a2 evaluation slideshare

Before I began starting to construct my 5 minute opening of my documentary I did lots of planning. I made a mind map brainstorm of what I planned to put in my documentary it looked like this. I then put this only blog so that I could refer back to it when I needed to. With knowing what I was going to include in the documentary I went on to make a running script in which I planned out the order of events throughout my documentary. I then put this only blog so that I could refer back to it when I needed to.

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: A2 evaluation slideshare

Before I began starting to construct my 5 minute opening of my documentary I did lots of planning. I made a mind map brainstorm of what I planned to put in my documentary it looked like this. I then put this only blog so that I could refer back to it when I needed to.

With knowing what I was going to include in the documentary I went on to make a running script in which I planned out the order of events throughout my documentary. I then put this only blog so that I could refer back to it when I needed to.

Page 2: A2 evaluation slideshare

I recorded my documentary with the Panasonic HC-V700M camera this camera was very good for recording, the video quality was very good but the downside to this camera is the sound quality whilst recording my interview the sound quality sounded muffled and the camera picked up a lot of background noise so whilst recording this section of the documentary I switched to using the XF 100 which was a professional camera with a noise cancelling microphone which allowed for a better sounding interview.

When It came to recording audio/voiceovers I used the IMac software garage band. We used the recording studio in our school that had a studio mic with a built in pop filter so that the quality of the recording was as good as possible. I first tried to record with a male voice over effect so that it would make my voice sound all one tone but the sound quality with this effect sounded very low, so I had to do a re-recording so that I could have a better quality and when I did do this I removed all the vocal effects.

Page 3: A2 evaluation slideshare

I have used many different media technologies in the construction stage. At the very start of creating my documentary I realised that I was going to need to make a action plan of what I needed to do. I needed to ask people if I could record them and ask questions about my topic to them. I also needed to get achieve footage of different news reports to do with the real life scenario ‘Sandy Hook’ I used my computer to browse through Youtube and the internet to find clips that I thought were appropriate and relevant to the topic. I then researched around this topic so that I had lots of factual information to talk about in my voice over whilst footage was playing. During the evaluation stages of my documentary I have used media technologies to complete my work for example I have used PowerPoint in order to make my final evaluation.

I first set out collecting my archive footage so that I could make a very simple layout of how the documentary was going to run. Secondly I recorded both of my interviews and then worked on editing these adding things such as text over the video clips. After this I then recorded the part of the documentary where I explain how big the gaming industry is.

Page 4: A2 evaluation slideshare

During the making stages of the documentary there were many differences between how I approached making my documentary, as in my As thriller i had very low level skill set in things such as using the cameras and editing together my final piece. But as I was doing my documentary I found it a lot easier to put together my final piece as I had a initial experience in using the camera’s/Macs and some of the equipment used such as camera’s have also improved making my work look a lot better.

I also found it a lot easier to put across the point of my documentary as I used archive footage to help build up my argument where as In my thriller it was all first hand footage and I had to push my story across to the viewer where as with my documentary there was an underlying argument which allowed for the viewer to think about there own opinions as well as the ones being given.

But the main difference in my two piece’s of work is that one was a short 2 minute thriller and my A2 documentary was a 5 minute segment. Which allowed me to add a lot more to my work. I also had more interest In making the documentary as it allowed for me to get creative and explore further into a topic that I am interested in.