a specter legacy ch 3

Ch 3: Enter the Plot Ch 3 Things that inspired this chapter: “Round & Round” by Selena Gomez, The World Ends With You

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Post on 17-May-2015




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The Specters go on vacation and Andy finally tells his family about the heir challenge.


Page 1: A Specter Legacy Ch 3

Ch 3: Enter the Plot

Ch 3

Things that inspired this chapter: “Round & Round” by Selena Gomez, The World Ends With You

Page 2: A Specter Legacy Ch 3

Warning! This chapter is long! Super long, like 160+ slides. Also, there are no recaps – not only would that make this chapter even longer, but consider how long it took this chapter to come out: six months! Did you really want me to delay again because of silly recap? I think not. So read the previous chapters on my blog to catch up. All feedback and comments appreciated; you can contact me on the blog, on my Simpage, at boolProp – doesn’t matter. That’s all for now; happy reading!

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Finally! I thought you’d never get back here. Do you know how long I’ve been stuck at this business? Ooo, hey, I’ve got a new font color, too.

Yeah, I decided your thoughts will be in black now. But I’m not supposed to be talking to you.

Why not?

Because this chapter is supposed to be all serious and plot-y.

But things are funnier when I talk to you.

I know, right? But still. Why don’t you tell the readers what’s up?

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Well, I finally opened that store I’d been talking about, Little N’ Local.

Little N’ Local?

Yeah, someone was too lazy to rename it. Anyway things went super great; running a business is a breeze - I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s so hard. I kept rolling wants for badges so I was almost always platinum and the nicest people stopped by my store. I didn’t even see an evil witch!

Hmm. I think I may have forgotten to take out that hack from simswardrobe.

That explains it. Fail count = 10.

Really? We’re still doing that?

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Anyway, earning ranks was a snap. Once I earned that elusive restocking badge, I turned the store into a club. Then I sat back and watched the money roll in. I was soon the richest person in town.

Andy, you’re the ONLY person in town. Everyone else –

LALALALA – I can’t hear you.

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All in all, not too shabby for a week’s work.

“Man, I’m awesome.”

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“I beg to differ.”

*Nearly chokes on his drink* “K-Kaylynn! What are you doing here?”

“No, the question is what are you doing here?! It’s been a week, Andy! I haven’t seen you, you didn’t call – you didn’t even tell me you were leaving!”

“Uh, perhaps we should continue this conversation in the back room where it’s a little more private.”

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Once back there, Kaylynn let Andy have it, ignoring the teen on the workbench.

“How could you, Andy? How could you just take off, after everything we’ve talked about.”

Andy shrugged. “We needed the money-”

“No, we did not need the money, Andy. We never need the money-”


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“You could have waited! We could have done this together! I could have helped you. But no. You just disappear without a word and I’m left to explain to the kids why their dad has been missing for a week –”

“Oh, come on, Kaylynn. They couldn’t possibly have noticed – you couldn’t possibly have noticed! I bet if I went back home, it’d be like I never left!”


But Kaylynn didn’t seem to hear the authorial quip, and continued:

“That is not the point!”

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“I’m not talking about the mysteries of community lot time – I’m talking about the fact that you left with no warning. That you did all this without me when I specifically asked you to include me more in your life.”


“I mean, do you want me around or not? What am I to you? A babysitter? Because you never see fit to tell me what’s going on. We’re partners, Andy; that means we do things together. …Unless, of course-”

“Don’t even think that, Kay.”

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“Of course I still want to be with you. I… I guess I’m just used to doing things on my own-”

“I’ll say.”

“And I… well, I just want to make things easier for everyone. I work super hard so you don’t have to. So you and the kids can have it easy for a while. I was just thinking of you and –”

“The future. I know, I know. But don’t you think I might want a say in this future?”

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“You gotta let me in. Enough is enough. What are you so afraid of? What are you really worried about?”

“…It’s complicated. Legacy rules stuff.”

“Don’t give me that crap, Andy. Meet me half way, here. I’m trying to understand you.”

“But I can’t tell you. At least, not all of it.”

“So tell me what you can.”

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“It’s not that simple-”

“Nothing ever is! Enough excuses, Andy. I want to know. I deserve to know.”

But Andy remained silent, unable to figure out where to start or how to begin. He couldn’t possibly know how to describe the random, chaotic, doomsday that was to be the family’s heirship challenge.

Way to be dramatic.


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“Fine. Don’t tell me. Again.” Kaylynn sighed. “Look, just come home, okay? The kids miss you. I miss you.”


“Andy?” Kaylynn interrupted with a distinct edge to her voice.


“Home. Half an hour.”

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And so Andy closed up while Kaylynn chatted with random people in the club.

Hey, voice. Or, er, KB or whatever I’m supposed to call you.


How come Kaylynn can’t seem to hear you anymore?

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Ah, well, I guess I should explain.


You see, readers, Andy decided to renovate when he got back home, using all the money he earned. Sorry for the build mode pics.

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That’s not what I meant!

Oh. Well, I’ve decided that perhaps only the heirs should hear me. And right now, that means only you.

Anyway, Andy built a playground in the huge backyard, hoping that at least Aerith and Skye would get some use out of the playground, as Zephyr and Asher were almost too old for slides and monkey bars.

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He put some other crap out there, too, and prettied up the area around the legacy tree. Which I still forget about, by the way.

Wait, wait. Why?

I don’t know, because it’s in the back of the lot and I don’t look back there often?

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The bathroom was spruced up….

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And the dining room finally got done, too. The headmaster would surely be impressed next generation. The ground floor didn’t change too much; most of the money went to decorating and adding the second floor.

Will you stop that?

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Stop what? The Specters did get a new music room downstairs, though.

Ignoring me!

I’m not ignoring you.

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There’s also a games room (which is next to the kitchen but across the hall from the music room, in case anyone needs a layout).

Look, will you just answer me?

You didn’t ask me anything.

