a visitors guide to dempsey #1[smallpdf.com] (1)

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  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


    uess this all just feels like a shame to me. Horror comics have the power still, as they are still more or less un-

    uched by the powers that be. Alot of the fun of digital distribution, across the board and among all art forms, is the

    ck of control placed into a investors pocket. A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1 cost 4 dollars to make. I used my

    use, and had my friends play the parts. I used a free version of Photoshop CS2 (yeah, I know. Its old.) and Inde-

    gn CS2, and found that it worked just as good as dropping some insepid amount on production. The 4 dollars was

    r Karo syrup and food coloring for the blood. And because of digital distribution, I can now release it for free.

    joy the horror. Enjoy the chaos. But never let go of the enjoyment. Cherish it. We find ourselves constantly fight

    g for more action, more effects, more monsters. Thats when we loose touch with what horror should be doing.

    aking us afraid.

  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


    The Chambermaid

    Based on Charactersby

    Thom Compton

  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


    Her name, as I recall it, was Rory Grace. I cant verify Grace, but I can tell you

    about that night. August 6th, 1987. Dempsey hadnt evolved beyond indentured

    servants, even in the 80s, but they came in all colors. Black, white, hispanic. We

    were all apart of the great void of servitude.

    Rory was different. She had been deceived in the paperwork she filed with the New

    Albany Caretakers Bureau, which is fine. They had been deceived as well. Shewas supposed to be a live in nanny with the Cornwalls. She became a chamber-

    maid, wet nurse, and all around servant. But being from a well respected family

    leaves a girl with certain preconceived notions of her own self worth.

    Mrs. Cornwall was an investment banker from Goldring County out in Iowa. She

    spent a good amount of her time tending her garden, and protecting Lawrence and

    the other hospital heads from any outside forces. Mr. Cornwall was the first of the

    heathens to call himself, Issac. Thats how Gehenna put it.

    See, Mr. Cornwall had been a young apprentice to Ralph Chigger, the head of the

    Morningstars, the undergrounders if you will. Chigger had explained once that he

    worried about Aleister Gehenna (at the time, Chiggers business partner) and his

    disposition when it came to the good book. The problem was, Mr. Cornwall didnt

    believe in the terrestial boogeyman either. He had a different plan.

    See, Cornwall met with Pastor Falcheon, Lawrence, and a woman by the name ofEleanor Dreeveport to discuss a little, amendment, to the good book. This of course

    was years after Ralph had taken his followers under the city. We only heard from

    them when one of the Harpers sent us word of their needing of supplies.

    So, as you would imagine, they get together to perform a King James rewrite. I

    was the servant to the Dreeveports, and I overheard the whole dilemma. Turns out,

    they decided to create a method to ensure no one would be upset about the treat-

    ment of the interlopers. You know, outsiders. They conceived this passage, andadded it in to that weeks sermon.

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  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


    Mrs. Cornwall often had to head to Columbus to speak to the Senate at the state

    house. Mr. Cornwall used this as his oppurtunity to experiment between Rorys

    legs, if you know what I mean. She screamed awfully loud. I know because we

    could faintly hear her at the farmers market down on the corner of Pruos and Drift-

    wood. Id see her the next day, and she would barely be able to talk. Her belly

    never grew though, which must have made Mr. Cornwall very upset.

    One day, Rory pulled me aside.

    Evaline, I need your help. She sounded so panicked and frightened, it rubbed off

    onto me.

    I need you to get me a copy of that Dreeveport ladies notes from the rewrite ses-

    sion. I have a feeling they wont match with Mister Hands and Thrustin.

    I obliged, sneaking the notes from her desk while she was down at the Partition

    Mount, a small hill where soapboxes were replaced with dirt. I took them over to

    Rory, and without so much as a thank you or go now, I left as quickly as Id came.

    Rory mustve been right, because Mr. Cornwalls notes detailed a horrifying reality

    even the other Re-Writers didnt know of.

    Rape is a harsh word for it, I think. It isnt rape to feed a mouse the drugged

    cheese. Besides, it doesnt matter. She is, more or less, infertile. Or perhaps I am.

    Regardless, Ill place her behind the under the Partition Mount after my speech de-

    nouncing Gehenna. It should be a wonderful show.

    She hid behind the shed when he returned from his speech. A small glow in the

    distance signified the mob that was coming for Mr. Cornwall. I found out later on

    he had stolen a vile of Rion Fluid from the hospital earlier that day, and had poi-

    sioned Mrs. Dreeveports Absinthe. Rory saw her chance for real revenge. Dont

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    kill.. Hes already dead.

    Quickly, Rory ran inside, using the maids entrance through the kitchen. She fough

    her way past the furniture, and reached the front door. She slammed th

    dead bolt shut just as Mr. Cornwall reached the door. He screamed somthing fierce. I remember hearing him down on the square.

    It was too late. Nathan Wyatt grabbed his shoulder, and pulled him backwards. He

    smashed his head against the concrete. They wrapped him in a bed sheet, tied with

    sailors knot. His screams continued as he got pulled away into the night. From w

    I understand, Caroline Plath bashed him in the face with a rock to shut him up.

    They drug him down to the hospital, chanting, WE HAVE THE ISSAC, STRINGHIM TO THE WALLS!!!

