a3 for consensus building


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: A3 for Consensus Building



Page 2: A3 for Consensus Building

What is an A3 Report?

WHAT One page report on an A3 size paper.

WHY Facilitate communication and consensus-building


Anyone who needs to build understanding and/or gain agreement with other at any time.


1. Facilitate structured concise thinking

2. Enables quick understanding of the topic

3. Aids in obtaining input and subsequent buy-in

4. Records the thinking behind decisions and direction (proof of consensus-

building and approval)

5. Increase the chance of achieving desired results6. Enables quick smooth implementation

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Why Consensus?

When decision is to be made that will impact others, key stakeholders must be considered and

consulted before a decision is finalized.

Total time spent when NOT PLANNING thoroughly



Total time spent when PLANNING THOROUGHLYSavings in time and effort as a

result of good planning

Muda in time and effort due to

insufficient time spent in planning and


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The Consensus-Building Process

CONSENSUS definition (source: Merriam Webster dictionary)

1. General agreement, the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned

2. Group solidarity in sentiment or belief.

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In your own understanding, what are the steps in consensus building process?

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The Consensus-Building Process

Develop Your Ideas

Draft Tatakidai

Nemawashifor Input

Write Final A3

Gain Approval

Inform and Implement



Define Stakeholders

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The Consensus-Building Process

When an idea is being considered that will require consensus, it is often wise to discuss it with a few others before writing an A3

Develop Your Ideas

Draft Tatakidai

Nemawashifor Input

Write Final A3

Gain Approval

Inform and Implement



Define Stakeholders

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The Consensus-Building Process

Develop Your Ideas

Draft Tatakidai

Nemawashifor Input

Write Final A3

Gain Approval

Inform and Implement



Define Stakeholders

Stakeholder – anybody directly or indirectly impacted by the project.

Who needs to KNOW about the activity?Who should provide INPUT?Who must APPROVE the final decision?

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Questions to consider when identifying stakeholders:

1. Who will be affected by this activity/decision?

2. What is the scope of the activity? Up to what level will I need to get approval?

3. Who has experience or knowledge related to this activity?

4. Who will be directly involved in the implementation?

5. Is there anyone that could block this activity that should be consulted?

6. How much impact do stakeholders have on the success of my project?

7. Have I identified all the stakeholders across functions, levels, and organizations?

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The Consensus-Building Process

Develop Your Ideas

Draft Tatakidai

Nemawashifor Input

Write Final A3

Gain Approval

Inform and Implement



Define Stakeholders

Tatakidai – “beat-up document”(tataku = beat, dai = paper)

- Rough draft that represents your ideas- Used to initiate discussion with your

stakeholders to reveal new ideas or viewpoints, and to invite them to identify gaps, contradictions or inconsistencies in the thinking.

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The Consensus-Building Process

Develop Your Ideas

Draft Tatakidai

Nemawashifor Input

Write Final A3

Gain Approval

Inform and Implement



Define Stakeholders

Nemawashi – means “going around the roots”(ne – root, mawasu – to go around)

- A method of preparing for the transplant of ideas by sharing them and getting input.

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Questions to consider for nemawashi:

1. Do I have a nemawashi plan? Is it realistic?

2. Have I included all my stakeholders for consultation?

3. Are meetings clearly identified as “input” meetings?

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Points to observe and note during nemawashi to determine stakeholder understanding and support:

1. What questions do my stakeholder ask?

2. What objections do my stakeholder raise?

3. What additional points to my stakeholders make?

4. What problems are identified?

5. What points are misleading?

6. What is the level or support of stakeholders?

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The Consensus-Building Process

Develop Your Ideas

Draft Tatakidai

Nemawashifor Input

Write Final A3

Gain Approval

Inform and Implement



Define Stakeholders

The final A3 will be used to gain approval on your activity.

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1. Have I considered all the feedback of the different stakeholder? How is this feedback reflected in my paper? How am I planning to convince those who are resisting my project?

2. Is the quality of the final draft sufficient?

Questions to consider in completing the final A3:

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The Consensus-Building Process

Develop Your Ideas

Draft Tatakidai

Nemawashifor Input

Write Final A3

Gain Approval

Inform and Implement



Define Stakeholders

Original A3 (tatakidai)






Final A3

It is common practice to obtain signatures on the A3 document as evidence of approval

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Questions to consider when going for approval:

1. Is approval planned at the right level?

2. Is the hierarchy consulted in the right order?

3. Are meetings clearly identified as “approval” meetings?

4. Has sufficient time been allocated for the approval process, allowing time for revisions of the A3 if there are points of disagreement?

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The Consensus-Building Process

Develop Your Ideas

Draft Tatakidai

Nemawashifor Input

Write Final A3

Gain Approval

Inform and Implement



Define Stakeholders

Once the approval has been obtained,

immediately start to inform those who will

be affected by the activity.

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Questions to ask when implementing:

1. Who needs to be informed before the implementation? What is my plan to inform them?

2. Are there any preconditions to implementation?

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“I’m sorry for such lengthy letter, but I did not have time to write a short one”

English Author

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Types of A3

Sharing Information A3

Explanatory document sharing information.

No evaluative component.

Ex. An explanation of a job, program,

project, process, etc.

Proposal A3

Proposes action that requires a decision.

ex,. A budget request for a major


Status Review A3

Reveals problems or opportunities to


Ex. Production quality report

Problem Solving A3

Clarifies issues and recommends

countermeasures to achieve a target or ideal.

Ex. Report on how to overcome a problem in

production quality.

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