a2 production genre presentation max

Genre A2 production Max Cochrane

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Post on 07-Apr-2017




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Genre A2 production

Max Cochrane

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Genre of my production

My production is going to be of the drama genre, some examples of TV dramas would be:

1. Mad Men

2. Californication

3. Peaky Blinders

4. Game of thrones

5. Breaking Bad

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Sub genres Like any type of main genre, drama has its own sub-genres which are almost always used in part of TV to add more character to the series. Some examples of these would be:• Crime genre – This involves themes involving criminals, law

enforcement and the legal system. More often then not featuring closed episodes, and 3 part structures throughout the seasons. Examples: Peaky Blinders, Breaking Bad.

• Historical drama – Focusing on dramatic events which are a part of history or loosely based off of a historical event/person. The series should feature events that actually happened but will involve improvised fictional moments to keep up excitement or progress on character developments. Examples – The Tudors.

• Teen drama – Focusing on lives of teenage characters. Often focusing with a multi strand narrative, characters deal with dramatic issues that arise within their friendship groups and how they handle them throughout the series. Examples – Skins

For my own production I am planning to make its genre teen drama.

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Conventions of Teen drama – written/audio Non diegetic soundtrack is used to also add

drama or make a scene more emotional in various scenes for example to change our opinions of a certain character within the series or cause a certain scene to be much more memorable for its effect. Dialogue can involve common slang which most younger audiences know and may use to create a more relatable connection between viewers and the characters. The narrative usually revolves mostly around a main character such as Will in the inbetweeners and he narrates the story, it allows audiences to connect more with the character. In most series they will feature a mutli strand narrative focusing on several characters.

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Conventions of Teen drama trailer – written/audio Within the trailer there will feature a non

diegetic soundtrack throughout it all which will set the general tone for the season, it will often feature some dialogue from certain characters to give plot details or build interest and excitement.

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Conventions of Teen drama –

technical There are many shots that would be shown at different times to show different things for example there would be close ups in tense times to show the characters emotion through their facial expressions, perhaps there would be a long shot when showing someone's house or surroundings to show their social status.

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Conventions of teen drama trailer

– technical Within a TV drama trailer it is usually just montage editing showing characters and explaining us to them simply through their clothing choices and actions within the quick shots, the overall shots that we are able to see may show us an actual plot idea for the series, all main characters have screen time on the trailer however if there is a more main character they will naturally gain more screen time.

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Conventions of Teen drama –

symbolic Usual feature a “coming of age” story, they feature examples and relatable situations focused on real life however to boost entertainment and drama they are exaggerated. Character clothing is usually pretty standard due to it being based on teenagers but different clothing can be used to show class and status. Throughout the series characters are often represented as having strong differences for example one would be the nerd while others may be portrayed as a troubled one with another as a more leader role. Most series often focus mainly on female characters.

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Conventions of Teen drama

trailer – symbolic There is not much symbolism within the trailers of a tv drama but will show clothing choices and actions within shots that try to give us some key information about the character informing us if we will actually be on this certain characters side or another's, it can ready us to know which characters we will like and for what reasons.

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How my production will adhere to the

conventionsI am planning to keep my production following some conventions of the teen drama trailer by featuring several different characters all represented in a different way through the use of clothing, dialogue and the persons actions. I will be using several different shots such as close up, long shots, tracking for various reasons to help represent certain characters in a specific way, I will be trying to create some emotion and attempt to get my audience to dislike one character and favor another due to what I will show within the trailer.

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How my production will challenge the

conventionsI am planning to challenge some conventions such as having an actual main protagonist and keep all the characters as important as the rest, I will be trying not to use properly licensed music but if I do will aiming for a more independent artist to place more emphasis on the characters and the storyline other than the recognition of a popular song. One more convention I will be challenging is the gender breakdown seeing as most series often focus on more female characters so I will focusing on more male characters however still featuring characters from both sexes.