोघीनी एकत बसन कल. �चतप

पा�ालयार ा� �चयो माझयापासन अयरश: दर जाऊ लागल�. �चतपान, आटाा दोघीमधय एक �भत उभी कक घातल�. पयतनपरक मला तया �भतीची एकक ी पाडाी लागल�.

पलर बक हया जगप�सद ल�खकची '��ओर'.

१८५० मधय चीनमधील जय कबामधय �कल� गलल� �चनी �पओनी. तया घरान �तला नोकरापया रची परत, लक�पया खालची जागा �दलल� आा. आपक एकक पान उलत जातो. ती तया घरातील एकलतया एका मलाच बालपक, एकत ासक, खळक, मग ता यात पदापरक, �तच तयाचया पमात पडक....परत, तयाचयाशी �ाा अशकयपाय असक...आयषयाच ा क सतय �तन िजरक, परत तर�ा� तयाचया �दमतीला सद तनात असक...ा सर अजन काा� आपक �तचयाबरोबरच जगतो. आयषयात �तन घतलला श चा �नकरय आपक दखील सीकारतो. तया �नकरयाबरोबर ज जीन �पओनी सीकारत....आपका� सीकारतो. श च पान आपलयासमोर कधी आल त कळत नाा�. पसतक आपक

बद करतो. आपला पढला �दस मग �पओनी �शाय उजाडतो. मात आपल� खाती असत....आपक

�पओनीला िजथ सोडन आलो आाोत....ती �तथ सर�यत आा. एक सती टाकन �तचया आयषयात �तचया मना�द, शर�रा�द कठल�ा� घना आता हयापढ घडकार नाा�.

माझया मा�ातीपमाक हया कादबर�र �चतप आलला नाा�. आ�क त मला बरच ात.

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२००८ साल� आलला �पयाका चोपाचा 'फश'.

हयार�ल कादबर� अस याची शकयता �दसत नाा�. जा�ारातयतात ारत असलयान हया यताच

बॉल�डच नात माझया ओळखीच आाच. �डलाचया इचछ�द �चतपात ना कमा यासाठठ घरातन

एक�च बाार पडलल� मघना, मला ारशी अनोळखी ात नाा�. जया मल�बरोबर मी रोज काम कर�त

असत तयातील बरयाच मल� अशाच कठलया ना कठलयातर� छोटया शारातन, �शकन आता इथ मबईत

सथा�यक सालया आात. मी ारशी 'पा� पसरन' नसल तर�ा� काा� पाटरया हया ाळता य यासारखया नसतात. मग तयातील दाक, नतय ा सर आपलयासमोर बभान ाोत जात. आपक �तथ असतो, नसतो दखील. आ�क जवाा दसरा �दस उजाडतो, तवाा काल राती आपक ज आपलया उघडया डोळयानी ब�घतलल असत, त आपलया सम�तकोषातन कायमच ाबपार करायाच असत. इथ ा आपलयाला पल,

नाा� पल हयाचा काडीचाा� सबध आपक ठायचा नसतो. कबाशी सबध तोडन ाका लागलल� मघना, आपलया वयसाययताची एकक पायर� जया गान चढत तयाच गान घसरत जात. बधद

असथत असताना अनोळखी माकसाबरोबर एका �बछानयात �तला एक �दशी जवाा जाग यत तयाळी �तला धकका बसतो. ती उधसत ाोत. आपक ा काय कर�त आाोत, हयाचा �तला �चार कराासा ातो. तया पसगातन मला जाकी साल� ाोती ती एकच. माकसाला आपलया माकसाची, आपलया कबाची, तयाचया मान�सक आधाराची गरज असत. तच तयाच मनोबल असत. भान आलयार, आपलया आई

�डलाचया पाठठबयाचया बळार, पढ जवाा जवाा तयाच यतात ती पनाा उभी राा पाात, तवाा कठलाा� अडथळा �तला रोख शकत नाा�. �तला ाळयाचया कडकडाात खबीर उभी रा�ालल� पाातच आपक

�चतपगा सोडतो.

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पनाा पसतक. �सक�धवदस.

मार�जान सतपी हया इराकी मल�चया आठकी, कॉ�मक पसतकाचया काळया पाढरया �चतपलातन

आपलया समोर यतात. ती याचया �तचया साावया षारपासन आपलयाला आठकी सागत आा...त थ

�तचया याचया चौदावया षारपय त. �तचया हया आठकीना पाशरभमी आा इराकमधील बदलाची. तयातील �चत नी ब�घतल� तर आपलयाला तयात बरयाच ळा काा� पतीक सापडतात. �मश शाळमधय

�शयक घत असताना अचानक िसतयार बरखा घ याची सकती कर यात यत. मग मार�जान �तचया �चमरडया म�तकी ाा बदल कशा पकार सीकारतात त �चतात बघ यासारख आा. �तच मधयमगणय

आईडील ा पढारललया �चाराच स�श�यत आात. तयामळ तयाचया बाार ाोकारया धा�मरक

राजक�य बदलार तयाचया आपापसात चचार हया रोजचयाच आात. तया ऐकतच मार�जान मोठठ ाोत

असत. तयातन �तला सतत �चार कर याची सय ाोत जात. मात जयाळी तारान मधील पचरिसथती इराकचया ाललयान अ�तशय अिसथर ाोत, तयाळी आपलया लाडकया लक�ला आपलयापासन दर

ठ याचा, परदशी पाठ याचा �नकरय �तच आईडील घतात. तयानतर �तच आयषय कशी ळक घत

जात, ती कधी कठ आ�क कशी भरकत, ती कशी सत:ला सारत, ा सर �चतातन आपलयासमोर यत

जात. मला ात मार�जानच आयषय आपक �चतात बघतो, ा� तया गोष�ची शकती आा. ाच जर शबदात

आपलया समोर आल असत, तर त इतक पचरकामकारक साल नसत. हया पसतकार अक�नमशन �चतप

कला गला आा. मी तो ब�घतलला मात नाा�. मात जया जया ळी माझया कामामधय अक�नमशन

ापर याची शकयता यत, तयाळी मी नामीच हया �चतपाची यटयबची �लक समोरचयाला दाखत

असत. सपकर �चतप बघ याचा योग मात नाा� आलला. नामीपमाक इथ दखील मी माचरजानचया गोष�जागी सत:ला ठन बघत. शार असर�यत सालयान मी माझया छोटया लक�ला कठ परदशी पाठन काय असा मी सत:ला पशन �चारत. उगाच. आ�क मास सत:ला उततर ा नकाराथण यत. काय

वहयायाच आा त आपल एकतच ाोऊ द...पक माझया मल�ला यदपसगी जगात एक� मी पाठ शकत

नाा� अस मला ात. ा पसतक अजन शिकतशाल� ाोऊ शकल असत, तयात कठतर� काा�तर� कमी पडत आा अस मात मला ार ात.

