(a1) animal tissues

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  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    By Prof.Dr. Syafruddin Ilyas, M.Biomed

    Biology Department of Faculty of Mathematics

    and Natural Sciences, Univ. of North Sumatra

    Introduction of The Lecture

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    Main Topics1. Animal Tissue

    2. Integument System

    3. Sirculation System

    4. Digestive System

    5. Respiration System6. Endocrine System

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    Lecture Materials

    Power Point for Main Lectures Lecture Note


    Animation Movie

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues



    10% = Quiz 15% = homework

    25% = Mid Term examination

    50% = Final Term examination (EM)

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    By ; Prof.Dr. Syafruddin Ilyas, M.Biomed.(1) Animal Tissues

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    Animal Tissues The development of a fertilized egg into a newborn

    child requires an average of 41 rounds of mitosis

    (241 = 2.2 x 1012).

    During this period, the cells produced by mitosisenter different pathways of differentiation; some


    blood cells,

    some muscle cells, and so on.

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues





    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

    Drawings1. Epithelial

    2. Muscle

    3. Connective

    Supporting connective

    tissue Dense connective tissue

    Loose connective tissue

    Adipose tissue4. Nerve


    Glia5. Blood

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    2. Muscle


    4. Nerve

    5. Blood

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    There are more than 100 visibly-distinguishablekinds of differentiated cells in the vertebrate


    These are organized into tissues; the tissues

    into organs.

    Groups of organs make up the various systems


    excretory, etc. - of the body.

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    The actual number of differentiated cell types

    is surely much larger than 100.

    All lymphocytes, for example, look alike but

    actually represent a variety of different

    functional types, e.g., B cells, T cells ofvarious subsets.

    The neurons of the central nervous system

    must exist in a thousand or more differentfunctional types, each representing the result

    of a particular pathway of differentiation.

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    1. Epithelial Epithelial tissue is made of closely-packed cells arranged in flat

    sheets. Epithelia form the surface of the skin, line the various cavities

    and tubes of the body, and cover the internal organs.

    Subsets of Epithelia

    Epithelia that form the interface between the internal and

    external environments.

    Skin as well as the lining of the mouth and nasal cavity.

    These are derived from ectoderm. Inner lining of the GI tract, lungs, urinary bladder, exocrine

    glands, vagina and more. These are derived from


    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    Each of these will have special roles to play in building thecomplete animal.

    Some are listed in the table.

    Germ-layer origin of various body tissues

    Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm

    skin notochordinner lining of gut, liver,


    brain muscles inner lining of lungs

    spinal cord blood inner lining of bladderall other


    thyroid and parathyroid



    sex organs thymus

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    The apical surface of these epithelial cells isexposed to the "external environment", the

    lumen of the organ or the air. [View example]

    Mesothelia. These are derived from mesoderm. pleura the outer covering of the lungs and

    the inner lining of the thoracic (chest) cavity.

    peritoneum the outer covering of all theabdominal organs and the inner lining of the

    abdominal cavity.

    pericardium the outer lining of the heart.

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    Endothelia. The inner lining of the heart, all

    blood and lymphatic vessels derived from


    The basolateral surface of all epithelia is

    exposed to the internal environment (ECF).

    The entire sheet of epithelial cells is attached

    to a layer of extracellular matrix that is called

    the basement membrane or, better (because itis not a membrane in the biological sense),

    the basal lamina. [View example]

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    View showing relationship between the apical

    and basolateral surfaces of epithelial cells and

    how they maintain their distinction. The

    function of epithelia always reflects the fact

    that they are boundaries between masses of

    cells and a cavity or space. Some examples:

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    The epithelium of the skin protects the

    underlying tissues from

    mechanical damage

    ultraviolet light


    invasion by bacteria

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    The columnar epithelium of the intestine secretes digestive enzymes into the

    intestine; absorbs the products of digestion from it.

