a2 media poster analysis- the host


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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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THE HOST-Poster Analysis

Page 2: A2 Media Poster Analysis- The Host

The Title. The word ‘Host’ in the dictionary means different things -‘a large number of

people or things’ or ‘to organize an event or be host of it’. I think in this case it’s suppose to represent the idea that a large number of people are being hosted by

another thing.

The light going from one side of the O across the word I think is suppose to represent the fact that it’s spreading. Matching the main characters eyes it could also represent an eye and how ‘the host’ takes over and leads the human body. It’s not natural light so could also suggest that it’s not organic and adds to the

science-fiction element of the poster.

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The Image.The young girl is placed between two men, one of them is staring at her which shows his attraction towards her. She is placed in the middle to show the audience that she is the main character in the movie. Her face is straight forward and she is looking straight ahead which may mean that she knows her path in life. The man on her right is looking straight, this shows that he has no attraction towards her and that there will be no romance between the two of them during the movie; because both men are either side of her it could also represent good and evil, the man looking towards her being good and the other evil. At the top is a blue sky which represents hope, its mixed with grey which may mean there will be a disturbance during the movie. As you look down the poster the poster has darker colours which connotes danger and fear.

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Code of Enigma.

The poster leaves us with many questions as an audience that entice to go watch the trailer and see the film. We want to know: • Is it set in the future?• What’s happening or happened?• Why and what is being hosted?• Choose to believe in what? • What are they fighting? • Where are they?• Has the female character been ‘hosted’?

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Character Representation. Melanie/WanderThe character could range between 17-23 years old which is the same age range for the target audience so will have more appeal and it makes it easier to then relate to the character. Although her costume is combat wear her silhouette shows her curves which will appeal to the opposite sex. She is shown as a strong feminine role model. Although her outfit camouflages with the background she’s raised above the skyline unlike the male characters, which could represent that she is above the others in status or different from them. Her eyes looking forward shows she has a sense of direction, she knows where she is going, she has a sense of purpose. Her body language shows her strong and upright. Facing her fears. She has her back to the male character which shows they must have trust in their relationship.

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Character Representation.

The male characters here show attraction for the opposite sex and could range between 19-25 so are older than the female lead. The male character on the left however looks directly at her which could hint at attraction at her. The character on the right could be perceived as stubborn. The both of them being behind her could represent the fact that they ‘have her back’ and are watching out for her and are protective over her. Neither of the male characters are shown as weak, in fact there body language suggests they are quite strong with their muscular appearance. The positioning of the characters are almost in a triangle and could suggest that they are in a ‘love triangle’ and fighting for her which corresponds with the tag lines. The costumes used highlight the muscular appearance and don’t really represent much about their style but more about the situation they are in.

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Sub- Titles

This raises many questions to an audience and makes you think about what the film is about. The word ‘choose’ adds pressure and the fact that it’s repeated 3 times makes it more prominent in your head and makes you feel like there is a lot to deal with so makes you already sympathise for the characters.

They have also put the author of the book at the top of the poster, to emphasise who it is written by, and to show that she has written another popular franchise, therefore trying to advertise to that particular audience.

The launch date for the film is in between seasons. It also helps the audience relate to the film more when the weather reflected in the film is happening in the real world.

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Social Media

It’s very important for a movie poster to have social media links now as it allows you to follow the film before it’s even released. It also help to promote and create a large following for the film.This movie decided to just use the movie name for their social media links unlike the divergent poster that incorporated it into a phrase. Both ways are effective.

This is definitely a conventional tool for movie posters to use.

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Genre/ USP

GenreFrom the poster you can tell that the genre is post-apocalyptic/ adventure/ danger/ survival.

Unique Selling PointFrom the poster the unique selling point is that it is a strong female lead.