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Here’s the massive second floor. Obviously, not all of it is finished; a simoleon just doesn’t go as far as it used to these days. The master bedroom, master bath, deck, and tv lounge all need to be finished.

STOP THAT! Look, why did you decide only I can hear you?!


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Here’s the multipurpose skill room on the left.

Don’t avoid the question.

I’m not. Look, I’m sorry Andy; I don’t mean to upset you. It’s just hard to keep things interesting while talking about renovations.

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Here’s the quarantine room for any future sick sims, as per the hypochondriac rules. Really good thing no one got sick before this.


Okay, okay. I thought fourth wall breakage would be a bit awkward during the upcoming heirship challenge.

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Meaning you didn’t want to explain anything to the kids.

And here’s the study!


Uh, well, maybe.

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Great, so I get to do everything.

Yup! And you can also explain to Kaylynn why her bathroom isn’t finished. Seriously, there isn’t enough money left for anything else.


At least the kids will be happy; there’s loads of new things to play with!

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Kaylynn, though, was not. So she took her next paycheck (after earning a hefty bonus for a shoe deal) and did a little shopping of her own. Nina officially became a member of the family. Because somewhere along I decided it’d be fun to have a family breed thing going on. Boy was I wrong. I’m still convinced those puppies cursed my lot. Never again, I tell you, NEVER AGAIN!

Ahem. I seem to be getting ahead of myself. …Moving on…

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The family was excited, though. Nina was a welcome addition to a household that never, ever, ever, stops rolling wants for pets. The kids, like Asher here, were happy to have a new dog to fuss over and couldn’t wait for puppies.

Kaylynn had one more surprise in store, but it would have to wait. The next few days would be busy celebrating a few family milestones.

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“Alright, Specters,” Andy said as he beckoned his family toward him one night. “Welcome to the very first Bonfire Night!” His enthusiasm was met with mostly groans, however.

“Daddy, it’s freezing out here,” Aerith complained.

“Can’t we have bonfire night inside?” Asher seconded.

“Yeah, and on a night when I’m not tired?” Skye piped up.

Kaylynn simply giggled while Zephyr exclaimed over the flames.

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“Quiet, everyone,” Andy instructed. “Tonight is very important and the first order of business is fun, so grab a stick and some marshmallows and get ready for a ghost story.”

Zephyr’s ‘Cool!’ Was drowned out by Aerith’s ‘But I don’t like ghost stories.’ Andy remained undeterred, though, and the whole family settled down for a spooky story. After a while, the kids, enraptured by Andy’s voice, became a perfect audience, gasping and cheering in all the right places.

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“And so,” Andy finished up, “until this very day, the citizens of Strangetown stay away from 13 Dead End Lane, for fear that the ground they tread upon will rise up and swallow them whole, condemning them to live forever in Olive Specter’s garden.”

“Andy, lighten up. I think you’re scaring them,” Kaylynn whispered.

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“Hey, dad, is Olive Specter our grandma?” Skye wondered.

Asher gasped at this and nearly choked on his marshmallow. “Oh, no,” he groaned.

Andy chuckled. “Don’t worry boys, she isn’t related to us. But it’s a good thing you bring that up, because it’s also time to learn about our family heritage.”

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“Tonight isn’t just about ghost stories; you all are almost teens now, so it’s time you learn about the family legacy and it’s rules. But before that, I should tell you how everything got started. You see, before I married your mom, before I even moved here, I used to live in a different town. And I used to date this woman, Kiera. I liked Kiera a lot, but… we were growing apart. We wanted different things. I wanted to start a family, for example. So I decided to break up with her.” Here Andy paused to take a deep breath.

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Kaylynn shifted her weight in silence. She was a bit surprised; she had no idea Andy had chosen tonight to talk to the kids about the legacy. A part of her was upset; she would have liked to talk things over with Andy first, so she could help explain things to the kids and be more involved with the night’s rituals. But, typical Andy decided to do things his way – alone. Kaylynn rolled her eyes. She guessed she shouldn’t have been too surprised. A sudden cough brought her out of her reverie, and Kaylynn tuned in just in time to hear the end of Andy’s sentence:

“She cursed me.”

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The children gasped and tried to interrupt with a bunch of comments (‘No way,’ ‘I saw that on tv once,’ ‘Did you curse her back?’ and ‘Cool, do you have superpowers?’), but Andy quieted them.

“I had to get help from someone else to lift the curse. I got help from a girl named KB –”

“Is she another witch?” Aerith couldn’t help but ask.

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Andy nodded. “I think so. At least, she has powers like a witch. She’s the narrator voice you sometimes heard in your heads… In any case, in exchange for her help, I had to found a legacy… A legacy with some very specific rules. You see, because of that curse… Because of that curse, when you all are teens… One of you will die.” Andy said bluntly, unsure of how else to say it. The response from his family was complete shock; the kids had terrified looks on their faces and Kaylynn looked furious.

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“What?” She exclaimed. “Andy, what kind of baloney are you telling these kids? How could you scare them-”

“Quiet, Kaylynn. They have to know; they all have to know what’s in store for them. This isn’t a joke. I’m very serious and the rules of this legacy are serious,” he said slowly, looking each of his kids in the eye. “It’s important that they not be scared of dying, that they understand the tasks they’re about to face.”

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“I love each and every one of you,” Andy told his kids, “but I can’t change what’s going to happen. The only thing I can do is make sure you’re prepared. That you know as much as I can tell you.” Andy took another breath to steady himself. “Our family must have two rituals every generation. The first is this night, Bonfire Night. It’s supposed to happen after the last candidate for heirship is a child,” Andy gestured to Aerith and Skye. “Tonight is the night when all of you, all the… the candidates for heirship… find out about the legacy rules. The next ritual starts when the last child eligible for heirship comes of age. It takes place over several days, as the family celebrates B.A.R.F. -”

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“Ew!” Aerith exclaimed. “I’m not celebrating vomit!”

