a utilização de algoritmos na formação da decisão judicial · glossário básico. 2....

A Utilização de Algoritmos na formação da Decisão Judicial Razão, Emoções e Sentimentos Lisboa, 7 de Junho de 2018 1 Luis Martins Advogado – IBM Corporation

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A Utilização de Algoritmos na formação da Decisão Judicial Razão, Emoções e Sentimentos

Lisboa, 7 de Junho de 20181

Luis MartinsAdvogado – IBM Corporation

Glossário Básico


Computação CognitivaSistemas de computação neuróficos que tentam mimetizar cérebro humano e o funcionamento das redes neurais humanas (i.e. as sinapses neuronais, impulsos nervosos dos neurônios que são transformados em impulsos químicos).

Aprendizagem Automática Utilização de algoritmos estrututurados tendo em vista a sua alteração evolutiva em função da avaliação do resultado da sua aplicação a conjuntos massivos de dados.

Sistema ComputacionalMáquina eletro-eletrônica com capacidade de assimilar dados, imagens ou áudio e executar determinadas operações devolvendo esses dados transformados em virtude destas operações

ProcessadorCircuito integrado que realiza as funções de cálculo e tomada de decisão de um computador de acordo com as instruções armazenadas na sua memória representadas por um sistema binário

Linguagem ProgramaçãoConjunto de regras sintáticas e semânticas usadas para traduzir as instruções sequênciais de um algoritmo em sinais eléctricos (chamados bits) de forma a que possam ser executadas por um computador.

Algoritmo Enunciado lógico, finito e definido, de instruções que devem ser executadas sequencialmente por um computador para resolver um problema ou executar uma tarefa.

Processamento de Linguagem NaturalAplicação de distintas metodologias para a compreensão automática da linguagem humana, mediante a conversão de ocorrências de linguística em representações formais captadas por um computador

Big DataConjuntos massivos de dados com elevado valor económicoe ciêntifico, sempre e quando, aplicando a metodologia deanálise adequada seja possível extrair esse valor.

Singularidade Tecnológica

O desenvolvimento tecnológico obedece à teoria da aceleraçãodos retornos exponênciais e não à evolução linear no espaço e notempo em que decorre a história do Homem

Esse desenvolvimento é representado por uma curvahiperbólica em que os acréscimos finitos conduzem a umpotencial tecnológico infinito

Durante os 100 anos do século XXI – considerando a taxa actual de desenvolvimento - o progresso tecnológico será equivalente a 20.000 anos

Super-Inteligência: será alcançada quando os computadores ultrapassarem largamente a inteligência humana e resolverem problemas ainda desconhecidos


Presentation Notes
Presenter 2018-06-04 14:41:45 -------------------------------------------- Source: Berman Saul, Marshall Anthony, Digital Reinvention – Preparing for a Very Different Tomorrow, 2014, IBV Thought Leadership Paper The economy is constantly evolving, driving radical changes in the way organizations and individuals interact. Most recently, the maturation of social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud forces are motivating the transition from an individual-centered to an everyone-to-everyone economy, in which the collaboration and hyper-connectedness of consumers and organizations characterize how value is created. Let’s examine how collaboration in the economy has evolved over time: The organization-centered economy is dominated by producer-driven consumption. Organizations are characterized by high barriers to entry and capital-intense production, with larger enterprises controlling production. Ford: Model T The individual-centered economy ischaracterized by product differentiation and market segmentation targeted at deriving value for the consumer. There is a stronger emphasis on design and marketing, and organizations listen to the consumer to create relevant, customized experiences that realize value for the consumer. Consumer goods like clothing, footwear, etc. The everyone-to-everyone economy is characterized by hyper-connectedness and collaboration of consumers and organizations for the gamut of value chain activities: co-design, co-creation, co-production, co-marketing, co-distribution, co-funding, etc. Consumer demand is internalized in the production process so that value can be realized and delivered.

Computação Cognitiva ou NeuromórficaAC









Estatística Matemática Linguística Lexiologia

Física Neurociências Biologia

Aprendizagem Automática Redes Neurais Processamento

Linguagem NaturalAnálise de Dados

Produção Massivade Dados

CArmazenamento Processamento



Análise de Dados

O desenvolvimento tecnológico obedece à teoria da aceleraçãodos retornos exponênciais e não à evolução linear no espaço e notempo

Esse desenvolvimento é representado por uma curvahiperbólica em que os acréscimos finitos conduzem a umpotencial tecnológico infinito

Durante os 100 anos do século XXI – considerando a taxa actual de desenvolvimento - o progresso tecnológico será equivalente a 20.000 anos

Super-Inteligência: será alcançada quando os computadores ultrapassarem largamente a inteligência humana e resolverem problemas ainda desconhecidos


Presentation Notes
Presenter 2018-06-04 14:41:45 -------------------------------------------- Source: Berman Saul, Marshall Anthony, Digital Reinvention – Preparing for a Very Different Tomorrow, 2014, IBV Thought Leadership Paper The economy is constantly evolving, driving radical changes in the way organizations and individuals interact. Most recently, the maturation of social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud forces are motivating the transition from an individual-centered to an everyone-to-everyone economy, in which the collaboration and hyper-connectedness of consumers and organizations characterize how value is created. Let’s examine how collaboration in the economy has evolved over time: The organization-centered economy is dominated by producer-driven consumption. Organizations are characterized by high barriers to entry and capital-intense production, with larger enterprises controlling production. Ford: Model T The individual-centered economy ischaracterized by product differentiation and market segmentation targeted at deriving value for the consumer. There is a stronger emphasis on design and marketing, and organizations listen to the consumer to create relevant, customized experiences that realize value for the consumer. Consumer goods like clothing, footwear, etc. The everyone-to-everyone economy is characterized by hyper-connectedness and collaboration of consumers and organizations for the gamut of value chain activities: co-design, co-creation, co-production, co-marketing, co-distribution, co-funding, etc. Consumer demand is internalized in the production process so that value can be realized and delivered.