    Poor Rory. She decided to stay in town, buying up the lake house down on Kiero

    Lake. She doesnt leave much these days. I haven;tseen her in, shit, about 2

    years. Last I heard, she got a case of Subliminol, and drank the whole box. Someo

    said they saw her dive into the lake, and aint ever come back up.

    Is that all you wanted to know? Ok, well Im gonna head back to the house then.

    Someone gotta raise Dreeveports babies. Im sorry, whatd you say your name wa

    again. Alex Kane? You aint from around her is you?

    Mind your step Mr. Kane. This heres a town where they want to know your busi

    ness. And you had better hope it meshes with theirs. Cause if it dont...you could

    the next Issac.

  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


    And Now OurFeature


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


    The End...

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  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)




  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


    Character Bios

    Eliza Bell

  • 7/27/2019 A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1[Smallpdf.com] (1)


    Eliza Tyranny Bell was born April 14th, 1975 in Lansing, Michigan to Syl-

    via and Roger Bell. Elizas father disappeared when she was about 4, and

    her mother has never given her a rational reason for his disappearance. They

    moved to Dempsey when Eliza was 5, under the facade that they would open

    a store selling bibles on the road side. However, when they arrived, Sylvia

    began to see men around town. She first dated Nicholas Traboni, a New York

    born steel smith. However, the tension between the two was heavily exacer-

    bated, and he eventually left. It was around this time that Eliza began attend-

    ng the local elementary, Dempsey School for the Gifted. Despite the name,

    he school was the only elementary and middle school in town, with all the

    high schoolers going to Alfred Lawrences medical trade school.

    Sylvia then began seeing Kenneth Loeb, a man which none of the locals knew

    oo much about. He had arrived 3 months earlier from Seatle, and paid for ayear long stay at the Revel Inn outside of the main town. He came into churc

    every Sunday, and listened to Pastor Falcheon speak to the pulpit. One day,

    Sylvia went to pick him up, as he had no car. His hotel room was empty, and

    skinned face laid on the floor. The face was later determined to be Elliot Re-

    ese, but the remainder of his body was never found.

    Sylvia was too busy to be bothered to notice what her daughter was doing.Eliza had made two friends, Harper West and Harper Moore. They were brot

    ers, but their mother, Dahlia Delaney, had had them each with different men.

    They were given the same first name so people would know they were broth-

    ers. Harper Moore was the taciturn of the two, while West spoke rather well.

    They both had a obsession with Eliza. Eliza and the two boys would go into

    he woods after Theology, and find themselves. At the age of 7, Eliza asked

    Moore to put a stick inside her. He refused, saying it was gross. West agreedand took Elizas virginity. For her, it was a moment of great depth and under-

    standing. She, like her mother, could use it to manipulate men. She convince

    West to beat Moore with a rock till at least one of his eyes turned red. The tw

    walked away, laughing.

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    But on the cusp of her 13th birthday, she was bored. She had to discover a mo

    nticing way to trap men. Her mother had begun sleeping with Lawrence, and

    Eliza knew she had to have him. She seduced him, and waited for her mother

    ome home before she ran downstairs, screaming rape. Her mother, believing

    er short skirts and dresses were too much for Lawrence to deny, beat her se-

    erely with a fire poker. Lawrence left, but Eliza was obsessed.

    ylvia had begun to use a special medicine that Lawrence had created, Sublim

    ol. It caused the skin cells in the body to replicate themselves, and then kill

    he original cell. This allowed her to look 18, despite being 39. Eliza got into

    he medicine, and consumed it as though it were food. The effect allowed her

    ontrol her skin cell growth, keeping her body preserved at a constant state of

    6 year old girl. But Eliza wanted to make Lawrence happy.

    he convinced him to impregnate her, and he could use the unborn fetus for hi

    xperiments on skin cells. She also began working with the staff psychiatrist,

    Dr. Liam Mendal, on subliminal suicide. The process involved causing a pers

    o contemplate, plan, and execute theyre own suicide. She decided the only

    way to consume and own Lawrence, was to use the technique on her mother.

    Her mother met Howard Wallace on March 14, 1994, shortly before Elizas 19

    irthday. They fell in love, and Howard gave Sylvia anything she wanted. Th

    married only 5 months later, and Eliza began to obsess not only with Lawrenc

    ut with her mothers demise. Her mother embraced Maltheism, as Howard h

    lready. The way she figured, hed listen if she pretended to.

    The rest is history. The unbinding of their love led to the isolation of SylviaWallace. As it would turn out, Subliminol is addictive in nature. Eliza stole th

    ntire batch, and consumed it all. Elizas skin began to morph, like a control-

    able, non lethal cancer. Sylvias skin began to wrinkle, and due to the shock

    uddenly losing the drug, she went blind. But she waited for Howard, and stil

    oes to this day.

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    A Visitors Guide to Dempsey #1

    Mrs. Wallace Time Conundrum

    Written and Directed by Thom Compton


    The Narrator - Lucas Himes

    Howard Wallace - Thom ComptonSylvia Wallace - Kathrine Meeker

    Eliza Bell - Mandie Kight

    Camera Work by Kathrine Meeker andRebecca Compton

    Written and Directed

    Thom Compton

    Amanda Kight - Eliza Bell

    Katie Meeker - Mrs. WallaceWill Compton - Howie Wallace

    Lucas Himes - The Narrator

    Kathrine Meeker - Camera Op.

    Rebecca Compton - Camera Op.