“Me neither-”

“That’s nasty!”

“Why would anyone want to celebrate-”

“Guys, quiet. We’re not celebrating vomit,” Andy said calmly. “We’re celebrating B.A.R.F.”

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“Dad,” Zeph tried to explain, “It doesn’t matter if you spell it out; it’s still barf!”

For the first time since he began, Andy smiled. “Well, yes, it spells barf, but each letter in the word stands for something important. It’s an acronym to help us remember everything in the ritual. The A stands for Amends and Ancestors; we have to try and resolve any disputes or feuds and also visit the family graveyard and remember our past ancestors.”

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“Next, there’s R, which stands for renewal. We have to get rid of everything we own and start again-”

“So we get a bunch of new stuff?”

“Yes, Skye. We get all new things, even a new house. Next there’s B, for banish. After we get rid of everything, there’s a party to celebrate. At the end of the party, all kids eligible for heirship must leave to complete the heir challenge. Which brings me to F, for Final Judgment.”

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Andy looked at his kids and tried to keep his voice steady. “Every generation, there will be an heirship challenge. A test of sorts. Everyone eligible has to participate. The test will be different each generation, and I can’t tell you what the challenge is until you’re about to face it. But the ‘winner’ will be the heir. …And the ‘loser’ will die,” he added unwillingly. He had to tell them. They had to know. “So that’s it. You all have undergo this test… It’s very important that each of you do your very best, but I can’t tell you too much about the test itself until you’re older.”

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Kaylynn had been listening very intently ever since Andy told her to quiet down and she had never heard such silly BS. Those were the most bizarre legacy rules I’d ever heard, she thought to herself. She knew a thing or two about legacies from townie gossip. Andy’s strange desire to adopt a wolf and his secret obsession with cleanliness and sinks, she could explain. But a barf ritual? It was just too ridiculous. This had to be one big hoax. Surely that thing about death was just for dramatic effect - no sane sim would actually agree to let his children participate in a death ritual.

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And being cursed? Please. Yes there was magic in the world, but, really, the worst a witch could do was make a sim act like a chicken. Not to mention that witches were extremely rare. Honestly, one hadn’t been seen in Crystal Springs since, well, eons ago. And yet, Andy had somehow managed to find not one, but two witches? Highly unlikely.

It’s all a bunch of crap, Kaylynn wanted to say. She didn’t realize that she did say it aloud until she heard Andy’s voice trail off and found five pairs of eyes staring at her. “Well, come on,” she tried to reason. “It’s just-”

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“Kaylynn,” Andy interrupted sharply, “Would you mind getting the cookies ready? I’ll finish up here.” Kaylynn raised a brow. “Please,” he whispered. “We’ll talk later.”

Rolling her eyes, Kaylynn stood up. “Don’t worry too much, kids; this is just your Dad’s sorry attempt at a practical joke. Just humor him and we’ll have cookies in ten.”

Andy bit his tongue and waited until his wife walked away to speak.

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“Listen, kids, your mother… your mother is… Well, she’s a bit… surprised. I assure you that everything I just said is true. The challenge is real. It will happen. You can ask me questions if you want. Above all, you have to understand the rules of this legacy.”

The kids sat silent for a moment, unsure of which parent to believe, unwilling to be the first to speak up.

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Finally, Asher spoke up. “I know… You said you can’t tell us what the challenge is… But… Could you tell us a but more about it… Like how long is it? Or what kind of stuff do we have to know?”

“Well,” Andy began cautiously, “Things like that will change generation to generation, but… for you all… the challenge shouldn’t take long. A couple hours tops.” Andy gulped. “And you’ll all need to learn some fire safety measures.”

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“That’s it?” Zeph asked.

“That’s it.”

“But what if everyone else has more skill points than me?” Aerith wanted to know.

“That shouldn’t - won’t - matter. It’s my job to make sure you’re all prepared and that you all have an even chance.”

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“Are you going to give us the test?” Skye asked.

“No.” Thank Plumbbob. “KB-”

“The voice lady?”

“Right. She’ll send someone to do it. I don’t know who. But you all have to go and compete, okay?”

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“What happens to the heir?” Aerith questioned.

“Well, it’ll be the heir’s job to find true love and continue the family line. Hopefully he or she will go to college first. But the most important thing is that they carry on the family traditions.”

“And the losers?” Asher spoke up again. “What happens to them?”

Andy sighed. “It depends. I really shouldn’t say, but… I think you have the right to know.”

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“It’s possible that you could die. But like with any thing in life, death is always a risk, even though we don’t often think about it. I know it’s hard, but I don’t want you to be afraid. Just… be happy. Have fun and enjoy every moment you have.” Andy cleared his throat. “It’s also possible that something else might happen. You might become a creature-”

“A creature?” Asher asked warily.

“Yes. Like a vampire or werewolf or-”

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Surprised, Andy sat back, deciding to listen to his kids debate over which mythical creatures they’d like to be and why. No need to harp on about the challenge, he thought to himself. They could talk more later. It’s just as well he decided to keep quiet; he wouldn’t have been able to get a word in anyway.

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Kaylynn tried to remain calm as she prepared the cookies. She couldn’t believe that Andy would tell the kids such- such crap. That he’d worry them about heirship when they were still so young. He should have talked to her first before telling them anything. She couldn’t believe he went over her head like that – then again, she could. It’s what he always did, she mused. Well, this time was the last straw. She’d have to have another ‘talking to’ with him. Suddenly she sighed; she knew it’d be ages before she’d get the chance to confront him.

“Ugh, Andy, why do you have to be so hard-headed?” she asked the empty room.

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Kaylynn was placing the cookies on the table as the kids stumbled inside. They seemed happy – not too scared – which was a good thing. And they were all animated about something.

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“What are you all talking about?” she asked.

