a synopsis of the russian revolution and the years that follow under joseph stalin’s reign

A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

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Page 1: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution

and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Page 2: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Had a bad childhood He was a rebellious child His mother wanted him to be a priest in the

Russian Orthodox Church even though he did not want to

Followed the teachings of Karl Marx in secret; Marx wanted a revolution- saw workers rising

up in rebellion against the factory owners

Joseph Dzhugashvili – his youth-

Page 3: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Karl Marx is the original revolutionist whose ideas were to see everyone be equal; classless society

Got exiled from Russia for ideas Vladimir Lenin shared his belief These are the basic principles of

Communism / Marxism / Socialism – an equal, classless society with workers in charge; this is not what it became though

Karl Marx / Vladimir Lenin / Communism

Page 4: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Previously left seminary Met Lenin while exiled for revolutionary

publications Lenin liked Stalin because he could put plans in to

action Stalin was not a great writer but could

communicate with uneducated well because he wrote and talked simply; urged people to strike

Married, had a child, and then his wife died; he lost all warm feelings for human beings

In his 20’s

Page 5: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Early 1900’s- Czar Nicholas II in charge in early 1900’s- ruled with force; incompetent

The proletariat (working class) and the peasants (the poor) are being treated horribly

There are bad working conditions, low food rations for the people, and no land owned by them

People want change; so several political groups emerge- Bolsheviks (radicals) and Mensheviks (moderates)

Stalin and Lenin are leaders of the Bolsheviks- radical revolutionists

Pre-Russian Revolution- Chapter 1

Page 6: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Some do not want change The White Russians or bourgeoisie (the

upper class) are land owners / capitalists who either own means of production or who have some power during this time.

The Russian Orthodox Church influenced the czar, too; they did not want change

They don’t want to overthrow the government because they will lose some of their freedoms.

The Whites= Anti-communists- Chapter 1

Page 7: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Bloody Sunday= Workers protest on January 22, 1905; Czar Nicholas II fires on them

Czar Nicholas II promises to be better; established a DUMA= ELECTED OFFICIALS TO SERVE THE PEOPLE

Some groups are satisfied with the Duma, and other groups, like the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks want more change; they organize a Soviet- or workers council to strike for more reforms

Some Bolsheviks are arrested and are kicked out of the country because of the chaos they create

In 1916, Lenin and Stalin are let back in to the country

Revolution of 1905- Pre-Russian Revolution-

Chapter 1

Page 8: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Even though there are some civil liberties granted and committees are made, the provisional government still is not popular

Duma is limited World War I started in 1914; most supported the

war effort except for the Bolsheviks; the groups who want change start to split

Rasputin (member of Russian Orthodox Church) and Czarina (wife of Nicholas) make bad decisions for the czar while he is away supporting war effort

After the Revolution of 1905-

Problems continue- Chapter 2

Page 9: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

February 26, 1917- a revolution begins. Workers riot for more food rations; Czar fires on the

people again, and he tries to dissolve the Duma Duma refuses to be put down; workers take over the

capital; Czar Nicholas II is forced to give up the throne.

A new provisional government is made up of mostly moderates

People still aren’t happy- wanted an end to war and land

February Revolution of 1917- Chapter 2

Page 10: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Vladimir Lenin comes back to Russia He uses propaganda (types of persuasion) to

convince the people, especially the Bolsheviks, that they want an end to the war and should have more land

On October 24, 1917- the Bolsheviks overthrow the provisional government by storming the Winter Palace and taking control of the capital and government buildings

Form the Council of People’s Commissars

October Revolution of 1917- Chapter 2

Page 11: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Stalin sat quietly while the revolution was occurring

Impressed Lenin because he could get things done

No one realized how dangerous Stalin really was

Stalin changes his name – “Man of Steel”- Chapter 3

Page 12: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Trotsky was Stalin’s competition- another leader of the Bolsheviks

Excellent speaker and very smart Stalin and Trotsky were opposites in every

way Trotsky was popular with the people Never really paid attention to what Stalin

was planning

Leon Trotsky- Chapter 3

Page 13: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Propaganda, a way of wording or structuring something so it appeals mostly to emotions, and it distorts facts.

It is used to promote a one sided argument aimed at winning people over to a certain cause or belief.

The people are not smart enough to realize that they are being manipulated like this.

Propaganda is used- Chapters 3+

Page 14: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

New government negotiates peace with Germany and withdraws from WWI

Government becomes known as the All-Russian Communist Party

Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed Civil War breaks out – Reds (communists)

vs. Whites (anti- communists) Leon Trotsky is the hero of this battle

Civil War of 1918- Chapter 4

Page 15: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Before Lenin dies in 1924, he is concerned that Stalin has strayed from primary purpose, to help the workers.

