a2 media studies - codes and conventions magazines

A2 Media Studies Magazine Covers Ellie New

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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A2 Media StudiesMagazine Covers

Ellie New

Tag Line – Used to pull in the audience ‘exclusive’ suggests they wont find the information anywhere else

Bat symbol grabs fans attention, who are very familiar with the logo

Issue number/ price

Mast Head– Title of magazine, which has been covered by the image; as the magazine is well established fans recognise the magazine with out needing to see the title clearly

Sub Title – Presents the name of the film to the audience

Freebies – Entice audience to purchase magazine

Interview – Fans will be interested in finding out about celeb who plays the character

Cover lines – Introducing new films, other celebrities and reviews. Listing information which fans of the magazine and film are interested in.


Pull quote - from celebrity gives hype to fans

Cover Image – Stong, dominant giving direct address adds personal touch linking with the audience, protagonist looks as ready for action

Codes and conventions of a magazine:

Use of three fonts throughout magazine

Bright primary bold colours, aimed at male audience

Strong, bold primary colours of magazine implies the magazine has a male target audience however, may appeal to some females

Issue number/ price – Informing audience

Freebies – Entice audience to purchase magazine

Mast Head – Title of magazine, which has been covered by the image; as the magazine is well established fans recognise the magazine with out needing to see the title clearly, which was also very similar to previous cover

Interview – Fans will be interested in finding out about celeb who plays the character

Cover lines – Introducing new films, which fans may be interested in reading about

Cover Image – Portrays character as strong dominant and evil; she is also giving a direct address linking the audience to the magazine, giving a personal approach, dark background also contributes to cold evil feeling

Codes and conventions of a magazine:

Tag Line – Uses language which may also be used by target audience ‘epic’, the use of an exclamation mark implies it’s a big deal

Fonts – Also uses three fonts consistently, including sans serif font to attract target audience

Mast Head– Title of magazine, which has been covered by the image; as the magazine is well established fans recognise the magazine with out needing to see the title clearly

Issue number/ price


Interview – Fans will be interested in finding out about celeb who plays the character

Cover lines – Introducing new films, celebrity interviews, which may be appealing to the audience

Plug- Chance of winning large amount of money if you apply for competition

Sub Title – Presents the name of the film to the audience

Makes magazine seem ‘exclusive’

Cover Image – Makes the cover character look strong and dominant, the use of direct address creates a link between the audience and the character. Background of image suggests that something has happened, character looks ready for war. Fire also portrays ‘action’ film.

Tag line- ‘this time it’s war’, suggests something drastic is going to happen, draws in audience

Pull Quote – Gives audience a taster, making them want to read on (usually dramatic)

Codes and conventions of a magazine: Three different fonts, sans serif fonts used to attract younger audience. Bright red, gives connotations of blood, passion and danger. Also gives implies male target audience