“Aw man, mom, you’ll never believe it,” Zeph began. “Aerith’s trying to convince me it’d be more fun being a witch than a vampire! I mean, hello! Vampires are the coolest!”

“But they can’t even go outside in the daytime,” Skye interrupted.

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“At least werewolves aren’t burned by sunlight,” Asher added.

“Not all vampires burn in the sun – if you have a special ring-”

“That’s just on tv, Zeph.” Aerith snickered.

“You don’t know that!” he insisted. “You’re not a vampire!”

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“Neither are you!” Aerith countered.

Kaylynn smiled. It was good to see that the kids had forgotten about that legacy mess. “And just how did you start talking about vampires?” Kaylynn interjected, cutting off the bickering.

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“Daddy brought it up!” Skye answered.

“Really?” Why was she not surprised.

“Yeah,” Aerith continued. “Daddy said after the heirship challenge-”

“Oh, that-” Kaylynn cut her off quickly. She didn’t want to bring that crap up again.

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“Listen, sweetie, Daddy was just joking. Forget all that stuff, okay? Let’s-”

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“Actually, I was not,” Andy interrupted testily.

“Andy… You know better than to fill the kids’ heads with silly tales, honey.”

“They’re not tales, sweetie.”

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The children shifted uncomfortably in their seats. They had never seen their parents fight like this before and it was unsettling.

Trying to diffuse the tension, Kaylynn quickly changed the subject. “Hey, did I tell you all we’re going on a vacation?! We’re going camping this weekend!”

The kids exclaimed their delight while Andy sighed. He knew it wouldn’t be easy working things out with Kaylynn. Not to mention the kids all needed ten body points before the trip.

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Andy groaned as he entered the dining room the next night.

Hey, don’t look at me. I wasn’t the one that wanted a party for every birthday.

I know, I know. I’m just dreading this vacation. I have a feeling things won’t go so well.

You don’t know that. Cheer up, buddy. Your sons are about to grow up.

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The boys, luckily, were in much better spirits than Andy.

“Alright, it’s my birthday!” Zeph cheered. “And I get to stay up past my bedtime to party!”

Ah, the young – how easily they are amused.

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Asher went first.

“Hmm, what should I wish for?” Indeed the little man was conflicted, not knowing which thing he should ask for most. Should he wish his parents would stop fighting? Should he wish the heirship thingy wouldn’t happen? Should he wish Charlie and Nina would have puppies? The list went on and on.

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Eventually, though, he decided to wish for them all.

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Zephyr was a little less conflicted.

“I know exactly what to wish for,” he declared. I wish to be more awesomer than I already am! I wish to be so awesome that- that everyone would admire my awesomeness. They’d say, ‘hey, look at that guy, he’s so awesome’ and I’d be the awesomest person that ever was.

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Confident with his wish, Zeph, too, blew out the candles.

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Both boys grew up into pretty cute teens. Asher – a Virgo, 10/0/7/4/6, for those who don’t remember – rolled family and fortune. Zeph, on the other hand, (also a Virgo, this time 10/3/7/6/6) rolled pleasure and knowledge.

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All in all, everyone had a good time. It helped that no one mentioned Bonfire Night.

Pretty soon, everyone had their ten body points and it was time to leave for the trip.

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Wow, you weren’t lying. That was soon.


“Why so glum, Ash?” Andy asked his first born. “You should be happy. We’re on vacation!”

“I am happy, dad. I just… um… I just want a girlfriend.” Yeah, that’s it, he thought. “I’m a family sim now, you know.”

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“So, bro, I heard you’re looking for a girlfriend.”

“Actually, Zeph-”

“Nice. Me too. I say we hit up the local spots here after lunch-”

“Boys, this is a family vacation,” Kaylynn reminded them. “Emphasis on family.”

“Aw, but mom…” Zeph groaned. “Don’t worry,” he whispered to his twin. “I’ll work on her.”

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“So what do you want to do, Skye?”

“Mmm, can’t talk now.”


“It’s pancakes, Aerith, pancakes. They require my complete attention.”

“Uh, ok, weirdo.”

“Says the one with pink hair.”

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“Okay, kids, you ready to have some fun?”

“Not so fast, Andy. There are some ground rules. No leaving the campsite without permission – that goes for you two teens-”


“And Aerith and Skye, don’t stray to far, stay where I can see you. Be respectful of the other guests and-”

“I think they got it, Kaylynn.”

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So what did the family do first? Stand around and play rock, paper, scissors, of course. And also gossip. Well, Kaylynn did want the trip to be about family bonding.

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She soon organized some family tours for the first day. Almost everyone was pretty exited, but someone just seemed to keep making these melancholy faces. Probably because his aspiration meter is steadily going down. Things to do on vacation was far from Asher’s mind. No, he was too busy wanting to go to college, get his first kiss, etc., etc. He would not be a happy camper.

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It didn’t help that strange people kept coming up to him and yelling in his face.

“Why? Why do they do this? It just doesn’t make any sense…”

“Chill out, bro. Just yell back.”

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Other people were more happy-go-lucky. Enough to let strange people swing them around for an hour.

“Hey, Skye, do you even know that lady,” Ash yelled over his shoulder.

“No, but you and Zeph were busy!” Skye replied. “And flying is fun! Yippee!”

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In the afternoon, the youngest Specters decided to take up fishing.

“Bet you I can catch a bigger fish than you!”

“You’re on, pinky.”

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While the elder kids were more into chilling. Well, Zeph was pretty much always chilled out these days. He never had any worries.

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Asher, though, almost always had something on his mind.

“I know I’m supposed to be enjoying the fresh air and scenic views,” Asher said aloud to no one in particular. “But I just can’t help thinking about the heirship challenge. And the fact that I never had my first kiss. Even though I’ve only been a teen for a day. Not to mention, a satellite could drop on me any minute!”

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“So what do you want to do? I here there are some interesting-”

“Um, don’t you want to talk, Kaylynn?”

