a2 coursework part 3

Magazine Advisement Research Neat layout and colour co- ordinate- even the mise en scene and the member’s who are centre figure. Large masthead of the band’s name called to action- its demanding the audience to be aware of the band’s new album There is a mid-shot of the used in the centre of the page which identifies their importance, since it is their album coming out. But the image seems as if they inviting them to look into their music. The image used is very interesting because there seems to be a lot things happing with the still shot. This also is draws the audience’s attention to the advertisement . Underneath the large title “ kasabain” id the title of the album along with the date it coming out. I suggest that the band is well know & liked. So placing the band’s name big and in red attractions the fans already to look the advertisement. This is quite a simple layout , the image of the band and the name standout the most when you look at the advertisement.

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Post on 15-Dec-2014



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Magazine Advisement Research

Neat layout and colour co-ordinate- even the mise en scene and the member’s who are centre figure.

Large masthead of the band’s name called to action- its demanding the audience to be aware of the band’s new album

There is a mid-shot of the used in the centre of the page which identifies their importance, since it is their album coming out. But the image seems as if they inviting them to look into their music.

The image used is very interesting because there seems to be a lot things happing with the still shot. This also is draws the audience’s attention to the advertisement.

Underneath the large title “ kasabain” id the title of the album along with the date it coming out. I suggest that the band is well know & liked. So placing the band’s name big and in red attractions the fans already to look the advertisement.

This is quite a simple layout , the image of the band and the name standout the most when you look at the advertisement.

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Magazine Advisement Research

This advertisement is very plain and has used a low colour scheme; dark colours mixed with like colours to project the font. This advertisement seems to be very effect less, but at the same time surreal; there is a image of an tiger’s head used on the advert which is centre figure. The tiger seems to be unusual , it has an eye on forehead which is very surreal. This may connote what type of genre the band is trying to portray. When look at this image as an audience, I make you become unsure of what the band might be light, so the only option is to actually buy the CD.

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This is a advertisement is for Gwen Stefani’s new album. This advert is very bright and colourful .

Magazine Advisement Research

Has used an effect to blur and distort the image, but still can be recognised by the audience. The may connote the artist wanted to tell the audience that her music may be change over the years, but you can still relate/understand her.

On the advertisement, has included a mini image of the CD cover as well has the image blown up , as the advertisement back ground. This could be to show the audience the album actually

looks like in stores or online.

The image is of the artist in a royal chair and in her hands is a crown and a staff. This image may connote that she is quite already high up in the music industry and that she many fans and is well respected fro her music. A brief description placed

underneath the artist’s name beside the small print of the album cover. I suggest that this print states a comment from the artist, as it says “ Love Angel .. Music … Baby “ It states what single hits feature in the album – this encourage the audience to but it because it feature a song

that already like.

The front to included the artist name is very formal & royal like which interlinks with the image of artist being seated in a royal like chair “ throne”.

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Magazine Advisement Research

This magazine advertisement, does not use of great amount of text to advertisement the album, but has used great imagery. The image is of explosion, and when it gets to the top of the explosion a crazy and colourful city arises in the mist of it. This whole relation back to the title of the album; which is “ St elsewhere” I think this use of imagery attraction the audience in a creative way because, it encourages them wonder and image what they music could be like. So instead of picturing the band on the advertisement, they use a more gripping image that draws the audiences' attention and keep them fascinated. I think when I am designing I am going to think “what type of message I want to sent to the target audience” its from advertisement the audiences that there will be a gain of costumer and fans . I have understood that imagery plays a big part when advisement so will need to design the best advertisement that meets this need.

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Making the magazine advert

I placed some flower on a white piece of paper and then photographed it. once photographed I uploaded the photo on Photoshop and using the magnet tool I cut the flower image only; moving it away from the plain background

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Making the magazine advert After I had cut away the background, I was able to use the tool drag the flower onto a different background, where I was able to make duplicates of the design. I played around with effect and decided I want this colourful arty – x-ray effect. I think this looks very artistic a and it goes well with the album cover that I created.