    An epithelium also lines our air passages and

    the alveoli of the lungs. It secretes mucuswhich keeps it from drying out and trapsinhaled dust particles. Most of its cells have

    cilia on their apical surface that propel themucus with its load of foreign matter back upto the throat.

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    2 Muscle

    Three kinds of muscle are found in

    vertebrates: Skeletal muscle is made of long

    fibers whose contraction provides the force of

    locomotion and other voluntary body


    Smooth muscle lines the walls of the hollow

    structures of the body, such as the intestine,

    urinary bladder, uterus, and blood vessels. Itscontraction, which is involuntary, reduces the

    size of these hollow organs.

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    The heart is made of cardiac muscle.

    Link to page devoted to the structure and

    properties of the three kinds of muscles.

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    3 Connective

    The cells of connective tissue are embedded in a great amount

    of extracellular material.

    This matrix is secreted by the cells.

    It consists of protein fibers embedded in an amorphous mixture

    of protein-polysaccharide ("proteoglycan") molecules.

    Supporting connective tissue

    Gives strength, support, and protection to the soft parts of thebody.


    Example: the outer ear Bone.

    The matrix of bone contains collagen fibers and mineral

    deposits. The most abundant mineral is calcium phosphate,

    although magnesium, carbonate, and fluoride ions are also

    present. [More on bone]

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    Dense connective tissue

    Often called fibrous connective tissue. Tendons connect

    muscle to bone. [View] The matrix is principally Type I

    collagen, and the fibers are all oriented parallel to each other.

    Tendons are strong but not elastic.

    Ligaments attach one bone to another. They contain both

    collagen and also the protein elastin. Elastin permits ligaments

    to be stretched.

    Loose connective tissue

    It is distributed throughout the body. It serves as a packing and

    binding material for most of our organs. Collagen, elastin, andother proteins are found in the matrix.

    Both dense and loose connective tissue is derived from cells

    called fibroblasts [View], which secrete the extracellularmatrix.

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    Adipose tissue

    Adipose tissue is "fat". There are two kinds

    found in mammals: white adipose tissue

    (WAT) in which the cells, called adipocytes,

    have become almost filled with oil.

    The oil is confined within a single membrane-bound droplet.

    Virtually all of the "fat" in adult humans is

    white adipose tissue.

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    brown adipose tissue (BAT) in which the adipocytes

    contain many small droplets of oil as well as many

    mitochondria. White adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue differ

    in function as well as cellular structure.

    These differences are described on a separate page.

    Link to it

    New adipocytes in white fat are formed throughout lifefrom a pool of precursor cells. These are needed to

    replace those that die (after a life span of about 100


    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    Whether the total numberof these adipocytes

    increases in humans becoming fatter as

    adults is still uncertain.

    If not, why do so many of us get fatter as we

    age? Because of the increased size ofindividual adipocytes as they become filled

    with oil.

    The adipocytes of white fat secrete severalhormones, including leptin and adiponectin.

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    4 Nerve

    Nerve tissue is composed of nerve cells called

    neurons and

    glial cells.


    Neurons are specialized for the conduction of nerveimpulses. A typical neuron consists of a cell body

    which contains the nucleus;

    a number of short fibers dendrites extending

    from the cell body

    a single long fiber, the axon. The nerve impulse is conducted along the axon.

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues



    Glial cells surround


    Once thought to be

    simply support forneurons (glia =

    glue), they turn out

    to serve severalimportant functions.

    iology Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    5 Blood

    The bone marrow is the source of all the cells of

    the blood. These include: red blood cells (RBCs orerythrocytes)

    five kinds ofwhite blood cells

    (WBCs or


    platelets (or thrombocytes)

    Link here to a page describing the blood cells indetail. Welcome&Next Search

    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

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  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues


    iology Departmentof Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

    University of North Sumatra Medan INDONESI

  • 7/21/2019 (a1) Animal Tissues