“Of course. But this isn’t the time or the place. This vacation is supposed to be all about family togetherness and having a good time. I can yell at you at home.”


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Night settled onto the campground and everyone pretty much settled into doing their own things. Skye was happy to meet new people and fish with strangers. Aerith, though, had quit fishing to do some stargazing. She was definitely not sulking because she lost the bet.

“Stupid fish and stupid Skye…”

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And the ‘rents were doing some stargazing of their own, being mushy and affectionate as three bolt couples often are. But no one wants to see that.

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Asher, though, was brooding, like he was all day. He sat alone at the back of the camp, staring at the flames of the small campfire he’d built.

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“Okay, bro,” Zeph said as he sat down. “What’s going on? You’re seriously killing the happy vibe.”

“Don’t you get it, Zeph? There is no happy vibe. It’s all fake. Pretty soon, there’s going to be the heir challenge and one or more of us is going to die.”

Zeph shook his head at his elder brother. “Dude, you can’t worry about that.”

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“Why the hell not? It’s all anyone should be thinking about! I mean, it’s pretty frickin’ important!”

“Yeah, but you can’t do anything about it. Especially not while we’re here. So you might as well just relax and try to enjoy yourself.”

“How can I enjoy myself when everything’s on the verge of falling apart? Mom and dad are in the middle of a big fight and-”

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“What are you talking about? They look ok to me. They’re cuddling up over by the tents.”

This time Asher shook his head. His twin was so oblivious. “It’s not real, Zeph. They’re still mad about Bonfire Night, they just don’t want to talk about it in front of us.”

Zeph thought about that. “Well, if they’re willing to put that stuff off for a while, why can’t we? Why can’t you?”

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“I- I don’t know. I just have a bad feeling, Zeph. This isn’t like that time mom yelled at dad for spending all his time working on the car. Or like that time they fought when Aerith dyed her hair pink. This…This is different. I don’t know… I just feel like… like the family’s breaking. Like we’re all about to drift apart.”

Zeph was silent for a moment. “Dude,” he finally began. “You think too much.”


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“No, hear me out. You can spend all your time worrying about things that might or might not happen. You can spend every minute of every day freaking out about the future, trying to prevent what’s going to happen – no, trying to prevent what you think is going to happen. But where’ s that going to get you? Nowhere. What’s it going to do for you? Nothing. The future will still come, and nothing will ever be exactly like what you expect. And in the meantime, you’re missing out on all the good things – those little happy moments everyday.”

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Asher sat back, listening to his brother’s words. “Wow, Zeph, I didn’t know you could be so deep.”

“Yeah, well, it’s like dad said. You can’t worry too much about the future.” He paused. “Or death, for that matter. It’s going to happen. That’s just the way life is. The only thing you can do is be happy. To live in the moment and enjoy it as best you can. What did dad say? Oh, yeah: ‘Enjoy the moment with all your might, whether it’s gloomy, whether it’s bright;’ that’s what you gotta do, bro.”

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“Dad didn’t say that.”

“Well, he said something like it.”

“…I think you got that from a video game.”

“So what if I did? It’s still true.”

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“You can’t be so down all the time, bro.” Zeph suddenly smiled.

Oh, no, Asher thought. He knew that look. “What? What are you thinking?”

“It’s time you lighten up. And I’m going to make it my personal mission that you have some fun on this vacation.”

Asher groaned. “Just as long as we don’t get into any trouble.”


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“Hey, what do you think Ash and Zeph are talking about?”

“Who cares?”

“I think they’re planning their own adventure, sis. We can’t let them do that.”

“We can’t?”

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“No! Not unless we have an adventure, too.”

“I don’t think I like where this is going.”

“Oh, don’t be a pooper. It’ll be fun. I just have to think of something awesome enough for us to do.”

“Mmhmm. That could take a while.”


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The next day started off with another family tour.

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Kaylynn: “My needs!”

Andy: “My needs!”

It did not go so well. Ah, well, I suppose we can blame Andy for that. His fearless handicap means we have to pick something for every chance card.

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Anyway, after some much deserved rest, the crew headed off to some lot whose name I forget to have some family fun. Many logrolling battles ensued. Don’t worry about Skye here, he got even soon enough.

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Zeph stayed true to his promise and dragged his twin around, forcing Asher to have fun. I can’t tell you how Asher felt about it right now, because he just got dunked underwater.

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But later he had to agree that there were some highlights of the day.

“Eat my dust, weakling!”

Z: *gurgle*

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Hmm, look at all the names here. I think I’ll write my name here, too, so that people will know I’ve been here.

Uh, I think that’s called defacing public property.

Not, uh. Plus, all these people did it, too.

Okay, so if everyone else decided to jump off a bridge, would you-

Oh, shut up.

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Later, after the logrolling festivities, everyone learned to slap dance because some random townie decided to get funky. Thank you random townie! You saved me days and days of lot hopping! It can be so hard to find people doing the local dances – don’t even get me started on Tai Chi.

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Oh, and Zephyr made a special lady friend. Everyone feel free to go ‘OOOooooOOO.’

“Hey, my name’s Zephyr. What’s yours?”

“Elizabeth. Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise. So uh, you wouldn’t want to hang out sometime, would you?”

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“Hang out with a cutie like you? Sure why not?”

YES! Score – I am so awesome.

They’ve got two bolts, in case anyone was wondering.

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Which made this super easy. They became friends in no time and were soon crushing out on each other. But the younger kids were getting kind of cranky, so soon it was time to head back to camp.

“So you’ll call me right? Maybe we can meet up before you go back home.”

“Definitely.” His mom might not be okay with it, but Zeph knew if he played his cards right his dad would let him go.


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That night, Andy and Kaylynn decided to do some more stargazing.

“Did you see that? I think it was a shooting star!”

“Andy, that’s an airplane.”

“Oh. Well, it’s still nice to be out here like this. We haven’t had alone time in ages. Good thinking, Kay. This vacation was just what we needed.”