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Making the magazine advert

When I found this effect, I remembered through my research, a magazine advertisement needs to stand normally a plain background or a not too busy background stands out to the reader. So when create this college, I realised I need to tone it down, because it very busy and it would no stand out in magazine normally has a busy context.

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Making the magazine advert

I then added the album cover in the centre of the page, I removed the busy background, because I wanted to get it exactly in the middle.

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Making the magazine advert After I placed the cover in the centre, I then made the background visualbe. I then added text, I had to play around with that as well; because I wanted keys words to stand out; like the title of album “ crystalised” the name of the band “The XX”. The reason why, I added the particular text even though it is stated on the album cover, is because some of the public may not know who the band is.

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Finished magazine advert This is the magazine advertisement that I design ( part 2 of my digipack) I created, in relation to the design of the album cover. The way I design the magazine, was that all the attention was focused on the album cover, the big & bold text . I actually wanted to present the album on the advisement because I think it gives the audience’s a chance to see what the album looks like, so when they go to the store they will be able to recognise and know what bad it form. I’m really happy with the overall design, I wanted to create advertisement that has a plain background and the album cover design already. so I played on Photoshop with the background and I was able to come up with a design that was alone interesting to look at but highlights the album cover ; also it further promotes the idea “mystical” theme. The background is of flowers , which have been edited to have colourful x-ray effect, which turned out to look very interesting and expressive. When you turn the page it will be instantly eye catching, the front is in black so that stand out against the busy surface . I think its looks professional, it does the most important thing which is promotes the album; and emphasises on the genre of the video. I am very happy with the design, its states a brief piece of important that will promote an up and coming album.

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Other Ways Of Promoting The Album

I investigated different methods of how an album can be promoted and there are many other ways; from interviews to special appearances. Well one of the ways that I found interesting was a public advertisement, I created because to see how my magazine advertisement would be projected on bus stop. This type of advertising is very important in advertising because it is seen by a lot of people, who travel on a daily basis. The purpose being for this type of advertising, is that the public is aware of the upcoming album. I am very happy with the outcome, I think the advertisement stands out and looks very professional. The key thing about it is that its appealing to look at, which is the most a important thing because, you want advert to be very visual, so that It will draw the audience’s attention.

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At this point I have made my album cover and content that will go inside it and I have also made my magazine advertisement. Now that I done that I am moving on to the editing. I was able to reshoot during the weeks I spent making digipack ; which I am very happy with, because the shot came out how wanted them to look. By re shooting I now know that I am ready to start placing my music video together. To edit my video I’m hoping to use adobe première pro, because it is said to be the best editing software around.; I just need to learn how to use it.

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Having problems with the software

I’m having a lot of difficulty using adobe premiere pro, for some reason I don’t understand how to actually use the professional editing software; I’m finding simple things complicated, like opening the programme- that took me along time. As a result I’m going use windows movie marker on my home computer.

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Windows Live Movie Maker

At this point, I'm at home using movie maker to edit. So far so good, I’ve added clips and placed it in the right order in the timeline and when you play it back, it seems to go very well together and is in sync.

I added the music to see if it all goes well together, I was very happy with it and I am now moving on to finish the intro.

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The intro lasts for 23 seconds and I’m trying to adjust all the clips to fit that time period. I’m finding it a bit stressful because the clip that I intended to be in the intro is too short .( after editing the pieces that I wanted to fill out the intro) I need to find something else or go back to adjusting in order to find the 4s remaining.

Yes! I worked out a resolution, basically two of the clips featuring in the intro the character is not moving, so I slowed down the speed of the shot in order for the into to be within the 23 second time period. I’m very happy with it so far! On to the opening verse.