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हया अशा जगभरचया िसतया. तयाचया कधी ाळवया, कधी आपलयाला जग याच बळ दकारया कथा.

मधयतर�चया काळात काा� षा पण बलातकार साललया एका सतीची मलाखत ाचनात आल� ाोती. तयात

�तन एक ाकय टाल ाोत, त मला ार काा� सागन गल ाोत. पन गल ाोत. 'एक घना टाकज

आयषय नवा. आयषय बरच काा� असत, गळच असत.' एखाद� घना आपल आयषय नकक�च बदलन

ाकत. परत, ती एक घना टाकज आपल आयषय नसत. कत कोकतीा� एक घना जवाा घडत

तयाळी ती आपलयार आदळत, आपलयाला आरपार छदन जात. परत, खरच ती घना टाकजच

आयषय असत काय ? क� आयषय तयापल�कडल असत ? अचानक कोकी खोल ��ार�त ढकलन �दलयार

आपक ाातपाय मारतो, र यतो...घसम ाोतााोता प�ाला शास घत. तोच शास माताचा असतो....आ�क तयापढ�ल आपला पतयक शास ाा आपलयाला ाात मारायास �शकतो....आ�क आपक

'आपला' तला पोा लागतो....नवया दमान.

- अघा �गवनकर




उदयम: साास धयर बिधद: शिकत: पराम: ।

षडत यत तरनत तत द: साायकत ॥


उदयोग, धाडस, धयर, बधद�, शकती आ�क पराम हया साा गोष� जया �ठकाकी

असतात तथ द सााययकार� ाोतो.

Page 14: स्नेहद - mmny.online · कारक डाइवा ्ेआमच या घराचया ाबीत येत असे. येका-या जाका-या

Steve Jobs: Hi-Tech Trimurti

Book Review of: STEVE JOBS (Author: Walter Isaacson)

This book is a classic example of what happens when a good writer writes about a great subject. It creates a very inspirational story as the subject raises the bar for human achievement. Of course it is not an easy task to write the biography of Steve Jobs. Although Steve is no more, what this book brilliantly achieves is that it keeps his spirit alive and gives the reader a deep understanding of what this man was really like. How he grew up, how he thought, how he worked, how he dealt with human relationships and what drove him.

The fundamental idea behind Steve Jobs’s life and what shaped his career and achievements was his passion to do something at the junction of technology and humanities. This basic theme repeats itself again and again in this book. He built companies where “leaps of imagination were combined with remarkable feats of engineering” and produced products “in which technology would be married to great design, elegance, human touches and even romance”. Products “that combined the power of poetry and processors”. What beautiful words by the author!

The author does a great job of describing the environment that shaped his thinking from an early age i.e. “of growing up in a valley that was just learning how to turn silicon into gold”. Going to a college where geeks were discovering the hippies inside them. An environment in which the flow of cultural currents saw a fusion of “flower power and processor power” and also “enlightenment and technology”. In the process of describing this fertile environment and how it shaped Steve’s life, the narration is further enriched with the viewpoints of over 100 friends, relatives, competitors, adversaries, and colleagues. The fact that the author personally interviewed Steve Jobs over 40 times adds to the authenticity of the material. With the viewpoints of so many people the writing has many entertaining flavors of wit, wisdom, humor, sarcasm etc. For a taste of this here is a quote by Steve when he is trying to lure Sculley to join

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“Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?”

This book is also an eye opener into the work culture of Silicon Valley as it exposes the towering egos, the lack of civility, abundance of arrogance and attitude among the key players of the hi-tech industry. As the book progresses, you learn about the agony and ecstasy of creating companies and products and launching them in the market. But in doing so the author tells a great tale and reveals the creative genius of Steve Jobs. As he says it is “about the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur, whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries”.

The more I read this book, the deeper became my understanding of the complexity behind this man. His binary thinking, mild bipolarity, mood swings, bluntness and his human interactions seemed out of this world. His lack of civility and an absence of social graces were simply shocking! In spite of all these short comings, he seemed larger than a hero from an Ayn Rand novel. As an architect, I started seeing influences of other legends in the products that his companies made e.g. they have the minimalism of Mies, they are finely detailed like Frank Lloyd Wright and they also have shades of Frank Gehry. Let me explain. Frank Gehry has an ability to steal ideas of visual concepts from paintings and translate them into buildings. Similarly in the words of the author “he didn’t invent many things outright, but he was a master at putting together ideas, art, and technology in ways that invented the future”. Also “like a pathfinder, he could absorb information, sniff the winds, and sense what lay ahead”.

If I were to summarize the essence of Steve Jobs in a single phrase, then I will call him ‘Hi-Tech Trimurti‘. Let me explain. In Hinduism, Trimurti is the merging of three Gods, namely Brahma - the creator, Vishnu - the preserver and Shiva - the destroyer. In this hi-tech age, Trimurti has appeared in the form of Steve Jobs. Here is a break up of these three personalities:

Brahma: The creator of companies and products that have touched many lives all over the world, is a sign of Brahma.