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“Well, who’s fault is it that we never have any alone time?” Kaylynn teased. “Still, you’re right. The kids are having such a great time – I think I even saw Asher crack a smile today. I don’t know what’s gotten into him since he grew up, but I’m glad he’s getting back to his old self. And it’s so good to be out here away from the city.”

“Kaylynn we live in the suburbs. There isn’t another house around for miles.”

“Still. It’s nice to get away from all our troubles. I think the kids are finally forgetting about that silly heirship challenge thing.”

“Wait, what?”

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“You know, all that crap you tried to scare the kids with on Bonfire Night. I was worried it really frightened them. I don’t know what you were thinking, but luckily, it didn’t seem to do too much damage. Everyone seems to have forgotten all about it.”

“…I wasn’t trying to scare them, Kay.”

“Then what the hell was the point of all that? I’d never heard such a pack of lies. Really, Andy-”

“Kaylynn, I wasn’t lying. Everything I said that night was true. The challenge is real.”

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“What?” Kaylynn suddenly stood up. “You cannot be serious! Who would let their kids do that kind of challenge? Are you insane?”


“I mean, this is our children that we’re talking about here. We’re supposed to protect them. Make sure they grow up and be happy and lead productive lives! Not let them die senselessly in some stupid challenge! At least tell me they’re resurrected at the end.”

Andy remained silent.

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“I know, Kaylynn,” he sighed. “I know how it sounds and I know it’s awful. But there’s nothing I can do. Not anymore. I signed a contract.”

“A contract?”

“Yes. I’m bound to abide by the rules.”

“There must be something you can do!”

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“There isn’t. I-”

“Why didn’t you tell me about this stupid contract earlier, Andy? Maybe I could have helped you. Maybe-”

“Kaylynn, I told you before. I wasn’t allowed to tell you-”

“Oh, bullcrap, Andy!”

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“You didn’t tell me about it because you didn’t want to. It’s what you always do – you keep your secrets and try to work everything out for yourself! Well, how’s that going for you? Huh, Andy? One of our kids is going to DIE because of you!”

“Kaylynn, I’m just as upset as you are-”

“Really, because it sure as hell doesn’t seem that way! It’s like you don’t even care. Do you even love these kids? How-”

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“How dare you! Of course I care! Of course I love my kids! Don’t you think I think about these things every single day? Don’t you think I blame myself all the time? But I never let it show. Of course I’m scared, of course I’m upset. But me freaking out about it isn’t going to help. I try to remain calm so that the kids will, too - so they at least try to be normal. The fact of the matter is that these rules are set in stone; there’s nothing I can do-”


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“Excuse me?”

“You heard me! ‘Nothing you can do-’ oh, please, what a bunch of crap! You can do something, you can stop this – but you won’t. You’re choosing not to.”

“I don’t have a choice Kay-”

“EVERYONE HAS A CHOICE! You especially, and you’re choosing to let our kids die!”

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“If you would just listen for one second, you’d see that this is inevitable-”

“No! I will never believe that. We can stop this – you can stop this! The challenge doesn’t have to be this way, the kids shouldn’t have to go through this. There has to be another way-”

“Kaylynn, you’re not listening-”

“No, you’re not listening, Andy – you never listen. You are so hard-headed, so convinced that everything has to be done your way-”

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“But it does-”

“Ugh, I can’t talk to you anymore! I don’t even want to look at you anymore.”


“Stop. Just stop, Andy. I don’t want to hear it. Don’t talk to me unless it’s to say that you were wrong. Don’t talk to me unless you’re ready to tell me that this stupid challenge is cancelled and that you thought of another way to pick the heir. Until, then, I won’t speak to you. I can’t speak to you. ” With that, she walked off.

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The next morning, Andy tried to smooth things over. “Look, Kaylynn-”

“Are you going to tell me the challenge is cancelled?”

Andy sighed. “No.”

“Then I don’t want to hear it. I’m not going to fight with you in front of the kids. Let’s just be civil and get this vacation over with.”

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But the kids could tell something was up, especially after Kaylynn decided to move to a hotel.

“Don’t be silly, guys,” she tried to reassure them. “I’m just tired of sleeping on the ground – it’s putting a crick in my neck. I’m not as young as you guys, you know.”

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So the Specters packed up camp and headed towards the nearest hotel, whose name I also forget. The place was expensive, but they’d only be there two nights. And it’d be worth it for a warm comfy bed and room service, Kaylynn reasoned.

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Some people were more psyched than others to have their own hotel room.

“Weeeeee!” Zeph yelled as he jumped onto the couch. “This is so awesome! Hey, bro,” Zeph said over his shoulder as Asher came in the room. “How sweet is it that we get our own room! With our own balcony! And we’re across the hallway from mom and dad – they’ll never know what we’re up to over here! We can stay up late, watch spooky movies, and order room service!”

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Asher smiled sadly. “You don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?”

“There are two beds in mom and dad’s room.” His brother just looked at him. “They’re fighting, Zeph.”

“Oh, not that again. Come on, let’s cheer you up.” Zephyr hopped off the couch and preceded to drag his brother down to the pool.

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The kids spent the rest of the afternoon splashing in the pool or hang out on the playground while the adults checked out the spa. Kaylynn spent most of her time getting a massage, trying to forget the awful conversation she’d had with Andy.

So it seemed that except for Asher, nobody minded the switch to the hotel – everyone else was all too happy to relax in luxury for a while.


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“Hey, sis, I’ve got it!” Skye and Aerith were sharing the room next to their parents and Skye was all excited as the pair got ready for bed.

“What is it now?”

“I’ve got an idea for our adventure!”

“This should be good.”

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“Okay, okay, you ready? We’re gonna go find bigfoot!”

“What? Not that again – you’re such a knucklehead, Skye. Bigfoot doesn’t exist!’

“But dad said that vampires and werewolves and zombies and witches exist.”


