a4 leo degrees

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Post on 16-Sep-2015




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Leo Degrees -Leo.0.....Homicide.3.....Biliousness.5.....Homicide, aviation accidents.6.....Sight.736' 04'N (4) South Asellus, Delta Cancri. (Mars Sun - Sun > Mars) Fevers, quarrels, slander.8.....Cusp of Eleventh Lunar Mansion; a critical degree; Anaemia; hearing.9.....Bladder afflictions; alcoholism; Army and Navy.931'..Mars-Pluto conj.: May 12, 1946.1110'.Neptune North Node.12....A degree of beauty.1231' 55'S (4) Acubens, Alpha Cancri. (Saturn Mercury) Activity, malevolence, prevarication.13....Degree of literature.15....First point of Affection: The Lion point.20....Cusp of Twelfth Lunar Mansion; a critical degree. A degree of Faith.20-24Degrees of homicide.2610' 2223'S (2) Alphard, Alpha Hydrae; often called the Heart of the Hydra. (Saturn Venus - Sun sextile Jupiter) Wisdom, artistic appreciation; knowledge of human nature; yet immoral, uncontrolled, and subject to tragedy.2627' 1152' N (3) Adhafera, Zeta Leonis. (Saturn Mercury) Associated with criminal tendencies, poisons, suicide. If rising: military preferment and riches.2647' 452' N (3) Al Jabhah, Eta Leonis. Violent and intemperate nature; a military officer in danger of mutiny.2843' 028'N (i) Regulus, Alpha Leonis. A triple star; called the Lion's Heart; one of the Royal stars of the Persians,