Shiva: Steve’s ability to revive Apple by laying off 3000 employees and focusing on just 4 key products instead of many crappy products is proof of Shiva. As he says, “We make progress by eliminating things, by removing the superfluous.” His detachment from materialism, aloofness from human relationships and an ability to heartlessly end relationships that contribute to nothing and having a cult like following among geeks also implies Shiva.

Vishnu: Well his legacy says it all. Bringing about a revolution in six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing raises the

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bar beyond normal human reach. Creating such a great legacy in such a short life shows a manifestation of Vishnu. Hence I call him ‘Hi-Tech Trimurti’.

This book is a fascinating tale of how the play of genes, environment, nature and nurture create a unique individual. It also makes the reader question the educational system. A college drop-out who hates taking pre-requisites and instead takes a job at Atari, audits courses at Stanford and dreams of starting his own company at a very young age. A book that will make you want to think different!

Ratna Dalal http://creativejoys.wordpress.com/

====================================================================== १ ए�पव २०१३ ान ३१ व २०१३ म रव काद मततवाान ाहवस सभारार ाहवस काव��क भारार आवतारपमा�ना

गढ� पाडा � ११ ए�पल २०१३ डॉ. बाबासााब आबडकर जयती � १४ ए�पल २०१३ शीराम नमी � १९ ए�पल २०१३ मााीर जयती � २३ ए�पल २०१३ ानमान जयती � २५ ए�पल २०१३ सकष चतथण � २८ ए�पल २०१३ मााराषर �दन � १ म २०१३ मदसर ड � १२ म २०१३ अययय ततीया � १३ म २०१३ बधदपौ�करमा � २५ म २०१३ ममोचरयल ड � २७ म २०१३ अगारक सकष चतथण � २८ म २०१३ ादसर ड � १६ जन २०१३ पौ�करमा � २३ जन २०१३ सकष चतथण � २६ जन २०१३ अमचरकन सातय�दन � ४ जल २०१३ दशयनी आषाढ� एकादशी � १९ जल २०१३ गपौ�करमा � २२ जल २०१३ सकष चतथण � २५ जल २०१३

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February 26, 1993

It is twenty years now since that incident, but I still remember the day like it happened yesterday. Working at World Trade Center I started working at the World Trade Center (WTC) in April 1991, in the IT department of a large engineering company. Our offices were in Tower II or the South Tower (the one without TV antenna), and they occupied many floors - part of 78th floor, and from 87th to 93rd floors. My office was on 88th floor, but I had to go to all other floors for meetings. The way the two Towers were designed was that all hallways, elevators and stairs, and rest rooms were in the center of the buildings, surrounded by office space partitioned as required. There were tall glass windows on all sides, which of course could not be opened. So there was plenty of light for the entire office floor, since the partition dividers were only about 5-6 feet high. There were six stories below the main floor with all maintenance equipment, power generators needed for PATH and subways, etc. The entire WTC complex had seven buildings. It was fun working at WTC. You were so high up in the air, the people and cars on the roads looked like ants. And all other nearby buildings were dwarfs by comparison. You had to take elevators all the time to come down to street level for lunch, or any business such as banking, or just a stroll in the streets, and go back up. Of course, there were stairs but nobody ever used them. There were several banks of elevators: There were two sets of express elevators. One went straight from the main floor to 44th, and the second from the main to 78th. If you want to go to floors in between, there were elevators form main to 18th stopping on every floor, others went

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from main to 19th through 32nd stopping at in between floors, and the third from 33rd through 44th stopping in between. (I do not now remember the exact floor numbers now, but you get the idea.) There were similar banks for floors between 44th and 78th. You first go to 44th floor and then change to one of the three banks of elevators that take you to your floor. I had to go to 78th floor, and then change to elevators that went from 87th to 93rd. There was an observation deck at the top - 110th floor, and to go there you had to pay, and take a separate elevator straight all the way to the top. These elevators were very fast, frequent and efficient; ours would go from the main floor to 78th in less than a minute, and also descend in less than one minute. You could feel the acceleration and deceleration. This was on normal days. If it was windy outside, the speed would be reduced to half or even less. It would take 2-3 minutes for the same ride, and you could actually feel the elevator swaying sideways as it traveled up or down. But, we had a few incidences. One evening when we were leaving office, for some reason, our elevator descended very slowly from 78th floor. We were about 10-15 people inside including several young women. The elevator took over half hour to reach the ground floor! Several people became anxious, and the girls started telling each other that they are going to faint. Luckily nothing happened. We talked to maintenance people on the intercom/phone, and were told that they were on their way. But we finally reached the main floor before they showed up. At another time while coming down from 91st floor to 78th, our elevator got stuck between floors. Again call went to intercom, and we just waited for 10-15 minutes till it started again. Then, one time my friends came to visit me in the evening, and as we were leaving at about 7pm, we found that the main elevators were out of service! The security person took us to the back side, and brought us down in a service elevator, normally used to haul trash and perhaps heavy equipment and machinery. There was one secretary who never liked to go by elevator all by herself. My cubicle was near the door, so whenever she had to go to 93rd floor, she would always come to me, probably because my cubicle was near the door, and also I was very friendly, and ask me to accompany her. She told me that once as a teenager she was stuck in an elevator all by herself for over half an hour. She was very scared, and it was such an horrible experience, that from that day on, she never rode an elevator alone. She always found somebody to ride down with from 93rd floor, or perhaps she took the stairs. Stairway doors did not open on every floor from inside the stairs, but they did on 88th. One day I told her, “You ask only me to accompany you. It looks like if you get stuck in the elevator, you would rather be stuck with me than anyone else“, and she just smiled! When I started working at WTC, there was a “Food Court” on the main floor, where there were