“So why not Bigfoot, too?”

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“Um. Because.”

“Because why?”

“Because… Because Bigfoot is stupid, that’s why.”

“Oh, please. You don’t wanna go because you’re just a big scaredy-cat.”

“Not, uh!”

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“Then prove it. Tomorrow, help me go find Bigfoot.”

Aerith sighed. “Fine.”

“Good. And don’t tell anyone! Nightie night, sis!”


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The kids settled into their beds and slept like, well, carefree kids. Other people, however, had much more difficult times falling asleep.

You’d have trouble sleeping too, if your spouse kicked you out of the big bed.

There’s another bed there, Andy.

Still. It itches.

Hmm. So what’s really up?

*Sigh* What am I going to do, KB? My marriage is falling apart. …And the kids are growing up so fast. Next thing I know, they’ll be gone.

I can only tell you to trust yourself. You’ll figure out everything else out.

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The next morning the kids left bright and early for their quest to find bigfoot.

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Aerith asked, complaining for what Skye was sure was the millionth time.

“Yes, okay? Some guy on the tour bus yesterday gave me directions.”

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“Yeah, well, where are they?”

“In my head. I remember them.” Aerith just looked at her twin. “What, I didn’t have any paper!”

“Look, Skye, we’ve been walking around for hours, now. Let’s just head back. I bet if we turn around now, we’ll reach the hotel before dark.”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Aer – it’s not even noon yet!”

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“How do you know? You don’t have a watch!”

Because I do, okay! Look, let’s just go a little further, over that hill there. If we don’t see anything, we’ll turn back, okay?”

*Sigh* “Fine. But next time I pick the adventure, okay?”

“Pfft. In your dreams. Your adventures are lame.”

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The pair bickered for the next ten minutes as they crested the hill. From there, they could see a pond and a small cabin. They descended toward it slowly, Skye convinced they had finally reached Bigfoot’s lair.

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“Okay, so now what?”

“We go in and find Bigfoot, of course.”

“But what if it’s not Bigfoot and just some creepy old lady who wants to eat us?”

Skye rolled his eyes. “Of course it’s going to be Bigfoot – don’t be stupid, Aer.”

“Okay, fine. What if it’s a mean and scary Bigfoot who only wants to eat us?”

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“Bigfoot isn’t mean.”

“How do you know?”

Skye sighed this time. “Well, the only way to find out is to go see for ourselves. …Unless you’re too chicken.”

“I am not!”

“Prove it!”

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“Race you to the house!” Skye shouted before taking off.

“No fair, come back!”

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The pair raced around the pond, tripping over stones and branches before they reached the cabin doorway. Skye was in the lead, due to his head start, but once he reached the doorway, he stopped. He waited for his sister to go in. Neither expected the sight that lay before them.

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Bigfoot did indeed live there. And he was dancing. After a moment, he looked up from his dancing and stared right back at them.

“What’s the matter?” he asked. Can’t a bigfoot dance in his own living room?”

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“Sorry, Mr. Bigfoot, sir,” Skye replied.

“Yeah, sorry,” Aerith echoed. “We just thought you be more…”

“Scary?” Bigfoot asked.


Bigfoot nodded. “I get that a lot. Really, though, I’m just a nice guy who likes slap dancing and fishing.”

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“Well, pleased to meet you, Mr. Bigfoot. My name is Skye.” he stepped forward and performed the chest pound gesture he’d learned from the locals.

Bigfoot smiled and returned the gesture. “Nice to meet you, too, little one. You can call me Benjamin. And you are,” he looked at Aerith.

“His twin. Name’s Aerith.” She, too, did the chest pound gesture.

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“So what else do you do around here? Got any toys?” Skye asked.

“Nope, this is pretty much it. Mornings are my slap dancing time,” Benjamin explained. “Care to join me?”

“Sure!” The pair began to boogie down.

Aerith shook her head in exasperation. My brother’s so weird, she thought. But then again, there’s really nothing better to do.

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So she, too, joined in the fun. And the slap dance bonding ensued, at least until they heard a voice from the doorway.

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“What’s going on in here?” Kaylynn demanded.

She had woken up early that morning, too, and went to the kids’ room to ask what they might want for breakfast, only to discover them gone. She had panicked, but after asking around, she was quickly able to discover where they had gone. Luckily, no one forgot they saw the kid with pink hair. It wasn’t long before she caught up to her younger kids, but she had hung back, curious to see what they were up to. It was one thing to go on a hike, but to wander into a strange house all alone in the middle of the woods – she had thought she’d taught her kids better than that.

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“Mom! How’d you get here?” Skye exclaimed.

“I followed you.”

“Really?” He pouted. “But the adventure was supposed to be a secret…”

“I gathered. Just what were you thinking, taking off by yourselves to walk around in the woods? You could have gotten lost or hurt! And all for an adventure!”

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“But mooom-”

“No buts! I specifically remember telling you weren’t supposed to go too far away. And, you Aerith, why so quiet?”

Aerith shrugged. “It wasn’t my idea.”

“Then you should have talked your brother out of it! But no, you two decide to run into an abandoned cabin! Who knows who could have been inside! You could-”

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Suddenly Kaylynn realized they weren’t alone in the room. “Oh, my Plumbbob… Are you-”

“Benjamin Bigfoot. Pleased to meet you.”

“Oh, my Plumbbob…”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.”

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“Please, miss, I mean you no harm. Why don’t you stay and see for yourself? I was just about to go fishing and rustle up some lunch after the dancing was over. You could rest here for a while. The hike from the village is no easy trek.”

“Awesome! Please, mom, please can we stay?!”

“I wanna stay too! And I’m hungry!”

Kaylynn sighed. “Okay, why not?” He may have been Bigfoot, but he didn’t look harmful. And he was polite. “My name’s Kaylynn.”