Justiça Predictiva: Utilização de Algoritmos na Decisão Judicial

10% 30% 50% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Análise Predictiva das Decisões do Supremo Tribunal EUA (2002)

Source: Columbia Law Review, The Supreme Court Forecasting Project. 2002

No processo de determinação da medida concreta da pena mostram-se critérios informadores “ a culpa do agente” e “as exigências de prevenção”

Risco de Reincidência: Calculado por Algoritmo


Presentation Notes
Presenter 2018-06-04 14:41:45 -------------------------------------------- Source: Berman Saul, Marshall Anthony, Digital Reinvention – Preparing for a Very Different Tomorrow, 2014, IBV Thought Leadership Paper The economy is constantly evolving, driving radical changes in the way organizations and individuals interact. Most recently, the maturation of social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud forces are motivating the transition from an individual-centered to an everyone-to-everyone economy, in which the collaboration and hyper-connectedness of consumers and organizations characterize how value is created. Let’s examine how collaboration in the economy has evolved over time: The organization-centered economy is dominated by producer-driven consumption. Organizations are characterized by high barriers to entry and capital-intense production, with larger enterprises controlling production. Ford: Model T The individual-centered economy ischaracterized by product differentiation and market segmentation targeted at deriving value for the consumer. There is a stronger emphasis on design and marketing, and organizations listen to the consumer to create relevant, customized experiences that realize value for the consumer. Consumer goods like clothing, footwear, etc. The everyone-to-everyone economy is characterized by hyper-connectedness and collaboration of consumers and organizations for the gamut of value chain activities: co-design, co-creation, co-production, co-marketing, co-distribution, co-funding, etc. Consumer demand is internalized in the production process so that value can be realized and delivered.

Identificação de comportamentos futuros utilizando a modelos probabilisticos... e mais

Personalidade: conjunto de características psicológicas que determinam os padrões de pensar, sentir e agir


Presentation Notes
Presenter 2018-06-04 14:41:45 -------------------------------------------- Source: Berman Saul, Marshall Anthony, Digital Reinvention – Preparing for a Very Different Tomorrow, 2014, IBV Thought Leadership Paper The economy is constantly evolving, driving radical changes in the way organizations and individuals interact. Most recently, the maturation of social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud forces are motivating the transition from an individual-centered to an everyone-to-everyone economy, in which the collaboration and hyper-connectedness of consumers and organizations characterize how value is created. Let’s examine how collaboration in the economy has evolved over time: The organization-centered economy is dominated by producer-driven consumption. Organizations are characterized by high barriers to entry and capital-intense production, with larger enterprises controlling production. Ford: Model T The individual-centered economy ischaracterized by product differentiation and market segmentation targeted at deriving value for the consumer. There is a stronger emphasis on design and marketing, and organizations listen to the consumer to create relevant, customized experiences that realize value for the consumer. Consumer goods like clothing, footwear, etc. The everyone-to-everyone economy is characterized by hyper-connectedness and collaboration of consumers and organizations for the gamut of value chain activities: co-design, co-creation, co-production, co-marketing, co-distribution, co-funding, etc. Consumer demand is internalized in the production process so that value can be realized and delivered.

Razão, Emoções Sentimentos


O Raciocício Jurídico resulta da combinação da razão, emoções e sentimentos que formam a inteligência humana, cujas representações poderão em parte ser emoludas, mas nunca substituídas.

Emoção: é um conjunto de reacções corporais, automáticas e inconscientes, face a determinados estímulos provenientes do meio onde estamos inseridos

Sentimento: surge quando tomamos consciência das nossas emoções, isto é, o sentimento dá-se quando as nossas emoções são transferidas para determinadas zonas do nosso cérebro, onde são codificadas sob a forma de actividade neuronal.

Análise de Personalidade (inputs: escrita, audio, visual)


Presentation Notes
Presenter 2018-06-04 14:41:45 -------------------------------------------- Source: Berman Saul, Marshall Anthony, Digital Reinvention – Preparing for a Very Different Tomorrow, 2014, IBV Thought Leadership Paper The economy is constantly evolving, driving radical changes in the way organizations and individuals interact. Most recently, the maturation of social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud forces are motivating the transition from an individual-centered to an everyone-to-everyone economy, in which the collaboration and hyper-connectedness of consumers and organizations characterize how value is created. Let’s examine how collaboration in the economy has evolved over time: The organization-centered economy is dominated by producer-driven consumption. Organizations are characterized by high barriers to entry and capital-intense production, with larger enterprises controlling production. Ford: Model T The individual-centered economy ischaracterized by product differentiation and market segmentation targeted at deriving value for the consumer. There is a stronger emphasis on design and marketing, and organizations listen to the consumer to create relevant, customized experiences that realize value for the consumer. Consumer goods like clothing, footwear, etc. The everyone-to-everyone economy is characterized by hyper-connectedness and collaboration of consumers and organizations for the gamut of value chain activities: co-design, co-creation, co-production, co-marketing, co-distribution, co-funding, etc. Consumer demand is internalized in the production process so that value can be realized and delivered.


Viés Inductivo: o preconceito humano contaminando a máquina