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several fast food eating places, which would be patronized by clerical staff and maintenance workers. Within a year it was closed by Port Authority of NYNJ. But, there was a cafeteria on the 44th floor of Tower II for the people who worked at the towers. I used to come to work early, around 7:40am, so I would stop at the cafeteria, pick up my breakfast and bring it to my office. We would often go there for lunch, esp. in winter or if it is raining outside. It was also a place to meet people who worked at other offices in the buildings. During summer time we went out to eat most of the time. On the plaza between the WTC buildings was a nice fountain, where people would gather and have lunch during the summer, and at times there were concerts, and political rallies. I remember seeing “Tipper”, Mrs. Gore, there once. Sometimes “US Marine Corps” band would play there, or they would have a drill ceremony, where they would toss their ceremonial rifles with bayonets to one another. It was quite nice to watch. In summer time there was “farmers market” on the east of WTC plaza right on Church Street. It was always fun to see the fresh produce and bakery products, which I bought occasionally. To the west was the World Financial Center (WFC) and the Hudson river. The WFC complex had nice restaurants and coffee shops. And then we would stroll in the park along the Hudson - all the way down to the southern tip of Manhattan. In the summer time, during lunch break, several young office girls would lie on the green grass in their bikinis hoping to get some tan , and many guys would take a detour from their usual walk hoping to get a glimpse. American Express Tower in WFC had several very large murals on the main floor. They were mostly of the port cities around the world. The ones I remember are: Sydney harbor, Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul, Taj Mahal (?), and of course New York. There were two pedestrian bridges over the West street connecting WTC with WFC. The north bridge had many shopping cart type stalls selling curios, art objects, jewelry, etc. WFC had a “Winter Garden Atrium”, a glass domed pavilion housing various plants, trees and flowers, also shopping areas, and cafes. There were tall palm trees indoors and other plants, and seating places just to relax or have lunch. There also was a “Grand Marble Staircase”, which was also used as an Amphitheater, and often used by newly married couples for wedding photographs. There were musical concerts there, and I attended most of them - I remember listening to Rosemary Clooney, and Peggy Lee (I think), among others. There were “Orchid Shows” during the spring. In the Hudson river there was a small Marina, and sometimes there was a “Boat Show” in the harbor - there were only a few boats, because it was a small harbor. Ferries to Hoboken, NJ, would go from there. Whenever I had to go to Hoboken or Jersey City for a conference, I would take the ferry, even though it cost twice as much, as opposed to PATH train. The view was fantastic, and the breeze felt good, but it was a short ride. The girls in our department often took PATH train to go to Newport Center Mall in NJ for shopping during the

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lunch break. I thought of going with them to see what shops are there, but it never materialized. To the south of WTC was Liberty Street, and in the next block was the Liberty Park, where we would go to eat lunch. Street musicians would play there, and on one corner chess enthusiasts would gather and play chess. There was a statue of a “typical office worker” sitting on a park bench with his open briefcase and an umbrella. It was always fun to walk around there. Nearby a new McDonald’s opened on Broadway, with working staff in nice uniforms, and a piano player! To the north were “Woolworth Building”, the “City Hall” and JR Music World shops. Nearby was “Ellen’s”, a famous diner/restaurant frequented by City politicians and celebrities. Then there were Duane and Reade streets, which I believe is the origin of the name “Duane Reade” pharmacy. When it was founded in 1960, the warehouse was located between Duane and Reade streets on Broadway. To the east was Broadway - the “Canyon of the Heroes”. After the first Iraq war, there was a “ticker tape parade” - a kind of victory parade on Broadway starting from South Ferry up the Broadway ending at the City Hall. We could watch it from the 88th floor eastern windows. Then, when after 50 years, NY Rangers won the Stanley Cup in 1993-94 season ending the “curse”, there was a parade for them. This time we went to the street - right on Broadway and watched it. The view from our office was spectacular, when it was clear. To the west and south were the Hudson river and Statue of Liberty, Verrazano Narrows bridge, and Newark Airport in the distance. You could see the Ocean liners, such as Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, cruise ships, and Tall ships sail up or down the river. You could also see the sailors standing on the deck and the masts. At the Jersey City waterfront you could see the huge octagonal Colgate clock, 50 feet in diameter, facing the Hudson (which incidentally is a mandatory reporting point for flights below Class B airspace in the Hudson River corridor). In the east you could see the East river bridges - Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg and further north, the Queensboro. In the north you could see part of Tower I, and upper Manhattan - Empire State and other skyscrapers in the distance. It was even prettier at night time. In winter it was dark by 4:30pm when we were still in the office, and you could see the East river and other bridges with their strings of lights, upper Manhattan office buildings all lit up, the Avenues going up straight north with street lights in sync, and the front and rear lights of the cars moving south or north. My relatives and friends would come for a visit, and were always awed by the sight. Sometimes they would come specifically to take photographs. My sister, Manik, also worked in Tower II on 37th floor, during my first two years there, but she never came up to my office, nor did I visit hers. We usually met in the lobby.

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When it was cloudy and raining, occasionally we would be above the clouds and in the clear. It was raining below us, and all we could see is cloud covered city below us. Only from the north window you could see the top of the Empire State and a few other buildings jutting above the clouds. And from the south window, the towers of the Verrazano bridge could also be seen above the clouds at times. In winter time when there was snow, I have seen many times the snow falling “upward” going up into the sky because of the wind. After two years, I got an office room all for myself at the western side of the floor. From my room I could look down at the WFC marina and plaza. Across the river in Hoboken (or Jersey City) right at the water front there was this huge Colgate clock which was lit up at night. In the distance you could see several planes lined up for landing at the Newark airport. A plane would land every minute. In winter time, when I arrived at the office early morning, the sun was just rising, and the shadows of the two Towers were very long, across the Hudson all the way into New Jersey, as far as eye could see. As time went on, and the sun rose further up in the sky, the shadows would shrink, eventually move slowly from the land to over the Hudson till it came to WFC Marina and then went to the eastside over the East river and into Brooklyn. Also, in winter I could see the red orange sun setting over New Jersey. If it was cloudy and we were above the clouds and in the sun, we could see the shadows of the Towers on the clouds, moving slowly as the sun moved across the sky. It was always fun to watch these things. In those days the 4th of July fireworks were held in the upper New York bay, south of Manhattan island. Our office was an excellent place to watch them. But we were discouraged to come there during these festivities - you needed special permission. I am sure top management and their families from all offices in WTC went there in the evening to watch the fireworks, but I never bothered. The lobby of Tower I had many Airlines offices or counters, and from the front of the Tower on West street, coaches would depart for Newark airport. For people in WTC and WFC, it was always convenient to go to Newark rather than to LaGuardia or Kennedy. In the mezzanine of Tower II there was the “half price Ticket” booth (like the one in Times Square area) for all New York theater shows - Broadway, Lincoln Center and other performances. They were “half price” only for that evening’s performance. It would open at 11:00am, and occasionally I would go there to buy tickets. There were usually only a few people, never a long line. Underground Bomb Explosion It was a typical February day in 1993, and it started as usual. There was light snow, and light wind. It was around noon time, and I was trying to decide if I should go out for lunch or to the