Lenin said in a letter that Stalin should be removed from power; this was never communicated to the people before he died

Stalin promised to fulfill Lenin’s “commandments” Stalin sabotaged Trotsky, and got others to go

along with him

Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin become the leaders in Russia-

Chapter 4

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Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) is formed

Stalin becomes General Secretary to the Party

1922- Chapter 5

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Trotsky wanted worldwide revolution for workers; Stalin wanted to focus on socialism in Russia

People favored Stalin and wanted peace “after so much war and hardship”

Stalin gained leadership of country Stalin exiled Trotsky from the country and then

sent assassins to Mexico to murder him Continued to smear Trotsky’s name once he was


Joseph Stalin vs. Leon Trotsky- Chapter 5

Page 18: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Trotsky wanted worldwide revolution for workers; Stalin wanted to focus on socialism in Russia

People favored Stalin and wanted peace “after so much war and hardship”

Stalin gained leadership of country Stalin exiled Trotsky from the country and then

sent assassins to Mexico to murder him Continued to smear Trotsky’s name once he was


Things go from bad to worse- Chapter 6-7

Page 19: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Famine ensues; people were starving as Stalin stopped food rations

People are punished with 10 years of labor or death for stealing a handful of grain

Stalin refused to admit there are problems; he killed more peasants than had died in WWI

Didn’t want other countries to know about this dire situation in Russia

Famine and starvation- Chapter 7

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Entering the age of the machines; industry was very important to Stalin

Industrial workers “could not change jobs, take days off, or be late” or they would go to prison

Five- Year Plans- Chapter 7

Page 21: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

In 1936-1938- The Purge Trials occur- many prominent Old Bolsheviks are found guilty of treason and are executed or imprisoned. Trotsky was supposedly the ringleader.

Why? Stalin wanted to prove to the country what would happen if you went against him

It is subsequently established that the accused are innocent, that the cases are fabricated by the secret police (NKVD), and that the confessions are made under pressure of intense torture and intimidation.

Stalin had decided everyone’s sentences before the trials had even begun

The Blood Purge Trials of 1936-38- Chapter 7

Page 22: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

People told on others out of fear, just to prove they were loyal

By 1939, more than half of the party was arrested At least 35,000 officers of the Red Army (half of

the entire corp) had been executed or imprisoned He even has “history rewritten,” changing facts

about the revolution, making himself the hero instead of Trotsky

Terror spreads- Chapter 7

Page 23: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Even though Russia and Nazi Germany are enemies, they agree to sign a 10 year non-aggression pact to remain neutral.

Why? Stalin knows that Hitler’s ultimate aim is to attack Russia. 

So he believes the best way of dealing with Germany is to form an alliance with him to delay this attack.

Stalin also needs time to rebuild his army and to prepare for this impending attack.

Nazi- Soviet Pact of 1939Chapter 8

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Germany eventually does disregard its non-aggression pact with Russia. Three army groups attack Russia on June 22, 1941.

Russia is defended by four army units. Though Russia has a large army, the purges had wiped out a considerable part of the army’s senior commanders.

By Day 17 of the attack, 300,000 Russians are captured, 2,500 tanks, 1,400 artillery guns, and 250 aircrafts are captured or destroyed. The Russian Army is on the verge of a total collapse. Moscow is destined to fall.

German Invasion of Russia in 1941-

aka Operation Barbarossa- Chapter 8

Page 25: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

Very few in the German Army are equipped to cope with the cold. They find themselves very much affected by the freezing temperatures.

Germany retreats; Russia wins but with a tremendous loss of life and military arms

20 million people die, cities and towns are demolished, and 25 million people are homeless

Stalin tried to convince the people that this was a victory by parading through the streets

German Invasion of Russia cont.

Chapter 8

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People were taken to labor camps because they were “contaminated” by the enemy

New five year plans were established to make up for what they lost

Stalin cut off relations with all other countries starting the Cold War

He later isolated himself from all and remained suspicious of everyone

After the war with Germany-

Chapter 9

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Meeting between Allied leaders to discuss strategy in 1943. Stalin did not want to attend but wanted to get back at Germany

The President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin meet to discuss the end of the war (WWII) with Germany.

They decide an invasion against Germany should take place in France in May of 1944. This is what Stalin wanted since 1941, so Stalin agrees to enter the war against Japan once Germany is defeated.

Tehran Conference of 1943- Chapter 10

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Stalin dies of a stroke in 1953.

Stalin dies

Page 29: A Synopsis of the Russian Revolution and the years that follow under Joseph Stalin’s reign

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Russian Revolution. Edited by Archie Brown et al. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982. 117-312. Print.

"Russian Revolution." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. 2008. Encyclopedia.com. 10 Feb. 2012 <http://www.encyclopedia.com>.

Scandiffio, Laura. Evil Masters: The Frightening World of Tyrants. Toronto: Annick, 2005. Print.

“Stalinism.” The New Encyclopedia Britannica. 15th ed. Vol. 11. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2005. Print.

Works Cited