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It was nighttime, now, and Skye and Aerith were relaxing by the fire with Bigfoot and their mom. It had been a long day. They had fished most of the afternoon and had a barbeque for dinner. Benjamin had entertained them with stories of his family all day, and even shared a few fishing tips. Now, as they sat around the campfire trading more stories and marshmallows, Kaylynn could tell that her kids had had a good day. They were happy, and that was the important thing, she decided.

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She couldn’t even be mad at them for taking off anymore. She’d enjoyed herself, too. “I don’t know how we’re going to get back, though,” she said aloud. “It’s so dark.”

“Don’t worry. I can take you back in my pick up truck,” Benjamin offered.

“You have a pick up truck?” Kaylynn couldn’t help but ask.

“Yup. I use it when I have to pick up groceries.”

Huh, Kaylynn thought. Well, the marshmallows had to come from somewhere.

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Skye, meanwhile, sat back content. He’d had an awesome day. He’d fished, swam in the pond, and he met Bigfoot. There was no way his brothers had had a better day.


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Ash and Zeph did have an adventure of sorts. That morning they had slept in late and enjoyed brunch on their balcony. But before his twin could spend the day moping in the hotel room, Zeph decided it was time to get the heck out of there.

“Hey, dad, can me and Ash go out this afternoon? I wanna meet up with some of the other teens I saw around town.”


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“Yup. Don’t worry, mom’s not here. I guess she took Skye and Aerith sightseeing. Anyway, I’m not going to make you stick around here if you don’t want to.”

“Awesome! Thanks, dad.”

“Just remember to be on your best behavior. I’m not bailing you out if you get thrown in jail.”

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“Ha ha, very funny.”

“Oh, and here. Take my cell phone. Call if there’s any problems and try to be back by 8:30, okay?”

“Sweet. Sure thing, dad.”

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Andy wasn’t worried about the boys; he knew they were responsible and besides, they were teens now. Of course they’d want to go off by themselves. And this way, he wouldn’t have to take them anywhere. He looked forward to a long afternoon at the hotel spa; he had a lot on his mind and just wanted to relax.

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“BRO! You and me are going out!”


“Already got permission from the ‘rents, let’s go have some fun! I wanna meet up this chick I saw the other day.”

Zeph dragged a reluctant Asher out to the local market.

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“Look, I don’t know,” Asher began once they’d arrived. “I’m not like you, Zeph. I’m not so outgoing.”

“I only have three outgoing points.”

“But that’s like a bazillion compared to me! I have none. I’m not good with the small talk and the mingling and the joking around with strangers thing.”

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Look, just be yourself. You’re a cool dude. A little high-strung, maybe, but cool. People will like you. Just chill out and stop worrying about everything.”

“…Okay. I’ll give it a shot since we’re here. Just promise you won’t ditch me once Elizabeth gets here.”

“Of course not, we’re bros! What are bros for if not to stick by your side and help you make friends? Look, here comes a group of teens now. I think they were at our campsite, too. Let’s go say hi.”

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“Okay, Ash, this Opal and um, Opal’s friend.”

“Todd, man, remember? We met at-”

“Right. Got it.” Zeph nudged his brother.

“Oh, um. H-hey.”

“Great! Everyone’s introduced. Oh, look, there’s Elizabeth – later, Ash.”

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“Hey, Liz.”

*Giggles* “Hi.”

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“I’m so killing Zeph when we get home,” Asher muttered, slamming on the pinball machine.

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It was a very eventful afternoon for Zephyr. He’d asked Elizabeth on a date and things heated up quickly.

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The two were in their own little world; it was like no one else was in the room.

“Hello, I’m right here!” Asher yelled at his brother, but remained largely ignored. “Fine,” he muttered, “Just rub it in that I haven’t had my first kiss yet. Or a girlfriend.” (Asher was rolling wants for all the typical Family sim desires: fall in love, go steady, have first kiss, go to college…)

“Look bro, there’s plenty of people here. Go bother one of them.”

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“Hey, Liz, you know I leave tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah. I just wish we could’ve had more time to spend together.”

“That’s just it. I don’t want to be one of those guys who just uses girls and never sees them again. I- I was wondering that even though we live completely far apart - if you’d be my girlfriend.”

“Really? Oh, Zeph, that’s so sweet. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.

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“Man, this day is freakin’ awesome,” Zeph exclaimed after saying his goodbyes to Elizabeth.

Asher’s response was to punch him in the arm.

“Ow! What was that for!”

“This day was terrible! All I did was stand around watching you mack on some girl, after you totally promised not to ditch me!” He gave Zeph another punch for good measure.

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Indeed, Asher was having a terrible day, a terrible vacation, even. His aspiration had never been so low.

“Die you stupid flowers, die!” *STOMP* “Take that, daisies! You and your stupid happy colors and happy flower friends – DIIIIIIEEEEE!!!” *STOMPSTOMPSTOMP*

“Dude, can we go now?”

“DIE!” *STOMP* “Yeah sure.”

In short, it had been a very different day for everyone.


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The next morning, Andy sat on the balcony thinking while he ate his breakfast. Kaylynn still wasn’t talking to him; she was eating with Skye and Aerith. He sighed. This vacation wasn’t like he thought it would be, although he had to admit to himself that he knew things between him and Kaylynn wouldn’t go well. She was just as headstrong and stubborn as he was. But he had thought that if they loved each other, they could get through anything, that they would forgive each other anything. Now he wasn’t so sure. He wasn’t sure if he and Kaylynn would ever get over this, if they would survive this fight.

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Andy sighed again and looked at the family photo they had taken just a few days ago, when they had first got to Three Lakes. They were happy then. They were a happy, loving family and it showed. But he’d doubt they’d ever be the same, if they’d ever go back to that. Skye and Aerith especially seemed so oblivious, so carefree – so like normal kids. He knew that would soon change. In a few days, they’d be teens. Then, once they were halfway to an adult, the challenge would begin. And all hell would break loose.