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44th floor cafeteria. The time was about 12:30 in the afternoon. Suddenly there was a very loud noise and the entire building shook. We had no idea what had happened. After a few minutes power went off for the eastern half of the building (one side of the floor), and 20 minutes later it went out for the other half too, and the entire building was without power. The elevators shut down, and all lights were out. Our computers and other equipment shut down immediately. Luckily it was day time (noon) and light snow outside, and because of WTC’s design, there was plenty of light in the office area. However, when you went into to the central area - where there were hallways, elevators, stairs and the rest rooms, it was totally dark. I thought for a moment that there must be a transformer fire in lower Manhattan somewhere that cut off power to WTC. Telephones worked for some time - they were all land line. I tried to call my sister in her office, but could not reach her. I called my mother at home, and told her that we have a power problem at WTC, and she told me that her favorite TV program has been interrupted, and they are showing special news reports from lower Manhattan. While we waited for instructions, some of my colleagues decided to walk down in the dark to see what is happening, and perhaps walk all the way down and exit the building. I did not bother to join them for the fear that if we could not reach the lobby, and could not go to other floors from the stairs, then we would have to walk up many flights of stairs in total darkness to come back to my floor. The intercom had failed too. I walked close to the windows on the west and south sides to check what is happening, and it looked like a war zone. There were so many fire trucks, police vehicles and ambulances all over the streets, that I thought something more serious may have happened. After some time our floor started filling with light smoke, and there was more in the hallways. So many people tried to reach their family by phone that the circuits became overloaded. (There were no mobile phones in those days.) An hour passed, and after some time, people from floors above us walked down to our floor, and we were all told to gather in the southeast corner where there was least smoke. The hallways were totally dark and smoky. No one had flashlights, and to go to bathroom, women used their cigarette lighters for light. A bunch of them would go together with one lighter or a matchbook. One or two had some kind of pocket flashlight, or the one on a keychain, and that was in great demand. It was interesting how much illumination a cigarette lighter or a match flame can generate in pitch dark hallways (or stairways for that matter). It was lunch time but nobody thought of food. I had an orange, which I shared with a colleague. We still had no idea what had happened and how long we would have to wait before power came back on. Another hour passed, but still no news. There was not much to do except talk to other people, and look out the windows. Someone suggested breaking the windows with a chair or desk, but no one took it seriously. Somebody had a battery powered radio, but it died after some time. We were stranded on the 88th floor for over three hours, and finally we were told that

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power will not be back on for quite some time, and we should be prepared to walk down the stairs. We all made a single file and started slowly walking down the 88 flights of stairs in total darkness and smoke filled stairs. The number of steps for each flight were not the same - sometimes ten, or eleven, so we had to be careful. We had to hold the wall on one side for balance, and take care not too bump or tread on the person in front of you. We could not even see the person in front of you or behind you. Someone would occasionally flick his lighter or strike a match so we would know where we were. When we reached 55th floor, we saw firemen in full gear! Then we felt assured that from that point on, everything should be ok. All we have to do is continue walking down till we reach the ground floor. Still it was not easy on some people who were older and overweight. They had to rest from time to time. Luckily no one was handicapped - in wheelchair or using crutches, and hopefully not many people had difficulty walking or severe knee pain. It took me over an hour to reach the ground floor. Many of my colleagues were so exhausted, physically or emotionally, that they just sat down and even lay flat on the floor for some time. I called my mom to tell her that I am safe and sound on the ground floor, and it will take me some time to come there. She told me that Manik has arrived home safe and sound, and all channels are still showing the special news reports. I had to call my friends and cancel the plans for that evening - it was Friday. I then walked around the buildings to see what was happening with so many police cars, fire trucks and ambulances still there. I heard someone say that it was a car bomb, and that was a bit scary. I went to the corner coffee shop and had a coffee, and just sat there for some time. At times like these, your mind becomes so numb, you can’t think of anything else. That was some experience! The subway stations at WTC were closed, so I took an express bus to go home. Once I reached home, and started watching the TV news and hear all reports and description of what had happened, it was much more scary at that time! If the buildings had collapsed then!! Many of my friends and relatives including people from India had called me then to see if I was OK. Again mobile phones, e-mail and Internet were not that common then. Aftermath Monday morning I had a phone call from our manager that we would meet at another small office near Rector street in lower Manhattan to discuss the strategy. Some people went to work in another office in NJ, while the rest of us would go to the Rector street office. After that incidence, the WTC was closed for over a month. Authorities had to do thorough inspection for structural damage, and rebuild all the underground floors.