Windows Live Movie Maker

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At this point I decide to go back to abode premiere pro, on windows movie marker I was not able to do the effect that I wanted ( split screen); everything was going well on movie marker, its just that it didn’t have, the certain techniques as adobe premiere pro. So I’m now teaching myself how to use the programme my school has access to this programme and I have downloaded the trial at home, because I really want my music video to be of high quality and I want to be ideas to portray all my ideas; using the best programme. I have researched the different editing software's and it has said the adobe is the best for the effect that I want to do . so I’m now watching the tutorial videos, that can be found on YouTube to help me understand fully.

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Back to adobe

So far so , I have got the hang of the simple things on abode; like adding clips to the timeline , adjusting the music so that everything is insyn. At this point I’m editing the opening scene which is made of 7 clips. I found it easy to bring all of these clips together. They all fitted well together, and if a clip was too short, I was able to extend the clip so that it will be able to fit in that time period. Only problem was that , it seemed to not play back very well, the computer kept on freezing, so I couldn’t entirely see if it was insync or not. I played around with it and waited, and after a while, I was able to see the scene played back.

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Spilt screen time!

I am at the point of my video, where I can introduce the spilt screen effect. I do not know how to do I spilt screen, so I went on YouTube and researched “how do to spilt screen effect on adobe cs4”. I clicked on this video and started to learn how to do it; because I had learnt how to actually use on the adobe programme via youtube, I found it easy and quick follow and understand ; how to do the effect.

Adobe Premiere Pro

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I sorted out the clips that I wanted to use the spilt screen effect and started to do it. I first went to an area in the programme called effect controls and it was there under video effects, I was able to create the spilt screen effect. I found it very easy to do this effect, where as before I thought it was going to be very complicated to do it. I am very happy that I was able to have a YouTube video to guide and help me understand how to do it. When I had done the split screen in the areas in the video, I had to move the other clips around because there were small gaps created with in timeline, but after that was done I played the video and it very came together well and the spilt screen was looking good!

Adobe Premiere Pro

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Adobe Premiere Pro

At this point I have placed all the clips intended for the music video on the timeline . So for the last finishes touches, I am exploring the software and the other editing techniques. I went to an area called video transitions and it was there I found “ dip to black” (which is basically fade out black) I added a few of these effect between some clips because I think it brings the video together and makes it very professional. I played I around with a few other effects, which ended up working very well within video . I enjoyed experimenting & exploring different effects.

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Adobe Premiere Pro

Looking at the other effects on the programme that, I could include in my music video.

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I have finished my video and I am very happy with it ; so now I am just exporting the video , which will take about an hour. Then I will be able to view it on my computer as a finished music video.

Adobe Premiere Pro

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This is the opening scene for the my video. I presented the spilt screen effect first, because I wanted to show that throughout the video we, will be following two different people within one storyline.

I used the camera movement Tracking to tell the audience that at this point we are focusing on one character ( going on a journey with him)

My annotations on the music video

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Here I used med- close ups because I wanted the characters to seem as if they were addressing the audience. I think using mid shots really goes insight the characters life and the role the play in the video.

Few annotations on the music video

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My annotations on the music video

I multiply shots of the character in different scenes that really, just showed then reflecting their mood and expressions on the situation happing in the music video.

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My annotations on the music video

Here are some still print screens of my video, of me using the spilt screen effect to show the audience the two points of views; portrayed in the video.

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My annotations on the music video

I started the video , with a shot of both characters coming out of their homes. As an audience you understand that their home, I wanted to make the point clear because later on in the video the character are both seen going to each others houses, but where their at each others houses at the same time, they miss each other.

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I created a YouTube account, so that my music video is will be simple and easy to access.


Signing up and uploading on youtube

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A Review Of The Software Used

I really enjoyed using the programme, I wish had more time to get use to all the different effects and to study the different techniques. Overall I found it easy to pick the simple things; locating & understanding some of the control panels. I am very happy very the way my video turned out and I would definitely would use the this software again.

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•YouTube•The xx- website •Google •Spin magazine •NME MAGAZINE •ROLLING STONES MAGAZINE •BLOGGER •Slide share