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Six persons died in that bomb blast and many were seriously injured. It is quite likely that many people got stuck in the elevators - there were so many of them - and were eventually rescued. The garage and underground floors were severely damaged by collapsed floors and walls. Luckily the lobby floor, and its stores, shops and banks did not collapse. Damage to the buildings at WFC was much less. When WTC reopened, we went back to work - our office equipment was intact. We all had a welcome party with coffee, cakes, and other pastries. There were some security features installed, such as emergency lights in the hallways, elevators and stairways, a better intercom system, and periodical drills as to what to do in case of emergency. Also we were given special badges which we had to wear all the time. To go up the elevators from the lobby, we had to show our badge and sign in. From that day on no visitor was allowed in the Towers unless one of the office workers vouched for him. If anyone came to see me, I had to go down to the main floor, and sign him in as my guest. Sometime a colleague would forget his badge, and would call me from the lobby; and I would go down and sign him in. Some of the people I used to see in the cafeteria were not seen anymore. May be that experience shook them up so much, that they quit their jobs at the WTC, and went to work somewhere else, or may be not in skyscrapers anymore. The life at WTC more or less returned to normal. However, soon after that our company shrank considerably, due to changes in the world politics (the end of the cold war). Congress cut off funding for a major defense contract our company was working on, and hence, many people were laid off. Some left voluntarily, and some asked for transfer to other locations around the country. I finally left in 1995. Those four or more years I spent at WTC were both productive professionally, and lot of fun socially. The environment and surroundings were very nice. The people I worked with also nice and friendly. One of my Chinese colleagues shocked me one day by reading the Marathi “Kalnirnay” calendar on my office wall. He told me that he was born and raised in Calcutta, and came here as a teenager. He also knew Hindi, and knew how to read “Devnagari”. His friend’s wife was also Chinese from India and cooked very good Indian food. He even brought some to the office a few times. Later on when I learnt that it was a terrorist attack - an underground truck bomb - with an attempt to bring down the Towers, I was very angry and concerned for some time, but it never bothered me enough so as not to go back and continue to work at WTC. Sometimes I had wondered, whether another terrorist attack would take place in some other fashion that would cause lot more havoc and destruction, or even bring the Towers down. Knowing that the terrorists were from the Middle Eastern countries, and how determined and persistent they can be, it was quite likely that such an attempt would be made. I brushed that thought away. I thought that this was the worst terrorist attack that could happen in New York City. But, I was not prepared for what happened six years later.

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And then came 9/11!

I was working from home that day, and my brother called me to say that a plane had just hit one of the towers of the WTC, and asked me to watch TV news. I turned the TV on, and within a few minutes I saw another big jet plane strike Tower II live on TV. It was such an awful and scary sight. Our company still had offices in Tower II, albeit much lesser staff. And the plane had hit below the 78th floor. So most of my coworkers, some of whom I knew pretty well, were stranded on the floors above, and I think perished when the Towers collapsed. When the two Towers collapsed, I almost cried.

To think that if the two Towers had collapsed in 1993 along with the surrounding buildings, there would have been far more death and destruction compared to what happened on 9/11!! And I would not be here to tell the story.

- Vinayak Damle ===================================================================

आशा सागराचया शीतल सखद लाारती पिशचमचा री अलगद �रािजतो आ�क समती करकाचया सधीपकाशात मीच मजला ारन बसतो आयषाची साल� �तना�साज पौ�करमचा चद अजन दतोय �दलासा चाद याची रात नाा� सपलल� उदयाचा उषःकाल लल नीन आशा घरटयातील पाखर कधीच गल� उडन एकाताचया सागरात गलो मी डबन दरकन चरसतोय ाRy;;चा मजळ नाद �नसगारचया सािननधयात मनाला �मळतोय आलााद इदधनषयी आयषयातील सपतरगी सखाचा ठा जनम दाची दकगी करतो परमशराचा धाा ऐलतीरार आता भगता तझयाच साासात मी रगन जातो �दसाचा पतयक यक भकतीरसात नाान �नघतो आ�क इथच जग याचा अथर उमजतो. - डय. सध�ा शनट न

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माराष माझा घम जो नाद ततार�चा, तो ठा�ठकाका मााराषराचा कड कपारयात�न गज....... घोष ार ार माादाचा खळाळतया सर�तानी, जो सजला नराईन

माखन भान, ससकतीचया ऐशयारन .......तो मााराषर मासा माळा गडी इथला, सचचा भ�मपत क�थला जो पाक सत:चा ाक�, ओाळन दशाकचरता.......तो मााराषर मासा कती आल सक तर�ा�, डगमगला नाा� पळभरा� घऊन सराजय मत, जो पाईक �शरायाचा.......तो मााराषर मासा सगारत कती त द, �श शभ अतरला भर

सोडन पारतयातन, गायीला सराजय ससर.......तो मााराषर मासा दर ड�गराचया कशी, कठ पतथराचया राशी कठ रानोनी राान, ो�डला, जखडीला शत पाशी........तो मााराषर मासा बलद अभदय बज, काळया तट गडाचया �भती िजथ बालकाच खळ, तलार ढाल ााती.......तो मााराषर मासा डकल� सराजय पताका, शोभ गडार� जर�पका ीरशी सचाकन अगी, शौयारचया घडलया कथा.......तो मााराषर मासा बजापर� अभदय �नशचय, �चतती सराजयाच काार

�शबाचा शबद पमाक, मायभ पमाचा पर.......तो मााराषर मासा अगी सासत गज बळ, मनग जसा ज पाार

पर� रयतसी माया मखमल, �चतती रामराजय जर.......तो मााराषर मासा सर समदाय घऊन, सर सपदाय सामान

जो अजन खलला बाकन, माझया भारतभचा आभषक.......तो मााराषर मासा

सखा कशर साग ावा

सखया कशी साग तला मनाची या ार-ार..

दाा याचा सोस कसा ? त ा� असा दर-दर...

मगजळासम भास कधी तसा साास,

तापना� मग थड, मास अग�तक शास...

घऊ�नया पख न, सपनदशी उड मन,

एकलच माग र, आ�क ारन भान...

रानातील पाया, क लाग खाका-खका,

दा ना पाघरोनी, पळ लाग मी ा� पनाा..

थक�नया जहवाा मग, ाोत काळीज ा चर,

�भर�भर भकन, अती डोळा माापर !!!!

- परार हनश�ाडन


© sachin p kulkarni www.saarthbodh.com [email protected]

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म�गध �शरा

साात य

१ कप रा १/२ कप साखर १ आबा कापन तयाचा रस ककन १/२ कप तप पा कप बदाक १० बदाम रातभर �भजन, उभ तकड ककन थोडी चारोळी थोडा ळ �भजन ा असलयास कशर १ चमचा लची पाडर २ कप पाकी थोड गरम ककन ४ बलसपन दध १/४ चमचा मीठ

कार य

१ई तपात रा भाजन घयााई २ई कशराचया काडया लची पाडर घालाीई नी परताई ३ई आबयाचा रस घालााई �मशक नी एकजी कराई ४ई साखर, बदाक, बदाम, चारोळी घालाई नी �मकस कराई ५ई दध पाकी घालन नी एकजी ककन नी �शजन घयाई ६ई र थोड तप घालाई

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ावा �वाव साात य

२ कप बासमती तादळ २ बलसपन तल १ चमचा िजर १ कादा बार�क �चकन १ ोमको बार�क �चकन १/४ कप रसबी तकड ककन १/४ कप गाजर तकड ककन १/४ कप मार १/२ कप पनीरच तकड १/४ कप �समला �मरची तकड ककन २ चमच पाभाजी मसाला १ चमचा लाल �मरची पाडर १ बलसपन आल-लसक पस चीपमाक मीठ, बार�क �चकन को�थबीर

कार य

१ई भात �शजन घयााई २ई तवयार तल गरम ककन तयात िजर ाकाई तयार �चरलला कादा ाकन �शजााई ३ई तयार आल-लसक पस ाकाी थोडा ळ ा सर परताई ४ई तयार �चरलला ोमको ाकन �शजााई ५ई तयार गाजर, रसबीच तकड ाकन तयात मीठ घाला �शजाई ६ई पनीर, मार, पाभाजी मसाला घालन �शजाई ७ई लाल �मरची पाडर घालन �मशक नी परताई ८ई �शजलला भात आत घालाा आ�क �समला �मरचीच तकड �चरलल� को�थबीर घालाीई ९ई नी �मकस ककन, गकस बद ककन पलााच भाड साकन ठाई

- परार बा�ाववदकर wwwईpritiskitchenईweeblyईcom

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j;;n;ev;;rI 2013 x;bdk:;e#Y;c;e WT;r





ih 3.

Dy;; 4.






a 7.


it; 8.

m; 9.

K;; 10.











st;; 13.


r;e 14.









d; 17.






s;u 19.

K; 20.

















d 25.



a] 27.





















c;; 33.








l;e 36.












q; 40.








g;; 43.

r 44.

k:I 45.


d>; 46.















j;; 51.





r; 53.


n;; 54.






r 56.





w* 58.










b; 61.


x;; 62.





iv; 64.


rI 65.



n; 67.

















- �वाक हामवन

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Aip;>l 2013 x;bdk:;e#e (m;r;@Y;]c;; wit;h;s;)






































































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WB;e x;bd a;#v;e x;bd

1. p;;ev;;#e rc;[;;r;, l;ek:k:iv; 1.s;;t;v;;hn; r;j;;, y;;n;e sv;t;/cy;; n;;v;;n;e x;ke: s;uO ke:l; 2. m;;st;r, m;ul;]n;;/ in;b;]Q; -- 4.m;r;@I r;jy;;c;; s;]sq;;p;k: 3. ihrv;; 6. x;F;U, v;ErI 4. wq;e ix;v;;j;Ic;; j;nm; z;;l; 9. g;;$v;;c;I t;;n; 5. ihl; h;# n;;hI mh[;e 10. v;;r;, j;;g;;, k:;r[; 7. c;;luky;;c;; r;j;; 11. t;uLj;;p;Urc;I dev;I 8. dev;ig;rIc;e r;jy; 14. in;k:;l de[;;r; 12. v;;dY v;;j;iv;[;;r; 15. s;d;ix;v;B;;~]c;; ---, n;k:lI 13. iv;{[;Uc;; ik]:v;; $g;;]c;; r]g;, G;n; -- 16. g;u[;I, p;>;m;;i[;k:, s;ty;v;;n; 15. ix;v;;j;In;e ij;]k:lel; p;ihl; ik:Dl; 17. f:;Ej;; G;;e# ik]:v;; p;;y; -- 18. s;k:;LI a]g;[;;t; ix;]p;t;;t; 18. m;;L; k:;b;Ij; (k:r[;e); p;;v;s;;c;I -- 19. is;]hg;# ij;]k:[;;r; n;rv;Ir 19. he w]d>;l;hI dul*B; 20. z;;x;Ic;I -- 20. t;;rk:;p;]uj; 21. ix;v;;j;Ic;e ix;Z;k:, d;d;ej;I ---- 21. is;]hg;#;c;e j;un;e n;;v; 22. s;;p;, n;;g; 22. ix;Z;; 23. N;n;I 24. Wdk:, j;l 24. --B;;j;I ik]:v;; v;#;-- 25. s;m;ud>;l; y;et;;t; 25. x;&]g;;irk: l;ek:g;It;, n;;c; 27. a;rs;; 26. ku:lup; 28. m;r;@I s;;m;>;jy; sq;;p;k: p;ex;v;; 27. d;en; #;e]g;r;]m;Q;Il K;;el B;;g; 30. ix;v;;j;Ic;e s;Ein;k: 28. p;;v;n;iK;]#Ic;; l$v;yy;; 31. y;;dv;;]c;I r;j;Q;;n;I, dug;*m; ik:Dl; 29. p;;[y;;t; Wk:LUn; ix;j;v;[;e 32. ix;v;;j;Icy;; a;rm;;r;c;; p;>m;uK;, --- a;]g;>e 30. n;;rL;c;e z;;# 33. B;;j;Il; ik]:v;; a;m;!Il; det;;t; 33. s;d;ix;v;B;;~]n;I idDlIc;e t;Kt; --- 34. p;u[;e ij;Dhy;;t;Il Ak: s;]sq;;n;, k:;Le-- p;;[;I 34. j;ev;[;, K;;[;e 35. m;h;b;Lexv;rj;v;Lc;; p;>is;Qd ik:Dl;, wq;e

af:z;lK;;n;;c;; v;Q; z;;l;. 36. b;;p;, v;#Il 38. ---- B;U{;[;, y;;n;e ix;v;;j;Iv;r k:;vy; rc;le 37. a;x;; n;s;[;e 41. -- k:;L ik]:v;; b;;Q;;

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38. k:;b;;#--, K;Up; k:;m; 42. @;ek:;, b;#v;; 39. b;>;Hm;[; 43. ix;v;;j;Ic;e m;]F;Im;]#L 40. k&:{[;;c;I a;v;#t;I g;;ep;I 45. Hy;; c;;Es;{! a;het; / n;&ty;, k:;vy;, g;;y;n; v;g;Ere 42. x;ku:n;I ik]:v;; x;el;r -- 47. l;ek:n;;!Y, y;;c;; f:# B;rt;;e 44. y;uQd, l$;w* 48. y;eq;e ix;v;;j;Il; a;Er]g;j;eb;;n;e kE:det; @ev;le h;et;e 45. ix;K;r, dev;L;v;rc;; G;um;! 49. y;eq;Il dev;I ix;v;;j;I m;h;r;j;;]c;e a;r;Qy;dEv;t; 46. --h;em; 51. --k>:I#;, k&:{[; a;i[; g;;ep;I]c;I 47. j;r as;e as;el, -- t;s;e h;ew*l 53. ix;v;;j;Ic;; m;ulg;; 48. g;[;p;t;Ic;I k:rt;;t; 54. Q;;et;r;l; ik]:v;; lug;#Y;l; m;;rt;;t; 49. dehUc;; s;]t;, aB;]g;k:t;;* 55. b;uQdI, c;l;K;I 50. p;>;[;;y;;m;;t;Il Ak: p;>k:;r, dIG;* xv;s;n;

57. m;r;@I l;ek:;]c;e r;jy;

51. ix;v;;j;Ic;e g;uodev; s;]t; 58. idv;s;;c;; c;;ev;Is;;v;; B;;g;, B;;ik:t;, a]d;j; 52. m;u]b;w*c;; Ak: iv;m;;n;t;L 59. B;y;;n;k:, iv;k>:;L 53. c;;luky;;n;]t;rc;e r;j;e 60. G;r;l; p;u$e as;t;e, c;;Ek:I-- ik]:v;; B;;l-- 56. m;h;r;{!M;t;Il p;ihl; s;]t; 61. p;U#, as;ty;, g;U$ 58. p;ex;v;;w*t;Il p;>is;Qd x;;hIr --- b;;L; 63. s;]t;, p;]j;;b;p;y;*]t; g;elele, ty;;]c;e aB;]g; x;IK;

Q;m;*g;>]q;;t; a;het;. 59. b;IL, K;Ö; 65. j;g; 62. -- l;v;Un; p;;h[;e 66. y;eq;e rG;un;;q;r;v;;]n;I m;r;@Y;]c;e z;e]#e f:#k:v;le 64. r;{!M, p;>;]t; 67. Hy;; ik:DDy;;l;, r;j;;r;m; as;t;;n;; m;;eg;l;]n;I s;;t;

v;{;*e v;e$; G;;t;l; h;et;; 65. h; a;y;u{y;;c;; Wt;rv;t;;t; 68. b;;[; 69. lh;n; m;ulg;;, b;;lk:

(शबहकधोाान उतार ३१ मन, २०१३ ��ा [email protected] ा ई-मनव �ततावर �ाठवावन.

अायक उतार �ाठ�व�ार ाार ावन �ढदव अकाा प�सधह करणाा नारव.ा

�वाक हामवन


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Answer to January 2013 Puzzle : Where is the Man Standing?

A man is standing on the surface of the earth. He walks one mile South, then He walks one mile West, and then He walks one mile North. And he returns to exactly the same spot where he started from. He was not at the North Pole. So where was he standing? How many such spots are there? Answer: It cannot be the South Pole. However, North of the South pole there are concentric circles around the globe called “latitudes”. For example, the well known among them are: the Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, and Antarctic Circle. All of these are of different circumference. The equator is the longest, about 25,000 miles, and the circumference decreases as we go north or south, and becomes zero at the poles themselves. (The longitudes on the other hand go from one pole to the other, and are part of the Great circle, and are of the same length, about 12,500 miles.) Therefore, just a short distance from the South pole (actually North of it), there will be a latitude whose circumference will be exactly one mile, which we will call latitude ‘A‘. Now imagine a latitude ‘B’, which is exactly one mile north of the latitude A. The man may be standing anywhere on the latitude B, say a spot we call ‘X‘. Then if he walks one mile South, he comes to latitude A, to a spot we call ‘Y’. The he walks one mile West along the latitude A, makes a complete circle around the South pole and comes back to the same spot Y, since the circumference of the latitude A is exactly one mile. Now when he walks one mile North, he will come back to the latitude B, to the spot X, where he started from! Since in Geometry, a circle has infinite points on it, there are infinite points on latitude B which satisfy the condition of our puzzle.

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(Those who studied Geography and Geometry in school, should have been able to solve this easily.) ================================================================

April 2013 Puzzle : How do you determine the height of a Tall Building by means of a Barometer

This is a question for high school students interested in science, esp. physics. You are given a very sensitive barometer, and you have to determine the height of a very tall building such as the new Freedom Tower in lower Manhattan, Sears Tower in Chicago, or a similar very tall building. You also have access to other material commonly found in a typical high school science laboratory. Your answer must make the use of the barometer. In how many different ways can you do this?

(कधोाान उतार ३१ मन, २०१३ ��ा [email protected] ा ई-मनव �ततावर �ाठवावन. अायक उतार

�ाठ�व�ार ाार ावन �ढदव अकाा प�सधह करणाा नारव.ा

�वाक हामवन


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-Ila Nigam

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!!! CHILDREN TALENT SHOW !!! Children can sing, act or perform for 4/5 minutes on stage.

please submit the entry to [email protected] / 917-225-1659